x 产品技术支持信息周报 (2014年1月第4版)
弹性模量 E (GPa)
泊松比 υ
柔性销 (17CrNiMo6) 套筒 (42CrMo4)
通过墙 的旋转 实现环 形套的 旋转并 不现实
(a) 裂纹扩展初期
(b) 断裂失效后期
裂纹由内向外 沿径向扩展
初步结论: 过盈连接的模型尺寸 缩小为原模型的1/5, 其过盈量也要缩小为 原模型的1/5才能保证 配合面的应力分布一 致。如有集中力作用, 集中力要缩小为原模 型的1/25才能保证配 合面的应力分布一致。
750-1160 150-350
第一组 校准 160 0.2399
1025 315
第二组 校准 159 0.2395
773 245
第三组 校准 160 0.24
977 300
( MPa)
断裂韧性K1c (MPa· m1/2)
巴西式拉伸强度σ t (MPa)
以下是详细总结:一、主要工作成就1. 在____KV变电站改造中,投入____万元,对平固店、十里铺变电站进行了增容,更换____台高损耗主变,总容量从18.9MVA提升至24MVA,显著降低了损耗,提升了供电能力,有力推动了上述两个地区的工农业发展。
2. 完成了全年的变电站预防性试验任务,有效保证了设备的正常运行,降低了设备事故率。
3. 在公司领导的指导和各部门的协作下,供电可靠率达到99.____%,电压合格率达到98.____%,均超过年初设定的目标。
4. 在____KV配网方面:完成投资____万元,新增____KV线路____公里,改造____KV线路____公里,新增及增容配变共计____台,显著提升了供电能力,以适应"家电下乡"政策的需求,缓解了农村地区配变容量不足的问题。
5. 投资____万元的高曲____KV变电站项目已启动建设。
x 产品技术支持信息周报 (2012年一月第三版)
X3500M3(7380)X3400M3(7379,7378)X3250M3(4251,4252)X3200M3(7327,7328)四.哪些服务器集成了VFA II?A:除了标准PCIe的VFA II Option(49Y7950)外,x3850X5/x3950X5/x3690X5上还标配了Integrated VFAII(SBB: 49Y7940)。
这三种机型上都有一个专用的槽位,只能用来安装Integrated Emulex VFAII(49Y7940)。
Integrated VFA II(SBB: 49Y7940)和VFA II Option (option PN: 49Y7950)在功能上完全一致。
因此,您可以选择预装了Integrated Emulex VFA II的服务器型号,也可以通过安装VFA II Option Card 的方式,来使用Emulex 10Gb VFA II for IBM System x。
五.VFA II for x和for Blade的比较?A:VFA II for System x和VFA II for BladeCenter都是基于Emulex BladeEngine 3(BE3) 芯片,功能上一致。
都是2个10Gb物理端口,支持多达8个vNIC,通过付费升级的方式支持FCoE和iSCSI功能(当启用FCoE 或iSCSI功能时,每个物理端口虚拟的4个vNIC中有一个作为FCoE或iSCSI连接,其余三个仍为vNIC)。
VFA II for System x的vNIC管理与设置和VFA II for BladeCenter相同。
VFA II for System x的FCoE License(49Y4274)已经于2011/12/9 GA, iSCSI License即将发布。
而VFA II for BladeCenter的FCoE/iSCSI License都已经发布(49Y4265)。
x产品技术支持信息周报(2014年五月第三版)【周报导读】一、X3850X6最多支持多少内存?二、X3950X6最多支持多少内存?三、X3250M5可以支持多少块硬盘?四、X3850X6标配什么网卡?五、X3850X6的PCI E插槽能否支持热插拔?六、CMM中如何改变计算节点的启动项?七、IO BOOK有哪几种?八、如何通过IMM安装操作系统?九、服务器CPU的基本功能?十、I NTEL超线程技术简介?【周报内容】一、X3850 X6最多支持多少内存?A: 使用RDIMMs: 配置4颗CPU时最多1.5 TB使用96x 16 GB RDIMMs 使用LRDIMMs:配置4颗CPU时最多6 TB 使用96x 64 GB LRDIMMs请参考以下红皮书:/Redbooks.nsf/RedbookAbstracts/tips1084.html二、X3950 X6最多支持多少内存?A: 使用RDIMMs:当配置8颗CPU时最多3TB使用192x 16 GB RDIMMs 使用LRDIMMs:当配置8颗CPU时最多12TB使用192x 64 GB LRDIMMs请参考以下红皮书:/Redbooks.nsf/RedbookAbstracts/tips1132.html三、X3250 M5 可以支持多少块硬盘?A: X3250 M5 可选的机型有:●Four 2.5-inch small form factor (SFF) SAS/SATA hot-swap drive bays●Eight 2.5-inch SFF SAS/SATA hot-swap drive bays●Four 2.5-inch SFF SAS/SATA simple-swap drive bays●Eight 2.5-inch SFF SAS/SATA simple-swap drive bays●Four 3.5-inch large form factor (LFF) SAS/SATA hot-swap drive bays●Four 3.5-inch LFF SATA simple-swap drive bays部分标配带M1115阵列卡或者N2115 HBA卡的机型可以添加选件00AL348 x3250 M5 HS 2.5" HDD 4 to 8 Upgrade Kit 升级到8块2.5寸硬盘,如果标配是H1110阵列卡的4块2.5寸硬盘机型不可以升级到8块硬盘,如下图所示:更多详细信息参考相关red book:/abstracts/tips1050.html?Open#disk_int四、X3850 X6标配什么网卡?A: 标配大部分的basemodel都是4个千兆网卡,也有标配带2个万兆的机型,具体情况参考下面表格:从上面表格可以看出,只有B3X的机型标配是Broadcom NetXtreme II ML2 Dual Port 10GbE SFP+的网卡,其他机型都市Intel I350-T4 ML2 Quad Port GbE Adapter (I350-AM4 based)。
Power&存储产品技术支持信息周报 (2012一月第二版)
Power&存储产品技术支持信息周报 (一月第二版)【周报导读】一. Power 740 支持的 PCI 槽位信息;二. 7216-1U2 配置;三. PS刀片服务器 中 CIOv/CFFh 属性的卡都有哪些 Features? 都支持哪些操作系统;四. 如何实现 Power720 的背板分离;五 . V7000 连接方式;六 .V7000 的兼容性;七 . V7000 Econfig 中 Cache/Battery 选项配置。
【周报详情】一. Power 740支持的PCI槽位信息:解答:目前,可以订购两款Power 740, 他们分别为:8205-E6B和8205-E6C。
其中:8205-E6B - with PCIe Gen1 Slots,默认支持4个标准的PCIe槽位,可以支持普通的PCIe 的卡。
8205-E6C – with Larger Memory and PCIe Gen2 Slots,默认支持5个Gen2 PCIe槽位,可以支持PCIe和PCIe2的卡。
另外,还可以通过扩展柜的方式扩展PCI槽位:可以通过内置的PCI扩展柜: fc#5685(PCIe Riser Card (Gen2)),扩展4个Low-Profile 的PCIe槽位。
支持Low-Profile的卡;该PCI扩展柜占用的是GX++ Slot1的槽位。
注意:如果是4C,6C或者8C的Power 740(只有一个Processor Module),只有一个GX+的槽位可用,此时,要么配置fc#5685,要么配置外置的扩展柜。
二. 7216-1U2配置:解答:1.简介7216-1U2,为最新推出的一款媒体抽屉。
Moxa UC-7112 Plus 7112 7110 快速安装指南(第五版,2014年1月)说明书
– 1 –– 2 – – 3 –P/N: 1802071100114UC-7112 Plus/7112/7110 Quick Installation GuideFifth Edition, January 20141. OverviewThe Moxa UC-7112 Plus, UC-7112, and UC-7110 are mini size RISC-based ready-to-run embedded computers that feature dual 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports and two RS-232/422/485 serial ports in a built-in µClinux ARM9 box. In addition, the UC-7112 provides an internal SD socket for storage expansion, to offer highperformance communication and unlimited storage in a super compact, palm-size box. The UC-7112 Plus, UC-7112, andUC-7110 are the right solutions for embedded applications that use a lot of memory, but that must be housed in a small physical space without sacrificing performance.2. Package ChecklistBefore installing the UC-7112 Plus/7112/7110, verify that the package contains the following items: • 1 UC-7112 Plus, UC-7112,or UC-7110 • Quick Installation Guide • Document & Software CD• Cross-over Ethernet cable: RJ45 to RJ45, 100 cm • Console port cable: CBL-4PINDB9F-100(4-pin header to female DB9 cable, 100 cm) • Universal Power Adaptor•Product Warranty StatementOptional Accessories •DK-35ADIN-Rail Mounting Kit (35 mm)NOTE: Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.3. Hardware IntroductionLED IndicatorsThe following LED indicators are located on the top panel of the UC-7112 Plus/7112/7110.UC-7112 Plus/7112/7110 Top ViewThe top view of the UC-7112 is shown in the following figure. The UC-7112 Plus and UC-7110 look similar, except that the UC-7110 does not have an internal SD slot.UC-7112 Plus/7112/7110 DimensionsThe dimensions of the three products are shown in the following figure.4. Hardware Installation ProcedureSTEP 1: Remove the UC from the box and attach the poweradaptor.STEP 2: Connect the UC’s serial console cable to your PC’s RS-232COM port for initial setup through the console terminal.STEP 3: Connect the UC to a network. Use a standardstraight-through Ethernet cable to connect to a hub or switch. When setting up or testing the UC, you might find it convenient to connect directly to your computer’s Ethernet port. In this case, use a cross-over Ethernet cable.STEP 4: Install Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card (UC-7112and UC-7112 Plus only)To install an additional SD card, you must first remove the UC-7112’s outer cover to access the slot. The internal SD socket is located at the back side of the UC-7112 on the bottom board; you can find the SD socket on the right, a little lower than the cover screw. Plug the SD card directly into the socket. To remove the card, press it in first, and then remove your finger. The card will pop out enough to allow you to remove it.STEP 5: Placement OptionsIn addition to placing the UC on a desktop or other horizontal surface, you may also make use of the DIN-Rail or Wall Mount options, as illustrated here.Wall MountDIN-Rail5. Software Installation ProcedureSTEP 1: Insert the UC’s CD-ROM into your Windows or Linux PC,and then use Acrobat Reader to read the UC-7112/7110 Series User’s Manual.STEP 2: Install the UC’s tool chain, which is on the CD-ROM. Thetool chain consists of the following components:1. UC Finder: Broadcast search for the UC’s IP address on your LAN. The UC supports both Windows and Linux environments.2. Cross Compiler: Arm-elf-gcc for µClinux platforms (UC-7112/7110), and Arm-linux-gcc for embedded Linux platform (UC-7112 Plus). Both options are C/C++ PC cross compilers, which are gcc compilers that run on an x86 PC, but create an execution file for Arm-based platforms, such as the UC-7112/7110.– 4 – – 5 – – 6 –/supportThe Americas: +1-714-528-6777 (toll-free: 1-888-669-2872)Europe: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Asia-Pacific: +886-2-8919-1230China: +86-21-5258-9955 (toll-free: 800-820-5036)2014 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.3. GNU C Library: The GNU standard POSIX C Library is supported for both the UC-7112 Plus’s Linux platform, and the UC-7112/7110’s uClinux platform. Glibc is for Linux and µClibc is for uClinux, which is an abbreviation for “microcontroller C library.” µClibc was created to support µClinux, a Linux port for MMU-lessmicrocontrollers, such as the ARM9 installed in the UC-7112/7110. For more information, visit .STEP 3: Edit source code on a Linux PC.STEP 4: Use the Cross Compiler to compile the source code, andthen use FTP to download the program to the UC.STEP 5: Run your program.6. System Commandsbusybox: Linux / µClinux normal command utility collection File manager cpcopy file ls list filelnmake symbolic link filemount mount and check file system rmdelete filechmod change file owner & group & user chown change file owner chgrp change file groupsync sync file system; save system file buffer to hardware mv move filepwd display active file directly df list active file system space du estimate file space usage mkdir make new directory rmdir delete directoryhead print the first 10 lines of each file to standard outputtail print the last 10 lines of each file to standard outputtouch update the access and modification times of each file to the current timeEditor vi text editorcat dump file contextgrep print lines matching a patterncut remove sections from each line of files find search for files in a directory hierarchy more dump file by one page test test if file exists or not echo echo stringProcess kill kill processkillall kill process by name ps report process statussleep suspend command on time (seconds)Networkping ping to test network route routing table manager netstat display network status ifconfig set network IP address tftp tftp protocoltelnet user interface to TELNET protocol ftpfile transfer protocoliptables-restore restore iptables configuration file to network iptablesiptables commandiptables-save save recent iptables configuration to file Otherdmesg dump kernel log message stty set serial portmknod make device nodefree display system memory usagedate print or set the system date and timeenv run a program in a modified environment clear clear the terminal screenreboot reboot / power off/on the server halthalt the servergzip, gunzip, zcatcompress or expand files hostname show system’s host name tartar archiving utilityMoxa special utilities cat /etc/version show user directory version upramdisk mount ramdisk downramdisk unmount ramdisk kversion show kernel versionfsversion show the root file system (firmware) version setinterface set UART interfaces program7. Pin AssignmentsDB9 MaleSerial Console Port*NC=Not Connected8. Environmental SpecificationsPower requirements 12 to 48 VDCOperating temp.-10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F), 5 to 95% RH Storage Temperature -20 to 80°C (-4 to 176°F), 5 to 95% RH Serial protection 15 KV ESD for serial port Magnetic isolation 1.5 KV for EthernetRegulatory approvals FCC Class A, CE Class A, UL, cUL, TÜV Warranty 5 years。
Lorex 14英寸4路黑白切换观察系统说明书
Instruction ManualEnglish Version 1.0MODEL:SG14S1042C-A Copyright ©2006Lorex Technology IncThank you for purchasing the Lorex 14”4-Channel B/W Switcher ObservationSystem. Lorex is committed to providing our customers with a high quality, reliable security product that customers have come to expect from us.With the new Lorex system, you are capable of viewing up to 4 cameralocations in real time. This system allows you to view Sequential cameras.Connect a time lapse VCR to this system to record key events, or addadditional Cameras to view more cameras. To learn more about this 14”B/WSwitcher system and to learn about our complete range of accessory products, please visit our website at:Explanation of two SymbolsCAUTION! TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVECOVER (OR BACK). NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateraltriangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of un-insulated"dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be ofsufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended toalert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance-(servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.THE GRAPHIC SYMBOLS WITH SUPPLEMENTAL MARKING ARE ONTHE BOTTOM OF THE SYSTEM.“WARNING –TO PREVENT FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSETHE UNIT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE”NOTEThis equipment has been certified and found to comply with the limits regulated by FCC, EMC and LVD. Therefore, it is designed to provide reasonable protection against interference and will not cause interference with other appliance usage. However, it is imperative that user follows this manual's guidelines to avoid improper usage which may result in damage to the unit, electrical shock and fire hazard or injury.In order to improve the feature functions and quality of this product, the specifications are subject to change without notice from time to time.GENERAL PRECAUTIONS1. Read Instructions -All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated.2. Retain Instructions -The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.3. Heed Warnings -All warnings on the product and in the operating instruction should be adhered to.4. Follow Instructions -All operating and use instructions should be followed.5. Cleaning -Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosolcleaners, use a damp cloth for cleaning.6. Attachments -Do not use attachments not recommended by the product manufacturer as they may causehazards.7. Water and Moisture -Do not use this product near water -for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchensink, or laundry tub; in a wet basement; or near a swimming pool; and the like.8. Accessories -Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The productmay fall, causing serious injury to a child or adult, and serious damage to the product. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with the product. Any mounting of the product should follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and should use a mounting accessoryrecommended by the manufacturer.9. A product and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force and unevensurfaces may cause the product and cart combination to overturn.10. Ventilation -Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable operationof the product and to protect it from overheating and these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug or other similar surface. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer’s instructions have been adhered to.11. Power Source -This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on themarking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your product dealer or local power company. For products intended to operate from battery power or other sources, refer to the operating instructions.12. Grounding or Polarization -This product is equipped with a three-wire grounding-type plug, a plug havinga third (grounding) pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding-type power outlet. This is a safety feature. Ifyou are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding-type plug.13. Power -Cord Protection -Power supply cords should be routed so that they are likely to be walked on orpinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles and the point where they exit from the product.14. Protective Attachment Plug -The product is equipped with an attachment plug having overload protection.This is a safety feature. See Instruction Manual for replacement or resetting of protective device. Ifreplacement of the plug is required, be sure the service technician has used a replacement plug specified by the manufacturer that has the same overload protection as the original plug.15. Lightning -For added protection for this product during a lightning storm,or when it is left unattended andunused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system.This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning and power-line surges.16. Power Lines -An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines orother electric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal.17. Overloading -Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords or integral convenience receptacles as this18. Object and Liquid Entry -Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they maytouch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.19. Servicing -Do not attempt to service this product yourself as opening or removing covers may exposeyou to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.20. Damage Requiring Service -Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualifiedservice personnel under the following conditions:a. When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged,b. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the product,c. If the product has been exposed to rain or water,d. If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only thosecontrols that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation,e. If the product has been dropped or damaged in any way, andf. When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance –this indicates a need for service21. Replacement Parts -When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has usedreplacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part.Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.22. Safety Check -Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask the service technician toperform safety checks to determine that the product is in proper operating condition.23. Wall or Ceiling Mounting -The product should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only as recommended bythe manufacturer.24. Heat -The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stovesor other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.Portable cart warningCONTENTS1. CAUTIONS & FEATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------42. SYSTEM INCLUDES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------53. MONITOR CONTROLS -FRONT PANEL ----------------------------------------------------------64. MONITOR CONTROLS -BACK PANEL ------------------------------------------------------------95. SETTING MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------106. STANDARD WIRED CAMERA & CAMERA INSTALLATION---------------------------------117. MONITOR CONNECTIONS & TROUBLE SHOOTING ----------------------------------------128. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------139. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1410. APPENDIX -A CONNECTING MONITOR TO STANDARD VCR -------------------------1511. APPENDIX -B CONNECTING TO SLAVE MONITOR ---------------------------------------1612. APPENDIX -C CONNECTING TO A LOREX TIME LAPSE VCRFOR ALARM REC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1713. APPENDIX -D CONNECTING TO A LOREX TIME LAPSE VCRFOR NORMAL REC. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1814. APPENDIX -E CONNECTING TO A LOREX DVRFOR NORMAL RECORDING ------------------------------------------------------------------------1915. APPENDIX -F CONNECTING TO A LOREX DVRFOR ALARM RECORDING --------------------------------------------------------------------------2016. WARRANTY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2117. CARE AND MAINTENANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------22CAUTIONS1. All the warnings and instructions of this manual should be followed2. Remove the plug from the outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid aerosol detergents. Usewater damped cloth for cleaning3. Do not use this unit in very humid and wet places4. Keep enough space around the unit for ventilation. Slots and openings of the cabinet shouldnot be blocked.5. During flashes of lightning or cracks of thunder, or when the system is not used for a longtime, unplug the system power supply and disconnect the antenna and cables to protect the unit from lightening or power surges.FEATURESMonitor Features:•Sequentially view up to 4 cameras•Metal cabinet with 4 camera inputs (4 DIN / 4 BNC and 4 audio RCA)• 2 way audio•Video loss detection warning•On screen viewing: date*time*camera•Remote control or main panel operation•Standby switch enables monitor screen to be turned off while recording•Multi-voltage system 100 –240VoltsStandard Camera Features:•1/4”CMOS B&W Camera•Built in speaker and microphone to allow for two way audio communication•Metal mounting bracketSYSTEM INCLUDES14”4-CHANNEL B&W MONITOR WITH REMOTE CONTROL 2 -1/4”CMOS B/W CAMERASWITH METAL STAND AND57 FT CABLEMONITOR CONTROLS -FRONT PANEL1. Infra-Red Receiver –Receives signal from remote control to the monitor.2/3. Volume –Decreases/Increases volume sound. Press “-”to decrease the sound level. Press “+”toincrease the sound level.4. Mute –This button will disable the audio feature from the camera to the monitor. The amber LED light will be on when the Mute button is selected. To restore, press the Mute button again.5. Menu –This button will access the On-Screen display feature. Press the Menu button to access the System Set-up Display. Each new screen is explained in detail in the next few pages. Use UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys (channel 1 –4) to move around and change settings.6. Alarm/AL/RS –This button activates the Motion Alarm detection. To deactivate, press this buttonagain. Also, resets the Alarm settings to the previous mode. 167891011121314171615452/3NOTE:If the alarm feature has been used by connecting external alarm devices (refer to Appendix C)to the monitor, the buttons will be disabled until the Alarm button has been pressed. Inthe event of more than one alarm occurs, the monitor will automatically sequence betweenthe camera locations to display the multiple alarm locations.7. Talk Button –By pressing and holding this button the user has the ability to talk to a specificcamera location. This button must be pressed the entire time, while talking. To listen to the camera location release the talk button. Note: This feature is only available with the wired cameras, which have two-way audio feature.8. VCR Button –This button will change the display from the camera inputs to the VCR Audio/Videoplayback and recording signal. The amber LED light located over this button will be ON when the VCR mode selection has been chosen. To return to the previous screen, press VCR again.9. Sequence Button–This button will place the unit into Sequential display mode. The amber LEDlight located over this button will be ON. In sequential display mode, the monitor will automatically rotate between the different cameras. Note, To automatically scan between the number of cameras connected, press the Menu button and set the channel without a camera to zero (00SEC). Also,a channel with a Video Loss will be skipped in sequencing.10. Channel 1–Displays Full screen of Camera 1.11. Channel 2–Displays Full screen of Camera 2.12. Channel 3–Displays Full screen of Camera 3.13. Channel 4–Displays Full screen of Camera 4.14. Microphone–Picks up sound around the camera.15. Brightness Control–Changes brightness of picture, turn left/right to adjust control.16. Standby Switch–This button will turn the unit into Standby Mode (the amber LED light will be ON).In Standby mode, the VCR Out terminal will still output signal. Pressing it again will turn the power ON (the amber LED light will be OFF). The master power switch, which controls the monitor is located at the back of the unit.17. Contrast Control–Changes contrast of picture, turn left/right to adjust control.MENU OSD / SCREEN SHOTS)1. TITLE SET2. TIME / DATE3. DISPLAY MODE4. ALARM MODE5. SEQUENCE6.ALARM HISTORY7. EXITTitle Set-Changes titles of each camera location (up to 8 characters).Time / Date-Changes the time and date.Display Mode-Changes location of screen display (Left/Right and On/Off options). Allows you to remove or activate the camera titlesSequence-The duration to which the monitor moves from one camera to another (adjustable). The Sequence time can be adjusted from 0 to 60 seconds.SEQUENCECH1 : 02SECCH2 : 02SECCH3 : 02SECCH4 : 02SECPUSH ↑↓←→, MENU KEYAlarm History-This button allows the user to view past alarm activity.1. Power -This button controls power to the entire unit . Depress the side with the ‘•’, to turn powerON. Depress the other side to turn the unit OFF. When the monitor is On, it is defaulted to Channel 1.2. VCR Audio /Video In -Use with A/V cables (not supplied) to receive audio and video from anexternal source (VCR).3. VCR Audio/Video Out -Use with A/V cables (not supplied) to transmit audio and video monitorto VCR.4. Slave Audio/Video Out -Use with A/V cables (not supplied) for use with a slave monitor.5. 6 Pin Din Camera Inputs -Channel 1-4 Camera inputs (for cameras with 6 Pin Din camerainputs).6. BNC Camera Inputs -Channel 1-4 camera inputs (for cameras with BNC Video outputs).7. RCA Audio inputs -Channel 1-4 Audio inputs (for cameras with RCA Audio output).8. Alarm Function Terminals -These terminals are used to connect external alarm devices suchas a motion sensor, door/alarm sensor, or time lapse VCR. Refer to Alarm Connection in the appendices for further details.SETTING MENUFeatures of the Remote Control. For more details on specific remote control features, refer to the Monitor featuresSTANDARD WIRED CAMERA1.Camera Lens –Delivers high quality image by using a 1/4”CMOS Image Sensor2.LED’s - 6 IR LED’s for night vision3. Speaker –Delivers sound from the monitor to the camera4. Camera Input –Connect cable to monitor5.Bracket –Metal bracket connects to camera for mounting to walls, ceilings or table6.Microphone –Picks up sound around the cameraINSTALLATIONCAMERA INSTALLATIONA. Camera UnitPermanent installation using metal camera bracketIMPORTANT NOTE:Keep camera installed away from direct sunlight. Also avoid places where humidity is high or unable to protect rain. The mounting bracket must be attached to a structural device such as wall stud or ceiling after using suitable fastener.If the system does not function properly, please check the following points.TROUBLE SHOOTINGMONITORPROBLEMREMEDYToo dark or bright pictureReadjust the CONTRAST or BRIGHTNESS controlsNO POWER Check for AC connectionPoor picture qualityClean the camera lens. Readjust the CONTRAST or BRIGHTNESS controls Picture but no sound Adjust the VOLUMEShrinking pictureCheck the condition of the POWER source No Picture Picture Flickering or Over ExposedCheck the cable for any lose connectionMake sure the camera is not facing any direct light or sunlightCAMERA1. Camera 1 InputConnect one end of the supplied 65ft cable to the first wired camera, the other end to camera Input 1.2. Camera 2 –4 InputsConnect optional/additional cameras to the camera 2-4 inputs using either the DIN or BNC camera inputs.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMONITORPicture Tube 14”B&WHorizontal resolution300 lines at centerCamera Capable Up to 4Camera Input 4 DIN / 4 BNCAlarm Inputs/Outputs 4 / 2Input signal1V p-p at 75 ohms terminatedPower Source Multi-voltage (AC100V –240 V, 60Hz, 1.0A)Power Consumption35 wattsOperating Temperature 32°F ~ 104°F (0°C ~ 40°C)Color White Metal cabinetWeight25 Lbs.Dimensions12.7”(W) x 12.5”(D) x 12.5”(H)STANDARD CAMERAImage Device1/4”CMOS image sensorPicture Elements510 H x 492 VLens 3.6mmIllumination 1.0 Lux@ F2.0 without LED0 lux@ F2.0 with LEDResolution 400 TV LinesShutter control Auto 1/60 -1/100,000Power requirement Powered from monitor via cableOperating Temperature14°F ~ 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)Weight13 oz (369 Grams)Dimensions 2.5”(W) x 4”(D) x 2”(H)Housings WhiteAs our products are subject to continuous improvement, SVII and its subsidiaries reserve the right to modify product design, specifications and prices, without notice and without incurring any obligation. E&OEOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESThe following accessories are available to add to your existing system.CABLETIME LAPSE VCROBSERVATION CAMERAS Extends viewing length from Camera to monitor. Available In 65, 100 and250 ft lengths Accessory PIR motion sensor observation system camera with 2 way audioUsed to record key events. Select From a 40 hour real time or 960 Hour time lapse VCRTO ORDER THESE ACCESSORY ITEMS OR FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIESSPECIALTY CAMERAS NIGHTVISIONWeatherproof Night vision accessory. Allows you to see in the dark up to 35-40 distance (for use with Observation system cameras)Protects observation camera From the sunSelect from a wideassortment Of specialty cameras (dome,Weatherproof, bullet,Waterproof, etc., to suitIndividual needsSUNSHADE HOUSINGCONNECTING MONITOR TO A STANDARD VCRPlease see the diagram below for connecting your VCR to the Monitor.NOTE:Ensure the Standard VCR’s channel is set to A/V Mode in order to ensure reception. Consult your VCR’s Owners Manual to set the VCR to this setting.* Important Note:To record the video signal only from the monitor use theVCR Audio/Video out terminals.To record the video out signal including on screen displayfeatures (e.g. Date, time, camera identification) use theVCR Audio/Video Slave/Monitor out terminals.CONNECTING TO SLAVE MONITORConnections to another monitor (e.g. Slave Monitor) can be made through “MONITOR OUT”as shown in the diagram belowCONNECTING TO A LOREX TIME LAPSE VCR FOR ALARM RECORDINGCONNECTING TO A LOREX TIME LAPSE VCR FOR NORMAL RECORDINGNOTE :When recording to a Digital Video Recorder, the DVR may indicate a Video Loss as the monitor sequences between channels. This Video Loss occurs because the monitor’s switching function is analogue, whereas the DVR is a digital product. Therefore a synchronization problem will result.The Solution to this problem is to adjust the Video Loss alarm sensitivity setting to 3 frames on your DVR unit, or simply disable the video loss function on your DVR. Please contact the manufacturer of your DVRif you require further assistance.NO 815 COM To N/O terminal on MonitorLOREX PRODUCT WARRANTYCARE AND MAINTENANCEPlease follow the following instructions to ensure proper care and maintenance of this systemKeep your monitor and camera dry. If it gets wet, wipe it dry immediately. Use and store your unit in normal temperature environment. Extreme temperatures can shorten the life of the electronic devices.Handle the monitor carefully. Dropping it can cause serious damageto the unit.Occasionally clean the unit with a damp cloth to keep it looking new.Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergentsto clean the unit.Keep the unit away from excessive dirt and dust. It can cause premature wear of parts.It’s all on the webProduct Information User ManualsQuick Start Guides Specification Sheets Software UpgradesFirmware Upgrades w w w.l o r e x c c t v.c o mV I S I T。
Shimadzu GC-2014C184-E014F 产品说明书.pdf_1718759513.25
GC-2014Big Performance & Small Space GC-2014Improved design and innovative technology for all of our injectors, detectors and fl ow controllers equal or surpass our GC-2010 the high-end technology leader.High PerformanceSuperior PerformanceLarge LCD, all digital gases control and auto-diagnostics inherited from the GC-2010 – “The Most advanced, easy-to-use interface”Easy OperationExcellent User InterfaceUse any column types for any analysis. Packed or capillary columns give you the freedom to choose the best technique for your measurement. Fully integrated multiple valve systems are made simple for optimum performance for SystemGC custom GC products.FlexibilityExpandability for Every SituationSimple nozzle replacement supports both capillary and packed columns.Our New FPD is used for all columnsDetectorsHolophotal Flame Photometric DetectorPhotomultiplierFilter Lens Nozzle The detectors have been completely redesigned, incorporating the GC-2010 detector designs for capillary analyses and the GC-14 detector designs for packed columns. This TCD-2014 unit is ideal for packed column measurements employing the semi-diffusion cell designInjection unitswith unsurpassed accuracyThe design of the SPL-2014 capillary column sample injection unit is based on the GC-2010 technology.This accuracy was unattainable with previous models.The packed column sample injection unit employs the proven design of the GC-14 injection unit.Easier to understand, simpler operationLarge display, help functions and pop-up screens Loaded with productivity-enhancing functionsEasy OperationA large LCD displays chromatograms and method parameters.This is a great improvement for Chromatopacs systems that do not have these real time displays.Graphical user interface enables quick setting of all analytical conditions.The built-in Help function almost eliminates need for familiarization training.Large displayshows most analysis details at a glance,ideal for Chromatopac users.Graphical popup screen that clearly indicates thepolarity so manual injection errors are prevented when using the dual packed column system.Polarity display prevents injection errorsEasy-to-understand Pop-up ScreensChromatogram display Graphical U/IBuilt-in Help FunctionLarge Display6Self-diagnosticsUnit control check Hardware diagnosis Save and check diagnosis logGC-2014250mmGC-14230mmSolenoid valve unitManual fl ow controllersAFCSpeci fi cationsDetectorsTemperature range Temperature settingNo. of units installed simultaneously Detector type 400°C max. (FID, TCD, FTD) 350°C max. (ECD, FPD) 1°C stepsUp to 4 units (restricted depending on detector type) FID, TCD, ECD, FPD, FTD for capillary/packedDual fl ow rate differential system400°C max.3pgC/s (dodecane)107Quartz glass Standard: for packed, Option: for capillaryFlame Ionization Detector (FID) SystemTemperature rangeMinimum detected quantityDynamic rangeNozzleThermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)System Temperature range Dynamic range Sensitivity Dual fl ow rate differential system400°C max.10540,000mV · mL/mg (built-in pre-ampli fi er, with 10 × ampli fi cation)Electron Capture Detector (ECD)SystemTemperature range Minimum detected quantity Dynamic range Fixed current system using 63Ni370MBq radiation source 400°C max.0.1pg/s (γ-BHC)104Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)Temperature range Dynamic rangeMinimum detected quantity 350°C max.P: 104S: 103P: 0.5pgP/s (tributyl phosphate) S: 8pgS/s (dodecane thiol)Flame Thermionic Detector (FTD)Temperature range Dynamic rangeMinimum detected quantity (Two types, one for capillary and one for packed. The speci fi cation are the same.) 400°C max.N: 103P: 103N: 0.4pgN/s (azobenzene)P: 0.05pgP/s (malathion)Display240 × 320 dot graphics display (30 characters × 16 lines)Dimensions, Weight, Power Requirements (GC main unit)Dimensions WeightPower Requirements 400 (W) × 690 (H) × 607 (D) mm48kg (GC-2014AF model)AC100V/120V 230V1800VA (GC-2014AF model) or2600VA (GC-2014AF model), 50/60HzColumn OvenTemperature range DimensionsOven capacity Temperature accuracy Temperature deviation Temperature variation coef fi cient Temperature program steps Programmed rate setting range Total time for all steps Linear heating rangeCooling rateColumns accepted (Ambient + 10°C) ~ 400°C (using liquid CO2 gas*: -50°C ~400°C)250 (W) × 360 (H) × 175 (D) mm15.8LSet value (K) ± 1% (calibration at 0.01°C increments)2°C max. (on 200mm dia. circumference 30mm from rear)0.01°C/°CUp to 20 (cooling program possible)-250°C ~ 250°C/min9999.99 minutes max.30°C/min up to 150°C20°C/min up to 250°C10°C/min up to 380°C7°C/min up to 400°C (at 25°C ambient temperature)300°C ~ 50°C in 6 min max. (at 25°C ambient temperature)Capillary columns: 2Packed columns for GC14B: 4 (Glass columns: 2)Sample Injection UnitTemperature rangeHeating settingsNo. of units installed simultaneously Sample injection unit types Up to 400°C1°C stepsUp to 3 unitsDual packed, single packed, split/splitless, direct, direct (AMC)Carrier Gas Flow Controller For Packed / DualFlow rate setting range Programmable steps Programmed rate setting range Correction function 0 ~ 100mL/min7-400 ~ 400mL/minMaintains column fl ow rate during column oven heatingFor Capillary Split/Splitless, Direct (Split/splitless injection mode)Pressure setting range Programmable steps Programmed rate setting range Split ratio setting rangeTotal fl ow rate setting range Correction function 0 ~ 970kPa7 (pressure-decreasing program possible)-400 ~ 400kPa/min0 ~ 9999.90 ~ 1200mL/minMaintains column average linear velocity during column oven heating (for capillary only)(Pressure mode direct injection)Pressure setting range Programmable steps Programmed rate setting range Correction function 0 ~ 970kPa/min7-400 ~ 400kPa/minMaintains column average linear velocity during column oven heating (for capillary only)(Flow-rate mode direct injection)Flow rate setting range Programmable steps Programmed rate setting range 0 ~ 1200mL/min 7-400 ~ 400mL/minFor Single Packed, Direct (AMC)Flow rate setting range Correction function 0~100mL/minMaintenance column fl ow rate during column oven heating*Optional parts are required to use liquid CO2 gas.。
说明:本翻译稿是按ISO8098-2014英文版翻译的中文标准,由于版权限制,我们把标准中的所有图片都删减了,抱歉,给大家带去了不便,这个是翻译稿,错误之处请包涵!不过内容都是逐条对应标准翻译的,可以参考使用!ISO8098-2014第三版:2014-06-15自行车——儿童自行车安全要求目录页码前言 0引言 01范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (1)4要求和试验方法 (8)4.1制动试验和强度试验—特别要求 (8)4.2毒性 (9)4.3锐边 (9)4.4与安全有关的紧固件的可靠性和强度 (10)4.5裂纹的检测方法 (10)4.6突出物 (10)4.7车闸 (11)4.8车把 (19)4.9车架 (30)4.10前叉 (32)4.11车轮 (34)4.12轮辋、外胎和内胎 (37)4.13脚蹬和脚蹬/曲柄驱动系统 (38)4.14鞍座与鞍管 (44)4.15链罩 (48)4.16平衡轮 (49)4.17行李架 (53)4.18照明系统和反射器 (53)4.19警告装置 (53)5说明书 (53)6标记 (55)6.1要求 (55)6.2耐久性试验 (57)附录A车把的几何位置 (58)附录B自由落体线速度的验证 (59)参考文献 (60)前言涉及版权,此处忽略引言本国际标准已经在应对全世界的要求,其目的是为了确保按照本国际标准制造出的自行车,能够在实际使用上尽可能的安全。
第2个电源选件 PN:60Y0332
第3、4个电源选件 PN:60Y0327(包括两个电源模块和1个power interposer)
所以4个电源的配置方法是:标机单电+ 1个60Y0332 + 1个60Y0327
八.BC HT如何添加I/O模块?
A:BC HT的I/O槽位不支持直接安装I/O模块,必须配合BC HT Interposer才能安装各类I/O模块。
x 产品技术支持信息周报 (2011年十二月第三版)
三.C100如何设置热备盘?A:1.选择Drive Management->Select Drive Operations,在Select Drive中选择需要设置为Hot Spare盘的硬盘,在Drive Operation中选择Assign Global Hot Spare Drive,然后选择Start Operation执行操作。
2.在Drive Management->View Global Hot Spare Drives中可以查看设置好的Hot Spare硬盘3.同样在Drive Management->Select Drive Operations界面中可以将Drive Operation选择为Unassign Hot Spare Drive来取消Hot Spare硬盘。
四.Linux下C100的驱动如何安装?A:C100 Llinux驱动安装方法比较特殊请参考下面的说明。
·sles10 sp4/support/fixcentral/systemx/quickorder?parent=ibm~Systemx3100M4&product=ibm/systemx/2582&&platform=SLES+10&function=fixId&fixids=ibm_dd_megasr_14.05.0701.2011_sles10_32-64&includeRequisites=1&includeSupersedes=0&downloadMethod=http&source=fc·sles11 sp1/support/fixcentral/systemx/quickorder?parent=ibm~Systemx3100M4&product=ibm/systemx/2582&&platform=SLES+11+x64&function=fixId&fixids=i bm_dd_megasr_14.05.0701.2011_sles11_32-64&includeRequisites=1&includeSupersedes=0&downloadMethod=http&source=fc·rhel6.1/support/fixcentral/systemx/quickorder?parent=ibm~Systemx3100M4&product=ibm/systemx/2582&&platform=RHEL+6&function=fixId&fixids=ibm_dd _megasr_14.05.0701.2011_rhel6_32-64&includeRequisites=1&includeSupersedes=0&downloadMethod=http&source=fc·rhel5.6/support/fixcentral/systemx/quickorder?parent=ibm~Systemx3100M4&product=ibm/systemx/2582&&platform=RHEL+5&function=fixId&fixids=ibm_dd _megasr_14.05.0701.2011_rhel5_32-64&includeRequisites=1&includeSupersedes=0&downloadMethod=http&source=fc五.C100软件阵列如何检查硬盘状态?A:选择Drive Management->View Drive Properties,在Select Drive上按回车可以看到硬盘的数量和状态,在图里中我们看到安装了2块500G的硬盘,状态是Unconfigured Good,可以配置阵列。
x x 产品技术支持信息周报产品技术支持信息周报产品技术支持信息周报( ( (三月第三版三月第三版三月第三版【周报导读】一 .x3100M3 未知设备驱动;二 .x3620M3 如何安装内存;三 .x3650M3 如何安装光驱;四 .x3850X5 的 I/O 插槽;五 .x3850X5 如何安装 QPI 卡;六 .x3850x5 如何上机架;七 .CTO 如何做 x3950X5 ;八 .Open Fabric Manger 分几种版本;九 .智能直通模块网口对应关系; 十 .五款刀箱的区别; 【周报内容】一.x3100M3未知设备驱动?A:x3100M3的服务器如果安装windows系统,建议安装win2008 64bit,装完系统后系统下未知设备驱动链接如下:芯片组/support/entry/portal/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-5082466&brandind=5000008网卡/support/entry/portal/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-54793&brandind=5000008显卡/support/entry/portal/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-5083515&brandind=5000008二.x3620M3如何安装内存?A:一颗CPU的的内存安装顺序:3、6、8、2、5 和 7两颗CPU的的内存安装顺序:3、11、6、14、8、16、2、10、5、13、7 和 15 具体请参考x3620M3的用户手册。
2010-12 第二期 System x 及相关存储产品技术支持信息周报一.x3620M3可以内置的磁带机A:x3620M3可以内置的磁带机是DDS6,选件号如下:39M5636 IBM DDS Gen 6 USB T ape Drive需要添加磁带机托架:69Y0798(IBM x3620 M3 USB T ape Drive Cage Assembly)。
支持的硬盘如下:三.如何关闭CPU超线程功能A:更改CPU选项,按F1进入到UEFI,选择System Settings,进入Processors,修改选项Hyper-Threading为Disable。
四.如何比较不同主机上VMware性能A:通过VISIAN tool可以比较不同主机上VMware性能。
VISIAN (VIrtualizationSIzingANalysis)分析及建议虚拟化的架构及Sizing,可以使用自动化工具CDAT收集现况服务器资料及使用率。
五.HX5内部是否有USB接口A:HX5和HS22内部均有一个USB接口,但是不支持外接USB端口,是用于与cKVM和可移动介质驱动器通信的USB 2.0。
六.BCH上的刀片服务器如何扩展串口A:Serial Port Breakout Cable for BladeCenter H, part number 40K9605。
七.DS3000如何连扩展柜A:DS3200/DS3300/DS3400/DS3500单控连扩展柜:DS3200/DS3300/DS3400双控连扩展柜:DS3950连扩展柜:八.DS3500以太网端口IPA:以太网端口使用以下缺省IP地址:控制器A上端口1为192.168.128.101控制器A上端口2为192.168.129.101控制器B上端口1为192.168.128.101控制器B上端口2为192.168.129.101这两个以太网端口的子网掩码为255.255.255.0九.安装Storage Manager提示版本太低A:低版本Storage Manager无法配置DS3500,需要下载新版本链接地址可参考(提示:需要注册):https:///usrsrvc/account/userservices/jsp/login.jsp?persistPage=true&p age=/webapp/set2/common/login%3Frtn%3Dfixcentral&PD-REFERER=none&error=十.DS3950标配的Partition个数A:DS3950标配两个最大可达128个Partition。
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x 产品技术支持信息周报 (2011年十一月第三版)
A:x3690X5两颗CPU如果加60Y0323这个内存扩展板的话,内存插的顺序如下图: 两颗CPU不加60Y0323这个内存扩展板的话,内存插的顺序如下图:二.刀片中心加上46M6172后,6C7191有几个接口?A:QLogic Virtual Fabric Extension Module46M6172标配外部10个口,加上QLogic Virtual Fabric Extension Module 46M6172,BNT Virtual Fabric 10Gb Switch Module 46C7191 外部只能用6个口。
三.BCE和BCH每根电源线的电流是多少?A:Blade Center E 2320w的电源每根电源线是13.8A,Blade Center H的电源线每根16A,Blower是5A,如图所示:四.MM管理模块里MGT1网口是哪个网口?A:MGT1这个网口在交换模块上,AMM的内部网口与这个网口相连来管理网络模块,如图所示:五.DS3500标配的Flashcopy、volumcopy的数量?A:标配2个Flashcopy,不带volumcopy。
添加:68Y8451 FlashCopy.Base 支持每个LUN 4个flashcopy68Y8452 FlashCopy.Upgrade to 8 per volume/64 per system 由4个升级为8个68Y8453 Volume Copy.Base 支持256个Volume copy六.DS3500的尺寸和功率?A:DS3512:Height: 3.39 in./86.16 mm, Width: 18.99 in./482.47 mm, Depth: 21.72 in./551.60 mm DS3524:Height: 3.47 in./88.07 mm, Width: 18.98 in./482.10 mm, Depth: 19.60 in./497.93 mm每个电源功率 585W,每个电源带有两个风扇,总共四个风扇。
2014 LX商品说明书
1 LX shown in Starfire Pearl // Options shown.3LX shown in Silver Lining Metallic // Options shown.2DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE.AND A FEW MORE THINGS THAT YOU CAN’T. THE UNPARALLELED 2014 LX.4LX shown in Nebula Gray Pearl // Options shown.56LX shown in Parchment leather with Mahogany wood trim // Options shown.7EXCEPTIONALL8LX shown in Silver Lining Metallic // Options shown.910LX shown in Parchment leather with Mahogany wood trim // Options shown.11LX shown in Silver Lining Metallic // Options shown.13The available Wide-view Front Monitor 16 captures a broad view of the forward and peripheral surroundings, which then displays on the Navigation15403 lb-ftt orque @ 3,600 rpm 1290% of maximum torqueavailable @ 2,200 rpm7,000-poundt owing capacity 13,14G. Available Wide-view Front and Side Monitor system 4 H. Blackleather interior with Mahogany trim I. Available Rear-SeatEntertainment System (RSES ) J. Electroluminescent instrumentation with multi-information display K. Steering-wheel controls L. USB connectivity1716 A. Transfer case, Crawl Control,11 vehicle height andsuspension controls B. Parchment leather interior with Mahogany trim C. Power open/close rear door D. Subscription-free Lexus Enform App Suite 7 E. Versatile rear seating F. Three-row, eight-passenger seating20Four-zone automatic climate control with smog sensor and automatic circulation mode // Lexus Memory System // Power tilt-and-slide moonroof // Power rear door // Leather-trimmed interior // Mahogany interior trim // 10-airbag system 20 // Navigation System 17 // Lexus Enform 7 one-year trial subscription // Lexus Enform App Suite 7 // Full-timefour-wheel drive // Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS ) with Active Height Control (X-AHC ) // Crawl Control 11 with T urn Assist // 14-way driver’s seat(including dual-function lumbar and cushion extender ) // Power-sliding,60/40-split middle-row seatwith 40/20/40-split seatback // Auto on/off High-Intensity Discharge (HID ) headlamps with Dual-swivel Adaptive Front Lighting System (AFS )21 // Wood- and leather-trimmed steering wheel and shift knob // Smart Stop technology 22 // T railer Sway Control 1820-in split-five-spoke alloy wheels 27 STANDARDKEYSTANDARD FEATURESPACKAGES WHEELS For complete list, visit /LX/featuresINDIVIDUAL OPTIONSMark Levinson 19-speaker 450-watt @ less than0.1% THD, 20–20,000 Hz 23 Reference Surround Sound Audio System 1 // Heated and ventilated front seats and heated second-row seats // Dual-screen DVD Rear-Seat Entertainment System (RSES )9 // Wide-view Front and Side Monitor system 4 with Intuitive Parking Assist // Pre-Collision System (PCS )15 and Dynamic Radar Cruise Control 24For complete list, visit /LX/options For complete list, visit /LX/packagesFor complete list of Genuine Lexus Accessories, visit /LX/accessoriesLUXURY PACKAGE WITH PRE-COLLISION SYSTEM AND DYNAMIC RADAR CRUISE CONTROLSemi-aniline leather-trimmed interior with contrast stitching // Heated steering wheel // Heated and ventilated front seats // Heated second-row seats // Mahogany-trimmed door switchplates and rear-center armrest cover // Front-seat cool box // SmartAccess 25,26 cardkeyLX shown in Silver Lining Metallic // Options shown.21HEIGHT 75.6 INKEY SPECS5.7L V87.5S12,28LX 570ENGINEPERFORMANCE12 / 17 / 1429FUEL ECONOMY, EPA-ESTIMATED RATINGS (CITY / HIGHWAY / COMBINED ) 4W D6-SPEEDSTANDARDDRIVETRAINSEQUENTIAL-SHIFT ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED TRANSMISSIONEST MPG0–60 INFor complete specs, visit /LX/specsWIDTH 77.6 INOVERALL LENGTH 197.0 INWHEELBASE 112.2 INHORSEPOWER383HP12TORQUE GROUND CLEARANCECARGO CAPACITY (MAX )TOWING CAPACITY403LB-FT 128.9IN83.1CU FT 57,000LB 13,1423EXTERIORSILVER LINING METALLIC STARFIRE PEARL NEBULA GRAY PEARLSATIN CASHMERE METALLICCLARET MICABLACK ONYX22INTERIOR BLACKLEATHERPARCHMENTLEATHERTRIMMAHOGANYFPOFSC Logo—, NOVEMBER 14, 2012“THE BIGGEST, MOST CAPABLE AND MOST OPULENT SPORT-UTILITY ON THE BLOCK.”WARRANTY Four-year/50,000-mile Lexus Limited Warranty. Six-year/70,000-mile Powertrain Warranty. Six-year/unlimited-mileage Corrosion Perforation Warranty. All warranties with zero deductible. See the LX Warranty and Services Guide at your Lexus dealer for details. DISCLOSURES 1. Mark Levinson ® is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Inc. 2. The LX 570 is designed to meet most off-road driving requirements. Abusive use may result in bodily harm or damage. Lexus encourages responsible operation to help protect you, your vehicle and the environment. Seatbelts should be worn at all times. Please do not allow passengers to ride in the cargo area. Tow hitch receivers/ball mount kits are not intended to provide crash protection. 3. The backup camera does not provide a comprehensive view of the rear area of the vehicle. Y ou should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm rearward clearance. Cold weather may limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 4. The Wide-view Front and Side Monitor does not provide a comprehensive view of the front and side areas of the vehicle. Y ou should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. Cold weather will limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 5. The Wide-view Side Monitor system does not provide a comprehensive view of the front passenger-side area of the vehicle. Y ou should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. Cold weather will limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 6. Cargo and load capacity limited by weight and distribution. 7. Always drive safely, obey traffic laws & focus on the road while driving. Apps/services vary by phone/carrier; functionality depends on many factors. Select apps use large amounts of data, you are responsible for all charges. Apps/services are subject to change. Apps identified by ™ or ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. For enrollment, cost and more details, see /enform. 8. Contact with the response center may not be available in all areas. Service Agreements required. A variety of subscription terms available; charges will vary. See for details. 9. A single-disc DVD player is standard. A separate DVD player or game system utilizing the center console’s video/audio inputs is required in order to use the split-screen function of the dual-screen system. 10. Headphones are for passenger use only. Do not use while operating vehicle. 11. Crawl Control is designed for driving on difficult terrain at low speeds. It assists the driver by controlling acceleration and braking, allowing the driver to focus on steering. The LX 570 is designed to meet off-road driving requirements, but off-roading is inherently dangerous. Always wear seatbelts. 12. Ratings achieved using the required premium unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91 or higher. If premium fuel is not used, performance will decrease. 13. Before towing, confirm your vehicle and trailer are compatible, hooked up properly and you have any necessary additional equipment. If gross trailer weight is above 5,000 lb (2,268 kg ), it is necessary to use a weight-distributing hitch with sufficient capacity. Do not exceed any Weight Ratings and follow all instructions and cautions from your trailer-hitch manufacturer and vehicle Owner’s Manual . The maximum amount you can tow depends on the total weight of any cargo, occupants and available equipment. 14. Please consult your Lexus dealer or Owner’s Manual for towing and load specifications. 15. The Pre-Collision System is designed to help reduce the crash speed and damage in certain frontal collisions only. It is not a collision-avoidance system and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving. System effectiveness depends on many factors, such as speed, driver input and road conditions. See Owner’s Manual for further information. 16. The Wide-view Front Monitor does not provide a comprehensive view of the front area of the vehicle. Y ou should also look around outside your vehicle and use your mirrors to confirm clearance. Cold weather will limit effectiveness and view may become cloudy. 17. Availability and accuracy of the information provided by the Navigation System or any SiriusXM™ and/or HD Radio™ services mentioned (if installed ) are dependent upon many factors. Use common sense when relying on information provided. Services not available in every city or roadway. Periodic Enform app updates do not include Navigation updates. Navigation updates are available at an additional cost from your local dealer. See Navigation Owner’s Manual or contact SiriusXM for details. 18. Trailer Sway Control (TSC ) is an electronic system designed to help the driver maintain vehicle control under adverse conditions. It is not a substitute for safe driving practices. Factors including speed, road conditions and driver steering input can all affect whether TSC will be effective in preventing a loss of control. See Owner’s Manual for details. 19. TORSEN ® is a registered trademark of Zexel Torsen, Inc. 20. All the airbag (AB ) systems are Supplemental Restraint Systems. All ABs are designed to inflate only under certain conditions and in certain types of severe collisions: frontal and knee ABs typically inflate in frontal collisions; side and side curtain ABs in side collisions; Roll-Sensing Curtain ABs at a severe tilt degree, roll or lateral G-force. In all other accidents, the ABs will not inflate. To decrease the risk of injury from an inflating AB, always wear seatbelts, sit upright in the middle of the seat as far back as possible and do not lean against the door. Do not put objects in front of an AB or around the seatback. Do not use a rearward-facing child seat in any front passenger seat. The force of an inflating AB may cause serious injury or death. See Owner’s Manual for further information/warnings. 21. The Adaptive Front Lighting System helps improve vision at night. Situations such as dirty windshield, rapidly changing light conditions or hilly terrain will limit effectiveness, requiring the driver to manually turn off. See Owner’s Manual for details. 22. Smart Stop Technology operates only in the event of certain simultaneous brake and accelerator pedal applications. When engaged, the system will reduce power to help the brakes bring the vehicle to a stop. Factors including speed, road conditions and driver input can all impact stopping distance. Smart Stop T echnology is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving and does not guarantee instant stopping. See Owner’s Manual for further details. 23. Continuous average power, all channels driven, at less than 0.1% THD; 20–20,000 Hz. 24. Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is designed to assist the driver and is not a substitute for safe and attentive driving practices. See Owner’s Manual for details. 25. The SmartAccess system may interfere with some pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators. If you have one of these medical devices, please talk to your doctor to see if you should deactivate this system. 26. The engine immobilizer is a state-of-the-art anti-theft system. When you insert your key into the ignition switch or bring a SmartAccess fob into the vehicle, the key transmits an electronic code to the vehicle. The engine will only start if the code in the transponder chip inside the key/fob matches the code in the vehicle’s immobilizer. Because the transponder chip is embedded in the key/fob, it can be costly to replace. If you lose a key or fob, your Lexus dealer can help. Alternatively, you can find a qualified independent locksmith to perform high-security key services by consulting your local Y ellow Pages or by contacting . 27. 20-in performance tires are expected to experience greater tire wear than conventional tires. Tire life may be substantially less than 20,000 miles, depending upon driving conditions. 28. Performance figures are for comparison only and were obtained with prototype vehicles by professional drivers using special safety equipment and procedures. Do not attempt. 29. 2014 EPA-estimated ratings. Actual mileage will vary.Lexus strives to build vehicles to match customer interest, and thus they typically are built with popular options and option packages. Not all options/packages are available separately, and some may not be available in all regions of the country. See for information about options/packages commonly available in your area. If you would prefer a vehicle without any or with different options, contact your dealer to check for current availability or the possibility of placing a special order. Specifications, features, equipment, technical data, performance figures, options, and color and trim are based upon information available at time of printing, are subject to change without notice, and are for mainland U.S.A. vehicles only. Some vehicles shown with available equipment. See your Lexus dealer for details. Lexus reminds you to wear seatbelts, secure children in rear seat, obey all traffic laws and drive responsibly. For more information, call 800-USA-LEXUS (872-5398) or visit . To learn more about your financing options, contact your Lexus dealer or call Lexus Financial Services at 800-874-7050. P4-021 (XX/13) 00217-LXBRO -14 Printed in U.S.A. (XXXM ) ©2013 Lexus.。
30Flat Cable Connector XG4The mainstream of circuit boardconnectors, meeting MIL standards with improved design.•With our new production system, we have improved the reliability and decreased the cost.•Space-saving box-type plug (XG4C) available.•The (XG4C) can be locked using the lock lever.•Conforms to MIL standards (MIL-C-83503)•UL standard component (file no. E103202)Ordering InformationSee ordering tables on the following pages.■Recommended WiresIDC1.27 mm (0.050 in.) pitch flat cable AWG28 (strand wire).Specifications■Materials/Finish*For standard 1.15µm gold plating.XG4AXG4C AppearanceMIL-type plugBox-type PlugRated current 1 A (at 20°C)Rated voltage 250 VACContact resistance 20 m Ω max. (at 20 mV , 100 mA max.)Insulation resistance 1,000 M Ω min. (at 500 VDC)Withstand voltage 500 VAC for 1 min. (leakage current 1 mA max.)Connector insertion 200 gf (0.44 lb.f) max. per terminalContact removal 40 gf (0.088 lb.f) min. (test gauge with 0.64-mm (0.025-in.)Usage durability 50 times min.Operating temperature-55°C to 105°CItem Mil-type plug XG4A. Box-type plug XG4C Housing PBT resin with glass (UL94V-0)/black ContactMoving end Brass/nickel base, 0.15 µm gold plated*TerminalBrass/nickel base, 0.2 µm tin platedMIL Type Plug with Long Lock – XG4A■DimensionsXG4A-@@31/@@71 (Straight dip terminals)XG4A-@@34/@@74 (Right-angle dip terminals)Flat Cable Connector XG431MIL Type Plug with Long Lock – XG4A■Ordering InformationUse in combination with strain-relief sockets.No. of contactsDimensions [mm (in.)]PolarityguidesModelStrain relief(with lock)A B C D E Set*Socket**(with open-end cover)1032.0 (1.26)17.5 (0.69)10.16 (0.4)21.8 (0.86)27.9 (1.1)38.8 (1.53)0XG4A-1071XG4A-10741XG4A-1031XG4A-1034 1437.1 (1.46)22.6 (0.89)15.24 (0.6)26.9 (1.06)33.0 (1.3)43.9 (1.73)1XG4A-1431XG4A-1434 1639.6 (1.56)25.2 (0.99)17.78 (0.7)29.5 (1.16)35.6 (1.4)46.5 (1.83)1XG4A-1631XG4A-1634 2044.7 (1.76)30.2 (1.19)22.86 (0.9)34.5 (1.36)40.6 (1.6)51.5 (2.03)1XG4A-2031XG4A-2034 26 52.3 (2.06)37.9 (1.49)30.48 (1.2)42.2 (1.66)48.3 (1.9)59.2 (2.33)1XG4A-2631 XG4A-2634 3057.4 (2.26)42.9 (1.69)35.56 (1.4)47.2 (1.86)53.3 (2.1)64.2 (2.53)1XG4A-3031XG4A-3034 3462.5 (2.46)48.0 (1.89)40.64 (1.6)52.3 (2.06)58.4 (2.3)69.3 (2.73)1XG4A-3431XG4A-3434 4070.1 (2.76)55.6 (2.19)48.26 (1.9)59.9 (2.36)66.0 (2.6)76.9 (3.03)1XG4A-4031XG4A-4034 5082.8 (3.26)68.3 (2.69)60.96 (2.4)72.6 (2.86)78.7 (3.1)89.6 (3.53)1XG4A-5031XG4A-50342XG4A-5071XG4A-5074 6095.5 (3.76)81.0 (3.19)73.66 (2.9)85.3 (3.36)91.4 (3.6)102.3 (4.03)1XG4A-6031XG4A-60342XG4A-6071XG4A-6074 64100.6 (3.96)86.1 (3.39)78.74 (3.1)90.4 (3.56)96.5 (3.8)107.4 (4.23)1XG4A-6431XG4A-64342XG4A-6471XG4A-647432Flat Cable Connector XG4MIL Type Plug with Short Lock – XG4A■DimensionsXG4A-@@32/@@72 (Straight dip terminals)XG4A-@@35/@@75 (Right-angle dip terminals)Flat Cable Connector XG433MIL Type Plug with Short Lock – XG4A ■Ordering InformationUse in combination with strict non-strain-relief socketsNo. of contacts Dimensions (mm [in.])PolarityslotsModelA B C D E F Straight dipterminalsRight-angledipterminals1032.0 (1.26)17.5 (0.69)10.16 (0.4)21.8 (0.86)27.9 (1.1)35.8 (1.41)0XG4A-1072XG4A-10751XG4A-1032XG4A-1035 1437.1 (1.46)22.6 (0.89)15.24 (0.6)26.9 (1.06)33.0 (1.3)40.9 (1.61)1XG4A-1432XG4A-1435 1639.6 (1.56)25.2 (0.99)17.78 (0.7)29.5 (1.16)35.6 (1.4)43.5 (1.71)1XG4A-1632XG4A-1635 2044.7 (1.76)30.2 (1.19)22.86 (0.9)34.5 (1.36)40.6 (1.6)48.5 (1.91)1XG4A-2032XG4A-2035 2652.3 (2.06)37.9 (1.49)30.48 (1.2)42.2 (1.66)48.3 (1.9)56.2 (2.21)1XG4A-2632XG4A-2635 3057.4 (2.26)42.9 (1.69)35.56 (1.4)47.2 (1.86)53.3 (2.1)61.2 (2.41)1XG4A-3032XG4A-3035 3462.5 (2.46)48.0 (1.89)40.64 (1.6)52.3 (2.06)58.4 (2.3)66.3 (2.61)1XG4A-3432XG4A-3435 4070.1 (2.76)55.6 (2.19)48.26 (1.9)59.9 (2.36)66.0 (2.6)73.9 (2.91)1XG4A-4032XG4A-4035 5082.8 (3.26)68.3 (2.69)60.96 (2.4)72.6 (2.86)78.7 (3.1)86.6 (3.41)1XG4A-5032XG4A-50352XG4A-5072XG4A-5075 6095.5 (3.76)81.0 (3.19)73.66 (2.9)85.3 (3.36)91.4 (3.6)99.3 (3.91)1XG4A-6032XG4A-60352XG4A-6072XG4A-6075 64100.6 (3.96)86.1 (3.39)78.74 (3.1)90.4 (3.56)96.5 (3.8)104.4 (4.11)1XG4A-6432XG4A-64352XG4A-6472XG4A-6475Type ModelLong lock XG4Z-0010Short lock XG4Z-001134Flat Cable Connector XG4Box-type – XG4C■DimensionsBox typeXG4C-@@31/@@1071(Straight dip terminals)XG4C-@@31/@@1074(Right-angle dip terminals)Flat Cable Connector XG43536Flat Cable Connector XG4Box-type – XG4C■Ordering InformationNote: The box-type plug can be locked using lock lever XG4Z-0011 (sold separately).No. of contactsPolarity storeDimensions [mm (in.)]ModelABCStraight dipterminalsRight-angle dip terminals 10020.0 (0.79)17.5 (0.69)10.16 (0.4)XG4C-1071XG4C-10741XG4C-1031XG4C-103414125.1 (0.99)22.6 (0.89)15.24 (0.6)XG4C-1431XG4C-143416127.6 (1.09)25.2 (0.99)17.78 (0.7)XG4C-1631XG4C-163420132.7 (1.29)30.2 (1.19)22.86 (0.9)XG4C-2031XG4C-203426140.3 (1.59)37.9 (1.49)30.48 (1.2)XG4C-2631XG4C-263430145.4 (1.79)42.9 (1.69)35.56 (1.4)XG4C-3031XG4C-303434150.5 (1.99)48.0 (1.89)40.64 (1.6)XG4C-3431XG4C-343440 1 58.1 (2.29)55.6 (2.19)48.26 (1.9)XG4C-4031XG4C-403450170.8 (2.79)68.3 (2.69)60.96 (2.4)XG4C-5031XG4C-50342XG4C-5071XG4C-507460183.5 (3.29)81.0 (3.19)73.66 (2.9)XG4C-6031XG4C-60342XG4C-6071XG4C-607464188.6 (3.49)86.1 (3.39)78.74 (3.1)XG4C-6431XG4C-64342XG4C-6471XG4C-6474Flat Cable Connector XG437■Cable Number and Contact PositionCable and corresponding contact no.The contact numbers are not printed on the connector. Use the trian-gular mark as a guide when wiring and designing circuit boards. For the cable number, count starting from the cable mark side as shown below.■Mated DimensionsPrecautionsManufacturing tools, polarity slots, and polarizing keys are available depending on model. Please contact Omron for more information.Conditions for automatic soldering (jet type)Soldering temperature:250°C ± 5°CContinuous soldering period: 5 seconds or lessHandling of XG4UDo not use or store XG4U’s in an environment condensed with mag-netic particles.XG4A2-level type right-angle terminal plug (terminal side)XG4MSocket (mating side)XG4ARight-angle terminal plug (terminal side)XG4AStraight terminal plug (terminal side)XG4U and XG4M and XG4C (Straight terminal)XG4U and XG4M and XG4C(Right-angle terminal)Terms and Conditions of Sale1.Offer; Acceptance. These terms and conditions (these "T erms") are deemedpart of all quotations, acknowledgments, invoices, purchase orders and other documents, whether electronic or in writing, relating to the sale of products or services (collectively, the "Products") by Omron Electronic Components LLC ("Seller"). Seller hereby objects to any terms or conditions proposed in Buyer's purchase order or other documents which are inconsistent with, or in addition to, these T erms.2. Prices; Payment. All prices stated are current, subject to change withoutnotice by Seller. Buyer agrees to pay the price in effect at time of shipment.Payments for Products received are due net 30 days unless otherwise stated in the invoice.3. Discounts. Cash discounts, if any, will apply only on the net amount ofinvoices sent to Buyer after deducting transportation charges, taxes and duties, and will be allowed only if (i) the invoice is paid according to Seller's payment terms and (ii) Buyer has no past due amounts owing to Seller.4. Currencies. If the prices quoted herein are in a currency other than U.S. dol-lars, Buyer shall make remittance to Seller at the then current exchange rate most favorable to Seller and which is available on the due date; provided that if remittance is not made when due, Buyer will convert the amount to U.S. dol-lars at the then current exchange rate most favorable to Seller available during the period between the due date and the date remittance is actually made. 5. Governmental Approvals. Buyer shall be responsible for, and shall bear allcosts involved in, obtaining any government approvals required for the impor-tation or sale of the Products.6. Taxes. All taxes, duties and other governmental charges (other than generalreal property and income taxes), including any interest or penalties thereon, imposed directly or indirectly on Seller or required to be collected directly or indirectly by Seller for the manufacture, production, sale, delivery, importation, consumption or use of the Products sold hereunder (including customs duties and sales, excise, use, turnover and license taxes) shall be charged to and remitted by Buyer to Seller.7. Financial. If the financial position of Buyer at any time becomes unsatisfactoryto Seller, Seller reserves the right to stop shipments or require satisfactory security or payment in advance. If Buyer fails to make payment or otherwise comply with these T erms or any related agreement, Seller may (without liability and in addition to other remedies) cancel any unshipped portion of Products sold hereunder and stop any Products in transit until Buyer pays all amounts, including amounts payable hereunder, whether or not then due, which are owing to it by Buyer. Buyer shall in any event remain liable for all unpaid accounts.8. Cancellation; Etc. Orders are not subject to rescheduling or cancellationunless Buyer indemnifies Seller fully against all costs or expenses arising in connection therewith.9. Force Majeure. Seller shall not be liable for any delay or failure in deliveryresulting from causes beyond its control, including earthquakes, fires, floods, strikes or other labor disputes, shortage of labor or materials, accidents to machinery, acts of sabotage, riots, delay in or lack of transportation or the requirements of any government authority.10. Shipping; Delivery. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Seller:1. Shipments shall be by a carrier selected by Seller;2. Such carrier shall act as the agent of Buyer and delivery to such carriershall constitute delivery to Buyer;3.All sales and shipments of Products shall be FOB shipping point (unlessotherwise stated in writing by Seller), at which point title to and all risk ofloss of the Products shall pass from Seller to Buyer, provided that Sellershall retain a security interest in the Products until the full purchase price is paid by Buyer;4. Delivery and shipping dates are estimates only.5.Seller will package Products as it deems proper for protection againstnormal handling and extra charges apply to special conditions.11.Claims. Any claim by Buyer against Seller for shortage or damage to theProducts occurring before delivery to the carrier must be presented in writing to Seller within 30 days of receipt of shipment and include the original trans-portation bill signed by the carrier noting that the carrier received the Products from Seller in the condition claimed. 12. Warranties. (a) Exclusive Warranty. Seller's exclusive warranty is that theProducts will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Seller (or such other period expressed in writing by Seller). Seller disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.(b) Limitations. SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENT ATION,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANT ABIL-ITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS.BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL SUIT ABL Y MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE. Seller further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or oth-erwise of any intellectual property right. (c) Buyer Remedy. Seller's sole obli-gation hereunder shall be to replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-complying Product or, at Seller's election, to repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the Product; provided that in no event shall Seller be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Seller's analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not sub-ject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Seller before shipment.Seller shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies, or any other materials or substances or environ-ments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.13.Limitation on Liability; Etc. SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL,INDIRECT, INCIDENT AL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CON-NECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY. Further, in no event shall liability of Seller exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.14.Indemnities. Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller, its affiliates andits employees from and against all liabilities, losses, claims, costs and expenses (including attorney's fees and expenses) related to any claim, inves-tigation, litigation or proceeding (whether or not Seller is a party) which arises or is alleged to arise from Buyer's acts or omissions under these T erms or in any way with respect to the Products. Without limiting the foregoing, Buyer (at its own expense) shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller and defend or settle any action brought against Seller to the extent that it is based on a claim that any Product made to Buyer specifications infringed intellectual property rights of another party.15.Property; Confidentiality. The intellectual property embodied in the Products isthe exclusive property of Seller and its affiliates and Buyer shall not attempt to duplicate it in any way without the written permission of Seller. Notwithstand-ing any charges to Buyer for engineering or tooling, all engineering and tooling shall remain the exclusive property of Seller. All information and materials sup-plied by Seller to Buyer relating to the Products are confidential and propri-etary, and Buyer shall limit distribution thereof to its trusted employees and strictly prevent disclosure to any third party.16.Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. No failure or delay by Seller in exercising any rightand no course of dealing between Buyer and Seller shall operate as a waiver of rights by Seller. (b) Assignment. Buyer may not assign its rights hereunder without Seller's written consent. (c) Law. These T erms are governed by Illi-nois law (without regard to conflict of law principles). Federal and state courts in Illinois shall have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute hereunder.(d)Amendment. These T erms constitute the entire agreement between Buyerand Seller relating to the Products, and no provision may be changed or waived unless in writing signed by the parties. (e) Severability. If any provision hereof is rendered ineffective or invalid, such provision shall not invalidate any other provision. (f) Setoff. Buyer shall have no right to set off any amounts against the amount owing in respect of this invoice.. (g) Definitions. As used herein, "including" means "including without limitation".Certain Precautions on Specifications and Use1.Suitability for Use. Seller shall not be responsible for conformity with any stan-dards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in Buyer's application or use of the Product. At Buyer's request, Seller will pro-vide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limita-tions of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combi-nation with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use.Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the partic-ular Product with respect to Buyer's application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases but the following is a non-exhaustive list of applications for which particular attention must be given: (i)Outdoor use, uses involving potential chemical contamination or electrical interference, or conditions or uses not described in this document.(ii)Energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, vehicles, safety equipment, and installations subject toseparate industry or government regulations.(iii)Use in consumer products or any use in significant quantities.(iv)Systems, machines and equipment that could present a risk to life orproperty. Please know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to this product.NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCT IS PROPERL Y RATED AND INST ALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.2.Programmable Products. Seller shall not be responsible for the user'sprogramming of a programmable product, or any consequence thereof.3.Performance Data. Performance data given in this publication is provided as aguide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty.It may represent the result of Seller's test conditions, and the users must corre-late it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to Seller's Warranty and Limitations of Liability.4.Change in Specifications. Product specifications and accessories may bechanged at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our prac-tice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed,or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifica-tions of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, spe-cial part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Seller representative at any time to con-firm actual specifications of purchased Product.5.Errors and Omissions. The information in this publication has been carefullychecked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors, or omissions.6.RoHS Compliance. Where indicated, our products currently comply, to the bestof our knowledge as of the date of this publication, with the requirements of the European Union's Directive on the Restriction of certain Hazardous Sub-stances ("RoHS"), although the requirements of RoHS do not take effect until July 2006. These requirements may be subject to change. Please consult our website for current information.OMRON ON-LINEGlobal - USA - Canada - http://www.omron.caCat. No. JB301-E3-01Printed in USAOMRON CANADA, INC.885 Milner AvenueT oronto, Ontario M1B 5V8416-286-6465OMRON ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS LLC55 E. Commerce Drive, Suite B Schaumburg, IL 60173847-882-22883/05 Specifications subject to change without noticeComplete “Terms and Conditions of Sale” for product purchase and use are on Omron’s website at – under the “About Us” tab, in the Legal Matters section.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.T o convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. T o convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.。
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A:X240集成的网卡Embedded 10Gb Virtual Fabric Ethernet LAN-on-motherboard (LOM) controller要支持FCoE 和 iSCSI需要添加升级选件 90Y9310 IBM Flex System Embedded 10Gb Virtual Fabric Upgrade . 请参考:
A:3500M4 塔式服务器,要添加 5U 的转换盒 转换成机架式服务器,选件号是 81Y7006 Tower to Rack
Conversion Kit 请参考:
四.3530M4 2.5寸热插拔机型如何升级为8硬盘
A:3530M4 2.5寸热插拔机型标配可以安装4块2.5寸热插拔硬盘,H1110阵列卡不支持升级到8硬盘,
94Y6386 4 x 2.5in Hot-Swap SAS upgrade assembling kit
00D4487 IBM HS SAS assembling kit for ServeRAID M1100/M5100 Series upgrade
五.3750M4 升级到16硬盘
A:标配的4硬盘背板 SBB-88Y7438 IBM 4x 2.5" HS SAS/SATA/SSD HDD Backplane,要升级到16硬盘,需要去掉标配的4硬盘背板 然后分别添加88Y7419 IBM 8x 2.5" HS SAS/SATA/SSD HDD Backplane 和 88Y7421 IBM 8x 2.5" HS SAS/SATA/SSD HDD Backplane with controller expansion两个8硬盘背板
A:有3种选件90Y6454 、90Y6456(此种卡不支持现在E5-2600 v2 processor-based models ) 、49Y7980 。
2.如果3650M4是单cpu时,加90Y6454需要添加一个风扇46W8422 。
七.3650M4 8块2.5升级到16硬盘用什么选件
A: 有2种可以用,一种是69y5319;还有一种是00D9490 ,但是用这种卡需要第二块阵列卡。
1. 16位程序, 1MB寻址空间
2. PCI设备ROM和代码空间非常有限,限制了可安装的板卡数量和板卡支持的功能
3. BIOS的高级功能有限
4. BIOS的微码是整体的,非模块化的
UEFI兼容BIOS, 优先UEFI,若要强制BIOS启动,只需将Legacy Only 启动项添加到需
A:进入远程管理端口,System Information,Enclosure identity LED ,change,turn on(开启)。