
2B Unit 9 Revision【单元分析( UNIT ANALYSIS ) 】一.教材地位( UNIT POSITION )1.本单元是对本学期所学知识进行复习,即把二年级下所学到的知识进行系统的梳理及整合,让学生对学过的知识有一个比较完整的认识。
2.字母方面:26个英语字母3.词汇方面: 复习本学期学过的动物类、家居用品类、洗漱类、一日三餐及餐具类、季节自然类等方面的名词及学过的动词、形容词,并能在相应的句型中正确使用这些单词。
4.句型方面:复习I see…, I hear …, Look at…, I wash … with …, I can…, It’s …o’clock.等句型。
二.学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1.复习字母Aa--Zz,掌握字母的书写和发音,了解字母在单词中的常规发音。
三,教学资源(TEACHING RESOURCES)1.现代技术支撑(I .P .support)录音机电脑2.视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids)图片实物3.学习材料(Materials)学生用书配套练习册教学参考书四.课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION)第一课时(THE FIRST PERIOD)一.主要内容(Main contents)Let’s enjoy --- 1、复习26个字母2、掌握字母的音、形及和单词的关系,了解字母在单词中的常规发音。
二.学习目标(Learning objectives)1.能够背诵、辨认字母Aa—Zz2.掌握字母Aa—Zz的正确书写3.掌握以26个字母开头的单词,并了解字母在单词中的常规发音三.教学建议(Teaching suggestion)1.任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)Pre-task preparation 是指我们在进入语言学习之前,让学生获得对即将学习的语言材料的第一次感知,让学生尽快进入学习状态的前期准备阶段。

3、会说歌谣Five little monkeys.
教学难点:能比较自如地应用What do you like…?并能作出相应的回答。
S: Yes,I do.\ No,I donˊt.
四、Assign homework
1、课后与同桌练习对话用上句型Do you like?并作出相应的肯定和否定回答,复习巩固所学单词。
T:Do you like spring?
S: Yes,I do.\ No,I donˊt.
用同样的方法学习summer ,autumn
四、Sing a song:Seasonˊs song
(1)T:This is my favourite animal.Look!Do you like this monkey?
Ss:Yes,I do .
T:.教师拿着图片问学生What do you like?
S:引导学生说出I like….
3. Guessing game -let students guess the new word ‘plane’.

沪教牛津版小学英语二年级下册(2b)教学计划民办红扬小学二年级英语下册教学计划(2012—2013年度第二学期)一、全册教材简析:本册书共九单元,每单元的话题为:Unit1 Farm animal ;Unit2 In the circus ; Unit 3 My room ; Unit 4 In the park ; Unit5wash with water ; Unit 6 Eating and drinking ; Unit 7 Hotsummer ; Unit 8 Time.最后一单元是复习单元,每一单元分Let’s act. Let’s talk. Let’s六个版块。
整本书教学内容与learn . Letters. Let’s play. Let’s enjoy学生生活紧密联系,围绕“动物,房间,运动,水,饮食,夏天,时间表达”几个话题,学习简单的交际用语。
中的句子,并能根据指令作出动作反2能听懂、理解Let’s act.应。
3能说Let’s talk中的句子,能在情景中进行简单的交流。
4能认读Let’s learn中的单词。
5 能做一些英语小游戏。
6 能唱Let’s enjoy中的歌谣和小诗,理解小故事。
7 26个字母的大小写认读。
三、本册教材重、难点:单词,句重点:1、每一单元中的Let’s talk. Let’s learn . Letters 子。
难点:1 能将所学的知识点运用到实际情景中去。
四、教学内容及进程安排中的六个动物的单1、Unit1 Farm animal 能认读Let’s learn词;会说、认读let’s talk部分和let’s learn 中的单词和句子;能听懂Let’s act, Let’s play中的句子并作出反应;理解并表演let’s六个动物单enjoy部分的故事;字母: N n, O o的认读;Let’s learn词音和形;听懂、会说let’s talk中的会话;单词的读音和认识;对话在实际情景中的应用。

课 题: Unit 5 Wash with water 教 学 目 标第 1 教时课 型:新授1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g. Turn on the tap, May.教 学 重 点、难 点、 关 键 课 序 Step-oneTo teach the phrases: turn on turn off教 Warming up: Sing a song学过程设计设计意图 活跃课堂气 氛。
Step-two 1、Revision Listen and act 1) 2) 3) 4) Wash your face. Open your books. Close your books. Eat a cake…. 为新课作准 备。
Step-three 1、Presentation Turn on the tap 1) Mime the action of turning on a tap and say Turn on the tap. 2) Repeat several times 3) Say it after me: tap----Turn on the tap. 4) T: We also can say’ Turn on the light.’ 让学生看动 作理解意思, 培养用英语 思维的习惯。
2、Wash your towel. 1) Show the class a towel. T: This is a towel. 2) Say it after me: towel 3) Pretend to wash the towel and ask: What can I do? Elicit: You can wash your towel. 4) Say it after me: Wash your towel. 先学习单词, 再让学生说 出句子, 发挥 学生的主动 性。

沪教版牛津英语二年级下上册2BA全册教案The Allocation for Grade 2B2B Unit 1 Farm animals【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一.教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1.从第一、二单元“动物”的主题来看,本单元教材内容是着重围绕“农场上的动物”这个课题展开。
2.在一年级,学生已会用口语表达I’ve got…以及I see a …句型,在此基础上,本单元巩固了这些句型,并通过有关动物词汇的累积和问答句的使用丰富了句子表述的语意。
4.本单元学生将学习农场上常见的六种动物:hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig及其相关表述。
二.学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1.本单元学习Oo 、Nn两个字母,字母的教学可与单词教学相结合,要求学生不仅能按字母表顺序背诵字母,能正确认读大小写字母之外,还能正确掌握所学字母大小写的书写。
2.学生应该能够用正确的语音语调表达hen, chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig等动物名称,掌握这些词汇的认读、拼读、简单运用等口语表达;能够正确书写这些单词。
3.培养学生的视听观察能力,能根据实际情况运用What do you see/hear?I see/hear…进行简单的信息交换,表达个人的见闻。
教学资源(TEACHING RESOUCES)1、现代技术支撑(I.P. support)♦录音机♦电脑♦实物投影机♦多媒体软件2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids)♦图片♦实物3、学习材料(Materials)♦学生用书配套练习册四.课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION)本单元建议分六课时完成。
二年级英语下册 2B Unit6 (4-6)教案 沪教牛津版

【教学设计(T E A C H I N G D E S I G N)】U n i t6E a t i n g a n d d r i n k i n g第四课时(4th PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(New contents)Let’s play—A picnic二、学习目标(Objectives)1、在做游戏的语言使用环境中,能用正确的语音语调说出一些已经学过的职业词汇bowl, plate,glass等。
2、在第三课时的学习基础上,能熟练运用I’m thirsty / hungry. I want …等简单语句进行表达。
3、在活动过程中,学习新句型:What do you want? I want …,词汇:salad, sausages, mineralwater, fruit juice,能熟练正确地按实际表述。
三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。
Activity 1 Song1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 录音机2)图片Activity 2 Let’s count1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 图片Activity 3 Ask and Answer1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 录音机2)图片2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section)While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。

课题: Unit 8 Time L et ’s learn第 2 课时课型: N 教Basic Aim: 1. Review the words: watch clock day night学 2. To learn the new words: breakfast lunch dinner目 Developing Aim: 1. To learn the word: supper标 2. Make some phrases.教学重点、难点、 Pronounce words properly关键课序教课过程设计设计企图Warming-u Rhyme 激活氛围pDaily talk Ask and answer(T&P) 培育学生的1. Do you like night? 听闻会话能2. Four spoons? 力3. Who’ s he/she?4. Is it hot?5. Can you skip?Revision Words: watch clock day night 用不一样的方1. Look at the pictures and read out the words 法复习旧知quickly. 防止乏味乏2. Read the words and pick out the pictures 味quickly3. Match the pictures to the words.New 1. To teacher: breakfast 情形法使学learning (1). Show a clock. Set it to 7 o’ clockand do an 生更简单理action for eating. Say: breakfast 解所学材(2). Say after the teacher: breakfast 料,并将新(3). Show some bread and milk and do an action for 词联合词组eating. Say: have breakfast 一同学习。

课题:Unit 8 Time Let’s act 第 3 课时 课型:N 教 Basic Aim:1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions 学 e.g. May, get up! 目 标 Education Aim: Educate the pupils to get up and go to bed early. 教 学 重 点、难点、 To learn the phrases: get up, have lunch, go to bed 关 键 课 序 教 学 过 程 设 计 设计意图 Warming -up Rhyme 营造氛围 Daily talk Ask and answer(T&P) 1. What’s your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Where do you live? 4. May I have a hot dog? 5. Do you like summer? Revision 1. Words: breakfast lunch dinner supper Show the pictures and say out the phrases quickly. have breakfast have lunch have dinner have supper 2. Letters (1). Song <The letters song> (2). Recite the letters from Aa to Zz. (3). Match the capital letters to the small letters. (4). Quick response Look at the letter cards and read out them quickly. New learning 1. get up (1). Show a clock. Set it to 8 o’clock. Pretend to yawn and stretch the arms to illustrate waking up. Say several times: get up (2). Say after the teacher: get up (3). Say and do the action 通过问答调 动学生记忆 思维能用词组正 确表达图片 含义对字母的 音、 形、 义 能更准确的 加以辨别情景法便于 学生感知思 维2. have lunch 通过不断变 (1). Show a clock. Set it to 12 o’clock and do an 化的时间, action for eating. Say: have lunch 使学生区别 (2). Change the time and say: 这三个词的 have breakfast 含义,并让 have lunch 学生发散思 have dinner/supper 维,使知识 (3). Show some pictures and say out them 不断提升 e.g. have soup have some noodles have a hot dog (4). Say and do the actions. 课 序 教 学 过 程 设 计 3. go to bed (1). Set the clock to 7 o’clock and pretend to go to bed. Point to the picture of “night”. Say: go to bed (2). Say after the teacher: go to bed (3) Show some pictures and say out them. e.g. go to school go to Shanghai 1. Listen to the tape and say after it. 2. Listen to the commands and do the actions. T&P Group&Group P&P 1. Listen and read. 2. Say and do the actions. 设计意图 让学生对所 学知识进行 延伸和拓展Consolidatio n不同的对子 活动法可以 进一步调动 学生的学习 积极性Homework板 书 设 计 教 学 具 准 备a clock tape recorder some pictures letter cards课 后 小 结。

牛津英语沪教二年级下册教学计划表Oxford English Shanghai Edition Grade 2 Semester 2 Teaching PlanTeaching Goals:1. To consolidate the vocabulary and sentence patterns learned in Semester 12. To enhance students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills3. To develop students' interest in English learning through various activities and gamesWeek 1:Theme: My Daily RoutineVocabulary: wake up, brush teeth, wash face, have breakfast, go to school, come homeGrammar: Present Simple tenseMonday:- Introduction to new vocabulary through flashcards and picture cards- Practice speaking and listening with a focus on daily routine activities- Worksheet: Fill in the blanks with the correct verbTuesday:- Review vocabulary through a matching game- Introduce Present Simple tense using daily routine sentences- Role-play: Acting out a typical day in the life of a studentWednesday:- Reading comprehension: Reading a short passage about a day in the life of a student- Writing: Writing a diary entry about their own daily routine- Pair work: Interviewing each other about their daily routinesThursday:- Listening practice: Listening to a dialogue between two students about their daily routines- Speaking: Pair work to create a dialogue based on the model dialogue- Game: Memory game using daily routine flashcardsFriday:- Vocabulary quiz: Testing students on the new vocabulary learned throughout the week- Review of Present Simple tense through oral exercises- Homework: Workbook exercises on daily routines and Present Simple tenseWeek 2-3:Theme: At the ZooVocabulary: lion, elephant, giraffe, monkey, zebra, polar bearGrammar: There is/There areMonday:- Introduction to new vocabulary using pictures and flashcards- Practice speaking and listening with a focus on zoo animals- Worksheet: Fill in the blanks with "There is/There are"Tuesday:- Review vocabulary through a scavenger hunt activity- Introduce There is/There are structure with zoo animal sentences- Role-play: Visiting a zoo and describing the animalsWednesday:- Reading comprehension: Reading a short passage about a visit to the zoo- Writing: Writing a short paragraph about their favorite zoo animal- Pair work: Discussing their favorite animals and why they like themThursday:- Listening practice: Listening to a dialogue between two friends at the zoo- Speaking: Partner work to create a dialogue about a visit to the zoo- Game: Animal bingo using zoo animal flashcardsFriday:- Vocabulary quiz: Testing students on the new zoo animal vocabulary- Review of There is/There are through oral exercises- Homework: Workbook exercises on zoo animals and There is/There are structureWeek 4-5:Theme: My FamilyVocabulary: mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfatherGrammar: Possessive 'sMonday:- Introduction to new family vocabulary using family tree pictures- Practice speaking and listening with a focus on family members- Worksheet: Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive formTuesday:- Review vocabulary through a family member matching game- Introduce Possessive 's with sentences about family members- Role-play: Describing their family members and relationshipsWednesday:- Reading comprehension: Reading a short passage about a family gathering- Writing: Writing a short paragraph about their own family members- Pair work: Discussing similarities and differences in their familiesThursday:- Listening practice: Listening to a conversation between two siblings about their family- Speaking: Partner work to create a dialogue about their own family- Game: Guess the family member using clues activityFriday:- Vocabulary quiz: Testing students on the new family vocabulary- Review of Possessive 's through oral exercises- Homework: Workbook exercises on family members and Possessive 'sThe above teaching plan provides a detailed outline of the topics, vocabulary, grammar, and activities to be covered in the Oxford English Shanghai Edition Grade 2 Semester 2 curriculum. By engaging students with a variety of interactive and communicative activities, the goal is to enhance their English language skills and foster a love for learning.。

(2) Try to say.
(3) Practise: Close the pencibox/bag/door/book…
2. Learn to say: Open the door, please.
(1) Ask a student to open the book. Then point to a
say: This is a room. It'dirty. What should I do?
Clean the room, please.
(2) Try to say.
(3) Follow the teacher.
E.g. Clean, clean, clean the room. Clean, clean, clean the classroom.
Pre-task prepaFra bibliotekation1. Listen and act.
E.g. (Listen) Draw three cows,(act) draw, draw, draw.
(Listen) Clean the desk,(act) clean, clean, clean.
(Listen) Close your eyes,(act) close, close, close.
3.Invite pairs to act out the dialogue.
Ask the students draw a picture of their bedroom at home.
模仿语音 语调,培养 他们良好 的语感。
二年级英语下册 2B Unit5 Wash with water教案 沪教牛津版

2B Unit 5 Wash with water【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一、教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1、本单元的主题是“水”,教学中要充分利用“水”这一话题,开展讨论,使学生了解水的重要性,提高学生节约用水的环保意识。
2、词汇方面是学习一些有关日常生活用品的英语表达:towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste…,学习介词with在句中的用法: wash with water 等等。
3、继续学习祈使句的英语表达法,学习用一般现在时描述日常进行的动作:I wash my hands withwater. I brush my teeth with toothpaste.4、能认读字母Vv, Ww,掌握这两个字母在单词中的基本发音。
5.通过歌曲和游戏( A miming game ) 帮助学生进一步掌握祈使句和一般现在时的英语表达法。
二、学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1、围绕“水”这一主题,让学生在学习过程中感知生活中处处离不开水,体会到水的重要性,并意识到必须从小事做起,养成节约用水的好习惯。
2、能认读字母Vv, Ww,掌握这两个字母在单词中的基本发音。
3. 能够看图认读或拼读单词towel, soap, wash, dirty…,学习介词with在句中的用法: wash withwater …,初步了解turn on /off 与 open/close 的区别。
4、能根据听到的口令做出正确的反应,并能让学生在特定的情景中运用祈使句表达一些简单的请求与命令:Turn on the tap. Wash your towel…5、能用一般现在时描述日常进行的动作:I wash my hands with water. I brush my teeth withtoothpaste. This is the way I wash my face in the morning.6、通过“A miming game”让学生听听、做做,在学习新知的同时,帮助学生归纳、整理以前所学的内容,将新、旧知识有机整合起来。

Unit4 In the parkLettersThe fourth period Teaching aims: 1) Using nouns to identify things. e.g. tree umbrella 2) Learning the letters: T t, U u Difficult points: Writing the letters correctly. Materials: Pictures, cassette, word cards Teaching process: Pre-task preparation 1. Sing a song ‘Alphabet song’ 2. Ask and answer. T&P P&P e.g. What do you see? I see a…. 3. Review the letters. a. Read the letters from Aa to Ss. b. Match the capital letters and small letters. c. Listen and raise the correct letter cards. While-task procedure 1. Teach: tree a. Show a tree and ask: What do you see? b. Pupils learn to say. c. Make sentences. e.g. tree, tree, tree, I see a tree. 2. Teach: T t a. Point to the word card and say: tree, tree, t-r-e-e, t t b. Pupils read after the teacher. c. Show letter card ‘ T’ and say: What’s this? It’s ‘T’. The capital letter ‘T’. Pupils read the letter one by one. d. Compare the letters. e. Write the letters with the fingers. 3. Teach: umbrella, U u (Using the same way) 4. Play the cassette. Listen and repeat. 5. Learn to write the letters. a. Teacher writes the letters on the board. Pupils look carefully. b. Ask the pupils to say how to write. 歌曲使学生集 中注意,活跃 课堂气氛。
二年级英语下册 2B Unit8 Time(1-3)教案 沪教牛津版

2B Unit8 Time【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一、教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1、从本单元的中心“Time”为主线来看,教材内容是着重围绕一天的常规活动-一日三餐,以“Time”为主题展开;语言的使用环境主要是在家里的、学生真实的日常生活场景。
2、词汇方面是围绕着Time学习与之相关的实物“watch, clock”和特征明显的场景”day, night”,并随着一日时间的发展学习一日三餐“breakfast, lunch, dinner ”。
3、句型方面:Wh at time is it? Look/ Listen! It’s three o’clock. 是在教材中第一次出现,因而对于学上而言是全新的句型。
4、在数字方面,一年级第一学期1AUnit5Number中学习了数字1至6的表达,一年级第二学期1BUnit2 / Let’s act 中在儿歌的诵读和歌曲的吟唱中出现了数字7至10的表达。
但11,12 学生在教材中还没接触到。
二、学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1、当人们谈论工作时,随即会想到生活,每一天都是新的一天,每一天都是新的开始。
2、能够看图用正确的语音语调表述watch, clock, day, night, breakfast, lunch, dinner等。
3、在情景中能听懂What time is it ?并学会用It is _____ o’clock.来正确回答时间,从小培养学生良好的时间观念。
4、在看看做做的过程中学会用It’s _____ o’clock. Get up. / go to bed./ Have lunch…等句子来介绍真实的生活场景,学以致用,增强学习的趣味性。
5、在一年级第一学期,第二学期的基础上,学会用数字1至10来表达时间(整点的时间表达),并初步学会数字11,12 ,15, 30的口头表达。

(沪教牛津版)二年级英语下册Unit2Unit 2 In the circus【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一、教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1、本单元以了解马戏团里的动物为主题,让学生学会表达描述这些动物,懂得动物是我们的好朋友。
2、词汇方面:在学习horse, bear, elephant, tiger, monkey, panda这些单词表达的基础上,学会运用一些形容词来描述马戏团里的动物。
3、句型方面:学习Look at the … It’s …句型来介绍马戏团里的动物。
4、学习在马戏表演中,用英语发出Come here. Go there. Come back.等相关指令。
5、语音方面:通过单词pencil, quilt的复习,学习字母Pp, Qq和它们在单词中的发音。
二、学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1、学会用Look at the …与新授单词结合,表达看到马戏团里的动物,并用It’s …来描述这些动物,运用连词and尝试进行更详细地描述。
3、通过Let’s act中3个指令的学习,并结合一些已学指令,让学生与一些动物玩耍中尝试与动物做朋友。
4、学习字母Pp,Qq和它们在单词中的发音,并能将已学过的单词中根据Pp, Qq的发音归类,尝试拼读含有Pp,Qq发音的简单单词。
三、教学资源(TEACHING RESOURCES)1、现代技术支撑(I.P. support)录音机♦电脑♦实物投影机2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids)♦图片♦实物3、学习材料(Materials)♦学生用书♦配套练习册♦教学参考书四、课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION)本单元建议分六课时完成。

教 学 目 标
Basic aims: A. To leann the drills: What do you want? I want
B. To lear n the n ames and sounds of the letters“X
Daily Talk:
1)What do you see/hear?
2)What is it?
3)What colour is it?
4)What can you do?
5)What can (n ame) do?
6)Four spoons?
Liste n and act:
1)Come here, (n ame).
Homework assig nment:
Listen and repeat P29&P30 five times.
教 学 具
准 备
2、Alphabet cards, word cards and picture cards.
3、A mask.
4、Some food.
“Kitty”and say to her o you wantaKdty? ) Usin another voice, say‘I want a plate'.
2)Repeat: wanfI want a plate.
3)Ask and an swer:
a.T---- ask P1 --- an swer
Step-threeWhile-tas来自 procedure:1、

Pronounce the words and letters correctly.
Warmi ng up:
活跃课堂气 氛
Si ng a song
Revisio n
Daily talk:
培养听说能 力
1)Good morning!
Liste n to the tape and read the words.
Cassette 2B and a
cassette player.
Picture cards and
word cards.
结ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
进一步操练 单词
Say the sentence
以单词带出 句子,培养 学生的说话 能力
Put the three picture cards in a line and say one senten ce.
e.g. My face is dirty. I wash my face with water.
Letters: Vv Ww
1)Show the word card for‘van'and say:
Van beg ins with the sound‘v'.
2)Say it after me: V…van
3)Show the alphabet cards‘V'and‘v'a
after me
最新牛津上海版二年级下册《unit 2 mother’s day》教案.doc

Here is/are…for…
Have a cup of…
Encourage the students to show their love to their mothers.
教学过程Teaching Procedure
Pre-task Activities
Step 1
Step 3 Chant
A balloon, a letter, for my mum.
Chocolates, carnations for her, too.
Mother, mother, mother, I love you.
Mother, mother, mother, Happy Mother’s Day!
板书设计Blackboard Writing
Module 4 Unit 2
good idea What can I do for Mum?
I have a good idea.
I love you.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Step 4 Drills: What can you do for Mum?
Have the students do Part A‘Listen and tick’on P42 of the Workbook.
Check the answers with them.
Ask them to work in pairs and choose a picture to act out the dialogue.
Module 4 Unit 2 Mother’s Day
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本册书共九单元,每单元的话题为:Unit1 Farm animal ; Unit2 In the circus ; Unit 3 My room ; Unit 4 In the park ; Unit5 wash with water ; Unit 6 Eating and drinking ; Unit 7 Hot summer ; Unit 8 Time.
最后一单元是复习单元,每一单元分Let’s act. Let’s talk. Let’s learn . Letters. Let’s play. Let’s enjoy六个版块。
2能听懂、理解Let’s act.中的句子,并能根据指令作出动作反应。
3能说Let’s talk中的句子,能在情景中进行简单的交流。
4能认读Let’s learn中的单词。
5 能做一些英语小游戏。
6 能唱Let’s enjoy中的歌谣和小诗,理解小故事。
7 26个字母的大小写认读。
重点:1、每一单元中的Let’s talk. Let’s learn . Letters单词,句子。
难点:1 能将所学的知识点运用到实际情景中去。
1、Unit1 Farm animal 能认读Let’s learn中的六个动物的单词;会说、认读let’s talk部分和let’s learn 中的单词和句子;能听懂Let’s act, Let’s play 中的句子并作出反应;理解并表演let’s enjoy部分的故事;字母: N n, O o的认读;Let’s learn六个动物单词音和形;听懂、会说let’s talk中的会话;单词的读音和认识;对话在实际情景中的应用。
2、Unit2 In the circus 继续学习动物名称, 能认读Let’s learn 中的六个动物的单词;会说、认读let’s talk部分和let’s learn 中的单词和句子;能听懂Let’s act, Let’s play 中的句子并作出反应;理解并会唱let’s enjoy部分的歌曲;字母Pp,Qq的认读;Let’s learn六个动物单词音和形;听懂、会说let’s talk中的会话:a、Elephant的发音, b、在实际情境中运用对话。
3、课时Unit 3 My room 能认读Let’s learn中的七个房间设施的单词window,door,bed,room,sofa,table,lamp;会说、认
读let’s talk部分句子:用There is/are …描述自己的房间;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;理解并朗读Let’s play ,let’s enjoy部分的故事和小诗;字母:Rr,Ss的认读;Let’s learn单词音和形;用所学的单词:描述自己的房间;单词的读音和认识;在实际情景中的应用所学的单词。
4、课时Unit 4 In the park 能认读Let’s learn中的六个表示运动的单词;能听懂Let’s act中表示警告,禁止的句子并作出反应;用所学的动词会表达I can…..;理解并朗读let’s enjoy部分的小诗;字母:Tt,Uu的认读;Let’s learn中的六个单词;用所学的动词会表达I can…..;懂得在公园里爱护花草;Let’s learn中的单词认读;在实际情景中的应用所学的单词。
5、课时Unit5 wash with water 能认读Let’s learn中的七个表示洗漱的单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;Let’s talk会表达I wash …with water;会说Let’s play中的句子并作动作, 理解并学唱let’s enjoy部分的歌曲;字母:Vv,W w的认读;七个表示洗漱的单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;懂得节约用水;Let’s learn中的单词认读;能把有关的新语言点运用到实际情景中。
6、课时Unit 6 Eating and drinking 能认读Let’s learn中的七个表示餐具的单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;Let’s talk 会表达自己的需求.I’m thirsty/ hungry, I want some water….;会说Let’s play中的句子,理解并表演let’s enjoy部分的故事;字母:Xx的认读;认读Let’s learn中的七个表示餐具的单词;Let’s talk会表达
自己的需求;Let’s learn中的单词认读;能把有关的新语言点运用到实际情景中。
7、课时Unit7 Hot summer 能认读Let’s learn中的七个表示有关夏天的单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;Let’s talk会描述夏天;会说Let’s play中的句子,理解并诵读let’s enjoy部分的小诗;字母:Y y的认读;七个表示有关夏天的单词;会描述夏天;Let’s learn中的单词认读;能把有关的新语言点运用到实际情景中。
8、课时Unit8 Time 能认读Let’s learn中的七个单词;能听懂Let’s act中的句子并作出反应;Let’s talk会问时间并简单回答;What time is it? It’s… o’clock;会说Let’s play中的句子,表达时间.理解并表演let’s enjoy部分的故事;字母:Y y的认读;七个表示有关时间的单词;会问时间并简单回答.What time is it? It’s… o’clock ;Let’s learn 中的单词认读;到实际情景中问答,时间表达。
9、课时Revision 复习全册内容并作出终结性评价。