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Step 1. 导入

Good morning, boys and girls, how are you today! You all have a good day? I also hope that you will enjoy today’s class. Let’s get started. I have a video clip here. Let’s watch it together and tell me what is it about? //

The video is over. What is it? Yes, it’s a movie called transformers. And in this movie there are many super power cars that can change into human figures, right? So these are kind of robots. But now I have a question “Do you think there will be more or fewer robots made in the future? And why?” Four students as a group to discuss this question. Five minutes for you. Ok, let’s get rolling. // Time is up! Group 1, what’s the opinion of your group?//

You all think that there will be more robots in the future because they are very helpful.//

Sounds reasonable! What’s the opinion of Group 3? I saw you really have a hot debate.//

Your group disagrees with Group 1 because you all think robots cannot replace human.//

Excellent answer. We know that it is true in some way or another.

Step 2. 读前

As we all know, robots have been made for a very long time. From very simple one to very complicated one. Now we have a guess, whether there will be robot for everyone in the future.//

Some students said yes, and others said no. Do you want to know the answer? Now let’s read the passage to find it out.

Step 3. 读中

You are supposed to skim for 3 minutes and then tell me the main idea and the answer to our last question. //

Finished? So what’s the main idea of this passage? Jack, ple ase. Jack said that it’s mainly about robots, such as the shape of them and the function of them. Is he right? Yes, nicely done. sit down please. And next question, whether there will be robot for everyone in the future? Milly? You said that different people hold different opinions. But who is agree and who is not? No? others? You all don’t know? Ok, that’s all right.

Let’s read the passage carefully again and then we do a match about who is agreed/disagreed that there will be robots just like human. Let’s do it! Here we go! //

Who could answer this question? Any volunteers? Yes, Peter. //

Ok, he said “scientist James White thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.” Is he right? Yes. he has got exactly the right answer. You really read very carefully about this text. I can tell. Sit down please.

Another question for you. Why fewer people will do simple jobs over and over again? Iris, please. You said that because they are boring, but robots never get bored. Is she righ t? Excellent! Then in this sentence. I find two words. “bored” and “boring”. They are very much alike. What’s the difference between them? Jack? You think they are the same? Think it again. Look at the sentence. The subject of the first sentence is jobs, right? But the subject of the second sentence is human-like robots. So can you tell the difference now? You said boring is to describe things and bored is used to describe human or human like things. Yes, exactly. Now everyone clear about the difference between them? Ok, now I have a filling the blank task on the blackboard for you. 2 minute for
