牛津高中英语模块七unit3-4 短语词组总结

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模块七Unit 3 (1)

1.search sp. for sth./ in search of 寻找

2.at the price of 以…的价格;以…代价

3.at the cost of以…代价

4.be beneficial to/be of benefit to 对…有利,对…有帮助

5.benefit from/by 从…中获益

6.have positive/negative effects on/upon 对…有积极/消极影响

7.that is to say/namely 也就是说,即

8.in badly/great need of 急需

9. a waste of time/money 浪费时间/金钱

10.it’s no use/good doing sth. 做某事没有用/没有好处

11.according to 根据

12.build social ties 建立社会联系

13.hand in 上交

14.become/get/be addicted to sth./doing sth. 沉溺于…,做…上瘾

15.damage people’s abilities to live normal lives 损害人们过正常生活的能力

16.be explicit about 对…态度明确

17.be/get accustomed to sth./doing sth. 习惯于做某事

18.accustomed oneself to sth./doing sth. 使自己习惯于做某事

19.download sth. onto sth. 把…下载到…上

20.feel worn out 感觉疲劳,筋疲力尽

21.take part in/participate in 参加

e sth. in an intelligent manner 以明智的方式使用某事

23.be eager to do sth./for sth. 渴望做某事/某事

24.pie charts/bar charts 条形图/饼状图

25.do research on/into sth.// research on/into sth. 对…进行研究,做…方面的研究

26.aid sb. in sth./doing sth.// aid sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事

27.be related to 与…有联系

28.make a/some/no difference to sb./sth. 对…有/有些/没有影响,作用

29.the same as 与…一样

30.belong to 属于

31.there is no need (for sb.)to do sth. 没必要做某事

32.turn to sb. for help 向某人寻求帮助

33.have sth./nothing in common with sb 与某人有共同之处

34.in common 共同,共通

35.in common with sb./sth. 与…相同

36.moreover/in addition/what,s more/besides 此外,而且

37.it remains to be seen/said/done 留待以后去看/去说/去做

38.take advantage of 利用

39.judging from/by 从…判断

40.appreciate doing sth. 感激/欣赏做某事

41.with the aid of 在…的帮助下

模块七Unit 3 (2)

42.in aid of sb./sth. 为了帮助

43.classify sb./sth. as… 将…分类为…

44.be content/satisfied with sth./to do sth. 对…满意;对做…满意

45.content oneself with sth. 使自己满意于…

46.a contented smile 满意的微笑

47.be qualified for sth./to do sth. 有…资格,有资格做…

48.be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心

49.take into consideration/account 考虑某事

50.considerate 考虑周到的,体贴的

51.considerable 相当多的,大的…

52.in consideration of 考虑到…

53.consult sb./sth.. about sth. 请教某人,查阅某物

54.consult with sb. 与某人商量

55.attach a label to each piece of luggage 给每件行李贴上标签

56.attach oneself to sb./sth. 依附于某人

57.need/want/require doing/to be done 需要…,需要被…

58.with the time going on// as the time went/goes on 随着时间的流逝

59.as a result of 由于

60.keep in touch/contact with sb. 与…保持联系

61.lose touch/contact with sb. 与…失去联系

62.get in touch /contact with sb. 与…取得联系

ck sth.(lack 为动词) 缺少…

64.(a)lack of sth. (lack为名词)

65.be lacking in sth. (lacking 为形容词)

66.remain seated 就坐,做好

67.other than/apart from/in addition to 除了…之外

68.rule out 排除

69.or else 否则

70.look through 仔细检查

71.something of a … 达到某种程度

72.result from 由于,由…引起

73.result in 导致

74.turn doctor 成为医生

75.become a doctor

76.make a good doctor 成为一名好医生

77.consult/refer to the dictionary 查字典

78.take the place of / in place of 代替

79.in the place of 被…代替

80.prove (oneself) sth. 显现出…,被发现是…

81.drop sb. off 让某人下车

82.be dressed in 穿着…
