Chinese Arts and Crafts 2




工艺品的英语词汇Supplementary Vocabulary for Arts & Craft1.Chinese arts and crafts中国工艺品2.porcelain crafts陶瓷工艺品3.wooden crafts木制工艺品4.sculpture crafts雕塑工艺品5.clay carvings crafts泥塑工艺品6.mental craft金属工艺品7.handcrafts手工工艺品8.plastic crafts塑料工艺品9.crystal crafts水晶工艺品10.paper crafts纸制工艺品11.candle crafts蜡烛工艺品12.bamboo crafts竹制工艺品13.azalea root carved article杜鹃花根雕刻14.stone carvings石刻15.Jade carvings玉刻16.glassware玻璃制品17.jewellery box首饰盒子18.brassware铜制品19.small hangings小挂件20.drawn work抽纱制品21.machine embroidered table-cloth机绣台布22.machine embroidered bed sheet机绣床单23.machine embroidered pillow case机绣枕套24.machine embroidered cushion机绣靠背垫25.machine embroidered lace机绣花边26.quilted article缝制品27.polyester stain quilted embroidery bedspread丽光缎绣花缝床单28.printing bedcover印花被套29.printing tea-towel印花茶巾30.printing apron印花围裙31.hand knotted article手工编织品32.crocheted curtain钩针窗帘undry basket洗衣筐 basket菜筐35.flower basket花篮36.hanging flower basket吊篮37.fruit tray水果盘38.foodstuff box食品盒 and dog basket猫狗筐 flowers绢花41.dried fruit & flowers 干果花42.headdress flowers头花43.corsages胸花44.wheat stalk product(ornament)麦秸制品45.wall decoration挂件 and silver thread embroidered article金银绣品47.wooden sword木宝剑48.incense burner香炉49.painted egg shell彩蛋50.woolen knotted article绒结制品51.clay sculpture油泥塑 beaded bags珠绣包 beaded waist belt珠绣腰带54.cloisonné景泰蓝55.enamelware珐琅cquer ware漆器57.ivory caving象牙雕刻58.smoker’s set烟具59.artistic antique工艺古玩60.hanging screen挂屏61.brush pot毛笔筒62.paper weight镇纸。



Module 5 Ethnic Culture[主题词块背诵]1.folk arts and crafts民间工艺品2.folk culture民间文化3.national culture民族文化4.traditional Chinese knot 传统中国结5.symbolize the Chinese culture象征中国文化6.respect ancestors尊重祖先7.Chinese cultural diversity中国文化多样性8.cultural activities文化活动9.dig out Chinese cultural features挖掘中国文化特色10.carry traditional Chinese culture承载中国传统文化11.record important events记录重要事件12.enjoy great reputation享受盛誉13.hand down from generation to generation世代相传[主题佳句背诵]1.However small a population an ethnic group has,it has a rich history.无论一个少数民族人口多么少,它都有丰富的历史。

2.Many familiar symbols that we take for granted have their origins in Native American cultures.许多我们习以为常的象征都源于美洲土著文化。

3.The reason why they do this is to symbolize fruitfulness and a good harvest.他们这么做是为了象征丰收。

4.In recent years,the ethnic culture industry in Yunnan has obtained much experience and made praiseworthy achievements.近年来,云南民族文化产业获取了许多经验,并取得了值得称颂的成就。




原文地址:最新紫砂壶工艺师的职称名录作者:幽禅中國工藝美術大師China Arts and Crafts Master★★10星吕尧臣李昌鸿汪寅仙周桂珍徐汉棠徐秀棠顾绍培顾景舟蒋蓉鲍志强谭泉海中國陶瓷藝術大師Chinese Ceramic Art Master★☆☆☆☆9星毛国强何道洪吴鸣李守才邱玉林季益顺徐安碧徐达明曹婉芬江蘇省工藝美術大師Master of Arts and Crafts,Jiangsu Province★☆☆☆8星沈蘧华曹亚麟储立之谢曼伦鲍仲梅江蘇省工藝美術名人Master of Arts and Crafts,Jiangsu Province★☆☆☆8星王石耕刘建平朱建伟汤鸣皋许成权许艳春何挺初吴培林吴震40张红华张振中杨勤芳沈汉生陈国良陈建平周尊严范建军范洪泉倪顺生凌锡苟顾治培高丽君高建芳储集泉程辉葛军蒋新安潘持平研究員級高級工藝美術師Senior Technology Fellow Artist紫砂界最高學術職稱其中:中國工藝美術大師★★10星吕尧臣李昌鸿汪寅仙周桂珍徐汉棠徐秀棠顾绍培鲍志强谭泉海其中:中國陶瓷藝術大師★☆☆☆☆9星毛国强何道洪吴鸣李守才邱玉林季益顺徐安碧徐达明曹婉芬其中:江蘇省工藝美術大師★☆☆☆8星沈蘧华曹亚麟储立之谢曼伦鲍仲梅其中:江蘇省工藝美術名人★☆☆☆8星王石耕刘建平朱建伟汤鸣皋许成权许艳春何挺初吴培林吴震40 张红华张振中杨勤芳沈汉生陈国良陈建平周尊严范建军范洪泉倪顺生凌锡苟顾治培高丽君高建芳储集泉程辉葛军潘持平其中:僅爲研究員級高級工藝美術師者★☆☆☆8星方卫明孙伯春吴小楣咸仲英夏俊伟國家高級工藝美術師National High Technology Artist★☆☆7星尹祥明王小龙王国祥王涛韦钟云史小明华健庄玉林朱新洪牟锦芬何六一吴亚平吴亚亦吴亚克吴扣华吴淑英吴曙峰张海平怀其芳李群李霓束旦生沈建强邵顺生陆虹炜陈洪平范永良范伟群范建华施小马胡永成胡洪明夏淑君徐元明徐青桑黎兵谈跃伟钱丽嫒顾治培顾美群顾道荣高湘君曹燕萍黄自英葛军葛岳纯蒋小彦蒋才源韩小虎鲍正兰鲍利安地方高級工藝美術師Senior Local Craft Artist★☆☆7星丁洪顺吴同芬张庆成邵新和國家工藝美術師National Crafts Artist★☆6星丁淑萍孔小明尹月华尹仲君尹红娣方小龙方幼琴方华萍毛子健毛丹毛文杰王小君王玉芳王生娣王杏军王奋良王柯钧王桂芬46 王耕兰王福君王潇笠史伟如史银之申屠国洪任惠芬刘红仙刘建芳刘剑飞刘彬芬刘锡芬华雪琴吕俊庆朱丹朱亚琴朱鸿钧朱斌汤杰许士群许双军许华芳许爱华许煜红何文君何叶72 何忍群何健何燕萍吴小萍吴介春吴开浒吴贞裕吴芳娣吴奇敏吴奇媛吴建林吴春海吴秋文吴祥大吴菊芳吴燕群宋小卫张志清58 张建平张剑张梅珍张耀健李正华李园林李霞64 李霞68 杨义富杨俊杨维高汪叶汪成琼沈龙娣沈寅华沈菊芳50 沈琳沈锡芬苏敏邵云琴邵立平邵沛华邵毓芬邹玉芳陆君陈亚萍陈成陈宏林陈依群陈国宏陈顺培周全周刚周志君周志良周志和周国芳周定芳周忠军周俊智周荣金周菊芳周菊英周琴娣房玉兰范卫强范友良范永军范杏华范秀芳范其华范国歆范建荣范泽锋范颖范黎明郑求标郑建汝勇跃军咸子情姚志泉姚志源查元康胡健良胡敖君费寅媛赵明敏赵曦鹏倪建军倪建芸倪新安唐伯琴唐科徐立徐志倩徐益勤徐维真徐雪娟徐雯殷惠娟秦永强袁立新袁国强诸葛逸仙贾益芳郭超刚钱一清钱午生钱建生钱祥芬钱菊萍顾卫芬顾建芳顾婷顾斌武顾勤高奋荣高俊65 高俊72 高俭曹宇宏曹奇敏梅宝玉黄旭峰黄丽萍66 黄顺法储峰喻小芳强德俊葛明祥葛韬董亚芳蒋艺华蒋丽雯蒋国兴蒋建军63 蒋建军69 蒋敖生蒋琰滨谢菊萍鲁浩鲁新华褚婷圆鲍正平鲍玉梅鲍廷博鲍利民鲍青鲍雯君鲍燕萍鲍曙岩廖江玲管唯皓谭晓君谭晓燕潘小忠潘俊潘跃明戴云燕戴静波魏志云地方工藝美術師Local Arts and Crafts Artist★5星马新勤毛顺洪王振国王曙光刘凤英孙志平吴建强张志强张树林张哲伟李铭邵尤林邵泽平陈文南范早大范志中恽益萍唐六琴徐建国徐萍66 钱菊华顾秀娟堵江华崔国琴蒋金凤韩洪波廖西九國家助理工藝美術師State Assistant Craft Artist☆☆☆☆4星丁卫东丁志斌丁俊宏丁洪斌丁维其万亚钧万庆元万美群万根法万新洪马永强马俊华马顺伢马银锁马群东马璟辉孔春华孔新华尹优英尹红英尹杏军文盛方彩娣方琴华方薛斐毛春英王卫明王小平王小军65 王中民王冬萍王玉美王立王龙海王亚军王红群王丽萍王志芳王杏坤王芳68 王芳75 王苏瑜王其明王国新王岳龄王建南王林仙王玮王春明王泉林王秋萍王家新王晓健王桂芬63王祥王继忠王敏王铭东王银芳王强82 王惠中王琴芳王联芳王超群王辉王新妹王锡军王镇学王霞邓亚亚冯云华冯余妹冯建中冯洪君冯盘军卢宁刚卢伟强卢息勤卢焕明厉上清史云棠史国平史国棠史宝芝史建中60 史建中70 史建平史金妹史爱民史菊明史晴峰史霓霞叶水英叶永君叶洪军叶慧芬田志平任永芬刘一飞刘土根刘小清刘军刘军华刘国亚刘国强刘忠泽刘俊81 刘荣萍刘莹刘梅仙刘雷华建中华珊吉春萍吕卫芳吕美萍孙平孙立强孙伟强孙利芳孙明霞孙金立庄永忠庄玉珍庄亮庄暗明朱文华朱水芬朱叶新朱永良朱永忠朱志芬朱芳陶朱其大朱国强朱宙锋朱俊峰朱荣妹朱峰海朱益益朱彩凤朱彬朱新南朱锡琴江敏江勤翔汤志明汤建林汤泓纪小锡羊小琴羊建鹏许卫中许亚钧许仲许伟强许全芳许红娟许红琴许时娟许良平许国强许学军68 许学军72 许学芳许定华许建生许浒许息根许爱萍许敏芳许跃平许智萍许慧群邢洪林严志军严钢何叶75 何其仙何觅何敏何震佘燕敏余立平余仲华余志平余跃吴小卫吴小军吴小琴吴云峰吴文新吴东瑾吴兰君吴幼波吴永明吴永宽吴亚维吴吉吴江健吴行其吴余生吴利群吴君兰吴志平吴志强吴芳70吴国春吴建平吴建民吴青吴冠敏吴勇吴春华吴秋平吴秋红吴顺洪吴娟吴浩峰吴婷婷吴勤芳吴暗华吴赛春吴震69 吴震73 吴燕萍75 宋宝娟应书良应龙琴张云熙张开荣张幼科张生荣张伟军张华杰张竹筠张丽娟张克强张听金张宏桃张志英张志清69 张国伟张宝东张炜张春琴张泉林张洁张洪明张顺法张健张晓强张晓蕾张海虎张爱华张爱娣张培明张寅张彩英张菊萍张雪军张斌76 张琴芳张锋张暗军张暗娣张静69 张毅李卫明李伟李利李学芬李洪明李美玲李涵明李逸军李强李惠芳李惠强李锡凤杜雪之束群杨卫刚杨小泉杨山林杨仁勤杨礼达杨伟倩杨红伟杨丽萍杨志仲杨秀芬杨良君杨爱萍杨珺杨逸文杨惠英杨群群杨瑶芬杨霞73 汪成友汪成林汪佩蓉汪建川沈小平沈文军沈永娟沈红芬沈更轶沈和平沈建军沈建芬沈建康沈涛沈彩娥沈菊芳68 沈震宇狄新陶苍林华苏叶飞邱占春邵亚芬邵伟民邵国亮邵建平邵俊邵俊芬邵美华邵逸平邵惠民邹成程邹旭敏闵华萍闵祥君闵璐陆利华陆其明陈一飞陈卫明陈夕良陈云峰陈午敏陈月娥陈水仙陈乐林陈正初陈龙大陈伟陈军陈江其陈米军陈红梅陈丽英陈志豪陈运财陈国伟陈国芳陈岩陈建勇陈忠庆陈玥陈珍华67 陈美艳陈顺英陈顺根陈晔陈敏俊陈清法陈惠红陈锋陈暗军陈腾单志兰单智辉周小凤周小军周小明周云兰周云龙周云霞周永纲周汉强周玉琴周伟君周军明周宇杰周行其周丽华周丽萍周伯其周伯娟周孝忠周志平68 周志新周其坤周国新55 周国新69 周坤生周奇鸣周建平53 周建良周建明周建春周忠兴周波周金华周冠华周品鑫周洁平周洪明周洪彬周洪强周珏伟周钧林周顺芳周晓琴周海英周益军周益娟周钰伟周寅福周渊周婷周惠周琴周勤龙周新元周瑞成周鹏飞周静洁周慧君孟小军孟勤宗志仙宗志军宗卓芸宗根林庞现军房永华承健於凤娣杭兆强杭丽青杭菊芬杭锋林茂森林宣松经利峰罗泽南苗春洪范乃军范乃芝范小龙范小君范中明范云松范仁良范双元范月琴范永叶范永平范立君范红英范伯平范君浩范志强范秀洪范秀娥范连芳范卓群范国勤范学军范学群范宜娟范岩峰范建中范建强范泽君范泽明范泽洪范泉明范洪初范荣仙范顺君范晓丽范晓芳范海军范荷范敏72 范淑娟范盘初范菊华范惠萍范朝伟范微琴范锡元范锡军范锡明范黎风郁伟杰郁百平郑剑锋金火明金全大俞其元俞荣骏勇丽琴姚亚勤姚华君姜新伟施云峰洪华平洪美华胡云良胡仁杰胡建芬胡洪锁胡朝君费明华贺洪梅贺洪清赵一萍赵丽娟赵志琴赵孟君赵洪利赵益军赵敏芳赵辉项峻骆耀明倪顺金凌达君唐红平唐朝军唐朝霞唐黎萍夏正华夏立夏逸民夏瑞娟夏颖徐小平徐小明徐小萍徐才平徐飞徐兰君徐永君徐玉强徐立飞徐曲徐丽英徐志平徐志军徐秀华徐建平63 徐建光徐建军徐建芳徐建林徐俊73 徐荣飞徐顺琴徐晏徐浩俊徐海斌徐爱琴徐敏徐勤徐新芳徐暗华徐锡明柴绪波殷建平殷雪秦利君秦志荣秦国萍秦忠平秦慕云耿春华莫顺仙袁小强袁伟新袁朝舟谈文华谈丽君谈敏贾维郭显强郭莉萍郭琴钱育培钱雪妹钱超钱群兰钱震球顾小英顾中南顾幼之顾正芳顾杏娟顾学中顾建军顾建明顾洪军顾顺元顾顺芳顾晓斌顾涛顾跃鸣顾磊磊顾燕萍高卫忠高文萍高永伟高壮华高建中高洋高凌云高峰高爱春高祥芬高嫣崔龙君崔国良崔洪新曹建国曹洁曹竞方曹敏敏曹燕锋盛听凤盛英杰眭龙俊黄云云黄玉华黄达军黄丽萍60 龚涛平储立强储亦斌储宣东储蓁强国青强济人彭耀年惠平惠芬惠海勤曾斌程彩华程悬程鹏程曙葛昊翔葛武英葛烜葛菡董开生董正强董国庆董岳峰董建平董健董彩芬董震红蒋小军蒋升蒋亚平蒋亚萍蒋全卫蒋华仙蒋旭初蒋志强蒋秀娟蒋国娟蒋建亚蒋建峰蒋泽军蒋泉芳蒋健蒋凌云蒋峰69 蒋爱英蒋益军蒋淑萍蒋菊芳蒋惠蒋惠娟蒋湘玲蒋瑞峰蒋静明蒋曙明谢永新谢丽萍谢国年鲁文琴虞宏路小明鲍玉华鲍红华鲍建明鲍峰岩鲍荷芳鲍骧管建平缪永娣翟荷芬蔡卫明蔡伟萍蔡利平蔡咏梅裴俊伟樊建平潘小兔潘亚云潘伟明潘旭峰潘伯华潘国凤潘国良潘国胜潘国新潘明星潘晓波潘梅强颜意华穆明龙薜卫平戴亚强戴耀忠魏柏柯瞿军强瞿华娣瞿斌地方助理工藝美術師Local Arts and Crafts Artist☆☆☆3星万陶方伟琴王凤盘王岳林冯杏华史学明史科琴叶琴芳刘友良刘建军吕黛琳孙志琴朱敏江晓云何强吴东元张菊芳杨瑶芬汪梅芳闵路陈付大陈玉良陈志雄周庚大周建英周新保林军范小龙范亚琴范丽华范卓华范海燕姚玲香恽志培唐斌杰唐朝红夏洁萍钱立群顾小丽顾玉华顾晓斌高晓东崔龙喜蒋夕娟谢明鲍志娟鲍俊德廖江英潘涛國家工藝美術員Members of the National Arts and Crafts☆☆2星丁小华丁小明丁玉英丁亚微丁亦琴丁旭升丁丽华丁丽媛丁杏群丁科丁益民丁梅娟丁萍万玉芬万亚健万志群万建新万陶万勤娟于华成马夕妹马国芳马玲娟仇伟中卞炬卞勤华尹飞尹文雅尹幼勤尹优群尹旭峰尹君峰尹听娣尹怀尹国锋尹建新尹俊亚尹科尹海峰尹雪强尹琴尹霄荣尹燕芳方小利方小琴方永筠方玉兰方玉琴方刚方鉴明方耀可毛方荣毛承君毛健毛爱中毛寅毛梅红王卫文王卫芬王士平王小军68 王小妹王云云王六初王凤盘王兰芳王兰萍王兰琴王永伟王亚萍王安凤王庆华王红娟王丽英王兵华王利丰王利平王利君王孝新王志华王志超王秀局王秀南王国良王国俊王建芳王建英王建秋王杰王金大王俊峰王春王洪盘王香勤王海东王海金王萍王铭涛王雪锋王琰王超鹏王勤大王勤妹王新民王福新王赛红王慧平邓亚亚韦光远乐霞云冯小俊冯小根冯玉芳冯伟冯志明冯杏仙冯杏华冯建平冯建跃冯娟冯振亮冯雪峰冯辉包叶芬包亚军包荣军包韶颖占牡丹卢云霞卢永强卢伟卢伟萍史小玉史云琴史永棠史建群史勇杰史美萍史效军史敏史福棠田亮白洪欣石芸石燕任奖恩任恩智任艳任莹辉刘小敏刘方林刘红霞刘志云刘志明刘建军刘建明刘杰刘俊69 刘俊华刘勇刘政刘洪芬刘洪俊刘峰鸣刘晓清刘浩刘彩萍刘菊仙刘萍刘雪萍刘新民华英向林吕习翠吕永勤吕亚君吕红军吕黛琳孙东孙红英孙宏地孙宏波孙宏峰孙建芳孙建荣孙泽华孙俊杰孙美雅孙菊芳孙跃强孙越芳庄冬艳庄华军庄丽珍庄其芳庄荣芳成永军曲峰朱永平朱永强朱扣喜朱旭庭朱红林朱红珍朱芊芊朱丽萍朱兵朱秀兰朱建平63 朱建平67 朱俊陶朱荣强朱峰朱爱华朱敏朱维平朱朝晖朱新兵朱鹏飞朱碧霞江建群江政凌江晓颖江晓燕汤亚姣汤先武汤泽新汤俊汤超汤瑜馨祁玉林祁明亮纪贤纪荣军羊旭康许小亚许东迪许兰英许幼红许永菊许亦晖许伟英许兵许秀如许秀敏许建平许林峰许诚义许俊70 许俊74 许俊涛许俊锋许珂许美云许美华许美勤许健许晓艳许涛许爱仙许益军许彬强许梅英许清许晴许腊美许频频许嘉年许燕许燕芳许曙芳严丽平严志良何卫枫何军何建新何洪生何馨佘子连佘成飞佘丽琴佘弢佘海平佘益君佘勤南余立平余丽黎余其元余勇余美珍余健荣冷海雅吴卫兰吴卫平67 吴卫平71 吴夕初吴小英吴才君吴六君吴友芳吴亚萍吴优良吴军吴红芳吴红娟吴行军吴达吴丽琴吴利民吴君明吴含姣吴听成吴志良吴志群吴芳73吴国华吴国芬吴国政吴国荣吴季舟吴建飞吴建芬吴建强吴杰吴林娣吴欣初吴俊吴洪明吴秋平吴姬英吴涛吴益春吴敏吴敏娟吴淑娟吴菊凤吴萍吴琳吴勤兰吴新南吴静吴燕萍81吴曙明宋春丽宋海燕宋静应红芳张万敏张子威张小龙张小亦张小均张小妹张才良张平张永星张永斌张立伟张伟杰张旭东张红梅张红勤张丽萍张丽雅张利琴张译强张建生张建伟张明张杰张林芳张俊张俊良张勇张政圆张洪明张珍英张顺荣张倩倩张哲伟张娟张爱成张彩萍张菊仙张萍张雪兵张斌80张琴芬张琴芬50 张琴芳69 张群张群张蓁晞张睿张静81 张磊张飘萍张黎强张燚张臻李士良李云芬李元军李占平李卢春李正强李永生李玉莲李刚李花李芳李陈戍李明李经强李英李金林李俊李彦雄李晓忠李爱民李彬李敏李敏华李敏敏李盘凤李惠胜李湘云李锡俊李锡根李静杜秋杜益君杜彬杨义涛杨亚明杨光树杨丽亚杨希文杨志琴杨尚坤杨岳军杨昆杨科芳杨美君杨海蓉杨梅杨喜雨杨琴杨慧蓉杨霞80汪立彬汪华艳汪佳音汪国平汪俊汪洋汪新生汪瑾瑜沈小君沈书良沈加富沈平沈亚娟沈产根沈华军沈红梅沈严峰沈侨励沈建南沈忠英沈春秀沈祖强沈秋伟沈顺明沈莲沈骏强沈盘红沈翠莲沙茜萍肖俊伟肖益平芮国良花霞苏金娣连士舫邱智超邵小云邵云邵国中邵国锋邵建平邵俊强邵春霞邵玲邵美芳邵顺其邵晋邵海萍邹兰邹杰邹捷闵玉琴闵惠琴闵雷闵震涛陆小明陆文道陆仕兴陆旦军陆亚英陆志云陆国庆陆建芬陆俊洪陆晓强陆益群陆彬陆新军陆瑞娟陆德祥陈一平陈卫芬陈卫斌陈小云陈小听陈小明陈小珍陈云岭陈付大陈幼芳陈永亮陈玉良陈玉琴陈亚陈华平陈红英陈红珍陈丽云陈杏花陈学和陈建中陈建忠陈怡陈育平陈俊陈施陈映强陈春生陈春芬陈春燕陈洪华陈珍华63 陈祖勇陈祖桥陈美华陈顺娣陈娟陈涛陈爱国陈祥军陈莉陈莲陈彩敏陈淑芬陈福新陈静陈增育陈德芳周卫君周小君周小德周云周文霞周发清周古梅周永纲周玉霞周立民周立新周亚娟周亚萍周亚群周伟伟周伟光周军周军强周宇红周旭周旭平周旭剑周丽英周伯军周利珍周志平75周志明周志强周良红周卓琴周国平周国民周国君周国忠周国洪周国强周学琴周岳明周庚大周建平周建忠周建英周建磊周杰周林惠周虎周虎荣周俊南周彦锋周春凤周洪刚周洪盘周玲玲周美琴周荣华周凌娜周峰周益民周益军周益芳周莉缓周莹周敏周梅琴周萍76 周萍80 周萍83 周跃锋周银凤周强周惠鸣周斌86 周斌89 周超周锋周暗芳周瑜敏周群72周群75 周群76 周群芬周群英周鹏周静君周曙峰周鑫季伟成宗平杭海林小龙林军林庆文林艳林超武华松罗龙梅罗伯平罗强范卫范卫平范卫芬范小中范小平范云飞范支军范文杰范文俊范风云范正初范永芳范汉强范玉珍范玉娟范亚云范亚春范亚娟范亚萍72 范亚萍82 范亦新范伟文范伟益范华军范欢范贞范丽静范伯良范初君范利平范利枫范利英范志君范志琴范杏芬范狄范国强范建群范建鹏范忠明范治平范育君范俊健范俊萍范剑龙范春花范春娣范秋琴范科锋范荣华范荣初范娟范海燕范烨范益华范培君范彩勤范敏77 范敏敏范晨亚范菊英范萍范逸群范朝新范勤君范勤芳范暗明范群飞郁文雅郁军郁建超郁晴郑小杰郑心青郑文娟郑拥军郑春娣郑美香金阳岗金伯兵金炜俞科俞福军俞震勇巍姚华良姚丽云姚芳姚恒辉姜新亚娄艳芳宦红娟查六君查焕勤洪发军胡小香胡立敏胡红霞胡阿中胡欣胡春福胡晓锋贺敏赵小琴赵加良赵军赵华强赵阳赵志东赵明赵信军赵娟赵晖赵海燕赵雪琴赵斌赵霞凌青凌海宏凌萍凌跃明凌燕萍唐六琴唐田唐红娣唐志平唐国平唐国忠唐建方唐建平唐建国60 唐建国66 唐林彬唐俊芳唐惠珍唐朝昌夏洁萍夏洪西夏晓挺夏朝军徐丹徐六萍徐叶徐亦军徐伟强徐再萍徐舟英徐克强徐君芳徐志兵徐志娟徐志新徐芳徐季芳徐建平徐建芳徐建青徐建强徐鸣徐俊82徐俊雄徐剑芬徐恒净徐春花徐泉锋徐洪军徐美娴徐荣富徐健徐卿徐海林徐艳徐彩萍徐彩勤徐梓年徐菊英徐萍75 徐萍78 徐跃徐朝君徐慈良徐新中徐新良徐静徐静皎徐燕74 徐燕75 徐赟徐霞栾自琼殷才平殷美娟秦小仙秦午南秦玉华耿浩耿银风袁志敏袁梅英谈杏娟谈言炎谈英谈俊祥谈剑锋谈萍谈跃芬谈雄伟郭凤琴郭占华郭江雯郭江霞郭余华郭其新郭建明郭桂芳郭彩华钱小军钱小珍钱云峰钱文英钱亚斌钱伟刚钱兴洪钱红月钱红芬钱建荷钱明华钱玮钱鸣正钱洁钱美锦钱海霞钱琦陶红月陶红勤顾小丽顾文君顾文浩顾江明顾志华顾阿军顾国芳顾国强顾定荣顾建凤顾建芬顾春红顾虹霞顾轶辉顾顺其顾桂荣顾焕华顾菊仙顾跃飞顾跃君顾智旭顾新军顾新陶高卫萍高华高旭群高伯南高建伟高建鹏高晓东高祥高莉高萍高雪琴高翔高锡兰高鹰堵凤娟崔小良崔龙喜崔英崔雯竹戚永平戚丽云戚慧强曹巧芳曹秀芬曹建平曹洁曹勤芬曹筱樱曹璋莲盛中杰盛东兴盛左鸣盛其根盛鸣鸣盛梅娟萧明峰黄夕娟黄飞黄伟峰黄丽萍80 黄冠黄政黄柏生黄顺荣黄香勤黄菊红黄强黄臻龚或龚杰龚南亚傅跃飞储卫珍储国峰储俊伟储春琴储新强嵇杨强志军强建成彭玉兰彭放彭耀其温玉姣焦振焦寅程建明程春妹程琦童小平童琴芬葛二麟葛小燕葛亚群葛政豪葛萍萍葛静初董永君董庆华董红书董学芸董建军董俊锋董洪祥董逸民董锦华蒋小红蒋小明蒋云芳蒋乐宾蒋占峰蒋正东蒋永林蒋汉琴蒋立凡蒋立军蒋亚军蒋亚芳蒋华芬蒋守卫蒋丽英蒋李军蒋陈萍蒋岳军蒋岳良蒋林洪蒋泽军蒋金坤蒋春娣蒋春勤蒋洪达蒋美平蒋峰70 蒋晓平蒋晓光蒋爱勤蒋敏蒋淑希蒋微蒋懿芬谢作州谢君芳谢志强谢芳谢明谢明晖谢诚韩军韩培东韩惠琴鲁文玲鲁瑛窦卫勤虞燕云褚俊伟解建云路国俊路学峰路亮明路群星鲍民军鲍亚琴鲍明鲍育伟鲍洪其鲍美芳鲍桦鲍敏霞熊涛管银芳缪锡强翟正君翟红芳翟喈蔡军昌蔡建锋蔡俊蔡海燕裴建刚裴春燕裴顺良裴顺芳谭海鸥阚炜樊立珍樊涛潘一清潘小强潘云兰潘云燕潘文娇潘水鑫潘玉兰潘旭明潘达潘丽娟潘进潘国平潘国芳潘国琴潘育民潘英俊潘金冬潘俊辉潘勇潘娜潘春华潘洪梅潘祖新潘涛潘菊芳潘雪峰薛文华薛建立薛建军霍菊华戴文俊戴国仙戴凌濮雪娟魏文新魏治国瞿建群地方工藝美術員Members of the local arts and crafts☆1星方勤平王强73 史建芬仲晓根朱秀华许丽萍吴芳君张秀珍张美君杨陶邵志良陈华芬练美萍范晓枫郑存琳咸平姜林芳唐建林都群顾叶芬顾爱华黄淑英储彩琴。


4、 按照你们的要求,我们报50公吨大豆的实盘如下,以自本日起一周之内你方到复为准。
At the erquest of you ,we offer yu firm,subject to your reply reaching here within one week ,50 metric tons soybeans as follows:
9、 我们今天已由伦敦的中国银行开出了一张以你方为抬头人的信用证,计500万美元。
We have opened an L/C in your favor for the amount of $5000000 with Bank of China ,London,today.
10、 我方抱歉不能接受货到目的港后凭单付款的支付方式。
12 、 信用证2356号请修改:(一)按合同,常吨改为公吨;(二)展装运期到九月底并准许分运装船。
Please amend l/c no.3855 to read:
(1)the word "long ton" are to be repaced by "metric ton" according to the contract.
As for terms of payment ,we need L/C payable by draft at sight.
(2)Extend the time of shipment to the end of Septenber and allowing partial shipments and transshipment.
13 、 信用证560号修改书未到,请立即改证,以便早日装运。
The amendment to L/C No.560 has not been received.Please amend it immediately in order to effect shipment at earliest convenience.


中国画的题材主要有人物、山水、花鸟三大类。其技法可 分为工笔和写意。不同于西画的素描写实,中国画的艺术特 质强调以形写神,重神韵、重意境。
In general, traditional Chinese paintings are rich in content and forms. Besides, its style is grandiose, containing boldness as well as fineness. In terms of the artistic creation, traditional Chinese painting is a reflection of the aesthetic consciousness and artistic sentiment of the Chinese people.
笔墨纸砚是中国古代文 人书房中必备的宝贝,被称 为“文房四宝”。
A Chinese brush is made primarily of hairs from a beast and a small bamboo pipe. The best-known Chinese brush is manufactured in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. Chinese calligraphers and painters pay particular attention to the quality of the ink stick. The best ink stick is produced in Huizhou, Anhui Province.
汉字结构“外圆内方”,源于古人“天圆地方”的观念。 汉字有五种基本笔画,即:横、竖、撇、捺、折。
Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法



Here are some of the sample passages for C-E translation. Please have a close study of the sentence structures and word choices.Passage 1刺绣(embroidery)是中国的民间传统手艺之一,有超过两千年的历史。





参考译文:Embroidery, one of the traditional folk arts and crafts in China, has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is made by embroidering various decorating patterns on fabrics with needle and thread. Chinese embroidery is closely connected with sericulture, as China is the first country in the world to use silk. Embroidery is mainly used in life and art decoration, such as clothes, bedclothes, table cloth and stage decoration. As one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese culture and art, embroidery enjoys a high reputation overseas.Passage 2七夕节(Qixi Festival)在农历七月初七庆祝,起源于汉代(the Han Dynasty),是一个传统节日。



1 II 2 Book
Unit 2 和传统教学方式相比,数字化教学方式有很大 的优势。 Compared with the traditional way of teaching, the digital way has a lot of advantages.
1 II 2 Book
Unit 2 一方面,数字化教学使教学资源得以全球共 享; On one hand, digital teaching makes global sharing of teaching resources possible;
Unit 1
中国书法不仅是中华民族的文化瑰宝而 且在世界文化艺术宝库中独放异彩。
Chinese calligraphy is not only the art treasure of Chinese culture, but also shines splendidly in the world’s treasure house of culture and art.
Unit 3
Filial piety is the fundamental thing of “Oriental civilization”.
1 II 2 Book
Unit 4
农历七月初七是中国的七夕节(Qixi Festival),是 中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日。 July 7th on the Chinese calendar is Chinese Qixi Festival,the most romantic of all the traditional Chinese holidays. 一些大的商家每年都举办不同的活动,年轻人也送礼 物给他们的情人。 Every year, some big businesses organize various activities, and young people send gifts to their lovers.

新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版BOOK2 UNIT3

新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版BOOK2 UNIT3

Listening to the world
Listening to the world
1 Watch a podcast for its general idea. The podcast is mainly about what people like doing in their free time and what they are going to do this weekend. 2 Watch Part 1 and fill in the blanks.
Opening up
2 Work in pairs and discuss the question: 1 Check (✔) the ones you have never done but long to have a try and give your reasons.
The activities I have never done but long to have a try is 13 (canoeing). I went to New Zealand several years ago. There I could see canoes here and there. And I often saw people canoeing, the green water, colorful canoes, dark mountains, blue sky, and white clouds, all together forming an unforgettable picture in my mind.
Learning objectives

中国文化英语教程 答案

中国文化英语教程 答案

中国文化英语教程答案中国文化英语教程答案不要标题1. Introduction to Chinese CultureChina, with its rich history and diverse culture, has long been a fascinating subject for people around the world. This English tutorial aims to provide an overview of Chinese culture, shedding light on its traditions, values, and customs.2. The Great Wall of ChinaThe Great Wall of China is a symbol of the country's ancient civilization. This architectural marvel spans thousands of kilometers and is a testament to the incredible engineering skills of the Chinese people. It stands as a reminder of China's historical achievements and the resilience of its people.3. Chinese Festivals and TraditionsChinese festivals are vibrant and colorful, reflecting the country's deep-rooted traditions and customs. From the lively celebrations of the Chinese New Year to the solemn rituals of the Qingming Festival, each festival has its own unique significance and offers a glimpse into China's rich cultural heritage.4. Traditional Chinese MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a history dating back thousands of years. It encompasses various holistic practices, suchas acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tai chi, to promote wellness and balance in the body. TCM reflects the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang and the belief in Qi, the vital life force.5. Chinese CuisineChinese cuisine is renowned worldwide for its diverse flavors and cooking techniques. From the spicy Sichuan cuisine to the delicate flavors of Cantonese cuisine, each region in China has its own culinary specialties. Chinese food also emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony in ingredients and cooking methods.6. Chinese Arts and CraftsChinese arts and crafts encompass a wide range of disciplines, including calligraphy, painting, ceramics, and silk weaving. These artistic traditions have been honed over centuries, with each art form embodying the ideals of beauty, harmony, and balance. Chinese arts and crafts showcase the country's creativity and deep appreciation for aesthetics.7. Confucianism and DaoismConfucianism and Daoism are two prominent philosophical traditions in China. Confucianism emphasizes the importance of moral values, social order, and filial piety, while Daoism seeks harmony with nature and the pursuit of a simple and balanced way of life. These philosophies have greatly influenced Chinese culture, ethics, and governance.8. Chinese CalligraphyChinese calligraphy is considered not only a form of artistic expression but also a means of cultivating one's character and inner self. Each brushstroke carries symbolic meaning and reflects the calligrapher's state of mind. Chinese calligraphy is highly regarded as one of the highest forms of visual art in Chinese culture.9. Traditional Chinese ClothingTraditional Chinese clothing, such as the qipao and hanfu, is known for its elegant and ornate designs. These garments reflect the country's historical fashion trends and cultural values. Traditional Chinese clothing often showcases intricate embroidery and vibrant colors, highlighting the importance of aesthetics in Chinese culture.10. Chinese Etiquette and CustomsChinese etiquette plays a significant role in everyday life, whether it's in social interactions or business settings. Customs such as greeting with a bow, respecting elders, and exchanging gifts are deeply ingrained in Chinese culture. Understanding and practicing these customs is essential for building positive relationships with Chinese people.Remember, this is just a brief overview of Chinese culture. Exploring further and engaging in meaningful conversations with Chinese people is the best way to truly appreciate and understand the richness and complexity of Chinese culture.。

chinese arts and crafts

chinese arts and crafts

brush handle
root belly tip
Using Chinese Brush
How to hold the brush?
Chinese Painting

The roots of Chinese Neolithic traditional [ni:əʊ'liθik] can paintings adj. be 新石器时代的 traced back to the paintings on Neolithic pottery 6000 or 7000 years ago.
艺术视角, 艺术理念
• Its particular artistic perspective is shown through specific tools, materials and motifs.
What are the tools and materials used in traditional Chinese painting? • • • • brush ink/pigment paper and silk inkslab/ikstone
• 1 Structure of Chinese Brush • 2 Using the Brush • 3 Type of Painting Brushes:
•The handles of the brushes are •made of bamboo •sandalwood檀香木 , •jade, carved bone/ivory, •or other precious materials.
Chinese meticulous flower-and-bird painting Chinese freehand flower-and-bird painting








Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world. The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters. In this long evolutionary process, Chinese characters have not only played an important role in exchanging ideas and transmitting culture but also developed into a unique art form. Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers' personal feelings, knowledge, self-cultivation, personality, and so forth, thus there is an expression that "seeing the calligrapher's handwriting is like seeing the person". As one of the treasures o Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world's treasure house of culture and art.Unit2互联网近年来,随着互联网技术的发展,我国的数字化教育资源建设取得了巨大的成就。








Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world. The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters. In this long evolutionary process, Chinese characters have not only played an important role in exchanging ideas and transmitting culture but also developed into a unique art form. Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers' personal feelings, knowledge, self-cultivation, personality, and so forth, thus there is an expression that "seeing the calligrapher's handwriting is like seeing the person". As one of the treasures o Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world's treasure house of culture and art.Unit2互联网近年来,随着互联网技术的发展,我国的数字化教育资源建设取得了巨大的成就。


open up establish business relations or build up business connections
4. in compliance with 按照 e.g. In compliance with your request, we are
sending you our samples by air. 应你方要求,我们用航空邮件给你们寄去了 我们的样品。 comply (v. ) with 按照,与…相符,遵守,满 足
6 take this opportunity to…(后接动词原型)利用这个 机会做… 还可以说take advantage of this opportunity or avail ourselves of this opportunity.
e.g. We take this opportunity to express our great appreciation for your cooperation. 借此机会,对于您的合作,我们深表感谢。
2) This is to introduce…as…兹介绍……为……
This is to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of garments in China.
3) to inform sb.that…告知某人
Useful Words & Expressions
5. under separate cover 另函,用另外一封信 e.g. We have sent you under separate cover a
range of pamphlets for your information. 我们另函给你们寄去了一系列的小册子供 你们了解情况。



相关单词积累:文段积累:Shadow playhadow play is a form of Chinese folk art with a long history. The actors or actresses in a shadow play are figures made of cow leather. Being controlled by one or several persons, these figures are reflected via light on the screen. Shadow play is most popular in the area of Shanxi and Gansu Provinces and often performed in the temple fairs, wedding ceremonies and funeral ceremonies, etc. With the purpose of driving out evil spirits, people wish that the performance of shadow play will bringthem good fortune. Delicate and vivid shadow figures have become a kind of collection and are greatly loved by foreigners. 皮影戏(shadow play)是中国的一种民间艺术,拥有悠久的历史。












Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world. The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters. In this long evolutionary process, Chinese characters have not only played an important role in exchanging ideas and transmitting culture but also developed into a unique art form. Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers' personal feelings, knowledge, self-cultivation, personality, and so forth, thus there is an expression that "seeing the calligrapher's handwriting is like seeing the person". As one of the treasures o Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world's treasure house of culture and art.近年来,随着互联网技术的发展,我国的数字化教育资源建设取得了巨大的成就。








(192)China, an ancient, mysterious and beautiful land, is always appealing to many adventurous foreign visitors. As the third largest country in the world occupying an area of 9,600,000 km2, its various terrain and climate shape numerous natural attractions. China is abundant in a variety of resources, plants, animals and minerals. China has nurtured countless generations of diligent Chinese people. China is proud of her large population, long history, resplendent culture and distinctive customs. In addition to its “Four Great Inventions”, Chinese arts and crafts, including painting, calligraphy, operas, embroidery and silk, are unique.饮食类饺子(Dumplings)/面条(Noodles)是受中国人民喜爱的传统特色食品。



介绍中国传统文化的英语作文(五年级)全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Wonderful World of Chinese CultureHave you ever wondered about the unique traditions and customs of China? As one of the oldest civilizations in the world, China has an incredibly rich cultural heritage that has been passed down for thousands of years. From delicious cuisines to beautiful arts and crafts, there is so much to explore and appreciate. Let me take you on a journey through the wonderful world of Chinese culture!Chinese FestivalsOne of the most exciting aspects of Chinese culture is the various festivals celebrated throughout the year. The most important one is the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. This is a time for families to get together, enjoy delicious food, and welcome the new year with fireworks and lion dances. Children receive red envelopes filled with money as a symbol of good luck.Another popular festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival, where families gather to admire the full moon and eat mooncakes, a dense and sweet pastry filled with lotus seed paste or other delicious fillings. The Qingming Festival, also called Tomb Sweeping Day, is when people visit the graves of their ancestors and pay respect to them.Chinese Arts and CraftsChina is famous for its beautiful and intricate arts and crafts. One of the most well-known is Chinese calligraphy, which is the art of writing Chinese characters with a brush and ink. Calligraphers spend years mastering the strokes and techniques to create stunning works of art.Another iconic Chinese craft is paper cutting, where delicate and intricate designs are cut out of paper using scissors or knives. These paper cuttings are often used as decorations during festivals or special occasions.Chinese pottery and porcelain are also highly prized. The most famous type is called "blue and white porcelain," which features beautiful blue designs painted on a white background. These porcelain pieces are not only functional but also true works of art.Chinese CuisineChinese cuisine is one of the most diverse and delicious in the world, with countless regional variations and specialties. One of the most popular dishes is dumplings, which can be steamed, boiled, or fried and filled with various ingredients like meat, vegetables, or even sweet fillings.Another iconic Chinese dish is Peking duck, a crispy-skinned roasted duck that is often served with thin pancakes, scallions, and a sweet bean sauce. Hot pot is also a beloved communal dish, where a simmering pot of broth is placed in the center of the table, and everyone cooks their own meats, vegetables, and noodles in it.Chinese Philosophy and LiteratureChina has a rich history of philosophy and literature that has influenced the world. One of the most well-known philosophers is Confucius, who taught about ethics, morality, and the importance of education and respect for elders.Another influential philosopher was Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, a philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with nature and the universe.Chinese literature is also incredibly diverse, with genres ranging from poetry to novels and plays. One of the most famous works is the "Journey to the West," a classic novel that tells the story of a monk's pilgrimage to India to obtain sacred texts, accompanied by his faithful companions, including the beloved Monkey King.Chinese ArchitectureChinese architecture is known for its stunning temples, palaces, and gardens, which are often designed with intricate details and symbolic meanings. One of the most famous examples is the Forbidden City in Beijing, a vast complex that served as the imperial palace for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties.Another iconic structure is the Great Wall of China, which stretches for thousands of miles and is one of the most impressive engineering feats in human history. It was built to protect ancient Chinese states from invasions and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site.Chinese gardens are also renowned for their beauty and harmony with nature. These gardens often feature carefully designed landscapes with ponds, pavilions, and winding paths, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere.ConclusionChinese culture is truly a rich tapestry woven with thousands of years of history, tradition, and wisdom. From vibrant festivals to intricate arts and crafts, delectable cuisines to profound philosophies, there is so much to appreciate and learn from this ancient civilization.I hope this journey through the wonderful world of Chinese culture has sparked your curiosity and inspired you to explore more about this fascinating part of our world. Who knows, maybe one day you'll have the opportunity to experience it firsthand and create your own memories and stories to cherish.篇2The Wonders of Chinese Traditional CultureHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm a 5th grader. Today, I want to share with you some of the amazing things about Chinese traditional culture. It's a topic I find really fascinating, and I hope you'll enjoy learning about it too!Let's start with Chinese festivals. We have so many colorful and exciting festivals throughout the year. One of my favorites is the Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. It's themost important festival in China and a time for families to get together and celebrate. The celebrations last for 15 days, and there are lots of fun traditions like decorating our homes with red lanterns, eating dumplings, and watching amazing fireworks displays.Another festival I love is the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's a harvest festival where we get to eat delicious mooncakes and admire the full moon. Legend has it that there was once a beautiful lady living on the moon. During this festival, we carry brightly lit lanterns and enjoy spending time with our loved ones under the moonlight.Chinese traditional culture is also famous for its incredible arts and crafts. One of the most well-known is Chinese calligraphy. It's the art of writing Chinese characters using a brush and ink. Calligraphers put a lot of effort into making each character look beautiful and expressive. Some of their works are so intricate and stunning that they're considered true works of art.Another amazing Chinese art form is paper cutting. It involves cutting intricate designs out of paper using scissors or knives. The results are often breathtakingly beautiful anddetailed. Paper cutting is used to decorate things like lanterns, windows, and even clothing.Chinese traditional architecture is something that always leaves me in awe. The buildings have such unique and striking designs, with curved roofs, ornate carvings, and vibrant colors. One of the most famous examples is the Forbidden City in Beijing, which was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It's a vast complex with nearly a thousand buildings, and it's a true masterpiece of Chinese architecture.Chinese traditional medicine is also a fascinating part of our culture. It's been practiced for thousands of years and uses natural remedies like herbs, acupuncture, and massage to treat various ailments. One of the key principles of Chinese medicine is the concept of yin and yang, which refers to the balance of opposing forces in the body and nature.Speaking of nature, Chinese traditional culture has a deep respect and appreciation for it. This is reflected in practices like feng shui, which is all about harmonizing our living spaces with the natural world around us. It involves arranging buildings, furniture, and objects in a way that promotes positive energy flow.Chinese traditional clothing is also incredibly beautiful and rich in symbolism. One of the most iconic garments is the qipao or cheongsam, which is a form-fitting dress with a high collar and intricate embroidery or patterns. It's considered a symbol of Chinese elegance and femininity.Another aspect of Chinese traditional culture that I find fascinating is martial arts. Practices like kung fu, tai chi, and wushu are not only forms of self-defense but also ways to cultivate physical and mental discipline. They involve intricate movements, forms, and techniques that have been passed down for generations.I could go on and on about the wonders of Chinese traditional culture, but I'll leave it at that for now. I hope this has given you a glimpse into the richness and diversity of our cultural heritage. From festivals and arts to architecture and cuisine, there's so much to explore and appreciate.So, the next time you see a Chinese lantern or try a delicious plate of dumplings, remember the deep history and cultural significance behind them. And who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to learn more about this incredible culture that has shaped the lives of billions of people over thousands of years.篇3Chinese Culture is Amazing!China has such a rich culture that has been developing for thousands of years. There are so many fascinating aspects of Chinese traditional culture that I find really cool. Let me tell you about some of my favorite parts!Chinese Written LanguageOne thing that makes Chinese culture unique is the written language. Chinese writing uses characters instead of an alphabet like English. Each character represents a whole word or concept rather than just a single sound. Isn't that wild?The characters are made up of different strokes and radicals that can give hints about the meaning. Some characters even look a bit like the thing they represent! For example, the character for "person" kind of looks like a person standing up.Learning to read and write Chinese takes a lot of practice since there are thousands of characters. But it's really awesome to be able to communicate through such an ancient and artistic written system. Calligraphy, or the art of beautiful handwriting, is very important in Chinese culture.Chinese PhilosophyChina has had many great philosophers throughout history who have influenced Chinese culture and ways of thinking. Three of the most famous are Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Buddha.Confucius lived around 500 BC and his teachings focused a lot on having proper behavior, respect for others, and societal rules. His philosophy of Confucianism emphasizes ideas like filial piety (respect for your parents and elders), ritual, harmony, and moral cultivation.Lao Tzu was another ancient philosopher who founded the school of thought called Taoism. Taoism teaches that there is a natural order in the universe (called the Tao) that we should try to live in harmony with, rather than working against nature. Some key Taoist concepts are "wu wei" (going with the flow) and "yin and yang" (finding balance between opposites).Finally, Buddhism originated in ancient India but became very influential in China too. Buddhists follow the teachings of Buddha to end suffering and achieve enlightenment. Buddhist principles like non-violence, meditation, and reincarnation have been incorporated into Chinese culture and philosophy.Traditional FestivalsThe Chinese have such vibrant and fun celebrations for traditional festivals throughout the year! My favorite is definitely the Lunar New Year festival.Lunar New Year is the biggest holiday in Chinese culture. It's also called Spring Festival since it marks the arrival of spring on the lunisolar calendar. The date changes every year but it's usually in late January or February.During Lunar New Year, people clean their homes thoroughly to sweep away any bad luck and decorate with red lanterns, couplets, and paper cuts. Families get together for a huge reunion dinner on New Year's Eve with lots of amazing dishes like dumplings, noodles, whole fish, and sweet rice balls. Kids receive red envelopes with money inside for good luck.There are awesome Lunar New Year traditions like setting off firecrackers and watching amazing lion and dragon dances performed! People wear new clothes and kids love receiving little gifts. It's just such a joyous and festive time.Two other super cool traditional Chinese festivals are the Qingming Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Qingming honors ancestors with tomb sweeping, while Mid-Autumn is a harvest celebration where we eat mooncakes and admire the bright full moon.Amazing FoodYou probably already know that Chinese cuisine is absolutely delicious! The food is a major part of the culture that I really love.Chinese food is so amazing because it uses such a wide variety of fresh ingredients and cooking techniques from different regions across the vast country. In the north, foods tend to be wheat-based with breads, noodles, and dumplings. Southern cuisine uses more rice and has lots of fresh seafood dishes.There are eight major cuisine traditions including Sichuan, Cantonese, Hunan, Fujian, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui. Each style has its own distinct flavors and signature dishes. Like Sichuan food is known for being super spicy with lips篇4My Amazing Chinese CultureHi there! My name is Lin and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about the awesome culture of China - the country where I was born and live. Chinese culture is one of the oldest in the world and has so many cool traditions and customs. Get ready to learn some really neat stuff!Let's start with festivals, because those are my favorite! The biggest celebration of the year is Chinese New Year. It takes place in late January or early February, depending on the lunar calendar. Families get together, eat delicious foods like dumplings and noodles, watch fireworks, and give out red envelopes with money inside as gifts. Everything turns red because it's considered a lucky color that scares away evil spirits.Another major festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival in September or October. We eat mooncakes, which are thick pastries stuffed with lotus seed paste or other fillings. Families get together to admire the bright harvest moon. The full moon is so pretty! The Dragon Boat Festival in June is lots of fun too. People race boats shaped like dragons and eat sticky rice dumplings called zongzi. So many great festivals to celebrate each year.Speaking of celebrations, Chinese New Year wouldn't be the same without the lion and dragon dances! Dancers hold up a giant lion or dragon costume made of cloth and bamboo. As they move around, it looks like the lion or dragon is coming to life. It's so energetic and vibrant, with the bright colors and loud drumbeats. Watching the dances is my favorite part of New Year's festivities.Another huge part of Chinese culture is the food - oh man, do we have some delicious dishes! Many meals include rice, noodles, vegetables, and sauce. Popular foods are dumplings, wontons, spring rolls, Peking duck, hand-pulled noodles, hot pots, and dim sum (bite-sized dishes). A favorite is Kung Pao chicken made with chicken, peanuts, veggies, and a spicy sauce. Just writing about the cuisine is making me hungry!Then there are the traditional customs and philosophies that have influenced China for thousands of years. Two of the biggest are Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism teaches ethics, courtesy, and discipline. Following Confucian values like respect for elders and education is very important. Taoism promotes living in harmony with nature and the universe. The principles of yin and yang (opposite but complementary forces) come from Taoism. Ancient ideas like these have really shaped Chinese culture.I can't talk about China without mentioning its long history and some famous inventors and contributors. The Four Great Inventions that originated in ancient China were the compass, gunpowder, printing, and paper! Isn't that amazing? Can you imagine life without any of those things today? Other notable innovations were the abacus, silk, the practice of inoculationagainst disease, and incredible architectural wonders like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City in Beijing.Let me tell you about some other symbols and traditions that are part of Chinese culture. One is the zodiac animals that represent each year in the 12-year cycle - for example, 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. Children learn poems and stories about the different zodiac animals. The five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water are also very important symbols incorporated into everything from architecture to traditional medicine practices.Speaking of medicine, traditional Chinese medicine has been around for centuries using herbal remedies, acupuncture, and practices like tai chi. It focuses on balancing the body's spiritual energy or "chi". I've never had any treatments, but it's a huge part of the culture's medical history.Two popular games originating in China are mahjong (atile-based game) and Chinese chess (a really complex strategy game). I'm still learning to play those! Calligraphy - the art of beautiful handwritten Chinese characters - is another honored tradition that takes years to master. My grandfather loves doing calligraphy in his free time.Those are some of the biggest parts of Chinese culture, but I could go on and on! We also have historic temples and gardens, tea ceremonies, silk embroidery, shadow puppets, face-changing mask performances at Sichuan operas...there's just too much to fit into one essay. The roots of Chinese civilization go back over 5,000 years. Just thinking about how long these traditions have existed amazes me.My family makes sure I learn all about our cultural heritage. My grandparents teach me old stories, songs, and customs. We observe festivals and traditions together as a family. I feel really lucky to be part of such an ancient, rich culture with values focused on kindness, respect, balance, and family. I'm proud of my Chinese identity and background.Even though some traditions are changing with modern times, I hope China's unique cultural history will continue to be celebrated for thousands of years to come. We have so many special symbols, foods, philosophies, and customs unlike anywhere else on earth. I could spend forever exploring the diversity in Chinese culture! If you ever get the chance to experience Chinese traditions firsthand, I highly recommend it. Who's ready to try dumplings, watch a lion dance, and soak in thousands of years of history and wisdom?篇5The Wonders of Chinese CultureHi there! Today I want to tell you all about the amazing culture of China. China is an ancient country with a fascinating history and traditions that have been passed down for thousands of years. Let me take you on a journey to explore some of the coolest parts of Chinese culture!One of the most recognizable symbols of China is the Great Wall. This massive wall stretches for thousands of miles across northern China. It was built over 2,000 years ago to protect ancient Chinese empires from invasions by nomadic groups. Walking along the Great Wall must have been an incredible experience for the soldiers guarding it long ago. These days, millions of people visit the Great Wall every year to marvel at this impressive feat of construction from ancient times.Speaking of ancient times, China has some delightfully fun festivals that started a very long time ago. My favorite is the Lunar New Year celebration. This holiday welcomes the start of the new year based on the lunar calendar. Families get together for huge feasts with tasty dishes like dumplings and noodles. They decorate with lucky red lanterns, give out red envelopeswith money inside, and watch fireworks light up the night sky. The Lunar New Year is a joyous and vibrant celebration.Another amazing part of Chinese culture is the variety of traditional arts and crafts. One craft I find super cool is paper cutting. Using special scissors, artists cut intricate designs out of red paper. The designs often depict animals, flowers, symbols for luck, and more. These delicate paper cuts get hung up as decorations. Other traditional arts include calligraphy (beautiful handwritten poems and sayings) and ceramics (fancy vases and dishes).Martial arts like kung fu originated in ancient China too. Kung fu masters practice different fighting styles using punches, kicks, blocks and weapons like swords or staffs. They perform incredible acrobatic moves by jumping, flipping and dodging. While kung fu grew out of ancient combat needs, today it is also practiced for fitness, focus and discipline. I think the different kung fu animal styles like praying mantis or drunken fist look so awesome!Those are just a few glimpses into the amazingly vibrant world of Chinese culture and traditions. From the Lunar New Year to martial arts to the mythical dragon, China's ancient heritage continues to fascinate people all around the globetoday. We can learn so much from cultures like China that have deep historic roots and rich symbolic meaning behind their customs, arts and folklore. I hope you've enjoyed our little journey into the wonders of Chinese culture! It has inspired me to keep exploring this fascinating world.篇6Chinese Traditional CultureHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm a 5th grader in China. Today I want to tell you all about the rich traditional culture of my country. China has a loooong history going back thousands of years, so there's a whole lot of awesome cultural stuff to learn about!Let's start with festivals. We Chinese sure do love our festivals and holidays. The biggest one is Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival. It's kind of like Christmas and New Year's rolled into one big celebration. Families get together, eat lots of yummy food, watch fireworks, and give kids like me those cool red envelopes with money inside! Another major festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival, when we eat those tasty mooncakes and appreciate the bright full moon. I also really enjoy theLantern Festival with all the beautiful lanterns lighting up the sky. So many fun festivals to look forward to every year!Speaking of food, Chinese cuisine is something really special. We've got dishes from all across the different regions like Sichuan, Hunan, Cantonese, and more. My personal favorites are dumplings, noodles, and Peking duck. But really, it's all delicious - just don't ask me to share my last egg tart! Traditional Chinese food isn't just about the taste though. There are also lots of customs and etiquette around meals, like never sticking your chopsticks straight up in your rice. It's all part of the culture.Then there are the amazing places and historical sites all over China. In Beijing, you've got the Forbidden City where emperors used to live. It's this gigantic palace complex that's just mind-blowing. The Great Wall of China is another iconic spot that stretches across thousands of miles of countryside. It was built ages ago to protect China from invaders. I went there on a field trip last year and climbed up a watch tower - it was both tiring but totally worth the incredible views! There are also stunning natural areas like the karst hills around Guilin, the Yellow Mountains, and lots more.I can't talk about Chinese culture without mentioning some of the cool traditions and customs. For example, there's thetradition of names where the family name comes first. My name "Li Xiaoming" means "Little Ming from the Li family." We take our middle names from our moms. There are also etiquette rules about things like greeting elders properly, bringing certain gifts for occasions, and other polite behaviors passed down for generations.Two other things I really like about Chinese traditions are the festivals with their firecrackers and dragon dances, and the ancient stories and legends. The Lunar New Year celebrations always have incredible dragon dances performed by a whole team making this looong dragon costume move and sway through the streets. As for the stories, I'm a huge fan of classics like Journey to the West and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. They're these long epic tales filled with myth, fantasy, adventure, and philosophical lessons. Maybe I'll write my own legendary story one day!That's just a peek into the amazing world of Chinese traditional culture. There's soooo much more I could go on about, like calligraphy, traditional medicine, clothing, arts and crafts, and more. But I'm out of space for today. Hopefully this gave you a taste of the richness and history behind Chinese culture. We've got a heritage that goes back centuries andtraditions that are still very much alive today, which I'm really proud of. Thanks for reading!。



第二节书面表达 (满分25分)假定你是李华,美国交换生Linda 交流学习期满,即将回国,来信表示想带一些具有中国特色的工艺)给美国的家人和朋友。


品(art craft)给美国的家人和朋友。


注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

I am more than glad to learn that you like to take home some art crafts with Chinese characteristics for your family and friends. Here comes my advice.I would like to recommend to you two typical Chinese art crafts—china and paper cutting. First,which have been popular with Chinese people forit’s a good idea to buy a set of china tea cups,thousands of years and also enjoy a good reputation worldwide. Besides, paper cutting, a delicate craft which needs creativity and careful work, is also a kind of traditional Chinese folk art. I’m sure your family and friends will be fond of the gifts.By the way, I am willing to accompany you to the art crafts center, where you will find various kinds of fine art crafts. Looking forward to your prompt reply.representative art works/ be unique to /中国特有的be peculiar to China / r epresentative推荐strongly recommend sth, sth is strongly recommended, recommend sth to sbI think … is your best choice/ a reasonable option .Nothing is more suitable than…When it comes to traditional characteristic/ typical Chinese gifts, nothing is more suitablethan a Chinese knot._____is a wise option, as is known to all, _____ never fails to appeal to foreigners,___symbolizes happiness and is said to bring good luck to people.象征represent/ symbolize/ a symbol of reunion / a a representative symbol of Chinese culture.工艺skill / technique / craftsmanship手工艺品artifact / art craft / handicraft/ handmade art worksThe beginning1. I have learned from your letter that you_________(打算)take some unique Chinese art crafthome for your family and friends in the USA, I consider clay products as well as Chinese painting your _________________(明智的选择).2. Having learnt that your exchange programme______________(即将结束)and you plan to buy sth traditional Chinese artifacts. I feel privileged to recommend some traditional Chinese art crafts to you.The body1.________________(在我看来), it can’t be b etter if you can bring back some paper cuttings._______________________(它不仅有装饰作用)but it is a typically Chinese handmade artform .W hat’sWhat’s more ,it is_________________(方便携带).2.______my perspective, a Chinese knot is highly recommended.__________(一方面), itcalls______ complicated skills to make. On the other hand, it ___________象征幸福和团圆,_________________(因此)people hang it on the wall to add to festive atmosphere for important festival.3.Beijing Opera is______________(毫无疑问)one of the most outstanding and______________(久负盛名的)art.________________, it is a good idea to buy a Beijing Opera mask which is a representative symbol of Chinese culture. Besides ,the process of creating the masks has demonstrated the delicate skills of the craftsmen.4. Pottery works ,with a history of thousands of years can be a good choice. Made of special clayand painted with colorful patterns, Pottery works symbolize the amazing__________(wise) and craftsmanship of our ancestors.5. It’s widely acknowledged that Chinese clay enjoys a good reputation home and abroad and itwell represents the Chinese culture. Additionally, clay products can be used as a utensil.Consequently, it is without doubt a reasonable option.6. Chinese knot, a unique folk purely handmade knotting. Not only does it represent the long history of Chinese nation but also it is a symbol of good luck and reunion. In a word,it’s not just a kind of folk handicraft, but the culture treasure.7. As an indispensable part of traditional Chinese culture, calligraphy serves to convey thoughtsand emotions and show the beauty of lines. Not only is it a practical technique for writingChinese characters but it’sa unique form of art to _______(净化) our souls. Hopefully, you will feel the beauty and power of Chinese calligraphy. 8. I’d like to recommend Chinese painting ,which is full of imagination and involves sophisticatedtechniques. It is an enduring art form with a 2000-year-old history. ____contrast ____ western oil painting, it’s done on silk or Chinese art paper with various brushes.9. With subjects _____(range) from landscapes to flowers and birds, the paintings reflect not onlythe Chinese conception of artistic beauty but also embody the principles of Chinesephilosophical thinking. 10. Tea ceremony is a well established tradition with widespread appeal in China. So Chinese style tea set is highly recommended.11. As far as I know, it ’san ancient form of storytelling and entertainment in which the players hold the figures made of animal skin s or paper board with colored paintings. The figures reflected on the curtain, singing and dancing .12. Clay Figurine Zhang is a wonderful and unique national work of art _______(hand )down _____to generation to generation. generation. Clay Figurine Zhang has a _____(vary) of themes, which have gained wide_______(accept) and __________(recognize). In recent years, Clay Figurine Zhang has been serving as a bridge of cultural exchanges between China and other countries.The ending 1. I’m fullyconvinced that Chinese painting will impress your friends greatly. If you have any new problems, feel free to contact me. Looking forward to your reply.2. Undoubtedly the art crafts carry the typical Chinese elements and can be ideal gifts for yourfriends .So I will be more than glad if you take my suggestion into advice.Fill in the blanks. 1. Chinese brush calligraphy or “shufa” in Chinese is one of61 most important art forms in China. Many A sian cultures have originated their own calligraphy styles, but China’s is unequaled because of 62 (it) beauty, grace, and history.The 63 (origin) of Chinese brush calligraphy are unknown, but local tales say it goesback over 4,000 years to the time of the legendary Yellow Emperor (2698-2598 B.C.). At that time characters were carved on animal bones or tortoise shells. Only after Emperor Qin Shi Huang united China under his rule 64 one country did it really gain popularity as a common art form.He simplified Chinese characters and regular rules were set, 65 (make) it easier forpeople to learn and master. This Chinese art form continued to progress and during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) a new type of cursive script (草书) was formed and standardized. It is written 66 (free), but it’s not as easy to read.Today Chinese calligraphy is once again a subject in schools and an art form highly 67(appreciate) across the world. Anyone can practice it and 68 is required is a simple setincluding: brush, ink, and paper. It’s fun for amateurs to try, but to become good at it, not only years of practice but natural talent 69 (need). Practising this art consistently can develop personal character and is of 70 (benefit) to health.2. Tea is consumed around the world more than any other drink except water. Originating inChina, tea has long established 61 (it) as the national drink of this country. A century before the birth of Christ, tea 62 (describe) in Chinese texts as a healthdrink that made one live longer.Today, it is still being regarded as such. Both green and black teas are claimed to be effective for 63 (prevent) cancer, heart disease, and many other deadly diseases. There is only one point 64 people need to be aware of when they drink tea —it should not be drunk along with meals.Tea, a popular drink in China and many other countries, 65 (be) carefully prepared according to local customs. 66 Chinese put loose tea in teapots, add boiling water, and serve it in teacups. The strong tea from China’s Fujian Province is drunk in tiny cups before dinner. teas Lighter teas with with jasmine (茉莉), rose or other 67 usually (flower), usually servedserved dinner, after dinner, are are special to China’s Changjiang River regions. Many English people, travelling away from home, feel 68 a loss if their favourite teabagsare not available. Afternoon tea in England is still a time-honoured tradition. It’s a good opportunity for people to socialize or discuss business matters.Japan, In Japan, a a tea ceremony i s is held often held while while people are drinking tea. The ceremony, usually69 (hold) in a teahouse, dates back to the 16th century. Guests follow strict rules set up then and the tea used is a powdered green tea. Though still practised today, the ceremony may not be as popular 70 it used to be.2013全国卷二作文全国卷二作文I’m writing to ask you to do me a favour. I have made some Chinese knots myself, which can be used as decorations. I hope you can help me sell them in your Internet store.These Chinese knots are made from good red silk, each one about three centimeters across. As we all know, a Chinese knot means reunion, friendliness, warmth, peace and love, so I think they will sell well. Each Chinese knot I will send to you is worth about 1 dollar. Among them there are two intended for you. Would you like to sell them for me?Reading materialIt is common knowledge that China has a long history and glorious history in both arts and traditional crafts. The arts and crafts are not only the embodiment of the people's longing foraesthetic beauty for themselves and as gifts for others, but also great treasures for China and the rest of the world. Many of the master artisans have had their skills handed down via one generation to the next so that only the offspring of such an artisan could learn the necessary skills required. The result being that they are the most valuable treasures both for a family and for the nation.Of all the Chinese arts and crafts, the most representative are Bronze Vessels, Folk Toys, Embroidery, Calligraphy, Music, Opera, Painting, Cloisonne, Jade, Kites, Lacquer Ware, Paper-Cuttings, Porcelain, Pottery, Seals, and Silk. They are not only a vivid reflection of the culture of China but also the embodiment of both the local people, and of the nation itself. Kites are delicately made of paper and bamboo in numerous shapes such as swallow, centipede, butterfly etc. Regarded as an artistic marvel, the kite makers' skill in both painting and in the design of the kites' flexible flying movement are well renowned.Lacquer warefirst appeared some 7,000 years ago with the primary colors being black and red. It is of various types and has a wide range of uses that makes it favored by people throughout the entire world.Papercutting is is diversifieddiversified patterns cut into red paper with scissors. Different patterns and figures can be cut vividly and perfectly. People paste paper-cuttings onto their windows on festival occasions to express their hopes and wishes.Paper-cut is a very distinctive visual art of Chinese handicrafts. It originated from the 6th century when women used to paste golden and silver foil cuttings onto their hair at the temples, and men used them in sacred rituals. Later, they were used during festivals to decorate gates and windows. After hundreds of years' development, now they have become a very popular means of decoration .Chinese Procelain It is characterized with fine texture, bright colors, and distinctive shapes and styles. styles. Jingdezhen Jingdezhen , located in Jiangxi Province is the Porcelain Capital of the world and attractscountless people from near and far to appreciate, and buy the choicest porcelain around. Shadow is puppetry is the the general name for shadow play and the theatrical property used in the play. All All of the vivid shadow puppets, including the figures and the scenes, are plane and made from leather. The shadows of these puppets are projected on to a white screen; meanwhile artists operate the puppets b ehind behind the screen to finish this form traditional form of of play. As a bright a bright pearl pearl ofthe Chinese folk art, shadow puppetry has a history of more than 2,000 years. Now it is still very popular. The delicate puppets are favored by tourists as souvenirs.。



1avail ourself of 利用2.owe one’s name and address to 由…得知某人的姓名地址3.on the recommendation of 由…推荐4.the line of business 业务范围5.建立业务关系establish business relations 6.在平等互利的基础上on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 7.商会Chamber of Commerce 8.专营specialize in standing 信用状况 status 财务状况 in strict confidence 绝对保密12.modes of business经营方式 an account开立账户14.小额交易small business engagement 15.过额贸易overtrading 16.商业证明trade reference 17.定额货款standing credit 18.拖延付款delay payment 19.regular supply 定期供应20.special discount 优惠折扣21.keen competition 激烈竞争22.bulk buying 大量购买23.向…什么订购place an order with 24.即复by return 25.有存货的available from stock 26.最低价rock bottom 27.subject to 以…为准 confirmed 能保兑的 draft at sight通过即期汇票ply with one’s request 按照某人的要求31.have E-mail confirmation 收到电子邮件确认书32.发价有效期offering period 33.可撤销发盘revocable offer 34.实盘firm offer 35.免费样品free sample 36. offer unacceptable 发盘不能接受37.offer subject to immediate reply以立即答复为准的发盘38.swith to转向 per sample 按照样品40. a wide gap 悬殊太大41.还盘建议counter-suggestion 42.达成交易strike a bargain 43.削价cut down the price 44.成交make it a deal 45. 市场波动market fluctuation with warm reception 很受欢迎47.trail order试订单 one’s advantage to do sth 做某事对某人有利pare favorably with比…更好50.满足需求to meet one’s demand 51.价格公道moderate in price 52.式样独特unique in style 53.品质精良excellent in quality 54.工艺考究skillful in craftsmanship 55.duplicate order重复订购56.outstanding order未完成订单57.close business达成交易58.order sheet 订货单59.第一次订货initial order 60.存货清单stock lines 61.执行订单carry out an order cable a credit 电开信用证 amend a credit 修改信用证 extend a credit延展信用证有效期 increase a credit 增加信用证的有效期66.recourse repudiation 拒绝偿还67.保兑信用证confirmed L/C 68.可转让信用证transferable L/C 69.有追索权信用证with recourse L/C 70.信用证余额credit balance 71.通过银行开立信用证to establish a credit through a bank 72.document against payment (D/P)付款交单73.document against acceptance(D/A)承兑交单74.bill of exchange汇票75.terms of payment支付方式76.draw on…向…开汇票77.破例as an exception case 78.一收到on receipt of 79.更有利的条件easier terms 80.waterproof防水81.wooden case 木箱 sound condition完好无损83.registered trademark注册商标84.packing instruction包装要求85.standard export packing标准出口包装86.装箱单packing list 87.以毛作净gross for net 88.习惯包装customary packing 89.中性包装neutral packing 90.适合海运的包装seaworthy packing 1.on sb’s behalf代表2.for one’s account由某方付费3.refer sb. to sth 参照4.refund the premium to you将保险运费退还给你 the absence of definite instructions没有明确的指示6.免赔率franchise 7.保险费insurance premium 8.办理保险arrange insurance 9.“仓至仓”条款warehouse to warehouse clause 10.demurrage rate滞期费率11.despatch money速遣费 note托运单15.freight prepaid运费预付17.通知书准备就绪notice ofreadiness 18.租船契约charter party 1已装船提单on board bill of lading 21.班轮运输liner transport 22.运费到付freight collect 23.班轮运费表liner’s freight tariff PIT中国国际贸易促进委员会25.on going into the matter经调查此事 hold no liability for sth 不负赔偿责任27.take up the matter着手处理这个问题 sb’s disposal有某人做主29.make compensation for sb’s losses补偿某人的损失30.公证行the public surveyor 31.不可抗力Force Majeure 32.仲裁裁决Arbitration A ward 33.无追索权without recourse 34.承担责任assume responsibility 35.国际贸易仲裁委员会Foreign TradeArbitration Commission 36.独家代理sole agent 37.代理佣金agent commission 38.明示同意express consent 39.建立地位/立足to gain a foot in 40.来样来料加工assembling after sample with supplied material 41.来件装配assembling with supplied parts and components 42.损耗率rate of spoilage 43.资本货物capital goods 44.合资企业Joint V enture 45.注册资本registered capital 46.董事会the Board of Directors 47.资产与负责assets and liabilities 48.按比列均摊prorate average 49.多边贸易multilateral trade 50. to entrust…with将…委托于51.performance object业绩目标 by sample凭样销售53.CEO首席执行官54.补偿贸易compensation trade 55.exporting resultant products出口成果产品 proportion to 按…比例 spare no effort to do不遗余力 and binding upon both parties终局的且对双方都有约束力26.resultant cost综合成本27.contracting parties合同各方28.PNTR永久性正常贸易关系29.reasonable price 合理的价格30.竞争价competitive price31.发盘人 discount商业折扣 the hope of希望8.告知inform sb. Of sth64.接受订单accept an order 65.取消订单cancel an order16partial shipment 分批装运85.鉴于in view of…86.在各方面in every respect 12.discharging port 卸货港13.loading port装运港9.唛头shipping mark 99.运输标志shipping mark1.我们得悉贵公司名称,特此致函希望与贵方建立贸易关系(we have come to know the name of your corporation and are pleased to write to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.)2.本公司是专营出口中国工艺品的公司(We specialize in the export of Chinese arts and crafts)3贵方如能合作,我方不胜感激(It will be appreciated if you can give us your cooperation)4.随函附上我方价目表两份(Enclosed are two copies of our price list)5.我公司欲扩大和中国的商务联系(Our company is thinking of expanding its business relations with China)6.我方经营该项业务已有多年(We have been in the line of business for many years)7.将与我们进行贸易往来的那家商行要我们向贵行了解有关他们的财务状况和信誉(The firm with whom we intend to deal has referred us to you for particular respecting their business standing and trustworthiness.)8.你若能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出意见,我们当不胜感激(Y ou should be most grateful if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company)9.就我们所知,他们财务状况良好(As far as we know,their financial standing is sound)10.该公司声誉好,资金储备雄厚(They are a firm of high reputation and have large financial reserves.)11.我们劝贵方与该商行进行业务往来时无比谨慎(We advise you to proceed with every possible caution in dealing with the firm in question.)12.对贵方所提供的任何资料,我们都予以保密(Any information you may be able to pass on to us will be treated as confidential)13.我们对贵方生产的计算机很感兴趣,如蒙寄被有存货的计算机价格,将不胜感激(We are interested in your computers and should be glad if you would send us by return prices of computers available from stock)14.我们相信如贵方价格有竞争力,我们能向你方经常订购(We are confident that we could place regular orders with you provided your prices are competitive)15请报下列货物的最低价CIF上盖,及最早交货日期(Please quote us your lowest price for the undermentioned ,CIF Shanghai,and the earliest shipment)16我们要求的货物应经久耐用、色彩鲜明、富有吸引力(The article we require should be durable in quality, bright and attractive in color)17如蒙告知试用我们产品后的意见,我们将非常感谢(We will appreciate it if you will let us have your comments on our products after trial use)18贵方市场另一位供应商以低于类似产品3%的价格向我们报盘(Another supplier in your market offered us the similar article at 3% lower)19非常高兴收到贵方11月14日对我方自行车的询函,现回复你方询函并很高兴报盘如下(We are glad to receive your letter dated Nov.14 for our bicycles. In reply inquiry, we are pleased in making you the following offer)20现报盘如下,以贵方接受复函于9月15日前抵达我处为有效(We are making you, subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than Sep.15,the following offer)21我们另邮寄出标有CIF阿姆斯特丹的最新价目表,以及一份插图目录供你方参考(We are sending you separately a copy of our latest price list giving CIF Amsterdam Price together with an illustrated catalogue for your reference)22.请说明付款条件和购买1万台以上小天鹅牌洗衣机的折扣和优惠办法(Please state terms of payment and discounts you allow on purchases of not less than 10,000 washing machines of Small Swan Brand)23.相信贵方会乐于知道我们能以最低价格供应最优质的产品(Y ou will be interested to hear that we can offer a further supply of the best quality products at the lowest price.)24.兹此电复实盘,至5月31日有效(We have here cabled to you a firm offer until May31)25我们虽然赞赏你们的自行车的质量,但价格太高不能接受(While appreciating the quality of your bicycles, we find your prices are too high to be acceptable )26.接受你们现实的报价意味着我们将有巨大亏损,更不用谈利润了(To accept your present quotation would mean a heavy loss to us, not to speak of profit)27我们建议你们立即订购,以便我们保证供货,你么也不会是去机会(We suggest your placing orders without delay,so that we may guarantee the supply,and would not miss the chance)28我们欣赏贵方货物的质量以及贵方对我方询盘的处理方式,并欢迎能有机会与贵方做生意(We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handled our inquiry,and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you)29我们遗憾的通知贵方,我方未能按照贵方的条件接受报价(We regret to inform you that we are not in a position to accept your counter-offer or those terms )30我们希望贵方认同我方价格具有竞争力,因为我方服装质量良好。





zhang: Good morning. I'm Zhang Lei, Miss Peng's secretary. Welcome to China. Kang: Thank you. Mr Zhang. Let me introduce first. This is Miss.Huang, the chief executive officer of our company.Zhang: It’s certainly a pleasure to meet you.Huang: My pleasure.Zhang: There’s a car waiting for you just outside the door. Right this way .please. Kang: OK!Zhang: Let me carry your cases for you, and please get in the back.Kang: Thanks. That’s very kind of you.Zhang: How was your flight? Miss.Huang.Huang: It’s comfortable, but now I’m a little tired.Zhang:we’ll reach the jiangxi hotel in another ten minutes. When we arrived there, you can go up and have a rest. It’s the best hotel here.Huang: Thank you.Peng: If it’s convenient for you, Miss.Huang would like to invite you to the banquet in honor of you in the evening.Peng Kang: Thank you!Kang: By the way, when and where will the dinner be?Zhang: At six o’clock in the international Hotel. We’ll pick you up this afternoon. Besides, if you care for visting, we’ll arrange some sightseeing for you .Kang: Oh,That’s nice. Thank you for arranging all of this.场景二第二天,江西轻工艺进出口有限公司的彭董事长在公司接待了美国代表团,双方就下一年度的贸易合同进行了洽谈。

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Summary Essay 11211010407
Chinese Arts and Crafts
Chinese arts and crafts have a long history,starting the primitive society.With their strong artistry and national flavor,Chinese arts and crafts win the great popularity around the world and reflect the wisdom and perfect craftsmanship of the Chinese people.
Bronze craft starts three millennia ago,reaching a high level and developing further in the feudal society.The Shang and Zhou periods are the stage of bronze culture in China.Bronze production is used in farm tools,weapons,sacrificial vessel and musical instruments.Exquisiteness and magnificence are two requirements in the making of the products.The decorative patterns impressed on the bronze objects may be categorized three kinds:geometrical graphics,figures of animals and bizarre animals,symbolizing auspiciousness and a mystic power.The inscriptions are a special characteristic of the Chinese and play an important role in the history of the Chinese bronze articles.
Pottery and porcelain products were the most common articles used by ancient Chinese in their daily life.Pottery production dates from 9100 to 8200 years ago.With the improvement of the glazing technique,there are colorful pottery,such as ceramic horses and ceramic camels.Porcelain articles consummated in the Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties,which represent China’s civilization.They integrate perfectly practicality and aesthetics,technology and art so that are well known in the world.
Embroidery is a renowned traditional Chinese handicraft with a history of more than 3000 years.There are four famous categories:Su Xiu,Xiang Xiu,ShuXiuin and Yue Xiu.Su Xiu is famous for its neat stitches,elegant colors and fine quality.Xiang Xiu has bright colors.For example,the hair of tigers and lions is embroidered in fine gold lines realistically.ShuXiu is characterized by its simple structure,bright colors and well-knit stitches,Yue Xiu is done by embroidering with gold and silver threads,which are used in theatrical costumes and wedding gowns.。
