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() 1. My little sister is only________ A.three year old. B. three years old. C.three years

() 2. I want to buy ________glasses for my grandpa. A. a B. the C. a pair of

() 3.Jim and Ron are________ about Jack’s birthday. A. saying B. talking C. speaking

() 4.What an________ game it is! A. excite B.exciting C. excited

() 5. I usually________ my homework at seven o’clock. A. did B. do C. does

() 6. My VCD________ here yesterday. Where ________it now? A. is ,was B. were , are C. was , is

() 7. What________ is it today? It is Sunday. A. date B. time C. day

() 8. What________ in the glass ? There________ some apple juice. A is , is. B. is, are C. are ,is

() 9.My father likes________ music after lunch. A. listening to B. listen to C. to listen

() 10. Here’s a photo of________ family for you . May I have one of ?

A. yours ,my ( cake. A.buying

B.blow out

C.blowing out B. my ,yours C. your, my

) 11.Ben is________ the candles on the cake . It's time for some

() 12. When's your birthday, Andy? A.At January B.On January C.In January

() 13. Mary is looking ________her camera.She can't find it. A. for B.at C.around

() 14. Mr Smith looks around. There's________ nearby. A.everyone B.no one C.some people

() 15. Look! The birds ________ our lunch.

B.are eat

C.is eating

D. are eating

() 16.What do you want to ________? Milk ,please. A. talk B.eat C.drink ()17. How________ is the chicken? A. many B.much C.often D.far

()18.-How many ________are there in the classroom now? -One. A. child B. people C. boy

()19.It's very hot ________ May ________August in Hainan. A. from, to B. in, on C. in, in

()20.I feel very sad ________I lost my bag. A. so B. and C. because ()21. Who gave the bike________you? A. for B. of C. to D. at

()22.Tom’s little brother can________this one. A. have B. had C. having D. has

()23.I bought________a basket.

B. her

C. his

D. we

()24. Where did Lingling________ yesterday? A. goes ( A. of B. went C. go D. going

)25. Helen Keller is a model ________blind people. B. for C. to D. at

()26.________was she famous? –She wrote a book about herself. A. What B. Why C. When D. Where

()27. -________ ?-I want a dress. A. What do you want to eat? C. Can I help you ? ( Beijing. A. What B. Why C. When D. Where B. How much is it?

D. What’s this?

)28.- ________are you going to go this summer?-I’m going to go to

()29. Lots of children are ________Chinese in England. A. learn ( B. learns C. learning D. learned

)30.Why are you laughing?I’m________。
