FeH Absorption in the Near-Infrared Spectra of Late M and L Dwarfs
3.肯定要取舍a)让步分句(如:带although的分句、带it is true的分句、带do 的分句等)一律跳过(但是用括号括起来),只看后半个分句;b)such as后的内容一律跳过,也用括号括起来,不过我会数数列举的个数,假如是4个,则必出题,其他个数不用管,出题了再回头看;c)for example举例只要提炼关键词的首字母就可以了,也要括起来,重点看后面或前面的结论。
比较简单被忽视的是result in和result from,遇到这两个,我在下面划横线做标记。
2023年高考英语外刊时文精读精练 (14)Climate change and coral reefs气候变化与珊瑚礁主题语境:人与自然主题语境内容:自然生态【外刊原文】(斜体单词为超纲词汇,认识即可;下划线单词为课标词汇,需熟记。
)Human beings have been altering habitats—sometimes deliberately andsometimes accidentall y—at least since the end of the last Ice Age. Now, though, that change is happening on a grand scale. Global warming is a growing factor. Fortunately, the human wisdom that is destroying nature can also be brought to bear on trying to save it.Some interventions to save ecosystems are hard to imagine andsucceed. Consider a project to reintroducesomething similar to a mammoth(猛犸象)to Siberiaby gene-editing Asian elephants. Their feeding habits could restore the grassland habitat that was around before mammoths died out, increasing the sunlight reflected into space and helping keep carbon compounds(碳化合物)trapped in the soil. But other projects have a bigger chance of making an impact quickly. As we report, one example involves coral reefs.These are the rainforests of the ocean. They exist on vast scales: half a trillion corals line the Pacific from Indonesia to French Polynesia, roughly the same as the number of trees that fill the Amazon. They are equally important harbor of biodiversity. Rainforests cover18% of the land’s s urface and offer a home to more than half its vertebrate(脊椎动物的)species. Reefs occupy0.1% of the oceans and host a quarter of marine(海洋的)species.And corals are useful to people, too. Without the protection which reefs afford from crashing waves, low-lying islands such as the Maldives would have flooded long ago, and a billion people would lose food or income. One team of economists has estimated that coral’s global ecosystem services are worth up to $10trn a year. reefs are, however, under threat from rising sea temperatures. Heat causes the algae(海藻) with which corals co-exist, and on which they depend for food and colour, to generate toxins(毒素)that lead to those algae’s expulsion(排出). This is known as “bleaching(白化)”, and can cause a coral’s death.As temperatures continue to rise, research groups around the world are coming up with plansof action. Their ideas include identifying naturally heat-resistant(耐热的)corals and moving themaround the world; crossbreeding(杂交)such corals to create strains that are yet-more heat-resistant; employing genetic editing to add heat resistance artificially; transplantingheat-resistant symbiotic(共生的)algae; and even repairing with the bacteria and other micro-organismswith which corals co-exist—to see if that will help.The assisted evolution of corals does not meet with universal enthusiasm. Without carbon reduction and decline in coral-killing pollution, even resistant corals will not survive the century. Some doubt whetherhumans will get its act together in time to make much difference. Few of these techniques are ready for action in the wild. Some, such as gene editing, are so controversial that it is doubtful they will be approved any time soon. scale is also an issue.But there are grounds for optimism. Carbon targets are being set and ocean pollution is being dealt with. Countries that share responsibilities for reefs are starting to act together. Scientific methods can also be found. Natural currents can be used to facilitate mass breeding. Sites of the greatest ecological and economical importance can be identified to maximise benefits.This mix of natural activity and human intervention could serve as a blueprint (蓝图)for other ecosystems. Those who think that all habitats should be kept original may not approve. But when entire ecosystems are facing destruction, the cost of doing nothing is too great to bear. For coral reefs, at least, if any are to survive at all, it will be those that humans have re-engineered to handle the future.【课标词汇精讲】1.alter (通常指轻微地)改动,修改;改变,(使)变化We've had to alter some of our plans.我们不得不对一些计划作出改动。
government intervenes to economy Keynesian['keinziən]
national macroeconomic adjust and control economic nationalism—tariffs Totalitarianism(极端主义)-Nazi Party 卍 Adolf Hitler&Benito Mussolini贝尼托·墨索里尼,
This study suggests that theories of the Great Depression have to explain an initial severe decline but rapid recovery in productivity, relatively little change in the capital stock, and a prolonged depression in the labor force.
Recent work from a neoclassical perspective focuses on the decline in productivity that caused the initial decline in output and a prolonged recovery due to policies that affected the labor market.
Demand-driven Keynesian Breakdown of international trade Debt deflation Monetarist New classical approach Austrian School Inequality Productivity shock
2022年考研考博-考博英语-西北大学考试全真模拟全知识点汇编押题第五期(含答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Diamonds have little ()value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity. 问题1选项A.extinctB.permanentC.surplusD.intrinsic【答案】D【解析】extinct灭绝的,绝种的;permanent永久的,不变的;surplus剩余的,过剩的;intrinsic本质的,固有的。
2.单选题In early 19th century America, care for the mentally ill was almost non-existent: the afflicted were usually relegated to prisons, almshouses, or inadequate supervision by families. Treatment, if provided, paralleled other medical treatments of the time, including bloodletting and purgatives. However, in a wave of concern for the oppressed, some took action. Among these, Dorothea Dix was the leading crusader for the establishment of state-supported mental asylums. Through her efforts, the first state hospitals for the insane were built in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She and other reformers sought humane, individualized care, with the rich and the poor housed together to insure high standards for all. The movement was generated by social reform, but throughout the century, mental illness was probed and analyzed, and “cures” prescribed by both the scientific and lay communities. “Moral treatment” was the predominating philosophy to cure the insane.This system was developed in late 18th century Europe, and by Benjamin Rush in the United States. It challenged the demonic explanations for insanity and emphasized the role of environment in determining character: improper external conditions could induce derangement. The “moral treatment” system was optimistic that an appropriate environment could facilitate cure, especially for those with acute (not chronic) afflictions. Essential to this theory was a physiological basis/for mental disorder: insanity was caused by brain damage. The brain's surface was soft and malleable and physically altered by outward influence. This idea was closely related to phrenology, which assigned specific faculties to sections of the brain. The notion that mental illness resulted from physical impairment was rarely challenged, but the nature and treatment of ailments were continually debated. To find physical evidence for mental deficiencies, autopsies performed on mental patients to discover lesions or other abnormalities. Although progress was made in the diagnosis of somatic diseases like tumors syphilitic derangement, these efforts were frustrating and subjective. Also controversial was the fate of the chronically versus acutely ill: the differences between them, whether they should be housed together, and whether the chronically ill should be treated at all.1.What is the passage mainly about?2.According to paragraph 1, the movement to establish state-supported mental asylums was motivated by concern for ().3.It can be inferred from the passage that the methods used in “moral treatment” were ().4.According to the passage, phrenology was().5.Autopsies were performed on mental patients().问题1选项A.Care of the mentally illB.The influence of “moral treatment”C.The influence of Dorothea Dix and Benjamin RushD.Social and medical reform问题2选项A.inadequate care by familiesB.social reformC.the effects of medical treatmentD.those who were not mentally ill问题3选项A.controversialB.acceptedC.provenD.dangerous问题4选项A.never very popularB.a theory about determining a person's characterC.a cause of mental illnessD.a theory about a person's brain问题5选项A.to find evidence for moral treatment theoryB.for diagnosis of mental illnessC.as part of treatmentD.on acute rather than chronic patients【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。
Unite 3 Doctor’s Dilemma: Treat or Let Die?Abigail Trafford1. Medical advances in wonder drugs, daring surgical procedures, radiation therapies, and intensive-care units have brought new life to thousands of people. Yet to many of them, modern medicine has become a double-edged sword.2. Doctor’s power to treat with an array of space-age techniques has outstripped the body’s capacity to heal. More medical problems can be treated, but for many patients, there is little hope of recovery. Even the fundamental distinction between life and death has been blurred.3. Many Americans are caught in medical limbo, as was the South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, who was kept alive by artificial means after he had been knocked unconscious in a fight and his brain ceased to function. With the permission of his family, doctors in Las Vegas disconnected the life-support machines and death quickly followed.4. In the wake of technology’s advances in medicine, a heated debate is taking place in hospitals and nursing homes across the country --- over whether survival or quality of life is the paramount goal of medicine.5. “It gets down to what medicine is all about, ” says Daniel Callahan, director of the Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. “Is it really to save a life? Or is the larger goal the welfare of the patient?”6. Doctors, patients, relatives, and often the courts are being forced to make hard choices in medicine. Most often it is at the two extremes of life that these difficultyethical questions arise --- at the beginning for the very sick newborn and at the end for the dying patient.7. The dilemma posed by modern medical technology has created the growing new discipline or bioethics. Many of the country’s 127 medical s chools now offer courses in medical ethics, a field virtually ignored only a decade ago. Many hospitals have chaplains, philosophers, psychiatrists, and social workers on the staff to help patients make crucial decisions, and one in twenty institutions has a special ethics committee to resolve difficult cases.Death and Dying8. Of all the patients in intensive-care units who are at risk of dying, some 20 percent present difficult ethical choices --- whether to keep trying to save the life or to pull back and let the patient die. In many units, decisions regarding life-sustaining care are made about three times a week.9. Even the definition of death has been changed. Now that the heart-lung machine can take over the functions of breathing and pumping blood, death no longer always comes with the patient’s “last gasp” or when the heart stops beating. Thirty-one states and the District of Columbia have passed brain-death statutes that identify death as when the whole brain ceases to function.10. More than a do zen states recognize “living wills” in which the patients leave instructions to doctors not to prolong life by feeding them intravenously or by other methods if their illness becomes hopeless. A survey of California doctors showed that 20 to 30 percent were following instructions of such wills. Meanwhile, the hospicemovement, which its emphasis on providing comfort --- not cure --- to the dying patient, has gained momentum in many areas.11. Despite progress in society’s understanding of death and dying, t heory issues remain. Example: A woman, 87, afflicted by the nervous-system disorder of Parkinson’s disease, has a massive stroke and is found unconscious by her family. Their choices are to put her in a nursing home until she dies or to send her to a medical center for diagnosis and possible treatment. The family opts for a teaching hospital in New York city. Tests show the woman’s stroke resulted from a blood clot that is curable with surgery. After the operation, she says to her family: “Why did you bring me back to this agony?” Her health continues to worsen, and two years later she dies.12. On the other hand, doctors say prognosis is often uncertain and that patients, just because they are old and disabled, should not be denied life-saving therapy. Ethicists also fear that under the guise of medical decision not to treat certain patients, death may become too easy, pushing the country toward the acceptance of euthanasia.13. For some people, the agony of watching high-technology dying is too great. Earlier this year, Woodrow Wilson Collums, a retired dairyman from Poteet, Texas, was put on probation for the mercy killing of his older brother Jim, who lay hopeless in his bed at a nursing home, a victim of severe senility resul ting from Alzheimer’s disease. After the killing, the victim’s widow said: “I think God, Jim’s out of his misery. I hate to think it had to be done the way it was done, but I understand it. ”Crisis in Newborn Care14. At the other end of the life span, technology has so revolutionized newborn carethat it is no longer clear when human life is viable outside the womb. Newborn care has got huge progress, so it is absolutely clear that human being can survive independently outside the womb. Twenty-five years ago, infants weighting less than three and one-half pounds rarely survived. The current survival rate is 70 percent, and doctors are “salvaging” some babies that weigh only one and one-half pounds. Tremendous progress has been made in treating birth deformities such as spina bifida. Just ten years ago, only 5 percent of infants with transposition of the great arteries --- the congenital heart defect most commonly found in newborns --- survived. Today, 50 percent live.15. Yet, for many infants who owe their lives to new medical advances, survival has come at a price. A significant number emerge with permanent physical and mental handicaps.16. “The question of treatment and nontreatment of seriously ill newborns is not a single one,”says Thomas Murray of the Hastings Center. “But I feel strongly that retardation or the fact that someone is going to be less than perfect is not good grounds for allowing an infant to die.”17. For many parents, however, the experience of having a sick newborn becomes a lingering nightmare. Two years ago, an Atlanta mother gave birth to a baby suffering from Down’s Syndrome, a form of mental retardation; the child also had blocked intestines. The doctors rejected the parents’ plea not to operate, and today the child, severely retarded, still suffers intestinal problems.18. “Every time Melanie has a bowel movement, she cries,” explains her mother.“She’s not able to take care of herself, and we won’t live forever. I wanted to save her from sorrow, pain, and suffering. I don’t understand the emphasis on life at all costs, and I’m very angry at the doctors and the hospital. Who will take care of Melanie after we’re gone? Where will you doctors be then?”Changing Standards19. The choices posed by modern technology have profoundly changed the practice of medicine. Until now, most doctors have been activists, trained to use all the tools in their medical arsenals to treat disease. The current trend is toward nontreatment as doctors grapple with questions not just of who should get care but when to take therapy away.20. Always in the background is the threat of legal action. In August, two California doctors were charged with murdering a comatose patient by allegedly disconnecting the respirator and cutting off food and water. In 1981, a Massachusetts nurse was charged with murdering a cancer patient with massive doses of morphine but was subsequently acquitted.21. Between lawsuits, government regulations, and patients’ rights, many doctors feel they are under siege. Modern technology actually has limited their ability to make choices. More recently, these actions are resolved by committees.Public Policy22. In recent years, the debate on medical ethics has moved to the level of national policy. “It’s just beginning to hit us that we don’t have unlimited resources,” says Washington Hospital Center’s Dr. Lynch. “You can’t talk about ethics without talkingethics without talking about money.”23. Since 1972. Americans have enjoyed unlimited access to a taxpayer-supported, kidney dialysis program that offers life-prolonging therapy to all patients with kidney failure. To a number of police analysts, the program has grown out of control --- to a $1.4billion operation supporting 61,000 patients. The majority are over 50, and about a quarter have other illness, such as cancer or heart disease, conditions that could exclude them from dialysis in other countries.24. Some hospitals are pulling back from certain lifesaving treatment. Massachusetts General Hospital, for example, has decided not perform heart transplants on the ground that the high costs of providing such surgery help too few patients. Burn units --- through extremely effective --- also provide very expensive therapy for very few patients.25. As medical scientists push back the frontiers of therapy, the moral dilemma will continue to grow for doctors and patients alike, making the choice of to treat the basic question in modern medicine.1. 在特效药、风险性手术进程、放疗法以及特护病房方面的医学进展已为数千人带来新生。
炎德 英才大联考湖南省雅礼中学 2024届高三月考试卷(八)
炎德·英才大联考湖南省雅礼中学 2024届高三月考试卷(八)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. What programs does the man generally listen to?A. News.B. Talk shows.C. Education programs2. What will Carl do?A. Buy some steak.B. Bring some wine.C. Cook dinner.3.Where is probably George now?A. On the plane.B. In a car.C. At home.4. Where does the man most likely live?A. In Canada.B. In New York.C. In California.5. What is the man speaker's feeling in the end?A. SurpriseB. Relief.C. Sympathy第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷75(总分:60.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Reading Comprehension(总题数:6,分数:60.00)1.Section II Reading Comprehension(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:2.Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:【F1】We're moving; into another era, as the toxic effects of the bubble and its grave consequences spread through the financial system. Just a couple of years ago investors dreamed of 20 percent returns forever. Now surveys show that they're down to a "realistic" 8 percent to 10 percent range. But what if the next few years turn out to be below normal expectations? Martin Barners of the Bank Credit Analyst in Montreal expects future stock returns to average just 4 percent to 6 percent. Sound impossible?【F2】After a much smaller bubble that burst in the mid-1960s Standard & Poor's 5 000 stock average returned 6.9 percent a year(with dividends reinvested)for the following 17 years. Few investors are prepared for that. Right now denial seems to be the attitude of choice."That's typical," says Lori Lucas of Hewitt, the consulting firm. You hate to look at your investments when they're going down. Hewitt tracks 500,000 401(k)accounts every day, and finds that savers are keeping their contributions up. But they're much less inclined to switch their money around. "It's the slot-machine effect," Lucas says, "People get more interested in playing when they think they've got a hot machine—and nothing's hot today. The average investor feels overwhelmed."【F3】 Against all common sense, many savers still shut their eyes to the dangers of owning too much company stock. In big companies last year, a surprising 29 percent of employees held at least three quarters of their 402(k)in their own stock. Younger employees may have no choice. You often have to wait until you're 50 or 55 before you can sell any company stock you get as a matching contribution.【F4】But instead of getting out when they can, old participants have been holding, too. One third of the people 60 and up chose company stock for three quarters of their plan, Hewitt reports. Are they inattentive? Loyal to a fault? Sick? It's as if Lucent, Enron and Xerox never happened. No investor should give his or her total trust to any particular company's stock. And while you're at it, think how you'd be if future stock returns—averaging good years and bad—are as poor as Barnes predicts.【F5】If you ask me, diversified stocks remain good for the long run, with a backup in bonds. But I, too, am figuring on reduced returns. Whata shame. Dear bubble, I'll never forget. It's the end of a grand affair.(分数:10.00)(1).【F1】(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:当投资泡沫的毒效及其严重后果在整个金融系统中散开时,我们正在进入另外一个时代。
2022年考研考博-考博英语-厦门大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it and this_______produces artificial cold surrounding it.问题1选项A.absorptionB.transitionC.consumptionD.interaction【答案】A【解析】absorption吸收; transition过渡, 转变; consumption消费, 消耗; interaction相互作用。
句意:水从固体变成液体, 会吸收附近所有物质的热量, 这种吸收会在周围产生人工寒潮。
2.单选题The British historian Niall Ferguson speculated that the end of American_______might not fuel an orderly shift to a multipolar system.问题1选项A.domainB.hegemonyC.sovereigntyD.preference【答案】B【解析】domain领地,领域; hegemony霸权; sovereignty主权,君主; preference偏爱, 优先权。
句意:英国历史学家Niall Ferguson推测, 美国霸权主义的终结可能不会推动美国向多极体系的有序转变。
3.翻译题(1). When we talk about the danger of romantic love, we don't mean danger in the obvious heartbreak way—the cheap betrayals, the broken promises—we mean the dark danger that lurks when sensible, educated women fall for the dogmatic idea that romantic love is the ultimate goal for the modern female. Every day, thousands of films, books, articles and TV programs hammer home this message—that without romance, life is somehow barren.However, there are women who entertain the subversive notion, like an intellectual mouse scratching behind the skirting board, that perhaps this higher love is not necessarily the celestial highway to absolute happiness. (2). Their empirical side kicks in. and they observe that couples who marry in a haze of adoration and sex are, ten years later, throwing china and fight bitterly over who gets the dog.(3). But the women who notice these contradictions are often afraid to speak them in case they should be labeled cynics. Surely only the most jaded and damaged would challenge the orthodoxy of romantic love. The received wisdom that there is not something wrong with the modern idea of sexual love as ultimate panacea, but (hat if you don't get it, there is something wrong with you. You freak, go back and read the label. (4).We say the privileging of romantic love over all others, the insistence that it is the one essential, incontrovertible element of human happiness, traced all the way back to the caves, is a trap and a snare. The idea that every human heart, since the invention of the wheel, was yearning for its other half is a myth.(5). Love is a human constant: it is the interpretation of it that changes. The way that love has been expressed, its significance in daily life, have never been immutable or constant. The different kinds of love and what they signify are not fixed, whatever the traditionalists may like to tell you.So the modern idea that romantic love is a woman's highest calling, that she is somehow only half a person without it, that if she questions it she is going against all human history, does not stand up to scrutiny. It is not an imperative carved in stone; it is a human idea, and human beings are frail and suggestible, and sometimes get the wrong end of the stick.Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.【答案】1.当说到浪漫爱情的危险时, 我们并不是指显而易见令人心碎的危险一可耻的背叛、破碎的誓言——而是指当明智的知识女性对教条主义思想信以为真, 即浪漫的爱情是现代女性的终极目标时, 潜伏着的隐秘危险。
专题 11 拯救美洲狮--高考英语外刊时文精读精练
高考英语外刊时文精读精练(11)Save the Mountain Lion拯救美洲狮主题语境:人与自然主题语境内容:野生动植物保护距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。
)Los Angeles, as everyone knows, is a noodle bowl of highways. As everyone may not know, it is also one of only two cities in the world where big cats wander wild inside the city boundaries(the other is Mumbai). One even live near the Hollywood sign. But big cats and highways do not mix,which is why Los Angeles will soon be home to one of the world’s biggest wildlife corridors(走廊).The cats are mountain lions. They live in the Santa Monica Mountains. Their numbers are stable. Their habitat is mostly wilderness(荒野), full of deer, the lions’ food. The ecology oftheir range, the largest urban national park in the world, is healthy, thanks in part to their presence . Yet animals can come under threat without habitat loss. Genetic degradation(退化) can be just as deadly.Cutting through the mountains is Route 101, carrying up to 10,000 vehicles an hour. It cuts the Santa Monica range off from a larger wilderness to the north. The southern area is not big enough for all the lions, which each require hunting grounds of 60-150 square miles. The result is a population trapped on an environmental island, with inbreeding(近亲繁殖) and genetic degradation. A study in 2016 found that, given their environment, the Santa Monica mountain lions’ chances of extinction in 50 years would be 15-22%; because of their genetic deterioration, the chance of extinction was more like 99.7%.Four years after that study came the first evidence that the big cats were suffering physical damage: a young male was found with a 90-degree kink(扭结) in his tail . Researchers had seen that before. In the early 1990s biologists studying the Florida panther, a closely related animal, found that many of the males had the same genetic flaws(缺陷). The Florida panther escaped extinction only thanks to the introduction of females brought from Texas to refresh the gene pool.California does not need to go that far. There are healthy mountain-lion populations north of the Santa Monica range, separated by the ribbon of road. Hidden cameras show the animals crouched (蹲)at the side of the highway, not daring to cross. The solution is a 165-foot-wide dirt bridge which would allow them to travel high over the traffic.Such corridors have worked elsewhere, from large spans for elk(麋鹿) over the Trans-Canada highway to a small clawbridge for migrating red crabs(红蟹) on Christmas Island. Last month the governor, Gavin Newsom, launched construction.The animals become sexually mature at 2½ to 3 years and have babies every other year. So within ten years of the corridor’s completion the great-grandchildren of the first mating beyond the mountains could have cubs. Genetically, even a few matings would make a difference. “We’ll definitely save the mountain lion,” thinks Paul Edelman of the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority. “It’s just a matter of how long it takes.”【课标词汇精讲】1.boundary n.分界线;边界National boundaries are becoming increasingly meaningless in the global economy. 在全球化的经济中,国界已经变得越来越没有意义了。
星期3 WednesdayBetter to light one candle than to curse the darkness.与其诅咒黑暗, 不如燃起蜡烛。
Text AHalf a dozen radio stations about the face of the globe crackled sparks of electricity from capital and into millions of humble homes; peace came through the air and was simultaneous over all the face of the earth.The great ceremony on the battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay was anticlimax.The greatest fleet in the world lay amidst the greatest ruins in the world under a dark and cheerless covering of clouds.The USS Iowa was on one side of the Missouri, the USS South Dakota on the other.A tattered flag with thirty-one stars was hung on one of the turrets of the battleship —the flag of the infant republic, which Commodore Perry brought with him to the same bay almost a hundred years before.Above the mainmast fluttered the battle flag of the Union of today.The deck was crowded with the American technicians.There were a Russian with a red band about his cap and a Tass newsreel man who insisted on crawling in among the main actors to get his shots; there was a Canadian general who spoiled his part and signed on the wrong line; there was a carefully tailored Chinese general from Chungking.Half a dozen Japanese were piped over the side of the Missouri, but for the purpose of history and in every man’s memory there were only two —the general, Umezu, and the statesman,Shingemitsu.Umezu was dressed in parade uniform, all his ribbons glistening, and his eyes blank, but you could see the brown pockmarks on his cheeks swelling and falling in emotion.Shingemitsu was dressed in a tall silk hat and a formal morning coat as if he were attending a wedding or a funeral.He had a wooden leg, and he limped along the deck; when he began to climb to the veranda deck where the peace was to be signed, he clutched the ropes and struggled up with infinite pain and discomfort.Shingemitsu and Umezu were brought forward, and, after a few carefully chosen words beautifully spoken by General MacArthur, they signed their names to a document marking an end to the Japanese Empire.When they had signed, the generals and admirals of all the other nations put their signatures to the document, and peace, if peace it was, had come.1.The document was signed on[A] the USS Iowa. [B] the USS South Dakota.[C] the battleship Missouri. [D] didn’t mention.2.In the second paragraph, “A tattered flag with thirty-one stars”is of[A] USS. [B] the infant USA.[C] today’s USA. [D] the greatest fleet.3.When portraying Umezu and Shingemitsu, the author focused on all the following EXCEPT[A] facial expression. [B] appearance.[C] motions. [D] inner activity.4.By saying “and peace, if peace it was, had come”, the author implied that[A] he valued the signature ceremony.[B] he was sure of the peace coming.[C] he suspected that the signature meant the real end of war.[D] he believed the signature ceremony would bring peace.Text BLeft unfettered(无拘无束的), Anthony Konieczka, 9 years old, would happily thumb away at his Game Boy Advance or PlayStation 2 from the minute he gets up to the moment he crawls into bed, 14 bleary-eyed(睡眼惺忪的)hours later.Anthony’s basement is stocked with traditional toys —board games, puzzles, art supplies —and as far as he is concerned, they are relics of Christmases past.His sister Michaely, 6 years old, still likes dressing her Barbies.But once she starts playing Game Boy it’s hard to get her away.Play patterns like this could grab another Christmas for the toy department.Through September, toy sales were down 5% compared with the first nine months of last year, according to the NDP Group.Meanwhile, the video-game industry is heading for another record year.Thanks to hot new games like Halo 2 for the Xbox, the industry is light-years ahead of the toy business when it comes to buzz.With distractions such as instant messaging, cell phone games and iPods angling for kids’minds and allowances, the digital revolution is making life miserable for the toy industry.While some hard-to-find toys emerge every holiday season, toymakers are heading into this one without a monster hit.Indeed, there has not been a Furby-style frenzy in years.Of 10 toy segments only two, arts and crafts and dolls, have generated sales growth over a recent 12 month period.Some of the weakest categories like construction sets and action figures are the ones aimed at boys, who suffer the most blisters from the video games.Analysts expect one of the top stocking stuffers this season to be not a traditional toy but the new generation of Nintendo’s Game Boy, the DS, which hit stores last week.The deeper issue is that shifts in play patterns are forcing toymakers to fight for shelf space in a tightening market.Boys in particular seem to be abandoning traditional toys at earlier ages in favor of consumer electronics, trendy video games, PC software and the Internet.The notion that kids are growing more sophisticated and tech-savvy (懂技术的), a trend called “age compression”, has bedeviled toy companies for at least a decade.Action figures, for instance, usedto be considered healthy for boys up to age 12.Now the items are mainly marketed to boys 4 to 6.A recent study found that nearly half of the U.S children start on video games at 4 to 5 years old —and 20% at age 3 or younger.Toy companies, of course, have long seen this coming.Mattel attempted to get into educational software in the late 1990s, spending $3.6 million to buy the Learning Company.But it turned out to be a blunder and led to more than $400 million in ter on Mattel got back to building basic brands like Barbie and Hot Wheels.But Barbie’s sales slump may also be a victim of kids growing older at younger ages.Several of the toys expected to sell well this season are, in fact, those that incorporate video gaming and DVD technologies.Mattel’s Fisher-Price introduced a game system called InteracTV this year, featuring DVDs with characters like Dora the explorer.Hasbro came out with a portable color video player called VideoNow and has been putting classic games like Battleship and Yahtzee into hand-held electronic format.5.At the beginning of the passage, the author implies that[A] video games are designed only for boys.[B] girls are usually not interested in video games.[C] both Anthony and Michaely are good at playing PlayStation 2.[D] children would not like to stop playing Game Boy once they start.6.We learn from the passage that in this holiday season[A] it is hard to find traditional toys in the market.[B] toymakers are planning to design monster toys.[C] no hit toys will come onto the market.[D] Furby will become popular among children.7.The sales of construction sets are decreasing because[A] they are not healthy toys for children.[B] they are very weak and easily broken.[C] they are hard to find on shelves of toy stores.[D] they are aimed at boys who are easily attracted by the video games.8.What has been bothering toymakers for almost ten years?[A] The Internet addiction.[B] The trend of age compression.[C] The sales of action figures.[D] The new generation of Game Boy.9.It is predicted that in this season the popular toys would be[A] hot new game Halo 2 for the Xbox.[B] arts and crafts and dolls.[C] action figures designed for boys aged from 4 to 6.[D] toys that integrate video gaming with DVD technologies.Text CSpace is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors(流星) but also because of rays from the Sun and other stars.Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space.Doses of radiation are measured in units called “rem”.We all receive radiation here on the Earth from the Sun, from cosmic rays and from radioactive minerals.The “normal”dose of radiation that we receive each year is about 100 millirem; it varies according to where you live, and this is a very rough estimate.Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than this without being damaged; the figure of 60 rem has been agreed on.The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage —a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth of children or even grandchildren.Early space probes showed that radiation varies in different parts of space around the Earth.It alsovaries in time because, when great spurts of gas shoot out of the Sun, they are accompanied by a lot of extra radiation.Some estimates of the amount of radiation in space, based on various measurements and calculations, are as low as 10 rem per year, while others are as high as 5 rem per hour! Mission to the Moon have had to cross the Van Allen belts of high radiation and, during the outward and return journeys, the Apollo 8 crew accumulated a total dose of about 200 millirem per man.It was hoped that there would not be any large solar flares during the times of Apollo moon walks because the walls of the lunar excursion modules (LEMs) were not thick enough to protect the men inside, though the command modules did give reasonable protection.So far, no dangerous doses of radiation have been reported, but the Gemini(双子座)orbits and the Apollo missions have been quite short.We simply do not know yet how men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory or in a base on the Moon.Drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far.At present, radiation seems to be the greatest physical hazard to space travelers, but it is impossible to say just how serious the hazard will turn out to be in the future.10.What make space a dangerous place?[A] The radioactive meteors.[B] The Sun and other stars.[C] Rays from the earth.[D] Rem.11.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?[A] The “normal” dose of radiation we receive is generally accepted as safe.[B] Scientists are certain that 60 rem of radiation won’t damage man.[C] Harm of radiation is not likely to be seen immediately.[D] We don’t know exactly the seriousness of radiation damage.12.Missions to the moon are dangerous to the explorers because[A] they have to cross the high radioactive area.[B] solar flares may damage the LEMs.[C] they have to stay in space for a long time.[D] they will probably run into meteors.13.How will men effectively protect themselves when they spend long periods in space?[A] By taking special drugs.[B] By wearing special suits.[C] By using a protective blanket.[D] No effective solution has been found yet.14.The example of Apollo is to show[A] the Apollo mission was very successful.[B] protection from space radiation is no easy job.[C] astronauts don’t care about radiation damage.[D] radiation is not a threat to well-protected space explorers.15.The best title for this passage would be[A] The Atmosphere and Our Environment[B] Research on Radiation[C] Effects of Space Radiation[D] Important Protection against RadiationText DA simple computer program that teaches children to distinguish between sounds can dramatically boost their listening skills.It can allow them to progress by the equivalent of two years in just a few weeks, the game’s creator claims.The game, called Phonomena, was devised by David Moore of the University of Oxford, U.K., as an aid for children with language problems, but he says his latest trials also show that itcan help any child.Other experts, however, are reserving judgment until independent tests are carried out.Phonomena is designed to improve children’s ability to distinguish between different phonemes(音素), the basic sounds that form the building blocks of language.Up to a fifth of all children are thought to have problems hearing the differences between some sounds, says Moore, who heads the U.K.Medical Research Council’s Institute of Hearing Research.In the game, children have to distinguish between pairs of phonemes such as the “i”sound from the word “bit”and the “e”from “bet”.They are played one phoneme followed by two more examples, and asked which one matches the first sound.As the game progresses, the phonemes are gradually “morphed”(改变) to make them more and more similar, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between them.With 44 phonemes in English, there are potentially more than 1,000 different pairs, but the game concentrates on just 22 pairs of the commonest and most similar-sounding phonemes.In the latest trials, 18 children aged between eight and ten played the game three times a week for four weeks.Their language abilities were compared before and after exposure to the game using a standard listening test.The team found a dramatic improvement in their language abilities, with listening ages up by an average 2.4 years compared with 12 children who did not play the game.In earlier trials on children with learning difficulties, the speech and language therapists who tested the game reported similar improvements.But Ted Wragg, an expert in education at the U.K’s University of Exeter, warns that such trials can produce misleading results.The improvements could be due to the efforts and attention of teachers and therapists, rather than the game itself.There is a history in education of people and companies making claims about learning products that do not stand up to scrutiny, he says.It is a bit like teaching someone to catch a ball, Moore adds.“Sensory performance is no different from motor performance.As far as we know, the neural processes driving them both arethe same.”And just as playing catch improves hand-eye coordination in other tasks, Moore thinks the phoneme training boosts children’s general language skills.The advantage of using computers, he says, is each game can be tailored to a child’s abilities.An oxford-based company called MindWeavers has been set up to commercialize the game.Similar computer0based language tools already exist, such as those developed by Scientific Learning of Oakland, California.But these are geared exclusively towards children with speech and language problems and involve intensive training.“We don’t believe you need to do this Draconian(严酷的) amount of training for it to do good,”says Moore.He is also exploring the use of phoneme training as an aid to adults learning a foreign language.16.At first, the Phonomena game is designed for[A] adults.[B] disabled children.[C] children with language problems.[D] all children.17.We can infer from the passage that in the game[A] one fifth of the children have difficult distinguishing between sounds.[B] children are asked to tell the differences between similar sounds.[C] the phonemes are becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish.[D] 44 phonemes in English are involved.18.In Ted Wragg’s opinion,[A] the trial results are not reliable and reasonable.[B] the game is helpful to children with language problems.[C] the trial results are accurate.[D] the trial results show that the game is useless.19.What is the advantage of using computers in Phonomena game?[A] It can provide customized service.[B] It can provide multimedia service.[C] Children can play the game at home.[D] It can improve child’s ability.20.What’s the limitation of the existing computer-based language tools?[A] They are designed exclusively for children.[B] They require too much training.[C] They are too harsh.[D] They do nothing good to language skills.语境词汇Text A1.crackle sparks of electricity <喻>通过电波传递2.anticlimax n.令人扫兴的结尾3.tatter v.扯碎,使变破烂:a tattered flag 一面破旧的国旗4.mainmast n.主桅5.pipe v.召集, 召唤6.the veranda deck 舰艇上的游廊7.clutch v.抓住,抓紧Text B1.thumb v.以拇指摆弄n.大拇指2.blister n.水泡, 气泡v.使起水泡3.angle v.谋取;垂钓n.角;角度, 观点4.hit n.成功的尝试;击中v.打(击)5.frenzy n.狂乱;极度的激动6.trendy a.时髦的, 流行的n.新潮人物,穿着时髦的人7.bedevil vt.使苦恼;折磨8.slump n.经济衰退;消沉v.倒下,陷落;下跌Text C1.radiation n.放射, 辐射;放射物, 放射线2.cosmic n.宇宙的;广大的, 无限的3.probe n.太空探测器;探查v.查究, 调查4.spurt n.喷射;忽然的加速、增强vi.喷出, 涌出5.accumulate v.积累, 聚集;增长6.excursion n.郊游,远足,游览Text D1.distinguish vt.&vi.区分, 辨别2.phoneme n.音素, 音位2.exposure n.暴露, 揭露;曝光, 曝光时间3.scrutiny n.细察, 详审4.sensory a.知觉的, 感觉的, 感觉器官的5.tailor vt.使合适, 修改n.裁缝6.exclusively ad.仅仅,专门地;排他地,独占地难句突破Text A1.There were a Russian with a red band about his cap and a Tass newsreel man who insisted on crawling in among the main actors to get his shots; there was a Canadian general who flubbed his part and signed on the wrong line; there was a carefully tailored Chinese general from Chungking. 【分析】并列复合句。
2 红外线通信协议概述2.1红外线通信概念红外通信是利用红外技术实现两点间的近距离保密通信和信息转发。
为解决多种设备之间的互连互通问题,1993年成立了红外数据协会(IrDA, Infared Data Association)以建立统一的红外数据通讯标准。
1994年发表了IrDA 1.0规范。
从早期的IRDA 规范(115200bps)到ASKIR(1.152Mbps),再到最新的FASTIR(4Mbps),红外线接口的速度不断提高,使用红外线接口和电脑通信的信息设备也越来越多。
tpo40三篇托福阅读TOEFL原文译文题目答案译文背景知识阅读-1 (2)原文 (2)译文 (5)题目 (8)答案 (17)背景知识 (17)阅读-2 (20)原文 (20)译文 (23)题目 (25)答案 (35)背景知识 (35)阅读-3 (38)原文 (38)译文 (41)题目 (44)答案 (53)背景知识 (54)阅读-1原文Ancient Athens①One of the most important changes in Greece during the period from 800 B.C. to 500 B.C. was the rise of the polis, or city-state, and each polis developed a system of government that was appropriate to its circumstances. The problems that were faced and solved in Athens were the sharing of political power between the established aristocracy and the emerging other classes, and the adjustment of aristocratic ways of life to the ways of life of the new polis. It was the harmonious blending of all of these elements that was to produce the classical culture of Athens.②Entering the polis age, Athens had the traditional institutions of other Greek protodemocratic states: an assembly of adult males, an aristocratic council, and annually elected officials. Within this traditional framework the Athenians, between 600 B.C. and 450 B.C., evolved what Greeks regarded as a fully fledged democratic constitution, though the right to vote was given to fewer groups of people than is seen in modern times.③The first steps toward change were taken by Solon in 594 B.C., when he broke the aristocracy's stranglehold on elected offices by establishing wealth rather than birth as the basis of office holding, abolishing the economic obligations of ordinary Athenians to the aristocracy, and allowing the assembly (of which all citizens were equal members) to overrule the decisions of local courts in certain cases. The strength of the Athenian aristocracy was further weakened during the rest of the century by the rise of a type of government known as a tyranny, which is a form of interim rule by a popular strongman (not rule by a ruthless dictator as the modern use of the term suggests to us). The Peisistratids, as the succession of tyrants were called (after the founder of the dynasty, Peisistratos), strengthened Athenian central administration at the expense of the aristocracy by appointing judges throughout the region, producing Athens’ first national coinage, and adding and embellishing festivals that tended to focus attention on Athens rather than on local villages of the surrounding region. By the end of the century, the time was ripe for more change: the tyrants were driven out, and in 508 B.C. a new reformer, Cleisthenes, gave final form to the developments reducing aristocratic control already under way.④Cleisthenes' principal contribution to the creation of democracy at Athens was to complete the long process of weakening family and clanstructures, especially among the aristocrats, and to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes, which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens. Out of the demes were created 10 artificial tribes of roughly equal population. From the demes, by either election or selection, came 500 members of a new council, 6,000 jurors for the courts, 10 generals, and hundreds of commissioners. The assembly was sovereign in all matters but in practice delegated its power to subordinate bodies such as the council, which prepared the agenda for the meetings of the assembly, and courts, which took care of most judicial matters. Various committees acted as an executive branch, implementing policies of the assembly and supervising, for instance, the food and water supplies and public buildings. This wide-scale participation by the citizenry in the government distinguished the democratic form of the Athenian polis from other less liberal forms.⑤The effect of Cleisthenes’ reforms was to establish the superiority of the Athenian community as a whole over local institutions without destroying them. National politics rather than local or deme politics became the focal point. At the same time, entry into national politics began at the deme level and gave local loyalty a new focus: Athens itself. Over the next two centuries the implications of Cleisthenes’ reforms were fully exploited.⑥During the fifth century B.C. the council of 500 was extremely influential in shaping policy. In the next century, however, it was the mature assembly that took on decision-making responsibility. By any measure other than that of the aristocrats, who had been upstaged by the supposedly inferior "people", the Athenian democracy was a stunning success. Never before, or since, have so many people been involved in the serious business of self-governance. It was precisely this opportunity to participate in public life that provided a stimulus for the brilliant unfolding of classical Greek culture.译文古雅典①在公元前800年到公元前500年期间,希腊最重要的变化之一是城邦的崛起,并且每个城邦都发展了适合其情况的政府体系。
新视野大学英语第三版B4U4 TextA 课文中英对照版
unit4 TextAAchieving sustainable environmentalism完成可延续性开展的环保主义1 Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, say, belief in democracy or disapproval of plastic surgery. But now that everyone from Ted Turner to George H. W. Bush has claimed love for Mother Earth, how are we to choose among the dozens of conflicting proposals, regulations and laws advanced by congressmen and constituents alike in the name of the environment? Clearly, not everything with an environmental claim is worth doing. How do we segregate the best options and consolidate our varying interests into a single, sound policy?在上流社会,对环境的敏感就如同信仰民主、反对整容一样,是一种不可或缺的态度。
我们怎样才能别离出最正确选择,并且把我们各自不同的兴趣统一在同一个合理的政策当中呢?2 There is a simple way. First, differentiate between environmental luxuries and environmental necessities. Luxuries are those things that would be nice to have if costless. Necessities are those things we must have regardless. Call this distinction the definitive rule of sane environmentalism, which stipulates that combating ecological change that directly threatens the health and safety of people is an environmental necessity. All else is luxury.有一种简便的方法。
2022年考研考博-考博英语-中国财政科学研究院考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析B卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题The sculptural legacy that new United States ______ its colonial predecessors was far from a rich one, and in fact, in 1776 sculptures as an art form was still in the hands of artisans and craftspeople.问题1选项A.inherited fromB.inherited inC.adapted toD.adopted to【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。
A选项inherited from“从……继承……”;B选项inherited in非固定搭配;C选项adapted to“适应于”;D选项adopted to“采用”。
根据语境,A选项inherited from“从……继承……”搭配legacy“遗产”比较合理,意指从先辈那里继承的雕塑艺术遗产,符合题意。
2.单选题______ the financial means to remain independent, Thomas Edison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator.问题1选项A.He was deprived ofB.That he was deprived ofC.Although he was deprived ofD.Deprived of【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词。
2022年考研考博-考博英语-福建师范大学考试全真模拟全知识点汇编押题第五期(含答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Difficult market conditions were()when Korean tanners entered the UK and New Zealand raw material markets, driving up prices.问题1选项A.relievedB.changedC.deterioratedD.solved【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。
2.单选题Several unpopular decision ()the governor’s popularity.问题1选项A.decayedB.diminishedC.distortedD.dissolved 【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。
3.单选题There has been much opposition from some social groups,()from the farming community.问题1选项A.straightforwardlyB.notablyC.virtuallyD.exceptionally【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。
straightforwardly意为“正直地”;notably意为“尤其,特别”;virtually 意为“实际上,实质上”;exceptionally意为“例外地,异常地”。
2022年考研考博-考博英语-华东师范大学考试全真模拟全知识点汇编押题第五期(含答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Life insurance is financial protection for dependents against loss()the bread-winner'sdeath.问题1选项A.at the cost ofB.on the verge ofC.as a result ofD.for the sake of【答案】C【解析】at the cost of 以...为代价;on the verge of濒临于, 接近于;as a result of因此, 由于;for the sake of为了。
句意:人寿保险为被保者的家属提供经济保障, 以防止因养家糊口的人去世而造成的损失。
2.单选题A()from every person, no matter how small, will help the Red Cross reach its goal of $100,000. 问题1选项A.contractB.concentrationC.contributionD.construction【答案】C【解析】词义辨析题。
contract合同, 合约;concentration专注, 集中;contribution贡献, 捐赠;construction建筑。
句意:每个人的贡献, 无论多么小, 都将帮助红十字会达到10万美元的目标。
3.单选题Efforts to educate people about the risks of substance abuse seem to deter some people from using dangerous substances, if such efforts are realistic about what is genuinely dangerous and what is not. Observed declines in the use of such drugs as LSD, PCP, and Quaaludes since the early 1970s are probably related to increased awareness of the risks of their use, and some of this awareness was the result of warnings about these drugs in “underground” papers read by drug users. Such sources are influential, because they do not give a simple “all drugs a re terrible for you” message. Drug users know there are big variations in danger among drugs, and anti-drug education that ignores or denies this is likely to be ridiculed. This is illustrated by the popularity among young marijuana users of Reefer Madness, a widely unrealistic propaganda film against marijuana made in the 1930s. This film made the rounds of college campuses in the 1970s and joined rock-music videos on cable television’s MTV in the 1980s. Instead of deterring marijuana use, it became a cult film among users, many of whom got high to watch it.Although persuasion can work for some people if it is balanced and reasonable, other people seem immune to the most reasoned educational efforts. Millions have started smoking even though the considerable health risks of smoking have been well known and publicized for years. Moreover, the usefulness of education lies in primary prevention: prevention of abuse among those who presently have no problem. Hence, Bomier’s (1978, p. 150) contention that “if the Pepsi generation can be persuaded to drink pop wine, they can be persuaded not to drink it while driving” is probably not correct, since most drunken driving is done by people who already have significant drinking problems, and hence seem not to be dissuaded even by much stronger measures such as loss of a driver's license.1.According to the passage, up to now, anti-drug education()2.The film ‘Reefer Madness’ mentioned in the passage()3.The message ‘all drugs are terrible for you’ is not influential because()4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?5.The best title for the passage would be ()问题1选项A.has made all people see the danger of drugsB.has succeeded in dissuading people from using drugsC.has been effective only to a certain degreeD.has proved to be a total failure问题2选项A.effectively deterred marijuana useB.was rejected by young marijuana usersC.did not picture the danger of marijuana realisticallyD.was welcomed by marijuana users because it told them how to get high问题3选项A.it ignores the fact that drugs vary greatly in dangerB.it gives a false account of the risks of drug useC.some drugs are good for healthD.it does not appear in underground papers 问题4选项A.Sometimes balanced and reasonable anti-drug persuasion is influential to some people.B.Most drug users are ignorant of the danger of drugs.C.Punishments such as loss of a driver’s license do not seem to be an effective way to stop drunken driving.D.Primary prevention is a useful principle to be followed in anti-drug education.问题5选项A.Are All Drugs Terrible for You?B.Do People Believe What Underground Papers Say?C.Is There an Increased Awareness of the Risks of Drugs?D.Can Persuasion Reduce Drug Abuse?【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。
ships in the dessert课后答案paraph
Lesson 3 Ships in the Desert课后练习答案及补充练习习题全解I.(1)The writer went to the Aral Sea to search for the underlying causes of theenvironmental crisis. What he saw there was hot dry sand.(2)It was the annual layers of ice in a core sample dug from the glacier.(3)Scientists were monitoring the air several times a day to chart the course ofthe climate change.(4)Because the polar cap plays a crucial role in the world's weather system, thethinning of the polar cap might cause flood in many places of the world.(5)There are more different species of birds in each square mile of the Amazon thanexist in all of North America. The destruction of the Amazon rain forest will meansilencing thousands of songs we have never even heard.(6)The writer calls noctilucent clouds"ghosts in the sky".As a result of pollution,the clouds occasionally appear when the earth is first cloaked in the evening darkness.And they appear more often because of a huge buildup of methane gas inthe atmosphere.(7)Because we are not yet awakened to take effective measures to deal with theclimate change.(8)Carbon dioxide's ability to trap heat in the atmosphere causes global warming.Because global warming seriously threatens the global climate equilibrium thatdetermines the pat- tern of winds,rainfall,surface temperatures,ocean cur- rents,and sea level. These in turn determine the distribution of vegetative and animal lifeon land and sea and have a great effect on the location and pattern of human societies.(9)The two key factors are human population and the scientific and technologicaldevelopment.The dramatic changes that have occurred in these two factors are a suddenand startling surge in human population and a sudden acceleration of the scientificand technological revolution.(10)The writer's solution to our ecological problems is to reinvent and finallyheal the relationship between human beings and the earth by carrying out a carefulreassessment of all the factors that led to the relatively recent dramatic changein the relationship.II.(1)It was not at all possible to catch a large amount offish.(2)Following the layers of ice in the core sample,his finger came to the placewhere the layer of ice was formed 2050 years ago.(3)keeps its engines running for fear that if he stops them,the metal parts wouldbe frozen solid and the engines would not be able to start again.(4)Bit by bit trees in the rain forest are felled and the land is cleared and turnedinto pasture where cattle can be raised quickly and slaughtered and the beef can beused in ham- burgers.(5)Since miles of forest are being destroyed and the habitat for these rare birdsno longer exists,thousands of birds which we have not even had a chance to see willbecome extinct.(6)Thinking about how a series of events might happen asa consequence of thethinning of the polar cap is not just.(7) We are using and destroying resources insuch a huge amount that we are disturbing the balance between daylight and darkness.(8)Or have we been so accustomed to the bright electric lights that we fail tounderstand the threatening implicationof these clouds.(9)To put forword the question in a different way(10)and greatly affect the living places and activities of human societies.(ll)We seem unaware that the earth's natural systems are delicate.(12)And this continuing revolution has also suddenly developed at a speed thatdoubled and tripled the original speed.Ⅲ. See the translation of the text.IV.(1)transportation, imitation, destruction .(2)encirclement,enrichment,enlightenment(3)postage,coinage,advantage.(4)sharpness,boldness,smoothness(5)admission,concession,depression(6)productivity,sensitivity,desirability(7)posture,departure,indenture(8)independence,prudence,impudence(9)flagrancy,consistency,potency(10)analysis,metabasis,metamorphosis(ll)dictatorship,ownership,partnership(12)depth,length,birthV.(1)technology技术(2) ecology 生态学(3) hydrology水文学(4)phrenology颅像学(5) neurology 神经病学(6)pathology 病理学(7) physiology生理学(8)pharmacology药理学(9) gynaecology妇科学(10)oceanology海洋学(11)lexicology词汇学(12) archaeology考古学(13)anthropology人类学(14)criminology犯罪学(1) anarchist无政府主义者(2)naturalist自然主义者(3)biologist 生物学家(4)psychologist心理学家(5)satirist 讽刺作家(6) encyclopaedist百科全书编纂者(7) geologist地质学家(8) sociologist社会学家(9)zoologist动物学家(l0)impressionist印象派艺术家(l1)environmentalist环境保护论者( (12)terrorist恐怖主义分子VII.(1)submarine潜水艇(2)submerge淹没,潜入水中(3)subantartic亚南极的(4)subsolar在太阳正下面的,赤道的(5)subhead小标题(6)subaquatic半水栖的(7) subdivide把……再分(8)suboxide低氧化物(9)subclass亚纲(l0) subclimax亚顶极群落(l1) subcommittee小组委员会(12)subconscious下意识的(13)subcontinent 次大陆(14) subcontract转包合同(15)subculture亚文化群(16)subspecies亚种(17)subsoil 底土(18)sublethal (毒药的量等)尚不致命的Vl.inland sea,desert,core sample,glacier,atmosphere,carbon dioxide,polar icecap,global warming,Amazon rain forest,species of birds,ecological balance,noctilucent cloud,methane gas,natural gas,landfills, coal mines,ricepaddies,termites,biomass,upperatmosphere,elephants,greenhouse gases,water vapor,growing mountains of waste, acid rain,chlorine,human activities,heatIX.(1)basic examples(2)unalterable(3)meeting(4)characterized strikeagainst each other(5)set up(6)see,attack(7)at the same time(8)balance(9)increasing,existence(10)taskll)out-of-date(1)consequences(2)results(3)results(4)outcome(5)results,(6)outcome(7)causes(8)causes(9)reason(10)reason(ll)relations(12)relationship(13)relations(14)relationship(15)complex(16)complex(17)complicated(18)complex(19)simple(20)simplistic(1)with(2)of(3)on(4)of(5)in(6)in(7)against(8)than(9)of(10)as(ll)as(12)with(13)of(14)of(15)for(16)ofXII.relationship, environment,garbage,what,endless,allow,that,dumping,dispose,drown,having,old,,mind,running,waste,it, sight 11 recent,debates,disposal,ocean,elsewhere,confront,capacity,of,quantities,only,change,reduce,we,used,interdependent,chosen,unless,dramatically,thinking,humankind, inherit.XIII. Omitted.XIV.We Must Protect Our Ecological System.With the development of human civilization,man has created countless wonders,but at what a price! Our ecological sys-tem,on which all animals’existence depends,has been seriously damaged and is still being threatened. The earth's temperatureis getting higher,more and more forests are being felled,large numbers of animalsare facing extinction,and deserts are expanding at an incredible rate.The causes for the worsening ecological system are manifold. Perhaps two of themajor problems lie in people's pursuit of short-term interests with little attentionto long-term interest sand their pursuit of individual interests rather thancollective interests. In the first case,many lakes are filled to grow crops or evenbuild houses; trees are cut down,only bare mountains stand cold in the wind and arecapable of holding no water when it rains. In the second case,scenic spots becomedirty and deserted because of newly established nearby factories producing wastewater and air; industrial countriesinvest heavily in chemical factories in the ThirdWorld nations,keeping their own land relatively clean.To solve the problems mentioned above,we should try our best to balance short-terminterests with long-term ones by making long-term plans and taking as many thingsas possible into consideration. We're living today and are still to live tomorrowwe and our posterity both have to live on the earth. Besides,Global action shouldbe taken to protect our ecological system. People,eastern or western,rich or poor,should join their hands to prevent our。
2022考研英语阅读保护大象刻不容缓Forensic zoology法医动物学The elephant in the room房间里的大象爱护大象,刻不容缓!Dating ivory has just become easier. Poachersbeware确定象牙年月已变得更简单了,偷猎者们要当心喽!FEW megafauna are more charismatic than elephants, and that charisma gives thempolitical clout.在大型动物里,没有几种动物可以匹敌大象的魅力,这种魅力让大象很有政治影响。
On July 1st, for example, Barack Obama used the Tanzanian leg of his tour of Africa toannounce an executive order intended to give teeth to America s obligation, as a partyto the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, to prevent the smuggling ofpoached ivory.比如说今年7月1日,奥巴马总统在非洲行程中的坦桑尼亚站宣布了一项行政命令,该命令旨在通过强制实施有效手段来更好地履行美国《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》的一员防止偷运偷猎象牙的义务。
The rules on trading ivory, though, are hard to enforce,for if it comes from an animal killed before 1990 such trade is legal.但是,针对象牙贸易的规定很难实行,由于假如象牙来自的大象是在1990年之前被杀的,那么这种贸易是合法的。
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a rXiv:as tr o-ph/2983v14Se p22FeH Absorption in the Near-Infrared Spectra of Late M and L Dwarfs Michael C.Cushing 1Institute for Astronomy,University of Hawai‘i,2680Woodlawn Drive,Honolulu,HI 96822cushing@ John T.Rayner 1Institute for Astronomy,University of Hawai‘i,2680Woodlawn Drive,Honolulu,HI 96822rayner@ Sumner P.Davis Department of Physics,University of California,Berkeley,CA 94720spdavis@ and William D.Vacca 1Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik,Postfach 1312,D-85741Garching,Germany vacca@mpe.mpg.deABSTRACTWe present medium-resolution z -,J -,and H -band spectra of four late-typedwarfs with spectral types ranging from M8to L7.5.In an attempt to determinethe origin of numerous weak absorption features throughout their near-infraredspectra,and motivated by the recent tentative identification of the E 4Π−A 4Πsystem of FeH near 1.6µm in umbral and cool star spectra,we have compared thedwarf spectra to a laboratory FeH emission spectrum.We have identified nearly100FeH absorption features in the z-,J-,and H-band spectra of the dwarfs.Inparticular,we have identified34features which dominate the appearance of theH-band spectra of the dwarfs and which appear in the laboratory FeH spectrum.Finally,all of the features are either weaker or absent in the spectrum of the L7.5dwarf which is consistent with the weakening of the known FeH bandheads inthe spectra of the latest L dwarfs.Subject headings:molecular data—line:identification—infrared:stars—stars:low-mass,brown dwarfs1.IntroductionAbsorption bands due to FeH are ubiquitous in the red and near-infrared(0.7<λ< 1.3µm)spectra of late-type dwarfs.The most conspicuous FeH feature is the bandhead of the Wing-Ford band(Wing&Ford1969)at0.99µm which arises from the0−0(υ′−υ′′) transition of the F4∆−X4∆system.Schiavon et al.(1997)obtained moderate-resolution spectra(R∼13,000)of a sample of early to mid M stars to study the dependence of the Wing-Ford band on atmospheric parameters.Their spectra show that absorption features due to FeH dominate the spectra of the M dwarfs from0.9850to1.0200µm.Other bandheads of this electronic system have also been detected in the spectra of late-type dwarfs including the2−0at0.7786µm(Tinney&Reid1998),the1−0at0.8692µm(Kirkpatrick et al.1999; Mart´ın et al.1999),the2−1at0.902µm(Tinney&Reid1998),the0−1at1.1939µm (Jones et al.1996;McLean et al.2000;Leggett et al.2001;Reid et al.2001),and the1−2 at1.2389µm(McLean et al.2000;Leggett et al.2001;Reid et al.2001).In a recent study of infrared sunspot spectra,Wallace&Hinkle(2001,hereafter WH) identified68lines common to both a sunspot spectrum and a laboratory spectrum of FeH between1.581and1.755µm.In addition,they identified four bandheads in the FeH spectrum at1.58263,1.59118,1.62457,and1.61078µm.Based on the theoretical work of Langhoff&Bauschlicher(1990),they tentatively assigned this band to the0−0transition of the E 4Π−A4Πsystem.WH noted that three of the bandheads,at1.58263,1.59118,1.62457µm,could be seen in the low-resolution spectra of late M and L dwarfs(e.g.,Leggett et al.2001).These bandheads probably account for the three unidentified absorption features in the spectra of L dwarfs at1.58,1.613,and1.627µm reported by Reid et al.(2001).WH also obtained a high-resolution(R=50,000),70˚A-wide spectrum of GJ569B(M8.5V)centered at1.6578µm and identified13lines common to both the dwarf spectrum and FeH spectrum.At leastin this narrow wavelength range,the dwarf spectrum was dominated by FeH absorption lines.In the course of conducting a0.8to4.2µm spectroscopic survey of M,L and T dwarfs, we have identified numerous weak absorption features throughout the near-infrared spectra of the M and L dwarfs.In an attempt to determine the origin of these features,and motivated by the work of WH,we have compared our spectra to a laboratory FeH emission spectrum to determine whether FeH produces these absorption features.In this paper,we present medium-resolution z-,J-and H-band spectra of four late-type dwarfs with spectral types ranging from M8to L7.5along with the identification of nearly 100FeH absorption features.In§2,we discuss the dwarf spectra while in§3we discuss the FeH spectrum.In§4we compare the FeH spectrum and the dwarf spectra and in§5we discuss our results.Our conclusions are summarized in§6.2.M and L Dwarf SpectraAs part of a infrared spectroscopic survey of∼20M,L,and T dwarfs,three of us (M.C.C.,J.T.R.,and W.D.V.)have obtained spectra of VB10(M8V),2MASS1439+1929 (L1V),2MASS1507−1627(L5V),and2MASS0825+2115(L7.5V)using SpeX(Rayner et al.,in preparation)on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility.The resolving power,R,of the spectra is∼2000except for2MASS0825+2115for which R∼1200.The spectral classification of the L dwarfs is from Kirkpatrick et al.(1999).The observing strategy and data reduction techniques can be found in Cushing et al.(in preparation).The signal-to-noise of the spectra is>50.We use A0V stars as telluric standards and as a result,care must be taken in removing the strong hydrogen absorption lines from their spectra.The standard procedure to remove intrinsic stellar lines is to interpolate across them using continuum points on either side of the lines.Although this process works well for isolated lines in regions where the atmospheric transmission isflat,it can introduce severe artifacts into thefinal spectra if performed in regions where there are many overlapping stellar lines and/or the atmospheric transmission is varying rapidly(Burgasser et al.2002,Figure3.14).Our telluric correction method(Vacca et al.,in preparation)uses a high-resolution model spectrum of Vega to remove the intrinsic spectrum of the A0V standards.An example of the process is shown in Figure1which shows the H-band spectrum of the A0V standard for VB10(lower spectrum),the resulting telluric correction spectrum(middle spectrum),and the theoretical atmospheric transmission for an airmass of1.5and1.6mm ofprecipitable water vapor as computed with ATRAN(Lord1992).We have also indicated the positions of the Brackett lines.Our telluric correction process removes the hydrogen lines in the A0V star to a level of<2%above the continuum and leaves only the atmospheric transmission and instrument response function.The telluric correction spectrum is then divided into the dwarf spectra to remove telluric absorption and the instrument response function.The telluric correction process does not introduce artifacts into the dwarf spectra.3.FeH SpectrumOne of us(S.P.D.)obtained the laboratory FeH spectrum using a King furnace at a temperature of2700K and the Fourier Transform Spectrometer at the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope at Kitt Peak.The furnace sample was powdered iron and thefilling gas was hydrogen at a pressure of500Torr.It is possible that water and other contaminants could produce additional absorption features in the resulting spectrum.To avoid this,an enclosed optical path was set up using large bore glass tubing that wasflushed withflowing nitrogen.The spectrometer was set to a resolution width of0.040cm−1which is equivalent to a resolving power R∼150,000at1.6µm.A close examination of the spectrum from0.96to2.00µm verified that the lines analyzed by Phillips et al.(1987)were present,and accounted for all the strong emission lines between 0.78and1.34µm.Unidentified lines outside this region were assumed to be FeH because they showed the same line shapes and widths as those of identified lines.There were two regions of unidentified absorption lines in the spectrum,interspersed with the emission lines and centered at1.13and1.95µm.None of the data in this paper covers regions that included absorption lines.In the data-reduction process,the continuous background from the furnace was sub-tracted off,and the emission line spectrum set to a baseline of zero intensity.The observed line widths were twice the instrumental resolution width,owing somewhat to the high tem-perature but mostly to the high pressure of hydrogen.In order to compare the FeH spectrum to the dwarf spectra,we have degraded the resolution of the FeH spectrum to match that of the dwarf spectra by convolving it with a Gaussian of FWHM=5.4,6.5,and8.1˚A,the resolution of our observations in the z,J,and H bands,respectively.parison of FeH and Dwarf SpectraIn the following sections,we compare z-,J-,and H-band spectra of the4dwarfs to the FeH spectrum.In addition to lowering the resolution of the FeH spectrum to R=2000 (see§2),we have resampled it onto the wavelength grid of the dwarf spectra.The vacuum wavelengths of the FeH features in the z,J,and H bands are given in Table1.Since we cannot resolve individual FeH lines with a resolution of R∼2000,all of the the FeH features listed in Table1are blends of FeH lines.4.1.z Band ComparisonFigure2shows the z-band spectrum of FeH and VB10in the lower and upper panels, respectively.The FeH absorption features in this spectral region arise primarily from the 0−0band of the F4∆−X4∆system.The strongest feature in the dwarf and FeH spectrum is the bandhead of the0−0band at0.988µm.We also have identified33absorption features redward of this bandhead which are present in the dwarf spectrum and in the FeH spectrum and have listed them in Table1.The feature at1.0060µm arises from the the F4∆7/2−X4∆7/2Q-branch(Phillips et al.1987).Phillips et al.(1987)also identified another weaker Q-branch of the(F4∆5/2−X4∆5/2)at0.997904µm which we cannot unambiguously identify.There are also three broad features in the VB10spectrum at0.99513,1.03490and1.06664µm which have no counterparts in the FeH spectrum.The feature at1.03490µm is most likely a blend of the Fe a5P2−z5F◦3line at1.0343720µm,the Ca4p1P1−5s1S4line at1.0346646µm and the two weak FeH features at1.03398and1.03554µm.This broad features disappears in the spectra of the mid L dwarfs revealing the two weaker FeH features.The other two features at0.99513and1.06664µm remain unidentified because their shapes and relative strengths do not match the FeH features at those wavelength.Figure3shows the z-band spectra of the four dwarfs.The33features are indicated with dotted lines.The bandhead,Q-branch,and33features are present in all of the dwarf spectra except for2MASS0825+2115(L7.5V)in which the features are either absent or considerably weaker.This dramatic weaking of the0−0band is consistent with the recent finding of Burgasser et al.(2002)and will be discussed in§5.4.2.J Band ComparisonFigure4shows the J-band spectrum of FeH and VB10in the lower and upper panels, respectively.We believe the FeH features in this spectral region arise from the0−1and 1−2bands of the F4∆−X4∆system.The most prominent features are the bandheads of the0−1and1−2bands at1.1939and1.2389µm,respectively.There are also some atomic absorption features seen in the dwarf spectrum namely the K I4p2P−5s2S multiplet at 1.2432and1.2522µm,the Al I4s2S−4p2P multiplet at1.3117and1.3154µm and the a 5P3−z5D◦Fe line at1.1976µm.4The features at1.20907,1.21126,1.21348and1.22210µm were previously identified as FeH absorption features by Jones et al.(1996).We have identified the feature at1.22210µm as the F4∆7/2−X4∆7/2Q-branch(Phillips et al.1987).In addition we have identified 24new features which are present in the dwarf spectrum and in the FeH spectrum and have listed them in Table1along with the four features identified by Jones et al.(1996).The FeH features between1.2and1.235µm arise from the0−1band while the features longward of 1.24µm arise from the1−2band although some P-branch lines from the0−1band are also present.Figure5shows the J-band spectra of the four dwarfs.The28features are indicated with dotted lines.The bandheads,Q-branch,and28features are again present in all of the dwarf spectra except for2MASS0825+2115(L7.5V)where the features are either weaker or absent.4.3.H Band ComparisonFigure6shows the H-band spectra of FeH and VB10in the lower and upper panels, respectively.We believe the absorption features in this spectral region are caused by FeH and arise from the0−0band of the E4Π−A4Πsystem.Three of the four bandheads identified by Wallace&Hinkle(2001)at1.58263,1.59118,1.62457µm are clearly present. We have identified34features,32of which are new,that are present in the VB10spectrum and in the FeH spectrum and have listed them in Table1.Two of the feautures at1.65512 and1.66100µm are blends of the13FeH lines identified in the spectrum of GJ569B by Wallace&Hinkle(2001).There is also a strong absorption feature at1.64053µm which has no counterpart in the FeH spectrum and remains unidentified.This feature is located within a much broader absorption feature which does appear in the FeH spectrum.Figure7shows the H-band spectra of the4late-type dwarfs along with the location of the34features described above and three of the four bandheads identified by Wallace&Hinkle(2001).The three bandheads and34features are conspicuous in all of the dwarf spectra except for2MASS0825+2115(L7.5V)where the FeH features are considerably weaker.This is consistent with the weakening of the FeH absorption features in both the z-and J-band and is further evidence that FeH is the cause of most of the absorption seen in the H-band spectra of late-type dwarfs.5.DiscussionOur results indicate FeH is an important opacity source in the atmospheres of late-type dwarfs from0.99to1.7µm.Not only does FeH produce at least6bandheads in this wavelength range,but now nearly100weaker features which are presumably blends of numerous individual absorption lines.Although Wallace&Hinkle(2001)found that FeH absorption is present in the H-band spectra of late-type dwarfs,their detections were limited to the three bandheads and13lines in a narrow70˚A-wide spectrum.We have shown that medium-resolution dwarf spectra from1.56to1.76µm consist of numerous absorption features,almost all of which are due to FeH.Likewise,the0.99to1.1µm dwarf spectra consist of numerous absorption features which are also almost all caused by FeH.As noted in§4,the FeH absorption features throughout the near-infrared spectra of 2MASS0825+2115(L7.5V)are either much weaker than the earlier L dwarfs or absent entirely.Burgasser et al.(2002)have also found that the Wing-Ford band at0.99µm weakens and then disappears in mid to late L dwarfs.This is consistent with Fe condensing out of the atmosphere and forming a cloud layer which drops below the photosphere with decreasing effective temperature thus removing Fe-bearing molecules(FeH)from the layers above the cloud layer.However,they alsofind that the bandhead reappears in the early to mid T dwarfs.Since this is inconsistent with the scenario just described,Burgasser et al. (2002)propose holes are present in the cloud layer which allow the observer to see to deeper and thus hotter layers where FeH is not depleted.Unfortunately,we cannot test whether the FeH features in the J-and H-band spectra will reappear in early T dwarf spectra since strong methane absorption features appear in both the J-and H-band at these low effective temperatures and will mask any FeH features that may be present.The appearance of two CrH bandheads of the A6Σ+−X6Σ+system at0.86(0−0)and 0.99685(0−1)µm are a defining characteristic of the L spectral type.In fact,a spectral index based on the0−0bandhead is used to spectral type L dwarfs in the red-optical(Kirkpatrick et al.1999).We question the identification of the0−1bandhead at0.997µm since there are three FeH absorption features at this wavelength that are apparent in the spectra of the mid M to late L dwarfs.This may explain the scatter in the spectral index defined usingthe0−1bandhead(Kirkpatrick et al.1999).Only higher resolution spectra will be able todetermine to what extent the0−1CrH bandhead is present.Finally,it should be noted that the opacities for FeH used in current atmospheric modelsare known to be incorrect(P.Bernath et al.,in preparation).In addition,an analysis similarto that of Phillips et al.(1987)has yet to be performed on the new E4Π−A4Πsystemidentified by Wallace&Hinkle(2001).Atmospheric models are necessary to determinethe effective temperature scale for late-type dwarfs and until the correct FeH opacities areincluded in these models,obtaining goodfits between the observations and models near FeHfeatures may be difficult.Fortunately,there is work currently under way to revise the FeHopacities(P.Bernath et al.,in preparation).Once this work is completed,it should also bepossible to constrain the abundance of FeH in the atmospheres of late-type dwarfs as hasrecently be done for CrH(Burrows et al.2002)and CO(Noll et al.1997).6.ConclusionsWe have presented z-,J-,and H-band spectra of four dwarfs with spectral types rangingfrom M8to ing a laboratory FeH emission spectrum,we have identified nearly100FeH absorption features in the dwarf spectra.The H-band spectra contain34features whichhave counterparts in the FeH spectrum.Taken together with the results of Wallace&Hinkle(2001),our results suggest that FeH absorption dominates the spectra of late-type dwarfsfrom1.56to1.76µm.M.Cushing acknowledgesfinancial support from the NASA Infrared Telescope facility.We obtained the atmospheric transmission data from the Gemini Observatory,/sciop We thank Sandy Leggett for useful discussions.This research has made use of the SIMBADdatabase,operated at CDS,Strasbourg,France as well as the Online Brown Dwarf Catalog(/crom/cat.html),which is compiled and maintained by Christo-pher R.Gelino at New Mexico State University.Finally we thank the referee,P.C.Stancil,for his useful suggestions.REFERENCESBurgasser,A.J.,Marley,M.S.,Ackerman,A.S.,Saumon,D.,Lodders,K.,Dahn,C.C., Harris,H.C.,&Kirkpatrick,J.D.2002,ApJ,571,L151Burrows,A.,Ram,R.S.,Bernath,P.,Sharp,C.M.,&Milsom,J.A.2002,astro-ph0206159Jones,H.R.A.,Longmore,A.J.,Allard,F.,&Hauschildt,P.H.1996,MNRAS,280,77 Kirkpatrick,J.D.,Reid,I.N.,Liebert,J.,Curti,R.M.,Nelson,B.,Beichman,C.A.,Dahn,C.C.,Monet,D.G.,Gizis,J.E.,&Skrutskie,M.F.1999,ApJ,519,802Langhoff,S.R.,&Bauschlicher,C.W.1990,J.Mol.Spectrosc.,141,243Leggett,S.K.,Allard,F.,Geballe,T.R.,Hauschildt,P.H.,&Schweitzer,A.2001,ApJ, 548,908Lord,S.D.1992,NASA Technical Memor.103957Mart´ın,E.L.,Delfosse,X.,Basri,G.,Goldman,B.,Forveille,T.,&Zapatero Osorio,M.R.1999,AJ,118,2466Mclean,I.S.,Wilcox,K.,M.,Becklin,E.E.,Figer,D.F.,Gilbert,A.M.,Graham,J.,R., Larkin,J.E.,Levenson,N.,A.,Teplitz,H.,I.,Kirkpatrick,J.,D.2000,533,L45 Noll,K.S.,Geballe,T.R.,&Marley,M.S.1997,ApJ,489,L87Phillips,J.G.,Davis,S.P.,Lindgren,B.,&Balfour,W.J.1987,ApJS,65,721Reid,N.I.,Burgasser,A.J.,Cruz,K.L.,Kirkpatrick,J.D.,&Gizis,J.E.2001,AJ,121, 1710Schiavon,R.P.,Barbuy,B.,&Singh,P.D.1997,ApJ,484,499Tinney,C.G.,&Reid,I.N.1998,MNRAS,301,1031Wallace,L.,&Hinkle,K.2001,ApJ,559,424(WH)Wing,R.F.,&Ford,W.K.1969,PASP,81,527Fig.1.—The lower spectrum is the observed A0V standard,the middle spectrum is the tel-luric correction spectrum and the top spectrum is the theoretical atmospheric transmission. The positions of the Bracket lines are indicated.Fig.2.—z band:The lower panel is the FeH spectrum,and the upper panel is the VB10 spectrum.The location of the0−0bandhead,and Q-branch are indicated.The33features are indicated with dotted lines.Fig. 3.—z band:The spectra of the4dwarfs.The location of the33features are shown with dotted lines as well as the bandhead and Q-branch feature.Fig.4.—J band:The lower panel is the FeH spectrum and and the upper panel is the VB 10spectrum.The location K,Al,and Fe lines,as well as the0−1and1−2bandheads are indicated.The28features are indicated with dotted lines.Fig.5.—J band:The spectra of the4dwarfs.The location of the28features are shown with dotted lines as well as the bandheads and Q-branch feature.Fig.6.—H band:The bottom panel is the FeH emission spectrum and the top panel is VB 10spectrum.The location of the34features are indicated with dotted lines.Fig.7.—H band:The1.56to1.76µm spectra of the4dwarfs.The location of the34 features are shown with dotted lines.Table1.Features Common to FeH and Dwarf Spectra Vacuum Vacuum Vacuum Vacuum Wavelength Wavelength Wavelength Wavelength (µm)(µm)(µm)(µm)a Q-branch。