R语言 t检验实例程序及答案









r语言t检验例题,假设有一组数据,20个男性和20个女性的身高分别记录在表中:| 性别 | 身高(cm) || --- | ---------- || 男 | 172 || 女 | 158 || 男 | 176 || 女 | 167 || 男 | 187 || 女 | 149 || 男 | 159 || 女 | 151 || ... | ... |要检验两性之间身高是否存在显著差异,使用 R 语言可以使用 t 检验:为什么需要r语言t检验例题1. 检验某种假设是否成立。

2. 批判性和客观地评估数据。

3. 确定总体参数是否有效。








R语言聚类分析、因子分析、t检验相关程序及程序运行结果相关程序:#####读入数据x=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1)####作系统聚类d=dist(scale(x))hc1=hclust(d);hc1hc2=hclust(d,"average")hc3=hclust(d,"centroid")hc4=hclust(d,"ward")####绘出谱系图和聚类情况(最长距离法、类平均法)opar=par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(5.2,4,0,0))plclust(hc1,hang=-1)re1=rect.hclust(hc1,k=3,border="red")plclust(hc2,hang=-1)re2=rect.hclust(hc2,k=3,border="red")par(opar)####绘出谱系图和聚类情况(重心法和Ward法)opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(5.2,4,0,0))plclust(hc3,hang=-1)re3=rect.hclust(hc3,k=3,border="red")plclust(hc4,hang=-1)re4=rect.hclust(hc4,k=3,border="red")par(opar)####动态聚类法km<-kmeans(scale(x),3,nstart=35);kmsort(km$cluster)####因子分析y=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1)R=cov(scale(y))fa<-factanal(factors=4,covmat=R);fa####计算因子得分y=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1)fa<-factanal(~.,factors=4,data=y,scores="Bartlett");fafa$scores ####输出因子得分####画出散点图plot(fa$scores[,1:2],type="n")text(fa$scores[,1],fa$scores[,2])plot(fa$scores[,3:4],type="n")text(fa$scores[,3],fa$scores[,4])####t检验a1=fa$scores[,1]a2=fa$scores[,2]a3=fa$scores[,3]a4=fa$scores[,4]t.test(a1,a2,alternative="greater")t.test(a1,a3,alternative="greater")t.test(a1,a4,alternative="greater")t.test(a2,a3,alternative="greater")t.test(a2,a4,alternative="greater")t.test(a3,a4,alternative="greater")程序运行结果:> rm(list=ls(all=TRUE))> #####读入数据> x=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1) > ####作系统聚类> d=dist(scale(x))> hc1=hclust(d);hc1Call:hclust(d = d)Cluster method : completeDistance : euclideanNumber of objects: 35> hc2=hclust(d,"average")> hc3=hclust(d,"centroid")> hc4=hclust(d,"ward")> ####绘出谱系图和聚类情况(最长距离法、类平均法)> opar=par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(5.2,4,0,0))> plclust(hc1,hang=-1)> re1=rect.hclust(hc1,k=3,border="red")> plclust(hc2,hang=-1)> re2=rect.hclust(hc2,k=3,border="red")> par(opar)> ####绘出谱系图和聚类情况(重心法和Ward法)> opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(5.2,4,0,0))> plclust(hc3,hang=-1)> re3=rect.hclust(hc3,k=3,border="red")> plclust(hc4,hang=-1)> re4=rect.hclust(hc4,k=3,border="red")> par(opar)> ####动态聚类法> km<-kmeans(scale(x),3,nstart=35);kmK-means clustering with 3 clusters of sizes 21, 6, 8Cluster means:工业生产总值.亿元. 财政收入.万元. 人均财政收入社会消费品零售总额.万元.1 -0.6065578 -0.6358116 -0.492914324 -0.387692232 0.7021330 0.9565806 1.730190783 0.061577083 1.0656146 0.9515700 -0.003742987 0.97150928外贸出口额外资利用总额.万美元. 新增固定资产投资.万元. 职工平均工资.元.1 -0.4402834 -0.6033739 -0.5009169 -0.59498172 0.4309513 1.4647875 0.8770164 1.47480543 0.8325306 0.4852659 0.6571445 0.4557230农民人均纯收入.元. 城镇固定资产投资人均固定资产投资万人拥有工业企业数量1 -0.5985518 -0.6641800 -0.50088606 -0.40066112 1.3534617 1.1106089 1.78476822 1.57153573 0.5561021 0.9105157 -0.02375026 -0.1269165 人均科教文卫.事业费支出1 -0.218176242 0.809047653 -0.03407311Clustering vector:长丰县肥东县肥西县天长市明光市来安县全椒县定远县3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1凤阳县当涂县庐江县无为县含山县和县芜湖县繁昌县1 2 1 3 1 3 2 2南陵县宁国市郎溪县广德县泾县绩溪县旌德县铜陵县3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2东至县石台县青阳县桐城市怀宁县枞阳县潜山县太湖县1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1宿松县望江县岳西县1 1 1Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:[1] 91.95071 40.32272 74.39793(between_SS / total_SS = 53.2 %)Available components:[1] "cluster" "centers" "totss" "withinss"[5] "tot.withinss" "betweenss" "size"> sort(km$cluster)明光市来安县全椒县定远县凤阳县庐江县含山县郎溪县1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1泾县绩溪县旌德县东至县石台县青阳县怀宁县枞阳县1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1潜山县太湖县宿松县望江县岳西县当涂县芜湖县繁昌县1 1 1 1 12 2 2宁国市广德县铜陵县长丰县肥东县肥西县天长市无为县2 2 23 3 3 3 3和县南陵县桐城市3 3 3>> ####因子分析> y=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1)> R=cov(scale(y))> fa<-factanal(factors=4,covmat=R);faCall:factanal(factors = 4, covmat = R)Uniquenesses:工业生产总值.亿元. 财政收入.万元. 人均财政收入0.131 0.005 0.017 社会消费品零售总额.万元. 外贸出口额外资利用总额.万美元.0.135 0.757 0.466 新增固定资产投资.万元. 职工平均工资.元. 农民人均纯收入.元.0.278 0.249 0.228城镇固定资产投资人均固定资产投资万人拥有工业企业数量0.005 0.014 0.213 人均科教文卫.事业费支出0.518Loadings:Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4工业生产总值.亿元. 0.164 0.863 0.306财政收入.万元. 0.270 0.904 0.252 0.204人均财政收入0.911 0.257 0.236 0.177社会消费品零售总额.万元. -0.334 0.662 0.529 0.188外贸出口额0.144 0.255 0.396外资利用总额.万美元. 0.418 0.441 0.405新增固定资产投资.万元. 0.171 0.485 0.675职工平均工资.元. 0.669 0.446 0.322农民人均纯收入.元. 0.528 0.453 0.501 0.192城镇固定资产投资0.304 0.893 0.293 -0.142人均固定资产投资0.888 0.272 0.263 -0.231万人拥有工业企业数量0.838 0.271人均科教文卫.事业费支出0.659 -0.197Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4SS loadings 4.009 3.838 1.891 0.247Proportion Var 0.308 0.295 0.145 0.019Cumulative Var 0.308 0.604 0.749 0.768The degrees of freedom for the model is 32 and the fit was 1.9244>> ####计算因子得分> y=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1)> fa<-factanal(~.,factors=4,data=y,scores="Bartlett");faCall:factanal(x = ~., factors = 4, data = y, scores = "Bartlett")Uniquenesses:工业生产总值.亿元. 财政收入.万元. 人均财政收入0.131 0.005 0.017 社会消费品零售总额.万元. 外贸出口额外资利用总额.万美元.0.135 0.757 0.466 新增固定资产投资.万元. 职工平均工资.元. 农民人均纯收入.元.0.278 0.249 0.228城镇固定资产投资人均固定资产投资万人拥有工业企业数量0.005 0.014 0.213 人均科教文卫.事业费支出0.518Loadings:Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4工业生产总值.亿元. 0.164 0.863 0.306财政收入.万元. 0.270 0.904 0.252 0.204人均财政收入0.911 0.257 0.236 0.177社会消费品零售总额.万元. -0.334 0.662 0.529 0.188外贸出口额0.144 0.255 0.396外资利用总额.万美元. 0.418 0.441 0.405新增固定资产投资.万元. 0.171 0.485 0.675职工平均工资.元. 0.669 0.446 0.322农民人均纯收入.元. 0.528 0.453 0.501 0.192城镇固定资产投资0.304 0.893 0.293 -0.142人均固定资产投资0.888 0.272 0.263 -0.231万人拥有工业企业数量0.838 0.271人均科教文卫.事业费支出0.659 -0.197Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4SS loadings 4.009 3.838 1.891 0.247Proportion Var 0.308 0.295 0.145 0.019Cumulative Var 0.308 0.604 0.749 0.768Test of the hypothesis that 4 factors are sufficient.The chi square statistic is 50.36 on 32 degrees of freedom.The p-value is 0.0206> fa$scores ####输出因子得分Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 长丰县-0.183962645 1.07142140 -0.80273922 -0.55908770 肥东县-0.178091207 2.78806120 -1.86999699 0.68363597 肥西县0.348674595 3.12457544 -1.98272073 -0.50108034 天长市-0.328662939 0.11159589 1.52736647 0.46407338 明光市-0.963771018 -0.86354966 0.47002776 0.81176717 来安县-0.396419372 -0.49065354 0.31428314 -0.67509321 全椒县-0.127042257 -0.41988953 0.37755024 -0.37704456 定远县-1.024098347 -0.26034805 -0.17002711 -0.38265932凤阳县-0.688874840 -0.11971576 -0.14932367 0.36608860 当涂县0.703717153 1.67027029 0.79034965 0.31755372 庐江县-1.347580892 -0.10296382 1.40239214 0.73197698 无为县-1.808834990 1.38504818 2.96739685 -0.89328453 含山县-0.097182092 -0.62906939 -0.01725782 0.69586421 和县-0.633409518 -0.22667039 1.11273582 -0.23828640 芜湖县 1.465823581 0.20925937 0.70918377 -0.98730471 繁昌县 2.663194026 -0.03934722 -0.09699698 1.76758867 南陵县-0.121028895 -0.24059956 1.31746506 1.09467594 宁国市 2.176051304 0.26146591 2.18212596 0.98305592 郎溪县0.322546258 -0.51458155 -0.18277513 -2.09016770广德县0.458900888 0.38443902 1.34637112 -1.52375887 泾县0.066399254 -0.78667484 0.12591414 -0.17464409 绩溪县 1.630369791 -1.37642108 0.12958686 -1.09105223 旌德县0.015581604 -1.38966324 -0.22472503 -0.02326432铜陵县 2.352685506 0.08194171 -0.90854462 -1.71218909 东至县-0.420839170 -0.45254138 -0.45157759 0.05270322 石台县0.004431299 -1.12401413 -1.86938404 0.42232027 青阳县0.395060735 -0.98715620 -0.51665248 2.04123624 桐城市-0.359873784 0.44887271 0.56934952 0.74475186 怀宁县-0.022961863 0.38101100 -0.97991722 2.45423594 枞阳县-0.666759401 0.68399096 -1.01032266 -0.08880833 潜山县-0.659551399 -0.59777412 -0.59583407 0.51402884 太湖县-0.654810156 -0.58593199 -0.98967268 -0.43277938宿松县-0.920198188 -0.28228760 -0.27058925 -0.98831067 望江县-0.825113048 -0.70444337 -0.56674157 -0.10014261 岳西县-0.174369973 -0.40765667 -1.68629963 -1.30659888 > ####画出散点图> plot(fa$scores[,1:2],type="n")> text(fa$scores[,1],fa$scores[,2])> plot(fa$scores[,3:4],type="n")> text(fa$scores[,3],fa$scores[,4])>> ####t检验> a1=fa$scores[,1]> a2=fa$scores[,2]> a3=fa$scores[,3]> a4=fa$scores[,4]> t.test(a1,a2,alternative="greater")> t.test(a11,b11,alternative="greater")Welch Two Sample t-testdata: a11 and b11t = 1.9772, df = 9.704, p-value = 0.03855alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:0.06604808 Infsample estimates:mean of x mean of y0.9958313 0.1749454> t.test(a11,c11,alternative="greater")Welch Two Sample t-testdata: a11 and c11t = 4.3788, df = 9.086, p-value = 0.0008671alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:1.039104 Infsample estimates:mean of x mean of y0.9958313 -0.7901305> t.test(b11,c11,alternative="greater")Welch Two Sample t-testdata: b11 and c11t = 5.8762, df = 21.925, p-value = 3.299e-06alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:0.6830173 Infsample estimates:mean of x mean of y0.1749454 -0.7901305> t.test(a12,b12,alternative="greater")Welch Two Sample t-testdata: a12 and b12t = 2.994, df = 10.814, p-value = 0.006212alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:0.5557607 Infsample estimates:mean of x mean of y0.9931852 -0.3988946> t.test(a12,c12,alternative="greater")Welch Two Sample t-testdata: a12 and c12t = 2.5917, df = 10.145, p-value = 0.01329alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:0.356743 Infsample estimates:mean of x mean of y0.9931852 -0.1893416> t.test(b12,c12,alternative="greater")Welch Two Sample t-testdata: b12 and c12t = -0.8809, df = 22.84, p-value = 0.8062alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:-0.6173701 Inf sample estimates:mean of x mean of y -0.3988946 -0.1893416。










我们可以使用R 语言中的t.test函数来进行t检验。

假设我们的样本1数据存储在变量x中,样本2数据存储在变量y中,我们可以使用以下代码进行t检验:```# 进行独立样本t检验result <- t.test(x, y)# 输出检验结果print(result)```在上述代码中,我们使用了t.test函数对样本1和样本2进行了独立样本t检验,并将结果存储在result变量中。





例如,如果我们想要使用95%的置信水平,可以将conf.level 参数设置为0.95。






例如,如果我们想要提取置信区间的上限,可以使用以下代码:```# 提取置信区间的上限upper <- result$conf.int[2]# 输出置信区间的上限print(upper)```在上述代码中,我们使用了result$conf.int[2]来提取出置信区间的上限,并将结果存储在变量upper中。



R语言聚类分析、因子分析、t检验相关程序及程序运行结果相关程序: #####读入数据x=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1####作系统聚类d=dist(scale(xhc1=hclust(d;hc1hc2=hclust(d,"average"hc3=hclust(d,"centroid"hc4=hclust(d,"ward"####绘出谱系图和聚类情况(最长距离法、类平均法opar=par(mfrow=c(2,1,mar=c(5.2,4,0,0plclust(hc1,hang=-1re1=rect.hclust(hc1,k=3,border="red"plclust(hc2,hang=-1re2=rect.hclust(hc2,k=3,border="red"par(opar####绘出谱系图和聚类情况(重心法和Ward法opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,1,mar=c(5.2,4,0,0plclust(hc3,hang=-1re3=rect.hclust(hc3,k=3,border="red"plclust(hc4,hang=-1re4=rect.hclust(hc4,k=3,border="red"par(opar####动态聚类法km<-kmeans(scale(x,3,nstart=35;kmsort(km$cluster####因子分析y=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1 R=cov(scale(yfa<-factanal(factors=4,covmat=R;fa####计算因子得分y=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1 fa<-factanal(~.,factors=4,data=y,scores="Bartlett";fafa$scores ####输出因子得分####画出散点图plot(fa$scores[,1:2],type="n"text(fa$scores[,1],fa$scores[,2]plot(fa$scores[,3:4],type="n"text(fa$scores[,3],fa$scores[,4]####t检验a1=fa$scores[,1]a2=fa$scores[,2]a3=fa$scores[,3]a4=fa$scores[,4]t.test(a1,a2,alternative="greater"t.test(a1,a3,alternative="greater"t.test(a1,a4,alternative="greater"t.test(a2,a3,alternative="greater"t.test(a2,a4,alternative="greater"t.test(a3,a4,alternative="greater"程序运行结果:> rm(list=ls(all=TRUE> #####读入数据> x=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1 > ####作系统聚类> d=dist(scale(x> hc1=hclust(d;hc1Call:hclust(d = dCluster method : completeDistance : euclideanNumber of objects: 35> hc2=hclust(d,"average"> hc3=hclust(d,"centroid"> hc4=hclust(d,"ward"> ####绘出谱系图和聚类情况(最长距离法、类平均法> opar=par(mfrow=c(2,1,mar=c(5.2,4,0,0> plclust(hc1,hang=-1> re1=rect.hclust(hc1,k=3,border="red"> plclust(hc2,hang=-1> re2=rect.hclust(hc2,k=3,border="red"> par(opar> ####绘出谱系图和聚类情况(重心法和Ward法> opar<-par(mfrow=c(2,1,mar=c(5.2,4,0,0> plclust(hc3,hang=-1> re3=rect.hclust(hc3,k=3,border="red"> plclust(hc4,hang=-1> re4=rect.hclust(hc4,k=3,border="red"> par(opar> ####动态聚类法> km<-kmeans(scale(x,3,nstart=35;kmK-means clustering with 3 clusters of sizes 21, 6, 8Cluster means:工业生产总值.亿元. 财政收入.万元. 人均财政收入社会消费品零售总额.万元.1 -0.6065578 -0.6358116 -0.492914324 -0.387692232 0.7021330 0.9565806 1.730190783 0.061577083 1.0656146 0.9515700 -0.003742987 0.97150928外贸出口额外资利用总额.万美元. 新增固定资产投资.万元. 职工平均工资.元.1 -0.4402834 -0.6033739 -0.5009169 -0.59498172 0.4309513 1.4647875 0.8770164 1.47480543 0.8325306 0.4852659 0.6571445 0.4557230农民人均纯收入.元. 城镇固定资产投资人均固定资产投资万人拥有工业企业数量1 -0.5985518 -0.6641800 -0.50088606 -0.40066112 1.3534617 1.1106089 1.78476822 1.57153573 0.5561021 0.9105157 -0.02375026 -0.1269165 人均科教文卫.事业费支出1 -0.218176242 0.809047653 -0.03407311Clustering vector:长丰县肥东县肥西县天长市明光市来安县全椒县定远县3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1凤阳县当涂县庐江县无为县含山县和县芜湖县繁昌县1 2 1 3 1 3 2 2南陵县宁国市郎溪县广德县泾县绩溪县旌德县铜陵县3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2东至县石台县青阳县桐城市怀宁县枞阳县潜山县太湖县1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1宿松县望江县岳西县1 1 1Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:[1] 91.95071 40.32272 74.39793(between_SS / total_SS = 53.2 %Available components:[1] "cluster" "centers" "totss" "withinss"[5] "tot.withinss" "betweenss" "size"> sort(km$cluster明光市来安县全椒县定远县凤阳县庐江县含山县郎溪县1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1泾县绩溪县旌德县东至县石台县青阳县怀宁县枞阳县1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1潜山县太湖县宿松县望江县岳西县当涂县芜湖县繁昌县1 1 1 1 12 2 2宁国市广德县铜陵县长丰县肥东县肥西县天长市无为县2 2 23 3 3 3 3和县南陵县桐城市3 3 3>> ####因子分析> y=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1> R=cov(scale(y> fa<-factanal(factors=4,covmat=R;faCall:factanal(factors = 4, covmat = RUniquenesses:工业生产总值.亿元. 财政收入.万元. 人均财政收入0.131 0.005 0.017 社会消费品零售总额.万元. 外贸出口额外资利用总额.万美元.0.135 0.757 0.466 新增固定资产投资.万元. 职工平均工资.元. 农民人均纯收入.元.0.278 0.249 0.228城镇固定资产投资人均固定资产投资万人拥有工业企业数量0.005 0.014 0.213 人均科教文卫.事业费支出0.518Loadings:Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4工业生产总值.亿元. 0.164 0.863 0.306财政收入.万元. 0.270 0.904 0.252 0.204人均财政收入0.911 0.257 0.236 0.177社会消费品零售总额.万元. -0.334 0.662 0.529 0.188外贸出口额0.144 0.255 0.396外资利用总额.万美元. 0.418 0.441 0.405新增固定资产投资.万元. 0.171 0.485 0.675职工平均工资.元. 0.669 0.446 0.322农民人均纯收入.元. 0.528 0.453 0.501 0.192城镇固定资产投资0.304 0.893 0.293 -0.142人均固定资产投资0.888 0.272 0.263 -0.231万人拥有工业企业数量0.838 0.271人均科教文卫.事业费支出0.659 -0.197Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4SS loadings 4.009 3.838 1.891 0.247Proportion Var 0.308 0.295 0.145 0.019Cumulative Var 0.308 0.604 0.749 0.768The degrees of freedom for the model is 32 and the fit was 1.9244 >> ####计算因子得分> y=read.delim("G:\\上机考试数据.txt",header=TRUE,s=1> fa<-factanal(~.,factors=4,data=y,scores="Bartlett";faCall:factanal(x = ~., factors = 4, data = y, scores = "Bartlett"Uniquenesses:工业生产总值.亿元. 财政收入.万元. 人均财政收入0.131 0.005 0.017 社会消费品零售总额.万元. 外贸出口额外资利用总额.万美元.0.135 0.757 0.466 新增固定资产投资.万元. 职工平均工资.元. 农民人均纯收入.元.0.278 0.249 0.228城镇固定资产投资人均固定资产投资万人拥有工业企业数量0.005 0.014 0.213 人均科教文卫.事业费支出0.518Loadings:Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4工业生产总值.亿元. 0.164 0.863 0.306财政收入.万元. 0.270 0.904 0.252 0.204人均财政收入0.911 0.257 0.236 0.177社会消费品零售总额.万元. -0.334 0.662 0.529 0.188外贸出口额0.144 0.255 0.396外资利用总额.万美元. 0.418 0.441 0.405新增固定资产投资.万元. 0.171 0.485 0.675职工平均工资.元. 0.669 0.446 0.322农民人均纯收入.元. 0.528 0.453 0.501 0.192城镇固定资产投资0.304 0.893 0.293 -0.142人均固定资产投资0.888 0.272 0.263 -0.231万人拥有工业企业数量0.838 0.271人均科教文卫.事业费支出 0.659 -0.197 Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 SS loadings 4.009 3.838 Proportion Var 0.308 0.295 Cumulative Var 0.308 0.604 1.8910.145 0.749 0.247 0.019 0.768 Test of the hypothesis that 4 factors are sufficient. The chi square statistic is 50.36 on 32 degrees of freedom. The p-value is 0.0206 > fa$scores####输出因子得分 Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 长丰县 -0.183962645 1.07142140 -0.80273922 -0.55908770 肥东县 -0.178091207 2.78806120 -1.86999699 0.68363597 肥西县 0.348674595 3.12457544 -1.98272073 -0.50108034 天长市 -0.3286629390.11159589 1.52736647 0.46407338 明光市 -0.963771018 -0.86354966 0.47002776 0.81176717 来安县 -0.396419372 -0.49065354 0.31428314 -0.67509321 全椒县 -0.127042257 -0.41988953 0.37755024 -0.37704456 定远县 -1.024098347 -0.26034805 -0.17002711 -0.38265932 凤阳县 -0.688874840 -0.11971576 -0.14932367 0.36608860 当涂县 0.703717153 1.67027029 0.79034965 0.31755372 庐江县 -1.347580892 -0.10296382 1.40239214 0.73197698 无为县 -1.808834990 1.38504818 2.96739685 -0.89328453 含山县 -0.097182092 -0.62906939 -0.01725782 0.69586421 和县 -0.633409518 -0.22667039 1.11273582 -0.23828640 芜湖县 1.465823581 0.20925937 0.70918377 -0.98730471 繁昌县 2.663194026 -0.03934722 -0.09699698 1.76758867 南陵县 -0.121028895 -0.24059956 1.31746506 1.09467594 宁国市 2.1760513040.26146591 2.18212596 0.98305592 郎溪县 0.322546258 -0.51458155 -0.18277513 -2.09016770 广德县 0.458900888 0.38443902 1.34637112 -1.52375887 泾县0.066399254 -0.78667484 0.12591414 -0.17464409 绩溪县 1.630369791 -1.37642108 0.12958686 -1.09105223 旌德县 0.015581604 -1.38966324 -0.22472503 -0.02326432 铜陵县 2.352685506 0.08194171 -0.90854462 -1.71218909 东至县 -0.420839170 -0.45254138 -0.45157759 0.05270322 石台县 0.004431299 -1.12401413 -1.86938404 0.42232027 青阳县 0.395060735 -0.98715620 -0.51665248 2.04123624 桐城市 -0.359873784 0.44887271 0.56934952 0.74475186 怀宁县 -0.022961863 0.38101100 -0.97991722 2.45423594 枞阳县 -0.666759401 0.68399096 -1.01032266 -0.08880833 潜山县 -0.659551399 -0.59777412 -0.59583407 0.51402884 太湖县 -0.654810156 -0.58593199 -0.98967268 -0.43277938宿松县 -0.920198188 -0.28228760 -0.27058925 -0.98831067 望江县 -0.825113048 -0.70444337 -0.56674157 -0.10014261 岳西县 -0.174369973 -0.40765667 -1.68629963 -1.30659888 > ####画出散点图 > plot(fa$scores[,1:2],type="n" >text(fa$scores[,1],fa$scores[,2] > plot(fa$scores[,3:4],type="n" >text(fa$scores[,3],fa$scores[,4] > > ####t 检验 > a1=fa$scores[,1] > a2=fa$scores[,2] > a3=fa$scores[,3] > a4=fa$scores[,4] > t.test(a1,a2,alternative="greater" >t.test(a11,b11,alternative="greater" Welch Two Sample t-test data: a11 and b11 t =1.9772, df = 9.704, p-value = 0.03855 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.06604808 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 0.9958313 0.1749454 > t.test(a11,c11,alternative="greater" Welch Two Sample t-test data: a11 and c11 t = 4.3788, df = 9.086, p-value = 0.0008671 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:1.039104 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 0.9958313 -0.7901305 >t.test(b11,c11,alternative="greater" Welch Two Sample t-testdata: b11 and c11 t = 5.8762, df = 21.925, p-value = 3.299e-06 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:0.6830173 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 0.1749454 -0.7901305 >t.test(a12,b12,alternative="greater" Welch Two Sample t-test data: a12 and b12 t = 2.994, df = 10.814, p-value = 0.006212 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.5557607 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 0.9931852 -0.3988946 > t.test(a12,c12,alternative="greater" Welch Two Sample t-test data: a12 and c12 t = 2.5917, df = 10.145, p-value = 0.01329 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:0.356743 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 0.9931852 -0.1893416 >t.test(b12,c12,alternative="greater" Welch Two Sample t-test data: b12 and c12 t = -0.8809, df = 22.84, p-value = 0.8062 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:-0.6173701 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y -0.3988946 -0.1893416。



R语⾔各种假设检验实例整理(常⽤)版权声明:本⽂为博主原创⽂章,转载请注明出处⼀、正态分布参数检验例1. 某种原件的寿命X(以⼩时计)服从正态分布N(µ, σ)其中µ, σ2均未知。

现测得16只元件的寿命如下:159 280 101 212 224 379 179 264222 362 168 250 149 260 485 170问是否有理由认为元件的平均寿命⼤于255⼩时?解:按题意,需检验H0: µ ≤ 225H1: µ >225此问题属于单边检验问题可以使⽤R语⾔t.testt.test(x,y=NULL,alternative=c("two.sided","less","greater"),mu=0,paired=FALSE,var.equal=FALSE,conf.level=0.95)其中x,y是⼜数据构成e向量,(如果只提供x,则作单个正态总体的均值检验,如果提供x,y则作两个总体的均值检验),alternative表⽰被则假设,two.sided(缺省),双边检验(H1:µ≠H0),less表⽰单边检验(H1:µ<µ0),greater表⽰单边检验(H1:µ>µ0),mu表⽰原假设µ0,conf.level置信⽔平,即1-α,通常是0.95,var.equal是逻辑变量,var.equal=TRUE表⽰两样品⽅差相同,var.equal=FALSE(缺省)表⽰两样本⽅差不同。

R代码:X<-c(159, 280, 101, 212, 224, 379, 179, 264,222, 362, 168, 250, 149, 260, 485, 170)t.test(X,alternative = "greater",mu=225)结果:可见P值为0.257 > 0.05 ,不能拒绝原假设,接受H0,即平均寿命不⼤于225⼩时。

r语言 t函数

r语言 t函数

r语言 t函数R语言是一种广泛使用的统计分析软件,它具有强大的数据分析和可视化功能。


t函数的语法如下:t.test(x, y = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), mu = 0, paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95)其中,x是一个数值向量,表示样本数据;y是一个可选的数值向量,表示第二组样本数据;alternative表示备择假设,可以是双侧检验("two.sided")、左侧检验("less")或右侧检验("greater");mu表示假设的总体均值;paired表示是否进行配对样本检验;var.equal表示是否假设两个总体方差相等;conf.level表示置信水平。



下面是一个例子,演示如何使用t函数进行假设检验和置信区间计算:```{r}# 生成两组样本数据x <- c(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6)y <- c(1.5, 2.6, 3.7, 4.8, 5.9)# 双侧检验,假设总体均值为0t.test(x, y, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0)# 输出结果:## Welch Two Sample t-test## data: x and y# t = -0.19803, df = 7.998, p-value = 0.8473# alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0# 95 percent confidence interval:# -1.242926 1.042926# sample estimates:# mean of x mean of y# 3.4 3.5# 左侧检验,假设总体均值为3t.test(x, y, alternative = "less", mu = 3)# 输出结果:## Welch Two Sample t-test## data: x and y# t = -1.198, df = 7.998, p-value = 0.1383# alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is less than 3 # 95 percent confidence interval:# -Inf 1.104852# sample estimates:# mean of x mean of y# 3.4 3.5# 右侧检验,假设总体均值为4t.test(x, y, alternative = "greater", mu = 4)# 输出结果:## Welch Two Sample t-test# data: x and y# t = -2.197, df = 7.998, p-value = 0.03186# alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 4# 95 percent confidence interval:# -Inf 0.005074# sample estimates:# mean of x mean of y# 3.4 3.5```从上面的例子可以看出,t函数可以方便地进行假设检验和置信区间计算。









3.计算t值:t = (样本均值差- 总体均值差)/ 标准误差。




数据如下:样本1:均值= 50,标准差= 10样本2:均值= 55,标准差= 10假设检验:H0:μ1 = μ2,H1:μ1 ≠ μ2计算过程:1.计算t值:t = (50 - 55) / sqrt((10^2 + 10^2) / 2) = -2.52.计算p值:p = 2 * (1 - (1 - 0.025) / 2) = 0.0253.结论:p值小于0.05,拒绝原假设,认为两组样本存在显著差异。


数据如下:时间1:均值= 50,标准差= 10时间2:均值= 55,标准差= 10假设检验:H0:μ1 = μ2,H1:μ1 ≠ μ2计算过程:1.计算t值:t = (50 - 55) / sqrt((10^2 + 10^2) / 2) = -2.52.计算p值:p = 2 * (1 - (1 - 0.025) / 2) = 0.0253.结论:p值小于0.05,拒绝原假设,认为同一组样本的两个时间点存在显著差异。







A组的体重数据:[60, 65, 70, 75, 80]B组的体重数据:[55, 60, 65, 70, 75]首先,我们需要计算出每组数据的平均值和标准差。

A组的平均值:(60 + 65 + 70 + 75 + 80) / 5 = 70B组的平均值:(55 + 60 + 65 + 70 + 75) / 5 = 65A组的标准差:sqrt(((60-70)^2 + (65-70)^2 + (70-70)^2 + (75-70)^2 + (80-70)^2) / 4) = sqrt(250) ≈ 15.81B组的标准差:sqrt(((55-65)^2 + (60-65)^2 + (65-65)^2 + (70-65)^2 + (75-65)^2) / 4) = sqrt(62.5) ≈ 7.91然后,我们可以使用t检验来确定这两组数据的平均值是否有显著差异。

t值的计算公式为:t = (A组的平均值 - B组的平均值) / sqrt((A组的标准差^2/ A组的样本数) + (B组的标准差^2/ B组的样本数))t值 = (70 - 65) / sqrt((15.81^2 / 5) + (7.91^2 / 5)) ≈ 0.71最后,我们需要查找t分布表,确定给定的t值对应的p值。

假设显著性水平为0.05,自由度为8(A组样本数 - 1 + B组样本数 - 1 = 4 + 4 = 8)。


因为0.71 < 2.306,所以我们无法拒绝原假设,即A组和B组的平均体重没有显著差异。



r语言t检验 相关检验案例代码

r语言t检验 相关检验案例代码

confidence=read.table("data1.txt")# (1 将上述数据输入r,保存为数据框格式,数据框名为confidence,编号对应变量名为id,方法1 对应method1,方法二method2.写输出数据代码#confidence=as.data.frame(confidence)colnames(confidence)=c("id", "method1" ,"method2")# 2)请求两种测评方法之间的均值差的95%置信区间,并据此判断两种方法的是否有显著差异。

写代码#t.test(confidence$method1,confidence$method2)#### Welch Two Sample t-test#### data: confidence$method1 and confidence$method2## t = 1.7058, df = 17.959, p-value = 0.1053## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval:## -2.550565 24.550565## sample estimates:## mean of x mean of y## 72.6 61.6# 95 percent confidence interval:# -2.550565 24.550565mean(confidence$method1 -confidence$method2)+1.64*sd( confidence$method 1 -confidence$method2 )## [1] 21.71244mean(confidence$method1 -confidence$method2)-1.64*sd( confidence$method 1 -confidence$method2 )## [1] 0.2875649# 3)用t检验判别两种方法得到的结果之间是否存在差异,说明p值在此情景中的具体含义,和2)比较t.test(confidence$method1,confidence$method2)#### Welch Two Sample t-test#### data: confidence$method1 and confidence$method2## t = 1.7058, df = 17.959, p-value = 0.1053## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval:## -2.550565 24.550565## sample estimates:## mean of x mean of y## 72.6 61.6#p值大于0.05,因此结果之间不存在差异# p值是在假两种方法没有差异为真时,得到与样本相同或者更极端的结果的概率。



score mean Z standard deviation
Shrinking drug (non-effect value=64)
Vasishth’s Height Example
大部分情况下我们并不知道σ ——T分布
> pt(-3.02, df = 10) + (1 - pt(3.02, df = 10)) [1] 0.01289546
> n <- length(mpg)
> t.test(mpg,mu=17,alternative="less") > c(xbar, s, n)
[1] 14.870000 1.572012 10.000000 > SE <- s/sqrt(n)
> (xbar - 17)/SE
[1] -4.284732 > pt(-4.285, df = 9, lower.tail = T) [1] 0.001017478
> x<-c(20.5, 19.8, 19.7, 20.4, 20.1, 20.0, 19.0, 19.9) > y<-c(20.7, 19.8, 19.5, 20.8, 20.4, 19.6, 20.2) > t.test(x, y, var.equal=TRUE) Two Sample t-test data: x and y t = -0.8548, df = 13, p-value = 0.4081 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.7684249 0.3327106 sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 19.92500 20.14286



【原创】R语言自编t检验和z检验函数附代码数据有问题到淘宝找“大数据部落”就可以了R语言自编t检验和z检验函数代码myt.test(1:10 ,alternative="less")#### One Sample t-test#### data: 1:10## t = 5.7446, df = 9, p-value = 0.9999## alternative hypothesis: true mean is less than 0## 95 percent confidence interval:## -Inf 7.255072## sample estimates:## mean of x## 5.5My.z.test(x,sigma.x=1)#### One-sample z-Test#### data: x## z = 0.68502, p-value = 0.4933## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0## 95 percent confidence interval:## -0.3680456 0.7635401## sample estimates:## mean of x## 0.1977473myt.test <-function(x, y =NULL, alternative =c("two.sided", "less","greater"), mu =0, paired =FALSE, var.equal =FALSE, conf.level =0.95 ){if( !is.null(y) ) {有问题到淘宝找“大数据部落”就可以了dname <-paste(deparse(substitute(x)),"and",deparse(substitute(y)))if(paired)xok <-yok <-complete.cases(x,y)else {yok <-!is.na(y)xok <-!is.na(x)}y <-y[yok]}else {dname <-deparse(substitute(x))if (paired) stop("'y' is missing for paired test")xok <-!is.na(x)yok <-NULL}x <-x[xok]if (paired) {x <-x-yy <-NULL}nx <-length(x)mx <-mean(x)vx <-var(x)if(is.null(y)) {if(nx <2) stop("not enough 'x' observations")df <-nx-1stderr <-sqrt(vx/nx)if(stderr <10 *.Machine$double.eps *abs(mx))stop("data are essentially constant")tstat <-(mx-mu)/stderrmethod <-if(paired) "Paired t-test" else "One Sample t-test" estimate <-setNames(mx, if(paired)"mean of the differences" else "mean of x") } else {ny <-length(y)if(nx <1 ||(!var.equal &&nx <2))stop("not enough 'x' observations")if(ny <1 ||(!var.equal &&ny <2))stop("not enough 'y' observations")if(var.equal &&nx+ny <3) stop("not enough observations") my <-mean(y)vy <-var(y)method <-paste(if(!var.equal)"Welch", "Two Sample t-test") estimate <-c(mx,my)names(estimate) <-c("mean of x","mean of y")有问题到淘宝找“大数据部落”就可以了if(var.equal) {df <-nx+ny-2v <-0if(nx >1) v <-v +(nx-1)*vxif(ny >1) v <-v +(ny-1)*vyv <-v/dfstderr <-sqrt(v*(1/nx+1/ny))} else {stderrx <-sqrt(vx/nx)stderry <-sqrt(vy/ny)stderr <-sqrt(stderrx^2 +stderry^2)df <-stderr^4/(stderrx^4/(nx-1) +stderry^4/(ny-1))}if(stderr <10 *.Machine$double.eps *max(abs(mx), abs(my))) stop("data are essentially constant")tstat <-(mx -my -mu)/stderr}if (alternative =="less") {pval <-pt(tstat, df)cint <-c(-Inf, tstat +qt(conf.level, df) )}else if (alternative =="greater") {pval <-pt(tstat, df, lower.tail =FALSE)cint <-c(tstat -qt(conf.level, df), Inf)}else {pval <-2 *pt(-abs(tstat), df)alpha <-1 -conf.levelcint <-qt(1 -alpha/2, df)cint <-tstat +c(-cint, cint)}cint <-mu +cint *stderrnames(tstat) <-"t"names(df) <-"df"names(mu) <-if(paired ||!is.null(y)) "difference in means" else "mean" attr(cint,"conf.level") <-conf.levelrval <-list(statistic = tstat, parameter = df, p.value = pval, conf.int = cint, estimate = estimate, null.value = mu,alternative = alternative,method = method, /doc/f53000839.html, = dname)class(rval) <-"htest"return(rval)}myt.test(1:10 ,alternative="less")。






在R中t检验的函数为t.test其格式为t.test(x, y = NULL,alternative = c('two.sided', 'less', 'greater'),mu = 0, paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE,conf.level = 0.95, ...)##其中,x,y为数据名称,alternative为检验方式(单侧还是双侧),mu为总体平均数,当为配对样本时paired设置为TURE,var.equal为样本方差情况(FALSE为默认情况,即样本方差不相等;TURE为认为样本方差相等),conf.level为置信区间。





下面进行单样本t检验假设嫉妒的总体平均数为2.5,那么其t检验如下:t.test(mydata2$jealou, alternative = 'two.sided', mu = 2.5)其中,t=-10.421,df=491,p<>。



但具体而言,只有两个总体的方差是相等的情况下,才称为student t检验;否则,有时被称为Welch t检验。




当进行 t 检验时,我们通常会比较两组数据的平均值,以确定







们要进行 t 检验来确定这两组数据的平均值是否存在显著差异。


t 检验的公式计算 t 值。

接下来,我们查找 t 分布表,确定 t 临

最后,我们将计算得到的 t 值与 t 临界值进行比较,以确

假设我们进行 t 检验后得到的 t 值为2.31,而自由度为28(假设样本量为30,因此自由度为30-1=29),在显著性水平为0.05的情况下,t 分布表告诉我们 t 临界值为2.045。

因为我们得到的 t 值大于 t 临界值,所以我们可以拒绝零假设,即可以得出结论,新药的疗效与安慰剂存在显著差异。

除了这种数值计算的方法,我们还可以从 t 检验的原理、假设条件、实际应用等多个角度进行解析。

希望这个例题和解析能够帮助你更好地理解 t 检验的应用和原理。



t检验例题【最新版】目录1. t 检验简介2. t 检验的步骤3. t 检验例题解析正文一、t 检验简介t 检验,又称为 t 分布检验,是一种用于检验两组样本均值差异是否显著的统计方法。


t 检验的基本思想是通过计算样本均值的 t 分布来判断样本均值与总体均值之间是否存在显著差异。

二、t 检验的步骤1.假设设定:H0:两组样本均值相等H1:两组样本均值不相等2.收集数据:收集两组样本的数据,并计算它们的均值。

3.计算 t 值:根据样本均值、标准差和自由度,计算 t 值。

4.查表比较:将计算得到的 t 值与 t 分布表中的临界值进行比较。

5.判断结论:如果 t 值大于临界值,则拒绝原假设,认为两组样本均值存在显著差异;如果 t 值小于临界值,则不能拒绝原假设,认为两组样本均值没有显著差异。

三、t 检验例题解析假设我们有两组样本数据,分别是 A 组:2, 3, 4, 5;B 组:1, 3, 5, 7。


1.假设设定:H0:A 组和 B 组的均值相等H1:A 组和 B 组的均值不相等2.收集数据:A 组均值 = (2+3+4+5)/4 =3.5,B 组均值 =(1+3+5+7)/4 = 4。

3.计算 t 值:根据公式 t = (样本均值差 - 总体标准差差) / (标准差 / √n),我们可以得到 t 值。

其中,总体标准差差 = (标准差 A^2 + 标准差 B^2) / (n-1) = ((2^2+1^2)/3 + (3^2+5^2)/4) / (4-1) = 2.83,标准差 A = 1.41,标准差 B = 2.24,n = 4。

带入公式,得到 t 值约为-1.41。

4.查表比较:根据自由度(n-1 = 3)和显著性水平(一般取 0.05),查找 t 分布表,得到临界值约为 -1.999。

5.判断结论:由于计算得到的 t 值(-1.41)大于临界值(-1.999),我们不能拒绝原假设,认为 A 组和 B 组的均值没有显著差异。



R语⾔学习系列26-均值的t检验24. 均值的T 检验(⼀)t 分布若样本均数X 服从正态分布2(,)X N µσ,经过U 变换XX µσ-, 可以变成标准正态分布N(0, 12), 也成为U 分布.实际⼯作中,由于总体标准差X σ未知,⽤样本标准差X S 代替,则XX S µ-不再服从标准正态分布,⽽是服从t 分布:1X X X t n S µν-===- 其中,S 为样本⽅差,n 为样本含量,v 为⾃由度。

t 分布只有⼀个参数——⾃由度v. v →∞时,t 分布⽆限接近标准正态分布。

t 分布的图形说明:单侧概率(单侧尾部⾯积)⽤,t αν表⽰;双侧概率(双侧尾部⾯积)⽤/2,t αν表⽰;例如,,10=, 则P(t ≤=P(t ≥= 2,10=, 则P(t ≤+P(t ≥=(⼆)t 检验t 检验,是⼀种针对连续变量的参数假设检验,⽤来检验“单样本均值与已知均值(单样本t 检验)、两独⽴样本均值(独⽴样本t 检验)、配对设计资料的均值(配对样本t 检验)”是否存在差异,这种差异是否能推论⾄总体。

T 检验适⽤于样本含量较⼩(⽐如n<60,⼤样本数据可以⽤U 检验),适⽤条件:①数据服从正态分布;。


⽅差齐性检验要求两样本数据的总体均服从正态分布,统计量F 为为较⼤的⽅差与较⼩的⽅差的⽐值:21112222, 1, 1S F n n S νν==-=-原假设H 0:两总体⽅差相等; H 1:两总体⽅差不相等。

使⽤car 包中的函数leveneTest()实现,基本格式为:leveneTest(y, group, center=, ...) leveneTest(formula,data,subset,...)其中,y 为样本数据; #group 为因⼦型的分组变量;center 指定计算每组的中⼼的⽅法,默认是中位数median ,也可以⽤均值meanformula 设置公式格式:formula=定量变量~分组变量⽰例:setwd("E:/办公资料/R 语⾔/R 语⾔学习系列/codes") load("")head(chengji,3)class sex Math English Rank 1 1 1 60 66 4 2 1 1 42 58 5 3 1 1 78 95 3~library(car)leveneTest(Math~(class),data=chengji)Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median)Df F value Pr(>F)group 148说明:P值=>, 接受原假设,即⽅差齐。

【原创】R语言自编t检验和z检验函数 附代码数据

【原创】R语言自编t检验和z检验函数  附代码数据

有问题到淘宝找“大数据部落”就可以了R语言自编t检验和z检验函数代码myt.test(1:10 ,alternative="less")#### One Sample t-test#### data: 1:10## t = 5.7446, df = 9, p-value = 0.9999## alternative hypothesis: true mean is less than 0## 95 percent confidence interval:## -Inf 7.255072## sample estimates:## mean of x## 5.5My.z.test(x,sigma.x=1)#### One-sample z-Test#### data: x## z = 0.68502, p-value = 0.4933## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0## 95 percent confidence interval:## -0.3680456 0.7635401## sample estimates:## mean of x## 0.1977473myt.test <-function(x, y =NULL, alternative =c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), mu =0, paired =FALSE, var.equal =FALSE, conf.level =0.95 ){if( !is.null(y) ) {有问题到淘宝找“大数据部落”就可以了dname <-paste(deparse(substitute(x)),"and",deparse(substitute(y)))if(paired)xok <-yok <-complete.cases(x,y)else {yok <-!is.na(y)xok <-!is.na(x)}y <-y[yok]}else {dname <-deparse(substitute(x))if (paired) stop("'y' is missing for paired test")xok <-!is.na(x)yok <-NULL}x <-x[xok]if (paired) {x <-x-yy <-NULL}nx <-length(x)mx <-mean(x)vx <-var(x)if(is.null(y)) {if(nx <2) stop("not enough 'x' observations")df <-nx-1stderr <-sqrt(vx/nx)if(stderr <10 *.Machine$double.eps *abs(mx))stop("data are essentially constant")tstat <-(mx-mu)/stderrmethod <-if(paired) "Paired t-test" else "One Sample t-test" estimate <-setNames(mx, if(paired)"mean of the differences" else "mean of x") } else {ny <-length(y)if(nx <1 ||(!var.equal &&nx <2))stop("not enough 'x' observations")if(ny <1 ||(!var.equal &&ny <2))stop("not enough 'y' observations")if(var.equal &&nx+ny <3) stop("not enough observations")my <-mean(y)vy <-var(y)method <-paste(if(!var.equal)"Welch", "Two Sample t-test") estimate <-c(mx,my)names(estimate) <-c("mean of x","mean of y")有问题到淘宝找“大数据部落”就可以了if(var.equal) {df <-nx+ny-2v <-0if(nx >1) v <-v +(nx-1)*vxif(ny >1) v <-v +(ny-1)*vyv <-v/dfstderr <-sqrt(v*(1/nx+1/ny))} else {stderrx <-sqrt(vx/nx)stderry <-sqrt(vy/ny)stderr <-sqrt(stderrx^2 +stderry^2)df <-stderr^4/(stderrx^4/(nx-1) +stderry^4/(ny-1))}if(stderr <10 *.Machine$double.eps *max(abs(mx), abs(my)))stop("data are essentially constant")tstat <-(mx -my -mu)/stderr}if (alternative =="less") {pval <-pt(tstat, df)cint <-c(-Inf, tstat +qt(conf.level, df) )}else if (alternative =="greater") {pval <-pt(tstat, df, lower.tail =FALSE)cint <-c(tstat -qt(conf.level, df), Inf)}else {pval <-2 *pt(-abs(tstat), df)alpha <-1 -conf.levelcint <-qt(1 -alpha/2, df)cint <-tstat +c(-cint, cint)}cint <-mu +cint *stderrnames(tstat) <-"t"names(df) <-"df"names(mu) <-if(paired ||!is.null(y)) "difference in means" else "mean" attr(cint,"conf.level") <-conf.levelrval <-list(statistic = tstat, parameter = df, p.value = pval, conf.int = cint, estimate = estimate, null.value = mu,alternative = alternative,method = method, = dname)class(rval) <-"htest"return(rval)}myt.test(1:10 ,alternative="less")。

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> (a11,b11,alternative="greater")
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: a11 and b11
t = , df = , p-value =
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
> (a11,c11,alternative="greater")
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: a11 and c11
t = , df = , p-value =
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
> (b11,c11,alternative="greater")
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: b11 and c11
t = , df = , p-value =
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
> (a12,b12,alternative="greater")
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: a12 and b12
t = , df = , p-value =
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
> (a12,c12,alternative="greater")
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: a12 and c12
t = , df = , p-value =
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
> (b12,c12,alternative="greater")
Welch Two Sample t-test
data: b12 and c12
t = , df = , p-value =
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval:
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y。
