









错涂、多涂或未涂均无分.1.公民必须服从行政组织一切合法的规定和命令,不得与行政组织相抗衡,否则将受到强制性制裁,这主要体现了行政组织的(B)1-6A.阶级性?B.权威性C.法治性D.主动性2.促进收入的公正分配、控制人口的过快增长,这属于行政组织的?(D)1-12A.政治功能B.经济功能C.文化功能D.社会功能3.古罗马共和国时期,拥有最高军事权和行政权的是?(D)2-26A.营造官B.检察宫C.保民官D.执政官4.中国古代最早开始设置“行省”的是?(B)2-41A.唐朝?B.元朝C.汉朝D.明朝5.南京国民政府的最高行政机关是?(C)2-43A.国民参政会B.立法院C.行政院D.国民党中政会6.梅奥认为,提高组织效率的手段更应该依靠?(C)3-65A.增加工作时间B.制定严格的规章制度C.提高组织成员的满足度?D.扩大组织规模7.雷格斯认为,与工业社会相适应的行政组织模式是(D)3-73A.棱柱型模式B.过渡型模式C.融合型模式D.衍射型模式8.孟子行政组织思想的核心是?(B)4-89A.礼?B.仁政?C.无为而治D.法治9.墨子主张的组织原则是?(A)4-92A.尚同?B.尚下C.尚贤D.尚亲10.孙中山“五权宪法”思想的理论依据是?(A)4-96A.权能分立学说B.权责统一学说C.系统理论学说D.中央集权学说11.以公安机关对“ll0'’报警电话的态度和出警时间为评估标准,这属于(B)5-141A.数量标准B.回应性标准C.质量标准D.成本标准12.在行政组织横向分工中,相对更容易形成条条分割的是?(A)6-159A.按业务性质分工?B.按管理程序分工C.按管理对象分工D.按地区分工13.下列机关中属于行政业务机关的是(C)7-183A.省政府办公厅B.市消费者权益保护协会C.县教育局D.区党委组织部14.人们只关心政府的输出,丽不关心其输入功能的行政文化类型是“(B)8-200A.参与型B.依附型C.血统论D.法治论15.决定一个行政组织是否有内聚力的关键是(A)9-228A.行政领导者与一般人员之间的关系?B.行政领导者与服务对象的关系C.行政领导者之间的相互关系D.一般行政人员之间的关系16.行政组织系统要存在与发展,必须与环境实现信息和能量的互换,这要求行政组织的设置必须遵循(D)10-249A.法治原则B.整体原则C.经济原则D.开放原则?17.机构管理主要是指对机构设置与调整的管理,下列不属于机构管理内容的是(D)11-275 A.机构名称B.机构级别C.机构规模D.机构物资设备?18.用预算的方法来调节、控制行政编制的增长属于编制管理手段中的(B)11-295A.法律手段B.经济手段C.行政手段D.道德手段19.行政改革实践表明,机构改革要取得成功,关键是应?(C)13-356A.以精简机构,优化流程为中心B.以人员分流,公务员队伍建设为中心C.以转变政府职能为中心D.以经济建设为中心20.撒切尔夫人执政时期,英国行政组织内部管理体制改革,突出强调的是?(C)13-340A.以行政过程为中心B.以效益为中心C.以效率为中心?D.以行政行为为中心21.行为科学的研究表明,群团规模的大小与群团内聚力的强弱呈现(B)9-242A.正比例关系?B.反比例关系C.一一对应关系D.随机反应关系22.我国宪法规定:“国务院实行总理负责制。



湘潭大学党委党校第45 期学生入党积极分子培训班考试答案一、填空题:(每空1 分,共20 分)1.“三个代表”是指中国共产党始终代表中国最先进生产力的发展要求、始终代表中国最先进文化的前进方向、始终代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。

2.一个党支部至少应有3 名正式党员,发展一名党员必须有2 正式党员作入党介绍人。



5.党的十八大应在2012 年召开。


7.预备党员的预备期为1 年。



10.我党的指导思想是马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表” 重要思想。

二、判断题:(对的打“√”,错的打“×”,每题1 分,共15 分)1.入党介绍人必须由培养联系人担任,不可以由发展对象自己约请。








(×) 9.预备党员在预备期的表现表明不具备党员条件,党组织应将其预备期延长半年或一年。











1、1P5 现代社会中规模最大的组织是()A.立法机关B.司法机关C.权力机关D.行政机关2、1P11 防御外来入侵属于行政组织的()A.政治功能B.经济功能C.文化功能D.社会功能3、2P47 1954年颁布的宪法规定,我国地方行政组织有()A.省、县、乡三级B.省、市、县、乡四级C.大区、省、县、乡四级D.省、地区、县、乡四级4、3P75 英国学者帕金森在《官场病》中指出一个机关趋于腐败时的征兆是()A.增加部属B.组织膨胀C.组织低效D.豪华的办公大楼和考究的办公环境5、4P90 荀子认为,人类社会组织的行为规范及存在的基础是()A.仁B.义C.礼D.法6、4P96 孙中山“五权宪法”思想的理论依据是()A.三权分立学说B.人民主权学说C.权能分立学说D.依法治国学说7、6P147构成行政组织理论结构的基本要素和细胞是()A.职责B.工作C.权力D.职位8、6P160按管理程序对行政组织进行分工易手于造成()A.部门林立,条条分割B.工作人员重技术、轻政策,重过程、轻目的C.割裂管理对象间的相互联系D.地区封锁,诸侯割据9、6P163 行政组织横向结构属于行政组织的()A.层级制B.统一制C.职能制D.合议制10、7P168行政组织结构的灵魂和核心是行政组织的()A.法制化B.权力分配关系C.纵向结构D.横向结构11、7P184 间接地为实现整个行政组织目标服务的机关是()A.被统率机关B.业务机关C.执行机关D.辅助机关12、7P187上级政府根据工作需要,在其所辖区内设立的代表机关是()A.分支机关B.派出机关C.地方行政机关D.监察机关13、8P197 直接决定行政组织基本性质的是()A.政体B.政党制度C.民主制度D.国体14、8P218 行政组织在创建良好宗教环境的措施中,其核心是()A.宗教独立B.政教合一C.政教分离D.宗教自由15、9P226 使行政组织具有相对稳定统一性、廉洁性的重要条件是()A.制度B.物质C.环境D.政策16、9P228 行政组织内部人际关系中,决定行政组织有无内聚力的关键是()A.领导者与领导者之间人际关系的好坏B.一般工作人员之间人际关系的好坏C.领导者与一般行政人员之间人际关系的好坏D.上述三点都包括17、10P256 行政组织自身管理中纪律约束方法的理论假设是()A.性善论B.性恶论C.性亦善亦恶论D.性无论18、12 P322 行政组织变革最大的阻力来自行政组织自身的()A.人际关系B.资历高者C.“经济人”特征D.领导者19、13 P343 推行市场化行政改革最早的国家是()A.德国B.日本C.美国D.英国20、13 P348 日本的自由化改革提出的时间是()A.1981年B.1986年C.1996年D.1998年二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


1、简述唐代刑法适用中的类推原则 2.简述《中华民国临时约法》
1、简述唐代刑法适用中的类推原则 2、简述《中华民国临时约法》
考试科目: 法学综合试卷
适用专业: 法学各专业
一、选择题(包括单项和多项选择, 每小题2分, 共24分。)
1.在中国先秦时期, 法学一般被称为( )
2, 试述侵权的民事责任与违约责任的区别。
一, 名词解释(3*3)
连续犯 数罪并罚 玩忽职守罪
二, 简答(2*8)
我们刑法分则的体系是怎样的? 其特点如何?
6.具有立法性质的法律活动是( )
8、法的产生经历了一个漫长的历史阶段, 它最终形成的标志是( )
1, 联邦制 2, 庇护权 2, 特别行政区
1, 简述九届全国人大二次会议关于宪法修改的主要内容。
2, 简述民主集中制原则在我国中央国家机关的组织和活动中的具体表现。
1, 代理 2, 无因管理 3, 商标权
1, 试述法人的概念和特征。



2013年中央党校博士研究生入学考试英语试题Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Direction: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choicesmarked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentences. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.1. Reaching a deal on tax reform would be a huge undertaking, with potential politicalpitfalls that could doom it.A. triteB. rifereveling D.triflingC.2. Much as officials still say that China cannot carry the burden of international governance, theyare the idea that it should sign up as a stakeholder in a set of rules made in Washington.of B.todisincentivedismissiveA.D.dissipatingdisturbingC.3. David Cameron put Britain’s future , in an audacious gamble that united his Conservative Party but which could have profound implications for the party and the country.A. in lineB. in the lineC. on lineD. on the line4. The Malaysian government announced in a written statement last week that the policy to restructure society in 1970 would come to an end by the end of the year.A. to formulateB. to be formulatedC. as formulatedD. so as to formulate5. Development programs initiated in the tribal-dominated areas often adversely affected the tribalway of life and economy, which was frequently followed by the on traditional tribalareas or land by non-tribals.expansionencroachment B.A.C. enormityD. elevation6. Nye argues that the interests of the international community are not illusory, that they are of our national interests, which can not be achieved without help from other nations.A. particleB. part and parcelandpartsparcelsC.particles D.7. Ethnicity should not be the sole criteria in the restructuring process because it has the powerto lull consciousness of the implementers and make them those who are from different groups.A. dominant … bear the sight ofB. disproportionate … set their sights onC. uncanny … lose sight ofD. inherent … catch sight of8. Americans have a profound longing for heroes—now perhaps more than ever. On some level,we still the myth of the man in the white hat.subscribetoB.A.tosucceedD.intosubsideC.succeedagainst9. A landscape architect must be familiar with mathematics, science, engineering, art and technology. He must also be at dealing with politicians, public interest groups and government agencies.reluctantA.enthusiastic B.C. adaptD. adept10. The nutrition of a common-wealth the plenty, and distribution of materials conducing to life.inconsistsB.consistsofA.C. is consistent withD. is composed of11. She is a living proof that a TV celebrity with the highest aspirations can survive in a medium that too often seem to be racing .atbottom B.thebottomofA.outthebottomontoC.thebottom D.12. Ms. Turkle can sound primly , complaining that the sight at a local café of people focusing on their computers as they drink their coffee bothers her.sanctityB.sanctimonyA.sanctuaryC.sanctimonious D.13. We are in the midst of a great investigation of those environmental questions. We do the Earth and ourselves the greatest in imaging that addressing them lies outside our lives and choices.A. gratitudeB. benefitsC. disserviceD. favor14. A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him won’t be able to throw away his life. He knows the “ “ for his existence, and will be able to bear any “ “.A. how … whyB. why … howC. when … whatD. where … how15. Hope helps. It keeps us going in bleak times and amid news. But hope has more credibility when we can point to the reason for it.disheartened B.dishearteningA.enlightenedenlightening D.C.16. Their solution was to enroll their children in private schools, which, because they received no tax money, were free to operate without being subject to racial .A.segregationdiscrimination B.apportionmentD.C.controversy17. If no acquisition was organized as rightful even in a provisional way entering the civil condition, the civil condition itself would be impossible.A. anterior beforeB. posterior topriorbefore D.toC.prior18. He was the king of farce and the most influential neoclassical playwright. His characters were used to real people, and he was interested in showing the reality of human weakness as much as possible.A. depictB. ridiculeC. amuseD. imitate19. Examine the data over time, and you’ll find irrefutable evidence of progress: the decline of war, the increase in life span; of literacy, democracy, and equal rights, of privilege based on race, gender, heredity and beliefs.A. the spread … the waningB. the spreading … the waneC. the spreads … the wanesD. the spreading … the waning20. The audience cheered as Number three had rowed himself out and was slumped over his oar at the .line B.linefinisheddeadA.C. finishing lineD. finish lineⅡ Cloze (10 points)Directions: For each of the blanks, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best fits the blank and mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Broadly speaking, I 21 the experience of would-be public intellectuals into two forms. In the period of the 1960s and 1970s, those working for social justice 22 intellectual work against the background of a “world under construction”—thought and action remained allied and the link to policy remained 23 for intellectuals to move beyond mere word games.In the 1980s and early 1990s, those intellectuals working for social justice in education faced a “world under deconstruction”—many of 24 projects were dismantled or came under sustained attack. In this later period, detached from action and divorced from policy, the public intellectual was force into an increasingly abstract position of arguing though words for policies and activities that 25 discourses of disavowal, displacement and derision. This is a harsh terrain to occupy and yet there are many examples of people who continued to 26 social justice in race, gender and class terms.I am reminded of a film I watch on the American Civil War. As the South was progressively defeated, 27 land was occupied—just a few towns and strips of land. In the end, the commentator said all that was left was a “confederacy of the mind”—a collective memory of an aspiration.28 , that has been the fate of movements for social justice and of associated intellectual work 29 the past two decades. But we should not underestimate the confederacy of mind”. For one 30 I will make with great force is that the largest problem the attempted reconstruction of the past two decades 31 --the attempt to demolish the welfare state—is people’s “collective memory” of good public service, of commitments to provision for all, 32 it be schools or hospitals. The vital task now is to 33 , reenergize and reinvent new projects and programs for social justice, for memories and predispositions in Britain remain 34 resilient. We should now be 35 define a new role for the educational researcher in 36 Britain, and do so in ways informed by collective memories of social justice initiatives. This should, hopefully, presage a new investigation of the role of educational researcher as public intellectual, moving us 37 a new phase after the hopeful years of the 1960s and early 1970s and the reversal in the two decades that followed. Now we can hope again there are postmodern prospects 38 . I should note that I am not 39 re-establishing some old master narrative of social justice—more 40 voices and visions, a moving mosaic of intentions and plans.divided B.haddivided21.A.havebeendividing D.dividingC.hadbeenC.acceptundertakeaccepted D.undertook22.A.B.23. A. far enough B. enough far C. close enough D. enough closemostdearlyB.theA.the24.dearlyC. dearlyD. the more dearly25. A. were subject B. were subjected toareto D.tosubjectedsubjectareC.26. A. argue against B. argue for C. argue with D. argue to27. A. more and more B. more C. less D. less and less28. A. In some way B. In some ways C. In a way D. In ways29. A. of B. for C. in D. by30. A. assertion B. announcement C. allege D. assessmentD.hasfacedfacedA.31.face C.willface B.32. A. rather B. whether C. either D. evenreinforce D.reeducate33. A. Reentrant B. reinvigorate C.remarkableremarked D.34. A. remarkably B. remarking C.35. A. looking into B. looking onto C. looking to D. looking forward toD.millenarymillennial36. A. millenarian B. millennium C.37. A forward to B. away to C. into D. onto38. A. for exploring B. to explore C. with exploration D. for exploration39. A. talking with B. talking about C. talking over D. talking to40. A. a lot of B. a bit of C. a number of D. a set ofⅢ Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section A (30 points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Machine-scoring Answer sheet.Passage 1Why pick up what literary history so resolutely discards? Any study of bestsellers confronts the same question as does the decaf, no-fat latte drinker in Starbucks: “Why bother?” One justification, and the easiest demonstrated, is their interesting peculiarity. Like other ephemera of past times, bestsellers offer the charm of antiquarian quaintness. And, so short is their lifespan, that today’s bestsellers become yesterday’s fiction almost as soon as one had read them.Looking back through the lists is to uncover delightful cultural oddities. Consider, for example, the top-selling novel of 1923 in the United States, Black Oxen, by Gertrude Atherton. Recall too that the discriminating reader of that year had James Joyce’s Ulysses, T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land.The allusion signals grand literary pretension; pretension absurdly unmerited. None the less, the novel’s theme was, for the first time, both topical and sensational—rejuvenation. For humans, that is, not cattle.The narrative opens in a New York theatre. A brilliant young newspaperman, Lee Clavering, is struck by a beautiful woman in the audience. Investigation reveals that she is facially identical with a young “belle” of thirty years before, Mary Ogden. Miss Ogden married a Hungarian diplomat, Count Zattiany, and has never been heard of since. Speculations rages, but eventuallythe truth comes out: Ogden/Zattiany has been rejuvenated in Vienna by Dr Steinach’s new X-ray technique. By bombarding a woman’s ovaries at the period of menopause, the ageing process is reversible.When news of the wonderful process hits the newspapers, “civil war threatens”. And luckless Clavering finds himself in love with a woman old enough to be his mother. On the other side, he himself is obsessively loved by a flapper, Janet Oglethorpe, young enough to be his daughter, who drinks illegal hooch and attends “petting parties”. The plot thickens, madly, thereafter. It is nonsense—just as, medically, Steinanch’s X-ray miracles was nonsense. In 1922 Atherton herself had received the Viennese doctor’s rejuvenation treatment. It seems, from publicity pictures, to have done little for her beauty. But tosh fiction and quack science as it may be, Black Oxen fits, hand-in-glove, with its period. And no other period.However absurd it seems to the modern reader, Atherton’s novel reflects, and dramatizes, contemporary anxiety about women’s freedoms. The 1920s was the era of the “flappers”—the perpetually young girl-woman. British women in this decade had, after long struggle, the vote—but only if they were over 30, after which the heyday in the female blood was conceived to have been sufficiently cooled to make rational political decisions.Black Oxen, the top novel in the US in 1923, is inextricably “of” its period. It could have been published 15 years later. But out of its immediate time-and-place frame, Black Oxen would have no more “worked” than a fish out of water. Nor would it, in other days, have been what is was, “the book of the day”. The day made the book, as much as events of the day made newspaper headlines in1923. This hand-in-glove quality is inextricably linked with the ephemerality of bestsellerism.41. Why does the author mention Ulysses and The Waste Land in paragraph 2?A. They were bestsellers just second to Black Oxen in 1923.B. They were more popular than Black Oxen in 1923C. As contemporary novels of Black Oxen, they were not popular in 1923.D. As bestsellers of 1923, they were not as popular as Black Oxen.42. According to the passage, all of the following art true about Black Oxen EXCEPT.A. Though the writer of Black Oxen did get a treatment for keeping young, but it lookedunsuccessful.B. Black Oxen implied that the X-ray technique was welcomed by women who were inmenopause.C. Black Oxen was very popular in 1923 when people believed in pseudo science about arenewal of youthfulness.D. Count Zattiany appeared in Black Oxen as a minor-character.43. The word “rage” in the passage is closest in meaning to .prevailuncontrollablygreatly B.angerA.presumeup D.daringlyrakeC.44. Which of the following sentence can best express the meaning of the highlighted sentence in the last paragraph?A. The ethos of 1923 for Black Oxen is just like water for fish.B. Without its time-and-space, Black Oxen would have enjoyed its popularity for a longertime.C. Without water, Black Oxen would lose its popularity.D. Black Oxen would not have been produced if it wasn’t treated like a fish.45. According to the passage, which of the following is true about a bestseller?A. A bestseller only caters for its own time.B. A bestseller is liable to tell a love triangle story.C. A bestseller cannot be written by an old female writer.D. A bestsellers is a great literary work, though it is strange.Passage 2Classics is a subject that exists in that gap between us and the world of the Greeks and Romans. The questions raised by Classics are the questions raised by our distance from ‘their’ world, and at the same time by our closeness to it, and by its familiarity to us in our museums, in our literature, languages, culture, and ways of thinking. The aim of Classics is not only to discover or uncover the ancient world (though that is part of it, as the rediscovery of Bassae). Its aim is also to define and debate our relationship to that world. This book will explore that relationship, and its history, starting from a spectacle that is familiar, but, at the same time, as we shall see, can become puzzling and strange: dismembered fragments of an ancient Greek temple put on show in the heart of modern London. In Latin the word “museum” once indicated “a temple of the Muses”; in what respects is the modern museum the right place to preserve treasures from a classical temple? Does it only look the part?The issues raised by Bassae provide a model for understanding Classics in its widest sense. Of course, Classics is about more than the physical remains, the architecture, sculpture, pottery, and painting, of ancient Greece and Rome. It is also about the poetry, drama, philosophy, science, and history written in the ancient world, and still read and debated as part of our culture. But here too, essentially similar issues are at stake, questions about how we are to reed literature which has a history of more than 2,000 years, written in a society very distant and different from our own.To read Plato’s writings on philosophical topics, for example, involves facing that difference, and trying to understand a society, the ancient Greece, in which writing came not in printed books but on papyrus rolls, each one copied by the hand of a slave; and in which “philosophy” as still thought of as an activity that went on in the open air life of the city, and was part of a social world of drinking and dinner. Even when philosophy became a subject for study in lecture and classroom, in its own right, it remained a very different business from our own academic tradition—for all that Plato’s school was the original “Academy” named after a suburb of Athens.On the other hand, remote or not, to read Plato is also to read philosophy that belongs to us, not just to them. Plato is still the most commonly read philosopher in the world; and as we read him now, we inevitably read his as part of “our” philosophical tradition, in the light of all those philosophers who have come since, who themselves had read Plato.Every survival form the classical world is, of course, unique. At the same time, as this book will show, there are some problems, stories, question, significances that all those survivals hold in common; there is a place in “our” cultural story that they (and only they) share. That, and reflection on that, amounts to Classics.46. According to the passage, which of the following can be inferred about Classics?A. Classics can only be understood from the treasure in the modern museums.B. Classics may just be snapshots of the ancient world.C. Classics are not only for one age but also for all the time.D. Only those appearing in ancient Greece can be call Classics.47. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of Plato?A. Plato lived in a time when paper was made from the papyrus plant.B. Plato lived in a time when philosophy is part of people’s daily life.C. Plato’s writings were found in the TEMPLE OF Bassae.D. Plato’s writings are read by all people both in ancient times and at present.48. The word them in paragraph 4 refers to .A. the ancient peopleB. Plato’s studentsD.philosophersslavesGreektheC.49. The passage is more likely a part of .A. conclusionB. afterwordreviewbookpreface D.C.50. The title that best expresses the idea of the passage is .PhilosophyClassics B.andPlato andThem:A.UsD.ClassicsClassicsMuseumC.andPassage 3In 1871 the Paris Commune which, as mentioned, was the first socialist revolution, was also the last one to take place in a country that was part of the capitalist center. The twentieth century inaugurated—with the “awakening of the peoples of the peripheries”—a new chapter in history. Its first manifestations were the revolution in Iran (1907), in Mexico (1910-1920), China (1911), and “semi-peripheral” Russia in 1905. This awakening of the peoples and nations of the periphery was carried forward in the Revolution of 1917, the Arabo-Muslim Nahda, the constitution of the Young Turk movement (1908), the Egyptian Revolution of 1919, and the formation of the Indian Congress (1885).In reaction to the first long crisis of historical capitalism (1875-1950), the peoples of the periphery began to liberate themselves around 1914-1917, mobilizing themselves under the flags of socialism (Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba) or of national liberation (India, Algeria) associated to different degrees with progressive social reforms. They took the path to industrialization, hitherto forbidden by the domination of the old imperialism, forcing the latter to “adjust” to this first wave of independent initiatives of the peoples, nations, and states of the peripheries. From 1917 to the time when the “Bandung project” (1955-1980) ran out of steam and Sovietism collapsed in 1990, these were the initiatives that dominated the scene.I do not see the two long crises of aging monopoly capitalism in terms of long Kondratieff cycles, but as two stages in both the decline of historical globalized capitalism and the possible transition to socialism. Nor do I see the 1914-1915 period exclusively as “the 30 years” war for the succession to “British hegemony.” I see this period also as the long war conducted by the imperialist centers against the first awakening of the peripheries (East and South).This first wave of the awakening of the peoples of the periphery wore out for many reasons, including its own internal limitations and contradictions, and imperialism’s success in finding new ways of dominating the world system (through the control of technological invention, access to resources, the globalized financial system, communication and information technology, weapons of mass destruction).Nevertheless, capitalism underwent a second long crisis that began in the 1970s, exactly onehundred years after the first one. The reaction of capital to this crisis were the same as it had had to the previous one: reinforced concentration, which gave rise to generalized monopoly capitalism, globalization (“liberal”), and financialization. But the moment of triumph—the second “belle époque” from 1990 to 2008, echoing the first “belle époque”, from 1890 to 1914—of the new collective imperialism of the Triad (United States, Europe, and Japan) was indeed brief. A new epoch of chaos, wars and revolutions emerged. In this situation, the second wave of the awakening of the nations of the periphery (which had already started) now refused to allow the collective imperialism of the Triad to maintain its dominate positions, other than through the military control of the planet.51. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as revolution in the passage?A. The “semi-peripheral” Russia in 1905B. The British hegemonyC. The Egyptian Revolution of 1919ParisCommuneTheD.52. The word “Kondratieff cycles” in the third paragraph most probably refers to .A. a term in politicsB. a term in economicsC. a term in ecologyD. a term in sociology53. How do the peoples, nations, and states of the peripheries force the historical capitalism to“adjust” to their first wave of independent initiatives?A. through socialismB. through national liberationC. through industrializationD. through financial globalization54. Which of the following can best explain the idea of last sentence of the passage?A. The second wave of the awakening of the nations of the periphery had already started,which now refused to allow the collective imperialism of the Triad to maintain its dominant positions. In this situation, the imperialism had to resort to the military control of the planet.B. The second wave of the awakening of the nations of the periphery (which had alreadystarted) now couldn’t accept the collective imperialism of the Triad maintaining its dominant positions and they had to resort to the military control of the planet in this situation.C. In this situation, the second wave of the awakening of the nations of the periphery hadalready started, which now couldn’t accept the collective imperialism of the Triad maintaining its dominant positions through the military control of the planet.D. In this situation, the second wave of the awakening of the nations of the periphery (whichhad already started) now refused to allow the collective imperialism of the Triad to maintain its dominant positions, let alone to allow it to achieve this aim through the military control of the planet.55. Which of the following statements can best explain the main idea of the passage?A. The second wave of the awakening of the nations of the periphery now refused to allowthe collective imperialism of the Triad to maintain its dominant positions.B. People in the periphery have no alternative than to opt for a different development path.C. The initiative of the historical development spontaneously passes to the peoples andnations of the periphery.D. The twentieth century inaugurated—with the “awakening of the peoples of theperipheries”—a new chapter in history.Passage 4Davos 2012 is shaping up to be the year when the forum’s bank participants try to fade into the background and finally put the financial crisis behind them. Public panels include only two or three devoted to financial services. At the more productive private meetings around the fringes, bankers say discussion is more upbeat than it has been since the crisis began half a decade ago. Improving euro-zone sentiment and a slowly brightening mood among banks’ corporate clients is heartening for bankers. All the same, no one can let go of the topic that has most vexed them for years: ever-increasing regulation.On the core euro-zone discussion, the tone is of cautious optimism. “The system is slowly coming back to life,” said one investment bank boss, pointing to steady signs of euro-zone recovery, most recently evident in this week’s Spanish sovereign debt auction. “There’s definitely a change of tone,” added the board member of a US bank. “Our clients are definitely more upbeat.” Around that average sentiment views ranged widely, stretching from the complacent to the doom-laden. “It’s hard to see what could go wrong,” said one investment bank boss. This was in stark contrast with a warning from Axel Weber, chairman of UBS and ex-president of Germany’s Bundesbank, who said that patchwork fixes by central banks were just disguising problems that will return. “We’re living a better life now at the expense of future generations,” Mr. Weber said.As at recent Davos forums, the regulatory agenda has provided a focus. Bankers this year have bemoaned the breakdown in an international regulatory framework. Mr Weber said: “You need a global standard. But this is not happening.” He warned that, without a harmonized rule book, the dangers in the global banking system would increase. He contrasted the “Alpine” capital requirements in Switzerland with the diverse structural reforms under way in the US, the UK and potentially the EU.Worse still was the failure of policy makers to look across the financial services industry and join up the thinking on how banks and insurers should be regulated, critics said. One chief executive of a large US financial group said the regulatory situation was “really horrific”. “If you take a nice business like the insurance business,” the chief executive said. “Here’s an industry that went through the crisis and had almost no problems. They’ve put in a whole new regulatory regime to make sure they can’t make money. It’s astonishing.” Another bank boss said privately he was “extremely worried” about the inability of European insurance companies to finance banks, under the prospective Solvency II rules. Tijuana Thiam, chief executive of UK insurer Prudential, said: “There is a lack of joined-up thinking. The insurance industry is [traditionally] the biggest investor in the banking industry but Solvency II says we can’t invest in banks.”Friction was also evident between investors and companies – particularly financial groups. Paul Singer, head of Elliott Capital Management, slammed banks for “completely opaque” disclosures that made it impossible to know whether they were “risky or sound”. Most pernicious of all among the regulatory initiatives, several bankers said, was the ongoing – and arguably worsening – sense of uncertainty over what regulators and politicians have in mind next,。












目 录2003年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2004年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2005年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2006年湘潭大学公共管理学院434行政管理学考研真题2007年湘潭大学公共管理学院435行政管理学考研真题2008年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2009年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2010年湘潭大学公共管理学院812行政管理学考研真题2011年湘潭大学公共管理学院813行政管理学考研真题2012年湘潭大学公共管理学院815行政管理学考研真题2013年湘潭大学公共管理学院816行政管理学考研真题2014年湘潭大学公共管理学院817行政管理学考研真题及详解2015年湘潭大学公共管理学院818行政管理学考研真题及详解2016年湘潭大学公共管理学院818行政管理学考研真题及详解2017年湘潭大学公共管理学院818行政管理学考研真题及详解2019年湘潭大学公共管理学院816行政管理学考研真题(回忆版)2003年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题考试科目:行政管理学一、简述题(每小题15分,共60分)1我国国家行政组织的基本原则。

























请开始答题:1. 有研究表明,生物大灭绝在历史上发生过二十几次,大约每2600万年发生一次,似乎具有______。



A.必然性乐观B.规律性简单C.突发性粗略D.周期性保守2. 19世纪的西方建筑师大多满足于把钢铁作为一种______手段应用于当时流行的古典式或哥特式建筑。


A.次要放弃B.补充摆脱C.主要超越D.典型淘汰3. 无论当下的生活多么衣食无忧,中国人还是爱假想将来可能遇到的______,即使这些真正发生的机率接近于零。


A. 灾难任劳任怨B. 困难克勤克俭C. 变故未雨绸缪D. 麻烦居安思危4. 当我们在谈论创意的时候,大多会认为这没有什么规律可循,或者说,创意应该是______的。


A. 天马行空按部就班B. 稍纵即逝循规蹈矩C. 自由自在循序渐进D. 标新立异熟能生巧5.下列有歧义的句子是:()A.群众有意见是正常,没意见倒是不正常的了B.那时他已经戒烟,如果再没了酒,生活就没味道了C.整容有一定的风险,比如感染、瘀血、不完全对称等D.小王和小李这两个人,我对小王比较了解,小李就不大了解6.下列有语病的一句是:()A.歙砚是安徽知名的文房四宝,珍藏馈赠都很有价值B.校庆期间,学校将举行多种形式的纪念活动C.小张的作品在展会上受到专家的关注和好评D.以友情助功业则功业成,为功业找友情则友情亡7. 当年韩愈被贬到潮州做刺史,虽然只有8个月的时间,却不怕费力,大力兴办州学,捐出所有的俸银,用作办学费用,并积极推广唐朝的普通话,“以正音为潮人诲”。



目 录2003年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2004年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2005年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2006年湘潭大学公共管理学院434行政管理学考研真题2007年湘潭大学公共管理学院435行政管理学考研真题2008年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2009年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题2010年湘潭大学公共管理学院812行政管理学考研真题2011年湘潭大学公共管理学院813行政管理学考研真题2012年湘潭大学公共管理学院815行政管理学考研真题2013年湘潭大学公共管理学院816行政管理学考研真题2014年湘潭大学公共管理学院817行政管理学考研真题及详解2015年湘潭大学公共管理学院818行政管理学考研真题及详解2016年湘潭大学公共管理学院818行政管理学考研真题及详解2017年湘潭大学公共管理学院818行政管理学考研真题及详解2019年湘潭大学公共管理学院816行政管理学考研真题(回忆版)2003年湘潭大学公共管理学院行政管理学考研真题考试科目:行政管理学一、简述题(每小题15分,共60分)1我国国家行政组织的基本原则。






















































































1.从静态角度看,行政组织的基本元素和细胞是 DA.权责关系B.职能C.目标D.职位2.在我国社会主义初级阶段,行政组织最主要、最基本的功能是 BA.政治功能B.经济功能C.文化功能D.社会功能3.认为组织的本质是一个协作系统,且包括共同的目标、协作意愿和信息三个要素的是BA.韦伯B.巴纳德C.梅奥D.古立克4.最早将一般系统论运用于组织研究的学者是 AA.柏森斯B.卡斯特C.罗森茨韦克D.雷格斯5.第一次明确地提出“民为贵,君为轻”的是 BA.孔子B.孟子C.荀子D.老子6.在政府组织上主张人民掌握“政权”,政府行使“治权”的政治家是 CA.毛泽东B.邓小平----------------------------精品word文档值得下载值得拥有-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------精品word 文档 值得下载 值得拥有---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C .孙中山D .周恩来 7.下列属于行政组织外部目标的是 DA .绩效管理B .机关管理C .组织发展D .提高社会生产效率8.行政组织往往在特定目标的作用下集合所掌握的资源,通过一定的方法和过程争取实现组织目标,这体现了行政组织目标的 BA .激励作用B .导向作用C .整合作用D .管理工具作用9.我国统计局属于 CA .咨询机关B .监察机关C .信息机关D .执行机关 10.行政组织横向分工有按业务性质分工、按管理程序分工、按管理对象分工和 AA .按地区分工B .按任务规模分工C .按管理风格分工D .按工作条件分工11.人们对政府的输入与输出都非常关心的行政文化类型是 BA .依附型B .参与型C .操作型D .法治型12.直接决定行政组织基本性质的是 BA .政体B .国体C .政党制度D .法律制度 13.影响行政组织成员人格心态最直接最经常的因素是AA .行政组织内的人际关系B .社会的人际关系C .行政组织制度的合理性D .行政组织结构的科学性14.下列表述中错误..的是 D A .非正式群团能够帮助行政领导全面、及时地掌握信息B .非正式群团内部的信息流通具有自由性、非正式性C .正式群团是根据法律、法规明确规定而构成的群体D .非正式群团对组织的破坏作用是主要的15.“一个下级一般只能有一个上级”,体现了行政组织设置的 BA .组织目标原则B .指挥统一原则C .权责相称原则D .层级节制与幅度适中原则16.盛行于工业社会的主要管理方式是 CA.情感型管理B.市场化管理C.规制型管理D.参与式管理17.省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的厅、局、委员会等工作部门的设立、增加、减少或者合并,由 A A.本级人民政府报请国务院批准B.本级人民政府报请本级人大批准C.本级人民政府批准D.省级编制管理办公室决定18.规定适用对象和范围,直接体现国家及上级编制主管部门关于编制结构的某些积极意图的编制,我们称之为BA.单列编制B.专项编制C.临时编制D.机动编制19.行政组织是一个有着自身利益追求的主体,总想以最小的成本寻求最大的效益,这说明行政组织具有 B A.“社会人”特性B.“经济人”特性C.“行政人”特性D.“政治人”特性20.在知识经济时代,行政组织纵向结构呈现的趋势是 CA.集权化B.专业化C.扁平化D.复杂化二、多项选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题纸”的相应代码涂黑。

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