Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us 课件3-优质公开课-北师大7上精品
Unit 1《My Family》教案第一课时教学目标1. 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出有亲家庭及员的6个单词(grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister)。
2. 能够对家庭成员用句型This is my….进行简单介绍。
3.通过开展丰富的课堂活动,激发学生学习英语的积极性,进一步加深对单词的记忆,并能够初步使用本单元所学的This is my….句型。
教学重点1. 学习有关家庭及成员的单词(grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister),并能够掌握对家庭成员进行介绍的简单句型(This is my….)。
2. 学唱表示家庭成员的歌谣。
教学难点1. 能够掌握对家庭成员进行介绍的句型(This is my….),做到应用熟练。
2. 单词brother 中的“th”字母组合的发音。
课时安排1课时教学过程Step 1.WarmingupGreet the Ss in English and review what they have learned last class.二、Presentation and practice .1.教师用这个问题How many people are there in your family? Who are they? 导入今天的新课。
2. 出示一张family的含义图(father and mother I love you)。
3. 使用带有图片的卡片学习新单词(grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister)。
5. 教师反复领学生读单词(grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister)。
(北师大版)义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》目录(北师大版)义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》目录七年级上册2013年7月第1版Unit 1 FamilyLesson 1 Photos of UsLesson 2 What Do They Look Like?Lesson 3 Happy Birthday!Unit 2 School LifeLesson 4 School ThingsLesson 5 Before ClassLesson 6 A School DayUnit 3 HomeLesson 7 Time to TidyLesson 8 Whose Ball Is This?Lesson 9 Near My HomeUnit 4 Interests and SkillsLesson 10 My InterestsLesson 11 A Skills SurveyLesson 12 China’s Got Talent七年级下册2013年12月第1版Unit 1 Daily LifeLesson 1 After SchoolLesson 2 A Dangerous JobLesson 3 Safety FirstUnit 2 On the WeekendLesson 4 Helping at HomeLesson 5 Talking to FriendsLesson 6 Going OutUnit 3 Food and DrinkLesson 7 Shopping for FoodLesson 8 At a RestaurantLesson 9 Food for SportUnit 4 Seasons and Weather Lesson 10 Weather in Beijing Lesson 11 Weather Around the World Lesson 12 Summer HolidayUnit 5 Now and ThenLesson 13 Changes in Our Town Lesson 14 My First DayLesson 15 My Favourite TeacherUnit 6 The Animal KingdomLesson 16 My Favourite Animal Lesson 17 Interesting Animals Lesson 18 An Animal Story八年级上册2014年7月第1版,2016年7月第3次印刷Unit 1 TelevisionLesson 1 Last Week on TVLesson 2 An Interview on TVLesson 3 The Big GameUnit 2 TeamsLesson 4 Class ProjectsLesson 5 TeamworkLesson 6 A Special TeamUnit 3 Faster, Higher, StrongerLesson 7 Time to ExerciseLesson 8 Olympic WinnersLesson 9 Never Give Up!Unit 4 Healthy LivingLesson 10 Going to the DoctorLesson 11 Health AdviceLesson 12 Healthy BonesUnit 5 HelpingLesson 13 Helping Your CommunityLesson 14 Helping Each OtherLesson 15 A Young HeroUnit 6 The UnexplainedLesson 16 Natural Abilities Lesson 17 True Stories?Lesson 18 Dreams八年级下册2014年12月第1版Unit 1 Technology and the Future Lesson 1 Schools of the Future Lesson 2 Online LifeLesson 3 Tomorrow's JobsUnit 2 CommunicationLesson 4 Animal TalkLesson 5 Meeting People Lesson 6 The Texting Generation Unit 3 Festivals and Holidays Lesson 7 Chinese New Year Lesson 8 A PicnicLes son 9 ThanksgivingUnit 4 Dealing with Problems Lesson 10 Problem PageLesson 11 Online TimeLesson 12 Generation GapUnit 5 MemoriesLesson 13 A Daughter's Letter Lesson 14 Grandpa's Memories Lesson 15 Life in the 1950sUnit 6 DetectivesLesson 16 A Detective Story(I)Lesson 17 A Detective Story(II)Lesson 18 The Mystery Writer九年级全一册2015年7月第1版Unit 1 LanguageLesson 1 Body LanguageLesson 2 Different Kinds of English Lesson 3 Language Learning Tips Unit 2 BooksLesson 4 ClsssicsLesson 5 The Book ClubLesson 6 Tom SawyerUnit 3 Festivals and Holidays Lesson 7 A Famous Inventor Lesson 8 Good or BadLes son 9 Creative MindsUnit 4 SpaceLesson 10 Life in SpaceLesson 11 The Amazing Shenzhou Lesson 12 The SpaceshipUnit 5 LiteratureLesson 13 Anne of Green Gables Lesson 14 The Dark Room Lesson 15 A Famous Story Writer Unit 6 Role ModelsLesson 16 Yao MingLesson 17 People in Our Lives Lesson 18 Steve JobsUnit 7 JourneysLesson 19 The Skil Road Lesson 20 Life Is a Journey Lesson 21 To the South PoleUnit 8 DkscoveriesLesson 22 Famous Discoveries Lesson 23 Discovery of ght Year Lesson 24 An Experiment Report Unit 6 Role ModelsLesson 25 Going GreenLesson 26 Our River Lesson 27 Tree Heroes。
在讲授新知时,我会结合教材内容,为学生讲解人称代词、介绍家庭成员朋友、谈论兴趣爱好等相关知识点。我会用生动的例子和实际情境,让学生更好地理解和掌握这些知识点。同时,我会鼓励学生积极参与,提问他们一些问题,如:“Can you introduce your family and friends in English?”,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识。
七年级英语上册学案及教学设计全集(新北师大版18份)鏁欏鍩烘湰淇℃伅璇鹃Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of us (First Period) 瀛︾鑻辫骞寸骇鍒濅竴鏁欏鏉愭枡鍖楀笀澶х増銆婂垵涓嫳璇€嬩竷骞寸骇锛堜笂锛?濮撳悕鍗曚綅鏁欏璁捐鎸囧鏁欏笀鎸囧鎬濇兂鏍规嵁銆婅嫳璇绋嬫爣鍑嗐€嬶紙2011骞寸増锛夌殑鍒嗙骇鏍囧噯锛屽垵涓€瀛︾敓搴旇揪鍒颁笁绾ф爣鍑嗭細瀵硅嫳璇涔犺〃鐜板嚭绉瀬鎬у拰鍒濇鐨勮嚜淇″績锛涜兘灏辩啛鎮夌殑璇濋杩涜绠€鍗曠殑浜ゆ祦锛涜兘鍒╃敤鎵€缁欐彁绀虹畝鍗曟弿杩颁竴浠朵簨鎯咃紱鑳借鎳傜畝鍗曠殑鏁呬簨鍜岀煭鏂囷紱鑳芥剰璇嗗埌璇█浜ら檯涓瓨鍦ㄦ枃鍖栧樊寮傘€?鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽鏈鏄寳甯堝ぇ鐗堛€婂垵涓嫳璇€嬩竷骞寸骇涓婂唽鏁欐潗绗竴鍗曞厓Unit 1 Family锛岃瘽棰樹负瀹跺涵鍜屽搴垚鍛樸€傛暀甯堟牴鎹暀鏉愬唴瀹瑰拰瀛︾敓璁ょ煡姘村钩锛屽皢绗竴鍗曞厓鐨勭涓€璇綥esson 1鍒嗕负涓や釜璇炬椂銆傜涓€璇炬椂鐨勫唴瀹瑰寘鎷搴垚鍛?鐨勫叧绯诲拰绉拌皳锛岄€氳繃涓嫳鏂囧悕瀛楃殑涓嶅悓鏉ヤ綋浼氭枃鍖栧樊寮傦紝鐒跺悗鍒╃敤闃呰鑾峰彇瀹跺涵鎴愬憳鐨勫叿浣撲俊鎭紝鏈€鍚庣粨鍚堣鏂囦俊鎭拰璇█杩涜杈撳嚭娲诲姩銆傜浜岃鏃跺垯浠ヤ汉绉颁唬璇嶅拰鐗╀富浠h瘝涓轰富銆?鐢变簬鍦℅et Ready C涓凡缁忕粰瀛︾敓杩涜浜嗗叧浜庡搴垚鍛樿瘝姹囩殑瀛︿範鍜屾嫇灞曪紝鍥犳锛屽湪鏈妭璇句腑锛屾湁鍏冲搴垚鍛樼殑璇嶆眹鍙粍缁囧鐢熻繘琛岀畝鍗曠殑澶嶄範鍜屽啀鐜帮紝娌℃湁浣滀负鏈妭璇剧殑閲嶇偣瀛︿範鍐呭銆?瀛︽儏鍒嗘瀽瀛︾敓鍦ㄥ皬瀛﹂樁娈靛杩囩浉鍏宠瘽棰樼殑璇嶆眹鍜岀畝鍗曡〃杈撅紝鏈変竴瀹氱殑鍩虹锛屽苟涓斾箣鍓嶅湪Get Ready C閮ㄥ垎宸茬粡瀛︿範鍜屾嫇灞曚簡鐩稿叧璇嶆眹锛屼负瀛︾敓鍑忓皯浜嗗涔犳湰鑺傝鍐呭鐨勯殰纰嶃€傚鐢熺殑妯′豢鑳藉姏杈冨ソ锛岃鍫備笂鍏呭垎鍙戞尌绀鸿寖浣滅敤锛屽鐢熷鏁欏笀鐨勬寚浠ゅ拰瑕佹眰涓€鐩簡鐒躲€?鐢变簬瀛︾敓绗斿ご钀藉疄鐨勮兘鍔涜緝寮憋紝鏈妭璇惧湪璇村拰璇荤殑鍩虹涓婏紝涔熺粰瀛︾敓鎻愪緵浜嗗厖鍒嗙殑绗斿ご钀藉疄鐨勬満浼氾紝鍦ㄨ瑷€杈撳叆鍜岃緭鍑洪儴鍒嗗潎璁剧疆鐩稿叧鐨勭瑪澶磋惤瀹炰换鍔★紝灏嗗涔犲唴瀹瑰強鏃惰惤瀹炲苟鍙嶉鍦ㄥ妗堜笂銆傚湪闃呰涓紩瀵煎鐢熼€愭褰㈡垚闃呰绛栫暐鎰忚瘑锛屾湁鍒╀簬瀛︾敓鐨勫彲鎸佺画鍙戝睍銆?姝ゅ锛屽鐢熷鑻辫瀛︿範鏈夌潃杈冮珮鐨勭儹鎯咃紝鍠滄鍙備笌璇惧爞娲诲姩锛屽洜姝わ紝鏁?甯堢粨鍚堟湰鑺傝鐨勭洰鏍囧拰瀛︿範鍐呭璁╁鐢熸瘡涓や釜浜轰竴缁勶紝鏃㈣兘缁欏鐢熸彁渚涗簰鐩镐氦娴佸拰甯姪鐨勬満浼氾紝鍙堣兘鎺у埗娲诲姩鐨勭З搴忓拰鏁堟灉銆?鏁欏鐩爣Students will b e able to: 1. understand the cultural difference between English and Chinese names; 2. get the information of family members according to the key words; 3. tell the relationships between different family members; 4. describe someone in class using the expressions in the passage.鏁欏閲嶇偣鍜岄毦鐐?鏁欏閲嶇偣锛?1. Understand the cultural difference between English and Chinese names; 2. Get the information of family members according to the key words; 鏁欏闅剧偣锛?1. Describe someone in class using the expressions in the passage.鏁欏璧勬簮Multi-media.鏁欏鏂规硶Task-based approach (PWP), communicative approach鏉夸功璁捐Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us1. key words鈥時eading skill Mr/Mrs + family name2. 鎻忚堪鏌愪竴涓汉锛?浜哄悕+鈥檚琛ㄧず鏌愪汉鐨?鈥?has 鈥?鈥?lives 鈥?鈥?is 鈥?鈥?the same age as 鈥?鈥?years old 鈥?鈥?likes 鈥?鈥?wants to 鈥?璇鹃Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us 鏁欏杩囩▼鏁欏姝ラ鏁欏笀娲诲姩瀛︾敓娲诲姩璁捐鎰忓浘鏃堕棿Step 1 Warm up 1. Ask some questions: 1) How many members are there in your family? 2) Who are they? 3) What other family members do you know? 2. Lead Ss to do a brainstorm. Answer the questions: There are 鈥?people in my family. They are 鈥?Do the brainstorm and report in class. To recall the words of family members. 2鈥?Step2 Pre-reading 1. Show Mr Brown鈥檚family tree, then, ask Ss to find out family names and given names. 2. Let Ss use Mr or Mrs to say hello to Tom Brown鈥檚family members. 3. Ask Ss: 鈥淲hat鈥檚the relationship between Tom and Mary?鈥?4. Have Ss speak in pairs to do exercise 1 on Page 26 and choose some pairs to act out in class. 5. Let Ss read all the sentences together. Find out family names and given names.Say hello to Brown鈥檚family members with Mr or Mrs. Answer: Tom is Mary鈥檚husband. Mary is Tom鈥檚wife. Practice speaking in pairs and act out.Read aloud together. To know cultural difference.To know the relationship between family members. 10鈥?Step 3 While- reading 1. Show the first paragraph on the PPT and let Ss read aloud to gether. 2. Ask Ss to tell which family member the first paragraph describes and find out the key words. 3. Have Ss find out correct family members for the other three paragraphs and underline the key words. 4. Let Ss check the answers and key words in pairs, and then report in class. 5. Show Ss an information form and lead Ss to do the first one together as an example: Family members Information Tom & Mary They have two______ and a grandson. They live ________. 6. Tell Ss they can depend on both the passage and the family tree. 7. Ask Ss to check in pairs. Look at PPT and read aloud together.Say out: Mary Brown. Tell the key words.Read and find out the family members, at the same time underline the key words.Check the answers and key words in pairs and report in class. Read the teacher鈥檚example and complete the form on their learning sheet.Check in pairs. To get information of family members and find out the key words. 15鈥?Step 4 Post-reading 1. Give Ss an example of report: Let me tell you something about Tom and Mary. They have two granddaughters and a grandson. They live near their son. 2. Let Ss practice in pairs and report like this: Let me tell you something about 鈥?3. Have Ss read aloud the descriptions together. 4. Ask Ss how to describe someone and list the key words on the blackboard: 鈥?has 鈥?鈥?lives 鈥?鈥?is 鈥?鈥?the same age as 鈥?鈥?years old 鈥?鈥?likes 鈥?鈥?wants to 鈥?5. Have Ss work in pairs and write some information of someone in the class, give Ss an example: 鈥淟et me tell you something about my friend. She has short hair. She lives far from our school. She likes English very much. She wants to become your friend. She is thirty years old.鈥?6. Choose some pairs to give some information and let others guess who he/she is. Read the example sentences together.Practise reporting in pairs: Let me tell you something about鈥?Read aloud the descriptions together. Get the expressions from the passage and take notes. Guess the teacher鈥檚example and then write some information of someone in the class in pairs.Both members in pairs report something and let others guess. To describe someone with the key information 15鈥?Step 5 Summary & self-assessment 1. Ask Ss to think of the key points in this lesson and mark on blackboard. 2. Have Ss complete the self-assessment. Summarize and take notes.Complete the self-as sessment. To summar y and know how well Ss did. 3鈥?Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us (Ss鈥?learning sheet) 1. While-reading: Read again and complete the form. Family members Information Tom & Mary They have two_______________ and a grandson. They live ________________________. Lisa & John They have a son and a __________. They live near ____________ _________.Kathy & Mike They are ___________. They ________ a daughter Betty. Anna She________ a brother Mark and a __________ Betty. She is_______________________ as Betty. Mark He _______ a sister Anna. He is__________ years old. Betty She is ______________________ as Anna. She _______ a dog, Sam. She _____________ write, sing and dance. She doesn鈥檛_____________ to be a doctor.2. Post-reading: 1) Give a report according to the information form above. Let me tell y ou something about 鈥?2) How to describe someone_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _3) Work in pairs and write some information of someone in your class. Someone in my class Information3. Self-assessment 1) 鎴戠煡閬撹嫳鏂囧悕瀛椾腑鐨勪笉鍚屼箣澶?鏄枴鍚︹枴2) 鎴戠煡閬撳浣曚娇鐢∕r鍜孧rs 鏄枴鍚︹枴3) 鎴戣兘璇村嚭Brow n涓€瀹剁殑瀹跺涵鎴愬憳涔嬮棿鐨勫叧绯伙紝鑷冲皯涓変釜鏄枴鍚︹枴4) 鎴戣兘鍒╃敤鍏抽敭璇嶈幏寰楁湁鍏冲搴垚鍛樼殑淇℃伅鏄枴鍚︹枴5) 鎴戣兘鐢ㄨ嚦灏戜笁涓畝鍗曞彞鎻忚堪涓€涓悓瀛︽垨鏈嬪弸鏄枴鍚︹枴鎴戠殑璇勪环缁撴灉鏄細Excellent! (4-5)鈻?Not bad! (2-3)鈻?I need to work harder! (0-1)鈻?。
Lesson 1 Family Photos
Practice 1 3. Listen to the sentences again and write “question”
Lexical Preparation
5. brother-in-law n. (pl. brothers-in-law) the brother of one’s husband or wife, or the man who is married to their sister e.g. This man is her brother-in-law. The two men are my brothers-in-law.
my mother my uncle my father my uncle my aunt my grandmother
my brother
my sister
my cousin
3. Listen to Sarah talking about her family photos. Which picture shows Sarah? Key: Sarah is the younger woman in the larger picture.
1. Work in pairs. Match words from box A to their partner in box B. What is the difference between the groups? Which word is the same for both?
北师大版-英语-七上-Unit 1
3. He has short black hair.
4. He is the tallest boy in our class and he is our PE leader.
A happy family
Use the Key Words to describe the people in the picture
big; handsome ; old; pretty; short; small; strong ;tall; thin; young
big/strong small/thin handsome pretty
Grandpa Linlin Dawei Mum
What do they What do they look like? like?
old/young a little pet dog
tall and handsome
basketball (Yao Ming) books art cooking
What does he/she look like?
He is small/short.
He is big/tall.
She is old.
He is young.
Listen and read aloud
big; handsome ; old; pretty; short; small; strong ;tall; thin; young
Try to describe the people with adjectives in the picture
北师大七年级上册英语Unit 1 Family教案 (1)
教学基本信息课题Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of us (First Period)学科英语年级初一教学材料北师大版《初中英语》七年级(上)姓名单位教学设计指导教师指导思想根据《英语课程标准》(2011年版)的分级标准,初一学生应达到三级标准:对英语学习表现出积极性和初步的自信心;能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流;能利用所给提示简单描述一件事情;能读懂简单的故事和短文;能意识到语言交际中存在文化差异。
教材分析本课是北师大版《初中英语》七年级上册教材第一单元Unit 1 Family,话题为家庭和家庭成员。
教师根据教材内容和学生认知水平,将第一单元的第一课Lesson 1分为两个课时。
由于在Get Ready C中已经给学生进行了关于家庭成员词汇的学习和拓展,因此,在本节课中,有关家庭成员的词汇只组织学生进行简单的复习和再现,没有作为本节课的重点学习内容。
学情分析学生在小学阶段学过相关话题的词汇和简单表达,有一定的基础,并且之前在Get Ready C部分已经学习和拓展了相关词汇,为学生减少了学习本节课内容的障碍。
教学目标Students will be able to:1.understand the cultural difference between English and Chinese names;2.get the information of family members according to the key words;3.tell the relationships between different family members;4.describe someone in class using the expressions in the passage.教学重点和难点教学重点:1.Understand the cultural difference between English and Chinese names;2.Get the information of family members according to the key words;教学难点:1.Describe someone in class using the expressions in the passage.教学资源Multi-media.教学方法Task-based approach (PWP), communicative approach板书设计Unit 1 FamilyLesson 1 Photos of Us1.key words—reading skill Mr/Mrs + family name2.描述某一个人:人名+’s表示某人的… has …… lives …… is …… the same age as …… years old …… likes …… wants to …课题Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图时间Step 1 Warm up 1.Ask some questions:1)How many members arethere in your family?2)Who are they?3)What other family membersdo you know?2.Lead Ss to do a brainstorm.Answer the questions:There are …people inmy family. They are …Do the brainstorm andreport in class.To recall thewords offamilymembers.2’Step2 Pre-reading 1.Show Mr Brown’s familytree, then, ask Ss to find outfamily names and givenFind out family namesand given names.To knowculturaldifference.10’2.Let Ss use Mr or Mrs to sayhello to Tom Brown’s familymembers.3.Ask Ss: “What’s therelationship between Tomand Mary?”4.Have Ss speak in pairs to doexercise 1 on Page 26 andchoose some pairs to act outin class.5.Let Ss read all the sentencestogether. Say hello to Brown’sfamily members withMr or Mrs.Answer: Tom is Mary’shusband. Mary isTom’s wife.Practice speaking inpairs and act out.Read aloud together.To know therelationshipbetweenfamilymembers.Step 3 While-reading 1.Show the first paragraph onthe PPT and let Ss read aloudtogether.2.Ask Ss to tell which familymember the first paragraphdescribes and find out thekey words.3.Have Ss find out correctfamily members for the otherthree paragraphs andunderline the key words.4.Let Ss check the answers andkey words in pairs, and thenreport in class.5.Show Ss an information formand lead Ss to do the firstone together as an example:FamilymembersInformationTom & Mary They havetwo ______and agrandson.They live________.6.Tell Ss they can depend onboth the passage and thefamily tree.7.Ask Ss to check in pairs.Look at PPT and readaloud together.Say out: Mary Brown.Tell the key words.Read and find out thefamily members, at thesame time underline thekey words.Check the answers andkey words in pairs andreport in class.Read the teacher’sexample and completethe form on theirlearning sheet.Check in pairs.To getinformation offamilymembers andfind out thekey words.15’Step 4 Post-reading 1.Give Ss an example ofreport: Let me tell yousomething about Tom andMary. They have twogranddaughters and agrandson. They live neartheir son.2.Let Ss practice in pairs andreport like this: Let me tellyou something about …3.Have Ss read aloud thedescriptions together.4.Ask Ss how to describesomeone and list the keywords on the blackboard:… has …… lives …… is …… the same age as …… years old …… likes …… wants to …5.Have Ss work in pairs andwrite some information ofsomeone in the class, give Ssan example: “Let me tell yousomething about my friend.She has short hair. She livesfar from our school. Shelikes English very much. Shewants to become your friend.She is thirty years old.”6.Choose some pairs to givesome information and letothers guess who he/she is.Read the examplesentences together.Practise reporting inpairs: Let me tell yousomething about…Read aloud thedescriptions together.Get the expressionsfrom the passage andtake notes.Guess the teacher’sexample and then writesome information ofsomeone in the class inpairs.Both members in pairsreport something andlet others guess.To describesomeone withthe keyinformation.15’Step 5 Summary & self-assessment 1.Ask Ss to think of the keypoints in this lesson andmark on blackboard.2.Have Ss complete theself-assessment.Summarize and takenotes.Complete theself-as sessment.To summar yand knowhow well Ssdid.3’Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us (Ss’ learning sheet) 1.While-reading:Family members InformationTom & Mary They have two _______________ and a grandson. They live ________________________.Lisa & John They have a son and a __________. They live near _____________________.Kathy & Mike They are ___________.They ________ a daughter Betty.Anna She ________ a brother Mark and a __________ Betty. She is _______________________ as Betty.Mark He _______ a sister Anna. He is __________ years old.Betty She is ______________________ as Anna. She _______ a dog, Sam. She _____________ write, sing and dance.She doesn’t _____________ to be a doctor.2.Post-reading:1)Give a report according to the information form above.Let me tell y ou something about …2)How to describe someone______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Someone in my class Information3.Self-assessment1)我知道英文名字中的不同之处是□否□2)我知道如何使用Mr和Mrs 是□否□3)我能说出Brow n一家的家庭成员之间的关系,至少三个是□否□4)我能利用关键词获得有关家庭成员的信息是□否□5)我能用至少三个简单句描述一个同学或朋友是□否□我的评价结果是:Excellent! (4-5)□Not bad! (2-3)□I need to work harder! (0-1)□。
教学基本信息课题Unit1FamilyLesson1Photosofus(FirstPeriod) 学科英语年级初一教学材料北师大版《初中英语》七年级(上)姓名单位教学设计指导教师指导思想根据《英语课程标准》(2011年版)的分级标准,初一学生应达到三级标准:对英语学习表现出积极性和初步的自信心;能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流;能利用所给提示简单描述一件事情;能读懂简单的故事和短文;能意识到语言交际中存在文化差异。
Studentswillbeableto:1.understandtheculturaldifferencebetweenEnglishandChinesenames;2.gettheinformationoffamilymembersaccordingtothekeywords;3.telltherelationshipsbetweendifferentfamilymembers;4.describesomeoneinclassusingtheexpressionsinthepassage.教学重点和难点教学重点:1.UnderstandtheculturaldifferencebetweenEnglishandChinesenames;2.Gettheinformationoffamilymembersaccordingtothekeywords;教学难点:1.Describesomeoneinclassusingtheexpressionsinthepassage.教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图时间Step1 Warmup 1.Asksomequestions:1)Howmanymembersarethereinyourfamily?2)Whoarethey?3)Whatotherfamilymembersdoyouknow?2.LeadSstodoabrainstorm.Answerthequestions:Thereare…peopleinmyfamily.Theyare…Dothebrainstormandreportinclass.Torecallthewordsoffamilymembers.2’Step2 Pre-reading 1.ShowMrBrown’sfamilytree,then,askSstofindoutfamilynamesandgiven names.2.LetSsuseMrorMrstosayhellotoTomBrown’sfamilymembers.3.AskSs:“What’stherelationshipbetwFindoutfamilynamesandgivennames.SayhellotoBrown’sfamilymemberswithMrorMrs.Answer:TomisMary’shusband.MaryisTom’swife.Toknowculturaldifference.Toknowtherelationshipbetweenfamilymembers.10’eenTomandMary?”4.HaveSsspeakinpairstodoexercise1onPage26andchoosesomepairstoactoutinclass.5.Let Ssreadallthesentencestogether. Practicespeaki nginpairsandac tout. Readaloudtoget her.Step3 While-re ading 1.ShowthefirstparagraphonthePPTandletSsreadaloudto gether.2.AskSstotellwhichfamilymemberthefirstparagraphdescribesandfindoutthekeywords.3.HaveSsfindoutcorrectfamilymembersfortheotherthreeparagraphsandunderlinethekeywords.LookatPPTandreadaloudtogether.Sayout:MaryBrown.Tellthekeywords.Readandfindoutthefamilymembers,atthesametimeunderlinethekeywords.ChecktheanswersandkeywordsinTogetinformationoffamilymembersandfindoutthekeywords. 15’4.LetSschecktheanswersandkeywordsinpairs,andthenreportinclass.5.ShowSsaninformationformandlead Sstodothefirstonetogetherasanexample:Familyme mbers InformationTom&Mary Theyhavetwo______andagrandson.Theylive________.6.TellSstheycandependonboththepassageandthefamilytree.7.AskSstocheckinpai pairsandreport inclass. Readtheteacher ’sexampleandc ompletetheform ontheirlearnin gsheet.Checkinpairs.…is……thesameage as ……yearsold……likes……wantsto…5.HaveSsworkinpairsandwritesomeinformationofsomeoneintheclass,giveSsanexample:“Letmetellyousomethingaboutmyfriend.Shehasshorthair.Shelivesfarfromourschool.ShelikesEnglishverymuch.Shewantstobecomeyourfriend.Sheisthirtyyearsold.”6.Choosesomepairstogivesomeinformati sinpairs.Bothmembersinp airsreportsome thingandletoth ersguess.Unit1FamilyLesson1PhotosofUs(Ss’learningsheet) 1.While-reading:Readagainandcompletetheform.Familymembers Informationonandletothersgue sswhohe/sheis.Step5 Summary& self-ass essment 1.AskSstothinkofthekeypointsinthislessonandmarkonblackboard.2.HaveSscompletetheself-assessment.Summarizeandtakenotes.Completetheself-assessment.TosummaryandknowhowwellSsdid.3’Tom&Mary Theyhavetwo_______________andagrandson. Theylive________________________.Lisa&John Theyhaveasonanda__________. Theylivenear_____________________.Kathy&Mike Theyare___________.They________adaughterBetty.Anna She________abrotherMarkanda__________Betty .Sheis_______________________asBetty.Mark He_______asisterAnna. Heis__________yearsold.Betty Sheis______________________asAnna.She_____ __adog,Sam.She_____________write,singanddance. Shedoesn’t_____________tobeadoctor.2.Post-reading:1)Giveareportaccordingtotheinformationformabove. Letmetellyousomethingabout…2)Howtodescribesomeone_______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______________3)Workinpairsandwritesomeinformationofsomeoneinyourclass.Someoneinmyclass Information3.Self-assessment1)我知道英文名字中的不同之处是□否□2)我知道如何使用Mr和Mrs 是□否□3)我能说出Brown一家的家庭成员之间的是□否□关系,至少三个4)我能利用关键词获得有关家庭成员的信是□否□息5)我能用至少三个简单句描述一个同学或是□否□朋友我的评价结果是:Excellent!(4-5)□Notbad!(2-3)□Ineedtoworkharder!(0-1)□。
3.写作练习:根据课堂所学,完成一篇小作文,题目为“My Friend”。要求用一般现在时描述一位你的朋友,包括外貌、性格、兴趣爱好等方面。不少于5句话,要求语法正确、表达清晰。
北师大版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 Lesson 1第1课时课件
Look at the photos. What kind of lifestyles do you think the two students have?
The boy is addicted to surfing the Internet while the girl devotes herself to studying.
• It’s September, a new start for every student.
• Teens has invited two students to write about their daily life in
senior secondary school.
Explain the following enative
a person who has grown up using technology like the Internet, computers and mobile devices 数码原住民;数字原生 代(儿时起便使用因特 网和手机的人)
1) do his homework 2) chat with his friends 3) watch films 4) read the daily news and other interesting articles 5) shop for various things online 6) play computer games 7) play tennis on his television screen
Li Ying’s study habits:
精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案[20 -20学年度第—学期]任教学科:________________任教年级:________________任教老师:________________xx市实验学校Unit 1 FamilyLesson 1 Photos of Us教学设计一、教学目标1. 能在插图的帮助下理解并朗读故事。
2. 能指认说明家庭主要成员:family ,father ,mother ,grandpa ,grandma 。
3. 能给别人介绍自己的爸爸和妈妈。
二、教学重点1. 在图片或录音的帮助下理解故事,在理解的基础上朗读故事。
2. 认读词汇:family ,father ,mother ,grandpa ,grandma。
五、教学过程1. 猜人物(l) 通过观察剪影猜测人物,激发学生的兴趣。
教师呈现grandpa, grandma, brother, sister 的剪影,让学生猜这几个人物是谁。
(2) 告诉学生,今天要学一个故事,故事中会认识更多的人物。
T: Today, we'll learn a story. We will meet a family.Listen and Read1. 导入故事教师呈现标题This is my family,可以解释family的意思,也可以用全家福的图片,帮助学生理解,让学生预测故事是关于谁的家庭,家里都有谁。
T: Whose family is it? Who are in the family? Let's read the story.2. 学习故事(l) 教师呈现图片,让学生说一说图中有哪些人物,他们在干什么,与小男孩是什么关系。
T: Who are they? What are they doing?(2) 教师拿出自己的相机,给全班学生拍照,运用“ Ready?Smilel 指”示语,帮助学生理解。
初一Lesson1英语家庭作业:Photos of Us
—________ ________ Helen? —________, I ________. 14. ——他是杰克吗? ——不,他不是。他的名字叫迈克。 —________ ________ Jack? —________, he ________. ________ ________ Mike. 15.他叫弗兰克。我叫格雷丝。 ________ ________ Frank.________ ________ Grace. 三、从方框中选择合适的词填空 her,meet,not,And,Ms. 16.She is my new teacher, ________ Brown. 17.Nice to ________ you. 18.—Are you Bob? —No, I'm ________.I'm Dale. 19.—What's ________ name? —She is Grace. 20.—Is she Alice? —Yes, she is.________ his name is Eric. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空 21.—Is this ________ (you) jacket? —Yes, it is. Thank you. 22. He is very nice. What's ________ (he) name? 23. Look at the girl. ________ (her) is my sister. 24.—________ (be)you Alice? —Yes, I ________ (be).
25.—What's ________(she) name? —Nancy. 五、单项选项 26.My name ________ Gina. A.is B.am C.are D.be 27.—What's your name? —________name is Li Ping. A.Your B.His C.Her D.My 28.He is a boy. ________name is Li Lei. A.My B.His C.Your D.Her 29.—What's her name? —________Grace. A.She's B.I'm C.Her name D.He's 30.—Is your mother a doctor? —________. A.Yes, she's B.Yes, she is C.Yes, he is D.Yes, she isn't 初一 Lesson1 英语家庭作业到这里就结束了,希望同学们的成绩能够更上 一层楼。
北师大版英语七上Unit 1《Lesson 1 Photos of Us》ppt课件(共37张PPT)
• 2. Mark/ Lisa • Mark is Lisa’s son. • Lisa is Mark’s mother.
3. Betty/ Mary
Betty is Mary’s granddaughter.
Mary is Betty’s grandmother.
4. Anna/ Betty
Anna is Betty’s cousin.
Betty is Anna’s cousin.
5. Anna/ John
Anna is John’s daughter.
John is Anna’s father.
6. Mark/ Tom
Mark is Tom’s grandson. Tom is Mark’s grandfather.
My cousin Anna is the same age as me. I like her. She has a brother. His name is Mark. He’s fifteen. I like him, too.
Betty Jones
My husband and I are doctors. Our daughter Betty doesn’t want to be a doctor. She likes to write, sing and dance.
He and his wife have a daughter and a son.
She and her husband have a daughter and a son.
His daughter Kathy is a doctor.
Her grandson Mark is fifteen and she likes him.
Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us 课件2
4. Anna/ Betty
Anna is Betty’s cousin. Betty is Anna’s cousin.
5. Anna/ John
Anna is John’s daughter. John is Anna’s father.
6. Mark/ Tom
Mark is Tom’s grandson. Tom is Mark’s grandfather.
Who is he / she?
123 456 789
She has a brother. Betty is her cousin.
He is fifteen and he has a sister. His cousin Betty likes him very much.
She likes to write, sing and dance. She has a dog. Her parents are doctors.
Homework: Make your family tree and introduce your family.
Welcome the Browns’ back
• Read the passage and complete the description of Mark Brown’s family.
My name is Mark Brown. I’m _f_ift_e1e_n_ years old. This is my family. Mary Brown is my _g_r_a_n2d_m_o_t_h_e_r _ and she is 66. My gr_a_n_d3fa_t_h_e_r , Tom Brown, is 68 years old. My mother’s name is Lisa and my _f_a_th_e4r___’s name is John. My ___s_is_te5r___’s name is Anna and she is 17 years old.