教学设计14:Reading Comprehension
(2) First aid procedures can be used to treat manyburns depending on their location and how much area is affected.
(3)burns usually result from electric shocks, burning clothes, severe gasoline fires and the like. They always require emergency treatment.
Fill in the blanks withfirst degree, second degreeorthird degree:
(1)burns should feel better within a day or two. They should heal in about a week if there are no other problems.
In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to5.
教学设计14:Reading Comprehension
Make a list of things that use energy and make another list of as many sources of energy as you can.
Para.6 F different attitudes to global warming
Para.7 G an introduction to the passage
Read the passage fast and try to find the topic sentence or key words. Match the main idea and answer some questions.
Skim the text and match the main idea with each paragraph.
Para.1 A the cause of the earth’s becoming warmer
reading comprehension
Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: Read the following passages and make the best choice for each of those items.Passage 1The shopping chain Marks and Spencers is very famous. “Marks and Sparks”, as it is popularly known, is a household name in Britain. Vistors to England from all over the world go to Maks and Spencers to do their shopping: M&S’s products are of high quality, and their prices are reasonable.The firm was founded by Michael Marks, a Jewish immigrant to England from Poland. Mr Spencer, the co-founder, was more of an accountant than a businessman.Today, the goods sold by Marks and Spencers including clothing, food, and household goods; all are marked by the “St. Michael” trade name for two reason. First of all, St. Michael, although he was a Christian, is the patron saint of the Jews. Saints are men and women who are recognised by Christians as being specially good and holy; Islam and Buddhism also recognise saints. During his life time, St. Michael tried to protect Jews from attack by the Christians. Secondly, “Michael” was the first name of one of the founders of Marks and Spencers, Mr Marks—though he never claimed that he was a saint!A special feature of Marks and Spencers is its customer-care. Let us suppose that you buy a sweater for your sister’s birthday; you give it her- and it does not fit, or she hates it, or she really wanted something else. Marks and Spencers will take it back, and give you an exchange, or a refund, no questions asked—just as long as you have the receipt, and the goods are not damaged in any way.The world of M&S is a well-organizes world, where nothing, it seems can go wrong. However, in April 1998, this headline appeared in the Daily Telegraph: POWER SRUGGLE OVER TOP JOB AT M&S REPORTED. Written by Kate Rankin, the Deputy City Editor of the newspaper, the story revealed that senior executives were fighting for control.A public company like Marks and Spencers is run by a Board of Director; some of the members of this board are executive directors—this means they have jobs in the company; others are non-executive directors—this means they sit on the board, often because they are major investors. It is the Board of Directors that decisides on the “hiring and firing”of senior executives. It also protects the interests of the investors.1. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence in paragraph two?A) Mr Spencer, who founded the shopping chain together with Mr Marks, was both an accountant and a businessman.B) Mr Spencer, who founded the shopping chain together with Mr Marks, did not do better in the business compared with his partner Mr Marks.C) Mr Spencer, who founded the shopping chain together with Mr Marks, was not a real accountant, but rather a businessman.D) Mr Spencer, who founded the shopping chain together with Mr Marks, was not a real businessman, but rather an accountant.2. What is the passage mainly talking about?A) The shopping chain Marks and Spencers is very famous and the reasons why it can become into a household name in Britain.B) The history of M&S’s development and its two founders——Michael and Mr SpencerC) The shopping chain “M&S” is a household name in Britain. And in 1998 there was a power struggle over the top job.D) The history of M&S’s development and how this public company runs.3. Accoding to the article, which is NOT the reason why M&S are so popular?A) The products in M&S are of good quality.B) Most people can afford the products in M&S because they are reasonable in price.C) M&S is a well-organizes world, where nothing seems can go wrong.D) The customer-care in M&S is superior.4. In which condition can you change your goods or get a refund from M&S?A) As long as you don’t like the goods you buy.B) As long as you have the receipt.C) As long as the goods still remain new.D) As long as you have the receipt and the product you buy is not damaged.5. Which of the following statements are ture according to the author?A) As a Jew, Mr Marks tried to protect Jews from attack by the Christians during his life time.B) M&S is a world famous company and it is well-organized so there are no struggles in the company.C) Both the executive directors and non-executives directors have their jobs in M&S.D) One of the responsibilites of the Board of Directors is to hire and fire the senior executives.Passage 12The human brain has two sides, and each side has different work to do.The left side of the brain controls language and number; it analyses and reasons. The right side controls our imagination; it controls our appreciation of music and our sense of rhythm. It is the right side of our brain which daydreams.Great artists and great scientists are similar: they both use the two sides of their brain. It is well-know that Albert Einstein, as a great scientist, also enjoyed art, playing the violin and sailing. Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from analysis, reason and language. He said that written and spoken words were not important in his thinking. The story goes that Einstein was daydreaming one summer’s day while sitting on a hill. He imagined that he was riding on sunbeams to the far distance of the universe. Then he found that he had returned the sun. So he realized that the universe must curve. He got this idea by using his imagination. He then used the left side of brain to use analyses, number and reason. And finally he used language to explain it.Traditional, established education in school encourages us to use the left side of our brains. Languge, number, analysis and reason are given more importance in our schools than imagination and daydreaming. However, we are encouraged to hop when we have two perfectly good legs! Then why don’t we give more value to visual thinking?In fact, we all need both sides of our brains. We need to use our imaginations to think of solutions to problems and to enjoy emotional and artistic experiences. And we need to be logical and to be able to analyze and organize in order to survive day by day.1.Accroring to the passage, the left side of the brain______.A)controls language and numberB)controls our imaginationC)daydreamsD)controls our sense of rhythm2.What does the author want to show by using the example of Einstein?A)Great scientists are also great artists.B)The left side of Einstein’s brain is very powerful.C)Einstein is a genius whose two sides of the brain are strongD)The two sides of the brain are equally important.3.What do we learn about Einstein from the passage?A)He could paly the violin well.B)He said his scientific discoveries are aqucired by analysis rather than by daydreaming.C)He was the first person to discover the track of the sun.D)He was disgusted at language.4.What does the author mean by saying “we are encouraged to hop when we have two perfectlygood legs”?A)We needn’t hop because we are healthy.B)Only those who have something wrong in their legs can be encouraged to hop.C)It is foolish of us to hop when we have two perfectly good legs.D)We should use both sides of the brain.5.The author believes that the right side of our brain is as important as the left side because_____.A)It controls our appreciation of music and sense of rhythm.B)It enables us to make scientific discoveries.C)It is more important to analyze and organize in order to survive.D)The imaginations may provide solutions to problema and enable us to enjoy emtional andartistic experiences.。
20-21版:Reading and Thinking—Comprehending(步步高)
Later,the Ming Dynasty sent seven large 5. fleets (fleet) to sail west on voyages of trade and exploration.6. Under the command of Zheng He,they set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea,and then to the east coast of Africa.Although China 7.__w__it_h_d_r_e_w___ (withdraw) from further expeditions after 1433,these land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for centuries.
4.Although China withdrew from further expeditions after 1433,these
land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for
Unit 3
Sea Exploration
元 主
The immense ocean is the cradle of life.
Ocean Exploration Changed Human History
免疫监视功能低下时,易发生A.超敏反应B.肿瘤C.自身免疫病D.移植排斥反应E.免疫缺陷病 不属于内源性感染微生物"贮藏库"的部位是A.呼吸道B.阴道C.输尿管D.肠道E.皮肤 取得出版专业初级职业资格者,可以聘任职务。A.见习编辑B.技术编辑C.一级校对D.二级校对 地方性氟中毒的预防主要是A.改水B.饮水加除氟剂C.种植吸氟植物D.食物除氟E.治疗氟斑牙 牙体缺损修复在恢复邻面接触区时应注意正常的接触位置,错误的说法是。A.['前牙接触区靠近切缘B.后牙接触区近中靠近缘,远中在缘稍下C.第二前磨牙与第一磨牙邻面接触区多在邻面颊1/3与中1/3交界处D.第二前磨牙与第一磨牙邻面接触区多在邻面舌1/3与中1/3交界处E.第一磨牙远中与 2船舶实际吃水与平均吃水的概念,商船水尺读数表示。A.水面至水底深度B.水面到船底深度C.水底至船底深度D.水线到甲板的高度 6502电气集中在12线上串接QJJ第二组接点其作用是。A.防止提前解锁B.防止道岔中途转换C.防止迂回电流D.保证供电 在WPS处于改写状态时,若光标已位于文本的最后一行,这时按回车键,结果是。A.仅简单地将光标移到本行行尾B.仅简单地将光标移到本行行首C.插入一行D.没有任何变化 关于中药调剂工作制度,以下叙述错误的是A.处方日期超过2日的应请处方医师重新签字方可调配B.审方人员无权修改医师处方C.计价时应使用黑色或蓝色钢笔、圆珠笔D.调配人员对所调配的饮片质量负有监督的责任E.一张处方不宜两人共同调配 在天然Penicillin中,疗效最好的是A.PenicillinKB.PenicillinNC.PenicillinXD.PenicillinG 某软件企业根据市场需求,组织开发出一种新应用软件。为确保企业的市场竞争力,该企业对其所有员工进行了保密的约束。但某开发人员将该应用软件的程序设计技巧和算法通过论文向社会发表,使得软件企业丧失了A.发行权B.软件著作权C.商业秘密权D.专利权 软件可用性是指在某个给定时间点上程序能够按照需求执行的概率,其定义为A.可用性=MTTF/(MTTF+MTTR)x100%B.可用性=MTTR/(MTTF+MTTR)x100%C.可用性=MTTF/(MTTF-MTTR)x100%D.可用性=MTTR/(MTTF-MTTR)x100% 许多寄生虫除了寄生人体外,还可在其他动物体内寄生,下列哪一种不是人兽共患寄生虫病A.血吸虫病B.疟疾C.肝吸虫病D.肺吸虫病E.弓形虫病 乡级计划生育药具管理机构主要承担那些任务? 正常人昼尿量与夜尿量之比为A.(2~3):1B.(3~4):1C.(4~5):1D.(5~6):1E.(6~7):1 财产权按照其各项权能的内容划分,包括:A.所有权B.占有权C.使用权D.收益及处置权 正常成人食管下口(即贲门)与气管最下约距多少个胸椎距离?()A.9B.8C.6D.4E.2 釉质外观呈淡黄色的原因是A.釉质形成不全B.釉质矿化不全C.釉质矿化程度高,透出深部牙本质的颜色D.色素沉着E.氟牙症 枳实导滞丸的组成药物中不含。A.大黄;泽泻B.枳实;黄芩C.神曲;茯苓D.黄连;白术E.木香;半夏 商业银行风险管理体系一般包括以下四个基本要素:一是董事会和高管层的有效监控,二是,三是有效的风险识别、计量、监测和控制程序,四是。 窗台墙上部产生上宽下窄裂缝,其原因是。A、窗洞口过大B、砌体抗拉强度不足C、地基软弱D、没设置圈梁 孟子,名,字子舆,儒家学派代表人物,后世与孔子并称“”。 网络安全设计是保证网络安全运行的基础,网络安全设计有其基本的设计原则。以下关于网络安全设计原则的描述.错误的是A.网络安全的"木桶原则"强调对信息均衡、全面地进行保护B.良好的等级划分,是实现网络安全的保障C.网络安全系统设计应独立进行,不需要考虑网络结构D. 下列关于项目特有风险的衡量和处置方法的说法中,错误的是。A.敏感分析法包括最大最小法和敏感程度法两种方法B.敏感分析允许多个因素同时变动,而情景分析只允许一个因素变动C.情景分析一般假设未来现金流量有三种情景:基准情景、最坏情况和最好情况D.模拟分析考虑了无限多的情景 是针对重复性的技术事项而制定的标准,是从事生产、建设及商品流通时需要共同遵守的一种技术依据。A.商业标准B.技术标准C.管理标准D.工作标准 甲、乙订立买卖合同,约定甲于2011年3月1日向乙供货,乙在收到货物后1个月内一次性付清全部价款。甲依约供货后,乙未付款,若甲一直未向乙主张权利,则甲对乙的付款请求权诉讼时效期间届满日为。A.2012年4月1日B.2013年3月1日C.2012年3月1日D.2013年4月1日 能杀灭肝细胞内速发型和迟发型疟原虫,杀灭各种疟原虫配子体的药物是A.伯氨喹B.乙胺嘧啶C.氯喹D.奎宁E.吡喹酮 病毒悬液的初步浓缩方法不包括A.红细胞吸附浓缩法B.聚乙二醇浓缩法C.干燥法D.超过滤法E.密度梯度离心法 怀疑输血引起的细菌污染反应,最简单而快速的诊断方法是A.患者血做直接涂片B.患者血做细菌培养C.取供者余血做直接涂片D.所输血做细菌培养E.抗菌药物治疗性诊断 船舶在设计时使用的尺度为。A.船型尺度B.理论尺度C.实际尺度D.最大尺度 设备事故抢修及紧急缺陷处理的设备在小时内无法恢复的,应办理工作票。A.2B.4C.6D.8 衍生证券是一种金融工具,它的价值取决于等一种或几种资产的价格。A.金融资产B.政府债C.固定收益证券D.外汇或商品E.股本证券 应用顺序标号,来保证系统每笔日记账都是唯一的,并且系统不会接受相同编号,能达到的信息处理目标是。A.完整性B.准确性C.授权D.访问限制 信息安全策略的设计与实施步骤是A.定义活动目录角色、确定组策略管理安全性、身份验证、访问控制和管理委派B.确定标准性、规范性、可控性、整体性、最小影响、保密性原则,确定公钥基本结构C.确定安全需求、制订可实现的安全目标、制订安全规划、制订系统的日常维护计划D.确定安全 采用高低压自动切换技术,在泵送过程中可以随意切换,不用停机。A.正确B.错误 者建立了静脉通道并进行输血治疗。因时间紧迫,从血库取回血后,为了尽早将血输给患者,护士便将血袋放在热水中提温,5分钟后为患者输入。当输入15分钟左右,患者感到头部胀痛,出现恶心呕吐,腰背部剧痛。此反应的产生最可能的原因是()A.输入了对患者致敏的物质B.输入了异型血 人体试验不包括下列哪个条件A.有利于医学和社会发展B.受试者知情同意C.试验者多数同意D.严谨认真的科学态度E.有科学对照 下列哪种疾病引起的发热多不伴寒战A.疟疾B.大叶性肺炎C.伤寒D.流行性感冒E.急性肾盂肾炎 属固有免疫应答的是。A.外周淋巴器官B.补体C.骨髓D.淋巴结E.T及B淋巴细胞 视网膜母细胞瘤最常见的生长方式是A.内生型B.外生型C.混合生长型D.弥漫性生长型E.苔藓状生长型
低碳钢的屈服极限发生在拉伸过程中的阶段。A、弹性B、屈服C、强化D、颈缩 在政府授权开发企业负责实施土地开发时,由负责筹措资金,办理规划、项目核准、土地征收等手续并组织实施。A.政府部门B.建设部门C.房管部门D.开发企业 不同的病变需要优选最适宜的检查方法。诊断眼眶爆裂骨折,最好的检查方法是A.X线平片B.CT冠状位扫描CT横断位扫描D.矢状面重建E.MRI 数字出版产业发展态势的特点,包括。A.新技术驱动产业变革B.内容资源的集成化C.产业链利益格局重构D.复合型人才的引进E.产业融合发展 职业安全健康管理体系的评价可分为三个层次,其中是体系成功运行的必备要素。A.绩效测量与监测B.审核C.管理评审D.复核 下列住院病案错误的是()A.医疗记录B.护理记录C.检验记录D.镜检记录E.交班报告 二氧化碳本身不燃,不助燃,比空气轻,是一种无色、无味的惰性气体.A.正确B.错误 患者,35岁,白天在一般生活及工作中突然全身肌肉软弱无力,张口、垂颈、不能说话、瘫倒在地,持续30秒后缓解,发作时无意识障碍,每月发作1~2次。最可能的诊断是A.重症肌无力B.周期性麻痹C.癔症性瘫痪D.失张力发作E.发作性睡病 要求保持床单位清洁干燥,无、、污迹,无,无。 [单选,A2型题]10个月婴儿,高热,伴阵咳、喘、精神不振10d入院。查体:T39℃,面色苍白,呼吸困难,右上肺叩诊浊音,听诊可闻中、小水泡音。心率170/min,肝肋下3.0cm。末梢血象:白细胞7.0×10/L,淋巴0.85。此例治疗哪项是不必要的A.吸氧B.抗病毒治疗C.维持体液平衡D.血管 矿井涌水的大小,通常以每或每涌入矿井多少立方米/水计算。 锅炉冷、温热态启动的注意事项及启动监督? 土地登记是土地权利变动的方式。A.法定公告B.法定公示C.法定通知D.法定传送 汉语标准失语症检查项目不包括A.听理解B.复述C.会话D.阅读理解E.抄写 关于食管癌转移途径不正确的是。A.下段癌常侵入幽门、心包B.淋巴道转移沿淋巴引流途径进行C.上段癌可侵入喉、气管D.晚期经淋巴道转移至锁骨上淋巴结E.经血道转移至肝和肺 你认为下列哪项工作需要做作业风险分析。A.甲板日常搞卫生B.进入水泥罐检修C.接飞机D.整理库房 急性间质性肾炎光镜下可见间质水肿伴炎症细胞浸润,其中不常见的炎症细胞为A.淋巴细胞B.中性粒细胞C.嗜酸性细胞D.单核细胞E.嗜碱性粒细胞 脑膜炎球菌的主要致病因素是A.变态反应致细胞病变B.外毒素C.神经毒素D.直接致组织细胞坏死E.内毒素 从1950年的第一部动画,发展到60年代已经每年能制作出十多部动画,其中特别值得一提的就是1961~1964年制作的,它可以说是当时国内动画的巅峰之作。 支气管肺炎肺部听诊最典型的体征是A.呼吸音粗B.固定的中小水泡音C.满布哮鸣音D.大量痰鸣音E.呼吸音降低 当船舶重心与浮心重合时,则横倾后静稳性力臂。A.为正B.为负C.为零D.以上均有可能 《能源发展“十一五”规划》中要求按照开发方式,建设大型水电基地。A.因地制宜B.顾全大局C.正常的D.流域梯级 心搏骤停患者的年龄不同,心肺复苏的操作也有所不同,下列不属于按年龄划分的是。A.成年人心肺复苏B.老年人心肺复苏C.儿童心肺复苏D.婴儿心肺复苏E.新生儿心肺复苏 利用沉淀反应进行重量分析时,希望沉淀反应进行得越完全越好。就相同类型的沉淀物而言,沉淀的溶解度越小,沉淀越不完全,沉淀的溶解度越大,沉淀越完全。A.正确B.错误 女,60岁,慢性肺心病顽固性心力衰竭,经综合治疗及强心利尿效果不佳,应进一步采取的措施是A.应用血管扩张剂B.人工呼吸机C.加大强心、利尿药剂量D.高压氧治疗E.以上都不对 急性膀胱炎期间不应A.热水坐浴B.膀胱镜检查C.多饮水D.卧床休息E.使用抗菌药物 诊断无明显移位骨折的重要体征是。A.纵轴叩击痛B.肿胀和瘀斑C.环状压痛D.异常活动E.骨擦音和骨擦感 业务是我行依靠现有的资金实力和丰富的融资经验,对客户的项目融资提供可行性分析、风险分析、融资结构设计、担保方式设计、融资方式等服务。A、投融资顾问业务B、常年财务顾问业务C、企业上市顾问业务D、重组并购顾问业务 梅尼埃病的临床特征不包括()A.发作性头晕B.耳聋C.耳鸣D.耳胀满感E.眩晕 急性血源性急性慢性骨髓炎应用骨扫描一般在A.4~6h即可诊断B.6~12h即可诊断C.12~24h即可诊断D.24~48h即可诊断E.48~72h即可诊断 一个仓泵安有哪几个阀? 依照各国《电信法》的规定,负责电信法的具体实施和规制,并且根据管理实际适时提出修改法律的建议和制定具体规制措施。A.独立的电信规制机构B.独立的电信运营公司C.独立的反垄断机构D.独立的行政管理机构 有关内伤发热的病因病机是A.肝经郁热B.瘀血阻滞C.中气不足D.阳气虚衰E.血虚失养 患者,34岁,急性胃肠炎补液中,护士发现患者注射处局部肿胀,挤压无回血,主诉有疼痛感。患者发生了什么情况()A.静脉痉挛B.针头阻塞C.针头紧贴血管壁D.针头滑出血管外E.压力过低 中央与地方共享收入不包括。A.增值税B.资源税C.契税D.印花税 脑栓塞的临床表现中,下述哪项是不正确的。A.起病多急骤B.年龄多较轻C.多有脑膜刺激征D.常见局限性抽搐、偏瘫、失语E.多有风湿性心脏病 压缩机特性曲线的含义是什么? 急性乳腺炎最多见的原因是A.有乳腺囊性增生症病史B.先天乳头内陷C.初产妇D.全身抵抗力下降E.乳头皮肤破溃损伤 ___是通过与自己熟悉的人沟通,达到交流感情、减轻烦恼困扰的一种心理调适方法。A.暗示调适法B.交往调适法C.活动调适法D.自我放松 下列哪种情况最不可能是牙周病的局部促进因素。A.不良修复体B.设计不良的活动义齿C.正畸治疗D.用橡皮圈关闭前牙间隙E.牙线的使用
Analysis of Reading comprehension question types
Understand the main idea of the article
These types of questions require candidates to understand the main points or themes of the article, usually involving a grasp and understanding of the overall content of the article.
English reading comprehension
Reading comprehension skillsAnalysis of Reading comprehension question typesReading comprehension article typesReading comprehension problems solving strategiesMethods for improving reading comprehensionReading comprehension exercises and analysis
Context understanding
The ability to rephrase or summarize text in one's own words, guaranteeing comprehension of the main points and accurate representation of the original meaning This skill is useful for note taking, summarizing, and in academic writing
阅读理解五年级英语Reading Comprehension for Fifth Grade EnglishReading comprehension is a critical skill for students to develop, especially in the fifth grade as they transition into more advanced academic work. At this stage, students are expected to not only read and understand the literal meaning of a text, but also to analyze, interpret, and draw inferences from what they have read. This requires a deeper level of engagement and critical thinking, which can be challenging for some students.One of the key aspects of reading comprehension is the ability to identify the main idea of a passage. This involves understanding the overall message or theme that the author is trying to convey. Students should be able to distinguish between the main idea and supporting details, and recognize how the different parts of the text work together to support the central theme.Another important component of reading comprehension is the ability to make inferences. This means going beyond the literal meaning of the text and using clues and context to draw conclusions or make logical assumptions about what is not explicitly stated. Thisskill requires students to use their prior knowledge and experience to fill in the gaps and deepen their understanding of the material.In addition to identifying main ideas and making inferences, fifth-grade students should also be able to recognize the structure and organization of a text. This includes understanding the different types of text, such as narrative, expository, or persuasive, and how the author's use of language, tone, and rhetorical devices can influence the meaning and impact of the message.One effective way to develop reading comprehension skills in fifth-grade English is through the use of a variety of text types and genres. This can include fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and informational texts on a wide range of topics. By exposing students to a diverse array of reading materials, they can learn to apply their comprehension strategies to different types of texts and become more well-rounded and adaptable readers.Another key component of reading comprehension instruction is the use of active reading strategies. This can include techniques such as previewing the text, making predictions, asking questions, and summarizing the main points. By actively engaging with the text, students can better understand and retain the information they have read.In addition to these specific comprehension strategies, it is also important for fifth-grade students to develop a strong foundation in vocabulary and language skills. This includes understanding the meaning of words in context, recognizing common prefixes and suffixes, and being able to use reference materials such as dictionaries and thesauruses to expand their word knowledge.Overall, reading comprehension is a complex and multifaceted skill that requires a combination of cognitive, linguistic, and metacognitive abilities. By providing fifth-grade students with a comprehensive and engaging instructional program that focuses on developing these key components, educators can help students become more confident, proficient, and enthusiastic readers.。
英语阅读理解 一年级
英语阅读理解一年级English Reading Comprehension for First Grade。
In first grade, students begin their journey to become proficient readers in English. This crucial stage lays the foundation for their future language development. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of English reading comprehension for first graders.First and foremost, phonics is a fundamental skill that first graders need to master. Phonics involves understanding the relationship between letters and sounds. By learning the individual sounds of letters and letter combinations, students can decode words and improve their reading fluency. Teachers often use interactive activities and games to make phonics learning enjoyable and engaging.Building vocabulary is another essential component of reading comprehension. First graders are introduced to new words and concepts through various reading materials, such as storybooks and informational texts. Teachers employ strategies like word walls, flashcards, and vocabulary games to help students expand their word bank. By understanding the meaning of words, students can better comprehend the texts they read.Comprehension strategies play a vital role in helping first graders understand what they read. Teachers teach students how to make connections between the text and their own experiences, which enhances their understanding and engagement. Additionally, students learn how to ask questions, make predictions, and summarize the main ideas of a story or passage. These strategies foster critical thinking skills and encourage active participation in the reading process.Fluency is another crucial aspect of reading comprehension. First graders practice reading aloud to improve their fluency and expression. They learn to read with appropriate speed, accuracy, and intonation. Fluency allows students to focus on understanding the text rather than decoding individual words. Teachers often incorporate guided reading sessions and partner reading activities to develop fluency skills.Reading comprehension assessments are used to evaluate students' understanding of the texts they read. These assessments can take various forms, such as oral questioning, written responses, or comprehension worksheets. Teachers use the results to identify areas of improvement and tailor instruction to meet individual students' needs.To foster a love for reading, first graders are exposed to a wide range of literary genres, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and fables. Reading materials are carefully selected to match students' interests and reading levels. By offering a variety of texts, teachers encourage students to explore different genres and develop a lifelong passion for reading.In conclusion, English reading comprehension for first graders is a multifaceted process that encompasses phonics, vocabulary, comprehension strategies, fluency, and a love for reading. By providing a supportive and engaging learning environment, teachers play a crucial role in nurturing students' reading abilities. With continued practice and guidance, first graders can develop strong reading comprehension skills that will benefit them throughout their academic journey.。
四级英语文章阅读Reading comprehension is a crucial skill for students taking the College English Test (CET) level 4 exam in China. The CET-4 is a standardized test that assesses the English proficiency of non-English major university students in China. One of the most challenging sections of the CET-4 is the reading comprehension portion which requires test-takers to demonstrate their ability to understand and analyze written passages in English.Effective reading comprehension skills are essential for success on the CET-4 as they enable students to fully understand the meaning and context of the passages presented on the exam. Strong reading comprehension allows students to identify the main ideas and key details, make inferences, and draw conclusions from the text. This is critical for answering the multiple-choice and short-answer questions that are typically included in the reading comprehension section of the CET-4.One of the key strategies for developing effective reading comprehension skills is to regularly practice reading a variety ofEnglish texts, including academic articles, news reports, and literary works. By exposing themselves to a range of writing styles and subject matter, students can build their vocabulary, improve their understanding of grammatical structures, and develop a better sense of how language is used in different contexts.In addition to regular practice, students should also focus on developing specific reading comprehension strategies that can be applied to the types of passages they are likely to encounter on the CET-4. These strategies may include skimming the text to identify the main ideas, scanning for key details, making predictions about the content, and using context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.Another important aspect of developing strong reading comprehension skills for the CET-4 is to become familiar with the format and structure of the exam itself. By understanding the types of questions that are typically asked and the time constraints of the reading comprehension section, students can better prepare themselves to effectively manage their time and resources during the test.One effective way for students to prepare for the reading comprehension portion of the CET-4 is to practice taking sample tests and then carefully analyze their performance. By identifyingtheir strengths and weaknesses, students can develop targeted strategies for improving their reading comprehension skills and increasing their chances of success on the exam.In addition to practicing reading comprehension skills, students should also focus on building their overall English language proficiency. This may involve studying grammar, vocabulary, and other language skills that are essential for understanding written texts. By developing a strong foundation in the English language, students can more effectively apply their reading comprehension strategies to the passages they encounter on the CET-4.Another important factor in developing effective reading comprehension skills for the CET-4 is to maintain a positive and focused mindset. Preparing for a high-stakes exam like the CET-4 can be stressful, but students who are able to stay calm and focused are more likely to perform well on the reading comprehension section. Techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and positive self-talk can all be helpful in managing test anxiety and maintaining a productive mindset.In conclusion, developing strong reading comprehension skills is essential for success on the CET-4 exam. By regularly practicing reading a variety of English texts, applying specific reading comprehension strategies, and building their overall Englishlanguage proficiency, students can improve their ability to understand and analyze written passages on the exam. Additionally, maintaining a positive and focused mindset can also play a crucial role in helping students achieve their goals on the CET-4.。
2024 New High School English Reading Comprehension
Context clusters
Use of dictionaries
Utilize context clusters, such as synonyms, antonyms, examples, and definitions, to infer the meaning of unknown words
Author's Purpose and Tone Questions
These questions ask students to analyze the author's intent, title, or emotional tone in writing the text
Steps and Strategies for Solving Problems
Summary and improv
Develop a deep understanding of different types of reading comprehension questions and how to approach them effectively Practice active reading strategies to improve your comprehension of complex texts
02 accumulation and application
High frequency vocal sorting
Identify and classify high frequency words
Sort out the most commonly used words in English reading comprehension, such as nouns, verbs, objections, and advertisements
新高一英语作文阅读理解Reading Comprehension in New High School English。
As a freshman in high school, I have encountered a lot of new challenges, especially in English class. One of the biggest challenges for me has been reading comprehension. In order to improve my reading comprehension skills, I have been working hard to practice and develop my ability to understand and analyze texts.First of all, I have been reading a lot of different types of texts. I have been reading novels, short stories, essays, and articles in order to expose myself to a wide range of writing styles and topics. By reading a variety of texts, I have been able to improve my vocabulary and grammar skills, as well as my ability to understand different writing styles and tones.In addition to reading different types of texts, I have also been practicing active reading strategies. This meansthat I have been actively engaging with the texts I read by asking questions, making predictions, and summarizing key points. By actively engaging with the texts I read, I have been able to improve my ability to understand and analyze the material.Furthermore, I have been working on my note-taking skills in order to improve my reading comprehension. When I read a text, I make sure to take notes on the main ideas, key points, and important details. This has helped me to better understand and remember the material I read, as well as to prepare for class discussions and exams.Finally, I have been practicing critical thinkingskills in order to improve my reading comprehension. This means that I have been evaluating the texts I read by considering the author's purpose, the evidence provided, and the overall argument or message. By practicing critical thinking skills, I have been able to develop a deeper understanding of the material and to form my own opinions and interpretations.In conclusion, reading comprehension is an important skill that I have been working hard to improve as a new high school student. By reading a variety of texts, practicing active reading strategies, improving my note-taking skills, and practicing critical thinking, I have been able to make significant progress in my reading comprehension skills. I am confident that these skills will continue to serve me well as I progress through high school and beyond.。
英语阅读强化教程English reading is a fundamental skill that is essential for academic and professional success. It is the foundation for understanding and comprehending written materials, which is crucial in today's information-driven world. Strengthening one's English reading abilities can open up a world of opportunities and enhance overall language proficiency. This essay will provide a comprehensive English reading reinforcement tutorial, covering key strategies and techniques to help individuals improve their reading comprehension and fluency.Developing Effective Reading HabitsEstablishing effective reading habits is the first step towards enhancing English reading skills. This involves creating a conducive environment for reading, setting aside dedicated time, and maintaining a consistent routine. Readers should find a quiet and comfortable space free from distractions, where they can fully immerse themselves in the reading material. It is also important to set aside a specific time each day, even if it is for a short duration, to engage in reading activities. Consistency is key, as regular practicewill help to ingrain the reading habit and gradually improve one's skills.Furthermore, readers should approach the reading process with a clear purpose and mindset. Before delving into a text, it is crucial to understand the overall purpose of the reading, whether it is to gain information, analyze a argument, or simply to enjoy the narrative. This will help the reader to focus their attention and engage more effectively with the material. Additionally, readers should strive to maintain an active and engaged mindset, actively questioning, analyzing, and connecting the content to their prior knowledge and experiences.Mastering Vocabulary and ComprehensionVocabulary development is a crucial aspect of improving English reading skills. A robust vocabulary not only enhances comprehension but also enables readers to better understand nuances and subtleties within the text. Readers should make a conscious effort to expand their vocabulary by regularly encountering new words, using context clues to decipher meanings, and actively engaging with vocabulary-building exercises.One effective strategy is to keep a vocabulary journal, where readers can record and define new words encountered during their reading. This not only reinforces the learning of new terms but alsoencourages readers to actively engage with the text and apply their newfound knowledge. Additionally, readers can utilize various online resources, such as vocabulary-building apps or websites, to supplement their vocabulary development.Alongside vocabulary development, improving reading comprehension is essential. Readers should employ various strategies to actively engage with the text and enhance their understanding. This includes previewing the text to gain an overview, making predictions about the content, and actively questioning and summarizing the key ideas as they read. Furthermore, readers should practice identifying the main idea, supporting details, and the author's purpose or perspective within the text.Developing Critical Thinking and AnalysisEffective English reading goes beyond mere comprehension; it involves the ability to critically analyze and evaluate the content. Readers should strive to develop critical thinking skills, which enable them to assess the validity of arguments, identify biases or assumptions, and draw informed conclusions.One way to cultivate critical thinking is to actively engage with the text by asking probing questions. Readers should question the author's claims, consider alternative perspectives, and evaluate the strength of the evidence presented. This approach encouragesreaders to move beyond passive absorption of information and actively engage with the material.Additionally, readers should practice identifying the underlying structure and organization of the text. This includes recognizing the use of rhetorical devices, such as persuasive techniques or logical fallacies, and understanding how the author's choices shape the overall message. By developing this analytical mindset, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the text and become more discerning consumers of information.Applying Reading Strategies Across GenresEnglish reading encompasses a wide range of genres, from academic articles and research papers to literary works and creative nonfiction. Developing versatile reading strategies is crucial to navigate these diverse materials effectively.For academic or informational texts, readers should focus on identifying key concepts, recognizing the organizational structure, and extracting relevant information to support their understanding. Strategies such as skimming, scanning, and close reading can be employed to efficiently process the content and extract the most salient points.When reading literary or creative works, readers should engage withthe text on a more intuitive and emotional level. Attention should be paid to the author's use of language, symbolism, and narrative techniques to uncover deeper meanings and nuances. Readers can also practice visualizing the scenes, empathizing with the characters, and making connections between the text and their own experiences.Regardless of the genre, readers should consistently reflect on their reading process, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their strategies accordingly. By adapting their approach to different types of texts, readers can develop a versatile and comprehensive set of English reading skills.Incorporating Extensive ReadingIn addition to the strategies mentioned above, extensive reading is a powerful tool for enhancing English reading proficiency. Extensive reading involves reading a large volume of materials, often for pleasure or personal interest, rather than for specific academic or professional purposes.By engaging in extensive reading, readers can expose themselves to a wider range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and literary styles. This exposure not only improves overall language comprehension but also fosters a deeper appreciation and enjoyment of reading. Furthermore, extensive reading can help to build reading fluency, as readers become more comfortable and confident in their ability toprocess and understand the written word.Readers should choose materials that align with their interests and proficiency level, gradually increasing the complexity of the texts as their skills improve. This approach helps to maintain motivation and engagement, as readers are more likely to persist in reading materials that they find genuinely interesting and enjoyable.ConclusionStrengthening English reading skills is a crucial and ongoing process that requires a multifaceted approach. By developing effective reading habits, mastering vocabulary and comprehension, cultivating critical thinking abilities, and incorporating extensive reading, individuals can significantly enhance their English reading proficiency.The strategies and techniques outlined in this tutorial provide a comprehensive framework for readers to assess their current skills, identify areas for improvement, and implement targeted interventions. Through consistent practice, dedication, and a willingness to adapt and evolve, readers can unlock the vast potential of the English language and unlock a world of academic, professional, and personal growth opportunities.。
英语八级作文阅读理解Reading comprehension is an essential skill that every student should possess. It is the ability to read and understand a given text, interpret it, and draw conclusions from it. In the English language, reading comprehension is particularly important as it helps students to improvetheir vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of reading comprehension and some tips on how to improve it.Firstly, reading comprehension is essential for academic success. Students who are good at reading comprehension are more likely to perform well in their studies. They are able to understand complex texts, analyze them, and draw conclusions. This is particularly importantin subjects such as science, social studies, and literature, where students are required to read and understand complex texts.Secondly, reading comprehension is important forpersonal growth. By reading, we can learn about different cultures, perspectives, and ideas. We can also improve our critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating whatwe read. This can help us to become more open-minded and empathetic individuals.Thirdly, reading comprehension is important for professional development. In today's globalized world, itis essential to have good communication skills. This includes the ability to read and understand complex texts, as well as the ability to write clearly and concisely. Employers value these skills, and they are often requiredfor jobs in fields such as law, business, and academia.Now that we have discussed the importance of reading comprehension, let's look at some tips on how to improve it. Firstly, it is important to read regularly. This can bedone by reading books, newspapers, magazines, or online articles. The more you read, the better you will become at understanding different types of texts.Secondly, it is important to read actively. This meansthat you should be actively engaged with the text, asking questions, and making connections. You should also be highlighting important information and taking notes. This will help you to remember what you have read and to understand it better.Thirdly, it is important to expand your vocabulary. This can be done by looking up words that you do not understand and by reading texts that use more advanced vocabulary. You can also use flashcards or vocabulary apps to help you learn new words.In conclusion, reading comprehension is an essential skill that every student should possess. It is important for academic success, personal growth, and professional development. By reading regularly, reading actively, and expanding your vocabulary, you can improve your reading comprehension skills and become a more successful and well-rounded individual.。
[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]0.1ml破伤风抗毒素过敏试验液含破伤风抗毒素()A.5UB.150UC.100UD.15UE.1500U [单选]合作社的组织形式是()。A.统一规划B.各自为政C.统分结合D.共同生产 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]原色组织标本制作方法不包括()。A.凯氏法(Kaiserling法)B.柯氏法C.一氧化碳法D.新鲜标本冷冻、干燥和塑化E.MASSON法 [单选]下列药物与麻醉并发症的关系组合,不正确的是()A.单胺氧化酶抑制剂并用哌替啶可致呼吸抑制、高热、昏迷、惊厥、低血压甚至死亡B.左旋多巴并用氟哌利多可致锥体外系症状C.奎尼丁可拮抗肌肉松弛剂的作用D.青光眼病人用二乙氧磷酰胆碱可延长琥珀酰胆碱的作用E.氯胺酮并用苯二 [单选]当起飞模式接通时:()A、自动推力自动接通并工作B、自动推力自动接通但不工作C、自动推力不自动接通,发动机由推力杆控制D、自动推力自动接通,发动机由最后的推力目标控制 [多选]关节镜下可观察到的关节结构有()。A.滑膜形态B.软骨C.韧带D.内外侧半月板E.血管、神经 [单选]对肝右叶门脉血管的描述,哪一项错误A.门脉右前、后叶支可清晰显示B.门脉右支与胆囊长轴或垂直关系C.门脉右干、右前叶支与右后叶下段支构成"Y"形结构D.门脉右前叶支与胆囊长轴构成平行关系E.门脉右干及前后叶支构成"Y"形结构 [单选]调节声带运动的软骨主要为()A.甲状软骨B.环状软骨C.会厌软骨D.杓状软骨E.小角软骨 [问答题,简答题]可以从哪几个方面来可以描述一个电子的运动状态?原子核外电子排布需要遵守哪几个原理? [单选]下述客运专线预制梁模板安装质量要求说法错误的是()A、使用前,应对模板进行清理、打磨,均匀涂刷脱模剂B、模板表面平整度应≤2mm/m,四支座预埋板位臵高差&a
06 - First Grade Reading Comprehension英语阅读
Guided Reading Levels G & HComprehension Passages with Text-Based QuestionsBy Anne GardnerTitle and LevelWord CountThe Bald Eagle (G) 117Otters (G) 99 Skunks (G)107 Time for School (G) 72 Sue’s Painting (G) 135 The Red Flower (G) 135 The Little Red Hen (G) 197 Trees (H)94 King Penguins (H) 124 The Polar Bear (H)107Measuring with Paper Clips (H)65 The Orca (H) 113 The Water Cycle (H)173 The Zebra and the Ostrich (H) 106 The Colors of the Sky (H)134Reading Comprehension Passages:Guided Reading Levels G/HName ___________________________________The Bald EagleA bald eagle can have awingspan of up to 8 feetand can live for over 25 years.Eagles make their nests at the tops of tall trees to keep their eggs safe. Their nests can be up to 9 feet wide.Baby eagles are called eaglets. When eaglets are about 12 weeks old, they learn to fly. They stay with their mother and father for about 8 more weeks as they learn to hunt.Eagles like to live near the water. A bald eagle can see a fish from up to a mile away. It can swoop down from the sky at 75 miles an hour and grab a fish right out of the water!The Bald EagleName ___________________________________1.An eagle’s wingspan can be __________.a.up to 4 feetb.up to 12 feetc.up to 8 feet4. Eagles can live for over ______________.a.80 yearsb.25 yearsc.100 years2. Baby eagles are called _______________.a.cubsb.eagletsc.kits3. Eagles make their nests the tops of tall treesb.after they have eagletsc.25 feet wideName ___________________________________The Bald EagleWrite two facts about eagles.____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Why do bald eagles make their nests at the tops of tall trees?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ What did you find most surprising or interesting as you read this passage?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Name ___________________________________OttersOtters spend most of their timein the water. They have longflat tails and webbed feetthat help them swim.It is fun to watch otters because they are very playful. In the summer, they slide down banks of mud and splash into the water. In the winter, they love to slide in the snow.Otters mostly eat fish. They can also eat frogs, small snakes, birds and insects.An otter can hold its food in its paws and float on its back while it eats. It looks like the otter is using its belly as a table!OttersName ___________________________________1.Otters spend most of their time _______.a.on the waterc.eating rats and mice4. An otter can use its belly like a __________.a.chairb.bedc.table2. Otters eat mostly ______________.a.crabsb.micec.fish3. Otters are very _______________.a.playfulb.meanc.littleName ___________________________________OttersWrite two facts about what otters eat.____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ What would you like to see an otter do?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Rate this passage on a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 meaning that you found this passage very interesting, and 1 meaning you did not find this passage interesting at all. Justify your rating.____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Name___________________________________SkunksSkunks are mostly black withwhite stripes. They are aboutas big as a cat.Skunks look for food at night. They like to sleep in their dens during the day. Skunks can be helpful. They can eat pesky insects, rats and mice. It can be good to have skunks around.But, if you see a skunk lift its tail,back off! A skunk can spray musk that has a horrible smell. A skunk’s spray can hit something up to 12 feet away. The smell is hard to get rid of. It lasts for days and days.It is best to stand back while watching a skunk!SkunksName ___________________________________1.A skunk is about as big as ____________.a. a catb.a cowc.a pig4. Skunks can eat and clamsb.rats and micec.cats and dogs2. Skunks look for food mostly the their night3. A skunk can spray up to ____________.a.20 feetb.12 feetc.40 feetName ___________________________________SkunksHow can skunks be helpful?_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Why should someone stand back while watching a skunk?_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Joe read this passage and then said, “A skunk is just like a cat.” Do you agree with Joe? Why or why not?_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________Name___________________________________ Time for School Jill was sleeping in her bedWhen she heard a beep.The alarm told herThere was no more time to sleep. Her mom made her breakfast, Eggs, jam and toast.That’s the breakfastThat she likes the most.Jill brushed her teeth,Then washed her face.Soon the school busWould get to her place.She grabbed her backpack,And ran out the door.She’ll get back home,Right about four.Time for SchoolName ___________________________________ 1.Jill woke up because ________. a.the sun was shining b.her mom told her to get up c.she heard the alarm4. How will Jill most likely get to school ? a.She will walk to school. b.Her mom will take her in a van. c.She will ride the bus.2. What did Jill do just after she brushed her teeth ? a.She washed her face. b.She ate breakfast. c.She ran out the door.3. What did Jill do just before she ran out the door ? a.She ate breakfast with her mom. b.She grabbed her backpack. c.She heard the alarm beep.Name ___________________________________Time for SchoolWhat is Jill’s favorite breakfast? How do you know?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Find and list 2 sets of rhyming words from this poem.____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________What do you do to get ready for school that is the same as what Jill does?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Name___________________________________Sue’s PaintingSue had red, blue, yellow, and white paint. She wanted to paint a picture with purple and pink flowers for her mom.Sue knew what to do. She mixed some red paint and some blue paint to make purple.To make pink, she added a little bit of white paint to some red paint.Sue painted her flowers, then she wanted some nice green stems and leaves. To make green, she mixed yellow and blue.After she painted the leaves and stems, she added a bright yellow sun.Sue knew how to use a few colors to make the rest of the colors she wanted.When her mom got home, Sue gave the painting to her. Sue’s mom looked puzzled. She asked, “How did you get the pink and purple paint, Sue?” Sue just smiled.Sue’s PaintingName ___________________________________ 2. Sue did not make ___________________________. A. the red paint B. the green paint C. the pink paint1. Sue made purple by _______________________. A. mixing yellow and green B. mixing red and white C. mixing blue and red3. Just after Sue painted the flowers, she _________. A. wanted green for the stems and leaves B. gave the picture to her mom C. mixed the red and white paint4. Sue’s mom ___________________________. A. showed Sue how to mix the colors B. asked Sue how she got pink and purple paint C. went to get pink and purple paint for SueName ___________________________________Sue’s PaintingHow did Sue make the pink paint?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ What did Sue want to use green paint for? How did she make the green paint?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Rate this passage on a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 meaning that you found this passage very interesting, and 1 meaning you did not find this passage interesting at all. Justify your rating.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name ___________________________The Red FlowerLiz loved pink. She had a pink coat and pink shoes. Liz wanted some pink flowers. Her mom took her to the store to get some seeds to grow pink flowers.They put the seeds in a pot outside the door. A bird came and sat in the pot. The bird had some seeds in its beak. One seed fell into the pot.Liz and her mom watered the seeds. Little green plants began to grow. Soon, flowers grew on the plants.Liz looked at the flowers. She saw three pink flowers and one red flower. Liz said, “Mom, how did the red flower get in the pot?” Liz and her Mom did not know how the red flower got in the pot. Liz said, “I love my pink flowers and my red flower too!”The Red FlowerName ___________________________________ 1.Why did Liz’s mom take her to the store ? get pink shoes get seeds for pink flowers get seeds for red flowers4. How did Liz feel about the flowers ? a.She loved all the flowers. b.She did not like the red flower. c.She did not like the pink flowers.2. Where did Liz and her mom put the pot ? Liz’s room b.outside the door the garden3. How did the red flower most likely get in the pot ? a.Liz got the seed from the store. b.It grew from the seed the bird dropped. c.Liz’s mom put the seed for it in the pot.Name ___________________________________The Red FlowerWhat did Liz’s mom bring her to the store to get?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________What happened just after Liz and her mom put the pot outside the door?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Rate this passage on a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 meaning that you found this passage very interesting, and 1 meaning you did not find this passage interesting at all. Justify your rating.____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Name ___________________________________________The Little Red HenA little red hen planted some seeds to grow wheat. “Will you help me plant the seeds?” she asked her friends.“Not today,” said the cat, the dog and the pig. The hen planted the seeds, all by herself. When the wheat had grown, the hen asked the cat, the dog and the pig to help her cut it down. “Not today,” they all said and went off to nap in the sun.The little red hen cut the wheat, all by herself. She took one look at her sleepy friends and took the wheat to the mill to be made into flour, all by herself.The little red hen was ready to make some bread. She asked, “Will you help me mix the bread?”“Not today,” said the dog, the cat and the pig. The little red hen mixed the bread and then baked it, all by herself.The bread was ready. The dog, the cat and the pig showed up at the little red hen’s door and asked, “Will you slice us some nice fresh bread?”“Not today,” said the little red hen. She sat down and happily ate the bread, all by herself.The Little Red Hen Name ___________________________________3. After the hen mixed the bread, she ____________. A. cut the wheat B. planted the seeds C. baked the bread2. The dog is _________________. A. a hard worker B. lazy C. very big1. The little red hen is _______________. A. a hard worker B. very lazy C. sad all the time4. The dog, cat and pig could learn ______________. A. that the hen is very lazy B. to do their share of the work C. to wait for the hen to feed themName ___________________________________List two things the Little Red Hen had to do before she could make the bread.____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Is this story fiction or nonfiction ? How do you know ? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Pam read this story and then said, “The Little Red Hen should have shared the bread.” Do you agree with Pam ? Justify your answer. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ The Little Red HenName___________________________TreesTrees give us nice cool shade on hot days. We get wood from trees. People use wood to build houses.We also get food from trees. Apples, pears and oranges all grow on trees. Trees can be homes for birds, squirrels and other animals.All trees have roots. The roots soakup water for the tree. The trunk carries the water to the leaves. Leaves need sunlight and water to make food for the tree. As leaves make food for the tree, they make the air better for us too.We all need trees!TreesName _________________________ 1.All trees have ____________. a.apples b.roots c.pine cones4. Leaves make ______________. a.the air bad for us b.the air better for us c.water for us to drink2. Trees give us ______________________. a.shade, wood and food b.beans, peas and carrots c.pets3. Trees can be homes for _____________. a.little boys b.birds and squirrels c.dogs and catsName ___________________________________TreesName at least three things we eat that grow on trees. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________List two parts of a tree and tell what each part does. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Pam read this passage and then said, “Trees are important to us.” Do you agree with Pam? Why or why not?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Name _____________________________________King PenguinsKing penguins are birds but theydo not fly. They are very good swimmers. They use their wingsas flippers as they swim.King penguins can walk on landand can hop from rock to rock.They love to slide on their bellies onthe ice and snow. King penguins can dive up to 900 feet deep as they hunt for fish to eat.Mother and father king penguins work together to take care of their babies. The mother lays an egg and then goes to find food. The father keeps the egg warm by holding it on his feet under his belly. When the mother comes back with food for the baby, the father goes out to sea to find food for himself.King PenguinsName _________________________________ 1.King penguins cannot _______________________. a.swim in the water b.hop from rock to rock to the sea4. King penguins eat ________________. b.seals c.snakes2. A king penguin keeps its egg warm by _________. a.holding the egg on its feet under its belly b.putting the egg in the sun c.making a big nest3. Penguins use their wings _____________________. fly in the air keep their eggs warm flippers as they swimName ___________________________________King PenguinsHow do king penguins use their wings?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ How do the mother and father work together to take care of their baby penguin?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Is this passage fiction or nonfiction? How can you tell? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Name____________________________The Polar BearA polar bear can be upto 9 feet tall and can weighover 1,000 pounds.Polar bears have thick white fur and a layer of fat to keep them warm. They have pads on their feet to keep them from slipping on the ice. Polar bears are very good swimmers. They have webbed claws to help them swim. Polar bears hunt seals and fish. In the summer, they also eat berries and plants.Polar bears make dens in caves or in snow banks. Baby bears are called cubs. Cubs only weigh about one pound when they are born. They stay with their mother for two years.The Polar BearName ________________________________1.Polar bears have pads on their feet to ________. a.keep them from slipping on the ice them hide in the snow them swim4. Baby polar bears ___________________. a.stay with their mother for five years b.are brown c.are called cubs2. Polar bears hunt for ______________. a.brown bears b.seals and fish c.penguins and rabbits3. Polar bears have a layer of fat to __________. a.keep them warm them hunt c.make them whiteName ___________________________________The Polar BearHow big are polar bears? Include two factsfrom this passage in your answer.____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ What helps a polar bear stay warm?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Tom read this passage and then said, “Polar bears only eat meat.” Do you agree with Tom? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Name___________________________________ Measuring with Paper Clips I measured my sneaker withpaper clips. My sneaker isabout 11 paper clips long.I measured my book withpaper clips too. My book isabout 13 paper clips long.I measured my friend withpaper clips. It was tricky.I needed 57 paper clips tomeasure my friend.We wanted to measure our classroom with paper clips.We didn’t have enoughpaper clips!Measuring with Paper ClipsName _________________________________1.The sneaker is about ________________. a.11 paper clips long b.57 paper clips long c.13 paper clips long4. They did not measure the _______________. b.classroom c.sneaker2. The ____________ is about 13 paper clips long. a.classroom c.sneaker3. The _____________ is not as long as the book. a.classroom b.friend c.sneakerName ___________________________________Measuring with Paper ClipsHow much longer than the sneaker is the book?How do you know?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Would two of these sneakers or one of these books be longer? How do you know?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Why couldn’t the kids measure their classroom?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Name ________________________________The OrcaAn orca is black and white. It can grow up to 30 feet long. An orca’s fin can be 6 feet tall. Orcas are large dolphins, but they are often called “killer whales.”A baby orca is called a calf. Orcas take good care of their babies. As soon as a calf is born, its mother pushes it up to get some air.A group of orcas is called a pod. The pod looks for fish to eat. The orca catches fish with its sharp teeth. One orca can eat over 100 pounds of food in a day. Orcas are sometimes called “wolves of the sea” because they hunt in packs like wolves.The OrcaName ______________________________1.How long can orcas be ? a.up to 30 feet long b.up to 300 feet long c.about 6 feet long4. What does a mother orca do right after a calf is born ? a.The mother pushes the calf up to get air. b.The mother teaches the calf to howl. c.The mother gets fish for the calf to eat.2.Why are orcas sometimes called wolves of the sea ? a.Orcas can make a sound like a wolf. b.Orcas hunt in packs like wolves do. c.Orcas and wolves are both big.3. What is a baby orca called ? a.a little wolf b.a calf c.a podName ___________________________________The OrcaJoe read this passage and said, “Orcas have teeth.” Do you agree with Joe? Why or why not?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Fred read this passage and then said, “Orcas always hunt alone.” Do you agree with Fred? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Is this passage fiction or nonfiction? How can you tell? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Name_____________________________________The Water CycleAfter it rains, the grass outside is wet. But, it will not always be wet. Heat from the sun will dry the grass. Did you ever wonder where the water goes?The heat from the sun turns the water into water vapor. Water vapor rises into the air. Most of the time, we can’t see the water vapor in the air. Sometimes, when there is a lot of vapor, we can see mist or fog.Clouds are made of water vapor. As more and more water vapor rises into the air, the clouds get bigger and bigger. Big, dark clouds are full of water vapor.All of a sudden, the water vapor begins to change back into water. It is raining! The water cycle is complete.Water is amazing!Fun Facts : When we see steam coming from a pan as we boil water, we are seeing water vapor.When we use a dryer to dry our clothes, the water in the clothes is turned into water vapor and goes outside through the vent.The Water Cycle Name _____________________________ 3. We can see water vapor when ________________. A. steam rises from a pan of boiling water B. we look at water in the sink C. we wash our hands2. Clouds are made of _______________________. A. water vapor B. steam C. the sky1. As the sun dries the rain up, it turns into _________. A. steam B. water vapor C. snow4. The author wrote this article to _________________. A. make us laugh B. teach us how to make rain C. help us learn about the water cycleName ___________________________________The Water CycleWhat makes clouds gets bigger and darker?____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Is this passage fiction or nonfiction? How do you know? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________What is this passage mostly about? Justify your answer. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________Name___________________________________The Zebra and the Ostrich Animals can help each other. They can work together as partners to get what they need.Zebras live in Africa. A zebra looks like a horse with black and white stripes. A zebra can hear very well. It can hear predators coming from far away.The ostrich is a large bird that also lives on the plains of Africa. Ostriches have very good eyesight. An ostrich can see danger far in the distance.Ostriches and zebras often graze together in groups. The zebras warn the ostriches when they hear danger, and the ostriches warn the zebras when they see danger. They help keep each other safe!The Zebra and the OstrichName __________________________________4. This story is mostly about ___________________.A. all the animals that live in AfricaB. why a zebra is better than an ostrichC. how two animals help each other2. An ostrich can ________________________.A. see very wellB. hear very wellC. have black and white stripes1. A zebra can __________________________.A. see very wellB. hear very wellC. have black and orange stripes3. The ostrich and zebra ______________________.A. do not like to share foodB. help keep each other safeC. both look like horses。
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The Great Wall of China, also called the Ten-Thousand-Li Long Wall by the Chinese people, is one of the Seven Wonders(奇观)in the World. The Great Wall is in the north of China. It is about 6,700 kilometres.It’s 6-7 metres high and 4-5 metres wide(宽) It is more than 2,000 years old.
1.( ) Chinese people called the Great Wall the Ten-Thousand-Li Long Wall.
2.( ) The Great Wall is in the south of China.
3.( ) The Great Wall is 6,700 years old.
4.( ) The Great Wall is 6-7 kilometres high.
5.( ) It’s more than 2,00years old.
I went to a park with Lingling and her mum. We had a funny day. We walked around the park and see the trees. There were lots of trees in the park. Under the tree, some old people played Chinese chess. Some children read books. At 12 o’clock, we went to a restaurant near the park. We ate lots of food there. We went home after lunch. ( ) 1. Amy, Lingling’s mum and I went to a park.
( ) 2. There were lots of trees there.
( ) 3. Some children played Chinese chess.
( ) 4. We had lunch in the park.
( ) 5. We went home after lunch.
I have a nice picture of a room. I see some boys and girls in it. Two boys are at a table. They are Tom and Jone. Who’s that in a red skirt? She is Sue. She’s on a chair. Look! Who’s under the bed? It’s Jim. A cat is under the bed, too.
( )1. I have a picture of a classroom.
( )2. I see five boys and girls in the room.
( )3. Sue is in a red skirt.
( )4. Jim is under the bed.
( )5. The cat is on the table.
Thanksgiving Day is an American fes tival. It’s on the fourth Thursday of November. The most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day is roast turkey(烤火鸡) and pumpkin pie(南瓜饼).Families are get together and have a big, special dinner. People say thank you for all the good things they have, they thanks for their healthy body, their food and happy families. Thanksgiving is an important festival in America. ( ) 1. Thanksgiving is in November.
( ) 2. Pumpkin pie is the traditional food on Thanksgiving Day.
( ) 3. People send cards on Thanksgiving Day.
( ) 4. People say thank you for their food.
( ) 5. Thanksgiving isn’t important in America.
Linda is an American girl. She is twelve years old. She has got a pet dog. It is a lovely dog. It has got long hair and big eyes. Linda loves it very much. She often plays with it. Linda likes dancing and painting. She can speak Chinese very well. She says she wants to visit China someday. She wants to have pen pal in China. Would you like to be her pen pal?
()1. Linda is from China.
( ) 2. She is 11 years old.
( ) 3. She has got a pet cat.
( ) 4. She likes dancing and painting.
( ) 5. She wants a Chinese pen pal.
My name is Ted. I am a worker in a big store(百货商店). I don’t work in the morning.
I only work at night. Every morning I come home at about half past six. I have breakfast at seven. After breakfast I go to bed. I get up at about half past two. I have lunch at a quarter(一刻钟) to three and supper at twenty to eight. Then I go to work at a quarter past eight p.m. I start work at nine. I look after the store every night. I like my work very much.
( ) 1.Ted works in a hospital.
( ) 2. Ted works in the morning.
( ) 3. He gets up at 2:30.
( ) 4. Ted goes to work at 8:15 p. m.
( ) 5. Ted is at home in the morning.。