外文翻译 完本




本科毕业论文外文翻译外文译文题目:不确定条件下生产线平衡:鲁棒优化模型和最优解解法学院:机械自动化专业:工业工程学号: 201003166045学生姓名: 宋倩指导教师:潘莉日期: 二○一四年五月Assembly line balancing under uncertainty: Robust optimization modelsand exact solution methodÖncü Hazır , Alexandre DolguiComputers &Industrial Engineering,2013,65:261–267不确定条件下生产线平衡:鲁棒优化模型和最优解解法安库·汉泽,亚历山大·多桂计算机与工业工程,2013,65:261–267摘要这项研究涉及在不确定条件下的生产线平衡,并提出两个鲁棒优化模型。






关键字:装配线平衡;不确定性; 鲁棒优化;组合优化;精确算法1.简介装配线就是包括一系列在车间中进行连续操作的生产系统。









Most Ameri‎c ans remem‎b er Mark Twain‎as the fathe‎r of Huck Finn's idyll‎i c cruis‎e throu‎g h etern‎a l boyho‎o d and Tom Sawye‎r's endle‎s s summe‎r of freed‎o m and adven‎t ure. In-deed, this natio‎n's best-loved‎autho‎r was every‎bit as ad-ventu‎r ous, patri‎o tic, roman‎t ic, and humor‎o us as anyon‎e has ever imagi‎n ed. I found‎ anoth‎er Twain‎ as well – one who grew cynic‎al, bitte‎r, sadde‎ned by the profo‎und perso‎nal trage‎dies life dealt‎ him, a man who becam‎e obses‎sed with the frail‎ties of the human‎ race, who saw clear‎ly ahead‎ a black‎ wall of night‎. 在大多数美‎国人的心目中,马克•吐温是位伟‎大作家,他描写了哈‎克•费恩永恒的‎童年时代中‎充满诗情画‎意的旅程和‎汤姆•索亚在漫长的夏日‎里自由自在‎历险探奇的‎故事。





因为学校对毕业论文中的外文翻译并无规定,为统一起见,特做以下要求:1、每篇字数为1500字左右,共两篇;2、每篇由两部分组成:译文+原文.3 附件中是一篇范本,具体字号、字体已标注。

外文翻译(包含原文)(宋体四号加粗)外文翻译一(宋体四号加粗)作者:(宋体小四号加粗)Kim Mee Hyun Director, Policy Research & Development Team,Korean Film Council(小四号)出处:(宋体小四号加粗)Korean Cinema from Origins to Renaissance(P358~P340) 韩国电影的发展及前景(标题:宋体四号加粗)1996~现在数量上的增长(正文:宋体小四)在过去的十年间,韩国电影经历了难以置信的增长。























































利率市场化对储蓄和投资的影响:来自尼日利亚的数据J.U.J.Onwumere1, Okore Amah Okore1 and Imo G.Ibe,摘要知识平台的研讨会提供了Mckinnon (1973)和Shaw(1973)对于发展中国家的金融自由化的的成果。











介绍McKinnon (1973)和 Shaw (1973)的研究成果表明由于金融抑制是发展中国家业绩增长缓慢的原因。






McKinnon和 Shaw认为发展中国家的金融抑制政策引发的问题需要金融自由化来改变。




英文文献资料外文文献一:Food safety: the shocking truth about the food industrySource: Author: Marion Nestle、Refrigeration technology, pasteurization, pesticides, disease control, these technologies so that safe food into the 20th century, public health's greatest achievements. This book view is that food safety problems also depend on politics. September 2001 events to dispel this view of the doubts about aviation aircraft used by terrorists as a destruction of weapons to civilians and public figures have anthrax spores sent folder of letters, the consequences of these events shows, food, water can easily become a a tool for terrorists, it has also become the federal government for food safety control problem.This chapter will sum up this book referred to in the various food safety problems. Some of them threatened to keep animals healthy, very few will lead to a number of human diseases. Even so, these issues impact on human well-being is deep; large-scale destruction of breeding animals, affecting the livelihood of many people, limiting personal freedom. The 20th century, 90's and early 21st century, an outbreak of mad cow disease and foot and mouth disease Although this is only because of errors caused by the production process, but still brings a lot of destructive. In contrast, bio-terrorism is the deliberate use of biological and chemical substances to achieve their political objectives. For food safety issues,Bio-terrorism extends food safety issues and political outreach; deliberate destruction, excluding any consequences of innocent injury.In this chapter, we will discuss how the rise of bio-terrorism, food safety issues and extend the extension of food safety issues. In the United States, food safety, usually refers to the family food supply reliability. E-mail from the anthrax incident, the food safety issues, also includes safety from biological terrorism. Our discussion will be the beginning of some zoonotic diseases: such as mad cow disease, foot and mouth disease, anthrax. In recent years, these zoonotic diseases harmful to humans is relatively small. Today, for these zoonotic diseases, we are concerned that they may give rise to disease, destruction of food supply system,To become a tool for bio-terrorism aspect. This chapter summarizes the discussion of this book, fromsociety and from a personal point of view what action should be taken to face these issues, as well as food safety issues present and future.The political animal diseasesOne of the consequences of globalization is that of food cross-border long-distance rapid transit, affecting food supply all kinds of disease can easily spread from one country to another country. Animal diseases have a commercial impact, if a country has come to infectious diseases of animals, other countries will refuse to import the kinds of animal meat. The impact of business at the same time there are political consequences.Britain's mad cow disease and foot and mouth disease occurred as a result of beef in the production process caused by mismanagement, compared to the U.S. anthrax letters is a result of vandalism. However, this three kinds of threatening to cause great panic, they are difficult to detect control, can cause severe disease. Moreover, these three kinds of threats against people for the food supply, as well as confidence in the Government.Mad cow is the mid-20th century, 90 of the most popular of a food security crisis, the epidemic is mainly limited to the United Kingdom. With regard to BSE-related issues and our discussion, mainly because of political issues and scientific issues intertwined Among them, public confidence had a great impact. For example, the British Government in the BSE crisis in the practice is also considered to result in distrust of genetically modified food one of the reasons. The beginning of the 20th century, 80 years, no one had heard of the disease, but in 1999, this disease affects at least 175,000 British cattle. The consequences are very serious: 400 million head of livestock were slaughtered, the loss of 70 billion U.S. dollars,Spread to 18 countries worldwide national boycott of British beef. By 2001 only, although "only" 120 people died of the human variant of mad cow disease, it is estimated the death toll will reach 10 million people. Because mad cow disease revealed the modern politics of food safety issues, it is worth detailing.英文文献中文翻译06013618 胡冬敏外文翻译一:作者:玛丽恩·内斯特尔出版时间:2004年11月食品安全:令人震惊的食品行业真相(美)玛丽恩·内斯特尔冷藏技术,巴氏消毒,杀虫剂,疾病控制,这些技术使安全食品成为20世纪公众健康最伟大的成就之一。



Mark Twain-the Mirror of AmericaMost Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. In-deed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. I found another Twain as well –one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night.在大多数美国人的心目中,马克?吐温是位伟大作家,他描写了哈克?费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆?索亚在漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。



Tramp printer, river pilot , Confederate guerrilla, prospector, starry-eyed optimist, acid-tongued cynic: The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life, digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer. He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms (12 feet) of water -- a navigable depth. His popularity is attested by the fact that more than a score of his books remain in print, and translations are still read around the world.印刷工、领航员、邦联游击队员、淘金者、耽于幻想的乐天派、语言尖刻的讽刺家:马克?吐温原名塞缪尔?朗赫恩?克莱门斯,他一生之中有超过三分之一的时间浪迹美国各地,体验着美国的新生活,尔后便以作家和演说家的身分将他所感受到的这一切介绍给全世界。



Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. In-deed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. I found another Twain as well – one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night. 在大多数美国人的心目中,马克•吐温是位伟大作家,他描写了哈克•费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆•索亚在漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。



Tramp printer, river pilot , Confederate guerrilla, prospector, starry-eyed optimist, acid-tongued cynic: The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life, digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer. He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms (12 feet) of water -- a navigable depth. His popularity is attested by the fact that more than a score of his books remain in print, and translations are still read around the world. 印刷工、领航员、邦联游击队员、淘金者、耽于幻想的乐天派、语言尖刻的讽刺家:马克•吐温原名塞缪尔•朗赫恩•克莱门斯,他一生之中有超过三分之一的时间浪迹美国各地,体验着美国的新生活,尔后便以作家和演说家的身分将他所感受到的这一切介绍给全世界。

















这本手册的计划和指示,建立了两个无线电控制的飞机,在山谷景观ACE和额外的300 部。








本科毕业设计外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Changing roles of the clientsArchitects and contractorsThrough BIM文献、资料来源:Engineering, Construction, Archi-tectual Management文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2010.2院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:外文文献:Changing roles of the clients,architects and contractors through BIMRizal SebastianTNO Built Environment and Geosciences, Delft, The NetherlandsAbstractPurpose– This paper aims to present a general review of the practical implications of building information modelling (BIM) based on literature and case studies. It seeks to address the necessity for applying BIM and re-organising the processes and roles in hospital building projects. This type of project is complex due to complicated functional and technical requirements, decision making involving a large number of stakeholders, and long-term development processes. Design/methodology/approach– Through desk research and referring to the ongoing European research project InPro, the framework for integrated collaboration and the use of BIM are analysed. Through several real cases, the changing roles of clients, architects, and contractors through BIM application are investigated.Findings–One of the main findings is the identification of the main factors for a successful collaboration using BIM, which can be recognised as “POWER”: product information sharing (P),organisational roles synergy (O), work processes coordination (W), environment for teamwork (E), and reference data consolidation (R). Furthermore, it is also found that the implementation of BIM in hospital building projects is still limited due to certain commercial and legal barriers, as well as the fact that integrated collaboration has not yet been embedded in the real estate strategies of healthcare institutions.Originality/value– This paper contributes to the actual discussion in science and practice on the changing roles and processes that are required to develop and operate sustainable buildings with the support of integrated ICT frameworks and tools. It presents the state-of-the-art of European research projects and some of the first real cases of BIM application in hospital building projects. Keywords Europe, Hospitals, The Netherlands, Construction works, Response flexibility, Project planningPaper type General review1. IntroductionHospital building projects, are of key importance, and involve significant investment, and usually take a long-term development period. Hospital building projects are also very complexdue to the complicated requirements regarding hygiene, safety, special equipments, and handling of a large amount of data. The building process is very dynamic and comprises iterative phases and intermediate changes. Many actors with shifting agendas, roles and responsibilities are actively involved, such as: the healthcare institutions, national and local governments, project developers, financial institutions, architects, contractors, advisors, facility managers, and equipment manufacturers and suppliers. Such building projects are very much influenced, by the healthcare policy, which changes rapidly in response to the medical, societal and technological developments, and varies greatly between countries (World Health Organization, 2000). In The Netherlands, for example, the way a building project in the healthcare sector is organised is undergoing a major reform due to a fundamental change in the Dutch health policy that was introduced in 2008.The rapidly changing context posts a need for a building with flexibility over its lifecycle. In order to incorporate life-cycle considerations in the building design, construction technique, and facility management s trategy, a multidisciplinary collaboration is required. Despite the attemptfor establishing integrated collaboration, healthcare building projects still faces serious problemsin practice, such as: budget overrun, delay, and sub-optimal quality in terms of flexibility,end-user’s dissatisfaction, and energy inefficiency. It i s evident that the lack of communicationand coordination between the actors involved in the different phases o f a building project is among the most important reasons behind these problems. The communication between different stakeholders becomes critical, as each stakeholder possesses different set of skills. As a result, the processes for extraction, interpretation, and communication of complex design information from drawings and documents are often time-consuming and difficult. Advanced visualisation technologies, like 4D planning have tremendous potential to increase the communication efficiency and interpretation ability of the project team members. However, their use as an effective communication tool is still limited and not fully explored (Dawood and Sikka, 2008).There are also other barriers in the information transfer and integration, for instance: many existing ICT systems do not support the openness of the data and structure that is prerequisite foran effective collaboration between different building actors or disciplines.Building information modelling (BIM) offers an integrated solution to the previously mentioned problems. Therefore, BIM is increasingly used as an ICT support in complex building projects. An effective multidisciplinary collaboration supported by an optimal use of BIM require changing roles of the clients, architects, and contractors; new contractual relationships; and re-organised collaborative processes. Unfortunately, there are still gaps in the practical knowledge on how to manage the building actors to collaborate effectively in their changing roles, and to develop and utilise BIM as an optimal ICT support of the collaboration.This paper presents a general review of the practical implications of building information modelling (BIM) based on literature review and case studies. In the next sections, based on literature and recent findings from European research project InPro, the framework for integrated collaboration and the use of BIM are analysed. Subsequently, through the observation of two ongoing pilot projects in The Netherlands, the changing roles of clients, architects, and contractors through BIM application are investigated. In conclusion, the critical success factors as well as the main barriers of a successful integrated collaboration using BIM are identified.2. Changing roles through integrated collaboration and life-cycle design approachesA hospital building project involves various actors, roles, and knowledge domains. In The Netherlands, the changing roles of clients, architects, and contractors in hospital building projects are inevitable due the new healthcare policy. Previously under the Healthcare Institutions Act (WTZi), healthcare institutions were required to obtain both a license and a building permit for new construction projects and major renovations. The permit was issued by the Dutch Ministry of Health. The healthcare institutions were then eligible to receive financial support from the government. Since 2008, new legislation on the management o f hospital building projects and real estate has come into force. In this new legislation, a permit for hospital building project under the WTZi is no longer obligatory, nor obtainable (Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, 2008). This change allows more freedom from the state-directed policy, and respectively, allocates more responsibilities to the healthcare organisations to deal with the financing and management of their real estate. The new policy implies that the healthcare institutions are fully responsible to manage and finance their building projects and real estate. The government’s support for the costs of healthcare facilities will no longer be given separately, but will beincluded in the fee for healthcare services. This means that healthcare institutions must earn back their investment on real estate through their services. This new policy intends to stimulate sustainable innovations in the design, procurement and management of healthcare buildings, which will contribute to effective and efficient primary healthcare services.The new strategy for building projects and real estate management endorses an integrated collaboration approach. In order to assure the sustainability during construction, use, and maintenance, the end-users, facility managers, contractors and specialist c ontractors need to be involved in the planning and design processes. The implications of the new strategy are reflected in the changing roles of the building actors and in the new procurement method.In the traditional procurement method, the design, and its details, are developed by the architect, and design engineers. Then, the client (the healthcare institution) sends an application to the Ministry of Health to obtain an approval on the building permit and the financial support from the government. Following this, a contractor is selected through a tender process that emphasises the search for the lowest-price bidder. During the construction period, changes often take place due to constructability problems of the design and new requirements from the client. Because of the high level of technical complexity, and moreover, decision-making complexities, the whole process from initiation until delivery of a hospital building project can take up to ten years time. After the delivery, the healthcare institution is fully in charge of the operation of the facilities. Redesigns and changes also take place in the use phase to cope with new functions and developments in the medical world (van Reedt Dortland, 2009).The integrated procurement pictures a new contractual relationship between the parties involved in a building project. Instead of a relationship between the client and architect for design, and the client and contractor for construction, in an integrated procurement the client only holds a contractual relationship with the main party that is responsible for both design and construction ( Joint Contracts Tribunal, 2007). The traditional borders between tasks and occupational groups become blurred since architects, consulting firms, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers all stand on the supply side in the building process while the client on the demand side. Such configuration puts the architect, engineer and contractor in a very different position that influences not only their roles, but also their responsibilities, tasks and communication with the client, the users, the team and other stakeholders.The transition from traditional to integrated procurement method requires a shift of mindsetof the parties on both the demand and supply sides. It is essential for the client and contractor tohave a fair and open collaboration in which both can optimally use their competencies. Thed strategy effectiveness of integrated collaboration is also determined by the client’s capacity to organize innovative tendering procedures (Sebastian et al., 2009).A new challenge emerges in case of positioning an architect in a partnership with the contractor instead of with the client. In case of the architect enters a partnership with the contractor, an important issues is how to ensure the realisation of the architectural values as wellas innovative engineering through an efficient construction process. In another case, the architectsory role instead of being the designer. In this case,can stand at the client’s side in a strategic advithe architect’s responsibility is translating client’s requirements and wishes into the ar values to be included in the design specification, and evaluating the contractor’s p this. In any of this new role, the architect holds the responsibilities as stakeholder interest facilitator, custodian of customer value and custodian of design models.The transition from traditional to integrated procurement method also brings consequencesin the payment schemes. In the traditional building process, the honorarium for the architect isusually based on a percentage of the project costs; this may simply mean that the more expensivethe building is, the higher the honorarium will be. The engineer receives the honorarium based onthe complexity of the design and the intensity of the assignment. A highly complex building,which takes a number of redesigns, is usually favourable for the engineers in terms of honorarium.A traditional contractor usually receives the commission based on the tender to construct thebuilding at the lowest price by meeting the minimum specifications given by the client. Extrawork due to modifications is charged separately to the client. After the delivery, the contractor isno longer responsible for the long-term use of the building. In the traditional procurement method,all risks are placed with the client.In integrated procurement method, the payment is based on the achieved building performance; thus, the payment is non-adversarial. Since the architect, engineer and contractorhave a wider responsibility on the quality of the design and the building, the payment is linked toa measurement system of the functional and technical performance of the building over a certainperiod of time. The honorarium becomes an incentive to achieve the optimal quality. If thebuilding actors succeed to deliver a higher added-value that exceed the minimum client’sextra gain. The level of requirements, they will receive a bonus in accordance t o the client’stransparency is also improved. Open book accounting is an excellent instrument provided that the stakeholders agree on the information to be shared and to its level of detail (InPro, 2009).Next to the adoption of integrated procurement method, the new real estate strategy for hospital building projects addresses a n innovative product development and life-cycle design approaches. A sustainable business case for the investment and exploitation of hospital buildings relies on dynamic life-cycle management that includes considerations and analysis of the market development over time next to the building life-cycle costs (investment/initial cost, operational cost, and logistic cost). Compared to the conventional life-cycle costing method, the dynamiclife-cycle management encompasses a shift from focusing only on minimizing the costs to focusing on maximizing the total benefit that can be gained. One of the determining factors for a successful implementation of dynamic life-cycle management is the sustainable design of the building and building components, which means that the design carries sufficient flexibility to accommodate possible changes in the long term (Prins, 1992).Designing based on the principles of life-cycle management affects the role of the architect,as he needs to be well informed about the usage scenarios and related financial arrangements, the changing social and physical environments, and new technologies. Design needs to integrate people activities and business strategies over time. In this context, the architect is required to align the design strategies with the organisational, local and global policies on finance, business operations, health and safety, environment, etc. (Sebastian et al., 2009).The combination of process and product innovation, and the changing roles of the building actors can be accommodated by integrated project delivery or IPD (AIA California Council, 2007). IPD is an approach that integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to reduce waste and optimize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication and construction. IPD principles can be applied to a variety of contractual arrangements. IPD teams will usually include members well beyond the basic triad of client, architect, and contractor. At a minimum, though, an Integrated Project should include a tight collaboration between the client, the architect, and the main contractor ultimately responsible for construction of the project, from the early design untilthe project handover. The key to a successful IPD is assembling a team that is committed to collaborative processes and is capable of working together effectively. IPD is built on collaboration. As a result, it can only be successful if the participants share and apply commonvalues and goals.3. Changing roles through BIM applicationBuilding information model (BIM) comprises ICT frameworks and tools that can support theintegrated collaboration based on life-cycle design approach. BIM is a digital representation ofphysical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledgeresource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecyclefrom inception onward (National Institute of Building Sciences NIBS, 2007). BIM facilitates timeand place independent collaborative working. A basic premise of BIM is collaboration bydifferent stakeholders at different phases of the life cycle of a facility to insert, extract, update ormodify information in the BIM to support and reflect the roles of that stakeholder. BIM in itsultimate form, as a shared digital representation founded on open standards for interoperability,can become a virtual information model to be handed from the design team to the contractor and subcontractors and then to the client (Sebastian et al., 2009).BIM is not the same as the earlier known computer aided design (CAD). BIM goes furtherthan an application to generate digital (2D or 3D) drawings (Bratton, 2009). BIM is an integratedmodel in which all process and product information is combined, stored, elaborated, and interactively distributed to all relevant building actors. As a central model for all involved actorsthroughout the project lifecycle, BIM develops and evolves as the project progresses. Using BIM,the proposed design and engineering solutions can be measured against the client’s re and expected building performance. The functionalities of BIM to support the design processextend to multidimensional (nD), including: three-dimensional visualisation and detailing, clashdetection, material schedule, planning, cost estimate, production and logistic information, andas-built documents. During the construction process, BIM can support the communicationbetween the building site, the factory and the design office– which is crucial for an effective andefficient prefabrication and assembly processes as well as to prevent or solve problems related to unforeseen errors or modifications. When the building is in use, BIM can be used in combinationwith the intelligent building systems to provide and maintain up-to-date information of thebuilding performance, including the life-cycle cost.To unleash the full potential of more efficient information exchange in the AEC/FM industry in collaborative working using BIM, both high quality open international standards and high quality implementations of these standards must be in place. The IFC open standard is generally agreed to be of high quality and is widely implemented in software. Unfortunately, the certification process allows poor quality implementations to be certified and essentially renders the certified software useless for any practical usage with IFC. IFC compliant BIM is actually used less than manual drafting for architects and contractors, and show about the same usage for engineers. A recent survey shows that CAD (as a closed-system) is still the major form of technique used in design work (over 60 per cent) while BIM is used in around 20 percent of projects for architects and in around 10 per cent of projects for engineers and contractors (Kiviniemi et al., 2008).The application of BIM to support an optimal cross-disciplinary and cross-phase collaboration opens a new dimension in the roles and relationships between the building actors. Several most relevant issues are: the new role of a model manager; the agreement on the access right and Intellectual Property Right (IPR); the liability and payment arrangement according tothe type of contract and in relation to the integrated procurement; and the use of open international standards.Collaborative working using BIM demands a new expert role of a model manager who possesses ICT as well as construction process know-how (InPro, 2009). The model manager deals with the system as well as with the actors. He provides and maintains technological solutions required for BIM functionalities, manages the information flow, and improves the ICT skills of the stakeholders. The model manager does not take decisions on design and engineering solutions, nor the organisational processes, b ut his roles in the chain of decision making are focused on:the development of BIM, the definition of the structure and detail level of the model, and the deployment of relevant BIM tools, such as for models checking, merging, and clash detections;the contribution to collaboration methods, especially decision making and communication protocols, task planning, and risk management;and the management of information, in terms of data flow and storage, identification ofcommunication errors, and decision or process (re-)tracking.way Regarding the legal and organisational issues, one of the actual questions is: “does the intellectual property right (IPR) in collaborative working using BIM differ from the IPRin a traditional teamwork?”. In terms of combined work, the IPR of each element is attached to its creator. Although it seems to be a fully integrated design, BIM actually resulted from a combination of works/elements; for instance: the outline of the building design, is created by the architect, the design for the electrical system, is created by the electrical contractor, etc. Thus, incase of BIM as a combined work, the IPR is similar to traditional teamwork. Working with BIMwith authorship registration functionalities may actually make it easier to keep track of theIPR(Chao-Duivis, 2009).How does collaborative working, using BIM, effect the contractual relationship? On the onehand, collaborative working using BIM does not necessarily change the liability position in thecontract nor does it obligate an alliance contract. The General Principles of BIM Addendum confirms: ‘This does not effectuate or require a restructuring of contractual relationships orshifting of risks between or among the Project Participants other than as specifically required per(ConsensusDOCS, 2008). On the other hand,the Protocol Addendum and its Attachments’ changes in terms of payment schemes can be anticipated. Collaborative processes using BIM willlead to the shifting of activities from to the early design phase. Much, if not all, activities in thedetailed engineering and specification phase will be done in the earlier phases. It means thatsignificant payment for the engineering phase, which may count up to 40 per cent of the designcost, can no longer be expected. As engineering work is done concurrently with the design, a new proportion of the payment in the early design phase is necessary(Chao-Duivis, 2009).4. Review of ongoing hospital building projects using BIMIn The Netherlands, the changing roles in hospital building projects are part of the strategy,which aims at achieving a sustainable real estate in response to the changing healthcare policy.Referring to literature and previous research, the main factors that influence the success of thechanging roles can be concluded as: the implementation of an integrated procurement method anda life-cycle design approach for a sustainable collaborative process; the agreement on the BIMstructure and the intellectual rights; and the integration of the role of a model manager. Thepreceding sections have discussed t he conceptual thinking on how to deal with these factors effectively. This current section observes two actual projects and compares the actual practice with the conceptual view respectively.The main issues, which are observed in the case studies, are:the selected procurement method and the roles of the involved parties within this method;the implementation of the life-cycle design approach;the type, structure, and functionalities of BIM used in the project;the openness in data sharing and transfer of the model, and the intended use of BIM in the future; andthe roles and tasks of the model manager.The pilot experience of hospital building projects using BIM in the Netherlands can be observed at University Medical Centre St Radboud (further referred as UMC) and Maxima Medical Centre (further referred as MMC). At UMC, the new building project for the Faculty of Dentistry in the city of Nijmegen has been dedicated as a BIM pilot project. At MMC, BIM is used in designing new buildings for Medical Simulation and Mother-and-Child Centre in the city of Veldhoven.The first case is a project at the University Medical Centre (UMC) St Radboud. UMC is more than just a hospital. UMC combines medical services, education and research. More than 8500 staff and 3000 students work at UMC. As a part of the innovative real estate strategy, UMC has considered to use BIM for its building projects. The new development of the Faculty of Dentistry and the surrounding buildings on the Kapittelweg in Nijmegen has been chosen as a pilot project to gather practical knowledge and experience on collaborative processes with BIM support.The main ambition to be achieved through the use of BIM in the building projects at UMC can be summarised as follows:using 3D visualisation to enhance the coordination and communication among the building actors, and the user participation in design;facilitating optimal information accessibility and exchange for a highconsistency of the drawings and documents across disciplines and phases;integrating the architectural design with structural analysis, energy analysis, cost estimation,and planning;interactively evaluating the design solutions against the programme of requirements and specifications;reducing redesign/remake costs through clash detection during the design process; andoptimising the management o f the facility through the registration of medical installations and equipments, fixed and flexible furniture, product and output specifications, and operational data.The second case is a project at the Maxima Medical Centre (MMC). MMC is a large hospital resulted from a merger between the Diaconessenhuis in Eindhoven and St Joseph Hospital in Veldhoven. Annually the 3,400 staff of MMC provides medical services to more than 450,000 visitors and patients. A large-scaled extension project of the hospital in Veldhoven is a part of its real estate strategy. A medical simulation centre and a women-and-children medical centre are among the most important new facilities within this extension project. The design has been developed using 3D modelling with several functionalities of BIM.The findings from both cases and the analysis are as follows. Both UMC and MMC optedfor a traditional procurement method in which the client directly contracted an architect, a structural engineer, and a mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) consultant in the design team. Once the design and detailed specifications are finished, a tender procedure will follow to select a contractor. Despite the choice for this traditional method, many attempts have been made for a closer and more effective multidisciplinary collaboration. UMC dedicated a relatively long preparation phase with the architect, structural engineer and MEP consultant before the design commenced. This preparation phase was aimed at creating a common vision on the optimal way for collaboration using BIM as an ICT support. Some results of this preparation phase are: a document that defines the common ambition for the project and the collaborative working process and a semi-formal agreement that states the commitment of the building actors for collaboration. Other than UMC, MMC selected an architecture firm with an in-house engineering department. Thus, the collaboration between the architect and structural engineer can take place within the same firm using the same software application.Regarding the life-cycle design approach, the main attention is given on life-cycle costs, maintenance needs, and facility management. U sing BIM, both hospitals intend to get a much。


The typical file-processing system just described is supported by a conventional operating system. Permanent record are stored in various files, and different application programs are written to extractrecords from, and to add records to, the appropriate files. Before the advent of DBMSs, organizations typically stored information using such systems.
Keeping organizational information in a file-processing system has a number of major disadvantages.
?Data redundancy and inconsistency. Since the files and application programs are created by different programmers over a long period, the various files are likely to have different formats and the programs may be written in several programming languages. Moreover, the same information may be duplicated in several places (files). For example, the address and telephone number of a particular customer may appear in file that consists of savings-account records and in a file that consists of checking-account records. This redundancy leads to higher storage and access cost. In addition, it may lead to data inconsistency; that is, the various copies of the same data may no longer agree. For example, a changed coustomer address may be reflected in savings-account records but not elsewhere in the system.



本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:院(系):油气资源学院专业班级:物探0502指导教师:完成日期:年月日地震驱动评价与发展:以玻利维亚冲积盆地的研究为例起止页码:1099——1108出版日期:NOVEMBER 2005THE LEADING EDGE出版单位:PanYAmericanYEnergyvBuenosYAiresvYArgentinaJPYBLANGYvYBPYExplorationvYHoustonvYUSAJ.C.YCORDOVAandYE.YMARTINEZvYChacoYS.A.vYSantaYCruzvYBolivia 通过整合多种地球物理地质技术,在玻利维亚冲积盆地,我们可以减少许多与白垩纪储集层勘探有关的地质技术风险。


这些方法包括盆地模拟,联井及地震叠前同时反演,岩石性质及地震属性解释,A VO/A V A,水平地震同相轴,光谱分解。




Tarija/Chaco盆地的subandean 褶皱和冲断带山麓的中部和南部,部分扩展到玻利维亚的Boomerange地区经历了集中的成功的开采。





图1 Aguja油田位于玻利维亚中部Chaco盆地的西北角。



该油田在Trija和冲积盆地附近的益背斜基底上,该背斜将油田和Ben i盆地分开(图1),圈闭类型是上盘背斜,它存在于连续冲断层上,Aguja有两个主要结构:Aguja中部和Aguja Norte,通过重要的转换压缩断层将较早开发的“Sur”油田分开Yantata Centro结构是一个三路闭合对低角度逆冲断层并伴随有小的摆幅。



西安科技大学高新学院本科毕业设计本科毕业设计((论文论文))外文翻译译文外文翻译译文学生姓名学生姓名学生姓名 : 熊 静 院院 (系): 建筑与土木工程 专业班级专业班级专业班级 : 工程管理0703 指导教师指导教师指导教师 : 胥卫平 完成日期完成日期完成日期 : 2010年10月10日求要 求1、外文翻译是毕业设计(论文)的主要内容之一,必须学生独立完成。







房 地 产 市 场 的 泡 沫 理查德赫林 苏珊沃特泽尔/ Lurie房地产中心工作文件#402理查德赫林沃顿商学院宾夕法尼亚大学宾夕法尼亚州费城,19104 herring@苏珊沃特沃顿商学院宾夕法尼亚大学宾夕法尼亚州费城,19104wachter@ 2002年3月2002年4月22-24日,在芝加哥编写了与世界银行,芝加哥联邦储备银行集团的会议“资产价格泡沫:货币的含义,法规,政策和国际政策。






但是,在一些国家,银行扮演更主导作用,如美国的大萧条之前,大(其中银行持有65%的总资产),或现今日(其中79%的资产银行持有的总数),或新兴 市场(如银行往往持有超过80%的资产总额),为的后果实体经济可以更加严峻。



外文资料及译文原文:Television Video SignalsAlthough over 50 years old , the standard television signal is still one of the most common way to transmit an image. Figure 8.3 shows how the television signal appears on an oscilloscope. This is called composite video, meaning that there are vertical and horizontal synchronization (sync) pulses mixed with the actual picture information.These pulses are used in the television receiver to synchronize the vertical and horizontal deflection circuits to match the video being displayed. Each second of standard video contains 30 complete images, commonly called frames , A video engineer would say that each frame contains 525 lines, the television jargon for what programmers call rows. This number is a little deceptive because only 480 to 486 of these lines contain video information; the remaining 39to 45 lines are reserved for sync pulses to keep the television’s circuits synchronized with the video signal.Standard television uses an interlaced format to reduce flicker in the displayed image. This means that all the odd lines of each frame are transmitted first, followed by the even lines. The group of odd lines is called the odd field, and the group of even lines is called the even field. Since each frame consists of two fields, the video signal transmits 60 fields per second. Each field starts with a complex series of vertical sync pulses lasting 1.3 milliseconds. This is followed by either the even or odd lines of video. Each line lasts for 63.5 microseconds, including a 10.2 microsecond horizontal sync pulse, separating one line from the next. Within each line, the analog voltage corresponds to the gray scale of the image, with brighter values being in the direction away from the sync pulses. This place the sync beyond the black range. In video jargon, the sync pulses are said to be blacker than black..The hardware used for analog-to-digital conversion of video signals is called a frame grabber. This is usually in the form of an electronics card that plugs into a computer, and connects to a camera through a coaxial cable. Upon command from software, the frame grabber waits for the beginning of the next frame, as indicated by the vertical sync pulses. During the following two fields, each line of video is sampled many times, typically 512,640 or 720 samples per line, at 8bits per sample. These samples are stored in memory as one row of the digital image.This way of acquiring a digital image results in an important difference between the vertical and horizontal directions. Each row in the digital image corresponds to one line in the video signal, and therefore to one row of wells in the CCD. Unfortunately,the columns are not so straightforward. In the CCD, each row contains between about 400 and 800 wells (columns), depending on the particular device used. When a row of wells is read from the CCD, the resulting line of video is filtered into a smooth analog signal, such as in Figure 8.3. In other words, the video signal does not depend on how many columns are present in the CCD. The resolution in the horizontal direction is limited by how rapidly the analog signal is allowed to change. This is usually set at 3.2 MHz for color television, resulting in a rise time of about 100 nanoseconds, i.e, about1/500th of the 53.2 microsecond video line.When the video signal is digitized in the frame grabber, it is converted back into conclusions. However, these columns in the digitized image have no relation to the columns in the CCD. The number of columns in the digital image depends solely on how many times the frame grabber samples each line of video. For example, a CCD might have 800 wells per row, while the digitized image might only have 512 pixels (i.e columns) perrow.The number of columns in the digitized image is also important for another reason. The standard television image has an aspect ratio of 4 to 3, i.e. it is slightly wider than it is high. Motion pictures have the wider aspect ratio of 25 to 9. CCDs used for scientific applications often have an aspect ratio of 1 to 1, i.e , a perfect square. In any event, the aspect ratio of a CCD is fixed by the placement of the electrodes, and cannot be altered. However, the aspect ratio of the digitized image depends on the number of samples per line. This becomes a problem when the image is displayed, either on a video monitor or in a hardcopy. If the aspect ratio isn’t properly reproduced, the image looks squashed horizontally or vertically.The 525 line video signal described here is called NTSC (National Television Systems Committee), a standard defined way back in 1954. This is the system used in the United States and Japan. In Europe there are two similar standards called PAL (Phase Alternation by Line) and SECAM (Sequential Chrominance and Memory). The basic concepts are the same, just the numbers are different. Both PAL and SECAM operate with 25 interlaced frames per second, with 625 lines per frame. Just as with NTSC, some of these lines occur during the vertical sync, resulting in about 576 lines that carry picture information. Other more subtle differences relate to how color and sound are added to the signal.The most straightforward way of transmitting color television would be to have three separate analog signals, one for each of the three colors the human eye can detect: red, green and blue. Unfortunately, the historical development of television did not allow such a simple scheme. The color television signal was developed to allow existing blackand white television sets to remain in use without modification. This was done by retaining the same signal for brightness information , but adding a separate signal for color information. In video jargon, the brightness is called the luminance signal, while the color is the chrominance signal. The chrominance signal is contained on a 3.58 MHz carrier wave added to the black and white video signal. Sound is added in this same way, on a 4.5 MHz carrier wave. The television receiver separates these three signals, processes them individually, and recombines them in the final diplay.译文:关键词:核心,合成信号,电压耦合电视信号尽管已经拥有50年的历史了,电视信号依然是常用的传递信息的途径之一。

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本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:院(系):专业班级:指导教师:完成日期:20 年月日文献名称(中文)地球物理电磁理论与方法文献名称(外文)Geophysical Electromagnetic Theory and Methods作者:迈克尔 达诺夫起止页码:67~103出版日期:2009-04-08出版单位:艾斯维尔科学出版社外文翻译译文:地球物理电磁理论与方法第三章电磁场的方程目录3.1麦克斯韦方程及边界条件3.1.1 电磁场中的基本方程3.1.2 麦克斯韦方程的物理解释3.1.3 矢量场的边界条件3.1.4 均匀介质中的场3.2 时谐电磁场3.3 电磁能及坡印廷定理3.3.1 辐射条件3.3.2 时域坡印廷定理3.3.3 时域能量不等式3.3.4 频域坡印廷定理3.4 电磁场的格林张量3.4.1 频域内的格林张量3.4.2 时域内的格林张量3.5 互惠关系3.5.1 洛伦磁引理3.5.2 格林张量和电磁领域的互惠关系3.5.3 电磁场的格林张量表示论参考阅读:电磁场的基本原理始建于19世纪。






















此外,一个证明在第二章的显著事实,在基于四维空间的基本微分方程形式中,任意矢量场对H(r, t) 和D(r, t)满足微分方程组,类似于电磁场的经典麦克斯韦方程组。

换句话说,在四维空间内,若一个二阶矢量场E4是由任意两个矢量场H(r, t) 和D(r, t)组成,那么这个场内自动满足该系统的麦克斯韦方程组。











3.1麦克斯韦方程及边界条件3.1.1 电磁场中的基本方程电法勘探源于非均匀导体中的电磁场的行为规范。


构成麦克斯韦方程组的两个矢量方程和两个标量方程如下所示: c tD j H =∂∂+=⨯∇ (3.1) tB E ∂∂-=⨯∇ (3.2) 0=⋅∇B (3.3)q D =⋅∇ (3.4)式中,H 是磁场强度,B 是磁感应强度(见附录C 和D 中电磁场分量的命名);E 是电场强度,D 是电位移矢量;q 是电荷密度;j 是传导电流密度;c 是总的电流密度(传导电流和位移电流的总和)。

这俩个场中,E 和D ,B 和H 分别有如下的本构关系:E D ε= (3.5)H B μ= (3.6)式中,ε是介质常数(介电常数),μ是磁导率。



因此,吗介绍两个电磁场的二阶微分矢量M 和F ,由公式可知:dt H d dt dr H d D M ∧-=∧⋅-∑⋅=)( (3.7)dt E B dt dr E d B F ∧+=∧⋅+∑⋅=)( (3.8)式中,D = D ·d ∑, H = H ·d r , B = B ·d ∑, E = E ·d r 。

由米斯纳(1973)和德尚(1981)我们可以分别称这些形式为麦克斯韦场—M-关系;麦克斯韦场与电位移矢量D 和磁场倍增时间微分H ∧ dt 具有线性关系。


利用第2章中讨论过的二阶微分形式的基本性质可以写出麦克斯韦场和力场的微分关系:γe M d =∧ (3.9) γe F d =∧ (3.10)式中,电的γe 和磁的γm 相当与:dt d j qdv e∧∑⋅-=)(γ (3.11)dt d dv j q m m m ∧∑⋅-=)(γ (3.12) 式中,函数q m 和j m 分别是电荷密度和磁通密度。

根据公式(2.122)和(2.123),从麦克斯韦场M 的微分方程(3.9)可直接得到麦克斯韦方程的第一个和第四个方程(3.1)和(3.4): tD j curlH ∂∂= , q divD = (3.13) 由式(3.9)中的四位电流密度γe 的外部微分等于零,0=∧∧=∧M d d d e γ以及公式(2.99),得出电流密度j 和电荷密度q 的连续方程: tq j ∂∂-=⋅∇ (3.14) 同理,由力场F 的微分方程(3.10)直接得出一般的麦克斯韦方程组的第二个和第三个方程(3.2)和(3.3): t B curlE j m ∂∂-=- , q m divB = (3.15)由此磁场的四电流γm 同电场的四电流一样满足微分方程: 0=∧∧=∧M d d d m γ因此,磁场的电荷和电流通常与连续方程有关:tq j mM ∂∂-=⋅∇ (3.16) 介绍磁荷使麦克斯韦方程对称。


0=∧F d (3.17)这个方程用矢量描述,代入到原始的麦克斯韦方程组的第二个和第三个方程(3.2)和(3.3)中: tB curlE ∂∂-= , 0=divB 因此,麦克斯韦方程组的整个系统自然而然地产生于非平稳领域的一般理论中。



总之,完整的麦克斯韦方程组系统可以描述的十分简洁: γeM d =∧ (3.18)0=∧F d (3.19)这里,dt H D dt dr H d D M ∧-=∧⋅-∑⋅=)( (3.20)dt E B dt dr E d B F ∧+=∧⋅+∑⋅=)( (3.21)第2章中表明任何法拉第式的形式,都可以通过相应的四个电势α表示。

考虑到力场F 是法拉第式形式,可以用式(2.199),根据∑⋅=∑⋅=d curlA d B B , dr tA gradU dr E E ⋅∂∂+-=⋅=)( (3.22) 从最后的公式中我们得出用电磁位来描述磁场和电场的经典代表式,A 和U :curlA B = , )(tA gradU E ∂∂+-= 麦克斯韦方程组(3.18)和(3.19)的微分形式的另一个重要特征是他们不仅描述基本通量在不同电磁场元件的工作之间的关系,同时原始麦克斯韦方程组(3.1)~(3.4)处理电磁场自身的向量。





3.1.2 麦克斯韦方程的物理解释让我们来看看麦克斯韦方程的四个物理意义。


假设一个光滑的面S ,由曲线S 围成,求穿过该面的通量(图3.1) ⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⋅∂∂-=⋅∂∂-=⋅⨯∇S SS nds B t nds t B nds E (3.24) 式中,n 是面S 的法向单位向量。

应用斯托克定理,积分方程(3.24)的左边可以转化为: ⎰⎰⎰⋅=⋅⨯∇LS d E nds E ιτ (3.25)代入到式(3.24)中得到: ⎰⎰⎰⋅∂∂-=⋅S Lnds B t d E ιτ (3.26) 其中,τ是曲线L 的切向单位向量。

注意,最后一个方程的左边的工作是电场E ,右边的工作是磁场B 。

下面介绍L 是导电长丝(例如。

L 是一根细铁丝)范围内的特殊情况。

电场E下沿曲线L 的线积分是该电路中测到的电动势: EMF d E L=⋅⎰ιτ (3.27)而且,φ=⋅⎰⎰Snds B (3.28)其中,φ是该电路中的磁通量。
