Software architecture of PSET A page segmentation evaluation toolkit




十个明确简答1.What is a computer?A computer is a device that can store, retrieve, and process data.2.What is the internet?The internet is a global network of interconnected computers, allowing users to access, exchange and share data.3.What is a computer virus?A computer virus is a malicious program designed to spread itself by copying itself to other computers or exploiting computer vulnerabilities.4.What is hardware?Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system, including the processor, memory, power supply, motherboards and other components.5.What is software?Software is a set of instructions for a computer that can be used to perform specific tasks.6.What is a database?A database is a collection of data or information that is organized and stored so that it can be easily accessed and manipulated.7.What is system software?System software is a set of programs that control the operation of a computer and manage its resources.8.What is an operating system?An operating system is a set of software that manages the resources of a computer system, such as its memory and processor, and allows applications and users to interact with the computer.9.What is a program?A program is a set of instructions that a computer can execute to carry out specific tasks.10.What is a compiler?A compiler is a program that can convert a program written in a programming language into instructions that can be read and executed by a computer.。



高二英语软件开发单选题50题1.The main language used in software development is _____.A.PythonB.JavaC.C++D.All of the above答案:D。

在软件开发中,Python、Java 和C++都是常用的编程语言,所以答案是以上皆是。

2.Which one is not a software development tool?A.Visual StudioB.IntelliJ IDEAC.PhotoshopD.Eclipse答案:C。

Photoshop 是图像编辑软件,不是软件开发工具。

Visual Studio、IntelliJ IDEA 和Eclipse 都是常用的软件开发集成环境。

3.The process of finding and fixing bugs in software is called _____.A.debuggingB.codingC.testingD.designing答案:A。

debugging 是调试的意思,即查找和修复软件中的错误。

coding 是编码,testing 是测试,designing 是设计。

4.A set of instructions that a computer follows is called a structureD.variable答案:A。

program 是程序,即一组计算机遵循的指令。

algorithm 是算法,data structure 是数据结构,variable 是变量。

5.Which programming paradigm emphasizes on objects and classes?A.Procedural programmingB.Functional programmingC.Object-oriented programmingD.Logic programming答案:C。

Software Architect

Software Architect
Concerned with cross project/solution architecture and communication between different practices in architecture.
Time To Market
Cost and Benefits
Projected life time
Targeted Market
Integration with Legacy System
Roll back Schedule
Business Community view
A list of quality attributes exists in ISO/IEC 9126-2001 Information Technology – Software Product Quality
Solutions Architecture
Specific to a particular business area (or project) but still reliant on being a technical focal point for communications between the domain architect, business interests and development.
Concerned with the business model as it relates to an automated solution.
E-business is a good candidate Structural part of requirements analysis. Domain Specific

Applying Slicing Technique to Software Architectures

Applying Slicing Technique to Software Architectures

a r X i v :c s /0105008v 1 [c s .S E ] 5 M a y 2001Applying Slicing Technique to Software ArchitecturesJianjun ZhaoDepartment of Computer Science and EngineeringFukuoka Institute of Technology3-10-1Wajiro-Higashi,Higashi-ku,Fukuoka 811-0214, architecture is receiving increasingly atten-tion as a critical design level for software systems.As software architecture design resources (in the form of ar-chitectural specifications)are going to be accumulated,the development of techniques and tools to support ar-chitectural understanding,testing,reengineering,main-tenance,and reuse will become an important issue.This paper introduces a new form of slicing,named archi-tectural slicing,to aid architectural understanding and reuse.In contrast to traditional slicing,architectural slicing is designed to operate on the architectural spec-ification of a software system,rather than the source code of a program.Architectural slicing provides knowl-edge about the high-level structure of a software system,rather than the low-level implementation details of a program.In order to compute an architectural slice,we present the architecture information flow graph which can be used to represent information flows in a software architecture.Based on the graph,we give a two-phase algorithm to compute an architectural slice.1IntroductionSoftware architecture is receiving increasingly atten-tion as a critical design level for software systems [18].The software architecture of a system defines its high-level structure,exposing its gross organization as a col-lection of interacting components.A well-defined ar-chitecture allows an engineer to reason about system properties at a high level of abstraction.Architectural description languages (ADLs)are formal languages that can be used to represent the architecture of a software system.They focus on the high-level structure of the overall application rather than the implementation de-tails of any specific source module.Recently,a number of architectural description languages have been pro-posed such as W right [2],Rapide [13],UniCon [17],and ACME [9]to support formal representation and reason-ing of software architectures.As software architecture design resources (in the form of architectural specifica-tions)are going to be accumulated,the development of techniques to support software architectural under-standing,testing,reengineering,maintenance and reuse will become an important issue.One way to support software architecture develop-ment is to use slicing technique.Program slicing,origi-nally introduced by Weiser [23],is a decomposition tech-nique which extracts program elements related to a par-ticular computation.A program slice consists of those parts of a program that may directly or indirectly affect the values computed at some program point of interest,referred to as a slicing criterion .The task to compute program slices is called program slicing .To understand the basic idea of program slicing,consider a simple ex-ample in Figure 1which shows:(a)a program frag-ment and (b)its slice with respect to the slice criterion (Total ,14).The slice consists of only those statements in the program that might affect the value of variable Total at line 14.The lines represented by small rectan-gles are statements that have been sliced away.We refer to this kind of slicing as traditional slicing to distinguish it from a new form of slicing introduced later.Traditional slicing has been studied primarily in the context of conventional programming languages [21].In such languages,slicing is typically performed by using a control flow graph or a dependence graph [5,12,7,16,24,25].Traditional slicing has many ap-plications in software engineering activities including program understanding [6],debugging [1],testing [3],maintenance [8],reuse [15],reverse engineering [4],and complexity measurement [16].Applying slicing technique to software architectures promises benefit for software architecture development at least in two aspects.First,architectural understand-ing and maintenance should benefit from slicing.When a maintainer wants to modify a component in a software architecture in order to satisfy new design requirements,the maintainer must first investigate which components will affect the modified component and which compo-nents will be affected by the modified component.This process is usually called impact analysis .By slicing a software architecture,the maintainer can extract the parts of a software architecture containing those compo-nents that might affect,or be affected by,the modified component.The slicing tool which provides such infor-mation can assist the maintainer greatly.Second,archi-tectural reuse should benefit from slicing.While reuse of code is important,in order to make truly large gains in productivity and quality,reuse of software designs and patterns may offer the greater potential for return on investment.By slicing a software architecture,a sys-1 begin2 read(X,Y);3 Total := 0.0;4 Sum := 0.0;5 if X <= 1 then6 Sum := Y;7 else8 begin9 read(Z);10 Total := X * Y;11 end;12 end if13 Write(Total, sum);14 end1 begin2 read(X,Y);3 Total := 0.0; 45 if X <= 1 then 67 else8 begin 910 Total := X * Y;11 end;12 end if 1314 end(a) A program fragment.(b) a slice of (a) on the criterion (Total,14).Figure 1:A program fragment and its slice on criterion (Total ,14).tem designer can extract reusable architectures from it,and reuse them into new system designs for which they are appropriate.While slicing is useful in software architecture devel-opment,existing slicing techniques for conventional pro-gramming languages can not be applied to architectural specifications straightforwardly due to the following rea-sons.Generally,the traditional definition of slicing is concerned with slicing programs written in conventional programming languages which primarily consist of vari-ables and statements,and the slicing notions are usually defined as (1)a slicing criterion is a pair (s,V)where s is a statement and V is a set of variables defined or used at s ,and (2)a slice consists of only statements.However,in a software architecture,the basic elements are components and their interconnections,but neither variables nor statements as in conventional program-ming languages.Therefore,to perform slicing at the architectural level,new slicing notions for software ar-chitectures must be defined.In this paper,we introduce a new form of slicing,named architectural slicing .In contrast to traditionalslicing,architectural slicing is designed to operate on a formal architectural specification of a software sys-tem,rather than the source code of a conventional pro-gram.Architectural slicing provides knowledge about the high-level structure of a software system,rather than the low-level implementation details of a conven-tional program.Our purpose for development of archi-tectural slicing is different from that for development of traditional slicing.While traditional slicing was de-signed originally for supporting source code level un-derstanding and debugging of conventional programs,architectural slicing was primarily designed for support-ing architectural level understanding and reuse of large-scale software systems.However,just as traditional slic-ing has many other applications in software engineering activities,we believe that architectural slicing is also useful in other software architecture development activ-ities including architectural testing,reverse engineering,reengineering,and complexity measurement.Abstractly,our slicing algorithm takes as input a for-mal architectural specification (written in its associated architectural description language)of a software system,then it removes from the specification those components and interconnections between components which are not necessary for ensuring that the semantics of the specifi-cation of the software architecture is maintained.This benefit allows unnecessary components and interconnec-tions between components to be removed at the archi-tectural level of the system which may lead to consid-erable space savings,especially for large-scale software systems whose architectures consist of numerous com-ponents.In order to compute an architectural slice,we present the architecture information flow graph which can be used to represent information flows in a software architecture.Based on the graph,we give a two-phase algorithm to compute an architectural slice.The rest of the paper is organized as follows.Section 2briefly introduces how to represent a software archi-tecture using W right :an architectural description lan-guage.Section 3shows a motivation example.Section 4defines some notions about slicing software architec-tures.Section 5presents the architecture information flow graph for software architectures .Section 6gives a two-phase algorithm for computing an architectural slice.Section 7discusses the related work.Concluding remarks are given in Section 8.2Software Architectural Specification in W rightWe assume that readers are familiar with the basic concepts of software architecture and architectural de-scription language,and in this paper,we use W right architectural description language [2]as our target lan-guage for formally representing software architectures.The selection of W right is based on that it supports to represent not only the architectural structure but also the architectural behavior of a software architecture.Below,we use a simple W right architectural speci-Configuration GasStationComponent CustomerPort Pay=pay!x→pump?x→!x→Gas.pump?x→Computation Component CashierPort Customer1=pay?x→Customer1Port Customer2=pay?x→Customer2Port Topump=pump!x→Computation []→Topump.pump!x→Oil1Port Oil2=take→pump!x→Computation)[](Oil2.take→Oil2.pump!xCashierRole Givemoney=pay!x→GlueConnector Customer→pump?x→GetoilRole Giveoil=take→pump!x→Giveoil.pump?x→Getoil.pump!xPumpRole Tell=pump!x→GlueInstancesCustomer1:CustomerCustomer2:Customercashier:Cashierpump:PumpCustomer1CashierCustomer2CashierCustomer1PumpCustomer2Pumpcashier PumpAttachmentsCustomer1.Pay as Customer1pump.GetoilCustomer2.Pay as Customer2pump.Getoilcasier.Customer1as Customer1cashier.Getmoneycashier.Topump as cashierpump.Knowpump.Oil1as Customer1pump.GiveoilEnd GasStation.Figure2:An architectural specification in W right.fication taken from[14]as a sample to briefly introduce how to use W right to represent a software architecture. The specification is showed in Figure2which models the system architecture of a Gas Station system[11].2.1Representing Architectural StructureW right uses a configuration to describe architec-tural structure as graph of components and connectors.Components are computation units in the system.In W right,each component has an interface defined by a set of ports.Each port identifies a point of interaction between the component and its environment.Connectors are patterns of interaction between com-ponents.In W right,each connector has an interface defined by a set of roles.Each role defines a participant of the interaction represented by the connector.A W right architectural specification of a system is defined by a set of component and connector type defini-tions,a set of instantiations of specific objects of these types,and a set of attachments.Attachments specify which components are linked to which connectors.For example,in Figure2there are three compo-nent type definitions,Customer,Cashier and Pump,and three connector type definitions,Customer_Cashier, Customer_Pump and Cashier_Pump.The configuration is composed of a set of instances and a set of attach-ments to specify the architectural structure of the sys-tem.2.2Representing Architectural BehaviorW right models architectural behavior according to the significant events that take place in the computa-Customer1Customer2pumpFigure 3:The architecture of the Gas Station system.tion of components,and the interactions between com-ponents as described by the connectors.The nota-tion for specifying event-based behavior is adapted from CSP [10].Each CSP process defines an alphabet of events and the permitted patterns of events that the process may exhibit.These processes synchronize on common events (i.e.,interact)when composed in paral-lel.W right uses such process descriptions to describe the behavior of ports,roles,computations and glues.A computation specification specifies a component’s behavior:the way in which it accepts certain events on certain ports and produces new events on those or other ports.Moreover,W right uses an overbar to distin-guish initiated events from observed events ∗.For ex-ample,the Customer initiates Pay action (i.e.,pay!x).As a result,based on formal W right architectural specifications,we can infer which ports of a component are input ports and which are output ports.Also,we can infer which roles are input roles and which are out-specification of the original one which includes those components and connectors that might affect the com-ponent cashier through the ports in the criterion,and a forward architectural slice is a partial specification of the original one which includes those components and connectors that might be affected by the component cashier through the ports in the criterion.The other parts of the specification that might not affect or be af-fected by the component cashier will be removed,i.e., sliced away from the original specification.The main-tainer can thus examine only the contents included in a slice to investigate the impact of modifi-ing the algorithm we will present in Section6,the slice shown in Figure6can be computed.4Architectural SlicingIntuitively,an architectural slice may be viewed as a subset of the behavior of a software architecture,simi-lar to the original notion of the traditional static slice. However,while a traditional slice intends to isolate the behavior of a specified set of program variables,an ar-chitectural slice intends to isolate the behavior of a spec-ified set of a component or connector’s elements.Given an architectural specification P=(C m,C n,c g),our goal is to compute an architectural slice S p=(C′m,C′n,c′g) which should be a“sub-architecture”of P and preserve partially the semantics of P.To define the meanings of the word“sub-architecture,”we introduce the concepts of a reduced component,connector and configuration. Definition4.1Let P=(C m,C n,c g)be an architec-tural specification and c m∈C m,c n∈C n,and c g be a component,connector,and configuration of P respec-tively:•A reduced component of c m is a component c′m that is derived from c m by removing zero,or more ele-ments from c m.•A reduced connector of c n is a connector c′n that is derived from c n by removing zero,or more elements from c n.•A reduced configuration of c g is a configuration c′g that is derived from c g by removing zero,or more elements from c g.The above definition showed that a reduced compo-nent,connector,or configuration of a component,con-nector,or configuration may equal itself in the case that none of its elements has been removed,or an empty com-ponent,connector,or configuration in the case that all its elements have been removed.For example,the followings show a component Customer,a connector Customer_Cashier,and a con-figuration as well as their corresponding reduced com-ponent,connector,and configuration.The small rect-angles represent those ports,roles,or instances and at-tachments that have been removed from the original component,connector,or configuration.(1)The component Customer and its reduced compo-nent(with*mark)in which the port Gas and elements Gas.take→PayPort Gas=take→Gas.take→!xCashierRole Givemoney=pay!x→Glue*Connector Customer→Glue(3)The configuration and its reduced configuration (with*mark)in which some instances and attachments have been removed.InstancesCustomer1:CustomerCustomer2:Customercashier:Cashierpump:PumpCustomer1CashierCustomer2CashierCustomer1PumpCustomer2Pumpcashier PumpAttachmentsCustomer1.Pay as Customer1pump.GetoilCustomer2.Pay as Customer2pump.Getoilcasier.Customer1as Customer1cashier.Getmoney cashier.Topump as cashierpump.Knowpump.Oil1as Customer1pump.Giveoil*InstancesCustomer1:CustomerCustomer2:Customercashier:Cashier22222222Customer1CashierCustomer2Cashier222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222*AttachmentsCustomer1.Pay as Customer1cashier.Givemoney 222222222222222222222222222casier.Customer1as Customer1cashier.Getmoney 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222Having the definitions of a reduced component,con-nector and configuration,we can define the meaning of the word“sub-architecture”.Definition4.2Let P=(C m,C n,c g)and P′= (C′m,C′n,c′g)be two architectural specifications.Then P′is a reduced architectural specification of P if:•C′m={c′m1,c′m2,...,c′mk}is a“subset”of C m={c m1,c m2,...,c mk}such that for i=1,2,...,k,c′miis a reduced component of c m i,•C′n={c′n1,c′n2,...,c′nk}is a“subset”of C n={c n1,c n2,...,c nk}such that for i=1,2,...,k,c′niis a reduced connector of c n i,•c′g is a reduced configuration of c g,Having the definition of a reduced architectural spec-ification,we can define some notions about slicing soft-ware architectures.In a W right architectural specification,for exam-ple,a component’s interface is defined to be a set of ports which identify the form of the component inter-acting with its environment,and a connector’s interface is defined to be a set of roles which identify the form of the connector interacting with its environment.To un-derstand how a component interacts with other compo-nents and connectors for making changes,a maintainer must examine each port of the component of interest. Moreover,it has been frequently emphasized that con-nectors are as important as components for architec-tural design,and a maintainer may also want to modify a connector during the maintenance.To satisfy these requirements,for example,we can define a slicing cri-terion for a W right architectural specification as a set of ports of a component or a set of roles of a connector of interest.Definition4.3Let P=(C m,C n,c g)be an architec-tural specification.A slicing criterion for P is a pair (c,E)such that:1.c∈C m and E is a set of elements of c,or2.c∈C n and E is a set of elements of c.Note that the selection of a slicing criterion depends on users’interests on what they want to examine.If they are interested in examining a component in an ar-chitectural specification,they may use slicing criterion 1.If they are interested in examining a connector,they may use slicing criterion2.Moreover,the determina-tion of the set E also depends on users’interests on what they want to examine.If they want to examine a component,then E may be the set of ports or just a subset of ports of the component.If they want to ex-amine a connector,then E may be the set of roles or just a subset of roles of the connector.Definition4.4Let P=(C m,C n,c g)be an architec-tural specification.•A backward architectural slice S bp=(C′m,C′n,C′g) of P on a given slicing criterion(c,E)is a reduced architectural specification of P which contains only those reduced components,connectors,and config-uration that might directly or indirectly affect the behavior of c through elements in E.•Backward-slicing an architectural specification P on a given slicing criterion is tofind the backward architectural slice of P with respect to the criterion. Definition4.5Let P=(C m,C n,c g)be an architec-tural specification.•A forward architectural slice S fp=(C′m,C′n,C′g) of P on a given slicing criterion(c,E)is a reduced architectural specification of P which contains only those reduced components,connectors,and config-uration that might be directly or indirectly affected by the behavior of c through elements in E.•Forward-slicing an architectural specification P ona given slicing criterion is tofind the forward ar-chitectural slice of P with respect to the criterion.From Definitions4.4and4.5,it is obviously that there is at least one backward slice and at least one forward slice of an architectural specification that is the specification itself.Moreover,the architecture repre-sented by S bp or S fp should be a“sub-architecture”of the architecture represented by P.Defining an architectural slice as a reduced architec-tural specification of the original one is particularly use-ful for supporting architectural reuse.By using an ar-chitectural slicer,a system designer can automatically decompose an existing architecture(in the case that its architectural specification is available)into some small architectures each having its own functionality which may be reused in new system designs.Moreover,the view of an architectural slice as a reduced architecturalpv1: Customer1.Paypv2: Customer1.Gaspv3: Customer2.Paypv4: Customer2.Gaspv5: cashier.Customer1pv6: cashier.Customer2pv7: cashier.Topumppv8: pump.Fromcashierpv9: pump.Oil1pv10: pump.Oil2rv1: Customer1_cashier.Givemoneyrv2: Customer1_cashier.Getmoneyrv3: Customer2_cashier.Givemoneyrv4: Customer2_cashier.Getmoneyrv5: cashier_pump.Tellrv6: cashier_pump.Knowrv7: Customer1_pump.Getoilrv8: Customer1_pump.Giveoilrv9: Customer2_pump.Getoilrv10: Customer2_pump.GiveoilFigure4:The informationflow graph of the architectural specification in Figure2.specification dose not reduce its usefulness when applied it to architectural understanding because it also con-tains enough information for a maintainer to facilitate the modification.5The Information Flow Graph for Soft-ware ArchitecturesIn this section,we present the architecture informa-tionflow graph for software architectures on which ar-chitectural slices can be computed efficiently.The architecture informationflow graph is an arc-classified digraph whose vertices represent the ports of components and the roles of the connectors in an archi-tectural specification,and arcs represent possible infor-mationflows between components and/or connectors in the specification.Definition5.1The Architecture Information Flow Graph(AIFG)of an architectural specification P is an arc-classified digraph(V com,V con,Com,Con,Int), where:•V com is the set of port vertices of P;•V con is the set of role vertices of P;•Com is the set of component-connectorflow arcs;•Con is the set of connector-componentflow arcs;•Int is the set of internalflow arcs.There are three types of informationflow arcs in the AIFG,namely,component-connectorflow arcs, connector-componentflow arcs,and internalflow arcs.Component-connectorflow arcs are used to represent informationflows between a port of a component and a role of a connector in an architectural specification. Informally,if there is an informationflow from a port of a component to a role of a connector in the specifi-cation,then there is a component-connectorflow arc in the AIFG which connects the corresponding port vertex to the corresponding role vertex.For example,from the W right specification shown in Figure2,we can know that there is an informationflow from the port Topump of the component cashier to the role Tell of the con-nector cashier_pump.Therefore there is a component-connectorflow arc in the AIFG in Figure4which con-nects the port vertex of port Topump to the role vertex of role Tell.Connector-componentflow arcs are used to represent informationflows between a role of a connector and a port of a component in an architectural specification. Informally,if there is an informationflow from a role of a connector to a port of a component in the speci-fication,then there is a connector-componentflow arc in the AIFG which connects the corresponding role ver-tex to the corresponding port vertex.For example,from the W right specification in Figure2,we can know that there is an informationflow from the role Know of the connector cashier_pump to the port Fromcashier of the component pump.Therefore,there is a connector-componentflow arc in the AIFG in Figure4which con-nects the role vertex for role Know to the port vertex for port Fromcashier.Internalflow arcs are used to represent internal in-formationflows within a component or connector in an architectural specifirmally,for a component in the specification,there is an internalflow from an input port to an output port,and for a connector in the specification,there is an internalflow from an in-put role to an output role.For example,in Figure2, there is an internalflow from the role Givemoney to the role Getmoney of the connector Customer1_cashier and also an internalflow arc from the port Fromcashier to the port Oil1of component pump.As we introduced in Section2,W right uses CSP-based model to specify the behavior of a component and a connector of a software architecture.W right allows user to infer which ports of a component are input and which are output,and which roles of a connector are input and which are output based on a W right archi-tectural specification.Moreover,it also allows user to infer the direction in which the information transfers be-tween ports and/or roles.As a result,by using a static analysis tool which takes an architectural specification as its input,we can construct the AIFG of a W right architectural specification automatically.Figure4shows the AIFG of the architectural specifi-cation in Figure2.In thefigure,large squares represent components in the specification,and small squares rep-resent the ports of each component.Each port vertex has a name described by component name. For example,pv5(cashier.Customer1)is a port ver-tex that represents the port Customer1of the compo-nent rge circles represent connectors in the specification,and small circles represent the roles of each connector.Each role vertex has a name de-scribed by connector name.For example,rv5 (cashier_pump.Tell)is a role vertex that represents the role Tell of the connector cashier_pump.The com-plete specification of each vertex is shown on the right side of thefigure.Solid arcs represent component-connectorflow arcs that connect a port of a component to a role of a connec-tor.Dashed arcs represent connector-componentflow arcs that connect a role of a connector to a port of a component.Dotted arcs represent internalflow arcs that connect two ports within a component(from an input port to an output port),or two roles within a con-nector(from an input role to an output role).For exam-ple,(rv2,pv5)and(rv6,pv8)are connector-component flow arcs.(pv7,rv5)and(pv9,rv8)are component-connectorflow arcs.(rv1,rv2)and(pv8,pv10)are in-ternalflow arcs.6Computing Architectural Slices The slicing notions defined in Section4give us only a general view of an architectural slice,and do not tell us how to compute it.In this section we present a two-phase algorithm to compute a slice of an architectural specification based on its informationflow graph.Our algorithm contains two phases:(1)Computing a slice S g over the informationflow graph of an architectural specification,and(2)Constructing an architectural slice S p from S g.6.1Computing a Slice over the AIFGLet P=(C m,C n,c g)be an architectural specifica-tion and G=(V com,V con,Com,Con,Int)be the AIFG of P.To compute a slice over the G,we refine the slicing notions defined in Section4as follows:•A slicing criterion for G is a pair(c,V c)such that:(1)c∈C m and V c is a set of port vertices corre-sponding to the ports of c,or(2)c∈C n and V c isa set of role vertices corresponding to roles of c.•The backward slice S bg(c,V c)of G on a given slic-ing criterion(c,V c)is a subset of vertices of G such that for any vertex v of G,v∈S bg(c,V c)iffthere exists a path from v to v′∈V c in the AIFG.•The forward slice S fg(c,V c)of G on a given slicing criterion(c,V c)is a subset of vertices of G such that for any vertex v of G,v∈S fg(c,V c)iffthere exists a path from v′∈V c to v in the AIFG.According to the above descriptions,the computa-tion of a backward slice or forward slice over the AIFG can be solved by using an usual depth-first or breath-first graph traversal algorithm to traverse the graph by taking some port or role vertices of interest as the start point of interest.Figure5shows a backward slice over the AIFG with respect to the slicing criterion(cashier,V c)such that V c={pv5,pv6,pv7}.6.2Computing an Architectural SliceThe slice S g computed above is only a slice over the AIFG of an architectural specification,which is a set of vertices of the AIFG.Therefore we should map each element in S g to the source code of the specification.Let P=(C m,C n,c g)be an architectural specification and G=(V com,V con,Com,Con,Int)be the AIFG of P.By using the concepts of a reduced component,connector, and configuration introduced in Section4,a slice S p= (C′m,C′n,c′g)of an architectural specification P can be constructed in the following steps:1.Constructing a reduced component c′m from a com-ponent c m by removing all ports such that their corresponding port vertices in G have not been in-cluded in S g and unnecessary elements in the com-putation from c m.The reduced components C′m in S p have the same relative order as the componentsC m in P.2.Constructing a reduced connector c′n from a con-nector c n by removing all roles such that their cor-responding role vertices in G have not been in-cluded in S g and unnecessary elements in the glue from c n.The reduced connectors C′n in S p have the。

2_what is the software architecture

2_what is the software architecture
physical model + mapping
TCP/IP over Ethernet bandwidth, availability
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1.1.2 Architecture is an abstraction
In modern systems, elements interact with each other by means of interface Interface partition the details of an element into public and private parts Architecture is concerned with the public side of interface
The software architecture of a system is
the set of structures needed to reason about the system, which comprise software elements, relations among them, and properties of both business goals and the final resulting systems A B
6 C&C structure
C&C structures focus on the way the elements interact with each other at runtime to carry out the system’s functions For example: the service system



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识,控用制于面指通导过控向制数面 的适据应面性发控送制配置信
管理面用于协调数 图2.1 物联网的一种自主体系结构数据分组的传送
第2章 物联网体系架构 图2.3 EPC物联网体系架构示意图
第2章 物联网体系架构
由图2.3可以看到一个企业物联网应用系统的基本架构。 该应用系统由三大部分组成,即RFID识别系统、中间件系统 和计算机互联网系统。
RFID识别系统包含EPC标签和RFID读写器,两者通过 RFID空中接口通信,EPC标签贴于每件物品上。
EPC Global对于物联网的描述是,一个物联网主要由 EPC编码体系、射频识别系统及EPC信息网络系统三部分组 成。
第2章 物联网体系架构
1.EPC编码体系 物联网实现的是全球物品的信息实时共享。显然,首先 要做的是实现全球物品的统一编码,即对在地球上任何地方 生产出来的任何一件物品,都要给它打上电子标签。 这种电子标签带有一个电子产品代码,并且全球唯一。 电子标签代表了该物品的基本识别信息,例如,表示“A公 司于B时间在C地点生产的D类产品的第E件”。目前,欧美 支持的EPC编码和日本支持的UID编码是两种常见的电子产 品编码体系。
第2章 物联网体系架构
EPC信息发现服务(Discovery Service)包括对象名解析服 务(Object Name Service,ONS)以及配套服务,它基于电子产 品代码,获取EPC数据访问通道信息。目前,根ONS系统和 配套的发现服务系统由EPC Global委托VeriSign公司进行运

Performance Analysis of Software Architectures

Performance Analysis of Software Architectures

rr Q re 10
Other average performance indices can be derived from π and depend on the blocking type Exact solution becomes soon numerically untractable Product-form solution in special cases approximate analysis
• Network Topology
– models how service centers are interconnected and how customers move among them
Queueing networks with finite capacity queues
•Queueing network models to represent – sharing of resources with finite capacity queues – population constraints – synchronization constraints
Lack of information
How do we measure
How do we interpret the measures?
Performance Evaluation
Quantitative analysis of systems; based on models and methods both deterministic and stochastic
• Analytic techniques can be exact (e.g. numerical), approximated or bound

Client-side cross-site scripting protection

Client-side cross-site scripting protection

在线网络技术搜索研发GIS研发互联网/电子商务功能设计linux平台脚本语言数据结构和算法设计Online NetworkSearch R & DGIS R & DInternet / E-CommerceFunctional Designlinux platformScripting languageData structure and algorithm design16,410 articles found for: pub-date > 2002 and tak(((E-Commerce) or (Online Network ) or (GIS R&D) or (Search R&D)) and ((Functional Design ) or (Scripting language ) or (Data structure ) or (algorithm design) or (linux platform )) and internet)Platform-based product design and development: A knowledge-intensive support approachKnowledge-Based SystemsThis paper presents a knowledge-intensive support paradigm for platform-based product family design and development. The fundamental issues underlying the product family design and development, including product platform and product family modeling, product family generation and evolution, and product family evaluation for customization, are discussed. A module-based integrated design scheme is proposed with knowledge support for product family architecture modeling, product platform establishment, product family generation, and product variant assessment. A systematic methodology and the relevant technologies are investigated and developed for knowledge supported product family design process. The developed information and knowledge-modeling framework and prototype system can be used for platform product design knowledge capture, representation and management and offer on-line support for designers in the design process. The issues and requirements related to developing a knowledge-intensive support system for modular platform-based product family design are also addressed.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Literature review3. Platform-based product design and development4. Product platform and product family modeling4.1. Product family architecture modeling4.2. Product family generation and optimization4.3. Product family evolution representation4.4. Product family evaluation for customization5. Module-based product family design process6. Knowledge support framework for modular product family design6.1. Knowledge support scheme and key issues6.2. Product family design knowledge modeling and support6.2.1. Issues of product family design knowledge modeling6.2.2. Knowledge modeling and representation for product family design6.2.3. Knowledge support process for modular product family design7. Prototype of knowledge-intensive support system for product family design8. Summary and future work9. DisclaimerReferencesCost-based admission control for Internet Commerce QoS enhancementElectronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsIn many e-commerce systems, preserving Quality of Service (QoS) is crucial to keep a competitive edge. Poor QoS translates into poor system resource utilisation, customer dissatisfaction and profit loss. In this paper, a cost-based admission control (CBAC) approach is described which is a novel approach to preserve QoS in Internet Commerce systems. CBAC is a dynamic mechanism which uses a congestion control technique to maintain QoS while the system is online. Rather than rejecting customer requests in a high-load situation, a discount-charge model which is sensitive to system current load and navigationalstructure is used to encourage customers to postpone their requests. A scheduling mechanism with load forecasting is used to schedule user requests in more lightly loaded time periods. Experimental results showed that the use of CBAC at high load achieves higher profit, better utilisation of system resources and service times competitive with those which are achievable during lightly loaded periods. Throughput is sustained at reasonable levels and request failure at high load is dramatically reduced.Article Outline1. Introduction2. An overview of CBAC3. Discount-charge pricing model4. CBAC’s navigational model5. Customer postponed request scheduling6. Forecasting system load7. CBAC-specific web pages8. Customer behaviour9. ECBench benchmarking tool10. CBAC performance analysis10.1. Service time10.2. CPU utilisation10.3. Throughput and failed requests10.4. Profit10.5. CBAC overhead10.6. CBAC load forecasting effect11. Related work12. ConclusionsReferencesActiveRDF: Embedding Semantic Web data into object-oriented languagesWeb Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide WebSemantic Web applications share a large portion of development effort with database-driven Web applications. Existing approaches for development of these database-driven applications cannot be directly applied to Semantic Web data due to differences in the underlying data model. We develop a mapping approach that embeds Semantic Web data into object-oriented languages and thereby enables reuse of existing Web application frameworks.We analyse the relation between the Semantic Web and the Web, and survey the typical data access patterns in Semantic Web applications. We discuss the mismatch between object-oriented programming languages and Semantic Web data, for example in the semantics of class membership, inheritance relations, and object conformance to schemas.We present ActiveRDF, an object-oriented API for managing RDF data that offers full manipulation and querying of RDF data, does not rely on a schema and fully conforms to RDF(S) semantics. ActiveRDF can be used with different RDF data stores: adapters have been implemented to generic SPARQL endpoints, Sesame, Jena, Redland and YARS and new adapters can be added easily. We demonstrate the usage of ActiveRDF and its integration with the popular Ruby on Rails framework which enables rapid development of Semantic Web applications.Article Outline1. Introduction1.1. Mapping relational data1.2. Web application frameworks1.3. Outline2. Related work2.1. Object–relational mappings2.2. RDF data access2.3. Semantic Web application development3. Developing Semantic Web applications4. Requirements for Semantic Web application development5. Typical data access and manipulation patterns6. Programming languages for embedding RDF data7. A layered architecture for programmatic access to data7.1. Adapters7.2. Federation manager7.3. Query engine7.4. Object manager8. Evaluation9. Example application: exploring online communities9.1. Domain: social communities on the web9.2. The Ruby on Rails Web application framework9.3. Implementing the SIOC explorer9.3.1. Crawling SIOC data9.3.2. Integrating the data9.3.3. Application logic: social context extraction9.3.4. Faceted navigation with BrowseRDF9.4. Implemented Semantic Web capabilities10. ConclusionReferencesThe hybrid model of neural networks and genetic algorithms for the design of controls for internet-based systems for business-to-consumer electronic commerceExpert Systems with ApplicationsResearch highlights► A hybrid model using neural networks and genetic algorithms is proposed. ► The effect of system environments on controls can be estimated. ► The effect of each mode of controls on implementation (volume) can be identified. ► The model can suggest the bes t set of values for controls to be recommended.As organizations become increasingly dependent on Internet-based systems for business-to-consumer electronic commerce (ISB2C), the issue of IS security becomes increasingly important. As the usage ofsecurity controls is related to the implementation of ISB2C, the extent of ISB2C controls can be adjusted in order to enable the greatest extent of implementation of ISB2C. This study intends to proposeISB2C-NNGA (ISB2C-controls design using neural networks and genetic algorithms), a hybrid optimization model using neural networks and genetic algorithms for the design of ISB2C controls, which uses back-propagation neural networks (BPN) model as a prediction of controls using system environments, and GA as a pattern directed search mechanism to estimate the exponent of independent variables (i.e., ISB2C controls) in multivariate regression analysis of power model. The effect of system environments on controls can be estimated using BPN model which outperformed linear regression analysis in terms of square root of mean squared error. The effect of each mode of controls on implementation (volume) can be identified using exponents and standardized coefficients in theGA-based nonlinear regression analysis in ISB2C-NNGA. ISB2C-NNGA outperformed conventional linear regression analysis in prediction accuracy in terms of the average R square and sum of squared error. ISB2C can suggest the best set of values for controls to be recommended from several candidate sets of values for controls by identifying the set of values for controls which produce greatest extent of ISB2C implementation. The results of study will support the design of ISB2C controls effectively. Article Outline1. Introduction2. Theoretical background2.1. Neural networks2.2. Genetic algorithms2.3. ISB2C Controls for ISB2C implementation3. Research model3.1. Build a neural network model to estimate the effect of system environments on controls3.2. Build a GA-based nonlinear regression model3.3. Determine the extent of effect on implementation by each mode of controls3.4. Recommend the set of controls for maximum implementation of ISB2C from candidate sets of controls4. Measures and data collection5.1. Estimation and prediction of ISB2C controls using BPN5.2. Estimation and prediction of ISB2C implementation using GA-based nonlinear regression model5.3. Recommendation of controls6. ConclusionAppendix AA.1. System environmentsA.2. ISB2C ControlsA.3. ISB2C ImplementationReferencesCataclysm: Scalable overload policing for internet applicationsE-fulfillment and multi-channel distribution – A reviewEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchThis review addresses supply chain management issues specific to Internet fulfillment in a multi-channel environment. It provides a systematic overview of managerial planning tasks and corresponding quantitative models. Our objective is to twofold, namely to enhance the understanding of multi-channel e-fulfillment by documenting the current state of affairs, and to inspire fruitful future research by identifying gaps between relevant managerial issues and available academic literature.One of the recurrent patterns in today’s e-commerce operations is the combination of ‘bricks-and-clicks’ –the integration of e-fulfillment into a portfolio of multiple alternative distribution channels. From a supply chain management perspective, multi-channel distribution provides opportunities for serving different customer segments, creating synergies, and exploiting economies of scale. However, in order to successfully exploit these opportunities companies must master novel challenges. In particular, the design of a multi-channel distribution system requires a constant trade-off between process integration and separation across multiple channels. In addition, sales and operation decisions are ever more tightly intertwined as delivery and after-sales services are becoming key components of the product offering. Article Outline2. Scope and framework3. Sales and delivery planning3.1. Delivery service design3.1.1. Issues3.1.2. Models3.2. Pricing and forecasting3.2.1. Issues3.2.2. Models3.3. Order promising and revenue management 3.3.1. Issues3.3.2. Models3.4. Transportation planning3.4.1. Issues3.4.2. Models4. Supply management4.1. Distribution network design4.1.1. Issues4.1.2. Models4.2. Warehouse design4.2.1. Issues4.2.2. Models4.3. Inventory and capacity management4.3.1. Issues4.3.2. Models5. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferencesDistributed algorithm engineering for networks of tiny artifactsComputer Science Reviewthis survey, we describe the state of the art for research on experimentally-driven research on networks of tiny artifacts. The main topics are existing and planned practical testbeds, software simulations, and hybrid approaches; in addition, we describe a number of current studies undertaken by the authors. Article Outline1. Introduction2. Tools of practical assessment2.1. Experimental facilitiesMoteLabTWISTTutorNetMetroSense—BikenetTrueMobilesensLABWISEBEDSmart cities2.2. Software simulatorsNs-2JSimOMNeT++SENSETOSSIMAvroraWSimShawn2.3. Hybrid approachesSensorSimH-TOSSIMEmstarX-SimSensornet CheckpointingVirtual Links2.4. The wiselib: a library of algorithms Lack of established programming standards Compatibility issuesAbsence of low-level convenience features Absence of algorithm building blocks ArchitecturepSTLpMPAlgorithms3. Algorithm engineering in FRONTS3.1. Hardware3.2. Simulating the testbed3.3. Experiments repository4. Case studies4.1. Adaptive multipath fair communication Probabilistic data forwardingEnergy fairnessMultiple forwarding phasesTwisting forwardingConclusions4.2. Game-theoretic vertex coloringGame-theoretic vertex coloring Centralized implementationSimplified distributed implementationFully distributed implementation ConclusionsReferencesVitaeA multi-resolution model of vector map data for rapid transmission over the InternetComputers & GeosciencesThe rapid transmission of vector map data over the Internet is becoming a bottleneck of spatial data delivery and visualization in web-based environment because of increasing data amount and limited network bandwidth. In order to improve the transmission performance of vector map data over the Internet, a multi-resolution model of vector map data is proposed, which constructs multiple-resolution representations of vector map data on-line prior to transmission with a vertex decimation method on the server side. The vertex decimation method was developed to extract various resolutions of vector map data on-line, and data reconstruction solution was developed to recover the original vector map data from a low-resolution one on the client side. Secondly, rules of the vertex decimation method are defined to overcome self-intersections and inconsistent topology in the multi-resolution model and corresponding algorithm was developed to test the performance and feasibility of the multi-resolution model for rapid transmission over the Internet. Experimental results reveal that the multi-resolution model of vector map data significantly improves the transmission time and decreases data amount of spatial data over the Internet.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Methodology2.1. The concept of progressive transmission of vector map data2.2. Construction of the multi-resolution model of vector map data2.2.1. The vertex decimation method2.2.2. Constructing the multi-resolution model of geometry objects3. Implementation of the multi-resolution model of vector map data3.1. Data structure for the vertices eliminated3.2. The transmission and reconstruction of vector map data4. Experimental study and analysis5. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferencesCommunity detection in graphsPhysics ReportsThe modern science of networks has brought significant advances to our understanding of complex systems. One of the most relevant features of graphs representing real systems is community structure, or clustering, i.e. the organization of vertices in clusters, with many edges joining vertices of the same cluster and comparatively few edges joining vertices of different clusters. Such clusters, or communities, can be considered as fairly independent compartments of a graph, playing a similar role like, e.g., the tissues or the organs in the human body. Detecting communities is of great importance in sociology, biology and computer science, disciplines where systems are often represented as graphs. This problem is very hard and not yet satisfactorily solved, despite the huge effort of a large interdisciplinary community of scientists working on it over the past few years. We will attempt a thorough exposition of the topic, from the definition of the main elements of the problem, to the presentation of most methods developed, with a special focus on techniques designed by statistical physicists, from the discussion of crucial issues like the significance of clustering and how methods should be tested and compared against each other, to the description of applications to real networks.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Communities in real-world networks3. Elements of community detection3.1. Computational complexity3.2. Communities3.2.1. Basics3.2.2. Local definitions3.2.3. Global definitions3.2.4. Definitions based on vertex similarity 3.3. Partitions3.3.1. Basics3.3.2. Quality functions: Modularity4. Traditional methods4.1. Graph partitioning4.2. Hierarchical clustering4.3. Partitional clustering4.4. Spectral clustering5. Divisive algorithms5.1. The algorithm of Girvan and Newman5.2. Other methods6. Modularity-based methods6.1. Modularity optimization6.1.1. Greedy techniques6.1.2. Simulated annealing6.1.3. Extremal optimization6.1.4. Spectral optimization6.1.5. Other optimization strategies6.2. Modifications of modularity6.3. Limits of modularity7. Spectral algorithms8. Dynamic algorithms8.1. Spin models8.2. Random walk8.3. Synchronization9. Methods based on statistical inference 9.1. Generative models9.2. Blockmodeling, model selection and information theory10. Alternative methods11. Methods to find overlapping communities11.1. Clique percolation11.2. Other techniques12. Multiresolution methods and cluster hierarchy12.1. Multiresolution methods12.2. Hierarchical methods13. Detection of dynamic communities14. Significance of clustering15. Testing algorithms15.1. Benchmarks15.2. Comparing partitions: Measures15.3. Comparing algorithms16. General properties of real clusters17. Applications on real-world networks17.1. Biological networks17.2. Social networks17.3. Other networks18. OutlookAcknowledgementsAppendix. Elements of graph theoryA.1. Basic definitionsA.2. Graph matricesA.3. Model graphsReferencesArchitectures for the future networks and the next generation Internet: A survey Computer CommunicationsNetworking research funding agencies in USA, Europe, Japan, and other countries are encouraging research on revolutionary networking architectures that may or may not be bound by the restrictions of the current TCP/IP based Internet. We present a comprehensive survey of such research projects and activities. The topics covered include various testbeds for experimentations for new architectures, new security mechanisms, content delivery mechanisms, management and control frameworks, service architectures, and routing mechanisms. Delay/disruption tolerant networks which allow communications even when complete end-to-end path is not available are also discussed.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Scope3. Security3.1. Relationship-Oriented Networking3.1.1.Identities3.1.2. Building and sharing relationships3.1.3. Relationship applications3.2. Security architecture for Networked Enterprises (SANE)3.3. Enabling defense and deterrence through private attribution3.4. Protecting user privacy in a network with ubiquitous computing devices3.5. Pervasive and trustworthy network and service infrastructures3.6. Anti-Spam Research Group (ASRG)4. Content distribution mechanisms4.1. Next generation CDN4.2. Next generation P2P4.3. Swarming architecture4.4. Content Centric Networking5. Challenged network environments5.1. Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN)5.2. Delay/fault tolerant mobile sensor networks (DFT-MSN)5.3. Postcards from the edge5.4. Disaster day after networks (DAN)5.5. Selectively Connected Networking (SCN)6. Network monitoring and control architectures6.1. 4D architecture6.2. Complexity Oblivious Network Management (CONMan)6.3. Maestro6.4. Autonomic network management6.5. In-Network Management (INM)7. Service centric architectures7.1. Service-Centric End-to-End Abstractions for Network Architecture7.2. SILO architecture for services integration, control, and optimization for the future Internet7.3. NetSerV: architecture of a service-virtualized Internet7.4. SLA@SOI: empowering the Service Economy with SLA-aware Infrastructures7.5. SOA4All: Service-Oriented Architectures for All7.6. Internet 3.0: a multi-tier diversified architecture for the next generation Internet based on object abstraction8. Next generation internetworking architectures8.1. Algorithmic foundations for Internet architecture: clean slate approach8.2. Greedy routing on hidden metrics (GROH Model)8.3. HLP: hybrid link state path-vector inter-domain routing8.4. eFIT [94] enabling future Internet innovations through transit wire8.5. Postmodern internetwork architecture8.6. ID-locater split architectures8.6.1. HIP8.6.2. LISP8.6.3. MILSA8.7. Other proposals8.7.1. User controlled routes8.7.2. Switched Internet Architecture8.7.3. Routing Control Platform (RCP)9. Future Internet infrastructure design for experimentation9.1. Background: a retrospect of PlanetLab, Emulab and others 9.2. Next generation network testbeds: virtualization and federation 9.2.1. Federation9.2.2. Virtualization9.3. Next generation network testbeds: implementations9.3.1. Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI)9.3.2. FIRE testbeds9.3.3. WISEBED10. Conclusions11. List of abbreviations。



pc行业常用名词及缩写定义pc行业常用名词及缩写定义- 什么是 UI :UI的本意是用户界面,是英文User和interface的缩写。

- 什么是 GUIGraphics User Interface 图形用户界面有时也称为WIMP=Window/Icon/Menu/Pointing Device 窗口、图标、菜单、指点设备- 什么是 HUIHandset User Interface 手持设备用户界面- 什么是WUIWeb User Interface 网页风格用户界面- 什么是用户界面设计:在人和机器的互动过程(Human Machine Interaction)中,有一个层面,即我们所说的界面(interface)。





- 什么是IA:information Architect 信息架构- 什么是UE:user experience用户体验- 什么是HCI:human computer interaction人机交互- 什么是CHI:computer-human interaction人机交互- 什么是UCD:user -centered design用户中心设计- 什么是UPA:usability professionals' association 可用性专家协会IA在指一项工作的时候是 Information Architecture,指从事这项工作的人的时候是 Information Architect- 什么是IDIndustry Design 工业设计哦,不是Identity(身份证明)ID 就是identification Proof or evidence of identity, 确认身份的证据或证明- 什么是MMIMan Machine Interface人机接口,MMI是进行移动通信的人与提供移动通信服务的手机之间交往的界面。



Assignment 1:冉文浩2017180136260161.Give a formal or descriptive definition for each of the following terms.●ITRS,1●Gate-Equivalent,1●Technology Nodes,1●Feature size,1●IC design complexity sources,1 ●Behavioral representation,1●Abstraction hierarchy,1●IC design,1●Synthesis,1●Refinement,1●System-level synthesis,1●Logic synthesis,1●Layout synthesis,1●Partial design tree,●Design window,1●Digital design space,1●Static timing analysis,1●Behavioral simulation,1●Post place and routesimulation,1●Composition-based approach.12.Access the Internet for information about Daniel D. Gajski’s “Y-c hart”methodology for integrated circuits design. According to your investigation of the related research papers and/or technical reports, please summarize the “Y-c hart”theory, including (1) design representation domains, (2) design abstraction hierarchy and (3) design activities. References must be listed at the end of your report.3.Write a summary in Chinese of the paper “A New Ear in Advanced IC Design” (inless than 200 characters).1. Give a formal or descriptive definition for each of the following terms.ITRS:International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor(国际半导体技术发展路线图)Gate-Equivalent:A gate equivalent (GE) stands for a unit of measure which allows to specify manufacturing-technology-independent complexity of digital electronic circuits. It corresponds to a two input NAND gateTechnology Nodes:DRAM 结构里第一层金属的金属间距(pitch)的一半Feature size:roughly half the length of the smallest transistor(芯片上的最小物理尺寸)IC design complexity sources: It includes four main metrics:reliability、cost、performance and power consumption. It also includes four complexity sources:large size、variability and reliability、power dissipation and heterogeneity.Behavioral representation: Represents a design as a black box and its outputs in terms of its input and time. Indicates no geometrical information or structure information. Tables the form of text, math or algorithm.Abstraction hierarchy:Abstraction hierarchies are a human invention designed to assist people in engineering every complex systems by ignoring unnecessary details.A set of interrelated representation levels that allow a system to be represented in varying amounts of details. It includes six levels:system level、chip/algorithm level、RTL、logic gate level、circuit level、layout/silicon levelIC design: An integrated circuit is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or "chip") of semiconductor material, normally silicon.(在以小片半导体材料上面设计大量的集成电路)Synthesis:将高层次的信息转换成低层次的描述,具体是指将行为域的信息转换成结构域的信息。

software architecture知识点英文

software architecture知识点英文

C H1Introduction1.The Origins:A:Software Engineers have always employed software architectures Very often without realizing it!B:Address issues identified by researchers and practitioners:Essential software engineering difficulties;Unique characteristics of programming-in-the-large;Need for software reuse.C:Many ideas originated in other(non-computing)domains2.Software Engineering DifficultiesA:Software engineers deal with unique set of problemsYoung field with tremendous expectationsBuilding of vastly complex,but intangible systemsSoftware is not useful on its own e.g., unlike a car,thusIt must conform to changes in other engineering areasB:Some problems can be eliminatedC:Other problems can be lessened,but not eliminated3:Three fundamental understandings of software architecture:A:Every application has an architectureB:Every application has at least one architect C:Architecture is not a phase of development4:Context of Software ArchitectureA:RequirementsB:DesignC:ImplementationD:Analysis and TestingE:EvolutionF:Development Process 5:Requirements Analysis(PPT)6:New Perspective on Requirements Analysis:A:Existing designs and architectures provide the solution vocabularyB:Our understanding of what works now,and how it works,affects our wants and perceived needsC:The insights from our experiences with existing systems:helps us imagine what might work and enables us to assess development time and costsD:Requirements analysis and consideration of design must be pursued at the same time7:Typically in the traditional Design Phase decisions concernA:A system's structureB:Identification of its primary components C:Their interconnections8:Architecture-centric designA:stakeholder issuesB:decision about use of COTS component C:overarching style and structureD:package and primary class structureE:deployment issuesF:post implementation/deployment issues9:Non-Functional Properties(NFP)A:NFPs are the result of architectural choices B:NFP questions are raised as the result of architectural choicesC:Specification of NFP might require an architectural framework to even enable their statementD:An architectural framework will be required for assessment of whether the properties are achievable10:Basic conceptual tools:A:Separation of concernsB:AbstractionC:Modularity11Two illustrative widely adapted strategies:A:Object-oriented designB:Domain-specific software architectures11ImplementationA:The objective is to createmachine-executable source code.That code should be faithful tothe architecture:Alternatively,it may adapt the architecture How much adaptation is allowed?Architecturally-relevant vs.-unimportant adaptationsB:It must fully develop all outstanding details of the application12Faithful ImplementationA:All of the structural elements found in the architecture are implemented in the source codeB:Source code must not utilize major new computational elements that have no corresponding elements in the architecture C:Source code must not contain new connections between architectural elements that are not found in the architecture13Unfaithful ImplementationA:The implementation does have an architectureIt is latent,as opposed to what is documented.B:Failure to recognize the distinction between planned and implemented architecture:robs one of the ability to reason about the application's architecture in the future; Misleads all stakeholders regarding what they believe they have as opposed to what they really have;makes any development or evolution strategy that is based on the documented(but inaccurate)architecture doomed to failure.14Implementation StrategiesA:Generative techniquesB:FrameworksC:MiddlewareCORBA,DCOM,RPC,...D:Reuse-based techniquesCOTS,open-source,in-houseE:Writing all code manually15Implementation Strategies:How It All Fits Together?(1):Product Conception--->Principal design decision(2):Detailed Design-->Elaboration of principal design decisions;addition of others;(3):Framework selection anddevelopment-->Bridge from style to platform;addition of principal design decisions;(4):Component and connector implementation-->Implementation consistent with all principal design decisions(5):Finished Application16An analysis on a formal model can revealA:Component mismatchB:Incomplete specificationsC:Undesired communication patternsD:DeadlocksE:Security flaws17Architectural modelA:may be examined for consistency with requirementsB:may be used in determining analysis and testing strategies for source codeC:may be used to check if an implementation is faithful18Evolution and MaintenanceA:The traditional software engineering approach to maintenance is largely ad hoc: Risk of architectural decay and overall quality degradation.B:Architecture-centric approach: Sustained focus on an explicit,substantive, modifiable,faithful architectural model.19Architecture-Centric Evolution Process A:MotivationB:Evaluation or assessmentC:Design and choice of approachD:Action20ProcessesA:Traditional software process discussions make the process activities the focal point B:In architecture-centric software engineering the product becomes the focal point21Primacy of DesignA:Software engineers collect requirements, code,test,integrate,configure,etc.B:An architecture-centric approach to software engineering places an emphasis on designC:Design pervades the engineering activity from the very beginning.22Views on architecture:The requirements activity is a co-equal partner with design activities;Analysis and testing activities can be focused on and guided by the architecture;Evolution activities revolve around the product's architecture;An equal focus on process and product results from a proper understanding of the role of software architecture.23:Design decisions encompass every facet of the system under development:A:StructureB:BehaviorC:InteractionD:Non-functional properties24:PrincipalA:"Principal"implies a degree of importance that grants a design decision"architectural status":It implies that not all design decisions are architecturalB:That is,they do not necessarily impact a system's architectureC:How one defines"principal"will depend on what the stakeholders define as the system goals25:Software Architecture's ElementsA software system's architecture typically is not(and should not be)a uniform monolith.A software system's architecture should be a composition and interplay of different elements:A:ProcessingB:Data,also referred as information or state C:Interaction26:DefinitionA:A software system's architecture is the set of principal design decisions about the system B:A software component is an architectural entity that:encapsulates a subset of the system's functionality and/or data;restricts access to that subset via an explicitly defined interface;has explicitly defined dependencies on its required execution context;Components typically provide application-specific services.C:A software connector is an architectural building block tasked with effecting and regulating interactions among components D:An architectural configuration,or topology is a set of specific associations between thecomponents and connectors of a software system's architectureE:An architectural style is a named collection of architectural design decisions that:are applicable in given development context;constrain architectural design decisions that are specific to a particular system within that context;Elicit beneficial qualities in each resulting system.F:An architectural pattern is a set of architectural design decisions that are applicable to a recurring design problem,and parameter to account for different software development contexts in which that problem appears.27:About the ArchitectA:A distinctive role and character in a project B:Very broad trainingC:Amasses and leverages extensive experienceD:A keen sense of aestheticsE:Deep understanding of the domainF:Even first-rate programming skills are insufficient for the creation of complex software applications2(I)Designing Architectures28:Engineering Design ProcessA:Feasibility stage:identifying a set of feasible concepts for the design as a whole B:Preliminary design stage:selection and development of the best concept.C:Detailed design stage:development of engineering descriptions of the concept.D:Planning stage:evaluating and altering the concept to suit the requirements of production, distribution,consumption and product retirement.29:Potential Problems(PPT P6)30:Alternative Design Strategies:A:Standard:Linear model described above B:Cyclic:Process can revert to an earlier stage C:Parallel:Independent alternatives are explored inD:Adaptive("lay tracks as you go"):The next design strategy of the design activity is decided at the end of a given stageE:Incremental:Each stage of development is treated as a task of incrementally improving the existing design31:Identifying a Viable Strategy:A:Use fundamental design tools:abstraction and modularity.B:Inspiration,where inspiration is needed. Predictable techniques elsewhere.C:Applying own experience or experience of others.32:What concepts should be chosen at the outset of a design task?Search for a"simple machine"that serves as an abstraction of a potential system that will perform the required task.A:S imple machines provide a plausible first conception of how an application might be built.B:Every application domain has its common simple machines.33:Separation of ConcernsKey example from software architecture: separation of components(computation) from connectors(communication).34:A DSSA is an assemblageof software components:A:Specialized for a particular type of task (domain),B:generalized for effective use across that domain,andC:Composed in a standardized structure(topology)effective for building successful applications.35:Patterns,Styles,andDSSAs36:DSSAs are the preeminent means for maximal reuse of knowledge and prior development and hence for developing a new architectural design.37:DefinitionAn architectural pattern is a set of architectural design decisions that are applicable to a recurring design problem,and parameterized to account for different software development contexts in which that problem appears.38:Architectural patterns are similar to DSSAs but applied "at a lower level "and within a much narrower scope.39Architectural patternsA:State-Logic-Display:Three-Tiered PatternB:Model-View-Controller C:Sense-Compute-Control40:Architectural Styles reflect less domain specificity than architectural patterns.41:Definitions of Architectural StyleAn architectural style is a named collection of architectural design decisions that :are applicable in a given development context;constrain architectural design decisions that are specific to a particular system within that context;elicit beneficial qualities in each resulting system.42:Basic Properties of Styles:A:A vocabulary of design elements:Component and connector types;data elementsB:A set of configuration rulesTopological constraints that determine allowed compositions of elements C:A semantic interpretationCompositions of design elements have well-defined meaningsD:Possible analyses of systems built in a style 43:Benefits of Using Styles Design reuse Code reuseUnderstandability of system organization InteroperabilityStyle-specific analyses VisualizationsStyle-specific depictions matching engineers 'mental models44:Mobile-Code StyleData Elements :Representations of code as data;program state;data;Variants :Code-on-demand,remote evaluation,and mobile agent.2(II)Architectural Styles45:Some Common Styles(ppt)46:Object-Oriented Style A:Components are objectsB:Connectors are messages and method invocationsC:Style invariants47:Layered Style,Each layer acts as a: Server:service provider to layers"above" Client:service consumer of layer(s)"below" 48Different implementations of layer are allowed as long as interface is preserved49:Pipe and Filter StyleA:Components are filters:Transform input data streams into output data streamsPossibly incremental production of outputB:Connectors are pipes:Conduits for data streams50Blackboard StyleA:Two kinds of componentsCentral data structure--blackboard; Components operating on the blackboard. B:System control is entirely driven by the blackboard state51:Heterogeneous StylesA:C2=Implicit invocation+Layering+other constraintsB:distributed objects=object-orients+client-server network styleC:CORBA=object-oriented+client-server network style52:The task of design recovery is examining the existing code base,determining the system's components,connectors,and overall topology.A common approach to architectural recovery is clustering of the implementation-level entities into architectural elements:Syntactic clusteringSemantic clustering 53:Syntactic ClusteringA:F ocuses exclusively on the static relationships among code-level entitiesB:Can be performed without executing the systemC:Embodies inter-component(a.k.a.coupling) and intra-component(a.k.a.cohesion) connectivityD:May ignore or misinterpret many subtle relationships,because dynamic information is missing54:Semantic ClusteringA:I ncludes all aspects of a system's domain knowledge and information about the behavioral similarity of its entities.B:Requires interpreting the system entities' meaning,and possibly executing the system on a representative set of inputs.C:Difficult to automateD:May also be difficult to avail oneself of it3(I)Software Connectors 55:What is a Software Connector?A:Architectural element that models:Interactions among components;Rules that govern those interactions.B:Simple interactions:Procedure calls;Shared variable access.C:Complex&semantically rich interactions: Client-server protocols;Database access protocols;Asynchronous event multicast.D:Each connector provides:Interaction duct(s);Transfer of control and/or data.56:Connectors in software system implementations:A:Frequently no dedicated codeB:Frequently no identityC:Typically do not correspond to compilation unitsD:Distributed implementationAcross multiple modulesAcross interaction mechanisms57:Connectors in software architectures: A:First-class entitiesB:Have identityC:Describe all system interactionD:Entitled to their own specifications& abstractions58:Connector ComponentA:Components provide application-specific functionalityB:Connectors provideapplication-independent interaction mechanisms59:Treating Connectors Independently A:Localization of interaction definitionB:Extra-component system(interaction) informationC:Component independenceD:Component interaction flexibility60:Benefits of First-Class ConnectorsA:Separate computation from interaction B:Minimize component interdependencies C:S upport software evolutionD:Potential for supporting dynamismE:Facilitate heterogeneityF:Become points of distributionG:Aid system analysis&testing61:Software Connector RolesA:CommunicationB:CoordinationC:ConversionD:Facilitation62:Protocol specification(sometimes implicit)that defines its propertiesA:Types of interfaces it is able to mediateB:Assurances about interaction propertiesC:Rules about interaction orderingD:Interaction commitments63Connectors as Communicators Supports:A:Different communication mechanisms e.g.procedure call,RPC,shared data access, message passingB:Constraints on communicationstructure/directione.g.pipesC:Constraints on quality of service64Connectors as CoordinatorsA:Determine computation controlB:Control delivery of dataC:Separates control from computationD:Orthogonal to communication,conversion, and facilitation65Connectors as Converters,Mismatches based on interaction:A:TypeB:NumberC:FrequencyD:Order66Connectors as FacilitatorsA:Enable interaction of components intended to interoperateMediate and streamline interactionB:Govern access to shared informationC:Ensure proper performance profilese.g.,load balancingD:Provide synchronization mechanisms67Connector TypesProcedure call;Data access;Event;Stream;Linkage;Distributor;Arbitrator;Adaptor.3(II)Choosing Connectors68:How Does One Select a Connector?A:Determine a system's interconnection and interaction needsSoftware interconnection models can help B:Determine roles to be fulfilled by the system's connectorsCommunication,coordination,conversion, facilitationC:For each connectorDetermine its appropriate type(s);Determine its dimensions of interest;Select appropriate values for each dimension.D:For multi-type,i.e.,composite connectors Determine the atomic connector compatibilities.69:Interconnection models(IM)as defined by Perry:A:Unit interconnectionB:Syntactic interconnectionC:Semantic interconnection70:InterconnectionA:Unit InterconnectionDefines relations between system's units Units are components(modules or files)Basic unit relationship is dependencyUnit-IM=({units},{"depends on"}) B:Syntactic InterconnectionDescribes relations among syntactic elements of programming languagesVariable definition/useMethod definition/invocationIM=({methods,types,variables, locations},{"is def at","is set at","is used at", "is del from","is changed to","is added to"})C:Semantic InterconnectionExpresses how system components are meant to be used;Component designers'intentions Captures how system components are actually usedComponent users'(i.e.,system builders') intentionInterconnection semantics can be formally specifiedPre-&post-conditionsDynamic interaction protocols e.g.CSP, FSM)IM=({methods,types,variables,..., predicates},{"is set at","is used at","calls", "called by",...,"satisfies"})71:Unit Interconnection Characteristics: A:Coarse-grain interconnectionsAt level of entire componentsB:Interconnections are staticC:Does not describe component interactions Focus is exclusively on dependencies72:Syntactic Interconnection Characteristics:A:Finer-grain interconnectionsB:At level of individual syntactic objectsC:Interconnections are static&dynamicD:Incomplete interconnection specification Valid syntactic interconnections may not be allowed by semanticsOperation ordering,communication transactionse.g.,Pop on an empty stackViolation of(intended)operation semantics73:Semantic Interconnection Characteristics:A:Builds on syntactic interconnectionsB:Interconnections are static&dynamicC:Complete interconnection specification Specifies both syntactic&semantic interconnection validityD:At level of architectures74:Semantic Interconnection's necessary at level of architectures:A:Large componentsB:Complex interactionsC:HeterogeneityD:Component reuse75:All connectors cannot be composed: A:Some are naturally interoperableB:Some are incompatibleC:All are likely to require trade-offs76Connector DimensionInter-Relationships:A:RequiresB:ProhibitsC:RestrictsD:Cautions77:Well Known Composite Connectors A:Grid connectors(e.g.,Globus)Procedure callData accessStreamDistributorB:Peer-to-peer connectors(e.g.,Bittorrent) ArbitratorData accessStreamDistributorCH4Applied Architectures78:WWW's ArchitectureA:The application is distributed(actually, decentralized)hypermediaB:Architecture of the Web is wholly separate from the code C:There is no single piece of code that implements the architectureD:There are multiple pieces of code that implement the various components of the architecture.E:Stylistic constraints of the Web's architectural style are not apparent in the code F:One of the world's most successful applications is only understood adequately from an architectural vantage point.79:REST Principles[RP1]The key abstraction of information is a resource,named by an URL.Any information that can be named can be a resource.[RP2]The representation of a resource is a sequence of bytes,plus representation metadata to describe those bytes.The particular form of the representation can be negotiated between REST components[RP3]All interactions are context-free:each interaction contains all of the information necessary to understand the request, independent of any requests that may have preceded it.[RP4]Components perform only a small set of well-defined methods on a resource producing a representation to capture the current or intended state of that resource and transfer that representation between components.These methods are global to the specific architectural instantiation of REST;for instance,all resources exposed via HTTP are expected to support each operation identically.[RP5]Idempotent operations and representation metadata are encouraged in support of caching and representation reuse. [RP6]The presence of intermediaries is promoted.Filtering or redirection intermediaries may also use both the metadata and the representations within requests or responses to augment,restrict,or modify requests and responses in a manner that istransparent to both the user agent and the origin server.80:REST--Data ElementsResourceResource IDRepresentationRepresentation metadataResource metadataControl data81:REST--ConnectorsModern Web Examplesclient libwww,libwww-perlserver libwww,Apache API,NSAPI Cache browser cache,Akamai cache networkResolver bind(DNS lookup library) Tunnel SOCKS,SSL after HTTP CONNECT82REST--ComponentsA:User agent e.g.,browserB:Origin servere.g.,Apache Server,Microsoft IISC:ProxySelected by clientD:Gateway83:Derivation of REST,Key choices in this derivation include:A:Layered Separation(a theme in the middle portion of diagram)is used to increase efficiencies,enable independent evolution of elements of the system,and provide robustness.B:Replication(left side of the diagram)is used to address latency and contention by allowing the reuse of information.C:Limited commonality(right side)addresses the competing needs for universally understood operations with extensibilityThe derivation is driven by the application.84:Grid Protocol Architecture"Standard architecture":A:Fabric manages low-level resourcesB:Connectivity:communication and authenticationC:Resource:sharing of a single r.D:Collective:coordinating age85:TakeawaysA:A great architecture is the ticket to runaway successB:A great architecture reflects deep understanding of the problem domainC:A great architecture probably combines aspects of several simpler architecturesD:Develop a new architectural style with great care and caution.Most likely you don't need a new style.5(I)Intro to Domain-Specific Software Engineering86:The"Three Lampposts"of DSSE: Domain,Business,Technology87:A:Traditional Software EngineeringOne particular problem can be solved in innumerable ways.B:Architecture-Based Software EngineeringGiven a single problem,we select from a handful of potential architectural styles or architectures,and go from these into specific implementations.C:Domain-Specific Software Engineering We map regions of the problem space (domains)into domain-specific software architectures(DSSAs);These are specialized intoapplication-specific architectures;These are implemented.88:DomainMust have a domain to constrain the problem space and focus development.TechnologyMust have a variety of technological solutions --tools,patterns,architectures&styles, legacy systems--to bring to bear on a domainBusinessBusiness goals motivate the use of DSSE Minimizing costs:reuse assetswhen possibleMaximize market:develop many related applications for different kinds of end usersDomain+Business"Corporate Core Competencies"Domain expertise augmented by business acumen and knowledge of the market.Domain+Technology"Application Family Architectures"All possible technological solutions to problems in a domain Uninformed and unconstrained by business goals and knowledge.Business+Technology"Domain independent infrastructure" Tools and techniques for constructing systems independent of any particular domain E.g., most generic ADLs,UML,compilers,word processors,general-purpose PCs.Domain+Business+Technology "Domain-specific software engineering" Applies technology to domain-specific goals, tempered by business and market knowledge.89Three Key FactorsProduct-Line ArchitecturesA specific,related set of solutions within a broader DSSEMore focus on commonalities and v ariability between individual solutions90A pplying DSSE means developing a set of artifacts more specific than an ordinary software architectureFocus on aspects of the domainFocus on domain-specific solutions, techniques,and patternsThese areA domain model andA domain-specific software architecture (DSSA)91Domain ModelA:A domain model is a set of artifacts that capture information about a domainFunctions performedObjects(also known as entities)that perform the functions,and on which the functions are performedData and information that flows through the systemB:Standardizes terminology and semantics C:Provides the basis for standardizing(or at least normalizing)descriptions of problems to be solved in the domain92Domain ModelA:Domian Dictionary:Defines vocabulary for the domainB:Information Model:Describes the entities and data in the domainDefines relationships and high-level flows C:Feature Model:Defines how entities and data combine to provide featuresD:Operation Model:Defines how data and control flow through entitiesData Flow DiagramFocuses on data flow between entities with no notion of controlControl Flow DiagramFocuses on control flow between entities separate from data flowState Transition DiagramFocuses on states of systems and transitions between themResembles UML state diagrams93Domain-Specific Software Architecture A:a reference architecture,which describes a general computational framework for a significant domain of applications;B:a component library,which contains reusable chunks of domain expertise;C:an application configuration method for selecting and configuring components within the architecture to meet particular application requirements.5(II)Domain-Specific Software Architecture and Product Lines94:Product Lines is one potential`silver bullet`of software engineering,Power through reuse of:A:Engineering knowledge;B:Existing product architectures,styles, patterns;C:Pre-existing software components and connectors.95:Domains vs.Product LinesDomains are in the problem space,product lines are in the solution space.96:Business vs.Engineering Product Lines A:Business Product LineA set of products marketed under a common banner to increase sales and market penetration through bundling and integration B:Engineering Product LineA set of products that have substantial commonality from a technical/engineering perspectiveC:Generally,business product lines are engineering product lines and vice-versa but not always.97:Modeling Product Line Architectures Architectural models need to be diversified with information about variation points and features.98:SelectionProduct-line selection is the process of extracting a single product architecture(or smaller product line)from an architectural model that contains explicit points of variation99:Product Lines for EvolutionProducts in a product line don't have to exclusively capture alternatives,They can also capture variation over time.100:Product Lines for`What-If'Analysis In addition to alternative products and different versions of the same product,product lines can capture different potential products: A:Selection can be used to quickly generate product architectures for potential productsB:These can be checked for certain properties or subjected to more rigorous analysis for feasibility or qualityC:Can also be used to generate new product ideas101:Implementation IssuesA:I mportant to partition implementations along variation-point boundariesB:Keeping evolving architectures and version-controlled source repositories(e.g., RCS,CVS,Subversion)in sync102:Unifying Products with Different Heritage,Strategies include:A:No product lineB:One master productC:Hybrid。

journal of systems architecture 模板

journal of systems architecture 模板

journal of systems architecture 模板The Journal of Systems Architecture is a preeminent publication dedicated to exploring the intricate design and intricate inner workings of complex systems. It serves as a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share their insights, advancements, and challenges encountered in the realm of systems architecture. Each article within this journal offers a unique perspective, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the latest trends, techniques, and best practices in the field.《系统架构杂志》是一本专注于探讨复杂系统精妙设计和内部工作原理的卓越出版物。



The journal's articles cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to hardware-software integration, distributed systems, cloud computing, real-time systems, embedded systems, andcyber-physical systems. They delve into the intricacies of system design, analysis, optimization, and verification, discussing innovative approaches and methodologies that push the boundaries of systems architecture.该杂志的文章涵盖了广泛的主题,包括但不限于软硬件集成、分布式系统、云计算、实时系统、嵌入式系统和网络物理系统等。

Lecture 2_Introduction to Software Architecture

Lecture 2_Introduction to Software Architecture

Hardest to change Most critical to get right

Communicate back to Customer Avoid problems during integration Testing Planning Assess risks and budgets.
Architecting a dog house
Can be developed or build by one person as it requires:• Minimal modeling • Simple Process • Simple tools
Architecting a house
Software Architecture (Continuous)

Poorly defined or ill defined architecture makes it nearly impossible to meet the product requirements. Without proper planning in the architecture design stages, software production may be very inefficient in terms of time and cost.
An average software project: - 5-10 people - 10-15 month duration - 3-5 external interfaces - Some unknowns & risks Defense Weapon System National Air Traffic Control System


Specific Styles
Data-centered architecture Data flow architecture Call and return architecture Object-oriented architecture Layered architecture
Data-Centered Architecture
Why Architecture?
Architecture is a representation of a system that enables the software engineer to:
1. analyze the effectiveness of the design in meeting its stated requirements,
Arch. Context Diagram
SafeHome ACD
SafeHome Archetype
Component Structure
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Data Design
Architectural level Database design
data mining data warehousing
Component level Data structure design
Architectural Styles
Each style describes a system category that encompasses:
Archetypes are classes or patterns that represent an abstraction critical to the system

Ch Introduction to Software Design英文版专业课件

Ch Introduction to Software Design英文版专业课件

Software Engineering Design
Software engineering design is the activity of specifying programs and sub-systems, and their constituent parts and workings, to meet software product specifications.
Industrial designers, (building) architects, interior designers, graphic designers, etc.
Engineering designers are concerned with technical mechanisms and workings.
Product vs. Engineering Design
Product designers are concerned with styling and aesthetics, function and usability, manufacturability and manageability.
Core Ideas
Abstract and Decomposition(Refinement) Modularity and Information Hiding
Software Architecture Design
Concepts (Abstract) Description (Decomposition) Design and Evaluation Styles
《Code as Design: Three Essays by Jack W. Reeves》


用例视图(Use Case View)
用若干用例来串接上述四个视图(+1) 两方面作用
各个视图的设计,实际上均是从用例出发来发现其 中的元素、关系等
Software Architecture in Practice 书中的分类
Defense MIS System
- Large scale - Contractual - Many stake holders - “Projects”
IS Application GUI/RDB
(Order Entry)
Business Spreadsheet
Lower technical complexity
引言 软件体系结构
概念 作用 描述
体系结构设计 软件产品线
No silver bullet
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
There Is Nothing New Under the SUN.
Ecclesiastes 1:9-14
An average software project: - 5-10 people - 10-15 month duration - 3-5 external interfaces - Some unknowns & risks
Lower management
Commercial Embedded Compiler Automotive
Any time you depart from established practice, make ten times the effort, ten times the investigation. Especially on a very large project.
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Software Architecture of PSET: A Page Segmentation Evaluation Toolkit
Song Mao and Tapas Kanungo Language and Media Processing Laboratory Center for Automation Research University of Maryland, College Park, MD
1 Introduction
It is important to quantitatively monitor progress in any scienti c eld. The information retrieval community and the speech recognition community, for example, have yearly competitions in which researchers evaluate their latest algorithms on clearly de ned tasks, datasets, and metrics. To make such evaluations possible, researchers have access to standardized datasets, metrics, and freely available software for scoring the results produced by algorithms 18, 1]. In the Document Image Analysis area, regular evaluations of OCR accuracy have been conducted by UNLV 3]. Page segmentation algorithms, which are crucial components of OCR systems, were at one time evaluated by UNLV based on the nal OCR results, but not on the geometric results of the segmentation. Recently 14], we empirically compared various commercial and research page segmentation algorithms, using the University of Washington dataset. We used a well-de ned (geometric) line-based metric and a sound statistical methodology to score the segmentation results. Furthermore, unlike the UNLV evaluations, we trained the segmentation algorithms prior to evaluating them. In this paper we describe in detail the software architecture of the package called PSET, which we used in 14] to evaluate page segmentation algorithms. This package was developed by us at the University of Maryland and will be made available to researchers at no cost. Publication of the package will allow researchers to implement our ve-step evaluation methodology and evaluate their own algorithms. Software architecture can be described using methods such as Petri Nets and Data Flow Diagrams 8]. We describe the architecture of PSET, the I/O le formats, etc., using Object-Process Diagrams (OPDs) 5], which are similar in spirit to Petri Nets. The package, called the Page Segmentation Evaluation Toolkit (PSET), is modular, written using the C language, and runs on the SUN/UNIX platform. The software has been structured so that it can be used at the UNIX command line level or compiled into other software packages by calling API functions. The description in this paper will aid users in using, updating, and modifying the PSET package. It will also help users to add new algorithm modules to the package and to interface it with other software tools and packages. The PSET package includes three research page segmentation algorithms; 1 a textline-based benchmarking algorithm; and a Simplex-based optimization algorithm for estimating algorithm parameters from training datasets. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we discuss the page segmentation problem. In Section 3, we present our ve-step page segmentation performance evaluation methodology. In Section 4, we describe the architecture and le formats of our PSET package in detail and show how to implement each step of our ve-step performance evaluation methodology. In Section 5, we give the hardware and software requirements for using the PSET package. In Section 6, we discuss our future work. Finally in Section 7, we give a summary of the article. A detailed description of our textline-based metric is given in an Appendix for completeness.
MDA 9049-6C-1250 9802167270 N660010028910 IIS9987944 September 2000
Empirical performance evaluation of page segmentation algorithms has become increasingly important due to the numerous algorithms that are being proposed each year. In order to choose between these algorithms for a speci c domain it is important to empirically evaluate their performance. To accomplish this task the document image analysis community needs i) standardized document image datasets with groundtruth, ii) evaluation metrics that are agreed upon by researchers, and iii) freely available software for evaluating new algorithms and replicating other researchers' results. In an earlier paper (SPIE Document Recognition and Retrieval 2000) we published evaluation results for various popular page segmentation algorithms using the University of Washington dataset. In this paper we describe the software architecture of the PSET evaluation package, which was used to evaluate the segmentation algorithms. The description of the architecture will allow researchers to understand the software better, replicate our results, evaluate new algorithms, experiment with new metrics and datasets, etc. The software is written using the C language on the SUN/UNIX platform and is being made available to researchers at no cost.