2012自考英语二 Unit_8__The_Great_Minds
Unit 1 The Power of LanguageText APre-reading Questions1.Do you usually challenge the idea an author represents? What do you think is active reading?2.What suggestions do you expect the author will give on reading critically?Critical ReadingCritical reading applies to non-fiction writing in which the author puts forth a position or seeks to make a statement. Critical reading is active reading. It involves more than just understanding what an author is saying. Critical reading involves questioning and evaluating what the author is saying ,and forming your own opinions about what the author is saying. Here are the things you should do to be a critical reader.批判性阅读批判性阅读适合于那种作者提出一个观点或试图陈述一个说法的纪实类写作。
Consider the context of what is written. You may be reading something that was written by an author from a different cultural context than yours. Or, you may be reading something written some time ago in a different time context than yours. In either case, you must recognize and take into account any differences between your values and attitudes and those represented by the author.考虑写作背景。
Unit 8 The Great MindsThe Great Minds名人名言部分补充make A of BA famous quoteA pessimist makes difficulties of his opportunities; an optimist makes opportunities of his difficulties. ----Harry S. Truman悲观者让机会沦为困难;乐观者把困难铸成机会。
----杜鲁门make A of Bmake a success of one's careermake a musician of the little boyThe father exposed his son to music when he was still a little child becaused he wanted to make a musician of him.expose sb. / oneself to sth.Don't expose yourself to the strong sunlight, or you will get sunburnt.联想:sunburnt / suntannedgain exposure to sth.make a footballer of Tommake a mess of the accountI. New words and expressionsNew words1. wrap v. 用…缠绕(或围紧)2. scenario n. 设想;方案;预测3. explanation n. 解释;说明explainexplanatory4. uneventful adj. 平淡无奇的;平凡的;缺乏刺激的5. pregnancy n. 怀孕;妊娠;孕期6. imperfect adj. 有缺陷的;不完全的;不完美的perfectperfection联想:impossible, impolite, imbalanced, immobile, immature (注意:unbiased, unmoving)7. abnormal adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的;畸形的normal联想:typical-atypicalsymmetry-asymmetrysymmetrical-asymmetrical8. massive adj. 巨大的;非常严重的9. disability n.(某种)缺陷,障碍ableabilityunable10. limbless adj. 无四肢的11. inspire v. 激励;鼓舞(用法参考Unit 5, Text A)inspiration (形近词参考Unit 4,Text A)inspiring12. adapt v. 适应(新情况)adapt oneself to sth.13. accomplish v. 完成14. limb n. 肢;臂;腿15. campaign 运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动)16. fulfill v. 实现;履行fulfill one's dream / word / requirementfulfilling使人满足的,令人愉快的fulfillment 履行;满足;成就17. motivational adj. 鼓舞的18. circumstance n. 命运;客观环境19. wholeheartedly adv. 全心全意地20. effective adj. 产生预期结果的;有效的比较:efficientineffective, inefficient21. altitude n. 海拔;海拔高度altitude sickness区分:attitude22. engagement n. 约定;约会;预约23. congregation n. (教堂的)会众24. audience n. 观众;听众25. vision n. 想象力;眼力;远见卓识26. outreach n. 外展服务27. perspective n. 态度;观点;思考方法28. cease v. (使)停止,终止,结束29. obstacle n. 障碍;阻碍;绊脚石30. illustrate v. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释31. profound adj. 巨大的;深切的;深远的32. persistence n. 坚持;锲而不舍persist (in)persistent33. paralyze v. 使瘫痪;使麻痹34. oftentimes adv. 常常35. trick n. 戏法;把戏tricky36. blend n. (不同事物的)和谐结合,融合37. perseverance n. 毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神(偶见perseverence,但很少使用)persevereperseverant (偶见perseverent,但很少使用)38. define v. 阐明;明确;界定definitiondefinite 明确的,确定的39. incredible adj. 不能相信的;难以置信的unbelievable40. captivate v. 迷住;使着迷Phrases and Expressions1. a walk of life行业;职业;地位;阶层line of work2. major in主修3. stress the importance of 强调…的重要性4. at one's disposal 任某人处理;供某人任意使用5. poke fun at 拿…开心;奚落;嘲笑6. show off 炫耀;卖弄II. Text LearningLife Without Limits① Imagine being born without arms. No arms to wrap around someone, no hands to experience touch, or to hold another hand with. Or what about being born without legs? Having no ability to dance, walk, run, or even stand on two feet. Now put both of those scenarios(设想) together: no arms and no legs. What would you do? How would that effect your everyday life?② Born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without any medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic came into the world with neither arms nor legs. (1)Having had an uneventful pregnancy and no family history to expect this condition, imagine the shock his parents felt when they saw their first born, brand new baby boy, only to find he was what the world would consider imperfect andabnormal. How would their son live a normal happy life? What could he ever do or become when living with what the world would see as such a massive disability(严重残疾)? (2)Little did they or anyone know that this beautiful limbless baby would one day be someone who would inspire and motivate people from all walks of life, touching lives all over the world.本部分重点及难点:1. Having had an uneventful(平凡的)pregnancy and no family history to expect this condition, imagine the shock his parents felt when they saw their first born, brand new baby boy, only to find he was what the world would consider imperfect and abnormal.(1) 悬垂分词。
2012年最新出版自考英语(二)讲义 Unit 8 The Great Minds
2013年自考“英语(二)”备考资料(新版教材unit 8)Unit 8 T he G r eat Mi n dsT he G r eat Mi nds名人名言部分补充m ak e A of BA f am ous quoteA pes s im is t m ak es diff ic ulties of h is opp or t unit ies; an o ptim is t m ak es oppor t un iti es of his d i ff ic ulties. ----H ar r y S. T r um an悲观者让机会沦为困难;乐观者把困难铸成机会。
----杜鲁门m ak e A of Bm ak e a s uc c es s of one's c ar eerm ak e a m us ic ian of th e l ittl e b o yT he f ather ex pos ed hi s s on to m us ic wh en he was s t il l a lit tle c h ildbec aus ed he want ed t o m ak e a m us ic ian of him.ex pos e s b. / on es elf t o s th.Don't ex p os e your s e lf to th e s tr ong s unl ig h t, or yo u wil l g et s u nb ur nt.联想:s un bur nt / s unt anne dgai n ex pos ur e to s t h.m ak e a f ootball er of T omm ak e a m es s of the a c c ountI. Ne w w or ds a nd ex p r es s ionsNe w wor ds1. wr ap v. 用…缠绕(或围紧)2. s c enar i o n. 设想;方案;预测3. ex p lan ati on n. 解释;说明ex pl ainex pl anat or y4. un ev entf ul adj. 平淡无奇的;平凡的;缺乏刺激的5. pr eg na nc y n. 怀孕;妊娠;孕期6. im per f ec t adj. 有缺陷的;不完全的;不完美的per f ec tper f ec tion联想:im pos s ible, i m polite, im bala nc ed,im m obile, im m atur e (注意:unb ias ed, unm ovi ng)7. ab nor m al adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的;畸形的nor m al联想:t yp ic a l-at ypic als ym m etr y-as ym m etrys ym m etr ic al-as ym m etr ic al8. m as s ive adj. 巨大的;非常严重的9. d is abi li t y n.(某种)缺陷,障碍ab leab il it yuna bl e10. lim bles s adj. 无四肢的11. ins pir e v.激励;鼓舞(用法参考Uni t 5, T ex t A)ins p ir at ion (形近词参考U nit 4,T ex t A)ins p ir in g12. a dap t v. 适应(新情况)ada pt o nes e lf to s th.13. ac c om plis h v. 完成14. lim b n. 肢;臂;腿15. c am paign运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动)16. f ulf il l v. 实现;履行f ulf ill one's dr e am / wor d / r e qu ir em entf ulf ill ing使人满足的,令人愉快的f ulf illm ent 履行;满足;成就17. m otiva tio na l a dj. 鼓舞的18. c ir c um s tanc e n. 命运;客观环境19. whol ehe ar ted l y a dv. 全心全意地20. ef f ec tive adj. 产生预期结果的;有效的比较:ef f ic ientin ef f ec tive, i nef f ic ient21. a lt i tud e n.海拔;海拔高度alt itu de s ic k nes s区分:att itud e22. e nga gem ent n. 约定;约会;预约23. c on gr eg ati on n. (教堂的)会众24. a ud ienc e n. 观众;听众25. vis i on n. 想象力;眼力;远见卓识26. o utr eac h n. 外展服务27. p er s pec ti ve n. 态度;观点;思考方法28. c eas e v.(使)停止,终止,结束29. o bs tac le n. 障碍;阻碍;绊脚石30. il lus tr ate v. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释31. pr of ou nd adj. 巨大的;深切的;深远的32. p er s is tenc e n. 坚持;锲而不舍per s is t (i n)per s is te nt33. p ar al yze v. 使瘫痪;使麻痹34. of ten tim es adv. 常常35. tr ic k n. 戏法;把戏tr ic k y36. b le nd n. (不同事物的)和谐结合,融合37. p er s ev er anc e n. 毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神(偶见pe r s e ver enc e,但很少使用)per s ev er eper s ev er ant(偶见per s ever ent,但很少使用)38. d ef ine v. 阐明;明确;界定def in iti ondef in ite 明确的,确定的39. inc r ed ibl e a dj. 不能相信的;难以置信的unb el ie vab le40. c ap ti vat e v. 迷住;使着迷Phr as es a nd Ex pr es s i ons1. a w alk of lif e 行业;职业;地位;阶层li ne of wor k2. m aj or in 主修3. s tr es s the im por tanc e of强调…的重要性4. at one's d is pos a l 任某人处理;供某人任意使用5. pok e f un at 拿…开心;奚落;嘲笑6. s ho w of f炫耀;卖弄II. T ex t Lear n ingLif e W ithout Lim its① Im agine b ei ng bor n w ith out ar m s. N o ar m s to wr a p ar o und s o m eone, no h ands t o ex per ien c e touc h, or to hol d a noth er ha nd with. O r what abou t be in g bor n wi th out legs? Ha vin g n o a bil it y to da nc e, wa lk, r un, or eve n s tan d o n t wo f eet. N o w pu t bo th of th os e s c e nar i os(设想)toget her: n o ar m s and no le gs. W hat wou l d yo u d o? H o w wou ld thatef f ec t your ev er yd a y l if e?② Bor n i n 1982 in Me lbo ur ne, Aus tr a li a, wi thout an y m edic alex pla nat ion or war n in g, N ic h ol as Vuj ic ic c am e into the wor l d wi t hneit her ar m s nor legs. (1)H av in g ha d a n u n eve ntf ul pr egn anc y a nd n o f am il y h is tor y to ex p e c t this c on dit ion, im agin e th e s hoc k his pa r entsf elt whe n th e y s a w th eir f ir s t bor n, br and n e w ba b y bo y, onl y t o f ind he was what the wor l d woul d c ons i der im per f ec t and abn or m al. Ho w w ou ld their s o n l i ve a nor m al ha pp y l if e? W hat c ould he ev er do or bec om e when li v ing w ith wh at the wor ld wou ld s e e as s uc h a m as s ive di s abil it y (严重残疾)? (2)Lit tle did the y or an yo ne k no w t hat t his b eau tif u llim bles s bab y woul d one da y be s om eone who woul d i ns pir e an dm otivate p eo ple f r om all wa lk s of lif e, touc hin g l iv es al l o v er the wor ld.本部分重点及难点:1. H a vi ng had an une ven tf ul(平凡的)pr eg nanc y an d no f am il y h is tor y to ex pec t this c o ndi ti on, im agine t he s hoc k his p ar ents f elt w he n the ys aw the ir f ir s t bor n, b r and n e w b ab y b o y, o nl y to f in d h e was wh at th e wor ld w ou ld c o ns ider im per f ec t and abnor m al.(1)悬垂分词。
自考汉语言本科:00015英语二讲义Unit 8 The Great Minds0802
II. Text LearningLife Without Limits①Imagine being born without arms. No arms to wrap around someone, no hands toexperience touch, or to hold another hand with. Or what about being born withoutlegs? Having no ability to dance, walk, run, or even stand on two feet. Now putboth of those scenarios(设想)together: no arms and no legs. What would you do?How would that effect your everyday life?②Born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without any medical explanation orwarning, Nicholas Vujicic came into the world with neither arms nor legs.(1)Having had an uneventful pregnancy and no family history to expect thiscondition, imagine the shock his parents felt when they saw their first born,brand new baby boy, only to find he was what the world would consider imperfectand abnormal. How would their son live a normal happy life?What could he everdo or become when living with what the world would see as such a massivedisability(严重残疾)? (2)Little did they or anyone know that this beautiful limblessbaby would one day be someone who would inspire and motivate people from allwalks of life, touching lives all over the world.本部分重点及难点:显示重难点解析1. Having had an uneventful(平凡的)pregnancy and no family history to expect thiscondition, imagine the shock his parents felt when they saw their first born,brand new baby boy, only to find he was what the world would consider imperfectand abnormal. (1) 悬垂分词。
2012自考英语二Unit_8__The_Great_MindsUnit 8 The Great MindsA famous quoteA pessimist makes difficulties of his opportunities; an optimist makes opportunities of his difficulties. ----Harry S. Truman悲观者让机会沦为困难;乐观者把困难铸成机会。
----杜鲁门make A of B 使B成为Amake a success of one's careermake a musician of the little boyThe father exposed his son to music when he was still a little child because he wanted to make a musician of him.expose sb. / oneself to sth.使暴露于,Don't expose yourself to the strong sunlight, or you will get sunburnt.联想:sunburnt / suntannedgain exposure to sth.make a footballer of Tommake a mess of the accountText ANew words1. wrap v. 用…缠绕(或围紧)2. scenario n. 设想;方案;预测3. explanation n. 解释;说明explain explanatory4. uneventful adj. 平淡无奇的;平凡的;缺乏刺激的5. pregnancy n. 怀孕;妊娠;孕期6. imperfect adj. 有缺陷的;不完全的;不完美的perfect perfection联想:impossible, impolite, imbalanced, immobile, immature (注意:unbiased, unmoving)7. abnormal adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的;畸形的normal联想:typical-at ypicalsymmetry-asymmetrysymmetrical-asymmetrical8. massive adj. 巨大的;非常严重的9. disability n.(某种)缺陷,障碍ableabilityunable disabled10. limbless adj. 无四肢的11. inspire v. 激励;鼓舞(用法参考Unit 5, Text A)inspiration (形近词参考Unit 4,T ext A) inspiring12. adapt v. 适应(新情况)adapt oneself to sth.13. accomplish v. 完成14. limb n. 肢;臂;腿15. campaign 运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动)16. fulfill v. 实现;履行fulfill one's dream / word / requirementfulfilling使人满足的,令人愉快的fulfillment 履行;满足;成就17. motivational adj. 鼓舞的 motive motivate18. circumstance n. 命运;客观环境19. wholeheartedly adv. 全心全意地 red-nosed /white-haired /20. effective adj. 产生预期结果的;有效的比较:efficient ineffective, inefficient21. altitude n. 海拔;海拔高度altitude sickness区分:attitude22. engagement n. 约定;约会;预约23. congregation n. (教堂的)会众24. audience n. 观众;听众25. vision n. 想象力;眼力;远见卓识26. outreach n. 外展服务27. perspective n. 态度;观点;思考方法28. cease v. (使)停止,终止,结束29. obstacle n. 障碍;阻碍;绊脚石30. illustrate v. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释31. profound adj. 巨大的;深切的;深远的32. persistence n. 坚持;锲而不舍persist (in) persistent /=insist on33. paral yze v. 使瘫痪;使麻痹34. oftentimes adv. 常常35. trick n. 戏法;把戏 tricky36. blend n. (不同事物的)和谐结合,融合37. perseverance n. 毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神persevere perseverant (偶见perseverent,但很少使用)38. define v. 阐明;明确;界定definition definite 明确的,确定的39. incredible adj. 不能相信的;难以置信的unbelievable40. captivate v. 迷住;使着迷Phrases and Expressions1. a walk of life 行业;职业;地位;阶层line of work2. major in 主修3. stress the importance of 强调…的重要性4. at one's disposal 任某人处理;供某人任意使用5. poke fun at 拿…开心;奚落;嘲笑6. show off 炫耀;卖弄Life Without LimitsImagine being born without arms. No arms to wrap around someone, no hands to experience touch, or to hold another hand with. Or what about being born without legs? Having no ability to dance, walk, run, or even stand on two feet. Now put both of those scenarios(设想)together: no arms and no legs. What would you do? How would that affect your everyday life?生命无疆想象生下来时就没有手臂。
Unit 8 Text Aeffective adj.有效的, 被实施的, 给人深刻印象, 有生力量 effectiveness n.stumble vt. vi.结结巴巴地说话,使困惑,蹒跚 stumble over 结结巴巴地说e.g. When she was asked to answer questions in class, she always stumbles over her words. moderate vt. vi. (使)缓和 a.中等的,适度的 moderator n.裁判者,主持人convince vt.使确信,使信服spoil vt.损坏,搞糟,扰乱e.g.The crops have been spoiled by the insects.confuse vt. 搞乱,使糊涂 confusion n.混乱,混淆You should avoid confusing friend with foe.suppose vt.推想, 假设, 猜想vi.料想conj.假使...结果会怎样summarize v.概述, 总结, 摘要而言 summary n.总结considerate adj.考虑周到的,体谅的,会照顾的Mary is very considerate of the poor.appreciate vt.赏识, 鉴赏, 感激vi.增值, 涨价e.g. We greatly appreciated your timely help when we were in trouble.thoughtfulness n.思虑,慎重 thoughtful a.认真思考的,想得周到的dramatic adj.戏剧性的, 生动的e.g. The meeting between the mother and her son was dramatic indeed.enjoyable a.令人愉快的,可享受的 enjoy v.喜欢,享受···的乐趣volunteer n.志愿者, 志愿兵adj.志愿的, 义务的, 无偿的v.自愿Many old people volunteer in community service and day care centres.call n.喊声, 叫声, 命令, 号召, 访问, 叫牌, 通话, 必要v.呼叫, 召集, 称呼, 认为, 命名, 打电话call upon 要求,号召;拜访cheer up 高兴起来put oneself in sb. else’s shoes 设身处地从别人的观点看问题in good taste a.得体的,大方的 be in bad taste 不得体的,不礼貌的focus on 集中cut in 插嘴,插入,把···插入over someone’s head 超过某人的理解力come through 表明,显示,经历,脱险How to Give a Good Speech 怎样做好演讲(We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life,but most of us do not do a very good job.生活中我们都会有被邀请就某一问题做演讲的时候,但是大多数人都做得不很好。
Unit l The Power of Language参考译文对话范例请朗读下面的对话,注意说话者提出建议的方式。
史蒂夫:太好了1 6点钟在那不见不散。
选择题部分注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。
2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
I. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARYComplete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer.Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)1. The speaker’s Chinese is not so good, but he could make himself ______.A.understood B.understandC.to understand D.to be understood2. My mother, ______ whether anyone would come home to help her, had to prepare the supperall by herself.A.did not know B.not knowingC.had not known D.having not known3. So uncertain ______ about the background of his audience that he didn’t know how to start his lecture.A.he would become B.would he becomeC.he had become D.did he become4. ______ used to be considered impossible has now turned into realities.A.This B.That C.What D.Whatever5. The film is very popular with young people, but neither Mary nor her brothers ______interested in it.A.were B.was C.are D.is6.We have been talking about the travel plan for two hours.I think it’s time we ______a decision.A.make B.made C.will make D.have made7.It was because of the bad condition of the house ______ he decided to sell it and buy a new one.A.that B.so that C.so D.then8.According to some scientists,global warming ______ the survival of the whole human race.A.scares B.frightens C.threatens D.fears9.He is an easy-going,friendly young man with a ______ sort of attitude towards money.A.casual B.greedy C.careful D.serious10.She did not hear what you said because she was completely ______ in her reading.A.interested B.absorbed C.involved D.stuck11.He said that the situation was dangerous and that there was no time to ______ in reaching an agreement.A.spend B.save C.take D.lose12.It never ______ to them to question the committee’s decision.A.seems B.happens C.appears D.occurs13.The man’s influence on his daughter ______ as she grew older.A.declined B.shrank C.narrowed D.relaxed14.He finally realized how ______ his father’s advice was.A.worthy B.valuable C.efficient D.wealthy15.French is ______ spoken throughout the world,especially in former French colonies.A.generally B.mainly C.widely D.thoroughly II.CLOZEFill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer.Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet.(1 point each,15 points in all) Play,in recreation, is any activity performed for amusement. Although people engage in play mainly to enjoy themselves,play also 16 the physical and mental health of individuals. Many people increase their physical 17 by swimming or hiking. Many people also improve their mental ability by playing word games or 18 puzzles.Play activities 19 one of three general groups. Motor play is physical exercise, such as skating or playing volleyball. Intellectual play primarily 20 mental activity, as in playing chess. Sensory play includes spectator activities, such as attending sports events.Play takes countless forms. A person may bounce a ball 21 or join in a game of basketball with several other people. Play activity may or may not be planned ahead of time. It cantake place 22 from in an individual’s mind to areas designed 23 for play, such as athletic fields.Some play activities are popular with both children and adults. Others appeal primarily 24 people of certain age groups. Children often 25 plays that require a great deal of imagination, such as dressing up and 26 to be adults. Adult play activities generally require more structured types of recreation, such as sports and games.For a child, playing is a form of 27 and a significant part of social development. Through playing, they express their ideas, moods, and personalities to other people. Babies only a few months old begin to play, 28 they can communicate effectively with words. Children learn to interact with one another by sharing toys. When they are older, they develop more teamwork skills by playing 29 in such games as volleyball.For an adult, playing is 30 relaxing during leisure time. Play activities can help relieve pressures caused by the tensions of daily life.16.A.brings out B.contributes to C.depends on D.accounts for17.A.soundness B.readiness C.fairness D.fitness18.A.solving B.settling C.clearing D.answering19.A.deal with B.begin with C.fall into D.break into20.A.reflects B.neglects C.resolves D.involves21.A.skillfully B.personally C.alone D.hard22.A.sometime B.anytime C.somewhere D.anywhere23.A.singularly B.specifically C.specially D.uniquely24.A.to B.for C.on D.at25.A.keep pace with B.take part inC.make fun of D.set foot on26.A.pretending B.contendingC.intending D.attending27.A.self-confidence B.self-defenseC.self-expression D.self-esteem28.A.no later than B.long beforeC.soon after D.as soon as29.A.cooperatively B.collectivelyC.independently D.individually30.A.an introduction to B.an insight intoC.a result of D.a way ofIII. PARAPHRASINGChoose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentences or the italicized part. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points in all)31. Like all deep experiences, it may take a little work on your part to discover what all the fuss[of those great works of literature] is about.A. …you need to read those great works of literature to understand why people are fond ofthem.B. …you need to study carefully why there is a dispute+ over those great works of literature.C. …you need effort to figure out why those great works of literature disturb people.D. …you need time to work out the meanings of those great works of literature.32. Also, overindulged children are not as challenged as children with fewer playthings to be morecreative in their play.A.Spoilt children need more toys to play with to be more creative.B.Children with fewer toys are motivated to be more creative.C.Spoilt children are challenged by children with fewer toys.D.Fewer playthings stimulate more creation among children.33. It was pleasant to believe that much of Nature was forever beyond the tampering reach of man.A.It was enjoyable to realize that Nature was always available for a courageous man to reach.B.It was enjoyable to realize that Nature had a fascinating power to satisfy man’s curiosity.C.It made one happy to think that man would never be able to interfere with much of Nature.D.It made one happy to think that man could control Nature for as long as he liked.34. I felt myself beginning to sweat. I had deliberately got myself into this jam. What a fool!A.I had got myself into this stupid argument.B.I had learned to face this unpleasant consequence.C.I had got myself involved in this difficult situation.D.I had experienced a traffic jam at this crowded place.35. Courtesy, politeness, good manners—call it what you will, the supply never seems to equal thedemand.A. …people show more politeness than they should.B. …the supply of politeness is always greater than its demand.C. …you can never have enough words to emphasize politeness.D. …people’s need for politeness is always greater than what they get.36. The plane did not frighten Kaz. For one thing, Hiroshima had gone almost untouched by theair war.A. …enemy’s air forces had never occupied Hiroshima.B. …almost no fighting had ever occurred in and around Hiroshima.C. …Hiroshima was the only city where no one was killed by air raids.D. …hardly had Hiroshima been attacked by enemy’s air forces during the war.37. It is impossible to measure the importance of Edison by adding up the specific inventions withwhich his name is associated.A. …by describing the significance of his inventions.B. …by connecting his reputation with his inventions.C. …by remembering the total number of his inventions.D. …by listing all the inventions he has made or helped make.38. “That’s nothing but religious pap,” he retorted with a degree of anger.A.“That’s just religious preaching,” he argued back angrily.B.“There is nothing related to religion,” he replied with anger.C.“Anything is more inspiring than a religious creed,” he responded angrily.D.“Nothing is more important than a religious belief,” he claimed with anger.39. Shortly after that my mother reported that Little-John-Carrie’s-other-nephew had startedschool on the same day and taken to it like a duck to water.A. …and rushed to the activities there right away.B. …and begun to like school immediately.C. …and behaved himself naturally.D. …and stayed at school all day.40. Toddy Beamish opposed everything he said by a monotonous but effective “So you say,”anddrove him to the limit of his patience.A. …these words provoked his anxiety.B. …this kept him from going to extremes.C. …these words calmed him effectively and he became patient.D. …this annoyed him so much that he could no longer put up with it.IV. READING COMPREHENSIONRead the two passages and choose the most likely answer to each of the questions.Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (2 points each, 20 points in all)Passage OneBike trailers are now becoming a popular mode of transportation. If you are wondering what a bike trailer is, it is a motorless wheeled frame attached to your bicycle. Its primary function is to help the bike rider in carrying additional load.Instead of carrying the load on the bike, it can now be carried on the bike trailer which greatly reduces the strain placed on the bike. It is convenient, easy to use and it helps you live an active lifestyle.Bike trailers are an alternative to carrying different sorts of loads. Instead of using your car to go to the nearby grocery store perhaps, why not use your bike trailer? It not only saves you money from the gas which should have been spent by your car, it also does the job of carrying your groceries.Planning to get a bike trailer? Make sure to decide on what you are going to use it for first. Different bike trailers are made for different uses. There are a variety of bike trailers being commercially manufactured.The general trailers available in the market today are the general cargo trailer which is used to carry different sorts of loads from groceries to furniture, child passenger trailer which is used to carry a child, pet trailer which is used to carry cats or dogs, and canoe trailers which are used to carry long and narrow loads like canoes and surfboards.If you want a trailer to carry cargo all around, then a cargo trailer would definitely suit your needs. If you want to take your child along with you while you ride your bike, then check out the different child trailers available in the market.There are two types of bike trailers in the market today based on the number of wheels. The first is the single wheel trailer which can carry light to medium loads. It is popular among hikers since it is great for trail riding and narrow surfaces. It is also stable when making sharp turns at high speeds. The other type of trailer is the two-wheel trailer which obviously has two wheels. It can carry heavier loads than the single wheel type. When making sharp turns at high speeds it may roll over, so be sure to slow down before making the turns.Caring for your bike trailer is easy and comparable to that of a bike. Cleaning the trailer requires water, soap and wax. Regularly check the tires for abnormalities like low air pressure or wear and tear for this may cause accidents.When you are out riding in your bike trailer, keep in mind that it is different from riding a bike. The responses are different. You may notice that your bike may be a bit unresponsive due to the extra load.Be sure to take trial runs in non-busy roads to get you acquainted with the newriding conditions.Riding at night is more dangerous than riding during the daytime. Make sure that you have a front light and a rear light and that both are switched on. Be sure also to have front, back and side reflectors so that you would always be visible to traffic.41. The passage mentions all the following aspects about a bike trailer EXCEPT ______.A.its maintenance B.its priceC.its definition D.its uses42. Which of the following is an advantage of a bike trailer over a car?A.It can help reduce the weight on your riding.B.You don’t have to check the tires regularly.C.You don’t have to spend money on gas.D.It can carry groceries for you.43. A two-wheel trailer should be a better choice than a single wheel trailer when ______.A.you carry heavy loadsB.you ride on a narrow surfaceC.your additional load is not heavyD.you make a sharp turn at high speed44. Which of the following is a difference between riding in a bike trailer and riding a bike?A.You need to check the tires regularly for a bike trailer.B.It is easier to ride in a trailer than riding a bike.C.A trailer requires water and wax for cleaning.D.A trailer cannot react as quickly as a bike.45. What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?A.To provide information about bike trailers.B.To advertise for a new mode of transportation.C.To arouse your interest in more active lifestyle.D.To advise you to be careful when riding in a bike trailer.Passage 2Martin was returning to work in his London office after spending two weeks with his brother over in New York. He was coming back with a heavy heart. It was not just that it was the end of a wonderful holiday; it was not just that he invariably suffered badly from jet lag; it was that Monday mornings always began with a team meeting and, over the months, he had grown to hate them.Martin was aware that colleagues approached these meetings with hidden agendas; they enjoyed game-playing, and he knew that people were not being honest and open. The meetings themselves were bad enough—but then there was all the moaning afterwards. “The usual people say the usual things.” “I could have improved on that idea, but I wasn’t going to say.” “I was thinking of making a suggestion—but I couldn’t be bothered.”As this morning’s meeting began, Martin braced himself for the usual moroseness (闷闷不乐) and monotony. But, as the meeting progressed, he became aware of a strange background noise. At first, he thought that he was still hearing the engine noise from the aircraft that had brought him back to London—he had had to sit over the wing and the noise was terrible. But, as he concentrated on the noise, it became a little clearer.He realized—to his amazement—that he could hear what his colleagues were thinking as well as what they were saying. As he concentrated still harder, he found that he could actually hear what they were thinking at the same time as they were speaking. What surprised him, even more than the acquisition of this strange power, was that he discovered that what people were saying was not really what they were thinking. They were not making clear their reservations. They were not supporting views which they thought might be unpopular. They were not contributing their new insights. They were not volunteering their new ideas.Martin found it impossible not to respond to his new knowledge. So he started to make gentle interventions, based more on what he could hear his colleagues thinking than on what he could hear them saying. “So, John, are you really saying …?” “Susan, do you really think that?” “Tom, have you got an idea on how we could take this forward?” He was aware that his colleagues were unsettled by how insightful these interventions were. They looked at him mystified.In truth, he felt rather proud of his newly-acquired talent.Given more confidence now, Martin forgot his usual misery at participating in such meetings and began making comments of his own. However, he became aware that some of his colleagues were looking at him totally confused.One or two even had a gentle smile playing on their lips. Only gradually did it dawn on them—he could hear their thoughts and they were not really saying what they were thinking.As the meeting progressed, Martin became aware of changes to the tone and style of the event. It was clear to him now that, one by one, each member of the meeting was learning how to hear the thoughts of all the others and this was subtly changing how they interacted with one another. The game-playing started to fall away; people started to speak more directly; views became better understood; the atmosphere became more open and trusting.The meeting ended.As people left the room, Martin found that he could still hear what they were thinking. “That was the best meeting we’ve ever had.”“All meetings should be like that.” “In future, I’m going to say what I think.”46. Why did Martin hate the team meetings?A.His colleagues were making stories.B.His colleagues complained too much.C.His colleagues pretended to be friendly.D.His colleagues held back their true feelings.47. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “braced himself for” in Paragraph 3 ?A.prepared himself for B.adapted himself toC.concemed himself about D.persuaded himself into48. With the strange power of being able to hear what others were thinking and saying, Martinrealized that______.A.he had been cheatedB.he was lucky to know the truthC.people didn’t mean what they saidD.people were unwilling to work there49. Which of the following can be expected at future team meetings?A.Everyone will be cooperative. B.Everyone will be straightforward.C.Everyone will be respectful. D.Everyone will be considerate.50. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A.A Mysterious Power B.A Meeting of MindsC.Trust Means All D.Unity Is Success非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。
自考英语二 课件 Unit 8
v 16. trick n. 戏法;把戏 v tricky adj.狡猾的
v 17. perseverance n. 毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神
v persevere vi.坚忍,熬住; 坚持 e.g.: If you persevere with the work, you'll succeed in
v (1) cease to do sth. 停止做某事,不再做某事 v (2) see…as…: look on / upon …as, view…as,
regard…as v (3) reach out to 接触,联系,把手伸向 e.g.: Online learning helps us reach out to new friends.
v normal adj.正常的; 正规的, e.g.: It’s normal to feel nervous before an exam.
v 4. massive adj. 巨大的;非常严重的
v a massive effort 巨大的努力 v massive air attacks 大规模空袭 v a massive heart attack 严重的心脏病
v adapt oneself to sth. 使自己适应某情况 e.g.:It took him a while to adapt himself to the
new surrounding.他花了一段时间来适应环境。
v 8. fulfill v. 实现;履行 v fulfill one's dream / word v fulfill one‘s requirement 满足某人的要求
最新最新出版自考英语(二)讲义-Unit-8--The-Great-Minds2013年自考“英语(二)”备考资料(新版教材unit 8)Unit 8 T he G r eat Mi n dsT he G r eat Mi nds名人名言部分补充m ak e A of BA f am ous quoteA pes s im is t m ak es diff ic ulties of h is opp or t unit ies; an o ptim is t m ak es oppor t un iti es of his d i ff ic ulties. ----H ar r y S. T r um an悲观者让机会沦为困难;乐观者把困难铸成机会。
----杜鲁门m ak e A of Bm ak e a s uc c es s of one's c ar eerm ak e a m us ic ian of th e l ittl e b o yT he f ather ex pos ed hi s s on to m us ic wh en he was s t il l a lit tle c h ildbec aus ed he w ant ed t o m ak e a m us ic ian of him.ex pos e s b. / on es elf t o s th.Don't ex p os e your s e lf to th e s tr ong s unl ig h t, or yo u wil l g et s u nb ur nt.联想:s un bur nt / s unt anne d gai n ex pos ur e to s t h.m ak e a f ootball er of T omm ak e a m es s of the a c c ountI. Ne w w or ds a nd ex p r es s ionsNe w wor ds1. wr ap v. 用…缠绕(或围紧)2. s c enar i o n. 设想;方案;预测3. ex p lan ati on n. 解释;说明ex pl ainex pl anat or y4. un ev entf ul adj. 平淡无奇的;平凡的;缺乏刺激的5. pr eg na nc y n. 怀孕;妊娠;孕期6. im per f ec t adj. 有缺陷的;不完全的;不完美的per f ec tper f ec tion联想:im pos s ible, i m polite, im bala nc ed,im m obile, im m atur e (注意:unb ias ed, unm ovi ng)7. ab nor m al adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的;畸形的nor m al联想:t yp ic a l-at ypic als ym m etr y-as ym m etrys ym m etr ic al-as ym m etr ic al8. m as s ive adj. 巨大的;非常严重的9. d is abi li t y n.(某种)缺陷,障碍ab leab il it yuna bl e10. lim bles s adj. 无四肢的11. ins pir e v.激励;鼓舞(用法参考Uni t 5, T ex t A)ins p ir at ion (形近词参考U nit4,T ex t A)ins p ir in g12. a dap t v. 适应(新情况)ada pt o nes e lf to s th.13. ac c om plis h v. 完成14. lim b n. 肢;臂;腿15. c am paign运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动)16. f ulf il l v. 实现;履行f ulf ill one's dr e am / wor d / r e qu ir em entf ulf ill ing使人满足的,令人愉快的f ulf illm ent 履行;满足;成就17. m otiva tio na l a dj. 鼓舞的18. c ir c um s tanc e n. 命运;客观环境19. whol ehe ar ted l y a dv. 全心全意地20. ef f ec tive adj. 产生预期结果的;有效的比较:ef f ic ientin ef f ec tive, i nef f ic ient21. a lt itud e n.海拔;海拔高度alt itu de s ic k nes s区分:att itud e22. e nga gem ent n. 约定;约会;预约23. c on gr eg ati on n. (教堂的)会众24. a ud ienc e n. 观众;听众25. vis i on n. 想象力;眼力;远见卓识26. o utr eac h n. 外展服务27. p er s pec ti ve n. 态度;观点;思考方法28. c eas e v.(使)停止,终止,结束29. o bs tac le n. 障碍;阻碍;绊脚石30. il lus tr ate v. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释31. pr of ou nd adj. 巨大的;深切的;深远的32. p er s is tenc e n. 坚持;锲而不舍per s is t (i n)per s is te nt33. p ar al yze v. 使瘫痪;使麻痹34. of ten tim es adv. 常常35. tr ic k n. 戏法;把戏tr ic k y36. b le nd n. (不同事物的)和谐结合,融合37. p er s ev er anc e n. 毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神(偶见pers e ver enc e,但很少使用)per s ev er eper s ev er ant(偶见per s ever ent,但很少使用)38. d ef ine v. 阐明;明确;界定def in iti ondef in ite 明确的,确定的39. inc r ed ibl e a dj. 不能相信的;难以置信的unb el ie vab le40. c ap ti vat e v. 迷住;使着迷Phr as es a nd Ex pr es s i ons1. a w alk of lif e 行业;职业;地位;阶层li ne of wor k2. m aj or in 主修3. s tr es s the im por tanc e of强调…的重要性4. at one's d is pos a l 任某人处理;供某人任意使用5. pok e f un at 拿…开心;奚落;嘲笑6. s ho w of f炫耀;卖弄II. T ex t Lear n ingLif e W ithout Lim its① Im agine b ei ng bor n w ith out ar m s. N o ar m s to wr a p ar o und s o m eone, no h ands t o ex per ien c e touc h, or to hol d a noth er ha nd with. O r what abou t be in g bor n wi th out legs? Ha vin g n o a bil it y to da nc e, wa lk, r un, or eve n s tan d o n t wo f eet. N o w pu t bo th of th os e s c e nar i os(设想)toget her: n o ar m s and no le gs. W hat wou l d yo u d o? H o w wou ld thatef f ec t your ev er yd a y l if e?② Bor n i n 1982 in Me lbo ur ne, Aus tr a li a, wi thout an y m edic alex pla nat ion or war n in g, N ic h ol as Vuj ic ic c am e into the wor l d wi t hneit her ar m s nor legs. (1)H av in g ha d a n u n eve ntf ul pr egn anc y a nd n o f am il y h is tor y to ex p e c t this c on dit ion, im agin e th e s hoc k his pa r entsf elt whe n th e y s a w th eir f ir s t bor n, br and n e w ba b y bo y, onl y t o f ind he was what the wor l d woul d c ons i der im per f ec t and abn or m al. Ho w w ou ld their s o n l i ve a nor m al ha pp y l if e? W hat c ould he ev er do or bec om e when li v ing w ith wh at the wor ld wou ld s e e as s uc h a m as s ive di s abil it y (严重残疾)? (2)Lit tle did the y or an yo ne k no w t hat t his b eau tif u llim bles s bab y woul d one da y be s om eone who woul d i ns pir e an dm otivate p eo ple f r om all wa lk s of lif e, touc hin g l iv es al l o v er the wor ld.本部分重点及难点:1. H a vi ng had an une ven tf ul(平凡的)pr eg nanc y an d no f am il y h is tor y to ex pec t this c o ndi ti on, im agine t he s hoc k his p ar ents f elt w he n the ys aw the ir f ir s t bor n, b r and n e w b ab y b o y, o nl y to f in d h e was wh at th e wor ld w ou ld c o ns ider im per f ec t and abnor m al.(1)悬垂分词。
自考汉语言本科:00015英语二讲义Unit 8 The Great Minds0805
II. Text LearningAn Unwanted Baby, Steve Jobs1 Steve Jobs is a man who has great courage and dares to take risks. He may notbe perfect but he pulled together the most fantastic act by overcomingMicrosoft, the movie industry and the music business. Jobs followed his dreamand led a revolution in the computing world.2 Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California. Hisbiological mother was an unwed graduate student named Joanne Simpson and decidedto put him up for adoption. (1)Joanne had a college education, and she insistedthat the future parents of her boy be just as well educated. Unfortunately, thecandidates, Paul and Clara Jobs, did not meet her expectations: Clara didn'tgraduate from college and Paul only attended high school. When she found outthat both his future parents had never graduated from college,she refused tosign the adoption papers. She only relented a few months later and agreed tohave her baby adopted by them, under the firm condition that they would send himto college.本部分重点及难点:显示重难点解析1. Joanne had a college education, and she insisted that the future parents ofher boy be just as well educated.当谓语动词是"一坚持,二命令,三建议,四要求"时,即insist, order,command, advise, suggest, propose, demand, request, require, ask以及desire,recommend, prefer, decide, urge等词时,从句谓语用should+动词原形。
第一部分:阅读判断1.[解析]文章第一段中提到了应聘者提出的几个问题:What are my...my hobbies ,由此可以看出他们关注的更多是公司给予的“假期”待遇,而非工作本身带来的经历、价值和成长空间等。
2.[解析]第二段第一句就说到Good work...work experience,即好的工作态度、习惯和技术来自工作经历而非在学校可以学到。
3.[解析]第二段第三行讲到I would enter our barnyard...the milking barn,即需要给10至12只奶牛挤奶,至于说是不是一共有12头牛,或者父母会帮忙给余下的其他奶牛挤奶,文章并未提及。
4.[解析]第二段最后讲到父母每天早晨都会对奶牛问好,Good 's good to seeyou!然后后面提到I didn't feel quite the same way,这说明作者和父母的感受不同,不愿意清早起床挤牛奶。
5.[解析]第三段最后一句提到It made me...to the road,所以作者是将牛奶捅提到路边等待。
6.[解析]第四段首句提到My father and mother...helped me with milking the cows ,即我的父母经常帮我一起挤牛奶,所以题干中说“我经常独自一人挤牛奶”是错误的。
7.[解析]第四段倒数第二句指出To my father...as it may seem ,即对于父亲来说,挤牛奶看上去并没有那么复杂。
8.[解析]第四段第二行指出But Father...needed to be milked,意为奶牛也需要被挤奶,和题干含义吻合。
Unit 1Text AI 1-5 B A D A BII Section A1.consistent2.statement3.reflect4.invalid5.considerableparisonSection B1.credible.2.identify3.assumption4.represents5.evaluated6.appropriateSection C1.to2.forward3.into4.in5.with6.toIII 1-5 define action tears good express6-10 powerful internally respond to shapes personalIV Section A1.take different social groups into accountparing his present work with the previous work,3.is inconsistent with what he told the policeman4.is not relevant to what we’re dealing withrm us of any of your changesSection B要成为一个灵活的读者,你必须知道如何根据你的阅读目的选择并使用恰当的阅读方式。
V 52134Text BI Section A1-6 Y F Y F Y NGSection B1.Mastering our language2.our lives and destinies3.determination4.power5.live whatever life you desire6.some alternativesII Section A1.confidence2.creative3.eliminate4. dramatically5.significant6.limitSection B1.matter2. commonly3. pleased4. infinitemand6.impactSection C1.out2.Seems3. on4. within5. in6. overIII Section A1.have a great impact on the country’s future.2.but it matters a lot to me3.but the police is soon in control of the situation4.i have on alternative but let you go5.The final decision is up to the managerSection B职场中,英语具有重要的作用。
ContentsTeGt A Critical Reading........................................................................................................................TeGt A Split Milk.....................................................................................................................................TeGt A Reflections: Friendship and Loyalty................................................................................TeGt A Works Is a Blessing ................................................................................................................TeGt A Life Is Difficult..........................................................................................................................TeGt A Teaching Children to Spend Pocket Money Wisely.................................................TeGt A Your Inner Voice.......................................................................................................................TeGt A Life without Limits..........................................................................................................................................................................................................TeGt A: 300 Hurdles ..............................................................................................................................TeGt A: The Importance of Public Transportation ..........................................................................................................TeGt A Cyber Love............................................................................................................................................................................................................TeGt A Feeling Free................................................................................................................................ TeGt B Self-esteem and Body Image.............................................................................................Unit1ThePowerofLanguageAFamousQuoteLanguageisthedressofthought.------SamuelJohnson SamuelJohnson(1709-1784),Britishmanofletters,oneofthemostoutst andingfiguresofthe18th centuryinEngland.Hemadelastingcontributionsto Englishliteratureasapoet,essayist,moralist,literarycritic,biographer,editora ndleG icographer.Johnsonhasbeendescribedas“arguab lythemostdisting uishedmanoflettersinEnglishhistory.”TeGtACriticalReadingPre-readingQuestions1.Doyouusuallychallengetheideaanauthorrepresents?Whatdoyouthinkisactivereading?2.WhatsuggestionsdoyoueGpecttheauthorwillgiveonreadingcritically?Criticalreadingappliestonon-fictionwritinginwhichtheauthorputsfort hapositionorseekstomakeastatement.Criticalreadingisactivereading.Itinv olvesmorethanjustunderstandingwhatanauthorissaying.Criticalreadingin volvesquestioningandevaluatingwhattheauthorissaying,andformingyour ownopinionsaboutwhattheauthorissaying.Herearethethingsyoushouldd otobeacriticalreader.ConsidertheconteGtofwhatiswritten.YoumaybereadingsomethingthatwaswrittenbyanauthorfromadifferentculturalconteGtthanyours.Or,yo umaybereadingsomethingwrittensometimeagoinadifferenttimeconteGtt hanyours.Ineithercase,youmustrecognizeandtakeintoaccountanydifferen cesbetweenyourvaluesandattitudesandthoserepresentedbytheauthor.Questionassertionsmadebytheauthor.Don’tacceptwhatiswritten atfacevalue.Beforeacceptingwhatiswritten,bycertainthattheauthorprovid essufficientsupportforanyassertionsmade.Lookforfacts,eGamples,andsta tisticsthatprovidesupport.Also,looktoseeiftheauthorhasintegratedthewor kofauthorities.Comparewhatiswrittenwithotherwrittenworkonthesubject.Lookt oseethatwhatiswrittenisconsistentwiththatothershavewrittenaboutthesu bject.Ifthereareinconsistencies,carefullyevaluatethesupporttheauthorpro videsfortheinconsistencies.Analyzeassumptionsmadebytheauthor.Assumptionsarewhatevert heauthormustbelieveistrueinordertomakeassertions.Inmanycases,theaut hor’sassumptionsarenotdirectlystated.Thismeansyoumustreadcarefullyi nordertoidentifyanyassumptions.Onceyouidentifyanassumption,youmus tdecidewhetherornottheassumptionisvalid.Evaluatethesourcestheauthoruses.Indoingthis,bycertainthattheso urcesarecredible.ForeGample,Einsteinisacrediblesourceiftheauthoriswriti ngaboutlandmarkachievementsinphysics.Alsobecertainthatthesourcesar erelevant.Einsteinisnotarelevantsourcewhenthesubjectispoetry.Finally,ift heauthoriswritingaboutasubjectinitscurrentstate,besurethatthesourcesarecurrent.ForeGample,studiesdonebyEinsteinintheearly20th centurymayno tbeappropriateifthewriterisdiscussingthecurrentstateofknowledgeinphys ics.Identifyanypossibleauthorbias.AwrittendiscussionofAmericanpolit icswilllikelylookconsiderablydifferentdependingonwhetherthewriterisaD emocratoraRepublican.Whatiswrittenmayverywellreflectabiasedposition. Youneedtotakethispossiblebiasintoaccountwhenreadingwhattheauthorh aswritten.Thatis,takewhatiswrittenwith“agrainofsalt.”Bybeingacriticalreader,youwillbecomebetterinformedandmaychang eyourviewsasappropriate.TeGtBTheLanguageofConfidencePre-readingQuestions1.Arethereanywordsthatmakeyoufeelconfidentordiffident?2.Doyoubelievethatlanguagecaninfluencepeople’sthought?GivesomeeGample.Thelanguageweuseprogramsourbrain.Masteringourlanguagegiveus agreatdegreeofmasteryoverourlivesandourdestinies.Itisimportanttouset helanguageinthebestwaypossibleinordertodramaticallyimproveourqualit yoflife.Eventhesmallestofwordscanhavethedeepesteffectonoursubconscio usmind,whichislikeachild,anditdoe sn’treallyunderstandthedifferencebe tweenwhatreallyhappensandwhatyouimagine.Itiseagertopleaseandwillingtocarryoutanycommandsthatyougiveit---whetheryoudothisknowinglyo rnotisentirelyuptoyou.“Try”Itisasmallwordyetithasanamazingimpactuponus.Ifsomeonesays,“I ’l l try todothat”youknowthattheyarenotgoingtobeputtingtheirwholehe artintoit,andmaynotevendoitatall.Howoftendoyouusetheword try whental kingaboutthethingsthatmattertoyou?Dosay“I’lltrytobemoreconfident ”or“I’lltrytodothat”or“I’lltrytocall”?Thinkaboutsomethingthatyouwouldliketoachieve,andsayittoyoursel fintwodifferentways.Firstlysay,“I’lltryto…”andnoticehowyoufeel.Ne Gts ay,“Iwilldo…”andseehowyoufeel.Thelattermakesyoufeelbetterthanthefirstone,doesn’tit?Itgivesyoua senseofdetermination,afeelingthatitwillbedone.Listentothepeoplearoun dyouandwhentheysaytheywilltrytonoticeifitgetsdoneornot.Eliminatethe wordtryfromyourdictionaryandseehowyourlifeimproves.“Can’t”Thisisanothersmallwordwithabigimpact.Itdisempowersus,makesusfe elweakandhelpless,anddamagesourself-esteem.Itlimitsourinfiniteabilities andstiflescreativity.Rubitoutfromyourinternaldictionaryandreplaceitwiths omethingthatmakesyoufeelgreat.Insteadofsayingyoucan’t,whynotsaysomethinglike“Ichoose…”or “Ichoosenotto…”Usingwordslikethisallowsyoutotakebackyourpowerandtobeincontrolofyourlife.Wordsmayappearsmallandinsignificant,yettheyhaveadeepandlastin geffectonus.Masteringyourlanguagegivesyouthepowertolivewhateverlif eyoudesire.Whatwordsdoyouusealotthatdisempoweryou?Makealistofwordsyou commonlyuseandthenwriteneGttothemsomealternativesyoucanuse.Mak ethesealternativeswordsthatmakeyoufeelfabulous,notonlyaboutyourself, butaboutlifeandwhatyouaredoing!Unit2MistakestoSuccessAFamousQuoteSuccessisgoingfromfailuretofailurewithoutlosingyourenthusiasm.----WinstonChurchill WinstonChurchill(1874-1965),BritishConservativepoliticianandstatesmanknownforhisle adershipoftheUnitedKingdomduringtheSecondWorldWar.Widelyregarde dasoneofthegreatestwartimeleadersofthecentury,heservedasPrimeMinis tertwice.HeistheonlyBritishPrimeMinistertohavereceivedtheNobelPrizein Literature.TeGtASplitMilkPre-readingQuestions:1.Didyoumakeanymistakesonyourwaytosuccess?GivesomeeGample.2.Doyoubelievethatmakingmistakesisanecessaryingredientforsuccess?EGplain.Haveheardofthestoryaboutspiltmilk?Well,weallknowthereisnousecr yingoverspiltmilk.Butthisstoryisdifferent.Iwouldhopeallparentswouldres pondinthismanner.Irecentlyheardastoryaboutafamousresearchscientistwhohadmadese veralveryimportantmedicalbreakthroughs.Hewasinterviewedbyanewspa perreporterwhoaskedhimwhyhewassomuchmorecreativethantheaverage person;whatsethimsofarapartfromothers?Herespondedthat,inhisopinion,itallcamefromaneGperiencewithhism otherthatoccurredwhenhewasabouttwoyearsold.Hehadbeentryingtorem oveabottleofmilkfromtherefrigeratorwhenhelosthisgripontheslipperybot tleanditfell,spillingitscontentsalloverthekitchenfloor–averitableseaofmilk !Whenhismothercameintothekitchen,insteadofyellingathim,givinghi malecture,orpunishinghim,shesaid,“Robert,whatagreatandwonderfulme ssyouhavemade!Ihaverarelyseensuchahugepuddleofmilk.Well,thedamag ehasalreadybeendone.Wouldyouliketogetdownandplayinthemilkforafew minutesbeforewecleanitup?”Indeed,hedid.Afterafewminutes,hismothersaid,“Youknow,Robert,w heneveryoumakeamesslikethis,eventuallyyouhavetocleanitupandrestore everythingtoitsproperorder.So,howwouldyouliketodothat?Wecoulduseas ponge,atowel,oramop.Whichdoyouprefer?”Hechosethespongeandtogethertheycleanedupthespiltmilk.Hismotherthensaid,“Youknow,whatwehavehereisafailede Gperimen tinhowtoeffectivelycarryabigmilkbottlewithtwotinyhands.Let’sgooutint hebackyardandfillthebottlewithwaterandseeifyoucandiscoverawaytocarr yitwithoutdroppingit.”Thelittleboylearnedthatifhegraspedthebottleatth etopnearthelipwithbothhands,hecouldcarryitwithoutdroppingit.Whataw onderfullesson!Therenownedscientistremarkedthatitwasatthatmomentthatheknew hedidn’tneedtobeafraidtomakemistakes.Instead,helearnedthatmistake swerejustopportunitiesforlearningsomethingnew,whichis,afterall,whatsci entificeGperimentsareallabout.EveniftheeG periment“doesn’twork”,w eusuallylearnsomethingvaluablefromit.Wouldn’titbegreatifallparentswouldrespondthewayRobert’smoth errespondedtohim?TeGtBTheCakePre-readingQuestions:1.Haveyoueverbeenwronglyblamedbyyourparents?Howdidyoufeelatthatmoment?2.Whatsuggestionswouldyougivetotheparentswhoareblindedtotheirchildren’smerits?Cindyglancednervouslyattheclockonthekitchenwall.Fiveminutesbef oremidnight.“Theyshouldbehomeanytimenow,”shethoughtassheputthefinishin gtouchesonthechocolatecakeshewasfrosting.Itwasthefirsttimeinher12ye arsshehadtriedtomakeacakefromscratch,andtobehonest,itwasn’te Gactl yanda esthetictriumph.Thecakewas…well,lumpy.Andthefrostingwasbitter, asifshehadrunoutofsugarorsomething,which,ofcourse,shehad.Andthentherewasthewaythekitchenlooked.Imaginethehugeblenderf illwithallthefiGingsforchocolatecake---includingtherequisitebowls,pansa ndutensils.Nowimaginethattheblenderisturnedon,highspeed,withthelido ff.Doyougettheidea?ButCindywasn’tthinkingaboutthemess.Shehascreatedsomething,a veritablephoeniGofflourandsugarrisingoutofthekitchenclutter.Shewasan Giousforherparentstoreturnhomefromtheirdatesoshecouldpresentheann iversarygifttothem.SheturnedoffthekitchenlightsandwaitedeGcitedlyinth edarkness.Whenatlastshesawtheflashofthecarheadlights,shepositionedh erselfinthekitchendoorway.Bythetimesheheardthekeyslidingintothefront door,shewasTHISCLOSEtoeGploding.Herparentstriedtoslipinquietly,butCindywouldhavenoneofthat.Shefli ppedonthelightsdramaticallyandtrumpeted:“Ta-daaa!!”Shegesturedgr andlytowardthekitchentable,whereslightlyoff-balancetwo-layerchocolate cakeawaitedtheirinspection.Buthermother’seyenevermaditallthewaytothetable.“Justlookatthis mess!”shemoaned.“HowmanytimeshaveItalkedtoyouaboutcleaningup afteryourself?”“ButMom,Iwasonly…”“Ishouldmakeyoucleanthisuprightnow,butI’mtootiredtostayupwit hyoutomakesureyougetitdoneright,”hermothersaid.“Soyou’lldoitfirst thing inthemorning.”“Honey,”Cindy’sfatherinterjectedgently,“takealookatthetable.”“Iknow-it’samess,”hiswifesaidcoldly.“Thewholekitchenisadisast er.Ican’tstandtolookatit.”Shestormedupthestairsandintoherroom,slam mingthedoorshutbehindher.ForafewmomentsCindyandherfatherstoodsilently,neitheroneknowin gwhattosay.Atlastshelookedupathim,hereyesmoistandred.“Sheneversa wthecake,”shesaid.Unfortunately,Cindy’smotherisn’ttheonlyparentwhosuffersfromSi tuationalTimbercularGlaucoma–theoccasionalinabilitytoseetheforestfort hetrees.Fromtimetotimeweallallowourselvestobeblindedtoissuesoflong-t ermsignificancebystuffthatseemsawfullyimportantrightnow,butisn’t.M uddyshoes,lostlunchmoneyandmessykitchensaretroublesome,andtheyd eservetheirplaceamonglife’sfrustrations.Butwhat’salittlemud–evenon newcarpet–comparedtoachild’sself-esteem?Isalostdollarmorevaluablet hanayoungster/semergingdignity?Andwhilekitchensanitationisimportan t,isitworththesacrificeoftenderfeelingsandrelationships?I’mnotsayingthatourchildrendon’tneedtolearnresponsibility,orto occasionallysufferthepainfulconsequenceoftheirownbadchoices.Thosele ssonsarevital,andneedtobecarefullytaught.Butasparents,wemustneverforgetthatwe’renotjustteachinglessons–we’reteachingchildren.Thatmean stherearetimeswhenreallyneedtoseethemessinthekitchen,andtimeswhen weonlyneedtoseethecake.Unit3FriendshipandLoyaltyAFamousQuoteBetrayingatrustisaveryquickandpainfulwaytoterminateafriendship.- RalphWaldoEmerson RalphWaldoEmerson(1803-1882),Americanessayist,lectureandpoet, wholedtheTranscendentalistMovementofthemid-19th century.TeGtAReflections:FriendshipandLoyaltyPre-readingQuestions1.DoyoubelievethatloyalfriendsareavailableontheInternet?2.Whatpersonalqualitiesmattermostinyourchoiceoffriends?Andwhy?Howmanyofusrecognizetrueloyaltyinafriend?Loyaltyconsistsofafrien d,whowillstickbyyou,throughthickandthin.Afriendwhoisalwayshonestwit hyouandneverbetraysthefriendshipwithliesisaloyalfriend.Ifyouhavealoyal friend,youhaveindeedfoundatruevirtueinthatfriend.ThecurrenttrendontheInternetisbefriendinganyonewhorequeststob eyourfriend.However,thisnewtrendmayleadtodisasters.Itmaybepopulara ndtrendytohaveanetworkfillwithamultitudeofmutualfriends.However,one trueloyalfriendmaybetheonlyfriendyouneed.AtermusedonthepopularFacebooksiteisB.F.F.Thisacronymmeansbest friendforever.Aretheyreallyyourbestfriendsforever?Youmightaskyourselft hisquestion,“Willtheysharemyprivatematterswithothers?”Iftheanswert othatis,“Idon’tknow”,morethanlikely,theywillnotbeyourbestfriendsfor ever.Maybenot,evenforaday.IchoosetohaveaB.L.F.,abestloyalfriend,forthoseofyouwhomaybechall engedbytheuseofacronymsduringthisageoftechnologyandfast-talking.Loyaltyfoundinafriendisakintomakingadepositinabankaccount.More oftenthannot,yourdepositsgaininterest,andinterestinyourwell-beingand welfare.Aloyalfriendattractsanotherloyalfriend.Inessence,waterdoesseeki tsownlevel.IfyouwereaB.L.FwaybeforeFacebookgainednotoriety,thenI’msurey ouunderstandthepremiseofloyaltyinafriend.YoushouldnevereGploityour B.L.F.togainmorefriendsormakeyourselfseemmoreimportanttoothers.The searenotthetraitsofabestloyalfriend.Abestloyalfrienddoesnotcarewhoisinvitedtoyourparty.Theywillatten dyourpartyandcelebrateyou,justinthewayabestloyalfriendshoulddo.ReconnectingwithabestloyalfriendiseasiertodoonthepagesofFacebo ok.However,avirtualfrienddoesnotassureyouofhisloyalty.Mycautiontoyou i sthatyou’dbetterpayattentiontothesmilingfacesontheFacebookpages.I ntheeightieswewerewarnedofsmilingfacesinasong,whichcontainedthesel yrics,“Asmileisjustafrownturnedupsidedown,myfriend.”Now,thatistheu ndisputedtruthformygeneration.TeGtBATributetotheDogPre-readingquestions:1.Whydomanypeoplechoosetokeepdogsaspetsinsteadofotheranimals?2.WhydoyouthinkagrowingnumberofChinese,especiallytheelderly,prefertokeeppets?Thebestfriendamanhasinthisworldmayturnagainsthimandbecomehi senemy.Hissonofdaughterwhomhehasrearedwithlovingcaremayproveun grateful.Thosewhoarenearestanddearesttous,thosewhomwetrustwithour happinessandourgoodname,maybecometraitorstotheirfaith.Themoneythatamanhashemaylose.Itfliesawayfromhim,perhapswhe nheneedsitmost.Aman’sreputationmaybesacrificedinamomentofill-con sideredaction.Thepeoplewhoarepronetofallontheirkneestodoushonorwh ensuccessiswithusmaybethefirsttothrowthestoneofmalicewhenfailureset tlesitsclouduponourheads.Theoneabsolute,unselfishfriendamanmayhave inthisselfishworld,theonethatneverdesertshim,theonethatneverprovesun gratefulortreacherous,ishisdog.Aman’sdogstandsbyhiminprosperityandinpoverty,inhealthandinsic kness.Hewillsleeponthecoldgroundwhenthewintrywindsblowandthesno wdrivesfiercely,ifonlyhecanbenearhismaster’sside.Hewillkissthehandtha thasnofoodtooffer.Hewilllickthesoresandwoundsthatcomeintheencounte rwiththeroughnessoftheworld.Heguardsthesleepofhispaupermasterasift hewereaprince.Whenallotherfriendsdesert,heremains.Whenrichestakewingsandrep utationfallstopieces,heisasconstantinhisloveasthesuninitsjourneythrough theheavens.Iffortunedrivesthemasterforth,anoutcastintheworld,friendles sandhomeless,thefaithfuldogasksnohigherprivilegethanthatofaccompan yinghimtoguardhimagainstdanger,tofightagainsthisenemies.Andwhenth elastsceneofallcomesanddeathtakesitsmasterinitsembraceandthebodyisl aidawaythecoldground,nomatterifallotherfriendspursuetheirway,there,b yhisgravesidewillthenobledogbefound,hisheadbetweenhispaws,hiseyess adbutopeninalertwatchfulnessfaithfulandtrueeventodeath.Unit4TheJoyofWorkAFamousQuote:Labourisoftenthefatherofpleasure.- Francios–MarieArouet(Voltaire) Francios–MarieArouet(Voltaire)(1694-1778),Frenchpoet,dramatist, historian,andphilosopher.Hewasandoutspokenandaggressiveenemyofev eryinjustice,especiallyofreligiousintolerance.Hisworksareanoutstandinge mbodimentoftheprinciplesoftheFrenchEnlightenment.TeGtAWorksIsaBlessingPre-readingQuestions1.Doyouoftenhelpyourparentswiththehouseholdchores?Whatdoyouusuallydotohelpthem?2.HaveyouhadanyeGperienceofdoingpart-timejobstohelpsupportyourselfandyourfamily?Whatdidyouthinkaboutit?IgrewupinLakeland,LA,oneof12children.Wealllivedonmyparents’su bsistencefarm.Wegrewcotton,sugarcane,corn,hogs,andchickensandhadal argegarden,butitdidn’tbringinmuchcash.SowhenIwas12,Igotapart-timej obonadairyfarmdowntheroad,helpingtomilkcows.Wemilked65cowsat5in themorningandagainat2intheafternoon,sevendaysaweek.InthekitchenonSaturdaybeforedaylight,Iremembercomplainingtomy fatherandgrandfatherabouthavingtogomilkthosecows.Myfathersaid,“Ya know,boy,toworkisablessing.”IlookedatthosetwomenwhohadworkedharderthanIeverhad–myfath erekingoutalivingonthatfarmandmygrandfatherfarmingandworkingasac arpenterduringtheDepression.IhadafeelingIhadbeentoldsomethingreally important,butittookmanyyearsbeforeitsankin.GoingtocollegewasarareprivilegeforakidfromLakeland.Myfathertold mei fIpickedsomethingtostudythatIlikeddoing,I’dalwayslookforwardtom ywork.Buthealsoadded,“Evenhavingajobyouhateisbetterthannothaving ajobatall.”Iwantedtobeafarmer,butIjoinedtheROTCprogramtohelppayfor college.AndwhatstartedoutasanobligationtotheArmybecameawayoflifet hatIstayedcommittedtofor37years,threemonthsandthreedays.Inthelate1980s,duringavisittoBangladesh,Isawawomanwithababyon herback,breakingbrickswithahammer.IaskedaBangladeshmilitaryescortw hythey weren’tusingamachine,whichwouldhavebeenaloteasier.Hetoldm eamachinewouldputthatladyoutofwork.Breakingthosebricksmeantshecouldearnenoughmoneytofeedherselfandherbabythatday.Andasbadasthat woman’sjobwas,itwasenoughtokeepasmallfamilyalive.Itremainedmeof myfather’swords:Toworkisablessing.ServingintheU.S.Armyoverseas,IsawalotofpeoplelikethatwomaninBa ngladesh.AndIhavecometobelievethatpeoplewithoutjobsarenotfree.They arevictimsofcrime,theideologyofterrorism,poorhealth,depressionandsoci alunrest.Thesevictimsbecometheillegalimmigrants,theslavesofhumantraf ficking,thedrugdealers,andstreetgangmembers.Ihaveseenitoverandover againontheU.S.border,inSomalia,theCongo,AfghanistanandinNewOrlean s.Peoplewhohavejobscanhaveahome,sendtheirkidstoschool,developasen seofpride,contributetothegoodofthecommunity,andevenhelpother.Whe nwecanwork,wearefree.Weareblessed.Idon’tthinkIwilleverquitworking.I’mretiredfromtheArmy,butI’ms tillworkingtohelppeoplebepreparedfordisaster.AndImaygettodoalittlefar mingsomeday,too.I’mnotgoingtostop.Ibelieveinmyfather’swords.Ibeli eveintheblessingofwork.TeGtBHowtoStartYourOwnBusinessPre-readingQuestions:1.Doyouhopetostartyourownbusiness?Whatwouldyouliketodo?2.Whatdoyouknowaboutthenecessaryconditionsforstartingabusiness?TheparadoGofstartingyourownbusinessliesinthesimultaneouschalle ngeandrewards,makingitaneGperienceunlikeanyother.Somanybusinessesfail,andmostentrepreneurseGcludethemselvesfromthepossibility.Thetra gicrealityisthatwhenbusinessfail,thepassionoftendieswithit.Byfollowings omesoundadviceandbeingpreparedfortheprocess,youwilldecreaseyourc hancesoflosingalotmorethanyoubargainedfor.Ihaverecentlystartedabusi nessandhavelearnedsomecruciallessonsintheprocessthatIfeelprivilegedt osharewithyou.1.Identifyyourmotivation.Whydoyouwanttostartyourownbusiness? Tohavemoretime?Tomakemoremoney?Tobeyourownboss?Tohavecreativ econtroloverwhatyoulovetodo?Writeoutallofyourmotivatingfactorsandp rioritizethem.Whenyousee themlisted,youmightseeapatterninthatyou’r ejustunhappyatyourcurrentjobandstartingyourownbusinessisn’ttheans wer.2.Identifyyourpassion.Whatdoyoulovetodo?Whatskillsandknowled gedoyouuniquelybringtothetable?WhatgetsyoueGcitedaboutyourwork? Keepthatpassionattheforefrontofyourbusinessplan,yourmarketingstrateg ies,andyourdailyroutine.Ifyoukeepyourpassioninplainsight,youwillstayfoc usedonthepurposeofyourbusinessandnotsolelyonthelogistics.3.Identifyyourmarket.Ifyouarestartingyourbusinesslocally,research yourcompetitor.Determineifthereisroominthemarketforyourbusiness.Wh atwillyoudodifferentlytodrawincustomers?Whatnichemarketaretheother businessesmissing?IfyouarestartinganInternetcompany,researchtherequi rementsforyourownuniqueWebpresence.Yourbusinesscannotsurvivewith outcustomers,sodoenoughresearchonthefrontendtodetermineifthereen oughpotentialclientstokeepyourbusinessalive.4.Identifyyourfinance.Ifyouhaveeverpurchasedanewhome,youkno wthatthefinancialobligationseGtendbeyondthedownpaymentandthemor tgage.Youhavetobuyfurniture,trashcans,agaragedooropeners,lightfiGtur esandlandscapingequipment,andbeforeyouknowit,you’refare Gceededy ourfinancialboundaries.Thatcanhappenjustaseasilyinabusiness.DoeGhau stivefinancialplanning.Meetwithafinancialadvisororsomeoneatyoubankt oeGaminethefinancialviabilityofyourbusinessandtheprocessofgettingitu pandrunning.Planwiselyanddonotassumethebestaboutyourbusiness.Bep reparedforfinanciallossandgetadviceonhowtoalleviatethatburdeninthefu ture.5.Identifyyoursupportsystem.Seekoutadvicefromseasonedbusines sowners,eventhoseinyourownfield.Developrelationshipswithpeoplewhoc anoffersoundadviceandcriticismthatyoumightnotsee.Ifthereisabusinesso wnerinyourcommunityorinyournetworkthatyouaspiretomodel,eGamineh isorherbusinesspracticesandhowtheyhandlevarioussituations.Askforcoun selbeforebigdecisions,andevencreateyourownmakeshiftBoardofDirectors tohelpguideyouintheplanningandstart-upprocess.Onceyouhavealloftheseelementsinplace,youarepreparedtostartthepr ocessofdevelopingabusinessplan,applyingforalicense,establishingamark etingpresence,etc.Owningyourownbusinesscanbeunparalleledintheprofe ssionalworld,andifyousurroundyourselfwithwisecounsel,youcanhaveacar eerthatdailyfeedsyourpassion.Unit5KeepyourDreamsAliveAFamousQuoteYouarenevertoooldtosetanothergoaltodreamanewdream.--C.S.Lewis CliveStaplesLewis(1898-1963),Irish-bornBritishscholar,writerandlayt heologian.Hewasanestablishedliteraryfigurewhoseimpactisincreasinglyr ecognizedbyscholarsandteachers.TeGtALifeIsDifficultPre-readingQuestions:1.Doyoubelievethatlifeisdifficult?Whataresomeofthedifficultiesthatyouhaveencounteredinyourlife?2.Whatsuggestionsdidyougetfromyourparentsorfriendswhenyoumetwithdifficultiesinyourlife?Lifeisdifficult.Thisisagreattruth,oneofthegreatesttruths.Itisagreattruthbecauseonc ewetrulyseethistruthwetranscendit.Oncewetrulyknowthatlifeisdifficult–o ncewetrulyunderstandandacceptit–thenlifeisnolongerdifficult.Becauseon ceitisaccepted,thatfactthatlifeisdifficultnolongermatters.Mostpeopledonotfullyseethistruththatlifeisdifficult.Insteadtheymoanmoreorlessincessantly,noisilyorsubtly,abouttheeno rmityoftheirproblems,theirburdens,andtheirdifficultiesasiflifeweregenera llyeasy,asiflifeshouldbeeasy.Theyvoicetheirbelief,noisilyorsubtly,thattheirdifficultiesrepresentauniquekindofafflictionthatshouldnotbeandthathass omehowbeenespeciallyvisiteduponthem,orelseupontheirfamilies,theirtri be,theirclass,theirnation,theirrace,oreventheirspecies,andnotuponothers. IknowaboutthismoaningbecauseIhavedonemyshare.Lifeisaseriesofproblems.Dowewanttomoanaboutthemorsolvethem? Dowewanttoteachourchildrentosolvethem?Disciplineisthebasicsetoftoolswerequiretosolvelife’sproblems.With outdisciplinewecansolvenothing.Withonlysomedisciplinewecansolveonly someproblems.Withtotaldisciplinewecansolveallproblems.Whatmakeslifedifficultisthattheprocessofconfrontingandsolvingpro blemsisapainfulone.Problems,dependingupontheirnature,evokeinusfrust rationofgrief,sadness,loneliness,guilt,regret,anger,fear,anGiety,anguish,or despair.Theseareuncomfortablefeelings,oftenveryuncomfortable,oftenas painfulasanykindofphysicalpain,sometimesequalingtheveryworstkindofp hysicalpain.Indeed,itisbecauseofthepainthateventsorconflictsengenderin usallthatwecancallthemproblems.Andsincelifeposesandendlessofproble ms,lifeisalwaysdifficultandisfullofpainaswellasjoy.Yetitisinthiswholeprocessofmeetingandsolvingproblemsthatlifehasit smeaning.Problemsarethecuttingedgethatdistinguishesbetweensuccess andfailure.Problemscallforthourcourageandourwisdom;indeed,theycreat eourcourageandourwisdom.Itisonlybecauseofproblemsthatwegrowment allyandspiritually.Whenwedesiretoencouragethegrowthofthehumanspirit ,wechallengeandencouragethehumancapacitytoresolveproblems,justasinschoolwedeliberatelysetproblemsforourchildrentosolve.Itisthroughthep ainofconfrontingandresolvingthatwelearn.AsBenjami nFranklinsaid,“Tho sethingsthathurt,instruct.”Itisforthisreasonthatwisepeoplelearnnotodre adbutactuallytowelcomeproblemsandactuallytowelcomethepainofprobl ems.TeGtBBeginAgainPre-readingQuestion:1.Ifyourfriendsturntoyouforadvicewhentheyfacelife’schallenges,wh atwillyousaytothem?2.WhatadvicedoyoueGpecttheauthorwillgivetopeopleindifficulties?Tobeginagainmeansthatyouwon’tgiveup.Tobeginagainmeansyou’retrying.Youcaneitherstartoverandliveyourlife.Orspendtherestofyourlifeslowlydying.Itisneverthefallingthatmakesusfail.Itisneverthepainorthecrying.Youcanneverfailinlife,myfriend,Unlessyougiveuptrying.–BobPerksItseemslatelythatmoreandmoreofmyfriendsarefacingsomeseemingly insurmountablechallengesintheirlives.Afewhavelosttheirjobsandsomehavefailedmarriages.Alltoomanyhavefailedmarriages.Alltoomanyhavehealt hissuesorarebattlingcancer.Idon’tknowifitisdesperationthatcausesthemtoturntomeforadviceor whethertheyhavecometovalueourfriendship.Butitisdifficult,tosaytheleast, toofferwordsofhopewhenalltheyfeelishopelessness.TheyeGpectanswers, somemagicwavingofawand,oraroadmaptogetthembackontheirfeetagain .Ihaveoftenstruggledwithwhattosay.MostlybecauseIhavefacedmanyo fthesamechallengesinmyownlife,IrememberhowemptyIfeltaftersomeone cheerfullyofferedwordslike,“Keepyourchinup!”“Thingswillgetbetter!”“Hanginthere!”“It’salwaysdarkest…,”etc.Yes,eventhosewerequicktoquotetheBibletomefoundmequiteunrecep tiveatthetime.Now,asaninspirationwriter,beingthoughtofasaresourceofhopeorago od(orbad)eGampleofwhattodoinlife,Ihaveevenmorepeoplecontactingme .So,whatdoIsay?“WhatcanIdo,Bob?”I’velostmyjob.Whatdoyousuggest?”“Beginagain.”“Hewalkedoutonme.Mywholeworldjustended.WhatshouldIdo?”“Beginagain.”“Bob,Iknowbothyouronandyourwifehavecancer.Ifoundoutmywifedoes,too.Whatdidyoutellthem?”“Beginagain.”Italmostsoun dstoosimple.Iimagineinthedarkesthoursofone’slife,th oseworkswouldseemuselessoruncaring.Butitisindeedtheanswer.Alllifechallengesbringaboutandending–andthechanceforabeginning. Ajobpreventsandopportunitytostartoversomewhereelseandmaybeeveni nanothercareer.Afailedmarriagedoesnotmeanyouarethroughlovingorbeingloved.Itm eansthereareothersjustlikeyouneedingtobeloved.Findthem.Alife-threateningdiseasedoesnotmeangivingup.Itmeansstartingane wpathtorecoveryanddiscoveringwithinyourselftheabilitytofightbackand win.Andifyoua reapersonoffaith,evendeathdoesnotmeanit’sover.Itmean s,“tobeginagain.”Unit6TheValueofMoneyAFamousQuote:Neverspendyourmoneybeforeyouhaveit.–ThomasJefferson ThomasJefferson(1743-1826),thethirdPresidentoftheUnitedStatesa ndprimaryauthoroftheDeclarationofIndependence.TeGtATeachingChildrentoSpendPocketMoneyWisely。
Unit 1 The Power of Language Text Aⅰ: B A D A Cⅱ:Section A1:consistent 2:statement3:reflect 4:invalid5:considerably 6:comparisonSection B1:credible 2:identify3:assumptions 4:represents5:evaluated 6:appropriateSection C1:to 2:forth3:into 4:on5:with 6:toⅲ 1: defines 2:action3:tears 4:good5:express 6:powerful7:internally 8:shape9:responds toⅳ Section A1: take interests of different social groups into account12: Compare the recent work with the previous work 3: was not consistent with his statement to the police 4: was not relevant to the matter being dealt with 5: Please inform us of any change your caseV 521634Text BⅠSection A1: Y 2: N 3:Y 4:N 5:Y 6:NG Section B1: Mastering our language2: our quality of life3: determination4: power5: live whatever life we desire6: some alternativesⅡ Section A1:confidence 2: creative3:eliminate 4:dramatically5: significant 6:limitSection B1:matter 2:commonly3: pleased 4:infinite5:commands 6: qualitySection C1 out 2: up 3: on4: to 5: in 6: overⅢ Section A1: have a noticeable impact on the country’s future2: but it really matters to me3: but the police were in control of it soon4:I have no alternative but to let you go5: it’s up to the manager to make the final decisionUnit 2Mistakes to SuccessText AⅠ 1-5: DACBBⅡSection A1: effectively 2: response 3: discover 4: occur5: rare 6: scientificSection B1: remove 2: eventually 3: opportunity 4:renowned 5: interviewed 6: remarkedSection C1 to 2: so 3: to 4: on 5: in 6: forⅢ 1: fear 2: under 3: unavoidable 4: success5: without 6: reach 7: between 8: so that 9: as long as10: wiselyⅤ 214365Text BⅠSection A1 N 2:N 3:Y 4:Y 5:NG 6: YSection B1: messy 2: her anniversary gift 3: the mess in the kitchen4: what to say 5: long-term significance6: not just teaching lessons, they are teaching childrenⅡSection A1: slightly 2: troublesome 3: occasional 4: inspection5: responsible 6: disasterSection B1: presented 2: frustration 3: awfully 4: deserves 5 :issues 6: glanceSection C1: from 2: out 3: with 4: off 5: up 6: ofUnit 3Friendship and LoyaltyText AⅠ 1-5: AABABⅡSection A1:recognition 2: reflection 3: undisputed 4: loyalty5: essential 6: assuranceSection B1: sought 2: requested 3: challenges 4: mutual5: virtue 6: generationSection C1: of 2: in 3: of 4: of 5: through 6: InⅢ 1: While 2: wisely 3: on 4: opposites 5: personalities6: that 7: whatever 8: unique 9: a couple of 10:shareⅤ 326451Text BⅠSection A1Y 2: Y 3: N 4: NG 5: N 6: Y Section B1: ungrateful 2: their faith 3: sacrificed 4: prosperity and inpoverty 5: a prince 6: accompany himⅡSection A1: pursuit 2: faithful 3: ungrateful 4: fiercely5: prosperity 6: reputationSection B1: privileges 2: prone 3: poverty4: alert 5: scene 6: desertedSection C1: by 2: to 3: against 4: to 5: to 6: downUnit 4 The Joy of WorkText AⅠ 1-5: BADCBⅡSection A1: dealers 2: complain 3: rarely 4: blessing5: contribute 6: illegalSection B1: committed 2: subsistence 3: immigrants4: unrest 5: quit 6: victimSection C1: about 2: of 3: to 4: in 5: in 6: againⅢ1: check out 2: improve 3: stressed 4: arrive 5: clearing away 6: priority 7: weight 8: routine 9: different 10: routeⅤ 31254Text BⅠSection A1: Y 2: NG 3: N 4: N 5: NG 6: NⅡSection A1: exhaustive 2: survival 3: various 4: motivation 5: profession 6: competitiveSection B1: sound 2: exceeds 3: prioritize 4: unique5: routine 6: patternsSection C1: in 2: from 3: for 4: out 5: for 6: inSelf-Assessment 11- 5: ABCAC 6-10: BBAAA11-15: ABCCA16-20: EAFBC 21-25: BEDDCA26-30: FADCB31-35: HDCAK 36-40: LFEJB41: encourage 42: careful 43: particularly44: implications 45: trained 46: impression47: communications 48: respectful 49: designer50: logicalUnit 5 Keeping Your Dreams AliveUnit 5 Keeping Your Dreams AliveText AⅠ 1-5: AACACⅡSection A1: wisdom 2: deliberately 3: anxiety 4: belief 5: uncomfortable 6: equivalentSection B1:distinguished 2: instructions 3: equal 4: conflicts 5: guilty 6: anxiousSection C1: of 2: about 3: of 4: between 5: forth 6: asⅢ1: satisfy 2: than 3: focus on 4: the middle 5: sense 6: but 7: challenged 8: inner 9: fit 10: thinking ofⅤ 213546Text BⅠSection A1: Y 2: N 3: N 4: Y 5: Y 6: YⅡSection A1: imagination 2: threaten 3: recover 4: inspire 5: valuable 6: quotingSection B1: desperate 2: challenge 3: cheerful 4: valuable5: contact 6: inspiringSection C1: on 2: with 3: out 4: over 5: back 6: about Section BⅣ S ection B32154687Unit 6 The Value of MoneyText AⅠ 1-5: BBDCBⅡSection A1: differentiate 2: indulgent 3: resistance4: responsibility 5: formation 6: unnecessarySection B1: constraint 2: budget 3: principle4: scheme 5: monthly 6: temptationSection C1: to 2: in 3: on 4: in 5: within 6: InⅢ1: basic 2: invest 3: direct 4: Ideally 5: called6: wasteful 7: where 8: Now that 9: accumulated 10: grow Ⅴ 652143Text BⅠSection A1: Y 2: Y 3: NG 4: N 5: Y 6: YSection B1: dreamt of 2: the opposites 3: traits4: a giving attitude 5: joyful 6: a healthier view ⅡSection A1: abundance 2: favorite 3: scared4: donation 5: originally 6: economicSection B1: available 2: abundant 3: stimulated4: charity 5: universe 6: readilySection C1: of 2: as 3: between 4: down 5 : up 6: inⅣ Section B1: C 2: D 3: AUnit 7 Inner VoiceText AⅠ1-5: DCBAAⅡSection A1: precisely 2: hesitate 3: wonderful 4: emotion5: ignorance 6: completeSection B1: attached 2: attempts 3: upset 4: overwhelming5: prompted 6: innerSection C1: took 2: with 3: for 4: take 5: in 6: withⅢ1: choose 2: opportunity 3: view 4: accordingly 5: end up 6: interact 7: whose 8: what 9: nonstop 10: nightⅤ 615324Text BⅠSection A1: N 2: Y 3: N 4: NG 5: Y 6: YⅡSection A1: boredom 2: namely 3: character 4: tension5: sour 6: pleasingSection B1: modest 2: wears 3: brightened 4 : radiate5: goodwill 6: inheritedSection C1: under 2: up 3: of 4: As 5: into 6: skinⅣ Section B1: also 2: As 3: In addition 4: For example5: even if 6: FinallyUnit 8 The Great MindsText AⅠ1-5: CCDBAⅡSection A1: perfection 2: accomplishment 3: persistent4: disposal 5: effective 6: motivationalSection B1: obstacle 2: incredible 3: vision 4: perspective5: fulfill 6: profoundSection C1: to 2: from 3: with 4: at 5: in 6: ofⅢ1: confused 2: natural 3: intentionally 4: likely 5: potential 6: as opposed to 7: Even if 8: known9: called upon 10: markⅤ 231547968Text BⅠSection A1: Y 2: NG 3: N 4: N 5: Y 6: NⅡSection A1: adoption 2: appointment 3: convincing4: initially 5: recruitment 6: successiveSection B1: foundation 2: innovative 3: possession4: insanely 5: immense 6: unexpectedSection C1: among 2: with 3: as 4: of 5: in 6: inⅣ Section B6713425Self-Assessment 21- 5: ABBAB 6-10: BBBAA11-15: CCBAB16-20: BACED 21-25: BCFEA26-30: BFACD31-35: LHIBC 36-40: EDJFG41: infinite 42: exhausted 43: discoveries 44: increasing 45: Advanced 46: effective 47: investments48: transportation 49: applied 50: independentUnit 9Facing Life’s ChallengesText AⅠ1-5: CCACAⅡSection A1: despair 2: negative 3: individually 4: tougher 5: incredible 6: symbolizeSection B1: leaped 2: arose 3: lost 4: paced5: through 6: positiveSection C1: with 2: up 3: over 4: with 5: at 6: toⅢ1: struggling 2: arose 3: respectively 4: turned5: observed 6: tasted 7: weak 8: inside 9: circumstance 10: worstⅤ 513624Text BⅠSection A1: NG 2: N 3: Y 4: N 5: Y 6: NⅡSection A1: sudden 2: appreciate 3: purity 4: applause5: shaky 6: boastfulSection B1: aid 2: proceeded 3: signaled 4: undid5: figured 6: bewilderingSection C1: up 2: hire 3: round/up4: sudden 5: to 6: AtⅣ Section B1: in addition to 2: and 3: thus 4: However5: because 6: Also 7: Finally 8: AgainUnit 10 Ode to Public TransportText AⅠ1-5: ABDDCⅡSection A1: economic 2: arrangement 3: dependent 4: valuable 5: exception 6: easeSection B1: necessities 2: strengthen 3: lessening 4: limited 5: proclaimed 6: commutesSection C1: for 2: on 3: to 4: up 5: to 6: inⅢ1: limited 2: running out of 3: refers to 4: low5: require 6: another 7: compared to 8: personal 9: positive 10: economicⅤ 243561Text BⅠSection A1: Y 2: N 3: N 4: N 5: Y 6: YⅡSection A1: maintenance 2: Considerable 3: economical 4: accumulation 5: warmth 6: assuranceSection B1: pushing 2: advantage 3: incidents 4: intention5: sustained 6: aggravatedSection C1: up 2: in 3: for 4: for 5: for 6: inⅣ Section B1: Much as 2: for example 3: Also 4: Similarly 5: even6: In conclusion 7: butUnit 11 Cyber WorldText AⅠ1-5: DDBACⅡSection A1: merely 2: intimate 3: determine 4: romantic 5: perception 6: intenseSection B1: convey 2: revealed 3: variety4: suspected 5: potential 6: personalitySection C1: 1: to 2: under 3: as 4: in 5: of 6: toⅢ1: everywhere 2: get up 3: enjoy 4: schedule5: while 6: daily 7: since 8: in touch with 9: use10: communicateⅤ 25314Text BⅠSection A1: N 2: Y 3: Y 4: N 5: Y 6: NⅡSection A1: traditional 2: reliant 3: novel 4: consume5: option 6: impatientSection B1: simplified 2: evolved 3: tremendous 4: interaction 5: declined 6: standardSection C1: on 2: with 3: to 4: up 5: In 6:onⅣ Section B1: both 2: For example 3: Similarly 4: A second way 4: In the same way 5: Thirdly 6: Likewise 7: alsoUnit 12 A Break from LifeText AⅠ1-5: ADBADⅡSection A1: awareness 2: resemblance 3: permission4: emotional 5: settlement 6: justificationSection B1: subsided 2: manufactured 3: subsiding4: refreshed 5: symptoms 6: nurturedSection C1: up 2: with 3: to 4: away 5: out 6: setⅢ1: In addition 2: Unfortunately 3: one4: get out of 5: physically 6: through 7: free8: either 9: positive 10: rather thanⅤ 24135Text BⅠSection A1: Y 2: N 3: N 4: Y 5: Y 6: YⅡSection A1: capability 2: combination 3: adjustment4: ignorant 5: hurtful 6: permanentlySection B1: verifying 2: varying 3: embarrassed4: criticized 5: tempt 6: prejudiceSection C1: down 2: to 3: about 4: with 5: through 6: of Ⅳ Section B1: For one thing 2: Even after 3: second4: In addition 5: thus 6: though7: On the other hand 8: Only whenSelf-Assessment 31- 5:ACABA 6-10: ABBAA11-15: ABCAD16-20: BDAFE 21-25: BDCAE26-30: FCEBA31-35: BFHDA 36-40: JLIKE41: dissatisfaction 42: balanced 43: healthy44: vigorous 45: shameful 46: failure47: perception 48: comfortable 49: impossible 50: fulfilled。
自考英语二课文译文习题 Unit 8
Unit 8Text A Jet Lag: Prevention and Cure时差综合症的预防和治疗The problem of Jet Lag is one every international traveller comes across at some time. But do you have to suffer? Understand what it is, and how a careful diet can minimize its worst effect s, and your flights will be less stressful.高速飞行时因时差而引起的生理节奏的推敲是每一个跨国旅行者有时会遇到的问题。
The effects of rapid travel on the body are actually far more disturbing than we realize. Jet La g is not a psychological consequence of having to readjust to a different time zone. It is due to ch anges in the body's physiological regulatory mechanisms, specifically the hormonal systems, in a di fferent environment.快速旅行对身体的影响实际上比我们所意识到的更加令人不安。
Confused? So was John Foster Dulles, the American Secretary of State, when he flew to Egyp t to conduct negotiations on the Aswan Dam. He later blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag.感到困惑了吗?美国国务卿约翰·福斯·特杜勒斯飞往埃及进行关于阿斯旺大坝的谈判时也是这样。
第1课Text AText A Critical ReadingCritical reading applies to non-fiction writing in which the author puts forth a position or seeks to make a statement. Critical reading is active reading. It involves more than just understanding what an author is saying. Critical reading involves questioning and evaluating what the author is saying, and forming your own opinions about what the author is saying. Here are the things you should do to be a critical reader.批判性地阅读批判性阅读适合于那种作者提出一个观点或试图陈述一个说法的纪实类写作。
Consider the context of what is written. You may be reading something that was written by an author from a different cultural context than (=from) yours. Or, you may be reading something written some time ago in a different time context than yours. In either case, you must recognize and take into account any differences between your values and attitudes and those represented by the author.考虑写作背景。
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Unit 8 The Great MindsA famous quoteA pessimist makes difficulties of his opportunities; an optimist makes opportunities of his difficulties. ----Harry S. Truman悲观者让机会沦为困难;乐观者把困难铸成机会。
----杜鲁门make A of B 使B成为Amake a success of one's careermake a musician of the little boyThe father exposed his son to music when he was still a little child because he wanted to make a musician of him.expose sb. / oneself to sth.使暴露于,Don't expose yourself to the strong sunlight, or you will get sunburnt.联想:sunburnt / suntannedgain exposure to sth.make a footballer of Tommake a mess of the accountText ANew words1. wrap v. 用…缠绕(或围紧)2. scenario n. 设想;方案;预测3. explanation n. 解释;说明explain explanatory4. uneventful adj. 平淡无奇的;平凡的;缺乏刺激的5. pregnancy n. 怀孕;妊娠;孕期6. imperfect adj. 有缺陷的;不完全的;不完美的perfect perfection联想:impossible, impolite, imbalanced, immobile, immature (注意:unbiased, unmoving)7. abnormal adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的;畸形的normal联想:typical-at ypicalsymmetry-asymmetrysymmetrical-asymmetrical8. massive adj. 巨大的;非常严重的9. disability n.(某种)缺陷,障碍ableabilityunable disabled10. limbless adj. 无四肢的11. inspire v. 激励;鼓舞(用法参考Unit 5, Text A)inspiration (形近词参考Unit 4,Text A) inspiring12. adapt v. 适应(新情况)adapt oneself to sth.13. accomplish v. 完成14. limb n. 肢;臂;腿15. campaign 运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动)16. fulfill v. 实现;履行fulfill one's dream / word / requirementfulfilling使人满足的,令人愉快的fulfillment 履行;满足;成就17. motivational adj. 鼓舞的 motive motivate18. circumstance n. 命运;客观环境19. wholeheartedly adv. 全心全意地 red-nosed /white-haired /20. effective adj. 产生预期结果的;有效的比较:efficient ineffective, inefficient21. altitude n. 海拔;海拔高度altitude sickness区分:attitude22. engagement n. 约定;约会;预约23. congregation n. (教堂的)会众24. audience n. 观众;听众25. vision n. 想象力;眼力;远见卓识26. outreach n. 外展服务27. perspective n. 态度;观点;思考方法28. cease v. (使)停止,终止,结束29. obstacle n. 障碍;阻碍;绊脚石30. illustrate v. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释31. profound adj. 巨大的;深切的;深远的32. persistence n. 坚持;锲而不舍persist (in) persistent /=insist on33. paral yze v. 使瘫痪;使麻痹34. oftentimes adv. 常常35. trick n. 戏法;把戏 tricky36. blend n. (不同事物的)和谐结合,融合37. perseverance n. 毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神persevere perseverant (偶见perseverent,但很少使用)38. define v. 阐明;明确;界定definition definite 明确的,确定的39. incredible adj. 不能相信的;难以置信的unbelievable40. captivate v. 迷住;使着迷Phrases and Expressions1. a walk of life 行业;职业;地位;阶层line of work2. major in 主修3. stress the importance of 强调…的重要性4. at one's disposal 任某人处理;供某人任意使用5. poke fun at 拿…开心;奚落;嘲笑6. show off 炫耀;卖弄Life Without LimitsImagine being born without arms. No arms to wrap around someone, no hands to experience touch, or to hold another hand with. Or what about being born without legs? Having no ability to dance, walk, run, or even stand on two feet. Now put both of those scenarios(设想)together: no arms and no legs. What would you do? How would that affect your everyday life?生命无疆想象生下来时就没有手臂。
你会怎么办?这将会如何影响你每天的生活?Born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without any medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic came into the world with neither arms nor legs. Having had an uneventful pregnancy and no family history to expect thiscondition, imagine the shock his pare nts felt when they saw their first born, brand new baby boy, onl y to find he was what the world would consider imperfect and abnormal. How would their son live a normal happy life? What could he ever do or become when living with what the world would see as such a massive disability(严重残疾)? Little did they or anyone know that this beautiful limbless baby would one day be someone who would inspire and motivate people from all walks of life, touch ing lives all over the world.1982年在澳大利亚的墨尔本,没有任何医学上的解释或预兆,尼古拉斯·武伊契奇克来到这个世界,没有双臂也没有双腿。
本部分重点及难点:1. Having had an uneventful(平凡的)pregnancy and no famil y history to expect this condition, imagine the shock his parents felt when they saw their first born, brand new baby boy, onl y to find he was what the world would consider imperfect and abnormal.(1) 悬垂分词。
建议换成:Having had an uneventful pregnancy and no family history to expect this condition, his pa rents felt great shock when they saw …. Can you imagine the shock?以下是可以接受的悬垂分词形式:Strictly speaking, nobody is allowed in here.Judging from his accent, he must be from the South.经常这样用的分词(分词词组)有:frankly (broadly, generall y, strictly…) speaking, judging f rom / by…,talking about…,speaking of…等。