




注:本应用笔记对应的代码是基于雅特力提供的V2.x.x 板级支持包(BSP)而开发,对于其他版本BSP,需要注意使用上的区别。

目录雅特力初步环境准备 (6)调试工具及开发板 (6)烧录工具及软件 (6)AT32开发环境 (7)快速替代SXX流程 (12)AT32F421芯片的增强功能配置 (12)预取指令缓冲 (12)PLL时钟设置 (13)加密方式 (15)设定系统存储器为扩展主存 (19)在程序中区分AT32与其他IC方法 (22)下载编译过程常见问题 (24)Keil项目内Jlink无法找到IC (24)程序下载过程出问题 (24)显示Error: Flash Download failed–“Cortex-M4”问题 (24)显示No Debug Unit Device found 问题 (24)显示RDDI-DAP Error 问题 (25)ISP串口下载时卡死问题 (25)AT32恢复下载 (25)安全库区sLib(Security Library) (26)应用原理 (26)操作安全库区 (26)文档版本历史 (27)表1. 文档版本历史 (27)图1. AT-START-F421及AT-Link-EZ实物图 (6)图2. 雅特力科技官方网站AT-START-F421开发板资料包 (6)图3. 雅特力科技官方网站ICP/ISP/AT-Link-Family资料包 (7)图4. 雅特力科技官方网站BSP资料包 (7)图5. Keil_v5 templates工程示例 (8)图6. 雅特力科技官方网站Pack包 (8)图7. 安装ArteryTek.AT32F421 _DFP (9)图8. 安装Keil4_AT32MCU_AddOn (9)图9. Keil中Pack Installer图标 (9)图10. 安装IAR_AT32MCU_AddOn (10)图11. Keil Debug选项 (10)图12. Keil Debug选项Settings设置 (11)图13. Keil Utilities选项 (11)图14. IAR Debug选项 (11)图15. IAR CMSIS-DAP选项 (12)图16. 闪存性能选择寄存器(FLASH_PSR)等待周期 (13)图17. 系统时钟配置函数system_clock_config (13)图18. AT32F421输出118MHz的时钟配置 (14)图19. SXX程序PLL自动滑顺频率切换配置 (14)图20. AT32程序PLL自动滑顺频率切换配置 (15)图21. ICP工具启用/解除访问保护 (16)图22. ISP工具启用访问保护 (16)图23. ISP工具解除访问保护 (17)图24. ICP工具启用擦写保护 (18)图25. ICP工具解除擦写保护 (18)图26. ICP工具设定系统存储区AP模式 (19)图27. ICP工具设定系统存储区AP模式确认界面 (20)图28. ICP工具离线烧录系统存储区AP模式 (21)图29. ICP工具离线烧录项目文件设置 (21)图30. ICP工具离线下载状态监控 (22)图31. 读取Cortex 型号 (22)图32. 读取UID,PID (22)图33. 下载出现Flash Download failed–“Cortex- M4” (24)雅特力初步环境准备雅特力开发环境下载地址:⏹雅特力科技官方网站:搭建AT32开发环境调试工具及开发板目前AT32F421支持的调试工具有AT-Link/J-Link,AT-Link-EZ如下图左边红框所示,它也可拆开后单独搭配其他电路板使用,支持IDE在线调试、在线烧录、USB转串口等功能。

斯凯腾M-Track 智能机器人路径规划和引导系统操作手册说明书

斯凯腾M-Track 智能机器人路径规划和引导系统操作手册说明书

An Intelligent Wireless Solution forPrecise Robotic Path PlanningCopyright ©E-mail:********************E-mail:********************Tel*************E-mail:********************SCANTECH (HANGZHOU) CO., LTDIntelligent Robotic Path Planning and Guiding SystemScantech’s M-Track is intelligent path planning and guiding system consisting of 3D tracking system, a tool simulator, and path planning software. It serves as robots’ eyes and brains by allowing visual perception, target recognition, and path plan-ning.The system is compatible with different robots and can be widely applied in various sectors with high precision, reliability, and safety. It is capable of planning paths for multiple tasks ranging from object transporting to grinding, coating, and weld-ing for flexible and automatic production.By tracking the path of a tool simulator and obtaining the 6D poses of its TCP, M-Track can achieve quick path planning so that robots can reach the goal position and execute specified tasks. It breaks through the limits posed by high labor costs, inefficient human-machine interaction, and low efficiency, thus greatly enhancing product quality. It is a great helper for manu-facturers to overcome challenges and fulfill daily operations.6D Pose Recognition Automatic Path PlanningIntelligent and Efficient Highly Safe and ReliableM-Track is an optimal solution for manufacturers to plan robotic paths as it is flexible, reliable, and highly adap -tive to environmental changes. It helps robots reach the target position accurately to complete the preset task. By identifying the positions and orientations of a tool simulator in the workspace, M-Track’s tracking system can transmit the information to path planning software. Its path planning software can automatically devise a safe and effective path ready for execution.Based on stereoscopic vision technology, the tracking system can accurately and efficiently capture the path of the tool simulator. It supports the accurate output of 6D poses of the simulator and comprehensively captures the pose of the tool center point.M-Track’s high-precision tracking ensures appropriate path planning and safe operation of robots. Its accuracy reaches 0.064 mm when the tracking range is 10.4 m³ and 0.078 mm when the tracking range is 18 m³.The system can be used directly without complex programming. Its tool simulators 3D printed in the form of actual tools are easy to use. Whether you are a profes-sional engineer and a novice, you can know how to use it regardless of your level of expertise.It can simulate the motion of human operations in a real workspace. Its behaviour-based simulation allows path planning more adaptive to real-world working condi-tions and production needs. The path can be saved for future use with just a few clicks.The automated smart robot path planning system comprises perception, planning, and execution modules, which cater to different applications such as grinding, coating, welding, and more. The robotic path planning software is compatible with various robots, including ABB, KUKA, FANUC, and EFFORT. It supports the planning of lines, curves, etc. Be it indoor or outdoor, structured or unstructured environment, it is capable of meeting different requirements for differ-ent industrial scenarios.Intelligent and Efficient Path PlanningAccurate 6D Pose TrackingConvenient and User-friendly OperationHighly Adaptive for Vast ApplicationsWorkflow1. Easy Deployment:quick set-up to cater to vast scenariosguide the robot with a tool simulator whose6D poses are obtained by 3D tracking systemsoftware sets a path for the robot based on the 6D posesrobot travels the planned path and completes tasks2. Manual Teaching:3. Intelligent Path Planning:4.Task Execution:Technical Specification10.4 m³Tracking frequencyTool simulator60 HzCustom-10 ℃-40 ℃ABB/KUKA/FANUC/EFFORT, etcRobot models supported 0.064 mm M-Track Intelligent Robotic Path Planning and Guiding System0.078 mm 18 m³Operating temperatureTracking accuracyType。

设计未来技术发展蓝图的有效方法—— Technology Roadmapping

设计未来技术发展蓝图的有效方法—— Technology Roadmapping

设计未来技术发展蓝图的有效方法—— TechnologyRoadmapping王瑞祥【期刊名称】《科技进步与对策》【年(卷),期】2002(019)007【摘要】Technology Roadmapping可译作"技术蓝图设计",简称TRM.它是一种流行的技术规划方法,可在企业(或R&D组织)、产业两个不同层次上进行.其主要功能是从未来产品(或服务)的需求出发,由技术、市场等各方面的专家合作,选择适用技术并确定相应技术路线,描绘出未来技术发展蓝图(Technology Roadmaps).【总页数】3页(P117-119)【作者】王瑞祥【作者单位】中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所,北京,100080【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G301【相关文献】1.共绘中国卫生改革与发展蓝图——中国卫生经济网络成立十五周年暨中国卫生改革与发展蓝图研讨会侧记 [J], 徐芸2.展示未来技术与设计理念奥迪eTron电动概念车 [J], 漓沙3.探索未来技术和设计思想——福特新能源2010概念车 [J], 戴婕;FORDPHOTO4.弘扬百年奋斗精神全面实现勘察设计现代化发展蓝图 [J], 吴奕良;何立山;杨发君5.Systematically Monitoring,Relational Database and Technology Roadmapping for Trends and Innovation Opportunities in Biopolymers [J], Selma B.Jaconis;Augusto T.Morita;Paulo L.A.Coutinho;Suzana Borschiver因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

设计未来技术发展蓝图的有效方法——Technology Roadmapping

设计未来技术发展蓝图的有效方法——Technology Roadmapping

务 的需求 出发 ,寻找合适 的技 术 ,而不是 已
知某种 成熟的技术 , 而寻找应用的对象 。 进
因而 , 几篇不 同的文 献对其定义是相似 的 :
T cnlg od p igT M) 是 由未 eh oo R amap ( R y n
来市场潜 在需 求驱动 的规划过程 , 它帮助企
关键 词 技 术 蓝 图设 计 ( R 技 术 预 测 技 术规 划 T M)
中 图分 类 号 G 0 31
文 献 标 识 码 A
文 章 编 号 10 — 3 8 2 0 )7一l7—0 0 1 7 4 (0 2 0 l 3
1 引 言
在经济 、科技 日益全球化 的今天 ,企业 之间 的竞争 越来 越激 烈 。对 于很 多行业 来 说 ,这种激 烈竞 争是建 立在企业技 术实力 ,
踪技术 的发展趋 势 ,作 出理 想的 R&D投资
决 策 , 在 最 恰 当 的 时 间 推 出最 恰 当 的 产 品
T M 可 以 在 企业 ( R R 或 &D组 织 ) 产业 和
( 或服务 )成为 企业努 力追 求 的 目标 。 ,
然 而 各 种 传 统 的 技 术 预 测 、 略 规 划 方 战
设 计未 来技术发展 蓝 图 的有效 方法
Te h o o y Ro d p i g c n lg a ma p n
王 瑞 祥
( 中国科 学 院科技 政 策与 管理 科 学研 究所 , 京 10 8 ) 北 00 0

T cnlg od a p g可译 作 “ 术 蓝 图设 计 ” 简称 T M。 它 是 一 种 流 行 的技 术规 划 方 法 , 在 企 业 ( eh ooyR am p i n 技 , R 可 或

高德 roadnet 参数

高德 roadnet 参数

高德 roadnet 参数高德RoadNet参数详解一、概述高德RoadNet是一种用于规划路径的算法,它基于道路网络数据,通过考虑多种因素来确定最佳路径。

























TOGAF9.1 中文版(一)

TOGAF9.1 中文版(一)
TOGAF9.1 版本 TOGAF Version 9.1
The Open Group
第1章简介Introduction....................................................................................... 17 1.1 TOGAF文件的结构Structure of the TOGAF Document ...................................................... 17 1.2执行概述Executive Overview ........................................................................... 18
第2章核心概念Core Concepts.................................................................................. 21 2.1什么是TOGAF? What Is TOGAF? ......................................................................... 21 2.2在TOGAF背景环境下,什么是架构? What Is Architecture in the Context of TOGAF? ........................ 21 2.3 TOGAF涉及哪些种类的架构? What Kind of Architecture Does TOGAF Deal with? ........................... 21 2.4架构开发方法Architecture Development Method .......................................................... 21 2.5交付物、制品和构建块Deliverables, Artifacts, and Building Blocks ..................................... 22 2.6企业的连续统一体Enterprise Continuum ................................................................. 23 2.7架构库Architecture Repository ........................................................................ 24 2.8建立和维护企业架构能力Establishing and Maintaining an Enterprise Architecture Capability ............. 25 2.9将架构能力建立为运行实体Establishing the Architecture Capability as an Operational Entity ............ 25 2.10使用TOGAF与其他框架Using TOGAF with Other Frameworks ................................................ 26



离线百度地图,QT添加按钮点击切换卫星地图和街道地图⼀ 、⾸先,需要在⾃⼰的map.html⽂件内添加:var bdmapcfg;// 切换地图类型function satemap(){//百度地图api配置bdmapcfg = {'home':'../../baidumapv2/', //api主⽬录'imgext':'.jpg', //⽡⽚地图后缀'tiles_dir':'../../baidumapv2/satellite' //⽡⽚图⽬录};bdmapcfg.tiles_dir="../../baidumapv2/satellite";loadJScript();}function normalmap(){//百度地图api配置bdmapcfg = {'home':'../../baidumapv2/', //api主⽬录'imgext':'.png', //⽡⽚地图后缀'tiles_dir':'../../baidumapv2/roadmap' //⽡⽚图⽬录};bdmapcfg.tiles_dir="../../baidumapv2/roadmap";loadJScript();}//百度地图api功能function loadJScript(){var script = document.createElement("script");script.type = "text/javascript";script.src = "../../baidumapv2/baidumap_offline_v2_20160921_min.js";document.body.appendChild(script);//异步加载增加代码window.BMap=window.BMap||{};window.BMap.apiLoad = function(){delete window.BMap.apiLoad;if(typeof init == "function"){init();}}}function init(){var lon = 116.403694,lat = 39.914271;var onlinemap = new OnlineMap(lon,lat,"map_demo");onlinemap.init();}//异步加载地图window.onload = loadJScript;⼆、QT中添加两个QRadioButton,⽤来切换地图类型:connect(ui->radioButton,SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),this,SLOT(checkMapType()));connect(ui->radioButton_2,SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),this,SLOT(checkMapType()));void MainWindow::checkMapType(){if(ui->radioButton->isChecked()){QString command = QString("normalmap()");ui->widget->page()->runJavaScript(command);}else if(ui->radioButton_2->isChecked()){QString command = QString("satemap()");ui->widget->page()->runJavaScript(command);}}三、最后还需要添加⼀个js⽂件:mapControl.js :function OnlineMap( lon, lat, dom, mapType) {debugger;var isShow = false;var t1;//地图上加载⼀个要素function addCircle() {remove_overlay();var SW = new BMap.Point(lon - 0.022146, lat - 0.018801);var NE = new BMap.Point(lon + 0.022317, lat + 0.018025);groundOverlayOptions = {opacity : 0.3,displayOnMinLevel : 13,displayOnMaxLevel : 18}// 初始化GroundOverlayvar groundOverlay = new BMap.GroundOverlay(new BMap.Bounds(SW, NE), groundOverlayOptions);// 设置GroundOverlay的图⽚地址groundOverlay.setImageURL("images/leida_white.gif");map.addOverlay(groundOverlay);}//清除覆盖物function remove_overlay() {map.clearOverlays();}//⾃动刷新要素信息function refreshFlyInfo() {var level = map.getZoom();if (level < 13) {//remove_overlay();isShow = false;//window.clearInterval(t1);} else {isShow = true;}if (isShow) {addCircle();}}OnlineMap.prototype.init = function(mapType) {map = "";map = new BMap.Map(dom,{enableMapClick:false}); // 创建Map实例point = new BMap.Point(lon, lat);map.centerAndZoom(point, 18);map.setMaxZoom(21);if(mapType){map.setMapType(mapType);}map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); //启⽤滚轮放⼤缩⼩t1 = window.setInterval(function() {refreshFlyInfo();}, 3000);map.addEventListener("zoomend", function() {window.clearInterval(t1);if (this.getZoom() < 13) {//remove_overlay();} else {for (var i = 0; i < map.getOverlays().length; i++) {map.getOverlays()[i].show();}t1 = window.setInterval(function() {refreshFlyInfo();}, 1000);addCircle();}});addCircle();}//显⽰点图标和⽂字信息OnlineMap.prototype.pointsInfo = function(flyInfo) {addCircle();if (flyInfo.length > 0) {for (var i = 0; i < flyInfo.length; i++) {var point1 = new BMap.Point(Number(flyInfo[i].x),Number(flyInfo[i].y));var marker = new BMap.Marker(point1); // 创建标注marker.setTop(true);var icon = new BMap.Icon("images/fly.png",new BMap.Size(80, 80));var iconshaow = new BMap.Icon("/images/fly_shadow.png", new BMap.Size(50, 50)); marker.setIcon(icon);marker.setZIndex(100);marker.setShadow(iconshaow);if (map.getZoom() >= 13) {map.addOverlay(marker); // 将标注添加到地图中}var label = new bel(flyInfo[i].message, {offset : new BMap.Size(20, -10)});marker.setLabel(label);}}}}对了,别忘了在map.html中添加:这是加载mapControl.js的路径<script type="text/javascript" src="../mapControl.js"></script>。

Amplesky VS7000用户手册

Amplesky VS7000用户手册

VIDEO SURF TM VS7000用户手册天地阳光通信科技(北京)有限公司声明Copyright ©2009 天地阳光通信科技(北京)有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利。






如需要获取最新手册,请登录技术支持用户支持邮箱:support@技术支持电话:+86-10-82772966-技术支持部感谢您选购和使用天地阳光产品本手册主要介绍了天地阳光Amplesky® VS7000高清MCU服务器的外观与安装配置使用方法,以及常见故障的解决方法。


说明:●界面上的主链接用黑体字加[ ]框表示,例如链接是[帐号管理];●界面上的按钮用黑体字加< >框表示,例如按钮是<重启服务器>;●界面上的子项目用黑体加下划线表示,例如项目是服务器信息●注意事项说明用注意表示;●界面上显示的字用黑体表示;●单击,指用鼠标左键点击;●双击,指用鼠标左键双击。

目录第一章快速安装 (1)1.1面板介绍 (1)1.2安装步骤 (2)1.3注意事项 (2)第二章初次使用 (3)2.1系统登陆 (3)2.2页面简介 (3)2.3快速开会 (6)第三章基本功能 (8)3.1终端管理 (8)3.2模板管理 (10)3.3创建会议 (11)3.4控制会议 (17)第四章高级功能 (21)4.1多分屏 (21)4.2仅主场观看多分屏 (22)4.3动态字幕 (23)4.4会场名称 (25)4.5使用组播 (25)4.6申请发言 (28)4.7发送双流 (28)4.8软双流客户端管理 (29)4.9双机热备 (31)4.10单播电视墙 (35)4.11召开混合会议 (38)4.12自动断线重邀 (39)4.13远程摄像头控制(FECC) (39)4.14匿名会议和虚拟会议 (40)第五章使用GK (43)第六章级联会议 (44)6.1简单级联 (44)6.1.1组会方法 (44)6.1.2会议控制 (45)6.2互控级联 (45)6.2.1组会方法 (45)6.2.2会议控制 (46)第七章关于用户 (48)7.1权限的区分 (48)7.2多用户管理 (48)第八章系统设置 (51)8.1MCU设置 (51)8.2网口设置 (52)8.3路由设置 (52)8.4NAT设置 (53)8.5端口设置 (54)8.6Q O S设置 (54)8.7语言设置 (55)8.8恢复出厂设置 (55)8.9重启服务器 (56)8.10更改LOGO (56)8.11软件升级 (57)8.12备份与还原 (57)8.13网络路由检查 (58)第九章系统信息 (60)9.1MCU基本信息 (60)9.2日志信息 (60)9.3分屏资源信息 (62)9.4串口设置信息 (62)9.5帮助信息 (62)第十章MCU内置网守 (63)10.1系统简介 (63)10.1.1系统登录 (63)10.1.2页面简介 (63)10.2视图信息 (64)10.2.1注册节点 (64)10.2.2查看注册节点 (65)10.2.3注销节点 (65)10.2.4查看通话信息 (65)10.3高级功能 (67)10.3.1网段管理 (67)10.3.2网守设置 (69)10.3.3邻居网守 (70)10.4系统管理 (72)10.4.1重启 (72)10.4.2恢复出厂设置 (72)10.4.3软件升级 (72)10.4.4更改密码 (73)附录A常见问题解答 (74)附录B注意事项 (76)附录C参数表 (77)第一章快速安装1.1 面板介绍前面板后面板1.2 安装步骤1. 将电源线接入设备电源插口,将网线连接到LAN4口,按下电源开关。

stm32高级定时器 多通道控制步进电机 标准函数

stm32高级定时器 多通道控制步进电机 标准函数

标题:STM32高级定时器多通道控制步进电机标准函数一、STM32高级定时器简介1.1 STM32高级定时器的概念STM32系列微控制器中的高级定时器是一种功能强大的定时器,可以实现多通道控制、高精度定时等功能。

1.2 高级定时器的特点高级定时器具有多通道控制、PWM波形发生、编码器接口、定时周期计数等特点,非常适合用于控制步进电机。

二、多通道控制步进电机2.1 步进电机控制原理步进电机是一种将电能转化为机械能的设备,通过对电流的控制来驱动电机旋转。


2.2 高级定时器在步进电机控制中的应用高级定时器的多通道控制功能可以实现对步进电机的精确控制,通过定时器的定时周期和占空比设置,可以实现步进电机的旋转角度控制。

三、标准函数的应用3.1 标准函数库的介绍STM32标准函数库是由ST公司提供的一套功能丰富的软件库,其中包含了丰富的功能函数和驱动程序,可以大大简化开发者的开发流程。

3.2 标准函数在高级定时器中的应用开发者可以通过调用标准函数库中提供的函数来实现对高级定时器的初始化、配置和控制,从而实现对步进电机的精确控制。





以下是补充的新内容:四、高级定时器的多通道控制方式4.1 多通道控制原理STM32的高级定时器可以实现多通道控制,将一个定时器的计时和控制功能分配给多个通道,实现多个功能的控制。

4.2 多通道控制的优势通过多通道控制,可以实现对多个外设设备的并行控制,减少了对多个定时器的占用,提高了系统资源的利用效率。

Unitronics UniStream HMI 面板安装指南说明书

Unitronics UniStream HMI 面板安装指南说明书

UniStream™ HMI Panel Installation GuideUSP-070-B10, USP-070-B08USP-104-B10, USP-156-B10 Unitronics’ UniStream™ platform comprises control devices that provide robust, flexible solutions for industrial automation.This guide provides basic installation information for the UniStream™ HMI Panel. Technical specifications may be downloaded from the Unitronics website.The UniStream™ platformcomprises CPU controllers, HMIpanels, and local I/O modulesthat snap together to form anall-in-one Programmable LogicController (PLC).Expand the I/O configurationusing a Local Expansion Kit orremotely via CANbus.CPU-for-Panel CPUs are Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), the heart of theUniStream™ platform.The CPU-for-Panel cannot operate independently. It must be pluggedinto the back of a UniStream™ HMI panel. The panel provides the CPU’spower source. The CPU-for-Panel comprises:▪IO/COM Bus connector for interfacing Uni-I/O™ & Uni-COM™ modules▪Isolated RS485 and CANbus ports▪Backup batteryHMI Panels Available indifferent dimensions A high-resolution touch screen provides the operator interface for the system and the physical foundation for a PLC+HMI+I/Os all-in-one controller.The DIN-rail structure on the panel’s back is designed to physically support a CPU-for-Panel controller, Uni-I/O™ and/or Uni-COM™modules.Each panel comprises:▪AUX connector to support the CPU▪1 audio-out 3.5mm jack▪1 microSD slot▪2 type A, USB host ports and 1 Mini-B USB device port▪2 Ethernet ports, RJ45, 10/100 Mbps▪1 power input connector, 12/24 VDCI/O Options Integrate I/Os into your system by using:▪On-board I/Os: snap onto the panel for an all-in-one configuration▪Local I/O via a Local Expansion Kit▪Remote I/O via EX-RC1Programming Software All-in-one UniLogic™ software, for hardware configuration, communications, and HMI/PLC applications, available as a freeHMI Panel Installation GuideBefore You BeginAlert Symbols and General RestrictionsWhen any of the following symbols appear, read the associated information carefully. Symbol Meaning DescriptionDanger The identified danger causes physical and property damage.Warning The identified danger could cause physical and property damage. Caution Caution Use caution.▪All examples and diagrams are intended to aid understanding, and do not guarantee operation. Unitronics accepts no responsibility for actual use of this product based on these examples.▪Please dispose of this product according to local and national standards and regulations. ▪This product should be installed only by qualified personnel.▪Failure to comply with appropriate safety guidelines can cause severe injury orproperty damage.▪Do not attempt to use this device with parameters that exceed permissible levels.▪Do not connect/disconnect the device when power is on.Environmental Considerations▪Ventilation: 10mm (0.4”) of space is required between the device top/bottom edges and the enclosure’s walls.▪Do not install in areas with: excessive or conductive dust, corrosive or flammablegas, moisture or rain, excessive heat, regular impact shocks or excessive vibration, in accordance with the standards and limitations given in the product’s technicalspecification sheet.▪Do not place in water or let water leak onto the unit.▪Do not allow debris to fall inside the unit during installation.▪Install at maximum distance from high-voltage cables and power equipment. Caution▪The UniStream™ HMI Panel is designed to comply with NEMA 4X, IP66 and IP65.Note however that the Audio Protection Seal must remain plugged in for NEMA4X and IP66, in which case the audio sound level from the internal speaker issignificantly reduced.UniStream™Kit Contents▪ 1 HMI Panel: 7”, 10.4” or 15.6”7” panel, includes 4 mounting brackets10.4” panel, includes 8 mountingbrackets and 2 panel supports15.6” panel, includes 10 mounting brackets and 2 panel supports▪ 1 panel mounting seal ▪ 1 programming cable ▪ 1 power terminal blockHMI Panel DiagramHMI Panel Front and Rear ViewCaution ▪ Keep the seal in place when the embedded speaker is not used. The seal mustHMI Panel Installation GuideInstallation Space ConsiderationsAllocate space for:▪The HMI Panel including the CPU and any modules that will be installed on it ▪Opening the doors of the CPU and modulesFor exact dimensions, please refer to the Mechanical Dimensions shown below. HMI Panel Mechanical Dimensions7” PanelUniStream™10.4” Panel15.6” PanelHMI Panel Installation GuidePanel MountingN OTE▪Mounting panel thickness must be less or equal to 5mm (0.2”).▪Ensure that the space considerations are met.1. Prepare a panel cut-out according to the dimensions of your model, USP-070-B10,USP-104-B10, or USP-156-B10 as shown in the previous section.2. Slide the panel into the cut-out,ensuring that the Panel Mounting Seal isin place as shown on the right.3. Push the mounting brackets into theirslots on the sides of the panel as shownbelow.4. Tighten the bracket screws against thepanel. Hold the brackets securelyagainst the unit while tightening thescrews.When properly mounted, the panel issquarely situated in the panel cut-out asshown below.USP-070-B10: 4 mounting brackets USP-104-B10: 8 mounting bracketsUSP-156-B10: 10 mounting bracketsUniStream™Wiring▪This equipment is designed to operate only at SELV/PELV/Class 2/Limited Powerenvironments.▪All power supplies in the system must include double insulation. Power supplyoutputs must be rated as SELV/PELV/Class 2/Limited Power.▪Do not connect either the ‘Neutral’or ‘Line’ signal of the 110/220VAC to device’s 0V point.▪Do not touch live wires.▪All wiring activities should be performed while power is OFF.▪Use over-current protection, such as a fuse or circuit breaker, to avoid excessivecurrents into the HMI Panel supply port.▪Unused points should not be connected (unless otherwise specified). Ignoring thisdirective may damage the device.▪Double-check all wiring before turning on the power supply.Caution ▪To avoid damaging the wire, use a maximum torque of 0.5 N·m (5 kgf·cm).▪Do not use tin, solder, or any substance on stripped wire that might cause thewire strand to break.▪Install at maximum distance from high-voltage cables and power equipment.Wiring ProcedureUse crimp terminals for wiring; use 26-12 AWG wire (0.13 mm2–3.31 mm2).1. Strip the wire to a length of 7±0.5mm (0.250–0.300 inches).2. Unscrew the terminal to its widest position before inserting a wire.3. Insert the wire completely into the terminal to ensure a proper connection.4. Tighten enough to keep the wire from pulling free.Wiring GuidelinesIn order to ensure that the device will operate properly and to avoid electromagnetic interference:▪Use a metal cabinet. Make sure the cabinet and its doors are properly earthed.▪Use wires that are properly sized for the load.▪Individually connect each 0V point in the system to the power supply 0V terminal.▪Individually connect each functional ground point () to the earth of the system (preferably to the metal cabinet chassis).Use the shortest and thickest wires possible: less than 1m (3.3’) in length, minimum thickness 14 AWG (2 mm2).▪Connect the power supply 0V to the earth of the system.N OTE For detailed information, refer to the document System Wiring Guidelines, located in the Technical Library in the Unitronics’ website.HMI Panel Installation GuideWiring the Power SupplyThe UniStream™ HMI Panel device requires an external 12/24VDC power supply.▪In the event of voltage fluctuations or non-conformity to voltage power supplyspecifications, connect the device to a regulated power supply.Connect the +V and 0V terminals as shownin the accompanying figure.HMI Panel Interface ConnectionsUse the following:Ethernet CAT-5e shielded cable with RJ45 connectorUSB Device Use the proprietary programming cable supplied with the deviceUSB Host Standard USB cable with Type-A plugmicroSD Standard microSDAudio Out 3.5mm stereo audio plug with shielded audio cableInstalling CPU-for-Panel, Uni-I/O™ & Uni-COM™ ModulesRefer to the Installation Guides provided with these modules.▪Turn off system power before connecting or disconnecting any modules or devices.▪Use proper precautions to prevent Electro-Static Discharge (ESD).Removing the Panel1. Disconnect the power supply.2. Remove all wiring and disconnect any installed devices according to the device’sinstallation guide.3. Unscrew and remove the mounting brackets, taking care to support the panel toprevent it from falling during this procedure.。




VX16s All-in-One Controller User Manual

VX16s All-in-One Controller User Manual

VX16sAll-in-One ControllerV1.0.0User ManualXI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Change HistoryX I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.ContentsChange History ........................................................................................................................................ i 1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 1 2 Appearance ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Front Panel (2)2.1 Rear Panel .................................................................................................................................... 3 2.23 Applications ......................................................................................................................................... 5 4 Home Screen ...................................................................................................................................... 6 5 Menu Operations ................................................................................................................................. 8 Screen Brightness ......................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 Screen Settings .. (8) Quick configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 8 5.2.2 Loading RCFGx Files ..................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2.3 Save to RV Card ........................................................................................................................................... 11 5.2.4 Advanced Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 11 5.2.5 More Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Layer Settings (13) Main Layer and PIP ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Input Settings . (14) Input Source Selection ................................................................................................................................. 14 5.4.2 Input Resolution Settings ............................................................................................................................. 15 5.4.3 DVI Mosaic ................................................................................................................................................... 16 5.4.4 RGB Limited to RGB Full ............................................................................................................................. 17 Display Control ............................................................................................................................ 17 5.5 Preset Settings ............................................................................................................................ 18 5.6 Image Mosaic .............................................................................................................................. 19 5.7 Advanced Settings .. (19) Hot Backup .................................................................................................................................................. 19 5.8.2 Synchronization ............................................................................................................................................ 19 5.8.3 FN ................................................................................................................................................................ 20 5.8.4 Advanced Functions . (20) 3D Mode .................................................................................................................. 20 Self-Test ................................................................................................................... 20 5.8.5 Output Frame Rate ...................................................................................................................................... 21 5.8.6 Return to Home ............................................................................................................................................ 21 5.8.7 Factory Reset ............................................................................................................................................... 21 5.8.8 About Us ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 Partial Reset ................................................................................................................................ 21 5.9 Communication Settings (21) Communication Mode ................................................................................................................................ 21 5.10.2 Network Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 22 Language .. (22)5.116 Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 23 A Instructions for the 3D Function .. (24)XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.A.1 For a Single VX16s Unit (24)A.2 For Multiple VX16s Units (24)A.3 Notes (25)X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.1 OverviewThe VX16s is NovaStar’s new all-in-one controller that integrates video processing, video control and LED screen configuration into one unit. Together with NovaStar’s V-Can video control software, it enables richer image mosaic effects and easier operations.The VX16s supports a variety of video signals, Ultra HD 4K×2K@60Hz image processing and sendingcapabilities, as well as up to 10,400,000 pixels.Thanks to its powerful image processing and sending capabilities, the VX16s can be widely used inapplications such as stage control systems, conferences, events, exhibitions, high-end rental and fine-pitch displays.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.2 AppearanceFront Panel2.1.,LT D.Rear Panel2.2.The HDMI source and DVI Mosaic source can be used by the main layer only.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC H3 ApplicationsThis product can only be worked horizontally. Wall mounting is not permitted.X I'A NN OVA RT EC HC O.,L TD.4 Home ScreenFigure 4-1 Home screenThe layer is active and the layer input source name and resolution aredisplayed.The layer is inactive.The VX16s is in video controller mode and this Ethernet port isconnected.This Ethernet port is not connected.This Ethernet port is connected and serves as the backup output port.Resolution and frame rate of the configured screenScreen brightnessThe Genlock function is turned on.The Genlock function is turned off.The Genlock function is being turned on.Failed to turn on the Genlock function.The LED screen is displaying a black screen.The LED screen is displaying the selected test pattern. N NOVA S R T E C HCO .,LT D.The LED screen is displaying the current input source. The output image is frozen.The BKG function is turned on.The BKG function is turned off.The VX16s is communicating with the control PC via USB. The VX16s is communicating with the control PC via LAN. The VX16s is not connected to the control PC.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC H5 Menu OperationsKnob :On the home screen, press the knob to enter the main menu screen.On the main menu screen, rotate the knob to select a menu item, and press the knob to confirm the selectionor enter the submenu.When a menu item with parameters is selected, you can rotate the knob to adjust the parameters. Press the knob again after adjustment to apply your settings. ESC : Exit the current menu or cancel an operation.Screen Brightness5.1 You can adjust the screen brightness in an eye-friendly way according to the current ambient brightness. Besides, appropriate adjustment of screen brightness can extend the service life of the LED screen. Figure 5-1 Screen brightnessStep 1 Press the knob to enter the main menu screen.Step 2 Select Screen Brightness and press the knob to confirm the selection.Step 3 Rotate the knob to adjust the brightness value. You can see the adjustment result on the LED screen in realtime. Press the knob to apply the brightness when you are satisfied with it.Screen Settings5.2 You can configure your screen to make it display the whole image correctly.Quick Configuration and Advance Configuration are provided and you can choose any of the options to configure your screen.5.2.1 Quick configuration Prerequisites● The LED screen must be a regular screen.● Cabinets of the screen must be regular cabinets with the same resolution.● The following data flow patterns are supported. The physical connection of each Ethernet port must bealong the same direction and downward to the next one.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Ethernet port 1 must be always at the beginning of the whole physical connection.Operating ProcedureStep 1 Power on the LED screen.Step 2 On the home screen, press the knob to enter the main menu screen. Then rotate the knob to choose ScreenSettings > Quick Configuration and press the knob to enter the quick configuration screen.Figure 5-2 Quick configurationStep 3 Set Cabinet Row Qty and Cabinet Column Qty according to the actual row and column quantities of thecabinets. Step 4 Rotate the knob to select Port 1 Cabinet Qty and set the quantity of the cabinets loaded by Ethernet port 1. Step 5 Rotate the knob to select Data Flow (Front View) and press the knob, then select an appropriate data flowpattern of the cabinets.During data flow settings, you can see the result on the LED screen in real time. If the entire screen displays content correctly, that is, no overlapping or repetition, press the knob to save the settings.5.2.2 Loading RCFGx FilesAfter the LED screen is powered on, if a cabinet or the entire LED screen is not lit, you can load the receivingcard configuration files (namely RCFGx files) that have been configured in NovaLCT to the VX16s.Step 1 (Optional) After you have configured the screen in NovaLCT, click Save to File under the Receiving Card tabto save the configuration file to the PC.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Figure 5-3 Saving receiving card configuration filesStep 2 Choose Tools > Controller Cabinet Configuration File Import to enter the controller cabinet configurationfile importing page.Figure 5-4 Importing controller cabinet configuration filesStep 3 Click Add Configuration File to select the target file (*.rcfgx/*.rcfg) from your PC, and then click Open . Step 4 Click Save the Change to HW to send the configuration files to the VX16s.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Figure 5-5 Saving changes to the VX16sThe configuration files for irregular cabinets are not supported.5.2.3 Save to RV CardYou can send and save the screen configuration to the receiving card. The configuration data will not be lost after the VX16s is powered off.5.2.4 Advanced ConfigurationYou can set the cabinet row and column quantities, horizontal offset, vertical offset and data flow of thecabinets loaded by a single Ethernet port.Operating ProcedureStep 1 Press the knob to enter the main menu screen.Step 2 Rotate the knob to choose Screen Settings > Advanced Configuration, and press it to enter the advanced configuration screen.Step 3 Turn on the advanced configuration function, and then set the cabinet row and column quantities, horizontal offset, vertical offset and data flow.Figure 5-6 Advanced configurationX I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC O.,L TD.5.2.5 More SettingsStep 1 Press the knob to enter the main menu screen.Step 2 Rotate the knob to choose Screen Settings > More Settings, and then press the knob to enter the submenu, including Mapping and LED Screen Color.MappingYou can turn on this function to display the sequence numbers of Ethernet ports and cabinets.Figure 5-7 MappingExample: "P:05" stands for the Ethernet port number and "#001" stands for the cabinet number.The receiving cards of the screen must support the Mapping function. You can check the types of receivingcards on NovaStar’s official website ( Screen ColorYou can adjust the screen color and the adjustment result will be displayed on the LED screen in real time.Table 5-1 Screen color parametersFigure 5-8 Color temperaturesXNN OA RT EC HC O.,L TD.Layer Settings5.3Step 1 Press the knob to enter the main menu screen.Step 2 Rotate the knob to select Layer Settings and press the knob to enter the layer settings screen where you can set the following.●Main layer●PIP 1 and PIP 25.3.1 Main Layer and PIPFigure 5-9 Layer settingsE C HC O.,L TD.Figure 5-10 Layer parameter descriptionFigure 5-11 Input cropInput Settings5.4 5.4.1 Input Source SelectionThe supported input sources include HDMI, SDI and DVI.Rotate the knob to select the desired input source and press the knob to enter the input source resolutionsetting screen.Only one interlaced SDI input is supported in the mosaic mode of four DVI connectors.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Figure 5-12 Input source selection5.4.2 Input Resolution SettingsThe following two methods are provided to set the input resolution:● Standard resolution ● Custom resolutionFigure 5-13 Choosing a resolution setting methodThe SDI input source does not support resolution settings.Standard ResolutionChoose a standard resolution and frame rate. Then rotate the knob to select Apply and press the knob toapply your settings.Figure 5-14 Standard resolutionTable 5-2 Standard resolutions XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Custom ResolutionRotate the knob to set a custom width, height and frame rate. Then rotate the knob to select Apply and pressthe knob to apply your settings. If you do not press the knob to confirm, the settings will not take effect. Figure 5-15 Custom resolution5.4.3 DVI MosaicStep 1 Rotate the knob to choose Input Settings > DVI .Step 2 Adjust the resolutions of DVI 1, 2, 3 and 4 together. For the adjustment procedure, see 5.4.2 InputResolution Settings .XI'A N NOFigure 5-16 DVI 1/2/3/4 resolution settingsStep 3 Rotate the knob to select DVI MOSAIC and press the knob to enter the DVI mosaic settings menu.DescriptionChoose a mosaic layout for DVI connectors 1– 4. Seven mosaic layouts are available:,,,,,,.Step 4 Rotate the knob to set the MOSAIC Backup mode.● Part: When one or multiple DVI sources in the DVI mosaic group are abnormal, these sources are notdisplayed and other DVI sources are displayed normally. ● Group: When one or multiple DVI sources in the DVI mosaic group are abnormal, the backup device willtake over the primary device to output the image. • Only one interlaced SDI input is supported in the mosaic mode of four DVI connectors.•Mosaic Backup is set to Part by default. In device backup mode, please set Mosaic Backup to Group for the primary device to ensure that the output image can be displayed normally.5.4.4 RGB Limited to RGB FullThe VX16s can automatically convert the color space of the video source from RGB limited to RGB full,allowing for more accurate video processing.● Off: Don’t convert the color space of the current video source from RGB limited to RGB full.● On: Convert the color space of the current video source from RGB limited to RGB full. You are advised toturn on this function when the color space of the video source is RGB limited.Display Control5.5 This function is used to verify whether the LED display works properly. You can make the screen go black, freeze the screen, let the screen display test patterns or the content of an input source normally.● Normal: Display the content of the current input source normally. ● Freeze: Freeze the current frame of the output image.XI'A N NT ACO .,LT D● FTB: Make the screen go black.● Test Pattern: Test the display performance and working status of the LED screen. Options on this menuinclude Pure Color , Gradient , Grid , Brightness , Spacing and Speed .● Image Color: Adjust the color of the output image. You can see the adjustment result on the LED screen inreal time.Table 5-3 Image color parametersPreset Settings5.6 The VX16s supports 10 presets. Users can save, load and clear the configured presets.Step 1 Rotate the knob to select Preset Settings and press the knob to enter the preset settings screen.Step 2 Rotate the knob to select the desired preset and press the knob. In the dialog box that appears, four presetoperation options are provided: Save , Load , Clear or Copy To .Figure 5-17 Preset operations● Save: Save the settings of the current layer to the target preset. ● Load: Load the layout settings of the selected preset to the current layer. ● Clear: Clear all the contents in the selected preset.● Copy To: Copy the layout settings of the current preset to the target preset.If the target preset contains data, the Copy To operation will overwrite its original data.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E CImage Mosaic5.7 The image mosaic function is required when the resolution of an LED screen is greater than the loadingcapacity of a single VX16s unit. The total pixels loaded by all linked VX16s units equals the total resolution of the LED screen.Figure 5-18 Image mosaic parametersExample: If the resolution of the LED screen is 7680×4320 which exceeds the loading capacity of a single VX16s unit, four VX16s units will be required together for image mosaic. Table 5-4 Parameter settingsAdvanced Settings5.8 5.8.1 Hot BackupYou can set the VX16s as the primary device or backup device. The data flow patterns in both the modes arethe same.● Set as Primary: The icon of the target Ethernet port on the home screen is highlighted.● Set as Backup: The icon of the target Ethernet port on the home screen is highlighted and a small triangleappears on the bottom right of the icon.When the primary device fails, the backup device will take over the work in real time.5.8.2 SynchronizationSelect a synchronization signal to synchronize all the linked VX16s units and keep the display of the outputimages of all the units in sync.Step 1 Rotate the knob to select Synchronization and press the knob to enter the submenu. Step 2 Rotate the knob to set the synchronization status and source.● Status: Turn on or turn off this function. It defaults to Off . ● Source: Select the target input source.XI'A N NOVCO .,LT D.5.8.3 FNThe FN button on the front panel can be customized as a shortcut for the Synchronization (default), Freeze ,FTB , Quick Configuration or Color function.5.8.4 Advanced FunctionsAdvanced functions include 3D mode and self-test settings. 3D ModeThe VX16s can work with the EMT200 3D emitter and 3D glasses to provide you with 3D visual experience.• Turning on 3D mode halves the device output capacity.•To enable pixel-to-pixel display of a 3D video source, set the layer width to the half of the resolution width of the 3D source if the source is side-by-side, or set the layer height to the half of the resolution height of the 3D source if the source is top-and-bottom.Figure 5-19 Hardware connectionsStep 1 Complete the hardware connections as shown in Figure 5-19.Step 2 Rotate the knob to choose Advanced Functions > 3D Mode > Status to turn on the function.Step 3 Select the 3D format of the video source. The options include Side-by-Side , Top-and-Bottom and FrameSequential . Step 4 Set the eye priority according to the mode of the 3D glasses. The options include Left and Right . Step 5 Select More Settings to complete the following settings.● Right Eye Start ● Signal Delay Time ● Third-Party TransmitterFor more detailed operating procedure of the 3D function, see A Instructions for the 3D Function . Self-TestWhen the VX16s fails, you can test it yourself and send the test result to NovaStar.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,5.8.5 Output Frame RateYou can set the output frame rate of the image output by the Ethernet ports. It defaults to 60 Hz. The providedoptions include 23.98 Hz, 24 Hz, 25 Hz, 29.97 Hz, 30 Hz, 47.95 Hz, 48 Hz, 50 Hz, 56 Hz, 59.94 Hz, 60 Hz, 70 Hz, 71.93 Hz, 72 Hz, 75 Hz, 85 Hz, 100 Hz, 119.88 Hz and 120 Hz.5.8.6 Return to HomeYou can set the period of time during which the system stays at the current page before returning to the homepage automatically when there is no operation performed. The default time is 60s and the maximum value is 3600s.5.8.7 Factory ResetYou can reset all user data to factory settings.5.8.8 About UsYou can view the following information.● Device hardware version ● Official website● Email (*********************)Partial Reset5.9 After partial reset, the name you set, loaded RCFGx files, preset parameters, IP address and subnet mask are kept while other parameters are all reset to the factory defaults.Communication Settings5.10 5.10.1 Communication ModeThe VX16s is connected to the PC via USB port and Ethernet port at the same time. The communicationmodes include USB Preferred and LAN Preferred . Figure 5-20 Communication mode● When USB Preferred is selected, the VX16s communicates with the PC via USB port by preference.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.●When LAN Preferred is selected, the VX16s communicates with the PC via Ethernet port by preference.5.10.2 Network SettingsThe methods for network settings include Manual and Auto.●Manual: Set the device IP address and subnet mask manually.●Auto: The device reads the network parameters automatically.●Reset: Reset the parameters to defaults.Figure 5-21 Network settings•When the VX16s communicates with the control PC, they must be on the same LAN.•The IP addresses of the VX16s and the control PC cannot be the same.Language5.11The VX16s is available for Chinese and English. You can choose your desired language.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.6 SpecificationsX I'A NN OV AAInstructions for the 3D FunctionA.1 For a Single VX16s UnitStep 1 Select a 3D video source and connect it to the DVI or HDMI connector of the VX16s unit.Step 2 Connect the VX16s unit to the EMT200 3D emitter and the LED screen in series via Ethernet cables. Thenpower on the EMT200 and turn on the shutter 3D glasses that come with the EMT200. Step 3 Configure the screen. Please note that turning on the 3D mode will halve the output loading capacity of asingle Ethernet port and the whole unit. Step 4 Select the 3D video source format. Select Side-by-Side , Top-and-Bottom or Frame Sequential according tothe actual video source format. Step 5 Adjust the eye priority. Since the left and right eye image switching manner of the video source may not be insync with your shutter 3D glasses, you need to adjust the eye priority according to actual visual effect after the 3D mode is turned on. The default option is Left . Step 6 Adjust the right eye start.● For a side-by-side 3D video sourceIf the resolution of the video source is 1920×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 960. If the resolution of the video source is 3840×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 1920. In conclusion, it is recommended you set the right eye start to the half of the video source width.● For a top-and-bottom 3D video sourceIf the resolution of the video source is 1920×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 540. If the resolution of the video source is 3840×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 540. In conclusion, it is recommended you set the right eye start to the half of the video source height.● For a frame-sequential 3D video source, you do not need to adjust this parameter.Step 7 Adjust the signal delay to keep the left-right eye switching of the 3D glasses and the LED screen in sync. It isrecommended you adjust the signal delay according to the actual visual effect after the 3D mode is turned on. Step 8 Turn on the 3D mode. Then only the main layer is kept and other layers are closed.Step 9 Wear your 3D glasses to enjoy the 3D effect. No matter how the main layer size or position is adjusted, the 3Deffect will not be affected at all.A.2 For Multiple VX16s UnitsStep 1 Select a 3D video source and connect it to the DVI or HDMI connectors of all the VX16s units.Step 2 Connect all VX16s units to the LED screen via Ethernet cables, and connect the EMT200 to one of the unitsvia an Ethernet cable. Then power on the EMT200 and turn on the shutter 3D glasses that come with the EMT200. Step 3 Configure the area of the screen loaded by each unit. Please note that turning on the 3D mode will halve theoutput loading capacity of a single Ethernet port and the whole unit. Step 4 Set the image mosaic parameters of each unit, which will not be detailed in this document.Step 5 Select the 3D video source format for all the units. Select Side-by-Side , Top-and-Bottom or FrameSequential according to the actual video source format. Set the same video source format for all the units. Step 6 Adjust the eye priority for all the units. Since the frame-sequential manner of the video source may not be insync with your shutter 3D glasses, you need to adjust the eye priority according to actual visual effect after the 3D mode is turned on. The default option is Left . Set the same eye priority for all the units. Step 7 Set the same right eye start for all the units.● For a side-by-side 3D video sourceIf the resolution of the video source is 1920×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 960. If the resolution ofXI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.。


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在”编辑”菜单下选择”导入基站”也可以在导航栏的Project分页上,通过以下方式导入基站: 基站数据库格式为.TXT 在”Sites”上右键,选择”导入” 基站数据库格式(如插件所示)在基站类别上(如CDMA),右击可以对基站进行配置
在Map窗口覆盖相应指标轨迹,打开Legend窗口在Theme Vector下的相应数据名上双击或右键选择Config,跳出如下窗口:
在Map窗口覆盖相应指标及地图或基站数据库打开Layer Manager窗口在此窗口中指标、地图或基站数据库会各占一层
将导航栏的相应指标拖到已打开的Table窗口上,可进行Table窗口多参数显示使用 可将此Table窗口中的内容导出成标准文本(*.txt)或Excel格式(*.xls)或(*.MIF)文件 Statistics面板显示各个指标的最大、最小、平均值及采样点数

Technology roadmap- 产品规划思路

Technology roadmap- 产品规划思路

Fig 1: The Technology Roadmapping phases.Technology roadmapA technology roadmap is a plan that matchesshort-term and long-term goals with specifictechnology solutions to help meet thosegoals.[1] It is a plan that applies to a newproduct or process, or to an emergingtechnology.[2] Developing a roadmap hasthree major uses.[3] It helps reach a consensusabout a set of needs and the technologiesrequired to satisfy those needs; it provides amechanism to help forecast technologydevelopments and it provides a framework tohelp plan and coordinate technologydevelopments.The existence of product managers in theproduct software industry indicates that software is becoming more commercialized as a standard product. This manager is responsible over the whole line of software requirement management, defining of products and their releases and this with all internal and external stakeholders involved. In this context, product roadmapping can be placed to aid software product managers in planning and placing their products with the use of scientific and technological resources. For managing and using the technological resources technology planning can be used.Contents1 The Roadmapping process1.1 Phase 1: Preliminary phase1.1.1 Satisfy essential conditions1.1.2 Provide leadership / sponsorship1.1.3 Define the scope and boundaries for the technology roadmap1.2 Phase 2: Development phase1.2.1 Identify the “product” that will be the focus of the roadmap1.2.2 Identify the critical system requirements and their targets1.2.3 Specify the major technology areas1.2.4 Specify the technology drivers and their targets1.2.5 Identify Technology alternatives and their timelines1.2.6 Recommend the technology alternatives that should be pursued1.2.7 Create the technology roadmap report1.3 Phase 3: Follow-up activity phase2 Planning and Business Development Context for Technology Roadmapping2.1 Knowledge and skills required2.2 The purpose of technology Roadmapping3 See also4 References5 Further readingThe Roadmapping processThe Technology Roadmapping Process conducts 3 phases (see figure 1.): preliminary activities, the development of the roadmap and the follow-up activities phase. Because the process is too big for one model the phases are modeled separately. Only the first two phases are considered. In the models no different roles are made, this is because everything is done by the participants as a group.Phase 1: Preliminary phaseThe first phase, the preliminary phase (see figure 2.), consists of 3 steps: satisfy essential conditions, provide leadership / sponsorship and define the scope and boundaries for the technology roadmap. In this phase the key decision makers must identify that they have a problem and that technology roadmapping can help them in solving the problem.Satisfy essential conditionsIn this step it must become clear what the conditions are (they have to be identified) and if they are not met that somebody will take the actions necessary to meet the unmet conditions. These conditions include for example the following: there must be a need for the technology roadmap, input and participation from several different parts of the organization (e.g. marketing, R&D, the Strategic Business Units ) with different planning horizons and different perspectives and the process should be needs driven. All the conditions should be satisfied (or someone is going to take the actions necessary) in order to continue to the next step. The participants can have zero or more conditions of their own. It applies to all the conditions that they have the attribute to be met or not.Provide leadership / sponsorshipCommitted leadership is needed because time and effort is involved in creating the technology roadmap. Additionally the leadership should come from one of the participants, one of them provides leadership / sponsorship. This means that the line organization must drive the process and use the roadmap to make resource allocation decisions.Define the scope and boundaries for the technology roadmapIn this step the context for the roadmap will be specified. In the company a vision should exist and it must be clear that the roadmap can support that vision. If the vision does not exist one should be developed and clearly stated. When that is done the boundaries and the scope of the roadmap should be specified. Furthermore the planning horizon and the level of details should be set. The scope can be further divided into the technology scope and the participation scope.In table 1. all the different sub-activities of the preliminary activity phase can be seen. All the sub-activities have concepts as end “products”, these are marked in bold. These concepts are the actual meta-data model, which is an adjusted class diagram .Table 1. Activity table for the preliminary activity phaseActivitySub-ActivityDescriptionSatisfy essential conditions IdentifyessentialconditionsWhen all the participants come together, essentialconditions can be identified (e.g. what groups should beinvolved, what are the key customers and what are thekey suppliers).Takeaction tosatisfyconditionsFor technology roadmapping to succeed, conditions fromthe participants must be satisfied.Provide leadership / sponsorship The part of leadership / sponsorship should be taken by line organization; they must drive the roadmapping process and use the roadmap to make resource allocation decisions.Define the scope and boundaries for the technologyroadmap Clearlystate vision The already existing vision has to be clear.Developvision The vision is developed and stated clearly.DefinescopeThe scope of the project can further define the set ofneeds, planning horizon and level of detail. The scope canbe further divided into the technology scope and theparticipation scope.DefineboundariesThe boundaries should also be included.Phase 2: Development phaseThe second phase, the development of the technology roadmap phase (see figure 3.), consists of 7 steps: identify the “product” that will be the focus of the roadmap, identify the critical system requirements and their targets, specify the major technology areas, specify the technology drivers and their targets, identify technology alternatives and their timelines, recommend the technology alternatives that should be pursued and create the technology roadmap report. These steps create the actual roadmap.IdentifytheFigure 2. The process-data model of the preliminary phase.Figure 3. The process-data model of the development phase.“product” that will be the focus of the roadmapIn this step the common product needs are identified and should be agreed on by all the participants. This is important to get the acceptance of all groups for the process. In case of uncertainty of the product needs scenario-based planning can be used to determine the common product needs. In figure 3. it can be seen that the participants and possibly the scenario-based planning provide the common product needs.Identify the critical system requirements and their targetsOnce it is decided what needs to be roadmapped the critical system requirements can be identified, they provide the overall framework for the technology roadmap. The requirements can have targets (as an attribute in figure 3.) like reliability and costs.Specify the major technology areasThese are the areas which can help achieve the critical system requirements. For each technology area several technologies can be found. Example technology areas are: Market assessment, Crosscutting technology, Component development and System development.Specify the technology drivers and their targetsIn this step the critical system requirements from step Identify the critical system requirements and their targets are transformed into technology drivers (with targets) for the specific technology area. These drivers are the critical variables that will determine which technology alternatives are selected. The drivers depend on the technology areas but they relate to how the technology addresses the critical system requirements.Identify Technology alternatives and their timelinesAt this point the technology drivers and their targets are specified and the technology alternatives that can satisfy those targets should be specified. For each of the alternatives a timeline should be estimated for how it will mature with respect to the technology driver targets.TimeThis factor can be adapted suitable for the particular situation. The time horizons for E-commerce and software related sectors are usually short. Other distinctions can be made on scale and intervals.Recommend the technology alternatives that should be pursuedBecause the alternatives may differ in costs, timeline etc. a selection has to be made of the alternatives. These will be the alternatives to be pursued in figure 3. In this step a lot of trade-off has to be made between different alternatives for different targets, performance over costs and even target over target.Create the technology roadmap reportAt this point the technology roadmap is finished. In figure 3, it can be seen that the technology roadmap report consists of 5 parts: the identification and description of each technology area, critical factors in the roadmap, unaddressed areas, implementation recommendations and technical recommendations. The report can also include additional information. In table 2. all the different sub-activities of the development phase can be seen.Activity table for the Development phase Activity Sub-Activity DescriptionIdentify the “product”that will be the focus of the roadmap IdentifyneedsThis critical step is to get the participants to identify and agreeon the COMMON PRODUCT NEEDS. This is important to gettheir buy-in and acceptance.UseScenario-basedplanningIf there is major uncertainty about the COMMON PRODUCTNEEDS SCENARIO-BASED PLANNING can be used. Eachscenario must be reasonable, internally consistent andcomparable with the other scenarios.State needs These are the NEEDS for the product.Identify the critical system requirements and their targets DefinecriticalsystemrequirementsThe CRITICAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS provide the overallframework for the roadmap and are high-level dimensions towhich the technologies relate. These include things likereliability and costs.DefinetargetsFor each of the system requirements TARGETS have to bedefined.Specify the major technology areas TransformrequirementsintotechnologyorienteddriversThe major TECHNOLOGY AREAS should be specified to helpachieve the CRITICAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS for the product.The CRITICAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS are then transformedinto TECHNOLOGY DRIVERS for the specific TECHNOLOGYAREAS.Specify the technology drivers and their targets Selecttechnologyalternativeswith theirtargetsTECHNOLOGY DRIVERS and their TARGETS are set based onthe CRITICAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENT TARGETS. It specifies howviable TECHNOLOGY ALTERNATIVES must be to perform by acertain date. From the available TECHNOLOGY ALTERNATIVESa selection has to be made.Identify technology alternatives and their timelines Identifyalternativesand theirtimelinesThe TECHNOLOGY ALTERNATIVES that can satisfy the TARGETSmust be identified. Next to this the TIMELINE from eachalternative has to be identified.Recommend the technology alternatives that should be pursued Select subsetoftechnologyalternativesto bepursuedDetermine which TECHNOLOGY ALTERNATIVE TO PURSUE andwhen to shift to a different TECHNOLOGY. Consolidate the bestinformation and develop consensus from many experts.Create the technology roadmap report Create thereportHere the actual TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP REPORT is created.This report includes: IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THETECHNOLOGY, CRITICAL FACTOR, UNADDRESSED AREA, andIMPLEMENTATION RECOMMENDATION AND TECHNICALRECOMMENDATION.Phase 3: Follow-up activity phaseThis is the moment when the roadmap must be critiqued, validated and hopefully accepted by the group that will be involved in any implementation. For this a plan needs to be developed using the technology roadmap. Next there must be a periodical review and update point, because the needs from the participants and the technologies are evolving. Planning and Business Development Context for Technology Roadmapping5. Programme planning example.6. Bars example.7. Graphs example.The process of technology roadmapping fits into corporate strategy, corporate strategic planning, technology planning and the business development context. Three critical elements should be connected: needs, products andtechnology.Knowledge and skills requiredConsultant with skillsIn order to create a technology roadmap it is required tohave a certain set of knowledge and skills. This means thatsome of the participants must know the process oftechnology roadmapping. Next to this group-process andinterpersonal skills are required since the process includes alot of discussions and finding out what the common need is.If the amount of participants is really large there might beneed for a consultant or facilitator.The purpose of technology RoadmappingProduct planningThis is the most common type of a technology roadmap;linking the insertion of technologies into products.Programme planningThis type is more directed to the implementation of strategyand related to project planning. Figure 5 shows therelationships between technology development phases,programme phases and milestones.The formats of technology RoadmappingBars : Almost all the roadmaps are (partly) expressed inbars for each layer. This makes the roadmaps verysimple and unified, which makes the communication and integration easier.Graphs : Also a technology roadmap can be expressed as a graph, usually one for each of the sub layers. (e.g. IMEC uses the second method).See alsoBusiness planCorporate strategyForesight (management)Prioritizing Requirements using a Cost-Value ApproachPortfolio Management for New ProductsReferences1. ^/technology/techtrendscolumnistpeteralexander/article83000.html2. ^ GARCIA973. ^ Garcia, M.L. and Bray, O.H. (1997). "Fundamentals of Technology Roadmapping". StrategicBusiness Development Department, Sandia National Laboratories. [1](/PHMCOE/pdf/Sandia'sFundamentalsofTech.pdf)Further reading1. Garcia, M.L. and Bray, O.H. (1997). Fundamentals of Technology Roadmapping.Strategic Business Development Department Sandia National Laboratories.2. Phaal, R., Farrukh, C. and Probert, D. (2001). Technology Roadmapping: linkingtechnology resources to business objectives. Centre for Technology Management,University of Cambridge. Further information: [2](/resources/techmanworkbooks/roadmapping-for-strategy-and-innovation/)3. Laube, T. and Abele, T. (2005). Technologie-Roadmap: Strategisches und taktischesTechnologiemanagement. Ein Leitfaden. Fraunhofer-Institut Produktionstechnik undAutomatisierung (IPA), Stuttgart, Germany. ISBN 3-8167-7186-64. Oliveira, M. G. et al. Roadmapping: uma abordagem estratégica para ogerenciamento da inovação em produtos, serviços e tecnologias. Rio de Janeiro:Campus-Elsevier, 2012. (published in Brazilian Portuguese). Further (.br)5. Public Domain Roadmaps. Further information: [3](/uploads/Research/CTM/Roadmapping/public_domai n_roadmaps.pdf)6. Roadmapping Bibliography. Further information: [4](/uploads/Research/CTM/Roadmapping/Roadmappin g_Bibliography_Phaal.pdf)Retrieved from "/w/index.php?title=Technology_roadmap&oldid=621389935"Categories: Project managementThis page was last modified on 15 August 2014 at 18:53.Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profitorganization.。

高德 roadnet 参数

高德 roadnet 参数

高德 roadnet 参数高德RoadNet参数详解一、RoadNet简介高德RoadNet是高德地图中的一个重要功能,用于规划路径和导航。


二、常用的RoadNet参数1. 路径规划方式:根据用户需求,可以选择不同的路径规划方式,如最短路径、最经济路径、最快捷路径等。


2. 避让区域:在规划路径时,可以设置避让区域,以避免经过某些区域。


3. 躲避拥堵:高德RoadNet可以根据实时交通情况,自动规避拥堵路段,为用户提供更加畅通的路径。


4. 避免收费道路:在路径规划时,可以设置避免收费道路,以便规划出不经过收费路段的路径。


5. 避免高速:在路径规划时,可以设置避免高速公路,以便规划出不经过高速公路的路径。


6. 限制车辆类型:高德RoadNet还支持根据不同车辆类型进行路径规划。


7. 路径偏好:在路径规划时,可以设置路径偏好,如偏好高速、偏好非高速、偏好高速与非高速混合等。


8. 规划起点和终点:用户可以设置路径规划的起点和终点,以便规划出两点之间的最佳路径。


三、使用RoadNet参数的注意事项1. 参数设置合理性:在设置RoadNet参数时,需要注意参数的合理性。



























1. 什么是stm32步进电机丝杆位移程序stm32步进电机丝杆位移程序是一种控制和定位步进电机的程序,通过调整电机的脉冲信号和方向信号,可以实现电机的精确移动和定位。




2. stm32步进电机丝杆位移程序的原理stm32步进电机丝杆位移程序的原理基于步进电机的特性和丝杆的运动原理。




3. stm32步进电机丝杆位移程序的实现方法stm32步进电机丝杆位移程序的实现方法可以分为硬件和软件两个方面。





4. 我对stm32步进电机丝杆位移程序的个人观点和理解在我看来,stm32步进电机丝杆位移程序是一种非常实用和高效的控制方法,可以广泛应用于各种领域。


Hikvision DS-2DE7A225IW-AEB(T5) 2 MP 25 × IR Netwo

Hikvision DS-2DE7A225IW-AEB(T5) 2 MP 25 × IR Netwo

DS-2DE7A225IW-AEB(T5)2 MP 25 × IR Network Speed DomeHikvision DS-2DE7A225IW-AEB(T5) 2 MP 25 × IR Network Speed Dome adopts 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS chip. With the 25 × optical zoom lens, the camera offers more details over expansive areas.This series of cameras can be widely used for wide ranges of high-definition, such as the rivers, roads, railways, airports, squares, parks, scenic spots, and venues, etc. Empowered by deep learning algorithms, Hikvision AcuSense technology brings human and vehicle targets classification alarms to front- and back-end devices. The system focuses on human and vehicle targets, vastly improving alarm efficiency and effectiveness.⏹1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS⏹High quality imaging with 2 MP resolution, up to 60 fps⏹Excellent low-light performance withpowered-by-DarkFighter technology⏹Audio visual alarm: The white flashing light and audible warning can be triggered by certain events⏹25 × optical zoom and 16 × digital zoom provide close up views over expansive areas⏹Expansive night view with up to 200 m IR distance⏹Focuses on human and vehicle targets classification based on deep learning⏹Face capture: Up to 5 faces captured at the same time⏹DORIThe DORI (detect, observe, recognize, identify) distance gives the general idea of the camera ability to distinguish persons or objects within its field of view. It is calculated based on the camera sensor specification and the criteria given by EN 62676-4: 2015.DORI Detect Observe Recognize IdentifyDefinition25 px/m63 px/m125 px/m250 px/m Distance (Tele)1600.0 m (5249.3 ft)634.9 m (2083.1 ft)320.0 m (1049.9 ft)160.0 m (524.9 ft)⏹SpecificationCameraImage Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOSMax. Resolution 1920 × 1080Min. Illumination Color: 0.005 Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON), B/W: 0.001 Lux@(F1.6, AGC ON), 0 Lux with IR Shutter Speed 1/1 s to 1/30000 sSlow Shutter YesDay & Night IR cut filterZoom 25 × optical, 16 × digitalLensFocal Length 4.8 mm to 120 mmZoom Speed Approx. 3.6 sFOV Horizontal field of view: 57.6° to 2.5° (wide-tele), Vertical field of view: 34.4° to 1.4° (wide-tele), Diagonal field of view: 64.5° to 2.9° (wide-tele)Aperture Max. F1.6Focus Auto, semi-auto, manualIlluminatorSupplement Light Range IR Distance: up to 200 mSupplement Light Type IRPTZMovement Range (Pan) 360°Movement Range (Tilt) -15° to 90° (auto flip)Pan Speed Pan speed: configurable from 0.1° to 160°/s; preset speed: 240°/s Tilt Speed Tilt speed: configurable from 0.1° to 120°/s, preset speed 200°/s Proportional Pan YesPresets 300Patrol Scan 8 patrols, up to 32 presets for each patrolPattern Scan 4 pattern scansPower-off Memory YesPark Action Preset, patrol scan, pattern scan, auto scan, tilt scan, random scan, frame scan, panorama scan3D Positioning Yes PTZ Status Display Yes Preset Freezing YesScheduled Task Preset, pattern scan, patrol scan, auto scan, tilt scan, random scan, frame scan, panorama scan, dome reboot, dome adjust, aux outputVideoMain Stream 50 Hz: 50 fps (1920 ×1080, 1280 ×960, 1280 ×720) 60 Hz: 60 fps (1920 ×1080, 1280 ×960, 1280 ×720) *High frame rate is supported under certain settings.Sub-Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288);60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Third Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288);60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Video Compression Main stream: H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264 Sub-stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGThird stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGVideo Bit Rate 32 kbps to 16384 kbpsH.264 Type Baseline Profile/Main Profile/High ProfileH.265 Type Main ProfileScalable Video Coding (SVC) H.264 and H.265 encodingRegion of Interest (ROI) 8 fixed regions for each streamAudioAudio Compression G.711alaw, G.711ulaw, G.722.1, G.726, MP2L2, PCMAudio Bit Rate 64 Kbps (G.711)/16 Kbps (G.722.1)/16 Kbps (G.726)/32-192 Kbps (MP2L2) Audio Sampling Rate 8 kHz/16 kHz/32 kHz/48 kHzEnvironment Noise Filtering YesNetworkNetwork Storage NAS (NFS, SMB/CIFS), auto network replenishment (ANR)Protocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, QoS, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, PPPoE, Bonjour, Websocket, WebsocketsAPI Open Network Video Interface (Version 19.12, Profile S, Profile G, Profile T), ISAPI, SDK, ISUPSimultaneous Live View Up to 20 channelsUser/Host Up to 32 users, 3 user levels: administrator, operator, and userSecurity Password protection, complicated password, HTTPS encryption, 802.1X authentication (EAP-TLS, EAP-LEAP, EAP-MD5), watermark, IP address filter, basic and digest authentication for HTTP/HTTPS, RTP/RTSP over HTTPS, control timeout settings, security audit log, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3, host authentication (MAC address)Client iVMS-4200, HikCentral Pro, Hik-Connect Web Browser IE11, Chrome 57+, Firefox 52+, Safari 11+ ImageDay/Night Switch Day, Night, Auto, ScheduleImage Enhancement BLC, HLC, 3D DNRWide Dynamic Range (WDR) 120 dBDefog Digital defogRegional Exposure YesRegional Focus YesImage Settings Saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, gain, and white balance adjustable by client software or web browserPrivacy Mask 24 programmable polygon privacy masks, mask color or mosaic configurable SNR > 52 dBInterfaceEthernet Interface 1 RJ45 10M/100M self-adaptive Ethernet portOn-board Storage Built-in memory card slot, support microSD/SDHC/SDXC card, up to 256 GB Alarm 2 inputs, 1 outputAudio 1 input (line in), max. input amplitude: 2-2.4 vpp, input impedance: 1 kΩ ± 10%; 1 output (line out), line level, output impedance: 600 ΩReset YesBuilt-in Speaker 1 built-in speaker with effective distance reaching max. 30 metersEventBasic Event Motion detection, video tampering alarm, exception, alarm input and outputSmart Event Line crossing detection, intrusion detection, region entrance detection, region exiting detection, unattended baggage detection, object removal detection, audio exception detectionSmart Tracking Manual tracking, auto-trackingAlarm Linkage Upload to FTP/NAS/memory card, notify surveillance center, send email, trigger alarm output, trigger recording, audible warning, white light flashing, and PTZ actions (such as preset, patrol scan, pattern scan)Deep Learning FunctionFace Capture Detects up to 5 faces simultaneously.Supports detecting, capturing, grading, selecting of face in motion, and output the best face picture of the facePerimeter Protection Line crossing, intrusion, region entrance, region exitingSupport alarm triggering by specified target types (human and vehicle)GeneralPower 24 VAC, max. 42 W (including max. 18 W for IR and max. 10 W for heater); Hi-PoEOperating Condition -30 °C to 65 °C (-22 °F to 149 °F). Humidity 90% or less (non-condensing) Demist YesMaterial ADC12Dimension Ø 220 mm × 363.3 mm (Ø 8.66" × 14.3")Weight Approx. 5 kg (11.03 lb.)ApprovalProtection IP66 (IEC 60529-2013), IK10 (excluding glass window), TVS 6000V lightning protection, surge protection and voltage transient protectionEMC FCC SDoC (47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B);CE-EMC (EN 55032: 2015, EN 61000-3-2: 2019, EN 61000-3-3: 2013, EN 50130-4: 2011 +A1: 2014);RCM (AS/NZS CISPR 32: 2015);IC VoC (ICES-003: Issue 6, 2019);KC (KN 32: 2015, KN 35: 2015)SafetyUL (UL 62368-1);CB (IEC 60950-1:2005 + Am 1:2009 + Am 2:2013, IEC 62368-1:2014);CE-LVD (EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017); BIS (IS 13252(Part 1):2010+A1:2013+A2:2015); LOA (SANS IEC60950-1)EnvironmentCE-RoHS (2011/65/EU); WEEE (2012/19/EU); Reach (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006)⏹Typical ApplicationHikvision products are classified into three levels according to their anti-corrosion performance. Refer to the following description to choose for your using environment.This model has NO SPECIFIC PROTECTION.LevelDescriptionTop-level protectionHikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where professional anti-corrosion protection is a must. Typical application scenarios include coastlines, docks, chemical plants, and more.Moderate protectionHikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas with moderate anti-corrosion demands. Typical application scenarios include coastal areas about 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) away from coastlines, as well as areas affected by acid rain.No specific protectionHikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where no specific anti-corrosion protection is needed.⏹Available Model DS-2DE7A225IW-AEB(T5)⏹Dimension⏹Accessory⏹IncludedDS-1602ZJWall mountOptionalDS-1604ZJ-BOX-CORNERDS-1660ZJ DS-1604ZJ-box DS-1619ZJ DS-1663ZJ DS-1667ZJ DS-1662ZJ DS-1673ZJ DS-1682ZJ DS-1681ZJ-2DS-1604ZJ DS-1604ZJ-BOX-POLEDS-1681ZJ DS-1661ZJ DS-1100KI*DS-1673ZJ should be used with DS-1661ZJ or DS-1662ZJ.。

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Edinburgh Research ExplorerTechnology roadmapping and SMEs: A literature reviewCitation for published version:Arshed, N, Finch, J & Bunduchi, R 2012, 'Technology roadmapping and SMEs: A literature review' Paper presented at DRUID 2012 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19/06/12 - 21/06/12, .Link:Link to publication record in Edinburgh Research ExplorerDocument Version:Author final version (often known as postprint)Publisher Rights Statement:© Arshed, N., Finch, J., & Bunduchi, R. (2012). Technology roadmapping and SMEs: A literature review. In DRUID Conference.General rightsCopyright for the publications made accessible via the Edinburgh Research Explorer is retained by the author(s) and / or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights.Take down policyThe University of Edinburgh has made every reasonable effort to ensure that Edinburgh Research Explorer content complies with UK legislation. If you believe that the public display of this file breaches copyright please contact openaccess@ providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.Paper to be presented at the DRUID 2012onJune 19 to June 21atCBS, Copenhagen, Denmark,Technology Roadmapping and SMEs: A Literature ReviewNorin ArshedUniversity of StrathclydeBusiness Schoolnorin.arshed@John FinchUniversity of StrathclydeBusiness Schooljohn.finch@Raluca BunduchiUniversity of AberdeenBusiness Schoolr.bunduchi@AbstractThis paper critically reviews extant literature on Technology Roadmapping (TRM) and identifies a gap in which SMEs are rarely studied within the TRM process, whether as stakeholders for other companies or as focal companies in their own right. TRM literature typically discusses the processes and opportunities for exploring and communicating the dynamic connections between technological resources, the organisational objectives and the changing environments surrounding the market and product. However, within the academic literature channels of communication arenon-existent to SMEs who may not only find such a process valuable to support their own product and capabilities, but may also bring a significant contribution to the TRM process benefitting the TRM initiators themselves (generally largefirms or intermediary organisations). This literature review serves as a stimulating discussion around the fundamentalgap in the process, which often excludes SMEs, and highlights the importance of providing a framework for understanding how to engage SMEs in the TRM process. It also proposes implications for involving government as a mechanism for engagement.Jelcodes:O31,-Technology Roadmapping and SMEs: A Literature ReviewThis paper critically reviews extant literature on Technology Roadmapping (TRM) and identifies a gap in which SMEs are rarely studied within the TRM process, whether as stakeholders for other companies or as focal companies in their own right. TRM literature typically discusses the processes and opportunities for exploring and communicating the dynamic connections between technological resources, the organisational objectives and the changing environments surrounding the market and product. However, within the academic literature channels of communication are non-existent to SMEs who may not only find such a process valuable to support their own product and capabilities, but may also bring a significant contribution to the TRM process benefitting the TRM initiators themselves (generally large firms or intermediary organisations). This literature review serves as a stimulating discussion around the fundamental gap in the process, which often excludes SMEs, and highlights the importance of providing a framework for understanding how to engage SMEs in the TRM process. It also proposes implications for involving government as a mechanism for engagement.Key words: Technology roadmapping, SMEs, open innovation, business process, collaboration, partnerships, government intervention1. IntroductionMotorola, Lucent Technologies, Philips, BP, Samsung, LG, Rockwell, Roche and Domino Printing, are only but a few of the leading companies that have been employing Technology Roadmapping (TRM) as a key part of their innovation toolkit. They highlight TRM as fundamental to their R&D management and planning (Lee, Kim and Phaal 2012).Since the late 1990s, researchers have situated their work on TRM by citing Motorola as the champion of the approach (Goenaga and Phaal 2009; Richey and Grinnell 2004; Major, Pellegrin and Pittler 1998; Willyard and McClees 1987). The most cited definition of TRM comes from Robert Galvin, the former chairman of Motorola. He defines technology roadmaps as:“an extended look at the future of a chosen field of enquiry composed from the collective knowledge and imagination of the brightest drivers of change in that field.Roadmaps communicate visions, attract resources from business and government, stimulate investigations, and monitor progress. They become the inventory of possibilities for a particular field” (Galvin 1998, p. 803).The term ‘TRM’ is widely and loosely used with significant variation in definition and meaning (Loureiro, Borschiver and Coutinho 2010; Lee and Park 2005). For example, Kappel (2001) argues that roadmapping is a challenging task, involving a variety of different documents. He differentiates between ‘roadmapping’,which is a process that can be done with different objectives, and ‘roadmaps’,which are the documents generated from the ‘roadmapping’ process. For Garcia and Bray (1997) TRM is an activity which provides a wayto develop, organise and present information about critical requirements and the required performance of objectives that must be achieved at the planned time. Petrick and Echols (2004) refer to TRM as a tool that enables organisations to make decisions more consciously, thus preventing the waste of time and resources, and helping to reduce risk involved in decision making. For Phaal, Farrukh and Probert (2004) TRM represents a powerful technique to support technological management and planning, especially to explore and communicate dynamic interactions between resources, organisational goals and environment changes. TRM is also frequently referred to and studied in the literature as a ‘management tool’ in R&D and product development, which involves various communication processes amongst a variety of stakeholders (Yasunaga, Watanabe and Korenaga 2009).Within the literature, the meaning of TRM varies from a process to a tool. Phaal, Farrukh and Probert (2001b, pp. 3-4) distinguish between these two concepts arguing that “a process is an approach for achieving a managerial objective, through the transformation of inputs into outputs”. In contrast, “a tool facilitates the practical application of a technique”, where a technique is defined as “a structured way of completing part of a procedure”, and procedure is defined “as a series of steps for operationalizing a process” (ibid). A number of authors argue that TRM is a process. Kappel (2001) for example classifies roadmapping generally as process which includes: the forecasting process, the planning process, the decisions-making process, and the design process. Similarly, Garcia and Bray (1997) describe TRM as a process that assists its practitioners in identifying, selecting and developing technology alternatives to satisfy a set of product needs. In contrast, the technology roadmap itself is the document generated by the technology roadmapping process. It identifies the critical system requirements, the product and process performance targets, and the technology alternatives along with the milestones for meeting those targets (ibid). A more recent argument places theimportance namely on the process of roadmapping (which involves undertaking a workshop with key stakeholders and domain experts to capture, share and structure information in a way that highlights strategic issues concerning the organisation) and then on the product of roadmapping i.e. a roadmap (this involves the tangible outcome, usually a visual representation) (Kerr, Phaal and Probert 2012). Generally,“a‘roadmap’ can be considered as an umbrella term for a group of techniques that support the structurization of complex interdependent processes and are intended to serve as decision aids for strategy building and planning in organisations that depend on an d participate in the development and/or technology”(Fleischer, Decker and Fiedeler 2005, p. 1117).TRM process facilitates agents, be them an industry or an organisation, in describing an environment in a future state in terms of the agent’s objectives a nd plans as to how the objectives can be achieved over a period of time (Albright 2003). This allows for ways to identify, evaluate and select among alternatives that can be used to achieve the agent’s set of strategic objectives (Kostoff and Schaller 2001). At the organisation level, TRM provides a graphical means for exploring and communicating the relationships between markets, products and technologies over time (Phaal, Farrukh, Mitchell and Probert 2003). At an industry level, TRM involves multiple agents as a consortium of organisations therefore requiring a focus on common needs.In understanding TRM as a process the academic terminology within this literature review comes from Loureiro et al.’s(2010, p. 183) definition, “technology roadmapping is of a flexible method in which the main goal is to assist strategic planning in market development,product and technology in an integrated way over time” (Albright and Kappel 2003; Kappel 2001; Phaal, Farrukh and Probert 2001a; Phaal et al. 2004). It enables R&D activities to be carried out in a more systematic manner, by laying out explicit plans about what technologies to develop, when and how by forecasting future trends and identifying gaps between the fir m’s current technology levels and advanced levels it desires to achieve (Lee, Kang, Park and Park 2007).TRM aids agents in effectively addressing critical research and collaboratively developing the common technologies (Garcia and Bray 1997). Whilst TRM has been used successfully at the corporate, sector, and government levels, there has been little if any research reported into its application to identify SMEs that either support or collaborate in the TRM process to build a shared visual representation of an organisation’s strategic context. Many researchers have focused on describing the functional aspects with little respect to the process with which SMEs can become involved (Lee et al. 2012).Having introduced TRM the following section sets the scene as to the context in which the process is applicable. Section three presents the process of TRM within the academic literature. Section four highlights the limitations of TRM collected from various studies. Section five draws attention to the missing link between the TRM process and application of its use and the involvement of SMEs within the process. Section seven highlights scope for government intervention with respect to TRM and SMEs. Finally, section eight concludes the literature review and highlights the key gaps in the existing research on TRM.2. Setting the Scene: TRMWith respect to a broad range of industrial sectors and problem areas, the USA government and organisations have undertaken TRM since the 1990s, with Japan and Canada recently following suit. In recent years Europe has also shown interest in roadmapping activity (Laat and McKibbin 2003). The popularity of TRM has increased over the years, particularly given the use of TRM by Motorola since the 1970s. Motorola applied the TRM process to anticipate developments in markets and technologies, as a means to address customer problems and to improve productivity. The ability of TRM to anticipate market and technological changes has meant that the process begun to be applied more commonly to support corporate strategy development in organisations (Vatananan and Gerdsri 2010). By providing a framework for linking business directly to technology, TRM has become a useful part of strategy development in a wide range of industries by individual firms, government organisations and consortia (Lee et al. 2007).Albright (2003) introduced a common framework for roadmaps. Figure 1 describes the four levels of the roadmap. The aspects of know-why, know-what, know-how and know-when facilitate the identification of critical decision points in the technological routes drawn within the technological roadmap.Figure 1: A unifying four-part roadmap frameworkSource: Albright (2003, p. 1).Firstly, t he ‘why’ of the roadmap defines the domain of the roadmap, the team’s objectives and their strategy in achieving those objectives. Secondly, t he ‘what’ defines the direction, the challenges, the architecture and evolution of the team’s solution and the mea sureable targets. Thirdly, t he ‘how’ defines the technologies that will be used to implement each part of the architecture. Fourthly, th e ‘to-do’s’ defines the action plan and the risks. Lastly, the ‘when’ part of the roadmap discusses the time period of t he process (ibid).Robert Phaal, one of the leading TRM academics, has compiled an extensive list of public domain roadmaps, which include over 2,000 roadmaps from a variety of different industries (see Figure 2). Such broad interest in using TRM in the corporate world has led academics, researchers and policy-makers to see TRM as a device for technology management andindustrial policy planning, potentially becoming a reliable procedure for future technological planning, and which may be utilised to lead the development of strategy at corporate and operation levels (Choomon and Leeprechanon 2011). Figure 2 identifies the wide range of industries that use TRM and the numbers of technology roadmaps undertaken within each industry.Figure 2: Public domain roadmaps from various sectorsSource: Amer and Daim (2010, p. 1358).Figure 2 shows that the use of TRM has become pervasive across a range of industries, and identifies the Software, Computing ICT industry as the industry with the largest number of public domain roadmaps, followed by the Science industry and the Policy, Government and Community sector. A survey undertaken by Phaal, Farrukh and Probert (2000) estimates 10% of manufacturing firms (mostly large) have applied technology roadmaps to some extent, with 80% of those companies using TRM more than once, or on an on-going basis. Their study however does argue that organisations struggle with the application of roadmapping asthere are many specific forms of roadmaps, which often have been tailored to the specific needs of the firm and its business context. Nokia, for example, uses roadmaps extensively for planning the development of its product portfolio and defining its competitive position in emerging markets with their roadmaps only applicable to their own unique business context (Vecchiato 2012).The literature to some extent provides the processes and methods undertaken within TRM as seen with case studies such as Royal Mail (Wells, Phaal, Farrukh and Probert 2004), Philips Electronics (Groenveld 2007) and Lucent Technologies (Albright and Kappel 2003). These cases, whilst being important in highlighting the benefits of such a process, offer little practical help to those adopting TRM for the first time ( Lee et al. 2007). Although there has been much work done on science and technology roadmaps, little work has been undertaken on elucidating the structure of existing roadmaps, with the exception of Phaal and Muller (2009) (Kajikawa, Usui, Hakata, Yasunaga and Matsushim 2008). Thus there are two areas of contention within the TRM literature. Firstly, the literature does not actively seek to involve SMEs within the TRM process as the case studies are developed around larger organisations or government bodies. Secondly, the TRM process does not explicitly explain or elucidate how to communicate with SMEs to involve them as partners or collaborators when initially undertaking TRM. SMEs are often unaware of the practicalities involved in becoming stakeholders in the process and are unable to achieve the means to come forth to participate.3. The TRM ProcessDeveloping a technology roadmap requires answers to fundamental questions that apply in any strategic context. Firstly, where do we want to go? Where are we now? How can we get there? Secondly, why do we need to act? What should we do? How should we do it? By when? (Galvin 1998; Phaal and Muller 2009). These questions then focus on three key areas needing to be considered when planning a roadmapping activity: the context (nature of the issue), the architecture (layout of the roadmap) and the process (staged activities) (Garcia and Bray 1997). Garcia and Bray (1997) provide a description of what is involved in the TRM process, dividing it into three steps (see Figure 3).Figure 3: TRM Process Source: Adapted from Garcia and Bray (1997).Preliminary activitiesDevelopment of the technology roadmap Follow-up activity 1.Collaborations 2.Leadership 3.Context1.Product needs2.Critical requirements3.Contributions of technology4.Technology drivers5.Identification of alternatives6.Applicable technologies7.Graphical roadmap1.Validation2.Buy-in3.Implementation4.Review and updateFirstly, the preliminary activities include three levels: the process begins with collaboration to achieve common ground and understanding, followed by a committed leadership or sponsorship and then establishing the context of the roadmap which integrates the aims, the time frames, the scope and the boundaries. Secondly, the development of the technology roadmap involves seven steps: first, the agreement of the product needs and focus to achieve and sustain buy-in; second, the definition of critical system requirements with time-based targets; third, the specification of the major technological areas that can contribute to the critical system; fourth, the product or system needs to be translated into technology drivers; fifth, the identification of technology alternatives (potential to respond to technology drivers and meet targets); sixth, the selection of the most applicable technologies and; lastly, all the steps are integrated into a report which include a graphical roadmap, current status, critical risks, barriers, gaps and recommendations. The third and final step of the TRM process is known as the follow-up activity and includes the validation and buy-in from a much larger group, the development of implementation to make better technology selection and investment decisions, and the frequent review and update of the technology roadmap.Groenveld (1997) also presented an outline representing how the roadmapping process can be structured (Figure 4).Figure 4: Roadmapping processSouce: Groenveld (1997, p. 52).Figure 4 highlights the importance of beginning the process with a clear set of objectives. However, the structured process fails to elaborate on the information sharing aspect as to whom would the information be shared with and how. Nevertheless, for a concise and coherent TRM process several success should be considered: firstly, it is essential to establish a clear business need; secondly, one must ensure commitment from senior management; thirdly, plan and customise your approach; fourthly, phase the process to ensure early delivery of benefits; fifthly, ensure the right people and functions are involved; also, keep it simple and finally, iterate and learn from experience.With respect to the TRM process, a schematic diagram of a generic technology roadmap is depicted below (Phaal et al. 2004) (see Figure 5).Workshop 1Setobjectives Information gatheringInformation sharing Building a common view Building blocks for roadmaps Formulate and organize follow-upSelect roadmap scenarios Create roadmap fundamentalsWorkshop 2Generate roadmap – info sharing -drafting maps -assessment Project team and activitiesFigure 5: Generic technology roadmapSource: Phaal et al. (2004, p. 10).Moreover, Probert and Radnor (2003) and Phaal et al. (2004) identify eight different types of roadmaps. Table 1 illustrates the roadmaps and explains their uses.Table 1: Types of roadmapsSource: Adapated from Phaal, et al. (2004).Regardless of the type of roadmaps, the main aims of TRM are to assist in the identification of gaps, prioritisations of issues, target setting, creating action plans and encouraging communications across the organisation (Gindy, Cerit and Hodgson 2006). The unique feature highlighted with roadmaps is that it is a technology management process directlylinked to business needs by using simple charts or graphs (McCarthy 2003). Eight different types of formats have been identified which TRM can adapt (Table 2).Table 2: Roadmap formatsSource: Adapted from (Phaal et al. 2004).Undertaking the process of TRM can provide numerous benefits of roadmapping which have been highlighted by Garcia and Bray (1997). Firstly, roadmaps help develop consensus among decision makers about a set of science and technology needs; secondly, roadmapping provides a mechanism to help experts forecast science and technology developments in targeted areas and; lastly, roadmaps present a framework to help plan and coordinate science and technology developments at any level; within an organisation or company, throughout an entire discipline and at national or international levels. Kostoff and Schaller (2001) describe roadmapping asfundamentally linking social mechanisms and accordingly promoting a broader understanding across a company of science and technology development programmes, highlighting communication as key to the process (Lee et al. 2012). Albright and Kappel (2003) note, communication ideally creates a dialogue of alignment with customers as well as suppliers. An important issue here is that although TRM also refers to the idea that companies need to communicate and manage information effectively, there is concern as to how this communication both within organisations (e.g. cross-functional,geographical) and also across supply chains (e.g. buyer-supplier relationships, industrial consortia) can come together to shape the same TRM process.Two approaches to TRM can be undertaken, firstly, the ‘backward’ approach (retrospective analyses) which involves finding out how to reach a given target (which could be a business goal, a product or a process, or the fulfilment of a legislative requirement or a technology). Secondly, the ‘forward’ approach (prospective analyses) involves paying close attention on the future technology and market (Kostoff and Schaller 2001). This means requirements-pull starts with a desired technology or system or other end product and works backward to identify the critical research and development required to arrive at the end product. Whereas technology-push starts with science and technology projects or programmes either funded presently or proposed to be funded, and traces evolution forward to identify potential impacts (ibid). To achieve its full potential by adapting either of the approaches, existing research suggests that the TRM process should include six steps: identifying the needs and drivers; identifying products or services that meet these needs and drivers; identifying the required technologies to support these products or services; establishing the linkages among the first three steps; developing plans to acquire or develop the required technologies and; assigning resources to accomplish the plans for the acquisition and development of these technologies (Daim and Oliver 2008). The case of Rockwell Automation highlights the benefits of following these steps where TRM “became knowledge-capture and communication tools for the company” (McMillan 2003, p. 46). The roadmaps were seen as change agents, with TRM becoming an important driver of cultural change in management thought which following a problematic management buyout, allowed for gaps in the company core competencies to be filled. Other similar successful applications are highlighted in the pharmaceutical-biotechnology industry, which concur that successful TRM enables strong linkages between technology implementation and business needs (McCarthy 2003).It has been emphasised that for the most effective roadmapping and other management, decision aids need to be fully integrated into the strategic planning and business operations of the organisations (Kostoff and Schaller 2001; Phaal, Farrukh and Probert 2006). It is understood that roadmapping borrows heavily from the established disciplines of technology forecasting, strategic planning, and other long-standing future activities (Kappel 2001). There is the possibility that roadmaps can be integrated with other management techniques such as the Delphi method, portfolio methods, balanced scorecards, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, QFS, innovation matrix, technology intelligence techniques, bibliometrics analysis, citation network analysis, patent analysis, and product development (Amer and Daim 2010). Some of these approaches are closely related to TRM. For example, it has been argued that “scenario planning could enhance the flexibility and vision of roadmapping, capture and convey the full context of decisions, and enable anticipation of a broader range of possible changes” (Strauss and Radnor 2004, p. 53). TRM is also closely related to other graphical planning approaches such as PERT (program evaluation and review technique) and GANTT charts, highlighting that TRM works in harmony with other strategic approaches to an organisation’s capabilities and future planning. As Talonen and Hakkarainen (2008) argue stand-alone strategies are insufficient, business and technology roadmaps link company-wide strategic plans by integrating, synchronising and exploring them to allow operationalisation of the visual strategy.To date, the published literature on roadmapping is still sparse, despite an increase in the use of TRM by both academics and various industries (Amer and Daim 2010; Kostoff andSchaller 2001;). Consequently, there is a lack of standardised approach to TRM, with its practices varying widely because of the context of individual businesses and industry. There is also a lack of emphasis on the inclusion of key stakeholders in the TRM process to articulate and identify these key relationships and points of alignment (Cetindamar, Phaal and Probert 2010).4. Limitations of TRMTRM is not without its problems. The problems associated with TRM primarily are around starting the initial TRM process and developing a robust process (Phaal, Farrukh and Probert 2001d). It has been argued that there is little practical support available and companies typically re-invent the process. There have been some efforts to share experiences because of various forms roadmaps take and the specific business context in which they are applied (ibid). Efforts to overcome these problems have been sought. One solution including the T-Plan, developed by Phaal, Farrukh and Probert (2001c) where the unique characteristics of technology roadmap is composed of ‘architecture of knowledge’ (Yasunaga et al. 2009). The T-plan approach is based on a technological management framework that aims to create a balance between the technology push and the market pull (Phaal et al. 2004).A further problem in assessing the published roadmaps is the inability of the reader who is often the one determining their quality (Kostoff and Schaller 2001). The quality of the technology roadmap results depends on the number of participants, the multidisciplinary backgrounds, competences of experts involved in the definition of the forecast and the level of legitimacy in adopting a vision and using solutions depicted within the technology roadmap (Cuel 2005). The potential value of TRM is often high and its simple structure and。
