C# 文件操作大全
其滴定反应式:C6H8O6+I2= C6H6O6+2HI用直接碘量法可测定药片,注射液,饮料,蔬菜,水果等的V含量。
空气能氧化I-离子,引起I2浓度增加:4 I-+O2+4H+=2I2+2H2O此氧化作用缓慢,但能为光,热,及酸的作用而加速,因此I2溶液应处于棕色瓶中置冷暗处保存。
三、试剂配制I2溶液:6.6g I2和18.5g KI,置于研钵中加少量水,在通风橱中研磨。
Na2S2O3溶液(0.1mol·dm-3)的配制:称取26g硫代硫酸钠(Na2S2O3·5H2O)(或无水硫代硫酸钠16g),加入1000ml新煮沸并冷却的蒸馏水,溶解后,加入约0.2g 的Na2CO3 ,(浓度为0.02%)贮存于棕色试剂瓶中,取上层清液标定。
椭圆方程c的含义1. 嘿,你知道椭圆方程c 到底意味着啥吗?就好比你在操场上跑步,椭圆跑道的形状是不是得有个标准来描述?椭圆方程 c 就是这个标准里很关键的一部分!比如说,当我们要设计一个椭圆形状的花坛,要知道它的大小和形状,就得搞清楚 c 的含义呀!2. 亲,椭圆方程 c 的含义可重要啦!这就像你做蛋糕,配方里的每种材料都有特定作用,c 就是那不可或缺的一味!想象一下,建筑师设计椭圆的场馆,不明白 c 能行?3. 朋友,你有没有想过椭圆方程 c 意味着什么?它就像是一把神秘的钥匙,能打开椭圆世界的大门!比如要建造一个椭圆的舞台,不知道 c ,怎么能行得通?4. 哎呀,椭圆方程 c 的含义可不简单!这好比是拼图中的关键一块,少了它整个画面就不完整!想想看,工程师制造椭圆的零件,不搞懂 c 能成?5. 嘿!椭圆方程 c 的含义你真的懂吗?它就像黑暗中的明灯,照亮椭圆的奥秘!好比画家要画一个椭圆的月亮,不明白 c 怎么画得美?6. 亲,你难道不想搞清楚椭圆方程c 的含义?这就像导航指引方向,c 就是让你在椭圆的知识海洋不迷路!比如制作椭圆的装饰品,不懂 c能做出好的?7. 朋友,椭圆方程 c 的含义可太神奇了!它如同魔法咒语,解开椭圆的谜题!想象一下,服装设计师要设计椭圆的领口,不了解 c 能行吗?8. 哎呀呀,椭圆方程 c 的含义可难倒不少人呢!这就像走迷宫的线索,有了它才能走出去!比如说,汽车设计师设计椭圆的车头,不知道 c 怎么设计得酷?9. 嘿!你还在为椭圆方程 c 的含义困惑吗?它就像一把万能钥匙,能打开椭圆的各种可能性!好比运动员在椭圆的赛道上奔跑,不明白 c 怎么能发挥好?10. 亲,椭圆方程 c 的含义可是个大宝藏!这就像隐藏在森林深处的宝藏图,找到它就拥有一切!想想看,木工制作椭圆的桌面,不晓得 c 能做得好?11. 朋友,难道你不好奇椭圆方程 c 的含义?它就像神秘的密码,解开就能进入椭圆的奇妙世界!比如要搭建一个椭圆的帐篷,不明白 c 能搭得稳?12. 哎呀,椭圆方程 c 的含义真是让人着迷!这好比是星星闪烁的规律,掌握了就能看清!想象一下,糕点师制作椭圆的蛋糕,不了解 c 能做得诱人?13. 嘿!椭圆方程 c 的含义你可不能错过!它就像游戏中的通关秘籍,拥有它就能一路畅通!好比舞蹈演员在椭圆的舞台上表演,不明白 c 怎么能跳出精彩?14. 亲,你有没有试着去探索椭圆方程 c 的含义?这就像探险家寻找神秘岛屿,c 就是地图!比如设计师规划椭圆的公园,不懂 c 能规划得美?15. 朋友,椭圆方程 c 的含义可是个大秘密!它如同神秘的宝藏,等待你去发掘!想象一下,装修师傅打造椭圆的拱门,不晓得 c 能做得漂亮?16. 哎呀呀,椭圆方程c 的含义真的很关键!这就像建房子的基石,缺了它可不行!比如说,科学家研究椭圆的星系,不知道 c 怎么研究得透?17. 嘿!你难道不想揭开椭圆方程 c 的含义的面纱?它就像蒙娜丽莎的微笑,充满神秘!好比音乐家谱写椭圆的旋律,不明白 c 怎么谱得出动听?18. 亲,椭圆方程 c 的含义可是知识的宝藏!这就像寻找失落的文明,c 是关键线索!想想看,摄影师捕捉椭圆的光影,不了解 c 能拍得美?19. 朋友,还在迷茫椭圆方程 c 的含义?它就像黑夜中的灯塔,为你指明方向!比如雕塑家雕刻椭圆的作品,不懂 c 能雕得出神?20. 哎呀,椭圆方程 c 的含义太有魅力了!这好比是魔法世界的魔法棒,拥有它就能创造奇迹!想象一下,厨师制作椭圆的餐盘装饰,不晓得 c 能做得精致?。
词汇表(C-D ): cabbage n.洋白菜,卷心菜 cabin n.小屋;船舱,机舱 cabinet n.橱,柜;内阁 cable n.缆,索;电缆;电报 cafe n.咖啡馆;小餐厅 cafeteria n.自助食堂 cage n.笼;鸟笼,囚笼 cake n.饼,糕,蛋糕 calculate vt.计算;估计;计划 calculation n.计算,计算结果 calculator n.计算器,计算者 calendar n.日历,历书;历法 call vt.把…叫做;叫,喊 calm a.静的,平静的 camel n.骆驼camera n.照相机,摄影机camp n.野营,营地,兵营campaign n.战役;运动 campus n.校园,学校场地 can aux.v.能,会,可能 can n.罐头,听头;容器 Canada n.加拿大Canadian a.加拿大的 canal n.运河;沟渠;管 cancel vt.取消,撤消;删去cancer n.癌,癌症,肿瘤candidate n.候选人;投考者candle n.蜡烛;烛形物;烛光candy n.糖果;砂糖结晶cannon n.大炮,火炮;榴弹炮canoe n.独木舟,皮艇,划子canteen n.小卖部;临时餐室canvas n.粗帆布;一块油画布cap n.帽子,便帽;帽状物 capable a.有能力的,有才能的capacity n.容量;能力;能量 capital n.资本,资金;首都 captain n.陆军上尉;队长 captive n.俘虏,被监禁的人 capture vt.捕获,俘获;夺得 car n.汽车,小汽车,轿车carbon n.碳 card n.卡,卡片,名片 care vi.关心,介意 n.小心 career n.生涯,职业,经历 careful a.仔细的;细致的 careless a.粗心的,漫不经心的 cargo n.船货,货物 carpenter n.木工,木匠 carpet n.地毯,毡毯,毛毯 carriage n.客车厢;四轮马车carrier n.运输工具;运载工具 carrot n.胡罗卜carry vt.携带;运载;传送 cart n.二轮运货马车 carve vt.刻,雕刻;切开case n.情况;事实;病例case n.箱(子),盒(子),套 cash n.现金,现款cassette n.盒式录音带;盒子 cast vt.投,扔,抛;浇铸castle n.城堡;巨大建筑物casual a.偶然的;随便的cat n.猫,猫科,猫皮 catalog n.目录,目录册catch vt.捉住;赶上;领会 cathedral n.总教堂;大教堂 cattle n.牛;牲口,家畜cause n.原因,理由;事业cave n.山洞,洞穴,窑洞cease vi.&vi.&n.停止,停息 ceiling n.天花板,顶蓬 celebrate vt.庆祝;歌颂,赞美cell n.细胞;小房间 cellar n.地窑,地下室cement n.水泥;胶泥 vt.粘结cent n.分;分币;百 centigrade a.百分度的 centimetre n.公分,厘米 central a.中心的;主要的 centre n.中心;中枢 vt.集中 century n.世纪,百年 ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节 certain a.确实的;肯定的 certainly ad.一定,必定;当然 certainty n.必然;肯定 certificate n.证书,证件,执照 chain n.链,链条,项圈chair n.椅子;主席 chairman n.主席;议长,会长chalk n.白垩;粉笔 challenge n.挑战;要求,需要 chamber n.会议室;房间;腔 champion n.冠军,得胜者 chance n.机会,机遇;可能性change n.改变,变化;零钱channel n.海峡;渠道;频道chapter n.章,回,篇 character n.性格;特性;角色characteristic a.特有的 n.特性charge vt.索价;控告 n.费用 charity n.施舍;慈善事业 charming a.迷人的,可爱的chart n.图,图表;海图 chase n.追逐,追赶,追求cheap a.廉价的;劣质的cheat vt.骗取;哄 vi.行骗 check vt.检查;制止 n.检查 cheek n.面颊,脸蛋cheer vt.使振作;欢呼 cheerful a.快乐的,愉快的cheese n.乳酪,干酪 chemical a.化学的 n.化学制品 chemist n.化学家;药剂师chemistry n.化学cheque n.支票 cherry n.樱桃;樱桃树 chess n.棋;国际象棋 chest n.胸腔,胸膛;箱子 chew vt.咀嚼,嚼碎 chicken n.小鸡,小鸟;鸡肉 chief a.主要的;首席的 child n.小孩,儿童;儿子 childhood n.童年,幼年;早期 childish a.孩子的;幼稚的 chill vt.使变冷 n.寒冷 chimney n.烟囱,烟筒;玻璃罩chin n.颏,下巴China n.中国china n.瓷器,瓷料 Chinese a.中国的 n.中国人 chocolate n.巧克力;巧克力糖 choice n.选择,抉择 choke vt.使窒息;塞满 choose vt.选择,挑选;情愿chop vt.砍,劈;切细vi.砍Christian n.基督教徒;信徒 Christmas n.圣诞节 church n.教堂,礼拜堂;教会cigarette n.香烟,纸烟,卷烟cinema n.电影院;电影,影片 circle n.圆,圆周;圈子 circuit n.电路;环行;巡行 circular a.圆的;循环的 circulate vt.使循环 vi.循环circumference n.圆周,周长,圆周线 circumstance n.情况,条件;境遇citizen n.公民;市民,居民city n.城市,都市 civil a.公民的;文职的 civilization n.文明,文化;开化civilize vt.使文明;教育 claim vt.声称,主张;索取 clap vi.拍手 vt.拍,轻拍 clarify vt.澄清,阐明 clasp n.扣子,钩子;别针class n.班,班级;阶级classical a.古典的;经典的 classification n.分类;分级;分类法 classify vt.把…分类 classmate n.同班同学 classroom n.教室,课堂 claw n.爪,脚爪,螯 clay n.粘土,泥土;肉体 clean a.清洁的;纯洁的 clear a.清晰的 vt.清除 clearly ad.明白地,清晰地 clerk n.店员;办事员,职员 clever a.聪明的;机敏的cliff n.悬崖,峭壁 climate n.气候;风土,地带 climb vi.攀登,爬 vt.爬 cloak n.斗篷;覆盖(物) clock n.钟,仪表 close vt.关,闭;结束 closely ad.紧密地,接近地cloth n.布;衣料;桌布 clothe vt.给…穿衣服 clothes n.衣服,服装;被褥 clothing n.衣服,被褥 cloud n.云;云状物;阴影cloudy a.多云的;云一般的club n.俱乐部,夜总会 clue n.线索,暗示,提示 clumsy a.笨拙的;愚笨的coach n.长途公共汽车 coal n.煤,煤块 coarse a.粗的,粗糙的 coast n.海岸,海滨(地区)coat n.外套,上衣;表皮cock n.公鸡;雄禽;旋塞code n.准则;法典;代码coffee n.咖啡,咖啡茶 coil n.(一)卷;线圈 vt.卷coin n.硬币;铸造(硬币)cold a.冷的;冷淡的 n.冷collapse vi.倒坍;崩溃,瓦解 collar n.衣领,项圈colleague n.同事,同僚collect vt.收集 vi.收款 collection n.搜集,收集;收藏品 collective a.集体的;集合性的 college n.学院;大学 collision n.碰撞;冲突 colonel n.陆军上校;中校 colony n.殖民地;侨居地 color n.颜色,彩色;颜料 column n.柱,支柱,圆柱 comb n.梳子 vt.梳理 combination n.结合,联合;化合 combine vt.使结合;兼有 come vi.来,来到;出现comfort n.舒适;安慰 vt.安慰comfortable a.舒适的,安慰的command vt.命令,指挥;控制commander n.司令官,指挥员comment n.评论,意见;注释commerce n.商业,贸易;社交commercial a.商业的;商品化的commission n.委任状;委员会commit vt.犯(错误);干(坏事) committee n.委员会;全体委员 common a.普通的;共同的 commonly ad.普通地,一般地 communicate vi.通讯;传达;传播 communication n.通讯;传达;交通 communism munist 主义 communistmunistparty 员 community n.社区;社会;公社 companion n.同伴;共事者;伴侣 company n.公司,商号;同伴 comparative a.比较的,相对的compare vt.比较,对照;比作comparison n.比较,对照;比似 compass n.罗盘,指南针;圆规 compel vt.强迫,迫使屈服 compete vi.比赛;竞争;对抗 competent a.有能力的;应该做的 competition n.竞争,比赛 compile vt.编辑,编制,搜集 complain vi.抱怨,拆苦;控告 complaint n.抱怨;怨言;控告 complete a.完整的;完成的 completely ad.十分,完全地 complex a.结合的;复杂的 complicate vt.使复杂;使陷入 complicated a.复杂的,难懂的 component n.组成部分;分;组件 compose vt.组成,构成;创作 composition n.构成;作品;写作 compound n.化合物;复合词 comprehension n.理解,理解力;领悟 comprehensive a.广泛的;理解的 compress vt.压紧,压缩 comprise vt.包含,包括;构成 compromise n.妥协,和解compute vt.计算,估计,估算computer n.计算机,电脑comrade n.同志,亲密的同伴conceal vt.把…隐藏起来concentrate vt.集中;聚集;浓缩concentration n.集中;专注;浓缩concept n.概念,观念,设想concern n.关心,挂念;关系concerning prep.关于 concert n.音乐会,演奏会conclude vt.推断出;结束conclusion n.结论,推论;结尾 concrete n.混凝土;具体物 condemn vt.谴责,指责;判刑 condense vt.压缩,使缩短 condition n.状况,状态;环境 conduct n.举止,行为;指导 conductor n.售票员;(乐队)指挥 conference n.会议,讨论会 confess vt.供认,承认;坦白 confidence n.信任;信赖;信心 confident n.确信的,自信的 confine vt.限制;禁闭 confirm vt.证实,肯定;批准conflict n.争论;冲突;斗争confuse vt.使混乱,混淆confusion n.混乱;骚乱;混淆congratulate vt.祝贺,向…道喜congratulation n.祝贺;祝贺词congress n.大会;国会,议会conjunction n.接合,连接;连接词connect vt.连接,连结;联系connection n.连接,联系;连贯性conquer vt.征服,战胜;破除conquest n.攻取,征服;克服 conscience n.良心,道德心 conscious a.意识到的;有意的 consciousness n.意识,觉悟;知觉 consent n.同意,赞成vi.同意 consequence n.结果,后果 consequently ad.因此,因而,所以 conservation n.保存,保护;守恒 conservative a.保守的 n.保守的人 consider vt.认为;考虑;关心 considerable a.相当大的;重要的 considerate a.考虑周到的;体谅的 consideration n.考虑,思考;体贴 consist vi.由…组成;在于 consistent a.坚持的,一贯的 constant a.经常的;永恒的 constitution n.章程;体质;构造 construct vt.建造;建设;构筑 construction n.建造;建筑;建筑物 consult vt.请教,查阅 consume vt.消耗,消费;消灭 consumption n.消耗量;消耗 contact vt.使接触;与…联系contain vt.包含,容纳;等于container n.容器;集装箱contemporary a.当代的,同时代的contempt n.轻蔑;藐视;受辱content n.内容,目录;容量content a.满意的,满足的contest vt.争夺,争取;辩驳continent n.大陆;陆地;洲continual a.不断的;连续的 continue vt.继续,连续;延伸 continuous a.连续不断的,持续的 contract n.契约,合同;婚约 contradiction n.矛盾,不一致;否认 contrary a.相反的 n.相反 contrast n.对比,对照,悬殊 contribute vt.捐献,捐助;投稿 control vt.控制,克制n.控制 convenience n.便利,方便;厕所 convenient a.便利的;近便的 convention n.习俗,惯例;公约conventional a.普通的;习惯的conversation n.会话,非正式会谈 conversely ad.相反地 conversion n.转变,转化;改变 convert vt.使转变;使改变 convey vt.传送;运送;传播 convince vt.使确信,使信服 cook vt.烹调,煮 vt.烧菜 cool a.凉的,冷静的 cooperate vi.合作,协作;配合 coordinate vt.使协调,调节cope vi.对付,应付 copper n.铜;铜币,铜制器 copy n.抄件 vt.抄写,复制cord n.细绳,粗线,索 cordial a.真诚的,诚恳的core n.果实的心,核心 corn n.谷物;(英)小麦 corner n.角;犄角;边远地区corporation n.公司,企业;社团correct a.正确的 vt.纠正correction n.改正,纠正,修改correspond vi.相符合;相当 correspondent n.通信者;通讯员 corresponding a.相应的;符合的corridor n.走廊,回廊,通路 cost n.价格,代价;成本costly a.昂贵的;价值高的 cottage n.村舍,小屋 cotton n.棉;棉线;棉布cough vi.咳,咳嗽 n.咳嗽could aux.v.(can 的过去式)council n.理事会,委员会count vt.计算 vi.数,计数counter n.柜台;计数器country n.国家,国土;农村countryside n.乡下,农村county n.英国的郡,美国的县 couple n.夫妇;(一)对;几个 courage n.勇气,胆量,胆识 course n.课程;过程;一道菜 court n.法院,法庭;庭院 cousin n.堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹) cover vt.盖,包括 n.盖子 cow n.母牛,奶牛;母兽 coward n.懦夫;胆怯者 crack n.裂缝,裂纹 vi.爆裂 craft n.工艺;手艺,行业 crane n.起重机,摄影升降机 无效 vi.碰撞,坠落 n.碰撞 crawl vi.爬,爬行crazy a.疯狂的,荒唐的 cream n.奶油,乳脂;奶油色create vt.创造;引起,产生creative a.创造性的,创作的creature n.生物,动物,家畜credit n.信用贷款;信用creep vi.爬行;缓慢地行进 crew n.全体船员cricket n.板球;蟋蟀 crime n.罪,罪行;犯罪 criminal n.犯人,罪犯,刑事犯 cripple n.跛子;残废的人crisis n.危机;存亡之际 critic n.批评家,爱挑剔的人critical a.决定性的;批评的criticism n.批评;批判;评论criticize vt.批评;评论;非难crop n.农作物,庄稼;一熟cross vt.穿过;使交叉 crow n.鸦,乌鸦 vi.啼crowd n.群;大众;一伙人 crown n.王冠,冕;花冠crude a.简陋的;天然的cruel a.残忍的,残酷的crush vt.压碎,碾碎;镇压 crust n.面包皮;硬外皮 cry vi.哭,哭泣;叫喊 crystal n.水晶,结晶体;晶粒 cube n.立方形;立方 cubic a.立方形的;立方的cucumber n.黄瓜 cultivate vt.耕;种植;培养 culture n.文化,文明;教养 cunning a.狡猾的,狡诈的 cup n.杯子;(一)杯;奖杯 cupboard n.碗柜,碗碟橱;食橱 cure vt.医治;消除 n.治愈 curiosity n.好奇,好奇心;珍品curious a.好奇的;稀奇古怪的curl n.卷毛;螺旋 vi.卷曲current a.当前的;通用的curse n.诅咒,咒骂;天谴curtain n.帘,窗帘;幕(布)curve n.曲线;弯 vt.弄弯cushion n.垫子,坐垫,靠垫custom n.习惯,风俗;海关customer n.顾客,主顾 cut vt.切,割,剪;减少 cycle n 自行车,循环。
维生素c_百度百科我的百科我的贡献草稿箱百度首页| 登录新闻网页贴吧知道MP3 图片视频百科帮助设置首页自然文化地理历史生活社会艺术人物经济科学体育春节维他命C在百度百科中为本词条的同义词,已为您做自动跳转。
编辑词条维生素c百科名片维生素C图片维生素C(Vita min C,Asc orbicAci d)又叫L-抗坏血酸,是一种水溶性维生素。
目录[隐藏]基本性质物理性质化学性质发展历程功效适宜人群富含食物正常需求生理功能防病作用药物作用吸收代谢缺乏表现过量表现注意人工合成维生素C片说明书基本性质物理性质化学性质发展历程功效适宜人群富含食物正常需求生理功能防病作用药物作用吸收代谢缺乏表现过量表现注意人工合成维生素C片说明书[编辑本段]基本性质物理性质外观:无色晶体熔点:190 -192℃沸点:(无)紫外吸收最大值:245nm荧光光谱:激发波长-无nm,荧光波长-无nm;溶解性:水溶性维生素化学性质分子式:C6H8O6分子量:176.12uCAS号:50-81-7酸性,具有较强的还原性,加热或在溶液中易氧化分解,在碱性条件下更易被氧化。
C开头的单词发音[K]carn.汽车,小汽车,轿车case n.情况;事实;病例cas e n.箱(子),盒(子),套casu ala.偶然的;随便的cancern.癌,癌症,肿瘤card n.卡,卡片,名片carevi.关心,介意n.小心cas h n.现金,现款can aux.v.能,会,可能can n.罐头,听头;容器c ab le n.缆,索;电缆;电报cal l vt.把…叫做;叫,喊caken.饼,糕,蛋糕ca fe n.咖啡馆;小餐厅cal cula tor n.计算器,计算者calend arn.日历,历书;历法calm a.静的,平静的Ca nada n.加拿大camera n.照相机,摄影机ca ncel vt.取消,撤消;删去can didat e n.候选人;投考者car gon.船货,货物c atalog n.目录,目录册ca tch vt.捉住;赶上;领会carr y vt.携带;运载;传送cap aci ty n.容量;能力;能量c apita l n.资本,资金;首都carpent er n.木工,木匠carpet n.地毯,毡毯,毛毯c arriage n.客车厢;四轮马车c arriern.运输工具;运载工具c arrot n.胡罗卜ca rt n.二轮运货马车carv evt.刻,雕刻;切开cassett e n.盒式录音带;盒子cast vt.投,扔,抛;浇铸castlen.城堡;巨大建筑物ca t n.猫,猫科,猫皮c abbagen.洋白菜,卷心菜c abin n.小屋;船舱,机舱cab inet n.橱,柜;内阁came ln.骆驼ca fet eria n.自助食堂cag e n.笼;鸟笼,囚笼cal cul ate vt.计算;估计;计划ca lculation n.计算,计算结果camp n.野营,营地,兵营ca mpaignn.战役;运动c ampu s n.校园,学校场地Ca nadian a.加拿大的ca na l n.运河;沟渠;管candle n.蜡烛;烛形物;烛光candyn.糖果;砂糖结晶c annon n.大炮,火炮;榴弹炮ca noe n.独木舟,皮艇,划子cant een n.小卖部;临时餐室canvas n.粗帆布;一块油画布cap n.帽子,便帽;帽状物capablea.有能力的,有才能的captai n n.陆军上尉;队长ca ptiv e n.俘虏,被监禁的人cap tu re vt.捕获,俘获;夺得car bon n.碳ca reer n.生涯,职业,经历ca re ful a.仔细的;细致的ca rele ss a.粗心的,漫不经心的cathe dra l n.总教堂;大教堂cattle n.牛;牲口,家畜cause n.原因,理由;事业c ave n.山洞,洞穴,窑洞[K]co ffeen.咖啡,咖啡茶c olo r n.颜色,彩色;颜料comevi.来,来到;出现computer n.计算机,电脑cook vt.烹调,煮vt.烧菜c ool a.凉的,冷静的co ld a.冷的;冷淡的n.冷co py n.抄件v t.抄写,复制c oncert n.音乐会,演奏会co at n.外套,上衣;表皮coden.准则;法典;代码coin n.硬币;铸造(硬币)col leag ue n.同事,同僚comfor ta ble a.舒适的,安慰的comm on a.普通的;共同的competevi.比赛;竞争;对抗compl ain t n.抱怨;怨言;控告co mplet e a.完整的;完成的co ncern n.关心,挂念;关系co nfidencen.信任;信赖;信心confirm vt.证实,肯定;批准c ongratu lat ion n.祝贺;祝贺词con nectvt.连接,连结;联系c ontactvt.使接触;与…联系containe r n.容器;集装箱contentn.内容,目录;容量contrac t n.契约,合同;婚约c ontro lvt.控制,克制n.控制co nvenien ta.便利的;近便的conventi on n.习俗,惯例;公约costn.价格,代价;成本costlya.昂贵的;价值高的co rrect a.正确的vt.纠正co rre ction n.改正,纠正,修改c otton n.棉;棉线;棉布cou gh vi.咳,咳嗽n.咳嗽co un t vt.计算vi.数,计数cou n ter n .柜台;计数器 c ountr y n .国家,国土;农村 court n .法院,法庭;庭院 c over vt.盖,包括 n.盖子 c o nsider v t .认为;考虑;关心c onsid e rab l e a.相当大的;重要的 c onsid e ra t e a.考虑周到的;体谅的 co n s ideratio n n.考虑,思考;体 coach n .长途公共汽车 c o a l n.煤,煤块 c o arse a .粗的,粗糙的 c oast n.海岸,海滨(地区) c ock n.公鸡;雄禽;旋塞 c o i l n.(一)卷;线圈 vt.卷 c o llapse v i .倒坍;崩溃,瓦解 c ollar n .衣领,项圈 c o lle c t vt .收集 v i .收款 colle c ti o n n.搜集,收集;收藏品 co l l ective a .集体的;集合性的 c ollege n .学院;大学 co l l i sion n .碰撞;冲突 co l one l n.陆军上校;中校 co l ony n .殖民地;侨居地 c o l u mn n.柱,支柱,圆柱 comb n.梳子 vt.梳理 combina t i on n.结合,联合;化合 co m bi n e vt.使结合;兼有 co m fort n.舒适;安慰 v t .安慰 comma n d vt.命令,指挥;控制 comma n der n.司令官,指挥员 comm e n t n.评论,意见;注释 com m er c e n.商业,贸易;社交 c o mmer c ial a.商业的;商品化的 comm i s s ion n.委任状;委员会 com m it vt.犯(错误);干(坏事) c o mmittee n .委员会;全体委员 c ommon l y a d .普通地,一般地c omm u nicat e v i .通讯;传达;传播 commun i c ation n.通讯;传达;交通c o mmunism n .Communi s t 主义 comm u ni s t n.C o mmu n istp a rty 员 com m unity n.社区;社会;公社 c ompanio n n.同伴;共事者;伴侣 compan y n.公司,商号;同伴 compa r a t ive a.比较的,相对的c o mpa r e vt .比较,对照;比作 compa r is o n n.比较,对照;比似 com p a ss n.罗盘,指南针;圆规 com p el vt.强迫,迫使屈服贴co m p e tent a .有能力的;应该做的 co m peti t ion n .竞争,比赛 co m pi l e vt.编辑,编制,搜集 co m p lain vi.抱怨,拆苦;控告 c o mpletely a d.十分,完全地 c omplex a.结合的;复杂的 co m plic a te v t .使复杂;使陷入 c om p licate d a .复杂的,难懂的 componen t n.组成部分;分;组件 compo s e vt.组成,构成;创作 com p os i tion n .构成;作品;写作 com p oun d n.化合物;复合词comp r e h ension n .理解,理解力;领悟comprehe n sive a.广泛的;理解的 co m p r ess vt .压紧,压缩 co m pri s e vt .包含,包括;构成 compr o mi s e n.妥协,和解 comput e vt.计算,估计,估算 comrad e n.同志,亲密的同伴 conce a l vt.把…隐藏起来conce n tra t e vt .集中;聚集;浓缩 conce n tr a tion n .集中;专注;浓缩 c o ncept n.概念,观念,设想 c o ncerning p rep.关于 c o n clude v t.推断出;结束 con c lusi o n n.结论,推论;结尾 c o nc r ete n.混凝土;具体物 co n d emn vt.谴责,指责;判刑co n dense vt .压缩,使缩短 c o n d ition n .状况,状态;环境 co n duct n.举止,行为;指导con d uc t or n.售票员;(乐队)指挥 c o nference n.会议,讨论会 c onfess v t .供认,承认;坦白 c onfide n t n .确信的,自信的c onfi n e vt .限制;禁闭 con f li c t n.争论;冲突;斗争 con f u se vt.使混乱,混淆 confu s ion n.混乱;骚乱;混淆 co n g r atulat e v t .祝贺,向…道喜 c ongr e ss n .大会;国会,议会c on j unctio n n .接合,连接;连接词 connec t ion n.连接,联系;连贯性co n q uer vt.征服,战胜;破除 c on q uest n .攻取,征服;克服 con s cie n ce n.良心,道德心con s c i ous a.意识到的;有意的 co n sciousnes s n.意识,觉悟;知觉 conse n t n.同意,赞成 v i .同意 c o nse q uenc e n.结果,后果 conse q ue n tly ad .因此,因而,所以 c o nservati o n n.保存,保护;守恒 conse r v ative a .保守的 n.保守的人 c onsis t vi .由…组成;在于 c o nsi s tent a .坚持的,一贯的 c o n stant a .经常的;永恒的 c o nstitutio n n.章程;体质;构造 const r u c t vt.建造;建设;构筑 c o nst r ucti o n n.建造;建筑;建筑物 c on s ult vt .请教,查阅 con s u me vt.消耗,消费;消灭 con s umption n .消耗量;消耗 c o n tain v t .包含,容纳;等于 co n temp o rary a.当代的,同时代的 c o ntempt n .轻蔑;藐视;受辱 convenie n ce n.便利,方便;厕所cont e n t a.满意的,满足的cont e st vt.争夺,争取;辩驳 co n tine n t n .大陆;陆地;洲 c ontinu a l a.不断的;连续的 continu e vt.继续,连续;延伸 conti n u ous a.连续不断的,持续的 c on t radic t ion n.矛盾,不一致;否认c o ntrar y a .相反的 n.相反 contras t n.对比,对照,悬殊 contrib u te vt.捐献,捐助;投稿 co n v e ntiona l a .普通的;习惯的c o nver s atio n n.会话,非正式会谈 c onvers e l y ad.相反地c onversio n n.转变,转化;改变 conver t vt.使转变;使改变 conve y v t .传送;运送;传播 conv i nce v t.使确信,使信服 co o perate v i .合作,协作;配合 coordin a te vt.使协调,调节cope v i .对付,应付c o p per n.铜;铜币,铜制器 c ord n.细绳,粗线,索 cor d ial a .真诚的,诚恳的 c o r e n.果实的心,核心 corn n .谷物;(英)小麦 c orner n.角;犄角;边远地区 c o rporat i on n.公司,企业;社团 cor r espo n d v i .相符合;相当c orresp o n d ent n.通信者;通讯员 cor r esponding a.相应的;符合的 corrido r n .走廊,回廊,通路 could aux .v.(c a n 的过去式) c o usin n .堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹)council n .理事会,委员会 cottage n .村舍,小屋 co u n tryside n .乡下,农村 c ou n ty n.英国的郡,美国的县 coup l e n .夫妇;(一)对;几个 cour a g e n.勇气,胆量,胆识 cours e n.课程;过程;一道菜 cow n .母牛,奶牛;母兽 c o ward n .懦夫;胆怯者 [K]cut v t.切,割,剪;减少 cup n.杯子;(一)杯;奖杯 cultur e n.文化,文明;教养 custom n .习惯,风俗;海关 custome r n .顾客,主顾 cu b e n.立方形;立方 cub i c a.立方形的;立方的 c u cu m ber n.黄瓜cultiva t e vt.耕;种植;培养 cunnin g a.狡猾的,狡诈的 cupboa r d n.碗柜,碗碟橱;食橱 cur e vt .医治;消除 n.治愈 cu r iosit y n .好奇,好奇心;珍品 curiou s a.好奇的;稀奇古怪的 curl n .卷毛;螺旋 vi .卷曲 curre n t a.当前的;通用的 curse n.诅咒,咒骂;天谴 cu r tai n n.帘,窗帘;幕(布) cu r v e n.曲线;弯 v t.弄弯 cus h ion n.垫子,坐垫,靠垫 [S ]cent n.分;分币;百cer t ainl y ad.一定,必定;当然 c e nt r e (cent e r ) n.中心;中枢 vt.集中ce n tury n.世纪,百年celeb r a te vt.庆祝;歌颂,赞美 c e ll n.细胞;小房间c erem o ny n .典礼,仪式;礼节 c er t ificat e n .证书,证件,执 cease vi .&vi.&n.停止,停息 ceili n g n.天花板,顶蓬 cellar n.地窑,地下室 cem e nt n .水泥;胶泥 vt .粘结 ce n ti g rade a .百分度的 cent i m etre n.公分,厘米 centr a l a.中心的;主要的照 cert a i n a.确实的;肯定的 cert a int y n.必然;肯定 [S]c ity n.城市,都市cigare t te n.香烟,纸烟,卷烟cin e m a n.电影院;电影,影片 ci r cle n.圆,圆周;圈子 cit i zen n .公民;市民,居民 c i r cuit n.电路;环行;巡行 c i rcular a.圆的;循环的 ci r c ulate v t .使循环 vi.循环 c ircum f ere n ce n .圆周,周长,圆周线circ u ms t ance n .情况,条件;境遇 c ivil a.公民的;文职的civ i lization n .文明,文化;开化 civili z e v t.使文明;教育 [S]c ycle n 自行车,循环 [ t ʃ ]China n .中国 china n .瓷器,瓷料 C h i nese a .中国的 n.中国人 ch e ck v t .检查;制止 n .检查 ch o co l ate n.巧克力;巧克力糖 c h i cken n.小鸡,小鸟;鸡肉 ch e ap a.廉价的;劣质的 chee r v t.使振作;欢呼 (cheer s :干杯)che a t vt .骗取;哄 vi.行骗 c h oice n .选择,抉择 cho o s e vt.选择,挑选;情愿 chai r man n.主席;议长,会长cha l l e nge n.挑战;要求,需要 c ham p ion n .冠军,得胜者 c hance n.机会,机遇;可能性 change n .改变,变化;零钱 charity n .施舍;慈善事业 c h art n.图,图表;海图 ch e qu e n.支票chi l d n.小孩,儿童;儿子 c hief a .主要的;首席的 c h a in n.链,链条,项圈 char m ing a.迷人的,可爱的chair n .椅子;主席c h a lk n.白垩;粉笔cham b er n .会议室;房间;腔 cha n nel n .海峡;渠道;频道 c h a pter n.章,回,篇 char g e vt.索价;控告 n.费用 ch a s e n.追逐,追赶,追求 che e k n .面颊,脸蛋 ch e erfu l a.快乐的,愉快的 che e se n.乳酪,干酪 c herry n .樱桃;樱桃树 ch e ss n.棋;国际象棋 chest n .胸腔,胸膛;箱子 c hew vt .咀嚼,嚼碎ch i ldh o od n .童年,幼年;早期 childi s h a.孩子的;幼稚的 chill v t .使变冷 n.寒冷chimney n .烟囱,烟筒;玻璃罩 chin n .颏,下巴 cho k e v t .使窒息;塞满 c h op v t.砍,劈;切细v i.砍 ch u r c h n.教堂,礼拜堂;教会[K] Christ m as n.圣诞节 C hristia n n .基督教徒;信徒 c harac t er n .性格;特性;角色 cha r acter i st i c a.特有的 n .特性 che m i cal a.化学的 n.化学制品 c h emist n.化学家;药剂师 c h e m istry n .化学[ʃ]c h ef n .厨师长;大师傅 C hicag o n .芝加哥 [K ]cl u b n.俱乐部,夜总会 c l ass n .班,班级;阶级 c l e a n a.清洁的;纯洁的 clock n.钟,仪表 cl o se vt.关,闭;结束 clot h e s n.衣服,服装;被褥 cle v er a .聪明的;机敏的 c lou d n.云;云状物;阴影 clo u d y a.多云的;云一般的 cloth i ng n.衣服,被褥claim v t .声称,主张;索取 c lassic a l a .古典的;经典的 c lear a.清晰的 vt .清除 cl e ar l y ad.明白地,清晰地 cle r k n.店员;办事员,职员clap v i .拍手 vt.拍,轻拍 clari f y vt.澄清,阐明 c lasp n .扣子,钩子;别针cl a ssi f icati o n n .分类;分级;分类法 class i f y vt.把…分类 classmat e n.同班同学c l assroom n .教室,课堂 c la w n.爪,脚爪,螯 clay n.粘土,泥土;肉体cl i ff n.悬崖,峭壁c limate n .气候;风土,地带 climb vi.攀登,爬 vt.爬 c loak n.斗篷;覆盖(物) c lo s ely a d .紧密地,接近地 clot h n.布;衣料;桌布 c l othe v t .给…穿衣服 cl u e n.线索,暗示,提示 clumsy a.笨拙的;愚笨的 [K]c r y v i.哭,哭泣;叫喊 crea m n.奶油,乳脂;奶油色 c r az y a.疯狂的,荒唐的 credi t n.信用贷款;信用 create v t .创造;引起,产生 crisis n .危机;存亡之际 cr i me n.罪,罪行;犯罪 c r oss v t.穿过;使交叉 c ry s tal n.水晶,结晶体;晶粒c r i tic n.批评家,爱挑剔的人 cr i tical a.决定性的;批评的 c r i ticism n.批评;批判;评论 c r ack n .裂缝,裂纹 v i .爆裂c r af t n.工艺;手艺,行业 cran e n.起重机,摄影升降机 无效 vi.碰撞,坠落 n.碰撞crawl v i .爬,爬行cre a ti v e a.创造性的,创作的c r eatu r e n .生物,动物,家畜 creep v i .爬行;缓慢地行进crew n.全体船员 cricke t n.板球;蟋蟀c riminal n .犯人,罪犯,刑事犯 cripp l e n .跛子;残废的人 c r iti c ize v t .批评;评论;非难 c r op n.农作物,庄稼;一熟 cr o w n.鸦,乌鸦 v i.啼 crow d n.群;大众;一伙人 crown n.王冠,冕;花冠cr u de a .简陋的;天然的c ruel a .残忍的,残酷的 c r u sh vt.压碎,碾碎;镇压 cr u st n.面包皮;硬外皮 字母y是一个非常特殊的字母。
437个以C为结尾的英文单词以下为以C为结尾的单词,共437个(后附单词及例句)——adj. 水生的,水中的1、music 音乐例句:His first music teacher was a major influence in his life.他的第一位音乐老师是他一生中对他影响非常大的人。
Every week they get together to make music.每个星期他们都聚在一起唱歌奏乐。
2、romantic 浪漫的例句:I'm not interested in a romantic relationship.我对谈情说爱不感兴趣。
This season's look is soft and romantic.这段时间的流行风格是柔和、浪漫。
3、charismatic 有魅力的例句:Like all truly charismatic people, he can work his magic on both men and women.像所有真正富有魅力的人一样,他让男人和女人都很着迷。
He's unsympathetic, but charismatic and complex.他很讨人厌,但很有感召力,令人捉摸不透。
4、civic 城市的;公民的Civic education can only build up active and modern civic education.公民教育只能是造就积极的现代公民的教育。
We must carry out the Program for lmproving Civic Morality.认真贯彻公民道德建设实施纲要。
Second, about the includes civic education and extension.其次,公民教育的内含和外延。
5、picnic 野餐;愉快的时间We stopped for a picnic en route.我们在途中停下来野餐。
C开头的单词cab出租车cabbage卷心菜cabin客舱cabinet内阁cable电报cafe咖啡馆cafeteria自助食堂cage鸟笼cake糕calcium钙calculate计算calendar日历call叫calm平静calorie卡路里camel骆驼camera照相机camp野营campaign战役campus校园can能canal运河cancel取消cancer癌candidate候选人candle蜡烛candy糖cannon大炮canoe独木舟canteen餐厅canvas画布cap便帽capable有能力的capacity容量capitalism资本主义capsule胶囊captain首领captive俘虏capture捕获car车carbohydrate碳水化合物carbon碳card卡片cardinal红衣主教care小心career事业careful小心的caress爱抚cargo货carpenter木工carpet地毯carriage马车carrier搬运人carrot萝卜carry运送cart马车cartoon漫画carve刻case箱cash现金cashier收银员cassette盒子cast投castle城堡casual偶然的casualty伤员cat猫catalog目录catastrophe大灾难catch捕捉cathedral大教堂Catholic天主教的cattle牛cause原因caution警告cautious小心cave洞cease停止ceiling天花板celebrate庆祝celebrity名人cell细胞cellar地下室cement水泥cemetery坟census人口普查cent分centigrade摄氏温度计centimetre厘米central中心的centre中心century世纪cereal谷物ceremony典礼certain某certainly一定certainty必然certificate证书certify证明chain链chair椅chairman主席chalk粉笔challenge挑战chamber房间champagne香槟酒chancellor大臣change改变channel海峡chaos混乱chap发痛chapter章character性格characteristic特有的characterize描述…特性charcoal炭charge索charity慈善charm魅力chart图表charter租船chase追逐chat聊cheap便宜的cheat骗cheek脸cheer振奋cheese乳酪chef厨师chemical化学品chemist化学家chemistry化学cheque支票cherish爱护cherry樱桃chess棋chest胸腔chew咀嚼chicken鸡chief首领child孩childhood幼年chimney烟囱chin下巴china瓷chip切屑chocolate巧克力choice选择choke窒息choose选择chop砍chorus合唱Christ基督Christian基督教徒Christmas圣诞节chronic慢性的church教堂cigar雪茄烟cigaret香烟cinema影院circle圆circuit环行circular圆的circulate循环circumference圆周circus马戏团cite引用citizen公民city城civil公民的civilian平民civilization文明civilize使文明claim要求clap拍手clarify清楚clash碰撞clasp扣class班级classical经典的classification分级classify分类classmate同班同学classroom教室clause条款claw爪clay粘土clean清洁的clear清晰的clergy牧师clerk职员clever聪明的click滴答声client委托人cliff悬崖climate气候climax顶点climb攀cling粘clinic诊所clip剪cloak斗蓬clock钟clockwise顺时针clone克隆close关closet橱cloth布clothe穿衣clothes衣服clothing服装cloud云cloudy多云club俱乐部clue线索clumsy笨拙的clutch抓coach教练coal煤coalition同盟coarse粗糙的coast海滨coat上衣cocaine可卡因cock公鸡code代码coffee咖啡cognitive认知的coherent一致的cohesive粘性的coil卷coin硬币coincide巧合coincidence符合coke焦炭cold冷collaborate协作collapse倒collar衣领colleague同事collect收集collection收藏collective集体college学院collide互撞collision碰撞colonel上校colonial殖民地的colony殖民地color颜色column圆柱comb梳子combat战斗combine联合come来comedy喜剧comfort舒适comfortable舒适的comic喜剧的command命令commemorate纪念commence开始commend称赞comment注释commerce商业commercial商业的commission委员会commit提交committee全体委员commodity日用品common普通的commonplace平庸的东西commonwealth联邦communicate传达communication通讯communism共产主义community社区commute乘车compact压缩companion伴侣company公司comparable可比较的comparative比较的compare比较comparison比拟compartment隔层compass罗盘compassion同情compatible兼容的compel强迫compensation赔偿compete比赛competent有能力的competition竞争competitive竞争的compile编辑complain抱怨;申诉complaint诉苦complement补充complete完成complex复杂的complicate使..难懂complicated麻烦的complication复杂compliment问候comply遵照component成分compose组成composite复合材料composition作品compound混合comprehend理解comprehension理解力comprehensive综合的compress压紧comprise包含compromise妥协compulsory必修的compute计算computer计算机comrade同志conceal隐藏concede承认conceive设想concentrate集中concentration专心concept概念concerning关于concert音乐会concession让步concise简明的conclude结束conclusion结论concrete具体的condemn谴责condense浓缩condition条件conduct行为conductor管理者confer商讨conference会议confess供认confidence信任confident确信的confidential秘密的confine限制confirm确认conflict战斗conform遵守confront面对confuse混淆confusion困惑congratulate祝贺congratulation祝贺词congress大会conjunction接合connect连接connection联系conquer征服conquest征服地conscience良心conscientious认真的conscious自觉的consecutive连续的consequence结果consequently因此conservation保存conservative保守的consider考虑considerable可观的considerate考虑周到consideration考虑consist在于consistent一致console控制台consolidate使加固conspicuous显眼的conspiracy阴谋constant固定的constituent选民constitute组成constitution构成constrain限制construct建设construction建造consult请教consultant顾问consume消耗consumption消费contact接触contain包含container容器containment控制contaminate弄污contemplates盘算contemporary现代的contempt轻视contend竞争content容量contest竞争continual不断的continue继续continuous连续的contract合同contradict反驳contradiction反驳contrary相反的contrast对比contribute贡献contribution贡献contrive谋划control控制controversial争议controversy争论convenience方便convenient方便的convention惯例conventional惯例的conversation会话conversely相反地conversion转换convert变换convey运送convict囚犯conviction深信convince使信服cook烹调cool凉的cooperate合作cooperative合作的coordinate坐标cop警察cope处理copper铜copy抄本copyright版权cordial诚恳的core核corn谷corner角corona皇冠corporation法人correct正确的correlate相互关联的事物correspond一致correspondence通信correspondent记者corresponding符合的corridor走廊corrode腐蚀corrupt贿赂cosmic宇宙的cost成本costly昂贵的costume服饰cosy舒适的cottage村舍cotton棉花couch长沙发cough咳嗽could行council理事会counsel劝告count数counter柜台counterpart对应的人country国countryside村county县couple夫妇coupon票证courage勇气course课程courtesy有礼貌courtyard院cousin堂兄cover覆盖cow母牛coward懦夫crab螃蟹crack缝隙cradle摇篮craft手艺crane起重机crash撞车crawl爬crazy疯狂cream奶油create创creative创造性creature生物credential凭证credit信用creep蹑手蹑脚crew全体船员cricket板球crime罪行criminal罪犯cripple跛子crisis危机crisp脆的criterion标准critic批评家critical批评的criticism指责criticize批评crop庄稼cross十字架crow乌鸦crowd群集crucial决定性的crude天然的crude oil原油cruel残忍的cruise巡航crush压碎crust外皮cry哭crystal水晶cub兽仔cube立方cucumber黄瓜cue暗示cultivate耕作culture文化cunning狡猾cup杯cupboard碗柜curb路边cure治愈curiosity好奇curious好奇的curl卷发currency通货current当前的curriculum全部课程curriculum vitae个人履历curse诅咒curtain窗帘curve曲线cushion垫子custom习惯customary习惯的customer顾客cut切cyber赛博cyberspace虚拟空间cylinder圆锥。
1. 公式法:组合C的计算可以使用数学公式来实现。
组合C的公式为C(n, k) = n! / (k! * (n-k)!),其中n!表示n的阶乘,即n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ... * 2 * 1。
2. 递归法:递归法是一种常用的计算组合C的方法。
3. 动态规划法:动态规划法是一种更高效的计算组合C的方法。
根据组合C的递推关系C(n, k) = C(n-1, k-1) + C(n-1, k),可以通过动态规划的方式计算出组合C的值。
4. Lucas定理:Lucas定理是一种利用数论思想来计算组合C的方法。
然后使用Lucas定理的公式C(n, k) = C(n mod p, k mod p) * C(n div p, k div p) mod p,其中div表示整除运算。
c开头的单词大全集以内cacography(书写错误)、cacophony(嘈杂之声)、calamity (灾祸)、caliphate(哈里发)、calligraphy(书法)、callow(幼稚)、calumniate(诽谤)、calumny(诽谤)、calvary(十字军)、calvary(十字架)、camaraderie(友谊)、canard(谣言)、candescent(发白的)、candid(坦白的)、canker(溃疡)、cantata(管弦乐)、canticle(圣诗)、canto(诗篇)、capacious(宽敞的)、capitulate(投降)、caricature (漫画)、carnage(大屠杀)、carousal(狂欢)、cartographer(制图者)、castigation(惩罚)、castigate(惩罚)、casualty(受害者)、casuistry(诡辩)、cataclysm(灾变)、catalyze(催化)、catamaran(双体船)、catastrophe(灾难)、catechism(信条)、cautionary(警告性的)、cavil(苛求)、celestial(天体)、censor(审查人)、censure(谴责)、centurion(百夫长)、ceremony(仪式)、chimera(幻想)、choleric(怒火中烧的)、chronic(长期的)、circumlocution(回绕)、cipher(凯弗)、circumscribe(限定)、circumspect(谨慎的)、circumvent(谋避)、clairvoyance(透视)、clamor(叫嚣)、clarity(清晰)、classic(经典)、coercion(强制)、cogent(有力的)、commemorate(纪念)、commendable(值得称赞的)、commodious(宽敞的)、commute (改变)、compendium(汇编)、complacency(满足)、concession(让步)、concoct (捏造)、concord(调和)、condescension(屈尊)、condign(应有的)、confederacy(联盟)、conflagration(烈火)、conquest(征服)、consensus(共识)、contempt(蔑视)、contiguous(相邻的)、contingent(不确定的)、contiguity(接近)、contrite(悔悟的)、controversy(争论)、conundrum(谜语)、convenient(便利的)、convivial(快乐的)、convoluted(曲折的)、convolvulus(绑草)、copious(浩繁的)、corporeal(肉体的)、correlate(相关的)、correspondence(相似)、cosmopolitan(国际性的)、coterie(私密伙伴)、courtier(宰相)、covenant(公约)、covert(秘密的)、credence(信任)、credulous(易受骗的)、crescendo(增强)、criterion(标准)、crucible(考验)、crystallize(结晶)、culpable(有罪的)、cupidity(贪心)、curmudgeon(讨厌鬼)、curriculum(课程)、cynicism(愤世嫉俗态度)。
百度首页 | 登录新闻网页贴吧知道 MP3 图片百科帮助百度百科 > 浏览词条编辑词条发表评论历史版本打印添加到搜藏维生素c维生素C又叫抗坏血酸,是一种水溶性维生素。
英文名称:Vitamin C ,Ascorbic Acid性质分子式:C6H8O6;分子量:176.12u;CAS号:50-81-7;酸性,在溶液中会氧化分解。
物理性质外观:无色晶体;熔点:190 - 192℃;沸点:(无);紫外吸收最大值:245nm;荧光光谱:激发波长-无nm,荧光波长-无nm;维生素性质溶解性:水溶性维生素;推荐摄入量:每日60毫克;最高摄入量:引起腹泻之量;缺乏症状:坏血病;过量症状:腹泻;主要食物来源:柑桔类水果、蔬菜等维生素C主要生理功能1、促进骨胶原的生物合成。
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1.创建文件夹//using System.IO;Directory.CreateDirectory(%%1);2.创建文件//using System.IO;File.Create(%%1);3.删除文件//using System.IO;File.Delete(%%1);4.删除文件夹//using System.IO;Directory.Delete(%%1);5.删除一个目录下所有的文件夹//using System.IO;foreach (string dirStr in Directory.GetDirectories(%%1)){DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(dirStr);ArrayList folders=new ArrayList();FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos();for (int i = 0; i < folders.Count; i++){FileInfo f = folders[i] as FileInfo;if (f == null){DirectoryInfo d = folders[i] as DirectoryInfo;d.Delete();}}}6.清空文件夹//using System.IO;Directory.Delete(%%1,true);Directory.CreateDirectory(%%1);7.读取文件7.1.操作系统默认编码//using System.IO;StreamReader s = File.OpenText(%%1);string %%2 = null;while ((%%2 = s.ReadLine()) != null){%%3}s.Close();7.2.UTF-8编码/*using System.IO;using System.Text;*/StreamReader srfile = new StreamReader(%%1,Encoding.UTF8); while ((String %%2 = srfile.ReadLine()) != null){%%3}srfile.Close();7.3.分块读取/*using System.IO;using System.Text;*/try{FileStream fs=new FileStream(%%1,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br=new BinaryReader(fs,new ASCIIEncoding());byte[] chunk;do{chunk=br.ReadBytes(10240);if(chunk.Length>0){%%2 //chunk,chunk.Length}}while(chunk.Length>0);fs.Close();}catch{//return -1;}8.写入文件//using System.IO;FileInfo f = new FileInfo(%%1);StreamWriter w = f.CreateText();w.WriteLine(%%2);w.Flush();w.Close();9.写入随机文件//using System.IO;byte[] dataArray = new byte[100000];//new Random().NextBytes(dataArray); using(FileStream FileStream = new FileStream(%%1, FileMode.Create)){// Write the data to the file, byte by byte.for(int i = 0; i < dataArray.Length; i++){FileStream.WriteByte(dataArray[i]);}// Set the stream position to the beginning of the file.FileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);// Read and verify the data.for(int i = 0; i < FileStream.Length; i++){if(dataArray[i] != FileStream.ReadByte()){//写入数据错误return;}}//"数据流"++"已验证"}10.读取文件属性//using System.IO;FileInfo f = new FileInfo(%%1);//f.CreationTime,f.FullNameif((f.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0){%%2}else{%%3}11.写入属性//using System.IO;FileInfo f = new FileInfo(%%1);//设置只读f.Attributes = myFile.Attributes | FileAttributes.ReadOnly;//设置可写f.Attributes = myFile.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;12.枚举一个文件夹中的所有文件夹//using System.IO;foreach (string %%2 in Directory.GetDirectories(%%1)){%%3}/*DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(%%1);FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles("*.*");foreach(FileInfo %%2 in files){%%3}*/13.复制文件夹/*using System.IO;using System.Collections;*/string path = (%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%2.Length -1) ? %%2 : %%2+Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(%%1);Directory.CreateDirectory(path + Path.GetFileName(%%1));DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo((%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1 : %%1 + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos();Queue<FileSystemInfo> Folders = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dir.GetFileSystemInfos());while (Folders.Count>0){FileSystemInfo tmp = Folders.Dequeue();FileInfo f = tmp as FileInfo;if (f == null){DirectoryInfo d = tmp as DirectoryInfo;Directory.CreateDirectory(d.FullName.Replace((stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == parent.Length - 1) ? parent : parent + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, path));foreach (FileSystemInfo fi in d.GetFileSystemInfos()){Folders.Enqueue(fi);}}else{f.CopyTo(f.FullName.Replace(parent, path));}}14.复制目录下所有的文件夹到另一个文件夹下/*using System.IO;using System.Collections;*/DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(%%1);foreach (DirectoryInfo dirs in d.GetDirectories()){Queue<FileSystemInfo> al = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dirs.GetFileSystemInfos());while (al.Count > 0){FileSystemInfo temp = al.Dequeue();FileInfo file = temp as FileInfo;if (file == null){DirectoryInfo directory = temp as DirectoryInfo;Directory.CreateDirectory(path + );foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in directory.GetFileSystemInfos())al.Enqueue(fsi);}elseFile.Copy(file.FullName, path + );}}15.移动文件夹/*using System.IO;using System.Collections;*/string filename = Path.GetFileName(%%1);string path=(%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 : %%2 + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;if (Path.GetPathRoot(%%1) == Path.GetPathRoot(%%2))Directory.Move(%%1, path + filename);else{string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(%%1);Directory.CreateDirectory(path + Path.GetFileName(%%1));DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo((%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1 : %%1 + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos();Queue<FileSystemInfo> Folders = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dir.GetFileSystemInfos());while (Folders.Count > 0){FileSystemInfo tmp = Folders.Dequeue();FileInfo f = tmp as FileInfo;if (f == null){DirectoryInfo d = tmp as DirectoryInfo;DirectoryInfo dpath = newDirectoryInfo(d.FullName.Replace((stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == parent.Length - 1) ? parent : parent + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, path));dpath.Create();foreach (FileSystemInfo fi in d.GetFileSystemInfos()){Folders.Enqueue(fi);}}else{f.MoveTo(f.FullName.Replace(parent, path));}}Directory.Delete(%%1, true);}16.移动目录下所有的文件夹到另一个目录下/*using System.IO;using System.Collections;*/string filename = Path.GetFileName(%%1);if (Path.GetPathRoot(%%1) == Path.GetPathRoot(%%2))foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(%%1))Directory.Move(dir, bine(%%2,filename));else{foreach (string dir2 in Directory.GetDirectories(%%1)){string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(dir2);Directory.CreateDirectory(bine(%%2, Path.GetFileName(dir2)));string dir = (stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == dir2.Length - 1) ? dir2 : dir2 +Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;DirectoryInfo dirdir = new DirectoryInfo(dir);FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dirdir.GetFileSystemInfos();Queue<FileSystemInfo> Folders = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dirdir.GetFileSystemInfos());while (Folders.Count > 0){FileSystemInfo tmp = Folders.Dequeue();FileInfo f = tmp as FileInfo;if (f == null){DirectoryInfo d = tmp as DirectoryInfo;DirectoryInfo dpath = newDirectoryInfo(d.FullName.Replace((stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == parent.Length - 1) ? parent : parent + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, %%2));dpath.Create();foreach (FileSystemInfo fi in d.GetFileSystemInfos()){Folders.Enqueue(fi);}}else{f.MoveTo(f.FullName.Replace(parent, %%2));}}dirdir.Delete(true);}}17.以一个文件夹的框架在另一个目录创建文件夹和空文件/*using System.IO;using System.Collections;*/bool b=false;string path = (%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 : %%2 + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(%%1);Directory.CreateDirectory(path + Path.GetFileName(%%1));DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo((%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1 : %%1 + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos();Queue<FileSystemInfo> Folders = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dir.GetFileSystemInfos());while (Folders.Count > 0){FileSystemInfo tmp = Folders.Dequeue();FileInfo f = tmp as FileInfo;if (f == null){DirectoryInfo d = tmp as DirectoryInfo;Directory.CreateDirectory(d.FullName.Replace((stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == parent.Length - 1) ? parent : parent + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, path));foreach (FileSystemInfo fi in d.GetFileSystemInfos()){Folders.Enqueue(fi);}}else{if(b) File.Create(f.FullName.Replace(parent, path));}}18.复制文件//using System.IO;File.Copy(%%1,%%2);19.复制一个文件夹下所有的文件到另一个目录//using System.IO;foreach (string fileStr in Directory.GetFiles(%%1))File.Copy((%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1+Path.GetFileName(fileStr): %%1 +Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+Path.GetFileName(fileStr),(%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 +Path.GetFileName(fileStr): %%2 +Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+Path.GetFileName(fileStr));20.提取扩展名//using System.IO;string %%2=Path.GetExtension(%%1);21.提取文件名//using System.IO;string %%2=Path.GetFileName(%%1);22.提取文件路径//using System.IO;string %%2=Path.GetDirectoryName(%%1);23.替换扩展名//using System.IO;File.ChangeExtension(%%1,%%2);24.追加路径//using System.IO;string %%3=bine(%%1,%%2);25.移动文件//using System.IO;File.Move(%%1,%%2+Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+file.getname(%%1));26.移动一个文件夹下所有文件到另一个目录//using System.IO;foreach (string fileStr in Directory.GetFiles(%%1))File.Move((%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1+Path.GetFileName(fileStr): %%1 +Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+Path.GetFileName(fileStr),(%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 +Path.GetFileName(fileStr): %%2 +Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+Path.GetFileName(fileStr));27.指定目录下搜索文件/*using System.Text;using System.IO;*/string fileName = %%1;DriveInfo[] drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(%%2);DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo((%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 : %%2 + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);FileSystemInfo[] fileArr;try{fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos();}catch (Exception){continue;}Queue<FileSystemInfo> Folders = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dir.GetFileSystemInfos());while (Folders.Count > 0){FileSystemInfo tmp = Folders.Dequeue();FileInfo f = tmp as FileInfo;if (f == null){DirectoryInfo d = tmp as DirectoryInfo;try{foreach (FileSystemInfo fi in d.GetFileSystemInfos()){Folders.Enqueue(fi);}}catch (Exception) { }}else if (.IndexOf(fileName) > -1){%%3=f.FullName;return;}}29.文件分割//using System.IO;FileStream fsr = new FileStream(%%1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);byte[] btArr = new byte[fsr.Length];fsr.Read(btArr, 0, btArr.Length);fsr.Close();string strFileName=%%1.Substring(%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)+1); FileStream fsw = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName + "1", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fsw.Write(btArr, 0, btArr.Length/2);fsw.Close();fsw = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName + "2", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);fsw.Write(btArr, btArr.Length/2, btArr.Length-btArr.Length/2);fsw.Close();30.文件合并//using System.IO;string strFileName = %%1.Substring(%%stIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1); FileStream fsr1 = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName + "1", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); FileStream fsr2 = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName + "2", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] btArr = new byte[fsr1.Length+fsr2.Length];fsr1.Read(btArr, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fsr1.Length));fsr2.Read(btArr, Convert.ToInt32(fsr1.Length), Convert.ToInt32(fsr2.Length));fsr1.Close();fsr2.Close();FileStream fsw = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fsw.Write(btArr, 0, btArr.Length);fsw.Close();31.文件简单加密/*using System.Windows.Forms; //加载System.Windows.Forms.dll的.Net APIusing System.IO;using System.Text;*/OpenFileDialog jfc = new OpenFileDialog();OpenFileDialog jfc2 = new OpenFileDialog();jfc.Filter = "可执行文件(*.exe)|*.exe|压缩文件(*.zip)|*.zip";jfc2.Filter = "文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt";if(jfc.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && jfc2.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK){byte[] sRead=new byte[fsr.Length];FileStream fsr = new FileStream(jfc.FileName,fsr.Read(sRead, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); fsr.Read(sRead,0,sRead.Length);fsr.Close();FileInfo f=new FileInfo(jfc2.FileName);StreamWriter w=f.CreateText();int ka=3,kb=5,kc=2,kd=7,js=0;StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(sRead.Length * 2);for(int i=0;i<sRead.Length-1;i+=2){char c1=sRead[i];char c2=sRead[i+1];int tmp=ka*c1+kc*c2;while(tmp<0)tmp+=1024;char s1=tmp%1024;char high = (char)((s1 >> 4) & 0x0f);char low = (char)(s1 & 0x0f);high=high<10?(high+'0'):(high-(char)10+'A');low=low<10?(low+'0'):(low-(char)10+'A');builder.Append(high);builder.Append(low);tmp=kb*c1+kd*c2;while(tmp<0)tmp+=1024;char s2=tmp%1024;high = (char)((s2 >> 4) & 0x0f);low = (char)(s2 & 0x0f);high=high<10?(high+'0'):(high-(char)10+'A');low=low<10?(low+'0'):(low-(char)10+'A');builder.Append(high);builder.Append(low);}if(js==1){char s3=(sRead[sRead.Length-1]-4)%1024;char high = (char)((s3 >> 4) & 0x0f);char low = (char)(s3 & 0x0f);high=high<10?(high+'0'):(high-(char)10+'A');low=low<10?(low+'0'):(low-(char)10+'A');builder.Append(high);builder.Append(low);}w.Write(builder.ToString());w.Flush();w.Close();}32.文件简单解密//using System.IO;FileStream fsr = new FileStream(%%1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);byte[] btArr = new byte[fsr.Length];fsr.Read(btArr, 0, btArr.Length);fsr.Close();for (int i = 0; i < btArr.Length; i++){int ibt = btArr[i];ibt -= 100;ibt += 256;ibt %= 256;btArr[i] = Convert.ToByte(ibt);}string strFileName = Path.GetExtension(%%1);FileStream fsw = new FileStream(%%2 +"/" + strFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fsw.Write(btArr, 0, btArr.Length);fsw.Close();33.读取ini文件属性/*using System.Runtime.InteropServices;[DllImport("kernel32")]private static extern long GetPrivateProfileString(string section,string key, string def,StringBuilder retVal,int size,string filePath);string Section=%%1;string Key=%%2;string NoText=%%3;string iniFilePath=%%4; //"Setup.ini"string %%4=String.Empty;if(File.Exists(iniFilePath)){StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(1024);GetPrivateProfileString(Section,Key,NoText,temp,1024,iniFilePath);%%4=temp.ToString();}34.合并一个目录下所有的文件//using System.IO;FileStream fsw = new FileStream(%%2, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);foreach (string fileStr in Directory.GetFiles(%%1)){FileStream fsr1 = new FileStream(fileStr, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);byte[] btArr = new byte[fsr1.Length];fsr1.Read(btArr, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fsr1.Length));fsr1.Close();fsw.Write(btArr, 0, btArr.Length);}fsw.Close();35.写入ini文件属性/*using System.Runtime.InteropServices;[DllImport("kernel32")]//返回0表示失败,非0为成功private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString(string section,string key, string val,string filePath); */string Section=%%1;string Key=%%2;string Value=%%3;string iniFilePath=%%4; //"Setup.ini"bool %%4=false;if(File.Exists(iniFilePath)){long OpStation = WritePrivateProfileString(Section,Key,Value,iniFilePath);if(OpStation == 0){%%4=false;}else{%%4=true;}}36.获得当前路径string %%1=Environment.CurrentDirectory;37.读取XML数据库//using System.Xml;XmlDocument doc=new XmlDocument();doc.Load(%%1);string %%9;XmlElement xe=doc.GetElementById(%%7);XmlNodeList elemList=xe.ChildNodes;foreach(XmlNode elem in elemList){if(elem.NodeType==%%8){%%9=elem.Value;break;}38.写入XML数据库//using System.Xml;XmlDocument doc=new XmlDocument();doc.Load(%%1);XmlNode root=doc.DocumentElement;XmlElement book=doc.CreateElement(%%3);XmlElement book=doc.CreateElement(%%5);XmlElement port=doc.CreateElement(%%6);book.SetAttribute(%%4,root.ChildNodes.Count.ToString());author.InnerText=%%8;book.appendChild(author);book.appendChild(port);root.appendChild(book);doc.Save(%%1);39.ZIP压缩文件/*using System.IO;using pression;*/FileStream infile;try{// Open the file as a FileStream object.infile = new FileStream(%%1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);byte[] buffer = new byte[infile.Length];// Read the file to ensure it is readable.int count = infile.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);if (count != buffer.Length){infile.Close();//Test Failed: Unable to read data from filereturn;}infile.Close();MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();// Use the newly created memory stream for the compressed data.DeflateStream compressedzipStream = new DeflateStream(ms, press, true);//CompressioncompressedzipStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);// Close the stream.compressedzipStream.Close();//Original size: {0}, Compressed size: {1}", buffer.Length, ms.Length);FileInfo f = new FileInfo(%%2);StreamWriter w = f.CreateText();w.Write(buffer,0,ms.Length);w.Close();} // end trycatch (InvalidDataException){//Error: The file being read contains invalid data.} catch (FileNotFoundException){//Error:The file specified was not found.} catch (ArgumentException){//Error: path is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters } catch (PathTooLongException){//Error: The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-basedplatforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters.} catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)//Error: The specified path is invalid, such as being on an unmapped drive.} catch (IOException){//Error: An I/O error occurred while opening the file.} catch (UnauthorizedAccessException){//Error: path specified a file that is read-only, the path is a directory, or caller does not have the required permissions.} catch (IndexOutOfRangeException){//Error: You must provide parameters for MyGZIP.}40.ZIP解压缩/*using System.IO;using pression;*/FileStream infile;try{// Open the file as a FileStream object.infile = new FileStream(%%1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);byte[] buffer = new byte[infile.Length];// Read the file to ensure it is readable.int count = infile.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);if (count != buffer.Length){infile.Close();//Test Failed: Unable to read data from filereturn;}infile.Close();MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();// ms.Position = 0;DeflateStream zipStream = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress);//Decompressionbyte[] decompressedBuffer = new byte[buffer.Length *2];zipStream.Close();FileInfo f = new FileInfo(%%2);StreamWriter w = f.CreateText();w.Write(decompressedBuffer);w.Close();} // end trycatch (InvalidDataException){//Error: The file being read contains invalid data.}catch (FileNotFoundException){//Error:The file specified was not found.}catch (ArgumentException){//Error: path is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters }catch (PathTooLongException){//Error: The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-basedplatforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters.}catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)//Error: The specified path is invalid, such as being on an unmapped drive.}catch (IOException){//Error: An I/O error occurred while opening the file.}catch (UnauthorizedAccessException){//Error: path specified a file that is read-only, the path is a directory, or caller does not have the requiredpermissions.}catch (IndexOutOfRangeException){//Error: You must provide parameters for MyGZIP.}41.获得应用程序完整路径string %%1=Application.ExecutablePath;42.ZIP压缩文件夹/*using System.IO;using pression;using System.Runtime.Serialization;using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;*/private void CreateCompressFile(Stream source, string destinationName){using (Stream destination = new FileStream(destinationName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)){using (GZipStream output = new GZipStream(destination, press)){byte[] bytes = new byte[4096];int n;while ((n = source.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0){output.Write(bytes, 0, n);}}}}ArrayList list = new ArrayList();foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(%%1)){byte[] destBuffer = File.ReadAllBytes(f);SerializeFileInfo sfi = new SerializeFileInfo(f, destBuffer);list.Add(sfi);}IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();using (Stream s = new MemoryStream()){formatter.Serialize(s, list);s.Position = 0;CreateCompressFile(s, %%2);}[Serializable]class SerializeFileInfo{public SerializeFileInfo(string name, byte[] buffer){fileName = name;fileBuffer = buffer;}string fileName;public string FileName{get{return fileName;}}byte[] fileBuffer;public byte[] FileBuffer{get{return fileBuffer;}}}43.递归删除目录下的文件//using System.IO;DirectoryInfo DInfo=new DirectoryInfo(%%1);FileSystemInfo[] FSInfo=DInfo.GetFileSystemInfos();for(int i=0;i<FSInfo.Length;i++){FileInfo FInfo=new FileInfo(%%1+FSInfo[i].ToString());FInfo.Delete();}44.IDEA加密算法45.验证Schema/*using System.Xml;using System.Xml.Schema;*/Boolean m_success;XmlValidatingReader reader = null;XmlSchemaCollection myschema = new XmlSchemaCollection(); ValidationEventHandler eventHandler = new ValidationEventHandler(ShowCompileErrors); try{//Create the XML fragment to be parsed.String xmlFrag = "<author xmlns='urn:bookstore-schema'xmlns:xsi='/2001/XMLSchema-instance'>" +"<first-name>Herman</first-name>" +"<last-name>Melville</last-name>" +"</author>";//Create the XmlParserContext.XmlParserContext context = new XmlParserContext(null, null, "", XmlSpace.None);//Implement the reader.reader = new XmlValidatingReader(xmlFrag, XmlNodeType.Element, context);//Add the schema.myschema.Add("urn:bookstore-schema", "c:\\Books.xsd");//Set the schema type and add the schema to the reader.reader.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;reader.Schemas.Add(myschema);while (reader.Read()){}Console.WriteLine("Completed validating xmlfragment");}catch (XmlException XmlExp){Console.WriteLine(XmlExp.Message);}catch(XmlSchemaException XmlSchExp){Console.WriteLine(XmlSchExp.Message);}catch(Exception GenExp){Console.WriteLine(GenExp.Message);}finally{Console.Read();}public static void ShowCompileErrors(object sender, ValidationEventArgs args){Console.WriteLine("Validation Error: {0}", args.Message);}46.Grep/*using System.Collections;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;using System.IO;using System.Security;using CommandLine.Utility;*///Traditionally grep stands for "Global Regular Expression Print".//Global means that an entire file is searched.//Regular Expression means that a regular expression string is used to establish a search pattern.//Print means that the command will display its findings.//Simply put, grep searches an entire file for the pattern you want and displays its findings.////The use syntax is different from the traditional Unix syntax, I prefer a syntax similar to//csc, the C# compiler.//// grep [/h|/H] - Usage Help//// grep [/c] [/i] [/l] [/n] [/r] /E:reg_exp /F:files//// /c - print a count of matching lines for each input file;// /i - ignore case in pattern;// /l - print just files (scanning will stop on first match);// /n - prefix each line of output with line number;// /r - recursive search in subdirectories;//// /E:reg_exp - the Regular Expression used as search pattern. The Regular Expression can be delimited by// quotes like "..." and '...' if you want to include in it leading or trailing blanks;//// /F:files - the list of input files. The files can be separated by commas as in /F:file1,file2,file3//and wildcards can be used for their specification as in /F:*file?.txt;////Example://// grep /c /n /r /E:" C Sharp " /F:*.cs//Option Flagsprivate bool m_bRecursive;private bool m_bIgnoreCase;private bool m_bJustFiles;private bool m_bLineNumbers;private bool m_bCountLines;private string m_strRegEx;private string m_strFiles;//ArrayList keeping the Filesprivate ArrayList m_arrFiles = new ArrayList();//Propertiespublic bool Recursive{get { return m_bRecursive; }set { m_bRecursive = value; }}public bool IgnoreCase{get { return m_bIgnoreCase; }set { m_bIgnoreCase = value; }}public bool JustFiles{get { return m_bJustFiles; }set { m_bJustFiles = value; }}public bool LineNumbers{get { return m_bLineNumbers; }set { m_bLineNumbers = value; }}public bool CountLines{get { return m_bCountLines; }set { m_bCountLines = value; }}public string RegEx{get { return m_strRegEx; }set { m_strRegEx = value; }}public string Files{get { return m_strFiles; }set { m_strFiles = value; }}//Build the list of Filesprivate void GetFiles(String strDir, String strExt, bool bRecursive) {//search pattern can include the wild characters '*' and '?'string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(strDir, strExt);for(int i=0; i<fileList.Length; i++){if(File.Exists(fileList[i]))m_arrFiles.Add(fileList[i]);}if(bRecursive==true){//Get recursively from subdirectoriesstring[] dirList = Directory.GetDirectories(strDir);for(int i=0; i<dirList.Length; i++){GetFiles(dirList[i], strExt, true);}}}//Search Functionpublic void Search(){String strDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;//First empty the listm_arrFiles.Clear();//Create recursively a list with all the files complying with the criteriaString[] astrFiles = m_strFiles.Split(new Char[] {','});for(int i=0; i<astrFiles.Length; i++){//Eliminate white spacesastrFiles[i] = astrFiles[i].Trim();GetFiles(strDir, astrFiles[i], m_bRecursive);}//Now all the Files are in the ArrayList, open each one//iteratively and look for the search stringString strResults = "Grep Results:\r\n\r\n";String strLine;int iLine, iCount;bool bEmpty = true;IEnumerator enm = m_arrFiles.GetEnumerator();while(enm.MoveNext()){try{StreamReader sr = File.OpenText((string)enm.Current);iLine = 0;iCount = 0;bool bFirst = true;while((strLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null){iLine++;//Using Regular Expressions as a real GrepMatch mtch;if(m_bIgnoreCase == true)mtch = Regex.Match(strLine, m_strRegEx, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);elsemtch = Regex.Match(strLine, m_strRegEx);if(mtch.Success == true){bEmpty = false;iCount++;if(bFirst == true){if(m_bJustFiles == true){strResults += (string)enm.Current + "\r\n";break;}elsestrResults += (string)enm.Current + ":\r\n";bFirst = false;}//Add the Line to Results stringif(m_bLineNumbers == true)strResults += " " + iLine + ": " + strLine + "\r\n";elsestrResults += " " + strLine + "\r\n";}}sr.Close();if(bFirst == false){if(m_bCountLines == true)strResults += " " + iCount + " Lines Matched\r\n";strResults += "\r\n";}}catch(SecurityException){strResults += "\r\n" + (string)enm.Current + ": Security Exception\r\n\r\n";。