








温可尔》的主题及其艺术特色B.拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生1.一般识记:爱默生的生平及创作生涯2.识记:爱默生的超验主义思想3.领会:(1)爱默生的散文:《论自然》《论自助》《论美国学者》等(2)爱默生与梭罗:梭罗的超验主义思想和他的《沃尔登》4. 应用:《论自然》节选:爱默生的基本哲学思想及自然观C.纳撒尼尔。



Transcendentalists超越论者,先验论者 , including Ralph
Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau. The Transcendentalists contributed to the founding of a new national culture based on native elements. Apart from the Transcendentalists, there emerged during this period great imaginative writers ---Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and Walt Whitman---whose novels and poetry
i830s roughly粗糙地;概略地 until the end of the American
Civil War. It came of age as an expression of a national spirit. One of the most important influences in the period was that of the
left a permanent imprint印记;痕迹 on American literature.
Its social historical and cultural background
The development of the American society nurtured养育;鼓励;培 植 "the literature of a great nation." America was flourishing into a politically, economically and culturally independent country. Historically, it was the time of westward expansion in America; economically, the whole nation was experiencing an industrial transformation; Politically, democracy and equality became the ideal of the new nation, and the two-party system came into being. Worthy of mention is the literary and cultural life of the country. With the founding of the American Independent Government, the nation felt an urge to have its own literary expression, to make known its new experience that other nations did not have: the early Puritan settlement, the confrontation with the Indians, the frontiersmen's life, and the wild west. Besides, the nation's literary milieu was ready for the Romantic movement as well. Thus, with a strong sense of optimism, a spectacular outburst of romantic feeling was brought about in the first half of the 19th century.


代的开始 惠特曼的《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass, 1855)则标志着浪漫主义文学的高峰。
北美早期移民 受清教主义传 统影响,席卷欧 洲的浪漫主义 文学运动为美 国早期浪漫主 义文学提供了 土壤和范式;
自由和民主制 度为其提供了 相应保障,民 主与平等成为 这个年轻国家 的理想,产生 了两党制
浪漫主义 在此输入您的学校名字
American Romanticism(1820-1860)
01 02 03

尔 登 湖
美国文学中的浪漫主义时代是指18世纪末期到南北战争爆发前期的这段时间,因 为文学的勃兴与繁荣,又称“美国文艺复兴”。是美国文学史上最重要的时期。 华盛顿.欧文的《见闻札记》 ( The Sketch Book,1820)的出版宣告了这一伟大时
《瓦尔登湖》是美国作家梭罗独居瓦尔登湖畔的记录,描绘了他两年多时间里的所见、 所闻和所思。该书崇尚简朴生活,热爱大自然的风光,内容丰厚,意义深远,语言生动。 《瓦尔登湖》共由18篇散文组成,在四季循环更替的过程中,详细记录了梭罗内心的渴望、冲突、 失望和自我调整,以及调整过后再次渴望的复杂的心路历程,几经循环,直到最终实现为止。



total depravity(人类是完全堕落的,所以
最好以取悦上帝), limited atonement (有
American Puritanism
Features of American Puritan
2. Early American Puritan Writers
• John Smith, one of the founders of the colony of Jamestown: His descriptions about the new world became the source of information for the later settlers.
Colonial period and Revolutionary period Early Romanticism Transcendentalism Late Romanticism
The age of Realism
Irving Franklin Cooper Emerson Hawthorne Twain James Dreiser Melville Thoreau
himself to writing Amh erican subject
2. Evaluation. (Benjamin Franklin1706 – 1790)
1) He was a rare genius in human history. Everything seems to meet in this one man, mind and will, talent and art, strength and ease, wit and grace, and he became almost everything: a printer, postmaster, citizen, almanac maker, essayist, scientist, inventor, statesman, philosopher, political economist and ambassador.

美国浪漫主义文学 优质课件

美国浪漫主义文学 优质课件

• 1. Irving is the first belletrist in American literature, writing for pleasure at a time when writing was practical and for useful purposes.
Herman Melville
Introduction of his life and family
Major Writings
• Adventure of Captain Bonneville • Adventure of the German Student • Art of Book-Making • Broken Heart • Devil and Tom Walker • English Writers in America • Legend of Sleepy Hollow • Little Britain • Old Christmas • Rip Van Winkle • Roscoe • Royal Poet • Rural Life in England • Spector Bridegroo • Stout Gentleman • Voyage • Widow and Her Son • Wif
American Romanticism Culture
• The "Romantic Period" refers to literary and cultural movements in England, Europe, and America roughly from 1770 to 1860. Romantic writers celebrated imagination/intuition versus reason/calculation, spontaneity versus control, subjectivity and metaphysical musing versus objective fact, revolutionary energy versus tradition, individualism versus social conformity, democracy versus monarchy, and so on.


The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature.
>>Romantic writers placed increasing value on the free expression of emotion and displayed increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters.
what influence this situation had on the people’s mind;
what the direct result of this influence was.
A fast-rising America
A tremendous sense of optimism and hope
3) The characteristics of American romanticism
>> opposed neoclassicism; rejected rationalism; appreciated camp-meeting revivalism & New England transcendentalism.
He works aimed to entertain and amuse not to moralize
Vivid and true characters Finished and musical language Strong sense of humor Never shocking but a bit sentimental at



Several names attached to Irving: A. He is Father of American Literature. He is the first American writer of imaginative
literature to gain international fame. He is equal to English writers. Before him, American literature was influenced by British Literature. Through Irving, American literature attained its independent status. The short story, as a literary genre, begins with Washington’s The Sketch Book.
Commonplaces of American Romanticism
New emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qua1ities of literature.
An increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions and displayed an increasing attention to the psychic states of their character.
New England Transcendentalism • The phase of New England Transendentalism is the summit of American Romanticism on Puritan soil.

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美国浪漫主义文学 ppt课件
是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? • 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭 • “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我
笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” • “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
2.It tended to be didactic because of Puritan influence;
3.It was both imitative and independent
Major writers in The Romantic Period



The Spy (1821)
– a novel about the American Revolution (1775-1783) in (1775New York State .
The Pioneers,
– the first of the five novels that make up the LeatherLeatherStocking Tales. (Natty Bumppo)
《纽约外史》 A History of New York (1809) 纽约外史》 《见闻札记》 The Sketch Book of Geoffrey 见闻札记》
Crayon, Gent. (1819-1820) (1819– 《瑞普凡温克尔》Rip Van Winkle 瑞普 温克尔》 – 《睡谷传说》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷传说》
惠特曼与《草叶集》 惠特曼与《草叶集》
Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
“我相信一片草叶不亚于星球的运转。”“哪里有土, 我相信一片草叶不亚于星球的运转。”“哪里有土, 哪里有水,哪里就长着草。”草的意思乃是“ 哪里有水,哪里就长着草。”草的意思乃是“在宽广的地 方和狭窄的地方都一样发芽,在黑人和白人中间都一样地 生长……” 生长……” 总之,草叶作为一种最普通最有生命力的东西,是诗 人自己的形象,是当时正在发展中的美国的象征,也是诗 人关于民主和自由的理想的体现。
1、讴歌上升时期的美国社会,歌颂民主和 讴歌上升时期的美国社会, 自由的理想
库柏 (James Fenimore Cooper 1789-1851) 1789-1851)

American Romanticism.ppt

American Romanticism.ppt
1.背景 2.时期 3.特点 4.代表作家及其作品 5.对中国文人的影响
1.政治 2.经济 3.教育
1.起源于18 世纪末的欧洲浪漫主义文学的影 响
2. 19 世纪初了英美之间的 “文学之争”
• 开端:18世纪末,标志 华盛顿·欧文出版 的《见闻札记》
• 詹姆斯·费尼莫·库珀(JAMES FENIMORE COOPER,1789—1851)
• 代表作:《间谍》、《拓荒者》、《舵手》
梭罗与当代作家 •徐迟,评价他说过“这本《瓦尔登湖》是本静静 的书,极静极静的书,并不是一本热热闹闹的书。 它是一本寂寞的书,一本孤独的书。它只是一本 一个人的书。如果你的心没有安静下来。恐怕你 很难进入到这本书里去……在你的心静下来以后, 你就会思考一些什么……思考一下自己,更思考 一下更高的原则。”这本书对于“分析生活,批 判习俗,有独到处”。
• 顾城,他也十分推崇惠特曼。在他看来, 惠特曼“是开放型的,是广大博爱的诗人, 他无所不在,所以不会在狭窄的道路上与 人决斗。他留给人类的不是一本诗,而是 一个燃烧着无尽核能的爱的太阳。”他甚 至在读了惠特曼以后,有了自卑的感觉: “在诗的世界里,有许多不同的种族,许 多伟大的行星和恒星,有不同的波,有不 同的火焰。因为宿命,我们不能接近他 们。”
• 海子在1986年读到了梭罗的名著《瓦尔登 湖》,十分推崇,称之为“1986年读的最 好的书”、“闪耀着人类自古不熄的英雄 主义之光的书”。他为此写了《梭罗这人 有脑子》一诗,其中有这样的句子:“梭 罗这人就是/我的云彩,四方/邻国的云 彩,安静/在豆田之西/我的草帽上”。



• Harvard ostracized (排斥) him for many years, but his message attracted young disciples (信徒), who joined the informal Transcendental Club (established in 1836).
Born of a wealthy merchant in New York City as the youngest of 11 children. Early in his life Irving developed a passion for books. He studied law privately but practiced only briefly.
From 1804 to 1806 he travelled widely in Europe.
Irving's career as a writer started in journals and newspapers.
Major points
the first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame.
• The theme:
• The author, through this novel, reveals his conservative view about the bourgeois revolution (i.e. the independent war through which the emperor was overthrown), and criticized that the revolution didn’t bring benefits to American people. However, the figure of Winkle become an absurd remainder (er(1789-1851)

浪漫主义时期的美国文学 课件

浪漫主义时期的美国文学 课件

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1.3 龙毛忠的描述

美国文学中的浪漫主义时代是 指18世纪末期到南北战争爆发 前期的这段时间,因为文学的 勃兴与繁荣,又称“美国文艺 复兴”。华盛顿·欧文的《见闻 札记》(The Sketch Book, 1820)的出版宣告了这一伟大 时代的开始,惠特曼的《草叶 集》(Leaves of Grass, 1855) 则标志着浪漫主义文学的高峰。

The importance of the frontier and the wilderness in American literature is for the first time well-illustrated in Cooper’s Leathering-stocking Tales and was to remain a major concern for many later authors. Cooper is the first important American novelist. 库珀在美国文学史上开创了三种不同类型的小说:边疆冒险小说《拓荒者》、革 命历史小说《间谍》、海上冒险小说《舵手》。他还创作了欧洲生活三部曲:《刺客》 (1831)、《黑衣教士》(1832)、《刽子手》(1833)。
In all the major literary genres except drama, writers produced works of an originality and excellence not exceeded in later American history. Romantic writers placed increasing value on the free expression of emotion and displayed increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters



4. Other Romantic poets: a. W.C. Bryant (Thanatopsis, The Yellow Violet, To a waterfoul) b. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (A Psalm of Life; The Song of Hiawatha; Evangeline; The Courtship of Miles Standish) c. John Greenleaf Whittier, New England Laureate, (Snow-Bound) d. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Boston Brahmin (Old Ironsides, The last Leaf) e. James Russell Lowell, Boston Brahmin (A Year’s Life, Biglow Papers) f. Frederick Goddard Tuckerman, poet of forest (Poems, Sonnets, “A Cricket”)
III. American Romantic Period (1820-1865)
I. Romantic Fathers: Washington Irving and J. F. Cooper II. New England Transcendentalists (1836-1855): Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau III. The First Literary Renaissance 1. Two novelists: Hawthorne and Melville 2. A Controversial man of letters: E. A. Poe 3. The Epitomes of American Poetry: Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson

The Romantic Period浪漫主义时期优秀课件

The Romantic Period浪漫主义时期优秀课件

William Wordsworth: nature, country, poor people, anti-industrialization e.g. Lyrical Ballads (Prelude); Nature and country poems
Samuel Coleridge: mysterious/demonic, dreamy,
❖ The Romantic period is an age of poetry. Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley & Keats are the major Romantic poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution.
The Romantic Period
浪漫主义时期 (1798-1832)
the Age of Poetry
❖ English Romanticism, as a historical phase of literature, is generally said to have began in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth & Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads & to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott's death.

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浪漫主义时期文学 the lamb the tyger william blake ppt课件
浪漫主义时期文学 the lamb the tyger william blake
▪ 在《天真之歌》中,诗人以“羔羊”为中心意象,组成一个欢乐、 善良、和谐的农业文明图景:牧童吹着欢乐的短笛,歌声荡漾在 青草地上;孩子在荒野中迷了路,上帝就化身为父亲将他送回家 去;小蚂蚁迷了路,萤火虫打着灯笼送它回家;羔羊在吃草,狮 子在羊栏边徘徊了一阵,流下“金色的眼泪”,终于躺下来和它睡 在一起……而在《经验之歌》中,诗人则以“老虎”为中心意象, 展现现一幅正在生长中的痛苦、邪恶、分裂的现代工来文明图景 :田野一片荒芜,道路长满荆棘;孩子们论落街头,挨家挨户扫 烟囱;士兵们在流血叹息,妓女们在夜半的街头诅咒;街道和河 流“专利”化,“残酷、妒忌、恐怖和隐秘”代替了“爱、仁慈、怜悯 与和平。”
of his own and other’s work.
浪漫主义时期文学 the lamb the tyger william blake
▪ 2. Major Works
➢ Songs of Innocence (1789) ➢ Songs of Experience (1794) ➢ Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790) ➢ a few prophetic books,
从一粒沙看世界, 从一朵花看天堂, 把永恒纳进一个时辰, 把无限握在自己手心。
浪漫主义时期文学 the lamb the tyger william blake
▪ 1. Life and Career
➢ Born Nov. 28, 1757, in London. ➢ Son of a haberdasher. ➢ Largely self-taught. ➢ Originally studied to be an artist. ➢ Started writing poetry at 12. ➢ Supported himself as an engraver and illustrator
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American Romanticism (1800-1865)

1. Introduction to American Romanticism 2. Introduction to American Transcendentalism 3. Washington Irving 华盛顿 欧文(1783——1859) 华盛顿·欧文( 欧文 )
Historical Background

Internal causes:
1)American burgeoned into a political, economic and cultural independence. Democracy and political equality became the ideals of the new nation. Radical changes came about in the political life of the country. Parties began to squabble and scramble for power, and new system was in the making. 2)The spread of industrialism, the sudden influx of immigration, and the pioneers pushing the frontier further west, all these produced something of an economic boon and, with it, a tremendous sense of optimism and hope among the people.
4. James Fennimore Cooper 詹姆斯 费尼莫尔 库珀(1789——1851) 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔 库珀( 费尼莫尔·库珀 )
5. William Cullen Bryant 威廉 柯伦·布莱恩特(1794——1878) 威廉·柯伦 布莱恩特 柯伦 布莱恩特( ) 6. Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加·艾伦 坡 埃德加 艾伦·坡 艾伦
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General Introduction

The term ,Romanticism, is associated with imagination and boundlessness, as contrasted with classicism, which is commonly associated with reason and restriction. The most profound and comprehensive idea of romanticism is the vision of a greater personal freedom for the individual.
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Historical Background

5)The slavery issue. Slavery existed together with the anti-slavery conceptions. It was with the help of thousands of slaves that the expansion of the economy became possible. External causes: 1)Foreign influences added incentive to the growth of romanticism in America. 2)The influence of Sir Walter Scott was particularly powerful and enduring
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I. What is Romanticism

Simply speaking, Romanticism is a literary movement flourished as a cultural force throughout the 19th C and it can be divided into the early period and the late period. Also it remains powerful in contemporary literature and art. Romanticism, a term that is associated with imagination and boundlessness, as contrasted with classicism, which is commonly associated with reason and restriction. A romantic attitude may be detected in literature of any period, but as an historical movement it arose in the 18th and 19th centuries, in reaction to more rational literary, philosophic, artistic, religious, and economic standards.... The most clearly defined romantic literary movement in the U. S. was Transcendentalism. The representatives of the early period includes Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper, and those of the late period contain Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Company Logo Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe.
7. Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫 沃尔多 爱默生 拉尔夫·沃尔多 沃尔多·爱默生 8. Henry David Thoreau 亨利 大卫 梭罗(1817——1862) 亨利·大卫 梭罗( 大卫·梭罗 ) 9. Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔 霍桑(1804——1864) 纳撒尼尔·霍桑 霍桑( ) 10. Herman Melville 赫尔曼 梅尔维尔(1819——1891) 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔( 梅尔维尔 ) 11. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利 沃兹沃思 朗费罗 亨利·沃兹沃思 亨利 沃兹沃思·朗费罗 12. Walt Whitman沃尔特 惠特曼 沃尔特·惠特曼 沃尔特 惠特曼(May 31, 1819-March 26, 1892) 13. Emily Dickinson 艾米莉 狄金森(1830——1886) 艾米莉·狄金森 狄金森( )
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Historical Bsing magazines played an important role in facilitating literary expansion in the country. 4) The woman’s issue. By the mid-century, the bread lines and soup kitchens of public aid societies had become an important part of American urban life. Some women thus asked for their rights to vote and to own property. In 1837, the first women’s college was established in Massachusetts.
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The characteristics of Romanticism

American Romanticism was both imitative and independent.
A profound love for nature—nature as a source of knowledge, nature as a refuge from the present, nature as a revelation of the holy spirit The quest for beauty—pure beauty The use of antique and fanciful subject matters—sense of terror, Gothic, grotesque, odd and queer
In all the major literary genres except drama, writers produced works of an originality and excellence not exceeded in later American history. Romantic writers placed increasing value on the free expression of emotion and displayed increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters
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美国文学中的浪漫主义时代是 指18世纪末期到南北战争爆发 前期的这段时间,因为文学的 勃兴与繁荣,又称“美国文艺 复兴”。华盛顿·欧文的《见闻 札记》(The Sketch Book, 1820)的出版宣告了这一伟大 时代的开始,惠特曼的《草叶 集》(Leaves of Grass, 1855) 则标志着浪漫主义文学的高峰。