chap.18 promotional mix




1.ChatGpt的小编指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)请帮我担任本公司官方公众号的小编,以第一人称方式发表连续写五篇跟保养品相关且用词是活泼幽默的文章,贴文主题要能多让粉丝互动,且能对粉丝提问句进而能鼓励粉丝留言在官方公众号的贴文,请用中文回答2.ChatGpt的小编指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)帮我设计一个保养品公司可以在微信的网络营销促销活动(活动是30天),行销活动重点目标:要提升新客户的家数,提高客单价,提高公司的营业额,内容要有销售预估数字,请用中文回答3.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)帮我设计一个XX城市保养品公司的网络营销促销活动完整计划(行销活动期间是30天),行销活动计划重点目标:要提升新客户的家数,提高客单价,提高公司的营业额,具体的执行计划,行销促销活动内容要有包含销售预估的数字,请用中文回答4.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)请帮我撰写一份XX城市保养品的市场分析书,请用中文回答,请用中文回答5.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)请撰写一篇征才招募行销主管(包含征才条件)有相关的征才文,内容要有吸引人的福利及升迁制度,公司服务项目是保养品,请用中文回答6.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)帮我设计一个面试营销人员所需要提问的问题,让我知道面试者的行销专业程度及适任度7.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)请帮我设计一个XX城市保养品公司的网络营销促销活动完整计划(行销活动期间是30天),行销活动计划的重点目标:要提升新客户的家数,提高客单价,提高公司的营业额,具体的执行计划,行销促销活动内容要有包含销售预估的数字,请用中文回答所有老板都应该会用到的募资企划书指令8.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)帮我写一篇完整的公司募资企划书,公司名称是XXXXX,本公司服务项目是保养品,公司成立于2000年,预计本次募资金额是5000万,资金的预计用途,预计投资报酬率,公司未来愿景,公司竞争优势,公司经营团队,公司未来预估营收,请用中文回答9.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)帮我写一篇完整的公司的品牌故事,公司名称是XXXXX,本公司服务项目是保养品,公司成立于2000年,创办人是XXX,请用中文回答10.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)帮我写一份保养品公司的营运计划书,公司名称是: XXX,成立于2000年,创办人是“XXX,公司未来预估营收是5000万,请用中文回答帮我写一份中文版本的意大利服饰代理公司(公司名称是XXXX公司)的1.网络营销策略与执行详细计划案(及要有行销效益预估)及2.市场开发与渠道开发执行案,3.业绩达成执行计划(预估业绩5000万/年度)帮我写一份中文版本的意大利服饰代理公司(公司名称是XXXX公司)的网络营销策略与执行详细计划案及市场开发与渠道开发执行案,及广告预算计划(一年总计100万)及要有行销效益及销售预估请用中文回答,帮我写一份XX城市保养品公司的网络营销策略与执行详细计划案,内容广告预算计划(一年总计50万)及要有行销效益及销售预估11.ChatGpt的课程规划人员指令示例(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)请用中文回答,请帮我规划一套课程:1.课程题目是:如何应用孙子兵法运用在经营企业的方法及获利模式?适合上课对象?学员上完此课程后的效益?2.此课程授课讲师学经历介绍?3.课程是一年期12堂的课程讲义及建议收费的金额?此课程预计招生人数及营收?4.此课程该如何进行招生及推广此课程的方式?12.ChatGpt的课程规划人员指令示例(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)请用中文回答,请帮我规划一套课程:1.课程题目是:如何应用chatgpt来赚钱的方法及获利模式?的课程讲义及建议收费金额?适合上课对象?学员上完此课程后的效益?预计招生人数及营收?2.此课程授课讲师学经历介绍?3.此课程该如何进行招生?及推广此课程的行销建议方式?13.ChatGpt的课程规划人员指令示例(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)此指令适合编课程讲义部分请用中文回答,请问以下的Chat GPT商业模式具替详细作法是?1.人力客服替代-如何设计Chat GPT客服应用-成本节约及客户满意度提高14.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)帮我写一篇XXXX保养品公司的新品上市新闻稿,邀请品牌大使蔡依林代言,请用中文回答15.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)你是一个SEO专家,请教我完整深度的SEO知识,如何将网站关键字排名到第一页的详细执行步骤,请用中文回答16.ChatGpt的营销人员指令(可自行调整内文设定参数文案)请帮我写一篇部XXXX酒店的体验文请帮我写一篇部XX保养品的开箱体验文请帮我写五则针对西式餐厅业者的客人很满意的五星评论,请用中文回答帮我写一封很感性给老板的离职感谢信,请用中文回答。

promotional mix

promotional mix

Promotional Mix
(3) Customer information needs Some potential customers need to be provided with detailed, complex information to help them evaluate a purchase (e.g. buyers of equipment for nuclear power stations, or health service managers investing in the latest medical technology). In this situation, personal selling is almost always required - often using selling teams rather than just one individual. By contrast, few consumers need much information about products such as baked beans or bread. Promotional tools such as brand advertising and sales promotion are much more effective in this case.
Personal Selling Sales Promotion
Promotional Mix
• Factors that determine the type of promotional tools used: (1) Resource availability and the cost of each promotional tool Advertising (particularly on television and in the national newspapers can be very expensive). The overall resource budget for the promotional campaign will often determine which tools the business can afford to use.




以下是ChatGPT的48个实例:1. 对话生成,ChatGPT可以用于生成对话,与用户进行自然对话交流,回答问题,提供建议等。

2. 个性化助手,ChatGPT可以作为个性化助手,根据用户的需求提供定制化的服务和建议。

3. 问答系统,ChatGPT可以用于构建问答系统,回答用户提出的问题,提供相关信息和解决方案。

4. 智能客服,ChatGPT可以用于构建智能客服系统,与用户进行在线交流,解决问题和提供帮助。

5. 情感分析,ChatGPT可以分析用户输入的文本情感,了解用户的情绪和态度。

6. 内容生成,ChatGPT可以生成各种类型的文本内容,如新闻报道、故事、诗歌等。

7. 语音识别,ChatGPT可以将语音转换为文本,实现语音识别功能。

8. 文本摘要,ChatGPT可以生成文本摘要,将长篇文章或文档压缩成精炼的摘要信息。

9. 语言翻译,ChatGPT可以进行实时语言翻译,将一种语言的文本翻译成另一种语言。

10. 信息检索,ChatGPT可以用于信息检索,根据用户的需求从大量文本中检索相关信息。

11. 文本纠错,ChatGPT可以对用户输入的文本进行纠错,修正拼写错误和语法错误。

12. 智能写作助手,ChatGPT可以辅助用户进行写作,提供创意和灵感,改善文笔和表达。

13. 情景模拟,ChatGPT可以模拟不同情景下的对话交流,帮助用户进行情景演练和模拟对话。

14. 个性化推荐,ChatGPT可以根据用户的偏好和历史数据进行个性化推荐,提供个性化的服务和建议。

15. 情感生成,ChatGPT可以根据用户输入的情感生成相应的文本内容,如笑话、安慰话语等。

16. 文本分类,ChatGPT可以对文本进行分类,将文本归类到不同的类别中。

17. 舆情监控,ChatGPT可以监控网络舆情,分析用户评论和文章内容,了解公众对某一话题的看法和态度。








以下是一篇软文营销文案的英语作文范文:Title:Unlock Your Potential with Our Innovative Language Learning AppIntroduction:In todays globalized world,the ability to speak multiple languages is not just a skill,but a necessity.Our innovative language learning app is designed to help you unlock your linguistic potential and communicate with confidence across cultures.Body:Our app offers a comprehensive and interactive learning experience tailored to your needs.With a vast library of lessons,you can learn at your own pace,focusing on the areas you find most challenging.The app utilizes advanced algorithms to adapt to your learning style,ensuring that you are always engaged and progressing efficiently.Case Study/Story:Meet Sarah,a business professional who wanted to expand her career opportunities by learning Spanish.With our app,she was able to achieve fluency in just six months, thanks to personalized coaching and reallife conversation simulations.Sarahs success story is just one of many,proving that our app can transform anyone into a polyglot. Call to Action:Dont let language barriers hold you back.Download our app today and start your journey to linguistic mastery.With our free trial,you have nothing to lose and a world of opportunities to gain.Conclusion:In a world where connection is key,our language learning app is your passport to new experiences and horizons.Embrace the power of communication and let our app be your guide to a multilingual life.请注意,这只是一个范文,实际的软文营销文案应根据产品或服务的具体情况进行调整。

chatprompttemplate 上下文-概述说明以及解释

chatprompttemplate 上下文-概述说明以及解释

chatprompttemplate 上下文-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述:在现代社会中,人们越来越依赖于文字和数字以进行沟通和交流。


Chatprompttemplate 是一个帮助人们更好地进行对话和交流的工具,它为用户提供了一种简洁清晰的方式来组织和展示对话内容。



Chatprompttemplate 的上下文功能使得用户可以更好地理解对话的背景和情境,从而更好地参与和回应对话内容。

本文将深入探讨Chatprompttemplate 的上下文功能,分析其在交流和沟通中的作用和意义,希望读者能够从中获得启发和收获。

1.2 文章结构文章结构部分应该包括对整篇文章的组织结构和内容安排进行详细说明。











1.3 目的本文的目的是探讨chatprompttemplate 在上下文中的应用和作用。

商务英语 社交软件用语

商务英语 社交软件用语

商务英语社交软件用语1. Initiate a conversation(开启对话)- Hi [Name], I hope this message finds you well. I was wondering if you havea moment to discuss [topic].2. Respond to a message(回复消息)- Thank you for your message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.- Yes, I'm available to talk now. What would you like to discuss?3. Set up a meeting(安排会议)- Let's schedule a call to discuss this further. Are you available [day and time]?- I suggest we meet in person to finalize the details. Can you come to my office on [day and time]?4. Send attachments(发送附件)- I have attached the [document name] for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions.- Here is the updated version of the [document name]. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts.5. Provide information(提供信息)- Just wanted to update you on the status of [project name]. We are making good progress.- I have some new data to share with you regarding our latest marketing campaign.6. Close the conversation(结束对话)- Thanks for your time and input. Let's keep in touch.- I appreciate your assistance. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to reach out.These are just a few examples of business English social software用语. The specific language used may vary depending on the context and relationship betweenthe individuals. It's important to be clear, professional, and polite in all business communications.。



chatprompttemplate.from_template用法Title: Understanding the Utilization of`chatprompttemplate.from_template` in Natural Language ProcessingIntroduction (200 words):Natural language processing (NLP) has emerged as a prominent field within artificial intelligence, addressing the challenge of enabling machines to understand and generate human language. `chatprompttemplate.from_template` is a powerful function that serves as a key component in generating coherent responses for chatbots or virtual assistants. In this article, we will explore the usage of`chatprompttemplate.from_template` in NLP applications, highlighting its benefits and providing step-by-step guidance on how to use it effectively.1. What is `chatprompttemplate.from_template`? (300 words):`chatprompttemplate.from_template` is a function within NLP libraries that facilitates the generation of human-like responses based on predefined templates. These templates act as prompts for the chatbot or virtual assistant, enabling them to understand and respond to user queries orstatements appropriately.2. Benefits of `chatprompttemplate.from_template` (300 words):The utilization of `chatprompttemplate.from_template` offers several advantages in NLP applications. Firstly, it allows developers to create structured conversations by defining templates that cover a wide range of potential user inputs. This enhances the chatbot's ability to handle various user queries effectively. Secondly, the function enables the generation of coherent and contextually appropriate responses, enhancing the overall user experience. Lastly,`chatprompttemplate.from_template` offers flexibility in modifying and expanding the conversation templates, making it easier to update the chatbot's knowledgebase.3. Step-by-step usage of`chatprompttemplate.from_template` (800 words):Step 1: Import relevant libraries and datasetsBegin by importing the necessary NLP libraries, such as SpaCy or NLTK, along with the required datasets. These libraries provide pre-trained models that can be used for various NLP tasks.Step 2: Define conversation templatesCreate a list of conversation templates that cover different user inputs and contexts. For example, a template for a weather-chatbot may include greetings, questions about weather conditions, and goodbye messages. It's essential to consider various user intents and design templates that handle each scenario appropriately.Step 3: Initialize the chatbotInitialize the chatbot by loading the pre-trained model from the selected NLP library. This model serves as the foundation for understanding and generating responses.Step 4: Process user inputUse the loaded model to process the user's input and extract relevant information. This could involve tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, or entity recognition, depending on the specific NLP tasks required.Step 5: Select template based on user intentBased on the extracted information and user intent, select the most suitable template to generate a response. This can be done by matching keywords or performing semantic similarity comparisons.Step 6: Generate response using`chatprompttemplate.from_template`Utilize the `chatprompttemplate.from_template` function, passing the selected template and necessary arguments, to generate a response. This function will replace placeholders within the template with the extracted information, creating a coherent and contextually appropriate reply.Step 7: Provide user-friendly outputFormat the generated response to ensure readability and coherence. Consider factors such as language style, grammar, and punctuation to enhance the conversational aspect.Conclusion (100words):`chatprompttemplate.from_template` is a valuable function in NLP applications, enabling the generation of human-like responses in chatbot or virtual assistant systems. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, developers can effectively utilize this function to enhance conversational experiences and provide valuable interactions. As NLP continues to advance,`chatprompttemplate.from_template` remains a valuable tool for creating intelligent conversational agents.。



DEARBOTHIntroductionDearBoth is an innovative mobile application designed to facilitate communication and strengthen relationships between individuals. This document provides a detailed overview of the features, functionalities, and benefits of DearBoth.Features and Functionalities1. ChattingDearBoth offers a seamless messaging experience that allows users to connect with their loved ones and friends. The app supports both individual and group chats, ensuring users can engage in conversations with multiple people simultaneously. Users can send text messages, photos, videos, and even voice notes to express themselves effectively.2. Customizable AvatarsDearBoth offers an extensive range of customizable avatars, allowing users to create a unique profile that represents their personality and style. Users can choose from various hairstyles, outfits, accessories, and facial features, enabling them to personalize their avatars to their preference.3. RemindersThe reminder feature in DearBoth helps users remember important events, tasks, and deadlines. Users can set reminders for birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, and anything else they want to be reminded of. The app sends notifications to ensure that users never miss an important event or deadline.4. JournalDearBoth provides users with a built-in journal where they can write down their thoughts, memories, and experiences. This feature helps users capture precious moments and reflect on their feelings. Users can add photos, videos, and tags to their journal entries, making it a comprehensive medium for self-expression.5. Timezone ConverterFor users in different time zones, DearBoth offers a timezone converter that allows them to easily view the local time of their loved ones. This feature is particularly useful for individuals with long-distance relationships or frequent travelers who need to keep track of time differences.6. MomentsMoments is a unique feature in DearBoth that enables users to create and share special memories with their loved ones. Users can create photo albums, videos, or collages of memorable moments and share them with specific individuals or groups. This feature helps users strengthen their relationships by reliving and cherishing shared experiences.7. Event PlannerDear Both’s event planner feature helps users organize and plan events with ease. Users can create and manage events, send invites to desired participants, and track RSVPs. The app also provides a shared calendar where users can view upcoming events and stay updated on the schedules of their loved ones.8. Privacy and SecurityDearBoth takes users’ privacy and security seriously. The app uses end-to-end encryption to ensure that all messages and data exchanged between users remain private and secure. DearBoth also offers additional security measures like passcode lock and fingerprint authentication for enhanced protection.Benefits of DearBoth1. Stay ConnectedDearBoth keeps users connected with their loved ones regardless of distance. Whether it’s a long-distance relationship or living in different time zones, the app ensures that users can communicate and share moments effortlessly.2. ExpressivenessDearBoth provides a wide range of expression options, from customizable avatars to different media formats like photos, videos, and voice notes. Users can effectively express themselves and convey their emotions to their loved ones.3. Organization and PlanningWith DearBoth’s event planner and reminder features, users can stay organized and on top of important events and tasks. The app simplifies event organization and ensures that users never miss a key event or deadline.4. Privacy and SecurityDearBoth prioritizes users’ privacy and security by implementing robust encryption and additional security measures. Users can have peace of mind knowing that their conversations and data are protected.5. Cherish MemoriesDearBoth’s journal and moments features allow users to capture and cherish memories. Users can write down their thoughts and experiences in the journal and share special moments with their loved ones, strengthening their bonds.ConclusionDearBoth is a versatile mobile application designed to enhance communication, foster relationships, and facilitate personal growth. With its comprehensive feature set and focus on privacy and security, DearBoth provides a unique and enjoyable communication experience for users around the world. Stay connected, express yourself, and cherish memories with DearBoth.。



When it comes to crafting an English composition that serves as a promotional piece, its essential to blend persuasive language with engaging storytelling. Heres a template that you can adapt to create your own compelling promotional essay:Title: Your Promotional MessageIntroduction:Start with a hook that grabs the readers attention. This could be a question, a quote, or a bold statement that relates to your promotional message.Example: Have you ever wondered how a single decision can transform your life? Let me share with you the story of Product/Service and how it revolutionized my world.Body Paragraph 1:Introduce the product or service you are promoting. Explain what it is and why its unique.Example: Introducing Product/Service Name, a groundbreaking solution designed to describe the main benefit. Unlike anything else on the market, it mention a unique feature.Body Paragraph 2:Discuss the problem or need that your product or service addresses.Explain why the current solutions are insufficient.Example: In a world where describe the common issue or problem, traditional methods have fallen short. Product/Service Name steps in to fill this gap, offering a describe the solution or improvement.Body Paragraph 3:Share personal experiences or testimonials that highlight the effectiveness of your product or service.Example: I was once in the same boat, struggling with describe the problem. But after discovering Product/Service Name, my life changed dramatically. Heres my story...Body Paragraph 4:Detail the features and benefits of your product or service. Use sensory details to help the reader visualize the experience.Example: With Product/Service Name, you can expect list features. Imagine waking up to describe a positive outcome, all thanks to mention a key feature.Body Paragraph 5:Mention any social proof, such as awards, recognitions, or endorsements that add credibility to your product or service.Example: Recognized by mention any awards or endorsements,Product/Service Name has become the goto choice for describe the target audience.Body Paragraph 6:Address potential objections or concerns that the reader might have and provide reassurances.Example: I understand if youre skeptical. After all, I was too. But mention how you overcame your skepticism, and now I cant imagine life without Product/Service Name.Conclusion:Summarize the main points and include a calltoaction that encourages the reader to take the next step.Example: In conclusion, Product/Service Name is more than just a product its a lifechanger. Dont just take my word for ittry it for yourself and experience the transformation. Click link to start your journey today!Signature:End with your name or the name of your organization and any relevant contact information.Example: Sincerely, Your Name Your Title Your Organization Contact InformationRemember, the key to a successful promotional essay is to create an emotional connection with your readers. Use storytelling, vivid descriptions, and a clear calltoaction to turn your composition into a persuasive piece that resonates with your audience.。

chatgpt 营销话术

chatgpt 营销话术

chatgpt 营销话术chatgpt是一款智能聊天机器人,能够与用户进行自然语言交互,提供智能客服服务。

如果你想在销售过程中利用 chatgpt 这个工具,以下几个话术可能会对你有所帮助:1.招呼客户“您好,欢迎来到我们的网站/线上店铺。

我是 chatgpt 智能客服,请问有什么我可以帮您解答的问题吗?”2.提供相应服务“我可以为您提供以下服务:了解产品信息、下单、付款、售后服务、退货等业务。









”以上是 chatgpt 营销话术的一些示例,希望能够帮助你更好地利用 chatgpt 进行销售。



In the modern era,the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives,and with it,the way we communicate has evolved significantly.One of the most popular forms of communication is through online chatting.Here is an essay on the topic of online chatting,highlighting its benefits,challenges,and the impact it has on our social interactions.Title:The Dynamics of Online Chat:A New Age of CommunicationIntroduction:The advent of the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate.Online chatting has become a prevalent method of interaction,offering a platform for people to connect regardless of geographical boundaries.This essay will delve into the various aspects of online chatting,exploring its advantages and the potential issues it presents.The Advantages of Online Chatting:1.Instant Communication:Online chatting allows for immediate communication, enabling users to send and receive messages in realtime,fostering a sense of immediacy and urgency in conversations.2.Accessibility:With the proliferation of smartphones and internet access,online chatting is available to a vast majority of the global population,making it a universal form of communication.3.CostEffectiveness:Unlike traditional phone calls or text messages,many online chat platforms are free or offer costeffective communication options,making it an affordable choice for many.4.Diverse Platforms:From social media to dedicated chat applications,there is a wide array of platforms catering to different preferences and needs,be it for personal conversations or professional discussions.Challenges of Online Chatting:1.Miscommunication:The absence of nonverbal cues such as tone of voice and body language can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.2.Privacy Concerns:Online chatting platforms can sometimes be vulnerable to security breaches,raising concerns about the privacy of personal information and conversations.3.Digital Addiction:The convenience and constant availability of online chatting can lead to overuse and addiction,potentially affecting mental health and reallife social skills.4.Cyberbullying:The anonymity provided by some chat platforms can encourage negative behaviors such as cyberbullying,which can have severe emotional consequences for victims.The Impact on Social Interactions:1.Enhanced Connectivity:Online chatting has made it easier for people to stay in touch with friends and family,regardless of distance,fostering a sense of community and belonging.2.Cultural Exchange:It allows for interactions with people from different cultures and backgrounds,promoting understanding and appreciation of diversity.nguage Learning:Engaging in online chats with native speakers can be a valuable tool for language learners,providing an opportunity to practice and improve language skills in a casual setting.Conclusion:Online chatting has transformed the landscape of communication,offering both opportunities and challenges.While it has made the world more connected and accessible, it also presents issues that need to be addressed to ensure safe and effective communication.As we continue to navigate this digital age,it is crucial to balance the benefits of online chatting with the necessary precautions to maintain meaningful and respectful interactions.。












二、ChatGPT在餐饮业中的潜力1. 个性化推荐:ChatGPT能够通过对话了解顾客的口味偏好、饮食习惯等信息,从而为顾客提供个性化的菜单推荐。


2. 接口友好:ChatGPT可以通过文字交互的方式与顾客进行沟通,无需额外的应用程序或输入设备。


3. 餐厅推广:通过ChatGPT提供菜单推荐服务,餐厅可以吸引更多顾客,并提升顾客满意度。


三、ChatGPT在菜单推荐中的限制1. 主观性:ChatGPT的推荐结果是基于预训练数据生成的,可能受到数据中的偏见和主观性的影响。




ChatGPT 和文心一言在企业的实际运用可以包括以下方面:
1. 客户服务和在线支持:企业可以利用 ChatGPT 进行客户服


2. 营销和销售:企业可以利用 ChatGPT 为潜在客户提供个性

ChatGPT 可以根据客户的需求和偏好

3. 内部沟通和知识管理:企业可以利用 ChatGPT 提供内部沟

员工可以使用 ChatGPT 进行快速的问

4. 智能助手和虚拟助手:企业可以通过开发基于 ChatGPT 的


5. 社交媒体管理:企业可以利用 ChatGPT 监测并回应社交媒

ChatGPT 可以帮助企业快速识别并

当涉及到使用 ChatGPT 或文心一言时,企业需要确保数据的








1. 使用关键词引导语言风格一个简单有效的方法是通过关键词引导ChatGPT生成特定风格的文本。





2. 引入上下文设置语境为了更好地调整ChatGPT生成的结果风格,我们可以通过引入上下文来设置语境。




3. 控制生成长度和输出频率ChatGPT生成结果可能在长度和输出频率上有一定的偏好。





4. 迭代和微调模型为了更好地满足自己的需求,可以使用迭代和微调的方法来调整ChatGPT生成结果的风格。




利用CHATGPT生成创意的方法随着人工智能技术的发展,CHATGPT(Conversational AI)已经成为生成创意的有力工具。




















Playing with my phone has been a source of immense joy and entertainment for me, especially during the times when I need a break from the rigors of high school life. Its not just the games or social media that bring me happiness, but the whole experience of being connected and engaged with the digital world.One of the most enjoyable aspects of using my phone is the ability to connect with friends and family. Social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat allow me to share moments of my life with those who matter to me. Seeing their reactions and comments brings a smile to my face and strengthens our bonds. Its like having a virtual gathering where we can laugh, share stories, and support each other, even when were miles apart.Gaming on my phone is another activity that never fails to bring me joy. The variety of games available is astounding, ranging from actionpacked adventures to strategic puzzles. The satisfaction of completing a challenging level or beating a high score is incredibly rewarding. Its not just about the fun of playing its also about the sense of achievement and the mental stimulation that comes with it.Moreover, my phone is a treasure trove of knowledge and learning. With educational apps and online courses, I can explore new subjects and enhance my skills at my own pace. Whether its learning a new language, understanding complex scientific concepts, or mastering a musical instrument, my phone makes learning an enjoyable and accessible experience.The creative side of using my phone is something that I find particularly exciting. With photo editing apps, I can transform ordinary pictures into works of art. The process of experimenting with different filters, effects, and compositions is a form of selfexpression that brings me immense satisfaction. Its like having a portable art studio in my pocket, where I can unleash my creativity anytime, anywhere.Another source of joy is the world of music at my fingertips. Streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music have opened up a universe of songs and genres for me to explore. Discovering new artists, creating playlists, and sharing my favorite tunes with friends are activities that bring a sense of shared joy and connection.Lastly, the simple act of browsing the internet on my phone is a source of endless fascination. From reading articles on the latest scientific discoveries to watching videos of cute animals, the internet offers a wealth of content that can lift my spirits and broaden my horizons.In conclusion, my phone is more than just a device its a companion that brings joy, connection, knowledge, creativity, and entertainment into my life. Its a window to the world, a canvas for creativity, and a portal to endless possibilities. As a high school student, its a valuable tool that helps me balance my studies with the need for relaxation and enjoyment.。













































chatgpt的100种用法摘要:一、ChatGPT 的概述- ChatGPT 的背景和定义- ChatGPT 的训练和使用二、ChatGPT 的100 种用法- 1.智能客服- 2.自动问答- 3.智能推荐- 4.机器翻译- 5.文本生成- 6.文本摘要- 7.情感分析- 8.文本分类- 9.命名实体识别- 10.关系抽取- 11.语音识别- 12.自然语言处理- 13.对话系统- 14.文本纠错- 15.文本审核- 17.自动写作- 18.新闻撰写- 19.文章生成- 20.智能摘要- 21.话题建模- 22.智能推荐- 23.情感分析- 24.文本分类- 25.命名实体识别- 26.关系抽取- 27.语音识别- 28.自然语言处理- 29.对话系统- 30.文本纠错- 31.文本审核- 32.智能写作- 33.自动写作- 34.新闻撰写- 35.文章生成- 36.智能摘要- 37.话题建模- 39.情感分析- 40.文本分类- 41.命名实体识别- 42.关系抽取- 43.语音识别- 44.自然语言处理- 45.对话系统- 46.文本纠错- 47.文本审核- 48.智能写作- 49.自动写作- 50.新闻撰写- 51.文章生成- 52.智能摘要- 53.话题建模- 54.智能推荐- 55.情感分析- 56.文本分类- 57.命名实体识别- 58.关系抽取- 59.语音识别- 60.自然语言处理- 61.对话系统- 62.文本纠错- 63.文本审核- 64.智能写作- 65.自动写作- 66.新闻撰写- 67.文章生成- 68.智能摘要- 69.话题建模- 70.智能推荐- 71.情感分析- 72.文本分类- 73.命名实体识别- 74.关系抽取- 75.语音识别- 76.自然语言处理- 77.对话系统- 78.文本纠错- 79.文本审核- 80.智能写作- 81.自动写作- 82.新闻撰写- 83.文章生成- 84.智能摘要- 85.话题建模- 86.智能推荐- 87.情感分析- 88.文本分类- 89.命名实体识别- 90.关系抽取- 91.语音识别- 92.自然语言处理- 93.对话系统- 94.文本纠错- 95.文本审核- 96.智能写作- 97.自动写作- 98.新闻撰写- 99.文章生成- 100.智能摘要正文:ChatGPT 是一种人工智能技术,它可以帮助人们完成各种任务。






1. ChatGPT简介ChatGPT是由开放AI研发的一种基于GPT-3模型的对话式生成系统。



2. 个性化广告文案的重要性在广告领域,个性化文案起着至关重要的作用。



3. ChatGPT在个性化广告文案中的应用使用ChatGPT生成个性化广告文案的过程可以分为以下几个步骤:(1) 数据收集与预处理:首先,需要收集和整理与广告相关的数据,包括产品特性、用户偏好、市场趋势等信息。


(2) 模型训练:将预处理后的数据输入到ChatGPT模型中进行训练。


(3) 文案生成:当有新的广告需求时,将相关信息输入到训练好的ChatGPT模型中。


(4) 优化和调整:生成的广告文案需要进行优化和调整,以适应不同平台和受众群体的需求。


4. ChatGPT在个性化广告文案中的优势和挑战使用ChatGPT生成个性化广告文案有以下几个优势:(1) 创造力和灵活性:ChatGPT能够生成充满创意和个性化的广告文案,满足不同用户的需求。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Personal Selling
What are the main roles of the sales force? Kotler describes six main activities of a sales force:
• (1) Prospecting - trying to find new customers • (2) Communicating - with existing and potential customers about the
• If the strategy is successful, consumers will ask their retailers for the product, the retailers will ask the wholesalers, and the wholesalers will ask the producers.
Promotional Mix
• Personal Selling
–“Push” and “Pull” strategies
• Public Relations • Sales Promotion • Advertising • Promotion through PLC
Personal Selling
“push” and “pull” strategies
• A ‘push’ promotional strategy makes use of a company's sales force and trade promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product.
Personal selling can be defined as follows:
• Personal selling is personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships.
• The personal selling may focus initially on developing a relationship with the potential buyer, but will always ultimately end with an attempt to "close the sale“.
“push” and “pull” strategies
• A ‘pull’ selling strategy is one that requires high spending on advertising and consumer promotion to build up consumer demand for a product.
Promotional Mix
Promotional Mix
• Promotion is all about companies communicating with customers.
• A business’ total marketing communications programme is called the "promotional mix" and consists of a blend of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations tools.
the "prime media.
Personal Selling
Oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of
making a sale.
Sales Promotion
Providing incentives to customers or to the distribution channel to stimulate demand for a product.
• The producer promotes the product to wholesalers, the wholesalers promote it to retailers, and the retailers promote it to consumers.
• Personal selling is one of the oldest forms of promotion. It involves the use of a sales force to support a “push” strategy (encouraging intermediaries to buy the product) or a “pull” strategy (where the role of the sales force may be limited to supporting retailers and providing after-sales service).
The communication of a product, brand or business by placing information about
it in the media without paying for the e or media space directly.
Promotional Mix 促销策略组合
Any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas or products in