Iceberg Principle冰山原则





Iceberg Principle

The iceberg principle is a writing theory stated by a famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, as follows: If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.

A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. (冰山原则是一个写作理论由一位著名的美国作家,海明威,如下:如果一个作家的散文足


Now this principle has been applied in various fields. We could regard the small part which can be easily noticed as the 1/8 of an iceberg, and the part can’t be easily noticed as the part under the surface. What can’t be seen is the most important, because it’s the base of an iceberg, what it to the part above water is what the root of a tree to the trunk. We may admire a famous










The iceberg principle is an important principle in Hemingway's literary creation.


He emphasizes that the work only shows the tip of the iceberg.


Let the readers imagine and perceive deeper meanings.


The work only presents surface details.


The deeper meanings and emotions need to be felt and understood by the readers.


The iceberg principle encourages readers to engage in deep reading and understanding.


The author does not directly explain or display inner emotions.

冰山理论 中英

冰山理论 中英

Iceberg Principle

The iceberg principle is a writing theory stated by a famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, as follows: If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. (冰山原则是一个写作理论由一位着名的美国作家,海明威,如下:如果一个作家的散文足够了解他写他可能忽略的事情,会有一种感觉的事情虽然作者说他们一样强烈。冰山运动的尊严在于只有八分之一露出水面。一个好的作家不需要显示一个字符或动作的每个细节)

Now this principle has been applied in various fields. We could regard the small part which can be easily noticed as the 1/8 of an iceberg, and the part can’t be easily noticed as the part under the surface. What can’t be seen is the most important, because it’s the base of an iceberg, what it to the part above water is what the root of a tree to the trunk. We may admire a famous person very much because of his wealth and fame, but how many people know the struggle and sufferings behind it? Are they dispensable? We can use the model of “iceberg principle”. His wealth and fame is the small part we can see, and his sufferings and struggle is the part under water, without it, the person wouldn’t have acquired the fame and wealth he owns today.(现在这一原则已经应用于各个领域。我们可以把这一部分很容易注意到冰山的1/8,和部分不容易注意到的部分表面。什么不可以被认为是最重要的,因为它是一座冰山的基础,它上面的部分水是什么根树的主干。我们可以欣赏一个非常着名的人因为他的财富和名声,但是有多少人知道它背后的挣扎和痛苦吗?他们是可有可无的吗?我们可以用“冰山原则”的模型。他的财富和名声是我们可以看到的一小部分,和他的苦难和斗争是在水下的部分,没有它,就不会获得名誉和财富的人他今天拥有。)

iceberg principle英文解释

iceberg principle英文解释

iceberg principle英文解释

The iceberg principle is a metaphor for the way that a small visible tip of a much larger problem is often seen. The visible portion of the problem is easily addressed, while the underlying cause is unknown and often difficult or impossible to address. The idea is that when dealing with a problem, the surface-level issues are often easier to identify and address than the root causes that lie beneath the surface. This principle can be applied to many different fields, from business to psychology.。

冰山理论 中英

冰山理论 中英

Iceberg Principle

The iceberg principle is a writing theory stated by a famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, as follows: If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. (冰山原则是一个写作理论由一位著名的美国作家,海明威,如下:如果一个作家的散文足够了解他写他可能忽略的事情,会有一种感觉的事情虽然作者说他们一样强烈。冰山运动的尊严在于只有八分之一露出水面。一个好的作家不需要显示一个字符或动作的每个细节)

Now this principle has been applied in various fields. We could regard the small part which can be easily noticed as the 1/8 of an iceberg, and the part can’t be easily noticed as the part under the surface. What can’t be seen is the most important, because it’s the base of an iceberg, what it to the part above water is what the root of a tree to the trunk. We may admire a famous person very much because of his wealth and fame, but how many people know the struggle and sufferings behind it? Are they dispensable? We can use the model of “iceberg principle”. His wealth and fame is the small part we can see, and his sufferings and struggle is the part under water, without it, the person wouldn’t have acqu ired the fame and wealth he owns today.(现在这一原则已经应用于各个领域。我们可以把这一部分很容易注意到冰山的1/8,和部分不容易注意到的部分表面。什么不可以被认为是最重要的,因为它是一座冰山的基础,它上面的部分水是什么根树的主干。我们可以欣赏一个非常著名的人因为他的财富和名声,但是有多少人知道它背后的挣扎和痛苦吗?他们是可有可无的吗?我们可以用“冰山原则”的模型。他的财富和名声是我们可以看到的一小部分,和他的苦难和斗争是在水下的部分,没有它,就不会获得名誉和财富的人他今天拥有。)


“你现在不可以进来。”一个护士说。 “不,我可以的。”我说。 “现在你还不可以进来。” “你出去。” 我说, “那位也出去。”
海明威利用了人们所共有的感知方式及规律, 他知道大家都知道的东西。海明威省略的、埋在 水下的部分是经验省略。
Reprezentative examples
海明威从不写恢弘的长篇巨制,他的小说往往只截取故事的 一个时段或者是一个时间点,以集中反映重大的主题或者历 史事件,至于故事的经过和历史背景,则当做“冰山”的八 分之七隐匿在洋面之下,但有让读者强烈的感受到他的存在。
丰富的情感与深刻的思想是海明威冰山原则的“八分之七” 所在,也是他作品的“灵魂”和“精髓”所在。在海明威 的作品中,读者几乎感受不到作者的存在。海明威把情感 压缩到最大限度,在字里行间读者看不到激烈的言辞,看 不到对情感的描述,只能在作者平静的叙述中去领略内在 的情感和思想。
informaHtioenimionfgwthaey'sstocraymuernadeeryeth--e镜b头elie式f t描ha写t omission can
sometimes add strength to a narrative. Hemingway's genre of writing was short, terse, masculine and journalistic. But it



Iceberg Principle

The iceberg principle is a writing theory stated by a famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, as follows: If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. 〔冰山原则是一个写作理论由一位著名的美国作家,海明威,如下:如果一个作家的散文足够了解他写他可能忽略的事情,会有一种感觉的事情虽然作者说他们一样强烈.冰山运动的尊严在于只有八分之一露出水面.一个好的作家不需要显示一个字符或动作的每个细节〕

Now this principle has been applied in various fields. We could regard the small part which can be easily noticed as the 1/8 of an iceberg, and the part can’t be easily noticed as the part under the surface. What can’t be seen is the most important, because it’s the base of an iceberg, what it to the part above water is what the root of a tree to the trunk. We may admire a famous person very much because of his wealth and fame, but how many people know the struggle and sufferings behind it? Are they dispensable? We can use the model of "iceberg principle". His wealth and fame is the small part we can see, and his sufferings and struggle is the part under water, without it, the person wouldn’t have acqu ired the fame and wealth he owns today.〔现在这一原则已经应用于各个领域.我们可以把这一部分很容易注意到冰山的1/8,和部分不容易注意到的部分表面.什么不可以被认为是最重要的,因为它是一座冰山的基础,它上面的部分水是什么根树的主干.我们可以欣赏一个非常著名的人因为他的财富和名声,但是有多少人知道它背后的挣扎和痛苦吗?他们是可有可无的吗?我们可以用"冰山原则"的模型.他的财富和名声是我们可以看到的一小部分,和他的苦难和斗争是在水下的部分,没有它,就不会获得名誉和财富的人他今天拥有.〕







要做到这一点,你可以使用层级分析(hierarchy analysis),也就是把一件事情划分为若干层次,并依次细分出每一层的内容,进而把整体的架构拆分成更小的碎片,一层一层推导出来。




iceberg principle英文解释

iceberg principle英文解释

iceberg principle英文解释The iceberg principle, also known as the "tip of the iceberg" principle, is the idea that the visible aspect of a problem or situation is only a small portion of the overall issue. This analogy compares the visible tip of an iceberg to the visible symptoms of a larger, underlying problem. The majority of the iceberg is hidden below the surface, just as the root causes of a problem or situation may not be immediately apparent. The iceberg principle encourages individuals to look beyond the surface level to understand the full scope of a problem, and to address the underlying issues in order to truly resolve it.














1. 塞万提斯


2. 塞威克斯小说

19 世纪英国作家哈代现实主义创作的最高成就是一类被他称为性格学环境的小说,因为这些小说都以英国西南郡威塞克斯广大的农村地区为背景,所以又称之为“威塞克斯小说”这类作品的主题一般表现的均是人与社会、性格和环境的对立,特别是通过爱情、婚姻问题的描写,表现个人对抗社会陈规、宗教法律,道德风俗以及神秘力量的悲剧性冲突;代表作品有《德伯家的的苔丝》、《无名的裘德》等。

3. 马克吐温



冰山原则(iceberg Principle)是一个比喻性的术语,最初由海明威(Ermest Hemingway)提出,用以描述他文学创作中的一种技巧,即在文本中只揭示故事的一小部分,而让读者去揣摩和感受故事背后更深层次的内容。这个原则比喻的是冰山在水面上只露出一小部分,而大



新感觉派(Neue Sachlichkeit),直译为“新客观性”,是20世纪20 年代末至30年代初在德国兴起的一种艺术和文学运动。这一运动主张客观地描绘现实,反对表现主义的主观情感表达,强调对现实世界的直接观察和清晰表现。




















Iceberg Principle

The iceberg principle is a writing theory stated by a famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, as follows: If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. (冰山原则是一个写作理论由一位着名的美国作家,海明威,如下:如果一个作家的散文足够了解他写他可能忽略的事情,会有一种感觉的事情虽然作者说他们一样强烈。冰山运动的尊严在于只有八分之一露出水面。一个好的作家不需要显示一个字符或动作的每个细节)Now this principle has been applied in various fields. We could regard the small part which can be easily noticed as the 1/8 of an iceberg, and the part can’t be easily noticed as the part under the surface. What can’t be seen is the most important, because it’s the base of an iceberg, what it to the part above water is what the root of a tree to the trunk. We may admire a famous person very much because of his wealth and fame, but how many people know the struggle and sufferings behind it? Are they dispensable? We can use the model of “iceberg principle”. His wealth and fame is the small part we can see, a nd his sufferings and struggle is the part under water, without it, the person wouldn’t have acqu ired the fame and wealth he owns today.(现在这一原则已经应用于各个领域。我们可以把这一部分很容易注意到冰山的1/8,和部分不容易注意到的部分表面。什么不可以被认为是最重要的,因为它是一座冰山的基础,它上面的部分水是什么根树的主干。我们可以欣赏一个非常着名的人因为他的财富和名声,但是



Iceberg Principle

The iceberg principle is a writing theory stated by a famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, as follows: If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. 〔冰山原则是一个写作理论由一位著名的美国作家,海明威,如下:如果一个作家的散文足够了解他写他可能忽略的事情,会有一种感觉的事情虽然作者说他们一样强烈.冰山运动的尊严在于只有八分之一露出水面.一个好的作家不需要显示一个字符或动作的每个细节〕

Now this principle has been applied in various fields. We could regard the small part which can be easily noticed as the 1/8 of an iceberg, and the part can’t be easily noticed as the part under the surface. What can’t be seen is the most important, because it’s the base of an iceberg, what it to the part above water is what the root of a tree to the trunk. We may admire a famous person very much because of his wealth and fame, but how many people know the struggle and sufferings behind it? Are they dispensable? We can use the model of "iceberg principle". His wealth and fame is the small part we can see, and his sufferings and struggle is the part under water, without it, the person wouldn’t have acqu ired the fame and wealth he owns today.〔现在这一原则已经应用于各个领域.我们可以把这一部分很容易注意到冰山的1/8,和部分不容易注意到的部分表面.什么不可以被认为是最重要的,因为它是一座冰山的基础,它上面的部分水是什么根树的主干.我们可以欣赏一个非常著名的人因为他的财富和名声,但是有多少人知道它背后的挣扎和痛苦吗?他们是可有可无的吗?我们可以用"冰山原则"的模型.他的财富和名声是我们可以看到的一小部分,和他的苦难和斗争是在水下的部分,没有它,就不会获得名誉和财富的人他今天拥有.〕

冰山理论 中英

冰山理论 中英

Iceberg Principle

The iceberg principle is a writing theory stated by a famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, as follows: If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. (冰山原则是一个写作理论由一位着名的美国作家,海明威,如下:如果一个作家的散文足够了解他写他可能忽略的事情,会有一种感觉的事情虽然作者说他们一样强烈。冰山运动的尊严在于只有八分之一露出水面。一个好的作家不需要显示一个字符或动作的每个细节)

Now this principle has been applied in various fields. We could regard the small part which can be easily noticed as the 1/8 of an iceberg, and the part can’t be easily noticed as the part under the surface. What can’t be seen is the most

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Iceberg Principle
1 2 3 4
Origin and Definition
Background Methods and Representative examples Development and Influence
Origin and Definition
those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them.
The dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A writer who omits things because he dose not know them only makes hollow places in his writing. --Ernest Hemingway in the Death in the Afternoon
海明威从不写恢弘的长篇巨制,他的小说往往只截取故事的 一个时段或者是一个时间点,以集中反映重大的主题或者历
丰富的情感与深刻的思想是海明威冰山原则的“八分之七” 所在,也是他作品的“灵魂”和“精髓”所在。在海明威 的作品中,读者几乎感受不到作者的存在。海明威把情感 压缩到最大限度,在字里行间读者看不到激烈的言辞,看 不到对情感的描述,只能在作者平静的叙述中去领略内在 的情感和思想。 海明威“冰山原则”运用还突出的表现在有节制的使用象 征。海明威用简洁的文字把抽象的情感、思想具体化为可
If a writer of prose knows enough of what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of
全不同质的东西——实体经验。这种“经验省略”涉及的决不 仅仅是个“简洁”的问题,它还关涉着对世界的认知与呈示问
Hemingway pioneered a new style of writing that is almost
Reprezentative examples
“我说我们本来可以舒舒服服享受生活中的一切 。 ”
“我们能够做到这一点的 。 ” “不 , 我们不能 。 ”
“我们可以拥有整个世界 。 ”
“不 , 我们不能 。 ” “我们可以到处去逛逛 。 ”
“不 , 我们不能 , 这个世界不再是我们的 。 ”
beings. Wars contributed to Hemingway’s basic
views on the human society and as well set a dull
and gloomy tone for his early works.
Being a reporter laid a good foundation for
2ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The need to completely change the florid style of
literature in the 19th century Victorian era.
Hemingway’s years’ life experiences and his way of thinking about lives. In Hemingway’s point of view, wars, succeeded by an unstable society, brought about unprecedented disasters to human
可感性完成对作品的解读。使得海明威的作品意蕴深刻而 不隐晦,同时又深化了主题。
Reprezentative examples
《永别了,武器》结尾: “你现在不可以进来。”一个护士说。
“现在你还不可以进来。” “你出去。” 我说, “那位也出去。” 海明威利用了人们所共有的感知方式及规律, 他知道大家都知道的东西。海明威省略的、埋在 水下的部分是经验省略。
of his works, in which he would leave out essential
information of the story under the belief that omission can Heimingway's camera eye-镜头式描写
sometimes add strength to a narrative. Hemingway's genre of writing was short, terse, masculine and journalistic. But it conveyed naturalism than any other writer.
feel something more than they understood."
--Ernest Heimingway The Art of the Short Story
小说家马原认为“冰山理论”的更内在的质素可以概括为 “经验省略”。他指出开始许多评论家把海明威的省略与传统 的留空白理论等同起来,以为这是一种含蓄手法的运用,言有 尽而意无穷,这是一个大的失误。传统的省略方法很类似于删
commonplace today. He did away with all the florid prose of the 19th century Victorian era and replaced it with a lean,
clear prose based on action rather than reflection. He also
Reprezentative examples
小说讲述一对男女恋人在车站酒巴等火车时 , 两人之 间的一些对话 。 最初从他们的对话中 , 我们看到这一对 男女青年之间并没有什么隔阂 , 甚至是很友好 。姑娘说 要喝啤酒 , 男人马上吩咐要两大杯 ; 姑娘想尝尝掺了水 的茴香酒 , 男人马上让酒保照办 。在之后的对话中 , 我 们似乎感到了男女的分歧 : 女人总是眺望远方 , 看到远 处的群山像一群白象 ; 而男人更关心的是让女人去手术 。 这种分歧只是在平平淡淡中发生的 , 好象也没有什么真正 的矛盾冲突 。
的思想是构成”冰山原则”的四个基本要素。具体 地说,文字和形象是所谓的“八分之一”,而情感 和思想是所谓的“八分之七”。前两者是具体可见 的,后两者是寓于前两者之中的。文字塑造了形象,
Development and Influence
“A few things I have found to be true. If you leave out important things or events that you know about, the story is strengthened. If you leave or skip something because you do not know it, the story will be worthless. The test of any story is how very good the stuff that you, not your editors, omit." "You could omit anything if you knew that you omitted and the omitted part would strengthen the story and make people
所谓“冰山原则”,就 是用简洁的文字塑造出鲜明 的形象,把自身的感受和思 想情绪最大限度的埋藏在形 象之中,使之情感充沛却含 而不露、思想深沉而隐而不 晦,从而将文学的可感性与 可思性巧妙的结合起来,让 读者对鲜明形象的感受去发 掘作品的思想意义。
employed a technique by which he would leave out essential information of the story under the belief that omission can sometimes add strength to a narrative. It was a style of subtlety which contrasted greatly (and in a way enhanced) the themes he wrote about...war, blood sports like owe a debt of influence to Hemingway. bullfighting or boxing, crime, etc. It is hard to find anyone writing today who doesn't
his own special language style.
Methods and Reprezentative Examples
Symbolism-象征手法 He emphasizes the role of implication, which is, in fact, the basis
Hemingway’s “iceberg principle”. His terseness
and accuracy had some in common with the language used in news report. Nevertheless, he didn’t lose his personality in such a strict regulations of words, on the contrary he created
Manmore with an axe--拿着板斧的人(简练文风) direct emotion, sincerity, realism and
海明威的“冰山原则”首先表现在对语言的运用上,即简约 的文字。在容易被读者察觉的“八分之一”的文字表达里, 客观的叙述,直观的描写,将文字节俭到吝啬的地步。在海 明威的作品中,我们见不到过多的形容词、副词等修饰性言 辞。他总是用近乎直白的描述,展示人物及人物的处境,利 用名词的准确性和动词的生动性刻画其人物,使读者根据自
Reprezentative examples
种自觉。如:大海象征着所有人面临的变化无常的 神秘处境,马林鱼象征着人生的目标,鲨鱼象征着