

简单介绍陈家祠英文导游词简单介绍陈家祠英文导游词The introduction of Chen clanacademyThe Chen Clan Academy(陈家祠)is an academic temple in Guangzhou, China ,built by the 72 Chen clans for their juniors’accommodation and preparation for the imperial examinations(科举) in 1894 in Qing Dynasty .Later it was changed to be the Chen Clan’s Industry College, and then middle school afterward. Now it houses the Guangdong Folk Art Museum(广东民间工艺博物馆). The Chen Clan academy is notable for the rich decorations which exist inside, outside the halls and in almost every beams, ridges, walls and columns. This make the Chen Clan Academy a large collection of wood carving(木雕), stone carving (石雕),brick carving(砖雕), pottery(陶器),plaster(石膏)and iron engraving(铁雕刻).篇二:陈家祠导游词陈家祠P59讲解路线【简介】——【建筑特点】——【一进(大门外)】——【二进(首进大厅和聚贤堂)】——【后进】——【西斋和厢房】【简介】陈家祠位于广州市中山七路,又称陈氏书院。

土火之艺——馆藏历代瓷展览Exhibition of Pottery and Porcelain through Dynasties2009/11/17前言水、土、火的碰撞,产生了绚丽多彩的瓷文化。
IntroductionCollision of water, clay and fire gave rise to colorful pottery and porcelain culture. Pottery is a treasure of humankind. However, porcelain is an important contribution of the Chinese nation to the world civilization. China won its name as "Country of Porcelain".As early as the Neolithic Age, Chinese people had already got to know how to make and use pottery. Proto-porcelain had been made in the Shang Dynasty. Mature green glazed porcelain was made in the Eastern Han Dynasty and had well developed in the Three Kingdoms, the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties, and the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry reached its first peak of development. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry developed to a summit stage.Porcelain had begun to export in the Tang Dynasty. In the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, large quantities of pottery and porcelain exported from the East Sea andthe South China Sea to East Asia, Central and West Asia, Africa, Europe and America, which witnessed the glory .Therefore the oversea trade line was also named as “Road of Porcelain”.Pottery was first made in Guangdong in the early Neolithic Age. In the Jin Dynasty, green glazed porcelain was made. In the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, ceramic industry developed well and exported to foreign countries. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shiwan pottery and Kwon-glazed porcelain had enjoyed a high reputation at home and abroad.A history of Chinese pottery and porcelain reflects not only an overview of cultural history of China, but also shows the history in terms of economy and trade, arts and crafts, maritime, foreign trade and so on制瓷:瓷器是如何制造出来的1、采泥:制作瓷器的原料主要有瓷土、瓷石、高岭土、长石等。

介绍广州省博物馆英语作文The Guangdong Provincial Museum is a must-seeattraction in Guangzhou. It houses a vast collection of artifacts and exhibits that showcase the rich history and culture of the region. From ancient pottery and bronze ware to traditional costumes and folk art, the museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the heritage of Guangdong.Visitors to the museum can explore various themed galleries, each offering a unique perspective on the province's history and culture. One can learn about the ancient maritime Silk Road, the Lingnan school of painting, and the traditional craftsmanship of Guangdong. The museum also hosts special exhibitions that highlight different aspects of the region's cultural heritage.In addition to its permanent and temporary exhibitions, the Guangdong Provincial Museum also features educational programs and activities for visitors of all ages. From guided tours and workshops to lectures and cultural events,there are plenty of opportunities to engage with the museum's collection and learn more about Guangdong's rich cultural heritage.The museum building itself is a modern architectural marvel, with its striking design and spacious galleries providing a fitting setting for the treasures within. The museum's facilities are well-maintained and visitor-friendly, making it a comfortable and enjoyable destination for tourists and locals alike.Whether you're a history buff, an art enthusiast, or simply curious about the cultural heritage of Guangdong, the Guangdong Provincial Museum is a must-visit destination in Guangzhou. With its diverse collection, engaging exhibitions, and educational programs, the museum offers a unique and enriching experience for all who visit.。


博物馆英文导游词篇一:广东省博物馆英语导游词Goodmorningeveryone.Todaywewillgotoaninterestingplace——Guangdo ngmuseum.now,iwilltellyousomethingaboutit.各位早上好,今天我们将去一个非常有趣的地方——广东省博物馆,现在就让我把它介绍给你们吧!itislocatedinzhujiangnewTown.anditisinthecentreoftheGuangzhou.ithas67 000squaremetersbig.ThereareeightexhibitionhallsintheGuangdongmuseu m.Theexhibitionhallsareaboutgeologyandlandform、mineralresources、Gem、medicinalherb、animal、oceanandancientlivingcreature.So,letusgoinside!它坐落于珠江新城,在广州的市中心,它有67000平方米大,里面有8个展馆,分别是地质地貌馆、矿产资源馆、宝石馆、中草药馆、陆生野生动物馆、海洋馆、古生物馆。
现在我们就一起进去看看吧!Theappearanceofpotteryhadchoserelationshipwithourdailylife.now,thepott eryalwaysuseindecorate.陶瓷器的出现与人们的日常生活有着密切的关系。
intheTangandSongdynasties,thechineseceramicindustryreacheditsfirstpea k.Sincethe9thcentury,chineseceramicshasexportedonalargescaletoEastasia,Southeastasiaandtheeastcoastofafrica.唐宋时期迎来了我国陶瓷业的第一个发展高峰。

土火之艺——馆藏历代陶瓷展览Exhibition of Pottery and Porcelain through Dynasties2009/11/17前言水、土、火的碰撞,产生了绚丽多彩的陶瓷文化。
IntroductionCollision of water, clay and fire gave rise to colorful pottery and porcelain culture. Pottery is a treasure of humankind. However, porcelain is an important contribution of the Chinese nation to the world civilization. China won its name as "Country of Porcelain".As early as the Neolithic Age, Chinese people had already got to know how to make and use pottery. Proto-porcelain had been made in the Shang Dynasty. Mature green glazed porcelain was made in the Eastern Han Dynasty and had well developed in the Three Kingdoms, the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties, and the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry reached its first peak of development. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry developed to a summit stage.Porcelain had begun to export in the Tang Dynasty. In the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, large quantities of pottery and porcelain exported from the East Sea andthe South China Sea to East Asia, Central and West Asia, Africa, Europe and America, which witnessed the glory .Therefore the oversea trade line was also named as “Road of Porcelain”.Pottery was first made in Guangdong in the early Neolithic Age. In the Jin Dynasty, green glazed porcelain was made. In the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, ceramic industry developed well and exported to foreign countries. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shiwan pottery and Kwon-glazed porcelain had enjoyed a high reputation at home and abroad.A history of Chinese pottery and porcelain reflects not only an overview of cultural history of China, but also shows the history in terms of economy and trade, arts and crafts, maritime, foreign trade and so on制瓷:瓷器是如何制造出来的1、采泥:制作瓷器的原料主要有瓷土、瓷石、高岭土、长石等。


303. 清代是潮州木雕的鼎盛时期。

广东省非遗艺术展英语作文Delve into the rich tapestry of Guangdong's cultural heritage, where the intangible cultural arts are celebratedin a splendid exhibition. This showcase is a vibranttestament to the province's deep-rooted traditions, atreasure trove of artistic expressions that have been passed down through generations. From the intricate embroidery ofthe Chaoshan region to the melodic strains of Cantonese opera, the exhibition is a feast for the senses, inviting visitorsto immerse themselves in the heartbeat of Guangdong'scultural soul.The exhibition hall is a labyrinth of cultural delights, where each corner reveals a new facet of Guangdong's artistic legacy. Here, the ancient craft of paper-cutting unfolds,with delicate designs that tell stories of the past and present. The air is filled with the scent of ink and therustle of brushes, as calligraphy masters demonstrate thefluid grace of Chinese characters, each stroke a dance of ink on rice paper.Visitors are enchanted by the lifelike puppets of the Pinghua puppetry, a tradition that brings tales of folkloreto life with a blend of artistry and storytelling. Nearby,the rhythmic beats of the lion dance resonate, a spectacle of color and movement that embodies the spirit of celebrationand community.Not to be missed is the Guangdong music section, where the harmonious melodies of the Erhu and the Pipa weave a sonic tapestry that speaks to the heart. The exhibition is a living, breathing embodiment of the province's cultural diversity, a celebration of the past that looks towards the future with pride and hope.As you navigate through the exhibition, it's not just the art that captivates; it's the stories behind them, the hands that have crafted them, and the hearts that have cherished them. This is more than an art exhibition; it's a journey through time, a dialogue between the ancient and the modern, and a celebration of the enduring legacy of Guangdong's intangible cultural arts.。

漆木精华——潮州木雕艺术展览Beauty IsGilt WoodChaozhou Woodcarving Art Exhibition前言Introduction第一部分源流篇History第一单元发展期1. Initiation第二单元成熟期2. Maturation第三单元兴盛期3. Prosperity第四单元衰退期4. Declination第五单元复兴期5. Rerising第二部分制作篇Craftsmanship第一单元材料1.Materials第二单元工具2.Tools第三单元雕刻技法 3.CarvingTechniques第一组沉雕1)Intaglio第二组浮雕2)Relief第三组圆雕Altorelievo第四组通雕Openwork第四单元制作工序 4.WorkProcess第一组整料1)Materialpreparation第二组起草图2)Drafting第三组上草图3)Printing第四组凿粗坯4)Printing第五组细雕刻5)Finecarving第六组髹漆贴金6)Coating 第三部分艺术篇Art第一单元丰富多彩的题材内容1. Variety of Themes第一组人物类1)HumanFigures第二组自然物像类2)NaturalImages第三组几何图案类3)Geometric Patterns第二单元形式多样的构图布局2.Diversity of Composition1、第一组格律体构图1)Metric Composition2、第二组平视体构图2)Isometric Composition第三组立视体构图3)Perspective Composition二、第三单元灵活多变的艺术手法Adaptability of ArtisticSkills1、第一组周身布饰1)Spread Decoration第二组巧设路径2) Artful Cohesion2、第三组合理夸张3)Adequate Exaggeration 第四组数艺并施4)Combined Techniques第四单元独具特色的总体装饰4. Unique Overall Decoration3、第一组黑漆装金1)Foil coating on blacklacquer background4、第二组五彩装金2)Foil coating on colorfulbackground第三组本色素雕3)Natural color woodcarving第四组漆画菁华4)Lacquerpainting第四部分器用篇Utilization第一单元建筑饰件 1.Architectural Decorations第二单元礼祭器具2. RitualVessels第三单元家具陈设 3.Furniture placement第五部分欣赏篇More Exhibitsfor Appreciation结束语Epilog前言潮州木雕是我国著名的民间传统木雕流派之一,主要流行于粤东的潮州、潮安、饶平、普宁、汕头、澄海、潮阳、揭阳、揭西、惠来等旧潮州府属地区,以此故名。

接下来是小编为大家整理的关于2021广东省英语导游词,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!2021广东省英语导游词1Welcome to Dongguan. The first thing we need to pay attention to when we come to Dongguan is the pronunciation of our city name. Many friends who came here before read it as "Dongwan" just because there is an idiom called smile. You are very happy. We Dongguan people don't agree. How can we become a bowl? Dongguan is only rich in a kind of aquatic plants, called guancao. Its pronunciation is "Guan". It is also in the east of Guangzhou, so it gradually has the name of Dongguan.Some people may want to ask, what is the use of guancao? It used to be very useful in the past. It was hot in Guangdong. In the past, Cantonese used to have mats on their beds all year round. What kind of mats were they made of? This is guancao! At that time, it was also exported to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia in bulk, because the weather there was also very hot! In the past, when students from Guangdong went to Beijing to study, everyone took a mat instead of a mattress. In winter, there was only one mat on the bed board. When the school leaders checked the students' dormitories, they almost burst into tears. They quickly asked the students' office to subsidize him with a mattress. As a result, when they went to see it in a few days, the mattress was supplemented, but there was also a mat on it. Therewas really no way to take them. This is our guancao The huge attraction of Xi! But now the grass industry in Dongguan is miserable. Because people's living standards have improved and every family has been equipped with air conditioners, the industry has come to an end. Now if you want to see the grass mat in Dongguan, you have to go to the museum!OK, now our car is in the center of Dongguan City. Do you see the ancient city building in front of us, which is a bit like Tiananmen Square? That is the west gate of Dongguan. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. Some tourists are surprised that Dongguan has a long history. In fact, Dongguan has a much longer history than this. The first official office was set up here by the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. Dongguan county was set up in the Three Kingdoms period, and Dongguan county was set up in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Unfortunately, it was Dongguan County until 1985. Look at us here. We have been a county for nearly 2000 years!What is more, what is the reason why, in the past, there was no such thing as Dongguan in history. Destructed opium in the town, such as "Humen tobacco", everyone knows it, but Humen is just a town in Dongguan. Everyone who reads history books knows Humen, but no one knows Dongguan. If we had named Dongguan tobacco for that year, then Dongguan would have known destructed opium.This tower is called Yingen tower. It is said that during the Hongwu Period of the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates often came here to plunder. At that time, there was no barrier around Dongguan. So a general named Chang ran led the army and the people to build a city wall and four gates around Dongguan. The whole wall was 1299 feet long, which surrounded the wholeDongguan City. At that time, the gate was closed, xiaori Let's jump outside the city! No matter whether it's a ninja or a tortoise, it can't get in.Moreover, the city wall has the function of flood control. When there is a flood in summer, the city gate is blocked with sandbags, so that the city will not be flooded. It's really making the people rich. Therefore, the people of Dongguan have a lot of feelings for this building. Even though the urban area is changing, they are reluctant to demolish the old building. Now they have invested a lot of money to rebuild the surrounding area into xichengmen Cultural Square, which has become an important place for citizens to have leisure and entertainment and hold large-scale festivals. You can see that behind the ancient city building is the newly built four-star hotel in Dongguan. Does it feel like "five thousand years at a glance" standing here?Well, our car continues to show you around the city. Have you noticed that there are many majestic motorcycle mounted policemen on the streets of Dongguan? This is our 110 public security police in Dongguan. They are very quick. They promise to arrive at the scene within 5 minutes when they report the case. But there is one. They don't wear white police uniforms, but colorful camouflage clothes. So some tourists say that Dongguan seems to be under military management. Don't get me wrong. Our Dongguan is not under military management, but the police are armed police. So they wear this kind of green clothes, maybe because everyone likes green. You don't see our Dongguan How good is the greening of the block? The roads are like gardens.However, Dongguan was not so beautiful in the past, but now it is mainly forced by Shenzhen, because Dongguan and Shenzhen are both built on the same 107 national highway. Onceupon a time, people from Shenzhen moved Miaopu to the street, and then they went to Dongguan, where, wow, there are houses everywhere. The whole big construction site is full of mud trucks, The cement road has changed into a yellow mud road. There are some small trees on the roadside occasionally, and the leaves are also covered with a layer of ash powder. Therefore, the environmental reputation of Dongguan was bad at that time. Now you can see that there are several green belts on the roadside, including dark green trees, light green grass, red flowers and golden petals. We are all proud to live here!OK, now look at the car window. Do you see the strange building with Chinese style cornice and glazed tile roof in the front and Western style factory building in the back? That is the branch of the famous Swiss Nestle coffee company in Dongguan. They may have designed the gate and wall of the factory with glazed tile roof to express their respect for Chinese culture, but the factory keeps its western architectural characteristics, which is a typical reflection of the characteristics of Dongguan industry, that is, Sino foreign joint venture.Dongguan is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangdong Province, mainly Hong Kong compatriots. There is a saying in Hong Kong that "one out of every 10 Hong Kong people is from Dongguan". There is also a saying in Dongguan that "every Dongguan family has at least one relative in Hong Kong.". Some people may not understand the relationship between this and Dongguan industry. This is because at that time, Hong Kong received many foreign orders for toys, electronics and other processing. It was too expensive to produce labor in Hong Kong. Therefore, after favorable policies, they all moved their factories to the mainland one after another. Where is thebest place to move to the mainland? Of course, it's moving to a place close to you and where you have acquaintances. So Dongguan became their first choice.Now, it's no longer just small-scale Hong Kong private enterprises setting up factories in Dongguan. Many well-known international companies have also chosen Dongguan, such as the famous Nokia company, the Nestle coffee company we saw just now, and the company that produces the golden overlord battery. There are also many large factories in Taiwan, all of which are listed companies in Taiwan. Some of the factories set up here are as large as a few in one factory Ten thousand people! For example, the largest Yuyuan shoe factory produces famous brand sports shoes such as Nike, Adidas and fina. There are nearly 100000 people in one factory! According to media reports, one of the ten pairs of sports shoes in the world is made in Dongguan, and 80% of the world's mice are made in Dongguan. This achievement is also the result of the efforts of a large number of foreign workers and technicians. Therefore, the number of local residents in Dongguan is 1.5 million, while that of foreign ones is 3 million.Great changes have taken place in Dongguan. In the past, it was just a small town. You can know from many local place names, such as Huangcun, Zhangcun, yajiaowei, niushitang and so on. But now there are no villages in those places. They are all high-rise buildings and wide streets in the urban area. Therefore, niushitang has changed its name to aozhitang, because its pronunciation is the same as that of "niushitang" in Guangdong, but it's different when it's written. It's not so ugly to hang a road sign high up like this.Many towns below Dongguan are no longer rural towns. Ifyou have the chance to visit Chang'an and Zhangmutou in Dongguan these days, you may have to marvel that they are small Hong Kong! Dongguan has a total area of 2465 square kilometers. If you ask how many cities and villages there are, I can hardly answer you. Because Dongguan's countryside is also like a city with high-rise buildings, just take a look at the road from Dongguan to Houjie Town, which we are going to pass. It's full of factories, shops and houses. We can no longer find the boundary between towns.Everyone can see that there are many luxuriant trees on both sides of the road, full and round crown, that is the famous litchi tree! If you come to Dongguan from May to June, you can see that these big trees are all covered with red litchi. I remember that a poet once praised them as "flying flame to cross the sky" and "red cloud tens of thousands of weight". That's true.As we all know, the biggest characteristic of litchi is that it can't be stored. Bai Juyi said that it changes color in one day, fragrance in two days, taste in three days, and color and fragrance in four or five days. That's why the story of Yang Guifei's "riding the princess of the red world and laughing". Now with modern means of transportation, it becomes "a plane, everyone laughs.". Have you ever laughed in your hometown? However, no matter how fresh it is, it's better to come to our litchi village in Dongguan, pick the biggest and reddest one from the litchi tree by hand, crack the skin, and bite it so delicious! That's a real laugh!So welcome to Dongguan litchi market. The litchi varieties in Dongguan are the best in Guangdong. We don't eat litchi from other cities. However, Dongguan's good varieties of litchi are very concentrated in the market, which is relatively short. Only in the tens of days from May to June every year, the rest of the time,such as March Red in March and April and black leaves in July and August, are not good varieties. So you should not come in those few months. If you come to Dongguan and eat bad varieties of litchi, why don't you go back and say bad things about Dongguan litchi Is bad our Dongguan litchi name, then our litchi can not agree!2021广东省英语导游词2For thousands of years, the coexistence of multi religions, mutual prosperity and prosperity in the old Guangzhou City have demonstrated the broad mind of the south Guangdong. All kinds of religions take root in this city, which has a wonderful beginning for modern people to trace their roots and ask their ancestors. And the more intelligent Lingnan scholars sincerely sigh: "rather than the daoyue people's admiration for Dharma Zen master and the sixth ancestor Huineng, they are more familiar with the allusions derived from them."Isn't that right? Perhaps, with a little experience, Xiguan people can point out the exact location of "the birthplace of the West -- the ancient coast" by the narrow, old, popular and noisy stone streets without thinking. Because the anecdotes and anecdotes buried in them are interesting for generations, and "the birthplace of the west" is the treasure of Xiguan people's long companions. There is a stone tablet on Xiajiu Road, which says "come to the ancient shore from the west" - this is to commemorate the Indian Dharma monk's eastward mission to China.That's a story of a long time In the 1920s, in the ordinary years of Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty (520-527), that is, in the southern and Northern Dynasties period when the ancient poem "Peacocks Fly southeast and wander five li", the area along Xiajiuroad was an ancient coast with waves and water. In order to spread Buddhism, Dharma, the third son of the king of Tianzhu, traveled across the ocean. After three years of hard sailing, he finally arrived in Guangzhou City in the 620s. Dharma landed at xiuyifang wharf. At that time, the scene of "Buddhism landing" must be quite spectacular.After Dharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism, came to China, people built a missionary building near Xiuyi square, called Xilai temple. Today, the names of xilaizheng street, xilaixi street and xilaidong street in Xiajiu road are all named in memory of Dharma Chan's preaching, and are also related to the name of xilaian. Dharma, the founder of Fengshen Xiaoshu, came from the east of India, preached Buddhist scriptures and broadcast alms in Xilai temple, which played an important role in enlightening the establishment of Chinese Zen Buddhism. Later believers respected dharma as the ancestor of Chinese Zen Buddhism, so they called his landing place "Xilai birthplace" and Xilai Temple "Xilai Temple".For thousands of years, the coexistence of multi religions, mutual prosperity and prosperity in the old Guangzhou City have demonstrated the broad mind of the south Guangdong. All kinds of religions take root in this city, which has a wonderful beginning for modern people to trace their roots and ask their ancestors. And the more intelligent Lingnan scholars sincerely sigh: "rather than the daoyue people's admiration for Dharma Zen master and the sixth ancestor Huineng, they are more familiar with the allusions derived from them."Isn't that right? Perhaps, with a little experience, Xiguan people can point out the exact location of "the birthplace of the West -- the ancient coast" by the narrow, old, popular and noisystone streets without thinking. Because the anecdotes and anecdotes buried in them are interesting for generations, and "the birthplace of the west" is the treasure of Xiguan people's long companions. There is a stone tablet on Xiajiu Road, which says "come to the ancient shore from the west" - this is to commemorate the Indian Dharma monk's eastward mission to China.That's a story of a long time In the 1920s, in the ordinary years of Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty (520-527), that is, in the southern and Northern Dynasties period when the ancient poem "Peacocks Fly southeast and wander five li", the area along Xiajiu road was an ancient coast with waves and water. In order to spread Buddhism, Dharma, the third son of the king of Tianzhu, traveled across the ocean. After three years of hard sailing, he finally arrived in Guangzhou City in the 620s. Dharma landed at xiuyifang wharf. At that time, the scene of "Buddhism landing" must be quite spectacular.After Dharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism, came to China, people built a missionary building near Xiuyi square, called Xilai temple. Today, the names of xilaizheng street, xilaixi street and xilaidong street in Xiajiu road are all named in memory of Dharma Chan's preaching, and are also related to the name of xilaian. Dharma, the founder of Fengshen Xiaoshu, came from the east of India, preached Buddhist scriptures and broadcast alms in Xilai temple, which played an important role in enlightening the establishment of Chinese Zen Buddhism. Later believers respected dharma as the ancestor of Chinese Zen Buddhism, so they called his landing place "Xilai birthplace" and Xilai Temple "Xilai Temple".This nunnery dates back to Sui, Tang, song, yuan, Ming andQing Dynasties, and there are many lanterns. In the 12th year of Shunzhi (1655 A.D.), Zen master Zongfu first built the main hall, then built the Pavilion Hall, and changed Xilai temple to "Hualin Temple". The temple was one of the four Buddhist forests in Guangzhou at that time.In the 29th year of Daoguang (1849), the abbot of the temple, monk Zhiyuan, began to build a 500 arhat hall. Sitting in the north and south, it has a water polished green brick wall, a granite footwall, a hard top, a gray plastic tile ridge, a Lu Hui tube, and a glass hook on the cornice. The plane is in the shape of a field, with a width of 31 meters and a depth of 44 meters. In addition to offering the three treasures Buddha, 500 clay statues of Arhats with different expressions are also displayed.The five hundred Arhats are resplendent in shape, posture, expression and character. They are all alike. They can be seen in meditation or in games. Their actions and actions show the characters' character. They are superb. Among them is a wooden statue of Marco Polo, an Italian traveler, which is now in the Corell Museum in Venice. In front of the 500 arhat hall, there is a seven storey white marble relic tower built in 1701, the 40th year of Kangxi. Its exquisite shape and exquisite workmanship are unique in Guangzhou.Five hundred Arhats were destroyed in the "Cultural Revolution". In June 1986, the temple was reopened after being rebuilt, and funds were raised to rebuild the five hundred Arhats. Luohantang is now a municipal cultural relic protection unit.Up to now, Hualin temple is still full of incense. Although there are only a few faithful men and women who actually twist Buddhist beads and recite scriptures, many city people still have a common heart of praying for blessings on the first and thefifteenth day of the lunar new year. They burn incense in the temple, kowtow, chant scriptures, spend a spiritual Sunday, and enjoy a clean spirit in the dust. In the temple, 500 Luo Chong sits upright in rows, lifelike and lifelike. Sitting in the corridor of the temple, he is quiet and quiet. In the silent power of the Buddha, he shows his compassionate view of human feelings. This is a treasure that Cantonese people enjoy counting. It is a shadow of Zen and a pure land in the bustling and vulgar world. In the transcendent and mysterious atmosphere, it has accumulated a long history of Qinpi Chenxiang and human feelings. This nunnery dates back to Sui, Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and there are many lanterns. In the 12th year of Shunzhi (1655 A.D.), Zen master Zongfu first built the main hall, then built the Pavilion Hall, and changed Xilai temple to "Hualin Temple". The temple was one of the four Buddhist forests in Guangzhou at that time.In the 29th year of Daoguang (1849), the abbot of the temple, monk Zhiyuan, began to build a 500 arhat hall. Sitting in the north and south, it has a water polished green brick wall, a granite footwall, a hard top, a gray plastic tile ridge, a Lu Hui tube, and a glass hook on the cornice. The plane is in the shape of a field, with a width of 31 meters and a depth of 44 meters. In addition to offering the three treasures Buddha, 500 clay statues of Arhats with different expressions are also displayed.The five hundred Arhats are resplendent in shape, posture, expression and character. They are all alike. They can be seen in meditation or in games. Their actions and actions show the characters' character. They are superb. Among them is a wooden statue of Marco Polo, an Italian traveler, which is now in the Corell Museum in Venice. In front of the 500 arhat hall, there is a sevenstorey white marble relic tower built in 1701, the 40th year of Kangxi. Its exquisite shape and exquisite workmanship are unique in Guangzhou.Five hundred Arhats were destroyed in the "Cultural Revolution". In June 1986, the temple was reopened after being rebuilt, and funds were raised to rebuild the five hundred Arhats. Luohantang is now a municipal cultural relic protection unit.Up to now, Hualin temple is still full of incense. Although there are only a few faithful men and women who actually twist Buddhist beads and recite scriptures, many city people still have a common heart of praying for blessings on the first and the fifteenth day of the lunar new year. They burn incense in the temple, kowtow, chant scriptures, spend a spiritual Sunday, and enjoy a clean spirit in the dust. In the temple, 500 Luo Chong sits upright in rows, lifelike and lifelike. Sitting in the corridor of the temple, he is quiet and quiet. In the silent power of the Buddha, he shows his compassionate view of human feelings. This is a treasure that Cantonese people enjoy counting. It is a shadow of Zen and a pure land in the bustling and vulgar world. In the transcendent and mysterious atmosphere, it has accumulated a long history of Qinpi Chenxiang and human feelings.2021广东省英语导游词3Ladies and gentlemenhello everyone! Next, I will visit yudalong garden, a large ecological park with the theme of appreciating ancient trees. The name of yudalong garden means rich, developed and prosperous. It contains the sincere and good wishes of the builders to all guests and friends who come to visit the park. I believe that after visiting the garden, you will be rich, developed and prosperous.Yudalong garden was invested and built by Mr. Zhang song,an honorary citizen of Zengcheng City and a compatriot of Hong Kong. It was started in October 1996 and took more than two years to complete. With the theme of ecological appreciation of ancient trees, the garden integrates science, knowledge and education to create a big urban garden. The whole garden covers an area of 12000 mu, about 800000 square meters. The designer takes the idea of "water turtle, Ruyi and auspicious", uses turtle shaped hills surrounded by water on three sides, according to the natural terrain, along the mountain and water with the inner and outer ring path, to build the pattern of "water turtle". In Chinese traditional culture, dragon, Phoenix, Lin and turtle are collectively called "four spirits". The first three are only legendary animals. Today, only "turtle" is the real God and auspicious animal. The tortoise's slow movement and shrinking head in the face of the enemy is the natural way of Taoist Laozi's "living in a soft place", which contains the broad connotation of traditional Chinese philosophy and culture. The garden collects all kinds of ancient trees from all over the country and parts of foreign countries, such as three thousand year old Podocarpus and Osmanthus fragrans, five hundred year old Baila, three hundred year old Hunan camellia, and some foreign rare varieties, such as Java kapok, Japanese evening cherry, etc. the total age of the ancient trees in the garden is more than 100000 years. At the same time, the garden skillfully planted flowers, such as Luoyang peony, all kinds of roses, tulips, azaleas, orchids There are more than 400000 pots of flowers. And in the luxuriant flowers and trees in the scattered, ingenious placement of different shapes, wonderful stone, and engraved on the stone meaningful thinking of the text of poetry, after viewing, make you endless aftertaste.OK, now let's enter the garden and follow the path of thesightseeing bus to enjoy the charming landscape of yudalong garden[Fengming terrace]Now the first thing we see is the first scenic spot of the garden, "Fengming terrace". This is a small hill built by hand, and it is also the head of the whole "water turtle". On the platform of the hill, there are four fine leaved banyan trees with luxuriant branches and leaves. The leaf covers of the four trees are complementary to each other. The shape of the four trees is like a phoenix with its head facing south and its wings flying high to welcome the guests from all directions. Please listen carefully. Behind the hill comes the sound of the waterfall, which is like the sound of the Golden Phoenix. Therefore, it is named "fengmingtai". On both sides of fengmingtai, three groups of banyan trees are planted, including Golden banyan, fine leaf banyan, flower leaf banyan and flower leaf chuiya banyan, forming two vivid green long dragons, which are called "shuanglongbi". The two scenes echo each other, forming the meaning of "dragon and Phoenix presenting auspiciousness".In front of fengmingtai is a large-scale indoor square, love square, which looks like a flying seagull. It can accommodate 500 people to watch various performances at the same time, and has tea house, craft hall and other specialty stores. The trees in front of the square are cycads, which are transplanted from Cambodia. Three of them are more than 100 years old. On our right hand side is a "mini" golf driving range for leisure and fitness.[tea garden]Now we are in the tea garden. On our right hand side, there are all "two-color" camellia trees, all transplanted from Hunan, and some from Shaoshan, Chairman Mao Zedong's hometown.They are all about 100 years old. In the Spring Festival every year when the flowers bloom, each tree grows red, white based double color camellia. On the top right of Camellia, the towering trees are Java kapok transplanted from Indonesia. On the left side of the lake is planted the "human heart fruit" tree, which is named because the fruit looks like the "heart" of the same person.[ancient pagoda tree facing the wind]With the car, we came to the "locust forest". In front of us on the right, I believe you've noticed a big tree supported by big Bluestone. It's a Sophora longclaw tree that has been transplanted back from Hangzhou for more than 200 years and is known as "the first Sophora in the south of the Yangtze River". Because its branches and leaves grow like dragon claws, it is named "Robinia pseudoacacia". And next to the locust trees also have their own characteristics.Close to the south of huaishulin, there is a peacock made of red grass and green grass, which is vividly displayed in front of you. On the north side is the "green bamboo stream", which is mainly planted with bamboo, and has a half hill Pavilion and waterfall. It is a good place to avoid summer and relieve summer heat.[Lizhi mountain · Dujuan mountain]Zengcheng is a famous town of litchi, so yudalong garden has planted litchi, one of Zengcheng's "four treasures", in addition to collecting all kinds of ancient trees from all over the country and parts of foreign countries. Now we come to "litchi mountain · Dujuan mountain". On our right, the whole mounta in is planted with different varieties of litchi trees. In addition to litchi trees, there are more than ten varieties of rhododendrons on the mountain, woven into different patterns. In March, theflowers are blooming all over the ground, which is very brilliant and unforgettable. At the foot of litchi mountain, there are two air rooted banyan trees. Their fibrous roots have been honed for years, and they have grown into tree trunks. They are more than 300 years old. Beside them, there is a high mountain banyan tree, which is famous for its big age, thick trunk and beautiful shape. The lakeside on the other side of litchi mountain is the fishing area. Interested tourists can have a taste of the fun of "Jiang Taigong fishing, those willing to take the bait". The island opposite Diaoyutai is called Rose Island. The island is full of roses of all kinds, including diamond, Elizabeth, Huang Heping, red victory, gold medal and so on. In addition, the lakeside around the island is full of Hibiscus mutabilis. The color of Hibiscus mutabilis changes three times a day. It is pink in the morning, pink at noon and bright red in the afternoon.Please take your eyes back from the romantic Rose Island and have a look at our lovely elephant garden. On your right is a family of four elephants woven with red grass and green grass. Is it very realistic? The big tree behind qunxiang garden is the ash tree transplanted from Hubei Province. It only grows in some areas of Hubei Province and is very precious. This tree has a long life. In this garden, there are all ash trees of several hundred years old. Its autumn leaves are orange yellow and deciduous. Next to the "white wax garden", there is also a tall tree, Indian red sandalwood, which is a long green tree. Its wood is hard and its furniture is very durable. Because of the difficulty in processing, its products are very precious.Cherry gardenIn the garden, we also transplanted the national flower of Japan - Cherry blossom. All the small trees planted on the lawn。

广州广东省博物馆英文导游词Each visitor:How are you, welcome you to Guangzhou to travel, I am your guide DAVID.Province museum in Guangdong is a province class comprehensive sex museum in China.Be located in an old address of the mountain university in civilization road in province Guangzhou City, Guangdong.Raise to set up in 1957, open in 1959.Cover area 29,000 square meters.Province museum in Guangdong is located in civilization road, including three parts:Museum exhibition building, the Kuomintang is one big old address, Lu fast museum.Museum exhibition the building is a brand-new building, with it flank of Kuomintang a big and Lu the fast museum form two kinds of very different styles.Guo Mo if museum in Guangdong.The building hides an article to regard place cultural object as principle, total more than 124,000 pieces, have a porcelain and ceramics, calligraphy, carry Yan, gold wood carving and coin and sprout a cultural object...etc...A class hides article more than 300 pieces.The delicacy contains national only generation Chen Rong Mo, Long Tu, of Sung, and Manchu dynasty monkey Wang Duan Yan, the north Sung Xi rather first year(1068) white enamel Gautama be like.The current new building is lately- set up in 1992, a have modern facilities of lately display a mansion, the on all sideses of building are all white ectypes, famous person Sun Yat-sen andfamous history affairs in Guangdong of Guangdong respectively, the tiger door sells smoke etc., the new building contains 13 exhibition halls, 2 preface halls and an academic report hall.Display area 2197 square meters, display the south of mansion, display 3 iron cannon and more than 300 year agos that the Opium War period Chinese the armed forces and people anti- shot, England invades to sink into a piece of more than 8000 cattieses in the English virtuous county in the open heavy Yun iron.《Ancient history in Guangdong 》 displays, there is total of 2123 exhibition article, systematically display ancient histories, such as politics, economy, culture and transportation...etc. in Guangdong.《Modern history in Guangdong 》displays, the exhibition article is 1244.Reflected to exercise from Opium War to peace Kingdom of Heaven anti- feudalism conflict of the anti-aggression of people in period Guangdong and ocean's working the rise of exercising race capitalism in period Guangdong industry is as capable as Kang, the beam Qi is super for the propertied class Reformist Movement of head, also introducing Sun Yat-sen revolution activity and allies in early days will of establish and it at two many times widely launching rise in arms and emphasized to express Xin Hai Nian"three?19"Guangzhou start revolution to start revolution with Wu Chang.The clock building is a part of Gong hospital in Manchu dynasty Guangdong;1905 changes to two widely hurriedly seminars behind, two excellent teacher schools Fan;Change to a literature excellent normal school in Guangdong in 1912;Be easily named University of Guangdong in 1924;Change to medium mountain university in 1926.The clock building center door is the arch form pillar gallery in the park, the first half department of building is two Cengs, empress the half department 1 F, thewhole building is a brick wood structure, its flat surface"mountain" form.Because the on all sideses of building all have clock, past clock building.The clock building is praised as "the headquarter of revolution" with the square of its front.The Kuomintang national congress is a hall in this clock building to convene for the first time.Now already resume a general assembly at that time of original shape, chairman's on the stage hangs Sun Yat-sen to be like with Kuomintang party ensign, set next or so carry out a member of committee seat at the time for the center, representative's seat six rows contain serial number and name.The Yao thinks those early years, Guangzhou is a revolution base, clock building the hall and square become total country two parties leader the usually attendant crowd holds a meeting of place in the center, the fame is "the headquarter of revolution".See the small tree in the past photograph again, now has been already grown up and shields from wind rain for the cradle of this revolution.The clock building even once was the precursor of mountain university in now, the clock building second floor western on the side was the mountain university school administration room in those early years, the bedroom and utility room of board room and Lu fast Sir.So still have the Lu fast Sir the decoration before the body here, three flavor studios that attend school when young from he, arrive the dwelling place of later Shanghai to decorate, and various wood-carved, Lu fast Sir the literature creation at each period thought, the whole variety that thought process.The building successively united with university in Hong Kong Ping Ping Shan's museum, Hong Kong Chinese university cultural object building and Gu plum private's museum in Macau to hold exhibitions like 《stone gulf porcelain and ceramics 》,《 clearly pure method book in Guangdong 》, 《 Guangdong first Qin sprout cultural object 》, 《Su six Tang Yao Zhis in companion calligraphy and paintings 》, 《Guangdongs to sprout porcelain and ceramics 》, 《Guangdong to sprout Jin cultural object Tang 》 ,etc.。

广东省博物馆导游词文档4篇Guide words of Guangdong Provincial Museum编订:JinTai College广东省博物馆导游词文档4篇前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。

Purple Stone: Exhibition of the Duan Inkstone through Dynasties500. W elcome to “Purple Stone: Exhibition of the Duan Inkstone through Dynasties”.The Exhibition,presenting over 200 delicate Duan Inkstones, introduces the material, craftsmanship and cultural history of the Duan Inkstone. The Duan Inkstone is also named as the Duanxi Inkstone, since it was produced in ancient Duanzhou (present-day Zhaoqing of Guangdong). For its unique texture, marks of stone and characteristic of “getting more ink without damage of brush”, the Duan Inkstone was favored by ancient Chinese literati and ranked at the first of “The Four Famous Inkstones” in China.501. Green Jade Inkstone in form of Chinese C haracter “Feng”Inkstone has a long history. It can date back to the Neolithic Period. The earliest “inkstone” was also called “grind”, which developed from grinding vessel in daily life. This picture shows inkstones, grinding stones and ink balls unearthed from the Mausoleum of Nanyue King in the Western Han Dynasty. After the Han Dynasty, inkstones were made of various materials, such as tile, pottery, porcelain, metal, jade, stone, etc. Early though lithoid inkstone appeared, it was not widely used until the Tang Dynasty. From the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, porcelain inkstone was in common use. Jade inkstone is beautiful but not good for use. It is fine, compact and absorb no water but it is too smooth to produce enough ink. So, jade inkstone is better to be used as a plaything or for grinding colored ink. Furthermore, inkstone are also made of crystal, shell, bamboo , bone, and so on, which enrich the family of inkstone. Nevertheless, the most common and practical ones are rocky inkstone and pottery inkstone, among which the former is better.502. Inkstone in Form of DustpanAs writing tools, the Duan Inkstone was simple and practical in the Tang Dynasty.Normally, the inkstone was not decorated. There are less form of Duan Inkstone.The inkstone in form of dustpan is typical in the Tang Dynasty. Due to its small size, it might be specially used as a burial object. Moreover, there are other forms of Duan Inkstone too. They shared a common feature that there are feet under thebottom of inkstone. The feet were necessary to ensure the steadiness of inkstone, since people sat on the floor at that time and inkstone was placed on a low table for grinding ink. The inkstone with feet disappeared gradually after the emergence of high desk and table. The inkstones with feet after that period were made only for modeling after an antique and decoration.503. Chaoshou InkstoneThe Duan Inkstone was a work of art for practical use and appreciation in the Song Dynasty. Scholars were fond of appreciating, collecting and studying the Duan Inkstone. In the Song Dynasty, with richer forms than those in the Tang Dynasty, Duan Inkstone was regular, simple and grand look. Among them, the most typical one was Chaoshou Inkstone evolved from inkstone in form of dustpan in the Tang Dynasty. Chaoshou Inkstone appeared in the Five Dynasties, and became more typical in the Song Dynasty. Its bottom is hollowed out and there are two full sides feet like wall, by which the inkstone could be held in the palm, so it was called Chaoshou Inkstone. In the Song Dynasty, the trend of focusing on the decoration and appreciation of Duan Inkstone had come into being.Although this tendency had not predominated, it impacted profoundly on the sculpture of Duan Inkstone in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.504. Inkstone with floral decorationWith development and innovation, the forms and styles of Duan Inkstone in the Ming Dynasty are richer, such as inkstone in form of Chinese C haracter “Feng”, rectangle inkstone with lotus design, inkstone in form of cicada and inkstone in form of Chinese zither, and so on. The inkstone with floral decoration is not only engraved delicately, but also placed in a dainty box, on which the prettily engraved jade is inlaid. As it is said that “A great inkstone deserves a good box”, this inkstone must be so great that it can be accompanied with such a beautiful box.505. Inkstone in Form of Lotus LeafCrafts of the Duan Inkstone declined gradually in the Qing Dynasty. It was in full blossom in the period from Emperor Kangxi to Qianlong and waned graduallyafter Daoguang. When Zhang Zhidong took the office of Governor-General of Guangdong and Guangxi, he led the re-mining of Daxi Cave of Laokeng(Ancient Pit), where a batch of high quality stones for inkstone, called “Zhang’s Pit Stone”, were mined. This Inkstone in form of lotus leaf may be a product of “Zhang’s Pit”as it is made of the stone from Laokeng with good quality and color. The lotus engraved on it is unique in shape with smooth lines. The rubbings of the two pieces of steles, you see here, have opposite content. One was about the reason for re-mining Laokeng by Zhang Zhidong, while the other was erected by local people to forbid mining Laokeng with the excuse that Fengshui could be ruined. 506. Inkstone with Design of Mountains and BuildingsMany famous pits were dilapidated and closed in the period of the Republic of China. Due to the impact of foreign culture, Duan Inkstone became less practical gradually and withdrew from the social life. Since 1960s, pits of Duan Inkstone had been re-mined. In the new era, Duan Inkstone possesses more characteristic of the region and the time. Besides making inkstone, Duan stones are also engraved into altorelievo articles for decoration and articles for daily use, which are large and three-dimensional. The Inkstone with Design of Mountains and Buildings was made by Mr. Liu Yanliang, a national master of inkstone maker.Along with the natural shape of the stone, he engraved several pavilions and sparse trees on the stone, keeping the rest part as it is, endowing the inkstone with interest of natural landscape. Here comes Green Duan Inkstone in shape of “Bird’s Nest” to welcome 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Nearby the Bird’s Nest, the vivid lichee looks so delicious.507. Inkstone in Form of LeafThe Inkstone in Form of Leaf, with a carved design of leaf on its back, is made of stone of Laokeng. Laokeng, the Ancient Pit, had been mined ever since the Song Dynasty. It is very hard to mine the stones from Laokeng, since the opening of it is low-lying and the bottom is over 100m deep under the water of Xijiang River. The river rises and submerges the opening of Laokeng in the rainy season. Even in the drought winter, there was still water remaining in thepit. Therefore, stones were often mined in winters after drainage of remaining water, which was necessary before mining. In ancient times, dozens of people sat in the pit and passed the remaining water out of the pit with bamboo dustpans and pottery jars. It took around two months to entirely drain the remaining water. Laokeng had been closed and re-mined for no more than twenty times in history. It has been closed in the 1990s. The inkstone from Laokeng is precious since it is fine, smooth and tender with rich marks. Its Ice Crackles and vermilion speckles are unique marks of the stone from Laokeng. 508. Inkstone with Design of Bats and DragonBesides Laokeng, there are some other famous pits, such as Kengzaiyan, Mazikeng, Songkeng and Meihuakeng, and so on. Among them, the stones from Laokeng, Kengzaiyan and Mazikeng, known as “Three Famous Pit”, are of the best quality. The Inkstone with Design of Bats and Dragon is fine, smooth with rich marks, especially the Shiyan, which are the features of Mazikeng. It was said that a pockmarked person called “Chen Mazi”found this pit during the Qianlong period and adventurously mined it. So the pit was named as “Mazikeng”.Stones made of different pits have different quality and color. The variety of the colors of stones is determined by the different minerals in these pits. But the main mineral constituent of stones from different pits are similar, they share a common feature that most of them are basically purple.509. Rectangular Inkstone with Design of Archaic DragonAmong all kinds of lithoid inkstones in China, only alone Duan Inkstone has rich color and multifarious marks. Marks are formed out of the clustered minerals in the stones. Rectangular Inkstone with Design of Archaic Dragon is delicately engraved, possessing Yu’naodong, one of the rarest marks of Duan stones, as shown on the picture. The Duan stone with the mark of Yu’naodong is as fine and smooth as “baby’s skin”. Yu’naodong is so precious that it can be only found on the stones from Laokeng, Mazikeng and Kengzaiyan, so it will always be kept perfectly on surface.510. Duan stone with ShiyanThese are a group of Duan stones with Shiyan, the stone eyes. As a unique feature, Shiyan is the “stone cores” naturally growing on the stone like an eye. It can be found on a few stones from Laokeng, Kengzaiyan, Mazikeng and Meihuakeng as well as Songkeng. Shiyan is colorful round or ellipse spot in inkstone. It has verdant, kelly, beige, yellowish white and powder green, and so on. The virid or verdant one appears to be the best. Shiyan is in different sizes and shapes, normally 3-5mm and max. 7-10mm.511. Hongsi Inkstone with design of bellThere are many kinds of lithoid inkstones widely spread in China. In the Tang Dynasty, stone was firstly used to make inkstone. According to the History of Inkstone, there were over thirty kinds of materials for making inkstone in the Tang and Song Dynasties. For stones, over ten kinds were used as material of inkstones nationwide. Hongsi stone, produced in Shandong, is very beautiful for its texture of yellow veins on red background or red veins on yellow. It was heavier than other inkstones. Hongsi Inkstone had been one of “Four Famous Inkstones” by the Song Dynasty. Later, it was replaced by Taohe Inkstone since its production had to be stopped due to the depletion of stones.512. Rectangular Songhuashi Inkstone with Kylin (Chinese unicorn) Design Songhuashi from Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, is green, as well as brown alternating with purple or brown alternating with green. There are texture like brush hair in this kind of inkstone. It was used exclusively by royal family in the Qing Dynasty since it was from the hometown of the emperors. Compared with other famous inkstones, Songhuashi is unique for its clear sound and rich colors with four tones. It can be even used to make a box.513. Tools for Making InkstoneIt is pain taking process for numerous inkstone makers from mining stone to making an inkstone. After taking from water caves, stone caverns, mountains or ravines with difficulty, a piece of top-class stone need delicately designing andengraving to be a great inkstone. A good engraver can make all kinds of inkstones based on the natural shape, colors and marks of a stone, giving prominence to the wonderful textures, concealing the defects on the stone and even turning these defects into the decoration magically. Producing Duan Inkstone normally consists of the following working procedures, mining, designing, carving, polishing and making box, etc. Each procedure is important for a successful work.Techniques of making inkstone are same as other carving arts. Relief, intaglio, altorelievo and openwork are the common techniques. Techniques could be combined together, not stick to one pattern, in order to make an inkstone. On the Inkstone in form of goose, the head of goose is engraved in high relief to achievea strong sense of three dimensions.514. Green Duan Inkstone Carved with Double poolsFrom the Tang and Song Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Duan Inkstone had been designed from simplicity to complexity and diversity. Various kinds of forms can divided into three types, such as regular, pictographic and natural shaped inkstones.The Inkstone Carved with Double Pools is an inkstone in two rectangular parts. It is very practical and convenient to grind different inks simultaneously. In the past, one part was often used for grinding ink while the other one for vermillion; or one for thick ink and the other for light ink. Some inkstone carved with double pools could be separated into a pair of inkstones. The form of pair inkstones was kept and evolved into a pare of inkstones only for appreciation.515. Inkstone in Form of LicheeThe inkstone imitating the shape of an object is called pictographic inkstone.Lichee is a special fruit at Lingnan, so the Inkstone in Form of Lichee contains the distinctive local features.516. Inkstone in Form of Ancient PotIn the mid-Qing Dynasty, fondness for antiquity was so flourishing that craftwork imitating the shapes or design of ancient utensils could be seen on all kinds of wares. This Inkstone in Form of Ancient Pot was made imitating the shape ofswing-handled pot in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Moreover, there are also Duan Inkstones imitating the shapes of ancient bronze mirror, stone drum, and so on, demonstrating the charm of antique elegance.517. Inkstone Carved with Pine and Moon-shaped PoolMost of main decorations of Duan Inkstone are realistic pictures, such as landscape, flowers and fruits, birds, beasts, fish and insects, figures and stories, as well as auspicious pattern. These decorations are in terms of Chinese traditional culture, handed down through generations, becoming classic forms of inkstone.This Inkstone Carved with Pine and Moon-shaped Pool, with pine branches as main design and half-moon pool, shows a tranquil night view.518. Rectangular inkstones(a pair) with design of phoenixThe design of phoenix and peony is a traditional Chinese decoration implicating wealth. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially in the Qing Dynasty, Duan Inkstone, like other craftworks, were often sculpted and decorated with auspicious pattern.519. Inkstone Featuring the Story of Meeting at the Lanting Pavilion Ancient Duan Inkstone engraved with figures can be traced back to the Inkstone featuring the Story of Meeting at the Lanting Pavilion in the Northern Song Dynasty. Figure decoration on Duan Inkstone almost disappeared in the Yuan Dynasty, but developed greatly in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, the highly mature techniques and great ideas appeared in the engraving of figures, demonstrating the rich features of the age. However, there are not many design of figure seen on Duan Inkstones in the Qing Dynasty, even fewer of innovative ones. The Inkstone Featuring the Story of Meeting at the Lanting Pavilion, one of the most classic inkstones, were often taken as the artistic theme of various craftworks.520. Rectangular Inkstone with Bats DesignThe meaning of most of decorations on Duan Inkstone is embodied by the homophony or synonym of the names of animals and plants, or the meanings of their shapes. The Rectangular Inkstone with Bats Design is carved withnumerous bats hiding in clouds. Bats, pronounced as Fu in Chinese, means happiness.521. Inkstone with Design of the Wuyue SymblesOn the back of Inkstone with Design of the Wuyue Symbles, the pattern of Wuyue, the five well-known mountains of China is engraved. The design of Wuyue is an important symbol of Taoism since Taoism takes five famous mountains as sacred mountains with the power to bring auspice and to drive off evils. Five famous mountains refer to Taishan Mountain in Shandong, Huashan Mountain in Sha’anxi, Hengshan Mountain in Hunan, Hengshan Mountain in Shanxi and Songshan Mountain in Henan.522. Rectangular inkstone with design of bat and cloudsIt is the important principle to design inkstone according to stone. That is to say, that the shape and decoration should be designed according to the characteristic of stone, such as color, quality and marks, to reach ideal effect of art. For the Rectangular inkstone with design of Bat and Clouds, craftsman made use of the large emerald speckle on the stone to carve bats surrounded by clouds, turning the round center into a round moon.523. Rectangular inkstone carved with two dragons playing with pearl Shiyan, the stone eye, plays an important role in engraving Duan Inkstone. For instance, the “pearl” in the design of two dragons playing with a pearl is a false Shiyan inlayed on it. Look at the inkstone carefully. Could you find the false one between the two stone eyes? The inkstone is kept in a beautiful box with design of inlaid shell that is often used on furniture for decoration.524. Inkstone with Design of Monkey KingInkstone with Design of Monkey King,one of “Three Famous Inkstones”in Guangdong in the late Qing Dynasty,is a representative treasure of our museum.It is made of the most precious stone from Laokeng, with the Yu’naodong and many other famous marks. What is more precious, the Yu’naodong naturally appears like a macaque and is entirely kept on the inkstone.There is a legendary story about this precious inkstone. In the Guangxu period,Zhang Zhidong, the Governor-Geneeral of Guangdong & Guangxi led re-mining the Daxi Cave of Laokeng. One of his aides, Mr. He, got three pieces of top-quality stones and hired Guo Lanxiang to engrave them into three inkstones.Guo Lanxiang was a posterity of Guo’s Family, which made royal inkstone in Zhaoqing. He designed according to the marks on the three stones to make three inkstones, named “White Crane Pecking a Pine”, “Cattle Sleeping on Grass” and “Macaque Holding a Peach”, which are the renowned “Three Famous Inkstones of Guangdong in the Late Qing Dynasty”. This Inkstone was so well-known that it had been collected by many owners. After establishing in 1959, Guangdong Museum officially collected this inkstone and gave it a home.525. It is said that the value of inkstone would be doubled if it is carved with inscriptions. Many celebrities were fond of inkstones so much that they often inscribed on their inkstones a poem, epigram and the history of inkstone, which endowed Duan Inkstone with deep cultural connotation.Here is a story about a celebrity’s love for inkstone.Once upon a time in the Song Dynasty, Emperor Huizong invited Mi Fu, an famous calligrapher, to write on a large screen and allowed him to use a Duan Inkstone on the Emperor’s table. When finishing, Mi Fu kneed down, the Duan Inkstone in hands, telling the Emperor that the inkstone had been dirty and he cannot bear to see the Emperor to use it. Hearing this, Emperor Huizong gave Mi Fu the inkstone as largesse. Mi Fu left happily, holding the inkstone and flourishing, regardless making him all ink. Thus, Mi Fu was often called as “Crazy Mi”.526. Rectangular Inkstone in Form of BrickOn both sides of the inkstone,the inscriptions of Huang Xingwu were engraved.Huang Xingwu was a student selected by Guangdong Education Commissioner to attend Imperial Examination in the Guangxu period, the Qing Dynasty.Thereafter, he assumed the jobs of President of Sandu School, Magistrate of Hepu District, Director of Fangcheng Forest Bureau and so on. At the beginningof establishment of PR China, he was assigned to be a staff of Guangxi Institute of History and Culture. He collected the historical materials of many districts with over 80,000 words. He owned three inkstones, among which two had been collected by Guangdong Provincial Museum.527.Inkstone with InscriptionThe Inkstone with Inscription made of a stone from Mazikeng. On the front of the inkstone, there are two Chinese characters, “Chu Yun”, inscribed. On the back is inscription of Huang Ren. Being born in Yongfu of Fujian, Huang Ren took the imperial examination in the Kangxi period and became a Magistrate of Sihui District of Guangdong in the Yongzheng period. At that time, Sihui District was under the governance of Zhaoqing Fu Prefecture, nearby the producing area of Duan Inkstones. Huang Ren was lucky to come across mining of Laokeng, so he made all efforts to collect some high-quality inkstones. It was said that Huang Ren took dozens of Duan stone, leaving everything else behind when he finished his assignment and left.Huang Ren named his study “Ten Inkstone Room” and also got himself a name “Mr. Ten Inkstones”. He cherished inkstone as much as his life.528. Inkstone with design of lotus leafFrom the inscription on the back of the Inkstone with Design of Lotus Leaf, we know that it was used by Ju Chao, a famous painter in late Qing Dynasty.Ju Chao, a native of Yangzhou of Jiangsu, settled down in Fanyu, the present-day Guangzhou. He followed his father to Guangxi, where his father got an official position. After his father’s death, his family came down. With his cousin Ju Lian, he took the position as an aide of Zhang Jingxiu, who was an official in Guangxi at that time. In 1856, they went back to Zhang Jinxiu’s hometown, Keyuan in Dongguan, where he taught Zhang Jiamo, nephew of Zhang Jinxiu painting. Ju Chao held a very careful attitude towards painting and spent several days on even a small painting, so there are few of his paintings handed down for generations. This Inkstone had been ever collected by Lu Zishu, a painter in Guangdong.529. Inkstone with Inscription by Ruan YuanOn the back of this inkstone is inscription of Ruan Yuan, who was a famous master. Ruan Yuan, a native of Yangzhou of Jiangsu, did not only have profound knowledge, but also had a successful official career. He was appointed as the Governor-General in Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou. He attached high importance to compile local histories, including the famous “General History of Guangdong” and “General History of Yunnan”, and so on. Also, Ruan Yuan had suggested the Qing Government to forbid opium business and founded Xue Hai Tang School in Guangzhou.His disciple, Wu Lanxiu was also famous and wrote a book of researching Duan Inkstone, named History of Duanxi Inkstone.530.Inkstone with inscription by Xie LanshengThere is an inscription of Lifu on the left side of the inkstone. Lifu, namely Xie Lansheng, a native of Nanhai, Guangdong, dedicated all his life to education. He had been the president of Yuexiu, Yuehua, Duanxi and other schools, and later become the president of Yangcheng School. When Ruan Yuan, the famous officer and scholar of textual research in the Qing Dynasty, compiled the General History of Guangdong, Xie Lansheng was invited as the general editor. He was good at poetry and painting. His painting enjoyed good reputation though he often claimed that he “started painting after fifty years old”and took painting as a hobby. After Xie Lansheng, his family had 19 scholars for three generations good at painting, so it became a distinguished family of arts.531. Inkstone with inscriptionThis Inkstone is covered with inscriptions on its left side, right side and back, and even in its box. What is rarer that three famous scholars left their inscriptions on this Inkstone, who are Wang Zhen, Wang Geyi and Wu Changshuo. Wang Zhen was born in Wuxing, Zhejiang, and lived in Shanghai.He was good at carving Buddhist statues and painting figures, landscapes, flowers and birds. Wang Geyi, born in Haimen, Jiangsu, was a disciple of WuChangshuo and famous for his painting of flowers and birds. Among them, Wu Changshuo was the most well-known. He was a master in the late Qing Dynasty in many field, like poetry, writing, painting and carving. He left inscriptions on many inkstones. As a famous artist at that time, he left a tremendous impact on his successors.532. Inkstone Used by Zhang JingxiuOn the back of this Inkstone is an inscription by Zhang Defu, namely Zhang Jinxiu a native of Dongguan, Guangdong. He took the office of Surveillance Commissioner in Guangxi and resigned in 1856, returning to his hometown, Keyuan, Dongguan. He was promoted for his victory in the battle against bandits, which was recorded in the inscription and in the District Annuals of Dongguan during the period of Emperor Xuantong.533. On the writing desk are all articles of study used by ancient Chinese for writing and painting, including brush pot, arm-rest, inkstone screen, brush washer, water container, paper weight, ink rest, water cup for inkstone, copper jar, incense burner, seal and seal vermilion case. Arm-rest is used for placing arm on it. Water container is for containing water to wash brush. Behind the writing desk, there is a duplicate of Lin Liang’s Painting. Lin Liang, a native of Guangdong, was a famous painter for palace in the Ming Dynasty, initiating the free style of flower and bird painting. Pines and cranes are common subjects for painting with the connotation of healthy and longevity.“A warrior cherishes sword while a scholar cherishes inkstone”. We hope you would know much about the culture and history of inkstone. Thanks for your visiting.。

该馆先后与*大学冯平山博物馆、*中文大学文物馆、*贾梅士博物院联合举办了《石湾陶瓷》、《明清广东法书》、《广东先秦出土文物》、《苏六朋书画》、《广东唐窑址出土陶瓷》、《广东出土晋唐文物》等展览未完,继续阅读 >第2篇:介绍广东省博物馆导游词精选广东省博物馆是*省级综合*博物馆。
反映了从中英战争到太平天国运动时期广东*的反侵略反封建斗争以及洋务运动时期广东民族资本主义工业的兴起和未完,继续阅读 >第3篇:关于广东省博物馆导游词广东省博物馆是*省级综合*博物馆。

❖ 陶瓷业至宋代(公元960——1279年)得到了蓬 勃发展,并开始对欧洲及南洋诸国大量输出。以钧 、汝、官、哥、定为代表的众多有各自特色的名窑 在全国各地兴起,产品在色品种日趋丰富。由于东 北的(辽)契丹族和(金)女真族的入侵,宋的统 治者被迫南迁,再后则被蒙古族所灭。公元1280 年,元朝建立,枢府窑出现,景德镇开始成为中国 陶瓷产业中心,其名声远扬世界各地。景德镇生产 的白瓷与釉下蓝色纹饰形成鲜明对比,青花瓷自此 起兴文化在以后的各个历史时期也一直深受人们的 喜爱。
10 "china" China not only mean, ceramics
❖ 早在欧洲人掌握瓷器制造技术一千多年前,中国人 就已经制造出很精美的陶瓷器。中国是世界上最 早应用陶器的国家之一,而中国瓷器因其极高的实 用性和艺术性而备受世人的推崇。
❖over 1000 years Before the Europeans have porcelain manufacturing technology ,Chinese people have created a very fine ceramics. China is the world's first application of one of the countries pottery, and porcelain from China for its high artistic quality and relevance of the world have
Art piece and application of daily life
The history of porcelain

广东省非遗艺术展英语作文The Guangdong Provincial Intangible Cultural HeritageArt Exhibition is an annual event that showcases the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the province. It features traditional crafts, performing arts, rituals, and other forms of intangible cultural heritage that have been passed down through generations. The exhibition aims to promote and preserve these cultural treasures, as well as to raise awareness and appreciation of Guangdong's intangible cultural heritage.The exhibition brings together master artisans, performers, and practitioners of various traditional crafts and arts from different regions of Guangdong. Visitors have the opportunity to witness live demonstrations of these traditional skills, as well as to interact with the artisans and learn about the history and significance of their craft.One of the highlights of the exhibition is the performances of traditional music, dance, and theater. These performances provide a glimpse into the rich culturaltraditions of Guangdong, and offer a unique and immersive experience for visitors.In addition to the live demonstrations and performances, the exhibition also includes informative displays and exhibitions that provide a deeper understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of Guangdong. These displays often include historical artifacts, photographs, and multimedia presentations that help to contextualize andbring to life the various traditional practices and rituals.The Guangdong Provincial Intangible Cultural HeritageArt Exhibition plays a crucial role in safeguarding and promoting the intangible cultural heritage of the province. By providing a platform for traditional artisans and performers to showcase their skills and knowledge, the exhibition helps to ensure the transmission of thesecultural practices to future generations.Furthermore, the exhibition serves as a valuable educational resource for the public, as it raises awareness and appreciation of Guangdong's rich and diverse cultural heritage. It also fosters a sense of pride and identityamong the people of Guangdong, as they see theirtraditional arts and crafts being celebrated and preserved.Overall, the Guangdong Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Art Exhibition is an important event that helps to safeguard, promote, and celebrate the intangible cultural heritage of the province. It serves as a platform for traditional artisans and performers to showcase their skills, and provides a valuable educational experience for the public. Through this exhibition, the cultural treasures of Guangdong continue to thrive and inspire future generations.广东省非物质文化遗产艺术展是一年一度的活动,展示了该省丰富多样的文化遗产。

Good morning everyone. Today we will go to an interesting place ——Guangdong Museum. Now, I will tell you something about it.各位早上好,今天我们将去一个非常有趣的地方——广东省博物馆,现在就让我把它介绍给你们吧!It is located in Zhujiang New Town. And it is in the centre of the Guangzhou. It has 67000 square meters big. There are eight exhibition halls in the Guangdong museum. The exhibition halls are about geology and land form、mineral resources、Gem、medicinal herb、animal、ocean and ancient living creature. So, let us go inside!它坐落于珠江新城,在广州的市中心,它有67000平方米大,里面有8个展馆,分别是地质地貌馆、矿产资源馆、宝石馆、中草药馆、陆生野生动物馆、海洋馆、古生物馆。
现在我们就一起进去看看吧!The appearance of pottery had chose relationship with our daily life. Now, the pottery always use in decorate.陶瓷器的出现与人们的日常生活有着密切的关系。
In the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Chinese ceramic industry reached its first peak. Since the 9th century, Chinese ceramics has exported on a large scale to East Asia, Southeast Asia and the east coast of Africa.唐宋时期迎来了我国陶瓷业的第一个发展高峰。

介绍广东博物馆的英语作文Nestled in the heart of Guangzhou, the bustling capital of Guangdong Province, lies the Guangdong Museum, a cultural beacon that illuminates the rich history and diverse heritage of this southern Chinese region. Opened to the public in 1959, the museum has evolved into a modern architectural marvel, seamlessly blending traditional Chinese elements with contemporary design.Upon entering, visitors are greeted by a spacious atrium, inviting them into a journey through time. The museum boasts extensive collections spanning art, history, natural science, and ethnography, each meticulously curated to showcase the province's unique cultural tapestry. The art galleries feature exquisite ceramics from the Tang and Song dynasties, alongside stunning calligraphy and paintings that reflect the artistic brilliance of ancient China.History enthusiasts will be captivated by the historical exhibitions, which delve into the origins of Cantonese civilization, the Silk Road trade, and the revolutionary struggles that shaped modern China. The natural science section, meanwhile, offers a fascinating glimpse into the diverse ecosystems of Guangdong, from the lush forests to the vibrant coral reefs of the South China Sea.The museum also prides itself on its interactive exhibits and educational programs, making learning an engaging and immersive experience for all ages. Regularly updated special exhibitions ensure that there's always something new to discover, keeping the Guangdong Museum at the forefront of cultural exploration.In conclusion, the Guangdong Museum is not just a repository of artifacts; it's a living testament to the resilience, creativity, and diversity of Guangdong's people. A visit here is a must for anyone seeking to understand the soul of this vibrant province.中文翻译:位于广东省繁华省会广州的心脏地带,广东博物馆犹如一座文化灯塔,照亮了这片中国南方地区的丰富历史和多元文化。
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土火之艺——馆藏历代陶瓷展览Exhibition of Pottery and Porcelain through Dynasties2009/11/17前言水、土、火的碰撞,产生了绚丽多彩的陶瓷文化。
IntroductionCollision of water, clay and fire gave rise to colorful pottery and porcelain culture. Pottery is a treasure of humankind. However, porcelain is an important contribution of the Chinese nation to the world civilization. China won its name as "Country of Porcelain".As early as the Neolithic Age, Chinese people had already got to know how to make and use pottery. Proto-porcelain had been made in the Shang Dynasty. Mature green glazed porcelain was made in the Eastern Han Dynasty and had well developed in the Three Kingdoms, the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties, and the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry reached its first peak of development. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry developed to a summit stage.Porcelain had begun to export in the Tang Dynasty. In the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, large quantities of pottery and porcelain exported from the East Sea andthe South China Sea to East Asia, Central and West Asia, Africa, Europe and America, which witnessed the glory .Therefore the oversea trade line was also named as “Road of Porcelain”.Pottery was first made in Guangdong in the early Neolithic Age. In the Jin Dynasty, green glazed porcelain was made. In the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, ceramic industry developed well and exported to foreign countries. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shiwan pottery and Kwon-glazed porcelain had enjoyed a high reputation at home and abroad.A history of Chinese pottery and porcelain reflects not only an overview of cultural history of China, but also shows the history in terms of economy and trade, arts and crafts, maritime, foreign trade and so on制瓷:瓷器是如何制造出来的1、采泥:制作瓷器的原料主要有瓷土、瓷石、高岭土、长石等。
Part One Origin(From the Neolithic Age to the Southern and Northern Dynasties)The emergence of pottery and porcelain had a close relationship with daily life.At present, pottery fragments dating back to more than 10,000 years ago are regarded as the earliest pottery found in China. As a significant epoch-making creation, pottery brought human beings the earliest chemical revolution, which promoted the development of agriculture and made life settlement more stable.Proto-porcelain was first made in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties .The earliest green glazed porcelain was first made in the Zhejiang area in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Porcelain is one ofimportant creations of Chinese people. During the Three Kingdoms, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties, in contrast to the frequent wars and turbulence in the north of China, the stable social environment in the south of China helped the ceramic industry develop well. At this time, more shapes of pottery and porcelain were made .Funeral pottery objects were popular .Color glazed porcelain was made.*1、马家窑类型四山字纹彩陶钵新石器时代(约1万年~4千年前)马家窑文化是黄河上游地区新石器时代晚期,因最先发现于甘肃临洮马家窑而得名,主要分马家窑、半山、马厂三期。