质量保证体系样本中英文(CDB 道路施工
A 施工质量保证措施construction quality assurance measuresA.1保证工程质量的项目管理制度A. 1. Project management system to ensure project quality A.1.1质量管理体系运行A. 1.1 operation of quality management systemA.1.1.1质量管理体系图A. 1.1.1 quality management system diagramA.1.1.2施工过程质量控制程序A. 1.1.2 construction process quality control procedureA.1.1.3技术管理体系流程图A. 1.1.3 flow chart of technical management systemA.1.1.4材料质量控制流程图A. 1.1.4 flow chart of material quality controlA.1.1.5施工测量管理图A. 1.1.5 construction survey management drawingA.1.1.6成品保护流程图A. 1.1.6 finished product protection flow chart A.1.1.7工程验收流程图A. 1.1.7 flow chart of project acceptanceA.1.2总则A. 1.2 general1.以满足工程施工技术标准和建设单位的要求为目标进行质量控制。
Quality control shall be carried out with the goal of meeting the technical standards of engineering construction and the requirements of the construction unit.2.坚持“质量第一,预防为主”的方针和“计划、执行、检查、处理”循环工作方法,不断改进过程控制。
目錄(Contents):Management Responsibility - Element 4.1管理責任- 4.1Quality Policy -4.1.1品質政策- 4.1.1Organization -4.1.2組織- 4.1.2Responsibility and Authority責任與授權- -資源- Representative -管理代表- Interfaces -組織聯系界面- to Management -通知管理階層- Review - 4.1.3管理審查- 4.1.3Management Review -管理審查- Plan - 4.1.4經營計劃- 4.1.4Analysis and Use of Company Level Data- 4.1.5公司層級資料的分析和應用- 4.1.5.Customer Satisfaction - 4.1.6顧客滿意- 4.1.6Certification Body/Registrar Notification -通知認証團體- System - Element 4.2品質系統- 4.2General - 4.2.1概述- 4.2.1Quality System Procedures- 4.2.2品質系統程序- 4.2.2Quality Planning - 4.2.3品質規劃- 4.2.3Advanced Product Quality Planning -先期產品品質規劃- Characteristics -管制特性- Reviews -可行性審查- Safety -產品安全性- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (Process FMEAs) -制程的失效模式與效應分析- Proofing -錯誤防止- Control Plan -管制計劃- Part Approval Process - 4.2.4量產零組件核准程序- 4.2.4General -概述- Requirements -分包商的要求- Change Validation -工程變更的確認- Improvement - 4.2.5持續改善- 4.2.5General -概述- and Productivity Improvements -品質和生產力的改進- for Continuous Improvement -持續改善的技術- and Tooling Management- 4.2.6設施與工模具管理- 4.2.6Facilities, Equipment, and Process Planning Effectiveness -設施、設備及制程規劃和效益- Management -工模具管理- Review - Element 4.3合約審查- 4.3General - 4.3.1概述- 4.3.1Review - 4.3.2審查- 4.3.2Amendment to a Contract - 4.3.合約變更- 4.3.3Records - 4.3.4記錄- 4.3.4Design Control - Element 4.4設計管制- 4.4General - 4.4.1概述- 4.4.1Use of Design Data -設計資料的運用- and Development Planning - 4.4.2設計與開發規劃- 4.4.2Required Skills -所需技能- and Technical Interfaces - 4.4.3組織與技術的介面- 4.4.3Design Input - 4.4.4設計輸入- 4.4.4Design input - Supplemental -設計輸入- 補充- Output - 4.4.5設計輸出- 4.4.5Design Output - Supplemental -設計輸出- 補充- Review - 4.4.6設計審查- 4.4.6Design Verification- 4.4.7設計驗証- 4.4.7Design Validation - 4.4.8設計確認- 4.4.8Design Validation - Supplement -設計確認- 補充- Changes - 4.4.9設計變更- 4.4.9Design Changes - Supplemental -設計變更- 補充- Change Impact -設計變更的影響- Prototype Support - 4.4.10顧客原型樣品的配合- 4.4.10Confidentiality - 4.4.11保密性- 4.4.11Document and Data Control - Element 4.5文件與資料管制- 4.5General - 4.5.1概述- 4.5.1Document and Data Approval and Issue- 4.5.2文件與資料之核准與發行- 4.5.2Engineering Specifications -工程規格- and Data changes - 4.5.3文件及資料變更- 4.5.3Purchasing - Element 4.6採購- 4.6General - 4.6.1概述- 4.6.1Approved Materials for Ongoing Production -量產中的核准物料-, Safety and Environmental Regulations -政府,安全與環境法規- of Sub-contractors - 4.6.2分包商之評估- 4.6.2Subcontractor Development -分包商的開發- Subcontractors -分包商交貨日程規劃- Data - 4.6.3採購資料- 4.6.3Verification of Purchased Product - 4.6.4採購產品的驗証- 4.6.4Supplier Verification at Subcontractor's Premises - ISO4.6.4.1供應商在分包商處的驗証- ISO Verification of Subcontracted Product - ISO6.4.2.2顧客以分包商產品的驗証- ISO of Customer-Supplied Product-Element 4.7顧客提供產品之管制- 4.7Customer Owned Tooling - 4.7.1顧客所有之工模具- 4.7.1Product Identification and Element-Element 4.8產品之識別與追溯性- 4.8Process Control-Element 4.9制程管制- 4.9Cleanliness of Premises - 4.9.b.1生產工場的清潔- 4.9.b.1Contingency Plans-4.9.b.2緊急應變計劃- 4.9.b.2Designation of Special Characteristics-4.9.d.1管制特性的指定- 4.9.d.1Preventive Maintenance-4.9.g.1預防保養- 4.9.g.1Process Monitoring and Operator Instructions-4.9.1制程監測和作業指導書- 4.9.1Maintaining Process Control-4.9.2制程控制的維持- 4.9.2Modified Process Control Requirements-4.9.3制程管制要求的變更- 4.9.3Verification of Job Setups-4.9.4作業設定的驗証- 4.9.4Process Changes-4.9.5制程變更- 4.9.5Appearance Items-4.9.6外觀項目- 4.9.6Inspection and Testing-Element 4.10檢驗與測試- 4.10General-4.10.1概述- 4.10.1Acceptance Criteria for Attribute Characteristics-計數值允收準則- Inspection and Testing -4.10.2收料檢驗與測試- 4.10.2Incoming Product Quality -進料產品的品質- Inspection and Testing-4.10.3制程中之檢驗與測試- 4.10.3Final Inspection and Testing -4.10.4最終檢驗與測試- 4.10.4Layout Inspection and Functional Testing -全盤尺寸檢驗與機能測試- Product Audit -最終產品稽核- and Test Records -4.10.5檢驗及測試記錄- 4.10.5Supplier Laboratory Requirements -4.10.6供應商的實驗室要求- 4.10.6Laboratory Quality Systems -實驗室品質系統- Personnel -實驗室人員- Product Identification and Testing -實驗室被測產品的識別與測試- Process Control -實驗室流程管制- Testing and Calibration Methods -實驗室測試與校正的方法- Statistical Methods -實驗室統計方法- Laboratories - 4.10.7驗証的實驗室- 4.10.7Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment-Element 4.11檢驗、量測與試驗設備的管制- 4.11General-4.11.1概述- 4.11.1Control Procedure- 4.11.2管制程序-4.11.2Calibration Services - 4.11.2.b.1校正服務-4.11.2.b.1Inspection, Measuring, and Test Equipment Records -4.11.3檢驗,量測及與試驗設備之記錄- 4.11.3Measuring System Analysis-4.11.4量測系統分析- 4.11.4Inspection and Test Status - Element 4.12檢驗與測試狀況- 4.12Supplemental Verification - 4.12.1額外驗証- 4.12.1Control of Nonconforming Product - Element 4.13不合格品之管制- 4.13General - 4.13.1概述- 4.13.1Suspect Material or Product -可疑材料或產品- Identification -視覺識別- and Disposition of Nonconforming Product - 4.13.2不合格產品之檢討與處理- 4.13.2Prioritized Reduction Plans-不合格品優先減量計劃- of Reworked Product - 4.13.3重工產品之管制- 4.13.3Engineering Approved Product Authorization - 4.13.4工程認可產品的授權- 4.13.4Corrective and Preventive Action - Element 4.14矯正與預防措施- 4.14General - 4.14.1概述- 4.14.1Problem Solving Methods -解決問題的方法- Proofing-錯誤防止- Action - 4.14.2矯正措施- 4.14.2Returned Product Test/Analysis -退回產品的測試/分析- Action Impact -矯正行動的影響- Action-4.14.3預防措施- 4.14.3Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery-Element 4.15搬運、儲存、包裝、保存與交貨- 4.15General - 4.15.1概述- 4.15.1Handling - 4.15.2搬運- 4.15.2Storage - 4.15.3儲存- 4.15.3Inventory -庫存量-包裝- 4.15.4Customer Packaging Standards-顧客包裝標準-標識-防護- 4.15.5Delivery-4.15.6交貨- 4.15.6Supplier Delivery Performance Monitoring -供應商交貨績效監測- Scheduling -生產排程- Communication -電子通訊- Notification System -交貨通知系統- of Quality Records- Element 4.16品質記錄的管制- 4.16Record Retention - 4.16.1Internal Quality Audits - Element 4.17內部品質稽核- 4.17Internal Audit Schedules-4.17.1稽核計劃排程- 4.17.1Training Element 4.18訓練- 4.18Training Effectiveness-4.18.1訓練的有效性- 4.18.1Servicing -Element 4.19服務- 4.19Feedback of Information from Service-4.19.1服務資訊的回饋- 4.19.1Statistical Techniques -Element 4.20統計技術- 4.20Identification of Need -4.20.1需求的確定- 4.20.1Procedure 4.20.2程序- 4.20.2Selection of Statistical Tools-4.20.3統計工具的選擇- 4.20.3Knowledge of Basic Statistical Concepts-4.20.4基本統計概念的知識- 4.20.4Management Responsibility - Element 4.1 管理責任- 4.1Quality Policy -4.1.1品質政策- 4.1.1The Supplier's management with executive responsibility shall define and document its policy for quality, including objectives for quality and its commitment to quality. The quality policy shall be relevant to the supplier's organizational goals and the expectations and needs of its customers. The supplier shall ensure that this policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization.供應商負經管責任之管理階層應界定並明文記載其對品質所持之政策,包含品質目標與對品質之承諾。
质量管理体系中英文缩写与其解释Engineering 工程 / Process 工序(制程)Man, Machine, Method, Material,人,机器,方法,物料,环境- 可能导4M&1EEnvironment致或造成问题的根本原因AIAutomatic Insertion自动插机ASSYAssembly制品装配ATEAutomatic Test Equipment自动测试设备BLBaseline参照点BMBenchmark参照点BOMBill of Material生产产品所用的物料清单C&ED/CCause and Effect Diagram原因和效果图AEDCACorrective Action解决问题所采取的措施电脑辅助设计.用于制图和设计3维物体 CADComputer-aided Design的软件对文件的要求进行评审,批准,和更改 CCBChange Control Board的小组依照短期和长期改善的重要性来做持续 CIContinuous Improvement改善COBChip on Board邦定-线焊芯片到PCB板的装配方法. CTCycle Time完成任务所须的时间DFMDesign for Manufacturability产品的设计对装配的适合性设计失效模式与后果分析--在设计阶段 Design Failure Mode and EffectDFMEA预测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取 Analysis措施六西格玛(6-Sigma)设计 -- 设计阶段预 DFSSDesign for Six Sigma测问题的发生的可能性并且对之采取措施并提高设计对装配的适合性DFTDesign for Test产品的设计对测试的适合性实验设计-- 用于证明某种情况是真实DOEDesign of Experiment的根据一百万件所生产的产品来计算不良DPPMDefective Part Per Million品的标准Design Verification / DesignDV设计确认Validation客户要求的工程更改或内部所发出的工ECNEngineering Change Notice程更改文件ECOEngineering Change Order客户要求的工程更改静电发放-由两种不导电的物品一起摩ESDElectrostatic Discharge擦而产生的静电可以破坏ICs和电子设备在生产线上或操作中由生产操作员对产FIFinal Inspection品作最后检查F/TFunctional Test测试产品的功能是否与所设计的一样FAFirst Article / Failure Analysis首件产品或首件样板/ 产品不良分析功能测试-检查产品的功能是否与所设FCTFunctional Test计的一样符合产品的装配,形状和外观及功能要FFFFit Form Function求FFTFinal Functional Test包装之前,在生产线上最后的功能测试失效模式与后果分析-- 预测问题的发FMEAFailure Mode and Effect Analysis生可能性并且对之采取措施FPYFirst Pass Yield首次检查合格率FTYFirst Test Yield首次测试合格率FWFirmware韧体(软件硬化)-控制产品功能的软件在波峰焊接之前,将PTH元件用手贴装HLHandload到PCB上,和手插机相同I/OInput / Output输入 / 输出iBOMIndented Bill of Material内部发出的BOM(依照客户的BOM)线路测试-- 用电气和电子测试来检查ICTIn-circuit TestPCBA短路,开路,少件,多件和错件等等不良情报联络书-反馈信息所使用的一种表IFFInformation Feedback Form格IRInfra-red红外线主要制程输入可变因素-在加工过程中,KPIVKey Process Input Variable所有输入的参数/元素,将影响制成品的质量的可变因素主要制程输出可变因素-在加工过程中,KPOVKey Process Output Variable所有输出的结果,所呈现的产品品质特征。
质量保证书英文篇一:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandsel ler,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn’tclearlymentionit.Afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,w eformallyofferproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasin gquality.Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithoffic ialsealstampedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheprod uctswithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeoffici alqualitystandardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecess aryprovidethenecessaryqualityinformation,suchastheinspectio nreportandotherrelevantinformation.Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtradem arkoftheproductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheproductpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfo llowit,orisresponsibleforthecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,the suppliershouldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.Ifitisin deedtheresponsibilityofsupplier,thesuppliershallbearfullres ponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwi ththesupplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetest ing.Theremainingsamplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekept foroneweek.Ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompanybearsthelosscausedbytheusingoftheproducts.Incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuy erandsellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.Ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontracta nddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:质量保证书-英文CERTIFICATEOFQUALITY,HEALTH,PURITYANDANALYSISSANITARYANDVET ERINARYCERTIFICATETOWHOMITMAYCONCERNTheundersignedLapinlacommuneveterinariancertifiesthatthemil kproductsdescribedhereinaremanufacturedfromsoundrawmaterial sandthemanufacturingiscarriedoutundersanitaryconditions.Theproductsareatthetimeofshipmentsound,wholesomeandfitforhumanconsumption.TheproductsareproducedinValoEdibleFatsandi ngredients,productsispermittedanywhereinFinland.Theproducti sfreefromB.S.E.EU-Registrationnumber:60220Exporter:Destination:Specificati onProductsDEMINERALIZEDWHEYPOWDERASPERCONTRACTNO.CH/99/66.809AND 4760bagsProteinScorchedparticlesDateofExport:Apr.20,2011StaphylococcusaureusSalmonellaShippingMarks:neg.inneg.inCH99/66.8091g50gneg.in1gneg.in50g------------------ShenzhenCHINALapinla,Apr.20,2011Lapinlacommuneveterinarian 篇三:质量保证书中英qualityguaranteeifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformt ospectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrre sponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirec ttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbreakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
Quality Assurance CertificateWe hereby certify that the product/service mentioned herein has been thoroughly inspected and tested to meet the highest standards of quality and excellence. Our Quality Assurance team has rigorously evaluated every aspect of the product/service to ensure that it conforms to the specified requirements and guidelines.The product/service has been designed and developed with utmost care and precision, utilizing advanced technology and expertise. Our dedicated team of professionals has meticulously crafted every component to ensure durability, reliability, and functionality. We guarantee that the product/service is free from any defects in design, material, or workmanship.During the manufacturing process, we have implemented stringent quality control measures to monitor and inspect the product/service at various stages. This includes thorough testing of raw materials, components, and finished products to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. Our quality assurance team consistently monitors and evaluates the production process to identify and rectify any potential issues or deviations.We assure our valued customers that the product/service provided is of superior quality and will perform as intended. Our commitment to quality extends beyond the production stage, as we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the continued satisfaction of our customers. Should any issues arise, we承诺及时解决并提供必要的协助。
质量保证书.doc(英语翻译)质量保证书Quality Certificate1、产品质保期为一年(人为因素、使用保养不当、不可抗拒灾害除外)。
Time limit for product quality is one year (except for human factors, or improper application or maintenance, or unpredictable disasters).2、质量保证期内,如有下列情况,本公司酌情收取相应费用:In case of the following during time limit for quality, customers will be charged at the Company's discretion:⑴未依据产品说明书指示工作程序使用所致损坏;Damage due to application not according to the specified operation procedure in the Product Instructions⑵擅自拆卸、扩充、改装所损坏;Damage due to unauthorized disassembly, addition or modification;⑶非我公司技术人员维修所致损坏;Damage due to maintenance not made by technical staff from the Company;⑷不可抗拒灾害的设备损坏;Device damage due to unpredictable disasters;⑸属定货范围以外的备品。
Spare parts outside of supply ranges产品名称Product Name 型号Size产品出厂日期Ex-factory Date产品出厂编号Ex-factory No.防爆型静电消除装置Explosion-proof StaticEliminatorFJX-15/220故障原因Failure Cause处理方法Solution处理结果Solution Results维修人员签字Signed by MaintenanceMan厂方人员签字Signed by FactoryMember维修日期Maintenance Period 年月日至年月日From to。
Quality AssuranceQuality has become one of the most important consumer decision factors in the selecting among competing products and services. This is true not only for individual consumers but also for large corporations, government organizations and the taxpaying public as a group. In its broadest sense, quality is a degree of excellence: the extent to which something is fit for its purpose. In the narrow sense, product or service quality is defined as conformance with requirement, freedom from defects or contamination, or simply a degree of customer satisfaction.Figure 1: Taking aPavement Core for DensityQuality ControlFigure 2: Taking a PavementCore for Density Quality ControlFigure 3: Using the NCATOven to Determine AsphaltContentAASHTO and the FHWA subscribe to definitions that designate “quality assurance” as anall-encompassing term, to include “quality control”, “independent assurance” and “acceptance” as its three key components (TRB, 1999[1]):Quality assurance. All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provideconfidence that a product or facility will perform satisfactorily in service. Qualityassurance addresses the overall problem of obtaining the quality of a service, product,or facility in the most efficient, economical, and satisfactory manner possible. Withinthis broad context, quality assurance involves continued evaluation of the activities ofplanning, design, development of plans and specifications, advertising and awarding ofcontracts, construction, and maintenance, and the interactions of these activities.Quality control. Those quality assurance actions and considerations necessary to assessproduction and construction processes so as to control the level of quality beingproduced in the end product. This concept of quality control typically includes samplingand testing by the contractor to monitor the process but usually does not includeacceptance sampling and testing by the agency/owner. Also called process control.Acceptance. Sampling, testing, and the assessment of test results to determine whether or not the quality of produced material or construction is acceptable in terms of thespecifications.Independent assurance. A management tool that requires a third party, not directlyresponsible for process control or acceptance, to provide an independent assessment of the product and/or the reliability of test results obtained from process control andacceptance testing. The results of independent assurance tests should not be used as abasis of product acceptance.Figure 4: Quality Assurance Diagram.Quality control, acceptance and independent assurance are wholly separate components of quality assurance. It is difficult, if not impossible, to influence one component, solely through actions within another component. For instance, acceptance procedures are essentially monitoring methods used to determine whether or not a particular process is meeting quality standards. As such, they can be used to accept or reject material based on its quality but they should never be used as a method to control or improve quality; quality will not necessarily improve based on increased or stricter monitoring alone. In short, no amount of inspection changes the quality of a product or service (IQA, 2001). Quality control (process control) is used to control and systematically improve quality. Furthermore, independent assurance test results should not be used for acceptance or quality control. If they are, the tests are no longer independent and should not be used as if they were.Footnotes (↵ returns to text)1.TRB. (1999). Glossary of Highway Quality Assurance Terms. Transportation Research Circular, No.E-C010. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. Washington, D.C.↵•。
篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文quality guaranteeif any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication .repiacement witlent costthe customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge to mate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. megigence .abuse. firedamage caused by building detects.acts of god and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
产品质量均符合欧洲标准bs en653:1997之规定,满足eea健康与安全标准。
篇二:质量保证书英文翻译quality guaranteethank you for choosing to buy our products!to ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:the buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.in case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇三:质量保证书-英文certificate of quality, health, purity and analysis sanitary and veterinary certificate to whom it may concernhuman consumption. the products are produced in valo edible fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in finland. the product is free from b.s.e.eu-registration number: 60220 exporter: destination: specification products demineralized whey powder as per contract no. ch/99/66.809 and4760 bagsprotein (n x 6.38) moisture ash (550c) ph (10% sol. 20c) scorched particles (admi) nitratestandard plate count enterobacteriaceae yeasts moundssulphite reducing clostridiaspecification min. max. max. 6.2 disc a max.max. max. max. max. max.g5,000/g 10/g 50/g 50/g 10/g 12.0% 4.0% 1.0% --6.9 30mg/kanalysis 13.5% 2.1% 0.5% 6.4 disc a passes test3,000/g < 5/g < 5/g < 5/g < 5/g121,380.00 kgs gross 119,000.00 kgs netvalo edible fats and ingredients, helsinki, finland shenzhen, chinaweight (kg)date of export: apr. 20, 2011staphylococcus aureus salmonellashipping marks:neg. in neg. inch99/66.8091 g 50 gneg. in 1 g neg. in 50 g------------------ shenzhen china。
质量安全保证体系Quality and Safety Assurance System1.Quality Assurance SystemXXX task on time and with high quality。
we will adhere to the principle of "quality first for a hundred years"。
We will establish a sound engineering quality management system based on quality system standards and the XXX quality management。
The quality management leadership group will be composed of the project manager as the team leader。
and department heads XXX。
material supply。
equipment management。
We will establish a sound quality assurance system.In n。
we will actively carry out QC team activities and use the PDCA cycle method to regularly analyze the quality management XXX。
humbly listen to the ns of design and n engineers。
take improvement measures。
and XXX.2.Safety Assurance SystemSafety n is an important control target of XXX n ns。
Quality guarantee system and solutionsQatar Doha’s Cultural village project NO.12, 32 building interior decoration works is one multi-range finishing project, which covers a wild range of construction works, and requires us to manage this project quality goal as Chinese National Inspection approval standard as a constructor. So this project’s construction quality seems very important, our project office will adopt strict and scientific quality management solutions to cooperate with Consultant and ensure quality goal achievement to realize each management goal of this complete project. Chapter 1 Quality control standardⅠ, Quality control criteria1, Construction drawings approved by Consultant2, Contract documents’items related with project quality requirement, to ensure this project to comply with inspection approval standard 3, Chinese”Construction works quality inspection approval regulation”and “Finishing works construction and quality inspection approval specification” and so on4, Construction drawings requirement and revise coordination.二、Each project quality control standard1、Building flooring works1)Sand plaster layer’s material, intensity, density must comply with construction drawing requirement2)Board sheet surface type, specification, color and pattern must comply with construction drawing requirement, surface should be flat, clean, pattern should be clear, color all the same, no color change, no stain or damage. Connection gap should be filled intensely, straightly and with balanced width and length, all sides straightly smooth.2、Ceiling works1)Inspect ceiling works material type, specification, foundation structure, and installation are whether suitable for construction drawing requirement or not.2)Board cover sheet and channel should be connected firmly, surfaceshould be flat, no pollution, no breaks, no leakage, no damages, connection gap should be balances and all the same, glued cover board layer shouldn’t be taken off3)Stocked cover board should be without any leak, open, corner extension. Ceiling channel and cover board should be connected firmly. Ceiling lights, smoking sensors installation together channel, suspension pile should be connected intensely and firmly without any vibration or leaning.3、Wall breaking works1)Check applied material type, specification, pattern and structure, installation solution whether to comply with drawing or not.2)The quality of wall breaking works should abide by the following regulation: breaking frame structure and foundation structure connection should be connected firmly without any loose; fix up the cover sheet by glue, nail or screw, surface should be flat without glue layer4、Paint, painting works1)Painting works should be inspected after the painting layer becomes completely dry. Without fade, drop, leak, rinse. All color all the same without any brush track. Finishing line err ≤2㎜。
英文质量保证书范本篇一:质量保证书中英篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文qualityguaranteeifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformt ospectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbr idgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.me gigence.abuse.firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperforma nceclassbreakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
篇二:质量保证书英文翻译qualityguaranteethankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandsel ler,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheprod uctswithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtradem arkoftheproductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwi ththesupplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetest ing.theremainingsamplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekept foroneweek.incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerandsellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontracta nddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇三:质量保证书-英文certificateofquality,health,purityandanalysissanitaryandvet erinarycertificatetowhomitmayconcernhumanconsumption.theproductsareproducedinvaloediblefatsandi ngredients,productsispermittedanywhereinfinland.theproducti sfreefromb.s.e.eu-registrationnumber:60220exporter:destinat ion:specificationproductsdemineralizedwheypowderaspercontra ctno.ch/99/66.809and4760bagsproteinscorchedparticlesdateofexport:apr.20,2011staphylococcusaureussalmonella shippingmarks:neg.inneg.inch99/66.8091g50gneg.in1gneg.in50g------------------shenzhenchina篇二:产品质量保证书样本范文一:质量保证书尊敬的客户:首先感谢您选择购买我们的产品!为保证产品质量,明确购销双方产品质量责任,确保产品质量合格,保证产品安全,特作如下保证:一、我公司提供的产品质量原则上按购货方规定的技术标准执行。
一组质量管理体系术语(中英双语English Chinesereceipt (入厂接受,验收,进货handling 搬运packaging 包装storage 保存protection 保护comparison 比较identification 标识replacement of identification mark 标识标志更换maintenance of identification 标识的保持records of identification control 标识控制记录tender 标书normative document 标准文件supplemental 补充nonconforming product 不合格品control of nonconforming product 不合格品控制control procedure of nonconforming products 不合格品控制程序tendency of nonconformance 不合格倾向purchasing 采购verification of purchased product 采购的产品验证purchasing process 采购过程purchasing control procedure 采购控制程序purchasing information 采购信息reference standard 参照标准reference instructions 参照细则stockhouse 仓库measurement, analysis and improvement 测量,分析和改进measurement result 测量结果control procedure of monitoring and measuring devices 测量设备控制程序planning 策划preservation of product 产品保护control procedure for maintenance, replacement and records of product identification 产品标识的保持, 更换及记录控制程序procedure for product identification and traceability 产品标识和可追溯性程序conformity of product 产品的符合性monitoring and measurement of product 产品的监督和测量product plan 产品方案control procedure for product preservation 产品防护控制程序method of product release 产品放行方法conformity of product,product conformity 产品符合性product realization 产品实现planning of product realization 产品实现策划product characteristics 产品特性input to product requirements 产品要求的输入product status 产品状态final acceptance of product 产品最后验收procedure 程序program documents 程序文件continual improvement 持续改进procedure for continual improvement of quality management system 持续改进质量体系程序adequacy 充分性storage location 存放地点agency personnel 代理人员submission of tenders 递交标书adjustment 调整,调节statutory and regulatory requirements 法律法规要求rework, vt 返工repair, vt 返修subcontractor 分承包方annex 附录improvement 改进improvement actions 改进措施on—the—job training 岗位技能培训responsibility of individual department and post 各部门, 各岗位职责change identification 更改标记change order number 更改单编号process sheets 工艺单process specification 工艺规程procedure(process card 工艺规程(工艺卡process characteristics 工艺特性Job Description Format 工种描述单work environment 工作环境impartiality 公正性functional requirements 功能要求supplier 供方supplier evaluation procedure 供方评价程序supplier provided special processes 供方提供的特殊过程verification at supplier’s premises 供方现场验证supply chain 供应链criteria for supplier selection, evaluation and re—evaluation 供应商选择、评估和再评估准则communication 沟通customer 顾客customer property 顾客财产control procedure for customer property 顾客财产控制程序customer feedback 顾客反馈Customer Service Contact Form 顾客服务联系表customer cummunications 顾客沟通customer satisfaction 顾客满意statistical analysis of customer satisfaction 顾客满意度统计分析customer complaint 顾客投诉identificaion of customer requirements 顾客要求的识别management review 管理评审records from management review 管理评审记录management review control procedure 管理评审控制程序management representative 管理者代表management responsibility 管理职责specified limits of acceptability 规定的可接受界限specified use 规定的用途process 过程complexity of processes 过程的复杂性monitoring and measurement of processes 过程的监视和测量operation of process 过程的运行status of processes 过程的状态process approach 过程方法process controls 过程控制process control documents 过程控制文件process performance 过程业绩appropriateness 合适性changes to contractor 合同的更改contract review control procedure 合同评审控制程序internet sales 互联网销售environmental conditions 环境条件monogram pragram requirements 会标纲要要求type of activities 活动类型infrastructure 基础建设infrastructure 基础设施fundamentals and vocabulary 基础与词汇control of records 记录控制technical specificaion 技术规范process trace sheet 加工跟踪单monitoring and measurement 监视和测量monitoring and measuring device 监视和测量装置control of monitoring and measuring devices 监视和测量装置控制check method 检查方法frequency of checks 检查频次calibration status 检定状态inspection and test control procedure 检验和试验控制程序identification procedure for inspection and test status 检验和试验状态标识程序inspection witness point 检验见证点inspection hold point 检验停止点buildings 建筑物delivery 交付post-delivery activities 交付后的活动delivery activities 交付活动interface 接口acceptance of contract or orders 接受合同或定单type of medium 介质类型experience 经验correction action 纠正措施Corrective action response time 纠正措施答复时间,纠正措施响应时间management procedure for corrective actions 纠正措施管理程序corrective action response times 纠正措施响应时间development activity 开发活动traceability mark 可追溯性标志objectivity 客观性Customer Service Log 客户服务记录簿control feature 控制特性,控制细节control features 控制细则periodic assessment of stock 库存定期评估justification 理由routine 例程,惯例,常规质量职能分配表论证范围internal communication 内部沟通internal audit 内部审核internal audit procedure 内部审核程序internally controlled standard 内控标准internal audit 内审results of internal and external audits 内外部审核结果competence 能力training 培训training needs 培训需要evaluate 评价records of the results of the review 评审结果的记录review output 评审输出review input 评审输入Purchase Requisition 请购单authority 权限validation 确认concession 让步human resources 人力资源job training of personnel 人员岗位培训qualification of personnel 人员资格equipment control procedure 设备控制程序device type 设备类型order of design changes 设计更改通知单design and development control procedure 设计和开发控制程序design and development 设计开发design and development planning 设计开发策划control of design and development changes 设计开发更改控制design and development review 设计开发评审design and development validation 设计开发确认design and development outputs 设计开发输出design and development inputs 设计开发输入design and development verification 设计开发验证design validation 设计确认design documentation 设计文件编制design acceptance criteria 设计验收准则design verification 设计验证audit program 审核大纲conduct of audits 审核行为audit criteria 审核准则production process control 生产过程控制production process control procedure 生产过程控制程序production and service provision 生产和服务提供control of production and service provision 生产和服务提供的控制validation of processes for production and service provision 生产和服务提供过程的确认production order 生产令identification and traceability 识别和可追溯性identification and traceability maintenance and replacement 识别和可追溯性维护与替换invalidate 使失效market survey 市场调研suitability 适宜性scope 适用范围controlled condition 受控状态terms and definitions 术语与定义analysis of data 数据分析sequence 顺序transfer of ownership 所有权转移system document 体系文件statistical technique 统计方法outsource(vt a process 外包过程external source 外部来源documents of external origin 外来文件outsource, vt 外协unique identification 唯一的标识maintenance 维护Document Change Control 文件更改控制Request For Document Change (RDC 文件更改需求单control of documents 文件控制documentation requirements 文件要求enquiry 问询,询价field nonconformity analysis 现场不符合分析relevance 相关性interaction 相互作用detail design 详细设计,详图设计,零件设计,施工设计sales department 销售部sales contract 销售合同checklist 校验表,一览表,检查一览表calibration 校准submission of action plans 行动计划的递交documented procedures 形成文件的程序documented statement 形成文件的声明performance requirements 性能要求licensee responsibilities 许可证持有者责任acceptance criteria 验收准则verification arrangement 验证安排verification results 验证结果customer focus 以客户为关注点,以客户为焦点awareness 意识introduction 引言,概述,介绍normative references 引用标准application 应用visit to user 用户访问review of requirements related to the product 有关产品的要求评审competent 有能力的effectiveness 有效性determination of requirements related to the product 与产品有关的要求的确定customer-related processes 与顾客有关的过程preventive action 预防措施management procedure for preventive actions 预防措施管理程序planned results 预期的结果intended use 预期的用途procedure for competence, knowledge and training of personnel 员工能力,知识和培训程序personnel training procedure 员工培训程序supporting services 支持性服务functions 职能部门responsibility 职责assignment of responsibility 职责分工workmanship 制造工艺manufacturing acceptance criteria 制造验收准则quality policy 质量方针quality programs 质量纲领quality management system 质量管理体系quality management system planning 质量管理体系策划performance of the quality management system 质量管理体系业绩quality plan 质量计划quality records 质量记录quality objectives 质量目标quality audit 质量审核quality manual 质量手册quality problem handling form 质量问题处理单quality requirements 质量要求allocation table of quality responsibilities 质量职能分配表availability of resources 资源的可获得性resource management 资源管理allocation of resources 资源配置provision of resources 资源提供general requirements 总要求,一般要求constituent part 组成部件organization 组织continual improvement of the organization 组织的持续改进size of organization 组织的规模Organizational Diagram 组织机构图final acceptance 最终验收 work instructions 作业指导书。
市 场 调 研
采 购
不合格退货 合格入库
新 或规格 新产
产 品 生产能
设备配制 样
品 开 力及设 开发
治具制作 品
试 生
批量 生产
发可 研行 讨性 会分
制造技 术可行
计 阶
划 设计评审 阶
试 作业指导书 做
产 过程检验 不良
确 最终检验
持 续 检 查
不合格品 分析确定原因 采取纠正、预防措施
成 品
出 厂
销 售
顾客 顾客投诉 投诉分析 召开对策会议 品质改进会议 相关部门实施
质量体系文件架构 英文介绍范文
质量体系文件架构英文介绍范文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Quality system document architecture is like a big, strong building that keeps all our important quality documents safe and organized. Just like a school has different rooms for different subjects, our quality system has different documents for different parts of our work.At the very top of our document architecture is the Quality Policy. It's like the school principal's office - it sets the tone for everything else and shows that quality is important to us. Under the policy, we have the Quality Manual. This is like the school handbook that tells us all the rules and procedures we need to follow to make sure our work is done well.Next, we have our Procedures. These are like the different classrooms in our school. Each procedure is a detailed plan for how to do a specific task to make sure it's done right every time. For example, there's a procedure for how to conduct internal audits and another one for how to handle customer complaints.Then we have our Work Instructions. These are like the textbooks we use in each class. They give us step-by-step instructions on how to do a specific task, like how to calibrate a machine or how to fill out a form correctly.Lastly, we have our Records. These are like our report cards - they show how well we've done our work and if we've followed all the rules and procedures. Records are important because they help us track our progress and make improvements.So, just like a school needs a solid structure to support learning, our quality system document architecture helps us ensure that our work meets high standards and that we're always striving to do better. It's the foundation that keeps our quality culture strong and our work top-notch.篇2Title: Quality System Document StructureHey guys! Today I want to talk about something super important in our school, which is the quality system document structure. It may sound a bit boring, but trust me, it's actually really cool!So, the quality system document structure is basically a way to organize all the important documents and information about how things work in our school. It helps us make sure that everything is running smoothly and that we are doing things the right way.First off, let's talk about the different types of documents that are part of the quality system. We have policies, which are like rules that we have to follow. Then we have procedures, which are step-by-step instructions on how to do things. And finally, we have records, which are like proof that we actually did what we said we were going to do.Now, let's talk about how all these documents are organized. They are usually arranged in a hierarchy, with policies at the top, followed by procedures, and then records. This helps us see how everything fits together and makes it easier for us to find the information we need.In conclusion, the quality system document structure is super important for keeping things running smoothly in our school. It may seem a bit boring, but it's actually really cool to see how everything is organized and how it helps us do our best every day. Thanks for listening, guys!篇3Quality System Document ArchitectureHey guys! Today, I'm going to talk to you about a super important thing called Quality System Document Architecture. It may sound like a big fancy word, but don't worry, I'll break it down for you in a fun and easy way!So, what is Quality System Document Architecture? Basically, it's a way for companies to organize all their documents related to quality control and management. Imagine if your favorite toy company didn't have a system to keep track of how their toys are made and tested – chaos, right?The first part of the architecture is the Quality Manual. It's like the boss document that lays out all the rules and procedures for how things should be done. It's super important because it sets the tone for how the company handles quality.Next up, we have Procedures. These are step-by-step guides for how to do specific tasks. Like baking a cake – you need a recipe to follow, right? Procedures help everyone in the company know exactly what to do to make sure things are done right.Then we have Work Instructions. These are even more detailed than Procedures and tell you exactly how to do a specific job. Like if you were building a Lego set, the Work Instructions would tell you which pieces to use and in what order.Forms and Records are also a big part of the architecture. Forms are like worksheets where you can fill in information about processes and checks. Records, on the other hand, are like a diary that keeps track of everything done to ensure quality.Lastly, we have Policies. These are like rules that everyone in the company has to follow to make sure quality is maintained. It's like having a big sign that says "No running in the hallway" –except it's about quality!In conclusion, Quality System Document Architecture is a super important way for companies to organize all their documents related to quality. It helps everyone know what to do and how to do it right. So remember, even though it sounds like a big word, it's really just a way to make sure everything runs smoothly and safely. Thanks for listening, guys!篇4Hey guys, do you know what a quality management system document structure is? Today I'm going to tell you all about it in a simple and easy way.First of all, a quality management system document structure is like a big book that helps us keep track of all the important rules and procedures in a company. It's like a guidebook that tells us how to do things the right way.In the quality management system document structure, there are different sections that cover different things. For example, there's a section for policies, which are like the main rules of the company. Then there's a section for procedures, which are like step-by-step instructions for how to do things.There's also a section for records, which are like a diary of everything that has happened in the company. And finally, there's a section for forms, which are like worksheets that we fill out to make sure we're doing things correctly.By having a good quality management system document structure, we can make sure that everything in the company runs smoothly and efficiently. It's like having a map that guides us on our journey to success.So remember, guys, the quality management system document structure is super important for keeping a company organized and on track. Let's make sure we follow it carefully and always strive for the best quality in everything we do.篇5IntroductionHi everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about the quality management system document architecture. Sounds complicated, right? But don't worry, I'll make it easy for you to understand!What is Quality Management System?First things first, let's talk about what a quality management system is. A quality management system is a set of policies, processes and procedures that a company puts in place to make sure that its products or services meet the necessary standards of quality.Document ArchitectureNow, let's talk about the document architecture of a quality management system. Imagine building a house - you need a strong foundation, right? Well, the document architecture is likethe foundation of a quality management system. It provides structure and organization to all the documents that are used to manage quality within a company.Key ComponentsThere are several key components of a quality management system document architecture. These include:- Quality Policy: This is a statement from top management about the company's commitment to quality.- Quality Manual: This document outlines the structure of the quality management system and how it operates.- Procedures: These are detailed instructions on how to carry out specific tasks or processes within the company.- Work Instructions: These provide step-by-step guidance on how to perform specific tasks.- Forms and Records: These are used to collect and document data related to quality management processes.- Audits and Reviews: These are tools used to assess the effectiveness of the quality management system.Benefits of a Strong Document ArchitectureHaving a strong document architecture in place has many benefits for a company. It helps to ensure consistency in how quality is managed, improves communication within the organization, reduces the risk of errors and non-compliance, and provides a framework for continuous improvement.ConclusionSo, that's it for my introduction to quality management system document architecture. It may seem like a lot to take in, but once you understand the basics, it's not so scary! Just remember, a strong document architecture is key to a successful quality management system. Thanks for listening!篇6Title: Quality System Document StructureHi everyone! Today, I want to talk to you about the structure of a quality system document. A quality system document is like a rulebook that tells us how to make things right and make sure they are good quality. It's like a map that guides us on the right path.First, let's talk about the different parts of a quality system document:1. Quality Policy: This is like the boss telling us what to do. It's a statement from the top management about how important quality is and what they will do to make sure things are done right.2. Quality Objectives: These are like goals we aim for. They tell us what we want to achieve in terms of quality and help us stay on track.3. Quality Manual: This is like our handbook. It tells us how things should be done, who is responsible for what, and what procedures to follow.4. Procedures: These are like step-by-step guides on how to do things. They tell us the right way to do tasks to make sure they are done correctly.5. Work Instructions: These are like detailed instructions on how to do specific tasks. They help us do our job right every time.6. Records: These are like evidence that we did things right. They show that we followed the rules and did our job correctly.It's important to have a well-organized quality system document to make sure things are done right and everyone knows what to do. By following the structure and using thedocuments properly, we can ensure high-quality products and services. Thank you for listening!篇7Title:Quality System Document StructureHi everyone! Today, let’s talk about the quality system document structure. A quality system document structure is like the blueprint of a building – it lays out all the important information and guidelines that help us build and maintain a strong and reliable quality system.First up, we have the Quality Policy. This is like the mission statement of our quality system. It tells us what our goals are and how we plan to achieve them. The Quality Policy sets the tone for the entire quality system and gives us a clear direction to follow.Next, we have the Quality Manual. This is like the rule book of our quality system. It contains all the detailed procedures and processes that we need to follow to ensure that our products are of the highest quality. The Quality Manual is like our guidebook that helps us navigate through the complexities of the quality system.Then, we have the Quality Procedures. These are like the step-by-step instructions that tell us how to perform specific tasks or processes. The Quality Procedures are like our road map that helps us stay on track and ensures that we are following the right path to quality.After that, we have the Work Instructions. These are like the detailed guides that give us more specific instructions on how to carry out a particular task. The Work Instructions are like our GPS that helps us navigate through the intricacies of the quality system and ensures that we are following the correct route to quality.Last but not least, we have the Quality Records. These are like the evidence that shows us that we are following the rules and regulations of the quality system. The Quality Records are like our report card that helps us assess our performance and see where we need to improve.In conclusion, the quality system document structure is like the foundation of a strong and reliable quality system. It provides us with the tools and guidelines we need to build and maintain a quality system that meets the highest standards. So, let’s make sure we follow the quality system document structure and build a quality system that we can be proud of!篇8Title: Quality Management System Framework IntroductionHey guys, do you know what a Quality Management System (QMS) is? It's like a super cool structure that companies use to make sure everything they do is top-notch and awesome! Today, I'm gonna tell you all about the framework of a QMS and how it helps make things run smoothly.First off, a QMS is like a big blueprint that shows how a company should do things to make sure their products or services are the best they can be. It's made up of different parts, kind of like a puzzle, and each part is super important.The first part of the QMS is all about planning. This is where the company figures out what they want to achieve and how they're gonna do it. They set goals and make a plan to reach them, like a superhero planning out a mission to save the day!Next up is the part where they do things according to the plan. This is where everyone in the company works together to make sure everything is done right. It's like a team of superheroes working together to make sure the bad guys don't stand a chance!After that, they check to make sure everything is going according to plan. This is like when a teacher checks your homework to make sure you did it right. They look at how things are going and make sure everything is on track.Finally, they improve things if they need to. This is like when you practice a new skateboard trick until you get it just right. The company looks at what they've done, figures out how they can do it even better, and then makes it happen.And that's the basic framework of a Quality Management System! It helps companies make sure everything they do is awesome and helps them keep getting better and better. So remember, a QMS is like a superhero blueprint for success!篇9Quality System Document StructureHey guys, have you ever wondered how we make sure everything we do is super awesome and top-notch quality? Well, that's where our Quality System Document Structure comes in! I'm here to tell you all about it in a fun and easy way.First off, let's talk about what a quality system is. Basically, it's a set of rules and procedures that we follow to make sure ourwork is always the best it can be. And our Quality System Document Structure is like a big guidebook that tells us exactly how to do that.So, what's in this guidebook, you ask? Well, it's broken down into different sections, kind of like chapters in a book. We've got things like Quality Policy, Objectives, Responsibilities, Procedures, and Records. Each section tells us what we need to do and how to do it to make sure our work is top quality.In the Quality Policy section, we lay out our overall goals and values when it comes to quality. It's like our mission statement for quality. Then in the Objectives section, we break down those big goals into smaller, more specific targets that we can work towards.Next up, we have Responsibilities. This section tells us who is in charge of making sure everything is done right. It's like assigning roles in a play - everyone has their part to play in making sure our work is the best it can be.Then we have Procedures. These are step-by-step instructions on how to do things correctly. It's like following a recipe when you're baking cookies - you have to do each step just right to get the perfect result.And finally, we have Records. This section is all about keeping track of what we've done and making sure we can prove that our work is top quality. It's like keeping a diary of all the awesome stuff we've accomplished.And that, my friends, is our Quality System Document Structure in a nutshell. By following this guidebook, we can make sure everything we do is top quality and super awesome. So let's get out there and keep making great stuff!篇10Quality System Document ArchitectureHey guys, today I'm going to talk about Quality System Document Architecture. It may sound like a big and fancy word, but don't worry, I'll explain it in a simple way.First, let's break down the term. Quality means something is good and meets certain standards. System means a set of things working together to achieve a goal. Document means a written or printed paper that provides information. And architecture means the structure or layout of something.So, Quality System Document Architecture is basically how we organize and structure our documents to make sure everything we do meets a certain standard of quality.There are different levels in the Quality System Document Architecture. At the top level, we have the policy manual. This is like the boss of all documents. It sets out the overall goals and principles of our quality system.Then we have procedures documents. These are like instructions on how to do things correctly. They tell us step by step what we need to do to maintain the quality of our work.Next, we have work instructions. These are more detailed than procedures and tell us exactly how to perform a specific task.Lastly, we have records documents. These are used to keep track of what we have done and to make sure everything is documented and traceable.Overall, Quality System Document Architecture is important because it helps us maintain high standards of quality in everything we do. It ensures that we follow the right processes and procedures to produce the best possible work.So, remember to always pay attention to the Quality System Document Architecture and make sure to follow the instructions carefully. This way, we can make sure that our work is of the highest quality!。
Quality Assurance SystemQuality Assurance SystemThe guideline and object of quality of projectThe guideline of quality: Employee is most important for company. And the quality of product and service is most important for company as well. We will provide honest service and standardize construction to satisfy all of clients.The object of quality: To reach the standard of state: ‹The Standard of Inspection Appraisal of Engineering Quality› or perfect engineering grade of Standard of Professional Inspection Appraisal.Arc welding machine, portable electric welding machine, lifting machine, trolley, and drillerThe plan of qualityProject manager:Carry out the contract strictly, carry out the responsibility of quality completely, and guaranty to realize the object of quality of engineering. Take full responsibility for quality of engineering directly.Ensure all of documents of quality system be implemented properly in project team, and take responsibility for validity of implement.To organize the construction reasonable, carry out the technical documents and technical standard strictly, control the whole process of construction, organize technical staff to establish the instruction documents of keyprocedures and special procedures, and supervise the implement as well. In charge of supervise staff of Management Department to establish the plan of quality of project and technical document of project, ensure the synchronization and reality of construction and quality certificate, carry out the rejected comments of Quality Department.To organize analyze and handle the normal quality accident, avoid the problems happen again.To organize the trial run and handover, ensure the quality of engineering fulfill contract requirements.Engineer of quality inspection (chief of Quality Inspection Team)In charge to implement the inspection and test plan, take full responsibility for this inspection and test plan directly.Take part in the inspection for key section of quality control point, and confirm in addition.Feedback the information of this inspection and test to superintend, provide the situation information of implement regularly.For any act against the plan of inspection and test, have the veto power for it.Site professional engineerInstruct construction team to perform the construction according to the design drawing, construction acceptance criterion, operation criterion, construction procedure and technical documents. Establish the measuresand requirements of quality guaranty, especially for key link, section and factor of quality control, must prepare it in writing; take responsibility for controlled engineering quality.In control of the situation of construction quality of each team, adopt necessary measures of quality control promptly, to correct the common fault and solve out the problems. Be in charge of carry out the correction work, which requested by quality inspection department and report the result to quality inspection department as well.Inspect and supervise all of teams to do self-check, check each other and check of handover. Attend the quality appraisal work of subentry of engineering and subsection of engineering. Be in charge of pack up the information of quality appraisal of engineering, and take responsibility for its reality, validity and integrality. Support the quality inspection work of quality inspection officer.For the quality problems caused by breach the rules or lose control, be entitled to order the team or the operator to redo it again or stop the operation.Quality inspection officer take full responsibility for quality inspection work in controlled area.Should pay special attention on the process handover of material inspection officer, hidden engineering inspection and subentry engineering appraisal sample.Check on all of record of construction and sign it as well, take responsibility for the reality of signed quality materials.If find the problems such as quality lose control, should insist the principle, repair, redo it again or stop the operation. And report to quality inspection engineer, functioned with veto of quality.Take part in the analysis and investigation of engineering quality and accident.Construction teamTake full responsibility for quality of construction engineering.Take full responsibility for control the factor, which formed during the quality control process, and be ready for quality inspection and record all of self-checks.Ensure only qualified materials and equipments will be used by, unqualified process not allowed to handover.Have the authority to reject all of uncompleted technical materials. For the quality requirements not mentioned in criterion standard of engineering and drawings, have the authority to get the supporting document in writing. There is the duty to cooperate with quality supervise department, report the situation of quality control, when quality modification notice be received, should carry out promptly as well as take responsibility for the result of modification.Management of inspection and testThe quality management and quality guaranty of this engineering will perform according to GB/T19002-ISO9002 1994 ‹The quality guaranty model of production, installation and services of quality systems›. Operate carefully, ensure the quality, comply the contract, provide honest service. All of the engineering project which we been done, be inspected and controlled strictly, all of our staff, all of stations will work for the quality requirement of owner, rely on the scientific management, distribute source reasonable, standardize the performance, strengthen the management, ensure the quality of engineering reach perfect grade. Establish and sound the structure of quality management, carry out the system of job responsibility. The full time quality management staff will be assigned to play the role of supervision, and have the authority to reject. Main measures of inspection and test managementCheck on the drawings carefully, all of the construction performance will follow the drawings exactly. The drawings for this project have special characteristic as it is concerning foreign affairs project. To understand the drawing and design intent is precondition of correct construction. It is the discipline to do the work according to the drawings.Prepare quality plan, clear the quality requirement, prepare detailed quality plan before the construction commencement. Mainly include:The technical condition (drawing, standard, criterion)The setting of quality control pointThe construction working procedure and technical requirements of special procedure and key procedure, as well as the method of inspection of quality control (and large-scale equipment hoisting etc.)The above information should inform construction team in writing document, make operator understand the specialty of engineering, technical requirements, quality standard, construction techniques and operation method.Determine the quality control point according to the drawings, the requirements of technical criterion and acceptance standard, which provided by owner, the inspection for quality control point should confirm by quality engineer and supervision engineer, the next working procedure can be performed after this confirmation.When installation finish, should adjust all of system according to the regulation and requirement. Before trial run, should establish the operation scheme according to design drawing and concerned criterion requirement, the scheme will carry out as soon as approved by owner.Management of quality of material: Full time material management staff will be assigned, strength the inspection of material, such as: inspection for specification and type, inspection for quality, inspection for quantity, inspection for certificate and quality guaranty documents. During the transportation, prevent the material properly, and loading, unloading carefully, strength the storage management of materials and equipments.The control of disqualified working procedure:The disqualified working procedure found by self-check, engineer will record it and mark it.The disqualified working procedure found by owner and supervision staff, engineer would record it and mark it.The disqualified subentry, subsection found during quality inspection appraisal, quality inspection officer would record it and mark it.The disqualified product found by quality inspection officer during the inspection, quality inspection officer would mark it according to the record.The quality inspection officer of project department should setup an engineering record.The sketch map of procedure of quality control:。
Quality Assurance CertificateWe hereby certify that the product(s) described below has/have been produced and processed in accordance with the highest standards of quality and safety. Our company is committed to ensuring that all products meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.Product Description:The product(s) covered by this Quality Assurance Certificate is/are [insert product name, description, and specifications]. These products have been manufactured using the finest materials and components, and have undergone rigorous testing and quality control processes to ensure their reliability and performance.Quality Control Processes:Our company has implemented a comprehensive quality control system that encompasses every aspect of the production process, from raw material procurement to the final product inspection. This system is designed to identify and rectify any potential issues or defects in the product(s) to ensure that only the highest quality products reach our customers.The key components of our quality control processes include:1. Raw Material Inspection: All raw materials used in the production of our products are thoroughly inspected for quality, durability, and compliance with industry standards. We work with reliable suppliers who share our commitment to quality.2. Production Monitoring: Our production lines are equipped with advanced monitoring systems that allow us to closely monitor the manufacturing process and make necessary adjustments in real-time to ensure consistent quality.3. Testing and Quality Assurance: Our products undergo rigorous testing to validate their performance, safety, and reliability. This includes functional testing, durability testing, and safety testing. We also conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards.4. Final Inspection: Each product undergoes a final inspection before being released for shipment to ensure that it meets our stringentquality standards. This inspection includes a thorough examination of the product's design, construction, and performance.Warranty and Guarantee:We are confident in the quality of our products and offer a [insert warranty period] warranty against any manufacturing defects or workmanship issues. If a product is found to be defective within the warranty period, we will repair or replace it at no additional cost to the customer.Additionally, we guarantee that all our products meet or exceed the applicable industry standards and specifications. If a product does not meet the specified requirements, we will work with the customer to find a suitable solution, including product replacement or refund.Conclusion:In conclusion, our company is committed to delivering the highestquality products to our customers. We have implemented a comprehensive quality control system and adhere to the strictest quality standards to ensure that our products are reliable, safe, and perform as expected. We stand behind the quality of our products and offer a warranty and guarantee to protect our customers' investments.This Quality Assurance Certificate serves as a testament to our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. We appreciate the trust and confidence our customers place in us and will continue to strive for excellence in everything we do.[Company Name][Company Address][Company Contact Information]。
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目录1 质管理量职责 (3)1.1 项目经理质量职责 (3)1.2 质量保证\控制经理职责 (3)1.3 施工经理质量职责 (4)1.4 设计经理质量职责 (5)1.5 项目控制经理职责 (6)1.6 材料采购经理质量职责 (6)1.7 材料经理质量职责 (6)1.8 机电工程师质量职责 (7)1.9 施工工长的质量职责 (7)1.10 施工班组长质量职责 (8)1.11 专职质检员质量职责 (9)1.12 材料采购员质量职责 (10)1.13 材料保管员质量职责 (11)1.14 试验员职责 (12)1.15 组织机构 (12)2 质量方针 (12)3 质量目标 (12)4 建立、健全质量保证责任制 (12)4.1 施工前的技术交底制度 (13)4.2 “三检”制度 (13)4.3 工序交接制度 (13)4.4 测量资料移交复核制度 (14)4.5 施工过程质量检测制度 (14)4.6 原材料、成品和半成品检查验收制度 (14)4.7 仪器设备的标定制度 (14)4.8 施工资料管理制度 (14)4.9 质量奖罚制度 (15)5 实体工程质量控制程序流程图 (16)6 质量保证措施 (17)7 质量控制措施 (19)8 质量控制程序 (21)8.1 同变更的控制 (21)8.2 文件和资料的控制 (21)8.3 采购控制 (22)8.4 过程控制 (22)8.5 质量记录的控制 (23)8.6 质量保证措施一般要求 (23)9 施工现场质量保证控制措施 (24)9.1 路基土石方开挖施工质量保证措施 (24)9.2 土方回填质量控制 (24)9.3 砼工程质量控制 (27)9.4 水泥混凝土路面平整度控制 (30)9.5 砌筑工程施工质量保证 (31)9.6 浆喷、喷射混凝土施工要求 (33)10 材料质量保证措施控制 (33)11 冬雨季施工质保质控措施 (35)11.1 土石方冬雨季施工质保质控措施 (35)11.2 混凝土工程雨季施工质保质控措施 (37)11.3 冬季施工质保质控措施 (38)工程质量保证体系1 质量管理职责1.1 项目经理质量职责1.1.1 Comprehensively organize, manage and direct the quality-concerning work of Project Management Department, establish and improve each item of quality management system in this project, and strictly fulfill the responsibilities, rights and obligations in the contract signed with construction owner.组织、管理、领导项目经理部的全面质量工作,建立健全工程项目的各项质量管理制度,严格认真履行合同责任、权利和义务;1.1.2 Assume the responsibilities of project quality, progress, safety and order, coordinate the construction performances, and participate in the constitution of construction scheme and the reviews in this respect.负责工程质量、进度、安全、文明施工及施工协调,参与施工方案的制定及评审;1.1.3 Take charge of plans, organization, management and fulfillment of goals, including project quality goal, progress goal, safe and orderly construction goal, etc.负责项目质量目标、进度目标、安全文明施工目标等的策划、组织、管理和落实;1.1.4 Answer for the coordination work with construction owner, design unit, on-site engineers and related governmental agencies.负责做好与业主、设计单位、驻场工程师和相关政府部门的协调工作;1.2 质量保证\控制经理职责1.2.1 Firstly and directly accountable for project quality as project QA representative, takes on the leadership responsibility for project quality management, and fully preside over the respective quality of 2 construction areas.质量保证\控制经理是该项目质量第一直接责任人,是项目的质量保证代表,对项目质量管理负领导责任,分别对两个工区质量负全部责任。
1.2.2 Cooperate with the project manager actively to ensure the normal working of ISO9001/2000 quality system in this project, and take charge of compilation and implementation of quality plan, transferring important technology, routine inspecting on quality and compiling project quality data, as well as joining in the delivery of finished construction.积极配合项目经理,保证ISO9001:2000 质量体系在本项目的运行;主持编制质量计划并组织实施。
1.2.3 Review the control measurement program, the construction monitoring scheme, the resulting data and other important materials, including the testing data of the main construction part and the acceptance data of item construction.审查控制测量方案,施工监测方案及其成果资料,审阅主要材料,主要工程部位的检测试验资料和分项分部工程验收资料。
1.2.4 Focus on quality control in phases of construction preparation, building, completion and acceptance,pay great attention to improving the procedure management and the establishment of quality inspection system, carry out QC(Quality Control) activities in public, develop the internal control standards, highlight the quality information collection and process, strengthen the connection between procedures, protect finished work carefully, and better relevant measures in this respect. Control activities shall be conducted with the main line of quality plan and the key point of procedure management, according to PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle principle, so that quality assurance system can function normally and effectively, and the construction quality will be guaranteed.着重抓好施工准备阶段、施工过程中以及竣工验收阶段的质量控制,重点加强工序管理,建立质量检查制度,开展群众性的QC(质量管理)活动,建立内控标准,抓好相关质量信息的收集、整理,加强工序连接,做好成品保护,不断改进措施,以质量计划为主线,过程管理为重心,按照PDCA(计划—实施—检查—处理)循环原理展开控制,确保质保体系的正常运行,保证工程质量。
1.3 施工经理质量职责1.3.1 As the chief personnel in charge of project construction and commander in working front-line, construction manager bears the overall responsibility for construction quality, and must adhere to the following points:施工经理是工地工程施工的主要负责人,生产前线的指挥员,对所承担施工的工程质量全面负责,必须做到下列各点: Be familiar with drawings and minutes of drawing review before construction start, and join in preparation of construction organization design, so as to be fully aware of aspects of this project.在工程进行施工之前,必须认真熟悉图纸及图纸会审纪要,参与编制施工组织设计,切实做到心中有数。 Organize and direct construction in strict compliance with contract terms, design drawings, construction norms, practice rules, organization design and technical assurance measures.在施工中,严格按照合同要求、设计图纸、施工规范、操作规程及施工组织设计、技术保证措施组织施工; Disclose relevant techniques to personnel concerned in writing form prior to work commencement, conduct supervision and inspection during construction, and participate in construction assessment and acceptance procedures when project finishes.必须做到开工前有书面技术交底,施工中有督促检查,完工后有评定验收。