
A.Ms; B. M f; C. A1。
2.为了改善高碳钢(W C>0.6%)的切削加工性能,一般选择作为预备热处理。
A.正火; B. 淬火; C.退火;D.回火。
A. Ac1+30℃~50℃;B.Ac cm以上;C.Ac3+30℃~50℃。
( )2.淬火后的钢,随回火温度的提高,其强度和硬度也提高。
( )3.钢的最高淬火硬度,主要取决于钢中奥氏体的碳的质量分数。
( ) 4.钢的晶粒因过热而粗化时,就有变脆的倾向。
( )四、简答题1.指出Ac1、Ac3、Ac cm;Ar1、Ar3、Ar cm及A1、A3、A cm之间的关系。
2.控制奥氏体晶粒长大的措施有哪些?3.简述共析钢过冷奥氏体在A1~M f温度之间,不同温度等温时的转变产物及基本性能。


作业四1 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 B向量,,则( ).ABC-D-12 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 A函数在点处方向导数的最大值为( ). ABC0D3 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 C设为常数,则级数的敛散性是( ).A绝对收敛B条件收敛C发散D敛散性与有关4 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 B已知向量,则与同方向的单位向量为( ). ABCD5 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 A函数的定义域为( ).ABCD6 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 BABCD7 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 BABCD8 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 D方程组在空间表示( )A椭圆B圆C圆柱面D抛物线.9 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 A用待定系数法求微分方程的一个特解时,应设特解的形式为=( ) A.BC.D10 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 CABCD11 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 CABCD12 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 B设为平面在第一卦限的部分,则( ).ABCD 0E13 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 C函数在点处偏导数、连续是函数在该点全微分存在的( ).A充分必要条件B必要非充分条件C充分非必要条件D既非充分也非必要条件14 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 A下列级数中收敛的是( )。
ABCD15 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 B在下列向量中,与向量垂直的单位向量是( )。
ABCD16 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 D函数在点处的最大方向导数为( )。
A1B0C-1D√217 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 A方程表示的二次曲面是( )。
A柱面B双曲面C抛物面D 圆锥面18 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 BABC9DE19 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 C设向量与向量垂直,则( )。
A1B2C3D420 / 24 单选题(3分)正确答案 A二元函数在( )处是连续的。
国开 机械制造基础 形考任务四答案

国开 机械制造基础 形考任务四答案

2)求L根据:25=60-L 则:L=60-25=35(mm)3)求L的极限偏差ES L、 EI L根据:0.19 = 0-EI L则:EI L = 0-0.19 = -0.19(mm)根据:0 = -0.1- ES L则:ES L = -0.10(mm)-0.10即:L=35 (mm)-0.19标准答案33:解:1.画尺寸链,确定封闭环和增、减环如图所示,为封闭环,A、为增环,为减环。
2.求A根据:10= A + 30-60则:A = 60 + 10-30 = 40(mm)3.求L的极限偏差、根据:0.20 = + 0.06 -(-0.06)则:= 0.20-0.06-0.06 = 0.08(mm)根据:0 = + 0 -0.06 则: = 0.06(mm)即:A = (mm)标准答案34:解:1)画尺寸链,确定封闭环和增、减环。
2)求A根据:26 =(50 + A)-(10 + 20)则:A = 26 + 10 + 20-50 = 6(mm)3)求A的极限偏差、。

(√) 7.提高点火性能的方法是使用贵金属作为电极。
(×) 8. 电压调节器是为了保持发电机输出电压的稳定。
(√) 9.起动器为直流电机。
(×) 10. 照明系统的功能是照明。
(×) 11. 非接触式点火可提高发动机转速。
(√) 12.二级保养前,发动机的检测和诊断项目为点火系统。
(×) 13. 汽油机和柴油机的气缸压力表相同。
(×) 14. 二次维修车辆的废气排放应符合排放标准。
(√) 15.对传动系统进行不解体检查,以确定额外的操作项目。
(√) 16.离合器的工作状态要求无打滑、抖动、完全分离、无异常噪音。
(√) 17.测量蓄电池电解液的比重。
(√) 18.起动机驱动发动机运转。
(√) 19.曲柄连杆机构上的力仅为气体力和惯性力。
(×) 20. 为了密封缸套和缸体之间,无论是干的还是湿的,缸套压入缸体后都应进行压缩缸套顶面与气缸体上平面平齐。

最新国家开放大学电大专科《机械制造基础》形考任务4试题及答案最新国家开放大学电大专科《机械制造基础》形考任务4试题及答案形考任务四一、填空题(每空2分,共44分)题目1 工艺基准可分为下述几种:(1)装配基准,(2)测量基准,(3)工序基准,(4)定位基准。
题目2 夹紧装置的组成包括:力装置、传力机构、夹紧元件。
题目3 生产中最常用的正确的定位方式有完全定位和不完全定位两种。
题目4 零件的加工精度通常包括尺寸精度、形状精度和位置精度。
题目5 机床主轴的回转运动误差有三种基本形式,分别为径向圆跳动、轴向窜动和角度摆动。
题目6 在机械加工过程中,工件表层金属受到切削力的作用产生强烈的塑性变形,使工件表面的强度和硬度提高,塑性降低,这种现象称为加工硬化,又称冷作硬化。
题目7 加工阶段一般可划分为粗加工阶段、半精加工阶段和精加工阶段三个阶段。
题目8 确定加工余量的方法有(1)计算法,(2)经验估计法,(3)查表修正法。
二、是非判断题(每题1分,共23分)题目9 欠定位在机械加工中是不允许的。
()选择一项:对错题目10 工件的六个自由度全部被限制的定位,称为完全定位。
()选择一项:对错题目11 欠定位在一定条件下是允许的。
()选择一项:对错题目12 在一定条件下是允许采用过定位的。
()选择一项:对错题目13 固定支承在装配后,需要将其工作表面一次磨平。
()选择一项:对错题目14 夹紧力的作用点应处在工件刚性较差的部位。
()选择一项:对错题目15 夹紧力应尽可能靠近加工表面。
()选择一项:对错题目16 夹紧力的方向应有利于增加夹紧力。
()选择一项:对错题目17 根据工件的加工要求,不需要限制工件的全部自由度,这种定位称为不完全定位。
选择一项:对错题目18 固定支承在使用过程中不能调整,高度尺寸是固定不动的。
()选择一项:对错题目19 专为某一种工件的某道工序的加工而设计制造的夹具,称为组合夹具。
( ) 选择一项:对错题目20 工件加工时,采用完全定位、不完全定位都是允许的。
2 英语4(本)

泰医函授继续教育考试英语4(本)2一、单选题(红色是答案)1.Remember, nothing hurts concentration ___3 _ reading too slowly. (2分)A. rather thanB. as well asC. more thanD. instead of2.On each job he avoided _____4__ people know who he was.(2分)A. letB. to letC. be letD. letting3.Is the city much different from ___3___ it was ten years ago?(2分)A. thatB. whichC. whatD. where页脚内容14.Many boys enjoy ___4__ football, basketball or baseball.(2分)A. playB. to playC. playedD. playing5.The news you told me the other day wants yet to be ____3____.(2分)A. finnedB. conformedC. confirmedD. informed6.Having been working in this school for over 20 years, Mr. Brown is ______ an inexperienced teacher.(2分)A. by no meansB. by any meansC. by all meansD. by every means7.Sound was used _____ the ocean.(2分)A. to measureB. to measuringC. by measuring页脚内容2D. to be measured8.We’re usually too tired ____ much socializing during the week.(2分)A. to doB. doingC. in doingD. to doing9.Human beings are superior to animals______ they can use language as a tool to communicate.(2分)A. in whichB. for whichC. in thatD. for that10.Mobile Phones are proved to with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety.(2分)A. interruptB. interfereC. troubleD. disturb11.I could hardly ______ the ship in the distance.(2分)A. look outB. make out页脚内容3C. make upD. see through12.From what has been discussed, we may draw the ______ that its advantages are far greater than its disadvantages.(2分)A. answerB. attentionC. solutionD. conclusion13.Man must stop __________ the earth’s atmosphere.(2分)A. fillingB. emittingC. pollutingD. wasting14.The stronger the motivation, _____ a person will learn a foreign language.(2分)A. the more quicklyB. more quicklyC. the quicklierD. and the more quickly15.The film ________, she left her seat so quietly that no one complained that her leaving disturbed their watching the film.(2分)页脚内容4A. beganB. beginningC. having begunD. begun16._____ my opinion, the movie lacks content.(2分)A. InB. OnC. UponD. To17.Her father can afford a splendid wedding, as he is loaded _____ money.(2分)A. withB. underC. inD. at18.The harder the shrub is to grow, ______.(2分)A. the higher price it isB. the higher price it would haveC. the higher price isD. the higher the price is页脚内容519.I'm afraid ________ nothing I can do about it.(2分)A. there isB. it isC. this isD. that is20.Motor vehicles are prohibited _______ driving in the town center.(2分)A. inB. out ofC. fromD. with21.The question set by the teacher was so difficult ______ the pupils did not know how to tackle it.(2分)A. whatB. thatC. howD. whether22.John Smith, being a diligent student, never refuses to the responsibilities that are assigned to him. (2分)A. take inB. take onC. take down页脚内容6D. take off23.At first I was worried about the employment prospect. Four years of study later, I've realized I ______.(2分)A. didn't need to worryB. mustn't have worriedC. needn't have worriedD. couldn't have worried24.Do you remember that our speed is 60 mph on the highway and Big Brother is watching you through his camera in some areas.A. controlB. conditionC. permissionD. limit25.In addition, teaching staff is willing_____ extra help if a student needs.(2分)A. to providingB. to provideC. providedD. provided26.All electrical goods sold in our shop will be ______ for one year.(2分)A. guaranteed页脚内容7B. protectedC. ensuredD. granted是否存疑27.I will bring my tennis things along in case we ______ time for a game tomorrow.(2分)A. shall haveB. will haveC. haveD. are going to have28.I'd rather ____ those confidential documents with you.(2分)A. that you didn't takeB. your not takingC. that you will not takeD. you do not take29.His parents saw him ______ the winner’s medal.(2分)A. toawardB. to be awardedC. awardedD. being awarded30.To much ____ to sunlight can cause skin burns,cancer or other damage to the body.(2分)页脚内容8A. exposureB. exhibitionC. disclosureD. contact二、阅读理解1.In my long life I have seen many changes in out habits and customs and conditions in general. I think that you might be interested if I told you some of them.The world I entered at the age of eighteen when I became a medical student was a world that knew nothing of such advanced things as planes, films, radios or telephones. It was a very cheap world. Prices were stable. When I entered St.Thomas’ Hospital I rent a set of rooms in Vincent Square for which I paid 18 shillings(先令) a week. My landlady provided me with a very good breakfast before I went to the hospital and a dinner when I came back at half past six.I only had to pay for the breakfasts and dinners twelve shillings a week. For four-pence I lunched at St.Thomas’ on bread and butter and a glass of milk. I was able to live there very well, pay my fees, buy my necessary instruments, clothe myself, and have a lot of fun on fourteen pounds a month. And I could always pawn(当掉)my microscope for three pounds.I spent five years at St.Thomas’ Hospital. I was a bad student, for my heart, as you might have guessed, was not in it.I wanted, I had always wanted, to be a writer, and in the evenings, after my dinner, I wrote and read. Before long, I wrote a novel call ed“Liza of Lambeth”, which I sent to a publisher and was accepted. It came out during my last year at the hospital and it was successful. It was of course an accident, but I did not know that. I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession; so, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine, I left for Spain to write another book. I did not realize, at that time, that I was taking a great risk.页脚内容9(10分)(1)This text is a talk given by the writer when_______.(2分)A. he was 18.B. his first novel was published.C. he graduated from the school of medicine.D. he was at an old age.(2)The author graduated from the school of medicine when he was_______.(2分)A. 18B. 28C. 23D. 30(3)“And I could always pawn my microscope for three pounds.” means the writer could always______.(2分)A. exchange his microscope for three pounds.B. borrow his microscope and pays three pounds.C. have his microscope repaired with three pounds.D. lend his microscope for three pounds(4)In p aragraph two, this sentence “I was able to live there very well, pay my fees, buy my necessary instruments, clothe myself…”, the word “clothe” means “________” .(2分)A. wear clothesB. make clothes for页脚内容10C. wash clothes forD. buy clothes for(5)The writer wanted to be a writer because________.(2分)A. he liked to take risks.B. he found it easier to make a living by writing.C. he was interested in writing.D. he could not study medicine well.2.David, my next-door neighbor, has two young kids aged five and seven. One day he was teaching his seven-year-old son Kelly how to push the lawn mower around the yard. As he was teaching him to turn the mower around at the end of the lawn, his wife, Jane, called to him to ask a question. As David turned to answer the question, Kelly pushed the lawn mower right through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn, leaving a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground.When David turned back around and saw what had happed, he began to lose control. David had spent a lot of time and effort making those flower beds the envy of the neighborhood. As he began to raise his voice to his son, Jane walked quickly over to him, put her hands on his husband’s shoulder and said, “David, please remember…we’re raising children, not flower s!”Jane reminded me how important it is as a parent to remember our priorities. Kids and their self-esteem are more important than any physical objects they might break or destroy. The window pane broken by a football, a desk lamp knocked over by a careless child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen is already broken. The flowers are already页脚内容11dead. We must remember not to add the destruction by breaking a child’s spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness.(10分)(1)What did David teach Kelly to do one day?(2分)A. How to water flowers.B. How to operate a mower.C. How to clean the yard.D. How to take care of the lawn.(2)What did Jane mean by saying “we’re raising children, not flowers”?(2分)A. We don’t have enough time to raise flowers.B. Children are of greater importance than flowers.C. We like flowers better than children.D. Flowers are raised for children.(3)What should be considered as priorities by parents?(2分)A. Correcting children’s bad behaviors.B. Always forgiving children for their mistakes.C. Asking children not to break physical objects.D. Bearing children’s self-esteem in mind.(4)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?(2分)A. Children nowadays are very careless.页脚内容12B. It’s no use crying over spilt milk.C. Destruction of physical objects means nothing.D. Not every child has sense of liveliness.(5)Which of the following words can be used to best describe the author’s attitude towards Jane?(2分)A. Critical.B. Indifferent.C. Approving.D. Negative.3.How men first learnt to invent words is unknown, in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations -- the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience, and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming(迷人的) and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which页脚内容13by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar(粗俗的).(10分)(1)One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thought and actions was that ________.(2分)A. they could agree upon certain signsB. they could write them downC. they could combine themD. they could communicate with each other(2)By “association”, the author means _________.(2分)A. a special qualityB. a joining of ideas and experience in the mindC. an appearance which is puzzlingD. a strange feature(3)Which of the following statements is true?(2分)A. The more we read and learn, the more confused we will be.B. The more we read and learn, the more ignorant we are.C. The more we read and learn, the more learned we are.D. The more we read and learn, the more snobbish we become.(4)In expressing their thoughts, great writers are able _________.(2分)A. to move our actions页脚内容14B. to puzzle our feelingsC. to move men to tearsD. to confound the readers(5)The word “convey”(in Para. 3) m eans_________.(2分)A. deliverB. sellC. reportD. talk4.How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space requirements are not adequately met? Sociologists and psychologist are conducting experiments on rats to try to determine the effect of overcrowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have adequate living space, they eat well, sleep well, and reproduce well. However, if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior patterns and even their health perceptibly change. They cannot sleep and eat well, and signs of fear and tension become obvious. The more crowded they are, the more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus for rats, population and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is adequate space not only desirable, but also essential for human survival?(10分)(1)This passage is mainly about ________.(2分)A. living space and behaviorB. population and living conditionsC. interesting experiments on ratsD. a natural law for human society(2)What is the purpose of the experiments described in the passage?(2分)页脚内容15A. To determine how much living space a rat needs.B. To see what happens when rats live in a limited space.C. To know the likely effects of inadequate living space on human beings.D. To find out the relationship between population and living conditions(3)Which is NOT a result of being too crowded for rats?(2分)A. They become nervous.B. They cannot get enough rest.C. They eat less.D. They become less active.(4)The passage suggests that overcrowded conditions ________.(2分)A. are directly related with populationB. may cause an increase in violenceC. may lead to high birth rateD. may bring about pollution problems(5)The author seems to imply that ________.(2分)A. human society is very similar to that of ratsB. birth control is essential for a better lifeC. efforts should be made to improve living conditionsD. rats are not social animal页脚内容16泰医函授继续教育考试英语4(本)3一、单选题1.he tried to pass the driving test, he still failed the second time.(2分)A. As hardB. Though hardC. Hard asD. No matter hard2.—What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.—_______.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.(2分)A. It just dependsB. It's up to youC. Glad to hear thatD. All right页脚内容173.On each job he avoided _______ people know who he was.(2分)A. letB. to letC. be letD. letting4.They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no _____________.(2分)A. endB. conclusionC. resultD. judgment5.I'm afraid ________ nothing I can do about it.(2分)A. there isB. it isC. this isD. that is6.Having been working in this school for over 20 years, Mr. Brown is ______ an inexperienced teacher.(2分)A. by no meansB. by any meansC. by all meansD. by every means页脚内容187.The question set by the teacher was so difficult ______ the pupils did not know how to tackle it.(2分)A. whatB. thatC. howD. whether8.His parents saw him ______ the winner’s medal.(2分)A. toawardB. to be awardedC. awardedD. being awarded9.The team didn’t expect to win;_________, they were disappointed at their heavy defeat.(2分)A. moreoverB. thereforeC. neverthelessD. so that10.The news you told me the other day wants yet to be ________.(2分)A. finnedB. conformedC. confirmed页脚内容19D. informed11.To much ____ to sunlight can cause skin burns,cancer or other damage to the body.(2分)A. exposureB. exhibitionC. disclosureD. contact12.Man must stop __________ the earth’s atmosphere.(2分)A. fillingB. emittingC. pollutingD. wasting13.All electrical goods sold in our shop will be ______ for one year.(2分)A. guaranteedB. protectedC. ensuredD. granted14.Is the city much different from ______ it was ten years ago?(2分)A. thatB. whichC. what页脚内容20D. where15.Do you remember that our speed is 60 mph on the highway and Big Brother is watching you through his camera in some areas.(2分)A. controlB. conditionC. permissionD. limit16.Her father can afford a splendid wedding, as he is loaded _____ money.(2分)A. withB. underC. inD. at17.The film ________, she left her seat so quietly that no one complained that her leaving disturbed their watching the film.(2分)A. beganB. beginningC. having begunD. begun18.Remember, nothing hurts concentration ___ _ reading too slowly.页脚内容21(2分)A. rather thanB. as well asC. more thanD. instead of19.Only when I left my parents for Beijing ______ how much I loved them.(2分)A. I realizedB. I had realizedC. did I realizeD. had I realized20.That novel is said into over 12 languages by the end of last year.(2分)A. to be translatedB. being translatedC. having been translatedD. to have been translated21.I was not ______ by his many arguments, so finally we agreed to differ.(2分)A. convictedB. confirmedC. concerned页脚内容22D. convinced22.Motor vehicles are prohibited _______ driving in the town center.(2分)A. inB. out ofC. fromD. with23.I'd rather ____ those confidential documents with you.(2分)A. that you didn't takeB. your not takingC. that you will not takeD. you do not take24.At first I was worried about the employment prospect. Four years of study later, I've realized I ______.(2分)A. didn't need to worryB. mustn't have worriedC. needn't have worriedD. couldn't have worried25.I will bring my tennis things along in case we ______ time for a game tomorrow.(2分)A. shall haveB. will haveC. have页脚内容23D. are going to have26.Many boys enjoy _____ football, basketball or baseball.(2分)A. playB. to playC. playedD. playing27.The harder the shrub is to grow, ______.(2分)A. the higher price it isB. the higher price it would haveC. the higher price isD. the higher the price is28._____ my opinion, the movie lacks content.(2分)A. InB. OnC. UponD. To29.Mobile Phones are proved to with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety. (2分)页脚内容24A. interruptB. interfereC. troubleD. disturb30.______ his great achievements in chemistry, he was considered as one of the most outstanding scientists of the century.(2分)A. In terms ofB. On behalf ofC. On the basis ofD. in the form of二、阅读理解1.David, my next-door neighbor, has two young kids aged five and seven. One day he was teaching his seven-year-old son Kelly how to push the lawn mower around the yard. As he was teaching him to turn the mower around at the end of the lawn, his wife, Jane, called to him to ask a question. As David turned to answer the question, Kelly pushed the lawn mower right through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn, leaving a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground.When David turned back around and saw what had happed, he began to lose control. David had spent a lot of time and effort making those flower beds the envy of the neighborhood. As he began to raise his voice to his son, Jane walked quickly over to him, put her hands on his husband’s shoulder and said, “David, please remember…we’re raising children, not flowers!”页脚内容25Jane reminded me how important it is as a parent to remember our priorities. Kids and their self-esteem are more important than any physical objects they might break or destroy. The window pane broken by a football, a desk lamp knocked over by a careless child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen is already broken. The flowers are already dead. We must remember not to add the destruction by breaking a child’s spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness.(10分)(1)What did David teach Kelly to do one day?(2分)A. How to water flowers.B. How to operate a mower.C. How to clean the yard.D. How to take care of the lawn.(2)What did Jane mean by saying “we’re raising children, not flowers”?(2分)A. We don’t have enough time to raise flowers.B. Children are of greater importance than flowers.C. We like flowers better than children.D. Flowers are raised for children.(3)What should be considered as priorities by parents?(2分)A. Correcting children’s bad behaviors.B. Always forgiving children for their mistakes.C. Asking children not to break physical objects.D. Bearing children’s self-esteem in mind.页脚内容26(4)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?(2分)A. Children nowadays are very careless.B. It’s no use crying over spilt milk.C. Destruction of physical objects means nothing.D. Not every child has sense of liveliness.(5)Which of the following words can be used to best describe the author’s attitude towards Jane?(2分)A. Critical.B. Indifferent.C. Approving.D. Negative.2.How men first learnt to invent words is unknown, in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations -- the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience, and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.页脚内容27Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming(迷人的) and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar(粗俗的).(10分)(1)One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thought and actions was that ________.(2分)A. they could agree upon certain signsB. they could write them downC. they could combine themD. they could communicate with each other(2)By “association”, the author means _________.(2分)A. a special qualityB. a joining of ideas and experience in the mindC. an appearance which is puzzlingD. a strange feature(3)Which of the following statements is true?(2分)A. The more we read and learn, the more confused we will be.B. The more we read and learn, the more ignorant we are.C. The more we read and learn, the more learned we are.D. The more we read and learn, the more snobbish we become.页脚内容28(4)In expressing their thoughts, great writers are able _________.(2分)A. to move our actionsB. to puzzle our feelingsC. to move men to tearsD. to confound the readers(5)The word “convey”(in Para. 3) means_________.(2分)A. deliverB. sellC. reportD. talk3.In my long life I have seen many changes in out habits and customs and conditions in general. I think that you might be interested if I told you some of them.The world I entered at the age of eighteen when I became a medical student was a world that knew nothing of such advanced things as planes, films, radios or telephones. It was a very cheap world. Prices were stable. When I entered St.Thomas’Hospital I rent a set of rooms in Vincent Square for which I paid 18 shillings(先令) a week. My landlady provided me with a very good breakfast before I went to the hospital and a dinner when I came back at half past six.I only had to pay for the breakfasts and dinners twelve shillings a week. For four-pence I lunched at St.Thomas’on bread and butter and a glass of milk. I was able to live there very well, pay my fees, buy my necessary instruments, clothe myself, and have a lot of fun on fourteen pounds a month. And I could always pawn(当掉)my microscope for three pounds.页脚内容29I spent five years at St.Thomas’Hospital. I was a bad student, for my heart, as you might have guessed, was not in it. I wanted, I had always wanted, to be a writer, and in the evenings, after my dinner, I wrote and read. Before long, I wrote a novel called“Liza of Lambeth”, which I sent to a publisher and was accepted. It came out during my last year at the hospital and it was successful. It was of course an accident, but I did not know that. I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession; so, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine, I left for Spain to write another book. I did not realize, at that time, that I was taking a great risk.(10分)(1)This text is a talk given by the writer when_______.(2分)A. he was 18.B. his first novel was published.C. he graduated from the school of medicine.D. he was at an old age.(2)The author graduated from the school of medicine when he was_______.(2分)A. 18B. 28C. 23D. 30(3)“And I could always pawn my microscope for three pounds.”means the writer could always______.(2分)A. exchange his microscope for three pounds.B. borrow his microscope and pays three pounds.C. have his microscope repaired with three pounds.页脚内容30D. lend his microscope for three pounds(4)In paragraph two, this sentence “I was able to live there very well, pay my fees, buy my necessary instruments, clothe myself…”, the word “clothe”means “________” .(2分)A. wear clothesB. make clothes forC. wash clothes forD. buy clothes for(5)The writer wanted to be a writer because________.(2分)A. he liked to take risks.B. he found it easier to make a living by writing.C. he was interested in writing.D. he could not study medicine well.4.The United States is full of automobiles. There are still many families without cars, but some families have two or even more. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are a necessary part of life.Cars are used for business. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are provided only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving页脚内容31them to school. One mother drives on Monday, taking her own children and the neighbors’children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesday, another on Wednesday, and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and to use less gasoline. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done about the use of cars.(10分)(1)Which is NOT true according to the passage?(2分)A. Each American family has got at least one car.B. Some American families have got more than one car.C. Cars are very common in the United States.D. Americans do not use cars for pleasure only.(2)According to the passage, children must be taken to school by car when ________.(2分)A. their homes are over one mile away from their schoolB. there are no school buses available and the school is too far away for themC. there are a number of children in the neighborhood whose families have carsD. the children are too young to walk to school every morning(3)Which people are forming a car pool?(2分)A. Three or four people who drive in turns to the office or the factory where they all work.B. A woman who takes her own children and her neighbors’children to school by car.页脚内容32。

A 信号板层B 阻焊板层C 丝印板层D 助焊层2、在零件处于取出但还没有定位的状态按(),可以使零件按逆时针方向旋转90度。
A Y键B X键C 空格键D Enter键3、Computer Aided Design简称为()(A) CAD (B)CAM(C)EDA (D)PLD4、四层电路板通常设计为()。
A 信号层、地层、信号层、电源层B 电源层、信号层、地层、信号层C 信号层、电源层、信号层、地层D 信号层、电源层、地层、信号层5、为了模拟实际生产中因元器件值具有一定分散性所引起的电路特性分散性,PSPICE提供了()功能。
A. 最坏情况分析B. 噪声分析C. 温度分析D. 蒙托卡诺分析6、在交互布线方式下,按“+”键切换信号层,自动出现()。

第四次作业1、以下附件中,()不用于热水供暖系统A 疏水器B 膨胀水箱C 集气罐D 除污器2、散热器表面涂料为()时,散热效果最差A 银粉漆B 自然金属表面C 乳白色漆D 浅蓝色漆3、异程式采暖系统的优点在于()A 易于平衡B 节约管材C 易于调节D 防止近热远冷4、对于一般外观要求不高,且无灰尘的建筑物内,一般采用()散热器就能满足要求A 柱型B 闭式钢串片C 翼型D 铝制5、在机械循环上供下回式系统中,()应设在系统各分环环路的供水管的最高处A 排气阀B 集气罐C 冷风阀D 疏水器6、关于蒸汽采暖系统,下列错误的是()A 一般为间歇工作B 产生的水静压力比热水供暖系统大C 对卫生条件高的建筑不适宜D 经常会出现疏水器漏气的现象7、在垂直式机械热水采暖系统中,供水干管的坡度宜采用()A 0.3%B 0.2%C 0.5%D 0.4%8、在机械循环热水采暖系统中,()系统排水和泄水较为困难A 下供上回B 下供下回C 上供下回D 上供上回9、高层建筑采暖系统确定外网的系统型式时,要考虑问题10、疏水器一般水平安装,前后设置。

网络学习指导(第4版)_在线作业_1交卷时间:2016-01-22 10:15:27一、单选题1.(5分) 中农大网院的()是:以质量为中心,改革创新、规范管理、适度发展、办出特色。
A. 工作指导∙ B. 教育思想∙ C. 办学方针∙ D. 办学理念2.(5分) 新生入学后需预付不少于()学分的学费。
∙ A. 60∙ B. 20∙ C. 80∙ D. 403.(5分) 学院在每个学期期末会组织考前辅导,提供语音在线辅导或文字辅导资料,并放在相应课程的()栏目中,供同学们下载。
∙ A. 网上学习∙ B. 考试计划∙ C. 辅导资料∙ D. 毕业论文4.(5分) 下列有关统考考生违纪情况处理及处罚说法中,不正确的是:()∙ A. 有考试违纪行为的考生,其相关科目的考试成绩无效∙ B. 有作弊或协同作弊的考生,视其情节轻重,给予警告或记过∙ C. 代替他人或由他人代替参加考试者,取消统考资格∙ D. 有考试作弊行为的考生,当次考试全部科目成绩无效,并视情节严重情况给予停考1-3年的处理5.(5分) 学术界普遍认为,远程教育起源自19世纪中叶的(),是以函授教学形式进行的。
∙ A. 日本∙ B. 美国∙ C. 英国∙ D. 亚洲6.(5分) 课程论文的题目可以在()下载。
∙ A. 新生通道∙ B. 学习指南∙ C. 学生论坛∙ D. 我的课堂7.(5分) 当在学习过程中遇到教学教务相关问题时,可以在()栏目提出。
∙ A. 心情随笔∙ B. 英语对对碰∙ C. 考风考纪∙ D. 在线问答8.(5分) 学生在()页面里点击“在线作业”或“作业”,选择相应的套数,点击进入作业页面。
∙ A. 课程通知∙ B. 学习过程统计∙ C. 课程讲解∙ D. 课程评价9.(5分) 课程考核不通过、缺考的学生,可以申请补考,每门课程最多可申请()次补考。
∙ A. 3∙ B. 4∙ C. 2∙ D. 110.(5分) 通过北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试,是中农大网院本科在籍生(专升本、高起本的学生)申请成人本科()的必要条件之一。

判断题(2 分)A、对B、错2、”螺纹紧固件上的倒角和退刀槽必须画出。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错3、”下图中圆柱销的连接是正确的。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错4、”在装配图中,零件序号应标注在视图的外面,并按顺时针或逆时针方向顺序排列。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错5、”装配图中编写序号的指引线相互可以相交。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错6、”螺柱连接中旋入端的螺纹终止线不能与结合面平齐,而应在结合面之上。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错7、”装配图不是制造零件的直接依据。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错8、”装配图中当标题栏上方位置不够时,可将明细栏顺序画在标题栏的左方。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错9、”在装配图中,零件的工艺结构如倒角、圆角、退刀槽等允许省略不画。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错10、”装配图中明细栏中零件的序号自上而下。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错11、”在装配图中,当某个零件的形状未表示清楚而影响对装配关系的理解时,可另外单独画出该零件的某一视图。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错12、”装配图中可以粗实线表示链传动中的链。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错13、”当被连接零件均为薄件时,可采用双头螺柱连接。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错14、”一张完整的装配图包括以下几项基本内容:一组视图,完整的尺寸,必要的技术要求,标题栏、零件序号和明细栏。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错15、”键连接主视图中,键被剖切平面横向剖切,按不剖处理,为了表示键在轴上的装配情况,采取了局部剖视。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错16、”下图关于钩头楔键的连接画法是正确的。
判断题(2 分)A、对B、错17、”在装配图中,当某些零件遮住了需要表达的结构和装配关系时,可假想沿某些零件的结合面剖切或假想将某些零件拆卸后绘制。

2024年秋+过程控制设备基础+作业四1 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 B)。
A浮力式液位计B差压式液位计C电容式液位计D超声波液位计2 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 D,可用( )传感器来检测。
A应变片B热敏电阻C气敏电阻D湿敏电阻3 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 CA电容式B电阻式C热电偶式D电感式4 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 CA与光轴垂直的z面上B与机械轴垂直的y面上C与电轴垂直的x面上D所有的(x、y、z)面上5 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 D近程度。
A人体B液体C塑料零件D黑色金属零件6 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 DA长B短C大D小7 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 CA应变片B压电晶片C霍尔元件8 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 C正常人的体温为37℃,则此时的华氏温度和热力学温度约为( )。
A32F,100KB99F,236KC99F,310KD37F,310K9 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 DA机床刀具的位移B机械手的旋转角度C机床的位置控制D人体步行速度10 / 30 单选题(5分)正确答案 BA提高光栅的分辨率B使光敏元件能分辨主光栅移动时光强变化C辨向D细分11 / 30 多选题(3分)正确答案 ADA提高系统响应速度B减小过程变量波动C更容易调试D增加系统稳定性E减小系统复杂度12 / 30 多选题(3分)正确答案 ABDE)A温度变化B湿度变化C液体颜色变化D电源电压波动E环境振动13 / 30 多选题(3分)正确答案 ABCDA4-20 mA电流信号B0-10 V电压信号C数字脉冲信号DRS-232通信信号E14 / 30 多选题(3分)正确答案 ACA连接导线为铜线B温度变化、阻值不变C在-200到+500摄氏度范围内精度高D需要冷端温度补偿15 / 30 多选题(3分)正确答案 ABD)A适用于气体和液体流量测量B不受流体浓度影响C需要用于导电液体D具有高测量精度E需要额外的电源供应16 / 30 多选题(3分)正确答案 ABCDA调节器B调节阀C调节对象D变送器17 / 30 多选题(3分)正确答案 ABCD调节系统?( ) A比例B比例积分C比例微分D比例积分微分18 / 30 多选题(3分)正确答案 ABCDEA温度B压力C物位D流量E在线分析19 / 30 多选题(3分)正确答案 ABC量液位控制系统。

钳工四级理论知识练习题库含参考答案一、单选题(共67题,每题1分,共67分)1.采用定向装配的方法时,主轴上后轴承的精度应比前轴承( )。
A、高一级B、高二级C、低二级D、低一级正确答案:D2.分度头的主轴轴心线能相对于工作台平面向上90°和向下( )。
A、90°B、120°C、45°D、10°正确答案:D3.编制( )的方法最后一项是制定装配工艺卡片。
A、装配B、总装配C、工艺规程D、工艺过程正确答案:C4.产品装配的常用方法有完全互换装配法、选择装配法、( )和调整装配法。
A、分组选配法B、修配装配法C、直接选配法D、互换装配法正确答案:B5.液压系统中的执行部分是指( )。
A、液压缸B、输油管、油箱等C、各种控制阀D、液压泵正确答案:A6.圆锥面的过盈连接要求配合的接触面积达到( )以上,才能保证配合的稳固性。
A、75%B、100%C、90%D、60%正确答案:A7.销是一种标准件,( )已标准化。
A、形状B、尺寸C、大小D、形状和尺寸正确答案:D8.单缸四冲程柴油机的工作包含有( )。
A、答案都对B、压缩和膨胀行程C、排气行程D、进气行程正确答案:A9.( )装配时,首先应在轴上装平键。
A、滑块式联轴器B、磨损离合器C、凸缘式联轴器D、牙嵌式离合器正确答案:C10.带轮相互位置不准确会引起带张紧不均匀而过快磨损,对( )不大测量方法是长直尺。
A、中心距B、都不是C、张紧力D、摩擦力正确答案:A11.螺旋传动机械是将螺旋运动变换为( )。
A、直线运动B、两轴速垂直运动C、螺旋运动D、曲线运动正确答案:A12.为改善切削性能,修磨标准麻花钻的横刃后,横刃的长度为原来的( )。
A、1/2~1/3B、1/4~1/6C、1/5~1/8D、1/3~1/5正确答案:D13.使用锉刀时,不能( )。
A、双手锉B、推锉C、单手锉D、来回锉正确答案:D14.水平仪常用来检验工件表面或设备安装的( )情况。

钳工四级理论知识模拟练习题及答案一、单选题(共67题,每题1分,共67分)1.松键装配在键长方向、键与轴槽的间隙是( )毫米。
A、1B、0.2C、0.1D、0.5正确答案:C2.装配紧键时,用( )检查键上、下表面与轴和毂槽接触情况。
A、试配法B、锉配法C、涂色法D、压入法正确答案:C3.标准群钻的形状特点是三尖七刃( )。
A、三槽B、两槽C、五槽D、四槽正确答案:B4.孔的最大极限尺寸与轴的最小极限尺寸之代数差为正值叫( )。
A、间隙值B、最小过盈C、最小间隙D、最大间隙正确答案:D5.锯条在制造时,使锯齿按一定的规律左右错开,排列成一定形状,称为( )。
A、锯路B、锯割C、锯齿的粗细D、锯齿的切削角度正确答案:A6.内燃机是将热能转变成( )的一种热力发动机。
A、运动B、动能C、机械能D、势能正确答案:C7.棒料和轴类零件在矫正时会产生( )变形。
A、弹性B、扭曲C、塑性D、塑性和弹性正确答案:D8.刮刀头一般由( )锻造并经磨制和热处理淬硬而成。
A、A3钢B、45钢C、T12AD、铸铁正确答案:C9.钻床( )应停车。
A、变速后B、装夹钻夹头C、变速前D、变速过程正确答案:C10.操作钻床时,不能戴( )。
A、帽子B、眼镜C、手套D、口罩正确答案:C11.( )装配有双头螺栓的装配和螺母螺钉装配。
A、部件B、机器C、总D、螺纹正确答案:D12.发现精密量具有不正常现象时,应( )。
A、自己修理B、及时送交计量修理C、可以使用D、继续使用正确答案:B13.造成机件热变形的主要因素是机械表面层存在( )。
A、温差B、应力C、摩擦热D、切削热正确答案:A14.圆柱销一般靠( )固定在孔中,用以定位和连接。
A、键B、螺纹C、防松装置D、过盈正确答案:D15.( )越好,允许的切削速度越高。
A、强度B、耐磨性C、耐热性D、韧性正确答案:C16.封闭环公差等于( )。
A、增环公差B、各组成环公差之差C、减环公差D、各组成环公差之和正确答案:D17.液压传动是依靠( )来传递运动的。



函授试卷标准答案 ( A卷)一、填空1、设计基准、工艺基准两2、进给运动两3、变速、变向等4、24级、125、润滑、冷却、清洗6、三个、两个切削刃7、整体式车刀、焊接车刀8、尺寸精度、几何形状精度9、许多零件和部件10、夹具、刀具、工件二、判断题1、 ( × )2、( ∨ )3、(∨ )4、( × )5、(× )6、 ( ∨ )7、(× )8、( ∨ )9、( ×) 10、(∨ )三、选择题1、A2、A3、A4、A5、A6、A7、C8、AB9、D 10、A 11、A 12、A 13、C 14、A 15、B四、简答题1、切削液有水,乳化液,油及其他液体。
2、 CA6140表示与C6140结构不同的卧式车床,最大车削直径为400mm; X6132表示卧式万能升降台铣床,工作台宽度320mm。
五、计算题1、n=40/Z=40/94=20/47答:每铣完一齿后,分度手柄应在47孔圈上转过20个孔间距2、Vc=πdn/1000n=1000Vc/πd=1000×125/3.14×100=398≈400r/min答:应选择转速是没分钟400转B卷答案一、填空:1、设计基准、工艺基准两2、主运动3、起动、停止4、24级,125、润滑、冷却、清洗6、两个切削刃7、整体式车刀、焊接车刀8、加工精度9、许多零件,零、部件10、夹具、刀具、工件组成二、判断题:1、(×)2、(∨)3、(∨)4、(×)5、(×)6、(∨)7、(×)8、(∨)9、(∨) 10、(×)三、选择题:1、B2、B3、B4、A5、B6、B7、C8、AC9、A 10、C 11、B 12、B 13、C 14、A 15、A四、简答题:1、CA6140表示有结构特性的卧式车床,最大车削直径400mm。
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1、存放在(D )中的数据不能够被改写,断电以后数据也不会丢失。
2、现在(A )显卡已经成为了个人计算机的基本配置和市场主流。
3、硬盘中信息记录介质被称为(B )。
4、在使用小键盘时,通过(A )键,可以在光标和数字功能之间切换。
A、Num Lock
C、Caps Lock
5、( B)决定了计算机可以支持的内存数量、种类、引脚数目。