



Grammar-translation approach 语法翻译法语言观语法翻译法起源于历史比较语言学(机械语言学理论),认为语言都起源于一种共同的原始语言,语言规律是相同的,词汇的所代表的概念也是相同的,不同的只是书写和语音形式。





代表教学步骤1.教师在教学中需使用“规”的语言书面语2.教师在课堂上积极使用母语3.教学式以母语的外语的互相翻译为主,并通过大量的书面翻译及写作来巩固和检验语法知识4.重视语法教学,强调词与词之间的组合规则,讲词的形态和曲折变化,对复杂的语法现象做详尽的解释5.注重书面语练习,不注重听说练习语法教学法的典型教学流程Tasks:1. Share with your experiences that you were taught in this grammar-translation approach?2. Sum up the advantage of this approach.3. Sum up the disadvantage of this approach.语法翻译法的优势1. 充分利用母语的优势,协助学习者理解目的语2. 语法教学作为中心,有利于学习者掌握语言“规”,理解语言的结构框架知识。

3. 注重阅读能力的培养,翻译能力能得以锻炼。

4. 教学式安全,简便易行,可操作性强。

语法翻译法的劣势1. 过分依赖母语和翻译法,容易造成学习者依赖母语。

2. 把语言更多当做知识而不是交际技能来锻炼3. 过分重视学习者阅读写作能力,轻视学习者的听说能力4. 机械翻译,大量阅读等法较死板,容易使学习者失去主动性和兴趣,学习气氛沉闷。

Task:When and how can we apply this approach properly?The Direct method 直接法直接法出现的历史背景1)19世纪80年代左右,当时工业和国际贸易发展较迅速,贸易经济发展对外语学习和外语人才特别是对口语能力提出了新要求。



1. 演讲式教学法(Lecture Method):教师通过讲解和展示知识来传授给学生。

2. 讨论式教学法(Discussion Method):鼓励学生参与讨论,互相交流和分享意见。

3. 合作学习法(Cooperative Learning):鼓励学生在小组中合作学习,共同解决问题和完成任务。

4. 实践经验法(Experiential Learning):通过实际体验和实践活动来学习和掌握知识。

5. 游戏式教学法(Game-based Learning):使用游戏元素和游戏机制来激发学生的学习兴趣和积极参与。

6. 问题解决法(Problem-solving Method):让学生自己发现问题并提供解决方案,培养他们的批判性思维和创造性思维能力。

7. 情景教学法(Situational Teaching):通过模拟真实情境来进行教学,使学生能够在实际情况中应用所学知识。

8. 个案教学法(Case Study Method):使用真实案例来引导学生研究和分析问题,培养他们的决策能力和解决问题的能力。

9. 视频教学法(Video-based Learning):通过观看视频来学习和理解知识,增强学习的直观性和趣味性。

10. 行动研究法(Action Research):鼓励学生参与到实际问题的调查研究中,促进他们的主动学习和学以致用的能力。



《英语教学法》名词解释<P3>◆Structural view (结构主义语言理论)The structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: the sound system (phonology); the discrete units of meaning produced by sound combinations (morphology), and the system of combining units of meaning for communication (syntax).◆Functional view(功能主义语言理论)The functional view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things. In order to perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions.◆Interactional view(交互语言理论)The interactional view considers language to be a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.<P5-6>◆Behaviourist theory(行为主义理论)------SkinnerThe key point of the theory of conditioning is that"you can train an animal to do anything( with reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement".◆Cognitive theory(认知理论)Chomsky thinks that language is not a form of behaviour, it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system. There are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with a knowledge of these an infinite number of sentences can be produced. A language learner acquires language competence which enables him to produce language.◆Constructivist theory (建构主义理论)-------John DeweyThe constructivist theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he/she already knows.◆Socio-constructivist theory (社会建构主义理论)Vygotsky emphasises interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD) and scaffolding.<P18>◆Linguistic competence(语言能力)----HedgeLinguistic competence is concerned with knowledge of the language itself, its form and meaning.◆Pragmatic competence (语用能力) ----HedgePragmatic competence is concerned with the appropriate use of the language in social context.◆Discourse competence (话语能力/ 语篇能力) ----Canale and SwainDiscourse competence refers to one’s ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them.◆Strategic competence (策略能力)Strategic competence refers to strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources.<P86>◆ErrorsAn error has direct relation with the learners’language competence.Errors result from lack of knowledge in the target language.◆MistakesA mistake refers to a performance error that is either a randomguess or a slip of tongue, and it is a failure performance to a known system.Mistakes result from carelessness and hesitation.<P143>◆Bottom-up model (自下而上的模式)In the bottom-up model, listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognitions. In other words, “we use information in the speech itself to try to comprehend the meaning” .◆Top-down model (自上而下的模式)In the top-down model, listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasised. In other words, listening comprehension involves “ knowledge that a listener brings to a text, sometimes called “ inside the head” information, as opposed to the information that is available within the text itself” .。



A Course in English Language TeachingUnit 1 Language and LearningViews on language语言观Structural view结构主义as a linguistic systemfunctional view功能主义as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things,base on communicative functionsInteractional view交互性as a communicative toolViews on language learning and learning in general1)Process-oriented theories过程指向论concerned with how the mind processes new information, such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.2)Condition-oriented theories 强调条件理论emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, what kind of input learners receive, and the learning atmosphere.Behaviourist theory 行为主义理论=audio-lingual method听说教学法A stimulus-response theory of psychologyYou can train an animal to do anything(within reason) if you follow a certain. procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement Cognitive theory 认知主义理论communicate approach 交际法Constructivist theory 结构主义理论Learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experience and what he/she already knows.Socio-constructivist theory 社会结构主义理论Emphasises interacion and engagement with the target language in a social context A good language teacherEthic devotion,professional qualities and personal styles品德节操,职业素质和个性特征Learning, practice, and reflectionUnit 2 Communicative Principles and ActivitiesCLT=Communicative Language Teaching 交际语言教学法TBLT=Task-based Language Teaching 任务型教学法PPP=the Presentation, Practice and Production呈现,操练,展出Communicative competenceEntails knowing not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situationFive main components of communicative competenceLinguistic competence 语言能力Pragmatic competence 语用能力Discourse competence语篇能力Strategic competence策略能力Fluency 语言顺畅CLTGoal :to develop students' communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.Principles :Communicative principleTask principleMeaningfulness principleMain features:(1)Functional communicative activities: 功能互动活动Identifying picturesDiscovering identical pairsDiscovering sequences or locationsDiscovering missing informationDiscovering missing featuresDiscovering "secrets"Communicating patterns and picturesCommunicative modelsDiscovering differencesFollowing directionsReconstructing story-sequencesPooling information to solve a problem(2)Social interaction activities: 社会交往活动Role-playing through cued dialoguesRole-playing through cues and informationRole-playing through situation and goalsRole-playing through debate or discussionLarge-scale simulation activities 模仿Improvisation 即兴创作Notes:No specific activities almost about listening and speakingSix criteria for evaluating how communicative classroom activities are: Communicative purpose: information gapCommunicative desire: real needContent, not form: messageVariety of languageNo teacher intervention 干涉No materials controlTBLTDefinition:Refers to an approach based on the use of task as the core unit of instruction in languageTBLT:pre-task, task cycle, language focusDefinition of a task:A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward.Four components of a task:A purpose: focus on content,not formA context: information gapA process:problem solving reasoning , inquiring, conceptualising and communicating A product: no communicational resultsExercises, exercise-tasks and tasks:Focus on individual language items→purposeful&contextualised communicationExercise → exercise-task → taskHow to design tasks:Think about students’ needs, interests, and abilitiesBrainstorm possible tasksEvaluate the listChoose the language itemsPreparing materialsPPP modelAt the presentation stage:The teacher introduces new vocabulary and grammatical structures in whatever ways appropriateAt the the practice stage:The lesson moves from controlled practice to guided practice and exploitation of the texts when necessaryAt the production stage:The students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practised to perform communication tasks.Notes:Grammar-Translation Method: 语法翻译法reading and writingThe Audio-Lingual Method: 听说教学法speaking and listening; dialogues and drills 对话和操练Unit 3 the National English Curriculum 课程标准It was in the 1993 syllables that the word communication was used in the objectives of teaching for the first time.The Six Design principles for the National English Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education:1.Aim for educating all students, and emphasise quality-oriented education面向全体学生,注重素质教育2.Promote learner-centredness, and respect individual differences突出学生主体,尊重个体差异3.Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability整体设计目标,体现灵活开放4.Pay close attention to the learning pro-cess, and advocate experiential learning andparticipation 强调学习过程,倡导体验参与5.Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence 注重过程评价,强调能力发展6.Optimize learning resources, and maximise opportunities for learning and using the language 开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道Framework of objectives in the new National English Curriculum:课程总目标Overall language ability:Learning 学习策略Affect 情感态度Cultural 文化意识Language 语言知识Language skills 语言技能Learning : Cognitive; Self management; Communication; ResourcingAffect: International; Perspective; Patriotism; Confidence; MotivationCultural: Knowledge; understanding; AwarenessLanguage: Phonetics; Grammar; V o cabulary; Functions; TopicsLanguage skills: Listening; Speaking; Reading; WritingThe design of the new National English CurriculumLevel 1: Grade 3-4Level 2: Grade 5-6; basic requirements for 6thgradersGraduate from primary school情感目标语言目标能力目标Level 3: Grade 7/ Junior 1Level 4: Grade 8/ Junior 2Level 5: Grade 9/ Junior 3Graduate from junior high schoolAbove is during Compulsory EducationLevel 6&Level 7: required of every senior high school students2 tracks of elective course:Track 1: level 8& level 9Track 2: from the beginning of senior 1Elective courses: Specialized skill courses; ESP courses应用类; Cultural and literary studies courses 欣赏类etc.Unit 4 Lesson PlanningA lesson plan:教案A framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decision about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve.Benefits from lesson planning:1) A clear lesson plan makes the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.2) It also helps the teacher to distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the relationship between them so that the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another.3) The teacher can also think about how the students can be fully engaged in thelesson.4) when planning the lesson, the teacher also becomes aware of the teaching aids that are needed.5). Lesson planning helps teachers to think about the relative value of different activities and how much time should be spent on them.6) The teacher soon learn to judge lesson stages and phases with greater accuracy.7) Plans are also an aid to continuing improvement.8) After the lesson, the teacher can add an evaluation to the plan, identifying those parts which went well and those which were less successful.Principles for good lesson planning:Aim; Variety; Flexibility; Learnability; Linkage目标性;多样性;灵活性;可学性;连接性Two levels of lesson planning: macro planning and micro planning宏观备课和微观备课Macro planning: planning over a longer period of timeMicro planning: planning for a specific unit or a lessonThere is no clear cut between these two types of planning. Micro planing should be based on macro planning, and macro planing is apt to bemodified as lesson go on.Macro planning involves the following:Knowing about the professionKnowing about the institutionKnowing about the learnersKnowing about the curriculum/ syllabus教学大纲Knowing about the textbookKnowing about the objectivesComponents of a lesson plan:1.Background information背景资料2.Teaching aims: 教学目标Language objectives; Ability objectives; Moral objectivesnguage contents and skills语言的内容和技巧Stages and procedures:Greetings; A warm-up; PPP model/ TBLT model; Summary; Homework/ Assignment4.Teaching aids 教学手段5.End of lesson summary 总结6.Optional activities and assignments7.After lesson reflection:Feelings about the lesson; students’ performances; unexpected incidents; surpris thingsUnit 5 Classroom ManagementThe role of the teacher:Before the class: PlannerDuring the class:1 Controller,2 Assessor评估者,3 Organizer ,4 Prompter敦促者,5 Participant参与者, 6 Resource-providerAfter the class: EvaluatorTeacher’ s new roles:Facilitators促进者; guides; researchersThe most common students groupings:Whole class workPair workGroup workIndividual studyHarmer’ s suggestions on measures for indisciplined acts and badly behaving Students:1)Act immediately2) Stop the class3)Rearrange the seats4)Change the activity5)Talk to Ss after class6)Use the institution制度In order not to hurt the Students, Ur’ s advice on problems in class:1)Deal with it quietly2)Don’ t take things personally 对事不对人3)Do not use threatsUnit 6 Teaching PronunciationThe goals of teaching pronunciation:目的Consistency连贯性: To be smooth naturalIntelligibility可理解性:To be understandable to the listenersCommunicative efficiency交际效率性: To help convey the speakers’ meaning Ways of practicing sounds and their definitions:1.Focusing on a sound 单音练习:(sounds difficult to learn)2.Perception practice 知觉/领会性练习:( identify /distinguish different sounds):Which order; Same or different; Odd one out; Completion3.Production practice 生成性练习: (develop Students’ ability to produce sounds): Listen and repeat; Fill in the blanks; Make up sentences; Use meaningful context; Use pictures; Use tongue twistersThree ways to show the stress of words, phrases and sentences:Use gesturesUse the voiceUse the blackboardTwo ways to make intonation:rising/falling arrows; draw linesUnit 7 Teaching GrammarThree ways of grammar presentation: 演示法Deductive method 演绎法It relies on reasoning, analysing and comparingInductive method 归纳法The teacher provides learners with authentic language data and induces the learners to realise grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation.Guided discovery method 引导发现法It is similar to the inductive method but different in that the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.Ur’ s six factors contribute to successful grammar practice:1) Pre-learning.2) Volume and repetition(容量/重复).3) Success-orientation成功性联系.4) Heterogeneity多样性.5) Teacher assistance.6) Interest.Two categories 类别of grammar practice:Mechanical practice 机械性练习It involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy.In Substitution drills 替换练习In Transformation drills 转移变形练习Meaningful/ communicative practice 有意义/ 交际性练习It focuses on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though thestudents ‘keep an eye on’ the way newly learned structures are used in the process. Using prompts for meaningful practice 提示1)Using picture prompts.2) Using mime 哑剧or gestures as prompts.3) Using information sheet 信息表as prompts.4) Using key phrases or key words关键短语/ 单词as prompts.5) Using chained phrases for story telling.6) Using created situations.Unit 8 Teaching VocabularyKnowing a word involves what:Pronunciation and stressSpelling and grammatical propertiesMeaningHow and when to use it to express the intended meaningDenotative meaning 指示意义Connotative meaning 内涵意义Collocations 搭配Synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms 近义词,反义词,下位词Receptive and productive vocabulary接受性和产出性词汇Ways of presenting vocabulary: 呈现词汇的方法1.Try to provide a visual or physical demonstration whenever possible, using pictures, photos, video clips, mime or gestures to show meaning.2.Provide a verbal context to demonstrate meaning. Then ask students to tell the meaning first before it is offered by the teacher.e synonyms or antonyms to explain meaningse lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanings5.Translate and exemplify, especially with technical words or words with abstract meaninge word formation rules and common affixes to build new lexical knowledge what is already known7.Teach vocabulary in chunks.8.Think about the context in real life where the word might be used.9.Think about providing different context for introducing new words10.Prepare for possible misunderstanding or confusion that students may have Ways of consolidating vocabulary 巩固词汇的方法1) Labeling标注词汇2) Spot the differences3) Describe and draw4) Play a game5)using the Internet resources for more ideas6) Use word series 单词系列7) Word bingo9) word association 自此联想10) find synonyms and antonyms11) categories12) Using word net-work 网状图Developing vocabulary learning strategies:1) Review regularly2) Guess meaning from context3) Organize vocabulary effectively4) Use learned vocabularyUnit 9 Teaching ListeningThe characteristics of listening in real life (adapted from Ur, 1996:106-7):1) Spontaneity 自发性2) Context 环境3) Visual clues 视觉线索回应4) Listener’ s response调节5) Speaker’ s adjustmentPrinciples and models for teaching listening:1)Focus on process2) Combine listening and speaking3) Focus on comprehending meaning4) Grade difficulty level appropriatelyThree teaching stages1.Pre-listening activities: 听前活动1) Predicting 预测2) Setting the scene设置现场3) Listening for the gist 听力要点4) Listening for specific information 细节理解2.While-listening activities1) No specific responses2) Listen and tick 标记3) Listen and sequence 顺序4) Listen and act5) Listen and draw6) Listen and fill填写7) Listen and take notes3.Post-listening activities听后活动1) Multiple-choice questions 多项选择2) Answering questions3) Note-taking and gap-filling填空Dictogloss(1)Preparation(2) Dictation 听写(3) Reconstruction.(4) Analysis and correction.Unit 10 Teaching Speaking Principles for teaching speaking1.Balancing accuracy-based with fluency-based practices2.Contextualising practice3.Personalising practice4.Building up confidence5.Maximising meaningful interactions6.Helping students develop speaking strategies7.Making the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the studentsDesigning speaking tasks:1)Maximum foreign talk 尽可能用外语交谈2)Even participation 平等参与3)High motivation 高积极性4)Right language level 语言水平相对应Types of speaking tasks:1.pre-communicative activities交际前活动Structural activitiesQuasi-communication activitiesmunicative activitiesFunctional communication activitiesSocial interaction activities 人际互动Some Speaking activitiesControlled activitiesSemi-controlled activitiesCommunicative activitiesInformation-gap activitiesDialogues and role-play对话和角色扮演Activities using picturesProblem-solving activitiesUnit 10 Teaching ReadingTwo types of reading practice in classrooms:Reading aloud&Silent readingThe ways of Reading effectively:1.Have a clear purpose in reading2.Read silently3.Read phrase by phrase4.Concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant partse different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks6.Perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate7.Guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them8.Have and use background information to help understand the textPrinciples and models for teaching reading:Bottom-up model:teaching new vocabulary and structures firstTop-down model: introducing background knowledge firstInteractive model:visual informationThree stages:Pre-reading:Predicting, setting the scene, skimming浏览, and scanning寻读Predicting based on the title, vocabulary,the T/ F question While-readingReading comprehension questions 阅读理解Understanding references 理解引用Making inferences: reading between the linesPost-readingDiscussion questionReproducing the text 复述故事Role playGap-fillingDiscussionRetelling 复述WritingUnit12 Teaching WritingThe main procedures of process writing :Creating a motivation to writeBrainstormingMapping 绘图FreewritingOutlining 列提纲Drafting 起草Editing 编辑:peer-editing; self-editingRevising 修改Proofreading 校正Conferencing 与老师讨论Motivating students to write:1.Make the topic of writing as close as possible to students’ life2.Leave students enough room for creativity and imagination3.Prepare students well before writing4.Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing5.Provide opportunities for students to share their writing6.Provide constructive ans positive feedback7.Treat students’ errors strategically8.Give students a sense of achievement from time to time21。



英语教学法教程教案英语教学法教程教案A Course in English Language Teaching教材:《英语教学法教程》主编:王蔷出版社:高等教育出版社陇南师范高等专科学校外语系2008年6月22日Introduction1.The name of this course.1)Methodology of English Teaching2)Methodology of English teaching at middle school/secondary school3)Teaching English as a Foreign Language/TEFL & TESL4) English, Teach it Better2.The nature of language teaching1) What's methodology?English teaching methodology is a set of methods used for study or action in English teaching. It is the science to research the Teaching rules at middle school, which will guide our teaching to develop the students' communicative competence.2) The definition of teaching.Teaching is an attempt to help someone acquire, or change some skills, attitude),knowledge, ideal, or appreciation. In other words, the teacher's task is to create or influence desirable changes in behavior, or in tendencies toward behavior, in his students.3) The purpose of English teachinga. To improve their four skills.b. To cultivate their communicative competence.c. To show them the way to study themselves.3.The significance of learning this course.1) Teaching is a highly demanded art.(4 skills & sing, play, draw and make)2) Teacher's qualificationsa. subject matter competenceb. professional competencec. personal attitude.3)The aims of this course.a)to provide you with the rationale of English teaching at middle school, which will be proved necessary and advantageous to the reform of English teaching.b)to help you to clear the importance as well as the aims of English teaching at middle school in present China.c)to provide you with chances to familiarize with the graded contents of the textbooks in the junior section, analysis of the textbook and to learn the syllabus for middle school English.d)to introduce some commonly used techniques and methods adopted in teaching pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and the cultivation of the students' 4 skills.e)to help you so solve some problems concerning the classroom instruction.f)to make some preparations for the coming teaching practice.4.How to present this course.1) lectures2) readings3) discussions4) watch video demonstrations5) mini-teaching6) practice writing teaching plan and peer teaching.5.The relationship between methodology of English and the other subjects. linguistics, psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, Question:1.What qualifications, in your opinion, should a teacher of English possess?2.Do you think you will perform well in your future teaching? What qualifications have you obtained now? What will you do if you haven't got the required qualifications?3.Who was your admirable teacher of English at junior school?What do you think of him/her?Unit 1 Language and Learning1.Teaching Aims:To discuss some general matters about language learning and teaching, such as common views on language and language learning, qualities of a good language teacher.2.Teaching Content:How do we learn language?Views on languageViews on language learningWhat is good language teacher?How can one become a good language teacher?An overview of the book3. Teaching Hours: 4 periods4. Teaching materials:TextbookHandout5.Teaching Methods:1) Lecture ( Computer-aided Instruction)2)Demonstration6. Teaching Procedures:1) Information about language and language learningThree views about the nature of language: There are many possible theoretical positions about the nature of language. Here are three different views which explicitly or implicitly is reflected in current approaches to language learning.A. The structural view of languageThe structural view of language is that language is a system of structurally related elements for the transmission of meaning.a. These elements are usually described as phonological units (phonemes) grammatical units (phrases, clauses, sentences) grammatical operations (adding, shifting, joining or transforming elements)lexical items (function words and structure words)b. Target of language learningThe target of language learning, in the structural view, is the mastery of elements of this system.c. Methods based on this viewSome of the language learning methods based on this view of language are:the Audiolingual methodTotal Physical Responsethe Silent WayB. The communicative view of languageThe communicative, or functional view of language is the view that language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning. The semantic and communicative dimensions of language are more emphasized than the grammatical characteristics, although these are also included.a. Here are some of the areas of research in this view of language: sociolinguistics ; pragmatics ; semanticsb. Target of language learning : The target of language learning is to learn to express communication functions and categories of meaningc. Approaches and methods based on this viewSome of the language learning approaches and methods based on this view of language are: communicative approaches functional-notional syllabusesThe Natural ApproachC. The interactional view of languageThe interactional view of language sees language primarily as the means for establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships and for performing social transactions between individuals.a. Here are some of the areas of research in this view of language:interactional analysisconversational analysisethnomethodologyb. Target of language learning: The target of language learning in the interactional view is learning to initiate and maintain conversations with other people.c. Approaches and methods based on this viewSome of the language learning approaches and methods based on this view of language are:Strategic interactioncommunicative approaches2) Teaching Methods in the Language Classroom:FL teachers must provide students with adequate teachingmethodology and time, as well as appropriate vocabulary and learning activities that will allow for the development of verbal skills.There is no single "BEST WAY" to teach. The question teachers must address is which methods are best employed during the different stages of the teaching and learning process and then design curriculum to meet their final objectives/goals.a. Grammar Translation:The Grammar Translation method started around the time of Erasmus (1466-1536). Its primary focus is on memorization of verb paradigms, grammar rules, and vocabulary. Application of this knowledge was directed on translation of literary texts--focusing of developing students' appreciation of the target language's literature as well as teaching the language. Activities utilized in today's classrooms include: questions that follow a reading passage; translating literary passages from one language to another; memorizing grammar rules; memorizing native-language equivalents of target language vocabulary. (Highly structured class work with the teacher controlling all activities.)b. Direct Method:The Direct Method was introduced by the German educator Wilhelm Vi?tor in the early 1800's. Focusing on oral language, it requires that all instruction be conducted in the target language with no recourse to translation. Reading and writing are taught from the beginning, although speaking and listening skills are emphasized--grammar is learned inductively. It has a balanced, four-skill emphasis.c. The Silent Way:The teacher is active in setting up classroom situations while the students do most of the talking and interaction amongthemselves. All four skills (listening, speaking, reading & writing) are taught from the beginning. Student errors are expected as a normal part of learning; the teacher's silence helps to foster self-reliance and student initiative.d. Community Language Learning:Teachers recognize that learning can be threatening and by understanding and accepting students' fears, they help their students feel secure and overcome their fears of language learning--ultimately providing students with positive energy directed at language learning. Students choose what they want to learn in the class and the syllabus is learner-generated.e. Natural Approach:Introduced by Gottlieb Henese and Dr. L. Sauveur in Boston around 1866. The Natural Approach is similar to the Direct Method, concentrating on active demonstrations to convey meaning by associating words and phrases with objects and actions. Associations are achieved via mime, paraphrase and the use of manipulatives. Terrell (1977) focused on the principles of meaningful communication, comprehension before production, and indirect error correction. Krashen's (1980) input hypothesis is applied in the Naturale. Reading Method:The reading method was prominent in the U.S. following the Committee of Twelve in 1900 and following the Modern Foreign Language Study in 1928. The earlier method was similar to the traditional Grammar/Translation method and emphasized the transference of linguistic understanding to English. Presently, the reading method focuses more on silent reading for comprehension purposes.f. ASTP and the Audiolingual Method:This approach is based on the behaviorist belief that language learning is theacquisition of a set of correct language habits. The learner repeats patterns and phrases in the language laboratory until able to reproduce them spontaneously. ASTP (Army Specialized Training Program) was an intensive, specialized approach to language instruction used in during the 1940's. In the postwar years, the civilian version of ASTP and the audiolingual method featured memorization of dialogues, pattern drills, and emphasis on pronunciation.g. Cognitive Methods:Cognitive methods of language teaching are based on meaningful acquisition of grammar structures followed by meaningful practice.h. Communicative Methods:The goal of communicative language approaches is to create a realistic context for language acquisition in the classroom. The focus is on functional language usage and the ability to learners to express their own ideas, feelings, attitudes, desires and needs. Open ended questioning and problem-solving activities and exchanges of personal information are utilized as the primary means of communication. Students usually work with authentic materials (authentic realia) in small groups on communication activities, during which they receive practice in negotiating meaning.i. Total Physical Response Method:This approach to second language teaching is based on the belief that listening comprehension should be fully developed before any active oralparticipation from students is expected (just as it is withchildren when theyare learning their native language) .James Ashers' Total Physical Response:Skills in second language acquisition can be more rapidly assimilated if the teacher appeals to the students' kinesthetic-sensory system. Asher believes that understanding of the spoken language must be developed in advance of speaking.Understanding and retention is best achieved through movement (total movement of the student's bodies) in response to command sequences. Asher believes that the imperative form of language is a powerful tool that can be used to guide them to understanding as it manipulates their behavior--many of the gramatical structures of the target language can be learned through the use of the imperative.Never force students to speak before they are ready. Asher believes that as the target language is internalized, speaking will automatically emerge (you must decide, as the teacher, when YOU will encourage your students to participate orally in the classroom).7.Homework:What are difference between learning the first language and a foreign language? What are the qualities of a good language teacher? T o what extent have you got these qualities? What do you think you should do so as to become a good teacher in the future?What are the qualities of good language learner? What do they suggest to language teaching?8.Self-assessment:Because students are not familiar with these theroy on the language and view of thelanguage, it is very difficult to help Ss understand it. So it requires T explain it in details with the help of clare illustration and examples by using vediotapes. To get students read more on linguistics and schools of language methors is also necessary.。





























英语中常用的教学方法一、翻译法(Translation Method)翻译法也叫语法翻译法(Grammar-Translation Method)、阅读法(Reading Method)、古典法(Classical Method)。




翻译法历史悠久,其优点是:1. 学生语法概念清晰;2. 阅读能力较强,尤其是遇到长而难的句子时通过分析句子结构便能理解意思;3. 有助于培养翻译能力和写作能力。

翻译法的缺点是:1. 忽视口语教学,学生的语音语调差,不利于培养学生用外语进行交际的能力;2. 教学方式单一,学生容易失去兴趣。

二、直接法(Direct Method)直接法也叫自然法(Natural Method)、心理法(Psychological Method)、口语法(Oral Method)、改良法(Reformed Method)。




直接法流行甚广,其优点是:1. 采用各种直观教具,广泛运用接近实际生活的教学方式,有助于培养用外语思维的能力;2. 强调直接学习和直接应用,注重语言实践练习,学生学习积极性高,学习兴趣浓厚;3. 重视口语和语音教学,能有效地培养学生的语言运用能力。






1. 交际法交际法是一种强调语言交际能力的教学方法。



2. 听说法听说法是一种注重听力和口语训练的教学方法。




3. 语法翻译法语法翻译法是一种将英语语法和翻译技巧结合起来的教学方法。



4. 任务型教学法任务型教学法是一种以任务为中心的教学方法。



5. 情景教学法情景教学法是一种通过情境和场景还原来进行教学的方法。






【英语教学法 英汉对照a course in english language teaching】

【英语教学法 英汉对照a course in english language teaching】

A Course in English Language TeachingUnit 1 Language and LearningViews on language语言观Structural view结构主义as a linguistic systemfunctional view功能主义as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things,base on communicative functionsInteractional view交互性as a communicative toolViews on language learning and learning in general1)Process-oriented theories过程指向论concerned with how the mind processes new information, such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.2)Condition-oriented theories 强调条件理论emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, what kind of input learners receive, and the learning atmosphere.Behaviourist theory 行为主义理论=audio-lingual method听说教学法A stimulus-response theory of psychologyYou can train an animal to do anything(within reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, andreinforcement.Cognitive theory 认知主义理论communicate approach 交际法Constructivist theory 结构主义理论Learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experience and what he/she already knows.Socio-constructivist theory 社会结构主义理论Emphasises interacion and engagement with the target language in a social contextA good language teacherEthic devotion,professional qualities and personal styles品德节操,职业素质和个性特征Learning, practice, and reflectionUnit 2 Communicative Principles and ActivitiesCLT=Communicative Language Teaching 交际语言教学法TBLT=Task-based Language Teaching 任务型教学法PPP=the Presentation, Practice and Production呈现,操练,展出Communicative competenceEntails knowing not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situationFive main components of communicative competenceLinguistic competence 语言能力Pragmatic competence 语用能力Discourse competence语篇能力Strategic competence策略能力Fluency 语言顺畅CLTGoal :to develop students' communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.Principles :Communicative principleTask principleMeaningfulness principleMain features:(1)Functional communicative activities: 功能互动活动Identifying picturesDiscovering identical pairsDiscovering sequences or locationsDiscovering missing informationDiscovering missing featuresDiscovering "secrets"Communicating patterns and picturesCommunicative modelsDiscovering differencesFollowing directionsReconstructing story-sequencesPooling information to solve a problem(2)Social interaction activities: 社会交往活动Role-playing through cued dialoguesRole-playing through cues and informationRole-playing through situation and goalsRole-playing through debate or discussionLarge-scale simulation activities 模仿Improvisation 即兴创作Notes:No specific activities almost about listening and speakingSix criteria for evaluating how communicative classroom activities are: Communicative purpose: information gapCommunicative desire: real needContent, not form: messageVariety of languageNo teacher intervention 干涉No materials controlTBLTDefinition:Refers to an approach based on the use of task as the core unit of instruction in languageTBLT:pre-task, task cycle, language focusDefinition of a task:A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward.Four components of a task:A purpose: focus on content,not formA context: information gapA process:problem solving reasoning , inquiring, conceptualising and communicatingA product: no communicational resultsExercises, exercise-tasks and tasks:Focus on individual language items→purposeful&contextualised communicationExercise →exercise-task →taskHow to design tasks:Think about students’ needs, interests, and abilitiesBrainstorm possible tasksEvaluate the listChoose the language itemsPreparing materialsPPP modelAt the presentation stage:The teacher introduces new vocabulary and grammatical structures in whatever ways appropriateAt the the practice stage:The lesson moves from controlled practice to guided practice and exploitation of the texts when necessaryAt the production stage:The students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practised to perform communication tasks.Notes:Grammar-Translation Method: 语法翻译法reading and writingThe Audio-Lingual Method: 听说教学法speaking and listening; dialogues and drills 对话和操练Unit 3 the National English Curriculum 课程标准It was in the 1993 syllables that the word communication was used in the objectives of teaching for the first time.The Six Design principles for the National English Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education:1.Aim for educating all students, and emphasise quality-orientededucation 面向全体学生,注重素质教育2.Promote learner-centredness, and respect individual differences 突出学生主体,尊重个体差异3.Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability 整体设计目标,体现灵活开放4.Pay close attention to the learning pro-cess, and advocate experiential learning and participation 强调学习过程,倡导体验参与5.Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence 注重过程评价,强调能力发展6.Optimize learning resources, and maximise opportunities for learning and using the language 开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道Framework of objectives in the new National English Curriculum : 课程总目标Overall language ability:Learning 学习策略Affect 情感态度Cultural 文化意识Language 语言知识Language skills 语言技能 Learning : Cognitive; Self management; Communication; ResourcingAffect: International; Perspective; Patriotism; Confidence; MotivationCultural: Knowledge; understanding; AwarenessLanguage: Phonetics; Grammar; V ocabulary; Functions; Topics Language skills: Listening; Speaking; Reading; WritingThe design of the new National English CurriculumLevel 1: Grade 3-4Level 2: Grade 5-6; basic requirements for 6th gradersGraduate from primary schoolLevel 3: Grade 7/ Junior 1Level 4: Grade 8/ Junior 2Level 5: Grade 9/ Junior 3Graduate from junior high schoolAbove is during Compulsory EducationLevel 6&Level 7: required of every senior high school students2 tracks of elective course:Track 1: level 8& level 9Track 2: from the beginning of senior 1Elective courses: Specialized skill courses; ESP courses应用类; Cultural and literary studies courses 欣赏类etc.Unit 4 Lesson PlanningA lesson plan:教案A framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decision about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve.Benefits from lesson planning:1) A clear lesson plan makes the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.2) It also helps the teacher to distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the relationship between them so that the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another.3) The teacher can also think about how the students can be fully engaged in the lesson.4) when planning the lesson, the teacher also becomes aware of the teaching aids that are needed.5). Lesson planning helps teachers to think about the relative value of different activities and how much time should be spent on them.6) The teacher soon learn to judge lesson stages and phases with greater accuracy.7) Plans are also an aid to continuing improvement.8) After the lesson, the teacher can add an evaluation to the plan, identifying those parts which went well and those which were less successful.Principles for good lesson planning:Aim; Variety; Flexibility; Learnability; Linkage目标性;多样性;灵活性;可学性;连接性Two levels of lesson planning: macro planning and micro planning宏观备课和微观备课Macro planning: planning over a longer period of timeMicro planning: planning for a specific unit or a lessonThere is no clear cut between these two types of planning. Micro planing should be based on macro planning, and macro planing is apt to be modified as lesson go on.Macro planning involves the following:Knowing about the professionKnowing about the institutionKnowing about the learnersKnowing about the curriculum/ syllabus教学大纲Knowing about the textbookKnowing about the objectivesComponents of a lesson plan:1.Background information背景资料2.Teaching aims: 教学目标Language objectives; Ability objectives; Moral objectivesnguage contents and skills语言的内容和技巧Stages and procedures:Greetings; A warm-up; PPP model/ TBLT model; Summary; Homework/ Assignment4.Teaching aids 教学手段5.End of lesson summary 总结6.Optional activities and assignments7.After lesson reflection:Feelings about the lesson; students’ performances; unexpected incidents; surprise thingsUnit 5 Classroom ManagementThe role of the teacher:Before the class: PlannerDuring the class:1 Controller,2 Assessor评估者,3 Organizer ,4 Prompter敦促者,5 Participant参与者,6 Resource-providerAfter the class: EvaluatorTeacher’ s new roles:Facilitators促进者; guides; researchersThe most common students groupings:Whole class workPair workGroup workIndividual studyHarmer’ s suggestions on measures for indisciplined acts and badly behaving Students:1)Act immediately2) Stop the class3)Rearrange the seats4)Change the activity5)Talk to Ss after class6)Use the institution制度In order not to hurt the Students, Ur’ s advice on problems in class:1)Deal with it quietly2)Don’ t take things personally 对事不对人3)Do not use threatsUnit 6 Teaching PronunciationThe goals of teaching pronunciation:目的Consistency连贯性: To be smooth naturalIntelligibility可理解性:To be understandable to the listeners Communicative efficiency交际效率性: To help convey the speakers’meaningWays of practicing sounds and their definitions:1.Focusing on a sound 单音练习:(sounds difficult to learn)2.Perception practice 知觉/领会性练习:( identify /distinguish different sounds):Which order; Same or different; Odd one out; Completion3.Production practice 生成性练习: (develop Students’ ability to produce sounds):Listen and repeat; Fill in the blanks; Make up sentences; Use meaningfulcontext; Use pictures; Use tongue twistersThree ways to show the stress of words, phrases and sentences:Use gesturesUse the voiceUse the blackboardTwo ways to make intonation:rising/falling arrows; draw linesUnit 7 Teaching GrammarThree ways of grammar presentation: 演示法Deductive method 演绎法It relies on reasoning, analysing and comparingInductive method 归纳法The teacher provides learners with authentic language data and induces the learners to realise grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation.Guided discovery method 引导发现法It is similar to the inductive method but different in that the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.Ur’ s six factors contribute to successful grammar practice:1) Pre-learning.2) V olume and repetition(容量/重复).3) Success-orientation成功性联系.4) Heterogeneity多样性.5) Teacher assistance.6) Interest.Two categories 类别of grammar practice:Mechanical practice 机械性练习It involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy.In Substitution drills 替换练习In Transformation drills 转移变形练习Meaningful/ communicative practice 有意义/ 交际性练习It focuses on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students ‘keep an eye on’ the way newly learned structures are used in the process.Using prompts for meaningful practice 提示1)Using picture prompts.2) Using mime 哑剧or gestures as prompts.3) Using information sheet 信息表as prompts.4) Using key phrases or key words关键短语/ 单词as prompts.5) Using chained phrases for story telling.6) Using created situations.Unit 8 Teaching VocabularyKnowing a word involves what:Pronunciation and stressSpelling and grammatical propertiesMeaningHow and when to use it to express the intended meaningDenotative meaning 指示意义Connotative meaning 内涵意义Collocations 搭配Synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms 近义词,反义词,下位词Receptive and productive vocabulary接受性和产出性词汇Ways of presenting vocabulary: 呈现词汇的方法1.Try to provide a visual or physical demonstration whenever possible, using pictures, photos, video clips, mime or gestures to show meaning.2.Provide a verbal context to demonstrate meaning. Then ask students to tell the meaning first before it is offered by the teacher.e synonyms or antonyms to explain meaningse lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanings5.Translate and exemplify, especially with technical words or words with abstract meaninge word formation rules and common affixes to build new lexical knowledge what is already known7.Teach vocabulary in chunks.8.Think about the context in real life where the word might be used.9.Think about providing different context for introducing new words10.Prepare for possible misunderstanding or confusion that students may haveWays of consolidating vocabulary 巩固词汇的方法1) Labeling标注词汇2) Spot the differences3) Describe and draw4) Play a game5)using the Internet resources for more ideas6) Use word series 单词系列7) Word bingo9) word association 自此联想10) find synonyms and antonyms11) categories12) Using word net-work 网状图Developing vocabulary learning strategies:1) Review regularly2) Guess meaning from context3) Organize vocabulary effectively4) Use learned vocabularyUnit 9 Teaching ListeningThe characteristics of listening in real life (adapted from Ur, 1996:106-7):1) Spontaneity 自发性2) Context 环境3) Visual clues 视觉线索4) Listener’ s response 回应5) Speaker’ s adjustment调节Principles and models for teaching listening:1)Focus on process2) Combine listening and speaking3) Focus on comprehending meaning4) Grade difficulty level appropriatelyThree teaching stages1.Pre-listening activities: 听前活动1) Predicting 预测2) Setting the scene设置现场3) Listening for the gist 听力要点4) Listening for specific information 细节理解2.While-listening activities1) No specific responses2) Listen and tick 标记3) Listen and sequence 顺序4) Listen and act5) Listen and draw6) Listen and fill填写7) Listen and take notes3.Post-listening activities听后活动1) Multiple-choice questions 多项选择2) Answering questions3) Note-taking and gap-filling填空Dictogloss(1)Preparation(2) Dictation 听写(3) Reconstruction.(4) Analysis and correction.Unit 10 Teaching SpeakingPrinciples for teaching speaking1.Balancing accuracy-based with fluency-based practices2.Contextualising practice3.Personalising practice4.Building up confidence5.Maximising meaningful interactions6.Helping students develop speaking strategies7.Making the best use of classroom learning environment to providesufficient language input and practice for the students Designing speaking tasks:1) Maximum foreign talk 尽可能用外语交谈2) Even participation 平等参与3) High motivation 高积极性4)Right language level 语言水平相对应Types of speaking tasks:1.pre-communicative activities交际前活动Structural activitiesQuasi-communication activitiesmunicative activitiesFunctional communication activitiesSocial interaction activities 人际互动Some Speaking activitiesControlled activitiesSemi-controlled activitiesCommunicative activitiesInformation-gap activitiesDialogues and role-play对话和角色扮演Activities using picturesProblem-solving activitiesUnit 10 Teaching ReadingTwo types of reading practice in classrooms:Reading aloud&Silent readingThe ways of Reading effectively:1.Have a clear purpose in reading2.Read silently3.Read phrase by phrase4.Concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant partse different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks6.Perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate7.Guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them8.Have and use background information to help understand the text Principles and models for teaching reading:Bottom-up model:teaching new vocabulary and structures firstTop-down model: introducing background knowledge first Interactive model:visual informationThree stages:Pre-reading:Predicting, setting the scene, skimming浏览, and scanning寻读Predicting based on the title, vocabulary,the T/ F questionWhile-readingReading comprehension questions 阅读理解Understanding references 理解引用Making inferences: reading between the lines Post-readingDiscussion questionReproducing the text 复述故事Role playGap-fillingDiscussionRetelling 复述WritingUnit12 Teaching Writing The main procedures of process writing : Creating a motivation to writeBrainstormingMapping 绘图FreewritingOutlining 列提纲Drafting 起草Editing 编辑:peer-editing; self-editing Revising 修改Proofreading 校正Conferencing 与老师讨论Motivating students to write:1.Make the topic of writing as close as possible to students’ life2.Leave students enough room for creativity and imagination3.Prepare students well before writing4.Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing5.Provide opportunities for students to share their writing6.Provide constructive ans positive feedback7.Treat students’ errors strategically8.Give students a sense of achievement from time to time以下是附加文档,不需要的朋友下载后删除,谢谢班主任工作总结专题8篇第一篇:班主任工作总结小学班主任特别是一年级的班主任,是一个复合性角色。



英语10种教学方法英语表达摘要:一、引言1.教学方法的重要性2.英语教学的挑战二、10种有效的英语教学方法1.直接教学法(Direct Method)2.口语教学法(Oral Approach)3.全身反应法(Total Physical Response)4.沉默式教学法(Silent Way)5.语言实验室法(Language Laboratory)6.听说法(Audiolingual Method)7.认知法(Cognitive Approach)8.自然法(Natural Approach)9.任务型教学法(Task-based Learning)10.合作学习法(Cooperative Learning)三、每种教学方法的详细阐述和实例1.直接教学法:强调使用目标语言进行教学,鼓励学生直接用英语思维和交流。












英语教学法 教材

英语教学法 教材



1. 英语教学法:
- 交际法(Communicative Approach):侧重于培养学生在真实语境中运用英语进行交际的能力,注重学生的听说读写全面发展。

- 任务型教学法(Task-Based Language Teaching):通过学生完成真实的任务来促进语言学习,提供实践机会和情境。

- 听说法(Audiolingual Method):强调听和说的训练,通过模仿和重复练习来提高口语表达能力。

- 全语言教学法(Total Physical Response):强调通过动作和身体语言与语言结合,以自然而有趣的方式进行语言学习。

- 个别化教学法(Individualized Instruction):根据学生的个体差异和学习需求,灵活地调整教学内容和方法。

2. 英语教材:
- 国际英语教材:例如《New Headway》,《Interchange》,《English File》等,这些教材追求全球通用的英语标准,适用于国际交流和考试准备。

- 大学英语教材:例如《新编大学英语》,《剑桥大学四级考试》等,这些教材旨在提高学生的英语能力,涵盖听说读写各个方面。

- 职业英语教材:例如《Business English》,《English for
Specific Purposes》等,这些教材侧重于特定行业或职业领域的英语应用。

- 儿童英语教材:例如《儿童英语》,《小学英语》等,这些教材通过游戏、歌曲和趣味练习等方式激发孩子对英语学习的兴趣。



《英语教学法》名词解释<P3>Structural view (结构主义语言理论)The structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: the sound system (phonology); the discrete units of meaning produced by sound combinations (morphology), and the system of combining units of meaning for communication (syntax).Functional view(功能主义语言理论)The functional view not only sees language as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things. In order to perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions.Interactional view(交互语言理论)The interactional view considers language to be a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.<P5-6>Behaviourist theory(行为主义理论)------SkinnerThe key point of the theory of conditioning is that"you can train an animal to do anything( with reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages,stimulus, response, and reinforcement".Cognitive theory(认知理论)Chomsky thinks that language is not a form of behaviour, it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system. There are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with a knowledge of these an infinite number of sentences can be produced. A language learner acquires language competence which enables him to produce language.Constructivist theory (建构主义理论)-------John DeweyThe constructivist theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he/she already knows.Socio-constructivist theory (社会建构主义理论)Vygotsky emphasises interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of“Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD) and scaffolding.<P18>Linguistic competence(语言能力)----HedgeLinguistic competence is concerned with knowledge of the language itself, its form and meaning.Pragmatic competence (语用能力) ----HedgePragmatic competence is concerned with the appropriate use of the language in social context.Discourse competence(话语能力/ 语篇能力) ----Canale and SwainDiscourse competence refers to one’s ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them.Strategic competence (策略能力)Strategic competence refers to strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources.<P86>ErrorsAn error has direct relation with the learners’ language result from lack of knowledge in the target language.MistakesA mistake refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or a slip of tongue, and it is a failure performance to a known result from carelessness and hesitation.<P143>Bottom-up model (自下而上的模式)In the bottom-up model, listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognitions. In other words, “we use information in the speech itself to try to comprehend the meaning” .Top-down model (自上而下的模式)In the top-down model, listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasised. In other words, listening comprehension involves “ knowledge that a listener brings to a text, sometimes called “ inside the head” information, as opposed to the information that is available within the text itself” .。



《英语教学法》作业参考答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D13.A 14.B 15.D16.A17.A 18.C19.D 20.A 21.C22.D23.C 24.APart II Teaching Activities( 客观试题,每题1分,共10分)25.∨26.∨27.×28.×29.×30.∨31.×32.∨33.×34.×35.∨36.×37.∨38.∨39.∨40.×41.×42.×43.×44.∨45. ×46.×47.×48.∨Part III Teaching Principles49.∨50.∨51.×52.∨53.×54.∨55.∨56.×57.×58.×59.∨60.×61.×62.∨63.×64.∨65.×66.∨67.∨68.∨69.×70.∨71.×72.∨Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills73.disagree 74.disagree 75.agree 76.agree 77.agree 78.agree 79.disagree 80.Disagree 81.Agree 82.agree 83.agree 84.Disagree 85.Disagree 86.disagree 87.Agree 88.Agree 89.Agree 90.Agree 91.Agree 92.Disagree 93.Agree 94.Disagree 95.Agree 96.AgreePart V Teaching Planning1.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To have students learn simple present tenseB) To know scientific reportNEW LEXIS: A) seed, dandelion, sycamore, parachute, parachute, burdock, furB) scatter, stick to, twist, throws out, shakes out, drop outGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: by wind, by bird, like, so that..PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of Nature,B) free discussion of natural phenomenon, questionsC) review of present tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of seedsC) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more examples in groupsB) discuss seeds and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to the role of Nature in scattering seeds everywhere Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) write natural phenomenon, papers exchange,B) use present tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about NatureHomework: write something about wind, bird, rain, etc.Reserve activity: analogy of seeds, human beings and seedsVisual aids: flash, slide show2.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To learn simple past tense, describe past actionsB) To learn the structure of “to do” as objectNEW LEXIS: be annoyed, manage to, make up one’s mind, put an end to, pretend to, out of mouth…GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: to leave someone doing,PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of seeing a doctorB) free discussion of hospital or clinicC) review of past tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of the joke,C) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more one’s own experience in hospital in groupsB) discuss doctors and patients and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to doctors’ way of prescription in treating patients Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) tell class the own story, papers exchange,B) use past tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about seeing a doctorHomework: write something about illnessReserve activity: noneVisual aids: flash, slide show, short video‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.3.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) Speaking lesson, for teaching chunksB) ask for helpNEW LEXIS: A) few or noneB) names of people and placesGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: if….; can you… ?PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) Listening to the dialogueB) GamesC) Ask students to say anything as if they have lost somethingStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) proper names background knowledgeB) role-play based on the dialogueC) exercise of “can I….can you?”Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) examples of chunks as “thanks a lot”, “not much”, ..B) ellipsisC) informal style in spoken languageStage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) to design an active to practice the way of asking for help in pairsB) ask them to present their pair workC) explain the function of each chunksHomework: listen moreReserve activityVisual aids: noPart VI Comment and Evaluation1.Prompter: in teaching sometime teachers give students hints to start an activity.Macro planning: the general aims or ideas about the teaching, not in detail. The time may cover as long as a term.Traditional pedagogy: teacher-centered, audio-lingua method, teaching language components Language form: behaviorist view of language emphasizes the importance of language form, instead of language meaning.Role-plays: interaction, meaningful, functional2.Function/notion approach: they regard language as functions and we have some notions to realize these functionsConsistency: in language learning, pronunciation should be smooth and naturalTask-based method: the teaching activities are based on variety of tasksDeductive and inductive method: two opposite ways of grammar teaching. That is, from examples to rules and from rules to examples in detailPrompter: teachers sometime should be a person always giving hints or cues or prompts to studentsso as to help them in learning3.Prompter: teacher who provides the hints or cues for studentsLinguistic competence: contrasted to communicative competenceRole-plays: tasks designed for students to play someone so as to practice real situation Bottom-up and Top-down models: letter to words process and the whole to detail process in learning Behaviorism: key words: pattern drills, reinforcement, S-R, native language, repetition, …。



《英语教学法》(1)期末考试试题之一答案和评分标准Part I. Fill in the blanks with correct information: 30%, two points each1.the teaching of English as a foreign language2.reading, writing, translation3. a functional-notional4.Sociolinguistics5.without any conscious learning6.generative-transformational grammar7.Total Physical Response, Community Language Learning, Suggestopedia8.Structural syllabus, Topic syllabus, Functional syllabus, Situational syllabus, Skills syllabus9.the needs assessment or diagnosis, formulation of objectives, selection of content10.knowing a languagemunicativemunicative Language Teaching13.different functions, different characteristics14.students‟ communicative competence15.CLT—Communicative Language TeachingPart II Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. 20%, two points each1. T2. T3. T 4 F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. FPart III 50%Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class; think about the pre-reading activities you might design for it. [The original text is provided for the reference of markers]Sustainable development: China‟s choice for the 21st century What will the earth look like in the 21st century?As acid rain, ozone depletion, and soil erosion destroy the earth‟s environment and as the negative effects of economic development, such as decreased forest coverage, over-exploration of marine resources and shrinking farmland become more obvious, people have grown concerned about their future living space.In 1987, Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland introduced the term …sustainable development‟in her report entitled Our Common Future to the World Environment and Development Council.The United Nations Environment and Development Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, accepted the new term and passed the framework document called “Agenda 21”.The conference was a milestone and marked a shift from traditional development and life styles to the start of sustained development in the global economy. It proved that development and environmental protection had finally achieved equal importance.It is universally acknowledged that the problem of environmental protection and improvement will be solved only when it is considered in the context of development.At that very conference, Chinese Premier Li Peng, on behalf of the Chinese government,vowed China would seriously fulfill its international obligations. Two years later, in July 1994, China enacted Agenda 21 of China and the Plan for Priority Projects in China’s Agenda 21.It is of great international and historic significance for China, with the world‟s largest population and its long history, to carry out a strategy of sustained development, remarked Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Environment and Development Conference.DATAThe Key Points of Agenda 21 of ChinaFollowing are the main points of the Agenda.Part One: Overall Sustainable Development Strategies. This part emphasizes capacity building for sustainable development. It includes setting up China‟s system of sustainable development, improving education, developing science and technology, and establishing an information system for sustainable development.Part Two: Social Sustainable Development. This part includes population control, consumption by inhabitants, social services, poverty elimination, health, sanitation, sustainable development of human settlement, and disaster relief. The key aspects are to control China‟s population growth and improve population quality.Part Three: Economic Sustainable Development. This part includes economic policies for sustainable development, such as sustainable development of agriculture and the rural economy; sustainable development of industry, transportation, and telecommunications; and sustainable energy production and consumption.Part Four: Rational Resource Use and Environmental Protection. This part includes the protection and sustainable use of water, land and other natural resources; the protection of bio-diversity; the prevention and control of desertification; the protection of the atmosphere; and the environmentally sound management of solid wastes.Pre-reading activities (10%)five points for each ac tivity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each partThe following are possible pre-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.●Examine the accompanying visual information (diagrams, maps, photographs)●Reflect on the title or the topic●State what they already know about the topic●State what they would like to know about the topic●Write their own questions that they want the text to answer●Answer the teacher‟s general questions about the text type or topic (oral or written)●Brainstorm the topic in groups or whole class●Guess the topic by looking at key words from the textWhile-reading Activities (30%)ten points for each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasonsfor your design”, five points for each partThe following are possible while-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.●Skim reading to get the gist (main idea of the text●Locating specific information●Transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, graph or picture●Taking notes on the main points, or on specific points of the text●Drawing a diagram to show the text structure●Answering factual questions on the text●Answering inferring questions on the text (reading between the line)●Putting the events in correct order●Stating if statements given about the text are true or false●Working out the meaning of words or phrases in the text from the context●Examining referents in the text and stating what they refer to●Putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order●Giving sections of a text appropriate headings●Giving the text an appropriate titlePost-reading activities(10%)five points each activity, which are further divided be tween “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”, 2.5 points for each partThe following are possible post-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.●Oral discussion of the topic of the text●Role-play a different situation from the text but using the same characters, or role-play thesame situation as in the text but using the different characters●Writing a summary of the main content of the text●Comment on the content of the text●Retelling the story of the text●Finishing the story (orally or ion writing), that means either predicting an ending or changingthe ending to one of your own choice●Listening to or reading some supplementary materials.。






在第二次世界大战期间,美国发展出所谓“军中外语教学法”(the Army Method),此法后来成为“听说教学法上”,曾在1950至1960年代在美国和世界各地风靡一时;但后来仍遭“认知教学法”取而代之。






在这此教学法里,教师所扮演的角色,已由“听说教学法”中的指挥者(conductor)转型为一位协助者(facil itator)(陈须姬,民84)。




它衍生于“听说教学法”,但在原有的教学技巧中,增加了一些较有意义且强调沟通的教学活动,例如:角色扮演(role pl aying),问题解决(problem solving),以及小组互动(sm all group interaction)等。




英语教学方法有哪些English Teaching Methods。

Teaching English as a second language requires a variety of effective methods to engage students and help them achieve language proficiency. In this document, we will explore some of the most commonly used English teaching methods and their advantages.1. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)。

CLT emphasizes the importance of communication in language learning. This method encourages students to use English in real-life situations, such as role-plays, discussions, and group activities. By focusing on meaningful communication, students can improve their speaking and listening skills while also learning grammar and vocabulary in context.2. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)。

TBLT is a student-centered approach that focuses on completing meaningful tasks as a way to learn language. Teachers design tasks that require the use of English, such as problem-solving activities, projects, or simulations. Through these tasks, students develop their language skills while also achieving specific learning objectives.3. Total Physical Response (TPR)。



英语教学法教程教案A Course in English Language Teaching主讲:姚向礼教材:《英语教学法教程》主编:王蔷出版社:高等教育出版社绪论外语教学法主要流派Teaching approaches & MethodsApproaches & methods of Language Teaching众说纷纭,现以学习理论作为分类标准,将学派分为认知性的,连接性的和综合性的三大类。









自然教学法(绝对排斥本族语的教学法)直接教学法(自然教学法发展起来的)(一种习惯)听说教学法视听教学法功能教学法(又名意念法,交际法或意念——功能—交际法三、综合性的教学法学派,来源于直接法与翻译的综合自觉实践法折衷法(又是极端)分阶段教学法一、语法翻译法(Translation Method)The grammar translation Method(Reading Method ,classical Method ).In China, it is called old method and is probably the most widely known and has been the most widely used of all approaches to language teaching .Although there have been many developments in language teaching, especially in the teaching foreign language ,grammar-translation method in still used today in various forms .And the main drill in translation.The mains features are as the followings.1.Classes are taught in the mother tongue,with little active use of the target lauguage.2.Much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isofated words.3.Long elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given.4.Little attention explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given.5.Often the only drills are exercises in translation disconnecfecl sentences from the target language into the mother tongue.6.little or no attention is given to pronunciation.希腊文、拉丁文、通过翻译来学习外语。



















最终,学生们掌握了英文字母A 的认识、书写、辨认技能,并且在游戏活动中积极参与,达到了预期的教学效果。

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课程名称:英语教学法考试类型:正常考试课程性质:必修使用范围:考试时间:考试方式:闭卷学号年级专业班级学生姓名题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤTOTAL得分★★Be sure to write your answers on the Answer Sheet! Answers written elsewhere will be considered invalid!得分阅卷Part I: Multiple-choice Questions. (15 points)1. Which of the following belongs to the communicative approach?A. focus on accuracyB. focus on fluencyC. focus on strategies2. Which of the following is characteristic of acquisition?A. form-focusedB. accuracy-orientedC. meaning-focused3. Which of the following activities is most likely interactive?A. mimickingB. role playC. problem solving4. When a reader tries to guess the meaning of a new word based on the contextual clue, which one of the following approaches is he using?A. Bottom-up ApproachB. Top-down ApproachC. Interactive Approach.5. When a researcher reads an academic paper to see if it is relevant to his field of interest, which one of the reading skills is he using?A. SkimmingB. ScanningC. Inferring6. Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?A. re-arranging the materialsB. brainstorming the topicC. writing a summary of the text7. What does “locating the specific information” help to train?A. scanningB. skimmingC. inferring8. For a teacher who teaches young learners English pronunciation, which principle is he suggested following?A. Maximum quantity of spoken input.B. Conscious effort.C. Tolerance of errors in continuous speech.9. The grammar rules are often given first and explained to the students and then the students have to apply the rules to given situations. This approach is called___________.A. deductive grammar teachingB. inductive grammar teachingC. prescriptive grammar teaching10. To cultivate communicative competence, what should correction focus on?A. linguistic formsB. communicative strategiesC. grammatical rules11. For better classroom management, what should the teacher do while the students are doing activities?A. participate in a groupB. prepare for the next procedureC. circulate around the class to monitor, prompt and help12. In Mali nowski’s view, “the meaning of any single word is to a very high degree dependent on its _____.”A. formB. contextC. contentD. format13. The Audiolingual Method largely developed in _____ during the Second World War.A. the United StatesB. EuropeC. Latin AmericaD. Asia14. Which type of grammar tends to teach you how the grammar is used by the people rather than how it should be used?A. Descriptive grammarB. Prescriptive grammarC. Traditional grammar15. In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the chance to use the new language freely and incorporate it into their existing language?A. Presentation StageB. Practice StageC. Production Stage得分阅卷Part II: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. (10 points)1.Making errors will lead to bad habit formation, so we should correct them whenever they occur.2.Knowledge of a language includes a knowledge of the appropriateness and the functional value of thelanguage.3.Students have to grasp the relationships between communicative functions and sentences structures so asto communicate properly in real life.4.It is true that inappropriately used expressions can produce more harm than structurally poor sentences.5.As a learner of English, you will be forgiven for errors of inappropriateness if you can speak good English.nguage processing involves far more than the literal meaning of a text or a speech.7.By saying that the teacher is a controller, we mean that he control not only what the students do, but whenthey speak and what language they use.8.Good learners never use linguistic knowledge of their mother tongue to help learn a foreign language.9.If you first identify the topic, purpose and structure of the text and then make guesses, predictions duringreading, you are using the “ bottom-up” approach.10.In lesson planning the teaching objectives should be described on the teacher’s part.得分阅卷Part III: Problem solving (30 points)Directions: Below are three situations in the classroom. Each has a problem or problems. First, identify the problem(s), Second provide your solution(s) according to the CLT principles. You just need to find out one problem and elaborate on it with your solution properly. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. In a grammar class, the teacher teaches the use of “forget” and “remember” in the following way:A. Explains the rules' of their usage,B. Provides some examples to illustrate the usage of the two words,C. Ask the students to do pattern dills,D. Ask the students to apply the rules to given situations.2. When teaching a new reading passage, the teacher writes all the new words on the blackboard and asks the students to look them up in dictionaries. Then the teacher explains the meaning of these new words in simple English usually by providing some examples of their usage. Sometimes, the teacher may provide the Chinese versions for these words. After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher will then shift their focus to the reading passage and explain the passage paragraph by paragraph.3. This is a typical and traditional classroom in China for foreign language teaching and learning. The students' desks are arranged neatly in rows and columns, while the teacher's desk is placed in the front of the classroom on a platform. The teacher comes into the classroom. All students stand up to greet the teacher and the teacher greets back. Then the teacher starts to teach and the students start to take notes. From time to time, the teacher will ask some questions to the whole class, and those students who know the answers will respond in chaos. At other times, the teacher will point at an individual student and asks a question. The teacher also asks the students to do some readings or exercises quietly in class. As the students finish their job, the teacher collects their work and tells them that they will get feedback over the next week.得分阅卷Section IV:Lesson plans (45 points)A: Mini-lesson Plan (15 points)Directions:Read the following abstract of a piece of writing Fish in the Sea and design a mini-teaching plan.In these oceans live huge numbers of a small fish just 5 cm long. These fish swim together, often in a group that may be 4 or 5 meters thick and hundreds of meters long. There may be 63,000 fish per cubic meter. These fish provide the main food for whales. A whale may eat a ton 0f them at a time, and may enjoy four meals a day.B: Design a reading lesson plan at three stages as required. (30 points)Directions:Suppose that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class, think about the pre-reading activities, while-reading activities and post-reading activities you might design for it and write them down on the answer sheet.Age is a relative concept. Each of us will know that people in their sixties who regard themselves as “old”, are therefore seen as old by everyone else. We will also know people in their seventies, eighties or even nineties who remain very much part of society and who are mentally if not physically agile.“Old” also varies from country to country and place to place. The Vilcabamba Valley in Ecuador, for example, is known locally as the “Valley of Old Age” or the “Island of Immunity” where many people live to be over 100. No one really knows why, but a number of factors have been suggested, including the altitude, a mainly vegetable diet with little fat, reasonable work conditions, comparatively little stress, the beneficial effects of a certain kind of tree which recycles air—and the relative isolation of the valley. Further down in South America, in Potosi in Bolivia, life expectancy is at the other extreme—people don’t expect to live beyond their 40th birthday. Mining is the main occupation. The miners and their families suffer from harsh conditions, poverty, overwork, accidents, silicosis and other forms of lung poisoning. Therefore, in Vilcabamba, you may not be considered “old” until you are 90. But in Potosi, you might be “old” at 30.So if we can’t even really generalize about the meaning of “old”, can we say that there is an “aging crisis”? Under current conditions and in the light of today’s population predictions, I think the answer must be“yes”. As more and more people live longer and their numbers increase both in actual numbers and relative to the general population, there will be fewer people to care for them if and when they need it. The dependency ratio, as it is called, is also affected by the increasing financial pressures put on families, particularly in the Third World. More and more women everywhere are working. Because women form the vast majority of careers, this also affects the number of people able to support elderly members of the family. As governments reduce spending on pensions and health systems in an attempt to keep taxes low or to conform to the “structural adjustment” policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund, it is old people who are likely to suffer most.For example, one of the main reasons the people in Africa or Asia or South America give for having large numbers of children is to “provide security” in old age. If people know that they could remain independent and yet be supported in their old age, then they would not feel the need to have so many children. Nor would they feel the isolation from society that arises from not having children.As it is, “old” people—both in the North and the South—have been increasingly isolated from the rest of society in retirement homes which were seen as the model of how to deal with old age. Another model which claims to help people to live more independently is “care in the community”. What it usually means is “care in the family” and in most cases it comes from the ne ed to find a cheap solution to the problem of caring for the old. This is all very well, but it puts the burden of caring very much back into the family—usually the women. While families can in some cases provide the support needed, the breakdown of the extended family and the squeezing of household resources have often led to neglect of, rather than succor for, the elderly. When resources are stretched, the old are likely to be the ones who go without.It is precisely for this reason that in most of the world, “old” people continue to work until they die. They have no choice. They need to earn an income—however small—or they don’t eat. Indeed, people may even have to work harder as they get old, taking on the manual labor that younger people do not want to do. Many have to uproot themselves—old women who outlive their husbands are forced to leave their villages to seek work in the cities. In most Third World countries, older people figure as part of the huge informal economy, selling vegetables on the streets or recycling garbage.The World Bank has suggested a “three-pillar” approach to financing the old which is based entirely on pensions. But even according to the World Bank, an estimated 60 % of the world’s labor force and 70% of old people, are part of the informal economy—they have no pension plan and are unlikely to save.Kasturi Sen, a specialist on aging and policy issues, has quite a different strategy towards this problem. She calls it the “life-cycle” approach. The circumstances that people f ind themselves in when they are older, she says, is simply a continuation to the situation that they have been in throughout their lives. If you are poor, overworked and in ill-health when you are young, these conditions are likely to be the same or worse when you are old. She argues that in order to improve the quality of people’s lives--and especially the lives of women, who in most societies live longer—policies should aim at improving education in earlier life, helping people to move in and out of the labor market, and enabling women to take out financial credit and buy land. Better nutrition and access to contraception would improve health. These things, she says, would do more than anything else to “reduce the possibilities of acute vulnerability in later stages of life.”。
