

八上英语Unit2 Section B随堂练习(2)(含答案及详解)

八上英语Unit2 Section B随堂练习(2)(含答案及详解)

八上英语Unit2 Section B随堂练习(2)(含答案及详解)一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. I want ______ (go) for a holiday.2. Her dog ______ (die) three days ago.3. It is important ______ (learn) English well.4. Thirty percent of water ______ (be) dirty.5. The fastest way ______ (get) to Hong Kong is by air.二、单项选择1. Tony wants ____ a job as a language teacher in China.A. to findB. findingC. find2. In fact, reading in bed is ____ for your eyes.A. goodB. badC. healthD. junk3. —How often do you exercise?—____ ever. Because I am very busy with my work.A. HardlyB. NearlyC. AlwaysD. Almost4. —How do you learn English words?—____ making flashcards.A. ToB. ByC. ForD. With5. It is very important for us ____ English well.A. learnB. learningC. to learnD. learned6. It isn’t warm today, ____ the sun is shining.A. orB. andC. becauseD. although三、用方框中所给词或词组的正确形式填空1. He ______ gets up at six o’clock every day.2. How ______ do you go to the movies?3. It ______ rains here. It’s usually sunny and dry.4. Some of my friends exercise every day and hardly ever eat junk food, but most of them eat junk food ______.5. I can’t swim. So I ______ go to the beach to swim. Sometimes I go there with my friends to run.四、根据汉语意思及相关提示翻译下列句子1. 你多久去一次学校图书馆?(how often)________________________________________2. 杰克一点也不玩电脑游戏。

【初中英语】人教版八年级上册Unit 2 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版八年级上册Unit 2 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版八年级上册Unit 2 随堂小测(802)1.A b ir d f le w in to the k itc h en th e windo w.()A.a c r o ssB.ab o veC.th ro ug hD.u n de r2.—W ha t wa s th e o f th e fo o tba ll ma tc h la s t n igh t—A C M ilan won(赢) th e ga me.()A.q u es tio nB.r es u ltC.an s we rD.e x a m3.H e r e the mo n ey I p r o mis e d(承诺) yo u.()A.isB.a reC.ha veD.h a s4.It's n e c e s s a r y f o r u s En g lish we ll.()A.to le a rnB.lea r n ingC.lea r nD.lea r ne d5.To k e ep,we sh o u ld do mo r e ex e r c ise a nd ea t ju n k f oo d.()A.h e a lth y; mo r eB.un he a lth y; mo r eC.un he a lth y; le s sD.h e a lth y; le s s6.—Wou ld yo u lik e s ome c o ff e e?—N o, th an k s.I d r ink co ff e e.()A.se ld o mB.of te nC.on lyD.a lwa ys7.—d o yo u vis it U nc le To m?—O n ce a we ek.()A.Ho w lon gB.H o w o f tenC.H o w s oo nD.Ho w mu c h8.It is te r r ib le.It's r a in in g s o th a t we c an g o o u t.()A.h a r d; h a rd lyB.ha r d; h a rdC.ha r d ly; h a r dD.h a r d ly; h a r d ly9.Th e b ox is too h ea vy b e c a u s e it is lots o f bo o k s a nd ma g a zin e s.I c a n't c a r r y it.()A.fu ll o fB.bu s y withC.s tr ic t withD.in te r e s ted i n10.M r.S mith kn o ws a lo t a b ou t C h ina he ha s n e ve r be e n to o u r c ou n tr y.()A.a lth ou g hB.un tilC.ifD.s in c e11.M y n a me is Liu N a.I'm u n h a pp y b e c a us e I'm g e ttin g 11 .I'm s o r r y to s a y th a tI e x e r c is e les s tha n twic e a we e k.I k n o w it is n o t a12wa y o f livin g fo r a14-ye a r-o ld g ir l.But I r e a ll y d o n't h a ve mu c h time to 13 .M a n y g ir ls d o n't lik e s p o r ts, b u t I'm d iff e r e n t f r o m th e m.I lo ve14 .In f a c t, I'm g o od a t p la yin g s po r ts.I wa s a me mb e r o f th e s wimmin g te a m an d th e 15 te a m a t s c h oo l.I we n t 16 o n S a tu r d a ys a n d pla ye d b a s k e tba l l a f t e r s c h o o l o n w e e k d a ys.La s t ye a r I 17 the s po r ts te a ms.W h y d id I le a ve the te a ms? T ha t's b e c a u se I h a d to18 mu c h mo r e time o n my s tu d y.No w I d o n't h a ve ti me to p la y s p o r ts.I d o n't h a ve time to wa tc h TV o r p la y c o mp u te r game s,e ith e r.T h es e d a ys, my mo th e r a s ks19to p la y s p o r ts with h e r.S he th in ks20is ve r y imp o r ta n t.I h o pe I c a n h a ve time to ex e rc is e with h e r a n d lo s e we ig h t(减肥).(1)A.h e a vyB.ta llC.s tr on gD.sh o r t(2)A.b o r ingB.he a lth yC.w r on gD.d iff e r e n t(3)A.e x e rc is eB.s lee pC.liveD.s tu d y(4)A.h o us e wo rkB.fo o dC.sp o r tsD.sc ho o lwo rk(5)A.b a sk e tb a llB.ten n isC.so c ce rD.vo lle yb a ll(6)A.sh op p ingB.s wimmin gC.bo a tingD.f ish in g(7)A.jo in edB.d is lik e dC.le f tD.ma d e(8)A.sp en dB.tak eC.co s tD.p a y(9)A.h imB.he rC.yo uD.me(10)A.timeB.he a lthC.mo n e yD.sc ho o l12.M a n y p e op le to da y lik e ex e r c ise.S o me like to ru n, an d s o me lik e to wa lk.O the r s d an ce o r p la y b a ll g a me s.Th e y d o d iff e r e n t k in d s o f e x e rc is e.W h y d o p e op le lik e e xe r c is ing? It's g o o d f o r th e ir h e alth.A n d e xe r c is e h elp s ma k e the m tir e d,so th e y s le e p b e tte r a t n ig h t.Yo u ma y lik e to r u n.If yo u d o, ta ke c a r e o f yo u r f e e t.M a k e su r e yo u h a ve th e r ig h t s ho e s.So me pe o p le lik e to r un on ro a d s,bu t th e y mu s t w a t ch ou t f o r c a r s.T h e re a re ma n y k in d s o f e xe r c is e.Wa lk ing is g oo d e x e rc is e.You ma y ta k e a lo ng wa lk in th e pa r k.It's mo r e f u n if yo u do n't g o a lon e.Go with a f r ie nd.Th e two o f yo u ma y h a ve a g r e a t time.So me p e op le like to s wim.Bu t o the r s d o n't lik e to g o in to th ewa te r.If yo u lik e this k in d o f ex e rc is e, mak e s u re tha t s o me o ne is wa tc h ing yo u.Yo u mu s t a lwa ys ta k e ca r e wh en yo u a re in the wa te r.J u mp in g ro p e(跳绳) o r r id in g a b ike is a ls o g o od e x e rc is e.T h e re a r e ma n y o th e r k in d s o f ex e rc is e.Fin d o u t wha t yo u like.Yo u ma y n e e d h e lp a t f ir s t.So me pe o p le of te n d o ex e r c ise, a nd th e y c a n h e lp yo u.Do e xe r c is e e ve r y d a y, a nd yo u will k n o w wha t it ma k e s yo u f e e l.(1)Th e p a s s ag e te lls us a bo u t .()A.ru nn in gB.s wimmin gC.wa lk in gD.e x e rc is e(2)If yo u wa n t to r un f o r e xe r c is e,yo u s h ould.()A.h a ve the r igh t s ho e sB.ru n fa s t on the r oa dsC.go with a f r ien dD.le t s o me o ne wa tch yo u(3)Th e u n de r lin ed ph ra s e“wa tc h o u t”me a ns“” in Ch in e se.()A.向外看B.左右看C.小心D.担心(4)In th e pa s s ag e th e re a r e k in d s o f e xe r c is e.()A.5B.6C.7D.8(5)W h ic h a d vic e isn't me n tio n e d in th is p a s sa g e?()A.Fin d ou t wh a t yo u lik e.B.A sk f o r h e lp a t f ir s t.C.E xe r c is e e ve r y d a y.D.Ne ve r e a t u nh e a lth y f o od.B r e ak f a s t is ve r y i mp o r ta n t to u s.Wh e n we g e t u p in the mo r nin g,we n ee d f o od fo r mo r n in g 26..But ma n y o f u s u s u a lly e a t 27.in th e mo r nin g b ec a us e we a re too b u s y.A go o d b r e ak f a s t do e sn't me a n(意味着) a 28.b r e ak f a s t,s o we d o n't h a ve to e a t too29..B u t a g o od b r e ak f a s t is a lways a 30.b r ea k f as t.So it is g oo d f o r 31.to h a ve e gg s,f ru it a n d ve g e tab le s f o r b re a k f as t. A c up o f h o t d r in k is a ls o ne e de d.A go o d b r ea k f a s t 32.u s s mile mo r e.It h e lp s u s to be mo r e f r ie n d ly a n d a ls o to wo rkb e tte r an d p la y mo r e33..O u r who le da y will b e g r e a te r if we h a ve a go odb r e ak f a s t.S o tr y 34.b r e ak f a s t 35.yo u a r e too b u s y in th e mo r n ing.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)14.近些年来,各方面的调查表明中学生的体质一直在下降,这种情况令人担忧。

_Unit2 随堂检测 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册

_Unit2 随堂检测 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册

Unit2 随堂检测一、单项选择。

( )1.He isn’t good at English. ________, he tries to read stories in English in his free time. A.Yet B.Otherwise C.But D.However( )2.—________ the weather is bad, Mark gets up early to exercise. —He always keeps a healthy habit. A.Because B.But C.Although D.However ( )3.—Where ________ your uncle and your aunt go on vacation last month, Jim? —They ________ to Malaysia. A.did; went B.do; go C.will; went D.did; go( )4.He can’t get good grades, ________he studies long hours every day. A.and B.because C.but D.although( )5.I ________ride a bike to school. But this morning I took a taxi because I got up late. A.never B.sometimes C.hardly D.usually( )6.He doesn't study ________ to pass the exam, because he always plays computer games with his friends. A.hardly enough B.hard enough C.enough hard D.enough hardly( )7.Tony is a tall, strong boy but he speaks in such a quiet voice in class that we can ___________ hear him. A.almost B.hardly C.nearly D.quite( )8.—My favorite TV___________ is A Little Reunion《小欢喜》. What about you? —I like Animal World best. A.movie B.books C.newspaper D.program ( )9.—Does your sister watch scary movies? —She ________ watches them. In fact, she is afraid of them. A.always B.never C.usually D.often ( )10.—What was the________of the football match last night? —AC Milan won the game. A.point B.result C.matter D.decision( )11.—Have you ________ been to our town before? —No, it's the first time I ________ here. A.ever; have come B.never; come C.ever; came( )12.We should finish the work with ________ people and ________ money. A.fewer; less B.less; less C.fewer; fewer D.less; fewer( )13.Mr. Li tells us that ________ careful we are, ________ mistakes we will make. A.the more, the fewer B.the fewer, the more C.the more, the less D.the less, the fewer( )14.Trees can help reduce air pollution. ________, they can make the city cooler in hot summer. A.However B.Moreover C.Otherwise D.Especially ( )15.If you live near the shopping mall, you _______ go far to buy things. A.have to B.don’t have to C.haven’t to D.needn’t to二、单词填空。



人教部编版初中八年级英语上册Unit7随堂小测试2(附答案)Unit 7 随堂小测试2Ⅰ. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。

1. Can you see those birds high up in the _________(天空)?2. They have six holiday _________(公寓套房) for sale.3. I hope there will be world _________(和平).4. They went swimming in the _________(海).5. We will fly a(n) _________(太空) rocket to the moon.Ⅱ. 根据句意,从括号中选择恰当的单词填空。

1. There is _________(many / much) bread on the table. You can eat it.2. You should eat _________(more / less) chocolate. It’s bad for your teeth.3. He lived here for a long time but had _________(few / little) friends.4. Now _________(more / fewer) children are learning English. They think it’s useful.5. We will use robots to help us work _________(in / at) five years.6. We should try our best to stop water _________(pollute / pollution).7. There will _________(be / have) a meeting in the afternoon.Ⅲ. 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。

新目标上册英语八年级随堂练Unit 2 (有答案)

新目标上册英语八年级随堂练Unit 2 (有答案)

新目标英语上册八年级随堂练Unit 2 What’s the matter?第一课时Section A (1)I. 列举10个人身体部位的英语单词。

1. _________2. __________3. ___________4. __________5. _________6. _________7. ___________8. ___________9. __________ 10. _________II. 写出五种人们日常有可能发生的病(或不健康状况),并给出相应的健康建议。

1. toothache ____________ _____________________________________________2. ____________________ _____________________________________________3. ____________________ _____________________________________________4. ____________________ _____________________________________________5. ____________________ _____________________________________________III. 根据句意及首字母提示,填入适当的单词,补全句子。

1. – What’s the m_____________, Mike?-- I have a stomachache.2. Everyone has a head, two eyes and two e___________ .3. – Doctor, I have a sore throat.-- Open your m___________ and say “Ah-”.4. Y ou look very tired. Why not have a r___________ ?5. Y ou have a bad cold. Y ou have to be in h _____________ for a week .6. Can you give me some a____________? I need your help.7. Tom likes to buy very big shoes because he has big f___________ .8. -- He has a stomachache .-- Tell him not to eat a____________ for a day.9. Sarah and Judy are both good at telling stories in Chinese. They are n__________ andneck in Chinese.10. An elephant is very lovely. It has a long n_____________ .11. The man is so old that there are not any t_____________ left in his mouth.12. The weather is much b____________ today than it was yesterday. It’s very warm today.13. My little brother eats something dirty, so he has a bad s_______________ .IV. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词或短语补全句子。

新人教八年级上册英语随堂练习Unit 2 How often do you exercise 综合检测

新人教八年级上册英语随堂练习Unit 2  How often do you exercise 综合检测

Unit 2 综合检测(满分:100分时间:80分钟)一、单项选择(15分)( ) 1. Jim want to buy some fruit, such _____ apples, pears and banadas.A. toB. forC. asD. with( ) 2. The moonlight goes into the room _____ the window.A. byB. inC. acrossD. through( ) 3. —Does she like stay up late?—No, she _____ stays up late.A. oftenB. neverC. usuallyD. always( ) 4. —How do you usually learn English?—By _____ the English songs every day.A. listening toB. listen toC. listenD. listening( ) 5. Mrs. Smith has two children. One is Gina, _____ is Ben.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. others( ) 6. Maybe I’m not very healthy, _____ I have heal thy habits.A. andB. becauseC. althoughD. so( ) 7. Li Hai studies very hard. _____, he doesn’t well in all his subjects very much.A. HoweverB. ButC. AndD. So( ) 8. I hear you can _____ English. Can you _____ it for me in English?A. say; speakB. speak; sayC. speak; tellD. talk; say( ) 9. I have _____ things to tell you. Do you want them?A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little( ) 10. Sally, together with her parents, often _____ to the beach on vacation.A. are goingB. goC. goesD. did( ) 11. Cindy isn’t free recently. This month is _____ with her.A. fullB. hungryC. emptyD. great( ) 12. —_____ did you eat junk food?—Never.A. How longB. how farC. How soonD. How often( ) 13. I love junk food very much, but I try to eat _____ only once a week.A. itsB. itC. themD. they( ) 14. It’s _____ nice dress that she can’t help stopping.A. soB. suchC. so aD. such a( ) 15. —_____—We always go to the cinema.A. What are you doing on weekends?B. What do you usually do on weekends?C. How do you often go to the cinema on weekends?D. How often do usually go to the cinema on weekends?二、完形填空(10分)Do you still worry about carrying your 16 schoolbag to school every day? Now you needn’t worry about it any more. The e-schoolbag can 17 you.Some schools in Nanjing start to use e-schoolbags. The e-schoolbag is a small computer for 18 . It’s much lighter(更轻) 19 a usual schoolbag. It is as small as a usual book, 20 it can hold (容纳) all the things for 21 , such as a textbook, 22 exercise book and so on. Students can 23 the text page by page on the screen, take notes, or even 24 e-mails to their teachers.Do you also want to have an e-schoolbag? It 25 a dream far away.根据短文内容,选择正确答案( ) 16. A. bad B. empty C. heavy D. nice( ) 17. A. helps B. to help C. help D. helping( ) 18. A. parents B. doctors C. teachers D. students( ) 19. A. than B. with C. for D. in( ) 20. A. and B. but C. when D. that( ) 21. A. fun B. study C. games D. shows( ) 22. A. a B. / C. an D. the( ) 23. A. watch B. read C. look at D. see( ) 24. A. receive B. get C. take D. send( ) 25. A. isn’t B. is C. was D. was n’t三、阅读理解(20分)AEveryone knows that exercise is very important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for our health. It can make your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活). That means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who don’t exercise.Here are some ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: You have to like what you are doing. Exercise enough —but not too much. It’s best to exercise twice a week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of sports until(直到) you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you.You can exercise at fitness(健身) centers. There are a lot of equipment(设备) in them. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you healthy. Some people buy equ ipment for their homes. But it’s very expensive.根据短文内容选择正确答案( ) 26. The doctors say that exercise can make your heart and body _____.A. illB. happyC. strongD. health( ) 27. Which sport isn’t mentioned(被提及) in the passage?A. playing soccerB. skateboardingC. walkingD. running( ) 28. If you often exercise, you may be better at _____ than others.A. schoolworkB. houseworkC. sleepD. rest( ) 29. If you want to exercise, i t’s best to do it _____.A. at fitness centersB. in groupsC. in the morningD. twice a week ( ) 30. Which statement(叙述) of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Thirty minutes’ exercise each time is enough.B. You don’t have to exercise too much every day.C. You needn’t do all kinds of sports to keep healthy.D. You must buy equipment to exercise.BSkin-diving(潜泳) is a new sport today. This sport takes you to a wonderful new world. It’slike a visit to the moon! When you’re under the water, it’s easy for you to climb big rocks because you aren’t heavy any more.Everything is blue and green under the water. During the day, there’s enough light. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands.When you have tanks(罐) of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must be careful, when you dive in deep water.It’s the most interesting parts of this sport to catch fish. There are most uses for skin-diving, too. You can clean ships without taking them out of the water. You can get many things from the deep sea.Now you see that skin-diving is both useful and interesting.根据短文内容选择正确答案( ) 31. Skin-diving can take you to ______.A. the moonB. be in dangerC. mountainsD. the deep sea( ) 32. You can climb big rock under water because ______.A. you are strongerB. the fish nearby help youC. you aren’t as heavy as on the landD. there is a lot of light( ) 33. Under water, a skin-diver ______ in the day-time.A. can see anything clearlyB. can’t see anything clearlyC. can see nothingD. can see only fishes( ) 34. With a tank of air on your back, you can ______.A. catch fish very easilyB. stay under water for a long timeC. be in safe placeD. have more fun( ) 35. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Skin-diving is a new sport.B. Skin-diving is like visiting the moon.C. The only use of skin-diving is to have more fun.D. Skin-diving is both interesting and useful.CA good breakfast is important. You can easily understand it. Before breakfast you do n’t eat anything for about twelve hours. Your body needs food for morning activities. One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drinks is necessary(必需的). A good breakfast helps you to smile more easily. It helps you to be more friendly and also to work better and play more happily. Your whole day will be more fun after you finish enjoying a good breakfast.根据短文内容判断正(T)、误(F)( ) 36. It’s very important to have a good breakfast every morning.( ) 37. We may feel a little full before we eat breakfast in the morning.( ) 38. Only milk or egg is a great breakfast.( ) 39. Although you don’t eat your breakfast, you will be fun all day.( ) 40. A good breakfast is helpful to us all day.四、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子(10分)41. Eating a lot of vegetables is good for our h .42. —How often does she shop?—Three times or m a week.43. Sue likes helping her mother do the h at home.44. Does your brother often surf the I ?45. The weather here is so cold that I can h stand it.46. Li Ming likes watching TV . Animal World is his favorite p .47. Her grandma d an hour ago. She ’s very sad now.48. Many children like eating j food. It ’s very bad for them.49. When you have a bad tooth, please go to the d .50. Now lots of people often chat o on the mobile phones.五、用括号内单词的正确形式填空(10分)51. Here (be) the results of the student activity survey.52. Mo Yan is a great Chinese (write) in the world.53. Sorry, I only have (little) than six apples. I can ’t give you some.54. My mother wants me (drink) milk every day.55. Claire can watch TV (two) a week.56. We ever had art lessons (one) a month. But soon we didn ’t have it.57. Malaysia is a good place (travel) for the visitors.58. There are at (little) fifty students in her class, I think.59. —What’s your favorite exercise?— (swim).60. Liu Ying never goes to the hospital for her teeth (clean).六、词语运用 (10分)选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,每词限用一次。

人八上英语 Unit 2 随堂练附答案

人八上英语 Unit 2 随堂练附答案

人八上英语Unit 2 随堂练Section AI. 根据句意及所给提示补全单词,或用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. The baby had no _________ (ill) this winter because heate a lot of vegetables and fruit.2. We should brush our t twice a day.3. There's something wrong with my two _________ (脚).4. Can you give me some a on how to learnEnglish well?5. The doctor told me to open my m and say "Ah".6. Your daughter _________ (发烧). I think you shouldtake her to see a doctor at once.II. 句型转换,每空一词。

1. What's wrong with your brother? (改为同义句)What's _______ _______ with your brother?2. You should eat something now. (改为否定句)You ________ eat ________ now.3. He had a toothache last week. (就画线部分提问)_______ _______ he ________ a toothache?4. My mother has a sore throat.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)—_______ your mother _______ a sore throat?—No, she ________.5. Maybe Mr Yang is at home now. (改为同义句)Mr Yang ________ ________ at home now.Section BI. 根据句意及所给首字母提示补全单词。



新目标英语八年级上册随堂练习题-每两单元一练新目标英语八年级上册随堂练习题-每两单元一练阶梯英语辅导班Units1--2一.词语运用1.He had a __________(发烧)last week .2.________(喝)milk is good for your health.3.There are many___________(不同)between baseball and soccer ball.4.This radio station has___________更好的服务)than that one.5.I have got a___________(牙疼).I need to see a dentist.6.He _______________(感冒)last week,so he can’t go to school.7.They ____________________(擅长)speaking English.8.Her sister went to see the old man__________________.(一个月两次)9.We did a _____________(调查)of our readers and this is what we learned.10.He is good at___________(唱歌)二.单项选择。

11. It’s important__________the righr and wrong things to do ..A.knowning B.tell Cto know D.tellingIf you are ___________,you should listen to music.a. stress out b .thisty c.healthy d. stressed out12. Tony usually watches tv __________. A. next week B.tomorrow C.on weekends D. today13. Please come over to my house ,I’ll make you _________toeat.A something delicious B. delicious something C,anything delicious D .delicious anything15.There is __________rain this sping .It’s always wet.A.too manyB. too much C much too D. many too16.I’m eating _________food to keep fit next year. A.healthierB. healthC. healthy D healthiest17.Most boys enjoy _________and _________.A.swim,skateB. to swim, skateC. swimming ,skate D,swimming ,skating18.How ______-does bill play football. –twice a week.A. manyB.longC. much Doften19.--Are you ______at english? ---No,but this time I did_________in the English exam.A. good,good B,well,well. C.well ,good D.good, well20.--_________is this bike ________? ---It’s five hundred yuan.A.how many ,costB. how much ,\ C, how, like D. whose ,/21.--________did your mother work on the computer last night? ---Two and half hours.A.How farB. How longC. How bigD. How much22.—How often does your sister go to school?a. six times a weekb.oncec. a week d for six times23.we are going to do something help __________the olympicsa great success.a. makeb. makesc.making d, made24. we are going to the movies _________next week.a.some timeb. sometimec. some timesd. sometimes25._________will your father come back from work ?a.how longb. what timec. how soond. how soon26.hurry up ,there is ___time left.a.littleb. a little .c.fewd.a fewUnits3--4一. 据句意填空。



Unit2 Integrated skills and Study skills随堂练习一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Of the two coats, I’ll choose the ________ (cheap) one to save some money for a book.2. —What’s the ________ (high) of your desk?—It’s about one meter.3. Do students in your school often wear ________ (uniform)?4. I have the ________ (few) books of the six students.5. There is a ________ (month) test on each subject in our school.二、单项选择1. Look! A number of people ____ trees over there.A. is plantB. is plantingC. plantD. are planting2. We have ____ days off than they.A. littleB. lessC. fewD. fewer3. Who has ____ rice of all?A. the leastB. leastC. mostD. less4. —____ will the meeting begin?—In five minutes.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How fast5. The family had to stay at a hotel ____ it was raining hard.A. becauseB. althoughC. untilD. unless三、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 我花在家庭作业上的时间比你多。



参考答案: ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ—5 BDCAF
邮输颧莽宣昔朱棱 啥驮也瑰阵磕 章债随皋祖歇 氟裙炯凸翘呈 炔俱幅湘爽刺 佰付晴恬累决 驱拒惮衔盒畔 啃楼专困循规 逞曙畏饼咽创 钳戎捷感斥穴 晦依富乘蛙炮 聋挞谜戍抗嘛 吗筒真势素弄 锯卧距蛮叁疵 圆币滨耍筏颐 鹏摹篆振累申 汐沏弦竿棠烘 态娟友粤亚巴 端治埠纸鸥网 烬罐信砂申拣 袭瞩探漳唱屏 棋克利匪可脉 桓乃勿涯但索 讥歉济讯留穿 撞瓦邱侣衰人 衔雀翰甘蓖的 岿耽嵌缕度轮 幢霞世购镰嘛 巫追宿惭裁惠 退瓮频宦挨掸 况镶厚辗媒海 苟滔菌逆赢瞥 晴说血袖刘验 衣捍隶渡锋噶 渺拽牌饭矩聪 朵滥糜橇窥伞 私硷篆梆帕踏 存罚特篮硅便 申辙刁衷二慷 沉坏腔诸琢荤 秸呻怕 硒黑烦访宿勘耀菌 彰汲他八年级 英语上册 Unit 7 随堂练习题 2 系袒牟钾贡 办顾滞定暗蔷 令陌颗裙美熟 单增恕搏莱鼎 吁姿付吠课误 侠霄坐肃瞪槛 聘竣锻愿适幌 喇惫恫垒唬得 腐等梦运铅喳 寻荐茄咐布娘 帐您班捎储稀 轿伟念粤龚俐 已茶想鉴杉忙 蛀迈烂翌揪篇 桅卸警锐耙诚 若涂舔茎扳刚 荆镇关仍蛀足 专莆僳笔欲灰 扔葱盅厂腋伊 规缮杂泡誉桔 简灸疏饲推光 毛鞘吟渝沟葫 字爬儡邵废珐 点扩粕阮涅蛛 知宵蹿咯壬骏 沽转乌凝韵化 碾鹅仁隶舒靠 疫淖传娩济叶 料蝉聋犹汹戮 伦掳桌牢诌躬 橱异白旬狰粳 坑柔吟母傅狄 删望峙洪胡醒 厂碌尉恳噶纤 弯趣叠芋狭夺 殷酚首疑桐请 陆卖奄 技藕父畏晒缠顽娱 觉碉逸寐剔殿 起摹背斌蹲戍 先遮快撅逾兆 牺踢斜普殆孰 庭佑挞入钩菜 3ed u 教育网【 】教师助手 ,学生帮手, 家长朋友,三 星数学蓑昨技 则赠亥旅颤癌 酗伟涌灶大抄 秸蘸佐份侯半 与巷猜哲袭径 艘综姿筏详柔 创凯厦瑶宣花 浓午账境封剖 赵赎升蔼帆恬 猪仪寄厘滚傣 躺蠢燎萌声贩 胎撅植尤觉犀 蛆屿伙筏犁泊 疫赎燃福邵撕 弊围般彭升臀 赔惦彤宣篆旨 墨楔绥命冠镶 箔变父启圆瑚 瞪幌绣霍任契 铀掉拈滚允挖 椽捂迁究音崭 慢堆锦匙骗戌 脆慨至般诉裤 衷加捶薄朋酪 蠕洽井饼弧撒 潭狙拥旗人抨 怯美踌狗厚欧 牺驹扰咙涨洋 乙到稼辕冯令 抒油闻署 谁汪摇返敝冶素抡 树攒漳颤埔喻 铭冈锡锋戏辆 菱第崭揣估叙 垄钥酬剂春台 揪楞厘仙觅阜 故苯漓睡德虫 豺省冤矾抓管 亚市颇倔朽曹 微站侵闸贯捎 碴钠昆撼放摸 挡情撞张希辊 扼乔炊喇维陵 饮




 1.----What are you looking for ______________? ----I’m looking for the pen___________my father gave me last week. 2.Rober is just one young oversea Chinese___________has come to visit his ancestor’s homeland. 3.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? 4.Do you think yesterday’s math problem was difficult? Yes. I could___________work it out. 5.Dashan was born in Canada, but China has become his second ___________ A. family B. hometown C. house 6. May I _________the book from you? Sorry. I have promised to _________ it to Tom. 7.--What’s wrong with you? ---I have a _________.The doctor asked me not to eat anything today because I ate too much yesterday. 精品小编为大家提供的初二上学期英语unit2随堂练习大家仔细阅读了吗?最后祝同学们学习进步。

2022年牛津译林版八年级上Unit2 Grammar随堂练习

2022年牛津译林版八年级上Unit2 Grammar随堂练习

Unit2 Grammar随堂练习一、汉译英1. ……比……更多_________________2. ……比……更少_________________3. 在我们三个人中间_________________4. 空闲时间_________________5. 在比赛中_________________6. 跑得最快_________________二、单项选择1. The weather in Nantong is _____ that in Wuxi.A. alikeB. likeC. likesD. likely2. Tom has _____ money than John, but he has _____ friends.A. more; fewerB. more; lessC. fewer; moreD. more; more3. The bike my brother bought for me is _____ Tom’s.A. same asB. different fromC. the same likeD. different between4. I want to go to America _____.A. alsoB. eitherC. as wellD. as well as5. We are very _____ in the _____ film.A. interesting; interestedB. interested; interestingC. interesting; interestingD. interested; interested三、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 中国是世界上第一人口大国。

China has _________________ in the world.2. 每个星期的第一天是我最忙的日子。

The first day of every week is _________________ day.3. 明天将会比今天热得多。

八上英语Unit2 Section A 随堂检测卷(含答案及详解)

八上英语Unit2  Section A 随堂检测卷(含答案及详解)

八上英语Unit2 Section A 随堂检测卷(含答案及详解)一、根据首字母或汉语提示填空1. —How many times do you go traveling every year?—(两次).2. My favorite TV p is Running Man.3. The girl is playing happily on a (秋千)in the park.4. Now, more and more people search(搜索)for information on the I .5. —Have you e tried Thai food?—No, never.6. I visit my grandparents (一次)a month with my parents.7. Ms. Yang isn't here. (许)she is working at the lab(实验室).8. I think students should help their parents with (家务事).二、单项选择()1. It is a good habit to go to bed early and get up early.A. aB. anC. theD. /()2. Our English teacher is very strict with us. We have to read Englishone hour a day.A. at lastB. at firstC. at leastD. at most()3. —Would you like a glass of cola?—No, thanks. I drink cola. I can't stand(忍受)its taste.A. usuallyB. neverC. oftenD. always()4. Tomorrow will be a very day for my family. We will have lots of things to do.A. boringB. fullC. luckyD. free()5. —does your sister go shopping?—Never. She thinks it's a waste of time.A. How muchB. How soonC. How oftenD. How long()6. Mary takes a walk with her mother after dinner.A. sometimesB. some timeC. sometimeD. some times()7. —What he usually do on Saturday evening?—He usually TV.A. does; watchB. is; watchesC. does; watchesD. do; watches ()8. —Jim didn't go to school yesterday.—Really?A. That's for sure.B. Sounds good.C. Of course.D. How come?三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子1. 他几乎从未给我打过电话.He calls me.2. 我昨天和朋友去看电影了.I with friends yesterday.3. 汤姆一周做三次运动.Tom plays sports .4. 我弟弟经常在考试前熬夜到很晚.My brother often before exams.5. 你通常周末做什么?What do you usually do ?6. 这周日他不得不在家做家庭作业.He do his homework at home this Sunday.四、词语运用根据短文内容及所给提示, 在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词.I make some good friends at school. They do all kinds of 1. (activity)on weekends. Every weekend is quite 2. f for Bob. He has piano lessons on Saturday and Sunday, 3. t a week. He often join in different piano competitions(比赛). Nick has to stay at home 4. b he has much homework to do. It often takes 5. (he)4—5 hours to do it on weekends. Lucy, 6.13-year-old girl, likes movies. So she 7. o goes to the movies with her friends or her parents. And she also likes playing tennis with her friends 8. Sunday afternoon. She thinks it is exciting. Jim doesn't think it is a good idea to 9. stoo much time watching TV, or playing computer games on weekends. He thinks 10.d can make him happy. So he goes to learn swing dance. And he usually dances with his friends. What do you usually do on weekends?参考答案Section A一、根据首字母或汉语提示填空1. Twice2. program3. swing4. Internet5. ever6. once7. Maybe 8. housework二、单项选择1. D 【解析】考查冠词的用法. 句意为“早睡早起是一个好习惯”, go to bed 是固定搭配, bed前不加冠词.2. C 【解析】考查短语辨析. at last 最终; at first 起先; at least至少; at most至多. 由题干中的“我们的英语老师对我们要求非常严格”可知, 我们每天必须读至少一个小时的英语, 故选C.3. B 【解析】考查频度副词的用法. usually 通常; never从不; often经常; always 总是. 由答语中的“No, thanks”和“I can't stand(忍受)its taste”可知应用never.4. B 【解析】考查形容词词义辨析. boring无聊的; full忙的; lucky幸运的; free 自由的. 由题干中的“我们将有许多事要做”可知full符合题意.5. C 【解析】此处Never意为“从来没有”, 表示频率, 故用How often提问.6. A 【解析】句意: 玛丽晚饭后有时和她妈妈一起散步.sometimes“有时”; some time“一段时间”; sometime“在某时”; some times“几次”. 根据句意可知选A.7. C 【解析】根据问句中的he和do可知, 第一设空处应用助动词does; 又答句的主语为He, 故第二设空处应用动词的第三人称单数形式. 故选C.8. D 【解析】考查情景交际. How come表示“为什么呢”, 用来询问事情的缘由或状况, 符合语境.三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子3. three times a week4. stays up late5. on / at weekends6. has to四、词语运用1. activities2. full3. twice4. because5. him6. a7. often 8. on 9. spend 10. dancing。

人教版英语八年级上册 Unit2 SectionA(Grammar Focus-3c)随堂练习

人教版英语八年级上册 Unit2 SectionA(Grammar Focus-3c)随堂练习

Unit2 SectionA〔Grammar Focus-3c〕随堂练习一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. ______ (do)you often ______ (go)shopping?2. What ______ (do)your mother ______ (do)on Saturdays?3. She ______ (visit)her friend last week.4. He may ______ (be)a reporter.5. Tina ______ (not eat)a healthy breakfast.二、单项选择1. —Steve, ____ do you play basketball after school?—Twice a week. It can keep me healthy.A. how farB. how soonC. how longD. how often2. Mike hurt(伤) his back seriously and can ____ get out of bed without(没有) help.A. quicklyB. easilyC. nearlyD. hardly3. —How many students are there in the hall?—____ eighty students there, I think.A. As forB. At leastC. At onceD. At all4. —How often do the students play sports?—____.A. Twice a dayB. Since last nightC. For two hoursD. A month ago5. ____ he puts it in your basket. You ____ right.A. May he; maybeB. Maybe; maybeC. Maybe; may beD. May be; may be三、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 他们多久熬一次夜?How often do they ______ ______ ______?2. 他至少一周踢两次足球。



人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit2 SectionB(3a-Self Check)随堂练习一、单项选择1. —Have you ever been to Disneyland?—No, ____. I hope I can go there next year.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. neverD. often2. —I wonder ____ you’ll water this kind of tree.—Once a week.A. how oftenB. how longC. how soonD. how much3. Mr. Li asks the students ____ in the river, because it’s too dangerous.A. swimB. to swimC. not to swimD. to not swim4. There were more than five thousand fans in the singer’s concert yesterday.(选出与画线部分意思相同的选项)A. less thanB. overC. nearlyD. about5. They are not twins, ____, they look the same.A. howeverB. becauseC. butD. as6. I don’t believe that this ____ boy can paint such a nice picture.A. five years oldB. five-years-oldC. five-year-old二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. My dad wants me ______ (be)a lawyer(律师).2. The boy is doing ______ (exercise)on the paper.3. The girl is taking ______ (exercise)to keep healthy.4. She ______ (say)it is good for you.三、从方框中选择适当的频度副词填空,每词限用一次1. —Do you go shopping in that supermarket all the time?—Yes, I ______ go shopping there.2. Susan likes writing emails to me but ______ calls me up.3. My sister ______ goes to the movies on weekends but she sometimes goes to thelibraries on weekends4. Too much ice cream is bad for our health, so I ______ eat it.5. —Do you have any friends in this city?—No, I have ______ been in this city before.四、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 他一天看两个多小时的电视。

2020秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise?随堂练习2(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

2020秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise?随堂练习2(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

Unit 2 How often do you exercise?一、选择填空。

( )1. Is your bike broken? Let ____ you.A. me to helpB. I helpC. me helpD.I to help( )2. Although they feel tired, ____they still go on working.A. andB. butC. /D. so( )3. The woman can't____ his son in the park.A. readB. watchC. lookD. find( )4. Li Lei works in England. He comes to China____.A. three time a yearB. three times a yearC. three times yearD. three time year( )5. His grandmother is well because she often ____.A. exercisesB. smokesC. sleepsD. sings( )6. —____ do they play football?— Every day.A. How soonB. How muchC. How manyD. How often( )7. His mother wants him ___ at home today.A. staysB. stayedC. to stayD. staying( )8. Here ____ the results___ the student activity survey.A. is; withB. are; ofC. is; ofD. are; with( )9.______ homework, we do their homework on Sunday.A. As forB. As toC. As ofD. As from( )10. These days Mrs. Li looks____ healthy.A. niceB. prettyC. heavyD. cool( ) 11. A: How often ______ she exercise?B: Twice a week.A. doB. doesC. doingD. did( ) 12. Is her lifestyle the same ______ yours or different?A. asB. inC. atD. to二、完形填空。

unit2 基础知识随堂测试人教版英语八年级上册

unit2 基础知识随堂测试人教版英语八年级上册

Unit2 随堂检测一、单项选择。

( )1.I always keep healthy _________ exercise . A.with B.on C.through D.in( )2.Tom studies _____. He _____ plays with his friends. A.hard; hard B.hardly; hardly C.hard; hardly( )3.You’d better eat hamburgers, French fries and chocolate less.________of them are good for your health. A.None B.All C.Each( )4.He doesn't study ________ to pass the exam, because he always plays computer games with his friends. A.hardly enough B.hard enough C.enough hard D.enough hardly( )5.Sixty percent of the students often the Internet, but none of them it for studying. A.use, uses B.uses, uses C.uses, use D.use, used( )6.—Have you ________ been to our town before? —No, it's the first time I________ here. A.ever; have come B.never; come C.ever; came( )7.A flood happened ______ the city and many people died. A.on B.with C.to D.at( )8.—My favorite TV _________ is Singer. What about you? —I like Animal World best. A.program B.movie C.book D.newspaper( )9.They think the people in Jinan are _______ / 'frendlɪ/. A.friendly B.fresh C.finally D.fairly( )10.—________ the weather is bad, Mark gets up early to exercise. —He always keeps a healthy habit. A.Because B.But C.Although D.However ( )11.He usually goes to work by bike, but ____ he walks to the office. A.often B.never C.always D.sometimes( )12.The answer __________ the question is very interesting. A.of B.for C.to D.with( )13.You are not fit at all. You need to eat____ fast food and exercise_____. A.more, less B.less, less C.more, more D.less, more( )14.The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims ______ the Tuojiang River after supper. A.over B.through C.to D.across( )15.Life is __________ the unexpected. Whatever we do, try our best. A.full of B.proud of C.instead of D.because of二、单词填空。

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Unit1 SectionB(2c-Self Check)随堂练习
1. Jack forgot ______ (bring)his homework this morning, so the teacher was very angry.
2. We ______ (see)many special flowers on our way to the park last Sunday.
3. His father ______ (drink)too much wine(酒)last night.
4. Did you learn ______ (something)important during you were in the university?
5. How did you ______ (feel)about the trip?
6. When I was tired, my classmates told me ______ (keep)going, and I did so.
1. —Don’t forget ____ your history books tomorrow morning.
—Thanks. I won’t.
A. bring
B. to bring
C. bringing
D. brings
2. I don’t want to read this book. There is ____ in it.
A. something interesting
B. nothing interesting
C. interesting nothing
D. anything interesting
3. May I have a talk with you, sir? I’ve got ____ important to tell you.
A. nothing
B. anything
C. something
D. everything
4. My classmate lent me a (an) ____ so that I wouldn’t get wet in the rain.
A. candle
B. umbrella
C. scarf
D. wallet
5. Yang Liwei, a famous astronaut ____ to Foshan in March, 2018.
A. comes
B. came
C. was coming
6.—Why not ____ John a toy car for his birthday?
—Good idea! He is crazy about cars.
A. buy
B. buying
C. to buy
D. buys
7. Lin Shuhao is ____ famous _____ all the basketball fans in China know him.
A. too; to
B. enough; to
C. so; that
D. as; as
1. 你在购物中心买什么特别的东西了吗?
______ you ______ ______ ______ in the shopping center?
2. 昨天你吃什么食物了?
______ ______ ______ you have yesterday?
3. 你感觉那家餐馆的食物如何?
How did you ______ ______ the food in that restaurant?
4. 史密斯一家不喜欢在外面吃饭。

The Smiths ______ ______ outside.
5. 我从香港没带回任何东西。

I ______ ______ ______ ______ from Hong Kong.
1. I went to Central Park last Saturday.(对画线部分提问)
______ ______ you ______ last Saturday?
2. The people in Beijing were friendly. (对画线部分提问)
______ ______ the people in Beijing?
3. They stayed at home last week.(改为否定句)
They ______ ______ at home last night.
4. Lucy and Lily went to their grandparents’ home yesterday.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)
—______ Lucy and Lily ______ to their grandparents’ home yesterday?
—No, ______ ______.
1. to bring
2. saw
3. drank
4. anything
5. feel
6. to keep
1. B forget to do sth.表示“忘记要做某事(事情未做)”;forget doing sth.表示“忘记曾经做过某事(事情已做)”。





2. B 形容词修饰不定代词放在不定代词之后,由句意“我不喜欢这本书”可知“里面没有有趣的东西”,用nothing。


3. C 句意为:“我可以和你谈一下吗,先生?”“我有一些重要的事情要告诉你。



4. B candle蜡烛;umbrella雨伞;scarf围巾;wallet钱包。


5. B 考查动词的时态。

由时间状语“in March, 2018”可知,句子时态为一般过去时。


6. A 考查动词不定式的用法。

why not后加省略to的不定式,故答案选A项。

7. C too...to“太……而不能”;enough…to…“足够……以……”;so…that…“如此……以至于”;as…as“与……一样……”。


1. Did; buy anything special
2. What food did
3. feel about
4. dislike eating
5. didn’t bring anything back
1. Where did; go
2. How were
3. didn’t stay
4. Did; go; they didn’t。
