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Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】


1. agree agree to do sth. 同意做某事agree with sb. 同意某人的意见

agree to sth. 同意agree on sth. 就…达成一致2. ask ask for sth. 请求ask sb. for sth. 向某人请求得


ask sb. for help 向某人求助ask leave 请假

ask sb. for a day’s leave 向某人请一天

ask for trouble 自找麻烦ask sb. to do 要求某人做某

ask to do 请求做某事

3. break break down 出毛病,不运

break out 爆发,突然发生break in 插嘴,打断说

break into 闯入

break away from 脱离,打破break off 打断

break up 打碎break with 与…断绝关系

break through 突破,冲跨break the law 犯法

4. bring bring about 导致bring back 带回,想起

bring down 降低,减少,使倒

bring forward 提出

bring on 使前进bring in 引来,引进

bring to 使苏醒bring out 取出,显示

bring up 养育,培养bring through 使度过困难,救活,穿

bring sth. into being 使产生bring sth to an



bring around 说服,使…改变主

bring sth under 制服,镇压bring together 使团结,使和

5. call call

for 请求,要求,为…而喊出,接,叫某人

call on/ upon 号召,拜访call out 召集,大声叫call up 召唤,召集,想起,打


call sb in 叫…进来call by 顺道访问

6. carry carry out 进行,开展,执行carry on 继续,开展

carry back 运回,拿回carry away 运走,冲走

carry off 夺走,获得carry forward 推进,发扬

carry sth in one’s arms 抱着carry sth about 随身携带

carry all/ everything before one 势如破

carry sth too far 把某事做得过分

7. catch catch up 很快拾起,跟上,赶

catch the cold 着凉,伤风catch at 试图抓住catch on 抓住,理解

catch up with 赶上,超过

8. come come about 发生,实现,产

come back 回来,想起来come down 落下来come from 出生于,来自

come in 进入,进来come on 跟我来,加油

come out 出来,出版come along 快点,来吧

come to 来到,达到,结

果是come up 走过来,走近,发芽,从土中长

come across 走过,偶然遇

come after 跟着,跟随come over 过来,胜过come by 走过,经过

come forth 出现,显现come round 苏醒

come through 安然度过come up to 来到…跟前

9. drive drive off 赶走drive sb mad 使某人发狂

drive back 赶回,开回drive out 开出,消除,


drive down 压低drive in 开进,努力地


drive in a taxi 搭出租车drive at 猛击,朝…努

drive sb home 把…送回家drive away 驱车离开,赶走,


drive on 继续行驶

10. do do well in 在…方面做得好do some cleaning 搞卫生,大扫

do some cooking 做饭do some


买东西do some washing 洗衣服do one’s best 尽力

do a good deed 做好事do right 做得对

do wrong 做坏事,犯罪do business 做买卖

do experiments 做实验do sb a favour 帮助某一个忙

do sb wrong 使某人受委屈do with 处理

do up 梳理do the bed 铺床

do the room 收拾房间do the dishes 洗碗碟

do one’s hair 做头发have sth to do


与…有关what to do 怎么办How do you do 你好!

11. find find out 查明,发现,了

find oneself 自我感觉find support 得到支持find a mistake 发现错误

find the answer


找到…的答案find one’s way 找到路径find sb in/ out 发现某人(不)在

12. fight against 为反对…而战斗fight with 同…战斗
