stain in PAD CAD
第三讲 曲线曲面基本理论1概述(a) 飞机 (b) 船舶 (c) 汽车图 1-1 曲线曲面造型应用曲线曲面造型(Surface Modeling)是计算机辅助几何设计(Computer Aided Geometric Design, CAGD)和计算机图形学的一项重要内容,主要研究在计算机系统中如何用曲线曲面表示、设计、显示和分析物体模型。
由Coons 、Bezier 等大师于二十世纪六十年代奠定其理论基础,经过三十多年的发展,曲线曲面造型现在已形成了以有理B 样条曲线曲面(Rational B-spline Surface)参数化特征设计和隐式代数曲线曲面(Implicit Algebraic Surface)表示为主体的两类方法,且以插值(Interpolation)、逼近(Approximation)手段为几何理论体系。
显式表示:形如),(y x f z =的表达式。
对于一个平面曲线而言,显式表达式可写为)(x f y =。
在平面曲线方程中,一个x 值与一个y 值对应,所以显式方程不能表示封闭或多值曲线,例如,不能用显式方程表示一个圆。
隐式表示:形如0),,(=z y x f 的表达式。
如一个平面曲线方程,隐式表达式可写为0),(=y x f 。
隐式表示的优点是易于判断函数),(y x f 是否大于、小于或等于零,也就易于判断点是落在所表示曲线上或在曲线的哪一侧。
参数表示:形如)(t f x =,)(t f y =,)(t f z =的表达式,其中t 为参数。
如平面曲线上任一点P 可表示为)](),([)(t y t x t P =,如图1-2(a)所示;空间曲线上任一三维点P 可表示为)](),(),([)(t z t y t x t P =,如图1-2(b)所示。
总结一下英语单音节词形似归类a[1] –ab blab, cab, crab, dab, drab, grab, jab, nab, slab, stab, swab, tab[2] –ace brace, face, grace, lace, mace, pace, place, race, space, trace[3] –ack back, black, clack, crack, hack, jack, knack, lack, pack, rack, sack, shack, slack, smack, stack, tack, track, whack, wrack[4] –act fact, pact, tact, tract[5] –adge badge, cadge, wadge[6] –ad bad, cad, clad, dad, fad, glad, lad, mad, pad, quad, sad, squad, tad, trad, wad [7] –ade blade, fade, glade, grade, jade, shade, spade, trade, wade[8] –atch batch, catch, hatch, latch, match, patch, scratch, snatch, swatch, watch[9] –afe chafe, safe, strafe[10] –aff chaff, quaff, staff[11] –aft aft, craft, draft, graft, raft, shaft, waft[12] –ag bag, brag, crag, fag, flag, gag, hag, jag, lag, nag, rag, slag, snag, stag, tag, wag [13] –age age, cage, page, rage, sage, stage, wage[14] –aid aid, aide, braid, maid, raid, staid[15] –ail ail, bail, fail, frail, hail, mail, nail, pail, quail, rail, sail, snail, tail, trail, wail[16] –aim aim, claim, maim[17] –ain brain, gain, main, pain, plain, rain, sprain, stain, strain, train, vain[18] –aint faint, quaint, taint[19] –air air, chair, fair, flair, hair, lair, pair, stair[20] –ait bait, gait, plait, strait, trait, wait[21] –ak flak, yak[22] –ake bake, brake, cake, drake, fake, flake, make, quake, rake, sake, shake, slake, snake, stake, take, wake[23] –ald bald, scald[24] –ale ale, bale, gale, hale, pale, sale, scale, shale, stale, tale, whale[25] –alf calf, half[26] –alk balk, chalk, stalk, talk, walk, [caulk][27] –all all, ball, call, fall, gall, mall, pall, shall, small, spall, stall, tall, thrall, wall[28] –alm balm, calm, palm, qualm[29] –alp scalp[30] –alt halt, malt, slat[31] –am clam, cram, dam, damn, dram, gram, ham, jam, pram, scram, sham, slam, tram, wham, yam[32] –amb jamb, lamb[33] –ame blame, dame, lame, name, shame, tame[34] –amp camp, champ, clamp, cramp, lamp, ramp, scamp, swamp, tamp, tramp, vamp[35] –an ban, bran, can, clan, gran, man, pan, plan, scan, span, swan, tan, than, van, wan[36] –ance chance, dance, glance, lance, prance, stance, trance[37] –anch blanch, branch, ranch, stanch[38] –and and, band, bland, brand, grand, hand, land, sand, stand, strand, wand[39] –ane bane, cane, crane, lane, plane, sane, vane, wane[40] –ang bang, clang, fang, gang, hang, pang, slang, tang[41] –ange change, grange, range, strange[42] –ank, bank, blank, clank, crank, flank, frank, hank, lank, plank, prank, rank, shank, spank, swank, tank, thank, yank[43] –ant ant, cant, chant, grant, pant, plant, scant, slant, want[44] –ap cap, chap, clap, crap, flap, frap, gap, lap, map, nap, pap, rap, sap, scrap, slap, snap, swap, tap, wrap, yap[45] –ape ape, cape, drape, gape, grape, nape, rape, scrape, shape, tape [46] –arch arch, larch, march, parch, starch[47] –ar bar, car, char, czar, far, mar, par, scar, spar, tar, war,[48] –are are, bare, blare, cre, dare, fare, flare, glare, hare, pare, scare, share, snare, spare, square, stare, tare, ware[49] –arb barb, garb[50] –ard bard, card, hard, lard, ward, yard[51] –ark arc, ark, bark, dark, hark, lark, mark, nark, park, shark, spark, stark[52] –arl gnarl, snarl[53] –arm arm, charm, farm, harm, swarm, warm[54] –arn barn, darn, tarn, warn, yarn[55] –arp carp, harp, scarp, sharp, warp[56] –arsh harsh, marsh[57] –art art, cart, dart, mart, part, quart, smart, start, tart, swart[58] –ase base, case, chase, phase, phrase, vase[59] –ash ash, bash, brash, cash, clash, crash, dash, flash, gash, gnash, hash, lash, mash, quash, rash, sash, slash, smash, splash, squash, stash, thrash, trash, wash[60] –ask ask, bask, cask, flask, mask, task[61] –asp clasp, gasp, grasp, rasp, wasp[62] –ass ass, bass, brass, class, crass, glass, grass, lass, mass, pass[63] –ast blast, cast, fast, last, mast, past[64] –aste baste, caste, chaste, haste, taste, waste[65] –at at, bat, brat, cat, chat, drat, fat, flat, gant, hat, mat, pat, rat, squat, swat, that, what[66] –atch batch, catch, hatch, latch, match, patch, scratch, snatch, swatch, thatch, watch [67] –ate bate, crate, date, fate, gate, grate, hate, late, mate, pate, plate, prate, rate, sate, skate, slate, spate, state[68] –aul haul, maul[69] –ault fault, vault[70] –aunch paunch, staunch[71] –aunt aunt, daunt, flaunt, gaunt, haunt, jaunt, taunt, vaunt[72] –ave brave, cave, crave, have, knave, lave, nave, pave, rave, shave, slave, stave, suave, wave[73] –aw caw, claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, haw, jaw, paw, raw, saw, straw, thaw, yaw[74] –awk gawk, hawk, squawk [75] –awl awl, bawl, brawl, crawl, drawl, scrawl, shawl, sprawl, trawl[76] –awn brawn, dawn, drawn, fawn, lawn, pawn, prawn, spawn, yawn[77] –ax flax, lax, tax, wax[78] –ay bray, clay, day, flay, fray, gay, hay, lay, may, pay, play, pray, quay, ray, say, slay, splay, spray, stay, stray, sway[79] –aze blaze, craze, daze, faze, gaze, glaze, graze, haze, laze, maze, razeE[1]-e be, he, me, she, we[2] –ea flea, lea, pea, plea, sea, tea, yea[3] -each beach, bleach, breach, each, leach, peach, preach, reach, teach[4] –ead bead, dead, dread, head, knead, lead, mead, plead, read, spread, stead, thread, tread [5] –eaf deaf, leaf[6] –eak beak, bleak, creak, freak, leak, peak, sneak, speak, squeak, steak, streak, weak, wreak [7] –eal deal, heal, peal, real, seal, squeal, steal, veal, weal, zeal[8] –eam beam, cream, dream, gleam, ream, scream, seam, steam, stream, team [9] –ean bean, clea n, dean, glean, jean, lean, mean, wean[10] –eap cheap, heap, leap, reap[11] –ear bear, dear, ear, fear, gear, hear, near, pear, rear, sear, shear, smear, spear, swear, tear, wear, year[12] –ease cease, crease, ease, grease, lease, please, tease[13] –east beast, breast, feast, least, yeast[14] –eat beat, bleat, cheat, eat, feat, great, heat, meat, peat, seat, sweat, teat, threat, treat, wheat[15] –eath heath, sheath, wreath[16] -eave cleave, eave, heave, leave, weave[17] –eck beck, check, deck, fleck, heck, neck, peck, speck, wreck[18] –ed bed, red, shed, shred, wed[19] –edge dredge, edge, hedge, pledge, sledge[20] –ee bee, fee, flee, free, glee, knee, lee, pee, see, spree, tee, thee, tree, twee, wee[21] –eech beech, breech, leech, screech[22] –eed bleed, creed, deed, feed, greed, heed, need, reed, screed, seed, speed, steed, tweed, weed[23] –eef beef, reef[24] –eek cheek, creek, Greek, leek, meek, peek, reek, seek, week[25] –eel eel, feel, heel, keel, peel, reel, steel, wheel[26] –eem deem, seem, teem[27] –een green, keen, preen, queen, screen, sheen, spleen[28] –eep beep, cheep, creep, deep, jeep, keep, peep, seep, sheep, sleep, steep, sweep, weep [29] –eer beer, cheer, deer, jeer, peer, queer, seer, sheer, sneer, steer, veer[30] –eet beet, fete, fleet, greet, mete, meet, sheet, sleet, street, sweet, tweet[31] –eeze breeze, cheese, freeze, sneeze, squeeze, wheeze[32] –eft cleft, deft, left, theft, weft[33] –eg beg, egg, keg, leg, peg[34] –elch belch, squelch[35] –eld geld, meld, weld[36] –ell bell, dell, ell, fell, hell, jell, knell, quell, sell, shell, smell, spell, swell, tell, well, yell[37] –elp whelp, yelp[38] –elt belt, felt, melt[39] –elve delve, helve, shelve[40] –em gem, hem, stem, them[41] –empy kempt, tempt[42] –en den, glen, ke n, pen, ten, then, when, yen[43] –ench bench, blench, clench, drench, French, quench, stench, trench, wench, wrench[44] –end bend, blend, end, fiend, lend, mend, rend, send, spend, tend, trend, wend [45] –ent bent, dent, Lent, scent, spent, vent[46] –ere here, mere, sphere, there, where [47] –ern fern, stern[48] –erve nerve, serve, swerve, verve[49] –ess bless, chess, dress, less, mess, press, stress[50] –est best, chest, crest, jest, lest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, west, wrest, zest [51] –et bet, fret, get, jet, let, net, pet, set, wet, whet, yet[52] –etch etch, wretch[53] -ew brew, chew, crew, dew, few, hew, Jew, mew, pew, queue, screw, sew, shrew, skew, slew, spew, stew, strew, thew, view, yew[54] –ex flex, vex[55] –ey grey, hey, keyI[1] –ib bib, crib, fib, glib, jib, nib, rib[2] –ibe bribe, gibe, jibe, scribe[3] –ice ice, mice, nice, price, slice, spice, splice, thrice, trice, twice, rice, vice[4] –ick brick, chick, click, flick, kick, lick, nick, pick, prick, sick, wick[5] –id bod, grid, kid, lid, rid, skid[6] –ide bide, bride, chide, glide, guide, hide, pride, side, slide, snide, stride, tide, wide[7] –ie die, hie, lie, pie, tie, vie[8] -ief brief, chief, grief, thief[9] -ield field, shield, wield, yield[10] –ien lien, mien[11] –ife knife, life, strife, wife[12] –iff biff, cliff, miff, skiff, sniff, stiff, tiff, whiff[13] -ift drift, gift, lift, rift, shift, shrift, sift, swift, thrift[14] –ig big, brig, dig, fig, gig, grig, jig, pig, prig, rig, sprig, swig, twig, wig[15] –ight blight, bright, flight, fright, knight, light, might, night, plight, right, sight, slight, tight [16] –ike bike, dike, hike, like, mike, strike, trike, tyke[17] –ilch filch, zilch[18] –ild child, gild, mild, wild[19] –ile bile, file, guile, mi le, pile, rile, smile, stile, tile, while, vile[20] –ill bill, chill, drill, fill, frill, gill, grill, grille, hill, ill, kill, mill, pill, quill, rill, shrill, sill, spill, still, swill, thrill, till, twill, will[21] -ilt gilt, guilt, jilt, lilt, stilt, tilt, wilt[22] –im brim, dim, grim, him, prim, slim, swim, trim, whim, vim[23] –ime chime, crime, dime, grime, mime, prime, time[24] –imp crimp, gimp, limp, pimp, primp[25] –in bin, chin, din, fin, gin, grin, in, kin, pin, shin, sin, skin, spin, tin, thin, twin, win[26] –ince mince, prince, wince[27] -inch cinch, clinch, finch, flinch, inch, lynch, pinch, winch[28] –ind bind, find, mind, rind[29] –ine brine, chine, dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, shine, shrine, spine, swine, twine, whine, wine[30] –ing bring, cling, fling, king, ring, sing, sling, spring, sting, string, swing, wing, wring [31] -inge cringe, fringe, hinge, springe, tinge, twinge[32] –ink blink, brink, chink, clink, drink, fink, ink, jink, kink, link, pink, prink, rink, shrink, sink, slink, stink, think, wink[33] –int dint, flint, glint, hint, lint, mint, pint, print, skint, sprint, squint, stint, tint[34] -inx jinx, sphinx[35] –ip chip, clip, dip, drip, flip, grip, hip, lip, nip, pip, rip, ship, sip, skip, snip, strip, tip, whip, zip[36] –ipe gripe, pipe, ripe, snipe, stripe, swipe, wipe[37] –irch birch, smirch[38] -ird bird, gird, third[39] –ire dire, fire, hire, mire, shire, spire, squire, tire, wire[40] -irk irk, dirk, smirk, shirk[41] -irl girl, swirl, twirl, whirl[42] -irm firm, squirm[43] -irt dirt, flirt, shirt, skirt[44] -irth birth, girth, mirth[45] –ise guise, kise, rise, vise, wise[46] -ish dish, fish, wish [47] -isk brisk, frisk, risk, whisk[48] -isp crisp, wisp[49] -iss bliss, kiss, miss, piss[50] -ist fist, gist, list, mi st, twist, wrist[51] –it bit, chit, fit, flit, grit, hit, it, kit, knit, pit, sit, skit, slit, spit, split, whit, writ[52] -itch bitch, ditch, hitch, itch, pitch, snitch, stitch, witch[53] –ite bite, cite, kite, mite, rite, site, smite, spite, trite, white, write[54] -ithe blithe, lithe, scythe, writhe[55] –ive dive, five, give, hive, jive, live, skive, strive, thrive[56] -ize size prizeY[1] –y(e) by, dye, fly, guy, my, ply, pry, rye, shy, sly, sty, try, why[2] –ymph lymph, nymph[3] –yre byre, gyre, lyre, pyre, tyreO[1] –oach broach, coach, proach[2] -oar boar, oar, roar, soar[3] –oax coax, hoax[4] –ob bob, cob, mob, throb[5] –obe lobe, probe, robe[6] –ock block, chock, clock, dock, flock, frock, jock, lock, mock, nock, pock, rock, sock, shock, smock[7] –od cod, plod, pod, sod[8] –ode bode, code, lode, mode, node, ode[9] –oe doe, foe, hoe, roe, woe[10] –oad broad, goad, load, road, toad[11] -oam foam, loam, roam[12] –oan groan, moan, roan[13] –oat boat, bloat, coat, float, goat, gloat, moat, throat[14] –off doff, off, sof[15] –og bog, cog, clog, dog, fog, frog, hog, jog, log, slog, smog, tog, rogue, vogue [16] –oil boil, broil, coil, foil, roil, soil, spoil, toil[17] –oin coin, groin, join, loin[18] –oke coke, joke, poke, spoke, stroke, yoke[19] –old fold, hold, mold, old, wold[20] –oll doll, droll, loll, poll, roll, scroll, stroll, toll, troll[21] –olt bolt, colt, jolt, molt[22] –ome dome, gnome, home, Rome[23] –omp pomp, romp[24] –one cone, clone, crone, drone, hone, prone, tone, throne, zone[25] –ong gong, throng, strong, thong, tong, wrong, song, dong[26] –onk honk, monk[27] –oan groan, moan[28] –oak cloak, croak, soak[29] –oast boast, coast, roast, toast[30] –ooch brooch, hooch, mooch[31] –oof hoof, roof, proof, spoof[32] –ook book, brook, cook, crook, hook, kook, look, nook, rook, spook[33] –ool cool, drool, fool, school, spool, stool, tool[34] –oom boom, bloom, broom, doom, gloom, groom, loom, room, zoom[35] –oon boon, croon, loon[36] –op chop, crop, flop, hop, lop, prop, slop, sop[37] –oop coop, droop, hoop, loop, sloop, snoop, stoop, swoop, troop, whoop[38] –oor boor, moor, spoor, floor[39] –oot boot, foot, hoot, loot, moot, soot[40] –ope cope, dope, grope, hope, lope, mope, nope, pope, rope, scope, slope, tope [41] –ord cord, chord, ford, horde, lord, word[42] –ore bore, chore, core, fore, gore, lore, more, pore, score, sore, spore, whore, yore[43] –ork cork, fork, pork, stork[44] –orm dorm, form, worm, norm[45] –orn born, corn, porn, scorn, thorn[46] –ort fort, mort, port, snort, sport, tort[47] –ose close, dose, hose, lose, nose, pose, prose, rose, those[48] –oss boss, cross, dross, fosse, gloss, gross, loss, moss, posse, toss[49] –ost ghost, host, lost, most, post[50] –ot blot, cot, clot, dot, hot, jot, lot, mot, not, pot, plot, rot, sot, slot, snot, spot, tot, trot [51] –otch blotch, botch, notch, scotch[52] –ote cote, dote, mote, note, quote, rote, vote[53] –oth both, broth, cloth, froth, moth, sloth, troth[54] –ounce bounce, flounce, pounce, trounce[55] –ouch couch, crouch, grouch, pouch, slouch, vouch[56] -ough bough, cough, dough, plough, rough, slough, tough, trough[57] –ound bound, found, ground, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound[58] –ount count, mount[59] –oup coup, stoup, troupe[60] –our dour, flour, four, our, scour, tour[61] –ouse blouse, browse, douse, dowse, grouse, house, louse, mouse, rouse, souse, spouse [62] –oust joust, oust[63] –out bout, clout, flout, out, pout, rout, scout, shout, spout, sprout, stout, tout [64] –ove clove, cove, dove, grove, hove, Jove, love, move, prove, rove, shove, stove。
拉丁美洲 美国 巴西 加拿大 墨西哥 秘鲁 哥伦比亚 智利 阿根廷 古巴 中国 印度 印度尼西亚 伊朗 伊拉克 泰国 新加坡 菲律宾 日本 韩国 马来西亚 越南 中国台湾 中国香港
C欧洲(Europe ) Germany England (通常简写EN) France Italy Portugal Spain Holland(Netherlands ) Belgium Luxembourg Sweden Denmark Finland Greece Hungary Ireland D非洲(Africa),大洋洲(Oceania) 南非 South Africa 埃及 Egypt 刚果 Congo 肯尼亚 Kenya 尼尔利亚 Nigeria 澳大利亚 Austria 新西兰 New Zealand 斐济 Fiji 德国 英国 法国 意大利 葡萄牙 西班牙 荷兰 比利时 卢森堡 瑞典 丹麦 芬兰 希腊 匈牙利 爱尔兰
品质管理用语 quality control quality check quality assurance total quality control 简写TQC company-wide quality assurance accept quality level 缩写AQL lot size sampling inspection level inspection ,inspecting inspector safety defect critical defect major defect minor defect passed, accepted rejected pending material review board accepted on deviation rework sign/approved sample finished goods semi-finished goods inch ,1 inch =2.54cm foot ,0.305m=1foot area sharp edge sharp point small parts
bump map凹凸贴图凸纹贴图
button menu按钮菜单按钮功能表
callback回调(for LISP)回覆
axis tripod三轴架三向轴
Back Clipping On后向剪裁打开
back view后视图后视景
background color背景色背景颜色
block definition块定义图块定义
block reference块参照图块参考
block table块表图块表格
bmpout BMP输出BMP汇出
Boolean operation布尔运算布林运算
digitizing puck数字化仪游标数位化指向器
cad绘图中常用英语对照投影projection投影中心center of projection投影面projecting plane投影线projecting line中心投影法perspective projection平行投影法parallel projection斜投影oblique projection正投影orthographic projection正投影面frontal plane of projection侧面投影面profile plane of projection投影图projection drawing三面投影图three-plane projection drawing投影轴axis of projection投影特性characteristic of projection不变性characteristic of true积聚性characteristic of concentration类似性characteristic of similarity视图view三视图three-view drawing正面frontal plane正面投影frontal projection水平面horizontal plane水平投影horizontal projection侧面profile plane侧面投影profile projection主视图frontal view俯视图top view左视图left side view立体solid平面立体plane body曲面立体body of curved surface回转面surface of revolution棱柱prism棱锥pyramid边side顶点center vertex棱edge点point直线line straight line棱锥台truncated pyramidfrustum of pyramid重影coincidence of projection积聚concentrate变形deformation实长true length实形true shape正平线frontal line水平线horizontal line侧平线profile line一般位置直线oblique line铅垂线vertical line, frontal-profile line 正垂线horizontal--profile line侧垂线frontal-horizontal line一般位置平面oblique plane相交intersection平行parallel垂直perpendicular交线intersecting line, line of intersection 交点point of intersection平行线parallel line垂直线perpendicular line交叉线skew line长度length宽度width高度height组合体complex基本几何体basic body相接built-up相交inter section相切tangent相贯penetration支架brace底板bottom board肋rib支承板bearing plate轮廓线outline, contour line底图traced drawing截平面cutting plane截交线line of section二重性dual nature平面曲线plane curve圆弧arc椭圆ellipse长轴major axis短轴minor axis双曲线hyperbola抛物线parabola圆circle圆锥顶conic apex相贯体intersecting bodies相贯线line of intersection空间曲线space curve截平面方法cutting plane method辅助面auxiliary surface辅助平面auxiliary plane最高点culminating point尺寸Size定形尺寸size dimension定位尺寸location dimension左视图right view后视图rear view, back view仰视图bottom view辅助图auxiliary view局部视图partial view, broken view斜视图oblique view旋转视图revolved view, aligned view剖视图sectional view, section全剖视full section半剖视half section局部剖视图partial section, broken-out section 斜剖视图oblique section旋转剖视图aligned section阶梯剖视echelon section, offset section复合剖视compound section剖面图section, sectional view重合剖面coincide section, revolved section移出剖面removed section剖面线section line剖面符号symbols for section-lining习惯画法conventional drawing局部放大图drawing of partial enlargement零件图detail drawing, working drawing第三角投影third angle projection粗实线continuous thick line, full line, visible line 细实线continuous thin line虚线dot line, dashed line, hidden line点划线dash and dot line双点划线double dots line波浪线break line断裂线剖切平面迹线cutting plane line尺寸线dimension line尺寸界线extension tine尺寸dimension size箭头arrowhead基准datum基准线datum line基准面datum plane中心孔central hole中心距center distance轴shaft, axle孔hole斜孔inclination装配图assembly drawing性能尺寸characteristic dimension大小尺寸size dimension总体尺寸outer dimension外形尺寸配合尺寸fit dimension外圆角round尖角sharp corner倒角chamfer轮缘flange of wheel缘、边、环rim轴肩shoulder凸台boss凹坑concave pit轴颈shaft neck轮毂hub轮辐spoke, spoke of wheel 直纹滚花straight knurling s 网纹滚花hatching knurling 键槽key-way退刀槽escape拔模斜度pattern draft填料盒gland box油槽oil groove油封oil seal标准件standard parts螺纹thread外螺纹external thread内螺纹internal thread大径major diameter小径minor diameter螺距pitch of thread牙型form of thread旋向direction of turning右旋螺纹right-hand thread 左旋螺纹left-hand thread 头数number of thread导程lead粗牙coarse thread细牙fin thread螺栓bolt螺钉screw螺柱stud垫片washer公差tolerance公差带tolerance zone零线zero line标准公差standard tolerance公差等级tolerance grade基本偏差fundamental deviation配合fit间隙配合clearance fit过盈interference过盈配合interference fit过渡配合transition fit基孔制hole-basic system of fits基轴制shaft-basic system of fits间隙clearance形状公差tolerance in form, form tolerance直线度straightness平面度flatness圆度roundness圆柱度cylindricity线轮廓度profile of any line面轮廓度profile of any plane位置公差tolerance in position, position tolerances 平行度parallelism齿轮gear圆柱齿轮cylindrical gear正齿轮spur gear斜齿轮spiral gear轮齿gear tooth节圆pitch circle齿顶圆addendum circle, outside circle齿根圆root circle, addendum circle模数modulus齿数number of teeth齿高tooth height齿顶高height of addendum齿根高height of addendum齿厚circular thickness齿间tooth space齿宽tooth width压力角angle of pressure弹簧spring销pin圆柱销round pin圆锥销taper pin开口销cotter pin, split键key平键flat key半圆键half round key, woodruff key轴承bearing滚动轴承rolling bearing向心铀承radial bearing密封装置sealing equipment锁紧装置locking equipment粗糙度roughness基本尺寸basic size实际尺寸actual size极限尺寸limits size最大极限尺寸maximum limit of size最小极限尺寸minimum limit of size偏差deviation上偏差upper deviation下偏差lower deviation垂直度perpendicularity倾斜度angularity同轴度concentricity对称度symmetry位置度true position跳动run-out圆跳动cycle run-out全跳动total run-out轴测投影axonometric projection轴测投影面plane of axonometric projection 轴测图axonometric drawing正等轴测投影isometric projection正二测bimetric projection斜二测oblique bimetric projection轴测轴axonometric axis轴间角axis angle, angle between ales缩短foreshortened轴向缩短率coefficient of axial deformation ratio offore shortening for any axis切割法cutting method, by cutting方箱法boxing method坐标法coordinate method方框法enclosing-square method四心近似法four-center approximate metho。
这是指弹性元件自由振动的频率。如果在这 个文本框内输入一个值,PadCAD就会计算 冲击放大因子,对共振效应做一个检查。冲 击放大的理论最大预测值约1.8【4】。共振 效应预测设计到比较弹性元件频率与在不同 载荷下从缓冲材料而来的t:重量
这是指缓冲系统支撑的总重量。如果有内包 装或支柱支撑产品,则应该包含内包装或支 柱的重量。
可以从下拉式菜单中选择脆值(以g为单 位),如果能确切知道产品的脆值,则直接 输入具体的值。 15g--20g 带有精密轴承的精密仪器,光学 设备 20g--40g 机电设备,X光设备 40g--60g 陶瓷,打印机,计算机显示终端 60g--80g 玻璃瓶,工业机械
注意:非常重要,因为影响到 报告结果
输入高度方向上的最高凸起物的高度(即在 顶部或底部表面的凸起物),长度方向(即 左右表面的凸起物)和深度或宽度方向(即 前后表面的凸起物)。如果包装从设计跌落 高度跌落时,在凸起物和包装容器内表面之 间存在冲击的风险,则PadCAD会提供了一 项警告(在结果屏Results screen中的表头 为dm下以红色文字标记)。
Drop height:跌落高度
有两个选项:Probable drop height可能跌落 高度(概率跌落高度);Fixed drop height 固定跌落高度
可能跌落高度:如果选择这一项,则 PadCAD软件会计算整个包装件的重量, 并根据下表赋予一个可能跌落高度。
固定跌落高度(Fixed drop height):可以 赋予一个与包装件重量无关的固定跌落 高度的危害因子。可以在下拉式菜单中 选择30cm—120cm(12in—48in)的跌落 高度值。
质量缺陷常用语(Commonly used terminology in quality defects)缺料incomplete filling顶针位凹凸ejector marks raised or depressed未磨透ungrained down砂孔porosity变形distortion/deformation面麻pits多料filling to excess划痕/刮伤scratches电镀起泡blister/pimple/bubble冷纹cold shut碰伤bumps发黄yellowing崩料partial breakage of a casting露底exposed base露铜copper exposed烂料thermal shrinkage crack牙不到位uncompleted tapping色不对板color difference from samples蚀模die corrosion尺寸不符out of size缩水shrinkage油渍oil marks漏牙miss tapping电镀脱皮peeling牙紧tight thread脱油degreasing氧化oxidation滑牙loose thread尘点dirt pits发黑blacking流痕/波纹flow mark污渍stain(抗)粘模(anti-)soldering to die 喷油面的整饰touch-up针孔pinhole变色discoloration狗牙caniniform/dentate砂眼/气孔void粗糙roughness扣模die hooked缩痕shrinkage工模排位图(Die location layout)平面/实体图(2D/3D drawing)水口设计(gate design)工模设计(mold design)订料(purchase of die steel)CNC铜公(electrode made by CNC)模加工(die fabrication)热处理(heat treatment)磨床加工(grinding by precision grinding machine)淬火后CNC锣(CNC milling after quenching)线切割加工(machining by CNC wire-cut machine)电蚀火花加工[machining by electric discharge machine (EDM)]省模(Die polished)试模(Die trial)压铸(die casting)磨夹口(Removing parting line flash)磨光(polishing)(水)震机(water/vibrating)喷油(painting)电镀(E-plating)扫尼龙(brushed to satin surface)包装(packaging)样板入仓(sample stored in warehouse)干膜/湿膜附着力测试(dry/wet adhesion test)划痕硬度测试(scratch hardness test)铅笔硬度测试(pencil hardness test)酒精测试(alcohol test)热冲击试验(heat impact test)抗冲击力(impact resistance)抗粉化(chalking resistance)耐湿(humidity resistance)酸性盐雾[acid salt-spray (ASS)test]中性盐雾[neutral salt-spray (NSS)test )耐溶媒(solvent resistance)镜面光泽(specular gloss)桔皮缺陷(orange peel)抗化学试剂(chemical resistance)防碎屑(chip resistance)高温高湿测试(high humidity test)铜加速乙酸盐雾试验[copper-accelerated acetic acid-salt spray (fog)test (CASS test)]胶带附着力测试(measuring adhesion by tape test)粘度(viscosity)粘度计(viscosimeter)细度(degree of fineness)细度计(fineness gauge)硬度(hardness)硬度计(durometer/hardness meter)光泽度(glossiness)60光泽计(60 glossmeter)屈曲(挠)性(flexibility)柔韧仪(deflectometer/ flexometer)冲击性(impact strength)冲击仪(impact tester)附着性(adhesion)百格刮刀(cross cut)耐水性(water resistance)硬化时间(hardening time)耐汽油(gasolene resistance)耐盐雾(salt spray resistance )耐候性(antiweatherability)涂膜厚度(film thickness )喷涂粘度(spraying viscosity)20度纯水(pure water at 20℃)烘箱(oven)97#汽油(#97 petrol/gasoline)5%Nacl (5% sodium chloride)人工加速老化(artificial accelerated ageing)膜厚仪(film thickness gauge)显微镜(Microscope)电度厚度测试仪(Electroplating THK.Tester)转(扭)力仪(Twisting Meter)螺纹规(Thread Gauge)块规(Block Gauge)环规(Ring Gauge)力矩计(Torque Meter)塞规(Plug gage)高度仪(Altitude gauge)塞尺/间隙规(Clearance gauge)千分卡尺(Micrometer Calipers )“过” --“不过” 验规(通-止规)[go-no-go gauge] 游标卡尺(Vernier Caliper)电子卡尺(Digital caliper)深度千分尺(Depth Micrometer)销(针)规(Pin Gauge)投影仪(Projector )数字高度测量仪(Digital Height Gauge)表面处理测试仪(Surface Finish Tester)内/外径千分尺(Inside/outer Micrometer)洛(威)氏硬度仪[(HRC/HV)Hardness Tester)]温度计(Thermometer)孔规(Bore Gauge)电子称(Electric/digital Balance)三坐标测试仪(CMM)万用表(Multimeter)珍珠叻(pearl nickel)金属产品丝印(silk screening on Metal parts)电彩锌(electric coloring zinc)珍珠铬(pearl chrome)移印(PAD printing)表调(Pre-dips)珍珠金(pearl gold)焗漆(baking enamel)磷化(phosphatizing)金(gold)镁合金阳极处理(anodizing)铬化(chromating)尼龙叻(satin nickel)新铝色(alusilber)钝化(passivating)哑灰(dull grey)无铬钝化(deactivator)古青(antique brass)闪银(sparkle silver)除漆剂(varnish remover)黑白(antique bronze)特(微)闪银[extra (light)sparkle silver]古红(antique copper )超幼银(super fine silver)黑胚抛光(as-cast polished)特幼银(extra fine silver)喷珍珠镍(painted pearl nickel)镁合金电镀化学镍DNC-MG (electroless Nickel plating)喷珍珠铬(painted pearl chrome)镁合金非铬皮膜MAGPASS (Cr-Free passivation)砂铬(satin chrome)光铬(bright chrome)电泳漆(electrophoretic coating)哑银灰(dull/Matte silver grey)氟/碳聚合物喷涂(KYNAR 500-PVF2 coatings)半哑粗(细)银[semi-dull coarse/fine silver]静电粉沫喷涂(electrostatics powder coatings)喷砂阳极处理(anodization of sand blast)聚氨酯漆喷涂(polyurethane coatings )磨光阳极染色(polishing anode dyeing)聚脂漆喷涂(polyester coatings)环氧树酯喷涂(epoxy coatings)普通焗漆(baking enamel coatings)高温厨具焗漆(Non-stick debron coatings)微弧氧化白色MAO (micro-arc oxidation white)微弧氧化灰色(MAO grey)微弧氧化黑色(MAO black)非铬化(灰色)[Cr-free passivation treatment (grey)] 陶瓷氧化灰色(ceramic oxidation grey)陶瓷氧化黑色(ceramic oxidation black)无色磷化(环保)[clear phosphatization (unharmed to environment)]无色磷化(不环保)[clear phosphatization (harmed to environment)]喷砂+无色磷化(环保)[sand blasting +clear phosphatization (unharmed to environment)]喷砂+无色磷化(不环保)[sand blasting +clear phosphatization (harmed to environment)]无色铬化(clear chroming)彩色铬化(各色)(colored chroming)彩色钝化(各色)(colored passivation)和种间色(spacing color)光镍+银+透明大红色泳漆(bright nickel +silver +clear scarlet e-coatings)[ 电尼龙叻(10-20μm),扫尼龙之后上光油(聚脂漆最少为50μm,光泽度为90)] [satin nickel plated (10-20μm),brushed to satin surface and then clear lacquer (polyester clear lacquer min 50μm gloss 90)] ;透明泳漆(clear e-coatings)透明蓝色泳漆(clear blue e-coatings)透明黑色泳漆(clear black e-coatings)黑色泳漆(不透明)[black e-coatings (unclear)]金泳漆(gold e-coatings)光镍+扫尼龙+透明黄色泳漆(bright nickel +brushed to satin surface +clear yellow e-coatings)光镍+透明浅黄色泳漆(bright nickel +clear buff e-coatings )光镍+银+透明深黄色泳漆(bright nickel +silver +clear deep-yellow e-coatings)光镍+透明红紫色泳漆(bright nickel +clear purple e-coatings)光镍+透明深紫色泳漆(bright nickel +clear amaranth e-coatings)光镍+扫尼龙+透明浅红色泳漆(bright nickel +brushed to satin surface +clear light-red e-coatings)光镍+透明红色泳漆(bright nickel +clear red e-coatings)冷/热室压铸机cold/hot chamber pressure die-casting machine 司筒shot sleeve鎚头piston料壶melting pot sleeve射咀nozzle流道/浇口runner/gate直浇道sprue浇道套sprue bush鹅颈gooseneck压射缸injection cylinder压射冲头injection plunger钢呤steel piston ring排气vent中央熔炉center furnace熔化金属molten metal注料口filling port顶针ejector pin顶针痕ejector pad哥林柱/导柱tie bar前(定)机板/后(动)机板machine platen (moving/fixed)前(定)模/后(动)模cover die half(stationary half)/ ejector die half (moveable half)冷却水通道water cooling channel样板模prototype die生产模production die成套模unit die组合模sectional die冲模trim die模胚/模肉standardized main die frame/ replaceable cavity units行位/柯(型芯)core slides/core镶件casting insert模具钢热处理die steel heatment模具排位图die layout夹具jig/fixture模具寿命die life浇注系统gating/running system浇注系统设计design of gating system铸件凝固数值模拟numerical simulation of casting solidification 铸件工艺计算机辅助设计computer-aided design (CAD)of the casting process浇口杯pouring cup芯头斜度core taper直浇道spure直浇道窝sprue base横浇道runner内浇道ingate冒口riser/feeder head留型时间/开型时间opening time抽芯机构core puller溢流槽overflow顶针ejector pin垃圾位/余料biscuit /slug锁模力locking force模板尺寸size of die platen回炉料foundry returns废金属料scrap熔/炉渣slag沉/浮渣sludge/dross重熔remelting哥林柱间距/直径space between tie bars/tie bar diameter 开模行位die stroke最大/最小压模厚度maximum/minimum die height 干燥周期dry cycle射料力injection force压射位置shot position压射行程injection stroke鎚头直径plunger diameter坩埚容积melting pot专用射料压力specific injection pressure最大压铸面积casting area射料量casting weight顶出力ejector force顶出行程ejector stroke最大压力clamp force max.夹具行程clamp stroke工作压力normal pressure液压系统工作液体gydraulic fluid油箱容积oil tank capacity泵流量/型号pump capacity/type蓄压器型号accumulator type氮气压力nitrogen pressure燃烧装置burning units煤气炉gas furnace燃气炉型号burner type最大输入量Max.input电流强度current电压voltage马达型号/功率motor type/capacity公差/值(tolerance/value)基本尺寸(basic size)偏差(deviation)上/下偏差(upper/lower deviation)配合/间隙配合/过盈配合/过渡配合(fit/clearance fit/interference fit/ transition fits)单/双边公差(unilateral/bilateral tolerance)标准/精度公差(standard/ precision tolerance)基准/特征/点/线/平面/轴线(datum/feature/point/line/plane/axis)最大/小材料状态(M/LMC=maximum/least material condition)理论正确尺寸(theoretical size )基本尺寸(basic dimension)直径/半径(diameter/radius)直线度(straightness)平面度(flatness)圆度(circularity)圆柱度(cylindricity)线轮廓度(profile of a line)面轮廓度(profile of a surface)定向公差(orientation tolerance)平行度(parallelism)垂直度(perpendicularity)倾斜度(角度)(angularity)位置度(position)对称度(symmetry)同轴度(同心度)(concentricity)圆跳动(circular runout)全跳动(total runout)坐标尺寸(coordinate dimensioning)几何尺寸(geometric dimensioning)拔模斜度(draft angle)分型线(parting line)外圆角/内圆角拔模斜度(rounds/fillets draft)肋材和尖角(rib and corner)顶/测/端视图(top/side/ end view)1.水震除油(water vibratory cleaning)2.过清水(rinsing)3.酸洗(acid dip/pickling)4.钝化(passivating)5.除油(degreasing)6.除油缸温度(temperature in degreasing tank )7.除油时间(degreasing time)8.除油粉浓度(degreasant concentration)9.浸渍(dipping)10.浸渍缸温度(temperature in dipping tank)11.钝化缸温度(temperature in passivating tank)12.钝化液浓度(passivating agent concentration)13.脱脂(degreasing)14.刻蚀(descaling)15.碱洗(alkali cleaning)16.表调(surface conditioning)17.化成(chemical pretreatment)18.热水洗(hot water rinsing)19.烘干(baking)1.电珍珠铬工艺常用语(Commonly used terminology in process for pearl chrome plating)硫酸清洗sulfuric acid clean超声波除蜡ultrasonic clean除油degreasing电解除油electro clean酸浸acid dip预镀碱铜alkali copper焦铜pyrophosphate copper酸铜acid copper半光叻semi-bright nickel氯化叻nickel chloride珍珠叻pearl nickel热水洗hot water rinsing烘干baking2.电光铬工艺常用语(Commonly used terminology in process for bright chrome plating)三氯乙烯清洗trichloroethylene clean上挂具racking除蜡水洗ultrasonic clean电解缸electro clean酸水acid dip预红铜电镀copper strike电红铜copper酸水acid焦铜pyrophosphate copper酸铜acid copper半光叻semi-bright nickel氯化叻nickel chloride打底叻primer nickel镍色bright nickel烘干baking3.静电喷涂工艺常用语(Commonly used terminology in process for electrostatic coating)合格件上挂racking加热脱脂hot degreasing水洗rinsing酸洗acid dip中和neutralization表调surface conditioning磷化phosphating水洗二次rinsing x2烘干baking检查inspection上挂racking除尘dedusting喷涂spray painting固化curing下挂taking down包装packaging4.静电喷粉工艺常用语(Commonly used terminology in process for electrostatic powder)合格件上挂racking加热脱脂hot degreasing水洗rinsing中和neutralization表调surface conditioning钝化passivating水洗二次rinsing x2烘干baking检查inspection上挂racking除尘dedusting喷涂spray powder固化curing下挂taking down包装packaging补充词汇(Additional words)闪镀flash/falsh plate光亮电镀bright plating合金电镀alloy plating多层电镀multilayer plating金属喷镀metal spraying刷镀brush plating挂镀rack plating脉冲电镀pulse plating真空镀vacuum deposition热浸镀hot dipping离子镀ion plating滚镀barrel plating装饰性镀铬electroplating adom-chrome镀硬铬electroplating hard chrome钢铁发蓝/钢铁化学氧化blueing (chemical oxide)退镀stripping预镀strike化学抛光chemical polishing浸亮bright dipping活化activation机械抛光mechanical polishing粗化roughtening机械/化学粗化machine/chemistry coarsening敏化处理sensitization原材料入厂(incoming in warehouse)来料检验(IQC)压铸(die casting)冲水口(degating)刮项针位批锋(removing burrs round pads of ejector pin )挤牙(rolled threads)磨夹口(removing parting line flash)磨/抛光(polishing/buffing)外发电镀(to e-plating subcontractor)外观全检(appearance full-inspection)包装(packaging)不合格(NG)检查报告(inspection report)退回供应商(return to supplier)选用或回炉报废(selection or remelting)自检(self-inspection)设计/过程FMEA (design/process FMEA)项目名称(item)主要参加人员(core team)设计/过程责任部门(design/process responsibility)关键日期(key date)编制(prepared by)审批(approved by)过程功能(process function)要求(requirements)潜在失效模式(potential failure mode)潜在失效后果(potential effects of failure)严重度数(severity)级别(classification)潜在的失效起因/机理(potential causes/mechanisms of failure)频度数(occurrence)现行过程控制(current process control)预防(prevention)探测(detection)风险顺序数(risk priority number)建议的措施(recommended actions)责任和目标完成日期(responsibility & target completion date)措施结果(action results)采取措施(actions taken)?影响产品特性/二次加工周期/外观/装配功能(affect product characteristic/ postprocessing period/ appearance/assembling function )用料不符合要求(inconformable material to the requirements)温度控制不当(incorrect temperature control)模具/机板不平行(die/machine platen in unparallel)锁模力过小(lack of locking force)模具温度过低(lower die temperature)射料力/打锤时间不足(lack of injection force/shot time)料温过低/过高(lower/excessive metal temperature)模具过热(excessive hot die)运水量过低(lower volume of cool water)喷雾过大(release agent to excess)射速太快(rapid injection velocity)喷雾频次过少或喷雾不均匀(infrequent/ uneven spraying release agent )模温过高导致蚀模(excessive hot die leads to die corrosion)模具尺寸不符合要求(die size out of the specification)工模行位柯磨损(core slides worn out)开模时间过短(shortage of die-open time)顶出时间过短(shortage of ejector time)冲剪夹具有缝隙(trimming die with crack)操作时摆放不正确(lay products in disorder during operation)除批锋时操作不当而刮伤表面(surface scratch due to the improper handling in removing flash)摆放不正确堆积产品(pile products up due to laying in disorder)磨光轮选择不合适(unsuitable polishing wheels)布轮(polishing/cotton wheels)麻轮(sisal/sisal buffing wheels)砂布轮(sanding wheels)铜丝轮(brass brush wheels)磨料(abrasive medium)?手工磨光(manual polishing)抽取样品时产品有碰撞(bump at sampling)货与货之间碰撞(bump among products)电子磅误差超标(digital balance out of allowable error)主管对员工培训不足(lack of necessary training foremployees)按工作指示设定压铸参数/锁模力/射料力/射料速度/打锤时间/喷雾量/开模时间/顶出时间/压力参数/料温/控制温度/作业(set die-casting parameter/locking force/ injection force/injectionvelocity/shot time/ volume of release agent/die-open time/ ejector time/pressure rating/metal temperature/ control temperature/ operation according to WI)开拉前培训(training before operation)定期校准电子磅(regular calibration for digital balance)压铸(die casting)铜丝刷磨面(brushed surface by brass brush wheels)QC巡检(QC tour-inspection)剪水口(degating)冲内窗口(internal frame trimming)磨四边批锋(removing flash around external frame)刮顶针批锋(removing burrs round pads of ejector pin)锉内窗四边(filing internal frame)内窗四边磨砂纸(abrading internal frame by abrasive paper)刮四按钮孔(removing burrs in 4 button holes)全检(full-inspection)钻孔(drilling)攻牙(tapping)钝化(passivating)喷油前全检(full-inspection prior to painting)抹天那水(wiping with toluene)背面喷面油(applying top coat to bottom surface)表面喷底油(applying primer coat to top surface)烘干(baking)表面喷面油(applying top coat to top surface)移印/丝印(PAD printing/silk screening)抽检(sampling inspection)全检(full-inspection)包装(packaging)。
flexible printed wiring
flex-rigid printed board, rigid-flex printed board
26、 刚性双面印制板:flex-rigid double-sided printed board, rigid-flex double-sided printed
玻璃布:glass fabric
压延铜箔:rolled copper foil
非织布:non-woven fabric
退火铜箔:annealed copper foil
玻璃纤维垫:glass mats
压延退火铜箔:rolled annealed copper foil (ra copper
48、 聚四乙烯玻璃纤维覆铜箔板:teflon/fiber glass copper-clad laminates
49、 超薄型层压板:ultra thin laminate
50、 陶瓷基覆铜箔板:ceramics base copper-clad laminates
51、 紫外线阻挡型覆铜箔板:uv blocking copper-clad laminates
鱼眼:fish eye
热塑性树脂:thermoplastic resin
毛圈长:feather length
感光性树脂:photosensitive resin
环氧当量:weight per epoxy equivalent (wpe)
AutoCAD Plant 3D和Revit模型合作教程说明书
PT217583D Model Collaboration with AutoCAD Plant 3D and Revit Jason DrewAutodesk, Inc.Quentin ContrerasAutodesk, Inc.Learning Objectives∙Learn how to export and import models using AutoCAD Plant 3D∙Learn how to export and import models using Revit∙Learn how to update models with design changes∙Learn about model optimizationDescriptionDesign collaboration between architecture, engineering, and construction disciplines using AutoCAD software, industry-specific products and Revit software is possible with the proper workflows. This class outlines best practices for exporting and importing models between AutoCAD Plant 3D software and Revit software, managing design changes, and optimizing models. This session features Revit and AutoCAD Plant 3D.Your AU ExpertsJason DrewJason Drew is a Premium Support Specialist with Enterprise Priority Support at Autodesk. He has been with Autodesk since 2011 working with AutoCAD Plant 3D and P&ID since the initial releases of the software. His previous experience outside of Autodesk include Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID (admin and designer roles), software training and support for AutoCAD Plant and P&ID as an Application Engineer at D3 Technologies, and IT Support at several engineering companies in Tulsa, Oklahoma.Quentin ContrerasQuentin Contreras joined Autodesk in 2012 working with Frontline Customer Support and is currently a Premium Support Specialist working with Enterprise Priority Support focusing on customers with AutoCAD Plant Design software. Quentin has been involved with Autodesk technology for over 25 years (starting with release 10). He has worked with various companies as a CAD Manager and Designer with focus in the oil and gas industry and ammonia refrigeration. Prior to joining Autodesk, he primarily worked using AutoCAD P&ID to develop as-built drafting services for various industries. This required various levels of customization due to following set guidelines set up with each customer he worked with. He is also a contributor to the In the Pipes blog that provides helpful tips and tricks to AutoCAD Plant 3D and P&ID users.Table of ContentsIntroduction (3)AutoCAD Plant 3D to Revit (4)Exporting from Plant 3D (4)Manual Export (4)Batch Export (4)Importing into Revit (4)Method 1 – Link a CAD Model (4)Method 2 – Create and Insert a new part family (5)Model Management in Revit (8)Revit to AutoCAD Plant 3D (9)Exporting from Revit (9)Preparing 3D Views (9)Revit Export Settings (10)Importing into AutoCAD Plant 3D (11)Attach as XREF (11)Generating Orthographic Views in Plant 3D (11)Model Management and Optimization (12)Coordinate Systems, Positioning, and Alignment (12)Coordinate systems with AutoCAD Plant 3D (12)Shared Coordinates for Revit (12)Model Complexity (12)Plant 3D Model Optimization (12)Project Drawing Management (13)Revit Project Optimization for Plant 3D Performance (13)Conclusion (14)IntroductionIn the AEC industry, one software program cannot do it all. Separate applications are needed for structural, electrical, mechanical, architectural and civil infrastructure designs. The exchange of design data between the different programs is not seamless.One of the most critical workflows is between Revit and AutoCAD vertical products. This document provides best practices for collaboration with 3D models and how to maximize performance. The information provided builds on basic knowledge of AutoCAD Plant 3D and Revit.AutoCAD Plant 3D to RevitThis section explains how to export models from Plant 3D for use with Revit projects. In order for Revit to process and properly display the geometry for objects in the DWG file, the drawings must be exported as 3D solids. Revit does not utilize Object Enablers. The “Export to AutoCAD” function of Plant 3D Project Manager is a special function that will process all of the Plant objects (equipment, pipe, valves, fittings, etc.) and convert them to ACIS solids during the export process.Exporting from Plant 3DManual ExportThis option allows the export of a single project drawing by u sing the “Export to AutoCAD” comm and within Plant 3D Project Manager.Batch ExportIt is possible to export drawings in bulk or “batch” export with Plant 3D by using a custom .NET application.We have provided a sample with this class. This is an example of what is possible using custom programming and scripting to help automate the export process. The sample Batch Export for AutoCAD application is available for download from the Autodesk University class page. Importing into RevitThere are two methods outlined in this document for importing AutoCAD DWG files into Revit. The first method is very simple and automatically updates when the model changes, but does not give the best results in Revit. The second method requires more steps but allows AEC objects to be sectioned within views which then act more like other Revit objects. The choice then depends on a preference between ease of use and having complete visibility in Revit.Method 1 – Link a CAD ModelThe simplest way to use AutoCAD Plant 3D models in Revit is to link them directly into the Revit model.Note the following limitations with this method:∙Some of the AEC objects from the DWG willshow up as wireframe regardless of the detaillevel setting as there are no object enablersinside of Revit to handle this geometry∙Section and elevation views will not clip thegeometry properly∙This method is only recommended for 2Dlayouts such as plot plansMethod 2 – Create and Insert a new part familyThis method takes several steps, but gives better model visibility in Revit.There are two options with this method. The first is creating a new part family, importing the CAD model (DWG file) into the part family, and placing an instance into the Revit model. The drawback to this option is the part family must be edited each time a revision is made to the exported DWG file from Plant 3D; erasing the existing imported model and replacing it with the updated model.The second option uses an add-on for Revit (DWG Sync) to help automate the initial import of the CAD model into a new part family and updating it when revisions occur.First Option – Manual Part Family Creation and Update1. Launch AutoCAD Plant 3D2. Open the drawing with the model to be exported in Plant 3D and use the EXPORTTOAUTOCADcommand (or right-click on a drawing inside Project Manager and select Export to AutoCAD) to save a copy of the model with the Plant objects converted to AutoCAD 3D solids.3. Select a folder outside of the Plant 3D project to store the exported drawingsIf you want to include External References be sure to open the exported DWG files and use the XREF command to bind the references into a block.4. In Revit, create a new empty Revit Family. Use Generic Model.rft for the template.5. From the Insert ribbon click the Import CAD button to import the DWG:6. Click the Save button to save the part family7. Use the Load into Project and Close button on the Insert on the ribbon8. Click to select a location to place the new part familyIf desired, press the V key, then the G key to bring up the Visibility / Graphics Overrides window and turn on the site Project Base Point or Survey Point for placement and alignment of the part family in9. The Part Family can be placed again by locating it in Project Browser under the Generic Modelscategory and creating a new instance.Note, when updates occur, an edit will be required to the part family; erase the existing DWG geometry, import the updated DWG file, save, and reload the family into the project.Second Option - DWG Sync Add-in for RevitDWG Sync is an add-on for Revit that provides the following functions:∙Automatic creation of new Part Families for DWG files that have been exported from Plant 3D ∙Batch update of the existing Part Families containing the imported Plant 3D models (DWG files)Hyperlink to a web version of the diagram shown above:Autodesk Praxis Workflow Diagram - DWG Sync Add-in for RevitAs of November 10th, 2016, the DWG Sync for Revit add-in is available in the Autodesk Labs: It's Alive in the Labs: DWG Sync for Revit Tech PreviewPlease note, the labs project is scheduled to close on September 1st, 2017.Loading a new CAD model with DWG Sync – Import1. Open the main Revit model for the project2. Click the DWG Import button from the Add-Ins tab of the DWG Sync panel on the ribbon bar3. Browse to the location of the DWG file to be imported and click OK to continue4. The DWG import process will beginA new part family will be created using theGeneric Model template. Note, this could takesome time depending on the size andcomplexity of the Plant 3D model. After theimport process is complete you may receive awarning that some ACIS objects could not beimported. Click OK to close out this message.All of the geometry should be properlyprocessed if the drawing was properlyexported from Plant 3D.Note, DWG Sync will bring in any ExternalReferences that are attached to the original DWG file, regardless of the attachment type (overlay vs. attach.) If the exclusion of External References is desired, they must be unloaded inside the original DWG file before using DWG Import.5. Press the V key, then the G key to bring up the Visibility / Graphics Overrides window6. Scroll down to the list, expand the list for Site, and click the check-box for Project Base Point7. Move the base point of the imported CAD model (theAutoCAD 0,0 point) to the project base point as shown belowIf the model needs to be removed from the view and placedagain it can be accessed from the Families section of theProject Browser. Right-clicking on the name of the part familywill allow placement of a new instance by selecting CreateInstance.For more information, please refer the following articles:Project Base Points and Survey PointsTips for Working with Project Base Points and Survey PointsUpdating existing imported modelsAfter changes have occurred within the Plant 3D project drawings, another export (Export to AutoCAD) will be required. The recommendation is to overwrite the existing drawings. DWG Sync will detect this change and the models within the Revit part families can be refreshed / re-imported using the steps shown below.1. Click the DWG Sync button from the Add-Ins tab of the DWG Sync panel on the ribbon bar2. The DWG files that have changed will show a status of Refresh. The check-box for thesedrawings under the Import column will be automatically selected.3. Chen click the OK button4. The updated DWG will be imported, replacing the existing model inside the part familyModel Management in RevitWith the Plant models inserted as part families, they can be used in a Revit project for creating section and plan views.One recommended practice is to create a new Revit project model specifically for the imported Plant 3D DWG files. This allows the project to the linked into additional Revit projects and un-loaded and re-loaded as needed. This will also avoid importing additional categories andelements into the main models.Revit to AutoCAD Plant 3DIn order to use the 3D models from Revit within Plant 3D, it is necessary to export the models to a DWG file format. This section covers the configuration options and steps to use for proper export. Exporting from RevitPreparing 3D ViewsWhile it is possible to use the default 3D View within Revit to export the models to DWG files,this may not be the desired option. The default 3D View will contain all Revit objects, including interior doors, furniture, etc.Limiting Model Geometry Before ExportingBefore exporting a Revit model, limit model geometry to improve the performance of the export process.In Revit, a view of the building model contains many objects. When exporting a model for use in AutoCAD, Revit exports only the objects that are visible in the view (or views).If only a particular set of objects from Revit are needed for the export, customized 3D Views can be created specifically for exporting the DWG files. The visibility / graphic overrides and viewtemplates applied to the views will control what is exported out of Revit.Examples:∙Export all concrete slabs but exclude the rebar∙Export all structural steel beams and columns but exclude walls, ceilings, and floors∙Export the exterior of a building, but exclude all interior objects such as furniture By reducing the amount of model geometry (and its underlying data) that is exported, thefollowing is achieved:∙Improve performance of the export process∙Reduce the size of the exported file∙Improve performance of the importing application∙Reduce clutter (non-essential items) in the exported file, and hence the amount of work required to delete these objects from the file in the importing application∙Optimize the time it takes to generate orthographic views in Plant 3DUse the following techniques in Revit to reduce the amount of geometry to be exported:∙Turn off visibility of graphics∙Use a section box or a crop region∙Specify the detail level (Course, Medium, Fine)Revit Export SettingsExport as ACIS SolidsBefore the models are exported be sure to check the export options for Revit to ensure that solids are set to ACIS solids versus Polymesh. The orthographic drawing view generation for Plant 3D will not properly process Polymesh surfaces.Hyperlink to a web version of the diagram shown above:Autodesk Praxis Workflow Diagram - Revit Export to AutoCAD Plant 3DImporting into AutoCAD Plant 3DAttach as XREFIt is recommended to use “host” drawings or DWG files that will act as container drawings when importing the DWGs that have been exported out of Revit. This is accomplished by creating at new project drawing within Plant 3D Project Manager, opening the new drawing, then attaching the exported DWG from Revit. The main benefits of this practice:∙The exported DWGs from Revit do not need to be copied into the Plant 3D project. The host DWG belongs to the Plant project and contains the external reference (XREF) to thesedrawings which can be stored anywhere on the network.∙By avoiding the need to copy drawings into the Plant 3D project over and over (with each revision / export from Revit), the process of updating is simply opening the host DWG and allow it to reload the XREF.Generating Orthographic Views in Plant 3DIf the Revit models were exported to DWG format using ACIS solids, the orthographic view generation within Plant 3D should display all of the geometry properly in generated orthographic views. Note, the complexity of the exported Revit models will have an impact on the time it takes to generate orthographic views. Plant 3D uses the AutoCAD hidden line removal and it must process all of 3D solids in order to create orthographic views.Model Management and OptimizationCoordinate Systems, Positioning, and AlignmentKeeping models positioned and aligned with various coordinate systems is an important aspect to keep in mind to avoid any undesired movement during re-export and re-import.Coordinate systems with AutoCAD Plant 3DFor information about using state plane coordinates for positioning models within Plant 3D, please refer to this article on the Autodesk Knowledge Network:Using AutoCAD Plant 3D in a state plane coordinate project environmentShared Coordinates for RevitFor information about coordinate systems in Revit, please refer to thisAB1412: Navigating Through the Storm Using Coordinate Systems in RevitCI1599: Feeling Out of Sync? Get Your BIM Coordination On!Model ComplexityOptimizing the Plant 3D models in preparation for export to DWG files will help general performance with pan, zoom, and 3D orbit view operations within Revit. It will also help speed up the reloading of the models with each model revision.Plant 3D Model OptimizationWhen extremely complex models (such as those provided by vendors) are used for equipment, valves, in-line fittings, etc. the view performance of Revit can suffer when too many of thesemodels are imported. Using simplified models for these objects is recommended as a best practice.Figure 1. Detailed Vendor Equipment Model Figure 2. Parametric Plant 3D EquipmentProject Drawing ManagementOrganizing the Plant 3D project drawings into manageable process areas and units can helpstreamline the export process. Only the areas and units that have been updated will need to be exported after a model revision versus exporting the entire master model.For additional information, refer to the Managing large AutoCAD Plant 3D projects technical article on Autodesk Knowledge Network.Revit Project Optimization for Plant 3D PerformanceOptimizing the Revit models before exporting to DWG files as described in the article below will help with graphics performance with pan, zoom, and 3D orbit view operations within AutoCAD Plant 3D. It will also help speed up the orthographic view generation (hidden line removal) process.Autodesk® Revit 2017 Model Performance Technical NoteConclusionNow that you have an understanding of methods to share models from Plant 3D to Revit and Revit to Plant 3D, we hope these new workflows will expand your interoperability between engineering and design disciplines. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.Jason Drew***********************Quentin Contreras******************************。
COL, *COLOR(设置颜色) LA, *LAYER(图层****作)LT, *LINETYPE(线形) LTS, *LTSCALE(线形比例)LW, *LWEIGHT (线宽) UN, *UNITS(图形单位)ATT, *ATTDEF(属性定义) ATE, *ATTEDIT(编辑属性)BO, *BOUNDARY(边界创建,包括创建闭合多段线和面域)AL, *ALIGN(对齐) EXIT, *QUIT(退出)EXP, *EXPORT(输出其它格式文件) IMP, *IMPORT(输入文件)OP,PR *OPTIONS(自定义CAD设置) PRINT, *PLOT(打印)PU, *PURGE(清除**) R, *REDRAW(重新生成)REN, *RENAME(重命名) SN, *SNAP(捕捉栅格)DS, *DSETTINGS(设置极轴追踪) OS, *OSNAP(设置捕捉模式)PRE, *PREVIEW(打印预览) TO, *TOOLBAR(工具栏)V, *VIEW(命名视图) AA, *AREA(面积)DI, *DIST(距离) LI, *LIST(显示图形数据信息)2、AUTO CAD快捷绘图命令:PO, *POINT(点) L, *LINE(直线)XL, *XLINE(射线) PL, *PLINE(多段线)ML, *MLINE(多线) SPL, *SPLINE(样条曲线)POL, *POLYGON(正多边形) REC, *RECTANGLE(矩形)C, *CIRCLE(圆) A, *ARC(圆弧)DO, *DONUT(圆环) EL, *ELLIPSE(椭圆)REG, *REGION(面域) MT, *MTEXT(多行文本)T, *MTEXT(多行文本) B, *BLOCK(块定义)I, *INSERT(插入块) W, *WBLOCK(定义块文件)DIV, *DIVIDE(等分) H, *BHATCH(填充)3、AUTO CAD快捷修改命令:CO, *COPY(复制) MI, *MIRROR(镜像)AR, *ARRAY(阵列) O, *OFFSET(偏移)RO, *ROTATE(旋转) M, *MOVE(移动)E, DEL键 *ERASE(删除) X, *EXPLODE(分解)TR, *TRIM(修剪) EX, *EXTEND(延伸)S, *STRETCH(拉伸) LEN, *LENGTHEN(直线拉长)SC, *SCALE(比例缩放) BR, *BREAK(打断)CHA, *CHAMFER(倒角) F, *FILLET(倒圆角)PE, *PEDIT(多段线编辑) ED, *DDEDIT(修改文本)4、AUTO CAD快捷视窗缩放:P, *PAN(平移) Z+空格+空格, *实时缩放Z, *局部放大 Z+P, *返回上一视图Z+E, *显示全图5、AUTO CAD快捷尺寸标注:DLI, *DIMLINEAR(直线标注) DAL, *DIMALIGNED(对齐标注)DRA, *DIMRADIUS(半径标注) DDI, *DIMDIAMETER(直径标注)DAN, *DIMANGULAR(角度标注) DCE, *DIMCENTER(中心标注)DOR, *DIMORDINATE(点标注) TOL, *TOLERANCE(标注形位公差)LE, *QLEADER(快速引出标注) DBA, *DIMBASELINE(基线标注)DCO, *DIMCONTINUE(连续标注) D, *DIMSTYLE(标注样式)DED, *DIMEDIT(编辑标注) DOV, *DIMOVERRIDE(替换标注系统变量)(二)AUTO CAD快捷常用CTRL快捷键【CTRL】+1 *PROPERTIES(修改特性) 【CTRL】+2 *ADCENTER(设计中心)【CTRL】+O *OPEN(打开文件)【CTRL】+N、M *NEW(新建文件)【CTRL】+P *PRINT(打印文件)【CTRL】+S *SAVE(保存文件)【CTRL】+Z *UNDO(放弃)【CTRL】+X *CUTCLIP(剪切)【CTRL】+C *COPYCLIP(复制)【CTRL】+V *PASTECLIP(粘贴)【CTRL】+B *SNAP(栅格捕捉)【CTRL】+F *OSNAP(对象捕捉)【CTRL】+G *GRID(栅格)【CTRL】+L *ORTHO(正交)【CTRL】+W *(对象追踪)【CTRL】+U *(极轴)(三)AUTO CAD快捷常用功能键【F1】 *HELP(帮助)【F2】 *(文本窗口)【F3】 *OSNAP(对象捕捉)【F7】 *GRIP(栅格)【F8】 *ORTHO(正交)1.3DARRAY 3A 三维阵列2.3DCLIP 设置剪切平面位置3.3DCORBLT 继续执行3DORBIT命令4.3DDISTANCE 距离调整5.3DFACE 3F 绘制三维曲面6.3DMESH 绘制三维自由多边形网格7.3DORBLT 3DO 三维动态旋转8.3DPAN 三维视图平移9.3DPLOY 3P 绘制三维多段线10.3DSIN 插入一个3DS文件11.3DSOUT 输出图形数据到一个3DS文件12.3DSWIVEL 旋转相机13.3DZOOM 三维视窗下视窗缩放14.ABOUT 显示AutoCAD的版本信息15.ACISIN 插入一个ACIS文件16.ACISOUT 将AutoCAD三维实体目标输出到ACIS文件17.ADCCLOSE 关闭AutoCAD设计中心18.ADCENTER ADC 启动AutoCAD设计中心19.ADCNAVIGATE ADC 启动AutoCAD设计中心并直接访问用户所设置的文件名、路径或网上目录20.ALIGN AL 图形对齐21.AMECONVERT 将AME实体转换成AutoCAD实体22.APERTURE 控制目标捕捉框的大小23.APPLOAD AP 装载Auto LISP、ADS或ARX程序24.ARC A 绘制圆弧25.AREA AA 计算所选择区域的周长和面积26.ARRAY AR 图形阵列27.ARX 加载、卸载Object ARX程序28.ATTDEF ATT、DDATTDEF 创建属性定义29.ATTDISP 控制属性的可见性30.ATTEDIT ATE 编辑图块属性值31.ATTEXT DDATTEXT 摘录属性定义数据32.ATTREDEF 重定义一个图块及其属性33.AUDIT 检查并修复图形文件的错误34.BACKGROUND 设置渲染背景35.BASE 设置当前图形文件的插入点36.BHATCH BH或H 区域图样填充37.BLIPMODE 点记模式控制38.BLOCK B或–B 将所选的实体图形定义为一个图块39.BLOCKICON 为AutoCAD R14或更早版本所创建的图块生成预览图像40.BMPOUT 将所选实体以BMP文件格式输出41.BOUNDARY BO或–BO 创建区域42.BOX 绘制三维长方体实体43.BRDAK BR 折断图形44.BROWSER 网络游览45.CAL AutoCAD计算功能46.CAMERA 相机*作47.CHAMFER CHA 倒直角48.CHANGE –CH 属性修改49.CH PROP 修改基本属性50.CIRCLE C 绘制圆51.CLOSE 关闭当前图形文件52.COLOR COL 设置实体颜色PILE 编译(Shape)文件和PostScript文件54.CONE 绘制三维圆锥实体55.CONVERT 将由AutoCAD R14或更低版本所作的二维多段线(或关联性区域图样填充)转换成AutoCAD2000格式56.COPY CO或CP 复制实体57.COPYBASE 固定基点以复制实体58.COPYCLIP 复制实体到WINDOWS剪贴板59.COPYHIST 复制命令窗口历史信息到WINDOWS剪贴板60.COPYLINK 复制当前视窗至WINDOWS剪贴板61.CUTCLIP 剪切实体至WINDOWS剪贴板62.CYLINDER 绘制一个三维圆柱实体63.DBCCLOSE 关闭数据库连接管理64.DBCONNECT DBC 启动数据库连接管理65.DBLIST 列表显示当前图形文件中每个实体的信息66.DDEDIT ED 以对话框方式编辑文本或属性定义67.DDPTYPE 设置点的形状及大小68.DDVPOINT VP 通过对话框选择三维视点69.DELAY 设置演示(Script)延时时间70.DIM AND DIM1 进入尺寸标注状态71.DIMALIGNED CAL或DIMALI 标注平齐尺寸72.DIMANGULAR DAN或DIMANG 标注角度73.DIMBASELINE DBA或DIMBASE 基线标注74.DIMCENTER DCE 标注圆心75.DIMCONTINUE DCO或DIMCONT 连续标注76.DIMDIAMETER DDI或DIMDLA 标注直径77.DIMEDIT DED或DIMED 编辑尺寸标注78.DIMLINEAR DLI或DIMLIN 标注长度尺寸79.DIMORDINATE DOR或DIMROD 标注坐标值80.DIMOVERRIDE DOR或DIMOVER 临时覆盖系统尺寸变量设置81.DIMRADIUS DRA或DIMRAD 标注半径82.DIMSTYLE DST或DIMSTY 创建或修改标注样式83.DIMTEDIT DIMTED 编辑尺寸文本84.DIST DI 测量两点之间的距离85.DIVIDE DIV 等分实体86.DONUT DO 绘制圆环87.DRAGMODE 控制是否显示拖动对象的过程88.DRAWORDER DR 控制两重叠(或有部分重叠)图像的显示次序89.DSETTINGS DS、SE 设置栅格和捕捉、角度和目标捕捉点自动跟踪以及自动目标捕捉选项功能90.DSVIEWER AV 鹰眼功能91.DVIEW DV 视点动态设置92.DWGPROPS 设置和显示当前图形文件的属性93.DXBIN 将DXB文件插入到当前文件中94.EDGE 控制三维曲面边的可见性95.EDGESURF 绘制四边定界曲面96.ELEV 设置绘图平面的高度97.ELLIPSE EL 绘制椭圆或椭圆弧98.ERASE E 删除实体99.EXPLODE X 分解实体100.EXPORT EXP 文件格式输出101.EXPRESSTOOLS 如果当前AutoCAD环境中无[快捷工具]这一工具,可启动该命令以安装AutoCAD快捷工具102.EXTEND EX 延长实体103.EXETRUDE EXT 将二维图形拉伸成三维实体104.FILL F 控制实体的填充状态105.FILLET 倒圆角106.FILTER FI 过滤选择实体107.FIND 查找与替换文件108.FOG 三维渲染的雾度配置109.GRAPHSCR 在图形窗口和文本窗口间切换110.GRID 显示栅格111.GROUP G或-G 创建一个指定各称的目标选择组112.HATCH –H 通过命令行进行区域填充图样113.HATCHEDIT HE 编辑区域填充图样114.HELP 显示AutoCAD在线帮助信息115.HIDE 消隐116.HYPERLINK 插入超级链接117.HYPERLINKOPTION HI 控制是否显示超级链接标签118.ID 显示点的坐标119.IMAGE I 将图像文件插入到当前图形文件中120.IMAGEADJUST LAD 调整所选图像的明亮度、对比度和灰度121.IMAGEATTACH LAT 附贴一个图像至当前图形文件122.IMAGECLIP ICL 调整所选图像的边框大小123.IMAGFRAME 控制是否显示图像的边框124.IMAGEQUALITY 控制图像的显示质量125.IMPORT TMP 插入其他格式文件126.INSERT I 把图块(或文件)插入到当前图形文件127.INSERTOBJ IO 插入OLE对象128.INTERFERE INF 将两个或两个以上的三维实体的相交部分创建为一个单独的实体129.INTERSECT IN 对三维实体求交130.ISOPLANE 定义基准面YER LA或–LA 图层控制YOUT LO 创建新布局或对已存在的布局进行更名、复制、保存或删除等*作YOUTWIZARD 布局向导134.LEADER LE或LEAD 指引标注135.LENGTHEN LEN 改变实体长度136.LIGHT 光源设置137.LIMTS 设置图形界限138.LINS L 绘制直线139.LINETYPE LT或–LTLTYPE 创建、装载或设置线型140.LIST LS 列表显示实体信息141.LOAD 装入已编译过的形文件142.LOGFILEOFF 关闭登录文件143.LOGFILEON 将文本窗口的内容写到一个记录文件中144.LSEDIT 场景编辑145.LSLIB 场景库管理146.LSNEW 添加场景147.LTSCALE LTS 设置线型比例系数148.LWEIGHT LW 设置线宽149.MASSPROP 查询实体特性150.MATCHPROP MI 属性匹配151.MATLIB 材质库管理152.MEASURE ME 定长等分实体153.MENU 加载菜单文件154.MENULOAD 加载部份主菜单155.MENUUNLOAD 卸载部份主菜单156.MINSERT 按矩形阵列方式插入图块157.MIRROR MI 镜像实体158.MIRROR3D 三维镜像159.MLEDIT 编辑平行线160.MLINE ML 绘制平行线161.MLSTYLE 定义平行线样式162.MODEL 从图纸空间切换到模型空间163.MOVE M 移动实体164.MSLIDE 创建幻灯片165.MSPACE MS 从图纸空间切换到模型空间166.MTEXT MT或T 多行文本标注167.MULTIPLE 反复多次执行上一次命令直到执行别的命令或按Esc键168.MVIEW MV 创建多视窗169.MVSETUP 控制视口170.NEW 新建图形文件171.OFFSET O 偏移复制实体172.OLELINKS 更新、编辑或取消已存在的OLE链接173.OLESCALE 显示OLE属性管理器174.OOPS 恢复最后一次被删除的实体175.OPEN 打开图形文件176.OPTIONS OP、PR 设置AutoCAD系统配置177.ORTHO 切换正交状态178.OSNAP OS 或–OS 设置目标捕捉方式及捕捉框大小179.PAGESETUP 页面设置180.PAN P或–P 视图平移181.PARTIALOAD 部分装入182.PARTIALOPEN 部分打开183.PASTEBLOCK 将已复制的实体目标粘贴成图块184.PASTECLIP 将剪贴板上的数据粘贴至当前图形文件中185.PASTEORLG 固定点粘贴186.PASTESPEC PA 将剪贴板上的数据粘贴至当前图形文件中并控制其数据格式187.PCINWINEARD 导入PCP或PC2配置文件的向导188.PEDIT PE 编辑多段线和三维多边形网格189.PFACE 绘制任意形状的三维曲面190.PLAN 设置UCS平面视图191.PLINE PL 绘制多段线192.PLOT PRINT 图形输出193.PLOTSTYLE 设置打印样式194.PLOTTERMANAGER 打印机管理器195.POINT PO 绘制点196.POLYGON POL 绘制正多边形197.PREVIEW PRE198.PROPERTLES CH、MO、PRO 、PS、DDMODI、FX、DDCHPR OR 打印预览目标属性管理器199.PROPERTLESCLOSE PRCLOSE 关闭属性管理器200.PSDRAG 控制PostScript图像显示201.PSETUPIN 导入自定义页面设置202.PSFILL 用PostScript图案填充二维多段线203.PSIN 输入PostScript文件204.PSOUT 输出PostScript文件205.PSPACE PS 从模型空间切换到图纸空间206.PURGE PU 消除图形中无用的对象,如图块、尺寸标注样式、图层、线型、形和文本标注样式等207.QDIM 尺寸快速标注208.QLEADER LE 快速标注指引线209.QSAVE 保存当前图形文件210.QSELECT 快速选择实体211.QTEXT 控制文本显示方式212.QUIT EXIT 退出AutoCAD213.RAY 绘制射线214.RECOVER 修复损坏的图形文件215.RECTANG REC 绘制矩形216.REDEFINE 恢复一条已被取消的命令217.REDO 恢复由Undo(或U)命令取消的最后一条命令218.REDRAW R 重新显示当前视窗中的图形219.REDRAWALL RA 重新显示所有视窗中的图形220.REFCLOSE 外部引用在位编辑时保存退出221.REFEDIT 外部引用在位编辑222.REFSET 添加或删除外部引用中的项目223.REGEN RE 重新生成当前视窗中的图形224.REGENALL REA 重新刷新生成所有视窗中的图形225.REGGNAUTO 自动刷新生成图形226.REGION REG 创建区域229.RENDER RR 渲染230.RENDSCK 重新显示渲染图片231.REPLAY 显示BMP、TGA或TIEF图像文件232.RESUME 继续已暂停或中断的脚本文件233.REVOLVE REV 将二维图形旋转成三维实体234.REVSURF 绘制旋转曲面235.RMAT 材质设置236.ROTATE RO 旋转实体237.ROTATE3D 三维旋转238.RPREF RPR 设置渲染参数239.RSCRIPT 创建连续的脚本文件240.RULESURF 绘制直纹面241.SAVE 保存图形文件242.SAVE AS 将当前图形另存为一个新文件243.SAVEIMG 保存渲染文件244.SCALE SC 比例缩放实体245.SCENE 场景管理246.SCRIPT SCR 自动批处理AutoCAD命令247.SECTION SEC 生成剖面248.SELECT 选择实体249.SETUV 设置渲染实体几何特性250.SETVAR SET 设置AutoCAD系统变量251.SHADE SHA 着色处理252.SHAPE 插入形文件253.SHELL SH 切换到DOS环境下254.SHOWMAT 显示实体材质类型255.SKETCH 徒手画线256.SLICE SL 将三维实体切开257.SNAP SN 设置目标捕捉功能258.SOLDRAW 生成三维实体的轮廓图形259.SOLID SO 绘制实心多边形260.SOLIDEIDT 三维实体编辑261.SOLPROF 绘制三维实体的轮廓图像262.SOLVIEW 创建三维实体的平面视窗263.SPELL SP 检查文体对象的拼写264.SPHERE 绘制球体265.SPLINE SPL 绘制一条光华曲线266.SPLINEDIT SPE 编制一条光华曲线267.STATS 显示渲染实体的系统信息268.STATUS 查询当前图形文件的状态信息269.STLOUT 将三维实体以STL格式保存270.STRETCH S 拉伸实体271.STYLE ST 创建文体标注样式272.STYLESMANAGER 显示打印样式管理器273.SUBTRACT SU 布尔求差274.SYSWINDOWS 控制AutoCAD 文体窗口275.TABLET TA 设置数字化仪276.TABSURF 绘制拉伸曲面277.TEXT 标注单行文体278.TEXTSCR 切换到AutoCAD文体窗口279.TIME 时间查询280.TOLERANCE TOL 创建尺寸公差281.TOOLBAR TO 增减工具栏282.TORUS TOR 创建圆环实体283.TRACE 绘制轨迹线284.TRANSPARENCY 透水波设置285.TREESTAT 显示当前图形文体件路径信息286.TRIM TR 剪切287.U 撤消上一*作288.UCS 建立用户坐标系统289.UCSICON 控制坐标图形显示290.UCSMAN UCS管理器291.UNDEFINE 允许用户将自定义命令覆盖AutoCAD内部命令292.UNDO 撤消上一组*作293.UNION UNI 布尔求并294.UNITS –UN 或UN 设置长度及角度的单位格式和精度等级295.VBAIDE VBA集成开发环境296.VBALOAD 加载VBA项目297.VBAMAN VBA管理器298.VBARUN 运行VBA宏299.VBASTMT 运行VBA语句300.VBAUNLOAD 卸载VBA工程301.VIEW –V 视窗管理302.VIEWRES 设置当前视窗中目标重新生成的分辨率303.VLISP VLIDE 打开Visual LISP集成开发环境304.VPCLIP 复制视图实体305.VPLAYER 设置视窗中层的可见性306.VPOINT –VP或VP 设置三维视点307.VPORTS 视窗分割308.VSLIDE 显示幻灯文件309.WBLOCK W 图块存盘310.WEDGE WE 绘制楔形体311.WHOHAS 显示已打开的图形文件的所属信息312.WMFIN 输入Windows应用软件格式的文件313.WMFOPTS 设置WMFIN命令选项314.WMFOUT WMF格式输出315.XATTACH XA 粘贴外部文件至当前图形316.XBIND –XB或XB 将一个外部引用的依赖符永久地溶入当前图形文件中317.XCLIP XC 设置图块或处理引用边界318.XLINE XL 绘制无限长直线319.XPLODE 分解图块并设置属性参数320.XREF XR或–XR 外部引用321.ZOOM Z 视图缩放透明命令[color=darkblue][/color][size=4][/size]AutoCAD提供的命令有很多,绘图时最常用的命令只有其中的百分之二十。
Autodesk Nastran In-CAD环境指南说明书
Example 3.2: Beams & BucklingReusing frame generator componentsOpen the ModelExample 3-Buckling\Tower.iamNext open the Nastran In-CAD environmentBeam idealizations are created automatically ▪As you open the Nastran In-CADenvironment you’ll see the Framegenerator profiles being replacedwith beams▪You can always switch betweensolids and beams:1.Click the Find Thin Bodies2.Both Floor and Satellite will be found, click OK3.Delete the Satellite from thelist4.Press OKNext create a shell123Create a Concentrated Mass 1.In the Model tree, rmb on theConcentrated Mass and create anew one2.Select Automatic, click on thesatellite and enter a density of5e-11 t/mm³. The total mass nowshould be 0.503t or 503Kg.3.Hit OK1.Create a connector (Modeltree –Connectors –New)2.Switch to Rigid Body 3.Select the circle edge ofthe shell4.In the Select Point boxclick on the concentrated mass.5.Press OKConnect the shell and the concentrated mass234511.Create a Manual Contact2.Switch to Manual3.Add the Floor to the Master Entity4.Add the top bars to the Slave Entity5.Switch the contact type toBonded 6.Press OKConnect the Floor to the Beams6234511.Click on constraint2.Select all 4 points at thebottom3.Select Pinned4.OKConstrain the tower1324Remove the Solid Idealization ▪As we won’t beusing any solidsin this exampleAdd gravity1.Add standard gravityBe careful with theunits…Add a wind load▪Of a 1000N on thecenter point of thesatellite in the YdirectionGenerate the Mesh and Run!1.Click Generate Mesh2.Run the analysis3.And check your firstresultsCan you determine if buckling will be a problem?Edit Analysis Type to Buckling–Update Subcase 2Drag the loadsand constraintsfrom Subcase 1to Subcase 2Buckling ResultsEigenvalue =Buckling LoadFactor5.358 means thestructure will bucklewith about 5 timesthe applied load.Exercise Summary▪Reusing Frame generator profiles, beam models are easy to setup and solve extremely fast▪They enable many design iterations in a very short period of time▪The stress & deflection in a linear static analysis clearly don’t indicate buckling reliably.▪Linear Buckling is NONCONSERVATIVE! Shoot for a BLF of 5 or greater.▪If this isn’t possible, consider nonlinear buckling or a full nonlinear analysis to confirm performance。
小学上册英语第二单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.How many players are on a rugby team?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Fifteen2.They are _____ (catching) fish.3. A __________ is a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides.4.What is the main ingredient in pancakes?A. CornB. FlourC. RiceD. OatsB5.My cousin has a __________ hamster. (可爱的)6.What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?A. RiyadhB. JeddahC. MeccaD. Medina7.Plants can enhance our ______ (生活质量).8.In summer, I love to play with my ________ (玩具名) outside. It’s so much________ (形容词) than playing inside!9.We see _____ (birds) in the sky.10.What is the name of the famous American author known for "The Great Gatsby"?A. F. Scott FitzgeraldB. Ernest HemingwayC. Mark TwainD. John SteinbeckA11.The lion is the ______ (king) of the jungle.12. A chemical change usually cannot be __________ back easily.13.I have a toy _______ that can sing and dance.14.The ______ (小鲸鱼) spouts water into the air as it surfaces.15.What is the main ingredient in tofu?A. SoybeansB. WheatC. CornD. Rice16.What is the opposite of love?A. CareB. HateC. LikeD. Joy17. A chemical reaction can involve the breaking and forming of _____.18. A _______ is a reaction that produces fire.19.The bat flies at ______.20.The __________ (历史的多维视角) enrich discussions.21.What is the opposite of "new"?A. FreshB. OldC. YoungD. ModernB22.An element's atomic number is determined by the number of ________ in its nucleus.23.How many legs does an octopus have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. TwelveB Eight24.Christopher Columbus discovered America in the year _______.25.What do we call the person who creates software?A. EngineerB. ProgrammerC. ScientistD. Designer26.I can ______ (制作) a scrapbook.27.How many letters are in the English alphabet?A. 24B. 25C. 26D. 2728.My brother is learning to play the ____ (violin).29.The ancient Greeks studied ________ to learn about the universe.30.I have a special name for my ____.31.ts are harvested for their ______ (商业价值). Some fru32.What do you call a baby turtle?A. HatchlingB. PupC. KitD. Calf33.The bird is _______ (singing) in the tree.34.I can ______ (利用) my creativity in projects.35.I can play different games with my ________ (玩具名称).36.Who is the main character in "Harry Potter"?A. FrodoB. HarryC. PercyD. Luke37.Acids release _____ ions when dissolved in water.38.What do you call a person who designs clothes?A. Fashion designerB. TailorC. SeamstressD. All of the aboveD39.My brother is a ______. He enjoys coding games.40. A _______ is a type of chemical bond formed by sharing electrons.41.My uncle is a wonderful __________ (榜样) for the family.42.I love going to the ______ (博物馆) to learn about ______ (历史).43.What do you call a story with a moral lesson, often featuring animals?A. FableB. MythC. LegendD. FolktaleA44. A __________ is a mixture where particles do not settle.45.What is the name of the famous wizard in Harry Potter?A. FrodoB. DumbledoreC. GandalfD. MerlinB46.What do you call the action of moving something to another place?A. LiftingB. CarryingC. ThrowingD. DroppingB47.An example of a chemical change is _____.48.Plants need _______ to grow strong.49.What do you use to measure temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. RulerD. ScaleB50.An active volcano is one that has erupted ______.51.My sister is a good ________.52.What do we call a person who cooks professionally?A. BakerB. ChefC. WaiterD. Bartender答案:B53.The process of making biodiesel involves transesterification of _______ oils.54.What is the capital of Iceland?A. ReykjavikB. AkureyriC. KeflavikD. IsafjordurA55.I have a ___ (secret) to tell you.56.Many chemical reactions require an increase in ________ to proceed.57.What do you call a baby cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CalfD. Chick58.What do we call a large collection of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity?A. GalaxyB. NebulaC. ClusterD. Universe59.The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia were known for their ________ (农业).60.My favorite snack to share is ______.61.The cake is ___ on the table. (delicious)62.The element with atomic number is __________.63.Geologists classify rocks into three main categories: igneous, sedimentary, and______.64.The _____ (teacher/student) is reading.65.__________ are used in cleaning products for stain removal.66.The ____ is a nocturnal animal with large eyes.67.My birthday is in ______ (十月), and I want to have a party with my friends. We will play ______ (游戏) and eat cake.68.What is the name of the famous singer known for her hit song "Rolling in the Deep"?A. Taylor SwiftB. AdeleC. BeyoncéD. Rihanna69.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. Sleeping BeautyD. RapunzelB70.The donkey is often _______ (驮) heavy loads.71.I like to _____ (jump/run) in the park.72.I like to dress up my _________ (洋娃娃) in different styles.73.The main product of fermentation is ______.74.What is the primary color of grass?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. RedC Green75.My brother is great at solving ____ (puzzles).76.My brother is very __________ (乐于助人的) to others.77.The rainbow has ___ (seven) colors.78. A rabbit has long _______ (兔子有长_______).79. A thermometer measures _______.80.The tortoise is known for its slow ________________ (速度).81.What do we call the area of land where crops are grown?A. FarmB. GardenC. OrchardD. Ranch82.I have a _____ (bicycle) to ride.83. A __________ is formed through the interaction of water and rock.84.What is the name of the famous American author known for "The Grapes of Wrath"?A. John SteinbeckB. F. Scott FitzgeraldC. Ernest HemingwayD. Mark TwainA John Steinbeck85.The forecast says it might __________ later tonight. (下雪)86.The flowers in the garden are ______.87.The _______ (老虎) is known for its strength.88.I like to _______ (swim/play) in the summer.89.What is the capital of China?A. BeijingB. ShanghaiC. Hong KongD. GuangzhouA90.My friend plays ____ (baseball) every weekend.91.The ________ (balloon) is floating up.92.My aunt has a great sense of __________ (时尚).93.The tortoise carries its house on its _________. (背上)94.Which animal is known as the king of the jungle?A. TigerB. LionC. ElephantD. Bear95. A fish uses its ______ (鳍) to steer.96. A mixture can be separated by physical ______.97.Photons are particles of ________.98.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five99.The ________ has a unique pattern on its skin.100.What do we call the part of the plant that absorbs water?A. StemB. LeafC. RootD. FlowerC。
ProNest 2021 用户手册:自动斜面功能说明书
page of your ProNest settings ():Use of your ProNest settings ():age of your ProNest settings (),A part can't be AutoBeveled after it has been imported into ProNest.l V, A, Y, X and K cuts are supported. l Blind bevel is supported.l Gradual bevel is not supported.Naming CAD layers for AutoBevelWhen naming CAD layers for AutoBevel, use the following format:{prefix }{command }{value }The default AutoBevel prefix that ProNest recognizes is "BVL ". You can modify this prefix from the Bevel page of your ProNest settings, but keep in mind that the prefix in your settings must always match the prefix of your CAD layer names.Layer names should contain no blank spaces. Layer names are not case sensitive and it does not matter what order bevel commands appear in the layer name (for example, BVLT30B30 = BVLB30T30).Key for AutoBevel layersT = Top AngleB = Bottom AngleL = Land DimensionH = Land HeightS = Start (Gradual Bevel Angle)E = End (Gradual Bevel Angle)Angles (T, B, S, E) are expressed in degrees; linear distances (L, H) are expressed in inches or millimeters (depending on the CAD file units used).The following examples show side views of different types of beveled entities, with corresponding CAD layer names.A positive orientation is used.V CutA CutCAD Layer : BVLT30CAD Layer : BVLB30X CutY Top Cut CAD Layer : BVLT45B45CAD Layer : BVLT45L15Y Bottom CutK Cut CAD Layer : BVLB45L15CAD Layer : BVLT45B45L8H4Gradual bevel (V Cut with Start and End)CAD Layer : BVLTS15E45。
这是指弹性元件自由振动的频率。如果在这 个文本框内输入一个值,PadCAD就会计算 冲击放大因子,对共振效应做一个检查。冲 击放大的理论最大预测值约1.8【4】。共振 效应预测设计到比较弹性元件频率与在不同 载荷下从缓冲材料而来的传递率数据【1】.
如果绝热层要加入到运输容器中,就插入要使用的 绝热的实际厚度,直接输入或通过下拉式列表选择。 PadCAD基于一种简单的稳态热传递模型来预测热 半时间(Thermal half time)。注意:PadCAD中的 热传递模型考虑由缓冲材料覆盖的产品部分所提供 的绝热效应。因此,建议首先评估在没有增加绝热 层(即Insulation 参数上置为0)的情况下基础包装 的热性能。如果所计算的热半时间(thermal half time)在可接受的范围内,则不需要增加绝热层,从 而减少了包装大小和成本。
Square corner pads方形角垫
Pad coverage缓冲垫面积
这一区域使用户能指定缓冲垫的形状和面积。设计 参数必须在所有白色文本框中输入。(如果设计选 项是Encapsulation,则在Pad coverage工作区没有 白色文本框,因为这一选项是材料100%覆盖于产 品的所有面上)。当输入一个参数时,如果工作区 中的一个标题标签变红色,则提示缓冲面积超过物 品的表面积。但是,有些情形是可行的,就是一个 密度更大的产品的面积投射到更大的表面积上,因 此PadCAD即使红色的标签显示,也是能解决问题 的。
General purpose wood----通用木材(箱) Limited military----军用木箱 Road case---公路运输箱(铝复合材料、 乙烯基复合材料)
目录Sentaurus TCAD培训 (1)工具简介 (2)A.TCAD是什么?(10分钟) (2)A.1TCAD与半导体工业 (2)A.2工艺模拟 (2)A.3器件模拟 (2)B.TCAD包含哪些工具?(20分钟) (3)B.1Sentaurus Workbench (3)B.2Ligament (4)B.3Sentaurus Process (4)B.4Sentaurus Structure Editor(SDE) (5)B.5Mesh and Noffset3D (5)B.6Sentaurus Device (6)B.7Tecplot SV (6)B.8Inspect (7)B.9Calibration Kit (7)SWB (8)A.Getting Started(15分钟) (8)A.1概述 (8)A.2启动SWB (8)B.运行工程(30分钟) (9)B.1加载SWB工程 (9)B.2改变树的显示属性 (10)B.3清空工程目录 (10)B.4运行工程 (10)B.5查看输出结果 (11)C.创建工程(30分钟) (11)C.1设置工具流 (11)D.组装多个实验(30分钟) (12)D.1添加参数 (12)D.2设置多个实验 (13)D.4创建方案 (14)D.5裁剪工程树 (15)D.6添加变量 (15)Ligament (16)A.Getting Started10min (16)A.1简介 (16)A.2Ligament流程编辑器 (16)A.3Ligament版图编辑器 (16)A.4Ligament Translator (16)B.Ligament流程编辑器30min (16)B.1启动Ligament流程编辑器 (16)B.2开始装配一个新的工艺流程 (17)B.4改变宏调用的参数 (17)B.7用户定义的变量 (17)B.8转换和语法检查 (18)C.Ligament版图编辑器30min (19)C.1启动Ligament版图编辑器 (19)C.4保存版图 (19)C.6定义模拟区域 (19)C.7使用版图 (20)D.在SWB中运行Ligament30min (20)D.1在SWB中启动Ligament工具 (20)D.2导入Ligament文件 (20)D.5Ligament版图编辑器中的版图参数化 (21)D.6SWB中的参数化 (21)D.7Ligament工作区 (21)D.8SWB的预处理和Ligament转换 (22)Sentaurus Process (23)A.Getting Started15min (23)A.1简介 (23)A.2Sprocess使用的文件类型 (23)A.3启动Sprocess (23)B.一维工艺模拟45min (24)B.1简介 (24)B.2定义初始一维网格 (24)B.3定义初始模拟域(domain) (24)B.4初始化 (24)B.5设置MGOALS网格化策略 (24)B.6Growing Screening Oxide (24)B.7测量氧化物的厚度 (25)B.8Depositing Screening Oxide (25)B.9Tcl控制语句 (25)B.10注入 (25)B.11Saving the as-implanted Profile (26)B.12热退火,Drive-in,Activation,and Screening Oxide Strip (26)C.二维工艺模拟45min (27)C.1简介 (27)C.2定义初始的二维网格 (27)C.3模拟域与初始化 (27)C.4B的注入 (28)C.5生长栅氧 (28)C.6制作多晶硅栅 (28)C.7多晶硅重氧化 (28)C.8保存Snapshots (29)C.9在LDD和Halo注入之前进行网格重定义 (29)C.12在源/漏注入之前进行网格重定义 (30)C.13源/漏注入 (31)C.14Contact Pads (31)C.15保存整个结构 (31)C.16提取一维分布 (32)D.定义模型和指定参数30min (32)D.1属性数据库浏览器 (32)D.2在输入文件中改变参数 (33)E.采用全定制的校准文件30min (33)E.1简介 (33)E.2全局设置 (33)F.采用高级校准30min (33)F.1简介 (33)F.2激活高级校准 (33)G.工艺模拟与SWB和Ligament30min (34)G.1简介 (34)G.2参数化版图 (34)G.3定义网格 (35)H.Custom Models with Alagator45min (35)H.1简介 (35)I.Special Focus:槽刻蚀35min (36)I.1简介 (36)I.2Initialization (36)I.3生长Pad Oxide (36)I.4淀积氮化层 (37)I.5STI光刻 (37)I.6浅槽刻蚀 (37)I.7生长衬垫氧化物 (38)I.8TEOS的淀积与CMP (38)I.9氮化物的剥离/反射 (39)J.Special Focus:Meshing with MGOALS(15分钟) (39)J.1简介 (39)J.2Initialization (39)J.3MGOALS Remesh (40)J.4MGOALS网格优化框 (40)K.Special Focus:3D工艺模拟(Sprocess与sde结合)(30min) (41)K.1简介 (41)K.2各项异性刻蚀 (41)K.3各向同性淀积 (42)K.4Multimaterial Etching (43)K.5Reflect and Clip (44)SDE(结构编辑器) (46)A.Getting Started(15分钟) (46)A.4输入/输出文件类型 (46)A.5创建一个简单的结构 (47)B.生成二维边界(45分钟) (48)B.1简介 (48)B.2重新初始化SDE (48)B.3Exact Coordinates模式 (48)B.4选择材料 (48)B.5选择默认的布尔表达式 (48)B.6创建矩形区域 (49)B.7创建Single-Lumped区域 (49)B.8圆化边缘 (49)B.9定义接触 (50)B.10在已存在的边缘处设置接触 (50)B.11添加顶点 (51)B.12定义一个区域为接触 (52)B.13对区域进行重命名 (52)B.14保存模型 (52)C.生成掺杂分布(20分钟) (53)C.1定义材料的掺杂浓度为常数 (53)C.2定义区域的掺杂浓度为常数 (53)C.3定义解析的掺杂分布 (53)C.4保存模型(见图4) (54)D.生成网格(20分钟) (55)D.1简介 (55)D.2定义区域的网格化策略 (55)D.3定义优化窗口 (55)D.4定义优化窗口的网格化策略 (56)D.5在优化窗口中定义一个Multibox网格化策略 (56)D.6保存模型 (56)D.7为器件结构产生网格 (56)E.脚本和参数(30分钟) (57)E.1简介 (57)E.2Scheme基础 (57)E.3定义简单的变量和数据类型 (57)E.5数学操作符 (58)E.6数学表达式 (58)Noffset3D (59)A.Getting Started10min (59)A.1Overview (59)A.2Starting Noffset3D (59)ing Noffset3D in2D40min (59)B.1Strategies of Meshing (59)B.2Main Parameters for Meshing (59)ing Noffset3D in3D40min (60)C.1Main Algorithm (60)Sentaurus Device (61)A.基础(15分钟) (61)A.1简介 (61)A.2输入命令文件 (61)A.3参数文件 (65)B.载流子传输模型(45分钟) (65)B.1简介 (66)B.2漂移-扩散传输 (66)B.3热力学传输 (67)B.4流体力学传输 (70)B.5密度梯度传输 (72)B.6Monte Carlo传输 (74)C.混合模式模拟(45分钟) (77)C.1简介 (77)C.2混合模式模拟 (77)C.3瞬态扫描 (78)C.4小信号AC分析 (80)D.一个较复杂的例子(30分钟) (81)D.1MOSFET的击穿模拟 (81)D.2电流边界条件 (83)G.在SWB中运行SDevice(25分钟) (85)G.1简介 (85)G.2File Section (85)G.3使用SWB参数 (86)G.4算术表达式 (87)G.6参数文件的参数化 (87)Sentaurus TCAD培训1、工具简介:30分钟2、Sentaurus workbench:一个可视化的集成环境(2小时)3、Ligament:TCAD工艺模拟的一个通用接口。
Room area index
Room identification numbers
Section linework - medium weight lines
Elevation linework - medium weight lines
Elevation linework - medium weight lines
Hatch by concrete
Hatch by metal
Elevator cars and equipment
printed circuit 印制電路printed wiring 印制線路printed board 印制板printed circuit board 印制板電路printed wiring board 印制線路板printed component 印制元件printed contact 印制接點printed board assembly 印制板裝配board 板rigid printed board 剛性印制板flexible printed circuit 撓性印制電路flexible printed wiring 撓性印制線路flush printed board 齊平印制板metal core printed board 金屬芯印制板metal base printed board 金屬基印制板mulit-wiring printed board 多重布線印制板molded circuit board 模塑電路板discrete wiring board 散線印制板micro wire board 微線印制板buile-up printed board 積層印制板surface laminar circuit 表面層合電路板B2it printed board 埋入凸塊連印制板chip on board 載芯片板buried resistance board 埋電阻板mother board 母板daughter board 子板backplane 背板bare board 裸板copper-invar-copper board 鍵盤板夾心板dynamic flex board 動態撓性板static flex board 靜態撓性板break-away planel 可斷拼板cable 電纜flexible flat cable (FFC) 撓性扁平電纜membrane switch 薄膜開關hybrid circuit 混合電路thick film 厚膜thick film circuit 厚膜電路thin film 薄膜thin film hybrid circuit 薄膜混合電路interconnection 互連conductor trace line 導線flush conductor 齊平導線transmission line 傳輸線crossover 跨交edge-board contact 板邊插頭stiffener 增強板substrate 基底real estate 基板面conductor side 導線面component side 元件面solder side 焊接面printing 印制grid 網格pattern 圖形conductive pattern 導電圖形non-conductive pattern 非導電圖形legend 字符mark 標志base material 基材laminate 層壓板metal-clad bade material 覆金屬箔基材copper-clad laminate (CCL) 覆銅箔層壓板composite laminate 復合層壓板thin laminate 薄層壓板basis material 基體材料prepreg 預浸材料bonding sheet 粘結片preimpregnated bonding sheer 預浸粘結片epoxy glass substrate 環氧玻璃基板mass lamination panel 預制內層覆箔板core material 內層芯板bonding layer 粘結層film adhesive 粘結膜unsupported adhesive film 無支撐膠粘劑膜cover layer (cover lay) 覆蓋層stiffener material 增強板材copper-clad surface 銅箔面foil removal surface 去銅箔面unclad laminate surface 層壓板面base film surface 基膜面adhesive faec 膠粘劑面plate finish 原始光潔面matt finish 粗面length wise direction 縱向cross wise direction 模向cut to size panel 剪切板ultra thin laminate 超薄型層壓板A-stage resin A階樹脂B-stage resin B階樹脂C-stage resin C階樹脂epoxy resin 環氧樹脂phenolic resin 酚醛樹脂polyester resin 聚酯樹脂polyimide resin 聚亞胺樹脂bismaleimide-triazine resin 雙馬來亞胺三樹脂acrylic resin 丙烯酸樹脂melamine formaldehyde resin 三聚氰胺甲醛樹脂polyfunctional epoxy resin 多官能環氧樹脂brominated epoxy resin 溴化環氧樹脂epoxy novolac 環氧酚醛fluroresin 氟樹脂silicone resin 硅樹脂silane 硅烷polymer 聚合物amorphous polymer 無定形聚合物crystalline polamer 結晶現象dimorphism 雙晶現象copolymer 共聚物synthetic 合成樹脂thermosetting resin 熱固性樹脂thermoplastic resin 熱塑性樹脂photosensitive resin 感光性樹脂epoxy value 環氧值dicyandiamide 雙氰胺binder 粘結劑adesive 膠粘劑curing agent 固化劑flame retardant 阻燃劑opaquer 遮光劑plasticizers 增塑劑unsatuiated polyester 不飽和聚酯polyester 聚酯薄膜polyimide film (PI) 聚亞胺薄膜polytetrafluoetylene (PTFE) 聚四氟乙烯reinforcing material 增強材料glass fiber 玻璃纖維E-glass fibre E玻璃纖維D-glass fibre D玻璃纖維S-glass fibre S玻璃纖維glass fabric 玻璃布non-woven fabric 非織布glass mats 玻璃纖維墊yarn 紗線filament 單絲strand 絞股weft yarn 緯紗warp yarn 經紗denier 但尼爾warp-wise 經向thread count 織物經緯密度weave structure 織物組織plain structure 平紋組織grey fabric 壞布woven scrim 稀松織物bow of weave 弓緯end missing 斷經mis-picks 缺緯bias 緯斜crease 折痕waviness 雲織fish eye 魚眼feather length 毛圈長mark 厚薄段split 裂縫twist of yarn 捻度size content 浸潤劑含量size residue 浸潤劑殘留量finish level 處理劑含量size 浸潤劑couplint agent 偶聯劑finished fabric 處理織物polyarmide fiber 聚胺纖維aromatic polyamide paper 聚芳胺纖維紙breaking length 斷裂長height of capillary rise 吸水高度wet strength retention 溼強度保留率whitenness 白度ceramics 陶瓷conductive foil 導電箔copper foil 銅箔rolled copper foil 壓延銅箔annealed copper foil 退火銅箔thin copper foil 薄銅箔adhesive coated foil 涂膠銅箔resin coated copper foil 涂膠脂銅箔composite metallic material 復合金屬箔carrier foil 載體箔invar 殷瓦foil profile 箔(剖面)輪廓shiny side 光面matte side 粗糙面treated side 處理面stain proofing 防銹處理double treated foil 雙面處理銅箔shematic diagram 原理圖logic diagram 邏輯圖printed wire layout 印制線路布設master drawing 布設總圖computer aided drawing 計算機輔助制圖computer controlled display 計算機控制顯示placement 布局routing 布線layout 布圖設計rerouting 重布simulation 模擬logic simulation 邏輯模擬circit simulation 電路模擬timing simulation 時序模擬modularization 模塊化layout effeciency 布線完成率MDF databse 機器描述格式數據庫design database 設計數據庫design origin 設計原點optimization (design) 優化(設計)predominant axis 供設計優化坐標軸table origin 表格原點mirroring 鏡像drive file 驅動文件intermediate file 中間文件manufacturing documentation 制造文件queue support database 隊列支撐數據庫component positioning 元件安置graphics dispaly 圖形顯示scaling factor 比例因子scan filling 掃描填充rectangle filling 矩形填充region filling 填充域physical design 實體設計logic design 邏輯設計logic circuit 邏輯電路hierarchical design 層次設計top-down design 自頂向下設計bottom-up design 自底向上設計net 線網digitzing 數字化design rule checking 設計規則檢查router (CAD) 走(布)線器net list 網絡表subnet 子線網objective function 目標函數post design processing (PDP) 設計後處理interactive drawing design 交互式制圖設計cost metrix 費用矩陣engineering drawing 工程圖block diagram 方塊框圖moze 迷宮component density 元件密度traveling salesman problem 回售貨員問題degrees freedom 自由度out going degree 入度incoming degree 出度manhatton distance 曼哈頓距離euclidean distance 歐幾裏德距離network 網絡array 陣列segment 段logic 邏輯logic design automation 邏輯設計自動化separated time 分線separated layer 分層definite sequence 定順序conduction (track) 導線(通道)conductor width 導線(體)寬度conductor spacing 導線距離conductor layer 導線層conductor line/space 導線寬度/間距conductor layer No.1 第一導線層round pad 圓形盤square pad 方形盤diamond pad 菱形盤oblong pad 長方形焊盤bullet pad 子彈形盤teardrop pad 淚滴盤snowman pad 雪人盤V-shaped pad V形盤annular pad 環形盤non-circular pad 非圓形盤isolation pad 隔離盤monfunctional pad 非功能連接盤offset land 偏置連接盤back-bard land 腹(背)裸盤anchoring spaur 盤址land pattern 連接盤圖形land grid array 連接盤網格陣列annular ring 孔環component hole 元件孔mounting hole 安裝孔supported hole 支撐孔unsupported hole 非支撐孔via 導通孔plated through hole (PTH) 鍍通孔access hole 餘隙孔blind via (hole) 盲孔buried via hole 埋孔buried blind via 埋,盲孔any layer inner via hole 任意層內部導通孔all drilled hole 全部鑽孔toaling hole 定位孔landless hole 無連接盤孔interstitial hole 中間孔landless via hole 無連接盤導通孔pilot hole 引導孔terminal clearomee hole 端接全隙孔dimensioned hole 準尺寸孔via-in-pad 在連接盤中導通孔hole location 孔位hole density 孔密度hole pattern 孔圖drill drawing 鑽孔圖assembly drawing 裝配圖datum referan 參考基準。
-ail Word Family List
-est Word Family List
quest request
-et Word Family List
Bake a Batch of Word Family Activities:
Make a Difference for Readers and Writers
by Cherry Carl
-ab Word Family List
meat defeat
英语原生单音节词A[1] –ab blab, cab, crab, dab, drab, grab, jab, nab, slab, stab, swab, tab[2] –ace brace, face, grace, lace, mace, pace, place, race, space, trace[3] –ack back, black, clack, crack, hack, jack, knack, lack, pack, rack, sack, shack, slack, smack, stack, tack, track, whack, wrack[4] –act fact, pact, tact, tract[5] –adge badge, cadge, wadge[6] –ad bad, cad, clad, dad, fad, glad, lad, mad, pad, quad, sad, squad, tad, trad, wad[7] –ade blade, fade, glade, grade, jade, shade, spade, trade, wade[8] –atch batch, catch, hatch, latch, match, patch, scratch, snatch, swatch, watch[9] –afe chafe, safe, strafe[10] –aff chaff, quaff, staff[11] –aft aft, craft, draft, graft, raft, shaft, waft[12] –ag bag, brag, crag, fag, flag, gag, hag, jag, lag, nag, rag, slag, snag, stag, tag, wag[13] –age age, cage, page, rage, sage, stage, wage[14] –aid aid, aide, braid, maid, raid, staid[15] –ail ail, bail, fail, frail, hail, mail, nail, pail, quail, rail, sail, snail, tail, trail, wail[16] –aim aim, claim, maim[17] –ain brain, gain, main, pain, plain, rain, sprain, stain, strain, train, vain[18] –aint faint, quaint, taint[19] –air air, chair, fair, flair, hair, lair, pair, stair[20] –ait bait, gait, plait, strait, trait, wait[21] –ak flak, yak[22] –ake bake, brake, cake, drake, fake, flake, make, quake, rake, sake, shake, slake, snake, stake, take, wake[23] –ald bald, scald[24] –ale ale, bale, gale, hale, pale, sale, scale, shale, stale, tale, whale[25] –alf calf, half 2011.2.8[26] –alk balk, chalk, stalk, talk, walk, [caulk][27] –all all, ball, call, fall, gall, mall, pall, shall, small, spall, stall, tall, thrall, wall[28] –alm balm, calm, palm, qualm[29] –alp scalp[30] –alt halt, malt, slat[31] –am clam, cram, dam, damn, dram, gram, ham, jam, pram(婴儿车), scram, sham, slam, tram, wham, yam[32] –amb jamb, lamb[33] –ame blame, dame, lame, name, shame, tame[34] –amp camp, champ, clamp, cramp, lamp, ramp, scamp, swamp, tamp, tramp, vamp[35] –an ban, bran, can, clan, gran, man, pan, plan, scan, span, swan, tan, than, van, wan[36] –ance chance, dance, glance, lance, prance, stance, trance[37] –anch blanch, branch, ranch, stanch[38] –and and, band, bland, brand, grand, hand, land, sand, stand, strand, wand[39] –ane bane, cane, crane, lane, plane, sane, vane, wane[40] –ang bang, clang, fang, gang, hang, pang, slang, tang[41] –ange change, grange, range, strange[42] –ank, bank, blank, clank, crank, flank, frank, hank, lank, plank, prank, rank, shank, spank, swank, tank, thank, yank[43] –ant ant, cant, chant, grant, pant, plant, scant, slant, want[44] –ap cap, chap, clap, crap, flap, frap, gap, lap, map, nap,pap, rap, sap, scrap, slap, snap, swap, tap, wrap, yap [45] –ape ape, cape, drape, gape, grape, nape, rape, scrape, shape, tape[46] –arch arch, larch, march, parch, starch[47] –ar bar, car, char, czar, far, mar, par, scar, spar, tar, war,[48] –are are, bare, blare, c a re, dare, fare, flare, glare, hare, pare, scare, share, snare, spare, square, stare, tare, ware[49] –arb barb, garb[50] –ard bard, card, hard, lard, ward, yard 2011.2.9[51] –ark arc, ark, bark, dark, hark, lark, mark, nark, park, shark, spark, stark[52] –arl gnarl, snarl[53] –arm arm, charm, farm, harm, swarm, warm[54] –arn barn, darn, tarn, warn, yarn[55] –arp carp, harp, scarp, sharp, warp[56] –arsh harsh, marsh[57] –art art, cart, dart, mart, part, quart, smart, start, tart, swart[58] –ase base, case, chase, phase, phrase, vase[59] –ash ash, bash, brash, cash, clash, crash, dash, flash, gash, gnash, hash, lash, mash, quash, rash, sash, slash, smash, splash, squash, stash, thrash, trash, wash[60] –ask ask, bask, cask, flask, mask, task[61] –asp clasp, gasp, grasp, rasp, wasp[62] –ass ass, bass, brass, class, crass, glass, grass, lass, mass, pass[63] –ast blast, cast, fast, last, mast, past[64] –aste baste, caste, chaste, haste, taste, waste[65] –at at, bat, brat, cat, chat, drat, fat, flat, gant, hat, mat, pat, rat, squat, swat, that, what[66] –atch batch, catch, hatch, latch, match, patch, scratch, snatch, swatch, thatch, watch[67] –ate bate, crate, date, fate, gate, grate, hate, late, mate, pate, plate, prate, rate, sate, skate, slate, spate, state[68] –aul haul, maul[69] –ault fault, vault[70] –aunch paunch, staunch[71] –aunt aunt, daunt, flaunt, gaunt, haunt, jaunt, taunt, vaunt[72] –ave brave, cave, crave, have, knave, lave, nave, pave, rave, shave, slave, stave, suave, wave[73] –aw caw, claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, haw, jaw, paw, raw, saw, straw, thaw, yaw[74] –awk gawk, hawk, squawk[75] –awl awl, bawl, brawl, crawl, drawl, scrawl, shawl, sprawl, trawl 2011.2.10[76] –awn brawn, dawn, drawn, fawn, lawn, pawn, prawn, spawn, yawn[77] –ax flax, lax, tax, wax[78] –ay bray, clay, day, flay, fray, gay, hay, lay, may, pay, play, pray, quay, ray, say, slay, splay, spray, stay, stray, sway [79] –aze blaze, craze, daze, faze, gaze, glaze, graze, haze, laze, maze, razeE[1]-e be, he, me, she, we[2] –ea flea, lea, pea, plea, sea, tea, yea[3] -each beach, bleach, breach, each, leach, peach, preach, reach, teach[4] –ead bead, dead, dread, head, knead, lead, mead, plead, read, spread, stead, thread, tread[5] –eaf deaf, leaf[6] –eak beak, bleak, creak, freak, leak, peak, sneak, speak, squeak, steak, streak, weak, wreak[7] –eal deal, heal, peal, real, seal, squeal, steal, veal, weal, zeal[8] –eam beam, cream, dream, gleam, ream, scream, seam,steam, stream, team[9] –ean bean, clean, dean, glean, jean, lean, mean, wean[10] –eap cheap, heap, leap, reap[11] –ear bear, dear, ear, fear, gear, hear, near, pear, rear, sear, shear, smear, spear, swear, tear, wear, year[12] –ease cease, crease, ease, grease, lease, please, tease[13] –east beast, breast, feast, least, yeast[14] –eat beat, bleat, cheat, eat, feat, great, heat, meat, peat, seat, sweat, teat, threat, treat, wheat[15] –eath heath, sheath, wreath[16] -eave cleave, eave, heave, leave, weave[17] –eck beck, check, deck, fleck, heck, neck, peck, speck, wreck[18] –ed bed, red, shed, shred, wed[19] –edge dredge, edge, hedge, pledge, sledge[20] –ee bee, fee, flee, free, glee, knee, lee, pee, see, spree, tee, thee, tree, twee, wee[21] –eech beech, breech, leech, screech2011.2.12[22] –eed bleed, creed, deed, feed, greed, heed, need, reed, screed, seed, speed, steed, tweed, weed[23] –eef beef, reef(读音注意)[24] –eek cheek, creek, Greek, leek, meek, peek, reek, seek,week[25] –eel eel, feel, heel, keel, peel, reel, steel, wheel[26] –eem deem, seem, teem[27] –een green, keen, preen, queen, screen, sheen, spleen[28] –eep beep, cheep, creep, deep, jeep, keep, peep, seep, sheep, sleep, steep, sweep, weep[29] –eer beer, cheer, deer, jeer, peer, queer, seer, sheer, sneer, steer, veer[30] –eet beet, fete, fleet, greet, mete, meet, sheet, sleet, street, sweet, tweet[31] –eeze breeze, cheese, freeze, sneeze, squeeze, wheeze[32] –eft cleft, deft, left, theft, weft[33] –eg beg, egg, keg, leg, peg[34] –elch belch, squelch[35] –eld geld, meld, weld[36] –ell bell, dell, ell, fell, hell, jell, knell, quell, sell, shell, smell, spell, swell, tell, well, yell[37] –elp whelp, yelp[38] –elt belt, felt, melt[39] –elve delve, helve, shelve[40] –em gem, hem, stem, them[41] –empy kempt, tempt[42] –en den, glen, ken, pen, ten, then, when, yen[43] –ench bench, blench, clench, drench, French, quench, stench, trench, wench, wrench[44] –end bend, blend, end, fiend, lend, mend, rend, send, spend, tend, trend, wend[45] –ent bent, dent, Lent, scent, spent, vent[46] –ere here, mere, sphere, there, where[47] –ern fern, stern 2011,2,13[48] –erve nerve, serve, swerve, verve[49] –ess bless, chess, dress, less, mess, press, stress[50] –est best, chest, crest, jest, lest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, west, wrest, zest[51] –et bet, fret, get, jet, let, net, pet, set, wet, whet, yet[52] –etch etch, wretch[53] -ew brew, chew, crew, dew, few, hew, Jew, mew, pew, queue, screw, sew, shrew, skew, slew, spew, stew, strew, thew, view, yew[54] –ex flex, vex[55] –ey grey, hey, keyI[1] –ib bib, crib, fib, glib, jib, nib, rib[2] –ibe bribe, gibe, jibe, scribe[3] –ice ice, mice, nice, price, slice, spice, splice, thrice, trice, twice, rice, vice[4] –ick brick, chick, click, flick, kick, lick, nick, pick, prick, sick, wick[5] –id bod, grid, kid, lid, rid, skid[6] –ide bide, bride, chide, glide, guide, hide, pride, side, slide, snide, stride, tide, wide[7] –ie die, hie, lie, pie, tie, vie[8] -ief brief, chief, grief, thief[9] -ield field, shield, wield, yield[10] –ien lien, mien[11] –ife knife, life, strife, wife[12] –iff biff, cliff, miff, skiff, sniff, stiff, tiff, whiff[13] -ift drift, gift, lift, rift, shift, shrift, sift, swift, thrift[14] –ig big, brig, dig, fig, gig, grig, jig, pig, prig, rig, sprig, swig, twig, wig[15] –ight blight, bright, flight, fright, knight, light, might, night, plight, right, sight, slight, tight[16] –ike bike, dike, hike, like, mike, strike, trike, tyke[17] –ilch filch, zilch 2011.2.16[18] –ild child, gild, mild, wild[19] –ile bile, file, guile, mile, pile, rile, smile, stile, tile, while,[20] –ill bill, chill, drill, fill, frill, gill, grill, grille, hill, ill, kill, mill, pill, quill, rill, shrill, sill, spill, still, swill, thrill, till, twill, will[21] -ilt gilt, guilt, jilt, lilt, stilt, tilt, wilt[22] –im brim, dim, grim, him, prim, slim, swim, trim, whim, vim[23] –ime chime, crime, dime, grime, mime, prime, time[24] –imp crimp, gimp, limp, pimp, primp[25] –in bin, chin, din, fin, gin, grin, in, kin, pin, shin, sin, skin, spin, tin, thin, twin, win[26] –ince mince, prince, wince[27] -inch cinch, clinch, finch, flinch, inch, lynch, pinch, winch[28] –ind bind, find, mind, rind[29] –ine brine, chine, dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, shine, shrine, spine, swine, twine, whine, wine[30] –ing bring, cling, fling, king, ring, sing, sling, spring, sting, string, swing, wing, wring[31] -inge cringe, fringe, hinge, springe, tinge, twinge[32] –ink blink, brink, chink, clink, drink, fink, ink, jink, kink, link, pink, prink, rink, shrink, sink, slink, stink, think,[33] –int dint, flint, glint, hint, lint, mint, pint, print, skint, sprint, squint, stint, tint[34] -inx jinx, sphinx[35] –ip chip, clip, dip, drip, flip, grip, hip, lip, nip, pip, rip, ship, sip, skip, snip, strip, tip, whip, zip[36] –ipe gripe, pipe, ripe, snipe, stripe, swipe, wipe[37] –irch birch, smirch[38] -ird bird, gird, third[39] –ire dire, fire, hire, mire, shire, spire, squire, tire, wire[40] -irk irk, dirk, smirk, shirk[41] -irl girl, swirl, twirl, whirl[42] -irm firm, squirm[43] -irt dirt, flirt, shirt, skirt2011.2.17[44] -irth birth, girth, mirth[45] –ise guise, kise, rise, vise, wise[46] -ish dish, fish, wish[47] -isk brisk, frisk, risk, whisk[48] -isp crisp, wisp[49] -iss bliss, kiss, miss, piss[50] -ist fist, gist, list, mist, twist, wrist[51] –it bit, chit, fit, flit, grit, hit, it, kit, knit, pit, sit, skit, slit,spit, split, whit, writ[52] -itch bitch, ditch, hitch, itch, pitch, snitch, stitch, witch[53] –ite bite, cite, kite, mite, rite, site, smite, spite, trite, white, write[54] -ithe blithe, lithe, scythe, writhe[55] –ive dive, five, give, hive, jive, live, skive, strive, thrive[56] -ize size prizeY[1] –y(e) by, dye, fly, guy, my, ply, pry, rye, shy, sly, sty, try, why[2] –ymph lymph, nymph[3] –yre byre, gyre, lyre, pyre, tyreO[1] –oach broach, coach, proach[2] -oar boar, oar, roar, soar[3] –oax coax, hoax[4] –ob bob, cob, mob, throb[5] –obe lobe, probe, robe[6] –ock block, chock, clock, dock, flock, frock, jock, lock, mock, nock, pock, rock, sock, shock, smock[7] –od cod, plod, pod, sod[8] –ode bode, code, lode, mode, node, ode[9] –oe doe, foe, hoe, roe, woe[10] –oad broad, goad, load, road, toad 2011.2.18(未看)[11] -oam foam, loam, roam[12] –oan groan, moan, roan[13] –oat boat, bloat, coat, float, goat, gloat, moat, throat[14] –off doff, off, soff[15] –og bog, cog, clog, dog, fog, frog, hog, jog, log, slog, smog, tog, rogue, vogue[16] –oil boil, broil, coil, foil, roil, soil, spoil, toil[17] –oin coin, groin, join, loin[18] –oke coke, joke, poke, spoke, stroke, yoke[19] –old fold, hold, mold, old, wold[20] –oll doll, droll, loll, poll, roll, scroll, stroll, toll, troll[21] –olt bolt, colt, jolt, molt[22] –ome dome, gnome, home, Rome[23] –omp pomp, romp[24] –one cone, clone, crone, drone, hone, prone, tone, throne, zone[25] –ong gong, throng, strong, thong, tong, wrong, song, dong[26] –onk honk, monk[27] –oan groan, moan[28] –oak cloak, croak, soak[29] –oast boast, coast, roast, toast[30] –ooch brooch, hooch, mooch[31] –oof hoof, roof, proof, spoof[32] –ook book, brook, cook, crook, hook, kook, look, nook, rook, spook[33] –ool cool, drool, fool, school, spool, stool, tool[34] –oom boom, bloom, broom, doom, gloom, groom, loom, room, zoom[35] –oon boon, croon, loon 2011.2.19[36] –op chop, crop, flop, hop, lop, prop, slop, sop[37] –oop coop, droop, hoop, loop, sloop, snoop, stoop, swoop, troop, whoop[38] –oor boor, moor, spoor, floor[39] –oot boot, foot, hoot, loot, moot, soot[40] –ope cope, dope, grope, hope, lope, mope, nope, pope, rope, scope, slope, tope[41] –ord cord, chord, ford, horde, lord, word[42] –ore bore, chore, core, fore, gore, lore, more, pore, score, sore, spore, whore, yore[43] –ork cork, fork, pork, stork[44] –orm dorm, form, worm, norm[45] –orn born, corn, porn, scorn, thorn[46] –ort fort, mort, port, snort, sport, tort[47] –ose close, dose, hose, lose, nose, pose, prose, rose, those[48] –oss boss, cross, dross, fosse, gloss, gross, loss, moss, posse, toss[49] –ost ghost, host, lost, most, post[50] –ot blot, cot, clot, dot, hot, jot, lot, mot, not, pot, plot, rot, sot, slot, snot, spot, tot, trot[51] –otch blotch, botch, notch, scotch[52] –ote cote, dote, mote, note, quote, rote, vote[53] –oth both, broth, cloth, froth, moth, sloth, troth[54] –ounce bounce, flounce, pounce, trounce[55] –ouch couch, crouch, grouch, pouch, slouch, vouch[56] -ough bough, cough, dough, plough, rough, slough, tough, trough[57] –ound bound, found, ground, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound[58] –ount count, mount[59] –oup coup, stoup, troupe[60] –our dour, flour, four, our, scour, tour 2011.2.20[61] –ouse blouse, browse, douse, dowse, grouse, house, louse, mouse, rouse, souse, spouse[62] –oust joust, oust[63] –out bout, clout, flout, out, pout, rout, scout, shout, spout, sprout, stout, tout[64] –ove clove, cove, dove, grove, hove, Jove, love, move, prove, rove, shove, stove[65] –ow bow, blow, brow, cow, crow, flow, glow, grow, how, low, mow, now, plow, prow, row, sow, scow, show, snow, stow, tow, throw, vow[66] –ower bower, cower, flower, lower, power, tower[67] –owl bowl, cowl, fowl, growl, howl, jowl, owl, prowl, scowl, yowl[68] –own clown, crown, down, drown, frown, gown, town[69] –oy boy, coy, cloy, joy, ploy, toyU[1] –ub cub, drub, hub, club, flub, nub, scrub, snub, stub, tub[2] –uck buck, chuck, cluck, duck, fuck, luck, muck, pluck, ruck, shuck, stuck, tuck, truck, yuck[3] –ud bud, cud, dud, mud, scud, thud[4] –ue blue, cue, clue, due, glue, hue, rue, slue, sue, true[5] –uff buff, bluff, cuff, duff, guff, gruff, huff, muff, puff, ruff, ruff, scuff, snuff, stuff[6] –ug bug, drug, hug, jug, lug, mug, shrug, slug, smug, snug, thug, tug[7] –ulch cultch, gulch, mulch[8] –ulk hulk, skulk[9] –ull bull, cull, dull, full, gull, lull, mull, null, pull, scull, skull[10] –ulp gulp, pulp[11] –um bum, chum, hum, glum, gum, mum, rum, scum, slum, sum[12] –umb crumb, dumb, numb, plumb[13] –ume brume, fume, plume[14] –ump bump, chump, clump, frump, hump, plump, slump, stump, thump[15] –un bun, dun, fun, gun, nun, pun, run, shun, stun, sun[16] –unch bunch, brunch, crunch, hunch, lunch, munch, punch, scrunch[17] –une dune, prune, June, rune, tune[18] –unk bunk, chunk, drunk, dunk, flunk, funk, hunk, junk, skunk, spunk, trunk[19] –unt blunt, brunt, cunt, grunt, hunt, punt, shunt, stunt[20] –ur blur, cur, fur, slur, spur[21] –url churl, curl, furl, hurl, knurl[22] –urn burn, churn, spurn, turn[23] –urp slurp[24] –use fuse, muse, use, ruse[25] –ush blush, brush, bush, crush, flush, gush, hush, mush, plush, push, rush, slush[26] –usk husk, musk, tusk[27] –uss cuss, fuss, muss, truss[28] –ust bust, gust, lust[29] –ut but, cut, glut, gut, hut, nut, put, shut, slut, smut, strut[30] –utch clutch, hutch, smutch[31] –ute chute, cute, flute[32] –ux crux, flux 2011.2.21“-le”双音节及多音节词dabble, rabble, squabble, pebble, dribble, nibble, quibble, scribble, gobble, hobble, wobble, rubble, foible, amble, ramble, scramble, nimble, crumble, fumble, jumble, mumble, rumble, stumble, tumble, garble, warble, bauble, debacle, treacle, chronicle, cubicle, cuticle, icicle, corpuscle, monocle, cradle, addle, straddle, twaddle, waddle, meddle, griddle, piddle, coddle, toddle, befuddle, cuddle, huddle, muddle, puddle, wheedle, bridle, sidle, dwindle, swindle, fondle,girdle, hurdle, baffle, waffle, muffle, ruffle, scuffle, shuffle, rifle, stifle, trifle, finagle, gaggle, haggle, straggle, giggle, wiggle, wriggle, boggle, smuggle, snuggle, inveigle, bangle, dangle, jangle, mangle, spangle, wrangle, shingle, mingle, bungle, jungle, ogle, burgle, gurgle, ramshackle, shackle, tackle, heckle, freckle, fickle, prickle, trickle, buckle, rankle, crinkle, wrinkle, maple, staple, steeple, trample, dimple, wimple, crumple, rumple, ripple, stipple, topple, supple, scruple, aisle, hassle, tussle, tousle, mantle, disgruntle, footle, chortle, hurtle, nestle, pestle, wrestle, gristle, bustle, prattle, tattle, mettle, nettle, whittle, throttle, scuttle, axle, foozle, razzle, fizzle, drizzle, embezzle, bamboozle, gargoyle, nozzle, guzzle, muzzle, nuzzle“-el”双音节及多音节词babel, libel, parcel, citadel, infidel, cudgel, satchel, brothel, spiel, yokel, trammel, pummel, panel, kennel, funnel, kernel, chapel, scalpel, gospel, apparel, scoundrel, doggerel, mongrel, squirrel, petrel, wastrel, minstrel, easel, chisel, damsel, tinsel, counsel, morsel, passel, tassel, cartel, pastel, chattel, duel, sequel, gavel, navel, gravel, ravel, drivel, shrivel, hovel, shovel, grovel, bowel, trowel, vowel“-er”双音节及多音节词saber, jabber, blabber, clobber, slobber, lubber, caliber, ember, limber, timber, somber, cumber, encumber, disencumber, lumber, plumber, slumber, sober, tuber, ulcer, fodder, rudder, cider, glider, embroider, spider, bewilder, smolder, solder, boulder, meander, gander, philander, colander, gerrymander, pander, squander, fender, gender, tender, blunder, plunder, founder, flounder, asunder, sunder, lavender, provender, cinder, hinder, tinder, yonder, launder, maunder, larder, girder, coffer, proffer, buffer, conifer, pilfer, meager, badger, ledger, lodger, stagger, swagger, snigger, trigger, harbinger, humdinger, ginger, malinger, linger, warmonger, auger, bleacher, sepulcher, cipher, usher, lather, slather, tether, bellwether, dither, slither, wither, panther, smother, pother, glacier, cashier, cavalier, chandelier, pier, courier, dossier, métier, beaker, bicker, dicker, flicker, snicker, cocker, pucker, moniker, canker, hanker, tinker, hunker, cobbler, tumbler, dawdler, trailer, stickler, tickler, sprinkler, sampler, antler, hustler, rustler, sizzler, gossamer, stammer, shimmer, glimmer, simmer, misnomer, dormer, schooner, garner, caper, taper, scamper, hamper, pamper, tamper, temper, whimper, simper, bumper, blooper, dapper, clapper, chipper, prosper, pauper, slaughter, loiter, falter, swelter,welter, kilter, banter, inter, splinter, disinter, saunter, counter, scepter, barter, charter, quarter, porter, plaster, master, lobster, pester, sequester, banister, sinister, cloister, huckster, bolster, spinster, foster, poster, roster, hipster, filibuster, blockbuster, baluster, cluster, fluster, lackluster, luster, muster, shyster, batter, chatter, shatter, clatter, flatter, spatter, tatter, fetter, litter, fritter, quitter, otter, gutter, clutter, flutter, splutter, putter, stutter, utter, neuter, beleaguer, exchequer, aver, cadaver, palaver, slaver, waver, sever, sliver, quiver, hover, maneuver, ewer“-id”双音节词arid, avid, fetid, flaccid, florid, frigid, gravid, insipid, limpid, livid, lucid, lurid, morbid, pallid, pavid, placid, rancid, sordid, squalid, stolid, tepid, torpid, torrid, tumid, turbid, turgid, vapid“-or”双音节词arbor, harbor, succor, rancor, matador, splendor, vendor, rigor, vigor, metaphor, armor, humor, manor, tenor, furor, censor, hector, sector, proctor, liquor, fervor, pallor, vapor, color, tumor, terror, horror“-ow”双音节词callow, fallow, sallow, swallow, hallow, wallow, bellow, mellow, billow, pillow, willow, minnow,winnow, barrow, farrow, marrow, burrow, furrow。
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Comparison of Lipid Management in Patients With Coronary VersusPeripheral Arterial DiseaseSuresh Sharma,MD a,Rashmi Thapa,MD a,Vinodh Jeevanantham,MD,MPH a,Taylor Myers,BS a, Casper Hu,BS a,Michael Brimacombe,PhD b,James L.Vacek,MD,MSc a,Buddhadeb Dawn,MD a,and Kamal Gupta,MD a,*Peripheral arterial disease(PAD),similar to coronary artery disease(CAD),is a significantpredictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.Guidelines recommend a low-densitylipoprotein(LDL)goal of<100mg/dl for both groups.We assessed whether lipid controland statin use were as aggressively applied to PAD as to patients with CAD.This retro-spective study of patients with the diagnosis of CAD,PAD,or both CAD and PADcompared lipid levels and statin use.For comparison of statins,we used a statin potencyunit(1potency unit[10mg of simvastatin).Among11,134subjects(CAD9,563,PAD596,and both CAD and PAD975),mean LDL in the PAD group was higher than the CAD(92vs83mg/dl,respectively,p<0.001)and the combined CAD and PAD groups(92vs80mg/dl,respectively,p<0.001).Fewer patients with PAD achieved a target LDL of<100mg/dl compared with CAD(62%vs78%,respectively,p<0.001)and the combinedgroup(62%vs79%,respectively,p<0.001).Similar differences were noted for a target LDLof<70mg/pared with the CAD group,a lesser number of patients with PADreceived statin therapy(76%vs100%,respectively,p<0.001)with lower mean potency unit(5.3vs8.1,respectively,p<0.001).In conclusion,our study demonstrated lower use and lessaggressive application of statins in patients with PAD compared with patients with CAD,ensuing lower mean LDL in the CAD and combined PAD and CAD groups.Our studysuggests that physicians are more aggressive with lipid control in patients with CADcompared with patients with PAD alone.Ó2014Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.(Am JCardiol2014;113:1320e1325)There is paucity of published reports that compare the treatment goals achieved among patients with peripheral arterial disease(PAD)compared with coronary artery disease (CAD).Furthermore,little is known if the target lipid control and use of lipid-lowering therapy are similar in patients with diagnosis of PAD alone versus patient with associated diag-nosis of CAD with PAD.We hypothesize that compared with patients with CAD,a greater proportion of PAD-only patients continue to receive less aggressive lipid-lowering treatment in current clinical practice.Therefore our study aims to(1) compare lipid control between PAD versus CAD groups and PAD versus combined CAD and PAD groups and(2) compare statin use between PAD versus CAD groups and PAD versus combined CAD and PAD groups.MethodsThis is a retrospective observational study conducted in a large academic healthcare system.The Institutional Research Board of the University of Kansas Medical Center, where this study was conducted,approved the study.Electronic medical records from January2009to March2012were reviewed,and ambulatory patients who were 18years of age or older and had International Classificationof Disease codes for CAD,PAD,or both listed under the problem list were identified as the study population.Sub-jects were included in the study only if their lipid profile andmedication lists were available in the electronic medicalrecord system.Based on the diagnostic codes,patients were categorized into3groups—CAD only,PAD only,or com-bined CAD and PAD.Demographic variables,last lipidprofile available,co-morbidities,and statin therapy were compared among the3groups.The percentage of patientswith low-density lipoprotein(LDL)levels<100and <70mg/dl was compared among the PAD,CAD,and combined CAD and PAD groups.Mean levels of total cholesterol,high-density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDLcholesterol,and triglycerides were also compared among the3groups.We identified the statins used and the mean doses utilized for each agent.To compare the various doses of statins used,we converted all statin doses to an equivalent potency unit,based on the comparative efficacy of the currently used statins on lipids levels,1e3where1potency unit¼10mg of simvastatin.For ezetimibe/statin combi-nations,the potency unit conversion was based on the strength of the statin considering the uniform dose of10mg of ezetimibe.For niacin/statin combinations,the potency unit conversion was also based on the strength of statin.Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Program for Social Sciences(version19.0;SPSS,Inc.,a Department of Internal Medicine,Division of Cardiovascular Diseasesand b Department of Biostatistics,University of Kansas Medical Center andHospital,Kansas City,Kansas.Manuscript received November13,2013;revised manuscript received and accepted January8,2014.See page1324for disclosure information.*Corresponding author:Tel:(913)588-9601;fax:(913)588-6010.E-mail address:kgupta@(K.Gupta).0002-9149/14/$-see front matterÓ2014Elsevier Inc.All rights /10.1016/j.amjcard.2014.01.405Chicago,Illinois).Data were plotted(e.g.,histograms and spaghetti plots linking variables)to examine for potential outliers and for the necessity of transformation before analysis.Summary statistics(e.g.,mean,SD,minimum, maximum,and proportions)were calculated for all vari-ables.Continuous variables are expressed as meanÆSD. For categorical variables,we used proportions for overall and subgroups.Chi-square test was used tofind association between categorical variables.Fisher’s exact test was used where appropriate.One-way analysis of variance was used to compare all3groups,and independent sample t tests were used to compare PAD versus CAD groups and PAD versus combined CAD and PAD groups.A p value of<0.05was accepted as indicating statistical significance.ResultsA total of27,473subjects comprised the population from which the study patients were obtained.Based on the diagnostic codes,11,134study patients were identified and categorized into3groups—9,563(85.9%)had the diagnosis of CAD alone,596(5.4%)had the diagnosis of PAD alone,and975(8.7%)carried diagnoses of both CAD and PAD.A total of1,571patients had diagnosis of PAD(PAD only and combined CAD and PAD groups)with prevalence of5.7%. The baseline characteristics of3different diagnostic groups are listed in Table1.Patients in the PAD group were significantly older,had higher percentage of women and black patients,and had lower body mass index compared with CAD group.PAD group had significantly higher number of smokers compared with CAD group.Diabetes, hypertension,and chronic/end-stage renal disease were more prevalent in the group with both CAD and PAD compared with the PAD-only group.Cerebrovascular dis-eases were significantly higher in the PAD group.One-way analysis of variance showed that mean LDL level in the PAD group was significantly higher than the mean LDL level in the CAD and the combined CAD and PAD groups(92vs83vs80mg/dl,respectively,p<0.001). The PAD group also had significantly higher mean total cholesterol compared with the other2groups(163vs151vs 148mg/dl,respectively,p<0.001)However,the mean high-density lipoprotein levels in PAD group were signifi-cantly higher than the other2groups(46vs45vs43mg/dl,Table1Baseline characteristics of CAD,PAD,and combined CAD and PAD groupsVariables CAD(n¼9,563)PAD(n¼596)p Value*CAD and PAD(n¼975)p Value†Age(yrs)69Æ1170Æ120.00772Æ100.003 Men6,281(66)299(51)<0.001661(68)<0.001 White7,675(80)435(73)<0.001812(83)<0.001 Black882(9)103(17)75(8)Others1,006(11)58(10)88(9)BMI(kg/m2)30Æ729Æ8<0.00129Æ60.46 Systolic blood pressure(mm Hg)128Æ18131Æ20<0.001130Æ200.45 Diastolic blood pressure(mm Hg)74Æ1173Æ110.00671Æ12<0.001 Smoker1,366(14)137(23)<0.001258(26)0.12 Diabetes mellitus3,098(32)164(28)0.013401(41)<0.001 Hypertension7,431(78)458(77)0.63814(84)0.001 Chronic kidney disease1,158(12)73(12)0.92211(22)<0.001 End-stage renal disease147(1.5)12(2)0.3643(4)0.012 Cerebrovascular disease216(2)30(5)<0.00126(3)0.014 Data are expressed as meanÆSD or as number(%).BMI¼body mass index.*p Value(CAD vs PAD).†p Value(PAD vs combined diagnosis of CAD and PAD).Table2Comparison of lipid panel among CAD,PAD,and combined CAD and PAD groupsLipids(mg/dl)CAD(n¼9,563)PAD(n¼596)p Value*CAD andPAD(n¼975)p Value†Total cholesterol151Æ40163Æ43<0.001148Æ42<0.001 LDL cholesterol83Æ3392Æ35<0.00180Æ31<0.00 LDL cholesterol<1007,420(78)371(62)<0.001768(79)<0.001 LDL cholesterol<703,743(39)178(30)<0.001404(41)<0.001 HDL cholesterol45Æ1546Æ160.00843Æ15<0.001 Triglycerides129Æ91134Æ860.144136Æ1130.78 Data are expressed as meanÆSD or as number(%).HDL¼high-density lipoprotein.*p Value(CAD vs PAD).†p Value(PAD vs combined diagnosis of CAD and PAD).Coronary Artery Disease/Lipid Control in Peripheral Arterial Disease1321respectively,p <0.001),likely due to higher percentage of women in PAD group.Mean triglyceride levels were signi ficantly different among 3groups (134vs 129vs 136mg/dl,respectively,p ¼0.034).Comparative analyses were performed between PAD and CAD groups and PAD versus combined PAD and CAD groups as listed in Table 2and Figure 1.Signi ficantly fewer number of patients with PAD achieved a target LDL of <100mg/dl compared with CAD and the combined CAD and PAD groups.Similarly,signi ficantly fewer patients in the PAD group achieved target LDL of <70mg/dl (Table 2;Figure 1).In the CAD group,100%of patients were on statin therapy compared with only 76%in the PAD group and 90%in the combined CAD and PAD groups (p <0.001).PAD group had signi ficantly greater use of less potent sta-tins (simvastatin,pravastatin,and lovastatin)and lesser use of high potent statins (rosuvastatin and atorvastatin).Thiswas not compensated for by a higher mean dose of the lower potency statins in the PAD group (Table 3).Patients with PAD were receiving signi ficantly lower mean potency unit of statins compared with CAD and combined CAD and PAD groups (5.3vs 8.1vs 8.7,respectively,p <0.001).Comparative analysis con firmed these observations as listed in Table 4and Figure 2.DiscussionOur study,one of the largest cohort studies describing current clinical practice,shows that there are signi ficant differences in lipid control and statin use in patients with CAD compared with those with PAD.There was signi fi-cantly less use of statins with less optimal lipid control in patients with PAD,compared with patients with CAD.We also found that the associated diagnosis of CAD inadditionFigure parative analysis of lipid control in various diagnostic groups.(A)Mean LDL (mg/dl).(B)Percentage of patients in various diagnostic groups achieving LDL <100mg/dl.(C)Percentage of patients in various diagnostic groups achieving LDL <70mg/dl.(D)Mean total cholesterol (mg/dl).Table 3Comparison of statin therapy among CAD,PAD,and combined CAD and PAD groups Variables (Statin Type)CAD (n ¼9,563)PAD (n ¼596)p Value *CAD and PAD (n ¼975)p Value †Simvastatin 3,604(38)203(34)326(33)Atorvastatin 2,080(22)90(15)194(20)Rosuvastatin 2,412(25)77(13)219(23)Pravastatin 807(8)44(7)79(8)Lovastatin 300(3)25(4)20(2)Fluvastatin22(0.2)2(0.3)3(0.3)Ezetimibe/simvastatin 292(3)10(2)30(3)Niacin/simvastatin 43(0.4)2(0.3)1(0.1)Niacin/lovastatin 3(0.03)-1(0.1)Total9,563(100)453(76)<0.001873(90)<0.001Data are presented as n (%)and mean ÆSD.*p Value (CAD vs PAD).†p Value (PAD vs combined diagnosis of CAD and PAD).1322The American Journal of Cardiology ( )to PAD resulted in better risk factor control compared with diagnosis of PAD alone,again suggesting a management bias toward more aggressive lipid management if the diag-nosis of CAD is present in a given subject.There is a signi ficant difference in mean LDL and mean total cholesterol levels achieved in patients with PAD compared with patients with CAD or patients with the combined diagnosis of CAD and PAD.There was a signi ficantly better control of mean LDL associated with a diagnosis of CAD.Another interesting observation was that a signi ficantly higher number of patients with CAD ach-ieved the target goal of LDL <100mg/dl as well as stricter LDL control with goal of <70mg/dl.In concordance with our hypothesis,we noted that a signi ficantly higher pro-portion of patients with PAD achieved target LDL control of <100and <70mg/dl,if they had an associated diagnosis of CAD compared with PAD alone.To further substantiate the finding of signi ficantly different lipid control in the diag-nostic groups,we assessed the use of lipid-lowering medi-cations in the study population.We observed that a signi ficantly smaller proportion of patients with PAD were prescribed statin therapy compared with patients with CAD or combined CAD and PAD.The higher use of statin in CAD group certainly represents increased awareness among physicians toward risk factor control but can have additional explanations including the use of mandatory reminders (flags)via the electronic medical record system for patientswith CAD but not patients with PAD.Apart from the lesser use of statin therapy,patients with PAD were using signif-icantly lower mean potency unit of statins compared with patients with diagnosis of CAD.Fowkes et al 4recently shed light on soaring rates of PAD globally with the current estimates of 202million cases worldwide (14.6million in the Americas)with signi ficant increase in PAD prevalence over last decade.Age-adjusted prevalence of PAD in our study is 5.7%,which is in accordance with the results of recent studies on national statistics.5,6Patients with PAD,either symptomatic or asymptomatic,are at risk of declining functional status 7e 10and worse cardiovascular outcomes.7,11e 14Optimal risk factor control for prevention of vascular events remains the primary goal of therapy for patients with PAD.15e 18Studies have shown temporal trends of improvement in adherence with guideline-recommended secondary prevention strate-gies in patients with CAD.The use of antiplatelet,anti-hypertension,and lipid-lowering medications is now incorporated in performance measures of CAD manage-ment.Given the recent emphasis on quality measures and improvement,studies have focused on the use of risk factor modi fication in CAD.19e 22This has been largely achieved by the implementation of stricter guidelines and programs to improve adherence with the recommended guidelines.Importantly,Get with the Guidelines for CAD and ACTION registry are examples of outcome-based,quality improve-ment programs developed by scienti fic committees that help healthcare institutions apply The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Clinical Guidelines recommendations in their facilities and provide invaluable tools to assist them in achieving their goal of quality improvement.23e 25Another initiative,which has helped patients with CAD,is recommendation of achieving stricter LDL goal of <70mg/dl.By following the recommendation of “Lower is better,”the clinicians are able to achieve lower LDL goal by the use of lipid-lowering therapy with high potency statins as observed in our study.Although we noticed better risk factor control and target lipid level achieved in patients with PAD in the present study compared with historic patients with PAD,26e 28Table 4Comparison of statin therapy (mean dose)among CAD,PAD,and combined CAD and PAD groups Variables Mean Dose ofIndividual Statin (mg)CAD (n ¼9,563)PAD (n ¼596)p Value *CAD and PAD (n ¼975)p Value †Simvastatin 36Æ2130Æ17<0.00137Æ22<0.001Atorvastatin 39Æ2430Æ22<0.00144Æ25<0.001Rosuvastatin 21Æ1215Æ11<0.00122Æ13<0.001Pravastatin 42Æ2238Æ220.2245Æ250.12Lovastatin 31Æ1228Æ120.2231Æ120.40Fluvastatin59Æ2680Æ00.2967Æ230.49Ezetimibe/simvastatin 42Æ2140Æ160.7347Æ230.36Niacin/simvastatin 29Æ1030Æ140.8520Æ00.67Niacin/lovastatin 20Æ0——20Æ0—Mean potency unit8.1(8.2) 5.3(5.8)<0.0018.7(8.8)<0.001Data are expressed as mean ÆSD or as number (%).*p Value (CAD vs PAD).†p Value (PAD vs combined diagnosis of CAD andPAD).Figure parative analysis of mean potency units of statin between various diagnostic groups.Coronary Artery Disease/Lipid Control in Peripheral Arterial Disease1323significant percentage of patients with PAD was not pre-scribed lipid-lowering medications.The intensity of risk factor control was better in patients with PAD when they had associated diagnosis of CAD.This may represent greater emphasis of lipid control in the presence of CAD or superior clinician awareness of the greater systemic atherosclerosis in this group and resultant increased morbidity and mortality associated with polyvascular dis-ease over the long-term follow-up.However,the awareness of aggressive risk factor control has significant room for improvement when it comes to secondary prevention mea-sures in patients with PAD alone.Due to significant increase in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality,functional decline,and loss of mobility,alarming increase in preva-lence of PAD represents significant public health burden. Hence,there is potential to improve the current practice and risk factor control in patients with PAD by increasing awareness in healthcare providers through developing outcome-based,quality improvement programs by scientific committees.Being retrospective in nature,our work is subject to the corresponding limitations,including bias related to the use of diagnostic code for diagnosis for data retrieval from elec-tronic medical chart.Our studyfindings are consistent with relatively less awareness among physicians for risk factor control for secondary prevention of PAD compared with CAD.However,we did not evaluate the difference in care based on the primary care versus specialty care providers. 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