林中立 外文翻译




劉俠(杏林子)於一九四二年生於中國陜西省, 小時隨家遷居台灣。十二歲時患上類風濕性 關節炎,全身百分之九十以上的關節損毀, 和病痛為伍直到離開人世。劉俠要忍受常人 無法想像的痛苦,她卻說自己很幸運。她說: 「苦難猶如一張濾網,將生命中的雜質一點 點濾去,剩下的便是清澄如水。」她的書, 洋溢著對生命的熱愛和讚美,靠著自我進修, 用扭曲、肌肉萎縮的手創作了六十六部作品, 她的書就像一口永不枯竭愛的泉水,滋潤世 界上很多無望的心靈。
創造力可以發揮在任何領域:音樂、舞蹈、 劇場、科學、商業、文化、人際關係…。
創造力最能反映智力的動態本質,當你發揮 創造力之際,幾乎運用到身心所有部位。
創造力是非常實際的過程,在過程中做出屬 於你獨創的東西。
創造就是生產,所以必須透過媒介才能展現 創意。媒介的種類並無限制,例如:文字、 音樂、照相機、食材、植物等。
他所以能夠成功,是因為他自己知道他的才 能是什麼,那並非考試成績可以斷定;他之 所以能夠成功,是因為他不認為自己是個 「沒用的人」。
美國2004年奧運游泳冠軍加裡·霍爾:得糖尿 病,一樣拿金牌。
糖尿病,就是身體處理糖的能力出了問題, 使人體不能將吃進去的食物正常轉化為活動 的能量。而運動員,每天需要消耗大量的能 量,因此,治療疾病和完成大運動量的訓練 就必須協調好。美國人加裡·霍爾非但控制了 疾病,還獲得了連正常人都難以企及的體育 成就,他用5枚閃亮的奧運游泳金牌告訴世人: 糖尿病是可以戰勝的!
周杰倫:華語歌壇的天王。 周杰倫的父母親都是教師,周杰倫14歲時父
母離婚,在母親的撫養中成長。周杰倫小時 候個性乖僻,不過他在音樂表現了濃厚的興 趣,他畢業於淡江中學音樂科,主修鋼琴, 副修大提琴,為他在音樂產業界發展打下了 深厚的基礎。雖然父母的離異與聯考的失敗 曾讓周杰倫很挫折,但是他卻在音樂方面大 展長才,擴大原本華語音樂的的主題、形式, 融合多元的音樂素材,創造出多變的歌曲風 格,尤以融合中西式音樂元素的嘻哈或藍調 節奏。周杰倫出道即迅速走紅並且風靡至今。



Lesson 18 Those Rugged Individuals美国个体主义价值观美国个体主义价值观No ideal may be held more sacred in America, or be more coveted by others, than the principle of individual freedom. 在美国,没有什么理想比个人自由原则更神圣,也没有什么理想比个人自由原则更令人垂涎。


Given the chance to pursue the heart's desires, our Utopian vision claims, each of us has the ability and the right to make our dreams come true.我们乌托邦式的愿景宣称,只要有机会去追求内心的渴望,我们每个人都有能力和权利去实现自己的梦想。


This extraordinary individualism has prevailed as the core doctrine of the New World through four centuries, bringing with it an unrelenting pressure to prove one's self. 四个世纪以来,这种非凡的个人主义一直是新世界的核心信条,随之而来的是证明自我的无情压力。


The self self--made man has been America's durable icon, whether personified by the prairie homesteader or the high prairie homesteader or the high--tech entrepreneur.'白手起家的人是美国经久不衰的偶像,无论是草原上的农场主还是高科技企业家都是他们的化身。



IntroductionGuillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is thebroad term used to describe a number of related acute autoimmune neuropathies, although the term is also used more speci-fically to define patients with peripheral polyneuropathy affecting all four limbswith or without cranial nerve involve-ment. GBS was first recognized in 1916 by Guillain, Barré and Strohl, who describedtwo patients who developed acute areflexic paralysis in association with raised protein levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), but noincreased cell content.1By 1938, Guillainhad recognized various forms of GBS and proposed a clinical classification that took into account four presentations: the lowerform, the spinal and midbrain form, the midbrain form, andp oly r adiculo n europathywith impaired mentation.2Almost 20 years later, in his seminal paper, Miller Fisher described three patients with “an unusual variant of acute idiopathic polyneuritis (syndrome of ophthalmo-plegia, ataxia and areflexia),” which boreresemblance to the midbrain form pro-posed by Guillain.2,3 Contemporaneously, Bickerstaff described eight patients who presented with ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and hypersomnolence, similar to—yet distinct from—GBS polyradiculoneuropathy with impaired mentation.4Clinical diagnostic criteria for GBS were introduced in 1978 following an increase in incidence after the swine flu vaccination programme, and these criteria were later reaffirmed.5,6 The criteria were devised to enable non-neurologists to recognize GBS and were intentionally restrictive, requir-ing the presence of universal limb areflexia or hyporeflexia. However, with the identi-fication of several new phenotypes in the past 30 years, the conceptual framework of GBS has become increasingly complex. For example, in 1986, Ropper described patients who developed rapidly progressive oropharyngeal, neck and shoulder weak-ness that mimicked the descending paralysis seen in botulism.7 In 1994, the same author also described some patients with areflexic paraparesis 7,8 and others with acute pro-gression of facial diplegia and numbness in the extremities;8 he speculated that thesethree conditions were localized subtypes of GBS, which he called pharyngeal–cervical– brachial weakness, the paraparetic variant, and bifacial weakness with paraesthesias, respectively. These studies led, in 1990, to proposed diagnostic criteria for pure motor GBS, pure sensory GBS, MFS, several local-ized subtypes of GBS (including pharyngeal–cervical– b rachial weakness and paraparetic GBS) and pure pandysautonomia.9A further revision was prompted by results from nerve conduction studies. Classification criteria published in 2001 by a GBS consen-sus group based in the Netherlands described several subtypes of GBS: sensorimotor GBS, pure motor GBS, MFS and a bulbar form.10 Nerve conduction studies enabled the group to further subclassify sensorimotor GBS into either acute inflammatory demyelinat-ing polyneuro p athy (AIDP) or acute motor–sensory axonal neuropathy, and pure motor GBS into acute motor demyelinating neuro-pathy or acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN). Criteria outlined by the Brighton Collaboration GBS working group in 2011 have also used nerve conduction studies to identify patients with vaccination-related GBS or MFS.11The primary aim of this Perspectives article from the GBS Classification Group (Box 1) is to present clinical criteria to enable neurologists and non-neurologists to diagnose GBS and all its variants using a simple yet all-inclusive classification sys t em. While some variants are rare (for example, acute ptosis and acute mydri a sis) and might never be encountered by many physi-cians, others (for example, pharyngeal– cervical–brachial weakness) might be more common than previously thought, having been frequently misdiagnosed as myasthenia gravis, botulism or brainstem stroke.12 We also consider the classification of GBS, MFS and their subtypes. Rather than broadly categorizing each subtype as an axonal or demyelinating neuropathy, we propose new diagnostic criteria based on an inclusive set of clinical features. To avoid confusion, we use the terms ‘classic GBS’ to describe patients who present with acute flaccid paralysis of all four limbs, and ‘GBS subtypes’ to collectively describe the localized forms of GBS. Similarly, we use ‘classic MFS’ to describe patients withOPINIONGuillain–Barré and Miller Fishersyndromes—new diagnostic classificationBenjamin R. Wakerley, Antonino Uncini and Nobuhiro Yuki for the GBS Classification GroupAbstract | Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) and its variant, Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS), exist as several clinical subtypes with different neurological features and presentations. Although the typical clinical features of GBS and MFS are well recognized, current classification systems do not comprehensively describe the full spectrum of either syndrome. In this Perspectives article, GBS and MFS are classified on the basis of current understanding of the common pathophysiological profiles of each disease phenotype. GBS is subclassified into classic and localized forms (for example,pharyngeal–cervical–brachial weakness and bifacial weakness with paraesthesias), and MFS is divided into incomplete (for example, acute ophthalmoparesis, acute ataxic neuropathy) and CNS subtypes (Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis). Diagnostic criteria based on clinical characteristics are suggested for each condition. We believe this approach to be more inclusive than existing systems, and argue that it could facilitate early clinical diagnosis and initiation of appropriate immunotherapy.Wakerley, B. R. et al. Nat. Rev. Neurol . 10, 537–544 (2014); published online 29 July 2014; corrected online 7 October 2014; doi:10.1038/nrneurol.2014.138Competing interestsThe authors declare no competing interests.PERSPECTIVESIF:15.358 自然评论:神经病学acute ophthalmo p legia and ataxia, whereas the ‘MFS subtypes’ encompass both more-extensive (that is, with additional features, such as hyper s omnolence) and l ess-extensive (incomplete) forms of MFS. Nosological considerations Though phenotypically different, GBS and MFS subtypes share a number of clinical features including the presence of ante-cedent infection, a monophasic disease course, areflexia, distal paraesthesias, CSF albuminocytological dissociation, andnerve conduction abnormalities.3,4,7,8,13In addition, some patients have overlap-ping or sequential diagnoses: some patientswith MFS develop tetraplegia during theclinical course of illness,14 one patientwith pharyngeal–cervical–brachial weak-ness was reported to develop leg weaknessduring the progressive phase of the illness,15and another patient in the recovery phaseof classic GBS showed only pharyngeal–cervical–brachial weakness.16 These factorssupport the classification of these variousdisease subtypes within the spectrum ofGBS (Table 1).Phenotypic differences among the local-ized GBS subtypes—pharyngeal– c ervical–brachial weakness, paraparetic GBS andbifacial weakness with paraesthesias—arenosologically defined according to thepattern and characteristics of limb and cranialnerve involvement. Phenotypic differencesamong the MFS subtypes—the CNS subtypeBickerstaff brainstem encephalitis (BBE),and the incomplete forms, acute ophthalmo-paresis and acute ataxic n europathy—aredefined on the basis of presence or absenceof hyper s omno l ence, or at least one of thecardinal features of MFS (ophthalmo p legiaand ataxia). Other localized subtypes ofGBS, including sixth cranial nerve paresiswith paraesthesias, and severe ptosis withoutophthalmoplegia, have been described7,8 butthese conditions can be positioned in ourclassification system as incomplete forms ofMFS, termed acute o phthalmoparesis andacute ptosis, respectively.Acute sensory small-fibre n europathy,acute sensory and autonomic neuro-pathy, and acute pandysautonomia prob-ably represent postinfectious autoimmuneconditions similar to GBS.17–20 However, toavoid confusion—and in keeping with otherauthors10,11—we have not included these dis-orders in our classification of GBS variants.By contrast, acute sensory large-fibre neuro-pathy,20 which has been described as puresensory GBS or acute sensory ataxic neuro-pathy,9,21 can be positioned as an incom-plete form of MFS, namely, acute ataxicn europathy, in our classification.22Although nerve conduction studies arenot required in our clinical classificationsystem, they can be useful in elucidating thetype of neuropathy and supporting the diag-nosis. The underlying nerve conductionabnormalities associated with GBS and itssubtypes can be categorized as demyelinat-ing (AIDP) and axonal (AMAN and acutesensorimotor axonal neuropathy) forms.23Electrophysiological studies indicate thatMFS, pharyngeal–cervical–brachial weak-ness and paraparetic GBS are all axonalforms of neuropathy,24–26 whereas bifacialweakness with paraesthesias is demyelin-ating in nature.27 The axonal forms areassociated with antiganglioside anti b odies(Table 2), and affected patients mightshow promptly reversible nerve conduc-tion failure or axonal degeneration. Thisfeature suggests a common pathogeneticmechanism of autoantibody-mediated PERSPECTIVESGBS和MFS的共同特点:前驱感染单向病程 反射消失远端感觉异常csf蛋白细胞分离神经传导异常重叠:MFS伴四肢瘫;咽颈臂无力伴腿无力;经典GBS恢复期出现咽颈臂无力。



TARGET国际翻译研究杂志目录Target 1:1(1989) (2)Target 1:2(1989) (3)Target 2:1(1990) (3)Target 2:2(1990) (4)Target 3:1(1991) (5)Target 3:2(1991) (6)Target 4:1(1992) (7)Target 4:2(1992) (9)Target 5:1(1993) (10)Target 5:2(1993) (11)Target 6:1(1994) (12)Target 6:2(1994) (14)Target 7:1(1995) (15)Target 7:2(1995) (16)Target 8:1(1996) (18)Target 8:2(1996) (19)Target 9:1(1997) (20)Target 9:2(1997) (21)Target 10:1(1998) (23)Target 10:2(1998) (25)Target 11:1(1999) (26)Target 11:2(1999) (28)Target 12:1(2000) (29)Target 12:2(2000) (30)Target 13:1(2001) (31)Target 13:2(2001) (32)Target 14:1(2002) (34)Target 14:2(2002) (35)Target 15:1 (2003) (37)Target 15:2(2003) (38)Target 16:1 (2004) (40)Target 16:2(2004) (41)Target 17:1 (2005) (42)Target 17:2(2005) (44)Target 18:1 (2006) (45)Target 18:2 (2006) (46)Target 19:1(2007) (47)Target 19:2(2007) (49)Target 20:1(2008) (50)Target 20:2(2008) (51)Target 21:1(2009) (53)Target 21:2(2009) (54)Target 1:1(1989)On Target's Targets 1 Articles9 In Search of a Target Language: The Politics of Theatre Translation inQuebecAnnie Brisset29 Genre Analysis and the TranslatorCarl James43 Models of the Translation Process: Claim and RealityWolfgang Lörscher69 Wittgenstein, Translation, and SemioticsDinda L. GorléePlato, Bacon and the Puritan Apothecary: The Case of Nicholas95 CulpeperL.G. KellyForum111 Extending the Theory of Translation to Interpretation: Norms as aCase in PointMiriam ShlesingerReview Article117 Bibliographie: Traductions et CulturesJoséLambertReview 123 Paul Chavy. Traducteurs d'autrefois: Moyen âge et RenaissanceReviewed by Theo HermansMary Snell-Hornby (ed.) ZüriLEX '86 ProceedingsReviewed by R.R.K. HartmannTarget 1:2(1989)Articles129 Towards a Multi-facet Concept of Translation BehaviorWolfram WilssTranslation and Original: Similarities and Dissimilarities, I151 Kitty van Leuven-Zwart183 On Aboriginal Sufferance: A Process Model of Poetic TranslatingFrancis R. Jones201 Assessing Acceptability in Translated Children' BooksTiina Puurtinen215 La traduction, les langues et la communication de masse: Lesambiguïtés du discours internationalJoséLambertReview Article239 Verb Metaphors under TranslationGideon TouryReviews 249 James S. Holmes. Translated!: Papers on Literary Translation andTranslation StudiesReviewed by Hendrik van GorpYishai Tobin and Edna Aphek. Word Systems in Modern Hebrew:Implications and ApplicationsReviewed by Hannah Amit-KochaviPaul Nekemann (ed.). Actes du XIe Congrès mondial de la FIT: LaTraduction, notre avenirReviewed by Lieven D’hulstAlan Duff. TranslationReviewed by Francis R. JonesRevue de littérature comparée, numéro spécial: Le Texte étranger.L‘œuvre littéraire en traductionReviewed by Clem RobynsTarget 2:1(1990)Articles1 Typological Aspects of Translating Literary Japanese into German, I:Lexicon and MorphologyGötz WienoldThe Normative Model of Twentieth Century Belles Infidèles:23 Detective Novels in French TranslationClem RobynsA Statistical Method for Translation Quality Assessment43 Shouyi Fan69 Translation and Original: Similarities and Dissimilarities, IIKitty van Leuven-Zwart‗Die Seefahrt an den Nagel hängen‘? Metaphern beim Übersetzen und97 in der ÜbersetzungswissenschaftFrank G. KönigsForumNorms in Interpretation115 Brian HarrisReviews 121 Albrecht Neubert. Text and TranslationReviewed by Christina SchäffnerErika Fischer-Lichte, Fritz Paul Brigitte Schultze Horst Turk, eds.Soziale und theatralische Konventioinen als Problem derDramenübersetzungReviewed by Frank PeetersMary Snell-Hornby Translation Studies: An Integrated ApproachReviewed by Lieven D’hulstTarget 2:2(1990)ArticlesA Theoretical Account of Translation: Without a Translation Theory135 Ernst-August Gutt165 Linguistic Interference in Literary Translations from English intoHebrew of the 1960s and 1970sRachel Weissbrod183 Typological Aspects of Translating Literary Japanese into German, II:Syntax and Narrative TechniqueGötz Wienold199 Surely There Must Exist a Polish Equivalent: On the Inadequacy ofDictionary ExplicationsElżbieta TabakowskaTexttheorie und Translatorisches Handeln 219Hans J. VermeerReviews 243 Harald Kittel, ed. Die literarische Übersetzung: Stand undPerspektiven ihrer ErforschungReviewed by Dirk De GeestReiner Arntz, ed. Textlinguistik und Fachsprache: Akten desInternationalen übersetzungswissenschaftlichen AILA-SymposionsHildesheim, 13.-16 April 1987Reviewed by Wolfgang LörscherValerie Worth. Practising Translation in Renaissance France: TheExample of Étienne DoletReviewed by Paul ChavySherry Simon. L'inscription sociale de la traduction au QuébecReviewed by Clem RobynsNew Books at a Glance 255 Henry G. Schogt. Linguistics, Literary Analysis, and LiteraryTranslationLieven D’hulstMaarten Steenmeijier. De Spaanse en Spaans-Amerikaanse literatuurin Nederland (1946-1985)Ilse LogieTarget 3:1(1991)Articles1 World Knowledge in the Process of TranslationChristina SchäffnerCoincidence in Translation: Glory and Misery Again17 Robert de Beaugrande55 Computer-aided Translation: Where are the Problems?Albrecht Neubert65 Translation Anthologies: An Invitation to the Curious and a CaseStudyHelga Essman and Armin Paul Frank91 Scopos, Loyalty, and Translational ConventionsChristiane NordReviews 111 Candace Séguinot ed. The Translation ProcessReviewed by Hannah Amit-KochaviSusan Bassnett and André Lefevere, eds. Translation, History andCultureReviewed by Theo d’HaenHenri Van Hoof. Traduire l'anglais: Théorie et PratiqueReviewed by Michel BallardDanica Seleskovitch et Marianne Lederer. Pédagogie raisonnée del'interprétationReviewed by Jean DelisleBrian T. Fitch. Beckett and Babel: An Investigation into the Status ofthe Bilingual WorkReviewed by Rainier GrutmanNew Books at a Glance 129 La traduction plurielle. Textes réunis et présentés par Michel BallardLieven D’hulstDaniel Göske. Herman Melville in deutscher SpracheNorbert GreinerKlaus Martens. Die ausgewanderte ―Evangeline‖: Longfellowsepische Idylle im übersetzerischen TransferNorbert GreinerJean Delisle. The Language Alchemists: Société des traducteurs duQuébec (1940-1990)Rainier GrutmanAmparo Hurtado Albir. La notion de fidélité en traductionTarget 3:2(1991)ArticlesA False Opposition in Translation Studies: Theoretical versus/and137 Historical ApproachesDirk Delabastita153 Methodological Aspects of Interpretation (and Translation) ResearchDaniel Gile175 Names and Their Substitutes: Onomastic Observations on Astérix andIts TranslationsSheila Embleton207 Two Traditions of Translating Early Irish LiteratureMaria TymoczkoInstitutional Transmission and Literary Translation: A Sample Case225 Klaus MartensReviews 243 Christiane Nord. Textanalyse und Übersetzen: TheoretischeGrundlagen, Methode und didaktische Anwendung einerübersetzungsrelevanten TextanalyseReviewed by Werner KollerFrederick M. Rener. Interpretatio: Language and Translation fromCicero to TytlerReviewed by Antoine BermanPeter W. Krawutschke, ed. Translator and Interpreter Training andForeign Language PedagogyJean Delisle. Translation: An Interpretive ApproachSonja Tirkkonen-Condit and Stephen Condit, eds. Empirical Studiesin Translation and LinguisticsReviewed by Miriam ShlesingerMary Snell-Hornby and Esther Pöhl, eds. Translation andLexicography: Papers read at the EURALEX Colloquium held atInnsbruck 2-5 July 1987Reviewed by Guy A.J. TopsNew Books at a Glance 261 Bert Westerweel and Theo D'haen, eds. Something Understood:Studies in Anglo-Dutch TranslationDirk DelabastitaMyriam Salama-Carr. La traduction à l'époque abbasside: L'école deHunayn Ibn Ishāq et son importance pour la traductionMichel Ballard261 Andrzej Kątny, Hrsg. Studien zur kontrastiven Linguistik undliterarischen ÜbersetzungGerd FreidhofTarget 4:1(1992)Articles1 The Concept of Function of Translation and Its Application toLiterary TextsRoda P. Roberts17 On Constructing a Transfer Dictionary for Man and MachineJohn Laffling33 Sur le rôle des métaphores en traductologie contemporaineLieven D’hulstFilm (Adaptation) as Translation: Some Methodological Proposals 53Patrick Cattrysse71 Zum Aussagewert motivgeschichtlicher ÜbersetzungsstudienBärbel CzenniaForumNatural Translation: A Reply to Hans P. Krings97 Brian Harris105 Bilinguismus and Übersetzen: Eine Antwort an Brian HarrisHans P. KringsReview ArticleTranslation Theory Revisited111 Raymond van den BroeckReviews 121 Reiner Arntz and Gisela Thome, eds. Übersetzungswissenschaft.Ergebnisse und Perspektiven: Festschrift für Wolfram Wilss zum 65.GeburtstagReviewed by Dirk DelabastitaBasil Hatim and Ian Mason. Discourse and the TranslatorReviewed by Nils Erik EnkvistWolfgang Lörscher. Translation Performance, Translation Process,and Translation StrategiesReviewed by Donald C. KiralyArmin Paul Frank, Hrsg. Die literarische Übersetzung. Der langeSchatten kurzer Geschichten: Amerikanische Kurzprosa in deutschenÜbersetzungenReviewed by Jörn Albrecht and Johannes VolmertPeter Braun, Burkhard Schaeder and Johannes Volmert, eds. Internationalismen: Studien zur interlingualen Lexikologie undLexikographieReviewed by Frank PeetersNew Books at a Glance 139 Jerzy Tomaszczyk and Barbara Lwandowska-Tomaszczyk, eds.Meaning and LexicographyR.R.K. HartmannEija Ventola and Anna Mauranen. Tutkijat ja englanniksikirjoittaminenNils Erik EnkvistMaría Antonia Álvarez Calleja. Estudios de traducción(Inglés-Español): Teoría. Práctica. ApplicationesIlse LogieHenri Van Hoof. Histoire de la traduction en Occident: France,Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, Russie, Pays-BasLieven D’hulstTarget 4:2(1992)ArticlesGood-bye, Lingua Teutonica? Language, Culture and Science in145 Europe on the Threshold of the 21st CenturyRoland PosnerThe Relations Between Translation and Material Text Transfer171 Anthony Pym191 Translation Policy and Literary/Cultural Changes in Early ModernKorea (1895-1921)Theresa Hyun209 On Two Style Markers of Modern Arabic-Hebrew Prose TranslationsLea Sarig223 The Cloze Technique as a Pedagogical Tool for the Training ofTranslators and InterpretersSylvie LambertReview ArticleA Theoretical Account of Translation: Without Translation Theory?237 Sonja Tirkkonen-ConditReviews 247 J.A. Henderson. Personality and the Linguist: A Comparison of thePersonality Profiles of Professional Translators and ConferenceInterpretersReviewed by Gideon TourySonja Tirkkonen-Condit, ed. Empirical Research in Translation andIntercultural Studies: Selected Papers of the TRANSIF Seminar,Savonlinna 1988Reviewed by Daniel GileAnnie Brisset. Sociocritique de la traduction: Théâtre et altérité auQuébec (1968-1988)Reviewed by Clem RobynsWilliam Luis and Julio Rodríguez-Luis, eds. Translating LatinAmerica: Culture as TextReviewed by Nadia LieNew Books at a Glance 261 Dan Maxwell and Klaus Schubert, eds. Metataxis in Practice:Dependency Syntax for Multilingual Machine TranslationJan DingsPatrice Pavis. Theatre at the Crossroads of Culture261 Sirkku AaltonenTarget 5:1(1993)ArticlesFrom ‗Is‘ to ‗Ought‘: Laws, Norms and Strategies in T ranslation1 StudiesAndrew ChestermanIs There a Special Kind of ―Reading‖ for Translation? An Empirical21 Investigation of Reading in the Translation ProcessGregory M. Shreve, Christina Schäffner,Joseph H. Danks and Jennifer GriffinArab Fatalism and Translation from Arabic into English43 Mohammed Farghal55 Rhetoric and Dutch Translation Theory (1750–1820)Luc Korpel71 Mixed Translation Patterns: The Ladino Translation of Biblical andMishnaic Hebrew VerbsOra (Rodrigue) SchwarzwaldReview Article89 Anthologies et HistoriographeJoséLambertReviews 97 Daniel Gouadec. Le traducteur, la traduction et l'entrepriseReviewed by JoséLambertSusan Bassnett-McGuire. Translation Studies (Revised Edition)Reviewed by John S. DixonGabriele Harhoff. Grenzen der Skopostheorie von Translation undihrer praktischen AnwendbarkeitReviewed by Christiane NordChristian Schmitt, Hrsg. Neue Methoden der SprachmittlungReviewed by Paul KussmaulBarbara Folkart. Le conflit des énonciations: traduction et discoursrapportéReviewed by Reine MaylaertsJelle Stegeman. Übersetzung und Leser: Übersetzung und LeserUntersuchungen zur Übersetzungsäquivalenz dargestellt an derRezeption von Multatulis ‗Max Havelaar‘ und seinen deutschenÜbersetzungenReviewed by Cees KosterSandor Hervey Ian Higgins. Thinking Translation. A Course inTranslation method: French to EnglishReviewed by Hans G. HönigMildred L. Larson, ed. Translation: Theory and Practice. Tension and InterdependenceReviewed by Anthony PymNew Books at a Glance 127 Kitty M. van Leuven Zwart Ton Naaijkens, eds. Translation Studies:The State of the Art. Proceedings of the First James S HolmesSymposium on Translation StudiesMichael SchreiberRainer Schulte John Biguenet, eds. Theories of Translation: AnAnthology of Essays from Dryden to DerridaLieven D’hulstIsabel Pascua Febles and Ana Luisa Peñate Soares. Introducción a losestudios de traducciónAnthony PymTarget 5:2(1993)Articles133 Underpinning Translation TheoryKirsten MalmkjærThe Distinctive Nature of Interpreting Studies149 Heidemarie Salevsky169 The Question of French Dubbing: Towards a Frame for SystematicInvestigationOlivier Goris191 The Grimm Tales in 19th Century DenmarkCay Dollerup215 Das Ende deutscher Romanübersetzungen aus zweiter HandWilhelm GraeberReview ArticleDiscourses on Translation: Recent, Less Recent, and to Come229 AndréLefevereReviews 243 Cay Dollerup and Anne Loddegaard, eds. Teaching Translation andInterpreting: Training, Talent and ExperienceReviewed by Rachel WeissbrodPeter Newmark: About TranslationReviewed by Christina SchäffnerLance Hewson and Jacky Martin. Redefining Translation: TheVariational ApproachReviewed by Michel BallardMarianne Lederer, éd.Études traductologiques en hommage à DanicaSéleskovitchReviewed by Annie BrissetJohn Laffling. Towards High-Precision Machine Translation : Basedon Contrastive TextologyReviewed by Anne-Marie Loffler-LaurianMichel Ballard. De Cicéron à Benjamin: Traducteurs, traductions,réflexionsReviewed by Jean DelisleMats Larsson Från tjeckiska till svenska: Översättningsstrategier förlitterärt talspråkReviewed by Werner KollerJames Hardin, ed. Translation and Translation Theory inSeventeenth-Century GermanyReviewed by Frederick M. RenerNew Books at a Glance 273 Werner Koller. Einführung in die Übersetzungswissenschaft, 4.,Völlig neu bearbeitete AuflageWolfram WilssBrigitte Schultze, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Fritz Paul and Horst Turk,eds.Literatur und Theater. Traditionen und Konventionen als Problem derDramen übersetzungFrank PeetersPhilip C. Stine, ed. Bible Translation and the Spread of the Church:The Last 200 YearsTheo HermansRosa Rabadán. Equivalencia y traducción: Problemática de laequivalencia translémica inglés-españolIlse LogieTarget 6:1(1994)ArticlesSemantic Models and Translating 1Paul KussmaulDid Adapa Indeed Lose His Chance for Eternal Life? A Rationale for15 Translating Ancient Texts into a Modern LanguageShlomo Izre'el43 Twelfth-Century Toledo and Strategies of the Literalist Trojan HorseAnthony PymForum67 Übersetzung * Translation * Traduction: An InternationalEncyclopedia of Translation StudiesReview Article81 Ideological Purity: Machine Translation's Pride or Pitfall?John LafflingReviews 95 Anthony Pym. Translation and Text Transfer: An Essay on thePrinciples of Intercultural CommunicationReviewed by Andrew ChestermanMarcel Thelen and Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, eds.Translation and Meaning: Proceedings of the 1990 Maastricht-ŁódźDuo Colloquium I-IIReviewed by Franz PöchhackerHeidemarie Salevsky, Hrsg. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen derSprachmittlungReviewed by Andreas PoltermannRadegundis Stolze. Hermeneutisches Übersetzen: LinguistischeKategorien des Verstehens und Formulierens beim ÜbersetzenReviewed by Frank G. KönigsRita Copeland. Rhetoric, Hermeneutics and Translation in the MiddleAges: Academic Traditions and Vernacular TextsReviewed by Douglas A. KibbeeCarmela Nocera Avila. Studi sulla traduzione nell'Inghilterra delSeicento e del SettecentoReviewed by Holger KleinChristiane Nord. Einführung in das funktionale Übersetzen: AmBeispiel von Titeln und ÜberschriftenReviewed by Katharina ReissPatrick De Rynck et Andries Welkenhuysen. De Oudheid in hetNederlands: Repertorium en bibliografische gidsReviewed by Arnoud WilsNew Books at a Glance 121 Cecilia Wadensjö. Interpreting as Interaction: OnDialogue-interpreting in Immigration Hearings and MedicalEncountersRuth MorrisCees W. Schoneveld, ed. ‗t Word grooter plas: maar niet zo ‗t was.Nederlandse beschouwingen over vertalen (1670-1760)Patrick De RynckChristiane Beerbom. Modalpartikeln als Übersetzungsproblem: Einekontrastive Studie zum Sprachenpaar Deutsch-SpanischReiner ArntzOther Books Received 127Target 6:2(1994)ArticlesA Framework for Decision-Making in Translation131 Wolfram WilssTranslation Studies in China: Retrospect and Prospect151 Fan ShouyiTranslating Allusions: When Minimum Change Is Not Enough177 Ritva Leppihalme195 Translating Literary Dialogue: A Problem and Its Implications forTranslation into HebrewRina Ben-ShaharReview Article223 Focus on the Pun: Wordplay as a Special Problem in TranslationStudiesDirk DelabastitaReviews 245 Wolfram Wilss. Übersetzungsfertigkeit: Annäherungen an einenkomplexen übersetzungspraktischen BegriffReviewed by John LafflingJean Delisle. La traduction raisonnéeReviewed by Robert LaroseJusta Holz-Mänttäri und Christiane Nord, Hrsg. TRADUCERENAVEM: Festschrift für Katharina Reiβ zum 70. GeburtstagReviewed by Luise Lieflander-KoistinenJohn Newton, ed. Computers in Translation: A Practical AppraisalReviewed by Frank Van EyndeAndré Lefevere, ed. Translation/History/Culture: A SourcebookReviewed by Luc KorpelLuc G. Korpel. Over het nut en de wijze der vertalingen: Nederlandse vertaalreflectie (1750-1820) in een Westeuropees kaderReviewed by Patrick De RynckNew Books at a Glance265 Tejaswini Niranjana. Siting Translation: History, Post-Structuralismand the Colonial ContextGurbhagat SinghWilliam A. Smalley.Translation as Mission: Bible Translation in theModern Missionary MovementAnneke de VriesMichael Hann. The Key to Technical Translation, 1-2Bruce W. Irwin and Erhard EydamClem Robyns, ed. Translation and the (Re)production of Culture:Selected Papers of the CERA Research Seminars in TranslationStudies 1989-1991John S. DixonOther Books Received 273Target 7:1(1995)Mirror Mirror on the Wall: An Introduction1 Daniel GilleArticles7 Stranger in Paradigms: What Lies Ahead for SimultaneousInterpreting Research?Miriam ShlesingerInterpreting Research and the ‗Manipulation School‘ of Translation29 StudiesAnne Schjoldager―Those Who Do…‖: A Profile of Research(ers) in Interpreting47 Franz PöchhackerUne approche asymptotique de la recherche sur l‘interprétation65 Birgit StrolzLa recherche en interprétation dans les pays d‘Europe de l‘Est: un e75 perspective personnelleIvana Čeňková91 Interpretation Research in JapanMasaomi Kondo and Akira Mizuno107 Development of Research Work at SSLM, Trieste (Italy)Laura Gran and Maurizio ViezziA Review of Conference Interpretation: Practice and Training119 Jennifer MackintoshOn The Relevance of Signed Languages to Research in Interpretation135 William P. IshamFidelity Assessment in Consecutive Interpretation: An Experiment151 Daniel Gille165 Interdisciplinary Research — Difficulties and BenefitsIngrid KurzReviews181 Sylvie Lambert and Barbara Moser-Mercer, eds. Bridging the Gap:Emperical Research in Simultaneous InterpretationFranz Pöchhacker181 Franz Pöchhacker. Simultandolmetschen als komplexes HandelnDaniel GilleOther Books Received 189Target 7:2(1995)Articles191 The Concept of Equivalence and the Object of Translation StudiesWerner KollerCorpora in Translation Studies: An Overview and Suggestions for223 Future ResearchMona Baker245 Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Corpus Selection inTranslation StudiesLuc van Doorslaer261 Text-Functions in Translation: Titles and Headings as a Case in PointChristiane Nord285 Headlining in Translation: English vs. Greek PressMaria SidiropoulouA Pragmatic Classification of LSP Texts in Science and Technology305 Susanne Göpferich327 Retranslation of Children's Books as Evidence of Changes of NormsMyriam Du-NourForumIntuition in Translation347 Vilen N. KomissarovReviews 355Dinda L. Gorlée. Semiotics and the Problem of TranslationReviewed by Elda WeizmanYves Gambier Jorma Tommola, eds. Translation and Knowledge:SSOTT IV — Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory (Turku,4–6.6.1992)Reviewed by Kirsten MalmkjærMary Snell-Hornby, Franz Pöchhacker and Klaus Kaindl, eds.Translation Studies: An InterdisciplineReviewed by Anthony PymRomy Heylen .Translation, Poetics, and the StageReviewed by Sirkku AaltonenCandace Whitman-Linsen. Through the Dubbing Glass: TheSynchronization of American Motion Pictures into German, Frenchand SpanishReviewed by Aline RemaelThomas O. Beebee. Clarissa on the Continent: Translation andSeductionReviewed by Wilhelm GraeberHelga Essmann. Übersetzungsanthologien: Eine Typologie und eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der amerikanischen Versdichtung indeutsch-sprachigen Anthologien, 1920–1960Reviewed by Hannah Amit-KochaviHans J. Vermeer. Skizzen zu einer Geschichte der Translation, Bd:1:Anfäange:von Mesopotamien bis GriechenlandRom und das frühe Christentum bis HieronymusReviewed by Heidemarie SalevskyKitty M. van Leuven-Zwart. Vertaalwetenschap: Ontwikkelingen en perspectievenReviewed by Theo HermansNew Books at a Glance 389 André Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting & the Manipulation ofLiterary FameHannah Amit-KochaviChristine Pagnoulle, éd. Les gens du passageMichel BallardPalma Zlateva Translation as Social Action: Russian and BulgarianPerspectivesAnikóSohárSiegfried Meurer, Hrsg. Die vergessenen Schwestern: FrauengerechteSprache in der BibelübersetzungAnneke de VriesTarget 8:1(1996)Articles1 There Is Always a Teller in a TaleGiuliana SchiaviThe Translator‘s Voice in Translated Narrative23 Theo Hermans49 Directionality in Translation Processes and PracticesSophia S.A. Marmaridou75 Some Thoughts About Think-Aloud ProtocolsCandace SéguinotThe Translation of English Passives into Arabic: An Empirical97 PerspectiveMohammed Farghal and Mohammed O. Al-Shorafat119 Translations, Paratextual Mediation, and Ideological ClosureUrpo KovalaForum149 A Case for Linguistics in Translation TheoryVladimir IvirOn Similarity159 Andrew ChestermanReview Article165 Venuti's VisibilityAnthony PymReviews 179 Elżbieta Tabakowska. Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics ofTranslationReviewed by Vladimir IvirMichel Ballard, dir. La traduction à l‘université: Recherches etpropositions didactiquesReviewed by Robert LaroseHeidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast. ÜbersetzungswissenschaftlichesPropädeutikumReviewed by Hans G. HönigJuan C. Sager. Language Engineering and Translation: Consequencesof AutomationReviewed by Christina SchäffnerGideon Toury. Descriptive Translation Studies and beyondReviewed by Andrew ChestermanSherry Simon. Le Trafic des langues: Traduction et culture dans lalittérature québécoiseReviewed by Reine MeylaertsRadegundis Stolze. Übersetzungstheorien: Eine EinführungReviewed by Nelleke de Jong-van den BergTarget 8:2(1996)ArticlesLanguage, Translation and the Promotion of National Identity: Two211 Test CasesJudith Woodsworth239 Implicit Information in Literary Translation: A Relevance-TheoreticPerspectiveErnst-August Gutt257 Affective and Attitudinal Factors in Translation ProcessesJohanna LaukkanenA Translator' Reference Needs: Dictionaries or Parallel Texts?275 Ian A. Williams301 Translation of Modifications: About Information, Intention and EffectChunshen ZhuTowards a Model of Translation Proficiency325 Deborah CaoWhat Translators of Plays Think About Their Work341 Marja JänisForum365 Assumed Translation: Continuing the DiscussionVilen N. KomissarovReviews 375 Daniel Gile. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter andTranslator TrainingReviewed by Donald C. Kiraly and David B. SawyerJeanne Dancette. Parcours de traduction: étude expérimentale duprocessus de compréhensionReviewed by Wolfgang LörscherGeorges Mounin. Les Belles InfidèlesReviewed by Yves GambierPaul Kussmaul. Training the TranslatorReviewed by Jeanne DancetteHans G. Hönig Konstruktives ÜbersetzenReviewed by Luc van DoorslaerAntoine Berman. Pour une critique des traductions: John DonneReviewed by Reine MeylaertsNew Books at a Glance 395 Deanna L. Hammond, ed. Professional Issues for Translators andInterpretersPeter JansenMichael Schreiber. Übersetzung und Bearbeitung: ZurDifferenzierung und Abgrenzung des ÜbersetzungsbegriffsJuliane HouseAnneke de Vries. Zuiver en onvervalscht?: Een beschrijving voor bijbelvertalingen, ontwikkeld en gedemonstreerd aan de PetrusCanisius VertalingPaul GillaertsOther Books Received 403Target 9:1(1997)ARTICLES‗Acceptability‘ and Language-Specific Preference in the Distribution1 of InformationMonika Doherty25 Translating a Poem, from a Linguistic PerspectiveElżbieta Tabakowska43 Translat ing the Untranslatable: The Translator‘s Aesthetic,Ideological and Political ResponsibilityGillian Lane-Mercier69 Who Verbalises What: A Linguistic Analysis of TAP TextsSonja Tirkkonen-ConditCréativité et traduction85 Michel Ballard111 Cultural Agents and Cultural Interference: The Function of J.H.Campe in an Emerging Jewish CultureZohar ShavitLanguage and Translation in an International Business Context:131 Beyond an Instrumental ApproachChris Steyaert and Maddy JanssensFORUM。



Eugene NidaEugene A. Nida (born November 11, 1914) is the developer of the dynamic-equivalence Bible-translation theory.奈达的“功能对等”和中国传统的“神化说”【resemblance in spirit]是美国翻译理论家Lawrence Venuti是两种不同的翻译理论,奈达“功能对等”翻译理论在中国广为传播的主要原因,在于它和中国传统“神化说”翻译理论有异曲同工之妙,更能为中国翻译理论家们所接受。


钱钟书 reaching the acme of perfecteter Newmark是英国翻译研究界的元老,现为英国萨里大学(Surrey University)的教授。

他在其成名之作《翻译研究途径》(Approaches to Translation,1981)中所提出的“语义翻译”与“交际翻译”之说在翻译教学与翻译研究界几乎人人皆知,至今仍有其理论价值与实践价值。

严复:信达雅勒菲弗尔的"改写论",AndréLefevere's Rewriting Theory,音标,读音...Foreignizing Translation or Minoritizing Translation)和归化翻译法(或归化法)(Domesticating Translation or Domestication)是美国翻译理论家Lawrence VenutiLifeNida was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on November 11, 1914. He became a Christian at a young age, when he responded to the altar c all at his church “to accept Christ as my Saviour.”He graduated summa cum laude from the University of California in 1936. After graduating he attended Camp Wycliffe, where Bible translation theory was taught. He ministered for a short time among the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico, until health problems due to an inadequate diet and the high altitude forced him to leave. Sometime in this period, Nida became a founding charter member of Wycliffe Bible Translators, a sister organization of the Summer Institute of Linguistics.In 1937, Nida undertook studies at the University of Southern California, where he obtained a Master’s Degree in New Testament Greek in 1939. In that same year, Eugene Nida became interim pastor of Calvary Church of Santa Ana, CA, after the founding pastor resigned in 1939. In spite of his conservative background, in later years Nida became increasingly ecumenical and New Evangelical in his approach.In 1943 Nida received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Michigan, he was ordained as a Baptist minister, and he married Althea Lucille Sprague. The couple remained married until Althea Sprague Nida's death in 1993. In 1997, Nida married Dr. Elena Fernandez, a translator and interpreter.Nida retired in the early 1980s and currently lives in Brussels, Belgium.CareerIn 1943 Nida began his career as a linguist with the American Bible Society (ABS). He was quickly promoted to Associate Secretary for Versions, then worked as Executive Secretary for Translations until his retirement.Nida was instrumental in engineering the joint effort between the Vatican and the United Bible Societies (UBS) to produce cross-denominational Bibles in translations across the globe. This work began in 1968 and was carried on in accordance with Nida's translation principle of Functional Equivalence.Translation and Linguistic TheoriesNida has been a pioneer in the fields of translation theory and linguistics.His Ph.D. dissertation, A Synopsis of English Syntax, was the first full-scale analysis of a major language according to the “immediate-constituent” theory.His most notable and most controversial contribution to translation theory is Dynamic Equivalence, also known as Functional Equivalence. This approach to translation aims to reproduce the intention of the original text in the translation, rather than reproducing the actual words of the original. For more information, see “Dynamic and formal equivalence.”Nida also developed the “co mponential-analysis” technique, which split words into their components to help determine equivalence in translation (e.g. “bachelor” = male + unmarried). This is, perhaps, not the best example of the technique, though it is the most well-known.Nida's dynamic-equivalence theory is often held in opposition to the views of philologists who maintain that an understanding of the source text (ST) can be achieved by assessing the inter-animation of words on the page, and that meaning is self-contained within the text (i.e. much more focused on achieving semantic equivalence).Nida and Venuti have proved that translation studies is a much more complex discipline than may first appear, with the translator having to look beyond the text itself to deconstruct on an intra-textual level and decode on a referentiallevel—assessing culture-specific items, idiom and figurative language to achieve an understanding of the source text and embark upon creating a translation which not only transfers what words mean in a given context, but also recreates the impact of the original text within the limits of the translator's own language system (linked to this topic: George Steiner, the Hermeneutic Motion, pragmatics, field, tenor, mode and the locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary). For example, a statement that Jesus “met” someone must be carefully translated into a language which distinguishes between “met for the first time”, “met habitually” and simple “met”.Nida was once criticised for a controversial change in the Revised Standard Version Bible translation regarding the removal the word “virgin” from Isaiah 7:14. However, as Peter Thuesen's book In Discordance with the Scriptures points out, Nida was not actually a committee member for that project.WorksPublished Works include the following:∙Linguistic Interludes - (Glendale, CA: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1944 (Revised 1947))∙The Bible Translator - (Journal founded and edited by Dr. Nida (retired), 1949- )∙Morphology: The Descriptive Analysis of Words - (Univ. of Michigan Press, 1949)∙Message and Mission - (Harper, 1960)∙Customs, Culture and Christianity - (Tyndale Press, 1963)∙Toward a Science of Translating - (Brill, 1964)∙Religion Across Cultures - (Harper, 1968)∙The Theory and Practice of Translation - (Brill, 1969, with C.R. Taber)∙Language Structure and Translation: Essays - (Stanford University Press, 1975)∙From One Language to Another - (Nelson, 1986, with Jan de Waard)∙The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains - (UBS, 1988, with Louw)Toward a Science of Translation: with Special Reference to Principles and Procedures Involved in Bible TranslatingPrefaceChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 The Tradition of Translation in the Western WorldChapter 3 An Introduction to the Nature of MeaningChapter 4 Linguistic MeaningChapter 5 Referential and Emotive MeaningsChapter 6 The Dynamic Dimension in CommunicationChapter 7 The Role of the TranslatorChapter 8 Principles of CorrespondenceChapter 9 Types of Correspondences and ContrastsChapter 10 Techniques of AdjustmentChapter 11 Translation ProceduresChapter 12 Machine TranslationBibliographyGeneral Index。



嫌疑人 criminal suspect 项目融资 project financing 项目谈判 project negotiating 刑事案件 criminal case 刑事诉讼 criminal litigation 行政诉讼 administrative litigation 休庭 adjourn the court; recess 宣判 pronounce judgement; determination 宣誓书 affidavit 业务进修 attendance in advanced studies
调查笔录 record of investigation 定期宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date 定罪证据 incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence 冻结 freeze 督促程序 procedure of supervision and urge 独任庭 sole-judge bench 独任仲裁员 sole arbitrator 对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施 compulsory measures against impairment of civil action 对席判决 judgement inter parties 二审 trial of second instance
辩护律师 defense attorney/lawyer 辩护人 defender 辩护证据 exculpatory evidence; defense evidence 辩论阶段 stage of court debate 驳回反诉 dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim 驳回请求 deny/dismiss a motion 驳回上诉、维持原判 reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling 驳回诉讼 dismiss an action/suit 驳回通知书 notice of dismissal

Lecture 2

Lecture 2

Developments Since 1970s
• The linguistic-oriented „science‟ of translation continued strong in Germany, but the equivalence concept declined; • The rise of text-type(Reiss) and test-purpose(the Skopos) • The Hallidayan Influence • Polysystemists-the manipulation school
Descriptive Transaltion Studies(DTS)
• Exmaniation of: • (1) the product (productoriented DTS) • (2) the function(functionoriented DTS) • (3) the process(processoriented DTS)
John Dryden-The three categories of translation
• Metaphrase: „word by word‟ or „line by line translation, which corresponds to literal translation; • Paraphrase: translation with latitude, where the author is kept in view by the translator, so as to be lost, but his words are not so strictly followed as his sense; this involves changing whole phrases and more or less corresponds to faithful or sense-for-sense translation; • Imitation: „forsaking‟both words and senses;



异中见同、同异互动、求同存异-Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论研究的哲学思考重庆大学(社会科学版)2007年第13卷第2期JOURNALOFCHONGQINGUNIVERSITY(SocialScienceEdition)V o1.13No.220071 19异中见同,同异互动,求同存异一Fillmore&Kay牛保义的构块语法理论研究的哲学思考(河南大学外语学院,河南开封475001)摘要:本文从认识论的角度研讨Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论,尝试提出语言学研究的"同异律"——异中见同,同异互动,求同存异.我们认为,同异律是人们的认识规律在语言学研究中的反映.对一种语言现象的研究,应当在观察其特殊性的基础上归纳其内在的普遍特征,然后用普通的语法规则对这种现象做出合理的解释.关键词:构块语法;认识论;语言研究;同异律,中图分类号:H0—06文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-5831(2007)02~119-06认知语言学理论包括认知语法(cognitivegrammar)和认知语义学.认知语法主要是指Langacker的认知语法理论和Goldberg等人的构块语法理论.构块语法理论又包括Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论,Goldberg和Lakoff的构块语法理论,Langacker和Taylor的构块语法理论和Croft的激进构块语法理论.认知语言学研究普遍认为,构块语法(constructiongrammar)理论源于Fillmore&Kay等人在20世纪80年代和90年代对letalone(1988)和WXDY(Kay&Fillmore, 1999)等特殊的语法结构形式的构块研究(constructionalapproach).笔者在给博士生讲授Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论(出于行文简练,以下所说"构块语法"主要是指Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论,除非另有说明)的过程中,非常有趣地发现,Fillmore&Kay等人对语法中的一些特殊结构形式的构块研究坚持从特殊到一般,从一般到特殊,归纳和演绎相结合的方法有着非常浓厚的马克思主义认识论的哲学色彩.李铁映(2005)指出,"哲学所提供的知识,是关于如何获得知识,是关于探索未知世界的知识,是推动人们对于已有知识深入反思的知识;哲学所提供的知识是为人们的信仰提供理论根据的知识,只有建立在这种基础上的信仰才是坚定的信仰."所以,一些语法理论研究方法的哲学思考对我们运用这些理论从事语言研究会有一定的参考价值和指导意义.故将个人的一点体会写在这里,以与众方家学者共勉.一,马克思主义的认识论与Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论研究马克思主义的认识论认为,每一个事物内部不但包含了矛盾的特殊性,而且包含了矛盾的普遍性,普遍性存在于特殊性之中.矛盾的普遍性和矛盾的特殊性的关系就是矛盾的共性和个性的关系.共性包含于一切个性之中,无个性即无共性.我们认识事物的基础是,必须注意事物的特殊点,注意它和其他事物运动形式的质的区别.任何运动形式其内部都包含着本身特殊的矛盾.这种矛盾构成一事物区别于他事物的特殊的本质.就人类认识运动的秩序说来,总是由认识个别和特殊的事物,逐步扩大到认识事物.人们总是首先认识了许多不同收稿日期:2007—02—25作者简介:牛保义(1955一),男,河南禹州人,河南大学特聘教授,博士生导师,主要从事认知语言学,功能语言学研究.120重庆大学(社会科学版)2007年第13卷第2期事物的特殊的本质,然后才有可能更进一步地进行概括工作,认识诸种事物的共同的本质.当人们已经认识了这种共同的本质以后,就以这种共同的本质的认识为指导,继续向尚未研究过的或者尚未深入研究过的各种具体的事物进行研究,找出其特殊的本质,这样才可以补充,丰富和发展这种共同的本质的认识,而使这种共同的本质的认识不致变成枯槁和僵死的东西.这是两个认识过程:一个是由特殊到一般,一个是由一般到特殊.人类的认识便是这样循环往复地进行的,而每一次的循环都可能使人类的认识提高一步,使人类的认识不断地深化. (《毛泽东选集》第1卷,人民出版社,1991:308—320) Fillmore&Kay等人(1988;1999)对英语letalone和WXDY习语构块的研究发现,"语法里特殊现象和普通现象交织在一起,天衣无缝."(Kay&Fillmore, 1999:30)"许多特殊的语法构块继承了普通构块的一些特征,并对一些普通的语法构块提供了有限的例证."(Kay&Fillmore,1999:31)我们对"一些特殊习语构块的研究包括对语法中最普通的构块的直接分析和认识".(Kay&Fillmore,1999:30)"要知道一个语法结构形式的习语性(idiomatic),就必须知道什么是特殊的(nongenera1);要把某一语法现象解释为特殊的,就必须知道什么是普通的(genera1).在语法研究里,对习语的研究和对一些普通现象的研究是一样的;对一些边缘现象(periphery)的研究就是对一个核心现象(core)的研究,反之亦然."(Kay&Fill—more,1999:30)不难看出,Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论从特殊语法构块到普通语法构块的研究方法和马克思认识论所揭示的人们认识事物的秩序和规律基本上是一致的.我们认为,这样的语言学理论的研究方法是人们的认识规律在语言学研究中的反映.二,Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论研究——语法构块的特殊性和普遍性相互交叉Fillmore&Kay等人(1988)发现,语言中无可争议地存在着一部分像传统语法里所说的习语(idi. oms)之类的,复杂的,特殊的语法构块.这些语法构块既是规则的又是不规则的,即既是普通相关构块家族的成员,又有其独特的句法,语义和语用特征.按照Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论,一些语法范畴或具体的一个语法构块在句法,语义和语用方面都会有一些规则和不规则的表现.比如,《新英汉词典》把英语动词分为规则动词(如work,works, worked,worked)和不规则动词(如take,takes,took, taken);动词短语tospillthebeans里,名词beans在通常情况下表示"豆,蚕豆"等义,但在这个短语里却表示"秘密"之义;疑问句常用来提出问题,获取信息,但有时也可用来表示强调,提出看法等.这些规则的曲折变化形式(inflectionalforms),通常情况下表达的语义和语用功能就是这些语法构块或范畴的普遍性表现.这些不规则的曲折变化形式,个别情况下表达的语义和语用功能是这些语法构块或范畴的特殊性表现.因此,同一种语法构块或范畴无论在形式还是在语义和语用方面,既有普遍性又有其特殊性,二者相互交织在一起:特殊性中包含有普遍性,普遍性存在于特殊性之中.下面我们具体来看Kay&Fillmore(1999)对WXDY构块的研究. WXDY构块指这样一种语法结构形式:(1)a.Whatisthisscratchdoingonthetable?b.Whatdoyouthinkyournameisdoinginmybook?c.1wonderwhatthesalesmanwillsaythis houseisdoingwithoutakitchen.d.Idon'tsupposethepolicehadanythingto sayaboutwhattheirso——calleddetective thoughtthefootprintsweredoingunderthe bedroomwindow.e.Whatisitdoingraining?£'What'sanicegirllikeyoudoingina placelikethis?'g.WhatamIdoingreadingthispaper?(Kay&Fillmore,1999.说明:本文例句,如不另加注明,均出自Kay&Fillmore,1999)一个WXDY构块由be,doing,what,X和Y五个部分组成.x是句子的主语,Y是句子的附加成分(oblique).这样的句子结构形式概括为"WhatisX doingY?"简称为WXDY构块.Kay&Fillmore (1999)发现,英语WXDY构块在形式,语义和语用方面都存在一些特殊性和普遍性.(一)WXDY构块结构形式的特殊性和普遍性1,WXDY构块结构形式的特殊性英语一个WXDY构块结构形式的特殊性主要表现在:(i)WXDY的组构成分doing和谓语动词be前都不能用否定词not.(2)Whatareyounotdoingpayingattention?(3)Whataren'tyoudoingpayingattention?(ii)WXDY构块必须有一个动词do,不用其他的实义动词,而且do通常以现在分词形式出现.试比较,(4)Whatwasshedoingunderthebed?(5)Whatdoesthisscratchdoonthetable?(6)1wonderwhatthesalesmanwillsaythishousedoeswithoutakitchen.(iii)通常情况下进行体里现在分词受联系动词的支配,但WXDY构块的语义表示"事件或状态的不合适性",(下详)其通常的表达形式与进行体明显不同.例如,(7)What'sthatscratchdoingonthetable?(8)Thatscratchisdoingonthetable.(iv)疑问代词what后不能用else.(9)a.Whatareyoudoingeatingcoldpizza?b.Whatelseareyoudoingeatingcoldpizza?(v)WXDY构块的Y是一个真正的述谓成分,X是该述谓的指称论元.所以,WXDY的x不能用虚指成分(expletiveelement)(10b),隐性习语(11b),牛保义异中见同,同异互动,求同存异一Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论研究的哲学思考121指示代词(12b)或否定名词(13b)来充当.例如,(10)a.HowcomewehadablizzardinAugust?b.WhatwastheredoingbeingablizzardinAugust?(11)a.1wonderwhymylegisbeingpulled.b.1wonderwhymylegisbeingpulled.(本文作者注:topullone'Sleg是习语)(12)a.Ibetthat'Stheteacher.b.What'Sthatdoingbeingtheteacher?(13)a.Howcomethere'Snomilkinthefridge?b.What'Snomilkdoinginthefridge?2.WXDY构块结构形式的普遍性英语WXDY构块结构形式不但有其鲜明的特殊性,还存在一些普遍性:(i)与普通的疑问代词一样,无论是特殊疑问句(如1a—b和1e—g)还是像1C—d这样的嵌入问句, WXDY的疑问代词what常常出现在该构块的最左边或句首.(ii)按照英语句子普通的主谓一致关系规则, WXDY的动词be常常与该构块的主语X保持人称和数的一致.(iii)和普通的附加成分一样,WXDY的附加成分Y常常出现在该构块中非限定动词doing的右边. (iv)与普通的特殊疑问句一样,WXDY构块是一个由特殊疑问词what引导的Wh一问句,特殊疑问词what置于句首,后边是一个主谓倒装的一般疑问句.从(1C—d)可见,WXDY构块在句中充当宾语时,采用主语在前谓语动词在后的陈述句形式,和一般的嵌入问句相通.(二)WXDY构块语义功能的特殊性和普遍性1.WXDY构块语义功能的特殊性与普通的特殊疑问句相比,英语WXDY构块的特殊性表现为:(i)普通特殊疑问句的语义是就某一特殊疑问词的内容提出疑问.一个WXDY构块的语义功能表示"不适切的判断",即表示某人认为在一定语境"x是Y"这一命题意义是"不适切的","不恰当的","不合理的"(incongruous),相当于Howcome…例如,(14)What'Sthisflydoinginmysoup?的意思是,在某人用餐时发现"Thisflyisinmysoup."(这只苍蝇在我的汤里)是不适切的,感到吃惊,不可思议,相当于Howcomethisflyisinmysoup?(我的汤里怎么会有只苍蝇?)(ii)WXDY的doing不是表示普通的"做"语义的现在分词,而是起到了纯连系动词(purecopula)的功能,不表示任何时态,体或情态意义,对WXDY 构块没有任何语义贡献.(KayandFillmore,1999)说出一个WXDY句子,言者并不是要表示"什么东西做了什么事情";分词doing并不表示进行体意义. (iii)与普通特殊疑问词不同,WXDY的what虽满足了构块里doing的直接宾语需求,但在语义上是一个不受指称约束的算子(operator).what在句法上是一个wh一词;引导一个疑问句;语义上没有变量约束和指称功能.这一点,WXDY的what后不能带else可以给以印证.(15)a.Whatelseisthisflydoinginmysoup?b.Whatelseareyougoingtotellher?2.WXDY构块语义功能的普遍性WXDY构块语义功能的普遍性表现为该构块的子构块继承了一些普通构块的语义特征.Kay&Fill- more(1999)认为,构块的继承(inherit)关系反映了语言内部的普遍性.一个英语WXDY构块有三个子构块:一个以be为谓语动词的主谓倒装小句构块,一个以doing为中心语的VP构块和一个由what和doing构成的左孤立构块.这三个子构块的语义分别继承了普通的主谓倒装构块,VP构块和左孤立构块的语义特征,表现了WXDY构块语义的普遍性.(i)WXDY里主谓倒装构块的语义特征.WX-DY的主谓倒装构块和普通主谓倒装构块一样,继承了HC("中心语+补足成分")构块的语义特征.根据中心语原则,主谓倒装构块里,限定性的助动词是左子结,其主语是第二个子结,助动词的其他补足成分为附加子结.如图1所示.图1中srs表示主语需求满足,cat表示范畴,v表示动词,aux表示助动词,vinfl表示动词曲折变化形式,fin表示限定动词,表示语法功能,subj表示主语.右边第二个长方形表示附加成分.以(14)为例,限定性(vinflfin)助动词(aux+)is为中心语,是左子结;右子结包括主语thisfly(gfsubj.)和附加子结doinginmysoup(右边第二个长方形).另外,WXDY构块的主谓倒装构块和普通的主谓构块一样,主语在其内部得以实现(srs+).(ii)WXDY构块里以doing为中心语的VP构块的语义特征.以doing为中心语的VP构块继承了普通VP构块的语义特征.在构块语法里,一个英语VP构块的语义特征(如图2所示)包括一个母结(大长方形)和两个子结(两个小长方形).左边的小长方形代表动词范畴(catv),为中心语子结(role head),是一个词项(1ex+);右边的小长方形代表填充词(rolefiller)子结,出现在中心语子结的右边(1oc +),语法特征为不能做主语(subj),后边的"+"表示允准可以有一个以上填充词.以(1f)为例,词doing为中心语子结,inaplacelikethis为填充词手结,为doing的补足语成分,在句中不能做主语. (iii)由what和doing构成的左孤立构块的语义特征.WXDY构块的左孤立构块继承了一般左孤立122重庆大学(社会科学版)2007年第13卷第2期构块的语义特征.通常来讲,英语左孤立构块是一个有两个子结的动词成分.左子结的外部属性值矩阵与右子结的一些配价需求融合.一个属性值矩阵是任意层级的另一个属性值矩阵的嵌入要求.如在Whatdoyouthinksheaskedhimtodo?里,由于what满足do的配价需求,也可以看作满足了asked的配价需求,还可以看作是满足了think的配价需求.由what和doing构成的左孤立构块继承了普通左孤立构块的语义特征.这样的左孤立构块由左子结what和右子结doing构成动词短语.左子结的属性值矩阵里what是一个Wh一词.右子结doing的配价集要求一个配价成分满足.以(14)为例,句首的what满足了作补足成分的doing的配价需求,获得了远距离依存关系.(三)WXDY构块语用功能的特殊性和普遍性1.WXDY构块语用功能的特殊性一个WXDY构块是一个由特殊疑问词what引导的问句.但是,这样的问句不是像普通的特殊疑问句,要求听者提供相关的信息.(16)Diner:Waiter,what'Sthisflydoinginmysoup?Waiter:Madam.Ibelievethat'Sthebackstroke.显然,服务员是在跟用餐者开玩笑,以解难堪之危,因为用餐者说出这样的问句不是让服务员告诉"What'Sthisflyinmysoupdoing?",而是表示一种惊异,抱怨,说话人认为有关事件或命题意义是不适切的,不恰当的,相当于一个"Howcome…?"问句.(Kay&Fillmore,1999)一个WXDY构块的语用功能不是要求对方就疑问词what的内容提供相关信息,而是要求对方对某一不适切的事态实施某一行为或采取对策.2.WXDY构块语用功能的普遍性和普通的修辞问句(rhetoricalquestions)一样,运用WXDY构块一般不需要对方就句子所表达的相关命题信息做出回答,因为如前所述WXDY构块里的doing不表示具体的动作.比如,(1e)不是表示itisdoingsomethingraining;(1f)不是表示anicegirl likeyouisdoingsomethinginaplacelikethis;(1g)也不是表示I'mdoingsomethingreadingthispaper等.另外,WXDY构块和普通疑问句一样,表示要求对方或第三者做某事.(1f)可能是劝告对方到其它的地方去.(1g)也可能是说话人表示不愿再看这样的论文等.(16)可能是要求对方把汤换一下.三,Fillmore&Kay的构块语法研究——从特殊到一般,归纳和演绎相结合认知语法认为,语言运用者的规约性的(conven—tiona1)语言知识是语言中一些新的语言表达形式或构块产出(creation)的主要来源之一.一个新的语言表达式或构块的产出离不开规约性的语言知识和大量的语言运用实践(usage).(Langacker,1987:65)因此,一个新的语言表达式或构块不但表现出新奇的,特殊性的一面,同时还会有规约性的,普遍性的一面.从上节内容可见,KayandFillmore从特殊的WXDY构块和普通的特殊疑问句,主谓倒装构块等之间的继承关系切入,揭示了英语WXDY构块的语法,语义和语用功能的特殊性和普遍性,建立了以限制为基础的(constraint—based),非派生的(nonderi—vationa1)构块语法理论——"语法构块是语言形式和内容的规约性的联系"(KayandnUm0re,1999:2)Fill—moreandKay的构块语法模型的建立采用从特殊到一般,归纳与演绎相结合的方法,首先是习语构块的特征研究,然后是习语构块与普通构块之间的继承关系研究.前者着重对习语构块区别性特征的描写与刻画;后者运用普通构块的原则,规则对习语构块做出解释和说明.(一)从特殊到一般在现代逻辑里,从特殊到一般是一种归纳推理的方法.这种推理的形式为:S1是P;S2是P:Sn是P;S1,s2,…Sn是s中的部分对象,并且没有遇到相反情况;所以一切S都是P.Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论研究坚持从特殊到一般的方法,对研究对象的特殊性进行了详细描写和刻画.在对WXDY构块的个案分析中,Kay&Fillmore(1999)发现,一个WXDY构块的主语不能用虚指成分,指示代词或否定名词充当,谓语动词be不能用否定式,doing只能用一ing形式不能用过去式等;这样的构块表示"不适切"意义,doing不表示进行体意义,what是一个不受指称约束的算子等;这样的构块表示说话人对相关命题信息的惊异,抱怨.(第2节)通过对其独特的(idiosyncratic)语法结构形式,语义和语用功能的详细描写,给我们淋漓尽致地刻画出了一个"有血有肉"的英语WXDY构块.然后.Kay&Fillmore(1999)运用一般主谓倒装构块,动词短语构块和左孤立构块等核心构块的原则和规则对WXDY里以谓语动词be为中心语的主谓倒装结构,以doing为中心语的动词短语结构和由what和doing构成的左孤立结构做出了分析和解释.Kay&Fillmore(1999:30)发现,WXDY构块的这些组构(constituentstructures)是受允准(1icense)普通主谓倒装结构,动词短语和左孤立结构等核心构块(coreconstructions)的规则和原则的支配.如上所述(第2节),WXDY构块里以动词be为中心语的主谓倒装构块继承了普通的主谓倒装构块的句法,语义特征;以doing为中心语的动词短语结构继承了普通牛保义异中见同,同异互动,求同存异一Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论研究的哲学思考123动词短语构块的句法和语义特征;由what和doing构成的左孤立结构继承了普通左孤立构块的句法和语义特征.所以,英语WXDY是一个按照一般的主谓倒装构块,动词短语构块和左孤立构块的原则和规则建构的特殊语法构块.(二)归纳和演绎相结合逻辑学研究(郭桥,资建民,2004:171—180)认为,归纳推理是从特殊到一般的推理方法,演绎推理是从一般到特殊的推理方法."归纳推理和演绎推理是思维进程方向不同但却又互相联系,互相依赖,互相渗透的两种推理形式,它们共同构成人类认识世界,改造世界的思维工具.""在人们认识事物的过程中,有归纳而无演绎,或者有演绎而无归纳,都只可能使认识中断,达不到真正认识事物的目的."我们发现,Fillmore&Kay的构块语法理论研究的确是非常完美地运用归纳与演绎相结合的方法揭示语言内在的普遍性.如上所述,Fillmore&Kay运用"特殊到一般"的归纳法研究习语构块,在对英语WXDY这样的习语构块的个性特征充分描写和刻画的基础上,归纳出了这样的习语构块所表现出的一些普通语言现象的共同的本质特征.照他们自己的话说,以构块为基础,采用归纳的方法,从一些不可否认的,经验的特殊现象或结构到对组织这些现象或结构的普遍性和原则似乎能够对语言的一些习语性和一些普通的,高度能产性的方面做出令人满意的解释.(Kay& Fillmore,1999:31)我们发现,在对WXDY这一特殊的习语构块所表现出的普通的本质特征归纳的过程中,Kay&Fillmore(1999)是在构块的继承性这一普遍性原则(Kay&Fillmore,1999:7)指出,当一个构块继承另一个构块时,第一个构块包含有第二个构块的所有信息,或者更多的信息.(Whenoneconstruction inheritsanother,thefirstcontainsalltheinformationof thesecond—inthenonvacuouscase—more.)换句话说,两个构块之间的继承关系表现为第二个构块继承了第一个构块的一切句法,语义和语用特征,但还会有自己的一些特征.)的框架里,运用一般核心构块的原则和规则(如第二节),发现WXDY这一特殊现象所表现出的一些核心语言现象的共同的本质特征.这又是一种演绎的方法.Kay&Fillmore(1999)运用普通主谓倒装构块的中心语特征原则(headed featureprinciple)解释了WXDY构块中以动词be为中心语的主谓倒装小句构块的外部配价集和中心语子结配价集之间的蕴涵关系;运用普通的VP构块的语义特征解释了WXDY构块中以doing为中心语的VP构块里doing和补足成分之间的语义联系;运用普通的左孤立构块的抽取原则(extraction)和远距离依存关系解释了WXDY构块中由what和doing构建的左孤立构块what的外部属性值矩阵(attribute—valuematrix)和doing的配价需求(valencerequire. ments)之间的融合.Kay&Fillmore(1999)发现,习语的个性特征里包含着一些语言现象共同的本质特征;没有这些个性特征,也就不会有共同的本质特征."语法里特殊现象和普通现象交织在一起"."像WXDY这样的独特现象和中心语加补足语结构,左孤立结构这些普通现象是非常清楚地联系在一起的."(Kay&Fillmore,1999:30—31)用认识论的话说,就是普遍性存在于特殊性之中;共性存在于个性之中,无个性即无共性.这样,运用从特殊到一般的归纳法和归纳与演绎相结合的方法,概括和归纳了一个英语WXDY构块所表现出的独特的句法,语义,语用特征和普遍性的共同本质特征,并对其独特的句法,语义和语用特征做出了完整的,合理的分析和解释,建立了自己的构块语法理论模型,为构块语法理论的发展奠定了理论基础.这一理论模型不但为认知语言学理论建设作出了贡献,而且还为认知语言学理论研究提供了重要的方法论指导.四,语言研究的同异律Fillmore&Kay的构块研究,从特殊到一般,归纳和演绎相结合,深刻揭示了语法的本质特征——语法里特殊现象和普通现象交织在一起.一个特殊的语法构块既有其独特的个性特征(谓之"异")又有一般核心构块共同的本质特征(谓之"同").这一研究给我们的启示为:对语言现象的观察,要"异中见同",从一些特殊的语法结构形式中窥见其普遍的本质特征.对语言现象的分析,要"同异互动",即特殊语法构块和普通构块相互作用,发现特殊的语法构块与一般核心构块的继承性关系,对一些特殊的语法构块做出合理解释.对语言现象的解释要"求同存异",在概括一些特殊的语法现象的共同本质特征的同时又要对其独特的个性特征作出有理据的解释.我们把这一研究方法概括为语言学研究的"同异律"——异中见同,同异互动,求同存异. (一)异中见同"异中见同"是指从一些具体的,特殊的语法现象中寻找,发现普通的,共同的本质特征,因为一些特殊的习语构块里包含着普通的语法规律或规则; 一些普通的语法构块的规律或规则存在于一些特殊的语法结构形式中.一个特殊的WXDY构块里不但有其独有的特征,而且还包含着主谓倒装构块,动词短语构块和左孤立构块等普通语法规律或规则. 他如,英语里的"双IS构块"(如thethingisis),"表亲称谓构块"(如thirdcousintwiceremoved),"leta.1one构块"等等,无不都是一些特殊现象和普通现象相互交织在一起.语法研究应当"异中见同",实现对一些特殊语法现象的充分描写.正如Langacker (2004)所指出的,"我们能够利用普通知识(general knowledge)搞清楚不同表达形式的意义."(二)同异互动"同异互动"是指按照构块的继承性原则,运用一般核心构块的原则和规则解构特殊的边缘构块的合理内核,实现对一些特殊语法现象的充分分析. 构块的继承性认为,语言中的构块展示原型结构(prototypestructure),形成联想网络(networksofas- sociation)(Goldberg,1995:5).一个构块可以对另一124重庆大学(社会科学版)2007年第13卷第2期个构块给出有理据的解释,当且仅当后者与前者为继承关系(ConstructionAmotivatesConstructionBiff。

Bisphenol A impairs follicle growth, inhibits steroidoge

Bisphenol A impairs follicle growth, inhibits steroidoge

TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES119(1),209–217(2011)doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfq319Advance Access publication October18,2010Bisphenol A Impairs Follicle Growth,Inhibits Steroidogenesis,and Downregulates Rate-Limiting Enzymes in the Estradiol BiosynthesisPathwayJackye Peretz,Rupesh K.Gupta,Jeffrey Singh,Isabel Herna´ndez-Ochoa,and Jodi A.Flaws1Department of Comparative Biosciences,University of Illinois,Urbana,Illinois618021To whom correspondence should be addressed at Department of Comparative Biosciences,University of Illinois,2001S.Lincoln Avenue,Room3223,Urbana,IL61802.Fax:(217)244-1652.E-mail:jflaws@.Received July27,2010;accepted October8,2010Bisphenol A(BPA)is used as the backbone for plastics and epoxy resins,including various food and beverage containers.BPA has also been detected in95%of random urine samples and ovarian follicularfluid of adult women.Few studies have investigated the effects of BPA on antral follicles,the main producers of sex steroid hormones and the only follicles capable of ovulation.Thus,this study tested the hypothesis that postnatal BPA exposure inhibits antral follicle growth and steroidogenesis. To test this hypothesis,antral follicles isolated from32-day-old FVB mice were cultured with vehicle control(dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO]),BPA(4.4–440m M),pregnenolone(10m g/ml),pregnen-olone1BPA44m M,and pregnenolone1BPA440m M.During the culture,follicles were measured for growth daily.After the culture,media was subjected to ELISA for hormones in the estradiol biosynthesis pathway,and follicles were processed for quantitative real-time PCR of steroidogenic enzymes.The results indicate that BPA(440m M)inhibits follicle growth and that pregnenolone cotreatment was unable to restore/maintain growth. Furthermore,BPA44and440m M inhibit progesterone,dehy-droepiandrosterone,androstenedione,estrone,testosterone,and estradiol production.Pregnenolone cotreatment was able to increase production of pregnenolone,progesterone,and dehy-droepiandrosterone and maintain androstenedione and estrone levels in BPA-treated follicles compared with DMSO controls but was unable to protect testosterone or estradiol levels.Further-more,pregnenolone was unable to protect follicles from BPA-(44–440m M)induced inhibition of steroidogenic enzymes compared with the DMSO control.Collectively,these data show that BPA targets the estradiol biosynthesis pathway in the ovary. Key Words:bisphenol A;steroidogenesis;ovary;antral follicle growth;StAR;pregnenolone.Bisphenol A(BPA),2,2-bis-4-hydroxyphenyl propane,is an estrogenic compound originally synthesized in1963to prevent miscarriage.BPA eventually became widely used as the backbone for epoxy resins,durable clear polycarbonate plastics such as reusable plastic food containers,food and beverage can liners,infant formula cans,baby bottles,and dental sealants, among many other plastic-based products.Unfortunately, aging,heating,and contact with acids and bases,including those commonly found in cleaning supplies and detergents, cause the BPA polymers to break apart.In a process commonly referred to as‘‘leaching,’’BPA seeps into the contents of various food packages,into saliva,and/or into dust particles, providing ample entry ways for BPA into animal physiological systems,including humans(Can et al.,2005;Kang et al.,2006; Lenie et al.,2008;Vandenberg et al.,2007;vom Saal and Hughes,2005;Welshons et al.,2006).Although BPA exposure can occur via food and drink (ingested),BPA can also be inhaled.Once in the lungs,BPA can travel through the bloodstream and into enterohepaticflow, where it can act as if ingested orally and travel through the digestive system.Various studies have detected BPA in blood, saliva,and human tissues as well as in95%of human urine samples taken in a random sampling(Calafat et al.,2005, 2008;Ouchi and Watanabe,2002).Additionally,though BPA is thought to be conjugated to glucuronide in the digestive system and to exit the body via the urinary system,the chemical is not solely confined to the digestive system.BPA has also been detected in mammary tissue,breast milk, amnioticfluid,and ovarian follicularfluid,indicating BPA travels not only through the digestive system but also through the venous network and thus into the many other organ and tissue systems of the body(Ikezuki et al.,2002;Lenie et al., 2008;Vandenberg et al.,2007,2009).Recent research has suggested that BPA persists in the human system longer than originally thought.In a study comparing BPA levels with fasting time,researchers found BPA persisting in the body well past the given4–6h half-life of BPA.Specifically,following17-h exposure,BPA levels only decreased56%instead of the expected100%elimination. This study suggests that BPA has a longer half-life than previously estimated;there are significant non-food source exposures of BPA or,more likely,a combination of the twoÓThe Author2010.Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Toxicology.All rights reserved. For permissions,please email:journals.permissions@ at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on June 6, Downloaded fromexplanations(Stahlhut et al.,2009;Tillet,2009).Collectively, thesefindings suggest that humans are constantly exposed to BPA.Studies focusing on the effects of BPA exposure on the rodent female reproductive system have shown that maternal exposure to BPA during gestation can cause adverse de-velopmental effects in the offspring.Specifically,BPA has been shown to induce early puberty onset,changes in weight gain,early vaginal opening(Honma et al.,2002),and ovarian morphological abnormalities in the offspring.The ovarian abnormalities include cystic ovaries(Hartshorne,1997)and cystadenomas,hemorrhagic follicles,and large antral-like follicles seemingly unable to ovulate(Hartshorne,1997). BPA also can cause progressive proliferative lesions of the oviduct(Savabieasfahani et al.,2006)and leiomyomas in the uterus(Newbold et al.,2007).Furthermore,BPA increases estrogen receptor alpha(Esr1)and estrogen receptor beta(Esr2) receptor expression levels in the uterus(Richter et al.,2007). Few studies have investigated the direct effects of BPA on the ovarian follicle itself,the functional unit of the ovary and the main steroid hormone producer of the female reproductive system.Previous studies have focused mainly on meiotic abnormalities,such as cell cycle arrest,meiotic aneuploidy,and congression failure during the cell cycle(Eichenlaub-Ritter et al.,2008;Hunt et al.,2003)or on morphological indicators of ovulation,such as observing a lack of corpora lutea in the ovary(Hartshorne,1997).Although BPA has been reported to be present in follicularfluid of adult human ovaries,previously published studies have not focused on antral follicles of adult humans,and as a result,little information is available regarding the effect of postnatal BPA exposure on the proper functioning of adult human ovarian follicles.Furthermore,little informa-tion is available on the effect of BPA on the proper functioning of ovarian antral follicles in the adult mouse model.Thus,this study tested the hypothesis that postnatal exposure to BPA inhibits growth and steroidogenesis of adult ovarian antral follicles in mice.MATERIALS AND METHODSChemicals.BPA powder(99%)was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis,MO).A stock solution of BPA was dissolved and diluted in dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO)(Sigma-Aldrich)to achieve various BPA treatment concentrations(1.3,13.3,and133mg/ml)forfinal working concentrations of 1.0,10,and100l g of BPA per milliliter of culture media(4.4,44,and440l M BPA,respectively).Additionally,using these treatment concentrations allowed each working concentration to contain the same volume of chemical and vehicle(0.75l l BPA:DMSO per milliliter of culture media).The concentrations chosen for the cultures were based on concentrations used in previous studies(Can et al.,2005;Lee et al.,2007;Lenie et al.,2008; Mlynarcikova et al.,2009;Vandenberg et al.,2007;Watson et al.,2007;Xu et al.,2002;Zhou et al.,2008).BPA concentrations were also chosen based on studies showing the effects of BPA on ovarian cells.For example,BPA exposure between100fM and100l M for24–72h results in an increase in apoptosis and G2-to-M arrest in cultured mouse ovarian granulosa cells (Xu et al.,2002).The selected concentrations of BPA are relevant to current regulatory levels set for BPA.The lowest observable adverse effect level (LOAEL)is50mg/kg/day.This equates to210.6l M.The doses used in the experiments were4.4,44,and440l M(or1,10,and100l g/ml),encompassing the LOAEL concentration.5-Pregnen-3b-ol-20-one(Pregnenolone;pregn)powder was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.A stock solution of pregn was prepared in DMSO for afinal concentration in culture of10l g/ml.Animals.Adult,cycling female FVB mice were purchased from Jackson Laboratory(Bar Harbor,ME)and allowed to acclimate to the facility for at least 5days before use.The mice were housed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Veterinary Medicine Animal Facility.Food(Harlan Teklad8626) and water were provided for ad libitum consumption.Temperature was maintained at22±1°C,and animals were subjected to12-h light-dark cycles. The Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign approved all procedures involving animal care, euthanasia,and tissue collection.In vitro follicle culture.Female FVB mice were euthanized on postnatal day32and their ovaries removed using aseptic technique.Antral follicles were mechanically isolated from the ovary based on relative size(250–400 l m),cleaned of interstitial tissue usingfine watchmaker forceps(Gupta et al., 2006;Miller et al.,2005),and individually placed in wells of a96-well culture plate and covered with unsupplemented a-minimal essential medium (a-MEM)prior to treatment.Sufficient numbers of antral follicles for statistical power were isolated from unprimed mouse ovaries;follicles from two to three mice were isolated per experiment providing approximately 20–40antral follicles from each mouse.Each experiment contained a minimum of8–16follicles per treatment group.Doses of vehicle control (DMSO),BPA(4.4,44,and440l M),pregn(10l g/ml),pregnþBPA (44l M),and pregnþBPA(440l M)were individually prepared in supplemented a-MEM.Supplemented a-MEM was prepared with:1%ITS (10ng/ml insulin,5.5ng/ml transferrin,and5.5ng/ml selenium),100U/ml penicillin,100mg/ml streptomycin,5IU/ml human recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone(Dr A. F.Parlow,National Hormone and Peptide Program,Harbor-UCLA Medical Center,Torrance,CA),and5%fetal calf serum(Atlanta Biologicals,Lawrenceville,GA)(Gupta et al.,2006;Miller et al.,2005).An equal volume of chemical was added for each dose to control for the amount of vehicle in each preparation(0.75l l/ml of media:BPA treatments;1.0l l/ml of media:DMSO and pregn treatments).Antral follicles were cultured for120h in an incubator supplying5%CO2at37°C.Analysis of follicle growth.Follicle growth was examined at24-h intervals by measuring follicle diameter on perpendicular axes with an inverted microscope equipped with a calibrated ocular micrometer.Follicle diameter measurements were averaged among treatment groups and plotted to compare the effects of chemical treatments on growth over time.Data were presented as percent change over time.Analysis of hormone levels.Media was collected after120h of follicle culture and subjected to ELISA for measurement of estradiol,estrone, testosterone,androstenedione,dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate(DHEA-S),and progesterone levels.ELISA kits and reagents were obtained from ALPCO Diagnostics(estrone,testosterone,androstenedione,progesterone,and DHEA-S) and Diagnostics Research Group(estradiol).The assays were run using the manufacturer’s instructions.All samples were run in duplicate and all intra-and interassay coefficients of variability were less than10%.Analysis of quantitative real-time PCR.Female FVB mouse antral follicles were cultured as described above for120h.At the end of culture, follicles were collected and snap frozen atÀ80°C for quantitative real-time PCR(qPCR)analysis.Total RNA was extracted from follicles using the RNeasy Micro Kit(Qiagen,Inc.,Valencia,CA)according to the manufac-turer’s protocol.Reverse transcriptase generation of complementary DNA (cDNA)was performed with0.3–1l g of total RNA using an iScript RT Kit (Bio-Rad Laboratories,Inc.,Hercules,CA).qPCR was conducted using the210PERETZ ET AL.at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on June 6, Downloaded fromCFX96Real-Time PCR Detection System(Bio-Rad Laboratories,Inc.)and accompanying software(CFX Manager Software)according to the manufac-turer’s instructions.The CFX96quantifies the amount of PCR product generated by measuring a dye(SYBR Green)thatfluoresces when bound to double-stranded DNA.A standard curve was generated fromfive serial dilutions of one of the samples,thus allowing analysis of the amount of cDNA in the exponential phase.Specific qPCR primers for the genes of interest and annealing temperatures are listed in Table1,along with GenBank accession numbers(Akingbemi et al.,2003;Hernandez-Ochoa et al.,2010;Pakarainen et al.,2005;Sha et al.,1996;Weihua et al.,2000).qPCR analysis was performed using2l l cDNA,forward and reverse primers(5pmol)for steroidogenic acute regulatory protein(StAR),cytochrome P450side-chain cleavage(P450scc),3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(3b-HSD),17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(17b-HSD),cytochrome P450aromatase (Cyp19),cytochrome P45017a-hydroxylase/17,20lyase(Cyp17a),or b-actin, in conjunction with a SsoFast EvaGreen Supermix qPCR Kit(Bio-Rad Laboratories).An initial incubation of95°C for10min was followed by denaturing at94°C for10s,annealing from56to61°C for10s,and extension at72°C for10s,for40cycles(b-actin),followed byfinal extension at72°C for 10min.A melting curve was generated at55–90°C to monitor the generation of a single product.The software also generated a standard curve.b-Actin was used as reference gene for each sample.Final values were calculated and expressed as the ratio normalized to b-actin.All analyses were performed in duplicate for at least three separate experiments.Statistical analysis.Data were expressed as means±SEM,and multiple comparisons between experimental groups were made using ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc comparison.Tests for trend were analyzed using linear regression analyses for the overall effect of BPA concentration(continuous variable).At least three separate experiments were conducted for each treatment prior to data analysis.Statistical significance was assigned at p0.05.RESULTSEffect of BPA on Follicle GrowthExposure to BPA(440l M)significantly decreased antral follicle growth compared with DMSO controls beginning at 72h,and this decrease in follicle growth remained throughout the120-h culture(Fig.1).No significant differences in follicle growth were observed between follicles exposed to DMSO, BPA(44l M),or BPA(4.4l M).Effect of BPA on Sex Steroid Hormone ProductionBPA(440l M)exposure for120h significantly decreased estradiol,estrone,testosterone,androstenedione,DHEA-S,and progesterone levels produced by the follicles compared with DMSO(Fig.2).BPA(44l M)exposure for120h significantly decreased estradiol,estrone,testosterone,androstenedione, DHEA-S,and progesterone levels produced by the follicles. No significant differences in steroid levels were found between DMSO and4.4l M BPA.Effect of BPA on Gene ExpressionBecause BPA decreased steroidogenesis in the cultured antral follicles,studies were conducted to see if it did so by decreasing the expression of enzymes required for steroido-genesis.Specifically,levels of steroidogenic enzymes StAR,TABLE1PrimersusedinQuantitativeReal-TimePolymeraseChainReactions(qPCR)GenenameGenesymbolPrimersequencesAnnealingtemperatureGenBankaccession#ForwardReverseBeta-actinActbF:GGGCACAGTGTGGGTGACR:CTGGCACCACACCTTCTAC56°CNM_7393SteroidogenicacuteregulatoryproteinStARF:CAGGGAGAGGTGGCTATGCAR:CCGTGTCTTTTCCAATCCTCTG57°CNM_781CytochromeP45cholesterolside-chaincleavageCyp11a1F:AGATCCCTTCCCCTGGCGACAATGR:CGCATGAGAAGAGTATCGACGCATC6°CNM_82933b-Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase1HSD3b1F:CAGGAGAAAGAACTGCAGGAGGTCR:GCACACTTGCTTGAACACAGGC59.5°CNM_8293CytochromeP45aromataseCyp19a1F:CATGGTCCCGCAAACTGTGAR:GTAGTAGTTGCAGGCACTTC56°CNM_781CytochromeP45steroid17-a-hydroxylase1Cyp17a1F:CCAGGACCCAAGTGTGTTCTR:CCTGATACGAAGCACTTCTCG56°CNM_78917B-hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase1HSD17b1F:ACTGTGCCAGCAAGTTTGCGR:AAGCGGTTCGTGGAGAAGTAG58°CNM_1475THE EFFECTS OF BISPHENOL A ON ANTRAL FOLLICLES211at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on June 6, Downloaded from3b -HSD,and Cyp17a were compared in control and BPA-treated follicles.Only StAR messenger RNA (mRNA)expression levels were significantly decreased following exposure to BPA44l M and BPA440l M compared with DMSO controls (Figs.3and 6;BPA-only treated follicles).Exposure to BPA440l M,however,resulted in a significant trend for decreased 3b -HSD expression compared with controls.Furthermore,BPA44l M and BPA440l M signifi-cantly decreased P450scc mRNA expression levels compared with DMSO controls (Fig.6;BPA-only treated follicles).Effect of Pregnenolone Cotreatment on BPA-Treated FolliclesThe BPA-induced inhibition of steroidogenesis and follicle growth could be the result of decreased StAR and P450scc levels in the follicles because these are rate-limiting enzymes for the estradiol biosynthesis pathway.Because addition of pregnenolone bypasses this disrupted enzyme,studies were conducted to investigate whether cotreatment of follicles with pregnenolone and BPA would protect follicles from the toxic effects of BPA on follicle growth and steroidogenesis.Addition of pregnenolone to the supplemented media did not protect follicles from BPA-induced follicle growth inhibition (Fig.4).However,cotreatment of follicles with pregnenolone and BPA did provide some protection against inhibition of steroidogenesis (Fig.5).Pregnenolone cotreatment with BPA increased pregnenolone,progesterone,and DHEA-S levels compared with DMSO controls and maintained androstene-dione and estrone levels similar to DMSO controls.Pregnen-olone cotreatment with BPA,however,did not increase levels of testosterone and estradiol production compared with DMSO controls.Specifically,progesterone levels were 2.9±0.4ng/ml with BPA44l M only and 14.1±2.5ng/ml with DMSO only,but progesterone levels were 5502.1±387.2ng/ml with pregn þBPA44l M.Androstenedione levels were 0.07±0.003ng/mL with BPA44l M only and 1.1±0.2ng/ml with DMSO only,but androstenedione levels were 1.0±0.04ng/ml with pregn þBPA44l M.Estradiol levels were 378.1±54.5pg/ml with BPA44l M only,5417.8±1849.9pg/ml with DMSO only,and 465.6±11.2pg/ml with pregn þBPA44lM.FIG.2.Effect of BPA exposure on antral follicle hormone production.After exposure of antral follicles to DMSO control or BPA (4.4–440l M)for 120h in vitro ,media was collected and subjected to various hormone measurements by ELISA.These graphs represent the means ±SEMs from separate experiments.A single asterisk (*)denotes a significant p value for overall effect of BPA concentration as the continuous variable using linear regression.A double asterisk (**)denotes a significant p value from the DMSO control via ANOVA,post hoc Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (test)(n ¼3–4;p0.05).at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on June 6, 2011 Downloaded fromEffect of Pregnenolone þBPA on Gene ExpressionBecause levels of pregnenolone,DHEA-S,progesterone,androstenedione,and estrone were protected from BPA-induced inhibition in the pregnenolone-treated groups compared with their nonpregnenolone counterparts,geneexpression levels of the enzymes responsible for their metabolism along the biosynthesis pathway were measured.Addition of pregnenolone treatment did not protect the follicles from BPA-induced alterations in steroidogenic enzyme gene expression (Fig.6).Specifically,StAR mRNA expression levels were 0.09±0.04genomic equivalents (ge)with BPA44l M only and 0.41±0.04ge with DMSO,but StAR mRNA expression levels were 0.09±0.006ge with pregn þBPA44l M.P450scc mRNA expression levels were 0.08±0.01ge with BPA44l M only and 0.37±0.07ge with DMSO only,but P450scc mRNA expression levels were 0.03±0.13ge with pregn þBPA44l M.DISCUSSIONUsing an in vitro follicle culture system,we have shown that BPA inhibits follicle growth and decreases hormone pro-duction in mouse ovarian antral follicles.Furthermore,although cotreatment with pregnenolone did not protect follicles from BPA-induced inhibition of follicle growth,it partially protected follicles from BPA-induced inhibition of steroidogenesis.Sex steroid hormone production is required for proper development of antral follicles (Cain et al.,1995).These hormones produced in the ovary have an autocrine effect on the growth and development of follicles.Estrogens,such as estradiol,stimulate follicle growth and protect the follicle from atresia (Quirk et al.,2004).Progestins,such as progesterone,have an inhibitory effect and induce atresia,although the specific actions of progesterone on the follicle are not currently well understood (Fukuda et al.,1980).Androgens,such as androstenedione,testosterone,and dehydrotestosterone,have been reported to both stimulate follicle growth and induce atresia in antral follicles (Drummond,2006).FIG.3.Effect of BPA exposure on StAR,3b -HSD,and Cyp17a mRNA expression levels.After exposure of antral follicles to DMSO control of BPA (4.4–440l M)for 120h in vitro ,the follicles were collected and subjected to qPCR analysis for StAR,3b -HSD,and Cyp17a mRNA expression levels.All values were normalized to b -actin as a loading control.Graph represents means ±SEMs from separate experiments.A single asterisk (*)denotes a significant p value for overall effect of BPA concentration as the continuous variable using linear regression.A double asterisk (**)denotes a significant p value from the DMSO control via ANOVA,post hoc Tukey’s HSD (n ¼8–16follicles per treatment per experiment from three separate experiments;p0.05).FIG.4.Effect of pregnenolone cotreatment with BPA on antral follicle growth.Antral follicles were mechanically isolated from FVB mice and exposed in vitro to BPA (4.4–440l M),pregnenolone (10l g/ml)or pregnenolone,and BPA (44–440l M)for 120h.Growth of follicles was monitored during culture and recorded in micrometers and reported as percent change.The graph represents means ±SEMs from at least three separate experiments.Lines with asterisks (*)are significantly different from DMSO controls (n ¼8–16follicles per treatment per experiment from at least three separate experiments;p 0.05).THE EFFECTS OF BISPHENOL A ON ANTRAL FOLLICLES213at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on June 6, 2011 Downloaded fromHormone production is dependent on the components of the estradiol biosynthesis pathway.More specifically,production of downstream hormones in the pathway,such as estradiol,is dependent on the availability of upstream hormones,such as progestins and androgens.All the hormones within the biosynthesis pathway are dependent on the availability of the lipid precursor,cholesterol.Furthermore,the rate-limiting step of the estradiol biosynthesis pathway is the transport of cholesterol by StAR from lipid droplets in the theca cells into the inner matrix of the mitochondria.Therefore,without this transport,cholesterol cannot be converted to pregnenolone via P450scc,and further hormone metabolism and production in the antral follicles is inhibited.Our results suggest that both StAR and P450scc mRNA expression are inhibited following exposure to BPA.This would prevent cholesterol uptake into the mitochondria and metabolism to pregnenolone,explaining the decrease in hormone production following exposure to BPA in our study.To try and bypass these enzymes,we added pregnenolone to the culture.We hypothesized that the pregnenolone addition would protect the follicles from inhibited growth and hormone production.Exposing the follicles concurrently to pregneno-lone and BPA did not prevent inhibition of follicle growth but protected hormone production in the theca cells,although not necessarily in the granulosa cells.These data support our finding that StAR and P450scc mRNA levels are inhibited by BPA.Thus,cholesterol uptake into the mitochondria and metabolism to pregnenolone is inhibited,impairing hormone production in the antral follicles.Without adequate hormone levels,late antral follicle growth and ovulation will be impaired,as well as further hormone production within the follicles,thus affecting fertility.Our results support previous work,indicating that BPA exposure affects progesterone production using porcine granulosa cells incubated for 24–72h,although this previous work was done in isolated granulosa cells not the wholefollicleFIG.5.Effect of pregnenolone cotreatment with BPA on antral follicle hormone production.After exposure of antral follicles to DMSO control,BPA (4.4–440l M)pregnenolone (10l g/ml)or pregnenolone,and BPA (44–440l M)for 120h in vitro ,media was collected and subjected to various hormone measurements by ELISA.These graphs represent the means ±SEMs from separate experiments.Asterisks (*)indicate a significant difference between no pregnenolone and pregnenolone groups;symbols (†)indicate a significant difference between BPA and control groups without pregnenolone;letters indicate a significant difference between BPA and control groups with pregnenolone groups (n ¼3–4;p 0.05).214PERETZ ET AL.at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on June 6, 2011 Downloaded from。

英译汉English Character

英译汉English Character
to quite a large degree. For example, if you s ay that something is fairly old, you mean that it is old but not very old. 在很大程度上
Addition Repetition
译文:这有助于解释英国人看似奇怪的行为:在晴朗明 媚的夏日清晨出门,手臂上却搭iable is the weather that by lunchtime it could be pouring. 译文:英国的天气是如此变化多端,以至于即使早晨天 气晴朗,到了午饭十分,也有可能下起倾盆大雨。 Addition
The man in the street seems to be as accurate – or as inaccurate – as the weathermen in his predictions.
译文:大街上的人和天气预报员一样,对天气的预测时而 精确时而失准。
This helps to explain the seemingly odd sight of an Englishman leaving home on a bright, sunny, summer morning with a raincoat slung over his arm and an umbrella in his hand.
“一衣带水”表示距离近时必须具备三个条件: 一、说的必须是两个地方或国家 二、二者之间必须隔着一条水 三、二者之间的距离比较近
It is claimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to do with it. 译文:据说这 与英国是一个与欧洲大陆分离的岛国 有很大关系。 Free Translation



• •
• • • •
1)现实离开梦想等亍兽性的存在 2)现实加上梦想等亍一份心痛(通 常称为理想主义) 3)现实加上幽默等亍写实主义(也 被称为保守主义) 4)梦想离开幽默等亍盲目狂热 5)梦想加上幽默等亍美妙幻想 6)现实加上梦想加上幽默等亍智慧 他把他心目中理想的人生设想成 R3D2H3S2的人,就是有三分现实 主义,两份理想主义,三分幽默 (自嘲),两分多愁善感的人。数 字表示程度,4为最高级。
Lin Yutang
• Lin Yutang (October 10, 1895 – March 26, 1976) was a Chinese writer, translator, linguist and inventor. His informal but polished style in both Chinese and English made him one of the most influential writers of his generation, and his compilations and translations of classic Chinese texts into English were bestsellers in the West. He also invented the Mingkwai "Clear and Quick" Chinese-language typewriter that played a pivotal role in the Cold War Machine Translation research Lin's first best sellers were My Country and My People (simplified Chinese: 吾国与吾民; traditional Chinese: 吾國與吾民) (1935) and The Importance of Living (simplified Chinese: 生活的艺术; traditional Chinese: 生活的藝術) (1937), written in English in a charming style. He is not only the first translation theorist in China to propose that the translation is an art , but also the first one in Chinese translation history to present explicitly that modern linguistics and psychology as translation’ argument.他不仅是国内最早提出翻译是一门艺术的翻译理论家, 而且也是在 中国译学史上最明确地现代诧言学和心理学作为翻译立论的第一人 His exposition about the translation and beauty influenced many people in Translation Studies.他的关亍翻译与美的问题的论述影响了后来很多从事翻 译研究的人。



试比较严复的“信达雅”与Tytler(泰特勒)的“翻译三原则”发布时间:2021-11-11T02:16:17.581Z 来源:《学习与科普》2021年13期作者:孔慧娜[导读] 长久以来,中外翻译工作者在进行翻译理论探索的过程中,最重要的课题研究就是翻译标准。

吉林外国语大学高级翻译学院吉林长春 130117摘要:长久以来,中外翻译工作者在进行翻译理论探索的过程中,最重要的课题研究就是翻译标准。






关键词中西翻译标准;严复“信达雅”;Tytler(泰特勒)“翻译三原则”;异同 Abstract:For a long time,translation standards have been the most important subject for Chinese and foreign translators in their exploration of translation theories. Through the ages,Chinese and western translation standards have been put forward one after another,and different schools of thought have contended with each other. The comparison between Yan Fu's "faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance" principle and Tytler's "three translation principles" is quite controversial. Both are discussed and studied together by many translators because of their similarity. In view of the prominent position of the two translation principles in the field of translation in China and the west,this paper makes a detailed interpretation of the two translation principles,analyzes their similarities from the perspective of dialectical materialism,and points out their differences from the perspectives of cultural origin,mode of thinking and value orientation. The aim is to dissect their respective advantages and summarize the essence of translation practice,so as to promote the development of translation in China. Key Words:Chinese&Western Translation Criterion;"Faithfulness,Expressiveness and Elegance";Tytler "Three Principles of Translation";Similarities&Differences1.中西翻译标准简述中国翻译史已历经几千余年,但是早期,人们并没有系统地总结出翻译标准,后来随着中西文化逐渐交融汇通,翻译工作者开始在翻译实践的基础上,总结翻译规则和标准。


















Eugene NidaEugene Nida says in his LANGUAGE,CULTURE,AND TRANSLATING,“Some people imagine that the greatest problem in translating is to find the right words and constructions in the receptor or target language.On the contrary, the most difficult task for the translator is to understand thoroughly the designative and associative meanings of the text to be translated.Eugene Nida also tells us four basic processes in translation:(1)analysis of the source text,(2)transfer from source to target language,(3)restructuring in the target language,and(4)testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended audience.‖在二十世纪六十年代,美国的翻译理论家尤金·奈达大力提倡翻译的“动态对等”(dynamic equivalence)理论,这无论是在西方还是在中国都得到很多人的认同。





Unit 1欧阳引擎(2021.01.01)achievement n. 成就;功绩△Joan of Arc 圣女贞德(法国民族女英雄)△Elizabeth Fry 伊丽莎白•弗赖伊(英国慈善家)△Quaker n. 教友派信徒;贵格会会员welfare n. 福利;福利事业project n. 项目;工程;规划institute n. 学会;学院;协会△China Welfare Institute 中国福利基金会specialist n. 专家;专业工作者△specialize vi. 专攻;专门从事;专注于△Jane Goodall 简•古道尔(英国动物学家)△chimp n. (非洲)黑猩猩connection n. 连接;关系human being 人类△Jody Williams 乔迪•威廉斯(美国诺贝尔和平奖得者)campaign n. 运动;战役vi. 作战;参加运动△landmine n. 地雷organization n. 组织;机构;团体△Gombe National Park 贡贝国家公园 (位于坦桑尼亚)behave vt. & vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现behaviour n. (=behavior) 行为;举止;习性shade n. 荫;阴凉处vt. 遮住光线move off 离开;起程;出发worthwhile adj. 值得的;值得做的nest n. 巢;窝bond n. 联系;关系;结合;纽欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01带observe vt. 观察;观测;遵守observation n. 观察;观测childhood n. 童年;幼年时代outspoken adj. 直言的;坦诚respect vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重;敬意argue vt. & vi. 讨论;辩论;争论argument n. 争论;争辩;争吵entertainment n. 款待;娱乐;娱乐表演lead a … life 过着……的生活crowd n. 人群;观众vt. 挤满;使拥挤crowd in (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海inspire vt. 鼓舞;激发;启示△inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞support n. & vt. 支持;拥护look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起refer vi. 谈到;查阅;参考refer to 查阅;参考;谈到audience n. 观众;听众;读者by chance 碰巧;凑巧come across (偶然)遇见;碰见△career n. 事业;生涯rate n. 比率;速度sickness n. 疾病;恶心intend vt. 计划;打算emergency n. 突发事件;紧急情况generation n. 一代;一辈△determination n. 决心;果断kindness n. 仁慈;好意considerate adj. 考虑周到的consideration n. 考虑;体谅deliver vt. 递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)carry on 继续;坚持欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01modest adj. 谦虚的;谦让的;适度的Unit 2statistic n. (常用pl statistics)数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料sunburnt adj. 晒黑的struggle vt. & vi. 斗争;拼搏;努力decade n. 十年;十年期super adj. 特级的;超级的△hybrid adj. 混合的;杂种的n. 杂交种;混血儿output n. 产量;输出△strain n.(植物的)品种;种类crop n. 庄稼;农作物;产量hunger n. 饥饿;欲望vt. & vi.(使)饥饿disturbing adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的expand vt. & vi. 使变大;伸展circulate vt. & vi. 循环;流传Vietnam n. 越南(东南亚国家)thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为battle n. 战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt. & vi. 搏斗;奋斗rid vt. 摆脱;除去rid… of 摆脱;除去be satisfied with 对……感到满意freedom n. 自由;自主would rather 宁愿;宁可therefore adj.因为;所以;因而equip vt. & vi. 配备;装备△sorghum n. 高粱grain n. 谷物;粮食;颗粒△peanut n. 花生export vt. & vi. 输出;出口nationality n. 国籍occupation n. 工作;职业;占领△personality n. 性格;个性;人欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01格confuse vt. 使迷惑;使为难regret vt. 遗憾;惋惜n. 遗憾;懊悔chemical adj. 化学的;关于化学的△organic adj. 有机的;器官的;组织的△fertile adj. 肥沃的;富饶的△fertilizer n. 肥料;化肥production n. 生产;制造bacteria n. (bacterium的复数形式)细菌pest n. 害虫;害兽;害鸟build up 逐渐增强;建立;开发lead to 导致;造成(后果)nutrition n. 营养;滋养;食物mineral n. 矿物;矿石discovery n. 发现;发觉focus n. 焦点;中心点vt. 集中;聚集focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于soil n. 土壤reduce vt. 减少;减缩keep … free from/of 使……免受(影响;害等);使……不含(有害物)△soybean n. (=soyabean) 大豆root n. 根;根源skim vt. 浏览;略读underline vt. 画底线标出;强调summary n. 总结;摘要;概要comment n. 评论;议论vi. & vt.表达意见;作出评论△producer n. 生产者;制片人△industrial adj. 工业的;产业的Unit 3humour n. 幽默;滑稽△punchline n. 故事、笑话等中的妙语;关键语欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01△verbal adj. 口头的△nonverbal adj. 不用语言的△mime n. 哑剧△Charlie Chaplin 查理•卓别林(英国喜剧大师)△Edward Lear 爱德华•李尔(英国作家、画家)comedy n. 喜剧△Victor Hugo 维克多•雨(法国文学家)up to now 直到现在△brighten vt. 使更愉快;使更有希望△depressed adj. 忧愁的;沮丧的content adj. 满足的;满意的n.满足vt. 使满足feel/be content with 对……满足performer n. 表演者;演出者astonish vt. 使惊诧astonishing adj. 令人感到惊讶的fortunate adj. 幸运的;吉利的unfortunately adv. 不幸地badly off 穷的;缺少的△teens n. 十几岁(13至19岁的年龄)ordinary adj. 平常的;普通的bored adj. 厌烦的△subtle adj. 微妙的;精巧的;技艺精湛的entertain vt. & vi. 使欢乐;款待△entertaining adj. 愉快的;有趣的△charming adj. 迷人的;有魅力的△tramp n. 流浪汉;行乞者throughout prep. 遍及;贯穿adv.到处;始终;全部homeless adj. 无家的;无家可归的moustache n. 小胡子worn adj. 用旧的;用坏的;破烂的欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01△worn-out adj. 磨破的;穿旧的△stiffly adv. 僵硬地failure n. 失败(者)△optimism n. 乐观;乐观主义overcome vt. & vi.(overcame,overcome)战胜;克服△underdog n. 失败者;处于劣势的一方△snowstorm n. 暴风雪leather n. 皮革pick out 挑出;辨别出△lace n. 饰带;花边;鞋带cut off 切断;断绝chew vt. & vi. 嚼碎;咀嚼(食物)△mouthful n. 一口;满口△enjoyment n. 享受;欢乐;乐趣convince vt. 使信服convincing adj. 令人信服的direct vt. & vi. 导演;指示;指挥adj. 直的;直接的;直率的star in 担任主角;主演△Oscar n. 奥斯卡outstanding adj. 突出的;杰出的;显著的Switzerland n. 瑞士(欧洲中部国家)△confidence n. 信心;信念△costume n. 服装;戏装gesture n. 姿态;手势 vi. 做手势particular adj. 特殊的;特别的n.细节;细目particularly adv. 特殊地;特别地occasion n. 时刻;场合budget n. 预算;开支actress n. 女演员slide vt. & vi. (使)滑动;欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01(使)滑行n.滑;滑动;幻灯片amuse vt. 使发笑;使愉快△amusing adj. 好笑的;有趣的pancake n. 烙饼;薄饼explanation n. 解释;讲解;说明detective n. 侦探△Sherlock Holmes n. 夏洛克•福尔摩斯mountainous adj. 多山的;山一般的whisper n. 耳语;低语vt. & vi. 低语;小声说vast adj. 巨大的;辽阔的△rhythm n. 节奏mess n. 脏或乱的状态react vi. 作出反应;回应porridge n. 粥;麦片粥drunk adj. 醉的Unit 4statement n. 陈述;说明greet vi. & vt. 迎接;问候represent vt. 代表;象征association n. 社团;联系;联想dormitory n. 宿舍canteen n. 食堂flight n. 飞行;航班curious adj. 好奇的curiously adv. 好奇地△Garcia 加西亚(姓)Colombia n. 哥伦比亚(南美洲国家)approach vt. & vi. 接近;靠近;走近n. 接近;方法;途径cheek n. 面颊defend vt. 保护;保卫defend against 保卫……以免受defence n. 防御;保卫major adj. 主要的欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01misunderstand vt. (misunderstood,misunderstood)误解,误会misunderstanding n. 误解;误会△Akira Nagata 永田明△Ahmed Aziz 艾哈迈德•阿齐兹Jordan n. 约旦(西亚国家)△Darlene Coulon 达琳•库隆dash vi. 猛冲;突进adult n. 成人;成年人adj. 成人的;成熟的△simply adv. 简单地;只△Muslim n. & adj. 穆斯林(的);伊斯兰教信徒(的)spoken adj. 口语的unspoken adj. 未说出口的;非口语的△posture n. 姿态;体态Spain n. 西班牙(欧洲国家)Italy n. 意大利(欧洲国家)likely adj. 可能的be likely to 很可能……;有希望……in general 总的来说;通常crossroads n. 十字路口△employee n. 雇员△frown vi. 皱眉;蹙额△misread vt. (misread/misread)读错;误解facial adj. 面部的function n. 作用;功能;职能vi. 起作用;运转ease n. 安逸;舒适vt. 减轻(痛苦;忧虑)at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在truly adv. 真实地;真诚地;真正地false adj. 错误的;假的anger n. 怒气;怒火lose face 丢脸turn one’s back to 背对;背弃欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01fist n. 拳头yawn vi. 打呵欠△respectful adj. 恭敬的subjective adj. 主观的hug vi. & vt. 拥抱rank n. 等级;军衔cassette n. 磁带Unit 5theme n. 题目;主题(曲)△Camelot Park 卡默洛特公园(位于英国)central adj. 中心的;中央的△Central Park 中央公园(位于美国纽约)△Dollywood n. 多莱坞(公园名,位于美国)various adj. 不同的;各种各样的cartoon n. 漫画;动画片be famous for 以……而闻名△roller coaster n. 过山车whichever pron. 无论哪一个;任何一个△pirate n. 海盗;盗版△fairy tale 神话故事;童话fantasy n. 幻想;怪念头amusement n. 消遣;娱乐(活动)swing n. 秋千;摇摆vt. & vi. (swung, swung) 摇摆;摆动attraction n. 有吸引力的事物;吸引no wonder 难怪;不足为奇tourism n. 旅游业wherever pron. 无论在什么地方;各处unique adj. 独一无二的;仅有的carpenter n. 木匠△craftsman n. 匠人;能工巧匠engine n. 引擎;发动机△bald adj. 秃头的preserve vt. 保存;保留n. 保护欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01区length n. 长度;长deed n. 行动;事迹△knight n. 骑士;爵士be modeled after 根据……模仿;仿造△Merlin the Wizard 魔术师梅林sword n. 剑△joust vi. (指中世纪骑士)骑着马用长予打斗tournament n. 锦标赛;联赛settler n. 移民;殖民者athletic adj. 运动的translator n. 译员;翻译minority n. 少数;少数民族cloth n. 布△Futuroscope n. 观测未来(公园名,位于法国)jungle n. 丛林△diver n. 潜水员creature n. 生物;动物sunlight n. 阳光△T-Rex n. (=Tyrannosaurus Rex)霸王龙advance vt. & vi. 前进;促进;提前in advance 提前advanced adj.高级的;先进的brand n. 商标;牌子get close to 接近come to life 活跃起来outing n. 外出;短途旅行;远足admission n. 允许进入;入场费;承认shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机freeway n. 高速公路souvenir n. 纪念品sneaker n. 运动鞋brochure n. (作宣传或介绍用的)小册子;指南欧阳引擎创编 2021.01.01。



作者: 許國璋
出版物刊名: 外语教学与研究
页码: 318-320页
主题词: 副教授;辞典学;俄语;语言材料;莫斯科;牛津;苏联;米尔;学者;释义
摘要: <正> 提到苏联研究英語的学者,我們多半会首先想起四个人:列寧格勒的伊里什教授,莫斯科的已故斯米尔尼茨基教授,他的夫人阿赫曼諾娃副教授,和古寧教授。



古寧教授用英文寫的“英語詞彙学”(English Lexicology,1940年莫斯科版)我們曾经看到过,这本书篇幅不大,論証却很到家,其中关於成語、習語尤多精辟的見解、它使我們看到苏联同行学力之深。

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毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译院系:电气工程与自动化学院年级专业:2010级电气工程及其自动化姓名:林中立学号:1006022242附件: A Computer Model for Teaching the DynamicBehavior of AC Contactors英语原文:A Computer Model for Teaching the DynamicBehavior of AC ContactorsJordi-Roger Riba Ruiz, Antonio Garcia Espinosa, Member, IEEE, and Luis Romeral, Member, IEEEAbstract—ac-powered contactors are extensively used inindustry in applications such as automatic electrical devices, motor starters, and heaters. In this work, a practical session that allows students to model and simulate the dynamic behavior of ac-powered electromechanical contactors is presented. Simulation is carried out using a rigorous parametric model of the ac contactor that avoids simplification assumptions and is thoroughly explained. The goal of this practical is to introduce students to the topic of dynamic simulation of real devices. It covers both the transient and the steady-state response of the electromechanical system under study. The proposed methodology is flexible and not particularly time-consuming, and it allows the students easily to change the electromechanical constants of the contactor they are studying. The results of the simulations were compared with experimental data acquired by the students; a close similarity between real and simulated data was observed. The Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain, has incorporated the simulation methodology proposed in this paper in a practical session of an electrical engineering course.Index Terms—Computer-assisted learning, dynamic modeling, edu- cation, electromechanical contactor, shading rings, simulation.I. INTRODUCTIONE LECTROMECHANICAL contactors have been extensively used inindustry for many decades; over 80% of them are equipped with ac-powered coils [1]. Contactors are used in applications that require circuit making and breaking,such as electrical automatisms, circuits containing motor starters, heaters, and lights. One of their drawbacks is the mechanical movement of some of their parts and the wear that this causes. The mechanical movement also causes the contacts to impact during closure, leading to contact bounce. This undesirable phenomenon, due to the reopening of the contacts during closure, reduces the estimated life of the contactors because they degrade [2], [3] and overheat.The coil of the contactor can be powered by an ac or a dc supply. dc-powered coils generate a constant magnetic field that guarantees anappropriate closing of the contacts. ac-powered coils, on the other hand, generate sinusoidal magnetic fields.These alternating magnetic fields produce a force that drops to zero twice in each cycle (50/60 Hz), giving rise to an undesired chatter or vibration of the contacts.This effect can be eliminated by placing a metal shading ring in the contactor core to act as a secondary winding. The current flowing through this ring generates a magnetic field that is out of phase with that generated by the contactor coil. This setup produces a resultant force that does not drop to zero, thus eliminating the vibrations.Most electrical engineering courses are still based on well-established steady-state models of electrical machinery. These models, however, cannot describe the transient behavior of a machine. Today, with the extensive use of low-cost computers,the dynamic modeling and simulation of electromechanical systems have become essential tools for design verification, operation studies, and design and behavior improvement. The modeling of real devices has taken on great importance in engineering courses [4].The aim of the work presented here is to introduce this methodology to students on electrical engineering courses by modeling and simulating the dynamic behavior of an ac-powered electromechanical contactor. This methodology is very useful for students because it involves topics such as modeling electromechanical actuators,dynamic simulation, establishing and comprehending physical laws, solving electrical and magnetic circuits, and interpreting electromagnetic coupling problems. The model proposed in this work allows the students to compute and show electrical, magnetic, and mechanical magnitudes—some of which are difficult to measure—on a graph. It has two distinct advantages: The simulations are not particularly time-consuming (students take a few seconds to solve the equations), and the mechanical and electrical parameters that characterize each contactor can be modified easily.In this research, Matlab-Simulink, a software platform specialized in numerical computing that is widely used in engineering courses, has been used [5]–[9].II. COURSE STRUCTURE AND DETAILSThe Electrotechnology course is taught at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia(UPC), Spain. The laboratory practical presented in this paper was taught to fifth-semester undergraduate students taking the Electrotechnology course at the School of Industrial and Aero-nautical Engineering of Terrassa(ETSEIAT),Spain.The practical consists of two sessions lasting 2h each.Electrotechnology has been a very successful course, and most of the students have expressed their satisfaction with the proposed learning methodology and the content. In the practical sessions held in thelaboratory of the school, students write the code program under the supervision of the instructors. The source code is programmed using the Matlab-Simulink environment. Note that Electrotechnology students in the course had worked with Matlab-Simulink before.The students on the Electrotechnology course had previously taken the following courses, whose contents are related to those needed in the proposed practical: • Statics and Dynamics (first semester)• Electricity and Magnetism (third semester)• Theory of Circuits and Systems (fourth semester)• Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (fifth semester).Course SyllabusAt the School of Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering of Terrassa, the Electrotechnology course is taught over a 15-week semester. The classes meet for four 1-h sessions every week.Moreover, every two weeks, groups of three students attend a practical session that lasts a minimum of 2 h, depending on how well the students do in their assignments. On average, students dedicate 4 extra hours of work to finishing the calculations, simulations, and reports related to each practical session.The laboratory reports are submitted at the following laboratory session. The laboratory is divided into two parts: one contains workbenches, electrical machines and measuring instruments,and the other is a PC room.The basic content of the Electrotechnology course is given below. (The theoretical concepts related to contactors and electromechanical conversion principles are studied in Module 2.)• Module 1. Three-phase systems• Module 2. Fundamentals of electrical machines• Module 3. Transformers• Module 4. Induction machines• Module 5. Direct current machines.III. MAGNETIC CIRCUIT MODELINGIn this work, an ac-powered contactor is dealt with, a sketch of which is shown in Fig. 1. Its components are the main coil and the shading rings, the fixed core, the movable core (also known as the armature), the air gaps, the return springs,a holder attached to the top of the armature, and three sets of moving contacts that are guided by the contact holder. Each contact is preloaded by its respective phase spring.To determine the equations that govern the dynamic behavior of the contactor, a magnetic model is needed.Fig. 1. (a) A sketch of the electromagnetic contactor, (b) the magnetic circuit,and (c) the equivalent magnetic circuit.To model their effects, the two identical shading rings should be coils with a single turn, where N2=1. Since the EE core of the contactor is symmetrical to the central pole, the magnetic circuit of Fig. 1(b) can be redrawn as shown in Fig. 1(c). The two exterior legs and their respective shading rings in Fig. 1(b) were reduced to a unique equivalent leg [10].The reluctances of the equivalent magnetic circuit described in Fig. 1(b) can be expressed as followsLet and be the reluctance of the portion of pole 1(length L3) that contains the shading ring and the reluctance of the portion that does not contain it, as shown in Fig. 1.The equivalent reluctance that is a result of the parallel betweenand isThe reluctance results inIn the calculation of auto-inductance and reluctance,onlythe effects of the main coil must be considered. Therefore,the effects of the shading rings must be eliminated, giving the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 2.From Fig. 2, the magnetomotive force is derived asFrom (6), the flux can be written asThe auto-inductance and the reluctance can then be expressed as follows:From Fig. 2, the flux that the main coil induces in the equivalent shading ring is computed asIV. DYNAMICS OF THE AC CONTACTORIn this section, the forces that govern the closure of the contactor are analyzed. They are the basis for establishing the dynamic equations of the ac contactor.A. Magnetic ForceIn the absence of magnetic saturation,the stored magnetic energy is equal to the magnetic co-energy. Under this assumption,the magneticenergy that the coils of Fig. 1(a) supply to the magnetic core can be expressed as follows:The differential equations that govern the dynamics of the ac contactor are solved by applying the ode45 numerical method,which is based on the Dormand-Prince pair, a Runge-Kutta (4),(5) formula. Although the contactor and its magnetic circuit are a nonlinear system, by choosing a small enough integration step-size, one can expect it to behave in a linear fashion during the transition between two consecutive states because they are very close in time. By applying the explained procedure, the final result will reproduce the nonlinear behavior of the system, as confirmed by the simulated results shown in Section IX (Fig. 7), where after the closure, the current shows a clearly nonsinusoidal waveform due to the saturation of the magnetic core.B. Dynamics of the Movable CoreThe forces involved in the movement of the moving core are the magnetic force, the friction force, and the forces generated by the springs (the return spring and the three phase springs).The force produced by the return spring is opposed to the magnetic force during closure, and can be expressed asThe force produced by the three phase springs (the contactor dealt with has three power contacts) must be taken into account onlywhen(the impact between the movable and the fixed contacts takes place when).C. Dynamics of the Movable ContactsWhen the movable core attains the position, the movablecontacts collide with the fixed contacts, and the three phase springs start to become compressed.V. ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC EQUATIONSOF THE AC CONTACTORFrom Fig. 1(b) and (c), the following can be derived:(28)The electrical equations of the main coil and the shading rings are given as(29)Where(30)Magnetic and electrical equations (28)–(30) are coupled with Dynamic equations(23)–(27).Thus,to describe the dynamic behavior of the contactor, coupled equations (23)–(30) must be solved simultaneously.VI. CORRECTIONS DUE TO FLUX FRINGINGWhen dealing with large air gaps, flux fringing must be taken into account. Flux fringing describes the spreading of flux lines in an air gap from the shortest path between poles in a magnetic circuit. The spreading of the flux lines increases the effective cross-section of the air gap, which in turn increases the inductance of the air gap and decreases its reluctance. The effects of flux fringing become more evident as the air gap becomes larger,increasing the effective area of the air gap.Thus, to consider the effects of flux fringing, the area of the cross-section of the air gap should be multiplied by a correctionfactor The fringing factor F can be calculated asVII. SIMULINK MODELThe equations given in Sections III–VI must be implemented inSimulink to simulate the dynamic behavior of the contactor. Students are encouraged to separate the problem into two clearly differentiated blocks: the mechanical and the electromagnetic block. The mechanical block is composed of two subblocks: one that calculates the kinematics of the movable core and one that calculates the kinematics of the movable contacts. Whereas the mechanical block solves the dynamic equations shown in Section IV, the electromagnetic block solves the equations shown in Sections III, V, and VI.The mechanical block calculates the position, velocity, and acceleration of both the movable core and the contacts. As input,it needs the magnetic force that is the output of the electromagnetic block. The electromagnetic block receives as inputs the line voltage and the position of the movable core (which the mechanical block gives as output). Thus, the mechanical and the electromagnetic blocks are coupled because the output of one is the input of the other and vice versa.VIII. EFFECTS OF THE SHADING RINGSA shading ring is a metal ring, usually made of copper,that is placed around a portion of the section of the magnetic core by means of a notch at its end. Shading rings play a very important role in the dynamics of ac-powered contactors,working as shorted secondary coils in the electromagnet, the primary coil being the main coil connected to the power supply.dc-powered coils generate constant magnetic fields under stationary conditions that generate an attractive magnetic force. Thus, dc-powered contactors do not require shading rings. In contrast,ac-powered coils generate sinusoidal magnetic fields that produce a force that drops to zero twice in each cycle (50/60 Hz). This effect creates unwanted chatter or vibration of the contacts, which can be eliminated by placing a shading ring in the contactor core. The current flowing through the shading ring generates a magnetic field that is out of phase with the one generated by the contactor coil. This setup produces a force that does not drop to zero, thus eliminating the vibrations.ACKNOWLEDGMENTIn this work,the CL08A300M contactor manufactured by GE Industrial Systems,which was fed by an LB4AN coil,was used.REFERENCES[1] M. Wada, H. Yoshimoto, and Y. Kitaide, “Dynamic analysis and simulationofelectromagneticcontactorswithACsolenoids,”in Proc.IEEE28th Annu. IECON, 2002, vol. 4, pp. 2745–2751.[2]Z.Wróblewski,“Amethod of gamma-beta durability determination for reliability tests of brand-new AC electromagnetic contactors,” Eur. T.Electr. Power, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 219–224, Jul./Aug. 2000.[3] Z. Wróblewski, “Digital simulation of reliability of contacts used in AC electromagnetic contactors,” Eur. T. Electr. Power, vol. 8, no. 3,pp. 201–206, May/Jun. 1998.[4] S. Karmalkar, “Introducing the Device Modeling Procedure to Electrical Engineering Students,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 50, no. 2, pp.137–142, May 2007.[5]M. J. Durán, S. Gallardo, S. L. Toral Rocío Martínez-Torres, andF. 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