代词one, the one, that及those的用法辨析

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代词one, the one, that及those的用法辨析




一、代词one 与the one 的用法


( 1) It is a very colorful event, one that has become an institution (习俗,风俗) for celebrating the King or Queen’s birthday since 1805.

( 2) Meeting my uncle after all these years is an unforgettable moment, one that I will treasure forever.

( 3) Tom wants to buy a birthday present for his mother, one that is useful but not expensive.

( 4) Never forget that within even the weakest of human bodies lies a life that is precious indeed—one that needs to be respected and honored.

分析通过对以上例句的观察我们可以发现代词one 在以上例句中均充当同位语这一成分,且代词one 后面都有由that 引导的定语从句来修饰,此处为何选择使用one 呢? 因为此处代词one 分别指前文中的a very colorful event,an unforgettablemoment,a birthday present,a life,也就是说one 一词表示泛指( 且只能指代可数名词) , 指代前文中的泛指结构,前文中泛指结构中通常有不定代词a。


All of us have the desire to visit the three main temples in Athens,especially the one that contains a gold and ivory statue of Athena.

分析此例中使用了代词the one,此处的the one 成分也为同位语且后面也跟带有that 引导的定语从句,但是此处的the one 指代的是前文中的the three main temples 中的一座庙,前文所提及的三座庙本为特指,因此后续句中的代词也应使用特指来指代,指雅典的三座庙中的那一座“有金和象牙铸成的雅典娜雕像”的庙。


Last Sunday, I went shopping for the perfect dress,would make me look younger.( 2009苏州高三调研)

A. one in which

B. the one in which

C. one that

D. the one that

分析本例中选择代词the one,因为the one 代替前面的the perfect dress 为特指,因此,此处的同位语使用the one,并且不定代词为先行词后面应使用that 来引导。故答案为D。

二、代词that 的用法

代词that 的指代为特指,并且我们通常归纳为“同物异指”,即代词that 指代的物体与前文中的物体是同样的名称,但是有不同的内涵,另外代词that


The climate of Jilin is not so mild as that of Jiangsu. 吉林的气候不如江苏温和。

代词that 指代前文中climate,同样都是climate,前文中为吉林的气候,而后文中that 所指代的气候是江苏的气候,名称相同但内涵不一样,这就是所谓的“同物异指”。此处代词that 指代的climate 即为不可数名词。

◆代词that 与one 的区别:

that 指代可数名词单数或者不可数名词,为特指,that 代替可数名词单数时等同于the one。

one 指代可数名词单数,为泛指。

The weather in Beijing in winter is colder than that of Shanghai. 北京的天气比上海的天气要冷。

As they are retired,Mr. and Mrs. Scot prefer a house in the country to one in a large city. 因为他们退休了,司各特先生和太太宁愿要一座农村里的房子也不愿要一座大城市里的房子。


Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with of their parents. ( 2009 江苏卷)

A. those

B. one

C. both

D. that

分析此例中的代词that 指代前文中的approach 为特指,前文中approach 为90% 的父母教育孩子的方法,而后文中代词that 所指代的approach 为这90%的父母的父母教育他们的方法,代词that 为“同物异指”。故答案为D。三、代词those 的用法

that 可代替不可数名词,也可代替可数名词单数,代替可数名词单数时等同于the one,表示特指意义; those 只能代替可数名词复数,等同于the ones。The days in summer are longer than those in winter. 夏天要比冬天长一些。

分析代词those 指代前文中的复数the days。


Despite the negative image of nuclear energy, actually its public safety risks are no greater than of fossil fuels. ( 2011 南京三调)

A. one

B. that

C. them

D. those

分析代词those 指代前文中的public safety risks,指代前文中的复数名词用those 符合题意,句子意思为: 尽管核能的形象比较负面,但是实际上核能的公共安全危害性还不如矿物燃料的公共安全危害性大。故答案为D。


1. —Mike, have you ever heard of the latest water heater using solar energy? —Yes, of course, but I haven’t decided whether to buy . ( 2011 南通一调)

A. it

B. one

C. this

D. that

2. The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than in any other area of the city. ( 2010 陕西卷)

A. that

B. this

C. it

D. one

3. The high housing price has become a serious problem among young people in China, the government hasn’t yet found a better solution to. ( 2011泰州一模)

A. the one

B. that

C. one

D. those

4. My most famous relative of all, who really left his mark on America, was Rob
