Sub-Relativistic Radio Jets and Parsec-Scale Absorption in Two Seyfert Galaxies




doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-3114.2024.01.006引用格式:刘军,王靖思,宋瑞良,等.基于共振隧穿二极管的太赫兹技术研究进展[J].无线电通信技术,2024,50(1):58-66.[LIU Jun,WANG Jingsi,SONG Ruiliang,et al.Recent Progress of Terahertz Technology Based on Resonant Tunneling Diode [J].Radio Communications Technology,2024,50(1):58-66.]基于共振隧穿二极管的太赫兹技术研究进展刘㊀军1,王靖思2,宋瑞良1,刘博文1,刘㊀宁1(1.中国电子科技集团公司第五十四研究所北京研发中心,北京100041;2.北京跟踪与通信技术研究所,北京100094)摘㊀要:共振隧穿二极管(Resonant Tunneling Diode,RTD)是一种基于量子隧穿效应的半导体器件,同时具有非线性特性和负阻特性,通过改变偏置电压可以作为太赫兹源和太赫兹探测器,在未来6G 技术中通信感知一体化方面具有优势㊂简要总结了基于RTD 实现的器件的工作原理,对基于RTD 实现的太赫兹源和太赫兹探测器㊁太赫兹通信系统以及太赫兹雷达系统等太赫兹技术的研究进展进行介绍,并对当前存在的技术挑战和未来的发展方向进行探讨㊂基于RTD 的太赫兹技术凭借其突出的优势,将成为未来电子器件领域重要的发展方向㊂关键词:共振隧穿二极管;太赫兹源;太赫兹通信;太赫兹探测器中图分类号:TN919.23㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):文章编号:1003-3114(2024)01-0058-09Recent Progress of Terahertz Technology Based onResonant Tunneling DiodeLIU Jun 1,WANG Jingsi 2,SONG Ruiliang 1,LIU Bowen 1,LIU Ning 1(1.Beijing Research and Development Center,The 54th Research Institute of CETC,Beijing 100041,China;2.Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunication Technology,Beijing 100094,China)Abstract :Resonant Tunneling Diode (RTD)that has both nonlinear and negative resistance characteristics is a semiconductor de-vice based on the quantum tunneling effect.Advantages of RTD include the facts that they can operate both as an oscillator and detector by changing the bias voltage and show advantages in the integration of communication and sensing for 6G.This paper introduces work-ing principles of RTD and the research progress of terahertz technology based on RTD from the aspects of terahertz sources,terahertz detectors,terahertz communication system and terahertz radar system,and discusses about current technological challenges and future perspectives.RTD-based terahertz technology will become an important development direction in the field of electronic devices in thefuture due to its outstanding advantages.Keywords :RTD;terahertz sources;terahertz communication;terahertz detectors收稿日期:2023-09-22基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2023YFE0206600)Foundation Item :NationalKeyR&DProgramofChina(2023YFE0206600)0 引言在移动通信技术从1G 发展到5G 的过程中,逐步实现了从语音㊁数字消息业务㊁移动互联网㊁智能家居㊁远程医疗㊁智能物联和虚拟现实等应用的发展[1]㊂6G 技术作为5G 技术的演进,不仅作为高速通信系统,也将作为高灵敏度探测系统,以更好地感知物理环境,获得高精度定位㊁成像以及环境重建等信息㊂太赫兹波介于微波与红外之间,具有波束窄㊁带宽宽㊁穿透性高㊁能量性低等特点,易于实现无线通信与无线感知功能的单片集成,从而实现感知功能与通信功能的相互促进与增强,进一步实现万物 智联 [2-4]㊂太赫兹波的产生和探测技术,是太赫兹应用系统的核心技术[5-6]㊂基于固态电子学方法的常温太赫兹源有碰撞电离雪崩渡越时间二极管(Impact Avalanche and Transist Time Diode,IMPATT)[7]㊁耿式二极管[8-9]㊁肖特基势垒二极管(Schottky BarrierDiode,SBD)[10]、超晶格电子器件[11]、晶体管[12]和共振隧穿二极管(ResonantTunnelingDiode,RTD)[13]。



LOW-FREQUENCY ACTIVE TOWED SONAR (LFATS)LFATS is a full-feature, long-range,low-frequency variable depth sonarDeveloped for active sonar operation against modern dieselelectric submarines, LFATS has demonstrated consistent detection performance in shallow and deep water. LFATS also provides a passive mode and includes a full set of passive tools and features.COMPACT SIZELFATS is a small, lightweight, air-transportable, ruggedized system designed specifically for easy installation on small vessels. CONFIGURABLELFATS can operate in a stand-alone configuration or be easily integrated into the ship’s combat system.TACTICAL BISTATIC AND MULTISTATIC CAPABILITYA robust infrastructure permits interoperability with the HELRAS helicopter dipping sonar and all key sonobuoys.HIGHLY MANEUVERABLEOwn-ship noise reduction processing algorithms, coupled with compact twin line receivers, enable short-scope towing for efficient maneuvering, fast deployment and unencumbered operation in shallow water.COMPACT WINCH AND HANDLING SYSTEMAn ultrastable structure assures safe, reliable operation in heavy seas and permits manual or console-controlled deployment, retrieval and depth-keeping. FULL 360° COVERAGEA dual parallel array configuration and advanced signal processing achieve instantaneous, unambiguous left/right target discrimination.SPACE-SAVING TRANSMITTERTOW-BODY CONFIGURATIONInnovative technology achievesomnidirectional, large aperture acousticperformance in a compact, sleek tow-body assembly.REVERBERATION SUPRESSIONThe unique transmitter design enablesforward, aft, port and starboarddirectional transmission. This capabilitydiverts energy concentration away fromshorelines and landmasses, minimizingreverb and optimizing target detection.SONAR PERFORMANCE PREDICTIONA key ingredient to mission planning,LFATS computes and displays systemdetection capability based on modeled ormeasured environmental data.Key Features>Wide-area search>Target detection, localization andclassification>T racking and attack>Embedded trainingSonar Processing>Active processing: State-of-the-art signal processing offers acomprehensive range of single- andmulti-pulse, FM and CW processingfor detection and tracking. Targetdetection, localization andclassification>P assive processing: LFATS featuresfull 100-to-2,000 Hz continuouswideband coverage. Broadband,DEMON and narrowband analyzers,torpedo alert and extendedtracking functions constitute asuite of passive tools to track andanalyze targets.>Playback mode: Playback isseamlessly integrated intopassive and active operation,enabling postanalysis of pre-recorded mission data and is a keycomponent to operator training.>Built-in test: Power-up, continuousbackground and operator-initiatedtest modes combine to boostsystem availability and accelerateoperational readiness.UNIQUE EXTENSION/RETRACTIONMECHANISM TRANSFORMS COMPACTTOW-BODY CONFIGURATION TO ALARGE-APERTURE MULTIDIRECTIONALTRANSMITTERDISPLAYS AND OPERATOR INTERFACES>State-of-the-art workstation-based operator machineinterface: Trackball, point-and-click control, pull-down menu function and parameter selection allows easy access to key information. >Displays: A strategic balance of multifunction displays,built on a modern OpenGL framework, offer flexible search, classification and geographic formats. Ground-stabilized, high-resolution color monitors capture details in the real-time processed sonar data. > B uilt-in operator aids: To simplify operation, LFATS provides recommended mode/parameter settings, automated range-of-day estimation and data history recall. >COTS hardware: LFATS incorporates a modular, expandable open architecture to accommodate future technology.L3Harrissellsht_LFATS© 2022 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. | 09/2022NON-EXPORT CONTROLLED - These item(s)/data have been reviewed in accordance with the InternationalTraffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 CFR part 120.33, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR 734(3)(b)(3), and may be released without export restrictions.L3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-endsolutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains.t 818 367 0111 | f 818 364 2491 *******************WINCH AND HANDLINGSYSTEMSHIP ELECTRONICSTOWED SUBSYSTEMSONAR OPERATORCONSOLETRANSMIT POWERAMPLIFIER 1025 W. NASA Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32919SPECIFICATIONSOperating Modes Active, passive, test, playback, multi-staticSource Level 219 dB Omnidirectional, 222 dB Sector Steered Projector Elements 16 in 4 stavesTransmission Omnidirectional or by sector Operating Depth 15-to-300 m Survival Speed 30 knotsSize Winch & Handling Subsystem:180 in. x 138 in. x 84 in.(4.5 m x 3.5 m x 2.2 m)Sonar Operator Console:60 in. x 26 in. x 68 in.(1.52 m x 0.66 m x 1.73 m)Transmit Power Amplifier:42 in. x 28 in. x 68 in.(1.07 m x 0.71 m x 1.73 m)Weight Winch & Handling: 3,954 kg (8,717 lb.)Towed Subsystem: 678 kg (1,495 lb.)Ship Electronics: 928 kg (2,045 lb.)Platforms Frigates, corvettes, small patrol boats Receive ArrayConfiguration: Twin-lineNumber of channels: 48 per lineLength: 26.5 m (86.9 ft.)Array directivity: >18 dB @ 1,380 HzLFATS PROCESSINGActiveActive Band 1,200-to-1,00 HzProcessing CW, FM, wavetrain, multi-pulse matched filtering Pulse Lengths Range-dependent, .039 to 10 sec. max.FM Bandwidth 50, 100 and 300 HzTracking 20 auto and operator-initiated Displays PPI, bearing range, Doppler range, FM A-scan, geographic overlayRange Scale5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 kyd PassivePassive Band Continuous 100-to-2,000 HzProcessing Broadband, narrowband, ALI, DEMON and tracking Displays BTR, BFI, NALI, DEMON and LOFAR Tracking 20 auto and operator-initiatedCommonOwn-ship noise reduction, doppler nullification, directional audio。



RGB Size (P)
1 2 3 4
Allocate Users
25 RBGs
Example : 20MHz BW, 15 KHz
, Normal CP
(Reference : p. 22 3GPP TS 36.213 V8.8.0 (2009-09))
Resource Element Group (REG)
Used for defining the Control Channel Mapping
Sym. 0 Sym. 1 Sym. 2
RBG 23
RBG subset 0 RBG subset 3
Each subsets of PRBs from one of RGB Subset P Set of PRBs from Subset 0 Set of PRBs from Subset 3
RBG subset 2 RBG subset 1 RBG subset 0
HARQ Retransmission
Random Access
Downlink Physical Channels
Control & Data Regions


Ab s t r a c t : Ai mi n g a t t h e p r o b l e m o f h i g h p r o p a g a t i o n d e l a y a n d n o d e mo v e me n t i n u n d e r w a t e r a c o u s t i c s e n s o r n e t w o r k s
d u i r n g t h e p r o c e s s o f c a l c u l a t i n g c l ck o s k e w a n d o f f s e t . C WT S d i s t i n g u i s h e d t h d p r o p a g a t i o n d e l a y o f d o wn l i n k f r o m t h a t o f u p ・
徐 明 , 刘广钟
( 1 . 上海海事大学 信息工程学院, 上海 2 0 1 3 0 6 ; 2 . 复旦 大学 上海市智能信息处理重点实验室, 上海 2 0 0 4 3 3 )
摘 要 :针对 水 声通信传播 延迟 长和 节点移 动性 强的 问题 , 提 出一种 水声传 感 器网络 中成簇 时 间 同步协议 。该
第3 0卷 第 8 期
2 0 1 3年 8月
计 算 机 应 用 研 究
Ap p l i c a t i o n Re s e a r c h o f Co mp u t e r s
V0 1 .3 O No . 8
Au g .2 0 1 3
水 声传 感器 网络 中成 簇 时 间 同步 协 议 研 究 水
协议将 时 间 同步 分为簇 间 同步和簇 内同步两个过 程 , 并且 通过 簇 间同步和 簇 内同步 的局 部 并发执 行 减 少 同步过



BA:Bridge Amplifier 桥接放大器 TOP BAC:Building Automation & Control net 建筑物自动化和控制网络 BAM:Background Administration Module 后管理模块 BBER:Background Block Error Ratio 背景块误码比 BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB 通路连接控制 BD:Building Distributor BEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入口设施 BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector 大口式光纤连接器 BGN:Background Noise 背景噪声 BGS: Background Sound 背景音响 BIP-N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验 N 位码 B-ISDN:Brand band ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网 B-ISDN:Broad band -Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网
专业术语常用名词缩写中英文对照 请选择您所要查询的字母:A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-L-M-O-P-R-S-T-U-V A:Actuator 执行器 A:Amplifier 放大器 A:Attendance 员工考勤 A:Attenuation 衰减 AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器 AA:Architectural Acoustics 建筑声学 AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器 ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务 ACS:Access Control System 出入控制系统 AD:Addressable Detector 地址探测器 ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器 ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制 AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈 AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应 AGC:Automati Gain Control 自动增益控制 AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组 A-I:Auto-iris 自动光圈 AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号 AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service 确认操作 ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制 ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒 ALU:Analogue Lines Unit 模拟用户线单元 AM:Administration Module 管理模块 AN:Access Network 接入网 ANSI:American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会 APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换 ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制 ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元 ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式 AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整 AU:Administration Unit 管理单元 AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU 告警指示信号 AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

BS type 1-H.................................................................................................................................................. 26
Base station classes............................................................................................................................................27
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................13
All rights reserved. UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members 3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM Association



1 旭 日型 谐 振 腔 结构 的 工 作 特 性
本文 拟采 用 1 O腔 旭 日型磁 控 管 的调 谐 方 式 实 现 S波 段 可 调 谐 相 对 论磁 控 管 的轴 向输 出 。 , 如 图 1所 示, 这 种谐 振 腔包 括 5个大 扇形 谐振 腔和 5个 小扇 形谐 振腔 。其 中 : D 为 谐振 腔 的深 度 ; , , 7分别 为谐 振 腔 的 张角 和 阳极 块 的张 角 ; R。 , R , R , 分别 为 阴极 半径 、 阳极半 径 和谐 振 腔半 径 ; 一1 , 2表示 大 、 小 谐 振腔 。由单个 大 谐振 腔 和单 个小谐 振 腔组 成 的谐振 单元 的等效 电路 , 如 图 2所 示 。其 中 单 个 谐振 腔 的等效 电容 ; C 为单 个 阳极 叶片与 阴极 之 间的等 效 电容 。
Fi g. 1 S c he ma t i c d i a gr a m o f h o r i z o n t a l c r o s s s e c t i o n o f 1 0 一 c a v i t y r i s i n g — s u n ma g n e t r o n
Fi g .2 Eq ui v a l e n t c i r c u i t o f r e s o n a nt u n i t o f r i s i n g — s u n ma g ne t r o n
图 2 旭 日型 磁 控 管 谐 振 单 元 的 等效 电路
关键词 : 相对论磁控管 ; 频 率调 谐 ; 旭 日型结 构 ; 轴 向输 出
中图分类号 : T N1 2 8 文献标志码 : A d o i : 1 0 . 3 7 8 8 / HP L P B 2 0 1 3 2 5 0 1 . 0 0 8 7



单位内部认证华为5G中级考试(试卷编号181)1.[单选题]5G的 gNodeB和核心网用户面功能之间的接口是哪个?A)N1B)N2C)N3D)N4答案:C解析:2.[单选题]假设SSB物理层周期配置为10ms, 那么同一个MIB块要进行几个周期的SSB扫描?A)8次B)2次C)6次D)4次答案:A解析:3.[单选题]华为基站基于覆盖的异频切换使用以下哪个事件进行触发?A)A5B)A3C)A6D)A4答案:A解析:4.[单选题]以下哪种SRS的资源仅用于高频组网?A)Non code bookB)Beam managementC)Code bookD)Antenna switching答案:B解析:5.[单选题]NR2.6GHzSCS=30KHz小区和LTE-TDD2.6GHz共同组网场景,当LTE小区采用DSUDD,SSP7,NR小区采用8:2配比,SS54时,还需要设多少偏置才能保证帧结构对齐?A)4msB)3msC)1ms6.[单选题]SA网络NR小区重选过程中同频邻区偏置Qoffset在哪条消息中发送?A)SIB4B)SIB3C)SIB1D)SIB2答案:B解析:7.[单选题]以下关于5G AMBR速率控制的描述,正确是哪一项?A)UE执行上行UE-AMBR速率控制,eNB调度执行下行UE-AMBR速率控制B)UPF需要执行上行和下行的UE-AMBRC)UE需要执行上行和下行的Session-AMBRD)UPF需要执行上行和下行的sesion-AMBR答案:D解析:8.[单选题]切换问题空口信令分析是有效定位的手段,错误的是哪一项?A)MR报告后未收到切换命令,可能是下行覆盖原因B)基站没收到测量报告,可能是上行盖原因C)在目标站随机接入失败,可能RLCSNSIZE配置不一致D)基站没有收到切换完成消息,不可能是下行覆盖原因答案:D解析:9.[单选题]在Opiton3x架构下,如果触发SgNB增加流程,那么在X2-U接口上最多会建立几条用户面隧道?A)4条B)2条C)1条D)3条答案:D解析:10.[单选题]gNodeBCU/DU分离架构中,CU和DU之间的接口是以下哪个?A)F1B)N2C)X2D)eCPRI11.[单选题]SA架构下给定信道带宽100MHz,上下行配比1:4(DDDSU),特殊子帧配置10:2:2,下行256QAM的情况下,4R的UE下行峰值速率最接近以下哪项?A)1.4GbpsB)1,6GbpsC)1.2GbpsD)1Gbps答案:B解析:12.[单选题]5G小区中,UE的激活BWP带宽为100RB,则相对应关联的CSI-RS资源的最小RB个数是A)24B)100C)32D)64答案:C解析:13.[单选题]NSA组网下NR的QoS配置信息可能包含在哪些消息中?A)SgNB ChangeRequiredB)SgNB Modification RequiredC)SgNB Addition RequestD)SgNB Modification Request答案:B解析:14.[单选题]华为RAN3. 1的FR内频段内下行CA要求, PCe11和SCe11的帧偏置差的绝对值要小于等于多少?A)3075TsB)1024TsC)625TsD)375Ts答案:C解析:15.[单选题]NR小区载波聚合在哪一层判断数据是否需要分流?A)PDCPB)SDAPC)MACD)RLC16.[单选题]3G PPR15协议规定了NRCA最大可聚合多少个载波?A)5B)16C)8D)32答案:B解析:17.[单选题]NSA网络进行铺站测量过程中,MR上报5G候选小区的RSRP界面值为54,则5G候选小区的真实测量RSRP是多少?A)-86dBmB)-102dBmC)-87dBmD)-103dBm答案:B解析:18.[单选题]在5G Option3X组网下终端用户面在哪层可能存在多个实体?( )A)RRC层B)RLC层C)SDAP层D)PDCP层答案:D解析:19.[单选题]以下哪条消息用于指示完成站内RNA更新?A)RRCSetupB)RRCReleaseC)RRCResumeRequest1D)RRCReconfiguration答案:C解析:20.[单选题]N.R小区推荐的下行PDCP序列号长度是多大?A)16bitB)18bitC)10bitD)12bit答案:D21.[单选题]NR小区的其它下行信道都是基于以下哪个功率值作为基准来提供功率的?A)MaxTransmitPowerB)PBCH 功率C)CSI-RS 功率D)PDCCH功率答案:A解析:22.[单选题]如果5G 小区通道校正失败,则MassiveMIMO使用哪种权值产生波束?A)开环权B)SRS权C)闭环权D)PMI 权答案:A解析:23.[单选题]以下关于5G Massive MIMO天线阵子数优缺点的分析,错误的是哪一项?A)天线阵子数对供电没要求B)天线郑阵子数越多复用效果越好C)天线阵子数越多覆盖越好D)天线阵子数越多体积越大答案:A解析:24.[单选题]UE通过PHR将功率余量上报给gNodeB,以下描述错误的是哪一项?A)PHR为最大发射功率减去当前发射功率B)PHR不影响上行调度C)PHR周期定时器为phr-PeriodicTimerD)PHR禁止定时器为phr-ProhibitTimer答案:B解析:25.[单选题]S.A小区的系统内同频切换不存在以下哪个环节?A)切换环节B)判决环节C)触发环节D)测量环节答案:C解析:B)271C)272D)273答案:D解析:27.[单选题]5G 协议规定了gNodeB支持多少个逻辑信道分组?A)8B)4C)16D)12答案:D解析:28.[单选题]如果出现了NSA接入失败,以下哪类问题可以通过性能指标做统计,并且可以统计相应的失败原因?A)eNodeB不发起gNodeB添加B)gNodeB拒绝添加请求C)UE无MR上报D)UE在eNodeB侧随机接入失败答案:B解析:29.[单选题]以下关于载波聚合CA的描述,错误的是哪项?A)Scell可以只有下行,也可以上下行同时存在B)Scell是基站通过DC配置给UE的小区C)PCell是CAUE驻留的小区D)CA主要目的是提升上下行峰值速率体验答案:B解析:30.[单选题]在gnodeb的配置里,以下哪个协议层的参数无需和QCI进行映射?A)RLCB)MACC)PHYD)PDCP答案:D解析:31.[单选题]以下关于PUSCH 功率控制的描述,正确的是哪一项?C)路径补偿因子越大发射功率越小D)PL越大发射功率越小答案:A解析:32.[单选题]低MCS是导致下行速率低的常见问题,以下关于低MCS的描述,错误的是哪项A)IBLER越高MCS越高B)高RSRP低SIN时要分析干扰原因C)控制邻区SSB RSRP低于服务小区6dBD)峰值速率测试时,MCS建议为27阶答案:A解析:33.[单选题]在NSA组网中,如果eNodeB侧配置的gNodeBID长度和gNodeB侧配置的不一致,会导致以下哪一项问题?A)gNodeB拒绝添加请求B)gNodeB.不回复添加请求C)eNodeB不下发NR的测量配置D)eNodeB不发起gNodeB添加请求答案:A解析:34.[单选题]SA组网架构下,5GRAN使用哪层完成Qos映射?A)SDAPB)PDCPC)NGAPD)RLC答案:A解析:35.[单选题]以下关于4/5G空闲态移动性管理的描述,错误的是哪一项?A)UE 驻留在 NR 小区,当移动出 NR 小区覆盖区域,重选到 LTE 小区B)UE 驻留在 LTE 小区当移动到 LTE 覆盖边缘才重选到 NR 小区C)UE 驻留在 LTE 小区,当移动入 NR 小区覆盖区域,重选到 NR 小区D)建议 NR 频点优先级高于 LTE答案:B解析:36.[单选题]gNOdeB通过PDCCH的DCI格式Uo/U1调整TPC取值,DCI长度是多少?A)1bit解析:37.[单选题]以下哪种组网架构属于NE-DC方案?A)Option4B)Option3C)Option5D)Option7答案:B解析:38.[单选题]以下业务中,哪类业务默认的优先级是最高的?A)5QI=9B)5QI=2C)5QI=5D)5QI=1答案:C解析:39.[单选题]5G空口灌包时测出来的速率是哪个协议层的速率?A)RLCB)PHYC)MACD)PDCP答案:D解析:40.[单选题]单用户最大的上行流数取决于什么?A)min (gNodeB接收层数, UE发射层数)B)UE发射层数C)gNodeB接收层数D)max (gNodeB接收层数, UE发射层数)答案:A解析:41.[单选题]S.A小区如果终端收到TA值为40表示什么含义?A)终端移出控制区域B)终端距离基站更远了C)终端位置没有变化42.[单选题]小区配置为:u=1,子载波配置30KHZ时隙配比为DDSU 4:1.那么在probe(路测软件)上显示的PDCCH DL GRANT最高是多少次A)800B)1200C)1600D)2000答案:C解析:43.[单选题]RegistrationRequest终端初始注册时可能携带哪个参数作为用户标识?A)IMSIB)SUCIC)SUPID)GUTI答案:B解析:44.[单选题]SA小区如果终端收到TA值为40表示什么含义?A)终端移出控制区域B)终端距离基站更远了C)终端位置没有变化D)终端距离基站更近了答案:B解析:45.[单选题]NSA网络中,以下哪条消息之后标示着UE完全接入5G网络?A)SgNodeB:Addi tion Comlete之后B)SgNodeB:Addi tion Request之后C)UE完成在SgNodeB上的RA之后D)RRC Connection Reconfiguration之后答案:C解析:46.[单选题]收到基于覆盖的异频A5事件测量报告后,如果UE不支持异频切换,则UE执行什么操作?A)保留在当前小区B)重定向C)掉话D)小区重选47.[单选题]遵照协议段内连续CA场景,n41频段载波1(带宽为60MHZ)和载波2(带宽为100MHZ)的载波中心频段间隔最大为多少?A)89.8MHZB)99.8MHZC)69.8MHZD)79.8MHZ答案:D解析:48.[单选题]在5GC中,以下哪个模块用于用户的鉴权管理?A)ANFB)AUSFC)PCFD)SMF答案:B解析:49.[单选题]大气环境对无线信号衰减景响较大的频段主要集中在哪个区域?A)70Ghz附近B)28Ghz附近C)60Ghz附近D)3.5Ghz附近答案:C解析:50.[单选题]用NR覆盖高层楼宇时,NR广播波束场景化建议配置成以下哪项?A)SCENARIO_6B)SCENARIO_13C)SCENARIO_1D)SCENARIO_0答案:B解析:51.[单选题]NR系统多个小区发生PCI冲突时,MAE会依次选择高优先级的冲突小区进行PCI重分配,以下哪一项的PCI重分配优先级最高?A)PCI刚修改过的小区B)PCI冲突程度较大的小区C)领区少的小区D)用户指定优先级的小区52.[单选题]在使用Probe进行NsA网络的测试中,发现LTE上行的MAC层速率是20Mbps,,但是PDCP层速率为0,以下理解正确的是哪项?A)误码太高,数据为重传导致B)LTE的数据汇聚到NR的PDCP层C)工具统计异常D)PDCP层故障答案:B解析:53.[单选题]NSA终端在eNodeB侧接入过程中,如果eNdoeB收到ME的消息,里面携带了nRestriciontion的指示,以下哪个是问题的原因?A)终端不支持NSA功能B)用户5G未开户C)用户开户速率过低D)EPC相关网元不支持NSA答案:D解析:54.[单选题]以下关于5GPRACH相关的描述,正确是哪一项?A)PRACH中GT保护时间的长度与PUSCHSCS有关B)PUSCHSCS不会影响小区半径的计算C)PRACH中CP的时间长度与PRACHSCS有关D)PRACHSCS和PUSCHSCS要一致答案:B解析:55.[单选题]SA组网架构下,5GRAN使用哪层完成Qos映射?A)NGAPB)RLCC)SDAPD)PDCP答案:C解析:56.[单选题]以下关于SU-MMO的不同场景组合,错误的是哪一项?A)gNodeB 64t、ue4r:PDSCH 最大流数为4B)gNodeB 2ruet:PUSCH 最大流数为2C)gNodeB 2tue4r:PDSCHI 最大流数为4D)gNodeB 64rue2t:PUSCH 最大流数为257.[单选题]一个5G终端最多可以建立多少级QoS流?A)11B)32C)64D)128答案:C解析:58.[单选题]在切换准备过程中,源小区基于以下哪个参数确定切换的目标小区?A)频点B)NCGIC)PCID)TAC答案:C解析:59.[单选题]关于NSA组网的gNodeB添加流程,以下哪个指标只能在gNodeB侧统计A)gNodeB添加成功次数B)gNodeB添加拒绝次数C)gNodeB添加尝试次数D)随机接入成功次数答案:B解析:60.[单选题]c波段100Mhz的带宽,30khz的子载波情况下,为了达到峰值速率,NR对UE的下行调度次数( DL Grant)需要 达到多少?A)1000次/秒B)2000次/秒C)1500次/秒D)3000次/秒答案:C解析:61.[单选题]5GRAN3.1AAU可调电下倾角的调整粒度为以下哪一项?A)0.1°B)0.5°C)1°D)2°答案:C62.[单选题]假设SSB物理层周期配置为10ms,那么同一个MIB块要进行几个周期的SSB扫描?A)6次B)8次C)2次D)4次答案:B解析:63.[单选题]在配置5G外部小区命令中,以下哪个参数无需配置 ?A)TACB)eNodeB ID长度C)gNodeB IDD)PCI答案:B解析:64.[单选题]根据协议5G小区带宽60MHz,子载波间隔SCS=30KHz时,最大RB数是多少?A)133B)79C)162D)164答案:C解析:65.[单选题]以下哪种格式PUCCH不存在DMRS?A)Format1B)Format2C)FormatOD)Format3答案:C解析:66.[单选题]Rell5版本中,5GPUSCH的最大码字数是多少个?A)4B)1C)2D)3答案:C解析:B)8C)12D)4答案:C解析:68.[单选题]关于NSA组网的gNodeB添加流程,以下哪个指标只能在gNodeB侧统计?A)随机接入成功次数B)gNodeB添加成功次数C)gNodeB添加尝试次数D)gNodeB添加拒绝次数答案:D解析:69.[单选题]假设A和B是同频小区, A是SA小区、B是NSA区, A到B的邻区已经正确配置,如果UE从A移动到B,会出现以下哪种问题?A)切换失败B)小区A不发起到B的切换请求C)UE无法上报测量报告D)切换请求流程失败答案:B解析:70.[单选题]测试过程中,测试软件Probe中的哪个参数可以用来评估下行频偏?A)Time DifferenceB)UL TAC)Frequency offsetD)center Frequepey答案:B解析:71.[单选题]NR小区的其他下行信道都是基于以下哪个功率值作为基准来提供功率的?A)CSI-RS功率B)MaxTranmitPowerC)PDCCH功率D)PBCH功率答案:B解析:72.[单选题]如果UE需要发起同频测量和异频测量,且同频SMTC周期大于等于GAP测量周期,在不支B)同频和异频随机测量C)同频和异频都不能测量D)同频测量无法进行答案:D解析:73.[单选题]在下行调度过程中,以下哪类业务调度优先级最高?A)RRC信令B)SIBC)MIBD)VoNR业务答案:C解析:74.[单选题]gNodeb与核心网AMF之间的接口是哪一个?A)NG1B)NG2C)NG3D)NG4答案:B解析:75.[单选题]在NR辅站变更成功后, MeNodeB会通知MME以下哪条信令?A)Path Update ProcedureB)RRC Connection Reconfiguration CompleteC)SgNB Information TransferD)SgNB Reconfiguration Complete答案:A解析:76.[单选题]以下关于上行波束训练的描述,错误的是哪一项?A)上行波束可使用SRS的BM功能确定B)上行波束可以通过QCL确定C)SRs发送的波束信息通过RRC配置D)终端同时只能发送一个SRS上行波束答案:B解析:77.[单选题]NSA组网中,用户的QCI信息可以在以下哪条命令里获取到?A)SN Status TransferD)SgNB MOD REQ答案:C解析:78.[单选题]g.NodeB通过空间分集(分集增益)和相干接收合并(阵列增益)来增强上行信号接收效果的技术是什么?A)上行MUB)上行用户多流传输C)上行多天线接收D)上行MUMIMOPUCCH复用答案:C解析:79.[单选题]以下哪一系统消息是UE不需要解析PDCCH信道就可以直接接收的?A)MIBB)SIB3C)SIB2D)SIB1答案:A解析:80.[单选题]5G 的CSI-RS最大支持多少个端口?A)16B)48C)64D)32答案:D解析:81.[单选题]在5G 到4G 的重选过程中,UE通过哪条消息获取4G 频率的重选优先级?A)SIB6B)SIB4C)SIB7D)SIB5答案:D解析:82.[单选题]一NR小区SSB波束采用默认模式,天线挂高35米,机械下倾角为3°,数字下倾配置为0°,则此小区主覆盖波瓣的下沿(近点)距离基站大约是多少米?A)1200米83.[单选题]一NR小区SSB波束采用默认模式,天线挂高35米,机械下倾角为3°,数字下倾配置为0°,则此小区主覆盖波瓣的下沿(近点)距离基站大约是多少米?A)330米B)1200米C)670米D)150米答案:A解析:84.[单选题]5G小区带宽100MHz,子载波间隔SCS=30KHz的场景,最小保护带宽有多大?A)860KHzB)825KHzC)925KHzD)845KHz答案:D解析:85.[单选题]以下关于华为RAN3. 1 NSA组网释放的描述,错误的是哪一项?A)gNodeB的正常释放和异常释放信令流程相同B)gNodeB发起的释放信令为SgNB Release RequestC)可以由MeNB或SgNB触发D)依据信令携带的原因值判断是否为异常释放答案:B解析:86.[单选题]以下关于基于上行干扰的异频切换的触发环节的描述,错误的是哪一项?A)承载必须为GBR业务的用户B)选择上行大包的用户C)选择SRS SINR低的用户D)D不支持盲模式答案:A解析:87.[单选题]以下关于 SSB 物理周期的描述,错误的是哪一项?A)物理周期可以灵活配置B)sSB 的周期和 MIB 周期可以设置不一样88.[单选题]如果需要开启干扰随机化调度,那么站内三个小区的PCI需要满足什么原则A)PCI mod 3错开B)PCI mod 8错开C)PCI mod 6错开D)PCI mod 4错开答案:A解析:89.[单选题]NR下行带宽100Mhz使用SCS为30KHz时,每个RBG包含多少个PRB?A)16B)8C)2D)4答案:A解析:90.[单选题]协议规定最大的HARQ进程数为多少个?A)10B)4C)16D)8答案:C解析:91.[单选题]5G的S NSSAN业务切片标识有多大?A)48bitB)24bitC)32bitD)8bit答案:C解析:92.[单选题]RAN3.0,异频切换使用那个事件触发?A)A3B)A4C)A5D)A693.[单选题]华为基站的下行信道配置中,最大的功率偏置为多少常A)9dBB)6dBC)15dBD)12dB答案:C解析:94.[单选题]自动删除邻区关系特性不会参考哪一项信息?A)小区邻区规格B)一段时间未被使用的邻区C)gNodeB邻区规格D)X2/Xn规格答案:D解析:95.[单选题]以下哪项是NR中的基本调度单位?A)REB)REGC)CCED)PRB答案:D解析:96.[单选题]一般场景下,PDSCH的IBLER目标值设置多少比较合理?A)0.02B)0.05C)0.1D)0.15答案:C解析:97.[单选题]3GPP标准定义的5G传播模型中,对杆站和宏站天线的典型高度定义分别是多少?A)20米,40米B)10米,25米C)15米,25米D)10米,25米答案:B解析:A)Qos Flow建立类KPIB)RRC建立类k o5C)NGSIG建立类KPlD)切换入KPI答案:D解析:99.[单选题]当前华为5G AAU可调电下倾角的调整粒度为以下哪项?A)1B)2C)0.1D)1.5答案:A解析:100.[单选题]5G基于系统功能的架构中,5GC中哪个网络功能负责终端的移动性管理?A)AMFB)BUPFC)PCFD)SMF答案:A解析:101.[单选题]64T64RAAU支持的NR广播波束的垂直3dB波宽,最大可以支持多少?A)6°B)12°C)25°D)36°答案:C解析:102.[单选题]以下关于频率优先级的异频切换的描述,错误的是哪一项?A)以A4事件触发对目标频率测量B)不支持盲模式C)上报频点无论是否最高优先级都会立刻执行切换D)以A1事件触发答案:B解析:103.[单选题]以下哪一个事件用于基于频率优先级的异频切换触发环节?C)A1事件D)B1事件答案:C解析:104.[单选题]对于NSA组网gNodeB必须广播的系统消息是用一项A)MIBB)SIB1C)SIB5D)SIB2答案:A解析:105.[单选题]如果NR广播波束配置成水平3dB为65度波束,则对64T64R的AAU来说。

LTE wifi 共存

LTE   wifi 共存

I NTRODUCTIONWireless communication infrastructure is facing a great challenge with the expanding demand for wireless broadband access to Internet. A recent forecast study [1] indicates that a traffic growth beyond 500-fold is expected between 2010 and 2020, assuming the same increase in data usage is maintained. In order to improve the capacity, theThird Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)standards group has been investigating the per-formance gains obtained by small cell deploy-ment in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Release 12and beyond. On the other hand, the IEEE 802.11Working Group (WG) just ratified a new IEEE 802.11ax Task Group (TGax) primarily focused on enhancing the system performance of Wi-Fi in dense deployment scenarios [2].However, some practical issues impose limita-tions on large-scale small cell deployments. First,there are increased costs for deploying and maintaining the required infrastructure. Cus-tomers are increasingly seeing wireless Internet access as a utility, and premium taxation on faster connections becomes less of an optionsince the introduction of flat rate tariffs. So, as revenue is not increasing at the same pace as expenditures [1], capacity expansion requiring larger capital expenditures (CAPEX), such as acquisition and installation of cells, and operat-ing expenditures (OPEX) (e.g., backbone main-tenance) becomes an economic challenge. The second issue relates to the diminishing availabili-ty of radio spectrum, a fundamental resource that is both finite and expensive. Modern wire-less technologies like orthogonal frequency-divi-sion multiplexing (OFDM), relaying, and spatial multiplexing allow high spectrum usage efficien-cy to be achieved, and some researchers argue that spectrum scarcity is a non-issue due to avail-able technology [3]. Nonetheless, a bandwidth shortage of 275 MHz in the United States alone is foreseen by the end of 2014 [4].To face these challenges, cellular operators are deploying complementary network infra-structure for data delivery, a technique known as mobile traffic offloading [5]. The two main tech-nological advances to enable mobile traffic offloading are the introduction of small cell net-works and the development of dynamic spectrum access techniques for operation in license-exempt radio bands.The concept of small cells, as proposed for heterogeneous networks (HetNets), is two-fold.In the data plane, the goal is enabling the dense deployment of cells with smaller coverage areas,but capable of serving high traffic loads. On the other hand, in the control plane, the main goal is diminishing the dependence on an operator’s backbone by implementing concepts like self-organization and self-adaptation. These require-ments led 3GPP to standardize LTE small cells for operation on licensed spectrum in Release 12. 3GPP also foresees the adoption of enhanced IEEE 802.11 WLANs in unlicensed spectrum as a complementary solution. In this sense, IEEE 802.11ac networks with Wi-Fi Passpoint are a good starting point, while the IEEE 802.11ax standard (currently under development) is being considered for dense deployment scenarios. It is foreseen that by 2016, up to 30 percent of broad-band access in cellular networks will be attained over traffic offloading networks [1].A BSTRACTThe expansion of wireless broadband access network deployments is resulting in increased scarcity of available radio spectrum. It is very likely that in the near future, cellular technolo-gies and wireless local area networks will need to coexist in the same unlicensed bands. However,the two most prominent technologies, LTE and Wi-Fi, were designed to work in different bands and not to coexist in a shared band. In this arti-cle, we discuss the issues that arise from the con-current operation of LTE and Wi-Fi in the same unlicensed bands from the point of view of radio resource management. We show that Wi-Fi is severely impacted by LTE transmissions; hence,the coexistence of LTE and Wi-Fi needs to be carefully investigated. We discuss some possible coexistence mechanisms and future research directions that may lead to successful joint deployment of LTE and Wi-Fi in the same unli-censed band.Fuad M. Abinader, Jr., Erika P. L. Almeida, Fabiano S. Chaves, André M. Cavalcante, Robson D. Vieira,Rafael C. D. Paiva, Angilberto M. Sobrinho, Sayantan Choudhury, Esa Tuomaala, Klaus Doppler, and Vicente A. Sousa, Jr.Enabling the Coexistence ofLTE and Wi-Fi in Unlicensed BandsWith the increasing relevance of Wi-Fi for traffic offloading in cellular networks, improving Wi-Fi efficiency in terms of end-user perfor-mance in the presence of dense deployment of APs and STAs has become more important. Recognizing this, IEEE 802 WG created the IEEE 802.11 High Efficiency WLAN (HEW) Study Group (SG) [2] in May 2013, aiming to enhance the quality of experience (QoE) of wireless users in everyday high-density scenarios. As a result of the discussions in HEW SG, the IEEE 802.11ax Task Group (TGax) was recently established to substantially increase user throughput in dense networks with a large num-ber of users and devices, dense heterogeneous networks, and outdoor deployments. TGax includes improvements to cellular offloading as one of its major requirements, and is also inves-tigating mechanisms to increase spatial capacity with PHY-MAC enhancements to the existing IEEE 802.11 standard in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio frequency bands. A first draft of TGax amendments to IEEE 802.11 is expected to be concluded by 2016.C ONCLUSIONSThe wireless communications community has been searching for solutions to handle the increasing demand for wireless broadband access. In this context of spectrum scarcity, there has been recent discussion about allowing wire-less network technologies like LTE and Wi-Fi to coexist in the same unlicensed bands. In this article, we show that Wi-Fi is severely affected by concurrent operation of LTE in the same band. This indicates a serious need for coexis-tence mechanisms to improve the performance of both systems. The applicability of some coex-istence enabling features for both LTE and Wi-Fi are discussed, and research directions for further development of inter-technology coexis-tence are presented. We also propose coexis-tence mechanisms by reusing the blank subframe approach and the UL transmit power used in LTE, and show that it can significantly improveWi-Fi performance when coexisting with LTE in the same unlicensed bands.R EFERENCES[1] Cisco White Paper, “Cisco Visual Networking Index:Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2011–2016,” 2012.[2] O. Aboul-Magd, IEEE 802.11 HEW SG Proposed ProjectAuthorization Request (PAR), IEEE 802 WG Std. IEEE 802.11-14/0165r1; https:///802.11/ dcn/14/11-14-0165-01-0hew-802-11-hew-sg-proposed-par.docx[3] G. Staple and K. Werbach, “The End of Spectrum Scarcity,”IEEE Spectrum, vol. 41, no. 3, Mar. 2004, pp. 48–52. [4] Deloitte, “Airwave Overload? Addressing SpectrumStrategy Issues that Jeopardize U.S. Mobile Broadband Leadership,” Deloitte Development LLC, White Paper, Sept. 2012.[5] C. Sankaran, “Data Offloading Techniques in 3GPP Rel-10 Networks: A Tutorial,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 50,no. 6, 2012, pp. 46–53.[6] I. F. Akyildiz et al., “NeXt Generation/Dynamic SpectrumAccess/Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks: A Survey,”Computer Networks, vol. 50, no. 13, Sep. 2006, pp.2127–59.[7] “FCC 10-198 Notice of Inquiry,” Nov. 2010, ET Docketno. 10-237.[8] ECC, “Technical and Operational Requirements for theOperation of White Space Devices under Geo-Location Approach,” Report 186, Jan. 2013.[9] M. Matinmikko et al., “Cognitive Radio Trial Environ-ment: First Live Authorized Shared Access-Based Spec-trum-Sharing Demonstration,” IEEE Vehic. Tech. Mag., vol. 8, no. 3, Sept. 2013, pp. 30–37.[10] M. I. Rahman et al., “License-Exempt LTE Systems forSecondary Spectrum Usage: Scenarios and First Assess-ment,” IEEE Symp. New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, DySPAN, 2011, pp. 349–58.[11] Q. Ericsson, Study on LTE Evolution for UnlicensedSpectrum Deployments, 3GPP TSG RAN Meeting 62, 3GPP TSG RAN Std. RP-131 788, Dec. 2013; http://www./ftp/tsg ran/TSG RAN/TSGR 62/Docs/[12] A. M. Cavalcante et al., “Performance Evaluation of LTEand Wi-Fi Coexistence in Unlicensed Bands,” Proc. IEEE 77th VTC 2013-Spring, Dresden, Germany, June 2013. [13] T. Nihtil et al., “System Performance of LTE and IEEE802.11 Coexisting on a Shared Frequency Band,” IEEE Wireless Commun. and Networking Conf. 2013, Apr. 2013.[14] E. P. L. Almeida et al., “Enabling LTE/Wi-Fi Coexistence byLTE Blank Subframe Allocation,” Proc. IEEE ICC ’13, 2013.[15] F. S. Chaves et al., “LTE UL Power Control for theImprovement of LTE/Wi-Fi Coexistence,” Proc. IEEE VTC 2013-Fall, Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 2013.[16] T. Baykas, M. Kasslin, and S. Shellhammer, “IEEE802.19.1 System Design Document,” IEEE 802 WG, Mar. 2010.B IOGRAPHIESF UAD M. A BINADER, J R.( received his B.Sc. in computer science from Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) in 2003, and his M.Sc. in informatics from UFAM in 2006. He is currently a doctoral student in electrical engineering at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and a researcher at Nokia Institute of Technology (INdT). His current interests include mobile Internet protocols, Wi-Fi, LTE, and WiMAX, and standard-ization in IEEE, 3GPP, and IETF.E RIKA P. L. A LMEIDA( received her B.Sc. in telecommunications engineering and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil, in 2007 and 2010, respectively. She has been a researcher at INdT since 2011, where she has worked on LTE, white space concepts and coexistence issues in TV white spaces. Her current research topics include Wi-Fi evolution and cognitive radio networks.F ABIANO S. C HAVES( received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, and the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France, in 2010. Since 2010, he has been a research engineer at INdT, Brazil. His research inter-ests include radio resource management, signal processing and game theory for communications, and cognitive radio systems.A NDRÉM. C AVALCANTE( received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Federal University of Pará (UFPA) in 2001, 2003, and 2007, respectively. Since 2007 he has worked as a research engineer at INdT on several research projects and standardization activities (IEEE). His areas of interest are the evolution of Wi-Fi networks, beyond 4G networks, and systems with multiple antennas.R OBSON D. V IEIRA( received M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. From 2005 to 2010, he worked with white space concepts, and supporting some GERAN and 802.16m standardization activities focused on sys-tem performance evaluation at INdT. Since 2010, he is an R&D technical manager at INdT. His research interests include Wi-Fi Evolution, B4G, and cognitive radio net-works.R AFAEL C. D. P AIVA( has been a researcher at INdT since 2008. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) in 2005, his Master’s degree in signalprocessing from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2008, and his Doctor’s degree in acoustics and audio signal processing from Aalto University in 2013. Among his research interests are digital signal processing and new technologies of wireless networks.A NGILBERTO M. S OBRINHO(angilberto.m.sobrinho@indt. received his M.Sc. degree in computer architec-tures from the Industrial Engineering Faculty (FEI) in 1984, and his M.Sc. in industrial automation from Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) in 2006. He joined as a professor of the State University of Amazonas (UEA) in 2005, and since 2012 has been working as a researcher at INdT. His main areas of interest are time synchroniza-tion in packet networks, and adaptive and phased array antennas.S AYANTAN C HOUDHURY(sayantan.choudhury@) leads the wireless research and standardization activities in NRC-Berkeley. His interests include optimization of PHY and MAC layers focusing on LTE-Advanced and next generation Wi-Fi networks. Currently, he is investigating concepts to enable dense deployments of Wi-Fi and also coexistence of LTE and Wi-Fi systems in unlicensed bands. He is the co-recipient of the 2009-2010 Sharp Labs Inventor of the Yearaward, and the 2010 IEEE Transactions on Multimediaand2012 PIMRC Best Paper awards.E SA T UOMAALA(esa.tuomaala@) received his M.S.(Tech.) degree in engineering physics and mathematics from Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, in 2002. He joined Nokia Research Center in 2000. He is cur-rently working as a principal researcher, focusing on sys-tem-level performance evaluation of next generation wireless systems and contributing to the development of relevant IEEE standards.K LAUS D OPPLER(klaus.doppler@) received his Ph.D. from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, in 2010 and his M.Sc. in electrical engineering from Graz University of Technology, Austria, in 2003. He joined Nokia Research Center in 2002 and currently leads the Wireless Systems team in Berkeley, California. He has been recognized several times as top inventor in Nokia. He has about 75 pending and granted patent applications, and published in 30 jour-nals, conference publications, and book chapters.V ICENTE A. DE S OUSA, J R.( received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from UFC in 2001, 2002, and 2009, respectively. Between 2001 and 2006, he developed solutions to UMTS/WLAN interworking for UFC and Ericsson of Brazil. Between 2006 and 2010, he contributed to WIMAX standardization and Nokia’s product as a researcher at INdT. He is now a lectur-er at UFRN, Brazil.。

Aligning a Receiving Antenna Array to Reduce Interference

Aligning a Receiving Antenna Array to Reduce Interference

Technology Focus: Data AcquisitionA digital signal-processing algorithm has been devised as a means of aligning (as defined below) the outputs of mul-tiple receiving radio antennas in a large array for the purpose of receiving a de-sired weak signal transmitted by a single distant source in the presence of an in-terfering signal that (1) originates at another source lying within the an-tenna beam and (2) occupies a fre-quency band significantly wider than that of the desired signal. In the origi-nal intended application of the algo-rithm, the desired weak signal is a spacecraft telemetry signal, the anten-nas are spacecraft-tracking antennas in NASA’s Deep Space Network, and the source of the wide-band interfering sig-nal is typically a radio galaxy or a planet that lies along or near the line of sight to the spacecraft. The algorithm could also afford the ability to discriminate between desired narrow-band and nearby undesired wide-band sources in related applications that include satel-lite and terrestrial radio communica-tions and radio astronomy.The development of the present algo-rithm involved modification of a prior algorithm called “SUMPLE” and a predecessor called “SIMPLE.” SUMPLE was described in “Algorithm for Align-ing an Array of Receiving Radio Anten-nas” (NPO-40574), NASA Tech Briefs Vol. 30, No. 4 (April 2006), page 54. To re-capitulate: As used here, “aligning” sig-nifies adjusting the delays and phases of the outputs from the various antennas so that their relatively weak replicas of the desired signal can be added coher-ently to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for improved reception, as though one had a single larger an-tenna. Prior to the development of SUMPLE, it was common practice to ef-fect alignment by means of a process that involves correlation of signals in pairs. SIMPLE is an example of an algo-rithm that effects such a process. SUMPLE also involves correlations, but the correlations are not performed in pairs. Instead, in a partly iterative process, each signal is appropriatelycomposite signal equal to the sum ofthe other signals.For the purpose of the present algo-rithm, it is assumed that the receiver ateach antenna is of a multi-channeltype, so that its outputs can beprocessed to obtain a cross-correlationspectrum of the incoming signals. It isfurther assumed that the channels areconfigured to afford both sufficientresolution and sufficient bandwidth toaccommodate the telemetry or otherdesired narrow-band signal by use ofseveral of its inner channels while si-multaneously accommodating thewide-band interfering signal, devoid ofsignificant contribution from the de-sired narrow-band signal, by use of itsremaining (outer) channels. Underthis assumption, pertinent correlationcharacteristics of the interfering signalcan be calculated by use of data fromthe outer channels only, then sub-tracted from the corresponding char-acteristics of the total signal in theinner channels, yielding desired-signalcorrelations without the interferer.The calculations include least-squaresfits of phase-versus-frequency modelsing signals, using all the channels. Thefitting process enables estimation ofresidual delays for the desired and in-terfering signals when there is suffi-cient signal-to-noise ratio.The algorithm as summarized thus farguarantees only that the array is alignedto form a pencil beam that points towardthe source of the desired signal. The al-gorithm does not eliminate or reducethe effects of the interfering signal onthe overall system noise. The algorithmdoes, however, provide an option for fur-ther refinement through adjustment ofcorrelation weights so as to tilt and/orreshape the beam (see figure). Depend-ing on the angular distribution of the in-terferer relative to the desired sourceand on relative strengths of the desiredsignal, the interfering signal, and noise,it may be possible to increase the SNR ofthe desired signal through such reshap-ing or tilting.This work was done by Andre P. Jongelingof Caltech and David H. Rogstad of SantaBarbara Applied Research for NASA’s JetPropulsion Laboratory. For more informa-tion, contact iaoffice@. NPO-45640Aligning a Receiving Antenna Array To Reduce InterferenceThis arraying algorithm has potential utility in radio astronomy and radio communication. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CaliforniaNASA Tech Briefs, August 20095。



中继 分别 利 用噪声 转发和 译码 转发 策略 , 相 互协 作 提 高保 密速 率 ; 最后 , 在 总功 率 受限 下 , 进行 功 率优 化 分 配。
仿真结果表明, 该方法比参考的 中继分组方法获得的保密速率高, 并且随着转发功率的增加而提升; 相同功率下
该 方法能 获得 0 . 6 b p s / H z 的性 能提 升 。 因此 该方 案能够 有效提 升协作 中继 系统 的安全 性 。 关键 词 :协 作 波束成 型 ;物理 层安全 ;人 工噪 声 ;译 码转发 ;分组协作 ;保 密速 率 ;功 率分配
p o s e d a g r o u p c o o p e r a t i o n me t h o d f o r p h y s i c a l l a y e r s e c u r i t y b a s e d o n c o o p e r a t e d b e a mf o r mi n g . F i r s t l y, i t c l a s s i f i e d r e l a y s i n
m a x i m u m s e c r e c y r a t e . I t c l a s s i i f e d t h e r e l a y s i n t o c o l l a b o r a t i o n j a m m i n g r g o u p a n d c o l l a b o r a t i o n r e l a y i n g ro g u p . F i n a l l y , i t o p -
中图分类 号 :T N 9 2 5 文献 标志码 :A 文章 编号 :1 0 0 1 — 3 6 9 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) l 1 - 3 4 2 1 . 0 5



无线Mesh控制网中双路径并发可行性分析和时延估计刘芸,黄河,马帅,陈曦,林昕,宁黄江,段然(中国石油北京油气调控中心,北京,100007)摘 要:在无线网络控制系统中,无线链路的不稳定和无线电波之间的干扰将引起数据丢失和通信时延,导致无线网络控制系统不稳定。






关键词:无线网络控制系统;端到端时延;网络可靠性;实时性;系统稳定性中图分类号:TP393文献标识码:B 文章编号:2095-8595 (2017) 04-037-008电子科学技术 URL: http// DOI: 10.16453/j.issn.2095-8595.2017.04.010Feasibility Analysis of Dual-Concurrent-Paths and Time Delay Estimation in Wireless Mesh Control NetworksYu Li u,He Hu an g,Shua i Ma,Xi C he n ,Xi L in,Huangji ang L i n,Ran Duan(Be iji ng Oil & Gas Control C enter PetroC hi na, Beijing, 100007, China)Abstract: The wireless link instability and interference between radio waves will cause data loss and communication delay, leading to unstable of wireless mesh control system. In order to improve the stability of the wireless mesh control system, a method of dual-concurrent-paths is proposed, that two paths of disjoint nodes are used to transmit data simultaneously, and the destination node receives the first arriving data.In this way, the data from any path to the destination node will ensure its successful reception. Secondly, the feasibility of the proposed scheme is proved by the method of undirected graph coloring.And, the average end-to-end delay of dual-path-concurrency is analyzed by queuing network theory.Finally, simulations of dual-concurrent-path event triggering are carried out by Matlab based on the theoretical analysis. It shows that the proposed delay analysis method can predict the end-to-end delay of the dual-path with the allowable millisecond error by analysis and compare the simulation results.Key words: Wireless Mesh Control System ; End-to-end Delay; Network Reliability ; Timeliness;System Feasibility2017年第04期电子科学技术Electronic Science & Technogy引言目前,基于通信网络来交换控制器、执行器和传感器等多节点间信息的网络化控制系统已经成为自动化控制领域的一个热点研究问题[1,2]。



短突发传输系统的联合导频和迭代译码载波同步孙锦华;王雪梅;吴小钧【期刊名称】《西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(041)001【摘要】针对短突发通信在低信噪比条件下的载波同步算法存在估计精度低和同步范围小的问题,提出了联合导频和迭代译码的载波同步算法.首先对导频序列的去调制信息进行互相关,并利用互相关之和对载波参数进行粗估计;然后再重新利用导频序列和扩展Turbo译码器输出的信息位和校验位的软信息进行载波参数的细估计,进而实现有效的载波同步.理论分析和仿真结果表明,粗估计算法能够兼顾频率估计范围和估计精度的要求,针对一定长度的数据序列,Preamble-Middle结构是最优的帧结构;当归一化频偏小于1.5×10-3时,通过粗同步,使得Turbo码在剩余频偏范围内输出软信息比较可靠,再结合译码器输出的软信息进行细估计,使得Turbo码能够达到理想的误码率性能.【总页数】7页(P23-28,63)【作者】孙锦华;王雪梅;吴小钧【作者单位】西安电子科技大学综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室,陕西西安710071;西安电子科技大学综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室,陕西西安710071;长安大学信息工程学院,陕西西安710064【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911.23【相关文献】1.导频和软信息联合辅助的短突发SOQPSK载波同步 [J], 孙锦华;朱吉利;吴小钧2.短突发系统数据辅助载波同步的导频设计 [J], 孙锦华;王雪梅;吴小钧3.基于联合迭代检测译码的多中继RA编码协作系统 [J], 唐蕾;仰枫帆;刘伟伟;王天宇4.短波信道下联合低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)译码的正交频分复用(OFDM)系统迭代信道估计方法 [J], 雷洪利;张嵩;贾瑞涛;马林华;茹乐;唐红5.TDMA信号的宽范围载波同步译码联合迭代处理 [J], 侯骁宇;李天昀;杨司韩因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。







第一部分:radioResourceConfigCommon(公共无线资源配置信息)radioResourceConfigCommon:rach-ConfigCommon ............................preambleInfo..............................numberOfRA-Preambles:n52 (12) 保留给竞争模式使用的随机接入探针个数,PRACH探针共有64。

当前参数设置52,表示52个探针用于竞争模式随机接入..............................preamblesGroupAConfig................................sizeOfRA-PreamblesGroupA:n28 (6) 组A随机接入探针个数。



................................messageSizeGroupA:b56 (0) 表示随机接入过程中UE选择A组前导时判断msg3大小的门限值/bit。




















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a rXiv:as tr o-ph/993378v124Mar1999Sub-Relativistic Radio Jets and Parsec-Scale Absorption in Two Seyfert Galaxies J.S.Ulvestad 1,J.M.Wrobel 1,A.L.Roy 1,2,A.S.Wilson 3,H.Falcke 2,&T.P.Krichbaum 2Astrophysical Journal Letters,in press ABSTRACT The Very Long Baseline Array has been used at 15GHz to image the milliarcsecond structure of the Seyfert galaxies Mrk 231and Mrk 348at two epochs separated by about 1.7yr.Both galaxies contain parsec-scale double radio sources whose components have brightness temperatures of 109–1011K,implying that they are generated by synchrotron emission.The nuclear components are identified by their strong variability between epochs,indicating that the double sources represent apparently one-sided jets.Relative component speeds are measured to be ∼0.1c at separations of 1.1pc or less (for H 0=65km s −1Mpc −1),implying that parsec-scale Seyfert jets are intrinsically different from those in most powerful radio galaxies and quasars.The lack of observed counterjets is most likely due to free-free absorption by torus gas,with an ionized density n e ∼>2×105cm −3at T ≈8000K,or n e ∼>107cm −3at T ≈106.6K,in the inner parsec of each galaxy.The lower density is consistent with values found from X-ray absorption measurements,while the higher temperature and density are consistent with direct radio imaging of the NGC 1068torus by Gallimore et al.Subject headings:galaxies:active —galaxies:individual (Mrk 231=UGC 8058,Mrk 348=NGC 262=UGC 499)—galaxies:jets —galaxies:nuclei —galaxies:Seyfert—radio continuum:galaxies1.IntroductionSeyfert galaxies have weak and small radio sources,with typical sizes ≤500pc and typical centimeter-wavelength powers of ∼<1023W Hz −1(e.g.,Ulvestad &Wilson 1989).These sourcesare apparently produced by weak jets whose axes are determined by the galaxies’central obscuring disks,and interacting with thermal gas within ionization cones(e.g.,Falcke,Wilson,&Simpson 1998,and references therein).The presence of gas disks or tori is supported by the obscuration of broad lines in a number of Seyfert2galaxies(Antonucci&Miller1985;Miller&Goodrich 1990;Tran1995),by VLBI imaging of H2O masers in NGC4258(Herrnstein et al.1997),and by parsec-scale HI absorption in other active galaxies(Peck&Taylor1998;Taylor et al.1999).It is of considerable interest to measure the speeds of Seyfert radio jets close to their central engines,to attempt to differentiate between“intrinsic”and“environmental”effects.Previous measurements of jet speeds in Seyfert cores are rare.In NGC4151,upper limits of0.14c and 0.25c have been measured on scales of7and36pc(Ulvestad et al.1998).Component positions in NGC1068,measured with the Very Large Array in1983(Ulvestad,Neff,&Wilson1987)and with the Very Long Baseline Array(VLBA)in1996(Roy et al.1998),imply an upper limit of∼0.5c for components∼20pc apart.Recently,in III Zw2,Falcke et al.(1999)inferred an apparent speed∼<0.2c on a sub-parsec scale,based on a single VLBI image following aflux outburst.The galaxies Mrk231and Mrk348contain two of the strongest radio sources found in Seyferts,and are prime candidates for the measurement of motions in their cores.Within larger-scale VLBI structures,each galaxy contains a parsec-scale double radio source(Halkides, Ulvestad,&Roy1997;Ulvestad,Wrobel,&Carilli1999).Those central sources have now been imaged at two epochs using the VLBA;4this Letter reports measurements of the component separation speeds on scales of≤1.1pc.2.VLBA Observations&Data AnalysisThe VLBA(Napier et al.1994)was used to observe Mrk231and Mrk348at two epochs separated by∼1.7yr,between1996and1998.For each galaxy,observing frequencies ranged from 1.4to22GHz;the images at15.365GHz,obtained in left-circular polarization,have the best combination of resolution and sensitivity for the compact components,and are the subject of this Letter.All data were initially calibrated in AIPS(van Moorsel,Kemball,&Greisen1996),then iteratively imaged and self-calibrated in DIFMAP(Shepherd1997).On-source integration times ranged from1.2to2.6hr,resulting in r.m.s.noises of0.4–1.1mJy beam−1for thefinal uniformly weighted images.Two-component Gaussian models werefitted in both the(u,v)plane and the image plane;we use the image-planefits here.Flux-density errors(all errors are1σ)were derived by combining a5%scale uncertainty in quadrature with thefitting error(including noise).Estimated size errors are20%in each axis,with point sources taken to have upper limits of half the beam size.Errors in relative component positions are consistent with the measured noises,except for the first-epoch image of Mrk231,where the quoted error is the total range found by using different fitting procedures.3.Two-Epoch Radio Images3.1.Mrk348Mrk348has a redshift z=0.014(de Vaucouleurs et al.1991),yielding a scale of0.31pc mas−1 for H0=65km s−1Mpc−1(used throughout).This galaxy is a type2Seyfert with a hidden broad-line region(Miller&Goodrich1990),implying that its inner disk is nearly edge-on.It also contains a200-mas triple radio source(Neff&de Bruyn1983)coinciding with optical[O III] emission imaged by Capetti et al.(1996).Our VLBA images(Figure1)show a small-scale double source that is aligned with the larger scale radio and optical emission.Phase referencing at the second epoch gives a J2000position for the stronger component ofα=00h48m47s.1422,δ=31◦57′25′′.044,with an error of∼12mas.The relative component separation(see Table1) increased from1.46mas to1.58mas in1.65yr.Since the stronger component was resolved at the second epoch,its centroid could have shifted in absolute position;we estimate a3σupper limit to this shift that is equal to the component size of0.16mas.Adding this error in quadrature to the nominal position errors,wefind a proper motion of0.073±0.035mas yr−1,for an apparent speed(in units of c)ofβapp=0.074±0.035.The implied epoch of zero separation is1977+7−20,so the secondary might have had its genesis during a strongflux outburst in early1982(Neff&de Bruyn1983).The totalflux density of122±6mJy at1997.10was slightly smaller than theflux density of169±9mJy measured at1995.26(Barvainis&Lonsdale1998).Mrk348since has undergone a major radioflare,with the southern component increasing by a factor of5.5between1997.10 and1998.75,strongly suggesting that it is the galaxy nucleus.This is similar to the more extreme flares in III Zw2,which are discussed by Falcke et al.(1999).3.2.Mrk231The redshift of Mrk231is z=0.042(de Vaucouleurs et al.1991),and the corresponding scale is0.93pc mas−1.Mrk231is a Seyfert1/starburst galaxy with a heavily obscured nucleus and a total infrared luminosity of∼3×1012L⊙(Soifer et al.1989).It contains a40-pc north-south radio source(Neff&Ulvestad1988;Ulvestad et al.1999)embedded within a starburst several hundred parsecs in extent(Bryant&Scoville1996;Carilli,Wrobel,&Ulvestad1998).Our VLBA images(Figure2)show a double source with a position angle differing by about65◦from the larger scale source.The second-epoch phase-referenced J2000position(α=12h56m14s.2336,δ=56◦52′25′′.245)is consistent within the12-mas error with that previously listed by Patnaik et al.(1992).The increase in component separation(Table1)results in a measured proper motion of0.046±0.017mas yr−1,orβapp=0.14±0.052,with a zero-separation epoch of1973+7−15. Variability by a factor of2.5between epochs indicates that the weaker,northeastern component is the actual nucleus of the galaxy.4.Nature of the One-Sided SourcesParsec-scale radio sources have now been imaged in several Seyfert galaxies(e.g.,Gallimore, Baum,&O’Dea1997;Ulvestad et al.1998).In NGC1068,the parsec-scale source is believed to represent thermal emission from the accretion torus(Gallimore et al.1997).However,the brightness temperatures in Mrk348and Mrk231are too high for thermal emission,and instead suggest association of the radio components with outflowing jets.Strong variability in one component in each galaxy indicates that it is close to the active nucleus,and that the double sources represent one-sided jets rather than straddling the galaxy nuclei.4.1.Relativistic Boosting?One-sided radio structures often are caused by relativistic jets having speedβc and pointing at a small angleθwith respect to the observer’s line of sight(for equations,see Pearson& Zensus1987).We assume an intrinsic spectral index ofα=−0.7(Sν∝ν+α)for the off-nuclear components.In Mrk348,therefore,the observed jet/counterjet ratio of R>17,together with βapp≈0.08,can be due to relativistic boosting only ifβ∼>0.37andθ∼<10◦.However,the inner disk is edge-on(Miller&Goodrich1990),and the half-angle of the ionization cone is∼45◦(Simpson et al.1996);if the radio jet is inside that cone,θ∼>45◦,inconsistent with motion near the line of sight.In Mrk231,R>45andβapp≈0.14,requiringβ∼>0.48andθ∼<10◦for Doppler boosting to account for the one-sided source.If the radio axis is perpendicular to the100-pc-scale disk(Bryant&Scoville1996;Carilli et al.1998),thenθ≈45◦,also inconsistent with motion at a very small viewing angle.The above arguments depend on two assumptions:(1)the jetsflow along the axes of the inner disks,as they apparently do in NGC1068(Gallimore et al.1997)and NGC4258(Herrnstein et al. 1997);and(2)the measured speeds represent the actual jet speeds,rather than quasi-stationary structures(such as shocks)through which faster jetsflow.The interpretation of fast jets moving through slower shocks has been made for Centaurus A,withβapp∼0.1,based on the internal evolution of radio components(Tingay et al.1998).However,in Mrk231and Mrk348,the structures of the off-nuclear components are consistent between the two epochs,so there is no similar evidence for higherflow speeds.4.2.Free-Free AbsorptionA straightforward explanation for the one-sided sources is that the“missing”components are in the receding jet and are free-free absorbed by ionized gas.The optical depth at frequencyνisτff(ν)≈8.235×10−2T−1.35(ν/GHz)−2.1E(1) (Mezger&Henderson1967),where T is the temperature in Kelvin and E is the emission measure in cm−6pc.Optical depths ofτff(15GHz)∼>4are needed in order to account for the observed jet/counterjet ratios.Assuming a line-of-sight distance of∼0.1pc through the ionized gas,and a gas temperature of8000K,the average ionized densities would be n e∼>2×105cm−3at0.5–1pc from the galaxy nuclei.The resulting column densities of∼1023cm−2are remarkably consistent with the measured X-ray absorption columns in Mrk348(Smith&Done1996)and in Mrk231 (Nakagawa et al.1998).The density also is consistent with that found for possible absorption in a warm,weakly ionized medium in the H2O-maser galaxy NGC2639(Wilson et al.1998).On the other hand,if the absorption comes from a much hotter gas having T≈106.6K,the average density required would be n e∼>107cm−3.These values are close to those inferred from the image of the torus radio emission in NGC1068(Gallimore et al.1997);such disk emission in Mrk231 and Mrk348is possible,since it would not be detectable by our observations,due to inadequate resolution and brightness-temperature sensitivity.The free-free-absorption interpretation requires ionized gas densities of105–107cm−3in the inner parsec of Mrk231and Mrk348.These are higher than the values of n e∼104cm−3inferred from the absorption∼2pc from the nucleus of3C84(Levinson,Laor,&Vermeulen1995),and n e∼103cm−3inferred for absorption15–20pc from the nucleus of Mrk231(Ulvestad et al.1999). Thus,our results are consistent with the presence of disks or tori having ionized densities that fall gradually from105–107cm−3in the inner parsec of the galaxies to∼103cm−3at∼20pc from the nuclei.Even though no H2O maser emission has been detected in Mrk231or Mrk348(Braatz, Wilson,&Henkel1996),possibly because of our viewing angle,the one-sided sub-relativistic jets are consistent with the presence of megamaser disks.Ifτff(15GHz)≈4,the absorbing gas may become optically thin near30GHz,and counterjets might be detectable in very sensitive VLBI observations at43GHz.parison to Other Parsec-Scale SourcesThe apparently low jet speeds in Mrk231and Mrk348are similar to those seen on parsec scales in some weak Fanaroff-Riley I(Fanaroffand Riley1974)radio galaxies such as Centaurus A (Tingay et al.1998)and3C84(Dhawan,Kellermann,&Romney1998).However,most such objects are relativistic on parsec scales(Giovannini et al.1998),as are most strong radio galaxies and quasars(Pearson1996).The apparently sub-relativistic Seyfert jet speeds on the same scale may be due to interactions with the small-scale gas,or to physics directly related to the energy source,such as low black-hole spin rates(e.g.,Rees et al.1982;Wilson&Colbert1995).Both Mrk348and Mrk231,as well as NGC2639(Wilson et al.1998)and III Zw2 (Falcke et al.1999),have radio spectra that peak at10GHz or higher.Thus,the Seyfert radio sources have general characteristics similar to compact symmetric objects(CSOs),which display gigahertz-peaked spectra,symmetric radio sources on scales of∼100pc,and one-sided jets on scales of10pc(Taylor,Readhead,&Pearson1996).Small-scale Seyfert jet speeds also are similar to those measured in CSOs at50–100pc from their nuclei(Owsianik&Conway1998;Owsianik, Conway,&Polatidis1998).The CSO jets are one-sided at15GHz(Taylor et al.1996),and even at43GHz(Taylor,private communication),on scales of10pc;at least one CSO also shows patchy H I absorption on similar scales(Peck,Taylor,&Conway1999).We speculate that free-free absorption with column densities near1024cm−2might cause one-sided structures in some CSOs, if their disks are larger and denser than in Seyferts.High-energy X-ray spectral studies could be used to search for absorption due to this gas.We thank Greg Taylor,Alison Peck,and Jack Gallimore for useful discussions and suggestions, and Daria Halkides for assistance with the data reduction for thefirst epoch of Mrk348.H.Falcke acknowledges support from DFG grants Fa358/1-1and1-2.This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database(NED)which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space 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210-1-2210-1-21998.75Fig.1.—VLBA 15-GHz images of Mrk 348at epochs 1997.10and 1998.75.The images have been rotated by 15◦from the cardinal orientation,aligned at the southern radio component,then offset from each other horizontally by 2mas.North and East are labeled,as are the two radio components.Logarithmic contours start at 4mJy beam −1and increase by factors of 2to 512mJy beam −1.The common restoring beam is is 0.80×0.45mas in PA −15◦.MRK 23115.365 GHz1996.94 1 pcNE12M A S MAS 210-1-2210-1-21998.71Fig. 2.—VLBA 15-GHz images of Mrk 231at epochs 1996.94and 1998.71.The images have been rotated by 25◦from the cardinal orientation,aligned at the northeastern radio component,then offset from each other vertically by 2mas.North and East are labeled,as are the two radio components.Logarithmic contours start at 2mJy beam −1and increase by factors of 2to 32mJy beam −1.The common restoring beam is 0.55×0.42mas in PA 0◦.。
