Gen Psyc 05 - Mind Consciousness and Dreamimg BLACKBOARD





13.塞里“全身适应综合征”(GAS)1.警戒反应2.抵抗3.衰竭阶段14.Holmes和Rahe(1966)生活事件量表(SRRS)生活变化单位(LCU)15.A型---冠心病易感性为特征C型行为模式(TCBP)154页16.韦氏成人智力量表(W AIS)韦氏儿童智力量表(WISC)韦氏学龄前期及初期智力量表(WPPSI)17比奈----西蒙量表是世界上第一个智力量表18.一.客观性测验1.艾森克人格问卷(EOQ) 2.卡特尔16项人格因素问卷(16-PF)明尼苏达多项人格调查表(MMPI)二.投射测验1.罗夏墨迹测验(RT) 2.主题统觉测验(TAT)三.神经心理学测验---Halstead-Reitan神经心理成套测验(HRB)一.临床评定量表1.常用自评量表-----1.症状自评量表(SCL-90)2.抑郁自评量表(SDS)焦虑自评量表(SAS)二.其他常用评定量表1.Hamilton抑郁量表2. Hamilton焦虑量表3.简明精神评价量表(BPRS)4.适应性为量表5.生活事件量表(LES)6.简易智力状态检查(MMSE)7.多动指数8.Achenbach儿童行为量表19.麦斯麦----催眠疗法行为主义治疗-----“-第二势力”应答性行为疗法------巴甫洛夫----------经典条件反射原理操作性行为疗法------斯金纳------------操作性条件反射机制20.人本主义疗法----罗杰斯---“第三势力”。



In contemporary society,various negative phenomena have emerged,posing significant challenges to social harmony and individual wellbeing.Writing an essay on this topic allows us to delve into the root causes,impacts,and potential solutions for these issues.IntroductionBegin your essay by introducing the concept of social ills and their prevalence in modern society.You may want to mention that despite technological advancements and economic growth,certain undesirable behaviors persist.Body Paragraph1:Types of Negative PhenomenaDiscuss the different types of negative phenomena that are prevalent.This could include: Environmental pollution due to industrialization and consumerism. Cyberbullying and the misuse of social media.Corruption in politics and business.Discrimination based on race,gender,or social status.The rise of materialism and the decline of moral values.Body Paragraph2:Causes of Negative PhenomenaExplore the underlying reasons for these issues.Consider factors such as:Lack of education and awareness.Economic disparities and social inequality.The influence of peer pressure and societal norms.Inadequate legal frameworks and enforcement.Body Paragraph3:Impacts of Negative PhenomenaDescribe the consequences of these negative phenomena on individuals and society as a whole.This may include:Mental health issues such as stress and anxiety.Erosion of trust in institutions and fellow citizens.Environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity.Increased crime rates and social unrest.Body Paragraph4:Solutions and PreventionPropose solutions to mitigate or eliminate these negative phenomena.Suggest strategies such as:Implementing and enforcing stricter laws against corruption and discrimination. Promoting education and awareness campaigns to combat ignorance and prejudice. Encouraging corporate social responsibility and sustainable practices.Fostering a culture of empathy,respect,and community engagement.ConclusionConclude your essay by summarizing the main points and reiterating the importance of addressing these negative phenomena.Emphasize the collective responsibility of society to work towards a more harmonious and just world.Sample EssayIn the fabric of our modern society,a tapestry of negative phenomena has woven itself into the daily lives of individuals,often overshadowing the progress we have made.From environmental degradation to social injustices,these issues demand our attention and action.Types of Negative PhenomenaThe spectrum of negative phenomena is vast,encompassing everything from the pollution that chokes our air and water to the cyberbullying that poisons the digital realm. The corruption that taints political and business dealings undermines trust,while discrimination festers,dividing communities and perpetuating inequality.Causes of Negative PhenomenaThe roots of these issues are multifaceted,stemming from a lack of education that leaves individuals vulnerable to misinformation,to economic disparities that breed resentment and desperation.Peer pressure and societal norms can also compel individuals to act against their better judgment,leading to a cycle of negative behavior that is difficult to break.Impacts of Negative PhenomenaThe repercussions of these issues are farreaching,affecting not only the physical and mental health of individuals but also the very fabric of society.The erosion of trust in institutions,the rise in crime,and the environmental damage wrought by unchecked industrialization are but a few of the consequences we face.Solutions and PreventionTo combat these negative phenomena,a multipronged approach is necessary.Stricter laws and their enforcement can deter corruption and cation and awareness campaigns can arm individuals with the knowledge to make informed decisions and resist harmful influences.Encouraging sustainable practices and corporate social responsibility can help mitigate environmental damage.Ultimately,fostering a culture of empathy and respect is key to building a more harmonious society.In conclusion,the negative phenomena that plague our society are complex and deeply entrenched,but they are not insurmountable.By recognizing the interconnectedness of our actions and their consequences,we can work collectively towards a future that is free from these social ills.。



家庭康养花园设计与实践案例——以嗅觉体验为主的芳香植物应用*Design and Practice of Domestic Wellness Garden: Application of Aromatic Plants Based on Olfactory Experience黄业钦 王文恩 王彩云*HUANG Ye-qin, WANG Wen-en, WANG Cai-yun*家庭花园又称为私家花园,在居住环境中扮演着重要的角色,并作为城市与自然的联系,提供了一种亲近自然的体验。








1 芳香植物基于嗅觉体验的康养作用1.1 芳香植物挥发物对机体健康的促进作用芳香植物的挥发物是一类亲脂的小分子,大部分属于萜烯类化合物及其衍生物,它们不仅可以通过皮肤进入血液,还可以通过嗅觉系统作用于中央神经系统,对疼痛、抑郁和焦虑等疾病具有一定程度的疗效[4],是当今精神类疾病药物的研究热点之一。

the_students_guide_to_cognitive_neuroscience 译本

the_students_guide_to_cognitive_neuroscience 译本

《学生指南:认知神经科学》是一本由Michael S. Gazzaniga和Richard B. Ivry合著的关于认知神经科学的教科书。


以下是该书的一些主要章节和内容:1. 引言:认知神经科学的起源和发展,以及研究方法和技术。

2. 大脑的结构和功能:神经元、突触、神经回路等基本概念,以及大脑各个部位的功能。

3. 感知:视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉等感觉系统的工作原理。

4. 注意和意识:注意力的选择、分配和维持机制,以及意识的产生和作用。

5. 记忆:短期记忆、长期记忆和工作记忆的形成和提取过程,以及与大脑损伤相关的记忆障碍。

6. 语言:语言的产生、理解和加工过程,以及与大脑损伤相关的语言障碍。

7. 决策和推理:大脑如何处理信息以做出决策和进行推理,以及与大脑损伤相关的决策和推理障碍。

8. 社会认知:大脑如何处理人际关系和社会信息,以及与大脑损伤相关的社会认知障碍。

9. 情绪和动机:情绪的产生、调节和表达过程,以及与大脑损伤相关的情绪障碍;动机的产生、维持和调节过程,以及与大脑损伤相关的动机障碍。

10. 学习和智力:学习的过程和策略,以及与大脑损伤相关的学习障碍;智力的定义、测量和理论,以及与大脑损伤相关的智力障碍。

11. 神经发育:大脑在生命周期中的发育过程,以及与大脑发育异常相关的认知和行为问题。

12. 神经退行性疾病:阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病等神经退行性疾病的病因、病理和临床表现,以及治疗和预防措施。

13. 神经成像技术:磁共振成像(MRI)、正电子发射断层扫描(PET)等神经成像技术的原理和应用。

14. 认知神经科学的应用:认知神经科学在教育、心理治疗、法律等领域的应用案例。


靳洪刚: 现代语言教学的十大原则
习者进一步明确语言学习的最终目的是完成生活中的各种任务,解决生活中的各种问题。 任务教学设计一般须包含三个任务阶段及五个基本组成部分。任务的三个阶段分别
是:前期任务、核心任务、后期任务。前期阶段是任务准备阶段,多在课下完成。前期任务的 目的是激活学习者已有知识,为新的语言学习奠定基础。从语言输入、信息来源、交际背景 等方面为学生提供语言及交际框架( scaffolding) ,帮助学生顺利进入核心任务阶段。因此, 这一阶段的教学主要以激活已有知识、处理语言输入为主,活动多以理解诠释性阅读、听力 为主。核心任务阶段包含两个方面的教学,一是以语言形式为中心的教学,目的是给学习者 建立完成核心任务的交际框架,帮助学习者整合信息;二是以语言使用为中心的任务模拟、 教学实施,多以口语输出、人际交流的方式在课上完成。核心任务的目的是提供具有一定认 知及语言复杂度的模拟任务,让学习者有目的地使用目标语言,完成任务,取得预期结果。 主要形式为,首先采用合班学习语言形式,然后分组互动,完成信息交换、信息组合、意见交 换等任务。后期阶段是任务总结、反思、实际生活应用阶段,多以实地操作、书面输出或口头 演说的方式在课上或课下完成,主要采用书面总结、实地调查、口头报告等形式。
一 引言 现代语言教育在近二十年来受到了三大领域科学研究成果的极大影响。这三大领域分 别是:语言习得研究、认知心理学以及教育学。就第二语言习得领域而言,在过去的五十年 中,研究者通过各种实验研究,如语言对比、错误分析、语言普遍原则、认知心理学、语言获 得过程等方面的实验,对不同语言的习得顺序、习得速度、语言输入及输出的作用、课堂过 程、学习策略等方面进行了系统研究,得出了不少定论。这些研究成果形成了第二语言教学 领域的部分教学原则。就认知心理学来看,研究者从普遍学习理论,人类认知过程,大脑记 忆、储存、加工等语言的处理过程,记忆储存方式,输入频率,视觉、听觉凸显性,反例对比等 方面,提出具体的语言学习理论及第二语言教学策略,极大地影响了第二语言课堂过程及学 习过程的教学原则。就教育学来看,研究者强调教学要以学习者为中心,要让学习者参与学 习过程,进行各种合作及个人化的教学,强调与实际经验结合起来。从这一理论出发形成了 多种第二语言教学方法,它们强调以学生为中心,以沟通为目的,通过任务教学的方式达到 第二语言教学的目的。 这些领域的科学研究及学科发展成果引入第二语言教学领域后,语言教学领域发生了 巨大变革和根本性转变。这一根本性转变表现在语言教学的六个方面:第一,就语言教学原 则( methodological principles) 而言,现代语言教学在教学经验的基础上,更重视借鉴科学的 实证研究来指导教学( empirically motivated methodological principles) ;第二,就教学内容( instructional content) 而言,现代语言教学不再是单一的语言知识的学习,而是跨越三种交际模



























Journal of studies on alcohol

Psychology and aging

Brain and language

International journal of eating disorders

Journal of educational psychology

Health psychology

Brain research
Perception & psychophysics

Clinical psychology review



















International Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology 国际神经精神科学杂志, 2021, 10(2), 74-79Published Online May 2021 in Hans. /journal/ijpnhttps:///10.12677/ijpn.2021.102010迷走神经刺激治疗难治性抑郁症的研究进展陈雄1,王熙2,马亚云3,刘忠纯4,艾春启1*1十堰市太和医院(湖北医药学院附属医院)心理卫生中心,湖北十堰2十堰市太和医院(湖北医药学院附属医院)睡眠障碍中心,湖北十堰3湖北医药学院,湖北十堰4武汉大学人民医院精神卫生中心,湖北武汉收稿日期:2021年4月19日;录用日期:2021年5月19日;发布日期:2021年5月27日摘要迷走神经刺激技术经历了植入式迷走神经向经皮迷走神经刺激技术方向的发展。



关键词迷走神经刺激,植入式迷走神经刺激,经皮迷走神经刺激,难治性抑郁症,研究进展,综述Research Progress of Vagus NerveStimulation in the Treatment ofTreatment-Resistant DepressionXiong Chen1, Xi Wang2, Yayun Ma3, Zhongchun Liu4, Chunqi Ai1*1Department of Mental Health Center, Shiyan Taihe Hospital (Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University ofMedicine), Shiyan Hubei2Department of Sleep Disorders Center, Shiyan Taihe Hospital (Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University ofMedicine), Shiyan Hubei3Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan Hubei4Mental Health Center, People’s Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan HubeiReceived: Apr. 19th, 2021; accepted: May 19th, 2021; published: May 27th, 2021*通讯作者。



外国心理学网站国外80个心理学相关网站1. Yahoo Groups : Evolutionary-psychology - Discussion group and archive.-- /group/evolutionary-psychology/ Science: Social Sciences: Psychology: Evolutionary Psychology (23)2. Piero Scaruffi, cognitive scientist - This page contains information about Piero Scaruffi's research and teaching activities in Cognitive Science, Psychology of Consciousness and Philosophy of Mind, as well as links to his papers and to the annotated bibliography of cognitive science, artificial intelligence, neurobiology, artificial life, linguistics, neural networks, connectionism, cognitive psychology, consciousness-- / Science: Social Sciences: Cognitive Science (105)3. Allied Psychology Group, Inc. - Offers a full range of psychological services for the San Francisco East Bay community. Links to national and local mental health sites. Featured article.-- Health: Mental Health: Counseling Services (48)4. The Psychology Insider - Consumer, student and healthcare professional information on psychology, medical research, medications and journals.-- / Health: Mental Health: Professional Resources (43)5. Classics in the History of Psychology - Many full texts available online.-- Society: History: By Topic: Science: Psychology (31)6. Psychology of Behavior - An article for mature readers on theories of behavior, drives, motives, and emotions.-- /26618/en-1_INTRODUCTIE.htm Kids and Teens: People and Society: Psychology (3)7. Society for Mathematical Psychology - Promotes the advancement and communication of research in mathematical psychology, broadly defined to include work of a theoretical character that uses mathematical methods, formal logic, or computer simulation. The Society journal is the Journal of Mathematical Psychology.-- /smp/ Science: Math: Applications: Mathematical Psychology (12) JEu"BlmXsu8. Analytical Psychology and Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin - "The Buddhist statement of the unity and reciprocal influence of physical andpsychological aspects of life perfectly mirrors the Jungian principle of synchronicity (or vice versa). Both are in fact based on the conviction that psyche and matter have to be considered nothing more than different manifestations of an identical and eternal energy." By Erika Gsell-- /articles/gsell1.html Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Psychology (11) vJ89. Psychology humor - What's the surest sign that a subject isn't really a science? They're the ones whose proponents spend the most time trying to insist that their field is a science! Psychology is the premier example. We'll include their jokes in science humor all the same -- if you don't humor them, they can get dangerous...-- /humor.html Recreation: Humor: Science: Psychology (4)10. University of Akron Psychology Archives - Akron maintains a very extensive archive of documents, and laboratory instruments, relevant to the history of American Psychology. Holdings are listed, and some can be viewed online.-- /ahap/ Reference: Museums: Science: Psychology (4)11. Wesleyan University Psychology Library - Information on collections, access to the online catalog, and subject resources in psychology.-- /libr/psyhome/psychome.htm Reference:Libraries: Subject Specific: Social Sciences: Psychology (10)12. Sport Psychology Ltd (SPL) - Experienced psychologists offering a range of services including an on-line sports motivation profiler.-- Business: Arts and Entertainment: Sports: Psychology and Motivation (1)13. Doctor Leon - Psychology with Attitude - A satire including sarcastic mental health definitions, visitors' questions with answers, commentary on therapy, and funny quotations.-- Health: Mental Health: Humor (11)14. The Evolutionary Psychology FAQ - Answers to frequently asked questions about evolutionary psychology.-- /projects/human/evpsychfaq.html Science: Social Sciences: Psychology: Evolutionary Psychology (23)15. Annotated Bibliography Of Mind-Related Topics - An annotated bibliography of cognitive science, artificial intelligence, neurobiology, artificial life, linguistics, neural networks, connectionism, cognitive psychology, consciousness.-- /mind.html Science: Social Sciences: Cognitive Science (105)16. Psychology Doc - Treatment of emotional and marital problems, psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy. How to select and check qualifications of a therapist, symptoms of panic disorders and other emotionalproblems.-- Health: Mental Health: Counseling Services (48)17. John Suler's Teaching Clinical Psychology - Useful resources for clinical psychology students. y? <XdUz?4-- /users/suler/tcp.html Health: Mental Health: Professional Resources (43)18. History of Psychology Links - from Alfred D. Kornfeld of Eastern Connecticut State University.--/personal/faculty/kornfeld/www_links.htm Society: History: By Topic: Science: Psychology (31)19. Psychology - article on what the word means.--/searchpool.asp?target=@DOCTITLE%20p sychology Kids and Teens: People and Society: Psychology (3)20. Open Distance Learning: Mathematical Psychology - Online manuscripts on Mathematical Psychology.-- Science: Math: Applications: Mathematical Psychology (12)21. As Zen Replaces the Id - Psychology and Zen Buddhism --- /Athens/Parthenon/6469/main.html Society:Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Psychology (11 matches)22. Encyclopedia of Psychology Humor - Directory of humorous psychology links.-- /links/Resources/Humor/ Recreation: Humor: Science: Psychology (4)23. The Lifschitz Psychology Museum --- :8080/people/aca3/LPM.HTM Reference: Museums: Science: Psychology (4)24. Susan Stout Memorial Psychology Library - Information about the library plus on-line resources.-- /psyc/ Reference: Libraries: Subject Specific: Social Sciences: Psychology (10)25. Psychology Humor - Jokes, bumper stickers, rhymes, song titles, play, book review, science phrase translations, satire, caricatures, and parody. -- /humor.html Health: Mental Health: Humor (11)26. Theoretical Psychology in New Zealand - A page dedicated to a variety of investigations in psychology and philosophy. The pages reflect the author's interest in forms of deviance and social irrationality. There are surveys and exercises, links and resources.-- /Athens/2647/ Regional: Oceania: New Zealand: Society and Culture: Social Science: Psychology27. Erik's Psychology Links - A collection of links regarding mental health issues and mental health disorders.-- /CollegePark/8639/psych.html Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Directories (10) Jdi);28. Self-help & Psychology Magazine-- / Health: Mental Health: Self-Help (9)29. Islam, Psychological and Sexual Issues - Islamic views on psychological and sexual problems.-- /psychology.htm Society: Religion and Spirituality: Islam: Health: Psychology (1)30. HSUS - Animals & Society Courses - Guide to university courses. US.-- /programs/research/psychology.html Society: Issues: Animal Welfare: Animal Experiments - Vivisection: Psychology (1)31. Academy of Clinical Psychology - Association of clinical psychologists, recognized as specialists by virtue of having received Board Certification in Clinical Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).-- /index.htm Health: Mental Health: Organizations 32. The Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP). - The leading U.S. organization for discussion between (analytic) philosophers and (mainlycognitively oriented) psychologists.-- /cogsci/spp/spphp.html Society: Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind (5)33. Self Help Books - Psychology - Self help and how to books, videos, products and other resources.-- /psyco_bk1.html Shopping: Publications: Books: Health: Mental Health (15)34. Guild of Analytical Psychology and Religion - Information and training in analytical psychology with particular reference to religion and spirituality.-- Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Health: Mental Health: Psychology (1)35. A New Psychology of Women: Gender, Culture, and Ethniticy - Textbook on the psychology of women, presenting an in-depth introduction to the diversity of women in cross cultural perspectives. .-- /~hlips/Books/psycwomen/pw2edition.htm Society: People: Women: Women's Studies: By Topic: Psychology (1) 36. Dr. Debra Moore's Psychology Pages - Over 200 articles and book reviews on topics such as depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, aging, emotions, marriage and relationships, divorce, and stepfamilies. --- Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Resources 37. University of Bergen: Faculty of Psychology - Contains anintroduction to the psychology study in Bergen for foreign students, information on programmes, master studies and courses.-- Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities: Europe: Norway: University of Bergen: Departments and Programs: Faculty of Psychology (2)38. New Golf Psychology - Provides direction toward learning and playing golf.-- /storm.htm Sports: Golf: Instruction39. Psychology and Psychotherapy in Austria - Commission of the European Communities. Replies to the questionnaire on psychotherapists Regulated by the "Psychotherapiegesetz" (Psychotherapy Act)- 1995.-- Health: Mental Health: Policy and Advocacy (4)40. McGill University - Department of Psychology F;25rxWaV y-- Science: Social Sciences: Cognitive Science: University Programs: North America: Canada (17) =41. As Zen Replaces the Id - Psychology and Zen Buddhism --- /Athens/Parthenon/6469/main.html Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Psychology (11 matches)42. Encyclopedia of Psychology Humor - Directory of humorous psychology links.-- /links/Resources/Humor/ Recreation: Humor: Science: Psychology (4)43. The Lifschitz Psychology Museum --- :8080/people/aca3/LPM.HTM Reference: Museums: Science: Psychology (4)44. Susan Stout Memorial Psychology Library - Information about the library plus on-line resources.-- /psyc/ Reference: Libraries: Subject Specific: Social Sciences: Psychology (10)45. Psychology Humor - Jokes, bumper stickers, rhymes, song titles, play, book review, science phrase translations, satire, caricatures, and parody. -- /humor.html Health: Mental Health: Humor (11)46. Theoretical Psychology in New Zealand - A page dedicated to a variety of investigations in psychology and philosophy. The pages reflect the author's interest in forms of deviance and social irrationality. There are surveys and exercises, links and resources.-- /Athens/2647/ Regional: Oceania: New Zealand: Society and Culture: Social Science: Psychology47. Erik's Psychology Links - A collection of links regarding mental health issues and mental health disorders.-- /CollegePark/8639/psych.html Health: MentalHealth: Disorders: Directories (10)48. Self-help & Psychology Magazine --- / Health: Mental Health: Self-Help (9)49. Islam, Psychological and Sexual Issues - Islamic views on psychological and sexual problems. s(JW A]~$d)-- /psychology.htm Society: Religion and Spirituality: Islam: Health: Psychology (1) _50. HSUS - Animals & Society Courses - Guide to university courses. US.-- /programs/research/psychology.html Society: Issues: Animal Welfare: Animal Experiments - Vivisection: Psychology (1)51. Academy of Clinical Psychology - Association of clinical psychologists, recognized as specialists by virtue of having received Board Certification in Clinical Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).-- /index.htm Health: Mental Health: Organizations 52. The Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP). - The leading U.S. organization for discussion between (analytic) philosophers and (mainly cognitively oriented) psychologists.-- /cogsci/spp/spphp.html Society: Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind (5)53. Self Help Books - Psychology - Self help and how to books, videos, products and other resources.-- /psyco_bk1.html Shopping: Publications: Books: Health: Mental Health (15)54. Guild of Analytical Psychology and Religion - Information and training in analytical psychology with particular reference to religion and spirituality.-- Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Health: Mental Health: Psychology (1)55. A New Psychology of Women: Gender, Culture, and Ethniticy - Textbook on the psychology of women, presenting an in-depth introduction to the diversity of women in cross cultural perspectives.-- /~hlips/Books/psycwomen/pw2edition.htm Society: People: Women: Women's Studies: By Topic: Psychology (1) 56. Dr. Debra Moore's Psychology Pages - Over 200 articles and book reviews on topics such as depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, aging, emotions, marriage and relationships, divorce, and stepfamilies.-- Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Resources 57. University of Bergen: Faculty of Psychology - Contains an introduction to the psychology study in Bergen for foreign students, information on programmes, master studies and courses.-- Reference: Education: Colleges andUniversities: Europe: Norway: University of Bergen: Departments and Programs: Faculty of Psychology (2)58. New Golf Psychology - Provides direction toward learning and playing golf.-- /storm.htm Sports: Golf: Instruction59. Psychology and Psychotherapy in Austria - Commission of the European Communities. Replies to the questionnaire on psychotherapists Regulated by the "Psychotherapiegesetz" (Psychotherapy Act)- 1995.-- Health: Mental Health: Policy and Advocacy (4)60. McGill University - Department of Psychology-- Science: Social Sciences: Cognitive Science: University Programs: North America: Canada (17)61. As Zen Replaces the Id - Psychology and Zen Buddhism --- /Athens/Parthenon/6469/main.html Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Psychology (11 matches)62. Encyclopedia of Psychology Humor - Directory of humorous psychology links.-- /links/Resources/Humor/ Recreation: Humor: Science: Psychology (4)63. The Lifschitz Psychology Museum-- :8080/people/aca3/LPM.HTM Reference:Museums: Science: Psychology (4)64. Susan Stout Memorial Psychology Library - Information about the library plus on-line resources.-- /psyc/ Reference: Libraries: Subject Specific: Social Sciences: Psychology (10)65. Psychology Humor - Jokes, bumper stickers, rhymes, song titles, play, book review, science phrase translations, satire, caricatures, and parody. -- /humor.html Health: Mental Health: Humor (11)66. Theoretical Psychology in New Zealand - A page dedicated to a variety of investigations in psychology and philosophy. The pages reflect the author's interest in forms of deviance and social irrationality. There are surveys and exercises, links and resources.-- /Athens/2647/ Regional: Oceania: New Zealand: Society and Culture: Social Science: Psychology67. Erik's Psychology Links - A collection of links regarding mental health issues and mental health disorders.-- /CollegePark/8639/psych.html Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Directories (10)68. Self-help & Psychology Magazine --- / Health: Mental Health: Self-Help (9)69. Islam, Psychological and Sexual Issues - Islamic views onpsychological and sexual problems.-- /psychology.htm Society: Religion and Spirituality: Islam: Health: Psychology (1)70. HSUS - Animals & Society Courses - Guide to university courses. US.-- /programs/research/psychology.html Society: Issues: Animal Welfare: Animal Experiments - Vivisection: Psychology (1)71. Academy of Clinical Psychology - Association of clinical psychologists, recognized as specialists by virtue of having received Board Certification in Clinical Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).-- /index.htm Health: Mental Health: Organizations 72. The Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP). - The leading U.S. organization for discussion between (analytic) philosophers and (mainly cognitively oriented) psychologists.-- /cogsci/spp/spphp.html Society: Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind (5)73. Self Help Books - Psychology - Self help and how to books, videos, products and other resources.-- /psyco_bk1.html Shopping: Publications: Books: Health: Mental Health (15)74. Guild of Analytical Psychology and Religion - Information and training in analytical psychology with particular reference to religion and spirituality.-- Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Health: Mental Health: Psychology (1)75. A New Psychology of Women: Gender, Culture, and Ethniticy - Textbook on the psychology of women, presenting an in-depth introduction to the diversity of women in cross cultural perspectives.-- /~hlips/Books/psycwomen/pw2edition.htm Society: People: Women: Women's Studies: By Topic: Psychology (1) 76. Dr. Debra Moore's Psychology Pages - Over 200 articles and book reviews on topics such as depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, aging, emotions, marriage and relationships, divorce, and stepfamilies.-- Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Resources 77. University of Bergen: Faculty of Psychology - Contains an introduction to the psychology study in Bergen for foreign students, information on programmes, master studies and courses.-- Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities: Europe: Norway: University of Bergen: Departments and Programs: Faculty of Psychology (2)78. New Golf Psychology - Provides direction toward learning and playing golf.-- /storm.htm Sports: Golf: Instruction79. Psychology and Psychotherapy in Austria - Commission of the European Communities. Replies to the questionnaire on psychotherapists Regulated by the "Psychotherapiegesetz" (Psychotherapy Act)- 1995.-- Health: Mental Health: Policy and Advocacy (4)80. McGill University - Department of Psychology-- Science: Social Sciences: Cognitive Science: University Programs: North America: Canada (17)。

积极心理学中mindfulness skills

积极心理学中mindfulness skills



以下是积极心理学中mindfulness skills的一些具体技能:
1. 观察技能:观察技能是正念的核心技能之一。



2. 接纳技能:接纳技能是指接纳自己的情绪和思维,而不是抵制或逃避它们。



3. 聚焦技能:聚焦技能是指将注意力集中于当下,而不是让思维飘散或陷入担忧中。


4. 应对技能:应对技能是指采用适应性强的方式应对压力



通过积极心理学中的mindfulness skills训练,个体可以培养出正念的思维模式和行为习惯,从而更好地应对生活中的挑战和困难。


Engage in self-reflection exercises to enhance self-awareness and personal growth.
Create a habit of journaling to process thoughts and emotions effectively.
Introduction to McKinsey Consciousness
Defining Consciousness
Understand the concept of consciousness and its relevance in business.
The Need for Consciousness
Explore why developing consciousness is crucial for success in the modern business world.
The McKinsey Approach
Learn about McKinsey's unique perspective on consciousness and its practical applications.
The Role of Consciousness in Effective Communication
Active Listening
Master the art of active listening to foster understanding and build stronger relationships.
The Characteristics of a Conscious Mindset


有研究认为卒中后1个月是发病的高峰,但也有研究 认为卒中后3~6月是发病高峰
社区研究: PSD在卒中急性期为33%,慢性期为 34%
医院研究:PSD在卒中急性期为36%、 恢复期为 32%, 慢性期为34%
我国研究发现,PSD在卒中后1月为39%、3~6个 月为53%、1年为24%
1. Benedetti F, Bernasconi A,Pontiggia A. Depression and neurological disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:14–18. 2. Tucker GJ. Neurological disorders and depression. Seminars Clinical Neuropsychiatry,2002,7:213-220. 3. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: an update. Curr Opin Psychiatry,2006,19:294–298. 4. Rickards H. Depression in neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2005,76;48-52. 5. Pohjasvaara T, Leppavuori A,Siira I,et al. Frequency and clinical determinants of poststroke depression. Stroke,1998,29:2311-2317. 6. Hackett ML, Yapa C, Parag V, et al. Frequency of depression after stroke:A systematic review of observational studies. Stroke,2005,36:1330-1340.







1. 血清素的作用机制血清素是一种神经递质,它参与了多种生理和病理过程,包括情绪调节、认知功能、运动控制等。



2. 血清素与阿尔茨海默病的关系阿尔茨海默病是一种以记忆障碍、认知功能下降、行为异常等为特征的神经退行性疾病。




3. 血清素与亨廷顿舞蹈症的关系亨廷顿舞蹈症是一种遗传性神经退行性疾病,主要特征是不自主的舞蹈样动作、认知功能下降和情绪障碍。




4. 血清素作为治疗靶点的前景由于血清素在阿尔茨海默病和亨廷顿舞蹈症中的关键作用,研究人员开始关注血清素作为潜在的治疗靶点。






The Mystery of Consciousness The mystery of consciousness is a topic that has fascinated philosophers, scientists, and thinkers for centuries. It is a fundamental question that has perplexed humanity and continues to be a subject of intense debate and exploration. The nature of consciousness, the source of our awareness and subjective experience, remains elusive and enigmatic, prompting a wide range of perspectives and theories in an attempt to unravel its mysteries. From a philosophical standpoint, consciousness raises profound questions about the nature of reality and the self. Philosophers have grappled with the concept of consciousness, pondering its relationship to the physical world and the mind-body problem. Renownedphilosophers such as Descartes, Kant, and Hume have proposed various theories and arguments to understand the nature of consciousness, each offering unique insights and perspectives. Descartes famously articulated the concept of dualism, positing that the mind and body are distinct substances, thereby laying the groundwork for discussions on the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the physical world. In the realm of science, the study of consciousness has also garnered significant attention, leading to the emergence of fields such as neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Scientists seek to understand the neural correlates of consciousness, investigating the intricate workings of the brain and its role in generating subjective experience. Through advanced imaging techniques and experimental studies, researchers have made significant strides in uncovering the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness, shedding light on its biological underpinnings. However, despite these advancements, the question of how neural activity gives rise to subjective experience remains a profound enigma, fueling ongoing research and inquiry in the scientific community. Moreover, the exploration of consciousness extends beyond the domains of philosophy and science, permeating various cultural, spiritual, and religious traditions. Across different cultures and belief systems, consciousness holds a central place in shaping worldviews and understanding the nature of existence. From ancient Eastern philosophies that emphasize the interconnectedness of all beings to mystical traditions that delve into altered states of consciousness, diverse perspectives offer rich insights into the enigmatic nature of consciousness. These cultural andspiritual perspectives provide a holistic view of consciousness, intertwining philosophical, scientific, and experiential dimensions to contemplate its profound mysteries. Furthermore, the mystery of consciousness evokes deep existential contemplation, stirring profound emotions and inquiries into the nature of our existence. The experience of consciousness is deeply personal and subjective, giving rise to questions about the nature of self, identity, and the human condition. It prompts individuals to ponder the meaning of their subjective experience, the nature of reality, and their place in the universe. The enigmatic nature of consciousness elicits a sense of wonder, awe, and introspection,inviting individuals to explore the depths of their own consciousness and contemplate the profound mysteries that lie within. In conclusion, the mystery of consciousness encompasses a vast and intricate tapestry of perspectives, encompassing philosophical, scientific, cultural, and existential dimensions. It continues to captivate the human imagination, inspiring profound inquiries and explorations into the nature of awareness and subjective experience. As we grapple with the enigma of consciousness, we are compelled to contemplate the fundamental questions it raises about the nature of reality, the self, and the mysteries of existence. The quest to unravel the mysteries of consciousness remains an enduring and profound endeavor, inviting humanity to delve into the depths of our own consciousness and contemplate the enigmatic nature of our existence.。

Coping Resources Inventory (CRI) 12-20-2010 由 Jame

Coping Resources Inventory (CRI) 12-20-2010 由 Jame

Coping Resources Inventory (CRI)by James Lani/coping-resources-inventory-cri/Click here for to get help with your Thesis or Dissertation.Click here for FREE Thesis and Dissertation resources (templates, samples, calculators).The Coping Resources Inventory (CRI) measures how people handle stress, conceived in five basic ways which correspond to the measure's scales. The five CRI scales are Cognitive (COG), Social (SOC), Emotional (EMO), Spiritual/Philosophical (S/P), and Physical (PHY).From the CRI Manual:One of the goals in developing the CRI was to provide a tool for identifying resources currently available to individuals for managing stress. Clinical theory and practice largely focus on what is wrong with people rather than on what is right with them. The CRI was constructed to facilitate an emphasis on resources rather than deficits.The CRI has been administered to people ranging from fourteen to eighty-three years of age and found to be a valid coping measure. It can be administered to individuals or to groups and can normally be completed in about ten minutes.For more information including a more detailed explanation of the scales and possible applications of the Coping Resources Inventory, see the instrument's page at Mindgarden (link below)AuthorsM. Susan Marting & Allen L. HammerObtaining the CRIYou can learn more about the CRI and purchase at the website of our preferred partner: Mind Garden. About Mind GardenMind Garden is an independent psychological publishing company of leadership, coping, anxiety and many other assessments and developmental materials. Since 1994, Mind Garden has sought to preserve and grow important psychological assessments. Mind Garden has an array of services related to onlineaccess and scoring of instruments.Mind Garden is unique in providing a rapid response to purchase of permission to reproduce their products, via PDF. This is ideal for Ph.D. candidates and researchers who “need it now”, as well as those who may wish to use an instrument online with other instruments or questions. Paper licenses are also available, providing one copy with permission to reproduce. Mind Garden provides review copies of instruments and scoring in the product manual so that you do not need to order additional components to understand an instrument.Administration, Analysis and ReportingStatistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.For additional information on these services, click here.ReferencesMatheny KB, Aycock DW, Curlette WL, Junker GN (1993). The coping resources inventory for stress: a measure of perceived resourcefulness. Journal of Clinical Psychology 49(6), 815-30.Durm MW, Glaze P. (2002). Sex, perception of immediate stress, and response to coping resources inventory, emotional domain. Psychological Reports 90(1) 270-72._______________________________________________。
























直到1958年,美国生物化学家Julius Axelrod才发现5-羟基色氨酸在神经体内的重要作用。















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The Cave Dweller Experiment
• 27 year old Stefania Follini lived in an underground cave in New Mexico from On January 13 to May 22, 1989. • All cues to passage of time eliminated • “Free running time” about 25 hours • Ms. Follini’s days shifted to 28 hour cycle • 6 weeks in, woke up one day, didn’t go back to sleep for 24 hours, went into 44 hour cycle. • Time perception had sped up: 7 hours felt like 1
Stages of sleep over the course of the night
Hours of Sleep
Why do we sleep?
• Conservation
– Sleep evolved because it allowed animals to conserve energy
• Stage 1 sleep
– Easily aroused – Slower synchronized waves--theta waves
Electrical brain activity during Sleep
• Stage 2 sleep
Stages of sleep
– Less sensitive to external stimulation – Theta waves + occasional special patterns
• Restoration
– Sleep (specifically Non-REM) occurs to provide an opportunity to repair and restore brain cells
Why do we sleep?
• Facilitation of learning
• Cultural Construction of Reality
– Ways of thinking about the world that are shared by most members of a particular group
Sleep and Dreams
• Circadian Rhythm
Contents of Consciousness
• Consciousness
– Awareness of internal events and of the external environment
• Self-awareness
– Top level of consciousness
Contents of Consciousness
– Allows strengthening of neural connections – Consolidation of learning
• Circadian rhythm theory
– “circa diem” = around a day, 24 hour cycle – Allows animals to remain inactive during vulnerable periods – “Free running” time, about 25 hours
– sends serotonin to cortex when awake
• Preoptic area in forebrain
– inhibitory signals to RAS – reduce arousal & induce sleep
Activity in the Locus Coeruleus
• REM dreams
– Content: – Activation of brain areas associated with motivation, emotion, & reward
• Non-REM dreams
– Content:
• Scientific American: “What’s in a Dream?”
• Sleeptalking
– Common & harmless – REM and non-REM sleep
Sleep Disorders
• Night terrors
– Qualities: –: – Much more common in young children
• Insomnia
• Nonconscious processes
– Preconscious Memories
• Can be called into consciousness when necessary
– Unattended Information – Unconscious
Studying the Contents of Consciousness
• Sleep spindles: brief bursts of activity • K-complexes: large slow waves
• Stage 3 and 4 sleep
– Deep sleep – Large, slow synchronized waves
• delta waves
Sleep Disorders
• Sleepwalking (somnambulism)
– Sleepwalking in which people leave their beds and wander while still remaining asleep – Occurs during non-REM, stage 3 or 4 sleep – Common in young children – Runs in families
Neural mechanisms of Sleep
• Endocrine system
– Suprachiasmic nucleus (SCN) of hypothalamus, the “biological clock” – SCN receives signals about light from retina – SCN signals pineal gland to secrete melatonin (a hormone) – Melatonin helps induce sleep, recover from jet lag
– Chronic inability to sleep
• Narcolepsy
– Irresistible compulsion to sleep
• Sleep Apnea
– Stop breathing while asleep
• Dreams
– Altered state of reality – Images and fantasies confused with reality
Stages of sleep
• Alert wakefulness
– Extremely active brain – Beta waves: desynchronized waves
• short and frequent
• Drowsiness
– Increase in synchrony--alpha waves
Pineal gland
Reticular activating system (RAS)
• Locus coeruleus (in RAS)
– sends norepinephrine to many parts of brain during wakefulness
• Raphe nuclei (in RAS)
– Consistent pattern of cyclical body activities determined by internal clock – Twenty-four to twenty-five hours
• Jet Lag
– Fatigue, irresistible sleepiness, and unusual sleep-wake cycles that result when the internal circadian rhythm is out of phase with the temporal environment
Functions of Consciousness
• Aiding Survival
– Restrictive function – Selective storage function – Planning function
• Personal Construction of Reality
– Your unique interpretation of a current situation
Electrical brain activity during Sleep
Stages of sleep
• REM sleep (paradoxical sleep) – Rapid eye movements – Beta waves & extreme brain activity – Bodily arousal (breathing, heart rate, BP) – Body paralysis – High likelihood of dreaming – As night progresses, more REM less deep sleep – REM rebound when not enough sleep