TRACE32 iAMP 双核调试应用说明书

Application Note for iAMP Debugging Release 09.2023TRACE32 Online HelpTRACE32 DirectoryTRACE32 IndexTRACE32 Documents ...................................................................................................................... Multicore Debugging ..................................................................................................................... Application Note for iAMP Debugging . (1)SMP, iAMP or AMP? (3)iAMP Setup (7)Example iAMP Setup10Version 09-Oct-2023 11-Nov-2021New manual.SMP, iAMP or AMP?TRACE32 offers various configuration possibilities for debugging multi-core target systems. This chapter explains the basic differences between:•SMP (Symmetrical MultiProcessig)•iAMP (integrated Asymmetrical MultiProcessing)•AMP (Asymmetrical MultiProcessig)This application note focuses on iAMP. It gives you a basic overview of the iAMP concept and helps you to choose the right configuration for your setup. For further details about iAMP and the commands used here, you can also see the “General Reference Guide” (general_ref_<x>.pdf) or contact**********************.If you want to create a new TRACE32 setup for any multicore system, one of the very first decisions you have to make is “AMP or SMP or iAMP?”. In some cases, only one of the possibilities is supported by TRACE32, for example: if you have several cores of different architectures (like one Arm core, one Xtensa core and one RISC-V core), then AMP is the only possible option. But in many cases, you have a choice.Let’s first take a look at the key properties of the three concepts:•All cores have the same instruction set.•All cores use the same instance of an OS (when not bare-metal and unless you are using a hypervisor (“Hypervisor Debugging User Guide” (hypervisor_user.pdf)).•All cores use the same memory model and same address translations (unless you are using a hypervisor).•All cores share the same physical and logical address space.•All cores share the same debug symbols (typically the same elf file).•All cores are debugged from a single TRACE32 PowerView instance. Y ou can have up to 1024cores.•TRACE32 starts and stops all cores simultaneously (even though you can temporarily single out one core for independent start/stop).iAMP (integrated asymmetrical multiprocessing):•All cores have the same instruction set.•There are typically multiple OS instances (if not bare metal).•There is just one global physical address space but each OS maintains its own set of virtual address spaces.•All cores are debugged from a single TRACE32 PowerView GUI. The number of cores is limited just by the core architecture used and can be very high.•TRACE32 allows to group cores logically into machines; this grouping depends on the logical structure of the system under debug - each machine consists of one or more cores. Up to30machines are possible.•Each machine has its own OS instance (if not bare metal).•Each machine has its own memory model, address translations and debug symbols.•TRACE32 starts and stops all cores simultaneously (even though you can temporarily single out one core for independent start/stop).•AMP can bundle single cores, as well as SMP and iAMP subsystems.•Mixing of different core architectures with different instruction sets is possible.•Each core/subsystem has its own TRACE32 PowerView GUI.•Each core/subsystem has its own (different) memory models, address translations, elf files and debug symbols.•Each core/subsystem can have its own physical address space.•Each core/subsystem has its own logical address spaces.•Each core/subsystem starts and stops independently but can also be synchronized.•AMP is limited to 16 TRACE32 PowerView GUIs.An example of an AMP system that bundles single cores, an SMP and an iAMP subsystem can be found on page10.The most important questions for the decision are:•Do all my cores use the same instruction set?If not, it is definitely AMP.•Do all my cores of the same instruction set run a single instance of OS?If yes, these cores form an SMP (sub)system.•Are there SMP subsystems and single cores of the same instruction set? Does it make sense to configure them as an iAMP system and debug them from a single TRACE32PowerView instance?Y es, if they are all using a global physical address space.Y es, if they logically belong together; that means they work together or in parallel on the same tasks.Y es, if you want or need to reduce the number of TRACE32 PowerView instances.The following table provides a systematic overview:SMP AMP iAMP Homogeneous cores (cores of the same instruction set)✓✓✓Heterogeneous cores✓Single TRACE32 instance/GUI✓✓Multiple TRACE32 instances/GUIs 16Hypervisor with statically assigned guests (core identity)✓✓✓Hypervisor with dynamic core assignment (core sharing)✓SMP OS (a single OS managing multiple cores)✓Multiple OSes without hypervisor✓Synchronous run✓✓✓Asynchronous run✓iAMP is available for selected core architectures like Arm, Hexagon and T riCore. If you need iAMP and your platform does not support it yet, please contact your local Lauterbach representative or**********************.Some of the decision criteria are easy to evaluate (like more than 16 CPUs) but some of them are quite fuzzy - talking to Lauterbach representative or Lauterbach support might help you with the decision.iAMP SetupThe basis for an iAMP system is that cores are grouped into machines.The SYStem.Option.MACHINESPACES ON command creates the basis for this.All cores that use the same instance of an OS (when not bare-metal) can be grouped and assigned to a machine by the TASK.Create.MACHINE command.Example :This will create two machines, each of them with two cores. Their setup can be then displayed using the commandTASK.List.MACHINES :The columns name and cores in the screenshot are self-explaining, ‘mid’ displays the machine ID, other columns are not relevant for our example.It may be necessary to use the CORE.ASSIGN command beforehand to assign the physical cores to the logical cores of the iAMP system.Use the command CORE.select <logical_core> to switch to the core of interest and the TRACE32PowerView GUI will display the system information from the perspective of the selected core. T o understand how this works, think that “the machine is never selected directly but always follows selected core”.By default, all cores are started and stopped simultaneously , but you can single out a single core for independent start/stop by using the CORE.SINGLE <logical_core> command.The CORE.select command without an argument can be used to reverse this selection after the core is stopped.It is imperative to ensure that the symbols loaded by any of the Data.LOAD.* commands will be added to the right machine space. When loading executables and symbol information, the safest way is to explicitly select the core to which the executable belongs – it then explicitly defines both the core and machine. One of the reasons is that registers like PC might be pre-initialized during Data.LOAD so by selecting the correct core it becomes clear where the register(s) are to be set:TASK.Create.MACHINE , 0. "main0" /CORE 0. 1.TASK.Create.MACHINE , 1. "main1" /CORE 2. 3.CORE.select 0.Data.LOAD.Elf application_subsystem0.elf CORE.select 2.Data.LOAD.Elf application_subsystem1.elf /NoClearOn the other hand, when you load only symbol information and no register content, it is sufficient to specify only the machine; knowledge of the specific core is not required. T o specify only the machine, use theloading offset parameter to Data.LOAD.* where this offset contains the machine number. In most cases you use zero as offset (unless you need to shift the data to another base address).Loading symbols using the machine ID makes them machine aware as can be seen in the image below.The machine name can be explicitly specified in a symbol name using triple-backslash (“\\\”) syntax.Example :This command will show the source of the symbol start from the module Global on the machine named main1.The general format for symbol names becomes:[\\\<machine_name>]\\[<program_name>]\[<module_name>]\<symbol_name>Both <program_name> and <module_name> may be omitted if there is no ambiguity with another symbol but the appropriate backslashes must remain to indicate where they were, for example:\\\<machine_name>\\\<symbol_name>So, our example of \\\main1\\Global\start now becomes \\\main1\\\\startWhen you activate the iAMP mode, the behavior of many commands changes. The commands now also consider the correct machine scope, for example:Data.LOAD.Elf application_subsystem0.elf 0x0:::0 /NoCODE /NoRegData.LOAD.Elf application_subsystem1.elf 0x1:::0 /NoClear /NoCODE /NoRegNOTE:This concept is extended to allow you to access a logical address on any machine and works like this:[<access_class>:][<machine_id>:::]<address_offset> Example:P:1:::0x1234000 means program address P:0x1234000 on machine 1.R:0:::0x81021864 means AArch32 Arm code at address R:0x81021864 on machine 0.List.Asm \\\main1\\\Global\startNormally, MMU.DUMP.TLB shows the only TLB in the system (where available). With iAMP, the contents displayed by MMU.DUMP.TLB will update after every change of machine and always show the TLB of the currently selected machine.The program counter is now shown everywhere with the machine number included - like in this CORE.List window:The machine number is also included in many other outputs and windows, almost everywhere where you see an address. The screenshot below shows the sYmbol.List.SECtion window. It can be seen that sections from all machines and all addresses include the machine number.Example iAMP SetupAssume the following system, based on a TDA4VM chip from T exas Instruments:•Four Cortex-R5 cores, grouped in two core pairs, called “main0” and “main1”. These four cores form our example iAMP system.Each core pair has its own symbols and ELF file (app_ddr.elf and app_sram.elf ).Both core pairs use logical memory but have their own translations.•In addition to that, there is also a Cortex-M3 core (“master”), Cortex-R5 (“mcu”) based SMP subsystem and a TI C71x (“dsp”) on the chip, which all need to be debugged as well.Four TRACE32 PowerView GUIs are needed to debug this AMP system:1.GUI to control the Cortex-R5 based iAMP subsystem 2.GUI to control a single Cortex-M33.GUI to control the Cortex-R5 based SMP subsystem4.GUI to control a single C71x DSPTRACE32 PowerDebugDebug Port®iAMP main0 + main1Cortex-M3masterSMP 2x Cortex-R5mcuC71x dspApplication Note for iAMP Debugging | 11©1989-2023 L auterbach So, let's focus on the iAMP subsystem - we want to preload all elf files, execute all startups immediately after loading, and then start the execution of all cores/machines from the symbol main simultaneously. For this setup, the following script can be used:The other subsystems of SoC are initialized as usual with their own scripts.The structure of the whole system can be then displayed via the command TargetSystem ALL .sYmbol.RESetSYStem.Option.MACHINESPACES ONTASK.CREATE.MACHINE , 0. "main0" /CORE 0. 1.TASK.CREATE.MACHINE , 1. "main1" /CORE 2. 3.CORE.select 0.Data.LOAD.Elf app_ddr.elfCORE.select 2.Data.LOAD.Elf app_ram.elf /NoClearCORE.SINGLE 0. ; enter single core execution mode Go mainWAIT !STATE.RUN()CORE.SINGLE 2. ; enter single core execution mode Go mainWAIT !STATE.RUN()CORE.select 0. ; leaving single core execution mode PRINT "Now we are ready to debug from main"。
trace32 基本原理

1. 调试器的结构Trace32调试器的整体结构由多个模块组成,包括调试程序、调试接口、调试硬件和调试API。
1.1 调试程序:Trace32调试程序是一个运行在宿主主机上的软件,负责控制调试会话的建立、维护和管理。
1.2 调试接口:Trace32调试接口是连接目标系统和调试程序的桥梁,用于传输调试指令和数据。
1.3 调试硬件:Trace32调试硬件是一种嵌入在目标系统中的硬件模块,用于实时监控和跟踪目标系统的运行状态。
1.4 调试API:Trace32调试API是一组用于访问和控制Trace32调试器的接口和函数。
2. 调试会话的建立为了开始调试一个目标系统,首先需要建立一个调试会话。
建立调试会话的过程一般包括以下几个步骤:2.1 配置调试硬件:首先需要连接和配置Trace32调试硬件与目标系统的连接方式。
2.2 加载调试程序:在宿主主机上启动Trace32调试程序,并加载与目标系统对应的调试程序。



TRACE32系列仿真器介绍TRACE32系列仿真器是由German Lauterbach公司开发的一套用于嵌入式系统开发和调试的工具,旨在帮助开发人员进行快速、高效的开发和调试工作。
嵌入式系统 调试方法

1. 基于软件的调试方法:
- 使用断点:在代码中插入断点,停止程序运行并观察变量值,跟踪程序执行流程。
- 打印调试信息:通过在代码中插入打印语句,将程序的状态信息打印输出到终端或日志文件中。
- 使用调试工具:使用专业的调试工具,如GDB、JTAG等,通过连接到嵌入式系统的调试接口,对系统进行调试和观察。
2. 基于硬件的调试方法:
- 使用示波器:通过连接示波器到嵌入式系统的输入输出接口,观察信号波形,以了解系统在运行时的状态和行为。
- 使用逻辑分析仪:通过连接逻辑分析仪到嵌入式系统的总线上,可以观察和分析总线通信、时序等情况。
- 使用仿真器/调试器:通过连接仿真器/调试器到嵌入式系统的调试接口,可以对系统进行单步调试、观察内存和寄存器状态等。
3. 试错法和排除法:
- 通过对系统的部分功能进行临时修改或替换,以确认问题所在。
- 逐步排除可能的原因,通过修改代码或配置参数,逐步缩小问题范围。
4. 远程调试方法:
- 使用远程调试工具:通过网络连接,将调试信息传输到远程电脑进行调试。
- 使用远程监控系统:通过网络连接,远程监控嵌入式系统的运行状态,收集和分析系统的日志和运行数据。

1. 硬件设计与调试技巧硬件设计是嵌入式系统开发中的重要环节,其中包括电路设计、PCB 设计等。
在硬件调试过程中,以下技巧可以帮助开发者解决可能出现的问题:- 使用示波器和逻辑分析仪来观察信号和时序,以确保电路工作正常。
- 逐步测试和调试硬件模块,排除故障点。
- 使用仿真软件进行虚拟调试,以验证电路设计的正确性。
2. 软件开发与调试技巧软件开发是嵌入式系统开发中的另一个重要环节。
以下是一些可以帮助开发者提高软件开发和调试效率的技巧:- 使用调试器和调试软件进行开发和调试,如 gdb 调试器。
- 使用断点和监视器来检测和跟踪程序中的错误。
- 使用日志输出来记录程序运行的关键信息,以便调试和分析问题。
- 编写良好的测试用例,覆盖各种场景和边界条件,以确保程序的正确性。
3. 性能优化技巧在嵌入式系统开发中,性能优化是一个很重要的课题。
以下是一些常用的性能优化技巧:- 优化算法和数据结构,减少计算和访问时间。
- 使用硬件加速器和并行处理来提高系统性能。
- 避免不必要的内存分配和释放,以减少内存碎片和提高系统响应速度。
- 特殊情况下,使用汇编语言进行编程,提高程序的执行效率。
4. 故障排除技巧在嵌入式系统的开发与调试过程中,可能会遇到各种各样的问题。
以下是一些常见的故障排除技巧:- 使用调试工具和日志输出,定位和分析问题,并确认故障发生的具体位置。
- 分析模块之间的接口和通信问题,查找可能的故障点。
- 使用远程调试工具和固件更新技术,远程诊断和修复问题。
TRACE32 调试器使用指南 TRACE32 Trace Tutorial说明书

T race T utorial Release 02.2023TRACE32 Online HelpTRACE32 DirectoryTRACE32 IndexTRACE32 Debugger Getting Started ..............................................................................................Trace Tutorial (1)History (3)About the Tutorial (3)What is Trace? (3)Trace Use Cases4Trace Methods (5)Simulator Demo (6)Trace Configuration (7)Trace Recording (8)Displaying the Trace Results (10)Trace List10 Displaying Function Run-Times13 Graphical Charts13 Numerical Statistics and Function Tree14 Duration Analysis15 Distance Analysis16 Variable Display17 Track Option18Searching Trace Results (19)Trace Save and Load (20)Version 10-Feb-2023 History18-Jun-21New manual.About the TutorialThis tutorial is an introduction to the trace functionality in TRACE32. It shows how to perform a tracerecording and how to display the recorded trace information.For simplicity, we use in this tutorial a TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator, which offers a full tracesimulation. The steps and features described in this document are however valid for all TRACE32 products with trace support.The tutorial assumes that the TRACE32 software is already installed. Please refer to “TRACE32Installation Guide” (installation.pdf) for information about the installation process.Please refer to “ICD Tutorial” (icd_tutorial.pdf) for an introduction to debugging in TRACE32 PowerView. What is Trace?T race is the continuous recording of runtime information for later analysis. In this tutorial, we use the term trace synonymously with core trace. A core trace generates information about program execution on a core,i.e. program flow and data trace. The TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator used in this tutorial supports a fulltrace simulation including the full program flow as well as all read and write data accesses to the memory. A real core may not support all types of trace information. Please refer to your Processor Architecture Manual for more information.Trace Use CasesT race is mainly used in the following cases:1.Understand the program execution in detail in order to find complex runtime errors more quickly.2.Analysis of the code performance of the target code3.Verification of real-time requirements4.Code-coverage measurementsTrace MethodsTRACE32 supports various trace methods. The trace method can be selected in the Trace configuration window, which can be opened from the menu Trace > Configuration…If a trace method is not supported by the current hardware/software setup, it is greyed out in the trace configuration window. NONE means that no trace method is selected.We use in this tutorial the trace method Analyzer. Please refer to the description of the commandTrace.METHOD for more information about the different trace methods.Simulator DemoWe use in this tutorial a TRACE32 Simulator for Arm. The described steps are however valid for the TRACE32 Simulator for other core architectures.T o load a demo on the simulator, follow these steps:1.Start the script search dialog from the menu File > Search for scripts…2.Enter in the search field “compiler demo”3.Select a demo from the list with a double click, a PSTEP window will appear. Press the“Continue” button.We will use here the demo “GNU C Example for SRAM”.Trace ConfigurationIn order to set up the trace, follow these steps:1.Open the menu Trace > Configuration… The trace method Analyzer [A] should be selected perdefault. If this is not the case, select this trace method2.Clear the contents of the trace buffer by pressing the Init button [B].3.Select the trace operation mode [C].In mode Fifo , new trace records will overwrite older records. The trace buffer includes thus always the last trace cycles before stopping the recording.In Mode Stack , the recording is stopped if the trace buffer is full. The trace buffer always includes in this case the first cycles after starting the recording.Mode Leash is similar to mode Stack , the program execution is however stopped when the trace buffer is nearly full.TRACE32 supports other trace modes. Some of these modes depend on the core architecture. Please refer to the documentation of the command Trace.Mode for more information. We will keep here the default trace mode selection, which is Fifo .4.The SIZE field [D] indicates the size of the trace buffer. As we are using a TRACE32 Simulator, the trace buffer is reserved by the TRACE32 PowerView application on the host. It is thuspossible to increase the size of this buffer. If a TRACE32 trace hardware is used with a real chip, the size of the trace buffer is limited by the size of the memory available on the trace tool.In order to have a longer trace recording, we will set the trace buffer size to 10000000.BACDThe same configuration steps can be performed using the following PRACTICE script:Trace RecordingPress the Go button to start the program execution.The trace recording is automatically started with the program execution. The state in the Trace window changes from OFF to Arm [A]. The used field displays the fill state of the trace buffer [B].In order to stop the trace recording, stop the program execution with the Break button. The state in the trace window changes to OFF .Trace.METHOD Analyzer Trace.InitTrace.Mode FifoTrace.SIZE 10000000.BACThe trace recording is automatically started and stopped when starting and stopping the program execution because of the AutoArm[C] setting in the Trace window, which is per default enabled. The trace recording can also be started/stopped manually while the program execution is running using the radio buttons Armand OFF of the Trace window [A].Displaying the Trace ResultsTRACE32 offers different view for displaying the trace results. This document shows some examples.Please note that the trace results can only be displayed if the trace state in the Trace window is OFF. It is not possible to display the trace results while recording.The caption of a TRACE32 window includes the TRACE32 command that can be executed in the TRACE32 command line or in a PRACTICE script to open this window, e.g. here Trace.ListTrace ListA list view of the trace results can be opened from the menu T race > List > Default. The same window canbe opened from the Trace configuration window by pressing the List button.The Trace.List window displays the recorded trace packets together with the corresponding assembler and source code.In our case, trace packets are program fetches (cycle fetch) or data accesses (e.g. wr-long and rd-long for 32bit write and read accesses). Each trace packet has a record number displayed in the record column. The record number is a negative index for Fifo mode.As we are using a Simulator, each assembly instruction has an own trace packet. This is not the case with a real hardware trace.The displayed information can be reduced using the Less button. By pressing Less three times, only the high-level source code is displayed. This can be reverted using the More button.A double click on a line with an assembly instruction or high-level source code opens a List window showing the corresponding line in the code.Using the TRACE32 menu Trace > List > Tracing with Source , you get a Trace.List and a List /Track window. When doing a simple click on a line in the Trace.List window, the List window will automaticallydisplay the corresponding code line.The timing information (see ti.back column) is generated in this case by the TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator. With a real core trace, timestamps are either generated by the TRACE32 trace hardware or by the onchip trace module.Double clickSimpleclickDisplaying Function Run-TimesTRACE32 supports nested and flat function run-time analysis based on the trace results. Please refer to the video “Flat vs. Nesting Function Runtime Analysis” for an introduction to function run-time analysis inTRACE32:/tut_profiling.htmlGraphical ChartsBy selecting the menu Trace > Chart > Symbols, you can get a graphical chart that shows the distribution of program execution time at different symbols. The displayed results are based on a flat analysis:The corresponding nesting analysis can be displayed using the menu Perf > Function Runtime > Show as Timing.The In and Out buttons can be used to zoom in/out. Alternatively, you can select a position in the window and then use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.Numerical Statistics and Function TreeThe menu entry Perf > Function Runtime >Show Numerical displays numerical statistics for each function with various information as total run-time, minimum, maximum and average run-times, ratio, and number of function calls.ABParents [A] displays for example a caller tree for the selected function. By doing a right mouse click on func1 and selecting Parents, we see the run-times of the functions func2 and func9, which have called func1 in thetrace recording.Children [B] displays the run-times of the functions called by the selected function, for example here the function subst called by the function encode.A function call tree view of all function recorded in the trace can be displayed using the menu entries Perf >Function Runtime > Show as Tree or Perf > Function Runtime > Show Detailed Tree.Duration AnalysisBy doing a right mouse click on a function in the numerical statistics window (Trace.STATistic.Func) then selecting Duration Analysis, you get an analysis of the function run-times between function entry and exit including the time spent in called subroutines, e.g. here for the function subst (P:0x114C corresponds to the start address of the subst function):The time interval can be changed using the Zoom buttons.Distance AnalysisBy doing a right mouse click on a function in the numerical statistics window (Trace.STATistic.Func) then selecting Distance Analysis, you can get run-times between two consecutive calls of the selected function,e.g. here for the function subst (P:0x114C corresponds to the start address of the subst function):Variable DisplayThe Trace.ListVar command allows to list recorded variables in the trace. If the command is used without parameters all recorded variables are displayed:Y ou can optionally add one or multiple variables as parameters.Example: display all accesses to the variables plot1 and plot2The Draw button can then be used to plot the displayed variables graphically against time. This corresponds to the following TRACE32 command:Please refer for more information about the Trace.DRAW command to “Application Note forTrace.DRAW” (app_trace_draw.pdf).Trace.ListVar Trace.ListVar %DEFault plot1 plot2Trace.DRAW.Var %DEFault plot1 plot2Track OptionThe /Track options allows to track windows that display the trace results. Y ou just need to add the /Track option after the command that opens a trace window, e.g.Trace.List /TrackThe cursor will then follow the movement in other trace windows, e.g. Trace.Chart.Func. Default is time tracking. If no time information is available, tracking to record number is performed.TRACE32 windows that displays the trace results graphically, e.g. Trace.Chart.Func, additionally accept the /ZoomTrack option. If the tracking is performed with another graphical window, the same zoom factor is used in this case.Trace.Chart.Func /ZoomTrackSearching Trace ResultsThe Find button allows to search for specific information in the trace results.Example 1: find the first call of function func21.Enter “func2” under address / expression2.Select Program under cycle3.Press the Find First button. The next entries to func2 in the trace can then be found using theNext buttonExample 2: Find all write accesses to the variable mstatic1 with the value 0x01.Enter “mstatic1” under address / expression2.Select Write under cycle3.Enter 0x0 under Data4.Press the Find All buttonPlease refer to “Application Note for Trace.Find” (app_trace_find.pdf) for more information about Trace.Find.Trace Save and LoadThe recorded trace can be stored in a file using the command Trace.SAVE , e.g.The saved file can then be loaded in TRACE32 PowerView using the command Trace.LOADThe TRACE32 trace display windows will show in this case a LOAD message in the low left cornerPlease note that TRACE32 additionally allows to export/import the trace results in different formats. Refer to the documentation of the command groups Trace.EXPORT and Trace.IMPORT for more information. Trace.SAVE file.adTrace.LOAD file.ad。

逻辑分析仪的原理及其应用1. 简介逻辑分析仪是一种专业的电子测试与测量设备,常用于逻辑信号的分析和调试。
2. 工作原理逻辑分析仪的工作原理基于数字电路的运作方式。
逻辑分析仪通常包含以下主要组件:2.1 采样部分逻辑分析仪通过一组输入引脚来采样逻辑信号。
2.2 时钟为了进行精确的采样和分析,逻辑分析仪需要一个稳定的时钟信号。
2.3 数字转换器逻辑分析仪使用数字转换器将模拟信号转换成数字形式。
2.4 内存逻辑分析仪使用内存来存储被采样的信号。
2.5 控制单元逻辑分析仪的控制单元通过与用户界面的交互来控制采样过程和数据分析。
3. 应用领域逻辑分析仪在各个电子领域中有广泛的应用。
以下是几个常见的应用领域:3.1 数字电路设计与验证逻辑分析仪可以对数字电路进行快速和准确的验证。
3.2 嵌入式系统调试在嵌入式系统开发过程中,逻辑分析仪可以帮助工程师调试和分析系统中的逻辑问题。
3.3 协议分析逻辑分析仪可以用于协议分析,例如串行通信协议和总线协议。
TRACE32调试培训 深入掌握嵌入式系统调试技能

并行调试是一种有效的多核调试策略,通过同时监控多个线程的执行情况,可以更快地定 位问题,提高调试效率。
3 同步和异步调试方法
同步和异步是两种常用的多核调试方法,同步方法需要开发者手动控制线程的执行顺序, 而异步方法则可以让线程自主运行,根据实际需求选择合适的调试方法,可以提高调试的 效率和准确性。
通过实际的数据监控和变量 查看操作,展示TRACE32如 何帮助开发者快速定位问题 ,提高调试效率。
03 连接操作步骤详解
在进行TRACE32调试培训前 ,请确保所有需要的硬件设 备齐全并处于良好的工作状 态。
电脑应具备足够的运行内存 和硬盘空间,推荐使用 Windows系统,并安装有支 持TRACE32的软件开发工具 包。
TRACE32的发展历 程
TRACE32是一款由德国Keil 公司开发的,具有强大功能 和广泛应用的微处理器开发 工具。它自1985年问世以来 ,不断更新升级,以满足日 益增长的嵌入式系统开发需 求。
TRACE32是一种强大的嵌入 式系统调试工具,它支持多 种处理器和操作系统,可以 实时追踪程序的运行状态, 帮助我们快速定位问题。
在TRACE32中,我们可以通 过设置断点、查看寄存器值 、单步执行等方式来调试程 序,这些基本操作是每个调 试工程师必须掌握的技能。
除了基本操作,TRACE32还 有许多高级功能,如内存分 析、性能分析等,这些功能 可以帮助我们更深入地理解 程序的运行机制,提高我们 的调试效率。
trace32 基本原理

trace32 基本原理Trace32是一款基于软件和硬件的调试工具,广泛应用于嵌入式系统开发中。
trace32 基本原理

trace32 基本原理Trace32是一种用于嵌入式系统调试和跟踪的工具,它基于硬件和软件的结合,提供了丰富的功能和工具,以帮助开发人员在调试和优化嵌入式系统时更加高效和准确。
Trace32的主要功能包括:1. 实时追踪:Trace32可以实时捕获目标系统的运行信息,并在主机上进行实时展示和分析。
2. 事件跟踪:Trace32可以捕获目标系统中发生的事件,如中断、异常、系统调用等。
3. 数据跟踪:Trace32可以跟踪目标系统中的数据读写操作,包括寄存器、内存和外设的读写。
4. 性能分析:Trace32可以对目标系统的性能进行分析和评估。

2007 年,作为业界领先的嵌入式软件能耗分析工具生产厂商,劳特巴赫公司推出一种易用解决方案,解决了上述的所有问题。
trace32 基本原理

trace32 基本原理Trace32是一款非常强大的调试工具,能够为嵌入式系统调试提供丰富的支持。
三、Trace32的特性和优点除了基本原理,Trace32还具有以下特性和优点:1.支持多种处理器架构:Trace32支持多种处理器架构,如ARM,MIPS 等。


保险公司劳动合同甲方(保险公司):乙方(员工):根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方本着平等自愿、公平公正的原则,经友好协商,就乙方向甲方提供劳动力的相关事宜,达成如下协议:一、合同期限1. 本劳动合同期限为____年,自____年____月____日起至____年____月____日止。
2. 劳动合同期满后,如甲乙双方均无异议,可以续签劳动合同。
二、工作内容1. 乙方在甲方从事保险业务销售、客户服务、理赔等岗位工作。
2. 乙方应遵守甲方的规章制度,认真履行工作职责,完成甲方安排的工作任务。
三、劳动报酬1. 乙方的工资由基本工资、绩效奖金、提成等组成。
2. 乙方依法享受带薪年假、法定节假日休息等福利待遇。
3. 乙方因病、工伤、产假、计划生育等特殊情况需请假时,按照甲方的规定享受相应的待遇。
四、工作时间1. 乙方实行标准工时制度,每日工作时间不超过8小时,每周工作时间不超过40小时。
2. 乙方应遵守甲方的考勤制度,按时上下班,有事提前请假。
五、保密条款1. 乙方在甲方工作期间及离职后一年内,不得泄露甲方的商业秘密、客户资料等敏感信息。
2. 乙方违反保密条款的,应承担相应的法律责任。
六、培训与发展1. 甲方为乙方提供必要的培训,提高乙方的工作技能和业务水平。
2. 甲方鼓励乙方参加各类专业培训和考试,提升个人素质。
七、社会保险和福利待遇1. 甲方按照国家和地方的规定,为乙方缴纳养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险。
2. 乙方享有法定的福利待遇,包括但不限于带薪年假、产假、陪产假等。
八、解除和终止劳动合同的条件1. 甲乙双方协商一致,可以解除或终止劳动合同。
2. 乙方提前30天书面通知甲方,可以解除劳动合同。
3. 乙方在试用期内,提前3天通知甲方,可以解除劳动合同。
4. 乙方严重违反甲方规章制度,甲方可以立即解除劳动合同。
Xilinx ISE与TRACE32的集成说明(Xilinx ISE集成),Lauterbach出品

Integration for Xilinx ISE Release 09.2023TRACE32 Online HelpTRACE32 DirectoryTRACE32 IndexTRACE32 Documents ...................................................................................................................... 3rd-Party Tool Integrations .......................................................................................................... Integration for Xilinx ISE (1)Introduction (3)Getting Started (4)Usage on 64-bit Machines (5)Configuring TRACE32 (6)Configuring Xilinx ISE 11 and ISE 12 (7)Configuring Xilinx ISE 13 and ISE 14 (8)Using Xilinx iMPACT via the TRACE32 Debug Interface (9)Using Xilinx ChipScope via the TRACE32 Debug Interface (10)Compatibility (11)Troubleshooting (12)Contacting Support (14)Version 10-Oct-2023 IntroductionIn some scenarios it is necessary to use different tools via the same JT AG connector. One such scenario is using Xilinx iMP ACT and ChipScope for configuration and error detection in an FPGA together withLauterbach TRACE32 for debugging the software.T o avoid switching between different cables on the JT AG port, one can use the Lauterbach debuggerhardware with Xilinx tools. This requires configuring the Lauterbach debugger and the Xilinx tools. This article describes the necessary configuration steps.NOTE:Currently the use of Xilinx tools via TRACE32 debugger hardware is only supportedon Windows hosts. Please see section “Compatibility” for details regarding thesupported versions of Xilinx ISE.Getting StartedFor using Xilinx tools via the Lauterbach TRACE32 debug interface some configuration of TRACE32 and the Xilinx tools is required. The configuration consists of the following steps:•Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package which is available from Microsoft free of charge. It is important to use the SP1 version, otherwise the Xilinx tools (e.g.iMPACT, ChipScope) will fail to load the plug-in’s DLL.•Configure TRACE32 to allow 3rd-party tools to use it as JT AG back-end by adapting the config.t32 file or changing the settings in the T32Start tool.•Configure Xilinx ISE so that Lauterbach debug interface hardware is known to the Xilinx tools.This includes copying the plug-in DLL and an accompanying XML file to a predefined location.For starting a session in which the Xilinx tools use the TRACE32 debug interface proceed as follows:•First start an instance of TRACE32 PowerView and connect it to target. A running process of TRACE32 is required to service requests by the Xilinx tools to access the target’s JT AG port.•Start the Xilinx tool you want to use (e.g. iMPACT or ChipScope) and configure it by selecting the “Lauterbach cable” that was registered with the ISE installation.Details on these steps are found in the following sections of this document.For considerations on the use on 64bit hosts, refer to section “Usage on 64 bit machines”.For information about common problems, refer to section “Troubleshooting”Usage on 64-bit MachinesWhen using TRACE32 as JT AG back-end, the Xilinx tool’s version (32 bit vs. 64 bit) must match that of the TRACE32 plug-in DLL used. Therefore when using e.g. ChipScope 64bit, also the 64 bit version of the TRACE32 plug-in needs to be installed. The Xilinx tools will look for the plug-in in the location appropriate according to their version. Note that both versions of the TRACE32 plug-in can be installed in parallel because they reside in different locations.Up to and including ISE13, Lauterbach only provides a 32 bit version of the plug-in. The 32 bit version is fully functional also on 64bit machines (e.g. Win7 64 bit) but needs to be used with 32 bit Xilinx tools. Thewarning printed by the 32 bit tools running on a 64 bit host can be safely ignored.Starting with ISE14, Lauterbach provides both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the plug-in DLL.Note, however, that the TRACE32 PowerView GUI (e.g. t32marm.exe) is not required to match the plug-in version.Configuring TRACE32There are two distinct ways to configure TRACE32 as JT AG-back-end for 3rd-party tools. Both activate the so-called TRACE32 Remote API, i.e. the feature to invoke certain functions inside TRACE32 by remote processes that bind to TRACE32 via a socket interface. T o enable the feature•either configure the T32Start toolcore->interfaces->APIPort yes 20000•or manually add the following block to the config.t32 file:<- mandatory blank line!RCL=NETASSISTPORT=20000PACKLEN=1024<- mandatory blank line!The example assumes PORT 20000 for communication with TRACE32 but any other free UDP port can be used as well. The same port number must be used in the configuration of TRACE32 and the Xilinx tools.For using Lauterbach TRACE32 debugger hardware as back-end for iMP ACT and ChipScope, it is necessary to configure Xilinx ISE so it recognizes the “Lauterbach cable”. When invoking a specific tool, it is also necessary to explicitly choose the “Lauterbach cable” for target access.For the purpose of this description, it is assumed that Xilinx ISE is installed on a MS Windows machine at c:/Xilinx/12.1/. Paths have to be adapted to your much machine. The configuration of ISE is done by•Installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package which is available from Microsoft free of charge. It is important to use the SP1 version, otherwise the Xilinx tools will fail to load the plug-ins DLL.•Downloading the plug-in fromhttps:///support/static/XilinxCsePlugin_11_12.zip•Extracting the ZIP file to c:/xilinx/12.1/ISE_DS/ISE/lib/nt/plugins/This will create the following directory structure:$ cd c:/Xilinx/12.1/ISE_DS/ISE/lib/nt/plugins/~/Xilinx/12.1/ISE_DS/ISE/lib/nt/plugins $ find ../Lauterbach./Lauterbach/lauterbacht32plugin./Lauterbach/lauterbacht32plugin/lauterbacht32plugin.dll./Lauterbach/lauterbacht32plugin/lauterbacht32plugin.xmlT est the installation by first invoking TRACE32, connecting it to a target board and powering it up. Then Invoke ChipScope and check if it correctly detects the target’s JT AG chain.On a Windows machine with an installation of ISE13 or ISE14, the plug-in is installed by the following steps:•Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package, which is available from Microsoft free of charge. It is important to use the SP1 version, otherwise the Xilinx tools will fail to load the plug-in’s DLL.•Download the plug-in fromhttps:///support/static/XilinxCsePlugin_13.zip orhttps:///support/static/XilinxCsePlugin_14.zip•Extract the ZIP-archive and copy the contents to one of the following locations, depending on whether it shall be available to all users or only to specific users:%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\.cse\<platform>\<ise version>\plugins\%USERPROFILE%\.cse\<platform>\<ise version>\plugins\The parameter platform is set as follows<platform> = nt for 32bit installations of Windows 7 or Windows XP= nt64 for 64bit installations of Windows 7 or Windows XPFor the first plug-in you install, you may have to create some of the directories.Example: In an installation for ISE14.1, the DLL and the XML files are found at the following locations:// 32bit%PLUGINS32BIT%=C:\ProgramData\.cse\nt\14.1\plugins%PLUGINS32BIT%\Lauterbach\Trace32CsePlugin_14\Trace32CsePlugin_14.dll%PLUGINS32BIT%\Lauterbach\Trace32CsePlugin_14\Trace32CsePlugin_14.xml// 64 bit%PLUGINS64BIT%=C:\ProgramData\.cse\nt64\14.1\plugins%PLUGINS64BIT%\Lauterbach\Trace32CsePlugin_14\Trace32CsePlugin_14.dll%PLUGINS64BIT%\Lauterbach\Trace32CsePlugin_14\Trace32CsePlugin_14.xml ATTENTION:On machines that are configured for non-english language, there may be multiple directories that are “tempting” to put the plug-ins into e.g.c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ (English)c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users (German)Be sure to use one of the valid directories. These can by obtained byexecuting the following commands in a command shell:echo %USERPROFILE%echo %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Using Xilinx iMPACT via the TRACE32 Debug InterfaceBefore using Xilinx iMP ACT via the TRACE32 debug interface, be sure to configure TRACE32 and the ISE installation as described in the sections “Configuring TRACE32”, “Configuring Xilinx ISE 11 and ISE 12” and “Configuring Xilinx ISE 13 and ISE 14”.Then perform the following steps in this order:1.Start TRACE32 because a running instance of TRACE32 is required for target access.2.Start iMPACT. Cancel the “Welcome to iMPACT” dialog and double-click on “Boundary Scan”.Only after doing this , the menu Output will show the menu items required for selecting the TRACE32 debug interface.3.ChooseOutput menu -> Cable Setup and configure the “Cable Plug-in” box withlauterbach_t32 port=20000 and click OK .4.Test the plug-in by doing a scan of the target’s scan chain (by right-clicking into the window).5.Test iMPACT with the command File -> Initialize Chain. iMPACT should detect the JTAG chain ofthe target.In case of problems, please refer to section “Troubleshooting ”.NOTE:The port number 20000 must coincide with the configuration of the TRACE32remote API interface.Using Xilinx ChipScope via the TRACE32 Debug Interface Before using Xilinx ChipScope via the TRACE32 debug interface, be sure to configure TRACE32 and Xilinx ISE, so it recognizes TRACE32 as a valid option for a “debug cable”. For details, see sections “Configuring TRACE32” and “Configuring Xilinx ISE 11 and ISE 12” and “Configuring Xilinx ISE 13 and ISE 14”.Then perform the following steps in this order:1.Start TRACE32 because a running instance of TRACE32 is required for target access.2.Start ChipScope.3.Enable the use of a Chipscope plug-in for connecting to a custom JTAG cable through the menuitem JTAG Chain -> Open Plug-in. Select the TRACE32 debug interface with the plug-inparameterslauterbach_t32 port=20000.This assumes, that TRACE32 also was configured for port 20000.After doing this configuration, ChipScope should auto-detect the scan chain of the target.In case of problems, please refer to section “Troubleshooting”.CompatibilityAs of 12/2012 the use of TRACE32 as JT AG back-end for Xilinx tools is only supported for the Windows platform (Windows XP , Windows 7).All versions of TRACE32 from 2011 or later are compatible with this feature.Xilinx ISE 11 is the first version to introduce the plug-in mechanism for using 3rd-party JT AG hardware.•Xilinx ISE 11 and Xilinx ISE12 use the same plug-in. •Xilinx ISE13 requires a specific plug-in and the location for installing the plug-in changed. •Xilinx ISE14 requires a specific plug-in. Lauterbach provides both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of theCSE plug-in.The following table gives detailed information on the versions of ISE and the required plug-ins:Note on 64 bitmachines:The version of the plug-in (32 bit vs. 64 bit) must match the version of the tools (Chipscope, Xilinx) used.Up to and including ISE13, Lauterbach only provides a 32bit version of the plug-in.However, the 32bit version is fully functional also on 64bit machines (e.g. Win764bit) but needs to be used with 32bit Xilinx tools. The warning printed by thetools can be safely ignored.Starting with ISE14, Lauterbach provides both 32bit and 64bit versions of the plug-in DLL.ISEversionPlug-in Name Status 14T race32CsePlugin_14The plug-in is known to work up to ISE14.632bit and 64bit versions are available.13XilinxCsePlugin13The plug-in is known to work up to ISE 13.1.12XilinxCsePlugin11_12The plug-in is known to work up to ISE 12.4.11XilinxCsePlugin11_12ChipScope Pro is known to work with all ISE 11.x versions.iMP ACT does not support the plug-in mechanism.<= 10No plug-in mechanism for 3rd-party debug interfaces.Troubleshooting•Some typical status and error messages given by ChipScope when attempting to open TRACE32 as debug cable:•The TRACE32 PowerView GUI was not running:COMMAND: open_target lauterbach_t32 port=20000INFO: Started ChipScope host (localhost:50001)INFO: Successfully opened connection to server: localhost:50001(localhost/ Failed to open lauterbach_t32. See message(s) above.•The TRACE32 PowerView GUI was running, but the dongle was not connected to a target or the target was powered off:COMMAND: open_target lauterbach_t32 port=20000INFO: Started ChipScope host (localhost:50001)INFO: Successfully opened connection to server: localhost:50001(localhost/ No devices detected while scanning the JTAG chainERROR: Failed detecting JTAG device chainERROR: Opened lauterbach_t32 but failed to detect JTAG Chain....•Successfully opened TRACE32 as debug cable:COMMAND: open_target lauterbach_t32 port=20000INFO: Started ChipScope host (localhost:50001)INFO: Successfully opened connection to server: localhost:50001(localhost/ Successfully opened lauterbach_t32INFO: Cable: CSE Plug-in, Port: , Speed:INFO: Found 0 Core Units in the JTAG device Chain.INFO: If cores were expected to be found, see Answer Record 19337.•Be sure you installed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package which is available from Microsoft free of charge. It is important to use the SP1 version, otherwise iMPACTwill fail to load the plug-ins DLL.•iMPACT reports “WARNING: iMPACT:923 - Can not find cable, check cable setup!”: Be sure to correctly configure TRACE32 and ISE as described in this document.Be sure that an instance of TRACE32 is already running, when starting the Xilinx tools.When using multiple installations of ISE or TRACE32 be sure to configure the correct installation.•iMPACT does not detect error conditions:When working via the TRACE32 debug interface, iMPACT may ignore error conditions (like nopower on the target). Also see “iMPACT does not correctly recognize the scan chain”.•iMPACT does not correctly recognize the scan chain:Because iMPACT ignores error conditions when working over the TRACE32 debug interface, it may detect the scan incorrectly as shown in the example. The left picture shows a valid scan chain detection (the target was powered up). The right picture shows the result of a scan chain detection on the same target, but with the target powered down.•iMPACT always crashes on startup:With EDK12.1 sometimes ISE creates an invalid project file. If you enabled the optionEdit -> Preferences -> “Automatically load the most recent project file when iMPACT starts”,iMPACT will crash at each startup, attempting to interpret the damaged file. The only way to get iMPACT to work again is to delete the ISE project file. It has the extension “.ipf” and should be located at $TOOLDIR/ISE_DS/auto_project.ipf.After starting iMPACT successfully, disable the option to auto-load the previous project file.Contacting SupportUse the Lauterbach Support Center: https://•To contact your local TRACE32 support team directly.•To register and submit a support ticket to the TRACE32 global center.•To log in and manage your support tickets.•To benefit from the TRACE32 knowledgebase (FAQs, technical articles, tutorial videos) and ourtips & tricks around debugging.Or send an email in the traditional way to **********************.Be sure to include detailed system information about your TRACE32 configuration.1.To generate a system information report, choose TRACE32 >Help > Support > Systeminfo .2.Preferred: click Save to File , and send the system information as an attachment to your e-mail.3.Click Save to Clipboard , and then paste the system information into your e-mail.NOTE:Please help to speed up processing of your support request. By filling out thesystem information form completely and with correct data, you minimize thenumber of additional questions and clarification request e-mails we need toresolve your problem.。

EPROM Simulator Module
例 4: BDM/JTAG调试器,带ROM仿真器(USB口)
BDM/JTAG Debugger with USB Interface
EPROM Simulator Module
一、All in One,模块化。丰与俭,巧规划。
模块化结构。可按用户要求裁剪,配置 多种仪器的综合体:
– 通用仿真器 – 逻辑/状态/时序分析仪 – 通用计数器/定时器 – 模式/脉冲信号源 – 模拟调试器 – 软件测试 – FLASH编程
Support for a wide range of on-chip debug interfaces Easy high-level and assembler debugging Interface to all compilers Fast download RTOS awareness Interface to all hosts Display of internal and external peripherals at a logical level Flash programming Hardware breakpoints and trigger (if supported by the on-chip
Emulation Control
Fire Pod
PC Workstation
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