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英语演讲稿 I love you, China
姓名:XXX 部门: XX部
英语演讲稿 I love you, China
goodafternoon,everybody!todayIwouldlIketotalkaboutcusto msofmIaonatIonalItyInourcountry.nowIthasapopulatIonofmoreth
an7mIllIon.halfofthemlIveInguIzhouprovInce,andothersdwellIn yunnan,hunan,sIchuanandotherplaces.theyhavetheIrownlanguage andcharacterswhIcharejustasthIsImageshowed.theIrhouses,whIc harecalleddIaojIaolou,werebuIltofwoodwIthnatIonalfeature.th efootholdofthehouselookprecarIous,butItIsactuallysteadyands
afe.themusIcanddancetherehasalonghIstory,thIspIctureshowsta IpIngxIao,thIsonedescrIbestIaoyue,andthIsoneexpressesguwu.m Iaowomen'sbeautIfulskIrtsandsIlveraccoutermentsareknownallo vertheworldfortheIrnIcework.theyhavelotsoffestIvals,suchasc lImbIngfestIval,autumnfestIval,dragonboatfestIvaletc.
nowletmeIntroduceyousomeInterestIngcustomsofmIaonatIona lIty.
lushengwuwIllbethefIrst.lusheng'ssoundIsbrIghtandthIck, andcouldbeplayedbybothmenandwomen.whencelebratIngthenewyear ,gettIngmarrIedorbuIldIngnewhouse,peoplealwaysholdlushengIn hands,sInganddancegladlytoexpresstheIrhappIness.whengoodmor nIng,ladIesandgentlemen,I’mverygladtomakeaspeechhere.today mytopIcIs“Iloveyou,chIna.”
sIncethedayIwasborn,Ibegantohaveaproudname—chInese.sIn cethedayIbegantotalk,themostbeautIfulsentenceI’veeverlearn thasbeen“Iloveyou,chIna!”
第 2 页共9 页
hatI’vegotthebeautIfulyellowskIn,blackeyesandblackhaIr.I’malsoproudthatIspeakthemostbeautIfullanguageIntheworld—chI nese.
Iloveyou,chIna,forIcanfeelthedeeploveyougIvemeeveryday, styear,IgotanopportunItytovIsIttheunItedstate
sofamerIca.durIngmystayIngthere,myfather’sbossonceInvItedm yfamIlytodInner.whIleat,helookedatmeandasked:“lIttleboy,ho wlonghaveyoubeenInamerIca?”“aboutamonth,”Ianswered,“how luckyyouare!”hesaId,“IfyouwerelIvIngInc hIna,howcouldyoule arnsuchperfectenglIsh?”IsmIledandtoldhImproudlythatallthes tudentsInchInaareabletolearnenglIshatschool.IsawhIssurprIse deyesandsaIdtomyself,“I’mproudofyou,chIna
第二篇:I love you, chIna
I love you, chIna good mornIng, ladIes and gentlemen, I’mvery glad to make a speech here. today my t opIc Is “I love you, chIna.” sIn(请收藏好范文,请便下次访问:)ce the day I was born, I began to have a proud name—chInese. sInce the day I
began to talk, the most beautIful sentence I’ve ever learnt
has been “I love you, chIna!” I love you, chIna, and I’m so proud of beIng a chInese. I’m proud that I’ve got the
beautIful yellow skIn, black eyes and black haIr. I’m also proud that I speak the most beautIful language In the
world—chInese. I love you, chIna, for I can feel the deep love you gIve me every day, every mInute. last year, I got an
opportunIty to vIsIt the unIted states of amerIca. durIng my
stayIng there, my father’s boss once InvIted my famIly to
dInner. whIle at table, he looked at me a nd asked: “lIttle boy, how lon g have you been In amerIca?”“about a month,” I answered, “how lucky you are!” he saId, “If you were lIvIng
In chIna, how could you learn such perfect englIsh?” I smIled and told hIm proudly that all the students In chIna are able
to learn englIsh at school. I saw hIs surprIsed eyes and saId
to myself, “I’m proud of you, chIna. for you are offerIng us the best educatIon.” when I came b ack from the usa, my f rIends asked me: “how do you feel about your stayIng there?” “wonderful” I saId. “then why do you e back?” hearIng thIs,
I told them there were lots of beautIful countrIes In the world, but none of them can pare wIth our own country—chIna. how true the sayIng Is: “there’s no place lIke home!” I love you, chIna. as a young student, all we should do Is to study hard
and devote ourselves whole-heartedly In the future, to the
great cause of buIldIng you Into an even stronger and greater
country In the world. I love you, my dear motherland! I love
you, chIna! thank you for your lIstenIng !
第三篇:I love you ,chIna
I love you, chIna
1.good mornIng, ladIes and gentlemen, I’m very glad to make a speech here. today my topIc Is “I love you, chIna.” 
2.sInce the day I was b orn, I began to have a proud name—chInese. sInce the day I began to talk, the most beautIful sentence I’ve
ever learnt has been “I love you, chIna!” 3.I love you, chIna, and I’m so proud of beIng a chInese. I’m proud that I’ve got the beautIful yellow skIn, black eyes and black haIr. I’m a lso proud that I speak the most beautIful language In the world—chInese.4.I love you, chIna, for I can feel the deep love you gIve me every day, every mInute. last year, I got an
opportunIty to vIsIt the unIted states of amerIca. durIng my
stayIng there, my father’s boss once InvIted my famIly to dInner. whIle at table, he looked at me a nd asked: “lIttle boy, how long have you been In amerIca?”“about a month,” I answered, “how lucky you are!” he saId, “If you were lIvIng In chIna, how could you learn such perfect englIsh?” I smIled and told hIm proudly that all the students In chIna are able
to learn englIsh at school. I saw hIs surprIsed eyes and saId
to myself, “I’m proud of you, chIna. for you are offerIng us the best educatIon.”5.when I came b ack from the usa, my f rIends asked me: “how do you feel about your stayIng there?” “wonderful” I saId. “then why do you e back?” hearIng thIs, I told them there were lots of beautIful countrIes In the world, but none of them can pare wIth our own country—chIna. how true the sayIng Is: “there’s no place lIke home!” 6.I love you, chIna. as a young student, all we should do Is to study hard
and devote ourselves whole-heartedly In the future, to the
great cause of buIldIng you Into an even stronger and greater
country In the world. I love you, my dear motherland! I love
you, chIna! thank you for your lIstenIng !
第四篇:I love you,chIna!
I love you, chIna!
good mornIng everyone! I?m glad to make a speech here. today, my topIc Is ?I love you, chIna?.
there Is a beautIful country standIng In the east of the
world. she has great mountaIns, long rIvers and hardworkIng
people. she Is just lIke a dIamond, shInIng all the tIme, and
she Is my dearest motherland—chIna!
as we all know, chIna Is one of the largest countrIes In
the world. when It Is snowIng In the north, the flowers are
bloomIng In the south; when t he people In the south are enjoyIng the sunshIne on the beach, the people In the north are skIIng
on the Ice. how marvelous It Is!
there are many g reat places of Interest well known not only to every chInese cItIzen, but also to the whole world. every
year, people from all over the world e to vIsIt the great wall
In beIjIng and the west lake In hangzhou. more and more
foreIgners are workIng and lIvIng In chIna and more and more
of them decIde to settle down In thIs beautIful country.
I love my motherland. I?m proud of shenzhou 7 spacecraft.
I?m proud of the success of the 29th olympIc games I n beIjIng. they show the world chIna?s economIc strength, Its glorIous
culture, and the people?s wIsdom and hard work.
I love you, chIna, for I can feel the deep love you gIve
me every day. and I?m so proud of beIng a chInese. I?m proud
that I?ve got the beautIful yellow skIn, black eyes and black
haIr. I?m also proud that I speak the most beautIful language
In the world—chInese.
one day, I may travel around the world but I?m sure
“there?s no place lIke home!”that?s all! thank you.
第五篇:I love you chIna
I love you,chIna
hello,everyone. my name Is caIxIannan.I’m very glad to make a speech here. today my topIc Is “I love you,
chIna.”sInce the day I was born, I beg an to have a proud name—chInese. sInce the day I began to talk, the most beautIful sentence I’ve ever learnt has been “I love you, chIna!”
I love you, chIna, and I’m so proud of beIng a chInese.
I’m p roud that I’ve got the beautIful yellow skIn, black eyes and black haIr. I’m a lso proud that I speak the most beautIful language In the world—chInese.
I love you, chIna, for I can feel the deep love you gIve
me e very day, every mInute. last year, I got an opportunIty to vIsIt the unIted states of amerIca. durIng my stayIng there,
my f ather’s boss once InvIted my famIly to dInner. whIle at , he looked at me a nd asked: “lIttle boy, how long have you been In amerIca?”“about a month,” I answered, “how lucky you are!” he saId, “If you were lIvIng In chIna, how could you learn such perfect englIsh?” I smIled and told hIm proudly that
all the students In chIna are able to learn englIsh at school.
I saw hIs surprIsed eyes and saId to myself, “I’m proud of you, chIna ”
第9 页共9 页。
