如图所示电路中符合要求的电路是()A B C D【推荐地区:安徽】【参考答案】2.B【解析】根据题意可知,电源指示灯L和电动机○M可以各自独立工作,这说明该电路为并联电路;开关S2只控制电动机○M,这说明S2与电动机○M串联;开关S1断开时,电动机○M不能工作,这说明S1在干路上,由此可知,B正确,ACD错误。
滑轮组相关计算3.(2024遂宁9题)修建房屋时,质量为60 kg的建筑工人使用滑轮组提升建材。
他用竖直向下的拉力在15 s内将重为480 N的建材匀速提升了3 m,每个滑轮重20 N,不计滑轮摩擦和绳重,g取10N/kg。
下列结论正确的是()第3题图A.工人拉动绳子的速度为0.2 m/sB.工人对绳子拉力的功率50 WC.此装置的机械效率为96%D.若工人脚与地接触面积共400 cm2,则他对地的压强为1.5×104Pa【推荐地区:安徽、云南】D错误。
2024年中考数学真题(全国)(第一期)专题17 几何图形初步及相交线、平行线(40题)(原卷版)
专题17几何图形初步及相交线、平行线(40题)一、单选题1.(2024·河南·中考真题)如图,乙地在甲地的北偏东50︒方向上,则∠1的度数为()A .60︒B .50︒C .40︒D .30︒2.(2024·陕西·中考真题)如图,将半圆绕直径所在的虚线旋转一周,得到的立体图形是()A .B .C .D .3.(2024·北京·中考真题)如图,直线AB 和CD 相交于点O ,OE OC ⊥,若58AOC ∠=︒,则EOB ∠的大小为()A .29︒B .32︒C .45︒D .58︒4.(2024·广西·中考真题)如图,2时整,钟表的时针和分针所成的锐角为()A .20︒B .40︒C .60︒D .80︒5.(2024·四川内江·中考真题)如图,AB CD ∥,直线EF 分别交AB 、CD 于点E 、F ,若64EFD ∠=︒,则BEF ∠的大小是()A .136︒B .64︒C .116︒D .128︒6.(2024·湖北·中考真题)如图,直线AB CD ∥,已知1120∠=︒,则2∠=()A .50︒B .60︒C .70︒D .80︒7.(2024·陕西·中考真题)如图,AB DC ∥,BC DE ∥,145B ∠=︒,则D ∠的度数为()A .25︒B .35︒C .45︒D .55︒8.(2024·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·中考真题)将一个含30︒角的三角尺和直尺如图放置,若150∠=︒,则2∠的度数是()A .30︒B .40︒C .50︒D .60︒9.(2024·广东·中考真题)如图,一把直尺、两个含30︒的三角尺拼接在一起,则ACE ∠的度数为()A .120︒B .90︒C .60︒D .30︒10.(2024·青海·中考真题)生活中常见的路障锥通常是圆锥的形状,它的侧面展开图是()A.B.C.D.11.(2024·四川德阳·中考真题)走马灯,又称仙音烛,据史料记载,走马灯的历史起源于隋唐时期,盛行于宋代,是中国特色工艺品,常见于除夕、元宵、中秋等节日,在一次综合实践活动中,一同学用如图所示的纸片,沿折痕折合成一个棱锥形的“走马灯”,正方形做底,侧面有一个三角形面上写了“祥”字,当灯旋转时,正好看到“吉祥如意”的字样.则在A、B、C处依次写上的字可以是()A.吉如意B.意吉如C.吉意如D.意如吉12.(2024·四川广安·中考真题)将“共建平安校园”六个汉字分别写在某正方体的表面上,下图是它的一种展开图,则在原正方体上,与“共”字所在面相对的面上的汉字是()A.校B.安C.平D.园13.(2024·江苏盐城·中考真题)正方体的每个面上都有一个汉字,如图是它的一种平面展开图,那么在原正方体中,与“盐”字所在面相对的面上的汉字是()A.湿B.地C.之D.都14.(2024·江西·中考真题)如图是43 的正方形网格,选择一空白小正方形,能与阴影部分组成正方体展开图的方法有()A .1种B .2种C .3种D .4种15.(2024·江苏扬州·中考真题)如图是某几何体的表面展开后得到的平面图形,则该几何体是()A .三棱锥B .圆锥C .三棱柱D .长方体16.(2024·河北·中考真题)如图,AD 与BC 交于点O ,ABO 和CDO 关于直线PQ 对称,点A ,B 的对称点分别是点C ,D .下列不一定正确的是()A .AD BC ⊥B .AC PQ ⊥C .ABO CDO △≌△D .AC BD∥17.(2024·福建·中考真题)在同一平面内,将直尺、含30︒角的三角尺和木工角尺(CD ⊥DE )按如图方式摆放,若AB CD ,则1∠的大小为()A .30︒B .45︒C .60︒D .75︒18.(2024·江苏苏州·中考真题)如图,AB CD ,若165∠=︒,2120∠=︒,则3∠的度数为()A .45︒B .55︒C .60︒D .65︒19.(2024·内蒙古包头·中考真题)如图,直线AB CD ∥,点E 在直线AB 上,射线EF 交直线CD 于点G ,则图中与AEF ∠互补的角有()A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个20.(2024·广东深圳·中考真题)如图,一束平行光线照射平面镜后反射,若入射光线与平面镜夹角150∠=︒,则反射光线与平面镜夹角4∠的度数为()A .40︒B .50︒C .60︒D .70︒21.(2024·吉林·中考真题)如图,四边形ABCD 内接于O ,过点B 作BE AD ∥,交CD 于点E .若50BEC ∠=︒,则ABC ∠的度数是()A .50︒B .100︒C .130︒D .150︒22.(2024·重庆·中考真题)如图,AB CD ∥,若1125∠=︒,则2∠的度数为()A .35︒B .45︒C .55︒D .125︒23.(2024·吉林长春·中考真题)如图,在ABC 中,O 是边AB 的中点.按下列要求作图:①以点B 为圆心、适当长为半径画弧,交线段BO 于点D ,交BC 于点E ;②以点O 为圆心、BD 长为半径画弧,交线段OA 于点F ;③以点F 为圆心、DE 长为半径画弧,交前一条弧于点G ,点G 与点C 在直线AB 同侧;④作直线OG ,交AC 于点M .下列结论不一定成立的是()A .AOM B∠=∠B .180OMC C ∠+∠= C .AM CM =D .12OM AB =24.(2024·青海·中考真题)如图,一个弯曲管道AB CD ,120ABC ∠=︒,则BCD ∠的度数是()A .120︒B .30︒C .60︒D .150︒25.(2024·吉林长春·中考真题)在剪纸活动中,小花同学想用一张矩形纸片剪出一个正五边形,其中正五边形的一条边与矩形的边重合,如图所示,则α∠的大小为()A .54oB .60C .70D .7226.(2024·内蒙古赤峰·中考真题)将一副三角尺如图摆放,使有刻度的两条边互相平行,则1∠的大小为()A .100︒B .105︒C .115︒D .120︒27.(2024·四川达州·中考真题)如图,正方体的表面展开图上写有“我们热爱中国”六个字,还原成正方体后“我”的对面的字是()A .热B .爱C .中D .国28.(2024·四川宜宾·中考真题)如图是正方体表面展开图.将其折叠成正方体后,距顶点A 最远的点是()A .B 点B .C 点C .D 点D .E 点29.(2024·四川泸州·中考真题)把一块含30︒角的直角三角板按如图方式放置于两条平行线间,若145∠=︒,则2∠=()A .10︒B .15︒C .20︒D .30︒30.(2024·江苏盐城·中考真题)小明将一块直角三角板摆放在直尺上,如图,若155∠=︒,则2∠的度数为()A .25︒B .35︒C .45︒D .55︒31.(2024·甘肃·中考真题)若55A ∠=︒,则A ∠的补角为()A .35︒B .45︒C .115︒D .125︒32.(2024·内蒙古呼伦贝尔·中考真题)如图,,AD BC AB AC ⊥∥,若135.8∠= ,则B ∠的度数是()A .3548'︒B .5512'︒C .5412'︒D .5452'︒二、填空题33.(2024·吉林·中考真题)如图,从长春站去往胜利公园,与其它道路相比,走人民大街路程最近,其蕴含的数学道理是.34.(2024·广西·中考真题)已知1∠与2∠为对顶角,135∠=︒,则2∠=°.35.(2024·广东广州·中考真题)如图,直线l 分别与直线a ,b 相交,a b ,若171∠=︒,则2∠的度数为.36.(2024·四川乐山·中考真题)如图,两条平行线a 、b 被第三条直线c 所截.若160∠=︒,那么2∠=.37.(2024·黑龙江绥化·中考真题)如图,AB CD ∥,33C ∠=︒,OC OE =.则A ∠=︒.38.(2024·山东威海·中考真题)如图,在正六边形ABCDEF 中,AH FG ∥,BI AH ⊥,垂足为点I .若20EFG ∠=︒,则ABI ∠=.39.(2024·河北·中考真题)如图,ABC 的面积为2,AD 为BC 边上的中线,点A ,1C ,2C ,3C 是线段4CC 的五等分点,点A ,1D ,2D 是线段3DD 的四等分点,点A 是线段1BB 的中点.(1)11AC D △的面积为;(2)143B C D △的面积为.三、解答题40.(2024·福建·中考真题)在手工制作课上,老师提供了如图1所示的矩形卡纸ABCD ,要求大家利用它制作一个底面为正方形的礼品盒.小明按照图2的方式裁剪(其中AE FB =),恰好得到纸盒的展开图,并利用该展开图折成一个礼品盒,如图3所示.图1图2图3(1)直接写出AD AB 的值;(2)如果要求折成的礼品盒的两个相对的面上分别印有“吉祥”和“如意”,如图4所示,那么应选择的纸盒展开图图样是()图4A .B .C .D .(3)卡纸型号型号Ⅰ型号Ⅱ型号Ⅲ规格(单位:cm )3040⨯2080⨯8080⨯单价(单位:元)3520现以小明设计的纸盒展开图(图2)为基本样式,适当调整AE ,EF 的比例,制作棱长为10cm 的正方体礼品盒,如果要制作27个这样的礼品盒,请你合理选择上述卡纸(包括卡纸的型号及相应型号卡纸的张数),并在卡纸上画出设计示意图(包括一张卡纸可制作几个礼品盒,其展开图在卡纸上的分布情况),给出所用卡纸的总费用.(要求:①同一型号的卡纸如果需要不止一张,只要在一张卡纸上画出设计方案;②没有用到的卡纸,不要在该型号的卡纸上作任何设计;③所用卡纸的数量及总费用直接填在答题卡的表格上;④本题将综合考虑“利用卡纸的合理性”和“所用卡纸的总费用”给分,总费用最低的才能得满分;⑤试卷上的卡纸仅供作草稿用)。
英语(第一期)Passage 1(2023宜宾)Recently, a young man failed in his postgraduate(研究生)exam and then he sent a message to his father who died three years ago.In the message,the young man said to his father,“Dad,I1you so much. Would you appear in my2?I really want to meet you.”To his3,he received a“reply”and found out that the message was from a person.The person is using his father’s old phone number now.The message said,“Never mind,boy.You will4through failures. Cheer yourself up and keep5.I know my boy is the best.I miss you, too.”“Having seen such a message from‘my dad’, my tears came out.”the young man said. People need love and care,especially in6times of their life.If they fail,they are thirsty for comfort and help from their parents and friends, so the reply from a(an)7 person really gave him encouragement.“8,I thought someone had sent a wrong message,”the“father”said.“But after reading it again, I found out the sender must be in trouble and need some9.So I decided to reply in his father’s name. It is normal that people who have10their parents will miss them more than usual,especially in trouble.”1. A.find B. love C. help D. miss2.A.dream B. college C.future D. house3. A.joy B. sadness C.surprise D. angere back B.grow upC.give awayD. get off5.A.writing B.trying C.looking D.waiting6. A.difficult B.happy C.right D.wrong7.A.shy B.ugly C.strange D. honest8. A.Since then B. Till nowC. At lastD. At first9.A.money fort C. wishes D. messages10. A.lost B. excused C.forgotten D.depended【推荐区域:安徽、云南、陕西】【参考答案】1.D2.A3.C4.B5.B6.A7.C8.D9.B 10.APassage2(2023重庆A卷)The Chinese pingfeng (folding screen) is an ancient invention and traditional Chinese furniture(家具).Its earliest common use dates from Han Dynasty.The term pingfeng means protection from wind, showing its purpose at the very beginning.As time passes, it has been made into different sizes with colourful paintings. On screens usually appears a dragon. It’s a symbol of light, growth and life-giving water.It also stands for nobility and power. The peacock, a beautiful bird,can be seen on screens,too. It’s a symbol of everlasting life. Beautiful flowers,which mean wealth and good luck,are also chosen as a popular design of the pingfeng. All the designs carry people’s beautiful wishes.Behind the pingfeng lies an interesting story. In the past, the unmarried daughter of a rich family was not supposed to see or be seen by men except her father, brothers or very close male cousins. When an admirer paid a visit,however, she might take a secret look at him from a screen behind which she would be completely hidden. Her father would discuss poems with the young man and ask him to create one. If the daughter and her father were satisfied with the young man’s poem and his looks, she might agree to take him as a husband.Today the pingfeng is back in fashion for its beauty and its practical(实际的) use as furniture. Acting as a moving wall or divider, it can be the perfect match(相配) for modern sofas and walls, which adds style to them.The pingfeng is more than beautiful furniture.1.What was the pingfeng used for at the very beginning?A. Protecting people from wind.B. Dividing a room.C. Making a room beautiful.D. Hiding a person.2.Which design is a symbol of wealth and good luck?A. The dragon.B.The peacock.C. The water.D. The flowers.3. How does the writer develop his idea in Paragraph 2?A. By telling a story.B. By giving examples.C. By comparing differences.D. By explaining the result.4. What is the best title for the passage?A.The Practical Use of the PingfengB.A Beautiful Story of the PingfengC.Old Pingfeng in Modern HomesD. The Hidden Beauty of the Pingfeng【推荐区域:安徽、云南】【参考答案】1.A 2.D 3.B 4.DPassage 3(2023南充)Recently, a research on how a new virtual reality (VR 虚拟现实) experience educated children about the fire disasters (灾害)was done.The new VR experience was developed by the University of South Australia, hoping to educate children to learn how to be safe in a fire.It presents a situation for children aged 10-12.In the situation,they are tasked to look after a friend’s dog just before a fire event begins. They take part in a set of problem -solving activities tohelp save and protect themselves and the dog.The findings showed that over 80% of children could calmly tell the advantages and disadvantages of different choices.They also learned to make wise decisions to protect themselves from a fire. Children thought it especially important and meaningful,because 91% of them didn’t have knowledge of fires at the beginning,and 67% had said that they were too young to make safety decisions in a fire.The researchers believed such VR experiences made it possible to engage,educate and empower the young.“As children born in modern times,they are interested in such technology and they can experience events in a real situation yet within the safe environment,”said Delene Weber, one of the researchers.“Well-designed VR can provide children with surprisingly valuable learning tools.” Meanwhile, because children have fewer life experiences,aren’t as physically strong,and are less likely to have learned much about fire safety,they’re often most at risk.However, the role that children play in the fire safety at their homes should not be underestimated(低估).“Children don’t need to be always waiting for help in disasters. With these VR experiences, we can make children understand the risks and realize they can help,” said Weber.1. What’s the purpose of the new VR experience?A.To describe children’s reactions to fire disasters.B. To teach children to save themselves in a fire.C. To introduce ways of avoiding a fire to children.D. To increase children’s interest in VR experiences.2.From the findings, what’s the children’s attitude(态度)towards the new VR experience?A.Doubtful.B. Worried.C. Uncertain.D. Supportive.3.Which of the following in the dictionary best explains the underlined word“engage” in Para. 3?A.①B.②C.③D.④4.From Para. 3,we mainly get to know the______of the new VR experience.A.developmentB.advantagesC.qualityD.introduction5.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A.Children make no difference in the fire safety at theirhomes.B. VR experiences are mainly designed for children in highschool.C.Well-designed VR can offer children amazingly valuable learning tools.D.91% of children believed they weren’t old enough to make safety decisions.【推荐区域:安徽、河北】【参考答案】1.B2.D3.A4.B5.CPassage 4(2023重庆B卷)Most people remember their childhood by looking at old photos or videos. But for some, they choose to remember it by making models of their old homes where they grew up.Du Yi,a Chinese miniature artist, used to make models of historic buildings. One day,a friend asked him to make a model of his old home in the countryside. He thought it was meaningful, so he helped. After he posted a short video online, it went viral. He won thousands of followers. Today, he has over 200,000 followers online.Du often makes the miniature(微缩模型) house 30 times smallerthan its real size. It usually takes him one to two months to make a model with the pictures provided by customers. Hundreds of small pieces and about 50 different materials,including wood, paper, and materials straight from nature are used.He often visits the villages to take a closer look at the details.He can spend the whole week studying one building, trying to understand the story,shapes and colors.“I have to be very careful about the details. If they are good, the work will come to life,”Du says. His miniature houses are sold at a starting price of around 20,000 yuan.“When I first saw the model of my old home, it took me back to my childhood. Grandfather taught me how to farm and make toys from things around us,”says Hao Wei,one of Du’s customers.When a skillful hand meets the need of people, a good business starts.1. How do most people remember their childhood according to the passage?A.By taking new photos.B. By watching TV.C.By looking at old photos.D. By visiting friends.2. What does the underlined word “viral”in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Difficult.B.Popular.C.Terrible.D. Important.3. What can we learn from the passage?A. Du Yi is believed to be the best miniature artist inChina.B. People who need miniature houses want to live in the past.C.Miniature artists make a lot of money by posting videos online.D. Du Yi’s excellent skills and hard work are helpful for his success.4.In which part of a newspaper can you probably read this passage?A.Sports.B.Health.C.Life.D.Nature.【推荐区域:安徽、云南、陕西】【参考答案】1.C2.B3.D4.C。
数学几何图形的相关计算1.(2024达州10题4分)如图,△ABC是等腰直角三角形,∠ABC=90°,AB=4,点D,CE,则下列E分别在AC,BC边上运动,连接AE,BD交于点F,且始终满足AD=√=√2;②∠DFE=135°;③△ABF面积的最大值是4√2-4;④CF的最小值是结论:①2√10-2√2.其中正确的是( )A.①③B.①②④C.②③④D.①②③④第1题图【推荐地区:安徽】解图①解图②第1题解图解直角三角形及其应用2.(2024遂宁19题8分)小明的书桌上有一个L型台灯,灯柱AB高40cm,他发现当灯带BC与水平线BM夹角为9°时(图①),灯带的直射宽DE(BD⊥BC,CE⊥BC)为35cm,但此时灯的直射宽度不够,当他把灯带调整到与水平线夹角为30°时(图②),直射宽度刚好合适,求此时台灯最高点C到桌面的距离.(结果保留1位小数)(sin9°≈0.16,cos9°≈0.99,tan9°≈0.16)图①图②第2题图【推荐地区:安徽、山西、浙江】【参考答案】2.解:如题图,∵BD⊥BC,CE⊥BC,∴BD∥CE.∵BM∥DE,∴四边形BDEM为平行四边形,∴BM=DE=35cm,∴BC=BM·cos9°≈34.65cm,如解图,过点C作D’E’的垂线分别交BM与点F,交D’E’于点G.在Rt△BCF中,CF=BC·sin30°≈17.3cm,∴CH=sin30°×cos9°×BM=×0.99×35=17.3(m),∴此时台灯最高处到左面的距离CG=CF+AB=17.3+40=57.3(cm).第2题解图一次函数与反比例函数的综合应用3.(2024自贡24题10分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,一次函数y=kx+b的图象与反比例函数myx=的图象交于A(-6,1),B(1,n)两点.第3题图(1)求反比例函数和一次函数的解析式;(2)P是直线x=-2上的一个动点,△PAB的面积为21,求点P坐标;(3)点Q在反比例函数myx=位于第四象限的图象上,△QAB的面积为21,请直接写出Q点坐标.【推荐地区:安徽、江西、浙江】第3题解图,统计与概率4.(2024重庆B卷20题10分)数学文化有利于激发学生数学兴趣.某校为了解学生数学文化知识掌握的情况,从该校七、八年级学生中各随机抽取10名学生参加了数学文化知识竞赛,并对数据(百分制)进行整理、描述和分析(成绩均不低于70分,用x表示,共分三组:A.90≤x≤100,B.80≤x<90,C.70≤x<80),下面给出了部分信息:七年级10名学生的竞赛成绩是:76,78,80,82,87,87,87,93,93,97.八年级10名学生的竞赛成绩在B组中的数据是:80,83,88,88.八年级抽取的学生竞赛成绩扇形统计图七、八年级抽取的学生竞赛成绩统计表第4题图根据以上信息,解答下列问题:(1)填空:a=________,b=________,m=________;(2)根据以上数据,你认为该校七、八年级中哪个年级学生数学文化知识较好?请说明理由(写出一条理由即可);(3)该校七年级学生有500人,八年级学生有400人.估计该校七、八年级学生中数学文化知识为“优秀”(x≥90)的总共有多少人?【推荐地区:安徽、江西、浙江、湖南】【参考答案】4.(1)88,87,40;【解法提示】∵八年级10名学生的竞赛成绩在C组的有10×20%=2名,∴将八年级10名学生的竞赛成绩按照从小到大的顺序进行排列,在中间的两个数分别是88,88,∴=88;∵七年级10名学生的竞赛成绩中87出现的次数最多,∴b=87;∵八年级a=10名学生的竞赛成绩在B组的有4名,∴在A组的有10-2-4=4名,∴A组所占百分比为40%,即m=40.(2)八年级的数学文化知识较好,理由:七、八年级10名学生的竞赛成绩平均数相同,八年级的中位数和众数均大于七年级;(3)500×+400×40%=310(人).∴估计该校七、八年级学生中数学文化知识为“优秀”(x≥90)的总共有310人.。
英语(第一期)完形填空Cloze 1(2024重庆A卷)I could hardly believe my ears.I spoke in a rush.“Oh,thank you,sir!”I left the headmaster’s office,feeling1.I felt as tall s the sky.I wanted to shout,jump,or do something.I would get the beautiful gold and green2!On the way home,I remembered how nervous I was when I asked Grandpa for money the day before.I told him that the rules were different.The scholarship(奖学金)jacket was not free this year.I had to pay fifteen dollars,or it would be given to someone else.I was so sad when Grandpa3to pay.I could remember his words.“4you pay for it,it's not a scholarship jacket,is it?Tell your headmaster I will not pay the fifteen dollars.”Grandpa didn't fool me.I couldn’t5to tell Grandpa and ran straight to the field.But when I saw him,I slowed down.I joined him in pulling up the grass6my hands.After I had a little pile(堆)of grass,I stood up,7him and said,”I'm getting the scholarship jacket,Grandpa.That’s after I told the headmaster what you said.He said you are 8 .The scholarship jacket is for my highest grades.I don't have to pay for it.“Grandpa didn't say anything.He9smiled.After a while,he said,”Better go and see if your grandmother needs any help with supper.”I gave10 a big smile and ran back to the house.1.A.angry B.great C.young D.tired2.A.grass B.house C.jacket D.field3.A.refused B.offered C.agreed D.planned4.A.Unless B.Until C.Before D.If5.A.wait B.expect C.decide D.forget6.A.by B.in C.with D.on7.A.moved B.taught C.doubted D.faced8.A.polite B.right C.wrong D.funny9.A.just B.once C.never D.often10.A.me B.you C.him D.her【推荐地区:安徽、福建、云南】【参考答案】【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。
2024年中考英语真题分类汇编(全国)(第一期)专题09 完形填空 考点2 生活哲理类(解析版)
Anansi the WiseSome people think they know everything.Anansi the spider didn’t think that.He was a1spider. And he knew to have real wisdom(智慧).He had to learn more.One day,Anansi found a(an)2gourd on the ground and he had an idea.“3I get advice from others and put it in this gourd,then I’ll be wiser than anyone else in the world.”So,he went from house to house and asked the other creatures(生物),“What’s your best piece of 4?”And they were all happy to share their wisdom,because they could see that Anansi5it.The snail(蜗牛)said,“Don’t be in a hurry.6is not a100-meter race.”The butterfly said,“Life is short.Enjoy every day.”The ant said,“You’ll7be great on your own.Everyone needs the help of others.”Anansi was very happy with all this advice.He took it and put it in8gourd.And when he’d filled the gourd,he thought to himself,“Now,I have more wisdom than anyone else.I must9the wisdom,so no one can steal it.”He10and saw a hole high up in a tree,and he had an idea.Anansi held the gourd in two legs and tried to11the tree with his other six legs.But the gourd was too big and he couldn’t climb.His son was nearby watching him.“Daddy,”he said,“why don’t you12the gourd to your back and then climb the tree?”“That’s very good advice,”said Anansi.“Thank you for sharing it with me.”And then Anansi realized that advice is only13when we share it with someone.So,he climbed the tree with the gourd on his back.And when Anansi reached the14,he held the gourd up to the wind.All the advice flew into the sky and traveled15the land.And wisdom came to everyone.1.A.quiet B.crazy C.poor D.clever2.A.empty B.small C.soft D.broken3.A.So B.If C.Before D.Although4.A.news B.work C.advice D.wood5.A.stood B.forgot C.missed D.needed6.A.Action B.Sport C.Life D.Health7.A.always B.often C.never D.usually8.A.his B.her C.its D.their9.A.find B.sell C.hide D.collect10.A.fell asleep B.showed up C.ran away D.looked around11.A.hit B.climb C.pull D.shake12.A.send B.hand C.turn D.tie13.A.simple B.useful C.interesting D.real14.A.top B.house C.ground D.mountain15.A.across B.with C.into D.under【答案】1.D2.A3.B4.C5.D6.C7.C8.A9.C10.D11.B12.D 13.B14.A15.A【导语】本文主要讲述了一个蜘蛛把学到的智慧放在篮子里,最后和所有人分享的故事。
2024年中考数学真题分类汇编(全国通用)(第一期)专题06 二次根式(24题)(解析版)
专题06二次根式(24题)一、单选题1.(2024·湖南·27)A .7B .72C .14D 14【答案】D【分析】此题主要考查了二次根式的乘法,正确计算是解题关键.直接利用二次根式的乘法运算法则计算得出答案.【详解】解:2714⨯=,故选:D2.(2024·内蒙古包头·2296-所得结果是()A .3B 6C .35D .35±【答案】C【分析】本题考查化简二次根式,根据二次根式的性质,化简即可.【详解】解:229681364535-=-==;故选C .3.(2024·云南·x x 的取值范围是()A .0x >B .0x ≥C .0x <D .0x ≤【答案】B【分析】本题主要考查了二次根式有意义的条件.根据二次根式有意义的条件,即可求解.【详解】解:∵式子x 在实数范围内有意义,∴x 的取值范围是0x ≥.故选:B4.(2024·黑龙江绥化·23m -有意义,则m 的取值范围是()A .23m ≤B .32m ≥-C .32m ≥D .23m ≤-【答案】C【分析】本题考查了二次根式有意义的条件,根据题意可得230m -≥,即可求解.5.(2024·四川乐山·中考真题)已知12x <<2x +-的结果为()A .1-B .1C .23x -D .32x-6.(2024·重庆·中考真题)已知m =m 的范围是()A .23m <<B .34m <<C .45m <<D .56m <<7.(2024·江苏盐城·,设其面积为2cm S ,则S 在哪两个连续整数之间()A .1和2B .2和3C .3和4D .4和5【答案】C【分析】本题主要考查无理数的估算,二次根式的乘法,先计算出矩形的面积S ,再利用放缩法估算无理数大小即可.【详解】解:2510S =⨯=,91016<<,∴91016<<,∴3104<<,即S 在3和4之间,故选:C .8.(2024·安徽·中考真题)下列计算正确的是()A .356a a a +=B .632a a a ÷=C .()22a a -=D 2a a=【答案】C【分析】题目主要考查合并同类项、同底数幂的除法、积的乘方运算、二次根式的化简,根据相应运算法则依次判断即可【详解】解:A 、3a 与5a 不是同类项,不能合并,选项错误,不符合题意;B 、633a a a ÷=,选项错误,不符合题意;C 、()22a a -=,选项正确,符合题意;D 、当0a ≥时,2a a =,当0a <时,2a a =-,选项错误,不符合题意;故选:C9.(2024·重庆·1223的值应在()A .8和9之间B .9和10之间C .10和11之间D .11和12之间【答案】C【分析】本题考查的是二次根式的乘法运算,无理数的估算,先计算二次根式的乘法运算,再估算即可.【详解】解:∵()1223266+=+,而424265<=<,∴1026611<+<,故答案为:C10.(2024·四川德阳·,按以下方式进行排列:则第八行左起第1个数是()A .B .CD .二、填空题11.(2024·江苏连云港·x 的取值范围是.12.(2024·江苏扬州·有意义,则x 的取值范围是.13.(2024·贵州·23的结果是.【答案】6【分析】利用二次根式的乘法运算法则进行计算.【详解】解:原式=23⨯=6,故答案为:6.【点睛】本题考查二次根式的乘法运算,掌握二次根式乘法的运算法则a b ab ⋅=(a ≥0,b >0)是解题关键.14.(2024·北京·9x -x 的取值范围是.【答案】9x ≥【分析】根据二次根式有意义的条件,即可求解.【详解】解:根据题意得90x -≥,解得:9x ≥.故答案为:9x ≥【点睛】本题主要考查了二次根式有意义的条件,熟练掌握二次根式的被开方数为非负数是解题的关键.15.(2024·天津·中考真题)计算()111111-+的结果为.【答案】10【分析】利用平方差公式计算后再加减即可.【详解】解:原式11110=-=.故答案为:10.【点睛】本题考查了二次根式的混合运算,掌握二次根式的混合运算法则及平方差公式是解题的关键.16.(2024·四川德阳·()23-=.【答案】3【分析】根据二次根式的性质“2a a =”进行计算即可得.【详解】解:()2333-=-=,故答案为:3.【点睛】本题考查了化简二次根式,解题的关键是掌握二次根式的性质.17.(2024·黑龙江大兴安岭地·中考真题)在函数32y x =+中,自变量x 的取值范围是.【答案】3x ≥/3x≤【分析】本题主要考查函数自变量取值范围,分别根据二次根式有意义的条件和分式有意义的条件列出不等式求解即可.【详解】解:根据题意得,30x -≥,且20x +≠,解得,3x ≥,故答案为:3x ≥.18.(2024·山东烟台·x 的取值范围为.【答案】1x >/1x<【分析】本题考查代数式有意义,根据分式的分母不为0,二次根式的被开方数为非负数,进行求解即可.【详解】解:由题意,得:10x ->,解得:1x >;故答案为:1x >.19.(2024·山东威海·=.20.(2024·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·中考真题)在函数2y x =+中,自变量x 的取值范围是.【答案】3x >-且2x ≠-【分析】本题考查了求自变量的取值范围,根据二次根式有意义的条件和分式有意义的条件列出不等式组解答即可求解,掌握二次根式有意义的条件和分式有意义的条件是解题的关键.【详解】解:由题意可得,3020x x +>⎧⎨+≠⎩,解得3x >-且2x ≠-,故答案为:3x >-且2x ≠-.三、解答题21.(2024·内蒙古包头·中考真题)(1)先化简,再求值:()()2121x x +-+,其中22x =(2)解方程:2244x xx x --=.【答案】(1)21x -,7;(2)3x =【分析】本题考查了整式的运算,二次根式的运算,解分式方程等知识,解题的关键是:(1)先利用完全平方公式、去括号法则化简,然后把x 的值代入计算即可;(2)先去分母,去括号,移项,合并同类项,系数化1,检验,解分式方程即可.【详解】解:(1)()()2121x x +-+22122x x x =++--21x =-,当22x =时,原式()22217=-=;(2)2244x x x x --=--去分母,得()224x x x ---=,解得3x =,把3x =代入43410x -=-=-≠,∴3x =是原方程的解.22.(2024·上海·中考真题)计算:1021|13|24(13)23-++--+.【答案】26【分析】本题考查了绝对值,二次根式,零指数幂等,掌握化简法则是解题的关键.先化简绝对值,二次根式,零指数幂,再根据实数的运算法则进行计算.【详解】解:121|13|24(13)23-++--+2331261(23)(23)-=-++-+-3126231=-++--26=.23.(2024·甘肃·318122【答案】0【分析】根据二次根式的混合运算法则计算即可.24.(2024·河南·中考真题)(1(01;(2)化简:231124a a a +⎛⎫+÷ ⎪.。
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