The Decline of the Western Roman Empire

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Civil war External aggression
The frequent civil wars The unprecedented class contradiction and n ational contradictory at the end of Roman e mpire. The contradiction between productive force s and production relations had caused the ec onomic crisis, and political crisis were inevi table.
A Western Roman Empire existed intermittently in several periods between the 3rd and 5th centuries, after Diocletian's Tetrarchy and the reunifications associated with Constantine the Great and Julian the Apostate (331/2–363). Theodosius I divided the Empire upon his death (in 395) between his two sons. Finally, eighty-five years later,Emperor Zeno of the Eastern Court recognized the reality of the Western Empire's reduced domain (Imperial control had been lost over even the Italian Peninsula) after the death of Western Emperor Julius Nepos, and proclaimed himself sole emperor of the Roman Empire.
The Economical Factor
The economic crisis The development of the productivity,produc tion relationship of slavery can not satisfy p eople’s needs.
The Political Factor
The extravagance at that time The dictatorial system the republican system The kings’ personal rights took priority over the whole country The ruling class corruption,profiligate, plundered the people’s property
Transition Page
The transformation of slavery economy to th e feudal economy The governors of West ern Roman Empire stil l ruled their in the old strategies.
Invasion of the Germanic and the Huns Han the Huns Germanic By 476 CE, Odoacer deposed the Emperor Romulus
The Transformation of Center
The situation before the whole Empire split into two parts 3rd century crHale Waihona Puke Baidusis
The view that the Empire was impossible to govern by one emperor was established by Diocletian following the disastrous civil wars and disintegration of the Crisis of the 3rd century, and was instituted in Roman law by his introduction of theTetrarchy in AD 285, a form of government which was legally to endure in one form or another for centuries. The Western Court was periodically abolished and recreated for the next two centuries until final abolition by the Emperor Zeno in 480, by which time there was little effective central control left in the area legally administered by the Western Court.
of the
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the Western Roman Empire (AD 286-AD 476)
In historiography, the Western Roman Empire consists of the western provinces of the Roman Empire at any one time during which they were administered by a separate independent Imperial court, coequal with (or only nominally subordinate to) that administering the eastern half. "Western" and "Eastern Roman Empire" are modern terms describingde facto independent entities; however, at no point did Romans consider the Empire split into two, but rather considered it a single state governed by two separate Imperial courts out of administrative expediency.