


摘要(Abstract)摘要(Abstract) 也成为内容提要,通常在学士论文中都必须附有摘要,其位置应放在论文的正文之前,对整个论文内容的概述。



除此之外,摘要也可以被单独收入文摘机构出版的摘要期刊如:生物学文摘(Biological Abstract)、化学文摘(Chemical Abstract)等、称为二次性出版物摘要。


一.摘要的定义摘要的英文术语:有两个词汇,一个是abstract, 一个是summary.根据美国国家标准学会(American National Standard Institute)于1971年通过并颁布的《美国国家文摘写作标准》(American National Standard for Writing Abstracts)规定,Abstract 不应与summary 混同。

Abstract 对一篇论文的主要内容以精炼的文字进行高度概括,使读者不必阅读全文即可了解论文内容,或者让读者对即将阅读的文章有思想准备,或者让读者判断是否有通读全文的必要。


字数通常在100~150个词左右,更确切地说,约为原文长度的1% ~ 5%(有的杂志规定摘要平均为全文的3% ~ 5%)。

现在越来越多的用法是abstract. 尤其是放在索引资料中一律要用abstract 这个术语,在论文的题目下也通常要用这个词。

Summary (概要) 与abstract 无明显差别。

严格地说,summary 一般附在论文的后面,对论文的主要结论和成果进行再叙述。

























4个步骤教你如何写好abstract部分A b s t r a c t,就是对英文论文的一个简短总结,目的是为了告诉读者论文研究的是什么课题,以此来吸引读者。

一个好的a b s t r a c t,对英文论文的作用是非常大的,是论文的核心部分,所以一定得写好。

下面就给大家讲解一下如何写好a b s t r a c t部分。

1.无论任何学科,a b s t rac t需要包括以下几个重要组成部分和重要元素1)动机或问题的陈述:为什么我们对这个研究问题这么关心?你的研究针对的是实践性的,科学性的,理论性的还是艺术性的?有些a b s t r a c t 写作的时候,在写作动机之前要简要介绍相关的背景信息。


2.a b s t rac t中的语法特点和要求1)注意到细微的变化在陈述主要目标和调查范围的时候,多采用陈述性语言。









3.a b s t rac t s的类型a b s t r a c t s分为两种类型,i n f o r m a t i o n a l a b s t r a c t s和d e s c r i p t i v ea b s t r a c t s。

I n f o r m a t i o n a l A b s t r a c t s--针对r e p o r t s的相关内容进行沟通。



Abstract写作常⽤句型及句式Abstract⼀、在摘要中直接提出论⽂主题的句型和句式1、In this paper, we present a … approach to …本⽂提出了⼀种针对…的…⽅法。

2、In this paper, we describe improved … models for …本⽂介绍⼏种针对…的改进的…模型。

3、We propose a new … model and … algorithm that enables us to …我们提出⼀种新的…模型和…算法,它让我们能够…4、We present a … model that enables …我们提出了⼀种…模型,它使我们能够…5、This paper demonstrates the ability of … to perform robust and accurate …本⽂证明了…进⾏…可靠准确的…的能⼒。

6、In this paper we report results of a … approach to …本⽂报导了…的…⽅法的实验结果。

7、This paper demonstrates that … can effectively … with very high accuracy.本⽂证明,…能够有效地准确地…8、The purpose/goal/intention/objective/object/emphasis/aim of this paper is …本⽂的⽬的是…9、The primary/chief/overall/main object of this study is to survey …本研究的⾸要⽬标是考察…10、The chief aim of this paper/research/study/experiment/the present work is …本⽂的主要⽬标是…11、 The emphasis of this study lies in …我们的研究重点是…12、The work presented in this paper focuses on …本⽂所述⼯作重点放在…13、Our goal has been to provide …我们的⽬标是提供…14、The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge of …我们的研究⽬标是获取有关…的知识。



考研英语:词汇abstract的中文翻译解析考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“考研英语:词汇abstract的中文翻译解析”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯!考研英语:词汇abstract的中文翻译解析abstract是什么意思及用法adj.1. 抽象的2. 抽象派的n.1. 抽象,抽象概念,抽象性2. 抽象派艺术作品3. 摘要,梗概及物动词:1. 提取,抽取2. 做…的摘要词形变化副词abstractly名称abstractness时态abstracted,abstracting,abstracts英语解释not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of naturemake off with belongings of othersdealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intentionconsider a concept without thinking of a specific example consider abstractly or theoreticallyconsider apart from a particular case or instancegive an abstract (of)a concept or idea not associated with any specific instancea sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theoryexisting only in the mind separated from embodiment 例句She beheaded me, and flung my head into abstract space 她切下了我的头颅,把它扔进抽象的空间。





抽象桃(Chouxiang Tao):将"abstract"谐音为"抽象桃",可以想象一个抽象的桃子,这个桃子可能有着奇特的形状或颜色,帮助你记住抽象的概念。

阿波士陶(A Bo Shi Tao):将"abstract"谐音为"阿波士陶",可以将这个词与阿波罗神或陶器联系起来,创造出一个与艺术和抽象相关的形象。

阿爸说道(A Ba Shuo Dao):将"abstract"谐音为"阿爸说道",你可以想象一个父亲在说一些深奥的道理,这有助于记住"abstract"这个词与深奥概念相关。



abstract 的写法

abstract 的写法



以下是一些关于如何编写abstract的例子:1. 抽象类在Java中:java复制代码public abstract class AbstractClass {// 抽象方法public abstract void abstractMethod();// 具体方法public void concreteMethod() {System.out.println("This is a concrete method.");}}在C#中:csharp复制代码public abstract class AbstractClass {// 抽象方法public abstract void AbstractMethod();// 具体方法public void ConcreteMethod() {System.Console.WriteLine("This is a concrete method.");}}2. 抽象方法在Java中:java复制代码public abstract class AbstractClass {// 具体方法public void concreteMethod() {System.out.println("This is a concrete method.");}// 抽象方法public abstract void abstractMethod();}在C#中:csharp复制代码public abstract class AbstractClass {// 具体方法public void ConcreteMethod() {System.Console.WriteLine("This is a concrete method.");}// 抽象方法public abstract void AbstractMethod();}注意点:抽象类不能被实例化。

abstract 造句

abstract 造句

abstract造句1、consider an abstract concept to be real.把一个抽象的概念作具体的考虑。

2、The choice of the data structure often begins from the choice of an abstract data type.所选择的数据结构往往首先从选择一个抽象的数据类型。

3、Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.20世纪45十时期是抽象体现主义艺术发展和进步的顶峰时期。

4、The param elements provide a value for each parameter reference used in the abstract pattern.param元素提供了抽象范式中每个参数引用的值。

5、For those of us living in China, there's nothing abstract about it.对于我们这些生活在中国的人来说,它一点也不抽象。

6、This is because you cannot create tooling for abstract types.这是因为您不能为抽象类型创建工具。

7、Many topological spaces with abstract convexity structure are all FC-spaces.许多具有抽象凸结构的拓扑空间都是FC-空间。

8、Platonism began the West’s pursuit of abstract truth from the times of ancient Greece.从古希腊时代起,柏拉图主义便开始了西方式的对抽象真理的追求。

9、It used abstract art and often childish language to ridicule the absurdity of the modern world.它使用抽象的艺术和幼稚的语言嘲弄了现代世界的荒谬。




abstract int min (int x, int y );




如果一个abstract 类是abstract类的子类,它可以重写父类的abstract方法,也可以继承父类的abstract方法。




回顾某领域已取得的研究结果或介绍相关知识常用动词:present, summarize, review, outline句式:…is presented in this paper.This paper reviews the method for dealing with…This article summarizes the theory on...阐明论文写作和研究目的常用词:名词:purpose, aim, objective, goal动词:aim, attempt to, initiate, intend to, seek句式:The purpose of this study is to explore new methods on …The paper attempts to define ..in terms of.The study is aimed at finding out the basic similarities between … and …The main objective of the work is to justify.The primary goal of this research is …The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge of …Based on recent research, the author intends to outline the framework of…The authors are now initiating some experimental investigation to establish.论文观点和作者观点常用词:argue, account for, address, characterize, concern, contribute, describe, disclose, deal with, devote to, explain, introduce, present, report句式:This paper presents the mathematical model and its algorithm used for …The calibration and experiment design of multivariate force sensors are discussed. This paper reports the preparation and quantum confinement effects of…The principles and methodology of language teaching are described in this article. This paper is mainly devoted to ...介绍研究过程和研究范围常用词:过程:analyze, consider, discuss, examine, study, investigate, state, propose 范围:contain, cover, include, outline, scope, field, domain句式:The characteristic of …was investigated.The paper analyzes the possibility of ...We study the one-step-synthesis method for …in this paper.This article discusses the method of calculation of …The principle of constructing … is proposedThis paper states the reasons for...This study identifies some procedures for …This article outlines the preliminary process of …The scope of the study covers.The study includes.The paper contains the specific topic on …介绍计算、测量常用词:calculate, compute, determine, estimate, measure, work out句式:This paper determines the proper temperature for …The cooling rate was calculated by means of.The rational rage of power is measured by …In the paper, we measured the orientation and estimated parameter for ...The author worked out the probability of ...The author has computed equilibrium constant K and …阐明论证常用词:confirm, demonstrate, find, identify, indicate, monitor, note, observe, point out, prove, provide句式:The initial particles are found to be …It is found that the amorphous silicon nitride show a tendency in...It is noted that …can be found in …The result provides a sound basis for …The study of those properties indicate…The experimental results demonstrate that…The effects of …were observed and monitored.说明试验过程常用词:experiment, test, sample句式:The samples of pyroelectric ceramics (电释热陶瓷)亚©[© collected by …We sampled the blood and urine of …The blood screening test for the AIDS antibody has been carried out on…We experimented on the sintering property(流延特性)of …The new protocol architecture for distributed multimedia systems has been tested in …介绍应用、用途常用词:application, use及其动词形式句式:In this paper, the czochralski crystal growth method has been applied in ……technique is used to …The application of the new design is to develop and maintain …展示研究结果常用词:result, cause, increase, lessen, as a result, result in, arrive at句式:As a result we have got pure particle of ...The finding of our research on methodologies in …is….The results of calculation show that the minimum velocity arrives at...The relationship between …and ...is characterized by …The room temperature resistivity is lessened to …介绍结论常用词:conclude, summary, to sum up, lead to, in conclusion, conclusion句式:It is concluded that the absorption spectra of two kinds of particles include... We concluded that …It is concluded that...The conclusion of our research is …On the basis of …,the following conclusion can be drawn …Finally, a summary is given of …To sum up, we have revealed …Our argument proceeds in …The research has led to the discovery of …进行评述句式:There are hardly any data about …Middle management is considered as the go-between of …The shapes and locations of these inclusions are believed to be related to …The finding is acknowledged as essential to ...Existing methods are not sufficient for ...It is difficult to improve the therapy under the conditions of ...The disproportion of age groups will unfortunately lead to …The improper use of methods would seriously influence the performance of …The subject will deepen the understanding of …However, it does not mean that there is no limitation of ...It is well-known that in the field of .., there are still difficulties and challenges. Environmental protection has become the most important concern of …推荐和建议常用词:propose, suggest, recommend句式:The calculation suggests that…Bulk silk is proposed to be the alternative of ordinary silk because ...The finite element method is recommended to …提出进一步研究的可能性常用词:demand, desirable, expect, necessary, necessity, need, require, requirement 句式:Another term of the …need addressing because…However, the development of MRI is absolutely necessary for …To establish a .. .model continues to be a major concern for ...The underway measurement of sea surface temperature has made it necessary to... ..requires more work on …More concern about the blood cleaning point out the need for …There is a growing demand for …There is a surge in the use of …Although there is already an efficient procedure, more study is still needed.突出论文重点句式:The development of…is the primary concern of this paper.Particular attention is paid on the cultivation of …Interface structure is emphasized in the article because …This paper concentrates on the effects of …The chief consideration is …。



abstract是什么意思abstract,他有几种词性?有形容词之外,还有哪些呢?下面店铺为大家带来abstract是什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!abstract的英语音标英 [ˈæbstrækt] 美 [ˈæbˌstrækt]abstract的时态过去分词: abstracted 复数: abstracts 过去式: abstracted 现在分词: abstractingabstract的意思adj. 抽象的,理论上的; 难解的; 抽象派的; 茫然的;n. 抽象概念; 抽象派艺术作品; 摘要; [化]萃取物;vt. 提取,分离; 转移(注意等); 概括,摘录; <婉辞>剽窃; abstract的近义词n. [图情]摘要;抽象;抽象的概念brief , summary , resumeadj. 抽象的;深奥的deep , nonobjectivevt. [图情]摘要;提取;使……抽象化extract , briefabstract的同根词词根: abstractadj.abstracted 心不在焉的;出神的;分离出来的;抽出的abstractionist 抽象派艺术的abstractive 摘要式的;具有抽象能力的adv.abstractly 抽象地;理论上地abstractedly 茫然地;抽象地;心不在焉地n.abstraction 抽象;提取;抽象概念;空想;心不在焉abstractionism 抽象派艺术;抽象主义理论abstractionist 抽象派艺术家;理想主义者abstractor 萃取器;[图情] 摘录者abstract的词语辨析abstract, summary, resume, digest, outline这组词都有“摘要、概要、概括”的意思,其区别是:abstract 指论文、书籍等正文前的内容摘要,尤指学术论文或法律文件的研究提要。

接口 方法 abstract

接口 方法 abstract







抽象类(abstract class)是一个不能被实例化的类,它提供了一组抽象方法的定义,子类必须实现这些方法。

抽象方法(abstract method)是一个没有实现体的方法,它只能存在于抽象类或接口中。




What is an abstract?
An abstract is a stand-alone statement that briefly conveys the essential information of a paper, article, document or book; presents the objective, methods, results, and conclusions of a research project; has a brief, non-repetitive style.
Informative abstracts资料性摘要
The informative abstract, also known as the complete abstract, is a compendious summary of a paper's substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion. Usually between 100 and 200 words, the informative abstract summarizes the paper's structure, its major topics and key points. A format for scientific short reports that is similar to an informative abstract has been proposed in recent years. Informative abstracts may be viewed as standalone documents.



How to Write an Abstract一、什么是摘要Abstract?an abstract comprises one paragraph which describes the main content of a paper and appears at the very beginning of the paper.摘要是叙述文章主要内容的一个段落,并且位于文章的开头部分.摘要是以梗概形式呈现的一篇文章要点的总结,它强调了一篇文章所包含的重要的信息.它也可以帮助读者快速的了解到是否这篇文章是他们感兴趣的,是否他们需要来阅读整篇文章。



二、写作Abstract的目的对于科技论文的摘要,Abstract的目的有以下几点:1.Introduce journal articles.rm readers about article`s content.3.Help readers decide whether or not to read article.4.Overview conference programs,abstract collections,and book chapters.三、学习写作Abstract的必要性1。

Helps you present complex information in a clear,concise manner。

2.Helps you read abstracts more effectively.3。

Helps you conduct research.4.Helps you write abstracts for future publications。

5.Helps you condense report information into a short format for database searches。


3)抽象类中的抽象方法也需要使用 修饰,同时,
缩写方式: int i=10;
public abstract 返回值 方法名(参数列表);
缩写方式: public 返回值 方法名(参数列表);
修饰符 class 类名 implements 接口1,接口2{
this.idCard = idCard;
this.balance = balance;
public String getIdCard() {
return idCard;
(根据名词中存在相同行为,根据is-a 关系去建立,
public void setIdCard(String idCard) {













举个简单的例子下面有一个抽象类abstract class E{public abstract void show();//public abstract 可以省略}然后其它类如果继承它通常为了实现它里面的方法class F extends E{void show(){//写具体实现的代码}}最后再主方法里面定义一个父类引用指向子类对象,就会发生多态现象,比如E e=new F();e.show();实际调用了子类里面的show()方法这是从网上粘贴的,不知道符不符合你的意思2.abstract怎么写abstract(抽象)修饰符,可以修饰类和方法 1,abstract修饰类,会使这个类成为一个抽象类,这个类将不能生成对象实例,但可以做为对象变量声明的类型,也就是编译时类型,抽象类就像当于一类的半成品,需要子类继承并覆盖其中的抽象方法。

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Semantic Web Services: description requirements and current technologiesRubén Lara Holger Lausen Sinuhé Arroyora@uibk.ac.at usen@uibk.ac.at sinuhe.arroyo@uibk.ac.atJos de Bruijn Dieter Fenseljos.de-bruijn@uibk.ac.at dieter.fensel@uibk.ac.atUniversität Innsbruck/Technikerstrasse, 136020, Innsbruck, AustriaABSTRACTSemantic Web Services aim at providing a new level of functionality on top of the current Web and current services, by enabling automatic discovery, composition, invocation and interoperation of Web Services. Different efforts are addressing some of the requirements to enable such next generation services, with different degree of success. Nevertheless, to achieve the main goals addressed by Semantic Web Services, an appropriate semantic description, supporting automation of discovery, composition, invocation and interoperation, must be defined. In this paper, a set of requirements on the information a Semantic Web Service must expose in order to fulfill these major objectives is presented. These requirements are related to the different initiatives in the area, and proposals for useful extensions and combinations of these efforts are discussed.Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.3.5 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Online Information Services – web-based services, commercial services.General TermsStandardization, Languages.KeywordsWeb services, semantics, semantic web, semantic web services, semantic web services description, service ontology, WSMF, DAML-S, BPEL4WS, BPML, WSCI. 1.INTRODUCTIONWeb services extend the Web from a distributed source of information to a distributed source of service. Semantic Web has added machine-interpretable information to Web content in order to provide intelligent access to heterogeneous and distributed information. In a similar way, Semantic Web concepts are used to define intelligent web services, i.e., services supporting automatic discovery, composition, invocation and interoperation. This joint application of Semantic Web concepts and web services in order to realize intelligent web services is usually referred as Semantic Web Services.Due to the huge potential impact of semantic web services (SWSs for short) in areas like enterprise application integration and electronic commerce, several efforts, both academic and industrial, have jumped into the arena with the purpose of bringing semantic web services to its full potential. These initiatives are addressing different aspects of the requirements needed to realize semantic web services. They are sometimes complementary, but conflicts between the different approaches also appear. These efforts try to improve current web service technology around SOAP, WSDL and UDDI, which provides very limited support for real automation of services.One of these initiatives is the Web Services Modeling Framework (WSMF), which aims at providing an appropriate conceptual model for developing and describing services and their composition, based on the principles of maximal decoupling and scalable mediation [8].Another running project is DAML-S, a DARPA effort to describe an ontology of web services with the objective of making web services computer-interpretable and hence enabling discovery, invocation, interoperation, composition, verification and execution monitoring of services [5].BPEL4WS [1] and BPML [4]/WSCI [20] have similar functionalities, both aiming at defining a language to describe process models, as well as public process interfaces and servicechoreography support, to provide conversational and interoperation means for web services.Regarding W3C activities in the area, its initiative to define a setof requirements on service description pays little or no attentionto semantic support, hence offering a weak basis to make automation of functionality possible [21].Among the presented approaches, WSMF is the one with the widest scope, as it describes a full-fledged framework with the purpose of making the use of semantic web services a reality. Nevertheless, a concrete realization of the conceptual requirements it presents is still under development in the contextof the EU-funded project SWWS1. DAML-S focuses on providing semantics to web services descriptions, although some caveats, limitations and lacks have been identified within the proposed ontology. The initiatives focusing on the modeling of business processes, BPEL4WS and BPML/WSCI, do not incorporate any semantics to their modeling primitives, neither for private nor for public processes, thus providing limited support for dynamic discovery, composition and invocation [18].Whatever the approach and intended purpose, every initiative relies on a specific way to describe web services. Discovery, composition, invocation and interoperation strongly depend on how services are described and exposed for subsequent use. The way a service is described determines to what extent other constructs can provide automation support.WSMF proposes a service description framework which fulfillsthe requirements for semantic web services. Nevertheless, it needs some refinements and a specific grounding of the proposed description concepts. Therefore, the approach presented in this paper takes this framework as a starting point to determine the requirements for a meaningful service description.In this paper, and taking WSMF as a basis, we present a set of requirements for web services description and present grounding guidelines considering the features provided by current efforts. The paper is structured as follows. In section 2, capabilities are presented as the central description support for discovery and composition. Section 3 presents description needs for interoperation of services. Section 4 addresses the concrete grounding of services for invocation. In Section 5, other issues such as service compensation are discussed. Finally, section 6 presents conclusions and future work.2.Capabilities and description requirementsfor discovery and compositionAutomatic discovery and composition of services are probably the biggest challenges Semantic Web Services are facing. Finding a suitable way to put these two features together has become one ofthe key points to convert the Web in a distributed source of computation, as they enable the location and combination of distributed services to perform a required functionality.Automatic Web service discovery involves automatically locating Web Services that provide a particular functionality and that adhere to requested properties [11]. To provide such an automatic1 Semantic Web enabled Web Services. / location, the discovery process should be based on the semantic match between a declarative description of the service being sought, and a description of the service being offered. This problem requires not only an algorithm to match these descriptions, but also a language to declaratively express the capabilities of services [12].Furthermore, composition of Web Services requires something more than representing combinations of services where flow and bindings to the services are known a priori. It also must allow the combination of services to provide a given functionality when a request can not be fulfilled by using available services individually [15].Discovering and composing services needs an approach based on semantic descriptions, as the requester required functionally has to be expressed in a high-level and abstract way to enable reasoning procedures.Composition and discovery work together in different ways. The following examples depict different scenarios where location and combination of services take place:- A user wants to book a flight from Innsbruck to Madrid, for next Wednesday and with a fixed maximum price. With this information, discovery will look for a service accepting origin, destination, date and maximum price and providing a seat for an appropriate flight. In the case where such a service is not available, but only a service to look for flight information given trip data and another service to book a flight given flight information can be found, combination must be performed. By combining these two services, the requested functionality can be provided.- A travel agency models its business process to provide a “make a trip” service. The agency explicitly models control and data flow between the different services involved (book a flight, book a hotel, book a car…). In this case, composition is explicitly modeled at provider side. But in the situation where the agency does not want to limit the book flight service to a given company, a high-level description of the required service must be provided in the process model to enable dynamic discovery (and composition if not a single service can fulfill the requirements) of the best available service to book the flight based on requester criteria.These two examples illustrate the main roles of composition and discovery to provide a required functionality. Although these use cases can be modified and extended in a number of ways and different examples can be depicted, all of them rely on a high-level description of the functionality being sought.2.1Capability descriptionThe required high-level functionality description can be viewed as the capability of the service. Different services can provide the same capability, e.g., book a flight, and the same service can provide different capabilities, e.g., search a book and search a movie.In this sense, capabilities must be naturally described separately from specific service descriptions [8] for several reasons:- Express generic functionalities: Several services offering the same functionality but with different specific refinements should be related to the same generic high-level capability. Refinements can then be specified by different services. This approach is related to concepts taken from Problem Solving Methods research, and it inherits some of their advantages, as the ones highlighted in [7] and [9].- Use different terminologies: Refinements done by a given web service can be expressed using a different terminology from the one used to describe their capability, thus increasing flexibility, as requiring the use of the same terminology is sometimes unrealistic.- Allow a given service to present two different capabilities while exposing only one service description.- Support discovery process: Discovery first needs capability descriptions. Refinement based on actual input, output and requirements is performed in subsequent steps. Thus, separating capabilities and referring service refinements to them establishes a natural link to the discovery process.Declarative means to define capabilities, as well as specific service refinements and the link between refinements and capabilities are needed. This description must allow reasoning about the information presented by the service. Several works in the area use subsumption reasoning, i.e., determining whether a given concept is more general than another, to support discovery and composition, either looking for just one service providing the required functionality [12] or composing different services [2], like in the travel agency example exposed before.To support dynamic discovery and composition, a capability must include the following information:- Pre-conditions: High-level inputs to the service together with conditions over these inputs. These inputs are concepts of a given domain ontology. Each pre-condition will include an identifier to allow future references. High-level input means that more specific concepts in the ontology can be found, e.g. indicating payment information as a pre-condition, instead of credit card information or bank information or even data types. If a too specific concept is given as a pre-condition, then the capability will hardly express generic functionalities. It is important to notice that the pre-conditions of a given capability are not independent of each other, as they all define the functionality expressed in the capability.- Post-conditions: High-level results of the service execution together with conditions over these results. The results are also concepts of a given domain ontology. Identifiers are also defined for post-conditions, and as with pre-condition, they cannot be considered independent, as the removal of one of them changes the functionality expressed by the capability.- Textual description: To allow human interpretation.- Services: References to the services presenting the described capability.- Identifier: Identifier to allow references to the capability. Pre and post-conditions define the capability of the service in terms of the information needed to use the service and the results of its invocation. Describing capabilities by expressing their functionalities in terms of required high-level input and high-level results covers the following requisites:- Modeling a process at design time. In this case, the workflow and data flow is defined a priori, at least partially. Thus, the declaration of the use of a capability must enable the specification at design time of the input and the result of the service. This information is needed to model data and control flow. Nevertheless, this information must be kept general enough to describe generic service functionalities, allowing dynamic location and combination of services. For example, in a business process using a service to buy some goods and another service to ship them, the result of the buy_goods service must be used by the ship_goods service, and the required data and control flow must be designed. Other approaches like relating the capability to a task ontology describing possible requested functionalities cannot be used in this context, as they don’t provide enough information to define flow at design time.- Dynamic discovery: Subsumption algorithms, as the ones presented in [12] and [2] are supported by relating pre and post-conditions to the appropriate domain ontology and by using the specific services refinements, presented in the next subsection.- Dynamic composition: Combination of services to fulfill a given functionality can be performed by expressing functionality in terms of pre and post-conditions, as described in [2].- n to m mappings: Describing a capability using pre and post-conditions and not including low-level input and output information, enables n to m mappings between capabilities and services, thus allowing the description of generic functionalities and the declaration of different generic functionalities by the same service. Lower level inputs and outputs must not be included in the capability description as this would prevent these features and would imply several modeling problems, as explained in [14].Textual information is used to let the human user browse capabilities. Capabilities must be understandable by humans and machines [13], as a process designer may need to search suitable capabilities to include in a process model at design time. References to the services presenting the capability are specified to enable the location of refinements of the described generic functionality, i.e., the location of specific services during discovery and composition process.2.2Capability refinementsOnce a capability is described, different services presenting this capability can refine it. In this way, specific requirements, constraints and results of an individual service can be expressed. To avoid redundancy, the service will only explicitly describe the refinements it introduces, not repeating the information already enclosed in the capability description. Figure 1 depicts the relationship between capabilities and services:Figure 1. Relationship between capabilities and servicesBy defining the service refinements, a complete high-level description of the input required by the service and the result of its execution is given. Nevertheless, actual input and output data is needed to express the low-level details of service functionality. These inputs and outputs are naturally related to pre and post-conditions, as they constitute the realization in terms of data of high-level conditions.Therefore, the information to be exposed by an individual service to refine generic functionalities is the following:- Identifier: information for service references.- Textual description: human-understandable information.- Capability references: references to the capability or capabilities presented by the service.- Pre-condition refinements: pre-conditions refining the ones presented by the capability. If it is a refinement of one or more pre-conditions defined in the capability, a reference to them will be included. This is the case of a service referring to a capability requiring general payment information as pre-condition, while the service accepts only information about credit card. Also new pre-conditions are allowed, and identifiers for every new pre-condition or refinement must be included. In general, pre-condition refinements reflect the strengthening of pre-conditions. - Inputs: actual input data information. Inputs are grouped and referred to the pre-condition the group realizes, either from the generic capability or from the service refinements. To allow polymorphism, different sets of inputs can be defined for the same pre-condition. For example, in the case of a service accepting different ways of payment (credit card, bank transfer…), different input data is required depending on how the requester wants to pay. However, it is natural to define only one interface for the service. Therefore, this service will have a pre-condition “payment information”, with different sets of inputs associated to it for credit card payment, bank transfer payment, etc. Which specific set of inputs is used will be decided at run-time.- Post-condition refinements: refinements or new post-conditions. They are defined following the same mechanism as pre-conditions. Refinements of existing post-conditions reflect the weakening of the capability post-conditions, whereas adding new ones reflects the strengthening of the capability post-conditions- Outputs: actual output data, described in the same way as inputs.In figure 2 the refinement of pre-conditions and how the inputsrealize them is depicted:Figure 2. Pre-conditions refinements and pre-conditionsrealizationIn the figure above, service pre-condition 1 refines the first pre-condition defined in the capability. Inputs group 1 gives actual data for the refined pre-condition. Service pre-condition 2 is a new pre-condition, not existing in the capability exposed, and realized by inputs group 2. Capability pre-conditions 2 and 3 are not modified, so inputs groups 3 and 4 directly refer to these pre-conditions. As explained before, the refinement of more than one pre-conditions together is also possible.By defining capabilities, refinements and actual input and output data using appropriate ontologies, service description exposes enough information to enable automatic discovery and composition. Refinements and information about input and output data can also be used to locate a required service, as well as for composition, thus providing appropriate expressivity power for the requester. Therefore, the requester is not limited to locate and combine generic capabilities, but he can also express more detailed needs.2.3Relation to current technologiesAlthough the requirements presented above for describing service functionalities reflect the ideas contained in the WSMF approach, they extend and refine the description means outlined in the framework.Once these extensions and refinements are defined, they must be expressed using an appropriate ontology to provide semantics to the information exposed by the service. In this sense, neither BPEL4WS nor BPML/WSCI include any suitable mechanism, as they do not use similar concepts to capabilities or refinements and they do not add any semantic information.Therefore, DAML-S is the only potentially reusable work to define the desired ontology. The existing ontology of services, currently at version 0.9, includes profiles and service models, which purposes are similar to the ones of capabilities and refinements respectively. However, the DAML-S ontology presents serious limitations if left as it is. First, input and output is included in the profile, preventing polymorphism and n to m mappings between profiles and specific service models. Second, pre and post-conditions (pre-conditions and effects in DAML-S terminology) of the concrete service model are not related to the ones presented at the profile. Third, inputs and outputs are not related to pre-conditions and effects. Fourth, using different sets of inputs and outputs for a given pre or post-condition is not allowed. All these limitations imply service modeling problems, as analyzed in [14].In conclusion, the DAML-S ontology can be used as a basis to define semantics for service functionality descriptions, but it must be considerably changed and extended to present the properties and requirements presented in this section.3.Interoperation and current technologiesOne of the main purposes of web services is the automation of application integration within and across organizational boundaries. This implies necessarily the need for interoperation between services. This interoperation can be between services in an organization or crossing different organizational boundaries. To ensure automatic interoperation, description means must be defined declaratively using explicit semantics.Business collaborations require long-running interactions driven by an explicit process model [17]. Thus, a service must explicitly model its business process which will contain decision mechanisms for the execution of the service. But following one of the main principles of WSMF, no internal details of the organization business logics should be made publicly visible. Therefore, while a process model and its data and control flow must be designed explicitly to ground the execution and public behavior of a given service, it must not be exposed. Nevertheless, the external behavior of the service in terms of message interchange must be made public in order to enable automatic interoperation of the service with any other service. In this sense, the public description of a service must include a conversational interface which allows interoperation while not revealing any private detail.Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between the private process model and the public process model in terms of visibility. Private process model grounds the public model and drive its actualbehavior, but only the public process model is made public.Figure 3. Public and private process models visibility2 Although the main purpose of this paper is to define public description requirements for semantic web services, private process modelling deserves some analysis given its close relationship with public process models.Concerning private process models, both BPEL4WS and BPML offer a rich set of primitives to model the workflow of the service, supporting composite processes based on web services. In [19] and [16] a pattern based analysis of both languages can be found. This work analyzes BPEL4WS and BPML/WSCI using a set of workflow and communication patterns to clarify if they provide sufficient modeling primitives for any possible abstract situation. The result is similar for both, as they support most of the patterns described, either directly or using workarounds.Both approaches clearly separate private and public process models. BPEL4WS introduces the concept of executable process for private processes and abstract process for public processes. Similarly, BPML is used to model private processes while WSCI is concerned with the choreography and public interoperation of services. However, as stated before, both languages lack semantics to expose its public interface as well as the possibility of expressing the use of a service within the private process model in terms of the capability it presents.DAML-S must be analyzed for this purpose, as it is the only initiative including explicit semantics. However, an appropriate service ontology requires a richer set of process modeling primitives, as the concepts described in the DAML-S process model are not powerful enough to support some of the communication and workflow patterns required. And what is more, DAML-S does not distinguish between private and public processes, allowing internal details to be exposed via a composite process. Thus, although DAML-S provides ontological support for service modeling, its limitations prevent his direct use to publish interoperation information.Our proposal is to add semantics to either BPEL4WS or BPML/WSCI modelling mechanism for conversational interface 2 From the presentation “Principles of integration: Are Web Services heading in the right direction?”, Christoph Bussler, Innsbruck 19.05.2003and integrate these semantics into the service ontology. That means replacing the process model in DAML-S by a BPEL4WS or BPML/WSCI-based model, including the necessary public information to expose the behaviour of the service in terms of message interchange.Summarizing, the public description requirements for interoperation, which will be grounded in the way previously discussed, are the following:- External behavior of the service in terms of message interchange and message sequencing must be described.- No information about internal business logics should be exposed.- The public process exposed must be grounded by an appropriate private process, which must allow the use of capabilities and refinements at design time to specify the service to be used and its dynamic location and composition.Deciding whether BPEL4WS or BPML/WSCI can be used to fulfill these requirements is out of the scope of this paper. In any case, they must be semantically grounded and extended to use generic capabilities and refinements at design time in the way described in the previous section, and included in the service ontology with the necessary extensions.Also the use of Abstract State Machines (ASMs) [3] to model business processes is being analyzed, as they present several interesting properties, namely: express functionally complete but abstract description that can be understood by a human reader, define every system features as far as it is semantically relevant for the required functionality and contain only what the logic of the problem requires for the system behavior. Furthermore, the grounding model is implemented following a refinement process, trough a hierarchy of intermediate models, and ASMs also allow structuring the system horizontally by building it from components with abstract definitions of behavior and interactions trough interfaces.Though ASMs properties make them suitable for its use to describe service conversational interfaces and their corresponding groundings, none of current efforts use ASMs. As this paper tries to ground description requisites using existing technologies or extensions and combinations of them, introducing ASMs is out of the scope of this paper, although it will be part of future work.4.Service invocationThe requirements presented so far deal with the expression of declarative functionality and the publication of conversational interface. This information will support discovery, composition and interoperation, but declarative means to enable invocation of a given service are still missing in the picture.Invocation information presented by a given service must be agnostic in principle with respect to the specific technologies which will ground it. Nevertheless, details must be available at run-time for the service requester in order to perform a real invocation. These details must relate every aspect of the declared functionality to a ground mechanism, e.g., SOAP on HTTP. Grounding mechanisms are provided within BPEL4WS, BPML/WSCI and DAML-S, although most of the examples available are focused on WSDL and SOAP grounding. Considering the need for an effective and platform independent invocation, input and output data, messages and message sequencing must be declaratively related to a specific technology and exposed in the public service description. In this sense, service ontology must include concepts to express this relationship, as the “grounding” concept defined in DAML-S ontology.Due to the semantic link to the required grounding, DAML-S should naturally be used as a starting point as it already contains a declarative grounding mechanism [6]. Nevertheless, the DAML-S ontology relates grounding directly to a given service, hence not supporting polymorphism and encountering problems while grounding a real service, as the ones highlighted in [14]. As a consequence, extensions to DAML-S grounding mechanism are to be introduced in order to support the grounding of the description means introduced in sections 2 and 3. Different groundings for every set of inputs must be defined, and the use of a concrete grounding should be decided at run-time. Furthermore, conversational interface, not defined in DAML-S ontology, must be related in a similar way to a concrete technology.However, the basic DAML-S grounding mechanism can be reused and refined make it usable for automatic invocation. After the outlined refinements are performed, services presenting all the properties required in this paper can be grounded using such ontology.pensation and other requirementsUntil now, the optimistic assumption “everything works well” has been implicitly made. No errors were considered, although they appear in computer systems more frequently than desired. Due to this fact, an intelligent service description must take into account possible errors and how to deal with them.For this purpose, error data must be described in addition to input and output data. A SWS description should include one or more error ports, to provide error information to the requester potentially at different points of execution. These error ports must refer to an appropriate ontology in the same way inputs and outputs do. Error ports can be thought as special types of outputs, so the same requirements apply to them, although they are not referred to any pre or post-condition. Error ports, as well as inputs and outputs, will be used in the same way in the definition of the conversational interface, establishing at which point of execution a concrete input is required, when outputs are delivered to the requester, and where specific error ports may report error information. These ports will also be included in the service grounding information.In the context of semantic web services, dynamic location and combination of services implies that no a priori assumptions can be made about the duration of a service invocation. For this reason, the use of traditional ACID transactions [10] to deal with errors is not useful in this context, as they require blocking resources for an undefined amount of time. Therefore, the concept of compensation has appeared to substitute classic transactions. Compensating a service means to invoke one or more services to undo the actions of the former one. For instance, a service to book。
