


2.海带从海水中摄取碘的方式如图1所示,该方式属于( )
3.蓝细菌(蓝藻)与酵母菌的相同之处是( )
4.下列生理活动与细胞膜的流动性无关的是( )
A.巨噬细胞吞噬病原体B.突触前膜 释放神经递质
19.研究者调查了某山地南坡不同海拔高度处的植物多样性,记录统计结果如表1。下列相关叙述错误的是( )
C.Ⅲ为记 忆B细胞,参与体液免疫
7.E47是人工合成的、由47个核苷酸组成的单链DNA分子,它可以催化两个DNA片段之间的连接。下列有关E47分析错误的是( )
A.A与T的比例不一定相 等B.具有双螺旋结构
C. 具有酶的功能D.碱基序列决定其特异性
1.培养微生物时加入的氮源可用于合成( )











2.在下列现象中,可以成为地球自转的证据是A. 日月升落B. 极昼极夜C. 月相变化 D 四季转换3..下列地理现象中,与地转偏向力有关的是①上海至纽约飞行航线向高纬度方向凸出②南亚地区夏季风的形成③直布罗陀海峡表层与底层水流方向相反④秘鲁寒流在流动中呈离岸的趋势A.①② B.③④ C. ①③ D.②④大气圈是自然界最活跃的组成部分。


4 在下列各组大气垂直分层中,总体而言,温度随着高度的增加而上升的一组是A. 对流层、电离层B. 对流层、中间层C.. 平流层、中间层D. 平流层、电离层地形等高线的弯曲与疏密蕴含着许多关于地形的信息。


5..图示山体主峰的西北坡地形特征是A.上、下部均陡峭 B. 上部较缓,下部较陡C. 上、下部均平缓D. 上部较陡,下部较缓6.板块构造学说有助于人类进一步认识①海陆间水循环的机理②洋流分布和运动规律③地震分布和活动规律④矿产资源的分布规律A.①② B. ②③ C. ③④ D.①③7..我国内蒙古高原和东部沿海都是风能资源丰富的地区,两地利用风能最佳季节分别是A.秋季、春季B.夏季、秋季C.冬季、春季D.冬季、夏季8..通常所说的水资源,是指目前人类可以大量利用的A.冰川水、河水、湖泊水B.河水、淡水湖泊水、浅层地下水C. 冰川水、大气水、土壤水D.大气水、淡水湖泊水、沼泽水位于大西洋中的冰岛火山活动频繁,读图回答。



静安区2017 学年第一学期高三年级教学质量检测生命科学试卷本试卷分为选择题( 第1-4 页) 和简答题( 第5-12 页) 两部分,全卷共12 页。

满分150 分。

考试时间为120 分钟。


.一、选择题(每题均只有一个正确答案;每题 2 分)1. 下列化合物构成元素种类最多的是()A. 葡萄糖B. 甘油C. 纤维素D. 磷脂2. 下图表示甲、乙两类物质的结构模式,对这两类物质的推论,正确的是()A. 甲可能是多糖,乙可能是脂肪酸B. 甲可能是多糖,乙可能是多肽链C. 甲可能是多核苷酸链,乙是多肽链D. 甲可能是十肽,乙可能是多核苷酸链3. 下列各现象中,在健康者的内环境中发生的是()A. 神经递质与受体结合B. 血红蛋白与氧结合C. 三磷酸腺苷的合成与水解D. 遗传信息的转录和表达4. 在“观察植物细胞的质壁分离和复原”实验中,对紫色洋葱鳞片叶外表皮临时装片进行了三次观察(如下图所示)。

下列有关叙述正确的是( )A. 第一次观察容易看到紫色大液泡膜和细胞膜的边界B. 第二次观察可发现细胞壁的角隅处先发生质壁分离C. 第三次观察可以发现紫色液泡膜的边界越来越清晰验时间,通常可省略第一次显微观察步骤D. 为节约实5. 人体因缺乏某些营养成分或激素而出现一些病症,下列表述中,正确的是()A. 缺乏维生素 C 易患夜盲症B. 缺锌易患肢端肥大症C. 幼年甲状腺激素分泌不足易患侏儒症D. 蛋白质摄入不足会导致组织水肿6. 研究化合物P 对淀粉酶活性的影响,得如下图所示的结果。

有关叙述正确的是()A. 底物浓度与反应速度呈正比B.A 点随温度升高不断持续上移C. 化合物 P 与底物是非竞争性关系D.P 使酶失去了催化能力 7. 关于微生物的叙述,正确的是( )A. 细菌以芽孢形式进行出芽生殖体加厚的细胞壁C. 黏菌是一种只含原生质的原核生物 抑制顽固热变形菌的RNA 合成8. 右图为反射弧结构示意图,下列有关说法正确的是 ( )A. 刺激①而发生肌肉收缩的现象称为反射B. 结构①、③分别由长树突和轴突构成C. 图中神经元的细胞体均位于结构②处D.a 、b 依次表示反射弧的效应器和感受器9. 用光学显微镜观察发生质壁分离的洋葱表皮细胞,不能检视到染色体的原因是( )A. 没有用醋酸洋红染色B.试剂破坏了染色体结构 C. 无染色体形成 D.显微镜倍率不够B.荚膜是支原D.利福平不能10. 右图为人体心脏结构模式,下列有关生理活动的叙述,正确的是()A. 结构A 收缩时,测得的动脉血压为收缩压B. 结构C舒张时,测得的动脉血压为舒张压C. 肾上腺素有助于提高结构 B 的收缩强度D. 交感神经兴奋可增强结构A、C的扩张度11. 下图表示健康人体细胞内液与内环境相互转化的关系模式图。










每小题只有一个正确答案)1.生物细胞内的下列物质中,既含N元素又属于生物大分子的一组是A.核苷酸和糖原B.血红蛋白和核酸C.氨基酸和葡萄糖D.胆固醇和纤维素2.坏血病、脚气病等都属于维生素缺乏症,这些症状出现是因为膳食中缺少①维生素B1 ②维生素C ③维生素A ④维生素DA.②①B.③②C.③④D.④①3.原核细胞具有的结构特点或生理过程是A.没有细胞器B.有成形的细胞核C.能进行转录、翻译过程D.进行有丝分裂4.选项微生物光合作用孢子生殖染色质青霉素抑制作用A 蓝细菌是是无有B 酵母菌否否有无C 产甲烷细菌否是无有D 黏菌否是有无5.正常形态转变为淡盐水中形态的过程中水分子进出细胞的图示是(说明:图中箭头表示水分子的运动方向,箭头多少表示水分子进出细胞的数目)6.下列结构的成分与艾滋病病原体的化学成分最相似的是A.核糖体B.中心体C.溶酶体D.染色体7.下列关于皮肤感受器的叙述,错误的是A.是传入神经末梢B.能将刺激转变为电信号C.能形成感觉D.含有多种感受器正常形态淡盐水中的形态图1图28.图2为不同pH 值条件下唾液淀粉酶对淀粉的分解作用结果,下列相关分析正确的是A.该实验可用碘液来准确测定淀粉分解的量B.pH 值为4和pH 值为8时该淀粉酶的活性相同C.pH 值由13调节到7,淀粉酶的活性迅速升高D.弱酸环境对酶活性的影响小于弱碱环境的影响9.图3A.能转换光能的色素位于色素带①中 B.低温对色素带④的破坏率最高C.镁元素缺乏影响色素带①②的含量D.能吸收红橙光的色素带是③ 10.在1、3、5号试管中分别加入2 mL 蒸馏水,2、4、6号试管中分别加入子匀浆样液,然后在1~4号试管中适量滴加班氏试剂,5、6摇匀。




每小题只有一个答案)1. 下列为葡萄糖脱水缩合而成的长链大分子是A .纤维素B .麦芽糖C .核酸D .多肽2. 生物多样性分为分子、个体、宏观3个层次,下列不.属于生物多样性分类层次的是 A.环境多样性 B.物种多样性 C.遗传多样性 D.生态系统多样性3. 广泛用于牛奶、奶酪、啤酒等产品的消毒方法是A .高压蒸汽灭菌B .巴氏消毒法C .酒精消毒D .火焰灼烧4. 下列人体各种细胞中属于增殖细胞的是A .肌肉细胞B .神经细胞C .胚胎干细胞D .成熟的红细胞5. 图1为测量保卫细胞长度的局部视野,下列表述错误..的是 A .要测量该细胞的长度,需旋转目镜B .若视野中物像不清晰,会造成测量误差C .物镜从10换为40,图示测微尺每小格所代表的长度变小D .在不同放大倍数下,图示测微尺每小格所代表的长度相同 6. 某同学制作一DNA 片段模型,现有若干不同类型塑料片,见表1。

还需准备脱氧核糖的塑料片数目是A.32B.40C.26D.527. 下列叙述不.符合现代进化理论的是 A .生殖隔离是新物种形成的标志B .可遗传变异为生物进化提供了原材料C .生物进化是以某一具体生物个体的演变来进行的D .自然选择使种群的基因频率定向改变并决定生物进化的方向8. 以下对人体内有氧呼吸和无氧呼吸生理活动的叙述中,正确的是A .都产生二氧化碳B .不可以同时进行C .产生的能量不同D .中间产物都相同图1表19. 科学家用小鼠骨髓瘤细胞与经过免疫的B 淋巴细胞融合得到杂交瘤细胞。

下列对于杂交瘤细胞及过程叙述不.正确的是 A .可分泌特异性抗体 B .高度分化,不能增殖C .具有双亲细胞的遗传物质D .上述过程为细胞融合技术10. 图2表示机体特异性免疫的部分过程示意图。

下列有关叙述错误..的是 A. 过程Ⅰ属于体液免疫,过程Ⅱ属于细胞免疫 B. 巨噬细胞也可参与图示免疫过程C. 细胞a 只能为B 淋巴细胞,细胞b 只能为T 淋巴细胞D. 细胞c 只能为浆细胞,细胞d 只能为致敏T 细胞 11. 图3中①、②分别表示不同的变异类型,下列有关说法正确的是A . ①:基因重组 ②:易位B .①:易位 ②:基因重组C . ①:易位 ②:易位D .①:基因重组②:基因重组12. 要将土壤中的自身固氮菌与其它杂菌分离开来,应将它们接种在A .加入氮源,加入杀菌剂的培养基上B .不含氮源,含杀菌剂的培养基上C .加入氮源,不加杀菌剂的培养基上D .不含氮源,不含杀菌剂的培养基上13.下列关于“探究加酶洗衣粉和普通洗衣粉的洗涤效果”的叙述,合理的是A .衣物质地和洗衣粉用量不会影响实验结果B .先用热水溶解洗衣粉,再将水温调节到最适温度C .相同pH 时加酶洗衣粉洗涤效果好于普通洗衣粉D .实验的观察指标可以是相同洗涤时间内污渍的残留程度14. 图4是一低等海洋动物完成某反射的反射弧模式图。



静安区2016学年第二学期教学质量检测高三年级英语试卷2017. 4考生注意:1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。

2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。



3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名。

I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At a car shop. B. At a garage.C. In a parking area.D. In a car showroom.2. A. Boss and secretary. B. Coach and athlete.C. Doctor and patient.D. Teacher and student.3. A. 10:00. B. 10:10. C. 10:20. D. 10:30.4. A. The meeting started earlier . B. His car was broken.C. He met with a traffic jam.D. He lost his way.5. A. Change his address. B. Mail some letters.C. Deliver some telegrams.D. Call the post office.6. A. He wrote it last semester. B. He’ll finish it in a few minutes.C. He never does assignments early.D. He isn’t going to write it.7. A. Rewrite the paper. B. Ask the woman to do some typing.C. Read the newspaper again.D. Check the paper for mistakes.8. A. Because she has walked a long distance. B. Because she is tired out.C. Because she is all wet.D. Because she is careless.9. A. A rent increase. B. A bargain.C. A salary cut.D. A vacation trip.10. A. It’s better than it used to be. B. It’s not as good as it was.C. It’s better than people say.D. It’s even worse than people say.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the longer conversation. The passages and the longer conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Because they are cold to each other.B. Because they look away from each other.C. Because they are introduced at an early age.D. Because they misunderstand each other’s signals.12. A. They eat and sleep together.B. They observe each other’s behaviors.C. They learn to speak each other’s la nguage.D. They know something from each other’s voices.13. A. We should learn to live in harmony.B. We must know more about animals.C. We should live in peace with animals.D. We must learn more body languages.Questions 14 through16 are based on the following speech.14. A. It varies from person to person.B. It is decided by the healthiest lifestyle.C. It needs some tests and comparison with standards.D. It is based more on individual needs than personal goals.15. A. It is more accurate. B. It is more flexible.C. It is less enjoyable.D. It is less effective.16. A. An accountant who can be as physically fit as an athlete.B. The importance of three basic factors concerning fitness.C. The new concept of fitness and its essential factors.D. Some sports with significant training effect.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Because it is good for their health.B. Because students get on well with each other in the activities.C. Because students benefit a lot from it.D. Because it helps students to get into college.18. A. Even difficult classes take no hard work.B. It’s difficult to get into college in America.C. Foreign students complete required courses more easily than natives.D. It emphasizes individual choices and follows the policy of “no pains, no gains.”19. A. They can hardly finish too much homework due to medical problems.B. They haven’t developed a vocabulary equivalent to that of native speakers.C. They participate in too many extracurricular activities.D. They can’t adapt to the new environment.20. A. Lack of intelligence.B. Too much time on part-time jobs.C. Partying often.D. Not having the attitude and skills.II.Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.The real reason you should never skip breakfastWe always hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and now new research has confirmed what we (21) _________ ( tell ) for years: skipping that morning meal is a very badidea.New guidance released by the American Heart Association and(22) _________ ( support ) by British experts from the British Heart Foundation warns that skipping breakfast could raise your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, the Daily Mail reports. The review, which was led by scientists from Columbia University in New York, also revealed that up to a third of adults didn’t have breakfast, (23) _________ snacking throughout the day instead –– resulting in health risks.After reviewing numerous studies, the team concluded that (24) _________ who ate regular, healthy breakfast every day were (25) _________ ( likely ) to overeat later on. As a result, their bodies had more time to burn off energy from food before bed. The team suggested we should all aim to eat between 15 and 25% of our daily energy intake early in the morning, which roughly (26) _________ ( equal ) 300-500 calories for a woman and 375-625 calories for a man. (27) _________ the team didn’t provide a sample breakfast, they suggested choosing meals that were high in vital nutrients, including fiber, calcium, potassium and vitamin D.Professor Marie-Pierre St-Onge, (28) _________ led the review panel, said: “Meal timing may affect health due to its impact on the body’s internal clock. We sugge st that people eat mindfully, by paying attention to planning both what you eat and (29) _________ you eat meals and snacks, to combat emotional eating. Many people find that emotions can stimulate them to eat when they are not hungry, which often leads to (30) _________ ( eat ) too many calories from foods that have low nutritional value.”Lacking some inspiration for tomorrow morning? Check out our collection of fast and healthy breakfast ideas for a fool-proof start to the day.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.The year of wanderingBetween the preparation and the work, the traineeship and the actual dealing with a task or an art, there comes, in the experience of many young men, a period of uncertainty and wandering which is often __31__ and considered as time wasted, when it is, in fact, a period rich in full and free development.It is as __32__ for passionate and courageous youth to wish to know what is in life, what it means, and what it holds for its children, as for a child to reach for and search the things that surround and attract it. Behind every real worker in the world is a real man, and a man has a __33__ to know the conditions under which he must live, and the choices of knowledge, power, and activity which are __34__ him. In the education of many men and women, therefore, therecomes the year of wandering; the experience of __35__ from knowledge to knowledge and from occupation to occupation.The forces which go to the making of a powerful man can __36__ be adjusted and blended (融合) without some disturbance of relations and conditions. This disturbance is sometimes injurious, because it affects the moral foundations upon which character rests; and for this reason the significance of the experience in its relation to development ought to be __37__ studied. The birth of the imagination and of the passions, the perception(感知) of the richness of life, and the consciousness of the __38__ of the power to master and use that wealth, create a critical moment in the history of youth, — a moment richer in possibilities of all kinds than comes at any later period.Anxiety and excitement of soul are __39__ in that wonderful moment. There are times when anxiety is as normal as is self-control at other and less critical times. The year of wandering is not an indication of aimlessness, but of aspiration, and that in its excitement and uncertainty youth is often __40__ to and finally prepared for its task.III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The announcement came the day before Thanksgiving, but there was nothing in it to be __41__ for: An experimental Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆症) drug many thought would slow the disease’s steady cognitive decline had failed to make a __42__ difference in a massive trial of people with early signs of the illness.Marty Reiswig took the news __43__ .“I was just sad,” he says. “I was really hopeful that it would be life-changing for us.” He doesn’t have Alzheimer’s disease, but he is part of a large __44__ family that’s been bothered by Alzheimer’s for generations. His family has a genetic mutation (变异) that means its carriers will develop Alzheimer’s at a much __45 __ age, usually 30 years earlier than those without the mutation. But there’s also a chance his monthly infusions (输液) include a drug that could __46__ him, his family members and others like them from losing loved ones to Alzheimer’s.The key is early interference, before symptoms are __47__ and brain damage is too extensive. “That’s how you stop the disease,” says Rudy Tanzi, director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachus etts General Hospital. “You don’t wait.” The attempt to prevent Alzheimer’s rather than treating it is the most exciting new development in decades. Traditionally, drug companies have __48__ their therapies on patients who already have memory loss, trouble thinking and other signs of dementia (痴呆). It’s been a __49__method. More than 99 percent of all Alzheimer’s drugs have failed tests in the clinic, and the few that have made it to the market only improve some __50__. Not a single medicine has been shown to slow the continuousprogression of the disease.__51__, with this new approach, even partial success —an appreciable slowing of brain degeneration —could have a big impact, says Dr. Reisa Sperling, who directs the Center for Alzheimer’s Research and T reatment at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. If a drug therapy can __52__ the attack of dementia by five or ten years, she says, “many more people would die of ballroom dancing __53__ in nursing homes.”Developing drugs to prevent Alzheimer’s disease could be a discovery of Nobel proportions. There is no __54__ that the current trials will succeed, but researchers believe they are getting close to __55__ what had, until recently, seemed to be one of medical research’s toughest challenges.41. A. important B. thankful C. hateful D. precious42. A. significant B. racial C. slight D. psychological43. A. happily B. peacefully C. hardly D. hard44. A. extended B. nuclear C. expanding D. single45. A. maturer B. younger C. older D. elder46. A. save B. cure C. stop D. avoid47. A. vague B. tremendous C. unpleasant D. evident48. A. reported B. tested C. established D. invented49. A. losing B. decreasing C. winning D. dropping50. A. symbol B. sign C. symptom D. signal51. A. Additionally B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. However52. A. push on B. push around C. push back D. push forward53. A. instead of B. in the end C. in all D. except for54. A. doubt B. guarantee C. denying D. possibility55. A. meeting B. facing C. accepting D. solvingSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)When memory began for me, my grandfather (“Gramp”) was past sixty. The little marks of laughter at the corners of his eyes were the product of a kindly and humorous nature. The years of work which had bent his shoulders had never reduced his humor or his love of a joke. Everywhere he went, Gramp made friends easily. At the end of half an hour you felt you had known him all your life. I soon learned that he hated to give orders, but that when he had to, he tried to make his orders sound like suggestions.One July morning, as he was leaving to go to the cornfield, he said: “Edwin, you can pick up the potatoes in the field today if you want to do that.” Then he drove away with his horses. The day passed, and I did not have any desire to pick up potatoes. Evening came and the potatoes were still in the field. Gramp, dusty and tired, led the horses to get their drink.“How many potatoes did you pick up?” Gramp inquired. “I didn’t pick any.” “Not any! Why?” “You said I could pick them up if I wanted to. You didn’t say I had to.” In the next few minutes, I learned a lesson I will not forget: when Gramp said I could if I wanted to, he meant that I should want to.My grandmother (“Gram”) worked hard all day, washing clothes, cleaning th e house, making butter, and even working in the field when help was scarce. In the evening, though, she was not too tired to read books from the community library. For more than forty years, Gram read aloud to Gramp almost every evening. In this way, she and Gramp learned about all the great battles of history and became familiar with the works of great authors and the lives of famous men.She also had a deep love of beauty. When she was almost seventy-five and had gone to live with one of her daughters, she spent a delightful morning washing dishes because, as she said, the beautiful pattern on the dishes gave her pleasure. The birds, the flowers, the clouds –– all that was beautiful around her –– pleased her. She was like the father of the French painter, Millet, who used to gather grass and show it to his son, saying, “See how beautiful this is!”In a pioneer society it is the harder qualities of mind and character that are of value. The softer virtues are considered unnecessary. Men and women struggling daily to earn a living are unable, even for a moment, to forget the business of preserving their lives. Only unusual people, like my grandparents, managed to keep the softer qualities in a world of daily struggle.56. Which of the following is TRUE about Gramp according to the passage?A. He wouldn’t listen to others.B. He was difficult to get along with.C. He gave his suggestions in the form of orders.D. He was eager to learn.57. According to the author, “softer qualities” DON’T include the ability _____________.A. to earn a livingB. to find beauty in everyday lifeC. to stay curious about new thingsD. to stay positive in a world of daily struggle58. In the days of the writer’s grandparents _____________.A. “softer qualities” were thought necessary but often ignoredB. “harder qualities” were much harder to keep than “softer qualities”C. average people found it a piece of cake to earn a livingD. not all people understood how to appreciate beauty in life59. What’s the most suitable title for the passage?A. Life of My GrandparentsB. Harder Qualities VS Softer QualitiesC. Stay Soft in a Hard WorldD. An Unforgettable Person( B )FIRE-FIGHTINGHow to fight a fireAnyone who uses fire-extinguishers should know a few basic facts about how to make them work. This leaflet will tell you the most important things to remember if you have to put a fire out. Water extinguishersYou can put most fires out with water extinguishers. However, you should not use water extinguishers if the fire involves electrical equipment or if it has been started by flammable (易燃的) liquids such as petrol.As in all fires, make sure that the wind is behind you — if you do this, the smoke will blow away from you. Point the jet of water at the bottom of the fire and move it slowly higher.Remember that you should only use extinguishers for small fires. If there is any danger of the fire spreading to anything that can explode, you should not try to put the fire out yourself. Instead, leave the building immediately, and call the fire brigade.Foam (泡沫) extinguishersYou can use a foam extinguisher for fire caused by burning liquids such as petrol. Never point the Jet directly into the liquid itself, as this may make it splash and spread the fire. Instead, try and point the extinguisher up into the air so that the foam goes up and falls on top of the burning liquid.Whatever the kind of fire, do not stand up straight — if you can stay down, this will help you to avoid the smoke, and you may be able to get closer to the fire. Get out of the building at once if you think your escape route might be cut off by smoke or fire.Carbon Dioxide(CO2) extinguishersSome fire extinguishers are filled with a gas called carbon dioxide. You can use these to put out fires which have been caused either by electrical equipment or flammable liquids. If the fire has been caused by electrical equipment, switch the equipment off and point the extinguisher straight at the fire. If the fire has been caused by a liquid like petrol, point the extinguisher at the nearest edge of the fire, and move it from side to side.Remember, never stay in a building if it is dangerous to do so, or if the fire grows beyond your control. Make sure you are standing near an exit in case this happens.60. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A.You cannot put all fires out with water extinguishers.B.In case of fire, stay down to protect yourself from the smoke.C.If the fire might cause any further explosion, ask for professional help.D.Foam extinguishers are for fires caused by electrical equipment.61. What can be inferred from the passage?A.Inappropriate use of fire extinguishers might make things worse.B.You should stay in the building if your escape route is cut off.C.Standing close to an exit will absolutely guarantee your safety in a fire.D.Fire fighting is a complicated job that can only be done by fire brigades.62. Who is the potential target reader of this passage?A.Fire fighters.B. The general public.C. College professors.D. Young children.(C)Scots are more likely to drink themselves to death than people from any other nation in Western Europe except Austria and Portugal. Every day, six Scots die from alcohol-related conditions. Our hospitals and health services struggle with the wider damage. An estimated 51,600 Scots suffer from drink-related illness. Incidence of liver disease has shot up 40 percent in the past seven years. Most knife attacks and most adult murders occur under the influence of alcohol. And drink abuse (嗜酒) has ruined thousands of families, a personal, psychological and social cost on top of the £1 billion already estimated through work absence.As if all this were not bad enough, problems with alcohol abuse are now spreading to an ever-younger age group. The proportion of pupils aged 12-15 who had had an alcoholic drink in the previous week rose in the last decade from 14 percent to 21 percent. Today, more than 40 percent of all 15-year-olds admit to having had a drink in the past week. Much teenage crime and destruction is drink related.To his credit, the Executive has focused his attention on alcohol abuse problem. Behind the scenes, the Executive is discussing how far it should go in trying to persuade Scots to drink in a more sensible fashion. The First Minister is known to be against an alcohol ban on the lines of prohibition on public smoking. He is correct that such a move would not be accepted by the people and, anyway, general prohibition tends to drive substance abuse underground rather than eliminate it.Nevertheless, a debate is emerging on what controls to put on the easy availability of alcohol, especially to the young. As we report today, Donald Gorrie, the senior Liberal Democrat MSP, is launching a campaign in the Scottish Parliament(议会)to prohibit supermarkets from offering cut-price promotions on alcoholic drinks, in line with a similar ban on such promotions to off-licences and public houses introduced earlier this year.It remains to be seen if it is technically feasible to define sales promotions of alcohol in a supermarket in such a way as to control them. There is also a reasonable argument that it is better to have people buy drinks at a supermarket, where the likelihood is that they will consume the alcohol at home rather than drink in public. On the other hand, much of the alcohol consumed by underground drinkers comes from the family supply. Perhaps the real solution is to question the cheapness of alcohol across the board.Nevertheless, Mr. Gorrie has opened an important public discussion. He has a talent for making parliament confront awkward issues, and alcohol is one such issue.63. It can be inferred from the passage that _____________.A. banning alcohol may make alcohol abuse exist secretlyB. Donald Gorrie held a debate on limiting alcoholC. 40 percent of all 15-year-olds are involved in criminal activity after drinkingD. the influence of alcohol cost £1 billion through drink-related disease64. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means “_____________.”A. young people debate over whether they should control the availability of alcoholB. unless a debate of controlling alcohol is held, young people will drink too much alcoholC. a debate on how to keep young people from easy access to alcohol appearsD. there is a discussion on how young people could give up alcohol abuse65. What is probably the useful solution to alcohol abuse according to the passage?A. To change the cheapness of alcohol.B. To prohibit people from going to pubs.C. To persuade them to drink in a more sensible fashion.D. To strike secret pubs.66. This passage is more likely to be seen in _____________.A. a medical magazineB. the society page of a newspaperC. an introduction to ScotlandD. an official document from British governmentSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.The explosion of new media, ranging from the internet to digital television, means that people working in advertising will have to come up with more ways to catch the public’s attentionin the future.______67______ No longer will all members be watching the same programme: some will be watching different channels on their own TVs, surfing the net or doing both at the same time. The advertising industry will have to work “harder and smarter” to cut through the “mess” of the future with a wide range of new media, all competing to catch the consumers’ eyes.People have become more individual in their consumption of advertising. New technology has made experimenting with new forms of advertising possible. The monologue where the advertisement tells housewives that this is the washing powder they should buy is just a cliché (陈词滥调) now. ______68______ There is, consequently, little hope of them surviving for more than another twenty years. A much closer relationship with the consumer is gradually being created.The definition of what constitutes advertising will expand well beyond the conventional mass media. Shopping environments will themselves become a part of the advertising process. Increasingly, they will exist not simply to sell goods, but also to entertain people and to make sure that they enjoy their time there. The aim will be to “warm” people towards these places so that they will return to purchase goods there again.In spite of these and other changes, it is highly unlikely that TV, print and radio will disappear altogether as advertising media. ______69______ But other marketing strategies, such as public relations and direct marketing, will become as important as advertising. Advertising agencies will have to reinvent themselves. They will no longer be able simply to produce advertisements and then support these through PR, direct marketing or the internet. Instead, they will have to change the whole way they look at communication and start thinking about ideas which are not specific to one discipline.______70______ Originality of thinking has always been in short supply. It will continue to be so in the future. But there will be increasing coston the advertiser’s ability to be imaginative and to think laterally about engaging the consumer in a broader variety of media.IV.Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Wearable technology can reportedly tell you a lot more than just the number of calories you’re burning or how many steps you’ve walked… That clever smartwatch can actually tell that you’re about to get a cold, days before you start feeling poorly. As New Scientist reports, researchers at Stanford University in California have discovered that wearable tech can now detect when you’re ab out to fall prey to (感染) a frightening winter bug, simply by tracking your vital statistics.After monitoring 40 smartwatch users for up to two years, the team has demonstrated that the devices can be used to detect the first signs of coming illness. The p articipants’ pulse and skin temperature were continuously monitored throughout the period, with the scientists noting that their smartwatches recorded unusually higher heart rates and skin temperatures up to three daysbefore the volunteers began displaying symptoms of cold or flu.Study leader Michael Snynder said: “Once these wearables collect enough data to know what your normal baseline readings are, they can get very good at sensing when something goes wrong. We think that if your heart rate and skin t emperature are elevated for about two hours, there’s a strong chance you’re getting sick.” “Continuous tracking of your vital signs is more informative than having a doctor measure them once a year and comparing them with population averages,” he added.The team now hopes to create an algorithm (算法) that will let smartwatches notify you when you’re about to get sick. Well, at least that might give us the chance to stock up on vitamins and wrap up warm before the germ attacks!V.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 由于缺乏独特的文化,一些地方将不再吸引游客。



16.右图是人体有关甲状腺分泌及其相关调控关系模式图,图中 X、Y 表示相应内分泌器官,数
A.X 是垂体,Y 是下丘脑
B.寒冷刺激引起①减少、④增多 C.③对 X、Y 的作用依次是正反馈和负反馈


二模 2018·上海静安·生命科学 第 2 页(共 10 页)
趾基因;w 代表联趾(趾间有蹼)基因。下图表示这两种性状与基因型比例变化的过程。对

C.小岛上蜥蜴的基因库就是全部 W 和 w 基因之和
D.①至④中基因 w 频率定向增大体现了进化的态势

A.甲为原核细胞结构 C.丙是真核生物细胞核 7.在减数第一次分裂过程中不可能出现的是 A.同源染色体联会 C.着丝粒分裂为二 8.下列关于神经兴奋的叙述,正确的是 A.兴奋部位膜内为负电位膜外为正电位 C.神经冲动在反射弧中出现双向传导





则实验期间该乳腺细胞分泌的四种物质中,没有放射性的物质是()A.乳蛋白B. 乳脂C.抗体D. 免疫球蛋白3、下图①~⑥表示不同化学元素所组成的化合物,以下说法不正确的是( )A.若②是细胞膜的脂质成分,则不具有物种的特异性B.若图中⑤为过氧化氢酶,则①经脱水缩合形成⑤的过程主要发生在核糖体上C.若②为多聚体,且能贮存生物的遗传信息,则②一定是DNAD. 若④主要在人体肝脏和肌肉内合成,则④最可能是糖原4、下图表示整体与部分的关系,甲图中Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ与乙图有对应关系。


图中a表示基因工程,b 表示发酵工程,e表示克隆技术,则c和d可分别表示( )A.胚胎移植和细胞培养B.细胞培养和花粉离体培养C.显微注射技术和细胞培养D.显微注射技术和花粉离体培养6、下列关于血脂和脂蛋白的说法不正确的是()A.右图是脂蛋白的结构示意图,四种脂蛋白的主要区Array别在A部分B.编号C是磷脂,B是蛋白质,成分A是合成脂质类激素的原料C.若该脂蛋白是密度最小的脂蛋白,则其颗粒大、携带较多的甘油三酯D.血浆中胆固醇主要以LDL形式运输7、用打孔器打出6块滤纸小圆片编号C1-C6,浸在一块点样瓷板6个凹穴(C1-C6,凹穴中滴加等量相应的溶液)中一段时间,用镊子将小圆片放在同一淀粉琼脂培养基上的不同位置,37℃孵育30min,倒入碘液1min后洗去碘液,观察培养基上相应位置是否产生透明圈(不产生蓝黑色的范围),结果如下表所示,对该实验分析不正确的是( )A.该实验的目的是探究PH对绿豆淀粉酶活性的影响B.C4、C5为实验组,C1和C 2、C 3、C6均为对照组C.该实验说明绿豆淀粉酶在弱碱性环境中活性较高D.若在C4凹穴中再滴加2滴稀碳酸钠溶液后重复该实验,实验结果与C5相同8、下图为叶绿体色素的吸收光谱。



绝密★启用前2017届上海市静安区高三4月教学质量检测(二模)生物试卷(带解析)试卷副标题考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:75分钟;命题人:xxx学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________注意事项.1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题(题型注释)1、某种二倍体生物的某基因座存在四种基因,分别是A 1、A2、A3、a ,其中A 对a 为显性,A 1、A 2、A 3之间为不完全显性。

则下列相关叙述正确的是( )A .个体细胞中有4个染色体组B .显性生物个体是杂合体C .物种的相关表现型有7种D .物种的相关基因型有8种2、某种植物高茎(A )对矮茎(a )显性,红花(B )对白花(b )显性。

现有红花高茎植株与白花矮茎植株杂交,子一代植株性状表现与比例如下表:试卷第2页,共11页则:红花高茎亲本的基因型是( )A. B. C. D.3、如图表示神经纤维膜内外电位状态及其测量装置,测得的膜电位如图中微电压计量表指针所示,相关解释正确的是( )A .测量处神经纤维为静息态,测得的是膜外电位B .测量处神经纤维为静息态,测得的是膜内电位C .测量处神经纤维为兴奋态,测得的是膜外电位D .测量处神经纤维为兴奋态,测得的是膜内电位4、受精卵经分裂、分化,形成了人体多种形态和功能的体细胞,则相关叙述正确的是( )A .人体不同种类体细胞的基因不同B .人体不同种类细胞中的染色体数不同C .人体不同种类体细胞中蛋白质种类有所不同D .人体不同种类体细胞中的RNA 数与DNA 数相同5、某山羊种群中,基因型BB 的个体占18%,Bb 的个体占78%,则B 基因的频率是( ) A .57% B .36% C .18%D .92%6、如图表示通过突触传递信息的示意图,下列有关叙述正确的是( )A .乙神经元正处于兴奋状态B .①是树突膜,②是离子通道C .③是神经递质的通道D .信息传导方向由乙至甲7、一位红绿色盲男孩的母亲色觉正常,父亲是红绿色盲患者,则男孩的色盲基因来自( ) A .母亲B .父亲C .父母双方D .父亲或母亲8、下列关于DNA 的叙述,正确的是( ) A .DNA 存在于一切生物体中 B .基因突变一般易发生于DNA 复制时 C .A-T 碱基对稳定性高于C-G 碱基对D .DNA 中任意碱基改变都会导致性状改变9、某植物幼苗刚倒伏为图8状态,一段时间后形成图9状态,则该过程中,其根部近地侧(黑点处)生长素浓度的变化应该是图中的曲线( )A .aB .bC .cD .d10、如图为生物遗传信息传递与表达过程示意图,数字表示过程,相关叙述正确的是( )A .①是转录B .②是逆转录C .③是翻译D .甲是肽链11、以下是显微镜下观测到的同一个洋葱表皮细胞质壁分离与复原过程中的镜像变化,相关叙述正确的是( )A .结构①②③④构成原生质层B .视野中呈现紫色的部位是③试卷第4页,共11页C .Y 时结构⑤中的自由水显著减少D .⑥空间大小与外界溶液浓度呈反比12、如图是蛋白质代谢过程的部分示意图,关于该图意的解释正确的是( )A .过程①是氨基转换作用B .过程②释放的能量最多C .过程③发生在线粒体中D .过程④发生在肾细胞中13、如图中,甲、乙、丙表示某个生物体内的三个细胞,相关叙述正确的是( )A .甲细胞处于有丝分裂的中期B .乙细胞处于减数第二次分裂后期C .三种细胞不可能都存在于性腺中D .孟德尔遗传定律可发生于丙细胞14、如图是细胞膜亚显微结构模式图,①~③表示构成细胞膜的物质,下列叙述错误的是( )A .①、②、③具有半流动性B .②构成细胞膜的基本骨架C .脂肪酸通过①出入细胞D .①、③与细胞膜选择透过性有关15、我国浙江淀山湖水域中有几十种鱼,这一生物多样性现象体现的是( ) A .遗传多样性B .物种多样性C .生态多样性D .生理多样性16、下列有关人体血压的叙述,正确的是( )A .肱动脉收缩时的血压称为收缩压B .交感神经兴奋引起降压反射C .血液粘滞度增加易导致血压升高D .人体收缩压越低则脉压越高17、下列有关现代生物进化理论的叙述,正确的是( ) A .生物进化的基本单位是个体 B .生物进化的本质是基因频率的定向改变 C .狮虎兽是哺乳动物的新物种D .同种生物的种群大小与基因库大小呈反比18、肽酶可以水解下列化合物(如图所示),肽酶水解作用的部位是( )A .①B .②C .③D .④19、ATP 的结构式可用图表示,其中高能磷酸键的部位是( )A .仅①处B .仅③处C .①和②处D .②和③20、下列物质中,含有磷元素的是( ) A .脂肪B .纤维素C .氨基酸D .核苷酸试卷第6页,共11页第II 卷(非选择题)二、综合题(题型注释)(五)回答下列有关基因工程的问题从人的胰岛细胞中制备胰岛素编码基因,再用DNA 连接酶与合适的质粒拼接成重组质粒。



静安区2017学年第二学期教学质量检测高中生命科学试卷1.下列各选项的物质,它们的元素构成完全一致的是A.糖原和甘油三酯B. 磷脂与脂肪酸C.核苷酸与蛋白质D. 叶绿素与甲状腺素【答案】A【解析】糖原和甘油三酯的组成元素都是 C H、O, A正确;磷脂的组成元素是C H O NP,脂肪酸的组成元素是C、H O, B错误;核苷酸的组成元素是C、H O N、P,蛋白质的组成元素是C H、O N, C错误;叶绿素的组成元素中含有Mg而甲状腺素的组成元素中含有碘,D错误。

2.图为概念组成关系,以下各选项的物质或结构,符合概念图①至④关系的是1 ( ® JA.①双层膜细胞器②细胞核③线粒体④叶绿体B.①胆固醇②性激素③胰岛素④肾上腺皮质激素C.①膜蛋白②载体③通道④受体D.①核糖体②DNA③蛋白质④磷脂【答案】C【解析】细胞核不属于细胞器,A错误;胆固醇、性激素、肾上腺皮质激素都属于脂质,而胰岛素属于蛋白质,B错误;细胞膜上的蛋白质种类众多,如载体蛋白、通道蛋白、受体等, C正确;核糖体是由RNA和蛋白质组成的,不含磷脂,D错误。

3.若让植物根尖细胞处于缺氧环境中一段时间,则受影响的细胞膜功能是①自由扩散②被动转运③主动运输④胞吞A.①②B. ①③C. ②③D. ③④【答案】D【解析】若让植物根尖细胞处于缺氧环境中一段时间,则细胞供能不足,主要影响消耗能量的生命活动。


因此受影响的细胞膜功能是③④,故选D4.安静环境中突然出现一声巨响,下列有关人体生理调节的叙述正确的是A.血容量增加B. 心输出量减少C.肾上腺素分泌量增加D. 神经冲动传导速度加快【答案】C【解析】血流量可能发生改变,而血容量是不会发生改变的,A错误;在外界巨响的刺激下,肾上腺素分泌增加,心输出量增加,B错误、C正确;神经冲动传导速度不会发生改变,D错误。







一、 选择题(共40分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确答案)1. 水稻收获后,要充分晾晒才能入库,这样做的目的是A .减少水稻种子中自由水的含量B .增强水稻种子的呼吸作用强度C .减少水稻种子中有机物的含量D .增强水稻种子的光合作用强度2. 下列有关组成生物体部分物质的对应关系的描述中,正确的是A .纤维素——植物体的储能物质B .RNA ——生物主要的遗传物质C .蛋白质——生物主要的能源物质D .磷脂——细胞膜的组成物质3. 某同学在显微镜下测量蚕豆叶下表皮保卫细胞的长度时,记录下了以下现象,其中正确的是A .有的保卫细胞中可观察到染色体B .转动目镜,目镜测微尺随之转动C .有的保卫细胞中可观察到紫色液泡D .移动装片,目镜测微尺随之移动4. 以下结构中,所有细胞都具有的是A .细胞核B .中心体C .细胞壁D .核糖体5. 右图表示蛋白质代谢的部分过程,以下叙述正确的是A .过程①属于水解反应B .过程①表示糖酵解过程C .物质X 表示丙酮酸D .物质X 表示二碳化合物6. 适时接种HPV (人乳头瘤病毒)疫苗,能有效预防宫颈癌,以下关于HPV 疫苗的说法正确的是A .接种HPV 疫苗属于天然免疫B .接种的HPV 疫苗属于抗体C .HPV 疫苗能引起特异性免疫D .天然HPV 即可作为HPV 疫苗7. 某同学为验证酶的特性,分别将等量的过氧化氢酶、淀粉酶、蒸馏水与3mL H 2O 2混合,并分别测定O 2生成量,推测该同学是为了验证酶的 A .专一性 B .高效性 C .两重性D .多样性蛋白质①8. 青蛙在变态发育过程中,尾会消失。








一、选择题(共60分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确答案)1.下列物质的元素构成种类最多的是()A.葡萄糖B.丙酮酸C.甘油D.核苷酸2. 下列关于维生素的叙述,正确的是()A.缺乏维生素C易得骨质疏松症B.缺乏维生素A易患夜盲症C.人体不能合成维生素DD.维生素B易溶解于脂类中3. 下列有关生物生殖方式中,属于有性生殖范畴的是()A.细菌分裂生殖B.酵母菌出芽生殖C.柳树扦插繁殖D.小麦种子繁殖4. 下列依次为丙氨酸、丝氨酸和天门冬氨酸的结构式。

由这三种氨基酸脱水缩合所形成的化合物中,含有的氨基、羧基和肽键的数目是( )A.1、1、3B.3、3、2C.1、1、2D.1、2、25.关于微生物结构与分类的叙述,正确的是()A.乳酸菌经染色后可观察到细胞核B.青霉素能抑制古细菌细胞壁的合成C.放线菌是一类长有菌丝的真细菌D.细菌的荚膜是度过严酷环境的休眠体6.下图为二倍体百合(2n=24)减数分裂过程中的几幅细胞图像。

下列叙述正确的是()①②③④⑤A.细胞分裂像时序为①→⑤→③→④→②B.视野中,图②类型的细胞数量最多C.图③细胞中不会出现核遗传信息的转录D.⑤细胞中两极的基因组成都相同7. 下列有关ATP的叙述,不正确的是()A.ATP是细胞生命活动的直接能源物质B.ATP与ADP互相转化需要不同酶的催化C.ATP分子结构稳定性较高D.正常细胞中ATP与ADP数量动态平衡8.下图1为菠菜叶光合色素正常层析的结果;若将在严重缺镁的培养液中培养出的菠菜叶进行光合色素层析,结果应该是()9.图2是紫色洋葱表皮细胞质壁分离与复原中出现的形态,有关解释正确的是()A.①②③共同构成选择透过性膜系统B.⑤的浓度一定大于④的浓度C.④中失去的主要是自由水D.遗传物质主要存在于⑤内10.关于植物生命活动调节叙述,正确的是()A.天然的植物激素包括赤霉素、细胞分裂素、2,4-D等B.在已授粉花柱的柱头上蘸涂生长素类似物可以得到无籽果实C.子房发育成果实所需的生长素来源于发育着的种子D.顶端优势现象出现的原因在于侧芽自身产生生长素过多11.图3为某个基因的部分片段,关于该结构的叙述,正确的是()A.①所圈定的部位是腺嘌呤B.连接酶作用于②处C.限制性内切酶作用于③处D.解旋酶作用于④处12. 某小组为研究脱气对酵母菌在培养初期产气量的影响,进行了甲、乙2组实验,实验装置如右图所示,除图中实验处理不同外,其余条件相同。



静安区2016-2017学年高三年级第二学期教学质量检测历史试卷 2017.04注意:1. 本检测设试卷和答题纸两部分,所有答题必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律无效.答题纸与试卷上的试题编号一一对应,答题时应特别注意,不能错位。

2. 检测时间60分钟,试卷满分100分。



”《荀子·儒效篇》的记载反映了A.西周的分封制 B.秦朝的郡县制C.隋唐的科举制 D.元朝的行省制2。


道 B。

法 C。

儒 D。

释3.西汉时期,儒学发展为A.显学 B.经学C. 理学D.心学4.右侧反映的是一则有关问路的对话场景。


适合下图的主题是大马士革长安A.佛教东传 B.丝绸之路C.郑和远航 D.玄奘西行6。


重文轻武 D.闭关锁国7. 文帝十五年诏“举贤良方正能直言极谏者,上亲策之,傅纳以言",武帝元光二年诏“初令郡国举孝廉各一人”。

《汉书》所载的诏书内容表明当时选官取人A.以才 B.以绩C.以文D.以德8. 宋真宗的《劝学诗》中有诗句“书中自有千钟粟”、“书中自有黄金屋”、“书中自有颜如玉”。

宋真宗所言的“书”指的是A.圣贤之书 B.工艺之书C.科技之书 D.法治之书9. 以下历史事件,其中命名方式与众不同的一项是A.维新运动 B.甲午战争C.戊戌政变 D.辛亥革命10. 中国近代史以鸦片战争作为开始的标志,主要是因为这场战争使中国A.主权不再完整,自然经济渐趋解体B.独立遭到破坏,工业社会正式形成C.资产阶级出现,民主革命成为潮流D.专制统治崩溃,西方文化向东渗透11。



静安区2018学年第二学期教学质量检测高中生命科学试卷参考答案21.BC 22.D 23.AB 24.A 25.D 26.B27.胰脏;肾上腺素28.↓;↑29.②③④30.BD 31.ABD 32.血糖浓度升高后,胰岛素的分泌量会慢慢回升,胰高血糖素、肾上腺素等激素的分泌量会逐渐下降,使血糖浓度停止升高,维持在适宜的范围内(从激素或神经-激素调节的角度解释血糖会维持稳定,文字表达正确,逻辑清晰,解释完整即可)33.C 34.限制酶、DNA连接酶35.A 36.B37.类胰岛B细胞(类型二)中有导入的P基因和M基因(1分);类胰岛B细胞(类型二)中有P、M基因转录形成的相应mRNA(1分);类胰岛B细胞(类型二)中有P、M基因表达形成的相应蛋白质(1分);类胰岛B细胞(类型二)中有(胰岛素和)胰岛素基因转录形成的mRNA(1分)38.O2;NADPH、ATP 39.②;②40.A 41.BCD42.一定范围内随NaCl浓度上升,植物干重增加量先上升后下降(一定范围内添加氯化钠,植物干重增加量上升)。



43.常染色体隐性遗传;X连锁隐性遗传44.Aa;AAX B X B或AAX B X b45.1/8 46.B47.可能。

因蚕豆病是X连锁不完全显性遗传病,设该病的致病基因为X h,所以小红外婆的基因型为X Bh X Bh,外公的基因型为X bH Y,因此小红母亲的基因型为X Bh X bH。

因B-b 和H-h间可能发生交换,所以小红母亲可以产生X BH配子,又因为小红父亲的基因型为X BH Y,因此小红的基因型可能是X BH X BH,即不携带这两种致病基因。

(或:因蚕豆病是X连锁不完全显性遗传病,设该病的致病基因为X H,所以小红外婆的基因型为X BH X BH,外公的基因型为X bh Y,因此小红母亲的基因型为X BH X bh。

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) 1.下列物质中,含有磷元素的是( )A.脂肪B.纤维素C.氨基酸D.核苷酸 2.ATP 的结构式可用图1表示,其中高能磷酸键的部位是( )A.仅①处B.仅③处C.①和②处D.②和③3.肽酶可以水解下列化合物(图2所示),肽酶水解作用的部位是( )A .①B .②.③ D .④ 4.下列有关现代生物进化理论的叙述,正确的是() A.生物进化的基本单位是个体 B.生物进化的本质是基因频率的定向改变 C.狮虎兽是哺乳动物的新物种 D.同种生物的种群大小与基因库大小呈反比5.下列有关人体血压的叙述,正确的是( )A.肱动脉收缩时的血压称为收缩压B.交感神经兴奋引起降压反射C.血液粘滞度增加易导致血压升高D.人体收缩压越低则脉压越高6.我国浙江淀山湖水域中有几十种鱼,这一生物多样性现象体现的是( ) A.遗传多样性 B.物种多样性 C.生态多样性 D.生理多样性7.图3是细胞膜亚显微结构模式图,①~③表示构成细胞膜的物质,下列叙述错误..的是( ) A .①、②、③具有半流动性B .②构成细胞膜的基本骨架C .脂肪酸通过①出入细胞D .①、③与细胞膜选择透过性有关8. 图4中,甲、乙、丙表示某个生物体内的三个细胞,相关叙述正确的是( )A.甲细胞处于有丝分裂的中期B.乙细胞处于减数第二次分裂后期C.三种细胞不可能都存在于性腺中D.孟德尔遗传定律可发生于丙细胞9.图5是蛋白质代谢过程的部分示意图,关于该图意的解释正确的是( )A —P —P — P② ③图1 H 2 C H H O C CH 3 C OH①图 2③②A.过程①是氨基转换作用B.过程②释放的能量最多C.过程③发生在线粒体中D.过程④发生在肾细胞中10.以下是显微镜下观测到的同一个洋葱表皮细胞质壁分离与复原过程中的镜像变化,相关叙述正确的是( )A.结构①②③④构成原生质层B.视野中呈现紫色的部位是③C.Y 时结构⑤中的自由水显著减少D.⑥空间大小与外界溶液浓度呈反比11.图7为生物遗传信息传递与表达过程示意图,数字表示过程,相关叙述正确的是( )A.①是转录B.②是逆转录C.③是翻译D.甲是肽链 12.某植物幼苗刚倒伏为图8状态,一段时间后形成图9状态,则该过程中,其根部近地侧(黑点处)生长素浓度的变化应该是图10中的曲线( )A.aB.bC.cD.d 13.下列关于DNA 的叙述,正确的是( )A.DNA 存在于一切生物体中B.基因突变一般易发生于DNA 复制时C.A-T 碱基对稳定性高于C-G 碱基对D.DNA 中任意碱基改变都会导致性状改变14.一位红绿色盲男孩的母亲色觉正常,父亲是红绿色盲患者,则男孩的色盲基因来自( ) A.母亲 B.父亲 C.父母双方 D.父亲或母亲 15.图11表示通过突触传递信息的示意图,下列有关叙述正确的是( )A.乙神经元正处于兴奋状态B.①是树突膜,②是离子通道C.③是神经递质的通道D.信息传导方向由乙至甲16.某山羊种群中,基因型BB 的个体占18%,Bb 的个体占78%,则B 基因的频率是( ) A .57% B .36% C .18% D .92%②① 甲 图7一段时间后 生长素浓度图6图1117.受精卵经分裂、分化,形成了人体多种形态和功能的体细胞,则相关叙述正确的是( ) A.人体不同种类体细胞的基因不同 B.人体不同种类细胞中的染色体数不同C.人体不同种类体细胞中蛋白质种类有所不同D.人体不同种类体细胞中的RNA 数与DNA 数相同18.图12表示神经纤维膜内外电位状态及其测量装置,测得的膜电位如图中微电压计量表指针所示,相关解释正确的是( )A.测量处神经纤维为静息态,测得的是膜外电位B.测量处神经纤维为静息态,测得的是膜内电位C.测量处神经纤维为兴奋态,测得的是膜外电位D.测量处神经纤维为兴奋态,测得的是膜内电位19. 某种植物高茎(A )对矮茎(a )显性,红花(B )对白花(b )显性。

现有红花高茎植株与白花矮茎植株杂交,子一代植株性状表现与比例如下表:则:红花高茎亲本的基因型是( )20. 某种二倍体生物的某基因座存在四种基因,分别是A 1、A 2、A 3、a (见右图13),其中A 对a 为显性,A 1、A 2、A 3之间为不完全显性。

则下列相关叙述正确的是( )A.个体细胞中有4个染色体组B.显性生物个体是杂合体C.物种的相关表现型有7种D.物种的相关基因型有8种 二、综合题(共60分)(一)回答下列生物结构、功能及其营养的问题(11分)下图14为人体某细胞部分结构模式图,请据图回答:21.依据图14的信息,该人体细胞可较准确判定为 细胞。

22.图14中的A-D 编号的结构中,兼具蛋白质合成与运输功能的编号是 。


神经纤维 图13A 1A 2 A 3 a表现型 红花高茎 红花矮茎 白花高茎 白花矮茎数量比 10 1 1 10 B A A B A. A a B b B. A a B b C. A a B b D.23. 长野芽孢杆菌作为原核生物,关键是其缺乏图14细胞中的结构(填编号)。

24. 用固体培养基培养长野芽孢杆菌并鉴定其分解淀粉能力,培养基成分为牛肉膏、蛋白胨、淀粉、氯化钠、琼脂和水。


25. 对培养基进行高温灭菌时,必须同时将一起灭菌。

26. 将大肠杆菌和三株不同的长野芽孢杆菌按图15所示的方式,分别接种至其固体培养基平板上,并在三种温度下培养相同的时间。



A. 大肠杆菌在图示培养条件下几乎不生长B.长野芽孢杆菌具有抑制大肠杆菌的功效C.长野芽孢杆菌产生的普鲁兰酶能分泌至细胞外D.三种不同的长野芽孢杆菌所产生的酶量可能不同E.三种不同的长野芽孢杆菌菌株拥有各自不同的最适生长温度F.三种不同的长野芽孢杆菌菌株所产生的普鲁兰酶拥有相同的最适温度27. 经纯化了的普鲁兰酶在工业化应用之前可先进行固定化处理,其目的和原理分别是。





A.抗原 B.抗体 C.淋巴因子 D.病原微生物29.B1组人群中出现癌前病变的比例显著高于________组,据此推测感染HPV是诱发癌前病变的因素之一。

A.A1B.A2C.B1D.B230. 根据表中数据并结合所学知识,描述HPV疫苗起预防作用的机制。






34.图中的“某结构”是;B为 F为以浮游藻类为材料研究浮游藻类的光合作用,用图17光合测定装置测得浮游藻类细胞在不同条件下的净光合速率(指光合作用生成量–细胞呼吸量),用Pn表示。

图18为不同NaHCO3浓度(pH8.5,25℃)条件下测得的Pn 曲线图。



A.光照强度 B.光的颜色 C.温度 D.二氧化碳浓度37.在测定不同光照对Pn的影响时,如不精准控制温度,则测得的光照与Pn的关系。




(可多选)A.光照强度没有达到最适值 B.浮游藻类细胞内碳酸酐酶(CA)有限C.浮游藻类细胞内色素有限 D.二氧化碳浓度不够(四)回答下列有关遗传和变异的问题(10分)果蝇的灰体(E)对黑檀体(e)为显性;短刚毛和长刚毛是一对相对性状,由一对等位基因(B,b)控制。


用甲、乙、丙三只果蝇进行杂交实验,杂交组合、F1表现型及比例如下:40. 若只研究体色,实验一中两个亲本的基因型是_____和______(请用题干中的字母)。

41. 实验二中两个亲本的基因型是_______和________(请用题干中的字母)。

42. 实验二的F1中与亲本果蝇基因型不同的个体所占的比例为________。

43. 灰体纯合果蝇与黑檀体果蝇杂交,在后代群体中出现了一只黑檀体果蝇。








45.若人胰岛素编码基因是使用限制酶Pst I(识别序列和切割位点如图19所示)切开的,那么如图20所示的质粒应使用限制酶切开,才能保证人胰岛素编码基因与质粒直接粘连拼接。

46. 如果人胰岛素编码基因和质粒的大小分别为0.5 kb和3.2 kb(1 kb = 1000对碱基),那么安装了单个人胰岛素编码基因的重组质粒用限制酶Eco RI和Aat II联合酶切后,所产生的DNA片段大小应为 kb和 kb。
