



18.对下列各句句式判断不正确的一句是( C )
A.会于会稽山阴之兰亭(状语后置句) B.死生亦大矣(判断句) C.是日也,天朗气清(判断句) D.仰观宇宙之大(定语后置句)
型相同的一项( D )
A.王无罪岁 B.且夫天下非小弱也 C.固知一死生为虚诞 D.群贤毕至
⑴项庄舞剑,意在沛公: _项__庄_席__间__舞_剑__,__企_图__刺_杀__刘__邦_。__比__喻_说__话__和_行__动_的_______ _真__实_意__图__别_有__所__指_。____________________________
1.下列词语中红色的字的注音有误的一项是( C )
A.甿(méng)隶 万乘(shèng)
从(zòng)散约败 瓮牖(yǒu)绳枢
C.隳(huī)名城 蹑足行(háng)伍 度(dù)长絜大(jié)
D.窥(kuī)周室 亡矢(shǐ)遗镞(zú) 逡巡(qūn)
13.下列句中没有通假字的一项是( D )
A.颁白者不负戴于道路矣 B.涂有饿莩而不知发 C.王无罪岁 D.谨庠序之教
( D)
C.五十者可以衣帛矣 D.谨庠序之教
15.选出与“未之有也”句式相同的一项( )

中职英语拓展模块Unit 2(谷风教育)

中职英语拓展模块Unit 2(谷风教育)

A. make a phone call to the shop C. become a member of a website
B. open an account in a bank D. change his name
4 Mark can pay ___________ when he shops online.
4. Read and complete.
A. Have you got used to living here? C. That’s so nice of you. E. I would like to invite you
B. What is your favorite Chinese food? D. What about the food here?
W: No, but I have heard about it since I was a little girl.
M: If you are free, _______________ to a dinner this weekend.
W: Great! _______________
M: You’re welcome.
B. on the Internet D. in a supermarket
32 Amy thinks online shopping is ___________ .
A. convenient C. not safe
B. strange D. expensive
43 If Mark wants to shop online,he should ___________ .
6. Read and match.

山东版第4版拓展模块Unit 2 My dream(教学设计)

山东版第4版拓展模块Unit 2 My dream(教学设计)

Unit 2 My DreamLesson 1 Everyone has a dream.一、教材分析1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语》(高教第四版)第三册第二单元的第一课时。




2. 教学重点、难点(1)教学重点学生能正确拼读本课中关于梦想的词汇,并根据听到的信息标注谈论和实现梦想的句型,能运用所学的句型进行谈论梦想的对话。


二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能正确拼读realize focus touching等词汇。

(2)学生能掌握谈论梦想和实现梦想的表达方式:A.讨论梦想Do you have a dream?How do you keep healthy?What’s your dream?B. 实现梦想A s long as …, you’llI f you don’t lose your heart, you’ll…You should try your best to focus on your dream.You should try your best to believe in yourself.Have you taken the first step necessary to achieve it?2.能力目标(1)学生能根据听力中的信息标注谈论梦想和实现梦想的相关句型。


3. 情感目标学生通过本节课的学习,培养学生对英语学科的学习兴趣。


三、教学步骤Step I Warm –up1.Students talk about your dream with your partner with the question“What’s your dream?” according to the picture given.2.Each group write down their answers and the teacher chooses severalgroups to share the answers in class.(设计意图:通过小组讨论,学生根据兴趣爱好和自身实际,思考自己有没有梦想,梦想是什么等问题,既能激发学生的积极性又能增强团队合作意识;老师可以引导学生寻找适合自己的梦想,并为自己的梦想而奋斗,同时也能根据学生已储备的词汇对本节课要讲解的词汇有一个程度上的把握。



2、M是椭圆上任意一点,且|MF1| + |MF2| = 常数;
4、如果2a = 2c,则M点的轨迹是线段F1F2.
5、如果2a < 2c,则M点的轨迹不存在.(由三角形的性质知)
答:在y 轴上(0,-1)和(0,1)
写出适合下列条件的椭圆的标准方程 (1) a =4,b=1,焦点在 x 轴上;
x2 y2 1 16
(2) a =4,b=1,焦点在坐标轴上;
x2 y2 1或 x2 y 2 1
例、椭圆的两个焦点的坐标分别是(-4, 0 )、( 4 , 0 ), 椭圆上一点P到两焦点距离之和等于10,求椭圆的标准方程。

平面内与两个定点F1、F2的距离的和等于常数 (大于|F1F2|)的点的轨迹叫做椭圆,
这两个定点叫做椭圆的焦点(F1、F2 ), 两焦点的距离叫做椭圆的焦距|F1F2|.
Y M(x,y)
F2 X
x2 a2
y2 b2
1 (a>b>0)
这个方程叫做椭圆的标准方程, 它所表示的椭圆的焦点在x 轴上。

英语拓展模块unit 2《making choices in life》ppt课件(1)

英语拓展模块unit 2《making choices in life》ppt课件(1)
One can either choose an optmistic attitude or pessimistic attitude.
➢What attitude did the writer take when he had to make a choice in real life?
He took a positive outlook instead of losing hope and getting depressed.
➢When something happens, what attitude does Mike choose?
Mike decided to choose to learn from life.
➢What are the two kinds of attitude one must choose from in life?
➢ When something happens, what attitude does Mike choose?
➢ What are the two kinds of attitude one must choose from in life?
➢ What attitude did the writer take when he had to make a choice in real life?
➢What attitude would you choose towards your future work, “do the work you love or love the work you do”?
I would learn to love the work I do.
Choose the answer which has the meaning closest to the statement.



中职英语拓展模块授课教案GrammarTeaching aims: 掌握过去分词及过去分词短语的构成以及在句中的用法。

Emotional aims:培养合作学习精神。

Teaching important points: 掌握过去分词及过去分词短语的构成以及在句中的用法。

Teaching difficult points: 掌握过去分词及过去分词短语的构成以及在句中的用法。

Teaching method: Teaching and practicingTeaching procedure:StepⅠRevisionReview some words and phrases.StepⅡ过去分词过去分词是一种非谓语动词,在句中不能单独用作谓语。



常见的这类过去分词有disappointed(失望的),astonished(惊讶的),excited(激动的),interested(感兴趣的),satisfied (满足的),surprised(惊奇的),frightened(害怕的)等。

如:She looked disappointed. 她看起来很失望。

I was not satisfied with the result. 我对那个结果感到不满意。

I am really surprised to meet you here. I thought you were abroad. 在这里见到你我真的很吃惊,我原以为你在国外呢。

The window is broken. Who broke it? 窗户坏了,谁弄坏的?注意区别The window was broken yesterday. 窗户是昨天被打坏的。



信息技术(拓展模块)-教学教案.doc 第一章:信息技术基础1.1 计算机概述计算机的定义和发展历程计算机的分类和应用领域计算机系统的组成1.2 操作系统简介操作系统的功能和作用常见操作系统的介绍操作系统的基本操作和应用第二章:计算机网络基础2.1 计算机网络概述计算机网络的定义和作用计算机网络的分类和拓扑结构计算机网络的组成和协议2.2 互联网应用互联网的基本概念和结构常见互联网应用的介绍互联网安全和隐私保护第三章:编程基础3.1 编程语言概述编程语言的定义和分类常见编程语言的介绍编程语言的选择和应用3.2 基本编程概念变量、数据类型和运算符控制结构和函数面向对象编程简介第四章:数据库基础4.1 数据库概述数据库的定义和作用数据库的分类和模型数据库管理系统的基本概念4.2 数据库设计和应用实体-关系模型和关系模型SQL语言的基本操作数据库应用系统的开发和维护第五章:多媒体技术基础5.1 多媒体概述多媒体的概念和特点多媒体的类型和应用领域多媒体技术的发展趋势5.2 多媒体文件处理图像、音频和视频的基本处理技术多媒体文件格式和压缩技术多媒体演示和动画制作技巧第六章:信息技术与社会6.1 信息技术对社会的影响信息技术的发展和普及对社会结构的影响信息技术对经济、教育、医疗等领域的变革信息技术对社会伦理和法律的挑战6.2 信息技术与可持续发展信息技术的环保性和节能减排信息技术在资源管理和环境保护中的应用信息技术与可持续发展的战略关系第七章:信息素养与终身学习7.1 信息素养的定义与内涵信息素养的构成要素信息素养在个人发展中的重要性提高信息素养的途径和方法7.2 终身学习与信息技术终身学习的理念与实践信息技术在终身学习中的应用数字化学习资源的开发与利用第八章:信息伦理与法律8.1 信息伦理概述信息伦理的基本原则与规范信息伦理问题的产生与挑战信息伦理教育与修养8.2 信息技术法律制度信息技术法律的基本概念与分类信息技术法律的主要内容与作用信息技术法律的遵守与维护第九章:信息安全与隐私保护9.1 信息安全概述信息安全的概念与内涵信息安全的风险与威胁信息安全的技术与策略9.2 隐私保护与数据保护隐私权的概念与法律保护数据保护的原则与措施信息安全与隐私保护的实践案例第十章:项目管理与信息技术10.1 项目管理的基本概念与方法项目管理的定义与目标项目管理的五大过程与工具项目管理在信息技术领域的应用10.2 信息技术项目管理信息技术项目的特点与挑战信息技术项目管理的方法与技巧信息技术项目的成功案例分析第十一章:电子商务与信息技术11.1 电子商务的基本概念电子商务的定义和发展历程电子商务的类型和模式电子商务的关键技术11.2 电子商务的应用领域电子商务在零售、旅游、金融等行业的应用电子商务平台的构建和运营电子商务的法律和道德问题第十二章:云计算与大数据12.1 云计算的基本概念云计算的定义、特点和架构云计算的服务模型和部署模型云计算的关键技术12.2 大数据与数据挖掘大数据的定义、特征和应用领域数据挖掘的基本概念和方法大数据技术的应用和发展趋势第十三章:与机器学习13.1 的基本概念的定义、历史和发展趋势的主要分支和应用领域的基本技术和方法13.2 机器学习与深度学习机器学习的定义、类型和算法深度学习的基本概念和应用与机器学习在信息技术领域的应用案例第十四章:物联网与智慧城市14.1 物联网的基本概念物联网的定义、架构和关键技术物联网的应用领域和发展趋势物联网的安全问题和隐私保护14.2 智慧城市的基本概念与实践智慧城市的定义、特征和建设目标智慧城市建设的主要领域和关键技术智慧城市的案例分析和未来发展第十五章:信息技术与创新思维15.1 创新思维与创新方法创新思维的定义和重要性创新方法的基本概念和常用工具创新思维在信息技术领域的应用15.2 信息技术创业与创业精神信息技术创业的基本概念和流程创业计划书的编写和创业融资创业精神与创业团队的建设与管理重点和难点解析信息技术基础:理解计算机系统的组成,掌握操作系统的基本操作和应用。



21. argue
与某人争吵 argue with sb. 为某事争论 argue about sth. eg:Don’t argue with him,he does it for our good .不要与他争论,他做这件事是为我 们好。 She doesn’t want to argue about such an unimportant matter . 她不想为无关紧要的事儿争论。
Either you or he has to go there . Either you leave this house or I’ll call the police .
Either I or my parents are (be) coming . 或者我来,或者我父母来。
11. Thanks to 由于……多亏……
I am well again,thanks to the doctor . 多亏医生,我现在康复了。 Thanks to john’s help,we finishied the work on time . 幸亏约翰的帮助,我们按时完成了这项工 作。
5. used to
used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 be used to do sth. 被用来作 Eg:he is not what he used to be . 他已经不是以前的他了。 There used to be a bus stop in that corner . 那个拐角处曾经有个公共汽车站。 He used not to like fish . 他以前不喜欢吃鱼。
19. promise to do sth. 答应做



第二单元词汇目标 communication※ communication 沟通 n.communicate 沟通 v.固定用法:communicate with sb. 与某人沟通能在听力中识别的词汇:(请同学们能读出这些单词)※ change v. 变化,改变 n.变化,改变exchange v. 交换(The weather changes very often in England.在英国,天气常常变化。

)(Many changes have taken place since you left.你离开以后发生了许多变化。

)※ make a difference (固定短语)有影响; 起(重要)作用different 不同的 adj.(I believed that I can make a difference in this world. 我也坚信我世界一定会因我而不同。

)※ fancy 引人注目的,时髦的 adj. (This dress looks fancy.※ online 网上 (online shopping 网上购物)※doubt 怀疑,不确定(I never shop online. I doubt whether it is safe.我从来没有网上购物过,所以我不确定它是否安全。

)※convenient 方便的adj.convenience 方便n.(I think it’s much more convenient to shop online.我认为网上购物更加方便。

)※website 网址n.(You can apply to be a member of a big shopping website, like Taobao or Dangdang. 你可以申请成为某购物网站的一员)※provide※order能在阅读中理解的词汇(请同学们能识别这些词汇)※department※expert※publish※major※similar※accept※schedule※various※opportunity※wisdom。



高教版中职英语拓展模块unit2Unit 2 of the Higher Education Edition of Vocational English focuses on the topic of Creating. In this unit, students will learn various aspects related to creating and developing ideas, products, and solutions.The unit starts by introducing the concept ofcreativity and its importance in today's rapidly evolving world. Students will explore different techniques and strategies to enhance their creative thinking skills. They will learn how to generate ideas, think critically, and solve problems creatively.Furthermore, the unit covers the process of product development. Students will understand the different stages involved in creating a new product, from concept generation to market launch. They will learn about market research, product design, prototyping, testing, and manufacturing. The unit emphasizes the importance of teamwork andeffective communication in the product development process. In addition to product development, the unit also explores the concept of innovation. Students will delveinto the world of innovative ideas and learn about successful innovations that have changed industries andsociety. They will analyze case studies and discuss the factors that contribute to successful innovation.The unit also includes practical exercises and projects to encourage students to apply their knowledge and skillsin creating and developing their own ideas. They will have the opportunity to work on group projects, where they will brainstorm and develop innovative solutions to real-life problems.Furthermore, the unit introduces students to the world of entrepreneurship. They will learn about starting and running a business, including market analysis, business planning, financing, and marketing strategies. Studentswill also explore the traits and qualities of successful entrepreneurs and be encouraged to develop their own entrepreneurial mindset.Overall, Unit 2 of the Higher Education Edition of Vocational English provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the process of creating and developing ideas, products, and solutions. It equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in today's competitive and innovative world.。



拓展模块单词Unit2.1.n家伙,小伙子--------------------------2.N,v不喜欢,怨恨,嫌恶---------------------3.n心情,情绪,心态------------------4.Adj正的,肯定的,积极的,正面的---------5.Adj不易疲倦的,精力充沛的-------6.Adj无忧无虑的,奔放的,逍遥自在的------7.n受害人-----------8.Adv实际上--------9.Adj乐观的,有信心的--------10.Adj悲观的,悲观主义的----------11.n底部,底---------12.Adj令人忧愁的,使人感到压抑的--------13.Adj压抑的,沮丧的,郁闷的-------14.n观点,前景,见解,人生观--------15.v包含;牵涉--------16.n. 腿-----------17.adv严重地;严肃地---------18.v伤害;损害---------19.v成功---------20.(做某事)成功---------21.由于;幸亏;多亏--------22.n治疗;处理,对待---------------23.adj令人惊异的-------------24.adv幸福地;快乐地---------------25.n美元--------------------26.adv诚实地;正直地-----------------27.v游荡;闲逛---------------28.v进入;进去---------------29.n门厅;厅堂;前厅;大厅-----------------30.n(膝以上)大腿部分;腿上--------------31.n军队-----------------32.n将军;adj一般的;总的-------------------33.v吸引-----------------34.adj空的---------------35.n胃;肚子------------------36.v坚持;坚持认为---------------37.adv.&adj楼上;往楼上;楼上的--------------------38.adj中年的------------------39.adj悲伤的-------------------40.v点火;点燃;照亮-------------------41.adv高兴地;乐意地---------------42.n价格;价钱v给......定价------------------43.n办事员;职员;店员---------------44.n(膝以上)大腿部分;腿上-----------------45.v争论;争辩-----------------46.Adv&adj楼下;往楼下------------------47.v返回,送还-------------------48.v收集,征收,集中------------------------。



中职英语拓展模块第二单元测试题一Positive carefree victim situation optimistic injureamazing wealthy complaint1,Two people have been badly in a car accident.2,With the exam over ,we felt happy and at last.3,In the present ,I wouldn’t advise you to sell your house.4,Are you absolutely that you locked the car?5,The shop assistant deals with customers’in a friendly manner.6,His grandpa was a landowner in the old days.7,Thousand of animals have been of this strange new disease.8,He was about the future of mankind and believed everything would be better.9,His story was .We had never heard anything so strange.二,Rewrite the following sentences with the Past Participle.Example A: We lived in the house that was built by my father.→We lived in the house built by my father.1,The telegram that was sent by my sister brought the news of my dear grandma’s death.2,Let’s try the bookstore that was opened last month.3,Nine out of ten women who were interviewed about the product said they liked it.4,The three guns, which had been stolen from the police station, were found in that house.5,I don’t like going to supermarkets that are located in the centre of the town.Example B: We were disturbed by the noise and decided to finish the meeting early.→Disturbed by the noise, we decided to finish the meeting early.1,She was devoted to her mother and looked after her for many years.2,He became tense when he was questioned by the police about the fire.3,She was well-known for her skill as a designer and was invited to work with the company.4,We were excited by our success and decided to celebrate with a dinner.5,I was shocked at the waste of money and decided to leave the company.Example C: He heard someone calling his name.→He heard his name called.1,He got someone to fix his bike.2,How do you want them to decorate the room?3,His only wish for his money is to have the local government build a school for children from poor families.4,Don’t you want them to take temperature?5,I want them to mend these clothes as soon as possible.三,Read the text “Life is all about Choices” again and tell whether the following sentences are true or false.( )1,Mike was the kind of person you sometimes love and sometimes hate.( )2,If someone asked Mike how he was going, he would reply that everything should be better.( )3,Kike used to say that each time something happened, he could do nothing but wait.( )4,Everyone can choose his way of life.( )5,Several years later the writer of the passage was injuredin a car accident.( )6,The writer of the passage succeeded in business because he thanked the doctor and Mike very much.( )7,If you love something , choose it . Once you choose it, love it.四,Choose the best answer for each blank to complete the following sentences.( )1,She was that evening ,and talkative.A, in friendly mood B, in a friendly moodC, at friendly mood D, at a friendly mood( )2,I can’t go to the cinema with you, as I have to do .A, something else B, anything otherC, else something D, other something( )3,The great man in his house with his wife.A, used to living B, used to liveC, was used to live D, was used living( )4, I the quarrel between Tom and Jack.A, be involved in B, got involved inC, am involved at D, got involved on( )5,He a job in New York and the family followed.A, succeed in find B, succeeded in findingC, succeeded finding D, successful in finding( )6, John’s kind help, we finished early.A, Thank for B, Thanks for C, Thank to D, Thank to( )7,Although he has experienced a lot of hardships and difficulties, he has an optimistic to life.A, carefree B, thinking C, attitude D, meaning( )8,The valley was deep and there was a stream at the .A, button B, end C, bottom D, top( )9,His father was a successful businessman and a lot ofmoney.A, made B, earned C, produced D, both A and B( )10,I may forget to repay the five pounds you lent me unless you it.A, say me of B, remind me ofC, remind me to D, tell me( )11,She no clear between the two words.A, did, distinction B, made distinctionC, made, different D, did, different( )12,In my opinion, mother is the kindest person .A, in earth B, in the earthC, on the earth D, on earth( )13,The teacher told us to be modest and never to .A, show off B, showing offC, show out C, show up( )14,I will what you’ve done.A, be proud with B, be proud ofC, proud of D, proud with( )15, She has got a good job and a lot of money. , she is always happy.A, At the most B, Most at allC, In all D, For the most五.Choose the best answer for each blank to complete this passage.In modern society (1) people feel stressed(有压力的).Is there any(2) to reduce or lower the stress? New research is showing that adding justa few simple touches (3) your home can make great difference in lowering the stress you feel outside of it.A recent study found that office workers with tidy desks felt calmer and more concentrated on their work, (4) to people who have tidy homes.Here are some examples the experts give.Setting aside one small area for the small things, (5) mails bills newspapers and magazines. Don’t put them (6) in the room. Clear yourself a nice, open place.Adding blue and green colours throughout your home. The (7) colours have the power to relax, refresh and comfort us. People in green or blue rooms feel more relaxed than (8) in rooms painted warm colours, such as red, yellow and orange.(9) a few house plants or hang a landscape print on a wall you pass often. Views of trees, lawns, flowers and water can lower people’s heart rates. Looking at or being in nature takes us to a restful mental(精神的) state.The soft candlelight, the lovely smell of apples or other fruits, and classical music can also make one feel peaceful and (10) .( )1), A, less and less B, more and more C, the more D, the less( )2), A, person B, reason C, way D, example( )3), A, for B, by C, out D, to( )4), A, the same B, the opposite C, the different D, the way ( )5), A, for example B, such as C, look like D, the same as( )6), A, here and there B, now and thenC, this and that D, sooner and later( )7), A, warm B, hot C, dark D, cool( )8), A, that B, those C, ones D, the one( )9), A, Buy B, Bought C, Buying D, Buys( )10), A, more stressed B, less stressedC, more nervous D, less comfortable六,Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Recent study shows that one’s sleeping position has something to do with his personality and attitude towards life.Everyone has two personalities. One is shown to the world, and the other is secret but real. You don’t show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control you behavior, but when you are asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. Of course, people often change their position when they are sleeping. The sleeping position we mentioned here is the one that you go to sleep in.If you sleep on your side, you are usually careful and confident. You know yourself very well and you always say what you think even if it makes others upset.If you sleep curled up, you are probably a nervous person. You have low opinion of yourself and you’re easily hurt. You are shy and don’t like meeting people.If you sleep on your stomach, that means you worry a lot and you’re always easily upset. You don’t change your mind easily. You live for today not for tomorrow. In other words, you prefer enjoying having a good time to worrying about the future.If you go to sleep on your back, you are open person. You trust people and are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. You don’t like to annoy others, so sometimes you don’t express your real feelings.Multiple-choice:( )1) The main idea of the passage is .A, Sleeping position affects one’s health.B, A man without correct sleeping position will not be successful.C, Sleeping position shows one’s real attitude towards life.D, One should choose a correct sleeping position.( )2) Why do people show their secret personalities when they are asleep?A, They want to be real and honest.B, They want to be understood by others.C, They can’t control their behaviors when they are asleep.D, Because they dream when they are asleep.( )3) The “sleep position” mentioned in this passage means .A, the sleeping position in which one goes to sleep.B, the sleeping position in which one wakes up.C, the sleeping position which doesn’t change during one’s sleeping period.D, the sleeping position in which most people go to sleep.( )4) According to the passage, if a person sleeps on his back, he may .A, be confident B, not always tell what he thinks of othersC, be easily hurt D, be shy5)If a person is nervous and shy, and he doesn’t like to be together with people, which of the following sleeping positions will he go to sleep in?When you visit a European family in winter, you’d better not take off your coat as soon so you enter the house. Because that means you will stay for a long time, which will make the host feel nervous. So you should wait until the host asks, “May I take your coat?”If you are lucky enough to be invited to a formal dinner party in Paris, you should mind your manners. Even your “finest manners” may not be correct by French custom.For example, it is not polite to arrive with a gift of flowers inhand, because the hostess will deal with finding a vase when she is too busy to do that.Though the French love wine, you must never bring a bottle of wine to a dinner party. Why? It’s as if you feared your hosts would not have enough wine on hand, and that’s an insult. You may, however, offer a box of chocolate which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.Another thing you should remember: it is not polite to use the bathroom in a private house. Once seated at the table, guests must never get up and leave the table----not to go to the bathroom, not to help the hostess in the kitchen, and not to serve or clear.( ) 1. You shouldn’t take off your coat on arriving at a French house, because .A the coat will make the house dirtyB you will catch a coldC it will make the host nervousD it will bring bad luck to the host( ) 2. The finest manners in China will in France.A help you a lotB not be acceptedC be the sameD be the worst manners( ) 3. Why is it not polite to bring a gift of flowers in hand to a dinner party in France?A.Because flowers mean bad luck in France.B.Because no one like flowers in France.C.Because the hostess will be too busy to find a vase for them.Because there is no vase in France.( ) 4. What should you bring to the dinner party as a gift?A.A box of chocolate.B. Some flowersC. A bottle of wine.D. A cup of coffee.( ) 5. Which of the following statements is not true?A.French people like wine.B.You should not use the bathroom in a private house.C.In France, people usually have coffee after a dinner.D.You should help the hostess in the kitchen.。

中职教材英语(拓展模块)电子试题附答案unit 2

中职教材英语(拓展模块)电子试题附答案unit 2

Unit 2一、单项选择,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. Alice left for Beijing three days .A.beforeB. afterC. agoD. later2. The management team over the problem for two hours.A.have been arguedB. have arguedC. arguedD. were arguing3. It took several hours fix this machine.A. he, forB. him, toC. him, forD. he, to4. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to ___________ the next year.A. carry outB. carrying outC. carried outD. to carry out5. You probably my dictionary instead of .A.picked up; yoursB. picked on; yourC. picked out; yoursD. picked through; you6. A great of alcohol is consumed every year.A. qualityB. quantityC. qualitiesD. quantities7. According to some researches, stress the many illnesses.A. contributes toB. results ofC. distributes toD. causes to8. Besides Tom, ________ Greens have two other sons, __________ of whom are all interested in making model planes.A. /, twoB. /, the twoC. the, threeD. the, the three9. —May I have another chocolate?—Yes, of course.___________.A. Take it yourselfB. Eat it, pleaseC. Help yourselfD. Have it yourself10. Look, several children ________ bread ________ the chickens.A. are feeding, onB. are feeding, toC. feed, toD. feed, on二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。

英语(拓展模块)unit 2

英语(拓展模块)unit 2

Work in groups to discuss the following questions.
1. Have you ever celebrated Thanksgiving Day? 2. Whom will you firstly show your thankfulness
All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally, they had a good harvest. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord should be fixed. Years later, the president of the United States declared the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been held on that date until today.
The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, and other varieties of food. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional foods on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.

中职英语拓展模块第二单元communication语法 介词

中职英语拓展模块第二单元communication语法  介词
at the station/ airport / at the cinema/
arrive at a village in—与大的地方连用或表示在一个立体 空间内”的含义。
in the room/ arrive in a big city on– 表示沿途/ 沿着边
on the side of the road/ on the right/ left
on Saturday evening, on the May seventh, on a windy night, on the afternoon, on October 31st at——在某一点时间或某个瞬间。 at eight o’clock, at the end of, at this moment, at this time, at times / at a time / at one time, at the age of
in+一段时间,表示一段时间之后,与动词将来时 连用。
after则常用于过去时。 比较:He will be back in two days.
He came back after two days. 易错题:
--_______ will the film start?
2)The road runs __th_r_o_u_g_h___ the forest. 3) ___C_r_o_s_s___ the bridge, you’ll find a cinema.
(七)by/ in/ with 表示通过是使用某物 in --- in+ 材料/语言/ in ink / in English with--- with + 具体工具 with a pen by ---- by+ 名词表方式 by hand/by phone



Unit2 Earning Three Dollars Honestly 学案(4)主备:李荣荣研备:英语教研组【教师寄语】:People are good in nature, but they still should learn how to protect themselves 人心存良善,更应懂自保。

[Learning aims】学习目标1・学习和背记'dollar, honestly, general .insist on. come along等重点单词及相关用法。

2.学习并掌握正确的语音,语前的正确读法.[Learning Important and Difficult Points】学习重难点1 •深入理解课文,掌握文中基础知识,培养快速阅读,整体理解能力。


[Learning Method Guide]学法指导:reading, remember学习过程:[Warming up]课前热身重点单词(汉译英)美元 _________________________________ 游荡:闲逛 _________________________门厅;厅堂 _________________________军队 _________________________________ 吸引 _______________________________ 胃,肚子 ___________________________楼上:往楼上 _________________________ 悲伤的 _____________________________高兴地;乐意地 _______________________ 办事员,职员,店员 _____________________ 楼下:往楼下 ___________________________ 收集,征收 ______________________重点短语(汉译英)坚持:坚决认为 _________________________ 环视:四下寻找 _______________________ 用完了 ______________________ 答应做______________________与某人争吵______________________诚实地;正直地________________________ 进入;进去________________________大腿部分__________________________n.将军adj.—般的 _______________________ 空的______________________________坚持_________________________________ 中年的________________________________ 点火,点燃____________________________ 价格;价£_____________________________ 争论;争辩____________________________ 返回,送还____________________________过来,_道来_______________________(指人的脸等)容光焕发_______________ 似乎••••・■;看来. .................... 为……而付费______________________[Lead in】导入1 ・ Do you know anything about Mark Twain?2.Where was he born?3.Do you know any famous novels that Mark Twain wrote?[Thinking]思Do the exercises about pronunciationdollar ________________________________ honestly ____________________________________ wander _______________________________ enter _____________________________________ lobby ________________________________ lap ____________________________________ army ________________________________ general _____________________________________attract _______________________________ empty ____________________________________stomach _______________________________ upstairs _______________________________ sad ________________________________ gladly ______________________________ clerk _______________________________ downstairs _____________________________ collect ________________________________[Discussion 】议重点单词(英译汉)dollar _______________________________ wander ________________________________ lobby _______________________________ army _______________________________ attract ______________________________ stomach _______________________________ upstairs _______________________________ sad ________________________________ gladly ______________________________ clerk _______________________________ downstairs _____________________________ collect ________________________________ 重点短语(英译汉)insist on ________________________________ look around ___________________________ be out of _______________________________ promise to do sth ________________________ argue with sb__________________________ [Show Time】展1 .Earning Three Dollars Honestly insist ________________________________ middle-aged ____________________________ light ________________________________ price ________________________________ argue _______________________________ return _______________________________honestly _______________________________ enter ________________________________ lap _______________________________ general ________________________________ empty _______________________________ insist ________________________________ middle-aged ____________________________ light ________________________________ price ________________________________ argue _______________________________ return _______________________________马克•吐温(1835-1910)。


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第二单元《过秦论》《鸿门宴》测试题、选择题1.选出下列加点字注音全部正确的一组()A.膏腴(y u)藩篱(f a n)崤山(y a o) 蒙恬(ti a n)B.逡巡(q u n) 锋镝(d i)蹑足(ni e)墨翟(zh a i )C.谪戍(zh e)鞭笞(ch i)黔首(qi a n) 囊括(n a n g)D.隳名城(hu i)户牖(y o u) 棘矜(j i)赢粮(y i n)2. 下列句子中书写全对的一句是()A. 当是时也,商君佐之,内立法度,务耕织,修守战之具,外连衡而斗诸候。

B. 秦人开关延敌,九国之师,逡巡而不敢进。




3. 对下列名词状语的分类、用法解说不正确的一项是()①席卷天下②云集响应③船载以入④西举巴蜀⑤内立法度⑥斗折蛇行⑦日积月累⑧吾得兄事之⑨良庖岁更刀⑩相如廷叱之A. ①②⑥⑧句表比喻,讲成“像……那样”B. ④⑤⑩句表处所,译为“在.. ”C. ⑦⑨是时间名词作状语,译为“日日”、“月月”、“每年”D. ③表工具,译为“用……”4. 选出"谢"字意义与例句相同的一项()例句:旦日不可不蚤自来谢项王A. 哙拜谢,起,立而饮之B. 沛公旦日从百余骑来见项王,至鸿门,谢曰C. 乃令张良留谢D. 张良入谢,曰:"沛公不胜杯杓"5. 选出"去"字用法与例句相同的一项()例句:欲呼张良与俱去A. 去村四里有森林B.沛公已去,间至军中C. 相去四十里D.为汉家除残去秽6. 选出每组句子加点字的活用不同于其他三项的一项:(1) A.常以身翼蔽沛公B.吾得兄事之C.毕礼而归之D.项伯乃夜驰之沛公军()(2) A.范增数目项王B.素善留候张良C.沛公起如厕D.未可时诏大号以绳天下之梅也()7. 选出下列句中加点字与"项伯乃夜驰之沛公军"中的"之"字意思不同的一项()A. 坐须臾,沛公起如厕B.辍耕之陇上C.余自齐安舟行适临汝D.愿伯具言臣之不敢背德也8. 选出每组句子中不含通假字的一项:(1)()A. 距关,毋内诸侯,秦地可尽王也B. 张良出,要项伯C. 君为我呼入,吾得兄事之D. 愿伯具言臣之不敢背德也(2)()A. 今者有小人之言,令将军与臣有郤B. 范增数目项王,举所佩玉玦以示之者三C. 寿毕,请以剑舞,因击沛公于坐,杀之D. 沛公不胜杯杓,不能辞9. 选出下列句中"为"字与例句中"为"字意义和用法相同的一项()例句:旦日飨士卒,为击破沛公军A. 谁为大王为此计者B.若属皆且为所虏C.窃为大王不取也D.如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉,何辞为10. 选出对下列各组句中加点词语解释完全正确的一项()A. (1)沛公欲王关(函谷关)中(2)沛公居山东(太行山以东)时B. (1)范增说(shu 1,劝告,劝说)项羽曰(2)沛公今事有急,亡去不义,不可不语(y u说给他听)C. (1)沛公奉卮酒为寿,约为婚姻(儿女亲家)(2)玉斗一双,再拜奉大将军足下(脚下)D. (1)沛公之参乘(站在车右的警卫)樊哙者也(2)竖子(骂人的话,相当于"小子")不足与谋11. 从下面人物对话中,选择人物的性格特点•(1)张良曰:"谁为大王为此计者"曰:"鲰生说我曰:’距关毋内诸侯,秦地可尽王也.'"沛公在谋士张良面前也不吐露出劝谏者的真实身份,可见其()A. 狡诈B.辩解C.惊恐D.机智(2)(沛公)谢曰:"今者有小人之言,令将军与臣有郤……"项王曰:"此沛公左司马曹无伤言之•不然,籍何以至此"项王在敌手面前,一语道破真谛,可见其()A. 推卸B.坦率C.无谋D.忠厚12. 下列各句的译文哪一句正确()A. 从此道至吾军,不过二十里罢了.译:从这里取道我军营,不过二十里罢了.B. 与樊哙,夏侯婴,靳强,纪信等四人持剑盾步走•译:与樊哙,夏侯婴,靳强,纪信等四人拿着剑及盾步行逃离•C. 杀人如不能举,刑人如恐不胜.译:杀人只怕不能杀心,刑罚人唯恐不能用尽酷刑•D. 不者,若属皆且为所虏!译:否则我们这些人就全都要被他俘虏!13. 下列各句的翻译完全正确的一项是()A.范增数目项王,举所佩玉玦以示之者三,项目默然不应.(范增多次向羽使眼色,举起他所佩戴的玉玦多次向项羽暗示(抓住时机杀掉刘邦),项羽却闭口不答.)(目:名词用作动词,在这里是"看","使眼色"等意思."三"在句中充当"示" 的宾语,表示多次.)B. "籍吏民,封府库,而待将军".(为官吏百姓编造名册,封好了仓库,以迎候项将军的到来•)(籍:即簿籍,也就是今天户口册•在此用作动词,为动用法.)C. 故遣将守关者,备他盗之出入与非常也.(我们之所以派遣将士把守函谷关,是为了防备别的强盗进来和意外的变故啊.)("所以":固定格式,在这里表示原因."者":表停顿的语气词,表示提起下文和句间停顿."之";结构助词,相当于"的".)D. 物很贪心,而且还有许多漂亮美丽的妇女侍奉他.)(山东:即现在山东一带.好:指美好."于财货"介宾结构后置.)二、填空题14. _____________________ 过秦”意思是__ ,过”是_____ 论”,重在阐明自己的意见,过秦论”意为_____________________ 这是贾谊最著名的作品,分上、中、下三篇。




15. 贾谊(前200—前168),世称________________ , ______________ 洛阳人。




他的为人,很为司马迁推崇,司马迁把他和不同时代的屈原相提并论,撰写了《_______________ 》。

16. 《鸿门宴》的作者是_______ ,字 _________ ,伟大的___________ 、________ 、__________ ,他所著的,被鲁迅评作“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。

该书,写了上自_________ ,下至____ 三千多年的历史,属于三、阅读理解(一)阅读下面文言文,回答17--20题:于是张良至军门见樊哙.樊哙曰:"今日之事何如"良曰:"甚急!今者项庄拔剑舞,其意常在沛公也."哙曰:"此迫矣!臣请入,与之同命."哙即带剑拥盾入军门.交戟之卫士欲止不内.樊哙侧其盾以撞,卫士仆地.哙遂入,披帷西向立,瞋目视项王,头发上指,目眦尽裂•项王按剑而跽曰:"客何为者"张良曰:"沛公之参乘樊哙者也."项王曰:"壮士!――赐之卮酒."则与斗卮酒.哙拜谢,起,立而饮之.项王曰:"赐之彘肩."则与一生彘肩.樊哙覆其盾于地,加彘肩上,拔剑切而啖之.项王曰:"壮士!能复饮乎"樊哙曰:"臣死且不避,卮酒安足辞!夫秦王有虎狼之心,杀人如不能举,刑人如恐不胜,天下皆叛之•怀王与诸将约曰:'先破秦入咸阳者王之.'今沛公先破秦入咸阳,毫毛不敢有所近,封闭宫室,还军霸上,以待大王来.故遣将守关者,备他盗出入与非常也•劳苦而功高如此,未有封侯之赏,而听细说,欲诛有功之人,此亡秦之续耳.窃为大王不取也!"项王未有以应,曰:" 坐."樊哙从良坐.坐须臾,沛公起如厕,因招樊哙出.(《鸿门宴》)17, 下列句中加点的词解释正确的一项是()A. 沛公之参乘樊哙者也参乘:古时乘车,站在车右担任警卫的人.B. 杀人如不能举举:列举.C. 窃为大王不取也窃:敬词,私下里.D. 故遣将守关者故:故意.18, 下列句中加点的词古今同义的一项是()A.未有封侯之赏,而听细说B.备他盗之出入与非常也C.将军战河北,臣战河南D.坐须臾,沛公起如厕19, 与"此亡秦之续耳"句式不相同的一句是()A.楚左尹项伯者,项羽季父也B.此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹C.沛公之参乘樊哙者也D.亚父者,范增也.20, 对樊哙在席上讲话理解有误的一项是()A. 樊哙在席上讲话与刘邦的话,不是"仅语句上稍有变化而已",而是有本质区别,说话的语调语气是明显不一样的.B. 两人讲话中心大体一样,但侧重点不同.刘邦侧重于辩解,樊哙则是理直气壮责项羽"听细说欲诛有功之人",实为"亡秦之续".C. 从策略上看,刘邦之言属于"以屈求伸",樊哙义责项羽已是"以攻为守"D. 樊哙在席上讲话与刘邦的一模一样,这完全是张良一人事先安排好的•(二)阅读下面文段回答问题且夫天下非小弱也,雍州之地,崤函之固,自若也。

陈涉之位,非尊于齐、楚、燕、赵、韩、魏、宋、卫、中山之君也;锄擾(y o u)棘矜(q i n),非铦于钩戟长铩也;谪戍之众,非抗于九国之师也;深谋远虑,行军用兵之道,非及向时之士也。

然而成败异变,功业相反,何也?试使山东之国与陈涉度(du o)长絜大,比权量力,则不可同年而语矣。

然秦以区区之地,致万乘之势,序八州而朝同列,百有余年矣;然后以六合为家,崤函为宫;一夫作难(n d n)而七庙隳,身死人手,为天下笑者,何也?仁义不施而攻守之势异也。

21. 选出下列句中加点词属于古今异义的一项是()A. 然而成败异变,功业相反也。

B. 且夫天下非小弱也C•然秦以区区之地D. 试使山东之国与陈胜度长絜大22. 选出下列分析不符合文意的一项是()A. “且夫”一句,写秦朝江山依旧,险关如故。


B. “仁义不施而攻守之势异也”是全文的中心,作者用以劝说秦朝及后代统治者施行仁义以安民。
