Shining a new light《少年的你》)

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3.You go ahead,I'm right behind you. 你往前走,我一定在你身后。
4.We hope every teenager has a bright future. 愿每个人都有美好的明天。
The film Better Days is bringing attention to school bullying. It’s a topic that few Chinese movies have talked about before.
• 2.real-really-reality-realistic
• 3.tear up
This scene might be extreme.But it doesn't mean bullying isn't that serious in reality.Since last year, China has approved
• 1.adapt 使适应,使适合(新用途、新情况); 适应(新情况); 改编; 改写 • ①adapt for 适合,改编——他不适合做这种工作。
• -He doesn't adapt for such work.
• She can adapt the novol for television.• 她能把那部小说改变成电视剧。 • ②adapt to适应——很多人不适应待在家里。
曾国祥,1979年11月8日出生于香港,中国香港影视男演员、编剧、 导演,毕业于加拿大多伦多大学社会学系。
2001年,出演个人首部电影《幽灵情书》,从而正式进入演艺圈 [1] 。 2002年,出演了电影《金鸡》 [2-3] 。2005年,出演了彭浩翔执导的 电影《AV梦工厂》(又名《青春梦工厂》) [4] 。2010年,与尹志 文联合执导贺岁电影《恋人絮语》 [5] ;同年,凭借《恋人絮语》获 得第47届台湾电影金马奖最佳新导演提名 [6] 。2011年,与尹志文联 合执导电影短片《指甲钳人魔》 [7-8] 。2013年,主演首部以澳门为 主题的电影《澳门街》中的单元故事《Good Take》 [9] 。2014年, 出演了黑帮犯罪题材电影《反贪风暴》 [10] 。2015年,执导电影 《七月与安生》。 [11] 2016-2017年凭借《七月与安生》获得第36届 香港电影金像奖最佳导演提名 [12] 及第53届台湾电影金马奖最佳导 演提名 [13] 。 2017年4月22日,凭借《七月与安生》获得第8届中国电影导演协会 年度港台导演奖项。
• It's not easy to solve this problem.用同种句式造句。
• 打赢这场战役是不容易的,但是我们有信心。
• It is not easy to win this battle,but we are confident.
The movie reminds us that while there may be a long way to go,we must have hope."As long as you are hopeful there will be someone helping you,"said Derek Tsang,the film's director.
• 找出本句的从句类型
• that few Chinese movies have talked about before.
• (定语从句)
• attention pay attention to

call/draw oneቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱs attention to
the movie is adapted from the Web novel Young and Beautiful.It tells the story of high school student Chen Nian,who is bullied on campus and later gets caught up in a murder case.The movie hit theaters on October 25.Starring Zhou Dongyu and Yi Yangqianxi,the film earned 450 million yuan in its first three days,China Daily reported.
• Many people don't adapt to staying at home.
• 2.get caught up in
The movie is said to be quite realistic-
perhaps even to realistic.It has several scenes of Violent bullying.For example,in one scene three girls follow Chen after school.They beat her up and tear up her text books and clothes while taking video of the
the detention(批准逮捕) of 3,407 students
for bullying and charged 5,750,according to data provided by the Supreme People's
Procuratorate(最高人民检察院) in May.
• 1.extreme a.极度的; 极大的; 极端的; 偏激的; 过分的-adv. • 2.approve v.赞成; 批准,通过(计划、要求等); 认可; 核准; • approve of doing赞成做某事 • 没有人会赞成你出去
账上 ; 控告; 起诉;
However, it's not easy to solve this
problem.As Chinese sociologist(社会学家) Li
Yinhe wrote on Sina Weibo,the movie shows how complex social situations can be for
bright side,and
for a better tomorrow.
• 即使面临校园霸凌,即使满身伤痕,也要心向阳光,向 美好的明天进发。这是一种期许,也是对美好的保留和
2.You protect the world,I will protect you. 你保护世界,我保护你。
Shining a new light
• 《少年的你》是改编小说《少年的你,如此美丽》制作而成,本身电影在宣传时期 就不是以单纯的校园青春为主题,而是聚焦“校园暴力”这一话题,所以影片赢在真 实二字,直击内心,作为社会现象,肯定会引起舆论,带动话题。
• 电影的主题是讲校园暴力,英文是“school/campus violence”,而与之相对应 的则是“school bullying”校园霸凌,在校园里发生了许许多多起校园暴力的现象, 而形式又是各不相同,有“physical abuse”肢体虐待,“verbal abuse”言语虐待, 还有“abuse online”网络欺辱,而影片中呈现出来的就是同龄人之间的肢体虐待, 压垮了他们心理最后的防线。
whole scene.
• 1.It is said that/sb. be said to
• 据说病毒是靠飞沫传播的
飞沫:droplets 传播:spread
• The virus is said to be spread by droplets.
• It is said that the virus is spread by droplets.
• 1.remind sb. of sth.
• 2.while
• While the government is urging us not to go out, we should just stay at home.(翻译)
• long as • 只要你不出门,你就不会感染病毒。
• As long as you don't go out, you won't catch the virus.
• No one will approve of your going out.
• Sometimes we might ___a plan which we don`t really ____it.
• (approve批准,approve of 赞同) • 3.charge n.收费; 指控; 控告; 指责; 谴责; v.收(费); (向…) 要价; 把…记在
police and the government must work together to end bullying.
• 李银河,中国社会科学院社会学所研究员、教授、博士生导师。中国第一 位研究性的女社会学家,自由主义女性主义者。 师从于中国社会学奠基人 费孝通。1952年生于北京。美国匹兹堡大学社会学博士。1999年被《亚洲 周刊》评为中国50位最具影响的人物之一。
• 电影的英文名字也是很走心的,表示为“Better Days”,乍一看好像跟中文名没 什么关系,但是看了电影之后,就会明白其中含义了,剧组给出的翻译是
1.Even if you are facing school bullying,even if
you're covered with scars,you should look on the