模拟联合国决议英文范文Ladies and Gentlemen,Let's dive into the heart of diplomacy with a bit of humor and a pinch of pizzazz. Picture this: a room filled with the world's most eloquent negotiators, all dressed to impress, and ready to debate the pressing issues of our time. But instead of the usual cutthroat atmosphere, we're bringing a little levity to the table. Welcome to the United Nations of Laughter, where resolutions are passed with a wink and a nod.Resolution 2024-HA!Whereas, the world is a stage, and we are all players in this grand theatrical production known as life;And whereas, laughter is the universal language that brings us together, transcending borders and barriers;Now, therefore, be it resolved that:1. The United Nations hereby declares the first Monday of every month as "International Giggle Day," where all member nations are encouraged to share a good chuckle, no matter the color of their passports.2. We establish the "Department of Humor" within the UNSecretariat, tasked with the noble mission of injecting a dose of humor into all our resolutions and reports.3. The General Assembly shall convene an annual "World Laughter Summit," where leaders can exchange jokes, share funny stories, and perhaps even learn a thing or two about diplomacy through the art of comedy.4. We call upon all nations to recognize the power of laughter in conflict resolution, and to use it as a tool for peace, understanding, and goodwill among people.5. Lastly, we urge every citizen of the world to practice the art of laughter daily, as it is not only good for the soul but also for the heart.In conclusion, let's not take ourselves too seriously. After all, as the great philosopher, Charlie Chaplin, once said, "A day without laughter is a day wasted." So let's laugh, let's smile, and let's make the world a better place, one joke at a time.Signed,The United Nations of Laughter(End of Resolution)。
模拟联合国英语小作文模板Title: Model United Nations English Short Essay Template。
Introduction:Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the United Nations where students take on the role of delegates from different countries and debate on various global issues. It is an educational experience that allows students to learn about international relations, diplomacy, and the United Nations itself. In this essay, we will discuss the structure and format of a typical MUN conference and provide a template for writing a short essay on the topic.Structure of a Model United Nations Conference:A typical MUN conference is organized by a group of students or a school, and it usually involves students fromdifferent schools and countries. The conference begins with an opening ceremony, during which the Secretary-General and other key organizers give speeches to welcome the delegates. After the opening ceremony, the delegates are divided into different committees, such as the General Assembly,Security Council, and various specialized agencies. Each committee is assigned specific topics to debate and resolutions to draft.During the committee sessions, delegates engage in debates, negotiations, and lobbying to address the issuesat hand. They work together to draft resolutions that propose solutions to the problems being discussed. The conference concludes with a closing ceremony, during which the resolutions are voted on and awards are given to outstanding delegates and delegations.Template for Writing a Short Essay on Model United Nations:1. Introduction:Start with a brief introduction to MUN and its significance in educating students about global issues and diplomacy.Mention the purpose of the essay and provide an overview of the points to be discussed.2. Background Information:Provide some background information about the United Nations and its role in addressing global challenges.Explain the concept of MUN and its objectives in simulating the UN.3. Personal Experience:Share your personal experience of participating in a Model United Nations conference.Discuss the country or committee you represented and the topics you debated.4. Skills Developed:Highlight the skills and knowledge you gained from participating in MUN, such as public speaking, negotiation, research, and teamwork.Discuss how these skills are valuable for your personal and academic development.5. Impact on Global Awareness:Explain how MUN has influenced your understanding of global issues and the role of international organizationsin addressing them.Discuss the importance of promoting global awareness and cooperation among young people.6. Conclusion:Summarize the key points discussed in the essay.Emphasize the value of MUN in promoting global citizenship and fostering a deeper understanding of international relations.Conclusion:Model United Nations is an invaluable educational tool that enables students to learn about international diplomacy, global issues, and the United Nations. By participating in MUN conferences, students develop essential skills and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. The template provided in this essay can serve as a guide for writing a short essay on the topic, and it can be adapted to suit different perspectives and experiences. Overall, MUN plays a crucial role in shaping the next generation of global citizens and leaders.。
大会流程•一、点名(Roll Call)主席点到国家名,代表请举国家牌并答:“到(Present)!”二、设定议程(Setting Agenda)当委员会的议题超过1个时,与会代表必须表决,决定首先讨论的议题。
三、正式辩论(Formal Debate)1.设定发言名单(Speakers List)待主席宣布正式辩论开始后,欲发言的代表举国家牌,主席随机点出发言国国名,大会发言顺序依主席所点顺序进行。
代表发言完毕剩余时间可以让渡(Yield Time):A. 给主席,等同于放弃时间;B. 给其他国家,该国不可二次让渡时间;C. 给问题,欲提问的国家举牌,由大会主席决定发言国家(提问时间不计入代表发言时间);D. 给评论。
2.提出问题(Point)或动议(Motion)在每位代表发言结束后,主席会问场内有无问题或动议(Are there any points or motions on the floor?),代表此时可以提出问题或动议。
问题,包括:A. 程序性问题(Point of Order):当大会的进程与既定规则不符时,代表可以提出程序性问题,该问题可在大会任何时候提出,发言的代表将被打断,主席首先解决该问题。
1. 这个小组由学生代表、家长代表和老师代表共同组成。
2. 监督小组的任务就是定期检查食堂的食材采购情况,要像侦探一样,确保食材新鲜、安全、多样。
1. 每周制定不同的菜单,要有中国的八大菜系轮着来(今天川菜的麻婆豆腐,明天鲁菜的糖醋鲤鱼,多棒啊),也要有西餐的一些经典菜品,像意大利面、汉堡包之类的(当然是健康版的啦)。
2. 根据季节变化调整菜品。
1. 重新评估同学们的食量,尤其是考虑到不同年级、不同性别的差异。
2. 提供加餐选项,比如水果、酸奶或者小点心。
1. 定期组织厨师参加厨艺培训,学习新的烹饪技巧和菜品制作。
模拟联合国Draft-Resolution 范例————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Draft ResolutionCommittee: Human Rights CouncilSignatories: Angola Azerbaijan Canada Chile China Cuba Egypt France Gabon Germany Ghana India Indonesia Italy Madagascar Malaysia Pakistan Qatar Republic of Korea Saudi Arabia Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom ZambiaHuman Rights Council,Deeply convinced that children’s rights, high on the list of essential human rights in the first international human rights agreement- the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, should be guaranteed globally to the largest extent,Recognizing the ultimate importance of the Convention on the Rights of The Child (1989), Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (1999), and the reports A World Fit for Children (2002) and The End of Child Labor-Within Reach (2006) and its role on the eradication of child labor,Urging all countries to sign and ratify the above mentioned conventions and other instruments of the framework to prevent and abolish child labor,Remembering the paramount contribution given by different cultures, religions and civilizations to the establishment of the legal framework against Child Labor and recognizing the need to interpret these legal instruments based in such diversity,Taking into consideration that countries have different economical, social and cultural backgrounds and such difference influence policies and results in each state,Aware noting also that universal education for children in a community based approach is the main form to achieve universal eradication of child labor,Welcoming all regional initiatives to improve the current situation of children all around the world,Bearing in mind noting with concern the deleterious effects of the recent financial crisis on the child labor problem,Fully aware that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor,To act under the guidance of United Nations, as well as the basis of the Universal Declaration of human rights, minimum age convention and the worst forms of child labor convention, etc,The Adjustment of the Minimal Working AgeA.Takes into consideration that countries have different economical, social, and culturalbackgrounds and may have different standards more suitable for the problems in theirown territory, the signatories of this working paper suggest that the resolution include aclause reminding the paramount role of national response to child labor and the respectfor states sovereignty;B.Advocates the creation of specific minimum working age standards instead of auniversal one;C.Proposes to divide countries in different categories and international organizationsshould play a more important role to supervise the child labor issue world wide; And theMinimum Age Convention No;138 which was adopted in 1973 should also be taken asreference;D.Decides to make different standards accordingly to the different forms of child labor;For the worst forms of child labor, as mentioned in the Convention No;182, we shouldset the age standard as is the adult’s age according to the nation’s law; And then for theless severe forms such as manufacturing and farming, Fully believing that the specificages various from different countries and regions, standard cannot only be the numbers,however there is a common sense that the 20 year old can be the upper limit; Andcombining the fact that the children( under 20 ) is overburdened by the heavy work,there will be a objective definition of the child labor age;E. Recommends establishing the definition formula :the work is fit for the child of the age<fact age≤the work is do harm for the children’s physical and mental health;Financial HelpF.Proclaims that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor and that the entireworld faces one of its most intense economical crisis that may affect millions of children, the signatories recommended that the resolution should include clauses that drawattention of countries and international organizations to the current crisis’ impact on theissue of child labor:A.express great preoccupation at the negative impacts that the restructuring of the worldeconomy might have on fragile economies and as a consequence the risk of worseningthe child labor problem,B.recommend that the most developed countries reiterate their commitment tointernational funds, financial aid and child labor abolition projects in order to avoidfurther deterioration on the conditions of children all over the world, especially on theleast developed countries,C.further proclaim the necessity to maintain worldwide awareness programs against childlabor and the fundamental role played by children's rights,D.calls upon all states to turn the commitments into concrete actions , gradually andeffectively eliminating child labor that jeopardize the children physical mental andspiritual health, their education;7. Insists that the elimination of child labor can’t be achieved without a proper financial help from developed countries, the signatories propose to set a new loan section called “CLEOL”(child labor elimination-oriented loan):A.The function of this section is to lend low-interest money to the countries sufferingchild labor,B.The fund should be run under the management of UNICEF and the supervision ofUN supervising body; The money comes from developed countries donated by acertain proportion of its GDP annually,C.The amount of money one country can borrow from this loan should be directedconnected with the country’s child labor elimination; What’s more, a certainproportion of the money one country borrow should be invested on education withthe rest of the money being used by the country’s will,D.The reduction of child labor of a country will be measured by human right council’sannual report;8. Decides to tackle poverty, and creating decent work for adults;9. Recommends to support the Fund "Class of 2015: Education for All", in order to provide more children in poverty chances to continue their education;10. Proclaims that strengthening the supervision on child labour using of the multi-national companies is more than necessary:A.recommend that the multi-national cooperations should comply to the domestic lawsprudently,B.recommend that the third party organisations should take special investigation on thelabour using status on multi-national cooperations,C.recommend governments to set up more effective and harsh laws and regulations torestrict the multi-national cooperations to use child labour,D.recommend to provide subsidies and tax cutting policies for the cooperations whicheradicate the child labour using in their manufacture;11. Decides to establish clear stipulations for countries giving out and receiving donations or programs stand by the comprehensive funding system, which are:A.emphasize countries giving their donations should have promised on non-violations onstates sovereignty and obey related laws in the international society,B.emphasize countries receiving donations are those insufficient in facilities and economyand lacking of national law structures;12. Proclaims the entities of supervisions on use of donations go to international organizations rather than local governments;The regulation of global trade and run of multinational corporations13. Regards the impact that globalization combined with economic rationalist policies have had on child labor's conditions, safety standards and basic rights, the global union movement is calling for additional regulation of international trading laws as well as proper supervision on run of multinational corporations, including the following suggestions:A.set up the rules of world trade overseen and enforced by the World Trade Organization(WTO) should include some rules stipulating the banning of child labor,B.prohibit trafficking or sale of girls and women for sexual exploitation, sexual abuse oreven transplantation of organs which inhumanly violate the basic rights of the victimsare forbidden and deserves strict punishment,C.recommend organizations like ILO get more data and statistics in those “hidden” areassuch as domestic servants, on farms or with home-based out-workers on child labors,D.suggest media be given more inspective and supervisory legitimacy to do its job inrevealing situations on trafficking, sexual exploitation and other illicit use of child laborwhich also can stimulate related departments to solve them under such public pressure,E.require that National laws or regulations or the competent authority shall prescribe theregisters or other documents which shall be kept and made available by the employer;such registers or documents shall contain the names and ages or dates of birth, dulycertified wherever possible, of persons whom he employs or who work for him and whoare less than 18 years of age,F.call on campaigns on specific industries,G.recommend accounting for the fact that it's hard to take on the whole global economy,so just work industry by industry; People suffering in those industries can unit to maketheir voice heard to the employers of MNCs and improve working conditions orpayments;Education14. Proclaims that improvement in the educational system, such as universal education for all children, has considerably diminished the child labor in countries that adopted such policies, the Human Rights Council should highly encourage the adoption of such policies;Education of parents:A.Recognizes the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for theupbringing and development of the child, while change attitude of viewing towardsgender;B.Requires that render appropriate assistance to parents and legal guardians in theperformance of their child-rearing responsibilities and ensure the development ofinstitutions, facilities and services for the care of children;C.Requests enhancement of parents’ specific training that will provide the poor with someworking skills; In this way, the poor country can create advanced methods of operation,deploying human resources in a reasonable way, setting up efficient organization andenhancing management of work force of fixed number and therefore productionefficiency of work force is increased;Education of the young15. Recommends that primary education should be free, compulsory, well-resourced, relevant and nearby; In fact, it is much easier to monitor school attendance than to inspect factories and workshops;16. Reiterates the right of accessing the equal education should be guaranteed for both boys and girls;17. Encourages the development of different forms of secondary education, including general and vocational education, make them available and accessible to every child, and take appropriate measures such as the introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of need18. Calls upon setting up special funds for education to be used mainly for assisting outlying and poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by minority ethnic groups in enforcing compulsory education there;19. Recommends carrying out extensive social mobilization to play the roles of non-governmental organizations, communities, and the mass media under the guidance of UN and UNICEF to improve the education and medical training standard;20. Advocates exchange programs on technology and social science between developed and developing countries, which can not only give the children in poor countries more and better opportunities to gain knowledge and training skills but also urge great power to send more volunteers and technology in the poor areas;21. Decides to arm the children with consciousness of law and self-protection such as requiring education and paying so that they can defend themselves such as delivering their plea in the form of a petition to U;N;22. Recommends providing programs aiming at equipping adults from countries, such as those in Africa, where children are traditionally regarded as the main economic source of the family, with practical skills for a particular job in order to get their own jobs to support the family in place of their children;23. Calls for documenting and evaluating all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establis h a clear set of criteria for “good practice”;24. Calls for special Education and training for females——girls and womenA.strongly recommend the recognition of the rights of potential victims of sexualexploitation, such as but not limited to:B.recommend raising their ideological and moral standards of basic human rights;Especially the right to personal dignity facing with sexual exploitation,C.recommend setting up special school for training of females to help them become bettereducated and acquire more legal, moral and cultural awareness and working skills,D.proclaim the right to seek all kinds of counsel including demonstration and mentalcompensations as seen fit in national law,E.proclaim the right to pursue information and justified approach to protect their own legalrights;Education of the public25. Aims at reaching a broad social consensus among people in which everyone:A.raise awareness of hazardous situation of child labor and form an atmosphere of publicsupervision and report to help the media protect fighting for the rights of child labor,B.pay more attention to the rights of child labor in order to help protect and guaranteethem,C.enhance sense of law and concept of rule by law,D.Emphasize the need for negotiation of gender equality in the basic infrastructuralbuilding by promoting initiatives in conflict resolutions, as well as to implementmechanisms on peace agreements;26. Recommends proposing mutual-beneficial programs, in which the developed countries will have the advantage of employing elites from all over the world working for them, and the developing countries can improve both the quality of their compulsory education and their citizens:A.recommend launching the program is called OEP(Overseas Education Project);Thedeveloped countries are supposed to come to the aid since the elementary education inthe Third World; The aids shall cover the aspects of exchanging students and teachers,infrastructure and teaching methods; In high schools or universities, those countries willchoose their best students to have further studies in the developed countries; They maystay abroad or return to their motherlands after graduation;Protection and post care27. Requests handle of large scale of desolation caused by child labor by utilizing the following methods for rehabilitation and social integration:A.create and support medical facilities available for testing on sexually transmitteddiseases and surgeries accidental injuries in working in the form of temporary short termemergency clinics for fast and immediate victims services,B.add training in judiciary, police, religious leaders on repercussions of trafficking andsale children for sexual services and how to assist victims,C.develop incentives for attorneys to defend victims of trafficking and child labor,D.demand repercussions and disciplinary acts for those who commit trafficking and childlabor,E.support economic livelihood for victims such as primary technological training andsupport empowerment of females such as to create easily outreach programs in order tocreate a safe environment for victims to report and recover form sufferings;International oversight and assessment mechanism28. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:A.recommend the assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinationalcorporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing childlabor,B.call for the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;29. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Committee, including ILO and UNICEF, could be set up tocoordinate the oversight work in the mechanism;,B.recommend strengthening the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UNprovides the general standards and practical paradigm; Special inspectors would be sentby UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports;Legislation30. Further recommends ratifying and implementing ILO Convention n; 138 on the minimum age of work and the ILO Convention n; 182 on the worst forms of child labor;31. Further proclaims the importance to ensure that national legislation is harmonised with international child labour standards, articulate mandates and measures for their full implementation, monitor law enforcement especially with regard to the elimination of the worst forms of child labour (as per ILO 182) –provide for periodic progress reporting and make findings available to the public in general;32. Decides to develop comprehensive training programs for the judiciary on child sensitive approaches to handling childr en’s complaints and testimonies;33. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:carry out assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinational corporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing child labor:A.establish monitoring of the enforcement of domestic laws and international conventions,B.establish the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;34. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Mechanism, connecting ILO and UNICEF, plus theinternational non-governmental organization, could be set up to coordinate the oversight work in the mechanism,B.recommend the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UN provides the generalstandards and practical paradigm, special inspectors would be sent by UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports,C.recommend NGOs act as important supplement, and they should also conduct specificassessment and supervision and submit their reports to make up the part that may be neglected;Border Surveillance35. Decides to act the following measures to strengthen Border Surveillance:A.develop and implement common tools and applications for border surveillance at EUlevel:B.research and development to improve the performance of surveillance tools,mon application of surveillance tools,mon pre-frontier intelligence picture;36. Recommends interlinking and streamlining existing surveillance systems and mechanisms at Member States level:A.provide the essential border surveillance infrastructure at national level,B.set up communication network between the national coordination centres,C.support to neighbouring third countries for the setting up of border surveillanceinfrastructure;37. Recommends establishing creation of a common monitoring and information sharing environment for the EU maritime domain:A.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for border control andinternal,B.set up security purposes covering the Mediterranean Sea, the southern Atlantic Oceanand the Black Sea,C.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for the whole EUmaritime domain;Info Systems/Monitoring (Data Collection)38. Decides to establish a coordinating body to monitor trends and the impact of violence on children and handle/monitor complaints from children victims of violence in the workplace;39. Decides to improve research methodology and involve children to reveal all hidden forms of violence against children in the work place, especially in domestic work, on family farms and enterprises and in the tourist industry;40. Decides to document and evaluate all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for “goodpractice”;41. Uses the Concluding Observations of the CRC Committee as benchmarks for performance and publish a “barometer” report;42. Decides to review national and regional child labour laws to address violence and sexual abuse in the workplace, including domestic child work;Elimination of Gender Discrimination43. Decides to take adequate legislative measures to ensure the explicit prohibition of sexual exploitation and abuse of children under criminal law;44. Proclaims that child victims of sexual exploitation and abuse are not criminalized or penalized;45. Implements appropriate policies and programmes for the prevention, recovery and social reintegration of child victims, in accordance with the Declaration and Agenda for Action and the Global Commitment adopted at the 1996 and 2001 World Congresses against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children;46. Urges to carry out gender awareness campaigns to combat sexual exploitation;47. Recommends carrying out policy responses to address the causes of child labour, paying particular attention to the situation of girls;48. Decides to make immediate actions to tackle the worst forms of child labour;49. Recommends paying greater attention to the education and skills training needs of adolescent girls - a key action point in tackling child labour and providing a pathway for girls to gain Decent Work as adults;。
模拟联合国立场文件范例Delegate:School:Country: Oriental Republic of UruguayCommittee: UN-HRCTopic: The Elimination of Religious IntoleranceReligious Intolerance is an existing problem which covers numbers of domains. It goes against the Charter of the United Nations and other articles on the freedom of religion. As a country that commits to the advancement and protection of human rights, Uruguay gives strong backing to the elimination of religious intolerance.The international community has long paid attention to the problemof intolerance. There have been a number of UN’sdeclarations that affect the situation, such as Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance (1993). Besides, in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, many states have reached an agreement that regard the freedom of religion as a part of human rights to protect.Uruguay is among the countries that are signatories to the widest range of human rights conventions and has signed the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights. In November 2004, the Third Committee approved Draft Resolutions on Extrajudicial Executions, Elimination of Religious Intolerance. We attended it with initiative.Uruguay affirms its intention of discussing with other countries to find a peaceful solution. We appeal for system perfection of religious control. To sum up, Uruguay encourages cooperation while maintaining respect for international law and human rights. We are convinced that with more tolerance and cooperation, religious tolerance will be achieved.。
决议草案决议草案(Draft Resolution)是在一份或多份工作文件的基础上形成的包含对于所讨论议题的实质性解决方案与具体措施的书面提案。
决议草案的条款分为序言性条款(Perambulatory Clauses)和行动性条款(Operative Clauses)两类:在序言性条款中,每一条款要以动名词形式开头,动名次下加下划线,同时每一条款以逗号结束;在行动性条款中,每一条款要以动词第三人称单数开头,同时该动词应以斜体显示,每一条款以分号结束,最后一个条款以句号结束。
行动性条款是决议草案最重要的部分,决议草案行动性条款的语言也有如下一些特点:首先,每一条款都表达一个单独且完整的意思;其次,每一条款以动词第三人称单数开头,条款的主语是该委员会,如联合国安全理事会(UNSC);再次,决议草案行动性条款的句型主要有两种,一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+由that引导的宾语从句”,另一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+国家+to do(动词不定式)”。
模拟联合国大会 草案模板
![模拟联合国大会 草案模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3e1a362f7375a417866f8f2a.png)
若和平谈判难以实现,则在不干涉内政的前提下,坚持以联合国为中心,维和部队帮助各冲突发生国的政府解决动乱;b.成立政策性开发银行,专门负责筹集资金对难民地区进行人道主义援助,各国应以政府的形式参与其中:i呼吁各国对于非洲的难民问题予以资金支持,同时对于难民国如何更好的建立基础设施和医疗保障体系提供技术上的支持;ii要求各国给予中东国家大力支持(包括资金,基础建设,难民点安置方案,及医疗卫生,安全),着重点是难民安置国与难民国;2、呼吁各国尊重难民的人权,已获得其合法权利的保护,a. 强调各国应以立法的形式保障难民正当权利;b.重申《世界人权宣言》和《公民权利和政治权利国际盟约》有效性;3、支持联合国难民署的工作,并应充分发挥联合国难民署在解决难民问题上的建设性作用。
【关键字】精品模拟联合国-模拟联合国英文DR叙利亚人权保护DRAFT RESOLUTIONUnited Nations Human Rights CouncilTopic: Children’s human rights in SyriaSponsors: The , FRANCE, RUSSIAN FEDERATION, THE UK, THE , MEXICO, PHILIPPINES, UAESignatories: Pakistan, Germany, Namibia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Viet Nam, Republic of Korea, Argentina, Czech,Cuba, India, IrelandUnited Nations Human Rights Councilcivilians and children;’s security. government;’s’security and education;Syria and Insurgency;PART I: THE PROTOCOL TO PROTECT CHILDREN:1. Formulate following terms to protect children’s rights:(a) Children should not used as children soldiers. some children in Syria are used as soldier without knowing the terrible surroundings. They also were under sexual violence; the soldiers in the government tortured children.(b) Children need rights to defend themselves.(c) Children have the rights to go to school and to be educated.PART II: THE GUARANTEE OF EDUCATION:1. Sets up an independent temporary organization to manage the education department;2. Suggests the United Nations to set up temporary school that surrounded theSyria for Syrian children who had got involved in the war;3. Demands all United Nations’members to send certain percentage of teachers and volunteers to support the school;4. Provides basic facilities to guarantee, especially children, the quality of academic teaching;5. Refreshes children’s conception of wars;6. Builds up an adequate perspective of wars as well;7. Requires all United Nations’members provide certain percentage of soldiers to protect the security of the school that established by United Nations;PART III: THE SET-UP OF SECURITY COUNCIL ARMY AND ITS ACTIONS:1. Calls on the UNSC to permit the forces to protect the security ofnon-conflicts zone;2. Recommends the forces to equip highly promoted armor and weapons in order to keep:(a) The security of the refugee camps and the surrounding environments;(b) Other civilians and children who cannot reach the refugee camp;3. Claims the royalty and well-developed ideology of the forces;4. Urges member states to cooperate with the resolution made by the UNSC, and execute immediately;5. Recommends the UNSC to take charge of the financial support for the military operation;PART IV: THE RESOLUTION FOR CHILDREN SOLDIERS:1. Condemns parties who recruited children as soldiers;2. Urges both sides of the conflict(Government of Syria andInsurgency)to execute a ceasefire and negotiate peacefully;3. Calls on International Society to give financial support to Syria tohelp:(a)Recover the domestic education system;(b)Help children and the civilization get back to normal life in order to keep them from being recruited into the army;4. Recommends giving out relevant manuals with contents of damage brought by the war;PART V: THE PHYSICAL TREATMENT:1. Recommends sending medical corps to help save the children who are injured in the war;2. Calls on the WHO and other organizations to send medicine to Syriain order to prevent people from being infected by epidemics;3. Requests establishing a commission to supervise the usage of medical aids;4. Urges forming a medical subside council;5. Calls on UNICEF to send both psychologists and financial aids toSyria and help the children get out of the shadow brought by the war;Part VI: THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF GLOBAL ORGANIZATIONS:1. Calls on extend the current power of Independent International Commission of Inquiry to assess crime actions targeting children;2. Calls on establishing special International court to investigate violations and abuses committed against children according to the previous commission and demands all parties comply with theirobligations under the International Laws.3. Calls on the non-governmental organizations to cooperate under the resolution of HRC and give all kinds of supports.4. Calls on the neighbor states to open their border in a planned way and let the children to pass the border into safer areas without complicated procedures.此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。
决议草案格式【篇一:决议草案、工作文件(格式)】草案标题 draft resolution 1.? (居中)委员会committee:议题topic:起草国sponsor(s):复议国signatories:(必须达到出席国家总数的五分之一)!!注意:复议国复议一个决议草案不代表同意该草案,而是认为该草案值得讨论,所以不要盲目拒绝复议!!序言性条款perambulatory clauses(居中)(可以不写出来这行) xxxxxx,xxxxxx,行动性条款operative clauses(居中)(可以不写出来这行)xxxxxx;xxxxxx.开头动词斜体啊。
决议草案的起草草案标题委员会 committee议题 topic决议草案编号(主席团负责) number起草国和附议国名单 country list草案正文——一个完整的长句(the security council, we the people of the united nations……)序言性条款 preambulatory clauses行动性条款 operative clauses序言性条款阐述议题的基本情况和影响陈述议题的重要性与必要性回顾已采取过的行动(决议、条约、国际行动、发言、见解)概念界定(关键词、问题核心部分)格式每一款以一动词开头(现在分词),斜体,逗号结尾affirming, emphasizing, recognizing, ……行动性条款——草案的实质部分列举解决问题的措施和建议每个条款以动词开头(第三人称单数),斜体,分号结尾每条款只能包含一个建议或想法要有逻辑顺序(阿拉伯数字,英文字母,罗马数字)最后条款以句号总结工作文件工作文件的形成游说和结盟形成观点(对问题的认识及解决措施)起草提交主席团审核主席通过、编号并印发全场动议讨论3、工作文件的起草起草国:一国或多国附议国:不需要格式:无固定格式(文章,观点罗列,决议……),但在大多数情况下,工作文件主要由数条具体措施组成。
模拟联合国决议草案范例(原创标准格式)For persona l use on ly in stud y and rese arch; no t f or co mm ercia l u se议草案袀决蒆委员会:特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)膄议题:达尔富尔问题蒁起草国:伊朗衿附议国:袇蚂回顾联合国安全理事会第1593(2005)号决议、第1556(2004)号决议、2004年5月25日主席声明(S/PRST/2004/18)、第1547(2004)号决议和第1502(2003)号决议,并考虑到秘书长苏丹问题特别代表与苏丹政府议定的《行动计划》,以及2012年联合国秘书长向安理会提交的《秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动的报告》,芀欢迎非洲联盟参与处理达尔富尔局势并发挥领导作用,欢迎非洲联盟发挥领导作用,参与处理达尔富尔局势问题,罿强调联合国和非盟在解决达尔富尔问题上发挥的积极作用,羄敦促苏丹政府和反政府武装为人道主义救济工作提供便利,允许人道主义供应品和工作人员畅行无阻,莄尊重苏丹主权和领土完整,达尔富尔问题属于苏丹内政,聿深切关注达尔富尔难民的动向,为难民提供避难场所,聿表示有必要通过联合国-非盟混合部队维护地区秩序,莅根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,袂肂1.建议苏丹政府与达尔富尔地区反政府军达成切实有效的和平协议,解除部落武装,裁减苏丹军队,由非盟和联合国混合部队维持秩序,实现达尔富尔地区的和平与稳定:腿(a)协议中要求具有更多维护达尔富尔人民权利的条例;螆(b)体现各部落间平等原则;薃2.建议苏丹政府要改善当地生态环境:袁(a)改善环境,可以植树造林,防风固沙;艿(b)农业与畜牧业协调发展,划定专门地域从事生产;膆(c)兴修水利工程,蓄水抗旱,便于农业生产;羁3.呼吁达尔富尔地区应努力提升经济水平:蕿(a)积极发展石油工业,与其他国家达成更多贸易协定:荿ⅰ. 提高石油开采技术,勘探油田;莃ⅱ. 扩大石油贸易市场,增加输出量;蚃(b)发展石油业的同时注重与其他行业的协同发展,发展第二、第三产业,调整经济结构;莈(c)发展科技含量高的产业,减少对自然环境的依赖程度;葿(d)发展经济的同时,注重生态环境的保护,实现可持续发展;螄4.建议苏丹政府应调整政策:膁(a)修改相关法律法规,保护黑人民主权利;莁(b)调整相关政策,转移发展重心,加强对地方、尤其是边境地区经济发展的监管;葿5.敦促苏丹应致力于缓解种族矛盾和文化冲突:膅(a)阿拉伯人和黑人实现权利平等:袃ⅰ. 划定专门区域聚居统一人种;膀ⅱ. 政府应提供更良好的政策反对种族歧视;薈ⅲ. 派出军队必要时强制调解矛盾,但要严守军纪;薆(b)宗教信仰方面:莁ⅰ. 伊斯兰教、基督教、本土宗教应和睦共处,在各自聚居区从事宗教活动;罿ⅱ. 提倡宗教自由信仰,政府应禁止干预宗教事务;蚈6.认为各国应反对苏丹政府侵犯人权,对达尔富尔地区进行“种族灭绝”的观点,认为达尔富尔问题属于苏丹内政,别国无权干涉;羇7.决定联合国应派出观察团妥善解决达尔富尔问题;肃8.支持联合国和非盟应继续组成维和部队维持达尔富尔地区秩序,人数上可适当减少;羂9.敦促联合国与非盟应主持谈判促成苏丹政府和反政府武装的协定;螈10.确认应在联合国和非盟的框架下,促成问题合理解决:肄(a)形成以苏丹政府、非盟、联合国共同主导的“三方机制”螅(b)世界各国应达成一定共识,缓和各阶层矛盾;螁11.呼吁其他国际组织:袈(a)国际组织应增加对达尔富尔地区的资源补助;蒅(b)应募集前款应用于人道主义救援上;节12.建议国际社会应增加对达尔富尔地区的人道主义救援:蒀(a)每年提供更多粮食补助;羈(b)提供医疗救助;袅ⅰ. 发展中国家可以定期派出医疗团队参与援助工作;羄ⅱ. 发达国家还可以和苏丹政府合作兴建医院设施;芈ⅲ. 应提供更多的治疗各种疫病的注射剂,各种常见药物;羈(c)在当地兴建学校,各国派出支教教师支援教育;芆(d)完善当地基础设施建设,提供应急避难场所;莂13.强烈拒绝任何机构组织、国家向苏丹政府或反政府武装出售军火;芁14.认为达尔富尔问题属于苏丹内政:肈(a)任何国家不得挑拨是非,干扰问题的解决进程;莃(b)认为苏丹政府应适当改进统治办法,保护难民。
大会规则流程Rules of Procedure 大会流程图解:确定议题Setting the Agenda点名Roll Call产生发言名单Open the Speaker’s List非正式辩论Informal Debate正式辩论Formal Debate 结束辩论形成各种会议文件投票表决“决议草案”文件通过/不通过大会流程简述:一、点名 (Roll Call)点名的作用:确定到场国家总数,由此计算简单多数 (1/2多数) 和三分之二多数。
点名的方式:主席助理按照国家名单上的顺序点名,点到的国家高举国家牌并答“到(Present) ”。
二、正式辩论 (Formal Debate)辩论的概念:不同于平时的辩论比赛,模联中的发言、磋商、游说等均被视为辩论。
追加发言机会 (国家名未在发言名单上或已经完成发言) ,可向主席台传意向条(Page) 要求在发言名单上添加其代表国家,主席会将该国家名加在发言名单最后。
发言时间:每位代表有90秒的初始发言时间 (Speaking Time) ,可通过动议(Motion to Change Speaking Time) 更改。
①让渡给他国代表 (Yield Time to Another Delegate) :让渡国A代表和被让渡国B代表协商一致后 (传意向条,会前游说等) ,B代表在A代表剩余的时间内进行发言。
模拟联合国Draft Resolution范例
![模拟联合国Draft Resolution范例](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9e820981bceb19e8b8f6ba5e.png)
Draft ResolutionCommittee: Human Rights CouncilSignatories: Angola Azerbaijan Canada Chile China Cuba Egypt France Gabon Germany Ghana India Indonesia Italy Madagascar Malaysia Pakistan Qatar Republic of Korea Saudi Arabia Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom ZambiaHuman Rights Council,Deeply convinced that children’s rights, high on the list of essential human rights in the first international human rights agreement- the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, should be guaranteed globally to the largest extent,Recognizing the ultimate importance of the Convention on the Rights of The Child (1989), Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (1999), and the reports A World Fit for Children (2002) and The End of Child Labor-Within Reach (2006) and its role on the eradication of child labor,Urging all countries to sign and ratify the above mentioned conventions and other instruments of the framework to prevent and abolish child labor,Remembering the paramount contribution given by different cultures, religions and civilizations to the establishment of the legal framework against Child Labor and recognizing the need to interpret these legal instruments based in such diversity,Taking into consideration that countries have different economical, social and cultural backgrounds and such difference influence policies and results in each state,Aware noting also that universal education for children in a community based approach is the main form to achieve universal eradication of child labor,Welcoming all regional initiatives to improve the current situation of children all around the world,Bearing in mind noting with concern the deleterious effects of the recent financial crisis on the child labor problem,Fully aware that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor,To act under the guidance of United Nations, as well as the basis of the Universal Declaration of human rights, minimum age convention and the worst forms of child labor convention, etc,A.Takes into consideration that countries have different economical, social, and culturalbackgrounds and may have different standards more suitable for the problems in theirown territory, the signatories of this working paper suggest that the resolution include aclause reminding the paramount role of national response to child labor and the respectfor states sovereignty;B.Advocates the creation of specific minimum working age standards instead of auniversal one;C.Proposes to divide countries in different categories and international organizationsshould play a more important role to supervise the child labor issue world wide; And theMinimum Age Convention No;138 which was adopted in 1973 should also be taken asreference;D.Decides to make different standards accordingly to the different forms of child labor;For the worst forms of child labor, as mentioned in the Convention No;182, we shouldset the age standard as is the adult’s age according to the nation’s law; And then for theless severe forms such as manufacturing and farming, Fully believing that the specificages various from different countries and regions, standard cannot only be the numbers,however there is a common sense that the 20 year old can be the upper limit; Andcombining the fact that the children( under 20 ) is overburdened by the heavy work,there will be a objective definition of the child labor age;E. Recommends establishing the definition formula :the work is fit for the child of the age<fact age≤the work is do harm for the children’s physical and mental health;that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor and that the entire world faces one of its most intense economical crisis that may affect millions of children, the signatories recommended that the resolution should include clauses that drawattention of countries and international organizations to the current crisis’ impact on theissue of child labor:economy might have on fragile economies and as a consequence the risk of worseningthe child labor problem,B.recommend that the most developed countries reiterate their commitment tointernational funds, financial aid and child labor abolition projects in order to avoidfurther deterioration on the conditions of children all over the world, especially on theleast developed countries,C.further proclaim the necessity to maintain worldwide awareness programs against childlabor and the fundamental role played by children's rights,D.calls upon all states to turn the commitments into concrete actions , gradually andeffectively eliminating child labor that jeopardize the children physical mental andspiritual health, their education;7. Insists that the elimination of child labor can’t be achieved without a proper financial help from developed countries, the signatories propose to set a new loan section called “CLEOL”(child labor elimination-oriented loan):A.The function of this section is to lend low-interest money to the countries suffering childlabor,B.The fund should be run under the management of UNICEF and the supervision of UNsupervising body; The money comes from developed countries donated by a certainproportion of its GDP annually,C.The amount of money one country can borrow from this loan should be directedconnected with the country’s child labor elimination; What’s more, a certain proportionof the money one country borrow should be invested on education with the rest of themoney being used by the country’s will,D.The reduction of child labor of a country will be measured by human right council’sannual report;8. Decides to tackle poverty, and creating decent work for adults;9. Recommends to support the Fund "Class of 2015: Education for All", in order to provide more children in poverty chances to continue their education;10. Proclaims that strengthening the supervision on child labour using of the multi-national companies is more than necessary:A.recommend that the multi-national cooperations should comply to the domestic lawsprudently,B.recommend that the third party organisations should take special investigation on thelabour using status on multi-national cooperations,C.recommend governments to set up more effective and harsh laws and regulations torestrict the multi-national cooperations to use child labour,D.recommend to provide subsidies and tax cutting policies for the cooperations whicheradicate the child labour using in their manufacture;11. Decides to establish clear stipulations for countries giving out and receiving donations or programs stand by the comprehensive funding system, which are:A.emphasize countries giving their donations should have promised on non-violations onstates sovereignty and obey related laws in the international society,B.emphasize countries receiving donations are those insufficient in facilities and economyand lacking of national law structures;12. Proclaims the entities of supervisions on use of donations go to international organizations rather than local governments;child labor's conditions, safety standards and basic rights, the global union movement is calling for additional regulation of international trading laws as well as proper supervision on run of multinational corporations, including the following suggestions:A.set up the rules of world trade overseen and enforced by the World Trade Organization(WTO) should include some rules stipulating the banning of child labor,B.prohibit trafficking or sale of girls and women for sexual exploitation, sexual abuse oreven transplantation of organs which inhumanly violate the basic rights of the victimsare forbidden and deserves strict punishment,C.recommend organizations like ILO get more data and statistics in those “hidden” areassuch as domestic servants, on farms or with home-based out-workers on child labors,D.suggest media be given more inspective and supervisory legitimacy to do its job inrevealing situations on trafficking, sexual exploitation and other illicit use of child laborwhich also can stimulate related departments to solve them under such public pressure,E.require that National laws or regulations or the competent authority shall prescribe theregisters or other documents which shall be kept and made available by the employer;such registers or documents shall contain the names and ages or dates of birth, dulycertified wherever possible, of persons whom he employs or who work for him and whoare less than 18 years of age,F.call on campaigns on specific industries,G.recommend accounting for the fact that it's hard to take on the whole global economy,so just work industry by industry; People suffering in those industries can unit to maketheir voice heard to the employers of MNCs and improve working conditions orpayments;14. Proclaims that improvement in the educational system, such as universal education for all children, has considerably diminished the child labor in countries that adopted such policies, the Human Rights Council should highly encourage the adoption of such policies;Education of parents:A.Recognizes the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for theupbringing and development of the child, while change attitude of viewing towardsgender;B.Requires that render appropriate assistance to parents and legal guardians in theperformance of their child-rearing responsibilities and ensure the development ofinstitutions, facilities and services for the care of children;C.Requests enhancement of parents’ specific training that will provide the poor with someworking skills; In this way, the poor country can create advanced methods of operation,deploying human resources in a reasonable way, setting up efficient organization andenhancing management of work force of fixed number and therefore productionefficiency of work force is increased;Education of the young15. Recommends that primary education should be free, compulsory, well-resourced, relevant and nearby; In fact, it is much easier to monitor school attendance than to inspect factories and workshops;16. Reiterates the right of accessing the equal education should be guaranteed for both boys and girls;17. Encourages the development of different forms of secondary education, including general and vocational education, make them available and accessible to every child, and take appropriate measures such as the introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of need18. Calls upon setting up special funds for education to be used mainly for assisting outlying and poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by minority ethnic groups in enforcing compulsory education there;19. Recommends carrying out extensive social mobilization to play the roles of non-governmental organizations, communities, and the mass media under the guidance of UN and UNICEF to improve the education and medical training standard;20. Advocates exchange programs on technology and social science between developed and developing countries, which can not only give the children in poor countries more and better opportunities to gain knowledge and training skills but also urge great power to send more volunteers and technology in the poor areas;21. Decides to arm the children with consciousness of law and self-protection such as requiring education and paying so that they can defend themselves such as delivering their plea in the form of a petition to U;N;22. Recommends providing programs aiming at equipping adults from countries, such as those in Africa, where children are traditionally regarded as the main economic source of the family, with practical skills for a particular job in order to get their own jobs to support the family in place of their children;23. Calls for documenting and evaluating all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for “good practice”;24. Calls for special Education and training for females——girls and womenA.strongly recommend the recognition of the rights of potential victims of sexualexploitation, such as but not limited to:B.recommend raising their ideological and moral standards of basic human rights;Especially the right to personal dignity facing with sexual exploitation,C.recommend setting up special school for training of females to help them become bettereducated and acquire more legal, moral and cultural awareness and working skills,D.proclaim the right to seek all kinds of counsel including demonstration and mentalcompensations as seen fit in national law,E.proclaim the right to pursue information and justified approach to protect their own legalrights;Education of the public25. Aims at reaching a broad social consensus among people in which everyone:A.raise awareness of hazardous situation of child labor and form an atmosphere of publicsupervision and report to help the media protect fighting for the rights of child labor,B.pay more attention to the rights of child labor in order to help protect and guaranteethem,C.enhance sense of law and concept of rule by law,D.Emphasize the need for negotiation of gender equality in the basic infrastructuralbuilding by promoting initiatives in conflict resolutions, as well as to implementmechanisms on peace agreements;26. Recommends proposing mutual-beneficial programs, in which the developed countries will have the advantage of employing elites from all over the world working for them, and the developing countries can improve both the quality of their compulsory education and their citizens:A.recommend launching the program is called OEP(Overseas Education Project);Thedeveloped countries are supposed to come to the aid since the elementary education inthe Third World; The aids shall cover the aspects of exchanging students and teachers,infrastructure and teaching methods; In high schools or universities, those countries willchoose their best students to have further studies in the developed countries; They maystay abroad or return to their motherlands after graduation;27. Requests handle of large scale of desolation caused by child labor by utilizing the following methods for rehabilitation and social integration:A.create and support medical facilities available for testing on sexually transmitteddiseases and surgeries accidental injuries in working in the form of temporary short termemergency clinics for fast and immediate victims services,B.add training in judiciary, police, religious leaders on repercussions of trafficking andsale children for sexual services and how to assist victims,C.develop incentives for attorneys to defend victims of trafficking and child labor,D.demand repercussions and disciplinary acts for those who commit trafficking and childlabor,E.support economic livelihood for victims such as primary technological training andsupport empowerment of females such as to create easily outreach programs in order tocreate a safe environment for victims to report and recover form sufferings;28. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:A.recommend the assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinationalcorporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing childlabor,B.call for the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;29. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Committee, including ILO and UNICEF, could be set up tocoordinate the oversight work in the mechanism;,B.recommend strengthening the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UNprovides the general standards and practical paradigm; Special inspectors would be sentby UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports;30. Further recommends ratifying and implementing ILO Convention n; 138 on the minimum age of work and the ILO Convention n; 182 on the worst forms of child labor;31. Further proclaims the importance to ensure that national legislation is harmonised with international child labour standards, articulate mandates and measures for their full implementation, monitor law enforcement especially with regard to the elimination of the worst forms of child labour (as per ILO 182) –provide for periodic progress reporting and make findings available to the public in general;32. Decides to develop comprehensive training programs for the judiciary on child sensitive approaches to handling childr en’s complaints and testimonies;33. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:carry out assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinational corporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing child labor:A.establish monitoring of the enforcement of domestic laws and international conventions,B.establish the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;34. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Mechanism, connecting ILO and UNICEF, plus theinternational non-governmental organization, could be set up to coordinate the oversight work in the mechanism,B.recommend the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UN provides the generalstandards and practical paradigm, special inspectors would be sent by UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports,C.recommend NGOs act as important supplement, and they should also conduct specificassessment and supervision and submit their reports to make up the part that may be neglected;35. Decides to act the following measures to strengthen Border Surveillance:A.develop and implement common tools and applications for border surveillance at EUlevel:B.research and development to improve the performance of surveillance tools,mon application of surveillance tools,mon pre-frontier intelligence picture;36. Recommends interlinking and streamlining existing surveillance systems and mechanisms at Member States level:A.provide the essential border surveillance infrastructure at national level,B.set up communication network between the national coordination centres,C.support to neighbouring third countries for the setting up of border surveillanceinfrastructure;37. Recommends establishing creation of a common monitoring and information sharing environment for the EU maritime domain:A.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for border control andinternal,B.set up security purposes covering the Mediterranean Sea, the southern Atlantic Oceanand the Black Sea,C.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for the whole EUmaritime domain;38. Decides to establish a coordinating body to monitor trends and the impact of violence on children and handle/monitor complaints from children victims of violence in the workplace;39. Decides to improve research methodology and involve children to reveal all hidden forms of violence against children in the work place, especially in domestic work, on family farms and enterprises and in the tourist industry;40. Decides to document and evaluate all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for “goodpractice”;41. Uses the Concluding Observations of the CRC Committee as benchmarks for performance and publish a “barometer” report;42. Decides to review national and regional child labour laws to address violence and sexual abuse in the workplace, including domestic child work;43. Decides to take adequate legislative measures to ensure the explicit prohibition of sexual exploitation and abuse of children under criminal law;44. Proclaims that child victims of sexual exploitation and abuse are not criminalized or penalized;45. Implements appropriate policies and programmes for the prevention, recovery and social reintegration of child victims, in accordance with the Declaration and Agenda for Action and the Global Commitment adopted at the 1996 and 2001 World Congresses against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children;46. Urges to carry out gender awareness campaigns to combat sexual exploitation;47. Recommends carrying out policy responses to address the causes of child labour, paying particular attention to the situation of girls;48. Decides to make immediate actions to tackle the worst forms of child labour;49. Recommends paying greater attention to the education and skills training needs of adolescent girls - a key action point in tackling child labour and providing a pathway for girls to gain Decent Work as adults;。
thank you for the chair.尊敬的主席,尊敬的各国代表,下面我谨代表菲律宾政府陈述我国对待如何应对全球气候变化的建议。
honerable chair and dear delegate ,this is the representative of phillipine,here is my brief speech 近些年来全球气候异常,各国对于气候变化愈加关注。
during recent years, the world’s climate changes abnormally,every country pays more and more attention to climate changes.with efforts of many countries,kyoto protocal has been reached.however,the implementation is below expectation.dealing with climate changes staring us in the face.as a responsible country,philippine has been keeping an eye on climate changes and taking an active part in many meetings on climate changes.at the same time,we enact climate change law in 2009 and promote low-carbon enviromental friendly policy.关于应对全球气候变化,菲律宾有如下建议:about how to deal with global climate changes,philippine has following suggestions:1、建立双赢的技术推广机制和互利技术合作。
模联DR MUN Draft Resolution
![模联DR MUN Draft Resolution](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7618201b16fc700abb68fc39.png)
Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC)Draft Resolution 1.1Topic: Water ScarcitySponsors: ChinaSignatories: Germany, United State, AustraliaI. Strategic approaches to sustainable water development and managementA. The need for an integrated approach to freshwater resources1.Since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992, the international community has made considerable effort to raise awareness about water resources concerns and management. The UNCED integrated water resources management principles (chapter 18 of Agenda 21) have been elaborated upon and refined by several other international water meetings, including, the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Strategic Approaches to Freshwater Management and the Commission on Sustainable Development at its sixth session (1998). However, despite many major international water meetings that have had an impact on the formulation of integrated national water policies and programmes, the implementation of integrated water resources management has not been fully achieved in either developed or developing countries. Water management issues continue to be dealt with on the basis of fragmented sectoral approaches.2. A supply-side approach, in combination with weak and fragmented institutional structures, still prevails in many countries, as water-related services are extended to promote public health and foodproduction. There is a growing consensus that integrated water resources management and demanddriven approaches offer more effective means of providing water for human consumption, development activities and food production, while alleviating the stress on the in situ ecological goods and services that are provided by freshwater. The focus on integrated water resources management and demand-driven approaches to management mark an important shift in thinking about how water is managed in terms of allocation coherency, efficiency, equity and service delivery.3.It is now accepted that sustainable water development and management require the integration of social and economic concerns with environmental ones. Land-use planning and the sustainable management of forests, wetlands, mountains, oceans and coastal areas are important elements of the equation, since water and the water cycle are fundamental for all processes occurring in the biosphere. Land-based and aquatic ecosystems are water-dependent and particular importance must be given to the most vulnerable ecological areas. Environmental protection and concern should have a high priority for both upstream and downstream water resources allocation. Such concerns should also be applied to the construction of dams and water reservoirs which often serve multiple purposes for energy generation, flood control, irrigation, drinking water, recreation and navigation. Dams and reservoirs are associated with many social and environmental costs that have to be accounted for.4. The increased incidence of natural and related environmental and technological disasters, triggered by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, floods, drought and tropical storms, has resulted in significant human, social and economic losses, posing a major threat to the planet. Climate change, environmental degradation, population increase, rapid urbanization andindustrialization and increasing poverty make societies more vulnerable to disasters. The recently released report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change foresees that global temperatures will rise faster and higher than previously predicted, causing an accelerated rise in sea level, with drought and floods as some of the consequences. Millions of people may be forced from low-lying coastal areas, while others may be driven from their land because of increasing temperatures and drought. The negativeimpact of these events serves as a major obstacle to the achievement of sustainable development. It is important to develop risk management and disaster reduction systems and to put in place early warning and monitoring systems and emergency preparedness measures in the most disaster-prone areas.5.It is recognized that, in order to realize the potential of integrated water resources management, adequate funding, human and institutional capacitybuilding, and a realistic assessment of hydrological and other physical resources are required. These need to be combined with information dissemination and application of appropriate technological solutions and transfers, particularly for areas in developing countries that are already water-scarce. The process of transforming a fragmented water sector into a new strategic integrated one has been successful in some developing countries, particularly where they have benefited from coherent external development cooperation in capacity-building and in institutional strengthening at national, basin and local levels.B. International cooperation and national mechanisms for institutional capacitybuilding6.There is no single international institution that deals exclusively with water resources issues. Those issues are by their nature cross-cutting and multidisciplinary, and any international institutional set-up must deal with a wide range of related environmental, social and economic questions at all levels. Taking this into account, there is need for international organizations involved in the water sector to further prioritize coordination, collaboration and integration of work. 17. During the past decade there has been increasing awareness of the need for riparian States to cooperate on matters related to shared water resources and on integrated water resource management strategies. Such cooperation should take into account agreements that are of relevance to water issues, such as the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Convention onWetlands of International Importance, Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention).7.Another related issue is the strengthening of international cooperation in the areas of finance, institutional and human capacity-building, research and information-sharing and technology transfer. Technical cooperation is an important tool to support regional, national and local integrated water resources activities in developing countries. Equally important is to strengthen South/South cooperation schemes, taking advantage of all new developments and opportunities for cooperation among Governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, multilateral organizations and local communities.8.During the 1990s, the execution of certain technical cooperation projects of the United Nations system shifted from United Nations agencies to national agencies, in an effort to build up and strengthen governmental institutions. United Nations agencies now play more of a support role, providing, at the request of Governments, technical assistance in capacity-building andstrengthening water resources institutions. That support is considered by many developing countries to be an important element in implementing integrated water resources management.II. Sustainable water development and management challenges9. The task ahead is to determine how Governments, the private sector and civil society, with the support of the United Nations system, will meet the social, economic and ecological challenges posed by the increased and intensified use and abuse of finite and vulnerable water resources and the necessary expansion of access to safe water supply and adequate sanitation facilities for social and economic activities. A minimum flow of water resources is also required to sustain ecological integrity, particularly in ecologically vulnerable areas. The integrated water resources management approach is instrumental in dealing with these challenges. In promoting and facilitating sustainable water development and management, it is paramount:(a)To promote social stability and adaptability to environmental change, by applyingintegrated water resources management strategies, disaster reduction schemes andequitable and efficient allocation and distribution of water resources;(b)To promote and raise awareness, and to build human and institutional capacity, throughparticipation by stakeholders and partnerships among riparian States and betweennational and local usersectors and the public and private sector;(c)To provide access to safe water supply and adequate sanitation for poor people as anessential component in poverty alleviation measures, with a view to improving health,economic productivity, food security and human dignity;(d)To protect the quality of surface and groundwater and aquatic ecosystems;(e)To strengthen international institutional arrangements, demand-driven technicalcooperation and financing for sustainable water resources development andmanagement;(f) To strengthen the enabling role of Governments to enact and enforce water legislationand strengthen local water management and service capacities.。
模拟联合国会议文件写作1.工作文件 Working Paper (WP)代表在会议进行期间,在各自立场文件的基础上,综合草拟出针对某一或若干问题的看法和观点,以及解决办法。
2.决议草案 Draft Resolution (DR)按照联合国决议文件格式起草的对该议题的解决办法,未通过表决的决议。
格式严格,包括:标题 (Heading)、序言条款 (Preambulatory Clauses)、行动性条款 (Operative Clauses)。
3.修正案 Amendment修正案分为友好修正案以及非友好修正案;友好修正案(Friendly Amendment):原决议草案的全部起草国都赞成(需要在友好修正案的附议国中签字)该修改意见,该修正案就成为友好修正案。
模拟联合国会议(流程)发言稿专题第一篇:模拟联合国会议(流程)发言稿专题模拟联合国会议(流程)发言稿Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Ping Jiaxin, the Chair of today’s meeting.Welcome.I would like to introduce the members of the commission[kə'mɪʃ(ə)n].To my left, is the registrar ['redʒɪstrɑː].To my right , is the assistant of the chair.主席:各位代表,我是今天的会议主席平佳欣。
(主席助理和记录员的自我介绍)Now the assistant [ə'sɪst(ə)nt] will do the roll call.All delegates please raise your placard and say ‘present’ when your nation’s name is called.主席:下面进行点名。
(主席助理进行点名等)Today we will discuss the global[ˈɡləubəl] climate[ˈklaimit] and environmental problems.今天大会将对全球气候环境问题进行讨论。
Now the Speake rs’ List is open.Delegates, who want to be added ['ædɪd] in the Speakers’ List, please raise your placards.现在开启正式辩论发言名单,请希望被列入主发言名单的国家高举国家牌。
会议发言模板第一天上午正式辩论发言模板Secretary-general: Good morning, distinguished delegates. Welcome to the Forth Committee. My name is --- the Secretary-general for today’s session .The chair ’s name is ---and he will be chairing in today’s session.Chair: Good morning, distinguished delegates. The topic of the conference is “The Background of The Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Universal Realization and Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights ”. Hopefully, this conference will be fruitful.Secretary-general:Now the chair suggests we do the roll call.(如下:点名的程序及发言模板)Secretary-general: Australia.Delegate of Australia: Present.Secretary-general: Australia is present. Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: Present.Secretary-general: Bangladesh is present. Brazil.Delegate of Brazil: Present.Secretary-general: Brazil is present. Cyprus.Delegate of Cyprus: Present.… … …Secretary-general: The total number of delegates is 17. The simple majority will be 9; the absolute majority will be 12.(如下:动议开启发言名单的程序及发言模板)Chair: Now the chair suggests delegate motion to open the speakers’ list. Are there any motions?(Raising placards)Chair: UK.Delegate of UK: The delegate of UK motions to open the speakers’ list with 2 minutes speaking time.Chair: Now we have a motion on the floor. Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.(Raising placards)Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. All those who want to be added to the speakers’ list, please raise your placard.Chair: Marshall Islands, USA, China, UK, Cyprus, Fiji, France, Australia, Russia, Tuvalu, Germany, Japan, Canada, India, Netherland,Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa.Chair:Now, delegate of Marshall Islands, you have 2 minutes to address the body.Delegate of Marshall Islands: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Marshall Islands… …(如下:让渡时间给主席的程序及发言模板)Chair:Delegate of Marshall Islands, you still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of Marshall Islands: Yield the time to Chair.(如下:动议更改发言时间的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, Marshall Islands. Now the floor is open, any motions or points?(Raising placards)Chair: China.Delegate of China: China motions to change the speaking time from 120 seconds to 150 seconds.Chair:Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion fails. The speaking time is still 2 minutes. OK, now delegate of USA, you have 2 minutes to address the committee.Delegate of USA: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, USA… …(如下:让渡时间给另一代表国的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, USA, you still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of USA: Yield the time to Japan.Chair: OK, delegate of Japan, you have … seconds.Delegate of Japan: Thank you, USA. Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates …(如下:动议进行有组织的核心磋商的程序及发言模板)Chair: OK. The floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Fiji. Delegate of Fiji: Fiji motions for a 3 minutes moderated consultation on delegate of USA’s speech, with speaking time 60 seconds. Chair:Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. Those who want to speak, please raise your placard. Fiji, you have 60 minutes.Delegate of Fiji: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, … … Chair: Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. Canada, you have the stage.Delegate of Canada: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates … Chair: Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. Tuvalu, you have 1 minutes.Delegate of Tuvalu: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates … Chair: OK, this motion is over. Now, China, please come to the stage to deliver your speech.Delegate of China: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, China… …(如下:让渡时间给评论的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, China. You still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of China: Yield time to Comments.Chair:Those who want to make comments on China’s delegate’s speech, please raise your placard. Netherland.Delegate of Netherland: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Netherland… …(如下:动议进行无组织的自由协商的程序及发言模板)Chair: Now the floor is open. Are there any motions or points? India. Delegate of India:India motions for a 5-minute unmoderated consultation on China’s delegate’s speech.Chair:Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. Delegates, make full use of the following 5 minutes.(After 5 minutes)Chair: Time is up. Please be seated. Now, we will continue with our Speakers’ List. Delegate of UK, you have 2 minutes to address the committee.Delegate of UK: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, UK… … (如下:让渡时间给问题的程序及发言模板)Chair: Thank you, UK. You still have … seconds. How would like to be yielding your time?Delegate of UK: Yield Time to Questions.Chair: Those who want to ask UK delegate questions, please raise your placard. Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: Thank you, honorable Chair. Bangladesh is wondering how UK government can guarantee efficient fund on slowing down sea level rise.Delegate of UK: Delegate of Bangladesh, thanks for your questions. UK government will… …Chair: Ok. The floor is open now. Any motions or points? … … … … …追加发言部分Chair: Now that each country has delivered speech to the committee, we will move on to additional speaking time. Based on the order the country submitted its page, the following 3 countries will have an addition speaking time of 2 minutes: USA, Australia, and Tuvalu. The procedure is the same as before. There will be yielding time and motions after each speech. Now, delegate of USA, you have 2 minutes.Delegate of USA: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … … … … … …主席结束语部分Chair:Ladies and gentlemen, today’s session is over by now. All delegates need to negotiate with others to write draft resolutions and submit them to the Secretariat on time. Tomorrow morning we will discuss these draft resolutions, make amendments and vote on the draft resolutions. All delegates, see you tomorrow morning.第二天上午决议草案的讨论阶段(如下:决议草案的讨论程序及发言模板)Chair:Now we will continue our conference. The committee has * draft resolutions, which are, according to the time they are submitted to the Secretariat, No.1 Draft Resolution sponsored by ***, ***, ***, No.2 Draft Resolution sponsored by ***, ***, ***, No.3 Draft Resolution sponsored by ***, ***, ***… … First, the main sponsor of No.1 Draft Resolution comes to the stage to introduce No.1 Draft Resolution.(After the introduction)Chair: Now the floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Chair: USA.Delegate of USA: USA motions for 3 minutes moderated consultationto discuss No.1 Draft Resolution. The speaking time will be 60 seconds.Chair: Thank you. Those who are in favor of this motion please raise your placard.Chair: This motion passes with* in favor. Those who want to speak, please raise your placard. USA, you have 60 seconds.Delegate of USA: Thank you, Chair. Dear all … …Chair: Thank you, USA. Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. China, you now have 60 seconds.Delegate of China: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates … … Chair: Thank you, China. Those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. Now UK, please deliver your speech.Delegate of UK: Thank you Chair. Dear delegates… …Chair: Now the motion is over by now. And discussion on No.1 Draft Resolution is over. It is waited to be amended. Then we will invite the main sponsor of No.2 Draft Resolution to introduce this draft resolution.(After the introduction)Chair: Now the floor is open. Are there any points or motions? Chair: Netherland.Delegate of Netherland: Netherland motions for a 5-minute unmoderated consultation.Chair: Thank you Netherland. All those who are in favor of this motion please raise your placard.Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. Now delegates, make full use of your 5 minutes.(After 5 minutes)Chair: Delegates, time is up, please be seated. Discussion on No.2 Draft Resolution is over. It is waited to be amended. Now, the main sponsor of No.3 Draft Resolution, please come to the stage to introduce your draft resolution… … … … …(如下:40分钟的休会阶段——写修正案)Chair:Now we have fully discussed all draft resolutions. Then the conference will come into a 40-minute period for delegates to discuss with others to make amendments to draft resolutions. You can walk away from your seat and negotiate with other delegates. Please be reminded that all amendments should be submitted to the secretariat in 30 minutes. Ok, delegates, make full use of the following 40 minutes.… … …修正案的讨论、表决阶段Chair: Ladies and gentlemen, time is up. Please be seated. Now we have 3 amendments, which are Amendment 1.1 sponsored by ***, Amendment 1.2 sponsored by *** and Amendment 3.1 sponsored by ***. First, the sponsor of Amendment 1.1, please come to the stage to introduce your amendment.(如下:友好修正案的表决程序及发言模板)(After the introduction)Chair:The sponsors of No.1 Draft Resolution, those who agree to incorporate Amendment 1.1 into No.1 Draft Resolution, please raise your placard.Chair: Since all sponsors of No.1 Draft Resolution agree to incorporate Amendment 1.1, this amendment is a friendly amendment, so it will be incorporated into No.1 Draft Resolution without any vote. Now the sponsor of Amendment 1.2, please come to the stage to introduce it. (如下:非友好修正案的表决程序及发言模板)(After the introduction)Chair:The sponsors of No.1 Draft Resolution, those who agree to incorporate Amendment 1.2 into No.1 Draft Resolution, please raise your placard.Chair: Since not all sponsors agree to incorporate Amendment 1.2, this amendment is an unfriendly amendment. Now the chair will establish a new speakers’ list. The chair will call 2 delegates who are in favor of this amendment and 2 delegates who are against this amendment to illustrate their reasons. Each delegate has 60 seconds. Those who are in favor of Amendment 1.2,please raise your placard. Canada, you have the stage.Delegate of Canada: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … Chair:Thank you, Canada. Now, those who are also in favor of Amendment 1.2,please raise your placard. Brazil, you have 60 seconds.Delegate of Brazil: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … Chair:Thank you, Brazil. Now, Those who are against Amendment 1.2,please raise your placard. India, you have 60 seconds. Delegate of India: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … Chair: Thank you, India. Now, those who are also against Amendment 1.2,please raise your placard. Tuvalu, you have 60 seconds. Delegate of Tuvalu: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates… … Chair: Thank you, Tuvalu. Since we have fully debated on Amendment 1.2, now we are going to vote on this amendment. Please note that an unfriendly amendment requires a two thirds majority to pass. OK now, those who are in favor of this amendment, please raise your placard.Chair:with*in favor, Amendment 1.2 fails. Now let us discuss Amendment 3.1 … …… … …决议草案表决阶段(如下:动议对决议草案进行重新排序的程序及发言模板)Chair: Since we have voted on all amendments, now we will move on to the voting procedure of three draft resolutions. Are there any motions for reordering draft resolutions?Chair: China.Delegate of China: China motions for reordering draft resolutions. The voting order should be No.3 Draft Resolution, No.1 Draft Resolution, and No.2 Draft Resolution.Chair: Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard. Chair: With* in favor, this motion fails. Now the floor is still open. Any motions for reordering draft resolutions?Chair: UK.Delegate of UK: UK motions to change the original voting order to No.2 Draft Resolution, No.3 Draft Resolution, and No.1 Draft Resolution.Chair: Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard. Chair: With* in favor, this motion fails. Now the floor is still open. Any motions or points?Chair: Fiji.Delegate of Fiji: Fiji motions to change the original voting order to No.3 Draft Resolution, No.2 Draft Resolution, and No.1 Draft Resolution.Chair: Those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard. Chair: With* in favor, this motion passes. And the draft resolutions will be voted in this order.(This process of reordering draft resolutions will end if one motion passes or all motions fail. If no such motion gets passed, the draft resolutions will be voted in their original order)(如下:动议进行点名投票roll call voting的程序及发言模板)Chair: Now the chair suggests that the voting procedure be roll call vote. So, any motions? Australia.Delegate of Australia: Australia motions that the voting procedure should be roll call vote.Chair: Those who are in favor this motion, please raise your placard. With* in favor, this motion passes. The voting procedure will be roll call vote.(如下:决议草案的表决程序及发言模板)Chair: Now first we are going to vote on No.3 Draft Resolution. Before the voting, the chair will call one delegate who is in favor of No.3 draft resolution and one delegate who is against this draft resolution to clarify their reasons. The speaking time is 60 seconds. OK, those who are in favor of No.3 draft resolution, please raise your placard. Cyprus. Delegate of Cyprus: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Cyprus is in favor of No.3 Draft Resolution because… …Chair:Thank you, Cyprus. Then those who are against No.3 Draft Resolution, please raise your placard. USA.Delegate of USA: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, USA is against No.3 Draft Resolution, for… …Chair: Thank you, USA. OK, now we are going to vote on No.3 Draft Resolution. The voting procedure will be roll call vote. When your country is called, you should say Yes, No, or Abstain. Let’s start the procedure.Secretary-general: Australia.Delegate of Australia: Abstain.Secretary-general: Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: No.… … …Chair: ** vote for Yes, ** vote for No, ** vote for Abstain. So No.3 Draft Resolution fails. Now we are going to vote on No.2 Draft Resolution. Before the voting, the chair will also call one delegate who is in favor of No.2 draft resolution and one delegate who is against this draft resolution to clarify their reasons. The speaking time is still 60 seconds. OK, those who are in favor of No.2 draft resolution, please raise your placard. France.Delegate of France: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, France is in favor of No.2 Draft Resolution because… …Chair: Thank you, France. Then those who are against No.2 Draft Resolution, please raise your placard. Japan.Delegate of Japan: Honorable Chair and distinguished delegates, Japan is against No.3 Draft Resolution because… …Chair: Thank you, Japan. OK, now we are going to vote on No.2 Draft Resolution.Secretary-general: Australia.Delegate of Australia: Yes.Secretary-general: Bangladesh.Delegate of Bangladesh: No.… … …Chair: ** vote for Yes, ** vote for No, ** vote for Abstain. So No.2 Draft Resolution has been passed! Congratulations to all the delegates! Now applause is in order! Ladies and gentlemen, this conference is over by now! Thanks for your efforts!。
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Draft ResolutionCommittee: Human Rights CouncilSignatories: Angola Azerbaijan Canada Chile China Cuba Egypt France Gabon Germany Ghana India Indonesia Italy Madagascar Malaysia Pakistan Qatar Republic of Korea Saudi Arabia Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom ZambiaHuman Rights Council,Deeply convinced that children’s rights, high on the list of essential human rights in the first international human rights agreement- the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, should be guaranteed globally to the largest extent,Recognizing the ultimate importance of the Convention on the Rights of The Child (1989), Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (1999), and the reports A World Fit for Children (2002) and The End of Child Labor-Within Reach (2006) and its role on the eradication of child labor,Urging all countries to sign and ratify the above mentioned conventions and other instruments of the framework to prevent and abolish child labor,Remembering the paramount contribution given by different cultures, religions and civilizations to the establishment of the legal framework against Child Labor and recognizing the need to interpret these legal instruments based in such diversity,Taking into consideration that countries have different economical, social and cultural backgrounds and such difference influence policies and results in each state,Aware noting also that universal education for children in a community based approach is the main form to achieve universal eradication of child labor,Welcoming all regional initiatives to improve the current situation of children all around the world,Bearing in mind noting with concern the deleterious effects of the recent financial crisis on the child labor problem,Fully aware that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor,To act under the guidance of United Nations, as well as the basis of the Universal Declaration of human rights, minimum age convention and the worst forms of child labor convention, etc,A.Takes into consideration that countries have different economical, social, and culturalbackgrounds and may have different standards more suitable for the problems in theirown territory, the signatories of this working paper suggest that the resolution include aclause reminding the paramount role of national response to child labor and the respectfor states sovereignty;B.Advocates the creation of specific minimum working age standards instead of auniversal one;C.Proposes to divide countries in different categories and international organizationsshould play a more important role to supervise the child labor issue world wide; And theMinimum Age Convention No;138 which was adopted in 1973 should also be taken asreference;D.Decides to make different standards accordingly to the different forms of child labor;For the worst forms of child labor, as mentioned in the Convention No;182, we shouldset the age standard as is the adult’s age according to the nation’s law; And then for theless severe forms such as manufacturing and farming, Fully believing that the specificages various from different countries and regions, standard cannot only be the numbers,however there is a common sense that the 20 year old can be the upper limit; Andcombining the fact that the children( under 20 ) is overburdened by the heavy work,there will be a objective definition of the child labor age;E. Recommends establishing the definition formula :the work is fit for the child of the age<fact age≤the work is do harm for the children’s physical and mental health;that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor and that the entire world faces one of its most intense economical crisis that may affect millions of children, the signatories recommended that the resolution should include clauses that drawattention of countries and international organizations to the current crisis’ impact on theissue of child labor:economy might have on fragile economies and as a consequence the risk of worseningthe child labor problem,B.recommend that the most developed countries reiterate their commitment tointernational funds, financial aid and child labor abolition projects in order to avoidfurther deterioration on the conditions of children all over the world, especially on theleast developed countries,C.further proclaim the necessity to maintain worldwide awareness programs against childlabor and the fundamental role played by children's rights,D.calls upon all states to turn the commitments into concrete actions , gradually andeffectively eliminating child labor that jeopardize the children physical mental andspiritual health, their education;7. Insists that the elimination of child labor can’t be achieved without a proper financial help from developed countries, the signatories propose to set a new loan section called “CLEOL”(child labor elimination-oriented loan):A.The function of this section is to lend low-interest money to the countries suffering childlabor,B.The fund should be run under the management of UNICEF and the supervision of UNsupervising body; The money comes from developed countries donated by a certainproportion of its GDP annually,C.The amount of money one country can borrow from this loan should be directedconnected with the country’s child labor elimination; What’s more, a certain proportionof the money one country borrow should be invested on education with the rest of themoney being used by the country’s will,D.The reduction of child labor of a country will be measured by human right council’sannual report;8. Decides to tackle poverty, and creating decent work for adults;9. Recommends to support the Fund "Class of 2015: Education for All", in order to provide more children in poverty chances to continue their education;10. Proclaims that strengthening the supervision on child labour using of the multi-national companies is more than necessary:A.recommend that the multi-national cooperations should comply to the domestic lawsprudently,B.recommend that the third party organisations should take special investigation on thelabour using status on multi-national cooperations,C.recommend governments to set up more effective and harsh laws and regulations torestrict the multi-national cooperations to use child labour,D.recommend to provide subsidies and tax cutting policies for the cooperations whicheradicate the child labour using in their manufacture;11. Decides to establish clear stipulations for countries giving out and receiving donations or programs stand by the comprehensive funding system, which are:A.emphasize countries giving their donations should have promised on non-violations onstates sovereignty and obey related laws in the international society,B.emphasize countries receiving donations are those insufficient in facilities and economyand lacking of national law structures;12. Proclaims the entities of supervisions on use of donations go to international organizations rather than local governments;child labor's conditions, safety standards and basic rights, the global union movement is calling for additional regulation of international trading laws as well as proper supervision on run of multinational corporations, including the following suggestions:A.set up the rules of world trade overseen and enforced by the World Trade Organization(WTO) should include some rules stipulating the banning of child labor,B.prohibit trafficking or sale of girls and women for sexual exploitation, sexual abuse oreven transplantation of organs which inhumanly violate the basic rights of the victimsare forbidden and deserves strict punishment,C.recommend organizations like ILO get more data and statistics in those “hidden” areassuch as domestic servants, on farms or with home-based out-workers on child labors,D.suggest media be given more inspective and supervisory legitimacy to do its job inrevealing situations on trafficking, sexual exploitation and other illicit use of child laborwhich also can stimulate related departments to solve them under such public pressure,E.require that National laws or regulations or the competent authority shall prescribe theregisters or other documents which shall be kept and made available by the employer;such registers or documents shall contain the names and ages or dates of birth, dulycertified wherever possible, of persons whom he employs or who work for him and whoare less than 18 years of age,F.call on campaigns on specific industries,G.recommend accounting for the fact that it's hard to take on the whole global economy,so just work industry by industry; People suffering in those industries can unit to maketheir voice heard to the employers of MNCs and improve working conditions orpayments;14. Proclaims that improvement in the educational system, such as universal education for all children, has considerably diminished the child labor in countries that adopted such policies, the Human Rights Council should highly encourage the adoption of such policies;Education of parents:A.Recognizes the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for theupbringing and development of the child, while change attitude of viewing towardsgender;B.Requires that render appropriate assistance to parents and legal guardians in theperformance of their child-rearing responsibilities and ensure the development ofinstitutions, facilities and services for the care of children;C.Requests enhancement of parents’ specific training that will provide the poor with someworking skills; In this way, the poor country can create advanced methods of operation,deploying human resources in a reasonable way, setting up efficient organization andenhancing management of work force of fixed number and therefore productionefficiency of work force is increased;Education of the young15. Recommends that primary education should be free, compulsory, well-resourced, relevant and nearby; In fact, it is much easier to monitor school attendance than to inspect factories and workshops;16. Reiterates the right of accessing the equal education should be guaranteed for both boys and girls;17. Encourages the development of different forms of secondary education, including general and vocational education, make them available and accessible to every child, and take appropriate measures such as the introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of need18. Calls upon setting up special funds for education to be used mainly for assisting outlying and poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by minority ethnic groups in enforcing compulsory education there;19. Recommends carrying out extensive social mobilization to play the roles of non-governmental organizations, communities, and the mass media under the guidance of UN and UNICEF to improve the education and medical training standard;20. Advocates exchange programs on technology and social science between developed and developing countries, which can not only give the children in poor countries more and better opportunities to gain knowledge and training skills but also urge great power to send more volunteers and technology in the poor areas;21. Decides to arm the children with consciousness of law and self-protection such as requiring education and paying so that they can defend themselves such as delivering their plea in the form of a petition to U;N;22. Recommends providing programs aiming at equipping adults from countries, such as those in Africa, where children are traditionally regarded as the main economic source of the family, with practical skills for a particular job in order to get their own jobs to support the family in place of their children;23. Calls for documenting and evaluating all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for “good practice”;24. Calls for special Education and training for females——girls and womenA.strongly recommend the recognition of the rights of potential victims of sexualexploitation, such as but not limited to:B.recommend raising their ideological and moral standards of basic human rights;Especially the right to personal dignity facing with sexual exploitation,C.recommend setting up special school for training of females to help them become bettereducated and acquire more legal, moral and cultural awareness and working skills,D.proclaim the right to seek all kinds of counsel including demonstration and mentalcompensations as seen fit in national law,E.proclaim the right to pursue information and justified approach to protect their own legalrights;Education of the public25. Aims at reaching a broad social consensus among people in which everyone:A.raise awareness of hazardous situation of child labor and form an atmosphere of publicsupervision and report to help the media protect fighting for the rights of child labor,B.pay more attention to the rights of child labor in order to help protect and guaranteethem,C.enhance sense of law and concept of rule by law,D.Emphasize the need for negotiation of gender equality in the basic infrastructuralbuilding by promoting initiatives in conflict resolutions, as well as to implementmechanisms on peace agreements;26. Recommends proposing mutual-beneficial programs, in which the developed countries will have the advantage of employing elites from all over the world working for them, and the developing countries can improve both the quality of their compulsory education and their citizens:A.recommend launching the program is called OEP(Overseas Education Project);Thedeveloped countries are supposed to come to the aid since the elementary education inthe Third World; The aids shall cover the aspects of exchanging students and teachers,infrastructure and teaching methods; In high schools or universities, those countries willchoose their best students to have further studies in the developed countries; They maystay abroad or return to their motherlands after graduation;27. Requests handle of large scale of desolation caused by child labor by utilizing the following methods for rehabilitation and social integration:A.create and support medical facilities available for testing on sexually transmitteddiseases and surgeries accidental injuries in working in the form of temporary short termemergency clinics for fast and immediate victims services,B.add training in judiciary, police, religious leaders on repercussions of trafficking andsale children for sexual services and how to assist victims,C.develop incentives for attorneys to defend victims of trafficking and child labor,D.demand repercussions and disciplinary acts for those who commit trafficking and childlabor,E.support economic livelihood for victims such as primary technological training andsupport empowerment of females such as to create easily outreach programs in order tocreate a safe environment for victims to report and recover form sufferings;28. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:A.recommend the assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinationalcorporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing childlabor,B.call for the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;29. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Committee, including ILO and UNICEF, could be set up tocoordinate the oversight work in the mechanism;,B.recommend strengthening the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UNprovides the general standards and practical paradigm; Special inspectors would be sentby UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports;30. Further recommends ratifying and implementing ILO Convention n; 138 on the minimum age of work and the ILO Convention n; 182 on the worst forms of child labor;31. Further proclaims the importance to ensure that national legislation is harmonised with international child labour standards, articulate mandates and measures for their full implementation, monitor law enforcement especially with regard to the elimination of the worst forms of child labour (as per ILO 182) –provide for periodic progress reporting and make findings available to the public in general;32. Decides to develop comprehensive training programs for the judiciary on child sensitive approaches to handling childr en’s complaints and testimonies;33. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:carry out assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinational corporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing child labor:A.establish monitoring of the enforcement of domestic laws and international conventions,B.establish the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;34. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Mechanism, connecting ILO and UNICEF, plus theinternational non-governmental organization, could be set up to coordinate the oversight work in the mechanism,B.recommend the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UN provides the generalstandards and practical paradigm, special inspectors would be sent by UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports,C.recommend NGOs act as important supplement, and they should also conduct specificassessment and supervision and submit their reports to make up the part that may be neglected;35. Decides to act the following measures to strengthen Border Surveillance:A.develop and implement common tools and applications for border surveillance at EUlevel:B.research and development to improve the performance of surveillance tools,mon application of surveillance tools,mon pre-frontier intelligence picture;36. Recommends interlinking and streamlining existing surveillance systems and mechanisms at Member States level:A.provide the essential border surveillance infrastructure at national level,B.set up communication network between the national coordination centres,C.support to neighbouring third countries for the setting up of border surveillanceinfrastructure;37. Recommends establishing creation of a common monitoring and information sharing environment for the EU maritime domain:A.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for border control andinternal,B.set up security purposes covering the Mediterranean Sea, the southern Atlantic Oceanand the Black Sea,C.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for the whole EUmaritime domain;38. Decides to establish a coordinating body to monitor trends and the impact of violence on children and handle/monitor complaints from children victims of violence in the workplace;39. Decides to improve research methodology and involve children to reveal all hidden forms of violence against children in the work place, especially in domestic work, on family farms and enterprises and in the tourist industry;40. Decides to document and evaluate all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for “goodpractice”;41. Uses the Concluding Observations of the CRC Committee as benchmarks for performance and publish a “barometer” report;42. Decides to review national and regional child labour laws to address violence and sexual abuse in the workplace, including domestic child work;43. Decides to take adequate legislative measures to ensure the explicit prohibition of sexual exploitation and abuse of children under criminal law;44. Proclaims that child victims of sexual exploitation and abuse are not criminalized or penalized;45. Implements appropriate policies and programmes for the prevention, recovery and social reintegration of child victims, in accordance with the Declaration and Agenda for Action and the Global Commitment adopted at the 1996 and 2001 World Congresses against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children;46. Urges to carry out gender awareness campaigns to combat sexual exploitation;47. Recommends carrying out policy responses to address the causes of child labour, paying particular attention to the situation of girls;48. Decides to make immediate actions to tackle the worst forms of child labour;49. Recommends paying greater attention to the education and skills training needs of adolescent girls - a key action point in tackling child labour and providing a pathway for girls to gain Decent Work as adults;。