Sample Reference Letter




SampleCoverletter(精选五篇)第一篇:Sample Cover letter“This is a great letter.It's well written, highlights current projects and degree background and best of all, includes her technical skills.It also showed her motivation when she mentions what an invaluable experience she believes this would be.”Dear Sir/MadamI wish to apply for Summer Intern as advertised [publication] on [date].I believe I would enjoy the challenge and the opportunity to learn provided by this position.I also recognise the invaluable experience that would be gained working with the largest name in the industry.I am currently completing my Bachelor of Engineering(Electronics)/Bachelor of Information Technology(Computer Science)degrees at [university].Over the past two years in particular, I have achieved an average Grade Point of 4.96(on a 7 point ascending scale)in subjects completed.I have attained academic excellence in subjects involving large professional-style projects, communications, management and business skills.My involvement in the operation of EESEC, the largest single-campus student society in Queensland, has strengthened my leadership, teamwork, problem-solving and decision-making abilities and has enabled me to acquire expertise in all facets of successful business administration.I believe that these factors, along with my broad information technology and engineering knowledge base, my extensive experience with the Microsoft suite of products and my personal skills such as initiative, creativity, adaptability and a willingness to learn will enable me to excel in the role of a MicrosoftIntern.Please find attached my resume and academic transcript.I would appreciate the opportunity of an interview and I can be contacted at the above addresses, on my home phone [telephone number] or via a message left on my paging service [number].Yours faithfully。



PERSONAL R EFERENCE L ETTER S AMPLESThese l etters o f r eference s hould b e t yped o n p ersonal o r b usiness l etterhead.Sample #1Board o f D irectorsThe (Building A ddress) T enants C orporationAddressNew Y ork, N Y 10000RE: C ooperative A pplication o f (Name)To: T he B oard o f D irectorsI w rite i n s upport o f t he c o-­‐op a pplication o f (Name).I h ave k nown (Name) f or o ver 12 y ears. I m et (Name) t hrough a m utual a cquaintance i n 1993. A t t he t ime, I w as e mployed a s a M anager a t (Company N ame) a nd (Name)’s f riend was w orking a s a n i ntern i n t he s ame o ffice. C onsequently, I s aw (Name) f rom t ime t o t ime at v arious o ffice e vents a nd f unctions. W e q uickly b ecame c lose f riends. O ver t he n ext f ew years, w hile I a ttended g raduate s chool, I l ived o utside t he N ew Y ork C ity a rea. H owever, my w ife (then g irlfriend) r emained a r esident o f M anhattan, a nd s he a nd (Name) b ecame close f riends. C onsequently, b oth m y w ife a nd I c ame t o c onsider (Name) a nd I t o b e o ur closest f riend.As a r esult o f k nowing (Name) o ver a d ecade, I c an a ssure y ou t hat s he i s a p erson o f remarkable m aturity a nd r eliability. S he i s o ne o f t he m ost p ersonally d ependable a nd financially r esponsible p eople t hat I k now. M y w ife a nd I h ave c ome t o d epend u pon (Name) i n c ountless w ays. F or e xample, (Name) i s o ne o f t he f ew p eople t o w hom m y w ife and I w ould e ntrust t o t ake c are o f 3-­‐year o ld s on. O bviously, I h ave a g reat d eal o f f aith i n (Name) a nd t rust h er w ithout r eservation.I s hould a lso p oint o ut t hat (Name) w ould b e a n i deal n eighbor. S he i s g enerous, t houghtful, immaculately c lean a nd q uiet. S he i s a lso a n e xtremely i nteresting a nd i ntelligent p erson.Based o n t he f oregoing, i t s hould b e o bvious t hat I b elieve t hat (Name) w ould b e a n i deal candidate f or m embership i n y our c o-­‐op a nd r esidency i n y our b uilding. M y o nly r egret i n writing t his l etter i s t hat I h ave c ome t o s uspect t hat I h ave b een u nsuccessful i n persuading (Name) t o m ove t o P ark S lope. P lease f eel f ree t o c ontact m e a t x xx w ith a ny further q uestions.Very T ruly Y ours,Sample #2Board o f D irectorsThe (Building A ddress) T enants C orporationAddressNew Y ork, N Y 10000RE: C ooperative A pplication o f (Name)To: T he B oard o f D irectorsThe p urpose o f t his l etter i s t o r ecommend t o y ou, w ithout q ualification, (Name 1) a nd (Name 2) f or o wnership a nd r esidence i n y our c ooperative.I a m a p artner i n t he a bove-­‐named l aw f irm a nd h ave o wned m y c ooperative a partment o n the U pper W est S ide f or t en y ears. I h ave k nown t he a pplicants b oth s ocially a nd professionally s ince 1995 (in t he c ase o f [Name 1] a nd i n 1997 (in t he c ase o f [Name 2]). I have v isited t hem i n t heir h ome, h osted t hem i n m ine, a nd f or t he p ast f ive y ears s hared a rental v acation h ome o n F ire I sland w ith t hem. T hey b oth c ome f rom f ine f amilies, h ave excellent c areers a nd, i n e very w ay, e xemplify t he h ighest q uality o f n eighbor a nd colleague.Sharing a w eekend h ome w ith (Name 1) a nd (Name 2), I b elieve, p uts m e i n a n unparalleled p osition t o s peak o f t heir c onsideration o f o thers, t heir w illingness t o p itch i n, their q uiet l ifestyle a nd t heir f inancial p rudence. T herefore, I u nequivocally a m a ble t o s ay that y ou w ill b e f ortunate t o h ave (Name 1) a nd (Name 2) a s y our n eighbors a nd shareholders.Please d o n ot h esitate t o c ontact m e i f I c an p rovide f urther i nformation.Sincerely,Sample #3Board o f D irectorsThe (Building A ddress) T enants C orporationAddressNew Y ork, N Y 10000RE: C ooperative A pplication o f (Name)Dear M embers o f t he B oard:I h ave b een a sked t o w rite a l etter r ecommending (Name) t o y our c ooperative b oard. I d o so w ith p leasure.I h ave k nown (Name) f or a lmost t hirty y ears a nd c an c onfidently n ote h is s traightforward honesty a nd i ntegrity. A s y ou k now, (Name) i s i n t he e ntertainment b usiness, b ut h e h as been a ble t o b alance a b usy t raveling s chedule a nd a w arm f amily l ife.On a p ersonal l evel, (Name) h as a d elightful, e ngaging p ersonality. I a m a c ooperative shareholder o n C entral P ark W est (the D akota) a nd u nderstand t he q ualifications t hat cooperative b oards s uch a s y ours a re s eeking. I t hink (Name) f ulfills t hese q ualifications and w ould b e a s uperb a ddition t o y our c ommunity. I r ecommend h im w ithout h esitation to y ou.Very t ruly y ours,Sample #4Board o f D irectors123 M ain S treet T enants C orp123 M ain S treetNew Y ork, N Y 10021RE: C ooperative A pplication f or [applicant n ame] a nd [applicant n ame]Dear B oard M embers,I a m w riting i n s trong s upport o f [applicant’s n ame] a nd [applicant’s n ame], w ho a re hoping t o p urchase a h ome i n y our c ooperative a t 123 M ain S treet. I k now [applicant’s name] a nd [applicant’s n ame] e xtremely w ell a nd c an r ecommend t hem t o y ou w ithout reservation. T hey a re t ruly e xceptional p eople a nd a l ovely c ouple w ho w ould b e w onderful and t rustworthy r esidents a nd h omeowners i n y our b uilding.I h ave k nown [applicant n ame] s ince 1999, w hen I j oined (Company N ame) i n o ur N ew York o ffice. O ver t he n ext 5 y ears, I w orked w ith h er i n m y c apacity a s A ssociate B anker and t hen J unior B anker. W e w orked b oth i n N ew Y ork a nd i n L ondon. O ver t he l ast d ecade, [applicant n ame] a nd I h ave b ecome g ood f riends a nd h ave w itnessed e ach o ther’s m ost important p ersonal m ilestones, s uch a s o ur w eddings a nd p romotions.Whether i n a p rofessional o r s ocial s etting b oth, [applicant n ame] a nd [applicant n ame], always c onduct t hemselves a ppropriately. I n t he m any y ears t hat I h ave k nown t hem, I have a lways f ound t hem t o b e o f s trong c haracter a nd i ntegrity. I c an a ssure y ou t hey would b e a m ost r esponsible r esidents o f o ur b uilding a nd r espectful a nd c aring n eighbors.As a b anker a nd o wner o f a u nit i n a F ifth A venue c ooperative b uilding f or m any y ears, I know f irst-­‐hand t he r esponsibility t hat B oard m embers h ave w hen a ssessing p otential purchasers a nd I a m e xtremely c omfortable i n r ecommending [applicant’s n ames] t o y our cooperative. P lease d o n ot h esitate t o c ontact m e i f y ou h ave a ny q uestions. (Assumes contact i nformation o n l etterhead, i f i t i s n ot, p lease i nclude i t).Sincerely y ours,Sample #5Board o f D irectors123 M ain S treet T enants C orp123 M ain S treetNew Y ork, N Y 10021RE: C ooperative A pplication f or [applicant n ame]Dear B oard M embers:I a m w riting i n s trong s upport o f [applicant’s n ame] a pplication t o p urchase a n a partment in y our b uilding.I h ave k nown [applicant’s n ame] f or m any y ears. W e f irst m et i n t he p rocess o f disembarkation a t J FK f rom a p articularly c hallenging i nternational f light-­‐a p rocess d uring which I w as c ertainly n ot l ooking s trike u p a f riendship! H owever, I w as s o s truck b y [applicant’s n ame] i ntelligence, c onsideration a nd h ighly e ngaging m anner t hat w e a greed to l unch t ogether a f ew w eeks l ater, a nd h ave c ontinued t o k now e ach o ther e ver s ince: a chance e ncounter, i n h ighly u npromising c ircumstances, t urned i nto a f riendship o f m any years.Over t hat t ime, I h ave c ome t o h ave a n e ven b etter u nderstanding o f [applicant n ame] m any qualities-­‐not o nly h is e xceptional i ntelligence, i nternational e xperience a nd w ise c ounsel, but a lso h is i ntegrity, h is t houghtfulness a nd h is c onsideration o f o thers. I h ave a lso c ome to k now a nd a ppreciate t he e xceptionally h igh r egard i n w hich b oth h is c olleagues a nd h is clients h old h im.I h ave c omplete t rust i n [applicant’s n ame] o n b oth p ersonal a nd p rofessional m atters, a nd have n o d oubt t hat y ou c an s imilarly t rust h im t o b e a n e xceptionally e ngaging, f riendly, considerate, r esponsible, t rustworthy a nd v aluable n eighbor a nd m ember o f y our community.Please f eel f ree t o c ontact m e i f y ou w ould l ike t o d iscuss m y c omments f urther. I c an b e reached d irectly a t [phone n umber].Regards,Sample #6Board o f D irectors123 M ain S treet T enants C orp123 M ain S treetNew Y ork, N Y 10021RE: C ooperative A pplication f or [applicant n ame}Dear B oard M embers,It i s w ith g reat p leasure t hat I w rite t his l etter i n s upport o f [applicant’s n ame] a pplication to p urchase a n a partment a t 123 M ain S treet.I h ave k nown h er b oth p ersonally a nd p rofessionally f or m ore t han t hirty y ears, s ince h er arrival i n t he U nited S tates t o p ursue a c areer f irst i n c ommercial, t hen p rivate, b anking a nd later i nvestments. W e h ave b een p ersonal f riends d uring t he e ntire p eriod, a nd w ere professional c olleagues a s w ell w hen s he j oined [company n ame], w here I w as h ead o f Private B anking’s I nternational I nvestment D epartment i n N ew Y ork.She i s f rom g ood f amily, a nd i s o f h igh m oral c haracter, i ntelligent, p leasant, a nd e xtremely considerate o f o thers. S he i s a lso v ery f amily o riented, a nd a d evoted m other w ho d id a n exceptional j ob a t r aising h er d aughter, [daughters n ame], a g raduate o f b oth [school n ame] and [university n ame].As a n ative M anhattanite a nd l ong-­‐time n eighborhood r esident, I b elieve t hat h er background, p rofessional c redentials a nd p ersonal t raits m ake h er a h ighly d esirable owner a nd r esident. A ccordingly, I r ecommend h er t o y ou w ithout q ualification. A nd I respectfully r equest t he B oard’s f avorable c onsideration o f h er a pplication t o p urchase. Please d o n ot h esitate t o c ontact m e w ith a ny q uestions a t x xxxx.Sincerely,Sample #7Board o f D irectors123 M ain S treet T enants C orp123 M ain S treetNew Y ork, N Y 20021Application t o P urchase f or [applicant n ame]Dear B oard M embers:I a m w riting i n s upport o f t he p urchase o f a n a partment i n 123 M ain S treet b y [applicant’s name]I h ave h ad t he p leasure o f k nowing [applicant’s n ame] b oth p ersonally a nd p rofessionally for o ver 25 y ears. [applicant’s n ame] h as b een a n i ndustry-­‐leading p rivate c lient a ttorney working w ith s ome o f t he w orld’s w ealthiest a nd p rominent f amilies. I c an a ttest t hat [applicant’s n ame] h as e xhibited t he h ighest t echnical a nd e thical c onduct o ver h is e ntire career.Perhaps m ore i mportantly [applicant’s n ame] h as b een a g ood p ersonal f riend w ho i s intelligent, t houghtful, a nd g regarious. I h ave h ad l unch a nd d inner w ith [applicant’s n ame] on m any o ccasions a nd h e i s a lways f un, c ourteous, a nd i nteresting.As a c ooperative o wner a t [company a ddress] f or o ver 15 y ears, I u nderstand t he t ype o f owners t hat y ou a re s eeking, a nd I c an w holeheartedly e ndorse [applicant n ame] a s a fellow o wner a nd n eighbor.Please c all m e i f y ou h ave a ny q uestions a t x xx.Sincerely Y ours,Sample #8Board o f D irectorsxx W est x x S treetNew Y ork, N Y 10011Re: C ooperative A pplication f or [Applicant N ame}Dear B oard M embers,I a m w riting i n s trong s upport o f [Name], w ho i s h oping t o p urchase a h ome i n y our Cooperative a t x x W est x x S treet. I k now [Name] e xtremely w ell, a nd c an r ecommend h er t o you w ithout r eservation – s he i s t ruly a n e xceptional p erson a nd w ould b e a w onderful a nd trustworthy h omeowner. I ndeed, I h ave e very c onfidence t hat s he w ould b ecome a treasured r esident o f y our c ommunity.[Name] i s a l oyal a nd g enerous f riend. S he l ives e ach d ay t o t he f ullest, h as a n o ptimistic attitude a nd a w onderful s ense o f h umor. I f irst m et [Name] a lmost 20 y ears a go w hen w e both m oved o ut o f t he c ity t o r aise o ur c hildren. S he w as a b reath o f f resh a ir. S he i s o pen and h onest, o ne o f t hose r are p eople w ho h as, a nd l ives b y, a s trong m oral c ompass t hat guides h er a ctions a nd i nteractions. I h ave l ong a dmired, a nd a ttempted t o e mulate, t he way s he h as r aised h er t wo w onderful s ons, i nstilling i n t hem h er c ore v alues o f i ntegrity, honesty a nd e thical b ehavior.[Name] h as a lways h ad a s trong w ork e thic, a nd c ontinually s earches f or w ays i n w hich t o improve h erself. W hatever s he u ndertakes, s he d oes w holeheartedly, w hether h eading u p a development c ampaign, o btaining a m aster’s d egree o r s tarting a n e ntrepreneurial v enture. She h as b ecome a s uccessful b usiness w oman, c reating a c ompany d edicated t o [type o f business], a nd s he h as s teadfastly p ursued h er v ision a nd a ccomplished a mazing f eats through s hear p erseverance a nd f ocus o ver t he p ast f our y ears. S he i s a p erson o f v ision, determination a nd r are c ourage.She i s m agnetic a nd c harismatic, a nd o ver t he y ears I h ave o bserved t hat p eople s he m eets are d rawn t o h er. S he t ends t o b ring o ut t he b est i n p eople s imply b y l iving l ife b y h er o wn standards, a nd b y r especting a nd a ccepting t hose s he m eets. S he o ften s ays t hat w e c an’t pick a nd c hose w hich t raits w e l ike i n o thers b ut r ather w e h ave t o a ccept p eople a s a whole p ackage. S he i s w ell r espected, a nd f rankly a dmired, b y t hose w ith w hom s he interacts, w hether i t i s f amily, f riends o r w ork c olleagues.I a m a ware o f t he r esponsibility t hat B oard m embers h ave w hen a ssessing p otential purchasers, a nd I a m e xtremely c omfortable i n e nthusiastically e ndorsing [Name]. A ny building w ould b e p rivileged t o h ave h er a s a c ontributing m ember o f t heir c ommunity a nd as a r eliable, t rustworthy a nd g rounded n eighbor. P lease d o n ot h esitate t o c ontact m e f or further i nformation o r c larification.Sincerely y ours,Sample #9Board o f D irectors123 M ain S treetNew Y ork, N YRE: C ooperative a pplication f or [applicant’s n ame]Dear B oard M embers,I a m w riting i n s trong s upport o f [applicant’s n ame] w ho a re h oping t o p urchase a h ome i n your c ooperative a t 123 M ain S treet. I k now b oth [applicant’s n ame] e xtremely w ell a ndcan r ecommend t hem t o y ou w ithout r eservation. T hey a re t ruly e xceptional p eople a nd a lovely c ouple w ho w ould b e a w onderful a nd t rustworthy r esidents a nd h omeowners i n your b uilding.I h ave k nown [applicant’s n ame] s ince 2006 w hen [applicant’s n ame] w orked w ith m e, a t [company n ame]. T hough [applicant’s n ame] I h ave c ome t o k now [applicant’s n ame]. [applicant’s n ame] h ave b ecome c lose f riends o f m e a nd m y w ife a nd w e f requently v isit them a t t heir h ome i n [town n ame]. W hether i n a p rofessional o r s ocial s etting, [applicant’s name] a lways c onducts h imself a s a g entleman. I n t he m any y ears t hat I h ave k nown h im, I have a lways f ound h im t o b e o f t he s trongest c haracter a nd i ntegrity a nd t ruly a m an o f h is word. H e i s f riendly a nd c alm a nd n ever a rrogant o r a brasive. I c an a ssure y ou h e w ould b e a m ost r esponsible r esident o f y our b uilding a nd a r espectful a nd c aring n eighbor.As a l ong-­‐term h ome o wner I u nderstand t he r esponsibility t hat B oard m embers h ave when a ssessing p otential p urchasers a nd I a m e xtremely c omfortable i n r ecommending [applicant’s n ame] f or y our c ooperative. P lease f eel f ree t o c ontact m e a t (contact i nfo) w ith any f urther q uestions.Sincerely y ours,。



THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, VANCOUVER BC CANADA V6T 1Z1TO THE APPLICANT: Complete the boxed area below before sending this form to your referee, and please provide the UBC Graduate Program mailing address to your referee by completing the UBC Graduate Program Address box at the end of the second page. Completed reports or reference letters must be sent directly to the Graduate Program to which you are applying. For this report or a reference letter to be considered official, the report or reference letter and the envelope’s seal must be signed by the referee.TO THE REFEREE: A letter of reference may be submitted in lieu of this form. Please ensure that you sign your reference letter or form and thee nvelope’s seal to be considered official.In what capacity, how well, and how long have you known the applicant ?Does your university offer the graduate degree program this applicant seeks? Yes NoIf yes, does the applicant meet the minimum admission requirements for acceptance to this program at your university?Yes No (give reasons)If this applicant took a course(s) from you, what was his/her rank in the class?Please rank the applicant as follows: 0 = Poor, 1 = Fair, 2 = Good, 3 = Very Good, 4 = Excellent, 5 = OutstandingPlease comment on the applicant’s academic strengths and potential for completing a graduate program.For students whose native language is not English, please indicate whether the applicant has sufficient competence in English to:This Confidential Report must be both prepared by and signed by the referee named above. Evidence to the contrary will lead to the cancellation of any offer of admission (whether or not accepted), or withdrawal of the student from the University. It is the policy of the University to treat as confidential letters of reference which it receives. It can, however, be required under Freedom of Information legislation to disclose the substance of any letter of reference but only where that can be done without disclosing the identity of the writer.。

Reference letter

Reference letter

Reference letter (Sample )Recommendation for Mr. YiDear Sir or Madam:The purpose of this letter is to recommend Mr. Yi, a worthy candidate for admission to your graduate program.Mr. Yi have ever took my course "Introduction to Control". I was deeply impressed with him not only the good score "A" he got in the class but also the highly active and devout attitude he learn Control Theory. Sometimes, he came to my office to ask me some interesting questions about the Control and System theories not mensioned in the autobiology of my class and to discuss the development and application of control theory in Science and Industry. with me. He imagined this theory is truly an amazing subject. If people understand and use it very well, this world will get better. "Well!" I thought, " This young man is really like Control."Then he took part in my research "Design of Sinusoidal Oscillators Using the Theory of Variable Structure Systems" (published in the Int. J. of Electronics, 1992, Vol. 72, No. 1) to design the oscillator circuits. From simulating the circuits he designed with PSPICE to assembling the electronic elements. he shown methe enthusiam and hardily spirit in his work. When getting a new idea or finding some questions, he always shared his opinion about how to overcome the error or improve the experiment results to me. After try-and-error and ameliorating the circuit many times, we finally got a refined but good-performance oscillator.Mr. Yi also got admirable grades in a couple of courses of control and systems, I truly believe he has strong learning capability and enthusism in this field. So I no doubt that he will become a good student in your esteemed departmant. Should you need any further information about Mr. Yi, please do not hesitate contact me.Sincerely Yours,。



英文推荐信reference外国人写的英文推荐信recommendation letter英文推荐信范文Sample 1:To Whom It May Concern:I have had the distinct pleasure of having Kaya Stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at Eastern Little Hope High School.Kaya has been more than the ideal student. In order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.The academics at Eastern Little Hope are most challenging, and Kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses. Kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. She has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. Success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. Kaya also holds the degree of Special Distinction, as a member of the NationalForensic League.Due to its nature of metro, state, and national interscholastic competition, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by representing his or her community as well. One of the requirements in my advanced class is to prepare lectures and guidance for t he beginners. With Kaya’s superior knowledge and involvement in the political sciences, she developed a strong sense of confidence with a charming attitude. Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor. Because of her natural leadership abilities, Kaya was selected as our Debate Captain. On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, I often thought of Kaya as a colleague.Since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recommend Kaya Stone as the ideal candidate for matriculation at Eastern Little Hope State.Respectfully submitted,Dan Peel, Ph.D.Sample 2:As the Director of the Bay Area Community Center, I workclosely with many of the community volunteers. I consider Michael Thomas to be one of the most studious and responsible members of our organization. After three years time, I have come to know him well and would like to recommend him as a candidate for your undergraduate program.Michael is a dedicated member of the Bay Area community and has donated countless hours of his time to the Center. He has not only worked with members of thecommunity, he has also helped to implement plans and programs that will eich the lives of those around him.Michael’s leadership and organizational skills have been invaluable to these programs, most of which have been started from the ground up.For example, the children of the Bay Area are now able to benefit from a multitude of new after-school and tutoring programs, while the elderly members of our community can now apply for grocery deliveries that did not exist previously.In my opinion, Michael’s unwavering devotion to his community exemplifies strong moral fiber and character. He is a trustworthy individual and would be an excellent candidate for your school.Sincerely,John FlesterDirector, Bay Area Community CenterSample 3:To Whom It May Concern:Cheri Jackson is an extraordinary young woman. As her AP English Professor, I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic. I understand that Cheri is applying to the undergraduate program at your school. I would like to recommend her for admission.Cheri has outstanding organizational skills. She is able to successfully complete multiple tasks with favorable results despite deadline pressure. As part of a semester project, she developed an innovative collaborative novel with her classmates. This book is now being considered for publication. Cheri not only headed the project, she ensured its success by demonstrating leadership abilities that her classmates both admired and respected.I must also make note of Cheri’s exceptional academic performance. Out of a class of 150 students, Cheri graduated with honors in the top 10. Her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus.If your undergraduate program is seeking superiorcandidates with a record ofachievement, Cheri is an excellent choice. She has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she must face.To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for Cheri Jackson. If you have any further questions regarding Cheri’s ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information on this letterhead.Sincerely,Professor William DotSample 4:To Whom It May Concern:This letter is to serve as my formal recommendation for Andrew Fuller. Andrew has been my direct assistant for several years. He has been interested in obtaining anMBA degree for some time now and I feel that he would be an excellent candidate for your esteemed program.During his time here, Andrew has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a dedication to success. His efforts have produced high quality results time and time again. Last year, Andrew developed and successfully implemented a plan tostreamline our production department. The plan was a major undertaking, requiring a great deal of thought and effort on Andrew’s behalf.Though Andrew is my assistant, he is also in an unofficial leadership role. Many of his co-workers seek his advice and support. Andrew is always there for them and is quite comfortable in the role. I feel his budding leadership abilities will become even more effective in a business school setting.For these reasons, I highly recommend Andrew Fuller as a candidate for your MBA program. If you have any questions regarding Andrew or this recommendation, please contact me.Sincerely,John Thomas Operations Manager Tri-State DirectoriesSample 5:To Whom It May Concern:I would like to take an opportunity to offer a formal recommendation for Jane Glass.As the Senior Coordinator for Heartland Commerce I have known Jane forapproximately two years and feel that she is a deserving candidate for your business school program.Jane joined our organization as an entry-level customerservice representative. Demonstrating an incredible initiative and a strong dedication, she moved up the ranks quickly. After only six months, she was promoted to team leader. The board could not help but notice how successful she was in her new position and quickly offered her another promotion, making her part of the executive management team.Jane leads by example and many people here find her enthusiasm and dedication both inspiring and motivating. As part of the executive management team, Jane has worked hard to build authentic relationships with the employees. Her efforts have created a happier and more productive team.I believe Jane exhibits many of the qualities that are essential to business managers and business students. An education at your esteemed business school will help her hone these qualities, while enhancing her career opportunities. I highly recommend Jane Glass for your program and hope that you will carefully consider admission application.Sincerely,Debra Max Senior Coordinator Heartland CommerceSome tips on writing a letter of recommendationA good recommendation letter can be an asset to your college application. During admissions, most business schools-undergraduate and graduate- expect to see at least one, preferably two or three, recommendation letters for each applicant.Recommendation letters provide admission committees with information that may or may not be found in your application, including academic and work achievements, character references, and personal details that set you apart from other applicants. Essentially, a recommendation letter is a personal reference that explains why the school should recognize you, your achievements, and your character.Just as a good recommendation letter can be an asset, a bad recommendation letter can be a hindrance. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when securing your recommendation letters:Do’s? Do choose someone who knows you well enough to giveyou a recommendation. Do get recommendations from employers, professors, school administration, and anyone else who is familiar with your work ethic. Do ask for the recommendation in person, rather than sending an email. Do tell the letter writer why you need the recommendation letter. Do mention specific things that you would like to see included. Do send a thank you note afterwards. Do keep copies of the letter.You may need to use it again in the future.Don’ts? Don’t wait until the last minute. Secure letters of recommendation as soon as possible. Don’t ask someone to lie. Don’t ever forge signatures. Don’t choose someone only for their title. Pick someone who has a title AND knows you well. Don’t choose someone who is a poor writer. Don’t hesitate to get as many recommendation letters as possible. Choose the ones that show you in the best light. Don’t be surprised if the person you are asking for a recommendation letter asks you to write a letter that they will later modify and sign. This is a common practice. Don’t forget to say please and thank you. A letter of recommendation is avaluable resource.Good Letters vs Bad LettersMost business schools request to see at least two letters of recommendation during the application process. Recommendation letters provide admission committees with information that may or may not be found in your business school application, including academic and work achievements, character references, and personal details.Good Business School RecommendationsA good recommendation letter will supplement your business school application. It will also provide specific examples of your accomplishments and/or work ethic.。

Application Letter

Application Letter

Application Letter (求职信)1.Sample(范文)1)2)Basic Patterns(常用句型)1)I am desirous of securing a position that…我欲谋一……职位。

2)I am writing to apply for..., which was advertised…我欲申请在……广告上提供的……职位。

3)I should like to apply for the position (of …) mentioned in your advertisement in…你们登在……的广告上提到要招聘一名……,我想申请这一职位。

4)Learning from…that you are looking for a …, I should like to apply for the position.从……得知你们正在物色一名……,我愿申请此职位。

5)In applying for the position of …, I offer my qualifications, which I believe will meet your exacting requirement.我欲申请……职位,我相信我的条件能满足你们的现行要求。

6)Knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge export department, I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possible opening.我对贵公司出口部的业务范围略悉,您也许能为我安排一份工作。

7)A copy of my antecedents is enclosed for your reference.兹附上资料一份,供您参阅。

8)I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review.附上简历一份,供您参阅。



聘任书英文模板聘任‎书英文模板‎篇一:‎英文聘书模‎板 Letter f‎Appintmen‎t Emplyer/‎C mpany Det‎a ils: Date‎: ________‎__________‎____ Appli‎c ant s Det‎a ils: Dear‎Mr. Jnes ‎e have ple‎a sure in c‎n firming y‎u r appintm‎e nt as___‎__________‎__________‎subject t‎the terms‎and cndit‎i ns f yur ‎C ntract f ‎E mplyment ‎a s ell as ‎t he Cmpany‎s Plicies‎and Prced‎u res.e ur‎g e yu t fa‎m iliarize ‎y urself it‎h all the ‎r elevant d‎c uments an‎d t keep t‎h ese in a ‎s afe place‎fr future‎reference‎.Any chan‎g es ill be‎municated‎t yu in r‎i ting. Ple‎a se indica‎t e yur acc‎e ptance f ‎t his appin‎t ment and ‎t he terms ‎t heref by ‎s igning be‎l and by r‎e turning t‎h is letter‎t us by c‎l se f busi‎n ess n___‎__________‎__________‎_20____. e‎lk frard ‎t a mutual‎l y reardin‎g assciati‎n ith yu. ‎Y urs faith‎f ully____‎__________‎__________‎____ Name ‎a nd Title ‎f Emplyer‎__________‎__________‎________ N‎a me f Appl‎i cant ur r‎i tten ffer‎f emplyme‎n t sample ‎l etter cve‎r s the fll‎i ng hich y‎u may ant ‎t insert b‎e fre yur c‎l sing sent‎e nce. e ul‎d like t c‎n firm the‎r emunerati‎n terms f ‎y ur appint‎m ent as fl‎l s: Place ‎f Emplymen‎t: E.g. He‎a d ffice, ‎R eginal ff‎i ce lcatin‎r anther ‎c untryCmm‎e ncement d‎a te: Start‎i ng date f‎emplyment‎Salary: E‎.g. $80 00‎0 per annu‎m, payable‎eekly/mnt‎h ly etc. V‎a catin: Nu‎m ber f eek‎s/days pai‎d leave pe‎r year Bnu‎s / Incent‎i ves: utli‎n e f the b‎n us and/r ‎i ncentive ‎s tructure ‎A llances: ‎E.g. Amunt‎alled fr ‎a utmbile, ‎e ntertaini‎n g, ut f p‎c ket expen‎s es etc. B‎e nefits: E‎.g. Any Cm‎p any cntri‎b utins tar‎d s medical‎insurance‎r retirem‎e nt funds ‎n t cvered ‎i n the sal‎a ry Signin‎g Bnus: E.‎g. $1000 (‎i f applica‎b le)‎篇二:‎兼职教授聘‎书模版英文 N.20‎1X*** May ‎201X This ‎i s t certi‎f y that **‎*(name) is‎emplyed a‎s a part-t‎i me prfess‎r in Schl ‎f*** , **‎****(the n‎a me f schl‎)frm***(ye‎a r) t ***(‎y ear). Prf‎. *** Pres‎i dent f (t‎h e name f ‎s chl)‎‎篇三:聘任‎书模版聘任书‎兹聘请 XXX 先生‎担任XXXXXXXX‎有限公司技师一职。

Reference Letter for Employment Example and Tips

Reference Letter for Employment Example and Tips

Employees will often ask a former employer to write them a letter of reference for employment. Below is advice on how to write a reference letter for employment, as well as a sample reference letter written by a former employer.Also see below for more reference letter examples.Advice for Writing a Reference Letter∙Focus on the job description. Ask the person for whom you’re writing the letter for a copy of the job description. This way, you can focus onthe requirements of the position. Try to include language from the jobdescription in your letter. Even if you are writing a more generalrecommendation, you can still ask the employee about the types of jobs they will be applying for.∙Include specific examples. In the cover letter, provide examples of ways in which the employee demonstrated various traits. If possible,use numbers to quantify their successes.∙Remain positive. State that you think this person is a strong candidate.You might say something like “I recommend this person withoutreservation,” or “I would hire this person again” if you could. You want to help this candidate stand out.∙Share your contact information. Provide a way for the employer to contact you if they have further questions. Include your email address,telephone number, or both at the end of the letter.∙Follow the submission guidelines. Ask your former employee how to submit the letter. Make sure you follow any requirements, especiallyabout where to send it and when, as well as the format (for example,PDF, physical letter, etc.)How to Use a Reference Letter ExampleIt is a good idea to review letter of recommendation samples before writing your letter.Examples can help you see what kind of content you should include in your document.You might also look at letter of recommendation templates to get a sense of how to layout your recommendation, and what to include (such as introductions and body paragraphs).There are also useful guidelines for formatting recommendationletters including length, format, font, and how to organize your letters.While examples, templates, and guidelines are a great starting point to your letter, you should always be flexible. You should tailor a letter example to fit the candidate’s work history, and the job for which he or she is applying.Reference Letter for Employment ExampleTo Whom It May Concern:I would like to recommend Sharon Doe as a candidate for a position with your organization. In her position as Staff Assistant, Sharon was employed in our office from 20XX-20XX. Sharon did an excellent job in this position and was an asset to our organization during her tenure with the office. She has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is extremely organized, can work independently and is able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done.During her tenure with our company, Sharon was responsible for supervising the department office assistants. These assistants, under Sharon's management, were responsible for many of the office's basic administrative and clerical functions. Sharon effectively scheduled and managed several assistants to maintain efficient office operations.Sharon was always willing to offer her assistance and had an excellent rapport with the many constituents served by our office including clients, employers, and other professional organizations. Her ability to effectively communicate with all these people via email, on the phone, and in person made her such an asset to our office.She would add value to any company and I recommend her for any endeavor she chooses to pursue.Yours truly,Signature (hard copy letter)Jane SmithWhat Else You Need to Know: How to Write a Reference LetterMore Reference Letter ExamplesMore examples of reference letters written for friends, co-workers, clients, employees, students, vendors, and professional connections.Read More:Please Note: This sample is provided for guidance only. The provided information, including samples and examples, is not guaranteed for accuracy or legality. Letters and other correspondence should be edited to fit your personal situation.。



签证英文证明信的格式及范文Visa Reference Letter Format and Sample.Format for a Visa Reference Letter:A visa reference letter is typically written on the official letterhead of the issuing authority, which could be an educational institution, a company, or any other organization. The letter should include the following elements:1. Header: Include the name and logo of the issuing authority on the top left corner.2. Date: Write the date on which the letter is being issued.3. Recipient's Address: Clearly state the address of the visa-issuing authority to whom the letter is being addressed.4. Subject: Briefly state the purpose of the letter,e.g., "Visa Reference Letter for [Recipient's Name]".5. Introduction: Begin with a formal introduction, stating the relationship between the issuing authority and the individual applying for the visa.6. Details of the Applicant: Provide basic detailsabout the applicant, such as their full name, date of birth, passport number, and nationality.7. Purpose of Visit: Explain the purpose of theapplicant's visit to the destination country.8. Duration of Stay: Specify the duration for which the applicant intends to stay in the destination country.9. Financial Capability: Provide evidence of the applicant's financial capability to support their stay,such as bank statements or employment details.10. Character Reference: Provide a brief character reference, stating that the applicant is a law-abiding citizen and poses no threat to the host country's security.11. Conclusion: Conclude the letter by formally requesting the visa authorities to consider the application favorably.12. Contact Information: Include the contact information of the issuing authority for any further inquiries.13. Signature: The letter should be signed and stamped by an authorized official of the issuing authority.Sample Visa Reference Letter:[Your Logo][Your Organization's Name][Your Organization's Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Your Contact Information][Date][Visa Application Center's Address]Subject: Visa Reference Letter for John Doe.To Whom It May Concern,。

Graduate Reference Letter Samples

Graduate Reference Letter Samples

Graduate School RecommendationDecember xx, 20xxTo the Review Committee:I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation for Janet Lerner, an honors undergraduate student in our program. I have known Janet for more than two years. I came to know her very well when she was a student in my economic geography course. This summer, I hired her to work on an NSF-sponsored research project on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. And for the past six months, we have been developing a laboratory manual for my undergraduate course on the global economy. It is on the basis of this extensive experience that I write a letter of unequivocal support.Janet is an undergraduate student in the honors program at Mythic University. The honors program is designed to provide the educational experience of a small Ivy League college within a large public university. To be accepted, a student must have high SAT scores, be an excellent writer, and have very good high school grades. Students fulfill their course requirements by taking honors courses or by selecting a combination of classes with a heavy emphasis on graduate seminars and independent reading courses. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.2 or better in all courses in order to remain in the honors program. Janet has fulfilled this requirement admirably, maintaining a GPA of 3.8 or better throughout her career. Over the last few years, Janet designed a difficult curriculum for herself and has been very successful in combining graduate seminars and advanced undergraduate reading courses to fulfill her degree requirements. She is comfortable with herself and is well-recognized by her peer group. She, along with her peers from the honors program, will enter the nation’s best graduate schools next year in such varied fields as medicine, law, and other allied social sciences. She seeks to enroll in your graduate planning program.Janet is an enthusiastic, energetic, and exceptionally well-organized student. She writes beautifully, is widely read, and demonstrates good quantitative skills. In my economic geography course, she was the best student in the class. Her performance exceeded that of the incoming graduate students, including an NSF fellowship recipient. She always came to class prepared and was clearly far above her peers in understanding and appreciating the course material.I have been especially impressed by Janet’s determination and sparkle. Her work on the Model United Nations program (MUN) is an extremely large responsibility. The Model United Nations program convenes approximately 1000 high school students from around the world to simulate the experience of the UN. Janet has responsibility for designing and executing all phases of the simulation. She reviews the agendas of the UN over the previous year, and then collaboratively develops the student-run assemblyLetter to Recommend Janet Lerner—2agenda. To undertake this task successfully, she must understand international relations, international political economy, and world economic development issues. Her UN work has clearly influenced her interests and has been a very broadening experience for her. I am sure one explanation for why she has done so well in courses with me is that she understands the geography of the global economy from the simulated, yet very real-world perspective of the Model United Nations program.Concerning her potential as a teaching assistant, Janet has detailed experience in developing educational materials for courses. After many years of dissatisfaction with economic geography texts, I decided I would develop a laboratory manual for my introductory course. Based on Janet’s superior performance in the course I employed her to put the manual together. Although we talked at length about the project and I gave her broad outlines for each segment, nonetheless the lab manual is very much her creation. It is a five-assignment workbook built around a hypothetical scenario in which the student is a staff advisor to a program officer of the Ford Foundation. The assignments require that students complete a thorough analysis of a country, including an economic history, demographic analysis, trade assessment, and policy proposal. The manual is designed such that a student will be able to retrieve the necessary quantitative and cartographic information to complete the projects. Each assignment results in a memo based on a template Janet developed. Janet identified and tested all sources listed in the manual, and this project would not have reached fruition without Janet’s tireless efforts.I know from discussions with colleagues and graduate students in my department that we all think Janet isa very special student. I have enjoyed getting to know her as a person and find her surprisingly mature for her young age, quite capable of working entirely on her own in a self-directed manner. I am pleased that Janet is planning to enroll in graduate school starting this fall. I have no doubt that she has the skills, focus, and determination to successfully complete a master’s degree in a timely fashion. I also believe she will seek to complete a Ph.D.Janet is a rare find. She is well-trained, ambitious, and yet very open-minded and even self-effacing. I believe she will be successful wherever she ends up attending graduate school. She will be a dedicated student and a competent professional.I recommend her very highly and without reservation.Sincerely,Janet TeacherJanet TeacherProfessor of GeographyGraduate School RecommendationNovember xx, 20xxLetter of recommendation for Janet Lerner’s graduate applicationJanet Lerner is the best student I have this year, and I enthusiastically support her graduate application.She is highly intelligent, works well as a team member, and has demonstrated leadership potential. I enthusiastically supported her application for the student position on the Mythic University Board of Trustees for the same reasons. She was the runner-up for that distinguished post, and Mythic University lost out on a true leader. But I believe her time is yet to come.Janet has taken only one class with me, but we have maintained contact through discussions in my office and on the squash court. She is an excellent student—she received an A in my class and was among thetop two or three students in all facets of the course. She writes well, she is very analytical, she is articulate, and she is prepared. But the A hardly did justice to her performance in my class. A major component of this class was a local government simulation. Students played a variety of roles and dealt with issues given to them in the simulation textbook and by me, as simulation leader. We spent over three weeks of class time on this activity, and it allowed me to evaluate my students’ strengths and weaknessesin some depth. Janet did not simply succeed in this simulation; rather, she owned it. The simulation included a zoning/development problem that is intended to be virtually intractable given the assignedroles and other simulation constraints. Janet beat the simulation. Her proposals were innovative, butwithin the confines of the simulation rules. She developed a solution, built the necessary coalition, developed creative compromises, and worked through to the proposal’s enactment.For her ingenuity, creativity, adherence to role, and enthusiasm, she received the class award for the most valuable simulation participant. But from my perspective her contribution went beyond this performance. Through the simulation Janet helped to set a tone, to take the simulation seriously and never say “it’s not real” as would many of the other students. She showed leadership within the simulation and within the class. Reflective now about Janet’s contribution to the class, I would add one more point about the simulation. Janet was also the most severe critic of its design and my operational decisions. She challenged me tokeep the simulation realistic and to avoid contradictions and implausible developments. Janet is critical, perceptive, aggressive, but not overpowering. Her criticisms were honest and appropriate.Needless to say, I would love to teach a whole class full of Janet Lerners. She will make an outstanding graduate student. She has the intellectual capacity and she has the ambition. Based on what I have seen of her in the classroom and on the squash court, she also has the drive. And she will bring to graduate school a breadth rarely seen among graduate students: She double-majored in Political Science and Art History, a combination you do not often see. She speaks easily, and unusually perceptively, about politics, sports,the university community and academia in general, and anything else that comes up.She will be a rare catch for any graduate school, and I will watch her career develop with great interestand high expectations.Sincerely,Janet TeacherJanet TeacherAssistant Professor of Political ScienceGraduate Scholarship RecommendationOCTOBER xx, 20xxTo the UCD School of Film Application Committee:Letter of Support for John Lerner’s UCD Graduate ScholarshipPerhaps the most memorable discussion I’ve ever had with a student about his decision to switch majors was three years ago. The student was a first-year Polymer Science and Engineering major on a scholarship, taking my introductory film class as an elective, and he told me he was considering a switch to Film. Assuming that this student was simply running into typical academic problems in first-year chemistry and physics courses, I asked how those courses were going. “Oh, I’m getting As in those,” he assured me with a calm wave of his hand. “But I long to study Film.” That student was John Lerner.Since that time, I’ve worked with John as a mentor on several of his papers for classes ranging from honors composition to film history and theory. In my seven-year career as a film instructor, no student has been more delightful to work with than has John. His papers are always creative, self-styled, skillful, and analytical. I quote from a creative essay he wrote during his first year of study, spoofing college philosophy and psychology classes by claiming that he got through them simply by peppering in quotations from Ingmar Bergman films: “When my philosophy professor asked me to explain human reactions to fear, I snapped, ‘In our fear, we make an image, and that image we call God.’ I got an A in the course.” Later, John as a character in the essay discovers that he can arbitrarily quote Bergman films to advance his personal relationships as a college student as well, in that college is “a world full of fake intellectuals.”This is not to say that John’s work is too quirky or sardonic to thrive in the traditional academic arena. Another paper he wrote for a film class on Francois Truffaut’s La Nuit Américaine clearly demonstrates his facility with formal analysis. In this paper, John compares Truffaut’s life to his art (a staple of film criticism, certainly), but he does not trot out sophomoric insights—rather he analyzes crisply and complexly, embracing principles of paradox, juxtaposition, technique. One sees John’s gift for language and analytical focus from the first line of the paper: “The tap of his cane is heard before the first appearance of the boy on screen—almost an apparition of Antione Doinel—hustling down the sidewalk toward an imposing set of vertical bars.” In this paper and others I’ve reviewed with John, it’s clear that he has mastered the art of student paper writing, and he is just as comfortable with a formal analysis of film noir as he is with dropping in cultural references to vernacular English or Groucho Marx.I turn to these examples of John’s work so prominently not because I lack other kinds of evidence, but because as I read his work I am so impressed with the richness and diversity of his talents. More personally, I have had numerous opportunities to match my opinion of John’s work with that of his character. I’ve been intrigued and moved by conversations with him about his three adopted siblings. I’ve spoken with his peers about the particular sensibility that he brings to discussions in his classes, and I’ve spoken with his other professors about him, one of whom reports that he consistently “raises the tenor of class discussion greatly.” As a lover of film and a screenplay author, I have enjoyed many relaxed conversations with John about both film and script writing. As his writing mentor, I have discovered that he is willing to do complete retooling of a script that is off the mark, or that I need only briefly characterize a trend in his work for his jaunty mind to apply it to self-improvement.Letter of Support for John Lerner’s UCD Graduate Scholarship—page 2In short, John is both scholarly and culturally entrenched, ambitious but not pretentious, self-deprecating yet confident, forthright but unassuming, delightfully irreverent yet appropriately respectful—a complex and whole human being. A recent discussion with him about his GPA crystallizes these traits: “I have a 3.99-something GPA,” he smiled. “I got an A- in a one-credit skiing class. I’m glad, really. Took the pressure off.”Given the substantial two-year stipend of the UCD Graduate Scholarship and your express request that recommenders voice their criticisms as well as their praise, I offer a few comments in that regard. Clearly, I mean to give John Lerner the highest recommendation, but not so subjectively that my opinion of him is varnished. I have known students with more concrete long-term goals than John has, I have worked with better writers, and for all his academic accomplishment, John is still a slightly withdrawn figure and at times the best in him needs to be coaxed forth. None of these issues, though, keep me from considering him to be among the best, most admired students I have known in my teaching career—a student on par with the award of a prestigious university scholarship.Because of John’s obvious writing and scholarly talent and his proven high level of interest in film, no student I have known would be more suited to thrive at the UCD School of Film, especially with a scholarship to fund his first two years. Please do give him your considered attention.Sincerely,John TeacherJohn Teacher, PhDInstructor in Film Studies。

Sample letters 商务信件范文 英语

Sample letters  商务信件范文 英语
Tel: 051 387 6397
Mrs A. Everett
Compact SystemsYour ref: AE/677
96 Rosewall DriveOur ref: Ord. B7693
15 July 2010
Dear Mrs Everett
Please find enclosed our order, Ord. B7693, for 100 IBM-compatible Compact Accounts packages, as discussed in our telephone conversation of 12 July.
YZ Ltd
Kingsway House, Ealing Broadway,LondonW7 5AQ
Tel: 021 401 398619
Pat Southern
We are a large chain of business software retailers and are looking for a software house which could supply us with a range of business application programmes.
Thank you for your letter dated 2 March enquiring about copies of the FaseOut 2000 User Manual.
We regret to inform you that the FaseOut 2000 has been out of production for several years and we no longer have any copies of the user manual. However, we would like to bring to your attention the updated model – FaseOut 2010. Please find enclosed some information on this new model.

商务英语写作 inquiry

商务英语写作 inquiry

请为我们报一千件皮夹克的最优惠的大连船上交货价 (离岸价)。
market n. 市场,行市 come to the market 上市 find a good (poor) market 畅销(滞销) in the market for 要购买 They are in the market for table-cloth and pillowcases. 他们要购买桌布和枕头套。 Please keep us informed of the supply and demand position in your market. 请随时告知我们你处市场的供求状况。 The market is strengthening. 行情your specific inquiry, we shall send you our quotations and samples.
一收到你方具体询盘,我方立即给你方寄出我方的报价 及样品。 At present, there are large inquiries for our “Cool” Brand Air Conditioners in our market.
Can you supply the goods from stock if we order immediately? 如果我方立即订货,你方能有现货供应吗? in order 整齐无误,妥当 Would you please sign and return one copy for our file if you find everything in order?
如你方产品质量好,价格可接受,我们将与 你方大量订货。 We regret that our customers have placed their orders elsewhere. 很遗憾我方的客户在其他地方已经订货 了。



英文论文投稿信模板Case 1Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,case2Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Ca2+-binding protein frequenin mediates GDNF-induced potentiation of Ca2+ channels and transmitter release", which we wish to be considered for publication in Neuron.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a long-term regulatory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses. This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the GDNF effect is mediated by enhancing the expression of the Ca2+-binding protein frequenin. Further, GDNF and frequenin facilitate synaptic transmission by enhancing Ca2+ channel activity, leading to an enhancement of Ca2+ influx. Thus, this study has identified, for the first time, a molecular target that mediates the long-term, synaptic action of a neurotrophic factor. Our findings may also have general implications in the cell biology of neurotransmitter release.[0630][投稿写作]某杂志给出的标准Sample Cover Letter[the example used is the IJEB]Case 3Sample Cover Letter[the example used is the IJEB]Dear Editor of the [please type in journal title or acronym]:Enclosed is a paper, entitled "Mobile Agents for Network Management." Please accept it as a candidate for publication in the [journal title]. Below are our responses to your submission requirements.1. Title and the central theme of the article.Paper title: "Mobile Agents for Network Management." This study reviews the concepts of mobile agents and distributed network management system. It proposes a mobile agent-based implementation framework and creates a prototype system to demonstrate the superior performance of a mobile agent-based network over the conventional client-server architecture in a large network environment.2. Which subject/theme of the Journal the material fitsNew enabling technologies (if no matching subject/theme, enter 'Subject highly related to [subject of journal] but not listed by [please type in journal title or acronym])3. Why the material is important in its field and why the material should be published in [please type in journal title or acronym]?The necessity of having an effective computer network is rapidly growing alongside the implementation of information technology. Finding an appropriate network management system has become increasingly important today's distributed environment. However, the conventional centralized architecture, which routinely requests the status information of local units by the central server, is not sufficient to manage the growing requests. Recently, a new framework that uses mobileagent technology to assist the distributed management has emerged. The mobile agent reduces network traffic, distributes management tasks, and improves operational performance. Given today's bandwidth demand over the Internet, it is important for the [journal title/acronym] readers to understand this technology and its benefits. This study gives a real-life example of how to use mobile agents for distributed network management. It is the first in the literature that reports the analysis of network performance based on an operational prototype of mobile agent-based distributednetwork. We strongly believe the contribution of this study warrants its publication in the [journal title/acronym].4. Names, addresses, and email addresses of four expert referees.Prof. Dr. William GatesChair Professor of Information Technology321 Johnson HallPremier University Lancaster, NY 00012-6666, USAphone: +1-888-888-8888 - fax: +1-888-888-8886 e-mail: ********************Expertise: published a related paper ("TCP/IP and OSI: Four Strategies for Interconnection") in CACM, 38(3), pp. 188-198.Relationship: I met Dr. Gate only once at a conference in 1999. I didn't know him personally. Assoc Prof. Dr. John AdamsDirector of Network Research CenterCollege of Business Australian University123, Harbor Drive Sydney,Australia 56789phone: +61-8-8888-8888 - fax: +61-8-8888-8886e-mail: *************.auExpertise: published a related paper ("Creating Mobile Agents") in IEEE TOSE, 18(8), pp. 88-98. Relationship: None. I have never met Dr. Adams.Assoc Prof. Dr. Chia-Ho ChenChair of MIS DepartmentCollege of ManagementOpen University888, Putong RoadKeelung, Taiwan 100phone: +886-2-8888-8888 - fax: +886-2-8888-8886e-mail: *************.twExpertise: published a related paper ("Network Management for E-Commerce") in IJ Electronic Business, 1(4), pp. 18-28.Relationship: Former professor, dissertation chairman.Mr. Frank YoungPartner, ABC Consulting888, Seashore HighwayWon Kok, KowloonHong Kongphone: +852-8888-8888 - fax: +852-8888-8886e-mail: ***************Expertise: Mr. Young provides consulting services extensively to his clients regarding network management practices.Relationship: I have worked with Mr. Young in several consulting projects in the past three years.Finally, this paper is our original unpublished work and it has not been submitted to any other journal for reviews.Sincerely, Johnny Smith。



投稿信英语作文格式范文Title: Format and Sample of a Letter of Submission in English。

[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Your Email Address][Today’s Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title/Position][Recipient's Organization][Organization's Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],。

I am writing to submit [Title of Submission] for your consideration. Enclosed, please find [description of materials being submitted, e.g., manuscript, proposal, artwork, etc.]. 。

As an aspiring [writer/artist/researcher/etc.], I am eager to share my work with [Recipient's Organization]. I believe that [Title of Submission] aligns well with the interests and objectives of your organization, and I hope it will be received positively.[Provide a brief overview or summary of the submission. Highlight key points or features that you believe make it noteworthy or valuable.]I have chosen to submit my work to [Recipient'sOrganization] because [reasons for choosing this organization, e.g., alignment with mission, reputation, relevance to target audience, etc.]. I have followed the submission guidelines outlined on your website [or other relevant source], and I have included all necessary materials as requested.[If applicable, mention any previous interactions or connections with the recipient or the organization.]I am excited about the possibility of [Title of Submission] being considered for[publication/exhibition/grant/etc.] by [Recipient's Organization]. I am confident that it will make a meaningful contribution to [relevant field or topic].Thank you for considering my submission. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding the next steps in the review process. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or clarification.Sincerely,。



英语面试随函附寄物口语I am enclosing my resume for your reference.谨附上履历表一份,以作参考。

I enclose a resume and one of my publications.随函寄上表及作品一份。

You will find enclosed a testimonial from the Head Professor of Beijing Commercial College who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require.随函附寄我在北京商学院的系主任的推荐函,从中可以了解你所需要的详细资料。

I am enclosing personal history,certificate of graduation and letter of remendation from the president of the university.兹随函附履历表、毕业证书及大学校长推荐函各一件。

As my resume indicates,I have experience in...正如所附履历表内所述,我在……方面有丰富。

You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed that..你可以从附上的资料表上看出……I enclose my resume and a sample of my works.附上履历表及一份作品。

I am enclosing my resume and a recent photo of myself.随函附上履历表及近照一张。

Enclosed you will find a letter of remendation from my former teacher of English.随函附上我的英文老师的推荐函。

推荐信reference letter 模板

推荐信reference letter 模板

This template shows the format of a typical reference letter. A reference letter should provide information on who you are, your connection with the person you are recommending, why they are qualified and the specific skills they have. In addition, contact information for follow-up should be provided.The following format is appropriate for an employment reference, as well as for a graduate school recommendation. Reference Letter TemplateSalutationIf you are writing a personal letter of reference, include a salutation (Dear Mr. Marina, Dear Ms. Templeton, etc.). If you are writing a general letter, say "To Whom it May Concern" or simply don't include a salutation.Paragraph 1The first paragraph of the reference letter template explains your connection to the person you are recommending, including how you know them, and why you are qualified to write a reference letter to recommend employment or graduate school.Paragraph 2The second paragraph of the reference letter template contains specific information on the person you are writing about, including why they are qualified, what they can contribute, and why you are providing a reference letter. If necessary, use more than one paragraph to provide details.Paragraph 3When writing a specific letter referring a candidate for a particular job opening, the reference letter template will include information on how the person's skills match the position they are applying for. Ask for a copy of the job posting and a copy of the person's resume so you can target your reference letter accordingly.SummaryThis section of the reference letter template contains a brief summary of why you are recommending the person. State that you "highly recommend" the person or you "recommend without reservation" or something similar.ConclusionThe concluding paragraph of the reference letter template contains an offer to provide more information. Include a phone number within the paragraph, include the phone number and email address in the return address section of your letter, or in your signature.Sincerely,Writer NameTitle。



Sample Recommendation Letters例一To Whom It May Concern:As the Dean of Stonewell College, I have had the pleasure of knowing Hannah Smith for the last four years. She has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Hannah for your graduate program.I feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies. Hannah is a dedicated student and thus far her grades have been exemplary. In class, she has proven to be a take-charge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them.Hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office. She has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students. Her advice has been a great help to these students, many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude.It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendations for Hannah without reservation. Her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.Sincerely,Roger FlemingDean of Stonewell College例二To Whom It May Concern:I have had the distinct pleasure of having Kaya Stone as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at Eastern Little Hope High School. Kaya has been more than the ideal student. In order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.The academics at Eastern Little Hope are most challenging, and Kaya fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses. Kaya is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater. She has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments. Success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. Kaya also holds the degree of Special Distinction, as a member of the National Forensic League.Due to its nature of metro, state, and national interscholastic competition, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by representing his or her community as well. One of the requirements in my advanced class is to prepare lectures and guidance for the beginners. With Kaya’ s superior knowledge and involvement in the political sciences, she developed a strong sense of confidence witha charming attitude. Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor. Because of her natural leadership abilities, Kaya was selected as our Debate Captain. On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, I often thought of Kaya as a colleague.Since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recommend Kaya Stone as the ideal candidate for matriculation at Eastern Little Hope State.Respectfully submitted,Dan Peel, Ph.D.例三To Whom It May Concern:This letter is to serve as my formal recommendation for Andrew Fuller. Andrew has been my direct assistant for several years. He has been interested in obtaining an MBA degree for some time now and I feel that he would be an excellent candidate for your esteemed program.During his time here, Andrew has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a dedication to success. His efforts have produced high quality results time and time again. Last year, Andrew developed and successfully implemented a plan to streamline our production department. The plan was a major undertaking, requiring a great deal of thought and effort on Andrew’s behalf.Though Andrew is my assistant, he is also in an unofficial leadership role. Many of his co-workers seek his advice and support. Andrew is always there for them and is quite comfortable in the role. I feel his budding leadership abilities will become even more effective in a business school setting.For these reasons, I highly recommend Andrew Fuller as a candidate for your MBA program. If you have any questions regarding Andrew or this recommendation, please contact me.Sincerely,John Thomas Operations Manager Tri-State Directories例四Dear Sir:Esti worked for me as my assistant for one year. I recommend her without qualification for your entrepreneur program.While working in commercial production, I often relied on Esti to put together creative presentations, for which she described and outlined the artistic approach to the project, researching illustrations and photographic reference materials. Her creativity, resourcefulness, and ability to see a project through really made these presentations distinctive and successful.When we went into production on the feature film Hotcha, Esti was able to observe every step of the process, sitting in on meetings and working with people in all areas of the production from the moment the production was set in motion through the release of the film ten months later.During this time, she was an effective communicator, often serving as my liason to scattered members of the crew. She also coordinated projects involving numerous people, and her ability to work collaboratively while guiding the project quickly and effectively was outstanding. For example, when we suddenly needed to reconceive several action sequences that had already been storyboarded, Esti quickly found a new storyboard artist on location and worked with him, the stunt coordinator and the cinematographer through several drafts to make sure the new sequences worked, and then communicated with crew members from all departments, making sure everyone was up-to-date on the changes that were relevant to them. She even jumped in to draw a few last-minute storyboard changes herself.Esti's sensitivity, diligence, energy and sense of humor made working with her a joy. I highly recommend her as a welcome addition to the program.Sincerely,Jeff Kook例五To Whom It May Concern:It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing to endorse Alice's application to your program. For the last 25 years at Blackmore University, I have been an ethics professor, as well as mentor to many interns and business students. I hope my perspective will be helpful to you as you evaluate this exceptional candidate.My first contact with Alice was during the summer of 1997,when she organized a summer conference outside of Los Angeles for teenagers interested in communication skills. During the course of the week, Alice presented material with such ease and humor that she set the tone for the entire workshop. Her creative ideas for presentations and activities were inventive and entertaining; they were also astonishingly effective.With participants from a variety of backgrounds, there was often conflict, and occasionally confrontation. While setting limits, Alice managed to respond consistently with respect and compassion. The experience had a profound effect on the participants and, because of Alice's exceptional skill and professionalism, she has been invited by many schools to offer similar management workshopsDuring the time I have known Alice, she has distinguished herself as a conscientious and energetic pioneer in the fields of leadership and management. I have enormous respect for her teaching and leadership skills, and have been pleased to work with her on many occasions.I know of Alice's continued interest in programs related to leadership and management development. She has instituted many impressive programs for her peers, and it has been an honor to consult with her on some of these projects. I have the greatest admiration for her work.Your program of study sounds ideally suited to Alice's needs and talents. She will be coming to you with thequalities of a natural leader: genuineness, intelligence, and integrity. She will also bring her interest in scholarly research and program development. Just as importantly, she would come with an enthusiasm for both learning and networking, as well as a resolute desire to understand new theories and ideas. It is exciting to think of the ways in which she might contribute to your program.I urge you to carefully consider Alice who is, quite simply, the most remarkable young leader I have ever met. Sincerely,Professor Aries St. James Blackmore University。

Writing a Reference Letter

Writing a Reference Letter

Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)By Ali HaleAt some point in life, you’re almost certainly going to have to write a reference letter for someone. It might be a former employee or student, or even a family friend. Here’s what you need to know about the purpose of reference letters and how to write the mosteffective letter possible.Note: I will be using “candidate” to refer to the person who the reference letter is about, “you” to refer to the person writing the reference letter, and “recipient” to refer to theperson receiving the letter. I’ll emphasise here, though, that reference letters are not only for job or academic “candidates”, it’s just a handy term to use to keep this articlestraightforward!What is a reference letter and when are they used?A reference letter is usually written to testify to a person or (occasionally) acompany’s skills, character and/or achievements. Sometimes a reference letter is known as a “recommendation letter”. It is a formal document, and should be typed and written in a serious and business-like style.Reference letters are used in a wide variety of situations; there is no definitive list that covers all possible scenarios. The most common examples are:∙When a candidate applies for a job, they may need a reference to support their application.∙If an interviewee is given a job offer, they may need to supply a reference letter before the contract can be signed.∙ A student applying for an academic course often requires a reference letter to support their application.∙ A student applying for funding will often need to supply reference letters.∙Companies may use reference letters as testimonies to their trustworthiness and ability to carry out a job well.∙Prospective tenants may need to provide their landlord with a reference letter, testifying to their good financial status. (This could be from a prior landlord or from a currentemployer.)Who should write a reference letter?If you are approached and asked to write a reference letter for a job candidate, a student or a company, consider whether you can legitimately do so. A reference letter is a formal document, and it is crucial that you do not lie or fudge the truth in it, or there could be legal repercussions. If someone wants a reference letter from you:∙The candidate should be someone you know reasonably well. For example, you cannot provide any authoritative comment on the academic ability of a student who’s only been attending your lectures for a week.∙You should know the candidate in a capacity which gives you the ability to write a meaningful reference. For example, if you have worked with the person, it would beappropriate for you to write a reference letter to a prospective employer for them.∙You should be able to provide an honest and positive reference. If you truly feel that the candidate has no good qualities for you to emphasis, or if you have had a personality clash with them in the past, you should tell them to seek a reference letter from someone else.What goes into a reference letter?The exact structure of a reference letter will differ slightly depending on the type ofreference it is, but this is a good basic outline:1. Start using the business letter format: put the recipient’s name and address, if known, andaddress them as “Dear [name]”. If the recipient is currently unknown (this would be likely on an academic application, for instance), then use “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern”.2. It is often helpful to introduce yourself in the first couple of lines of your letter. The recipientwill not need your life history: just give a brief sentence or two explaining your position and your relationship to the candidate.3. Your next paragraph should confirm any facts which you know the candidate will besupplying along with your letter. For example, if you are writing a reference for a jobapplicant, some or all of these details may be appropriate:∙The person’s job title, and role within the company.∙The person’s leaving salary when they were last employed by you (or your organisation). ∙The dates which the person was employed from and until.If you are writing a reference letter for an academic course, you will need to confirm the person’s academic grades.In your third paragraph, you should provide your judgement upon the candidate’s skills and qualities. It is often appropriate to state that you would gladly re-employ them, or that their contributions to your college class were highly valued. Single out anyexceptional qualities that the candidate has – perhaps their drive and enthusiasm, their attention to detail, or their ability to lead.Where possible, use your fourth paragraph to give a couple of concrete examples of times when the candidate excelled. (You may want to ask the candidate to tell you about any extra-curricular projects they’ve been involved in, or invite them to highlight anything they’d particularly like you to include in the reference letter.)Close your letter on a positive note, and if you are willing to receive further correspondence about the candidate’s application, make this clear. Include your contact details too.As with any business letter, you should end appropriately; “Yours sincerely” when you are writing to a named recipient, and “Yours faithfully” when you do not know who will be receiving the letter.Things to avoidMake sure that you avoid:∙Mentioning any weaknesses the candidate has.∙Saying anything that could be construed as libel.∙Writing in an informal manner: keep the letter business-like. Jokes, slang and casual language are not appropriate and may harm the candidate’s chances.∙Including personal information not relevant to the application. Mentioning the candidate’s race, political stance, religion, nationality, marital status, age or health is usuallyinappropriate.∙Spelling mistakes, sloppy writing or typos: this letter is hugely important to the candidate, and you should take care to make it look professional.Reference Letter ExamplesThere are a number of good templates for reference letters available on Business Balls.I’ve included one below, which would be appropriate for a general-purpose reference – if you were writing a reference in your capacity as the candidate’s former employer, you would need to include more specific details:You can find examples of full reference letters on ’s“job searching”section.They list letters appropriate for a variety of different situations: here’s one from a previous employer in support of a job candidate:If you are still unsure what best to include in the reference letter, imagine yourself in the position of the candidate’s prospective employer, or of the panel reading his/her academic application. What information would they need to know? What qualities would they like their candidates to have? Obviously, you should never lie or mislead in a reference letter, but you should try to focus on areas which will give the recipient the most useful information possible about the candidate.。



t r a d e r e f e r e n c e sl e t t e r s s a m p l e商业介绍信模板(英文)本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.Marchsample character reference letter (written by the characterwitness)Obviously, change gender as applicable.(date)To whom it may concern (or Your Honour, or as advised by legal team)Person's Full Name (heading)I have known (name) for (number) years as (state relationship - business associate, staff member, socially, etc).I can confirm that he is a man of great integrity, is extremely dedicated to his family and work, and is entirely peace-loving. (substitute character descriptions as applicable).Furthermore, (add further character descriptions and/or examples of the person's behaviour and/or history supporting the above testimonial.)For your information, I am (personal statement building your own credibility - details of position held and any other details that help build your own credibility, particularly any experience in judging the characteristics or behaviour referenced above).Yours faithfullyNamePosition (if applicable)Spelling note: These references letters tips and references letters samples generally use spellings based on UK-English common form, for example,'recognise', 'organise', 'specialise', whereas US-English uses the 'ize' spelling.Other words ending with 'our/or' - such as endeavour/endeavor, favour/favor - also vary in UK-English and US-English. Please change the spellings in your own references letters to suit your reference letters - sample - quality of serviceYou may be asked by one of your suppliers to provide a trade reference letter, which they will present to a new customer seeking assurances of quality of service, reliability, etc. (See below for a sample reference letter relating to payment and credit-worthiness) Here's an example of a trade reference letter relating to quality of service. Use a letterheaded sheet, and date it. The subject of the trade reference letter could be a company, a sole trader or freelance supplier. Use the name of the person or the company as the heading.Letters like this typically begin with 'To whom it may concern', which enables the reference to be used for different people requesting one.Then insert the heading, and follow with your reference statement(s). It will help you to write the letter if you ask the supplier what they feel will be most useful to include. Be honest, and as generous in your praise as you can be. (As with any reference request, if you cannot say anything positive, say nothing at all.)If you are writing a letter like this on behalf of your organization for one of its suppliers, ensure you obtain necessary approval from a director or appropriate authority (typically a finance or purchasing director), and in certain circumstances (for significant or very important references) you could actually ask the person in authority to sign the letter and send it in their references letters sample - quality of service(date)To whom it may concernNew Company Ltd (the supplier or person who is the subject of the reference)I confirm that I have dealt with New Company Ltd since 1998, during which time they have provided my business with excellent support in the areas of website engineering, site optimisation, search engine analysis and site submission. Their work has been a major factor in our website's success, helping it to become one of the most visited resources of its kind on the Internet.I can confidently recommend New Company Ltd as a solid and reliable supplier, and experts in their field.Yours faithfully(name and title)trade reference letters sample - credit worthinessThis is an example of a trade reference letter relating to a person's or organization's credit-worthiness and reliability for making payments. You may be asked by one of your suppliers or customers for such a reference letter, which they will present to a new supplier who is seeking assurances of their financial reliability and credit-worthiness. Use a letterheaded sheet, and date it. The subject of the trade reference letter could be a company, a sole trader or freelance supplier. Use the name of the person or the company as the heading.Letters like this typically begin with 'To whom it may concern', which enables the reference to be used for different people requesting one.Then insert the heading, and follow with your reference statement(s). It will help you to write the letter if you ask the supplier what they feel will be most useful to include. Be honest, and avoid negative comments as this amounts to defamation. (As with any reference request, if you cannot say anything positive, say nothing at all.)If you are writing a letter like this on behalf of your organization for one of its suppliers, ensure you obtain necessary approval from a director or appropriate authority (typically a finance or purchasing director), and in certain circumstances (for significant or very important references) you could actually ask the person in authority to sign the letter and send it in their name.(date)To whom it may concernNew Company Ltd (the supplier or person who is the subject of the reference)I confirm that New Company Ltd has been a customer of ours since 1998, during which time they have always made payments reliably, in full and on time.Yours faithfully(name and title)。



求助cover letter sample求职信/自荐信cover letter的sampleDear HR Manager,I would like to apply for the Summer internship Program. As a second-year-postgraduate student major in Mechanical Engineering, I have some basic knowledge on both mechanical engineering and chemical industry.Best Regards!请个一个信函的范文(急)(2)如何写作推销产品信函推销产品信函由标题、称呼、正文、尾部四部分组成。














XXX敬上 X年X月X日。

英语请假条范文Sample letter:DateMs./Mrs./Mr. [Name of Teacher]Job TitleSchool NameSchool AddressCity, State, Zip CodeDear Ms./Mrs./Mr. [Name of Teacher]:I can be reached at home, [home phone number], or at the office, [office phone number].Thank you very much for your help.Sincerely,[Signature][Your Name][Parent?/Guardian? Name][Work/cell phone numbers]请给一个信函的范文亲爱的(准保户姓名)小姐/先生:您好!我是**保险公司的专业寿险顾问**。

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Dear Dean Cranford:
I am writing this letter on behalf of Brian Wood who is applying for admittance to the Masters of Business Administration Program at the XYZ University School of Accounting and Business. I had the privilege of teaching Brian in first and second year accounting classes as well as business administration and business ethics classes. He excelled in all of my classes, demonstrated a keen understanding of business and accounting principles and made worthy contributions to class discussions.
Along with several of his classmates, Brian started the first Entrepreneurship Club at ABC Community College which has come to be a popular club among the business majors. Brian has been instrumental in growing the club’s membership by securing speaking engagements free of charge from some of the most successful entrepreneurs in our community. His energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and business leaders have willingly come forward to advise students in business matters and offer life lessons.
Brian also believes in giving back to the community. He has volunteered to work on the ABC Chamber of Commerce membership drive every summer for the last four years. As a Chamber volunteer Brian contacts businesses that are not members to explain the benefits the Chamber has to offer both new and established companies in the county. An avid runner, Brian is on the ABC Community College cross country track team and he raises money every year by participating in our county’s Relay for Life 5km run to benefit the American Cancer Society.
Brian has attended ABC Community College for the last four years on an academic scholarship and aspires to be a certified public accountant. He has supplemented his scholarship funding by working part-time in the Small Business Administration Department at the college where he offers basic accounting and financial planning advice to individuals considering opening a new business. Brian has an astute business sense and strong work ethic. Based on his exemplary college career thus far, I highly recommend Brian Wood for admittance to the Masters of Business Administration Program at XYZ University. As a graduate of the program myself, I am confident that Brian is the type of student you would be pleased to have as an MBA candidate. Please feel free to contact me at 555-555-5555 should you have further questions or via email at email@.
Warm Regards,
Patrick Bishop
Patrick Bishop, Ph.D.
ABC Community College
Department of Business and Accounting。
