E18663_01 - Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager Users's Guide
在命令提示符或终端窗口中,输入以下命令:```adb devices```这个命令用于查看设备是否成功连接到电脑上。
然后,我们需要输入以下命令来重启设备进入Fastboot模式:```adb reboot bootloader```设备会自动重启,并进入Fastboot模式。
在Fastboot模式下,我们需要输入以下命令来解锁设备的引导程序:```fastboot flashing unlock```这个命令会提示你确认解锁设备的引导程序。
接下来,我们需要输入以下命令来刷入一个不带vbmeta校验的镜像文件:```fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img```其中,vbmeta.img是一个不带vbmeta校验的镜像文件,你可以从官方网站或其他可靠渠道获取。
我们需要重新启动设备:```fastboot reboot```设备会重新启动,并且vbmeta校验将被成功去除。
希望以上的步骤对你有所帮助!请谨慎操作,祝你成功去除vbmeta 校验!。
Siemens SCALANCE XP208 8端口IE交换机数据表说明书
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Cascading in the case of a redundant ring / at reconfiguration time of <\~0.3\~s Cascading in cases of star topology
Identification & maintenance function
● I&M0 - device-specific information
● I&M1 – higher-level designation/location
Product functions / Diagnostics
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Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Protocol / is supported
IAR编译错误清单Warning[Pe1665]: concatenation with "PDOR" in macro "PT" does not create a valid token E:\All learning files\IAR files\四轴\电调\VCANBLDC\Board\src\VCAN_NRF24L0.c 317警告:“PDDR”宏“PT”不创建有效的TOK级联未解1,错误:Error[Li005]: no definition for "__VECTOR_TABLE" [referenced from F:\k60 example\ E04 WOTCHDOG\Watdog\Debug\Obj\vectors.o]Error[Li005]: no definition for "__VECTOR_RAM" [referenced from F:\k60 example\E 04 WOTCHDOG\Watdog\Debug\Obj\vectors.o]Error[Li005]: no definition for "__BOOT_STACK_ADDRESS" [referenced from F:\k60 example\E04 WOTCHDOG\Watdog\Debug\Obj\vectors.o]错误原因(见下图):在linker里没有设置icf文件的路径。
说2,错误:Warning[Pe223]: function "LCD_Init" declared implicitly D:\All learning files\IA R files\exercise\Project\files\main.c 30files\exercise\Project\files\main.c 31Warning[Pe223]: function "LCD_P8x16Str" declared implicitly D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\Project\files\main.c 40Warning[Pe223]: function "LCD_P6x8Str" declared implicitly D:\All learning files\IAR f iles\exercise\Project\files\main.c 41Warning[Pe223]: function "LCD_CLS" declared implicitly D:\All learning files\IAR files\ exercise\Project\files\main.c 44Error[Pe020]: identifier "longqiu96x64" is undefined D:\All learning files\IAR files\exer cise\Project\files\main.c 45或者:Error[Pe101]: "uint8" has already been declared in the current scope (at line 72 of "D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\ D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\LI B\drivers\LQ12864\LQ12864.h 10Project\iar\..\..\LIB\cpu\arm_cm4.h")Error[Pe070]: incomplete type is not allowed D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\LI B\drivers\LQ12864\LQ12864.h 10Error[Pe065]: expected a ";" D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\LIB\drivers\LQ1286 4\LQ12864.h 10Error while running C/C++ Compilermain.cError[Pe101]: "uint8" has already been declared in the current scope (at line 72 of "D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\ D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\LIB\drive rs\LQ12864\LQ12864.h 10Project\iar\..\..\LIB\cpu\arm_cm4.h")Error[Pe070]: incomplete type is not allowed D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\LI B\drivers\LQ12864\LQ12864.h 10Error[Pe065]: expected a ";" D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\LIB\drivers\LQ1286 4\LQ12864.h 10Warning[Pe223]: function "LCD_Init" declared implicitly D:\All learning files\IAR files\e xercise\Project\files\main.c 30Warning[Pe223]: function "Draw_LibLogo" declared implicitly D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\Project\files\main.c 31files\exercise\Project\files\main.c 40Warning[Pe223]: function "LCD_P6x8Str" declared implicitly D:\All learning files\IAR f iles\exercise\Project\files\main.c 41Warning[Pe223]: function "LCD_CLS" declared implicitly D:\All learning files\IAR files\ exercise\Project\files\main.c 44Error[Pe020]: identifier "longqiu96x64" is undefined D:\All learning files\IAR files\exer cise\Project\files\main.c 45Error while running C/C++ Compiler注意:我这是把LQ12864.h中的void byte longqiu96x64[768];//void LCD_Init(void);//void LCD_CLS(void);//void LCD_P6x8Str(byte x,byte y,byte ch[]);//void LCD_P8x16Str(byte x,byte y,byte ch[]);//void LCD_P14x16Str(byte x,byte y,byte ch[]);void LCD_Print(byte x, byte y, byte ch[]);// void LCD_PutPixel(byte x,byte y);//void LCD_Rectangle(byte x1,byte y1,byte x2,byte y2,byte gif);//void Draw_LQLogo(void);//void Draw_LibLogo(void);看到没我都给注释了,然后出现这么多错误,最后又把本来是extern byte longqiu96x64[7 68];改成void byte longqiu96x64[768];于是出现了:Error[Pe101]: "uint8" has already been declared in the current scope (at line 72 of "D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\ D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\LIB\drive rs\LQ12864\LQ12864.h 10Project\iar\..\..\LIB\cpu\arm_cm4.h")Error[Pe070]: incomplete type is not allowed D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\LI B\drivers\LQ12864\LQ12864.h 10Error[Pe065]: expected a ";" D:\All learning files\IAR files\exercise\LIB\drivers\LQ1286 4\LQ12864.h 10Error while running C/C++ CompilerIAR 6.20编译错误清单1、①错误描述:Tool Internal Error:Internal Error: [CoreUtil/General]: Access violation (0xc0000005) at 007588A5 (reading from address 0x0)Internal Error: [CoreUtil/General]: Access violation (0xc0000005) at 007588A5 (reading from address 0x0)Error while running C/C++ Compiler②错误原因:High配置设置为Size,应该为Low2、①错误描述:Fatal Error[Pe1696]: cannot open source file "inc/hw_types.h" E:\StellarisWareM3_9D92\boards\dk-lm3s9b96\boot_demo2\boot_demo2.c 25②错误原因:C/C++ Complier(Assember)->Preprocessor->Additional include directories:$PROJ_DIR$\.$PROJ_DIR$\..$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..3、①错误描述:Fatal Error[Pe1696]: cannot open source file "lwip/opt.h" E:\StellarisWareM3_9D92\utils\lwiplib.h 44②错误原因:C/C++ Complier-(Assember)>Preprocessor->Additional include directories:$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\lwip-1.3.2\apps$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\bget$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\lwip-1.3.2\ports\stellaris\include$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\lwip-1.3.2\src\include$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\lwip-1.3.2\src\include\ipv4$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\lwip-1.3.2\src\include\lwip$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party4、①错误描述:Fatal Error[Pe035]: #error directive: Unrecognized COMPILER! E:\StellarisWareM3_9D92\boards\dk-lm3s9b96\drivers\set_pinout.h 59Error while running C/C++ Compiler②错误原因:C/C++ Complier-(Assember)>Preprocessor->Defined symbols: ewarm5、①错误描述:Error[Pe020]: identifier "ROM_pvAESTable" is undefined E:\StellarisWareM3_9D92\third_party\aes\aes.c 319②错误原因:6、①错误描述:Error[Li005]: no definition for "main" [referenced from cmain.o(rt7M_tl.a)]Error while running Linker②错误原因:定义函数:int main(void) { return (0); }7、①错误描述:Error[Li005]: no definition for "main" [referenced from cmain.o(rt7M_tl.a)]Error while running Linker②错误原因:如果是库是库函数,在:General Options->Output->Output file:选择:Library项4、①错误描述:Fatal Error[Pe1696]: cannot open source file "uip.h" E:\StellarisWareM3_9D92\third_party\uip-1.0\apps\dhcpc\dhcpc.c 37②错误原因:5、①错误描述:②错误原因:$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\lwip-1.3.2\apps$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\bget$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\lwip-1.3.2\ports\stellaris\include$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\lwip-1.3.2\src\include$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\lwip-1.3.2\src\include\ipv4$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\uip-1.0$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\uip-1.0\uip$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\uip-1.0\apps$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\\speex-1.2rc1\include$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\\speex-1.2rc1\include\speex$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\..\third_party\\speex-1.2rc1\stellaris6、①错误描述:Fatal Error[Pe035]: #error directive: You now need to define either FIXED_POINT or FLOATING_POINT E:\StellarisWareM3_9D92\third_party\speex-1.2rc1\libspeex\arch.h 65②错误原因:7、①错误描述:Fatal Error[Pe035]: #error directive: "Unrecognized/undefined driver for DISK0!" E:\StellarisWareM3_9D92\third_party\fatfs\port\dual-disk-driver.c 62Error while running C/C++ Compiler②错误原因:UART_BUFFEREDDISK0_DK_LM3S9B96DISK1_USB_MSCINCLUDE_BGET_STATS8、①错误描述:Error[Pe020]: identifier "ROM_pvAESTable" is undefined E:\SWM3_9D92(6.20)\third_party\aes\aes.c 359Error while running C/C++ Compiler②错误原因:10、①错误描述:Fatal Error[Pe035]: #error directive: You now need to define either FIXED_POINT or FLOATING_POINT E:\SWM3_9D92(6.20)\third_party\speex-1.2rc1\libspeex\arch.h 65Error while running C/C++ Compiler②错误原因:11、①错误描述:Error[Li005]: no definition for "ROM_SysCtlClockSet" [referenced from E:\SWM3_9D92(6.20)\boards\dk-lm3s9b96\safertos_demo\Debug\Obj\safertos_demo.o] Error[Li005]: no definition for "ROM_FlashUserGet" [referenced from E:\SWM3_9D92(6.20)\boards\dk-lm3s9b96\safertos_demo\Debug\Obj\lwip_task.o] Error[Li005]: no definition for "ROM_IntPrioritySet" [referenced from E:\SWM3_9D92(6.20)\boards\dk-lm3s9b96\safertos_demo\Debug\Obj\lwip_task.o] Error[Li005]: no definition for "ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput" [referenced from E:\SWM3_9D92(6.20)\boards\dk-lm3s9b96\safertos_demo\Debug\Obj\led_task.o]Error[Li005]: no definition for "ROM_GPIOPinWrite" [referenced from E:\SWM3_9D92(6.20)\boards\dk-lm3s9b96\safertos_demo\Debug\Obj\led_task.o]Error[Lp011]: section placement failed: unable to allocate space for sections/blocks with a total estimated minimum size of 0x11e54 bytes in<[0x20000000-0x2000ffff]> (total uncommitted space 0x10000).Error while running Linker②错误原因:12、①错误描述:Error[Lp011]: section placement failed: unable to allocate space for sections/blocks with a total estimated minimum size of 0x11e54 bytes in <[0x20000000-0x2000ffff]> (total uncommitted space 0x10000).Error while running Linker。
The value forBitsPerSample is invalid
The BitsPerSample field of the Sound device(Experiment Object; Devices tab) represents a valuethat is not valid. Common values are 8 and 16, but thesettings are hardware dependent.
An error occurred while attempting to load a sound file.This can be due to file not found, file already open,lack of resources, invalid configuration, or improperdriver.
Enter device specific values forallowable response.
Cannot have duplicateresponse
A single value has been entered more than the Allowable field in the Response Options(Duration/Input Property Page) represents a mask ofvalues, entering duplicate values would be redundant.
Displayed Message
Innovation with Integrity UHR-TOF MS 产品介绍说明书
Innovation with IntegrityUHR-TOF MSGet the full picture the first timeimpact IISensational Capabilities of impact IIOptimize your LC-MS methods withoutcompromising performance: impact II delivers thefull range of specified performance parameterssimultaneously to solve your analytical challenges.The Ultra-High Resolution (UHR) QTOF technologypioneered by Bruker once again defines thestandards of what can be achieved using accuratemass LC-MS/MS.New innovations in time-of-flight instrumentationare now available in a robust and market-leadingbenchtop system.Market LeadingSensitivityDual ion funnelIonBooster SourceCaptiveSpray nanoBoosterNew collision cell with broadmass transferRobust & QuantitativeOutstanding Hardware PerformanceEnhanced dynamic range50 Gbit/sec data sampling technology10 bit ADC technologyNew TOF with improved resolving powerDeepest insight into your sample Instant Expertise™ SoftwareIDAS™Intensity Dependent Acquisition SpeedRT2™RealTime Re-Think SmartFormula 3D™Easy-to-useYour Success with impact IIInstant Expertise™Intelligent self-optimizing MS/MS routines deliver expert-caliber results first time from your complex biomarker discovery or small molecule unknown screening experiments where spectral fidelity is key. This also includes de novo molecular formula deter-mination.Let the impact II achieve your goals in:Biomarker discovery and validation in proteomics and metabolomicsDrug metabolite, degradant and impurity identification and quantitation Synthetic chemistry supportIntact protein analysis and characterization of biopharmaceuticalsForensic and doping control Food and water testingAnd all in an economical and benchtop design.Dynamic range – five orders of magnitude50 GBit/sec sampling technology enables high Dynamic range acquisition on an LC timescale Greatly increased robustness to sample variation allowing reduced samplepretreatment especially desirable in high throughput quantitative applications. Definitive trace analysis from complex, high-background matrices makes your analytical work more productive. Increased dynamic range, excellentrobustness, and full sensitivity gives you the deepest insight into your sample and what might be hiding underneath.SensitivityOne shot plug & play acquisition with market leading standard sensitivity Ensuring qualitative and quantitative results in one LC run delivers fastest possible time-to-success. Whether running with standard ESI, ionBooster or even nano-flow separation coupled with the patented CaptiveSpray nano-Booster the impact II with its dual ion funnel delivers extreme sensitivity for best qualitative and quantitative results in one run.Full sensitivity resolutionHaving to choose between resolution and sensitivity on other instruments restricts the depth to which you can understand your sample. Instead of beam shaping, the impact II features a new time-of-flight tube with improved resolving power for optimized detection.Robustness And Simplicity – All Day, Every DayVersatilitySensitive mass transfer from smallest fragment ions to monoclonal antibodiesPatented dual Ion-Funnel:Ruggedness and sensitivityChoice of rugged and sensitive ion sources39.022941.03795001000150020002500Intens.3840424446m/z22002400260028003000320034003600Low mass fragment ion of vanillic acid precursor at 0.1mDa Mass accuracy Mass Spectrum obtained from intact Adalimumab which has a molecule weight of 148k Da“The robustness, sensitivity and spectral accuracy of the impact QTOF-MS has accelerated the process to identify unknowncompounds. This is an integral part of long-term goal to ‘sequence’ the Medicago truncatula metabolome”Professor Lloyd W. Sumner, Analytical Biochemistry Plant Biology Division, The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Ardmore, OK, USASensitivityDeconvoluted mass: 148 kDaIn-spectrum dynamic range @ real LC speed –don’t miss low abundant peaks.195.087608219.106753+MS, 1.0min #550.00.26080100120140160180200220m/zCa ffeine 0.6ppm I = 9,230,400 countsUrea 0.8 ppm I = 52 counts1.7 x 105Much higher dynamic range in concentration reachableMarket-leading high-dynamic range 10 bit detection systemProductivity and….Robust profi ling of large batches of complex biological samplesSimplicity: Fast and accurate acquisition of fragment spectraPeak shapes in urine sample remain constant:Instrument robustness enables comprehensive metabolic profiling studies of large sample sets.Looking at a selected compound: Phenylalanine. SmartFormula provides the correct molecular formula based on accurate mass and isotopic pattern fit: C 9H 12N 1O 2. Fully reproducible isotopic fidelity for phenylalanine across 100 samples injected – unambiguous molecular formula generation also for higher m/z values all day, every day.0,015,030,045,020406080100m S i g m aInjec ti on No.m S i g m a 897168169m/zppm mass accuracyisotopic patternigma = 4.4)0,015,030,045,020406080100m S i g m aInjec ti on No.m S i g m a 166.0863167.0897166167168169m/z-0.2 ppm mass accuracy True isotopic pattern (mSigma = 4.4)0,015,030,045,020406080100m S i g m aInjec ti on No.m S i g m a mSigma Value for phenylalanine in 100 urine samples measuredmSigma < 15= unambiguous molecular formula generation even for higher m/z values100 injections of human Urine sampleimpact II enables up to 50 Hz instrument scan speed combined with Instant Expertise TM software: All precursor ions fragmented in “one shot” acquisition of human urine sample spiked with vanillic acid.200400600800m/z246810Time [min]MS/MS Spectrum acquiredSeveral thousand high quality MS/MS spectra ready for spectral library searchThe low abundant target mass 169.0495 m/z of the vanillic acid precursor was fragmented successfully. Query in custom human metabolite MS/MS Library, provides correct identification. The library was generated in a different laboratory on a different impact QTOF instrument.…Versatility for OMICS researchIntact Protein Profi lingThe combination of Isotopic fidelityand mass accuracy that makes theimpact II capable of delivering molecularformulae for metabolites is preservedover the mass range. Consequently,even proteins out of a complex mixture(here : overlapping compounds resolvedwith the Dissect™ algorithm in anE. coliextract) can be extracted and measuredwith an unrivalled mass accuracy and anexact isotopic pattern.Accurate Bottom-up proteomicsquantitationThe robustness of the impact II withits impressive dynamic range enablesaccurate quantitation. As an example theCV’s obtained for a selected subset of 10proteins out of 55 consecutive injectionsof an Hela Cell digest, separated with a90 min gradient and acquired with theInstant Expertise™ ID/Quant method:that illustrates the capabilities of theinstrument for label-free discoveryapproaches.Read more in Application NotesLCMS-81: “Introducing New ProteomicsAcquisiton Strategies with the compact™ –Towards the Universal Proteomics AcquisitionMethod“LCMS-89: “High quantification efficiency inplasma targeted proteomics with afull-capability discovery Q-TOF platform“Glycomics and GlycoproteomicsAn illustration of versatility. The impact IIaccurate mass and data for glycans andglycopeptide can be fully exploited inProtein Scape for screening, identificationand characterization operations.2934878910583477810150971943921099626741203711331116115591001713146106788692453638440576662281433867780519185723881614515671197611212521079060717921824475931610449231115512110983511820103429439687027541104102366532731811711448222995825951131085641306985642468101214Time [min]∆ppm/Theory (injec ti on 3)∆% abundancy/Theory (injec ti on3)0,30,60,2-0,60,2-2,2-0,06-0,50,011,9-0,020,0-0,02-1,2-0,0-0,8-0,2-0,5-0,10,1-0,20,50,3--0,10,3-0,10,10,0∆ppm/Theory (injec ti on 3)∆% abundancy/Theory (injec ti on3)∆Mr of monoisotopicpeak in 4 consecutiveinjections:1 : 0.08 ppm2 : -0.16 ppm3 : 0.04 ppm4 : 0.32 ppm510Peakareax1Peak area% CVIntact protein profiling: > 1000 proteoforms detected in 15 minQualitative and Quantitative Drug Metabolism CharacterizationMetabolite DetectionMetabolite Detect software compares the data file for the drug (in this case t 60) with the corresponding control sample.A base peak chromatogram of thedifference is created allowing metabolites m/z 354, 212 and even 392 to be easily observed.Drug and Metabolite Profi lesIntegration is carried out on the EIC for the measured m/z of each metabolite +/- 0.005 Da. Plotting the ratio of metabolite to internal standard (MIS) vs. time produces the metaboliteprofiles. Half-life and clearance values are determined from the natural log (ln) of the drug profile vs time plot.Metabolite IDAuto MS/MS SpectrumSmartFormula3DFormula and Structure C 21H 18NOFCl212354376392 354FON+CY our Partner in Biopharmaceutical Analysiscomprehensive capabilities forRapidly and routinely acquiremonoisotopic antibody subunit data,in sequence confirmation and easydetection of heterogeneities.sequence variants with increasedMS/MS acquisition speed and widerdynamic range.Effective screening and quantitation ofSubunit analysis Comparison with reference material234202343023440m/z(mono) = 25442.5176Theore ti cal isotopes for Fd2410024110241202234002545025460Mr(mono) = 25442.5176 DaTheorem/z23400234102342023430254502547025480Mr(mono) =Theore ti cal isotopes for FdOne-Shot Full Picture of the Sample ...Full Sensitivity Resolution and highdynamic range are prerequisites to reach extreme low level of detection. High-resolution Extracted ionChromatogram identifying pesticides with full scan MS and bbCID acquisitionExcellent Isotopic fidelity at very low concentration levelDirect injection of 100 μl water: All analytes from 70 to 900 m/z are detected at 10 ng/l1st Isotope2nd Isotope3rd Isotope+MS 50 ppt Dimethoate C 5H 12N 1O 3P 1S 2 m/z 228.9996 err 0.55 mDa10 pptin single LC-TOF run. All analytes across the mass range from 70 to 900 m/z are detected. The new HDC collision cell with un-compromised mass-transfer and sensitivity allows for trace level residue screening, confirmation and quantitation.Example of Positive Amphetamine Finding at Trace Level AmphetamineAmphetamine (^13C)Amphetamine Fragm 119Amphetamine Fragm 913.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6Time [min]... for Rapid Profiling and Screening of UnknownsHigh resolution, accurate mass MS and bbCID MS/MS data acquisition enables rapid reaction to emerging challenges in food safety and doping even before reference standards are availableFacilitates retrospective in-silicoanalysis for post-hoc identification of true unknown contaminantsAccurate mass screening databases for Food Testing and Forensic ToxicologyFood /Water/Forensic sampleUHPLC impact IIOne shot qual /quant analysis with no method development MS, Total Ion CID, MSMSIdentification, confirmation, quantitation, ID of new compounds and reportingProcessing with highquality database In silico retrospective analysis of new targets“We use the Bruker impact QTOF with bbCID to attain enhanced sensitivity for drugs-of-abuse and designer drug screening in a forensic setting, covering critical low concentration compounds like THC acid, buprenorphine, LSD, and synthetic cannabinoids. The bbCID workflow has been carefully validated against spectral library comparison, and it has proven to deliver equal confidence, but with a much higher efficiency, significantly increasing our productivity. Our forensic screening method has now been accredited by the Finnish Accreditation Service” Dr. Anna Pelander, Laboratory of Forensic Toxicology at the University of HelsinkiExaAmphetamine Fragm 119Amphetamine Fragm 913.84.0 4.2 4.4 4.6Time [min]Comprehensive forensic drug scree-ning with maximum confidence in the results with impact II. Accurate mass measurement of ‘diagnostic ions’, including the pseudo-molecular ion,adducts, isotopes as well as broad band CID (bbCID) fragment ions reduces or eliminates false positive findings, even incomplex matrices such as serum. At trace levels, ‘buried in the grass’ at RT=4.3 minutes, diagnostic fragmentions m/z 119 and m/z 91 and the 13Cisotope for amphetamine are observed. Amphetamine is truly detected as posi-tive finding from the screening result.To facilitate comprehensive screening for hundreds of target compounds, theBruker ToxScreener™ and Pesticide Screener™ solutions are supported by high quality accurate mass databases, enabling users to readily process the data and obtain accurate, reliable scree-ning results.B r u k e r D a l t o n i c s i s c o n t i n u a l l y i m p r o v i n g i t s p r o d u c t s a n d r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h tt o c h a n g e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s w i t h o u t n o t i c e . © B D A L 06-2014, 1829433Bruker Daltonik GmbHBremen · GermanyPhone +49 (0)421-2205-0Fax +49 (0)421-2205-103*************Bruker Daltonics Inc.Billerica, MA · USA Fremont, CA · USAPhone +1 (978) 663-3660 Phone +1 (510) 683-4300Fax +1 (978) 667-5993 Fax +1 (510) 687-1217**************************@For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.Dynamic Source ConfigurationIn addition to ESI sources, Bruker life science MS systems support a wide range of source options from Bruker and third-party vendors, all switchable within seconds.APCI with DIPAPPICaptiveSpray nanoBoosterCaptiveSpray™ nanoBoosterCaptiveSpray nanoBooster is the proteomics ion source that brings your MS to the nextperformance level – The operation is as easy as electrospray can be. The nanoBooster enables Glycoanalysis, supercharging and pushes up ID rates.ionBoosterThe ionBooster offers a 5–100x gain in sensitiv-ity for many compounds of interest in the fields of environmental analysis, food testing and therapeutic drug monitoring.APCIAtmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization is used in metabolomics as well as for drug or pes-ticide screening for less polar molecules where ESI fails to deliver reasonable quantities of ions.APPIAtmospheric Pressure Photo Ionization is used for less polar or non-polar molecules that can not be ionized in either ESI or APCI.DIPThe DirectProbe add-on for the Bruker APCI II and APPI II ion sources allows direct analysis of liquid and solid samples without tedious sample preparation.GC-APCI IIThe GC-APCI II source with unique flexible, heated transfer line and calibrant delivery enables GC coupling to any Bruker TOF orQTOF, trap or FTMS system originally designed for LC coupling.“We have been using the impact since almost a year for routine shotgun bottom up pro-teomics. In association with the CaptiveSpray nanoBooster, the instrument has provided an excellent level of sustainable performances, being capable of delivering untouchedperformances for over 6-8 weeks of 24/7 use. This is of tremendous importance for the success of our label-free measurement campaigns”Prof. Alain Van Dorsselaer, LSMBO, StrasbourgGC-APCI II。
序号报错内容10004 No segments of sufficient size available20005 Size value in segments out of bounds3-000 Work area missing.4-001 Too small memory. Work area impossible to establish.5-002 Too small work area. Impossible to continue.6-003 SSP system error in the work area.7-004 SSP system error. Given parameter is too large.8-005 SSP system error. Given parameter is too small.9-006 SSP system error. The CO or the CTO is incorrect at the call. 10-007 System error, not to be referred to as SSP system error. 110101 Error in object structure, erroneous ELH120102 Error in object structure, unexpected end of list130103 Error in object structure, missing element140104 Error in object structure, unexpected empty list150105 Error in object structure, attempt to double object head 160106 Attempt to delete valid ELH:s170107 Delivering and receiving lists overlap180108 OL-field too small190109 Invalid element pointer200110 Attempt to allocate element with illegal size210111 Attempt to store element with size <= 0220112 Too many objects in workspace230201 Upper bound of procedure call stack exceeded240202 Upper bound of error stack exceeded250203 Lower bound of procedure call stack exceeded.260251 Error in parameter No. 1270252 Error in parameter No. 2280253 Error in parameter No. 3290254 Error in parameter No. 4300255 Error in parameter No. 5310256 Error in parameter No. 6320257 Error in parameter No. 7330258 Error in parameter No. 8340259 Error in parameter No. 9350260 Error in parameter No. 10360261 Error in parameter No. 11370262 Error in parameter No. 12380263 Error in parameter No. 13390264 Error in parameter No. 14400265 Error in parameter No. 15410266 Error in parameter No. 16420267 Error in parameter No. 17430268 Error in parameter No. 18440269 Error in parameter No. 19450270 Error in parameter No. 20460271 QXD04 is empty470272 Illegal geometry type in QXD04480273 Number of geometry elements does not match QXD04 490274 Error in form system500299 General module interface inconsistence510301 Overflow in object520302 New object name already in use530303 Object does not exist540304 Invalid object pointer550305 Open failure on input file560306 Invalid format on input file570307 Invalid object name (too long)580308 Write failure on file590321 Invalid logical data bank unit600322 Logical data bank unit already in use610323 Data bank table full620324 Lock entry found instead of object630325 Logical data bank unit not connected640326 Object already exists in working area650327 Object not found in the data bank660328 Object not locked670329 Data file has invalid format680330 Object currently locked by another user690331 Too many objects are already locked700332 Object has invalid format710333 Object already exists in data bank720334 No room in data bank730335 Unsupported object structure740336 Virtual data bank already conneced750337 Virtual data bank not connected760338 Databank may not be of type "sequential db directory" 770339Attempt to store a non-picture object in a sequential db directory780340 Open failure of directory file790341 Close failure of directory file800342 Record not found in the directory file810343 Record locked820344 Fatal error in directory file830345 Error creating directory file840346 Record already exists in directory file850347 No room on output device when updating directory file 860348 Data bank currently locked by another user.870349 Attempt to lock an object in a sequential db directory 880350 Open failure of data file890351 Close failure of data file900352 Record not found in the data file910353 Record locked920354 Fatal error in data file930355 Error creating data file940356 No room on output device when updating data file950357 Two revisions of the same object not allowed in workspace 960358 Allocation map has invalid format970360 Open failure of sequential data bank980361 Close failure of sequential data bank990362 End of file of sequential data bank1000364 Fatal error in sequential data bank1010365 Error creating sequential data bank1020366 No room on output device when updating sequential data bank 1030367 Error in object code1040368 Restored object size does not match the stored size. 1050369 Attribute type not recognized1060370 Access to object not allowed1070371 M2 can not read objects of version 41080372 Project not enabled to store objects of version 41090401 Too big contour, element maximum size exceeded1100402 Error in record (card) decoding1110403 Unknown record (card) type1120404 Wrong order of picture elements1130405 Unexpected end of file1140406 Erroneous input term, should be record type1150407 Unexpected new object, old one not completed1160408 Unexpected geometry element1170409 Erroneous term - violates input syntax1180410 Unexpected component element1190411 Unexpected subcomponent element1200412 Syntax error in input1210413 Data missing in input for component1220414 Data missing in input for subcomponent1230415 Data missing in input for text element1240416 Unexpected subpicture element1250417 Data missing in input for subpictures1260418 Set of rules is not initiated1270419 Number for placing rules is not found for specific parameter 1280501 Empty component1290502 Wrong level for subcomponent1300503 Empty subcomponent1310504 Unknown data type for geometry element1320505 Wrong level for geometry1330506 Empty picture object1340507 Unallowed scale factor1350508 The element is not a subpicture1360509 Unallowed level1370510 Unallowed number of subpicture levels1380511 Unallowed start level for identification1390512 Unallowed end level for identification1400513 Subordinate element missing1410514 Empty picture1420515 Transformation information missing1430516 The element is not a subcomponent1440517 Illegal font number1450518 Symbol font file does not exist1460524 Indicated segment does not exist1470525 Points on the contour not given in the direction of the contour 1480526 Indicate element does not exist1490527 Wrong type of element given1500529 Object not initialized1510530 Subordinate level not open1520531 Element on superior level not open1530532 Symbol does not exist 1540533 Size of element too big 1550534Mismatch between the opened subcomponent and the given 1560535 Text font file does not exist or out of range (8-99)1570536 Error in text font file (8-99)1580537 Error when loading text font file (8-99)1590538 Vector font file does not exist or out of range (1-99)1600539 Vector font does not exist 1610540 Vector font does exist but language not assigned 1620541 Internal symbol font error 1630701 Erroneous object head (ELH-error)1640702 Empty picture object 1650703 Attempt to identify an element not being a component 1660801 Error in activity code 1670802 First file does not exist 1680803 First message array too small 1690804 First index array too small 1700805 Second file does not exist 1710806 Second message array too small 1720807 Second index array too small 1730808 Message file not available 1740809 Impossible to open plotter file 1750810 Read error on first message file 1760811 Read error on second message file 1770812 Denoted message does not exist 1780901 Communication breakdown 1791001 CAT-object does not exist 1801002 Contour does not exist 1811003 Table row does not exist 1821004 Member does not exist 1831005 Segment part does not exist 1841006 Error in contour representation 1851007 Error in activity code specifying the contour to be treated 1861008Error in activity code specifying the part of the contour to be treated 1871009Error in activity code specifying the part of the table to be treated 188-100 Incorrect total name.1891010Error in activity code specifying the part of the table row to be treated 1901011Error in activity code specifying the table member to be treated 1911012Error in activity code specifying the part of the table member to be treated 1921013 Invalid segment number 1931014Error in activity code specifying the part of the segment to be treated 1941015 Error in specifying the attribute to be treated 1951016Error in location parameter defining the kind of attribute to be treated 1961017Error in location parameter defining the position of the wanted element 1971018 Invalid current CAT-object number1981019 Pointer in QCATPT of QWC030 to owner element not valid 199-101 Total name too long.2001020 The object is not a CAT-object 2011021 Error in attribute size 2021022 Erroneous segment type 2031023 Dimensions not equal in receiving and delivering contours 2041024Error in activity code specifying the part of a segment to be saved 2051025Error in activity code specifying the part of a contour to be saved 2061026 Given point is outside contour 2071027 Error in representation (must be 2 or 3)2081028Given representation does not correspond to the original representation in 2091029 Given data not sufficient to define the new coordinate system 210-102 Type too long.2111030Error in activity code specifying how to create a transformation matrix 2121031 Error in parameter defining the coordinate axis 2131032 Error in parameter defining the coordinate plane 2141033 Transformation matrix is not invertible 2151034 Error in activity code defining point or vector 2161035Error in activity code specifying storing of attribute data (common area of 2171036 Segment given from input is a zero segment 2181037 Beta given from input does not belong to (0,1)2191038 Tangent vector undefined 2201039 Equation root < 0221-103 Attribute name too long.2221040 Vector along line is the zero vector 2231041 Vector perpendicular to plane is the zero vector 2241042 The contour is not closed 2251043 Transformation not possible because the transformation matrix includes a 2261044 Points not given in the direction of the contour 2271045 Error in activity code controlling tangent calculations 2281046 Error in tangent code 2291047 Too many point attributes 2301048 Given activity code does not allow equal contours 2311049 The contour does not contain any segments 232-104 Incorrect pointer.2331050 The contour is closed 2341051 Impossible to insert contour 2351052Error in activity code (PTYPE)specifying the type of projection 2361053The centre of projection lies in the projection plane (central projection)2371054The projecting lines are parallel to the projection plane (parallel 2381055 Input object and resulting object must not be equal 2391056 Error in contour code 12401057 Error in object code 22411058 2-attribute at contour level not found 2421059 2-attribute at object level not found 243-105 The first of the given objects in the parameter list is missing.2441060 Space curve improperly stored2451061 Wrong geometry type for R2-contour2461062 Impossible tangent vectors2471063 Intersection point missing2481064 Too many intersection points2491065 Impossible to create fillet2501066 Argument array too small2511067 Array too small2521068 Unallowed value of scewness factor2531069 Undefined tangent vector254-106The second of the given objects in the parameter list is missing.2551070 Bad combination of data for a BC-segment (surface problem) 2561071 Coordinate outside given limits2571072 Impossible to create curve2581073 Intersection curve missing2591074 Given length longer than contour length2601075 Upper bound of attribute data structure exceeded261-107 Object missing.262-108 The given object is not a geometry object.263-109 The given object is not a table object.264-110 The given objects are of different kinds.265-111 Empty object at the call.266-112 Contour 0 empty at the call.267-113 The given contour number too large.268-114 The given contour 0 at the call closed.269-115 The last segment of the CO-0 at the call is not a line segment. 270-116The last segment of the CO-0at the call is parallel to the given line.271-117The end point of the CO-0at the call lies inside the given circle.272-118 The given segment does not exist.273-119 Incorrect orientation of the given segments.274-120 The given length is too large.275-121 The given point does not lie on the given segment.276-122 Incorrect end point selection (f = 0 and f = 1).277-123 One or several breakpoints outside KRANGE.278-124 Amplitude outside KRANGE.279-125The given amplitude is larger than half the distance between the end points280-126 Central angle greater than 360.281-127 Number of distinct points less than 2.282-128 Intersection point number not equal to + 1 or + 2. 283-129 The length of the interval is zero.284-130 Integer parameter outside the range.285-131 Incorrect location code.286-132 Too large attribute.287-133 Attribute of wrong format.288-134 Incorrect code number for part selection of contour. 289-135 Point on contour with given coordinate missing. 290-136 Incorrect boundary conditions.291-137 Incorrect intersection point designation.292-138 Incorrect storing of points in the CTO.293-139 Incorrect parameter data type.294-140 Table row missing.295-141 Improper storing of table. 296-142 The given radius is too large.297-143The second of the given objects in the parameter list existed at the call.298-144 Incorrect password.299-145 Incorrect number of parameters.300-146 Unallowed value of input parameters.301-147 Attribute number out of range.302-148 Table member missing.303-149 Input string is empty.304-150 Unallowed inclination angle.3052001 Unallowed record number in text input3062002 Wrong order among records in text input3072004 No object is current3082005 Current subpicture not panel3092006 Information about current measurement element missing 3102007 Erroneous table structure311-200 Attribute type out of bounds.312-201 Attribute head without attribute.313-202 Type out of bounds.314-203 I/O buffer too small.315-204 Row head without elements.316-205 Incomplete type 5 attribute.317-206 Impossible to unpack I/O buffer.31822000 Name of current deck is missing in modal storage. 31922001 Projection attribute is missing in picture object. 32022002 Transformation attribute is missing in picture object. 32122003 Erroneous item attribute.32222004 Name of deck is missing in picture object. 32322005 Name of room is missing in picture object. 32422006 No current room.32522007 Hole id out of range.32622008 Erroneous start element.32722009 Invalid identification number.32822010 Invalid data type.32922011 Error in conversion of a point from 2D to 3D. 33022012 Projection is not axis-parallel.33122013 Error transforming an arrangement.33222014 Copy an item failed.33322015 Unknown item type to recreate.33422016 Failed to identify a room.33522017 Erroneous type of item.33622018 Erroneous height axis.33722019 Pointer to the deck not found.33822020 Erroneous number of intersections.33922021 Copy geometry element failed.34022100 Erroneous type of item.34122300 Name of deck is missing in model object.34222301 Erroneous directrix.34322600 Error in form handling.34422601 Prohibited component type.34522602 Prohibited table.34622603 Erroneous table dimension.34722604 Prohibited table item.34822605 Incorrect data type of table value.34922606 Erroneous type of information.35022607 Erroneous description object.35122608 Error occured in the LIB$SET_LOGICAL function. 35223000 Invalid identification number.35323001 Error in form handling.35423002 Undefined symbolic name for test sequence directory. 35523003 File specification syntax error.3562501 Impossible to create default file.3572502 Mismatch between 01 and 04 objects in parts generation 3582503 Incorrect type of CAT-object3592504 Incorrect type of picture object3602505 Incorrect combination of objects3612506 Incorrect storing of 02-object3622507 Attribute describing detail missing or incorrect in 02-object 3632508 Incorrect type of subpicture in 03-element (ID missing) 3642509 Attribute 101 missing or incorrect in 01-object3652510 Attribute 101 missing or incorrect in 02-object3662511Attribute containing transformation matrix missing or incorrect in3672512 Undefined CAT-object3682513 Undefined picture object3692514 Illegal format on data file containing part names3702515 Parent plate missing in 03-object3712516 Subcomponent corresponding to attribute missing3722517 Contour attribute 101 missing3732518 Standard hook file has illegal format or does not exist 3742519 Component corresponding to attribute is missing3752520 Start order attributes do not correspond to the start attributes3762521Auxiliary function attribute found on segment level is missing on object3772522Gap attribute found on segment level is missing on object level3782523 Internal attribute arrays exceeded3792524 Inconsistency in plate structure3802525 Attribute not found3812526 Incorrect attribute3822527 Plate part contour missing or erroneous3832528 Verified path outside raw plate3842529 Impossible to create chamfer file3852530 Impossible to evaluate CVBA angle3863001 SLABEL too big. Impossible to put in index tables3873002 Information about SLABEL does not exist3883003 Invalid index to IDENT-table3893004 ID is not found in IDENT-table3903005 ID-table is full3913006Information about SLABEL exists,must be deleted before "put".3923007 No current scheme3933008 Editor not in system3943009 Any of the index table attributes missing395-300 One or more breakpoints outside KRANGE.3963010 Scheme name in attribute 199 "not =" current scheme name. 3973011 No picture object found3983012 Error opening scheme file for writing3993013 Error writing scheme file line4003014 Error converting scheme for writing4013015 Panel already occupied by scheme generation402-301 Amplitude outside KRANGE.403-302The amplitude is larger than half the distance between the starting point404-303 Intersection point missing.405-304 Intersection point before the given point missing. 406-305 Intersection point after the given point missing.407-306The last line segment of the CO-0at the call is not touched by the bending408-307 The given point lies on the contour 0 of the given description. 409-308 Incorrect boundary conditions.410-309 Part of CAT object missing.4113100 Failed to verify the shell curve object.4123101 Failed to verify the seam object.4133102 31024143103 The curve is outside the default box.4153104 Failed to verify the point object.4163105 Failed to verify the plane object.4173106 Failed to verify the cylinder object.4183107 Corrupt point object, the root attribute does not exist. 4193108 Corrupt seam object, the root attribute does not exist. 4203109 Corrupt curve object, the root attribute does not exist.421-310 Data file not open for reading.4223110 Corrupt cylinder object, the root attribute does not exist. 4233111 Corrupt plane object, the root attribute does not exist. 4243112 Corrupt object, a point attribute is missing.4253113 Corrupt object, a plane attribute is missing.4263114 Corrupt object, a curve attribute is missing.4273115 Corrupt object, a cylinder attribute is missing.4283116 Corrupt object, a surface attribute is missing.4293117 A referenced surface object was not found.4303118 A referenced curve object was not found.4313119 A referenced point object was not found.432-311 Data file not open for writing.4333120 A referenced plane object was not found.4343121 A referenced cylinder object was not found.4353122 Corrupt object, invalid definition data.4363123 Failed to intersect the surface with the plane.4373124 Failed to intersect the shell curve with the plane.4383125 Failed to convert a Lines Fairing curve to a space curve. 4393126 Failed to expand the point object.4403127 Failed to expand the plane object.4413128 Failed to expand the curve object.4423129 Failed to intersect the two curves.443-312 Data file already open for sequential processing.4443130 Could not define a parameter axis for proper space curve. 4453131 Failed to trim the curve with the default box.4463132 Corrupt object, invalid or missing root attribute.4473133 Failed to reduce object.4483134 Conversion failed: Could not find a parameter axis. 4493135 Failed to verify the shell profile object.4503136 Failed to verify the shell stiffener object.4513137 A referenced shell stiffener object was not found.4523138 Maximum number of points exceeded.4533139 Failed to verify the feature.454-313 Demanded unit missing.4553140 Failed to verify the hull curve object.4563141 Limit table object missing or incorrect.4573142 Mismatch in limit table.4583143 A referenced panel was not found.4593144 A referenced shell profile was not found.4603145 A referenced seam was not found.4613146The shell stiffener overlaps another stiffener in the shell profile.4623147 The point cannot be moved outside the curve.4633148 Failed to intersect the shell curves.464-314 Intersection point missing when n = 0.465-315 Impossible to write (e.g. secondary areas filled).466-316 Data file already closed.467-317 Spline calculations interrupted. Check input points.468-318Plane curve not single-valued with respect to the given coordinate.469-319 Record locked.4704001 PCDB - No component slot available4714002 PCDB - Component not found in the data bank4724003 PCDB - Component currently locked by another user 4734004 PCDB - Component already exists on the data bank 4744005 PCDB - Component has invalid format4754006 PCDB - Invalid current component number4764007PCDB-Component not current under given current component number4774008 PCDB - Invalid activity code4784009 PCDB - Object found instead of a component4794201 PCDB - Search object already exists4804202 PCDB - Search data not defined4814203 PCDB - Search data not defined at connection one4824301 PSDB - Failure creating lock entry4834302 PSDB - Named element already exists4844303 PSDB - Superior environment is not active4854304 PSDB - Already active in QWQ124864305 PSDB - Invalid data type4874306 PSDB - One or two project object missing4884307 PSDB - Invalid status encountered in QWQ124894308 PSDB - Object not locked when attempting to delete or update 4904309 PSDB - Attribute not found4914310 PSDB - Part not found4924311 PSDB - External part cannot be updated4934312 PSDB - Name missing in name table 4944313 PSDB - Impossible part4954314 PSDB - Erroneous data in attribute4964315 PSDB - Keyword not found in syntax definition4974316PSDB-Arguments do not match the application(is syntax definition4984317 PSDB - Error in deleting connection attribute4994318 PSDB - Error during deletion of a part5004319 PSDB - Error when restoring part5014320 PSDB - Failure deleting subview (interactive modelling) 5024321 PSDB - Transformation data for view missing5034322 PSDB - Failure copying subview (interactive modelling) 5044323 PSDB - Name attribute missing (interactive modelling) 5054324 PSDB - Interactive component choice menu not initiated 5064325 PSDB - Error in logical references5074326 PSDB - Branch element not found5084327 PSDB - Error in object pointer of part5094328 PSDB - Error when creating new branch5104329 PSDB - Referenced ppdb object not found5114330 PSDB - Pipe length not defined where it should be defined 5124331 PSDB - Unexpected element pointer5134332 PSDB - Branch not found5144333 PSDB - Failure open model subview5154334 PSDB - Impossible connection number5164335 PSDB - Invalid object name5174336 PSDB - Extra connection information attribute not found 5184337 PSDB - Conflicting co-ordinate data5194338 PSDB - Bad call of lock co-ordinate routines5204339 PSDB - Failure converting to equipment5214350 PSDB - Previously stored attribute is missing5224610 PPDB - Erroneous element pointer5234611 PPDB - Erroneous element type5244612 PPDB - Erroneous element size5254613 PPDB - Erroneous element structure5264620 PPDB - Error creating object name (names too long) 5274621 PPDB - Error splitting object name5284640 PPDB - Project not current5294641 PPDB - Position not current5304642 PPDB - Function not current5314643 PPDB - Pipe not current5324644 PPDB - Pipe sketch not current5334660 PPDB - Project already exists5344661 PPDB - Position already exists5354662 PPDB - Function already exists5364663 PPDB - Pipe already exists5374664 PPDB - Pipe sketch already exists5384670 PPDB - Project does not exist5394671 PPDB - Position does not exist5404672 PPDB - Function does not exist5414673 PPDB - Pipe does not exist5424674 PPDB - Pipe sketch does not exist5434680 PPDB - Subordinate element current5444681 PPDB - Object and reference element do not correspond 5454682 PPDB - Erroneous component limit5464683 PPDB - Element with spec. ID already exists5474684 PPDB - Element with spec. ID does not exist5484685 PPDB - Erroneous connection reference5494686 PPDB - Too many part elements in one material 5504690 PPDB - Referenced part not found in PSDB5514691 PPDB - Sketch limit not allowed5524692 PPDB - PSDB not current5534693 PPDB - Element not found in PSDB5544694 PPDB - Part not found in PSDB5554695 PPDB - PCM-attribute not found in PSDB5564801 PPDB - Erroneous font number5574802 PPDB - Contour attribute not found5584803 PPDB - Error in reading drawing form5594804 PPDB - Invalid format of bending machine attribute 5604901 PPDB - Pipe reference in common area QWP60 not found5614902PPDB-Maximum number of reference points in pipe sketch exceeded5624903 PPDB - More than three connections5635000 PCDB - Invalid component type5645001 PCDB - Invalid component group5655002 PCDB - Invalid component subgroup5665003 PCDB - Invalid pressure class5675004 PCDB - Failure reading component5685005 PCDB - Failure deleting component5695006 PCDB - Failure reading search object5705007 PCDB - Failure deleting search object5715008 PCDB - Failure storing component5725009 PCDB - Failure listing component573-500 Empty geometry object.5745010 PCDB - Failure storing search object5755011 PCDB - Nominal diameter could not be calculated5765012 PCDB - No search mask exists for given component type 5775013 PCDB - Search object not found5785014 PCDB - Failure creating MIS input579-501 Empty table object.580-502 The given points are collinear.581-503 Undefined axis.582-504 Incorrect storing of plane.583-505 Coordinates in wrong order.584-506 Incorrect storing of space curve.585-507 The space curve consists of more than one curve branch.586-508Space curve not single-valued with respect to the given coordinate.587-509 Undefined direction.588-510 No part of the curve inside the given interval.589-511 Incorrect storing of cylinder.590-512 Incorrect storing of surface or surface element.591-513 Intersection curve missing.592-514 Attribute 1 missing.。
50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Users
Figure 1. Graph of user and contributions growth to OSM on a monthly basis. The graph shows the accelerating growth in number of usersa entry measured in track points (source: ).
OpenStreetMap Background
Technological changes over the past 10 years, in combination with increased bandwidth and the ability to provide better tools for collaboration, have led to “crowdsourcing”4 —a term developed from the concept of outsourcing in which business operations are transferred to remote, many times cheaper locations. 5 Similarly,
Use r - G e n e r ate d Co nte nt
User-Generated Street Maps
The OpenStreetMap project is a knowledge collective that provides user-generated street maps.
plugin validation issues were detected
plugin validation issues were detectedPlug-in Validation IssuesPlug-ins are an important part of any computer system, providing additional software functionality and allowing users to customize their systems. In many cases, they are provided by third-party developers, and when installing them, there are several issues to be aware of. The following is a brief overview of some of the most common plug-in validation issues.1. Vulnerability Checks: Plug-ins should be tested for security vulnerabilities before being implemented on a system. Many be vulnerable to a variety of attacks, which could compromise data, damage hardware, or allow malicious code to be executed.2. Compatibility: Plug-ins must be compatible with the hardware and software of the system, including operating system and any pre-installed applications. Additionally, the plug-in itself must be compatible with any existing plug-ins, as conflicts can occur if the two are incompatible.3. Installation Process: The installation process for each plug-in should be documented, and the steps followed exactly. This helps to ensure that the plug-in is installed correctly, without any issues.4. Configuration: Plug-ins must be configured correctly, and any configuration errors should be identified and corrected. Configuration errors can lead to errors in the system, or even computer crashes.5. Updates: Plug-ins should be updated regularly to ensure that any security vulnerabilities are addressed. Additionally, newer versions of a plug-in may interface better with the hardware and software of the system.By following these validation issues, it is possible to ensure that plug-ins are installed and configured properly, and that any security vulnerabilities are addressed. Additionally, proper validation helps to ensure that the plug-in is compatible with the existing system, and provides a better user experience overall.。
vdbench data validation error -回复
vdbench data validation error -回复Title: Vdbench Data Validation Errors: Causes and SolutionsIntroduction:Vdbench is a widely used tool for storage testing and benchmarking, providing valuable insights into performance and reliability. However, it is not uncommon to encounter data validation errors when running vdbench tests. In this article, we will delve into various causes for these errors and suggest solutions to tackle them effectively.1. Understanding data validation errors:Data validation errors occur when vdbench encounters mismatches or inaccuracies between the expected output and the actual output during a storage test. Such errors can negatively impact the reliability and credibility of the test results.2. Detecting data validation errors:Vdbench provides useful error messages and log files, which can help identify the cause of the data validation error. Examining these logs is the first step in determining the source of the problem and finding appropriate solutions.3. Common causes for data validation errors:i. Configuration and setup issues:- Incorrect Vdbench command syntax or improper configuration files may lead to data validation errors. It is essential to verify the correctness of the command and configuration settings before running the test.ii. Hardware and software compatibility:- Incompatibilities between the storage system, firmware, drivers, and Vdbench version can result in data validation errors. Regularly updating firmware, drivers, and Vdbench to the latest versions can help mitigate these issues.iii. Testing workload characteristics:- The workload used during testing can impact data validation errors. If the workload is not representative of the intended production environment or if it stresses the storage system beyond its capabilities, validation errors may occur. Careful consideration should be given to selecting test workloads that accurately mimic real-world scenarios.iv. Resource constraints and load balancing:- Resource limitations, such as inadequate memory or CPU capacity, can cause inconsistencies and data validation errors. Ensuring optimal resource allocation and balancing the workload across multiple devices can help alleviate these issues.v. Network and connectivity problems:- Connectivity issues between the host and the storage system or potential network bottlenecks can contribute to data validation errors. Verifying network configurations, addressing any connectivity problems, and using proper network testing tools can help identify and resolve these issues.4. Solutions to data validation errors:i. Review and revise test configurations:- Thoroughly examine the configuration files and command syntax to ensure accuracy. Validate the workload generation parameters, including I/O block size, data distribution, and access patterns. This step often uncovers misconfigurations or incorrect settings that could be responsible for the errors.ii. Perform compatibility checks:- Ensure that the storage system and associated hardware components are compatible with the selected Vdbench version. Regularly update the firmware, drivers, and Vdbench software to the latest available versions to prevent compatibility-related issues.iii. Tailor workload scenarios:- Analyze the intended production environment and design test workloads that closely resemble real-world scenarios. This includes considering the I/O patterns, read/write ratios, sequential/random access, and data distribution. Adapting the workload appropriately can minimize data validation errors and produce more accurate results.iv. Manage system resources effectively:- Monitor system resources during the test execution and optimize the allocation of memory, CPU, and network bandwidth. This helps prevent resource constraints and minimizes the likelihood of data validation errors due to inadequate resource allocation.v. Troubleshoot connectivity issues:- Conduct network and connectivity tests to identify potential bottlenecks or disruptions in communication between the host and storage system. Address any network misconfigurations promptly and seek assistance from network specialists if required.Conclusion:Data validation errors in vdbench tests can be problematic, but with a systematic approach, they can be resolved effectively. By understanding the causes and following the suggested solutions, users can improve the accuracy and reliability of their test results, ensuring the optimum performance and functionality of their storage systems.。
configurationvalidationmodule -回复
configurationvalidationmodule -回复configuration validation module(配置验证模块)导言在软件开发过程中,系统配置是非常重要的一部分。
配置验证模块的功能可以总结如下:1. 配置参数检查:配置验证模块能够检查系统配置中的每个参数,并验证其是否符合设定的规则。
2. 跨配置依赖检查:系统配置往往是相互依赖的,一个配置参数的设置可能会影响其他参数的取值范围或行为。
3. 安全配置检查:配置验证模块还能够检查系统配置中的安全性相关设置。
4. 配置合规性检查:一些特定的行业或法规对系统配置有要求,配置验证模块能够检查系统是否符合这些要求。
database initialization error -回复
database initialization error -回复[数据库初始化错误] - 数据库初始化错误及解决方案引言:数据库是现代软件开发的重要组成部分,为应用程序提供了数据存储和管理的功能。
第一部分:常见数据库初始化错误1. 连接错误:数据库连接错误是最常见的初始化错误之一。
2. 权限错误:权限错误是另一个常见的数据库初始化错误。
3. 数据库版本不匹配错误:数据库版本不匹配错误可能会出现在我们尝试在错误版本的数据库上初始化数据库时。
4. 数据库脚本错误:数据库脚本错误是另一个常见的数据库初始化错误。
第二部分:解决方案以下是一些解决常见数据库初始化错误的方案:1. 连接错误的解决方案:- 检查数据库凭据是否正确,并确保用户名和密码正确。
- 检查主机名和端口号是否正确。
- 检查网络连接是否正常,可以尝试通过ping命令来测试数据库服务器的可用性。
- 确保数据库服务器已启动。
2. 权限错误的解决方案:- 使用具有足够权限的数据库凭据来初始化数据库。
- 确保我们的数据库用户具有所需的权限来执行所需的操作。
3. 数据库版本不匹配错误的解决方案:- 检查使用的数据库版本是否与初始化数据库所需的版本相匹配。
validation data encrypt error -回复
validation data encrypt error -回复在现代社会中,数据加密是一种重要的技术手段,用于保护个人信息、敏感数据和敏感通信的安全性。
empower3 data file checksum error -回复
empower3 data file checksum error -回复题目: "Empower3数据文件校验错误: 如何逐步解决问题"引言:数据文件是现代科技和商业世界中的重要组成部分。
第一部分- 了解Empower3数据文件校验错误:Empower3是一种广泛应用于药物安全、环境科学和生物技术等领域的数据管理软件。
第二部分- 确认校验错误:当我们遇到Empower3数据文件校验错误时,首先要确认该错误确实存在。
在Empower3软件中,会出现类似于"[empower3 data file checksum error]"的错误提示。
第三部分- 文件备份:在解决Empower3数据文件校验错误之前,我们应该确保已备份所有的数据文件。
第四部分- 联系Empower3技术支持:Empower3是一个广泛使用的软件,因此具备相应的技术支持服务。
第五部分- 定位错误源:Empower3数据文件校验错误可能是由多种原因引起的。
为了找出错误的真正来源,我们可以尝试以下步骤:1. 检查系统硬件:确保计算机和存储设备没有硬件问题,这可能会导致数据文件损坏。
configurationvalidationmodule -回复
configurationvalidationmodule -回复如何使用配置验证模块来确保软件系统的顺利运行。
configurationvalidationmodule -回复
configurationvalidationmodule -回复“配置验证模块”是一种计算机软件或系统中的一个重要组成部分。
配置验证模块的工作原理一般分为以下几个步骤:1. 读取配置文件:配置文件是系统的重要组成部分,其中包含了系统所需要的各种配置项和设置。
2. 解析配置文件:配置文件通常是以特定的格式或语法编写的,例如XML、JSON等。
3. 验证配置项:配置验证模块会对配置文件中的每个配置项进行验证。
4. 错误处理:如果发现配置文件中存在错误或不符合规范,配置验证模块会进行相应的错误处理。
下面是一步一步进行配置验证的示例过程:1. 定义系统需求:首先需要明确系统的需求和规范。
validation data encrypt error -回复
validation data encrypt error -回复问题并提供解决方案。
然而,有时候在进行数据加密过程中可能会出现错误,其中包括[validation data encrypt error]。
第一步:理解[validation data encrypt error]错误的含义和原因在进行数据加密操作时,[validation data encrypt error]错误通常指的是验证过程中遇到的加密错误。
这一错误可能由以下原因引起:1. 版本不匹配:加密算法或密钥版本与验证数据不匹配。
2. 数据格式不正确:加密数据的格式错误,导致无法正确验证。
3. 密钥错误:加密时使用了错误的密钥或密钥已损坏。
4. 授权问题:没有足够的权限执行加密操作。
第二步:诊断[validation data encrypt error]错误为了准确诊断和解决[validation data encrypt error]错误,可以采取以下步骤:1. 检查日志:首先检查系统日志以获取更多信息,了解错误的具体原因。
2. 验证密钥:确保在加密过程中使用的密钥是正确的,并且没有被篡改或损坏。
3. 检查加密算法:确认所使用的加密算法与验证数据兼容。
4. 检查数据格式:确保验证数据的格式是正确的,以便正确验证。
5. 授权管理:确保执行加密操作的用户具有足够的权限。
第三步:解决[validation data encrypt error]错误一旦问题被定位,可以采取以下解决方案来修复[validation data encrypt error]错误:1. 更新密钥并重新加密:如果发现密钥版本不匹配或密钥损坏,则可以使用正确的密钥重新加密数据。
E-Val Pro Thermal Validation System说明书
E-Val™ ProThe nextgenerationin real-timethermalvalidationThe E-Val Pro Thermal Validation System is designed for validation applications that require compliance with FDA guidelines and international GMP standards. The E-Val Pro greatly simplifies and correctly documents the entire validation process. The ValSuite Pro software keeps a complete database on all aspects of your validation requirements - tracking thermocouples, calibration reports, test setup, data analysis, specific user access and final compliance reports.Flexibility for Different Validation ApplicationsThe E-Val Pro is designed as a single solution for all thermal validation applications. It can be run as a stand-alone unit or networked in connection with your PC and handle up to 120 channels. For applications that require tight compliance control, the software documents and controls each step which reduces errors. The easy expandability makes this a complete validation solution for a facility with a variety of applications.E-Val ™ ProThermal Validation SystemPharmaceutical:• Autoclave Validation • Lyophilization• Depyrogenation • Freezers• Stability Chambers • Incubators• Alarm Monitoring • Warehousing Food:• Retorts• Pilot Vessels • Freezers• Alarm Monitoring • Smoke Houses • Ovens• Roasters• AsepticQualityThe highest grade electronics are incorporated into the design, greatly improving quality and accuracy. With512MB of memory and a battery backup, data will not be lost due to a power outage. Cold junction compensation is integrated into each smart USB connector. The case is made of aluminum, ensuring durability and reducing interference in the electronics, making the unit suitable for a wide range of validation environments.Features BenefitsStand-alone4 to 40 Channel ModulesWide Measuring RangeUSB and Ethernet Network Premium grade thermocoupleSmart USB connection with ID and cold junction512 MB Memory8” touch displayBattery PowerSmall size (3.0 kg / 6.6 lbs) Aluminum housingCompliance ReportsCustom ReportsPrint ReportsSecurityComplianceSame Software Platform for E-Val Pro and TrackSense® Pro Data Loggers Noise level Runs without PC on factory floorExpandable up to 120 channels logging every second-200 to +1,300 °C (ready for -270 °C to +1,820 °C)Fast and reliable data transmission / Compatible with most PC’sHigh accuracy ±0.05 ºC for type T / NIST traceability between -50 and +150 °C Calibration offsets travel with the thermocouple / Dramatic time savings during set-up / Compliance tracking and error reduction10 sessions with 40 channels using 1 sec. sample rate / 8 hours can be storedDisplay real-time data without the use of a PC for all channels / Real-time statistics8 hours. Backup if power failure occurs or electricity is not available.Easy portabilityDurableStandard F-value reports (EN17665) / Calibration reportAbility to summarize and report key data as requiredPrint directly to PDF file format with print preview featureEncrypted data / User IDs and passwords21 CFR Part 11 / International GMP standardsLess validation work / Less training.Ability to combine wired and wireless data into one sessionVery low / No fansE-V A L P R O I P A G E3AccuracyHigh accuracy is ensured by the implementation of ID chips that enable factory certification and calibration offsets to be stored in each individual thermocouple.Accuracy of the E-Val Pro modules is ±0.05 ºC between-100 and +400 °C and ±0.1 ºC between -200 °C and <-100 °C in an operating environment of +23 ºC ± 3 ºC.Accuracy of calibrated Ellab type T smart USB thermocouples is ±0.05 ºC from -50 to +150 ºC.Total system accuracy using Ellab type T smart thermocouples is ±0.10 ºC.Saving TimeUsing E-Val Pro saves valuable time in a variety of situations. Set-up time is minimized by using USB connectors. These connectors quickly snap into the module saving time during set-up and when thermocouples are in need of replace-ment. The software automatically identifies the channel because of the ID chip in the connector, eliminating the need to label each thermocouple manually.Automated calibration or pre- and post-verification is the greatest time saving feature. Once the calibration template is set-up, the software is capable of auto-ramping the bath and streaming data from the reference standard directly into ValSuite Pro. This will automatically calibrate the selected thermocouples and save the offsets in the thermocouple ID chips. Additional thermocouples can be pre-calibrated alleviating the need to run a system calibration if one of the thermocouples fails during a validation study.The E-Val Pro modules are available with 4 to 40 channels that can handle any type of thermocouple, analog or digital sensors (pressure/RH), as well as digital input/output signals.The LCD display automatically shows all active channels showing time, temperature, pressure, and lethality for each channel. Real-time statistics are also available on the display.Measuring range from -200 to +1,300 ºC. Operating range from +5 to +50 ºC.Resolution 0.01 ºC.The sampling rate can be set from 1 second to 24 hours independent of the number of channels.USB or LAN ConnectionThe modules contains easy plug and play USB connection. Each module samples data independently from other modules. It is possible to connect 3 E-Val Pro modules simultaneously.The modules can also communicate through a standard ethernet connection directly to your PC. If a wireless network is available, a standard wifi adapter can beplugged into the module for wireless communication. The open network configuration has the advantage that it can run via a LAN connection or a wireless network. The latter is particularly useful if the use of wires is deemed impracti-cal or impossible.Stand-aloneThe module can be operated as a stand-alone unit. The memory can contain 10 sessions (up to 8 hours persession) with 40 channels at a sample rate of 1 second or individual sessions can contain up to 80 hours of data with a 1 second sample rate. There is password protection and data can be transferred to a PC by connecting to the PC or by using a USB key.E-Val™ Pro SystemE-V A L P R O I P A G E5Since the late 1940’s Ellab has been combining hardware, software, probes and fittings in order to provide customers with customized “turn-key” Thermal Validation Solutions.The ValSuite Pro software is compatible with E-Val Pro, TrackSense® Pro loggers, temperature standards and a variety of baths/dry blocks.Feed Through for STC ThermocouplesPerforms leak proof insertions of STC thermocouples. Available for 20 and 40 thermocouples.Fittings & AccessoriesID LabelID labels are sold in sets of 1-16 pieces for easy identification during thermocouple placement.Feed ThroughProvides support for up to16 temperature thermocouples and a pressure sensor.Custom FittingsPacking glands and other fittings are available for probe placement in a variety of packaging materials. The glands are threaded to accept the tips and will maintain the seal when pressurized. It is very important that the tips are placed cor-rectly in the “cold/hot zone” to obtain true lethality values. See examples of typical applications and configurations below.High TemperatureProbes can be mounted in vials for depyrogenationapplications.E -V A L P R O I P A G E 7GLKProbes can be mounted in plastic ampoules in moist heat sterilization applications.TPJProbes can be mounted in pouches for sterilization applications.GPKProbes can be mounted in vials for terminal sterilization.GKJProbes can be mounted externally with this packing gland.GEJThis fitting is ideal for very small plastic containers.GVKThis packing gland can be mounted on bottle necks forliquid applications.GVJMeasurements inside ampoules and vials is possiblewith this packing gland.GNKProbes can be mounted on ampoules in moist heat sterilization applications.Probes & SensorsHigh Precision Thermocouple ProbesUsing premium grade probes dramatically improves accuracy and stability, resulting in more successful studies.Ellab develops and manufactures a wide range of type T thermocouples for a variety of purposes (probes for frozen applica-tions, special probes for liquids and air, probes for hot air ovens and autoclaves, high temperature probes, etc). The standard and penetration probes are supplied with threads that fit into packing glands for a leak-free seal into packages or cans.Screw Terminal Sensor Plug To expand the use of E-Val Pro to include more than temperature measurements using type T thermocouples, screw terminal sensor plugs for analogue as well as digital input/output signals are available.Sensor ArraysThe arrays are interchangeable. There are two types of interchangeable sensor arrays. One is the 4 channel multi purpose array which accommodates thermocouples, 4-20 mA, 0-10V and I/O relay. The second type is a 12 channel array for thermocouples and other low power analog/digi-tal probes.Smart USB ConnectorsThe USB connectors consist of copper/constantan tominimize the source of errors. The connector is waterproof which means no liquid will enter the equipment. All con-nectors are fitted with an ID and contain calibration offsets along with cold junction compensation. Combining thesethree elements yields high accuracy.CablesThe standard cables are type T, other types, like type K,are a possibility upon request.E -V A L P R O I P A G E 9SSA-TSOperating range: -20 to +135 °CAccuracy: < 0.2 °C/calibrated ±0.05 °C Response time: 1.0 sec (T63)/1.8 sec (T90)Electrode material: Stainless steel Electrode Ø: 1.2 mmElectrode end: Round/sharp/conic Cable material: SiliconeCable dimensions: Ø 4.0 mmSSA-TFOperating range: -50 to +135 °CAccuracy: < 0.2 °C/calibrated ±0.05 °C Response time: 1.0 sec (T63)/1.8 sec (T90)Electrode material: Stainless steel Electrode Ø: 1.2 mmElectrode end: Round/sharp/conic Cable material: PTFECable dimensions: 2.6x1.6 mmSTC-ACOperating range: -67 to +400 °C Accuracy: ±2 °C/calibrated ±0.5 °CResponse time: 1.4 sec (T63)/2.7 sec (T90)Electrode material: Stainless steel Electrode Ø: 2.5 x 12 mm Electrode end: RoundCable material: Fibre glassCable dimensions: 1.8 x 1.1 mmSTC22-TFOperating range: -196 to +200 °CAccuracy: < 0.2 °C/calibrated ±0.05 °C Response time: 3.4 sec (T63)/6.6 sec (T90)Electrode material: PTFE Electrode Ø: 2.5 mm Electrode end: Round Cable material: PTFECable dimensions: 2.1x1.3 mm STC32-TFOperating range: -196 to +200 °CAccuracy: < 0.2 °C/calibrated ±0.05 °C Response time: 4.2 sec (T63)/9.3 sec (T90)Electrode material: PTFE Electrode Ø: 3.2 mm Electrode end: Round Cable material: PTFECable dimensions: 3.0x2.0 mmSTC-KTOperating range: 0 to +260 °C (+350 °C short term)Accuracy: ±2 °C/calibrated ±0.5 °C Response time: 2.5 sec (T63)/5.2 sec (T90)Electrode material: Stainless steel Electrode: 2.5 x 20 mm/3.0 x 20 mm Electrode end: Round Cable material: KaptonCable dimensions: 1.2 x 1.9 mm / 1.4 x 2,4 mmSD4Operating range: -20 to +135 °CAccuracy: < 0.2 °C/calibrated ±0.05 °C Response time: 5.1 sec (T63)/10 sec (T90)Electrode material: Polyoxymethylen Electrode Ø: 3.0 mm Electrode end: Round Cable material: SiliconeCable dimensions: Ø 8.0 mm by probe with 4 measuring pointsSSROperating range: -20 to +135 °CAccuracy: < 0.2 °C/calibrated ±0.05 °C Response time: 1.8 sec (T63)/3.6 sec (T90)Electrode material: Stainless steel Electrode Ø: 3.0 mmElectrode end: Round/sharp/conic Cable material: SiliconeCable dimensions: Ø 3.0 mmSSSOperating range: -20 to +135 °CAccuracy: < 0.2 °C/calibrated ±0.05 °C Response time: 1.8 sec (T63)/3.6 sec (T90)Electrode material: Stainless steel Electrode Ø: 3.0 mmElectrode end: Round/sharp/conic Cable material: SiliconeCable dimensions: Ø 4.0 mmSSVOperating range: -20 to +135 °CAccuracy: < 0.2 °C/calibrated ±0.05 °C Response time: 1.8 sec (T63)/5.9 sec (T90)Electrode material: Stainless steel Electrode Ø: 2.0 mmElectrode end: Round/sharp/conic Cable material: SiliconeCable dimensions: Ø 4.0 mmSSU-MMOperating range: -196 to +300 °C (+400 °C short term)Accuracy: 1.0% of measuring range/calibrated ±0.5 °CResponse time: 0.20 sec (T63)/0.25 sec (T90)Electrode and cable material: Mineral insulated, Metal sheated Electrode Ø: 1.0 mm Electrode end: RoundCable dimensions: Ø 4.0 mmDigital Pressure Sensor Piezoresistive measuring principleTemperature compensated to +150 °CMaterial: Stainless steel Cable length: 5 m Operating range: 10 mBar to 4 bar ABS Accuracy: ±10 mBarValSuite® SoftwareThe Ultimate Time-saving Software Solution ValSuite is our reputable validation and calibration soft-ware. It combines all our equipment systems into a single platform, opening the door to a vast amount of new possi-bilities by allowing users to combine data loggers with the traditional thermocouple systems.We offer multiple versions of ValSuite to meet different industry needs, most notably ValSuite Pro which is FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliant and secures full data integrity.ValSuite offers features like customized reports with clear pass/fail criteria, test templates, data analysis, monitoring, live data and much more.ValSuite is available in multiple languages and can run with Windows 7, 8 and 10 32/64-Bit.Detailed Control of Validation StudiesValSuite guides you through the complete thermal valida-tion process. The database structure within the software provides operators with complete documentation and procedural control.Test SetupThe report function allows detailed test criteria to be programmed into the software. Information on sensor placement, operator, test, vessel, required temperature limits, start and stop times, monitoring interval and specific calculations can all be saved in templates, uploaded and repeated. This ensures accurate documentation and cor-rect implementation of the required procedures for consist-ent and repeatable tests.Software Data Analysis Features• The data analysis tools, reduces the time required to locate critical data• The ability to zoom in the graphs and display multiple windows at a time• Multiple calculations, such as min/max, standard devia-tion, average, delta T and lethality can be calculated using any block of the displayed data - eliminating the need to export data and compromise data securityCompliant to FDA Guidelines• SQL database where complete sessions and individual data cannot be deleted or manipulated• Serialized sensor ID, providing complete traceability • Customized report generator that eliminates the need toexport data into a different programE-V A L P R O I P A G E11 Validated Software - DocumentationThe structure of the validation documentation behind thesoftware complies with guidelines set by the followingauthorities:• Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP 5),which is written by the International Society for Pharma-ceutical Engineering (ISPE)• FDA 21 CFR Part 11, subpart B & C, which is written bythe U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)These documents are either included or available uponrequest:• User Requirement Specification (URS)• Project Master Plan (PMP)• Project Plan (CC) (RD system On-track)• Critical Parameters (CP)• Change Control (CC)• Risk Based Code Review (RBCR)•• Installation Qualification (IQP/IQR)• Operational Qualification (OQP/OQR)GAMP Guidelines and ISO 9001:2015All documentation and development of the ValSuite Ellab’s quality system is in compliance with ISO 9001:er CalibrationValSuite is not only a validation software, but also a calibra-tion software. This means that all sensors and probes can be user calibrated at predefined intervals and their offset values stored either in softwae and/or hardware.A report is automatically generated with the overall calibra-tion results. When using the Calibration Setup, users can, depending on the Valsuite version, choose Manual, Semi-Automatic or Full-Automatic Calibration. Various templates can be stored and uploaded at any given time. The identi-fied offset values are linked directly to the ID number of the sensors, and will be taken into account whenever the sensor is used in future measurements.G e tm o re d et a i l edi n f or m at i o ni n o urV a l Su i t e®b r oc h u re‘。
[电脑开机提示Verifying,DMI,Pool,Data怎么办?] 电脑开机
[电脑开机提示Verifying,DMI,Pool,Data怎么办?]电脑开机当电脑开机提示Verifying DMI Pool Data怎么办?下面笔者给出了对这串英文提示的解释与故障的原因和解决方法:DMI是英文单词Desktop ManagementInterface的缩写,也就是桌面管理界面,它含有关于系统硬件的配置信息。
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Oracle® OLAPData Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager User’s GuideE18663-01January 2011Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager provides tests to quickly findconditions in dimension table data that might cause errors when maintaining anOLAP dimension or cause problems when querying a cube using business intelligencetools. The data validation plug-in also includes methods that can quickly fix manydifferent types of data errors in dimension tables.Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager is intended for quick testsand fixes during proof of concept and development phases of an OLAP cube. It is notintended as a replacement for a full-featured data quality tool. It does not find and fixevery possible data error. Use it to quickly find and fix certain errors so that theprocess of designing OLAP cubes can continue.This document has the following topics.■Describing Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager■Using Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager■Viewing Data and Correcting Errors■Documentation AccessibilityDescribing Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic WorkspaceManagerThis section has the following topics.■Product Support■Supported Versions of Oracle Database■What Is an Analytic Workspace Manager Plug-in?■What Does the Data Validation Plug-in Do?■Schema Requirements for Using the Data Validation Plug-in■Installing the Data Validation Plug-in■Running the Data Validation Plug-in■Tables Created by the Data Validation Plug-inProduct SupportData Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager is a product of Oracle OLAPCube Labs. Products of Oracle OLAP Cube Labs are delivered through OracleTechnical Network (OTN) without cost.Supported Versions of Oracle DatabaseData Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager supports Oracle Database 11g , Release 1 (11.1), version and later, and Oracle Database 11g , Release 2 (11.2).What Is an Analytic Workspace Manager Plug-in?Analytic Workspace Manager allows third parties to add new features by providing plug-ins. A plug-in is a program that is launched from Analytic Workspace Manager. Plug-ins share the database session with the instance of Analytic Workspace Manager. You can use Analytic Workspace Manager plug-ins to add to or otherwise alter cubes and dimensions, to define calculations, or for other purposes. Because a plug-in shares a database connection and can modify your model, or even your data, be sure to use plug-ins only from trusted sources. Analytic Workspace Manager plug-ins cannot obtain the password used to start the Oracle Database session.What Does the Data Validation Plug-in Do?Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager tests data in dimension tables for conditions that can cause problems when building an OLAP dimension or when querying an OLAP cube using a business intelligence tool. The data validation plug-in provides high-level summary reports that help identify problems and detailed reports that identify the dimension members that might cause a problem. The data validation plug-in also provides methods that quickly fix common problems so that the process of designing and testing OLAP dimensions and cubes can continue.Schema Requirements for Using the Data Validation Plug-inTo use this Analytic Workspace Manager plug-in, your database schema must meet the following requirements:■It must have at least one dimension table.■The dimension table must include data.■The user that runs the data validation plug-in must have CREATE TABLE and CREATE SEQUENCE privileges in the schema because the plug-in creates threetables.Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager supports both star and snowflake schema implementations of dimension tables. However, it only supports level-based dimension hierarchies; it does not support value-based hierarchies, in which hierarchical relationships are defined by a parent dimension attribute and a child dimension attribute.Note:Oracle OLAP Cube Lab products are not supported by OracleSupport. Please post questions, bug reports, and enhancementrequests on the OLAP Forum on OTN at/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=16. The Analytic Workspace Manager team actively monitors thisforum. Be sure to start your posting with "Data Validation Plug-in forAWM".Installing the Data Validation Plug-inTo install the data validation plug-in, download the file datavplugin.jar and copy it to the directory that is specified for plug-ins by Analytic Workspace Manager. You enable the use of plug-ins and specify the directory for plug-ins in the Configuration dialog box on the Tools menu of Analytic Workspace Manager. If you have enabled plug-ins, then the next time you start Analytic Workspace Manager it recognizes the new plug-in.You can download the plug-in from the Cube Labs section of the OTN website at /technetwork/database/options/olap/index.ht ml.Running the Data Validation Plug-inTo run Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager, right-click an analytic workspace or the Cubes folder in the Analytic Workspace Manager navigation tree. On the shortcut menu, select Data Validation For Analytic Workspaceanalytic_workspace_name.If this is the first time you have used the data validation plug-in for the analytic workspace, then a message appears that asks if you want to load the metadata of the analytic workspace. If you click Yes, then the plug-in loads the metadata and creates a model for the analytic workspace. If you click No, then a Data Validation For Schema schema_name dialog box appears. You can then create a model as described in "Creating a Model" on page4.The figures in this document show the plug-in validating the data of the SALES analytic workspace in the DIM_VALID schema. You can download scripts that install the schema and create the analytic workspace from the OTN website at/technetwork/database/options/olap/olap-dow nloads-098860.html.Figure1 shows the menu that appears when a user right-clicks the SALES analytic workspace in the DIM_VALID schema. On the menu, the data validation plug-in is highlighted.Figure 1Selecting Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager on the Short-cut MenuTables Created by the Data Validation Plug-inData Validation plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager creates the following three tables to store metadata about the dimension tables and the results of tests:■OLAP_DIM_DATA_VALIDATION■OLAP_DIM_VALIDATE_LAST_RUN■OLAP_CUBE_DATA_VALIDATIONUsing Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace ManagerTo use the data validation plug-in, log into Analytic Workspace Manager and start the plug-in. In a data validation plug-in session, you typically do the following actions.1.Create a model, as described in "Creating a Model" on page4.2.Run data validation tests, as described in "Running Data Validation Tests" onpage7. These tests issue SQL statements that examine data in the dimension tables and store the results in tables.3.View summary reports that identify problems that might exist in dimension tables.Each of the reports is the result of a different test. Messages in the reports help you interpret the results of the tests. See "Describing the Reports" on page10.4.View data that might cause an error and correct existing errors in the dimensiontables. See "Viewing Data and Correcting Errors" on page16.Creating a ModelA Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace model is a collection of metadata that describes the dimension tables. A model maps dimension tables to an OLAP dimension and to one or more hierarchies.Data Validation Plug-in for Analytic Workspace Manager has three methods for creating a model. These methods are described in the following topics.■Creating a Model from an Analytic Workspace■Creating a Model from a CSV File■Creating a Model By HandTo create a model, you right-click the Model folder in the navigation tree and select an item on the shortcut menu that appears. Figure2 shows that shortcut menu.Figure 2The Shortcut Menu of the Models FolderFigure3 shows the Model Detail section of the Data Validation for Analytic Workspace SALES dialog box. The model is for the SALES analytic workspace in the DIM_VALID schema.Figure 3 A Sample ModelCreating a Model from an Analytic WorkspaceTo create a model from an analytic workspace, do the following.1.Right-click the Models folder in the navigation tree.2.On the shortcut menu, select Create Model from Analytic Workspace.The data validation plug-in imports all level-based hierarchies into the model.Creating a Model from a CSV FileTo create a model from a comma separated value (CSV) file, do the following.1.Right-click the Models folder in the navigation tree.2.On the shortcut menu, select Create Model from Comma Separated Values File .The CSV file must include the following fields:Creating a Model By HandTo create a model by entering it by hand within the data validation plug-in, do the following.1.Right-click the Models folder in the navigation tree.2.On the shortcut menu, select Create New Model .3.In the Create Model dialog box, enter a name for the model.4.Select the new model in the navigation tree.5.Click the Actions button and select Create New Levels for Model . Figure 4 shows the Actions menu.6.In the Add New Levels dialog box, fill in the fields with the required information.Figure 5 shows that dialog box with the information for the FISCAL_YEAR level of the FISCAL hierarchy of the TIME dimension.FieldDescription Model nameA unique model name within the data validation plug-in metadata and the schema.Dimension nameA unique dimension name within the model.Hierarchy nameA unique hierarchy name within the dimension.Level nameA unique level name within a hierarchy.DepthThe order of levels within a hierarchy. The top-most level should have a depth of 1, the next level 2, and so on.Schema nameThe owner of the dimension table.Table nameThe name of the dimension table.Member columnThe column that contains dimension members (keys) within the level.Description columnThe column that contains descriptions for dimension members within the level.Parent column (optional)If you use snowflake-style dimension tables, then this is the name of the column that contains the parent members of dimension members within the level.Figure 4Creating New Levels for a ModelFigure 5Adding a New Level to a ModelRunning Data Validation TestsEach data validation test produces a report. The All Messages report contains the summary information for all of the tests. This topic describes how to run a test.For descriptions of the tests and the reports that they generate, and some recommendations on how to fix problems, see "Describing the Reports" on page10. For information on how to see the data of a dimension, and more information on how to fix problems, see "Viewing Data and Correcting Errors" on page16.To run a test and view the report, select an item in the navigation tree in the Data Validation for Analytic Workspace dialog box. Figure6 shows the navigation tree portion of the Data Validation for Analytic Workspace SALES dialog box.Figure 6The Navigation Tree of the Data Validation Plug-inThe following topics describe how to run data validation tests to generate summary reports.■Running All Reports for All Dimensions■Running All Reports for a Specific Dimension■Running a Specific Report for All Dimensions■Running a Specific Report for a Specific DimensionRunning All Reports for All DimensionsBefore running all reports for all dimensions, see the note for the "Duplicate Members across Levels Report" on page12. To run all reports for all dimensions, do the following.1.Right-click the model or All Messages Report in the navigation tree.2.Select Run All Data Validation Reports for.3.Select All Dimensions.Figure7 shows the Data Validation for Analytic Workspace SALES dialog box with the SALES model, Run All Data Validation Reports for, and All Dimensions selected.Figure 7Running All Data Validation ReportsRunning All Reports for a Specific DimensionTo run all reports for all dimensions, do the following.1.Right-click the model or All Messages Report in the navigation tree.2.Point to Run All Data Validation Reports for.3.Select a dimension.Running a Specific Report for All DimensionsTo run data validation for a specific report for all dimensions, do the following.1.Right-click the report in the navigation tree.2.Point to Run All Data Validation Reports for.3.Select All Dimensions.Running a Specific Report for a Specific DimensionTo run data validation for a specific report for a specific dimension, do the following.1.Right-click the report in the navigation tree.2.Point to Run report_name Report for.3.Select the dimension.Figure8 shows a portion of the Data Validation for Analytic Workspace SALES dialog box with the Distinct Member Report, Run Distinct Member Report for, and the CHANNEL dimension selected.Figure 8Running the Distinct Members Report for the CHANNEL DimensionDescribing the ReportsThis topic describes the reports and the warning and error messages that a report might contain. If a report has no messages, then the test or tests encountered no error or warning conditions. Most of the descriptions of the warnings contain suggestions on how to correct the problem.A warning message indicates that the OLAP dimension may be maintained and that data is consistent within the cube, but that some of the data might cause unexpected results when reporting data. For example, a warning message might indicate that a dimension member has more than one value for a descriptive label.An error message indicates that the plug-in has found data that might cause problems when maintaining the OLAP dimension or that might produce unexpected results within the cube. For example, having dimension members with different parent values in different rows of the dimension table is reported as an error because data could aggregate in ways that could be unexpected by the user.You should resolve errors messages before maintaining the OLAP dimension. You should consider warning messages in the context of the tools with which users query the OLAP cube. For example, certain applications might be able to query a ragged (uneven) hierarchy and other applications might not.For any row in a specific report, you can view the SQL statement that the data validation plug-in generates to get the data for that row. To see the SQL statement, select a row and click Show SQL.The following topics describe the reports.■All Messages Report■Distinct Members Report■Distinct Members and Descriptions Report■Duplicate Members across Levels Report■Rows with Null Members Report■Members with Null Descriptions Report■Members with Multiple Descriptions Report■Descriptions with Multiple Members Report■Members with Multiple Parents Report■Descriptions with Multiple Parent Descriptions ReportAll Messages ReportThis report contains a summary of the errors and warnings the plug-in generates after running all of the data validation tests. Each row of the All Messages Report table identifies the validation report that has the error or warning. To continue the investigating the error or warning, select the appropriate report in the Models navigation tree.Figure9 shows the summary information for the All Messages Report.Figure 9The All Messages ReportDistinct Members ReportThis report shows the number of distinct members within a level. Aside from providing information about member counts, you can use the Distinct Members report to identify ragged hierarchies and hierarchies that have multiple top members.The Distinct Members report can contain the following warnings.DV-0001 Warning This warning indicates that a hierarchy has more than one top member. For example, a calendar year hierarchy might have multiple top members, such as 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.Having more than one top member might cause problems in SQL-based andMDX-based applications that allow a dimension to be excluded from a query. For example, consider a cube dimensioned by time, product and customer. If a user createsa report with product and customer, but not time, values, then the application does not have a single top-level member that represents the total of the time dimension.Some applications might attempt to summarize data from existing top members. Doing so might return data that is inconsistent with the calculation rules of the cube, for example summing a rank or a per cent change measure. Other applications might default to one of the top members.You can resolve this condition by adding a single top member to the hierarchy. For example, you could add an ALL TIMES level to the hierarchy of the time dimension with a single member such as All Times.DV-0002 Warning This warning indicates that a detail (leaf) level in a hierarchy has fewer members than the parent level. When this occurs, the hierarchy might be ragged, although other problems might also exist. See the "DV-00006 Warning" on page13 for more information on ragged hierarchies.DV-0003 Warning This warning indicates that an aggregate level in a hierarchy has fewer members than the parent level. When this occurs, the hierarchy might be skip-level, although other problems might also exist. See "DV-0007 Warning" on page14 for more information on skip-level hierarchies.Distinct Members and Descriptions ReportThis report shows the number of distinct members and distinct descriptions at each level. You can use this report to find levels that have unequal numbers of members and descriptions.The Distinct Members and Descriptions report can contain the following warnings.DV-0004 Warning This warning indicates that there are unequal numbers of unique members and descriptions within a level. This condition might be the result of null members (a description exists but a member does not), null descriptions, members that have multiple descriptions (the descriptions for a member are different in different rows of the table), or descriptions that are used with more than one member.To ensure that BI tools provide accurate and predictable results, every member should have only one description. This is particularly important if a tool uses SQL filters and GROUP BY clauses on description columns.To further investigate this warning, view other reports that test for null members, null descriptions, members with multiple descriptions, and descriptions used with multiple members.Duplicate Members across Levels ReportThis report shows whether a member exists in more than one level within a hierarchy.Note:While most reports run very quickly even on largedimensions, the Duplicate Members across Levels report might take aconsiderable amount of time to run on large dimensions because itcompares members in every level with members of every other level.A large table with many levels takes considerably longer to test ascompared to a small table with few levels. If your dimension table isvery large, then considering running individual reports as neededrather than running all reports.To prevent this report from running when you run the All MembersReport, you can disable this report by right-clicking DuplicateMembers across Levels Report in the navigation tree and selectingDisable Duplicate Members across Levels Report.The Duplicate Members across Levels report can contain the following warning.DV-0005 Warning This warning indicates that a dimension member exists at more than one level within a hierarchy. For example, the member 'New York' might exist at both the city and state levels of a geography dimension.This condition is common in geographic hierarchies and in dimension tables that use surrogate keys, for example, items 1 - n, brands 1 - n, categories 1 - n, and so on. When this condition exists, either use the Generate Surrogate Keys option for the dimension (you can specify this option on the Implementation Details tab of a dimension in Analytic Workspace Manager) or make members unique across levels in the dimension tables. For example, you could change the city member 'New York' to 'New York, New York'.Rows with Null Members ReportThis shows null values in member columns. Null members might indicate ragged or skip-level hierarchies, or both.The Rows with Null Members report can contain the following warnings.DV-00006 Warning This warning indicates that null values exist in the dimension member column of a detail level. This indicates that the hierarchy is a "ragged" hierarchy. Some MDX-based tools (such as Excel) and SQL-based tools do not work correctly with ragged hierarchies. Also, a cube-organized materialized view cannot have a ragged hierarchy.Table1 shows the result of a query of a ragged hierarchy. The table contains rows that have null values in the Store column.Table 1 A Table with Ragged RowsStore State Country1California United States2California United States3New York United States4New York United States(null)British Columbia Canada(null)Ontario CanadaIf your query tools cannot support a ragged hierarchy, correct the problem by replacing null values. Some ways to do this are the following.■Fill in nulls with the parent member and use the surrogate key option on the dimension.■Fill in nulls with the parent member and make the parent member unique by concatenating the member with a string as shown in Table 2. This approachattempts to preserve the ability to join the detail-level data in the dimension table with keys in the fact table by using the unchanged member values at the lowest level.Table 2 shows a result of correcting the ragged rows of the hierarchy.DV-0007 Warning This warning indicates that null values exist in the dimension member column of an aggregate level. This indicates that the hierarchy is a "skip-level" hierarchy. MDX-based tools and some SQL-based tools do not work correctly with skip-level hierarchies.If your query tools cannot support a skip-level hierarchy, correct the problem by replacing null values. Some ways to do this are the following.■Fill in nulls with the parent member and use the surrogate key option on the dimension.■Fill in nulls with the parent member and make the parent member unique by concatenating the member with a string.For example, some zip codes in the state of Alaska aggregate directly to Alaska at the state level (that is, they do not aggregate to a city). The city level rows for those zip codes might be null. You could replace the nulls with a value such as 'Alaska (City Level)'.Table 3 shows the result of a query of a skip-level hierarchy. Some rows in the City column have null values.Table 2A Table without Ragged Rows StoreState Country 1California United States 2California United States 3New York United States 4New York United States British ColumbiaProvince - British Columbia Canada Ontario Province - Ontario CanadaTable 3A Table with Skip-Level Rows ZipCity State Country 96587(null)Alaska United States 96588(null)Alaska United States 99504Anchorage Alaska United States 99507Anchorage Alaska United StatesTable 4 shows the results of the same query after the null values of the skip-level hierarchy have been replaced by 'Alaska (City Level)'.You could also replace null values by creating new dimension members from child members. For example, you could add 'Zip 96587 (City)', 'Zip 96588 (City)', and so on, all reporting to 'Alaska' as the state level. Whereas this method results in dimensions without errors or warnings, it creates more new dimension members as compared to creating members using parents. This might result in a less efficient cube.Members with Null Descriptions ReportThis report shows dimension members that have null descriptions. This report can contain the following warning.DV-0008 Warning This warning indicates that there are rows in the dimension table in which the description of a dimension member is null.To correct this problem, provide a unique description for each member.Members with Multiple Descriptions ReportThis report shows members that have multiple descriptions, which means that a member has different description values In different rows of the dimension table. When a member has multiple descriptions in the dimension table, most query tools use the last value loaded in the cube. This might produce inconsistent results from one dimension load to the next.This report can contain the following warning.DV-0010 Warning This warning indicates that there are dimension members that have multiple descriptions.To correct this problem, make sure that every member has only one description value.Descriptions with Multiple Members ReportThis report shows instances in which more than one dimension member within a single level in a hierarchy has the same description. This report can contain the following warning.Table 4A Corrected Table without Skip-Level Rows ZipCity State Country 96587Alaska (City Level)Alaska United States 96588Alaska (City Level)Alaska United States 99504Anchorage Alaska United States 99507Anchorage Alaska United StatesNote:■This test does not strip leading or trailing spaces. For example, 'Bedford' and 'Bedford ' are not considered to be the same values.■This test is case sensitive. For example, 'BEDFORD' and 'Bedford' are not considered to be the same values.DV-0012 Warning This warning indicates that more than one dimension member has the same description. For example, the members 'ACTON_MA' and 'ACTON_CA' could both have 'Acton' as the description. This condition can cause unexpected results when querying the cube, particularly when SQL queries include a filter or GROUP BY on the description column.To correct this problem, make sure that every member has a unique description. Members with Multiple Parents ReportThis report shows instances in which a single member has more than one parent member. This report can contain the following warning.DV-0009 Warning This warning indicates that a dimension member has more than one parent member within a hierarchy. For example, the member 'DISTRITO_FEDERAL' has parents 'MEXICO' and 'BRAZIL'. You should correct this problem before maintaining the OLAP dimension.Descriptions with Multiple Parent Descriptions ReportThis report shows instances in which a single member description has more than one parent member description. This report can contain the following warning.DV-0011 Warning This error indicates that a dimension member description has more than one parent member description within a hierarchy. For example, the description 'Distrito Federal' has parent descriptions 'Mexico' and 'Brazil'. This condition can cause unexpected results when querying the cube with SQL.Viewing Data and Correcting ErrorsFor most of the rows in the summary reports, you can click the Drill to Details button to view the dimension data relevant to the report and to have access to methods that correct problems in the dimension tables.The drill-to-details reports and the data correction methods are described in the following topics.■Describing the Drill-to-Details Reports■Using the Data Correction Methods■Describing the Data Correction MethodsDescribing the Drill-to-Details ReportsThe content of the drill-to-details report varies with the parent report. Somedrill-to-details reports are simply informative, for example the details for a row in the Distinct Members report shows the dimension members at the selected level. Other drill-to-details reports display problematic data and provide methods that you can use to fix some of the problems.You can view the SQL statement that generates the detailed data by clicking the Show Drill to Detail SQL button on the Details for report at Level level_name in hierarchy dialog box.Figure10 shows a section of the Data Validation for Analytic Workspace SALES dialog box. The figure shows the table of summary information for the Distinct Members report and the Show SQL, Run Validation for Report, and Drill to Details buttons.。