



物理参数 .....................................................................................................................................
概述 ..............................................................................................................................................
拆装 ..............................................................................................................................................
贮藏 ..............................................................................................................................................
S801+ 运行配置 介绍 .............................................................................................................................................. 27 用户界面 ...................................................................................................................................... 27 设置及起动................................................................................................................................... 28 保护参数 ...................................................................................................................................... 30













[Note] All measurements were made under the standardized environment of SSC.
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
9. Reel Packing Structure
10. Precaution for Use --------------------------------------------------- 9
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1
485 480 475 470 460
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
- 1/12 -
1. Features
White colored SMT package and colorless clear window Material : InGaN Suitable for all SMT assembly methods ; Suitable for all soldering methods



2008 年 5 月初版
三垦电气株式会社 Sanken Electric Co., Ltd

May, 2008 Ver. 0.1
3ɽ外形图 SSC2001D --- DIP8 Package
4$ a
SSC2001S --- SOP8 Package
SC2001 SK
May, 2008 Ver. 0.1
a. ඼໊标示
Type Number b. Lot 号码
Lot Number ୈ̍จࣈɿ੢ྐྵ೥߸最后一位 1st letter : The last digit of year
ୈ̎จࣈɿ݄ 2nd letter : Month
1ʙ9 ݄ɿ阿拉伯਺ࣈ
10 ݄ɿO
11 ݄ɿN
12 ݄ɿD
(1 to 9 for Jan. to Sept.,
O for Oct. N for Nov. D for Dec.)
Three last digits of MIC’s lot number, C mark for Pb free recognition.
May, 2008 Ver. 0.1
̒ɽ应用电路例 ·····························································································································̕
̓ɽ动作说明 ·································································································································̍̌

欧姆龙(OMRON)SSC-T801-835型号光幕传感器 说明书

欧姆龙(OMRON)SSC-T801-835型号光幕传感器 说明书

Light CurtainSensorsNew type with radial crossray methodSmall objects and flat tape-like objects detectedConvenient simplified wiring requiring no clock(synchronization) lineCompact and flat (14.5 mm)Water resistance to IP 67TypeRadial Cross Ray Method276277Light Curtain SensorsSSC-T800Applicable power supply unitPS SeriesHigh capacity of 200 mA at 12(General-purpose type)PS3NPS3N-SR(Multifunctional type)PS3FPS3F-SRRating/Performance/SpecificationEnvironmental Specification78Light Curtain Sensors SSC-T800Input/Output Circuit and Connection12 24V12 24VTransmitter ReceiverThe output transistor turns off when load short circuits oroverload occurs. Check the load and turn the powerback onSettingInstall the transmitter and receiver face-to-face.Swivel the transmitter and receiver vertically and horizontally to install them at the center of the area in which the operation indicator (orange LED) is illuminated for the individual direction.The tightening torque for installing the sensor (with M4 screws) should be up to 0.6 N m.Displacement in the A direction may be up to ±30mm.Displacement in the B direction should be within ±10mm.If the transmitter and receiver are too closely installed to eachother or light axes are misaligned, the output may beunstable. When the light axes are aligned, the operationreturns to normal.Any reflecting object (wall, floor, machine, etc.) within theeffective range between the transmitter and receiver mayallow the light of the sensor to go around the detection object,which is supposed to block the light, and reach the receiver.Choose the installation location carefully.Any glossy object such as a coated surface in thesurrounding area must be at least 100mm away for thedistance setting of within 1m and 150mm away for thedistance setting of over 1m.Use caution with interference when installing sensoradjacently.Reflecting object278279Light Curtain SensorsD e t e c t i n g d i s t a n c e (m m )Position (mm)0D e t e c t i n g d i s t a n c e(m )Position (mm)21015015010010050500D e t e c t i n g d i s t a n c e(m )Position (mm)Position (mm)D e t e ct i n g d i s t a n c e (m )Position (mm)Vertical effective rangeSSC-T800Characteristics (T ypical Example)Parallel displacement characteristicsSSC-T801D e t e c t i n g d i s t a n c e (m )Position (mm)SSC-T802210D e t e c t i n g d i s t a n c e (m )Position (mm)SSC-T804SSC-T805SSC-T850SSC-T810SSC-T815SSC-T830SSC-T835Light Curtain Sensors SSC-T80050040030020010015201520101055Detectingdistance(mm)Angle(degrees)15201520101055Detectingdistance(m)Angle (degrees)1Detectingdistance(m)Angle (degrees)1.50.515201520101055Detectingdistance(m)Angle (degrees)Detectingdistance(m)Angle (degrees)Transmitter ReceiverCharacteristics (T ypical Example)Operating angle characteristicsSSC-T801Detectingdistance(m)Angle (degrees)SSC-T802Detectingdistance(m)Angle (degrees)SSC-T804 SSC-T805SSC-T850SSC-T810SSC-T815SSC-T830SSC-T835280281Light Curtain Sensors0S m a l l e s t d e t e c t a b l e o b j e c t d i a m e t e r (m m )Detecting distance (mm)151050S m a l l e s t d e t e c t a b l e o b j e c t d i a m e t e r (m m )Detecting distance (mm)10155S m a l l e s t d e t e c t a b l e o b j e c t d i a m e t e r (m m )Detecting distance (mm)510S m a l l e s t d e t e c t a b l e o b j e c t d i a m e t e r (m m )Detecting distance (mm)10200Sm a l l e s t d e t e c t a b l e o b j e c t d i a m e t e r (m m )Detecting distance (m)10200S m a l l e s t d e t e c t a b l e o b j e c t d i a m e t e r (m m )Detecting distance (mm)5100S m a l l e s t d e t e c t a b l e o b j e c t d i a m e t e r (m m )Detecting distance (m)SSC-T800Characteristics (T ypical Example)Smallest detectable object diameter characteristicsSSC-T8010S m a l l e s t d e t e c t a b l e o b j e c t d i a m e t e r (m m )Detecting distance (m)SSC-T802151050S m a l l e s t d e t e c t a b l e o b j e c t d i a m e t e r (m m )Detecting distance (m)SSC-T805SSC-T850SSC-T815SSC-T835Light Curtain SensorsDimensions (in mm) SSC-T800282283Light CurtainSensors。



S280系列防爆变频器机芯使用说明书资料版本 V1.1归档日期 2022-08-30企业标准: Q/913703SSC002-2019山东深川变频科技股份有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与就近的山东深川变频科技股份有限公司办事处或客户服中心联系,也可直接与制造商联系。



总部:山东深川变频科技股份有限公司客户热线:400-812-8821技术支持:400-812-6621质量反馈:400-812-0778投 诉:400-812-6125网 址:目录S280系列防爆变频器机芯说明书目 录第1章 安全及注意事项 (1)1.1 安全事项 (1)1.2 注意事项 (1)第2章 技术指标及选型 (2)2.1 命名规则 (2)2.2 铭牌 (2)2.3 型号与技术参数 (2)2.4 技术规范 (3)2.5 S280‐FB系列厂用防爆变频器通用机芯产品外形图、安装孔位尺寸 (4)2.6 S280‐RG系列中压防爆变频器热管机芯产品外形图、安装孔位尺寸 (11)2.7 键盘的外形尺寸 (12)2.8 制动组件选型推荐 (13)第3章 电气安装 (14)3.1 外围电气元件选型指导 (14)3.2 主回路端子及接线 (15)第4章 键盘操作与显示 (18)第5章 功能参数简表 (20)第6章 重点功能参数详解 (40)第7章 通讯协议 (48)第8章 故障检查与排除 (51)8.1 故障信息与排除方法 (51)8.2 常见故障及其处理方法 (53)S280系列防爆变频器机芯说明书第1章安全及注意事项第1章 安全及注意事项1.1 安全事项1、应由电气专业技术人员安装、调试变频器,否则有触电危险!2、接线前请确认电源处于关断状态,否则有触电危险!3、接地端子必须可靠接地,接地电阻应小于0.1Ω!4、不能将输入电源连到输出端U、V、W,否则引起变频器损坏!5、确保配线导线线径符合技术标准,否则可能发生事故!6、变频器无须进行耐压测试,出厂时产品此项已做过测试,否则可能引起事故!7、上电后不要触摸变频器端子(含控制端子),否则有触电危险!8、若要进行参数自学习,请注意电机旋转中伤人的危险,否则可能引起事故!9、不要采用接触器通断的方式来控制变频器的启停,否则引起设备损坏!10、断开电源后因滤波电容上仍然有高压,所以不能马上对变频器进行维修或保养,必须等待5分钟以上后用万用表测母线电压((+)和(-)之间的电压)不超过36V才可进行。



DESCRIPTIONThe TruStability ® Standard Accuracy Silicon Ceramic (SSC) Series is a piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor offering a ratiometric analog output for reading pressure over the specified full scale pressure span and temperature range.The SSC Series is fully calibrated and temperaturecompensated for sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature effects, and non-linearity using an on-board Application SpecificIntegrated Circuit (ASIC). Calibrated output values for pressure are updated at approximately 1 kHz.The SSC Series is calibrated over the temperature range of -20 C to 85 C [-4 F to 185 F]. The sensor is characterized for operation from a single power supply of either 3.3 Vdc or 5.0 Vdc.These sensors measure absolute, differential, and gage pressures. The absolute versions have an internal vacuum reference and an output value proportional to absolutepressure. Differential versions allow application of pressure to either side of the sensing diaphragm. Gage versions are referenced to atmospheric pressure and provide an output proportional to pressure variations from atmosphere.The TruStability ®pressure sensors are intended for use with non-corrosive, non-ionic gases, such as air and other dry gases. An available option extends the performance of these sensors to non-corrosive, non-ionic liquids.All products are designed and manufactured according to ISO 9001 standards.FEATURESIndustry-leading long-term stabilityExtremely tight accuracy of 0.25% FSS BFSL (Full ScaleSpan Best Fit Straight Line)Total error band of2% full scale span maximumModular and flexible design offers customers a variety of package styles and options, all with the same industry-leading performance specificationsMiniature 10 mm x 10 mm [0.39 in x 0.39 in] packageLow operating voltageExtremely low power consumptionRatiometric analog outputHigh resolution (min. 0.03 %FSS) Precision ASIC conditioning and temperature compensated over -20 C to 85 C [-4 F to 185F] temperature rangeRoHS compliantVirtually insensitive to mounting orientationInternal diagnostic functions increase system reliabilityAlso available with I 2C or SPI digital outputAbsolute, differential and gage typesPressure ranges from 1 psi to 150 psi (60 mbar to 10 bar)Custom calibration availableVarious pressure port options Liquid media option2 /sensingPOTENTIAL APPLICATIONS Medical:- Airflow monitors- Anesthesia machines - Blood analysis machines - Gas chromatography - Gas flow instrumentation - Kidney dialysis machines - Oxygen concentrators - Pneumatic controls - Respiratory machines - Sleep apnea equipment - VentilatorsIndustrial:- Barometry- Flow calibrators- Gas chromatography - Gas flow instrumentation - HVAC- Life sciences- Pneumatic controls1Honeywell Sensing and Control 3101. Absolute maximum ratings are the extreme limits the device will withstand without damage.2. Ratiometricity of the sensor (the ability of the device to scale to the supply voltage) is achieved within the specified operating voltage for eachoption.3. The sensor is not reverse polarity protected. Incorrect application of supply voltage or ground to the wrong pin may cause electrical failure.4. The compensated temperature range is the temperature range over which the sensor will produce an output proportional to pressure withinthe specified performance limits.5. The operating temperature range is the temperature range over which the sensor will produce an output proportional to pressure but may notremain within the specified performance limits.6. Accuracy: The maximum deviation in output from a Best Fit Straight Line (BFSL) fitted to the output measured over the pressure range at25 °C [77 °F]. Includes all errors due to pressure non-linearity, pressure hysteresis, and non-repeatability.7. Total Error Band: The maximum deviation from the ideal transfer function over the entire compensated temperature and pressure range.Includes all errors due to offset, full scale span, pressure non-linearity, pressure hysteresis, repeatability, thermal effect on offset, thermal effect on span, and thermal hysteresis.8. Full Scale Span (FSS) is the algebraic difference between the output signal measured at the maximum (Pmax.) and minimum (Pmin.) limits ofthe pressure range. (See Figure 1 for ranges.)9. Life may vary depending on specific application in which sensor is utilized. 10. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for detailed material information.CAUTIONPRODUCT DAMAGEEnsure liquid media is applied to Port 1 only; Port 2 is not compatible with liquids.Ensure liquid media contains no particulates. All TruStability ®sensors are dead-ended devices. Particulates can accumulate inside the sensor, causing damage or affecting sensor output.Recommend that the sensor be positioned with Port 1 facing downwards; any particulates in the system are less likely to enter and settle within the pressure sensor if it is in this position.Ensure liquid media does not create a residue when dried; build-up inside the sensor may affect sensor output. Rinsing of a dead-ended sensor is difficult and has limited effectiveness for removing residue.Ensure liquid media are compatible with wetted materials. Non-compatible liquid media will degrade sensor performance and may lead to sensor failure.Failure to comply with these instructions may result in product damage.4 /sensing11. The transfer function limits define the output of the sensor at a given pressure input. By specifying Pmin. and Pmax., the output at Pmin. andPmax., the complete transfer function of the sensor is defined. See Figure 2 for a graphical representation of the transfer function. Other transfer functions are available. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for more information.12. Digital outputs (SPI or I 2C) are also available. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for more information. 13. Custom pressure ranges are available. Contact Honeywell Customer Service for more information. 14. See Table 5 for an explanation of sensor pressure types. 15. See CAUTION on previous page.Honeywell Sensing and Control 5SSCSANN100PGAA3 SIP package, AN pressure port, no diagnostics, 100Output is proportional to the difference between the pressures applied to each port. (Port 1 Port 2)50% point of transfer function set at Port 1 = Port 2.Long-term Stability (1000 hr, 25 C [77 F]) 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS6 /sensingLong-term Stability (1000 hr, 25 C [77 F]) 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS0.35% FSS 0.35% FSS0.35% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS 0.25% FSS16. Overpressure: The maximum pressure which may safely be applied to the product for it to remain in specification once pressure is returned tothe operating pressure range. Exposure to higher pressures may cause permanent damage to the product. Unless otherwise specified this applies to all available pressure ports at any temperature with the operating temperature range.17. Burst pressure: The maximum pressure that may be applied to any port of the product without causing escape of pressure media. Productshould not be expected to function after exposure to any pressure beyond the burst pressure.18. Common mode pressure: The maximum pressure that can be applied simultaneously to both ports of a differential pressure sensor withoutcausing changes in specified performance.Honeywell Sensing and Control78 /sensingHoneywell Sensing and Control910 /sensingHoneywell Sensing and Control 11Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive NorthGolden Valley, MN 55422 008215-2-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA March 2011© 2011 Honeywell International Inc.WARNINGWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONThe information presented in this product sheet is forreference only. DO NOT USE this document as aproduct installation guide.Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied witheach product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.SALES AND SERVICEHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office or:E-mail:*********************Internet: /sensingPhone and Fax:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828; +65 6445-3033 FaxEurope +44 (0) 1698 481481; +44 (0) 1698 481676 Fax Latin America +1-305-805-8188; +1-305-883-8257 FaxUSA/Canada +1-800-537-6945; +1-815-235-6847+1-815-235-6545 Fax。



诊断(分类)标准的更新 预后的判断 治疗的选择
死亡率 (Mortality)
住院率 (Hospitalization)
严重不良事件 (SAE)
依从性 (Study drug adherence)
Pre/AZA/NAC 11%
• 明显的磨玻璃影
• 较多的小结节影
• 缺少列表中不符合UIP的表 • 缺少列表中不符合UIP的表 • 散在的囊性影
现 (第三列 )
现 (第三列 )
• 弥漫性马赛克征 /气体
• 支气管肺段或叶实变
Subjected to external review
Cumulative survival (%)
100 90 80 70 60 50 01
Minimal pulmonary fibrosis (n = 467) Moderate pulmonary fibrosis (n = 213) Severe pulmonary fibrosis (n = 116)
p <0.01
Time from disease onset (years)
9 10
Steen VD, et al. Arthritis Rheum 1994; 37:1283-9.
弥漫型SSc, 抗Scl-70或核仁型ANA 病程早期(<18 m) FVC <75% 每年FVC下降 >10% 既往FVC <65%,新发气短



青岛鼎信通讯有限公司载波通道芯片TCS081C数据手册目录1 概述 (2)2 芯片特点 (2)3 芯片方框图 (2)4 引脚定义 (3)4.1 芯片引脚图 (3)4.2 引脚定义 (3)5 芯片电气参数 (4)5.1 工作电压范围 (4)5.2 额定直流电气指标 (4)5.3 交流电气指标 (5)6 芯片封装图 (6)7 注意事项 (7)载波通道芯片TCS081C数据手册1 概述青岛鼎信通讯有限公司根据目前国内载波抄表市场需求,结合电网特点研发出专门应用于电力线通信介质的载波通信系统。



TCS081C 芯片进行鼎信规约的电力载波信号和标准的DL/T645-1997/2007协议的串口信号之间的转换。

2 芯片特点采用扩频通信技术;软件相关器和匹配滤波器;微分50Hz交流电源时段,选择最有利于传输的时段通讯;高性能数字信号处理技术;BFSK调制、半双工通信;高效的帧中继转发机制,支持中继深度可达16级;可编程的网络地址、地址过滤;接收信号强度权重参数指示,为中继搜索算法提供支持,提高通信系统稳定性;提供准确的节点相位信息及信道特征信息;每相载波通信速率50bps、100bps、600bps、1200bps;串口通信速率9600bps、14400bps、19200bps、28800bps、38400bps、56000bps、57600bps、115200bps;单、三相工作模式硬件配置;自动登录电能表、中断事件上报;温度适用范围(工业级标准) -40℃~+85℃。



AMVRS-805 基本型
扩展功能:证件识别、车辆采集器、人像识别模块、打印、条码扫描 应用行业:适用于经型客户
• 身份验证:人员证件照片三合一
• 安全预警:不给犯罪分子可乘之机
• 动态监控:消除安全隐患防事故
• 快速查询:为安全事件提供准确信息
• 辅助决策:二分钟完成统计报表
• 优质服务:信息化树立单位好形象
• 二代IC卡身份证阅读及摄像图片保存功能:采用最新技术,对第二代身份证读卡识
别,通过读卡获取身份证的相关信息,快速准确;在登记过程的过程中通过摄像头进行拍 照,并将拍摄照片进行保存。
• • • • • •
纸张保存易损坏、遗失 人工查找 人工查询、统计 无 2 分/ 次 传统登记方式( 不支持) 无
先进的电脑保存,数据随时备份,可追溯性强 电脑自动条件检索 电脑自动查询、统计 联网多点管理 3~5 秒/次 2秒/次(支持) 可现场拍摄图像
AMVRS-801 豪华型
配 置 说 明

SSC2001S 系列应用手册说明书

SSC2001S 系列应用手册说明书

SSC2001S系列应用手册 (Rev.1.1)Sanken电气有限公司SANKEN ELECTRIC CO., LTD.目录1.概要32.特征33.方框图和各引脚功能44.外形图55.电气特性65.1 绝对最大规格 没有特别说明的场合条件为 Ta=25℃ 65.2 控制部分电气特性 没有特别说明的场合条件为 Ta=25℃ 75.3 封装部分电气特性 Ta=25℃ 86.应用电路图97.电流连续模式(CCM)动作说明 108.动作说明 118.1 起动动作 118.2 软启动功能 118.3 Brown-in/Brown-out功能 128.4 电流控制动作(功率因素改善控制) 128.5 电压控制动作(输出定电压控制) 138.6 高速负载响应功能(HSR) 138.7 频率抖动功能 138.8 门极驱动 148.9 过电流保护(OCP) 148.10 输出过电压保护(OVP) 158.11 输出开环保护(OLD) 159.电感参数设计 1610.设计注意点 1810.1 外围器件 1810.2 布板设计 181.概要SSC2001S系列是一种电流连续模式(C ontinuous C urrent M ode),功率因素改善用控制IC。



2.特征特长和优点∙电流连续模式(CCM)(电流峰值低、适用于大功率用途)∙平均电流控制方式(不用乘法器、无须检测输入电压、使用较少的外部器件,电路简单)∙PWM+频率抖动功能(PWM动作频率固定为65kHz(TYP)、根据Duty值的不同叠加一个抖动频率)∙最大ON Duty=94.0%(TYP)∙误差放大器基准电压= 3.5V(TYP)∙内置高速负载响应功能∙Brown-in/out保护功能(低输入电压时保护电源)∙保护功能-输出过电压保护(OVP) --------------------Pulse-by-pulse方式检测,关断门极驱动,自动恢复-过电流保护(OCP) ----------------------------2种保护动作、自动恢复V IS(OCPL):检出后下一周期开始减小Duty,限制功率V IS(OCPH):Pulse-by-pulse方式关断门极驱动-输出开环检测(OLD)--------------------------发振停止、进入待机状态、故障接触后,自动恢复3. 方框图和各引脚功能方框图各引脚功能引脚编号记号 功 能 1 GND Ground 2 ICOMP 电流AMP 输出 3 IS 过电流检测信号输入 4 VINS 输入端欠电压信号输入 (brown in/out 保护功能) 5 VCOMP 误差放大器输出/相位校正 6 VFB 输出定电压控制信号/输出过电压信号/输出开环检测信号输入7 V CC控制电路电源输入 8 GATE门极驱动输出V CC IS ICOMPSSC2001S --- SOP8封装a. 品名标示(简称) SC2001b. SK 、制造Lot 编号第1个文字:西历年最后一个数字 第2个文字:制造月 1~9月:阿拉伯数字 10月:O 11月:N 12月:D第3个文字:制造周1~10日:1 11~20日:2 21~31日:3c. 我司管理编号a b cSC2001 SK5.1绝对最大规格没有特别说明的场合 条件为 Ta=25℃项 目端 子记号规 格 值单位备注V C C端子电压7−1 V CC−0.3~+30 VV I N S端子电压4−1 V INS−0.3~+5.5 VI C O M P端子电压2−1 V ICOMP−0.3~+5.5 VI S端子电压3−1 V IS−5.5~+0.3 VI S端子电流3−1 I IS−1~+1 mAV F B端子电压6−1 V FB−0.3~+5.5 VV F B端子电流6−1 I FB−1~+1 mAV C O M P端子电压5−1 V VCOMP−0.3~+5.5 VG A T E端子电压8−1 V GATE−0.3~+30 V动作时F r a m e温度−T FOP−40~+110 ℃保存温度− Tstg −40~+125 ℃结温− Tj −40~+150 ℃5.2控制部分电气特性没有特别说明的场合 条件为 Ta=25℃规格值单位备注项目端子记号MIN TYP MAX 电源起动动作V C C端子动作开始电源电压7−1 V CC(ON) 10.5 11.3 12.1 VV C C端子动作停止电源电压7−1 V CC(OFF) 9.5 10.3 11.1 VV C C端子电压迟滞7−1 V CC(HYS) 0.7 0.9 1.1 VV C C端子起动前电路电流7−1 I CC(OFF) 30 100 200 μAV C C端子动作时电路电流7−1 I CC(ON) 6.0 9.0 12.0 mAV C C端子待机时电路电流7−1 I CC(standby) 2.0 4.0 6.0 mA发振动作发振频率8−1f OSC 57 65 70 kHz最大O N-D u t y8−1D MAX 90 94 99.3 %最小O N-D u t y8−1D MIN−− 0 %tested)最小关断时间8−1t OFFMIN 150 250 350 ns (Not 保护动作V F B端子输出开环电压6−1 V FB(OLD)0.51 0.55 0.59 VV F B端子输出过电压保护电压6−1 V FB(OVP) 3.57 3.745 3.85 VI S端子过电流保护(H i g h)电压3−1 V IS(OCPH)−0.81 −0.75 −0.69 VI S端子过电流保护(L o w)电压3−1 V IS(OCPL)−0.54 −0.5 −0.46 VVINS端子输入欠电压保护(Low)电压4−1 V INS(L)0.51 0.55 0.59 VVINS端子输入欠电压保护(High)电压4−1 V INS(H) 0.94 1.0 1.08 VVINS端子输入欠电压保护偏置电流4−1 I VINS(bias)−1.0 − 0 μA电流环路电流放大器增益− gm CA 1.1 1.4 1.7 mS电流放大器输出S o u r c e电流−I CA(SO)−−50 −μA(Not tested)电流放大器输出S i n k电流−I CA(SK)−50 −μA输出开环时ICOMP端子电压2−1 V ICOMP(OLD) 3.6 4.0 4.3 V※电流方向,以IC为基准,流入为+、流出为−。

MW801、MW802 Smart Combined Meter 用户手册说明书

MW801、MW802 Smart Combined Meter 用户手册说明书

USER MANUALPORTABLE pH/EC/TDS METER MODEL: MW801, MW802Smart Combined MeterWARRANTY:This instrument is warranted from all defects in materials and manufacturing for a period of two years from the date of purchase.The probe is warranted for a period of six months .If during this period the repair or replacement of parts is required, where the damage is not due to negligence or erroneous operation by the user, please return the parts to either distributor or our office and the repair will be effected free of change.Note :We reserve the right to modify the design,construction and appearance of our productswithout advance notice.PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONRemove the instrument from the packing material and examine it carefully to make sure that no damage has occurred during shipment. If noticeable damage is found, notify your Dealer.Each meter is supplied complete with:•MA850DIN preamplified non refillable double junction combination pH electrode with built in EC/TDS probe and temperature sensor;1m (3.3') cable.•pH7.01, 1413 µS/cm & 1382 ppm (for MW801)or 1500 ppm (for MW802) solutions, 20 mL each.•Instruction Manual.• 1 x 9V battery.OPERATIONSlide the battery compartment cover located on the back of the meter off, and install the battery into the battery clip connector while observing polarity.Connect the probe to the meter securely by aligning the pins with the socket and pushing the plug in.Always remove the electrode protective cap before use.Make sure that the meter has been calibrated before taking any measurements (see calibration procedure).Turn the instrument on by pressing the ON/OFF key.pH MEASUREMENTSIf the electrode has been left dry, soak the tip in a pH7 (M10007) buffer solution for a few minutes to reactivate it.Submerge the tip of the electrode into the sample to be measured, select the pH mode and allow the reading to stabilize before taking measurements.EC/TDS MEASUREMENTSImmerse the tip of the electrode into the sample to be tested.Select the measurement range (EC or TDS)and wait for the temperature sensor to reach thermal equilibrium with the samples before taking measurements.CALIBRATION PROCEDURE:Remove the protective cap from the electrode.Switch the meter on.Select the range pressing the appropriate key for pH, EC or TDS.pH Calibration A) PREPARATIONSingle point manual calibration. Choose buffer.If you are going to measure samples near pH 7use pH 7.01 buffer solution (M10007B ) for calibration;use pH 4.01 buffer solution (M10004B ) for acidic measurements, or pH 10.01(M10010B ) for alkaline measurements.B) PROCEDURERinse the tip of the electrode and immerse it in the calibration solution. Wait a couple of minutes for the reading to stabilize.Measure the temperature of the buffer solution with a thermometer.Adjust the calibration knob until the LCD shows the pH value of the buffer at the measured temperature (see pH versus temperature chart).The calibration is now complete and the meter is ready for use.EC/TDS calibration:A)PREPARATIONSingle point EC calibration.Choose appropriate standard:Model MW801: use 1382 ppm(M10032B ) for TDS or 1.413 μS/cm (M10031B )for EC calibration.Model MW802: use 1500 ppm (M10442B ) for TDS or 1.413 mS/cm (M10031B ) for EC calibration.B)PROCEDUREImmerse the tip of the electrode in the standard solution.Wait for the reading to stabilize, and thermal equilibrium be reached.Turn the EC/TDS calibration knob until the display shows the EC or TDS reading at 25°C.The calibration is now complete and the meter is ready for use.The instrument should be re-calibrated at least once a month, or when the probe or battery is replaced.Note :The conversion between EC and TDS ismade by a built-in circuit. If calibration is made in EC range, TDS range is automatically calibrated (or vice versa).BATTERY REPLACEMENT:The meters are powered by a 9V battery that is in a compartment located in the rear of the instrument.When the battery becomes weak, the instrument automatically switches off.Replacement must only take place in a non-hazardous area using an alkaline 9V battery. Slide off the battery compartment cover and replace the old battery with a new one. Make sure that the battery contacts are fully engaged in the connector. Seat the battery in is compartment and replace the cover.pH VERSUS TEMPERATURE CHARTOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESM10007B pH7.01 buffer solution,25x20 mL sachetM10004B pH4.01 buffer solution,25x20 mL sachetM10010B pH10.01 buffer solution,25x20 mL sachetM10031B 1413 μS/cm calibration solution, 25x20 mL sachet M10032B 1382 ppm calibration solution, 25x20 mL sachet M10442B1500 ppm calibration solution, 25x20 mL sachet P M E T S E U L A V H p C °F °4009A M 7009A M 0109A M 02310.431.723.0151400.401.742.01010500.470.781.01519500.440.721.01028600.430.760.01527710.410.710.01036820.400.769.9535930.499.629.90440140.489.658.95431150.489.658.90522160.489.628.95513170.489.697.90604190.489.677.95694111.499.667.90785121.499.657.9SPECIFICATIONS:MW801MW802RANGE0.0 to 14.0 pH 0.00 to 14.00 pH 0 to 1990 ppm 0 to 4000 ppm 0 to 1990 μS/cm0.00 to 6.00 mS/cmRESOLUTION0.1 pH 0.10 pH 10 ppm 10 ppm 10 μS/cm 0.01 mS/cmACCURACY ± 0.2 pH ±0.20 pH (@ 20ºC)±2% Full scale ±2% Full scaleCALIBRATION M10007B (pH 7.01)SOLUTIONSM10031B (1.413 mS/cm)M10032B (1382ppm)M10442B (1500ppm)CONVERSION 0.50.68FACTOR CALIBRATIONManual, at 1 pointTEMPERATURE COMPENSATIONAutomatic from 0 to 50ºCPROBE MA850DIN combination pH/EC/TDS probeENVIRONMENT0 to 50ºC, 95%RH maxBATTERY LIFE /TYPE1x9V alkalineapprox. 150 hours of use DIMENSIONS 143 x 80 x 32 mm WEIGHT220 g (with battery)。



Rev.3.3_00ULTRA-SMALL PACKAGE HIGH-PRECISION VOLTAGE DETECTORS-801 SeriesWITH DELAY CIRCUIT (INTERNAL DELAY TIME SETTING)The S-801 Series is a series of high-precision voltagedetectors with a built-in delay time generator of fixed timedeveloped using CMOS process. The detection voltage isfixed internally, with an accuracy of ±2.0 %. Internal oscillatorand counter timer can delay the release signal withoutexternal parts. Three delay times 50 ms, 100 ms, and 200 msare available. Two output forms, Nch open-drain and CMOSoutput, are available.Features• Ultra-low current consumption 1.3 μA typ. (at V DD=3.5 V)• High-precision detection voltage ±2.0 %• Hysteresis characteristics 60 mV typ.• Detection voltage 2.2 V to 6.0 V (0.1 V step)• Three delay times A type 50 ms typ.B type 100 ms typ.C type 200 ms typ.• ON/OFF switching function of delay time (DS pin)• Operating voltage range 0.95 V to 10.0 V• Output forms Nch open-drain output (Active Low)CMOS output (Active Low)• Lead-free productsApplications• Power monitor for portable equipment such as notebook computers, digital still cameras, PDA, and cellular phones.• Constant voltage power monitor for cameras, video equipment and communication devices.• Power monitor for microcomputers and reset for CPUs.PackagesPackage name Drawing codeReelLandTapePackageMP005-A—MP005-ASOT-23-5 MP005-ASNT-4A PF004-A PF004-A PF004-A PF004-AS-801 SeriesRev.3.3_00Block Diagrams1. Nch Open-drain Output ProductsDSOUTVSSVDD*1. Parasitic diodeFigure 12. CMOS Output ProductsOUTDSVSSVDD*1. Parasitic diodeFigure 2Rev.3.3_00S-801 SeriesProduct Name StructureThe detection voltage, delay time, output form and packages for S-801 Series can be selected at the user's request. Refer to the "1. Product name" for the construction of the product name and "2. Product Name List" for the full product names.1. Product NameS-801xx x x xx - xxx xx G*1*2. Refer to the Table 2 in the “2. Product name list”.S-801 Series Rev.3.3_002. Product Name List2-1. SOT-23-5Table 1 (1/3)Detection voltage range Delay time Nch open-drain output products CMOS output products2.2 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80122ANMC-JCHT2G S-80122ALMC-JAHT2G100 ms typ. S-80122BNMC-JGHT2G S-80122BLMC-JEHT2G200 ms typ. S-80122CNMC-JKHT2G S-80122CLMC-JIHT2G2.3 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80123ANMC-JCIT2G S-80123ALMC-JAIT2G100 ms typ. S-80123BNMC-JGIT2G S-80123BLMC-JEIT2G200 ms typ. S-80123CNMC-JKIT2G S-80123CLMC-JIIT2G2.4 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80124ANMC-JCJT2G S-80124ALMC-JAJT2G100 ms typ. S-80124BNMC-JGJT2G S-80124BLMC-JEJT2G200 ms typ. S-80124CNMC-JKJT2G S-80124CLMC-JIJT2G2.5 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80125ANMC-JCKT2G S-80125ALMC-JAKT2G100 ms typ. S-80125BNMC-JGKT2G S-80125BLMC-JEKT2G200 ms typ. S-80125CNMC-JKKT2G S-80125CLMC-JIKT2G2.6 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80126ANMC-JCLT2G S-80126ALMC-JALT2G100 ms typ. S-80126BNMC-JGLT2G S-80126BLMC-JELT2G200 ms typ. S-80126CNMC-JKLT2G S-80126CLMC-JILT2G2.7 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80127ANMC-JCMT2G S-80127ALMC-JAMT2G100 ms typ. S-80127BNMC-JGMT2G S-80127BLMC-JEMT2G200 ms typ. S-80127CNMC-JKMT2G S-80127CLMC-JIMT2G2.8 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80128ANMC-JCNT2G S-80128ALMC-JANT2G100 ms typ. S-80128BNMC-JGNT2G S-80128BLMC-JENT2G200 ms typ. S-80128CNMC-JKNT2G S-80128CLMC-JINT2G2.9 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80129ANMC-JCOT2G S-80129ALMC-JAOT2G100 ms typ. S-80129BNMC-JGOT2G S-80129BLMC-JEOT2G200 ms typ. S-80129CNMC-JKOT2G S-80129CLMC-JIOT2G3.0 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80130ANMC-JCPT2G S-80130ALMC-JAPT2G100 ms typ. S-80130BNMC-JGPT2G S-80130BLMC-JEPT2G200 ms typ. S-80130CNMC-JKPT2G S-80130CLMC-JIPT2G3.1 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80131ANMC-JCQT2G S-80131ALMC-JAQT2G100 ms typ. S-80131BNMC-JGQT2G S-80131BLMC-JEQT2G200 ms typ. S-80131CNMC-JKQT2G S-80131CLMC-JIQT2G3.2 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80132ANMC-JCRT2G S-80132ALMC-JART2G100 ms typ. S-80132BNMC-JGRT2G S-80132BLMC-JERT2G200 ms typ. S-80132CNMC-JKRT2G S-80132CLMC-JIRT2G3.3 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80133ANMC-JCST2G S-80133ALMC-JAST2G100 ms typ. S-80133BNMC-JGST2G S-80133BLMC-JEST2G200 ms typ. S-80133CNMC-JKST2G S-80133CLMC-JIST2G3.4 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80134ANMC-JCTT2G S-80134ALMC-JATT2G100 ms typ. S-80134BNMC-JGTT2G S-80134BLMC-JETT2G200 ms typ. S-80134CNMC-JKTT2G S-80134CLMC-JITT2GRev.3.3_00S-801 SeriesTable 1 (2/3)Detection voltage range Delay time Nch open-drain output products CMOS output products3.5 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80135ANMC-JCUT2G S-80135ALMC-JAUT2G100 ms typ. S-80135BNMC-JGUT2G S-80135BLMC-JEUT2G200 ms typ. S-80135CNMC-JKUT2G S-80135CLMC-JIUT2G3.6 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80136ANMC-JCVT2G S-80136ALMC-JAVT2G100 ms typ. S-80136BNMC-JGVT2G S-80136BLMC-JEVT2G200 ms typ. S-80136CNMC-JKVT2G S-80136CLMC-JIVT2G3.7 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80137ANMC-JCWT2G S-80137ALMC-JAWT2G100 ms typ. S-80137BNMC-JGWT2G S-80137BLMC-JEWT2G200 ms typ. S-80137CNMC-JKWT2G S-80137CLMC-JIWT2G3.8 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80138ANMC-JCXT2G S-80138ALMC-JAXT2G100 ms typ. S-80138BNMC-JGXT2G S-80138BLMC-JEXT2G200 ms typ. S-80138CNMC-JKXT2G S-80138CLMC-JIXT2G3.9 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80139ANMC-JCYT2G S-80139ALMC-JAYT2G100 ms typ. S-80139BNMC-JGYT2G S-80139BLMC-JEYT2G200 ms typ. S-80139CNMC-JKYT2G S-80139CLMC-JIYT2G4.0 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80140ANMC-JCZT2G S-80140ALMC-JAZT2G100 ms typ. S-80140BNMC-JGZT2G S-80140BLMC-JEZT2G200 ms typ. S-80140CNMC-JKZT2G S-80140CLMC-JIZT2G4.1 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80141ANMC-JC2T2G S-80141ALMC-JA2T2G100 ms typ. S-80141BNMC-JG2T2G S-80141BLMC-JE2T2G200 ms typ. S-80141CNMC-JK2T2G S-80141CLMC-JI2T2G4.2 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80142ANMC-JC3T2G S-80142ALMC-JA3T2G100 ms typ. S-80142BNMC-JG3T2G S-80142BLMC-JE3T2G200 ms typ. S-80142CNMC-JK3T2G S-80142CLMC-JI3T2G4.3 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80143ANMC-JC4T2G S-80143ALMC-JA4T2G100 ms typ. S-80143BNMC-JG4T2G S-80143BLMC-JE4T2G200 ms typ. S-80143CNMC-JK4T2G S-80143CLMC-JI4T2G4.4 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80144ANMC-JC5T2G S-80144ALMC-JA5T2G100 ms typ. S-80144BNMC-JG5T2G S-80144BLMC-JE5T2G200 ms typ. S-80144CNMC-JK5T2G S-80144CLMC-JI5T2G4.5 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80145ANMC-JC6T2G S-80145ALMC-JA6T2G100 ms typ. S-80145BNMC-JG6T2G S-80145BLMC-JE6T2G200 ms typ. S-80145CNMC-JK6T2G S-80145CLMC-JI6T2G4.6 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80146ANMC-JC7T2G S-80146ALMC-JA7T2G100 ms typ. S-80146BNMC-JG7T2G S-80146BLMC-JE7T2G200 ms typ. S-80146CNMC-JK7T2G S-80146CLMC-JI7T2G4.7 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80147ANMC-JC8T2G S-80147ALMC-JA8T2G100 ms typ. S-80147BNMC-JG8T2G S-80147BLMC-JE8T2G200 ms typ. S-80147CNMC-JK8T2G S-80147CLMC-JI8T2G4.8 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80148ANMC-JC9T2G S-80148ALMC-JA9T2G100 ms typ. S-80148BNMC-JG9T2G S-80148BLMC-JE9T2G200 ms typ. S-80148CNMC-JK9T2G S-80148CLMC-JI9T2G4.9 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80149ANMC-JDAT2G S-80149ALMC-JBAT2G100 ms typ. S-80149BNMC-JHAT2G S-80149BLMC-JFAT2G200 ms typ. S-80149CNMC-JLAT2G S-80149CLMC-JJAT2GS-801 Series Rev.3.3_00Table 1 (3/3)Detection voltage range Delay time Nch open-drain output products CMOS output products5.0 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80150ANMC-JDBT2G S-80150ALMC-JBBT2G100 ms typ. S-80150BNMC-JHBT2G S-80150BLMC-JFBT2G200 ms typ. S-80150CNMC-JLBT2G S-80150CLMC-JJBT2G5.1 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80151ANMC-JDCT2G S-80151ALMC-JBCT2G100 ms typ. S-80151BNMC-JHCT2G S-80151BLMC-JFCT2G200 ms typ. S-80151CNMC-JLCT2G S-80151CLMC-JJCT2G5.2 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80152ANMC-JDDT2G S-80152ALMC-JBDT2G100 ms typ. S-80152BNMC-JHDT2G S-80152BLMC-JFDT2G200 ms typ. S-80152CNMC-JLDT2G S-80152CLMC-JJDT2G5.3 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80153ANMC-JDET2G S-80153ALMC-JBET2G100 ms typ. S-80153BNMC-JHET2G S-80153BLMC-JFET2G200 ms typ. S-80153CNMC-JLET2G S-80153CLMC-JJET2G5.4 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80154ANMC-JDFT2G S-80154ALMC-JBFT2G100 ms typ. S-80154BNMC-JHFT2G S-80154BLMC-JFFT2G200 ms typ. S-80154CNMC-JLFT2G S-80154CLMC-JJFT2G5.5 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80155ANMC-JDGT2G S-80155ALMC-JBGT2G100 ms typ. S-80155BNMC-JHGT2G S-80155BLMC-JFGT2G200 ms typ. S-80155CNMC-JLGT2G S-80155CLMC-JJGT2G5.6 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80156ANMC-JDHT2G S-80156ALMC-JBHT2G100 ms typ. S-80156BNMC-JHHT2G S-80156BLMC-JFHT2G200 ms typ. S-80156CNMC-JLHT2G S-80156CLMC-JJHT2G5.7 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80157ANMC-JDIT2G S-80157ALMC-JBIT2G100 ms typ. S-80157BNMC-JHIT2G S-80157BLMC-JFIT2G200 ms typ. S-80157CNMC-JLIT2G S-80157CLMC-JJIT2G5.8 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80158ANMC-JDJT2G S-80158ALMC-JBJT2G100 ms typ. S-80158BNMC-JHJT2G S-80158BLMC-JFJT2G200 ms typ. S-80158CNMC-JLJT2G S-80158CLMC-JJJT2G5.9 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80159ANMC-JDKT2G S-80159ALMC-JBKT2G100 ms typ. S-80159BNMC-JHKT2G S-80159BLMC-JFKT2G200 ms typ. S-80159CNMC-JLKT2G S-80159CLMC-JJKT2G6.0 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80160ANMC-JDLT2G S-80160ALMC-JBLT2G100 ms typ. S-80160BNMC-JHLT2G S-80160BLMC-JFLT2G200 ms typ. S-80160CNMC-JLLT2G S-80160CLMC-JJLT2GRev.3.3_00S-801 Series2-2. SNT-4ATable 2 (1/3)Detection voltage range Delay time Nch open-drain output products CMOS output products2.2 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80122ANPF-JCHTFG S-80122ALPF-JAHTFG100 ms typ. S-80122BNPF-JGHTFG S-80122BLPF-JEHTFG200 ms typ. S-80122CNPF-JKHTFG S-80122CLPF-JIHTFG2.3 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80123ANPF-JCITFG S-80123ALPF-JAITFG100 ms typ. S-80123BNPF-JGITFG S-80123BLPF-JEITFG200 ms typ. S-80123CNPF-JKITFG S-80123CLPF-JIITFG2.4 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80124ANPF-JCJTFG S-80124ALPF-JAJTFG100 ms typ. S-80124BNPF-JGJTFG S-80124BLPF-JEJTFG200 ms typ. S-80124CNPF-JKJTFG S-80124CLPF-JIJTFG2.5 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80125ANPF-JCKTFG S-80125ALPF-JAKTFG100 ms typ. S-80125BNPF-JGKTFG S-80125BLPF-JEKTFG200 ms typ. S-80125CNPF-JKKTFG S-80125CLPF-JIKTFG2.6 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80126ANPF-JCLTFG S-80126ALPF-JALTFG100 ms typ. S-80126BNPF-JGLTFG S-80126BLPF-JELTFG200 ms typ. S-80126CNPF-JKLTFG S-80126CLPF-JILTFG2.7 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80127ANPF-JCMTFG S-80127ALPF-JAMTFG100 ms typ. S-80127BNPF-JGMTFG S-80127BLPF-JEMTFG200 ms typ. S-80127CNPF-JKMTFG S-80127CLPF-JIMTFG2.8 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80128ANPF-JCNTFG S-80128ALPF-JANTFG100 ms typ. S-80128BNPF-JGNTFG S-80128BLPF-JENTFG200 ms typ. S-80128CNPF-JKNTFG S-80128CLPF-JINTFG2.9 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80129ANPF-JCOTFG S-80129ALPF-JAOTFG100 ms typ. S-80129BNPF-JGOTFG S-80129BLPF-JEOTFG200 ms typ. S-80129CNPF-JKOTFG S-80129CLPF-JIOTFG3.0 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80130ANPF-JCPTFG S-80130ALPF-JAPTFG100 ms typ. S-80130BNPF-JGPTFG S-80130BLPF-JEPTFG200 ms typ. S-80130CNPF-JKPTFG S-80130CLPF-JIPTFG3.1 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80131ANPF-JCQTFG S-80131ALPF-JAQTFG100 ms typ. S-80131BNPF-JGQTFG S-80131BLPF-JEQTFG200 ms typ. S-80131CNPF-JKQTFG S-80131CLPF-JIQTFG3.2 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80132ANPF-JCRTFG S-80132ALPF-JARTFG100 ms typ. S-80132BNPF-JGRTFG S-80132BLPF-JERTFG200 ms typ. S-80132CNPF-JKRTFG S-80132CLPF-JIRTFG3.3 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80133ANPF-JCSTFG S-80133ALPF-JASTFG100 ms typ. S-80133BNPF-JGSTFG S-80133BLPF-JESTFG200 ms typ. S-80133CNPF-JKSTFG S-80133CLPF-JISTFG3.4 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80134ANPF-JCTTFG S-80134ALPF-JATTFG100 ms typ. S-80134BNPF-JGTTFG S-80134BLPF-JETTFG200 ms typ. S-80134CNPF-JKTTFG S-80134CLPF-JITTFG3.5 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80135ANPF-JCUTFG S-80135ALPF-JAUTFG100 ms typ. S-80135BNPF-JGUTFG S-80135BLPF-JEUTFG200 ms typ. S-80135CNPF-JKUTFG S-80135CLPF-JIUTFG3.6 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80136ANPF-JCVTFG S-80136ALPF-JAVTFG100 ms typ. S-80136BNPF-JGVTFG S-80136BLPF-JEVTFG200 ms typ. S-80136CNPF-JKVTFG S-80136CLPF-JIVTFG3.7 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80137ANPF-JCWTFG S-80137ALPF-JAWTFG100 ms typ. S-80137BNPF-JGWTFG S-80137BLPF-JEWTFG200 ms typ. S-80137CNPF-JKWTFG S-80137CLPF-JIWTFGS-801 Series Rev.3.3_00Table 2 (2/3)Detection voltage range Delay time Nch open-drain output products CMOS output products3.8 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80138ANPF-JCXTFG S-80138ALPF-JAXTFG100 ms typ. S-80138BNPF-JGXTFG S-80138BLPF-JEXTFG200 ms typ. S-80138CNPF-JKXTFG S-80138CLPF-JIXTFG3.9 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80139ANPF-JCYTFG S-80139ALPF-JAYTFG100 ms typ. S-80139BNPF-JGYTFG S-80139BLPF-JEYTFG200 ms typ. S-80139CNPF-JKYTFG S-80139CLPF-JIYTFG4.0 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80140ANPF-JCZTFG S-80140ALPF-JAZTFG100 ms typ. S-80140BNPF-JGZTFG S-80140BLPF-JEZTFG200 ms typ. S-80140CNPF-JKZTFG S-80140CLPF-JIZTFG4.1 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80141ANPF-JC2TFG S-80141ALPF-JA2TFG100 ms typ. S-80141BNPF-JG2TFG S-80141BLPF-JE2TFG200 ms typ. S-80141CNPF-JK2TFG S-80141CLPF-JI2TFG4.2 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80142ANPF-JC3TFG S-80142ALPF-JA3TFG100 ms typ. S-80142BNPF-JG3TFG S-80142BLPF-JE3TFG200 ms typ. S-80142CNPF-JK3TFG S-80142CLPF-JI3TFG4.3 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80143ANPF-JC4TFG S-80143ALPF-JA4TFG100 ms typ. S-80143BNPF-JG4TFG S-80143BLPF-JE4TFG200 ms typ. S-80143CNPF-JK4TFG S-80143CLPF-JI4TFG4.4 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80144ANPF-JC5TFG S-80144ALPF-JA5TFG100 ms typ. S-80144BNPF-JG5TFG S-80144BLPF-JE5TFG200 ms typ. S-80144CNPF-JK5TFG S-80144CLPF-JI5TFG4.5 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80145ANPF-JC6TFG S-80145ALPF-JA6TFG100 ms typ. S-80145BNPF-JG6TFG S-80145BLPF-JE6TFG200 ms typ. S-80145CNPF-JK6TFG S-80145CLPF-JI6TFG4.6 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80146ANPF-JC7TFG S-80146ALPF-JA7TFG100 ms typ. S-80146BNPF-JG7TFG S-80146BLPF-JE7TFG200 ms typ. S-80146CNPF-JK7TFG S-80146CLPF-JI7TFG4.7 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80147ANPF-JC8TFG S-80147ALPF-JA8TFG100 ms typ. S-80147BNPF-JG8TFG S-80147BLPF-JE8TFG200 ms typ. S-80147CNPF-JK8TFG S-80147CLPF-JI8TFG4.8 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80148ANPF-JC9TFG S-80148ALPF-JA9TFG100 ms typ. S-80148BNPF-JG9TFG S-80148BLPF-JE9TFG200 ms typ. S-80148CNPF-JK9TFG S-80148CLPF-JI9TFG4.9 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80149ANPF-JDATFG S-80149ALPF-JBATFG100 ms typ. S-80149BNPF-JHATFG S-80149BLPF-JFATFG200 ms typ. S-80149CNPF-JLATFG S-80149CLPF-JJATFG5.0 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80150ANPF-JDBTFG S-80150ALPF-JBBTFG100 ms typ. S-80150BNPF-JHBTFG S-80150BLPF-JFBTFG200 ms typ. S-80150CNPF-JLBTFG S-80150CLPF-JJBTFG5.1 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80151ANPF-JDCTFG S-80151ALPF-JBCTFG100 ms typ. S-80151BNPF-JHCTFG S-80151BLPF-JFCTFG200 ms typ. S-80151CNPF-JLCTFG S-80151CLPF-JJCTFG5.2 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80152ANPF-JDDTFG S-80152ALPF-JBDTFG100 ms typ. S-80152BNPF-JHDTFG S-80152BLPF-JFDTFG200 ms typ. S-80152CNPF-JLDTFG S-80152CLPF-JJDTFG5.3 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80153ANPF-JDETFG S-80153ALPF-JBETFG100 ms typ. S-80153BNPF-JHETFG S-80153BLPF-JFETFG200 ms typ. S-80153CNPF-JLETFG S-80153CLPF-JJETFGRev.3.3_00S-801 SeriesTable 2 (3/3)Detection voltage range Delay time Nch open-drain output products CMOS output products5.4 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80154ANPF-JDFTFG S-80154ALPF-JBFTFG100 ms typ. S-80154BNPF-JHFTFG S-80154BLPF-JFFTFG200 ms typ. S-80154CNPF-JLFTFG S-80154CLPF-JJFTFG5.5 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80155ANPF-JDGTFG S-80155ALPF-JBGTFG100 ms typ. S-80155BNPF-JHGTFG S-80155BLPF-JFGTFG200 ms typ. S-80155CNPF-JLGTFG S-80155CLPF-JJGTFG5.6 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80156ANPF-JDHTFG S-80156ALPF-JBHTFG100 ms typ. S-80156BNPF-JHHTFG S-80156BLPF-JFHTFG200 ms typ. S-80156CNPF-JLHTFG S-80156CLPF-JJHTFG5.7 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80157ANPF-JDITFG S-80157ALPF-JBITFG100 ms typ. S-80157BNPF-JHITFG S-80157BLPF-JFITFG200 ms typ. S-80157CNPF-JLITFG S-80157CLPF-JJITFG5.8 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80158ANPF-JDJTFG S-80158ALPF-JBJTFG100 ms typ. S-80158BNPF-JHJTFG S-80158BLPF-JFJTFG200 ms typ. S-80158CNPF-JLJTFG S-80158CLPF-JJJTFG5.9 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80159ANPF-JDKTFG S-80159ALPF-JBKTFG100 ms typ. S-80159BNPF-JHKTFG S-80159BLPF-JFKTFG200 ms typ. S-80159CNPF-JLKTFG S-80159CLPF-JJKTFG6.0 V ±2.0% 50 ms typ. S-80160ANPF-JDLTFG S-80160ALPF-JBLTFG100 ms typ. S-80160BNPF-JHLTFG S-80160BLPF-JFLTFG200 ms typ. S-80160CNPF-JLLTFG S-80160CLPF-JJLTFGS-801 Series Rev.3.3_00Pin ConfigurationsTable 3Pin No. Pin name Pin description1DS*1ON/OFF switch for delay time2VSSGNDpin3NC*2 Noconnection4 OUT Voltage detection output pin5 VDD Voltage input pinSOT-23-5Top viewFigure 3*1. Refer to “2. Delay Circuit” in “ Operation” for operation.*2. The NC pin is electrically open.The NC pin can be connected to VDD or VSS.Table 4Pin No. Pin name Pin description1VSSGNDpin2DS*1ON/OFF switch for delay time3 VDD Voltage input pin4 OUT Voltage detection output pinSNT-4ATop view42 3Figure 4*1. Refer to “2. Delay Circuit” in “ Operation” for operation.Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 5(Ta =25°C unless otherwise specified)Item Symbol Absolute maximum ratings UnitPower supply voltage V DD −V SS12 V Output voltage Nch open-drain output products V OUT V SS −0.3 to V SS +12CMOS output products V SS −0.3 to VDD +0.3Output current I OUT 50 mA SOT-23-5 P D 250 (When not mounted on board) mW 600*1SNT-4A 140 (When not mounted on board)Power dissipation 300*1Operating ambient temperature T opr −40 to +85 °C Storage temperature T stg −40 to +125 *1. When mounted on board [Mounted board](1) Board size: 114.3 mm × 76.2 mm × t1.6 mm (2) Board name: JEDEC STANDARD51-7Caution The absolute maximum ratings are rated values exceeding which the product could sufferphysical damage. These values must therefore not be exceeded under any conditions.P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (P D ) [m W ]Figure 5 Power Dissipation of Package (When Mounted on Board)Electrical CharacteristicsTable 6DET DET(S)detection voltage range in Table 1 to 2.)*2. Temperature change ratio for the detection voltage [mV/°C] is calculated using the following equation.[]()[][]1000C ppm/ V Ta ΔV ΔV Typ.V C mV/ Ta ΔV ΔDETDET DET(S)DET ÷°−−×−=°−•3*2**1 *1. Temperature change ratio of the detection voltage *2. Specified detection voltage value*3. Detection voltage temperature coefficientTest Circuits1.R*1100 kΩ2.*1. R is unnecessary for CMOS output products.Figure 6 Figure 73.R*1100 kΩ4.R*1100 kΩ*1. R is unnecessary for CMOS output products.*1. R is unnecessary for CMOS output products.Figure 8 Figure 9Operation1. Basic Operation: CMOS Output (Active Low)1-1. When the power supply voltage (V DD ) is higher than the release voltage (+V DET ), the Nchtransistor is OFF and the Pch transistor is ON to provide V DD (high) at the output. Since theNch transistor N1 in Figure 10 is OFF, the comparator input voltage is C B A DDC B R R R V )R R (++•+.1-2. When the V DD goes below +V DET , the output provides the V DD level, as long as V DD remainsabove the detection voltage (–V DET ). When the V DD falls below –V DET (point A in Figure 11), the Nch transistor becomes ON, the Pch transistor becomes OFF, and the V SS level appears at the output. At this time the Nch transistor N1 in Figure 10 becomes ON, the comparatorinput voltage is changed toB A DDB R R V R +•. 1-3. When the V DD falls below the minimum operating voltage, the output becomes undefined, orgoes to V DD when the output is pulled up to V DD . 1-4. The V SS level appears when V DD rises above the minimum operating voltage. The V SS level stillappears even when V DD surpasses the –V DET , as long as it does not exceed the release voltage +V DET . 1-5. When V DD rises above +V DET (point B in Figure 11), the Nch transistor becomes OFF and thePch transistor becomes ON to provide V DD at the output. The V DD at the OUT pin is delayed for t D due to the delay circuit.OUT*1. Paracitic diodeFigure 10 Operation 1+V DET )−V DET )Figure 11 Operation 22. Delay Circuit2-1. Delay TimeThe delay circuit delays the output signal from the time at which the power voltage (V DD ) exceeds the release voltage (+V DET ) when V DD is turned on. The output signal is not delayed when the V DD goes below the detection voltage (–V DET ). (Refer to Figure 11.)The delay time (t D ) is a fixed value that is determined by a built-in oscillation circuit and counter.2-2. DS Pin (ON/OFF Switch Pin for Delay Time)The DS pin should be connected to Low or High. When the DS pin is High, the output delay time becomes short since the output signal is taken from the middle of counter circuit (Refer to Figure 16).3. Other Characteristics3-1. Temperature Characteristics of Detection VoltageThe shaded area in Figure 12 shows the temperature characteristics of the detection voltage.°C°C] °C–V DETFigure 12 Temperature Characteristics of Detection Voltage (Example for S-80122xxxx)3-2. Temperature Characteristics of Release VoltageThe temperature coefficient TaV DETΔ+Δ of the release voltage is calculated by the temperaturecoefficient TaV DETΔ−Δfor the detection voltage as follows:TaV V V TaV DET DET DET DET Δ−Δ×−+=Δ+ΔThe temperature coefficients for the release voltage and the detection voltage have the same sign consequently.3-3. Temperature Characteristics of Hysteresis VoltageThe temperature characteristics for the hysteresis voltage is expressed as TaV Ta V DETDET Δ−Δ−Δ+Δ and is calculated as follows: Ta V V V Ta V Ta V DETDET HYS DET DET Δ−Δ×−=Δ−Δ−Δ+ΔStandard Circuit*1. R is unnecessary for CMOS output products.Figure 13Caution The above connection diagram and constant will not guarantees successful operation.Perform through using the actual application to set the constant.Technical Terms1. Detection Voltage (–V DET ), Release Voltage (+V DET )The detection voltage (–V DET ) is a voltage at which the output turns to low. The detection voltage varies slightly among products of the same specification. The variation of detection voltage between the specified minimum (–V DET ) Min. and the maximum (–V DET ) Max. is called the detection voltage range (Refer to Figure 14).e.g. For the S-80122AN, the detection voltage lies in the range of 2.156 ≤ (–V DET ) ≤ 2.244.This means that some S-80122ANs have 2.156 V for –V DET and some have 2.244 V.The release voltage (+V DET ) is a voltage at which the output turns to high. The release voltage varies slightly among products of the same specification. The variation of release voltages between the specified minimum (+V DET ) Min. and the maximum (+V DET ) Max. is called the release voltage range (Refer to Figure 15).e.g. For the S-80122AN, the release voltage lies in the range of 2.186 ≤ (+V DET ) ≤ 2.344.This means that some S-80122ANs have 2.186 V for +V DET and some have 2.344 V.V DD(−V DET (−V DETV DDFigure 14 Detection VoltageFigure 15 Release VoltageRemark Although the detection voltage and release voltage overlap in the range of 2.186 V to 2.244 V,+V DET is always larger than –V DET .2. Hysteresis Width (V HYS )Hysteresis width is the voltage difference between the detection voltage and the release voltage (The voltage at point B −The voltage at point A =V HYS in Figure 11). The existence of the hysteresis width prevents malfunction caused by noise on input signal.3. Delay Time (t D )Delay time is a time internally measured from the instant at which input voltage to the VDD pin exceeds the release voltage (+V DET ) to the point at which the output of the OUT pin inverts. The delay time is fixed in each series distinguished by A, B and C. S-801xxAx series: typ. 50 ms S-801xxBx series: typ. 100 ms S-801xxCx series: typ. 200 msThe output of the OUT pin can be inverted in a short delay time (t D2) by setting the DS pin High (Refer to Figure 16).V+V DETFigure 164. Through-type CurrentThe through-type current refers to the current that flows instantaneously at the time of detection and release of a voltage detector. The through-type current flows at a frequency of 20 kHz during release delay time since the internal logic circuit operates.5. OscillationIn applications where a resistor is connected to the voltage detector input (Figure 17), taking a CMOS active low products for example, the through-type current which is generated when the output goes from low to high (release) causes a voltage drop equal to [through-type current] × [input resistance] across the resistor. When the input voltage drops below the detection voltage (–V DET ) as a result, the output voltage goes to low level. In this state, the through-type current stops and its resultant voltage drop disappears, and the output goes from low to high. The through-type current is again generated, a voltage drop appears, and repeating the process finally induces oscillation.OUTVDDFigure 17 Example for Bad Implementation of Input Voltage DividerPrecautions• In the S-801 series products, the through-type current flows at a frequency of 20 kHz approximately during the delay time since the internal oscillator circuit and counter timer operate at voltage release. High impedance in the input may cause oscillation by the through-type current. When the input impedance is high, insert a capacitor between VDD pin and VSS pin to prevent oscillation.• Do not apply an electrostatic discharge to this IC that exceeds the performance ratings of the built-in electrostatic protection circuit.• In CMOS output products of the S-801 Series, the through-type current flows at detection and release. If the impedance is high, oscillation may occur due to the voltage drop by the through-type current during releasing.• When designing for mass production using an application circuit described herein, the product deviation and temperature characteristics should be taken into consideration. SII shall not bear any responsibility for the patents on the circuits described herein.• SII claims no responsibility for any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with any infringement of the products including this IC upon patents owned a third party.Typical Characteristics (Typical Data)1. Detection Voltage (V DET ) - Temperature (Ta)S-80122AL S-80160AL2.12.22.3 2.4−40 −200 20 40 60 80 100Ta [°C]V D E T [V ]−40−200 20 40 60 80 100Ta [°C)] V D E T [V]2. Hysteresis Voltage Width (V HYS ) - Temperature (Ta)S-80122AL S-80160AL3040 50 60 70 80 90 100 −40 −200 20 40 60 80 100Ta [°C]V H Y S [m V ]30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 −40−200 20 40 60 80 100Ta [°C]V H Y S [m V ]3. Current Consumption (I SS ) - Input Voltage (V DD )(a) S-80122AL (b) S-80129AL0.00.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.03.5 0 2 4 6 8 10V DD [V]I S S[μA ]Ta =25°C0.00.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.03.50 2 4 6 8 10V DD [V]I S S [μA ]Ta =25°C(c) S-80130AL(d) S-80160AL0.00.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0 2 4 6 8 10V DD [V]I S S [μA ]0.00.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0 2 4 6 8 10V DD [V]I S S[μA ]。


该指导手册用于正确安装、运行并维护本设备。若本设备安装及维护不当可能导致严重人身伤害。 在安装或维护之前,请仔细阅读并充分理解此手册。
由于可能有漏电流经过可控硅整流器,即使起动器关闭时,电机负载端子间亦可能存在线间电位 差。维修起动器或电机之前应始终断开输入电源。
功率因数电容器:勿将功率因数修正电容器接至起动器负载侧,它们可导致起动器故障。若使用电 容器,则须将其接至起动器线路侧,并尽量靠近上位线路。
将软起动器缓缓提升至安装地点上方5厘米处,然后向后移动靠紧安装面板,将软起动器仔细放入 两个安装螺钉,确保螺钉与软起动器负载侧的钉眼对齐,并确保两片垫圈处于软起动器底座与螺钉 帽之间。
装上并紧固剩下的六个安装螺钉、垫圈及防松垫圈,然后紧固下面的两个中号螺钉,所有螺钉的紧 固力矩为5.6N-m。
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S801 ᣃᡐҮ٧ၸਖ਼੣б
S801 ᣃᡐҮ٧ၸਖ਼੣б
智能技术软起动器是一种电机的电子软起动装置,可以独立安装,也可以采取面板安装或机柜安 装,主要用于为三相感应电机提供平稳的机械及电子起动。S801软起动器系列采用六个晶闸管,通 过调节晶闸管感应周期可控制施加于电机的电压,而这反过来又可控制电机产生的转矩。当电机获 得所需速度后,内置的旁路接触器触点闭合以旁通晶闸管。
S801N, S801R, S801TԢS801U߶ᜈૈ࠭ 智能软起动器的安装很简单,不需要任何特殊工具。 为便于您进行面板设计,请参阅本手册第6及8页的尺寸图。钻孔及螺孔据安装孔位置确定,如图所 示。 请采用第8页指定的硬件安装本设备,并按指定力矩紧固此类硬件。 T型和U型软起动器在线路端中段有一个吊耳,有助于本设备的安装。



WTX-801使用手册保护及自动化系统部——发电部编写:闫黎明审核:陶学军方案1:该方案适用于中小型水电站机组LCU部分,PLC可以选用VersaMax或者GE9030(增加一个CMM311通讯模块),此时GR100为Modbus主,在显示面板上设定子站地址和PLC起始寄存器地址(1465对应PLC内部R1466)后,GR100可以周期性把数据写入PLC的R1466起始的一段连续的寄存器中;此时HMI连接在WTX-801的一个串口上(为规范统一,现定为COM8),根据配置的转发表YC_CFG.ini(对应HMI的W区)和YX_CFG.ini(对应HMI的B区)显示当前机组的相关信息,并且可以把HMI下发的命令转发给PLC(切记此时HMI调节控制组态时,对应的都是PLC的实际寄存器);方案2:该方案适用于中型水电站机组LCU部分,PLC可以选用GE9030、Premium、Quantum等(具有以太网接口,且支持ModbusTCP协议), 此时WTX-801采集励磁、调速器、电量采集、温度巡检等的数据,以104规约上送监控系统,同时根据转发表YC_CFG.ini和YX_CFG.ini 把向关数据通过以太网转发给PLC;a)遥信写入R1401起始的一段连续寄存器中,其中R1401 = 0xFFFF,用于判断WTX-801与PLC的通讯状态,R1402开始为遥信数据(含装置通讯状态,详见YX_CFG.ini中的说明),每个寄存器16个遥信,从低到高依次为YX0~YX15,其它的以此类推;b)遥测写入R1466起始的一段连续寄存器中,每个寄存器一个量;HMI连接在PLC上,可以监视当前机组相关信息,并可以控制PLC;方案3:该方案适用于中型水电站机组LCU部分,PLC可以选用GE9030、Premium、Quantum等(具有以太网接口,且支持ModbusTCP协议), 此时WTX-801采集励磁、调速器、电量采集、温度巡检等的数据,以104规约上送监控系统,同时根据转发表YC_CFG.ini和YX_CFG.ini 把向关数据通过以太网转发给PLC;a)遥信写入R1401起始的一段连续寄存器中,其中R1401 = 0xFFFF,用于判断WTX-801与PLC的通讯状态,R1402开始为遥信数据(含装置通讯状态,详见YX_CFG.ini中的说明),每个寄存器16个遥信,从低到高依次为YX0~YX15,其它的以此类推;b)遥测写入R1466起始的一段连续寄存器中,每个寄存器一个量;HMI连接在以太网上,分别连接WTX-801和PLC,可以监视当前机组相关信息,并可以控制PLC;方案4:该方案适用于大型水电站机组LCU部分,PLC可以选用GE9030、Premium、Quantum等(具有以太网接口,且支持ModbusTCP协议), 此时WTX-801采集励磁、调速器、电量采集、温度巡检等的数据,以104规约上送监控系统,同时根据转发表YC_CFG.ini和YX_CFG.ini 把向关数据通过以太网转发给PLC;a)遥信写入R1401起始的一段连续寄存器中,其中R1401 = 0xFFFF,用于判断WTX-801与PLC的通讯状态,R1402开始为遥信数据(含装置通讯状态,详见YX_CFG.ini中的说明),每个寄存器16个遥信,从低到高依次为YX0~YX15,其它的以此类推;b)遥测写入R1466起始的一段连续寄存器中,每个寄存器一个量;HMI连接在PLC上,可以监视当前机组相关信息,并可以控制PLC;二、接口说明1.串口COM1-COM8端子如右图所示,从左至右依次为引脚1—5; RS422引脚说明Pin1 : T+Pin2 : T-Pin3 : R+Pin4 : R-Pin5 : S.G.RS-485引脚说明Pin1 : N/APin2 : N/APin3 : DATA+Pin4 : DATA-Pin5 : S.G.2.以太网接口(紧挨着指示灯的为MAC1)12345678Pin 1 : T+Pin 2 : T-Pin 3 : R+Pin 6 : R-3.Console Port 提供RS232接口方式注:该口与 COM1口共用一个硬件信号Pin1 : DCDPin2 : RxDPin3 : TxDPin4 : DTRPin5 : S.G. (Signal Ground)Pin6 : DSRPin7 : RTSPin8 : CTSPin9 : RI4. 拨码开关(SW1—SW9)SW1: COM1 PortSW2: COM2 PortSW3: COM3 PortSW4: COM4 PortSW5: COM5 PortSW6: COM6 PortSW7: COM7 PortSW8: COM8 PortSW9: Console ModeSW1—SW8: ONÆ RS485OFFÆ RS422SW9: ONÆ Console Port 用作RS232 (COM1失效)OFFÆ Console Port失效 (COM1可用)三、IP地址的修改1、每个WTX-801出厂默认参数一般为: IP Addr: 10.0.50.XXX;SubNet Mask:;Default GateWay:,运行Monitor.exe如下图;2、选择列表中的待设置WTX-801,点击Config,修改IP Address,GateWay,Mask;然后点击Reset让WTX-801重新启动一次,修改方能生效;3、修改参数后的WTX-801如下所示;四、应用程序的下载下载程序前先用Monitor.exe看一看WTX-801内核(Kernel)版本,1.3版本(或者更老的版本,内存为8M,2004年11分之前的合同),1.5版本以后的内存为16M;不同版本的应用程序的编译环境有所不同;2、编辑dl_romfs.bat修改其中的IP,把romfs.dld(应用程序镜像文件)下载到板子里;五、串口参数的设置a) 运行MCU_Set.exe,输入待设置WTX-801的IP地址,建立连接后如下图所示;b) 点击串口设置栏内的“添加”按钮,依次选择串口以及该串口下所用规约(如果不用某个串口,规约选择为“备用”)、串口参数等添加后如下图所示;c) 点击串口设置栏内的“设置”按钮;如果设置成功,会弹出“成功设定上述参数”d) 点击 “重启”按钮;重新启动WTX-801把参数写入FLASH,等WTX-801启动后,点击串口设置栏内“上装”按钮,检验上装参数与前面设置的是否一致;注意:如果某个串口不用,一定要选为“备用”;所有用到的串口下面装置地址不能重复;六、装置参数设置a) 运行MCU_SET.EXE与WTX-801建立连接,如图所示b) 在装置设置栏选择串口,点击“添加”按钮,如图所示,输入装置参数,点击确认;逐个设置其他串口下装置参数,如图所示;d) 添加完成后如下图所示,点击“设置”,如果成功会弹出“成功设定上述参数”,依次逐个设置其他串口下装置参数(WTX-801各个串口下装置地址不能重复),点击“重启”,重新启动WTX-801所设参数方能生效,待WTX-801重新启动后,上装参数检验是否与设置的一致;七、遥测遥信转发配置表的配置1、800系列保护YX_CFG.INI和YC_CFG.INI的配置;由于800保护的信息体地址离散分布,所以必须手动写入如下[YC_Setting]Total=9YC1=3,1,94 ;装置地址,扇区号(103点表中的公共地址),信息体地址(16进制) YC2=3,1,95YC3=3,1,96YC4=3,1,97YC5=3,1,78YC6=3,1,79YC7=3,1,7AYC8=3,1,6BYC9=3,1,9C[YX_Setting]Total=9YX1=3,1,94 ;装置地址,扇区号(103点表中的公共地址),信息体地址(16进制) YX2=3,1,95YX3=3,1,96YX4=3,1,97YX5=3,1,78YX6=3,1,79YX7=3,1,7AYX8=3,1,6BYX9=3,1,185注意:103点表中ASDU_2的信息地址要加0x100;例如:WFB801装置:逆功率保护t2 INF:=113 ASDU:=2 COT:=1,参数配置时其信息体地址应为0x100 + 0x85 = 0x185;2、PLC、励磁、调速器等装置YX_CFG.INI和YC_CFG.INI的配置;如果信息点连续,可以直接使用“数据转发配置”软件自动生成;其中每个装置的通讯状态视为一个遥信点,格式为Yxn = ucAddr,0,1例如某个装置地址为15,遥信在后台数据库中的扇区号为2,共12个遥信;单击“追加”就会在当前目录下生成YX_CFG.INI如下,若选中单选框“含通讯状态”,则会把通讯状态自动添加在遥信的前一个;[YX_Setting]Total=13YX1=15,0,1 ;地址为15的装置的通讯状态YX2=15,2,1 ;地址为15的装置的第1个遥信YX3=15,2,2 ;地址为15的装置的第2个遥信YX4=15,2,3 ;地址为15的装置的第3个遥信YX5=15,2,4 ;地址为15的装置的第4个遥信YX6=15,2,5 ;地址为15的装置的第5个遥信YX7=15,2,6 ;地址为15的装置的第6个遥信YX8=15,2,7 ;地址为15的装置的第7个遥信YX9=15,2,8 ;地址为15的装置的第8个遥信YX10=15,2,9 ;地址为15的装置的第9个遥信YX11=15,2,A ;地址为15的装置的第10个遥信YX12=15,2,B ;地址为15的装置的第11个遥信YX13=15,2,C ;地址为15的装置的第12个遥信八、WTX-801串口监视软件的使用运行MCU_DEBUG.exe,与WTX-801建立连接(端口必须为4662),如下图;选择要监视的串口,点击“写入”,会弹出如下提示窗口;点击“重启”,冲洗启动WTX-801后即可监视所设置串口的收发数据了;如下图即可;附:当下载程序时出现连接不上的问题时的解决方法一、如果是16MDevMgr.exe; 1)运行 2)用鼠标选中栏目标IP,点击第4个按钮“从磁盘升级”;弹出下图所示对话框;从目标程序文件夹选择romfs.dld ,点击更新3、选择单选框“下载应用程序固件”,从目标程序文件夹选择romfs.dld,点击更新;二、也可以借助于Debug Port输入密码,与WTX-801建立连接,下载应用程序;这种方法对于早期的8M内存的板子也适用;Debug 端口与计算机之间的连接线如下:靠近电源的针脚为1,靠近Consle Port针脚为4,分别定义如下:Debug Port的 2<—>计算机串口的3Debug Port的 3<—>计算机串口的2Debug Port的 4<—>计算机串口的5确认通讯线(同时连接网线)连接无误,分别连接计算机串口和WTX-801 Debug port步骤如下:1、新建超级终端(正确选择计算机串口)图12、端口参数如下115200,N,8,1;数据流控制为无;图23、确认后,重新启动WTX-801,在听到WTX-801第一声鸣响后,按下键盘的”ESC”键,会停留在如图3所示画面;4、输入密码:atop03,回车进入图4所示图45、编辑dlr_romfs.bat(dlr_all.bat)把romfs.dld(linuxall.dld)下载到板子漳州电度表地址配置说明1、假设WTX-801的COM5,COM6、COM7连接漳州电度表,COM6下第一块电度表地址为************,其中42为电度表地址的最低字节;以下以此类推;则配置文件DD_CFG..ini如下所示,每个串口下最多16块表;nTotal 一定要与实际配置的个数一致;2、在用MCU_SET设置装置参数时,装置类型选为3,电表个数由配置文件而定;[COM6]nTotal = 8Meter1 = 06,06,76,40,08,42Meter2 = 06,06,76,40,08,30Meter3 = 06,06,76,40,08,15Meter4 = 06,06,76,40,08,12Meter5 = 06,06,76,40,08,34Meter6 = 06,06,76,40,08,19Meter7 = 06,06,76,40,08,31Meter8 = 00,00,01,10,86,58[COM7]nTotal = 5Meter1 = 06,06,76,40,08,98Meter2 = 06,06,76,40,08,94Meter3 = 06,06,66,40,16,30Meter4 = 06,06,76,40,08,92Meter5 = 06,06,76,40,08,20[COM5]nTotal = 8Meter1 = 06,06,76,40,08,27Meter2 = 06,06,76,40,08,23Meter3 = 06,06,76,40,08,26Meter4 = 06,06,76,40,08,40Meter5 = 06,06,76,40,08,38Meter6 = 06,06,76,40,08,33Meter7 = 06,06,76,40,08,29Meter8 = 06,06,76,40,08,143、运行DD_CFG.exe,与WTX-801建立连接,选中遥设置的串口,点击“写入WTX-801”按钮,如果设置成功则会弹出“配置文件写入成功”,如下图所示;依次设置其它连接电度表的串口,然后点击“重启”按钮,使得参数生效即可;附1:GR100作为Modbus主站时发送报文示例03 10 00 00 00 15 2A 12 34 56 78 56 78 12 34 56 78 56 78 12 34 56 78 56 78 12 34 56 78 56 78 12 34 56 78 56 78 12 34 56 78 56 78 12 34 56 78 56 78 9F 77modbus 主站发送寄存器列表40101 A相相电压无符号字40102 B相相电压无符号字40103 C相相电压无符号字40104 平均相电压无符号字40105 AB相线电压无符号字40106 BC相线电压无符号字40107 CA相线电压无符号字40108 平均线电压无符号字40109 A相电流无符号字40110 B相电流无符号字40111 C相电流无符号字40112 平均相电流无符号字40113 总有功功率高字40114 总有功功率低字同上面组成有符号双字40115 总无功功率高字40116 总无功功率低字同上面组成有符号双字999功率因素滞后-40117 平均功率因素 0功率因素超前,实际功率因素为2000-寄存器的值1999-100140118 总视在功率高字40119 总视在功率低字同上面组成有符号双字40120 三相不平衡电压无符号字40121 频率无符号字通过面板设置通讯协议为great公司协议时,仪表为被动上传;设置通讯协议为modbus协议时,仪表为主动上传;设置的最后一项为仪表主动上传的发送完毕到重新开始发送的间隔0.01S为单位,最大可设999, 即,最大可设9.99S。



POWER MANAGEMENT Electrical Characteristics Cont.
V C C = 0V VPRGM = Logic High VPRGM = Logic Low VPRGM = External Divider VCC = 4.2V - 6.5V
0.1 4.20 4.10 3.0 82 4.16 4.06 2.97 72 38 450 750
1 4Байду номын сангаас24 4.14 3.03 92 52 550 850
11 10 9 2 1 16 15 12 F A U LT C2 2 . 2 uF S TA TU S
reverse-blocking diode, sense resistor and thermal protection 4.1V, 4.2V & Adjustable Output Voltage Programmable precharge, fastcharge & termination current Battery voltage controlled to 1% accuracy Soft-start for step load and adaptor plug-in Up to 1.5A continuous charge current Charge current monitor output from microcontroller or ADC Interface Input voltages range from 4.2V to 14V 0.1µA Battery leakage in shutdown and monitor modes Operates without a battery in regulated LDO mode Small 4mm x 4mm 16 lead MLP package °C/watt Low thermal impedance of 50° Few external components Over current protection in all charging modes Over voltage protection All outputs able to drive LEDs and interface to host processor Remote Kelvin sensing at the battery terminal Small input & output filter capacitors Status output communicates charging and end of charge cycle Now Available in Lead-Free Packaging Charges Li-Ion, Li-Polymer, NiCd and NiMH Batteries



T H-801履带式自动热缩管加热机T H-801履带式自动热缩管加热机是一款卧式全自动热缩管加热设备。



加热温度可以在机器后端的控制箱面板上进行设定,温控器采用O M R O N设备,温控精度和稳定度有充分保证。

T H-801有完备的保护和报警功能。



T H-801是目前国内唯一被各大汽车配套厂商认可的、替代进口设备的产品。


主要技术指标:• 输入电压: 220V,50Hz• 功率:2000W• 温控范围:室温 ~ 600°C• 温控精度:±1°C (设定测试环境中)• 时控范围:23 ~ 240秒• 时控精度:999级调节• 最大线束加热长度:100mm• 最大线束加热直径:25mm• 尺寸:约1438L × 500W × 580H(mm)• 重量:约90kg目前主要用户:德尔福(Delphi),莱尼(Leoni)、李尔(Leer)、波特尼等TH-801 Belt Feed Tube Shrink HeaterTH-801 belt feed tube shrink heater is an automatic shrinkable tube feeding and heating machine. The operator can continuously feed wires with shrinkable tubes into the machine convey belt from the machine front end. The wires on convey belt will travel through the heating area with given speed and temperature to complete the heating process. At the end of the machine the wires will be cooled down by fans and dropped into collection tray.TH-801’s temperature can be set and controlled by an OMRON temperature controller based control box at the back. Its convey belt speed is controlled by a single-chip computer and driven by a stepper motor to achieve high accuracy and reliability.TH-801 has complete erratic operation proof and safety functions: overheating prevention circuit, heating unit wire and belt motor speed monitor, working temperature range monitor and associated wire feed control, heating chamber open monitor etc. It also can count wires processed and clock process time.TH-801 has been widely used in Delphi, Leoni, Leer factories in China since 2006.Main Specs:Input Voltage: 220~240V, 50~60HzPower Consumption: 2000WTemperature Control: room temperature ~ 600°C, ±1°C (in specified test environment) Timing Control: 23~240 s, 999 stagesMax. Wire Length: 100mmMax. Wire Diameter: 25mmSize (approx): 1438L × 500W × 580H(mm)Weight (approx): 90kg。

Omega TX801TC系列热感应传感器产品指南说明书

Omega TX801TC系列热感应传感器产品指南说明书

An OMEGA Technologies CompanyU s e r 's G u i d ee-mail:**************TX801TC SERIESTHERMOCOUPLE TRANSMITTERWhere Do I .ind Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA...Of Course!TEMPERATUREThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & Assemblies Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesRecorders, Controllers & Process Monitors Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND .ORCE Transducers & Strain Gauges Load Cells & Pressure Gauges Displacement Transducers Instrumentation & Accessories.LOW/LEVELRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow Computers Air Velocity IndicatorsTurbine / Paddlesheel Systems Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYpH Electrodes, Testers & Accessories Benchtop/Laboratory MetersControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & Pumps Industrial pH & Conductivity Equipment DATA ACQUISITIONData Acquisition & Engineering Software Communications-Based Acquisition Systems Plug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & Compatibles Datalogging SystemsRecorders, Printers & Plotters HEATERS Heating CableCartridge & Strip Heaters Immersion & Band Heaters Flexible Heaters Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROL Metering & Control Instrumentation Refractometers Pumps & TubingAir, Soil & Water MonitorsIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM-3802/0302✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔OMEGAOMEGAnet SM On-Line Service Internet e-mail **************Servicing North America:USA:One Omega Drive, Box 4047ISO 9001 Certified Stamford, CT 06907-0047Tel: (203) 359-1660FAX: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************Canada:976 BergarLaval (Quebec) H7L 5A1Tel: (514) 856-6928FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:****************.or immediate technical or application assistance: USA and Canada:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGA SMCustomer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BEST SMEngineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHEN SMTELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE: OMEGA Mexico andLatin America:Tel: (95) 800-TC-OMEGA SM FAX: (95) 203-359-7807En Espanol: (203) 359-7803e-mail:*****************Servicing Europe:Benelux:Postbus 8034, 1180 LA Amstelveen, The NetherlandsTel: (31) 20 6418405FAX: (31) 20 6434643Toll Free in Benelux: 06 0993344e-mail:************Czech Republic:ul. Rude armady 1868, 733 01 Karvina-Hranice, Czech RepublicTel: 420 (69) 6311627FAX: 420 (69) 6311114e-mail:***************France:9, rue Denis Papin, 78190 TrappesTel: (33) 130-621-400FAX: (33) 130-699-120Toll Free in France: 0800-4-06342e-mail:****************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392 Deckenpfronn, GermanyTel: 49 (07056) 3017FAX: 49 (07056) 8540Toll Free in Germany: 0130 11 21 66e-mail:*****************United Kingdom:25 Swannington Road,P.O. Box 7, Omega Drive,ISO 9001 Certified Broughton Astley, Leicestershire,Irlam, Manchester,LE9 6TU, England M44 5EX, EnglandTel: 44 (1455) 285520Tel: 44 (161) 777-6611FAX: 44 (1455) 283912FAX: 44 (161) 777-6622Toll Free in England: 0800-488-488e-mail:************It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient connected applications.OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unau-thorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibra-tion; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s con-trol. Components which wear are not warranted, including but not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs. OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESEN-TATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DIS-CLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whetherbased on contract, warranty, negliegence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMERCONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO A VOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent break-age in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have thefollowing information available BEFORE contact-ing OMEGA:1. P.O. number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. Model and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consultOMEGA for current repair charges. Have thefollowing information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P.O. number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of product, and3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Copyright 1996 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FeatureslAvailable for J, K, N, R, S, & T Thermocouples.l Field Programmable Input and Output Ranges.l Bi-Polar Input and Output Ranges.l Isolated Input to Output 1.6kV.l High Accuracy.l Linear With Temperature.l Internal Cold Junction Compensation.l Universal AC/DC Power Supply.l Compact DIN Rail Mount Enclosure.lAvailable Standard or Special Calibration.TX801TC Programmable Isolating Thermocouple TransmitterQuality Assurance Programme.The modern technology and strict procedures of the ISO9001 Quality Assurance Programme applied during design,development, production and final inspection grant long term reliability of the instrument.Programmable Isolating Thermocouple Input to DC Currentor DC Voltage Output Transmitter.Input Note 1: The input range mustmin / max range of Note 2: Each TX801TC is only rangeable within thespecified 'Thermo-couple Type'.- Impedances1M Ω Min. Input Impedance.100Ω Max. Thermocouple Lead Resistance.Output- Voltage Field Programmable From ±500mVdc to ±12Vdc.Maximum Output Drive = 10mA.- CurrentField Programmable From ±1mAdc to ±20mAdc.Maximum Output Drive = 10Vdc. (500Ω @ 20mA.)Universal P/S-Standard High (H)70~270Vac and 80~380Vdc; 50/60Hz; 4VA.-Standard Mid (M)24~80Vac and 20~90Vdc; 50/60Hz; 4VA.-Low Voltage (L)8~30Vac and 8~30Vdc; 50/60Hz; 4VA.-Circuit Sensitivity<±0.001%/V FSO Typical.Cold Junction Compensation Accuracy.<0.03C/C (0.06F/F) Typical.Repeatability <±0.1% FSO Typical.Ambient Drift <±0.01%/C FSO Typical.Noise Immunity 125dB CMRR Average. (1.6kV Peak Limit.)R.F. Immunity <1% Effect FSO Typical.Isolation Voltage 1.6kVac/dc Input to Output for 60sec.Response Time200msec Typical. (From 10 to 90% 50msec Typical.)Operating Temperature 0~70C.Storage Temperature -20~80C.Operating Humidity 90% Max. RH Non-Condensing.ConstructionSocket Plug-In Type With Barrier Terminals.Note 1.Specifications based on Standard Calibration Unit, unless otherwise specified.Note 2.Due to ongoing research and development, designs, specifications, and documentation are subject to change without notification.No liability will be accepted for errors, omissions or amendments to this specification.The Proper Installation & Maintenance of TX801TC.MOUNTING.(1)Mount in a clean environment in an electrical cabinet on 35mm, symetrical, mounting rail.(2)Do not subject to vibration or excess temperature or humidity variations, and avoid mounting in cabinets with power control equipment.(3)To maintain compliance with the EMC Directives the TX801TC must be mounted in a fully enclosed steel cabinet. The cabinet must be properly earthed, with appropriate input / output entry points and cabling.WIRING.(1) A readily accessible disconnect device and overcurrent device must be incorporated in the the power supply wiring.(2)All o utput c ables s hould b e g ood q uality o verall s creened I NSTRUMENTATION C ABLE w ith t he s creen e arthed at one end only.(eg. Austral Standard Cables B5102ES.)(3)It is recommended that you do not ground current loops and use power supplies with ungrounded outputs.(4)Lightning arrestors should be used on inputs and outputs when there is a danger from this source.THERMOCOUPLES.(1)Avoid locating the thermocouple where it will be in a direct flame.(2)Never insert a porcelain or refactory tube suddenly in a hot area. Pre-heat gradually while installing.(3)Locate it where the average temperature will be measured. It should be representative of the mass.(4)Immerse the thermocouple enough so that the measuring junction is entirely in the temperature to be measured:nine to ten times the diameter of the protection tube is recommended. Heat that is conducted away from the junction causes an error in reading.(5)If t he t hermocouple i s m ounted h orizontally a nd t he t emperature i s a bove t he s oftening p oint o f t he t ube, a s upport should be provided to prevent the tube sagging. Otherwise install the tube vertically.(6)Keep t he j unction h ead a nd c old j unction i n t he a pproximation o f t he a mbient t emperature. E specially i n t he N oble Metal Class.EXTENSION WIRE.(1)Use the correct thermocouple extension or compensation cable. i.e. Thermocouple type, insulation type,correct colour coding.(2)If possible install extension or compensation cable in a grounded conduit. Never run electrical wires in the same conduit.(3)All wires that must be spliced should be soldered, or the correct termination block used.COMMISSIONING.(1)Once all the above conditions have been met and the wiring checked apply power to the TX801TC and allow five minutes to stabilize.(2)If the input range has been altered from factory setting, the TX801TC should be re-calibrated.(3)Due to the limits of error in a standard thermocouple probe and extension wire, an error can occur. (eg. For Type K an error of 2.2C or 0.75% of Span can occur. {which ever is greater}) To remove this error use a calibration standard thermocouple at the same immersion depth and adjust the Zero trimpot on the top of the TX801TC enclosure with a small screwdriver until the two levels agree. (Clockwise to increase the output reading and anti-clockwise to decrease the output reading.)MAINTENANCE.(1)Replace defective protection tubes.(2)Check out extension and compensating cable circuits.(3)Repeat (3) of Commissioning.(4)Do it regularly - at least once every 6 months.8PFA Octal Termination Base11.02-3m m80m m Side View 120m m Top View51m m84m m80m m100m mTop View58m mM i n i m u m d i s t a n c e b e t w e e n u n i t s .Output Range Programming Table.Notes:1/Switch status 1 = ON 0 = OFF.TX801TC Input Range Programming Table.Note: Switch status: 1 = ON, 0 = OFF, X = DON'T CARE.TX801TC Input Programming.Always set OUTPUT range first , then INPUT range.SPAN = Maximum Input - Zero Offset deg C SPAN GAIN =Y .deg F SPAN GAIN =2 x Y .SPAN SPAN deg C ZERO GAIN =Zero Offset deg F ZERO GAIN =Zero Offset Z2 x ZIf Zero is:1/ Positive, put S5-1 OFF.2/ Negative, put S5-1 ON.Sensor Fail:1/ For downscale sensor fail drive put S1-8 OFF. 2/ For upscale sensor fail drive put S1-8 ON.Note:(a)Enter the Zero or Span gain value into the appropriate Zero or Span DIP switch.(b)If the ZERO GAIN exceeds 63, then the input range must be factory calibrated.So if a gain value of 28 is required, put DIP switch No's 3, 4, 5 OFF (ie, gains of 4 + 8 + 16 = 28) and all the other DIP switches ON.DIP switches and trimpots are accessed by removing the small rectangular lid on the top of the TX801TC enclosure.Examples of Input Connections.Terminations.Output 1+Ve2-Ve Input3+T/C 4-T/C P/S7~AC / +DC 8~AC / -DCNotes:1/ H1 is approx 4cm (1½") behind the 'S' trimpot.2/ Exceeding voltage ranges may damage the unit.3/ Ensure the enclosure label is correctly labelled for the link position.4/ Adjust H1 jumper with a pair of needle nose pliers.5/ Low Voltage Power Supply version is fixed, and has no link. This must be ordered separately.。









内部校正,无需要砝码校正水蒸气透过率测定仪符合标准GB 1037、GB/T 16928、ASTM E96、ASTM D1653、TAPPI T464、ISO 2528、DIN 53122-1、JIS Z0208、YBB 00092003水蒸气透过率测定仪技术指标测量范围 0.01~10,000g/m2/24h测试精度 0.01g/m2/24h质量精度 0.0001g(梅特勒—托利多传感器)温漂系数 1/100000 g/℃ (10ppm g/℃)试样尺寸面积 50cm2试样厚度 0--3mm, 更大厚度夹具定制湿控范围减重法0-20%RH,增重法30%RH~90%RH(标准90%RH)湿控精度 2%RH温控范围 10--50℃温控精度 ±0.1℃测试效率透过率大于2g/m2/day,测试时间短于24小时试验环境标准试验环境(23℃,1个大气压)电源 AC220V±10%50Hz主机尺寸 550(L)mm×550(B)mm×450(H)mm主机净重 35Kg。



T801无线温度传感器点击浏览大图∙公司名称:∙发布日期:∙所在地:∙已获点击:∙简单介绍:∙北京必创科技有限公司∙2010-2-11∙中国北京∙996∙此节点专门支持DS18B20温度传感器,可用于普通的温度测试,及混凝土浇灌过程中的温度监控,有效解决目前大型建筑施工中的混凝土浇灌温度控制的难题,提高施工浇灌质量.型号:T801(普通距离)T801-EX(远距离)支持温度传感器类型:DS18B20量程范围:-55~125℃通道数:独立8通道测量精度:±0.5℃(-10~85℃);其他范围精度:±2℃最高采样频率: 0.1 sps(Hz)节点间同步精度:1 mS(必创专利算法)采集方式:连续采集,周期采集,触发采集数据存储器容量: 2M 存储器(4M可选,其他容量可订制)通讯距离 100米可视距离,EX版本可达1000米天线:内置天线无线测试系统组成:本测量系统由无线传感器节点(数量,种类可任意扩展)、接收网关、BeeData 计算机采集处理软件(免费)三部分组成。




节点结构紧凑,体积小巧,由电源模块、采集处理模块、无线收发模块组成,封装在PPS 塑料外壳内。


节点的空中传输速率可以达到250K bps,有效室外通讯距离可达300 m。



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Viewing Angle *2 Temperature coefficient of VF
Unit V V V V μA mcd mcd mcd deg. mV/K
*1. The luminous intensity IV was measured at the peak of the spatial pattern which may not be aligned with the mechanical axis of the LED package. Luminous Intensity Measurement allowance is ±10% *2. 2θ½ is the off-axis where the luminous intensity is 1/2 of the peak intensity.
2. Application
White back-light Electric application Lightings
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
0.32/0.31 500~700 0.34/0.36
0.32/0.31 700~900 0.34/0.36
0.32/0.31 900~1200 0.34/0.36
[Note] All measurements were made under the standardized environment of SSC.
- 3/10 -
0.9 0.8 0.7
505 520 515 525 530 510 535
CIE (y)
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0
540 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 600 610 620 630 830
CIE Coord. (X)
Color Rank a x 0.264 0.272 0.287 0.283 e x 0.296 0.311 0.307 0.287 y 0.276 0.294 0.315 0.295 x 0.311 0.330 0.330 0.307 y 0.267 0.258 0.296 0.305 x 0.272 0.280 0.296 0.287 f y 0.294 0.318 0.339 0.315 x 0.330 0.330 0.358 0.361 b y 0.258 0.248 0.276 0.295 x 0.283 0.287 0.307 0.304 g y 0.360 0.339 0.368 0.385 c y 0.305 0.295 0.315 0.330
Drawn by
Checked by
Approved by
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
- 5/10 -
490 485 480 475 470 460
CI E(x)
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
** Ranks of MWT801-S
Rank Ane Bne Cne Dne Anf Bnf Cnf Dnf Ang Bng Cng Dng Anh Bnh Cnh Dnh VF [V] 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 IV [mcd] CIE-xy 0.30/0.30 Rank Aoe Boe Coe Doe Aof Bof Cof DoF Aog Bog Cog Dog Aoh Boh Coh Doh VF [V] 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 IV [mcd] CIE-xy 0.30/0.30 Rank Ape Bpe Cpe Dpe Apf Bpf Cpf Dpf Apg Bpg Cpg Dpg Aph Bph Cph Dph VF [V] 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 3.7~4.0 3.3~3.7 3.0~3.3 2.7~3.0 IV [mcd] CIE-xy 0.30/0.30
Байду номын сангаас
5. CIE Chromaticity Diagram
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
4. Electro-Optical Characteristics
Parameter Forward Voltage Reverse Current Luminous Intensity*1 Rank P Rank O Rank N Rank A Rank B Rank C Rank D Symbol VF VF VF VF IR IV IV IV 2θ 1/2 TCV Condition IF=20 mA IF=20 mA IF=20 mA IF=20 mA VR=5V IF=20 mA IF=20 mA IF=20 mA IF=20 mA IF=20 mA Min 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 900 700 500 Typ 120 -1.0 Max 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 50 1200 900 700 -
2. Application -------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings ----------------------------------------------- 3 4. Electro-optical Characteristics --------------------------------------------- 3 5. CIE Chromaticity Diagram ------------------------------------------ 4 6. Soldering Profile ------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7. Outline Dimension ------------------------------------------------- 7 8. Packing -------------------------------------------------------- 7 9. Reel Packing Structure -------------------------------------------- 8 10. Precaution for Use --------------------------------------------- 9 11. Characteristic Diagram ---------------------------------------- 10
1. Features
-------------------------------------------------------------- 2
*1 Care is to be taken that power dissipation does not exceed the absolute maximum rating of the product. *2 IFM was measured at TW ≤ 1msec of pulse width and D ≤ 1/10 of duty ratio.