饭店服务英语unit1-2 Reception

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Step 3
Find out the reservation in the computer for confirmation.
a. Just a moment, sir. Let me look through our reservation list/record? b. Thank you for your waiting, sir. c. Sorry, we don’t have a record of your reservation. d. Yes, we do have a reservation for you. e. Wait a minute, please. I’ll check the registration record.
Check-in procedure (入住流程)
Greet the guest. Ask the guest whether he or she has a reservation with the hotel. Find out the reservation in the computer for confirmation.
Li: Good afternoon, Grand Hyatt Beijing, room reservation. May I help you? Brown: Yes, I’d like to reserve a room from 20th to 22nd of April. Li: Please wait a moment. I’ll check our rooms available for these days. Thank you for waiting, sir. What type of room would you like? Brown: A double room. What’s the room rate per night? Li: 138 US Dollars. Will that be all right? Brown: Yes, that will be fine. Thank you.
English for hotel service
Unit Two Reception
Revision: Make a dialogue
George Brown 先生向北京东方君悦大酒 店预订一间双人间,房费每天为138美元。 时间:4月20日到22日,一共3天。 George Brown的电话号码是0044-0246 -720598。 预订员李聪办理了这个电话预订手续。
行:晚上好,先生、太太,欢迎光临。 贝罗先生(贝):谢谢,晚上好。 行:(打开车尾行李箱,取出行李,看了一下行李标签上的姓名。)贝罗 先生,我是行李员。您一共带了四件行李,是不是? 贝:是的。 (门卫为他们拉开门。) 行:接待处就在前面,两位先请。 接待员(接):(在接待处)晚上好,先生。我能为您做些什么? 贝:三个星期前我预订了一间英式套房。我叫亨利•贝罗。 接:请稍候,贝罗先生。我查一下到客单。(接待员查看到客单。) 接:我能看一下你们的护照吗?(看好护照交还贝罗)谢谢,先生。请填 一下住宿登记表。 贝:我来填吧。(填好表)给,这样填行吗? 接:行,谢谢,您打算怎样付款,用现金还是用信用卡? 贝:我能用旅行支票付款吗? 接:当然可以。这是908房间的钥匙和两位的房卡,请妥善保管。行李 员会带你们上去的。希望两位在这儿过得愉快。 贝:谢谢。
The Front Desk is the window and nerve center of a hotel where guests will be registered and assigned rooms, luggage handled, information provided and checkouts processed.
Revision: Make a dialogue
In this unit: You Are Required to…
Get familiar with the terms and useful phrases in reception. Use sentence patterns skillfully in working situations. Make situational dialogues fluently. Grasp some knowledge about reception.
The Duties of a Receptionist
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 check send confirm check in prepare answer deal with take put through a) guests b) records c) calls d) enquiries e) the telephone f) bookings g) reservations h) bills I) faxes and emails
Revision: Make a dialogue
Li: With pleasure! May I have your name and your telephone number? Brown: Sure. my name is George Brown and my telephone number is 0044-0246- 720598. Li: Thank you, Mr. Brown. you’ve booked a double room from 20th to 22nd of April, and your telephone number is 0044-0246- 720598. Brown: Yes, that’s right. Thank you. Li: I’m glad to serve you. We look forward to your arrival.
Ask the guest to show his identification.
Ask the guest to fill in the registration list. Ask the guest how to make the payment. Give the room key card to the guest. Call the bellman. Extend best wishes.
Words for This unit
tour leader [n.领队] Clerk [n.书记员;办事员] Schedule [n.时间表,时刻表] check-out time [n.结帐时间] morning call [n.叫醒电话] Notify [vt.通知,告知;报告] Deposit [n.定金] Extra [adj.额外的;外加的] hotel voucher/coupon [n.优惠券,礼券] Inconvenience [n.不方便] Cashier [n.出纳员] incidental charge [n.杂费] Extend [v.延长,扩大]
Step 1
Greet the guest. a. Good afternoon, sir, welcome to Shanghai Sheraton hotel. b. It’s very nice to have you stay with us again. c. Is there anything I can do for you? d. How was your flight from New York, Mr. Blanks?
Words for This unit
Receptionist [n.接待员] deal with [v.应付;处理] Procedure [n.(做事情的)步骤] in advance [提前,预先] Arrange [vt.筹备;安排] Registration [n.登记,注册] According to [按照;根据] Settle [vi.安家;解决] Automatically [adv.不经思索,自动地] Serve [vt.招待(顾客等);服务; 端上(饭菜等)] Vacant [a.空的;未被占用的] book you into [为你预订……] walking distance [n.步行距离]
Step 2
Ask the guest whether he or she has a reservation with the hotel. a. Have you made a reservation, sir? b. Under whose name was it made? c. How did you make the reservation, by fax or telephone? d. Did you reconfirm the booking? e. Sorry, there isn’t any room available; would you like us to try another hotel for you, sir?
(The receptionist checks the list. ) Could I see your passports, please? (Checking the passports and giving them back) Thank you, air. And would you mind filling in the registration form? B: I'll take care of it. (Filling out the from) Here you re. Is it all right? R: Yes, thanks. How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card? B: Could I pay with travellers checks? R: Certainly. Here's the key to Room 908 and your room cards. Please keep them. And the bellman will show you up. Have a nice evening, air. And enjoy your stay. B: Thank you.
Bm: Good evening, air and madam. Welcome to our hotel. Mr. Bellow (B): Thanks. Good evening. Bm: (Opening the trunk, taking out the baggage and looking at the name on the baggage tags). I'm the bellman, Mr. Bellow. So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage? B: Yes. (The doorman opens the gate. ) Bm: The Reception Desk is straight ahead. After you, please. Receptionist (R): (At the Reception Desk) Good evening. What can I do for you, sir? B: I reserved a British suite three weeks ago. I'm Henry Bellow. R: Just a moment, please, Mr. Bellow. I'll check the arrival list.