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26. W hich of the follow ing un derl ined parts is differe nt in pronun ciati on from others?

A) Ann survived in the earthquake. B) Would you like some tea?

C) My aunt lives in the east of Chi na. D) There is a picture in my


26. John read the book again in order to get more information from it. Which of

following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?

A) /r i : d/ B) /r e d/ C) /r e I d/

/r a I d/

27. Which of the follow ing un derl ined parts is differe nt in pronun ciati on from others?

A) My office is on the gro und floor.

B) It was cloudy yesterday after noon.

C) I ' like to buy this pair of trousers.

D) I 'e been here for a couple of days.

26. At the end of each year, they go back to their n ative tow ns for the New Year.

Which of the follow ing is correct i n pronun ciati on for the un derl ined word in

the sentence?

A)/neijav B) f neiriv/ C) D)/fl3:CL/

27. Which of the follow ing un derl ined parts is differe nt in pronun ciati on from others?

A) Old Joh n has bee n dead for a year. B) Smok ing is harmful to health.

C) The headline has told us a lot. D) It ' nice to breathe fresh air in the park.

26. Mr. Li awarded me a prize for my won derful performa nee at the En glish party.

Which of the followi ng is correct for the un derl ined word?

A) /pr ?z/ B) /pra ?:/ C) /pr ?s/ D) /pra ?

26. Which of the follow ing un derl ined parts is differe nt in pronun ciati on from


A) What ani mal jumps highest? B) Here is an in vitati on from a club.

C) My father is a bus in essma n. D) He found it was a dull party.

26. Which of the follow ing words matches the sound /redi/ ?

A) ready B) read C) ride D) red

27. Which of the follow ing un derl ined parts is differe nt in pronun ciati on from others? the D)


A) Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous cartoon characters. B) Diogenes comes from Kennia, which is in Africa. C) Disneyland was created by Walt Disney.

D) Paul is writing an unusual thing that happened to him.

26. Little Tom hid himself under the bed. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?

A) / ha0d /

B) / hA:d / C) / h0d /

D) / h$d /

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A) I still need a couple of days to fix it.

B) He has never been to a foreign country before. C) Could you speak a bit louder, please? D) Don 't touch that ancient painting.

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A) I cried because of his angry words. chance to escape. C) He was wearing a dark brown jacket. of the bedside lamp. 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different others?

A) I prefer noodles to rice for lunch. burnt the wooden hut.

C) Disney can draw many cartoon characters. his foolish behavior.

27. Which of the following words matches the sound [la

A) light B) write C) right

26. Which of the following underlined parts is different others? A) More and more people spend their holidays in another country.

B) The young lady over there is my aunt. C) He is old enough to look after himself. D) This house is made of wood.

27. Which of the following words matches the sounds /praiz/? A) prize B) praise C) price

D) piece


1 It is good to have some free talks with our family at _____ supper

A) / B) a C) an D) the

2 It is a good habit to go to ____ bed early and get up early. A) a

B) an

C) the D) /


Lucy often plays

guitar after she has


in pronunciation from the

B) The fire quickly D) Bill has

to pay for


D) writer

in pronunciation

from the

B) This was my last D) He read by the light
