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( ( )1. A. wonderful

)2. A. bored B. beautiful B. angry C. surprise C. happy D. careful D. hungry ( )3. A . feeling B. thi nking C. goi ng

D. feel

( )4.A. anything B. nothing

C. someth ing

D. everythi

ng ( )5 . A. win

B. won

C. winner

D. with



班级 姓名 等级 书写

2. We

backlast Sun day.

3. Let ' s makea

4. Don't

.What 'the

5. This girl is .Shecan‘ _


)1. Who wrote the letter? A. Daming

B. Lingling


)1. A. No, I can' .t

B. Yes, shecan. ( )2. A. No, I don ' t. B. No, I 'm ot. ( )3. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don ' t. (

)4. A. Yes, please.

B. Yes, I can.

( )5. A. I went to the London Eye.

三、听句子, 填入所缺单词, 将句子补充完整。 B. Yes, I did. 1. Yesterday I anice cream.

)2.Where did Lingling go yesterday?

A. The London Eye.

B. Sama nd Amy ' school. )3. What time does Amy ' school start?

)4.Did Lingling skip with the girls? A. Yes, shedid . B. No, shedidn ' )5. What time did the bell ring?

1. Sam got up at 6 o ' clock. )

2. Samhad two eggsfor breakfast.(

3. He walked to school.( 1. He watchedTV at 5 o ' clock. 1. He went to bed at 9 o ' clock.(


、找出划线部分读音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.he B.he n C.letter ( )2.A.river B.rice C.rabbit ( )3.A.pe ncil B.apple C.photo (

H A.run B.cute C.jump (

)5. A.argue B. warm

C. postcard

A. At 8 o ' clock.

B. At 9 o ' clock.

五、 A. At 8 o ' clock. 听短文,判断正(Y )误(N ) B. At 9 o ' clock.



()1.A.yours B. me C. mi ne D. hers

( )2.A.whose B. where C. whe n D.enough

( )3.A.careful B. give C. wear D. argue

( )4.A.juice B. wonderful C. dangerous D. beautiful

( )5A bored B.a ngry C. hear D. surprise


1. box(复数形式)

2. skip(一般过去式)

3. 1(名词性物主代词)____

4. come第三人称单数) _____

5. feel(现在分词)______ 6 lose(过去式)______


1. hold my han ---------

2.cross the road -------------

3.in a hurry --------

4. feel happy ________

5.do morning exercises ___________

6. __________________ 在操场上___________




校__________ 10.在农___________ 11.思念中国____


( )1.You should say hello your frie


A. on

B. to

C. at

( )2.I won a chess game. Now I feel .

A. board

B. sad

C. happy

( )3.He is blind. He can‘ t

A. hear

B. see

C. speak

( )4.Please give _______ your pencil. _______ pencil isn ' t re.
