


中国洗涤用品工业》个人与家居清洁护理([Oil分析与检测F J方灵丹黄晴毛雪彬洪玉倩李伏益徐坤华(赞宇科技集团股份有限公司,浙江杭州,311300)摘要:通过对脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸钠的示差折光检测分析,建立液相色谱法测定脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸钠中的未硫酸化物方法,选择流动相比例(体积比)为甲醇:蒸馏水:乙腈=80:15:5。


关键词:脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸钠;高效液相色谱;未硫酸化物中图分类号:TQ649文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-2701(2020)10-48-05脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚硫酸钠(AES)是由脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚经过硫酸化制得,是香波、浴液、洗手液等个人清洁用品和洗洁精、液体洗涤剂等家用洗涤用品的主要活性组分[1-2]o AES中的未硫酸化物是指未反应的脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚(AEO),AEO是C12,C i4醇与环氧乙烷反应所得[3],由于合成工艺与催化剂的不同,AE O产物中游离脂肪醇与聚氧乙烯醚的EO加成数分布有较大差异,其种类多达几十种°AE O适当残留会与AES产生协同作用,提高产品性能;但是残留过高会导致AES产品冻点增加、增稠变差;未硫酸化物控制过低,则易发生过硫酸化等副反应,造成产品色泽加深,黏度过大结焦,产2020年第10期生致癌物质——1,4-二噁烷[4]o因此,快速、准确地测定未硫酸化物的含量,对生产企业提高AES的产品品质、保持质量稳定,并进一步控制成本具有重要的指导意义,且有利于提高产品性能,控制潜在的健康风险。




关于食品中羰基价测定影响因素的探讨发布时间:2022-09-16T09:38:31.820Z 来源:《科技新时代》2022年第4期第2月作者:黄俊怡,陈晓玲[导读] 根据现行标准方法测定羰基价,以沙琪玛和食用油为样品,研究标准中实验条件对测定羰基价的影响。

黄俊怡,陈晓玲广东省东莞市质量监督检测中心广东东莞 523808摘要:根据现行标准方法测定羰基价,以沙琪玛和食用油为样品,研究标准中实验条件对测定羰基价的影响。

研究表明,在5~60min 内沙琪玛及食用油在实验过程中样品混合液的羰基价呈现出比较快的降低趋势;沙琪玛中的羰基价会随水浴时间(10~50min)、水浴温度(40~80℃)、三氯乙酸溶液浓度(2.0~6.0g/100mL)、2,4-二硝基苯肼溶液浓度(30~70mg/100mL)、氢氧化钾溶液浓度(2.0~6.0g/100mL)增大而升高。




我国现行有效测定羰基价的方法为GB 5009.230-2016,原理是羰基化合物与2,4-二硝基苯肼的反应产物,在碱性溶液中会呈现出酒红色或褐红色,在波长440nm处测定该反应产物的吸光度,进而计算羰基价[3]。


顾卫东等[4]对食品中羰基价含量测定过程中涉及的玻璃器皿和仪器设备进行不确定度来源分析和评定;黄卫红等[5]对测定羰基价的方法(GB/T 5009.37-1996)提出了注意事项;方波等[6]采用直接取样法改进羰基价的测定,减少溶剂苯的使用量和表明精制试剂的关键性;韩瑞阳等[7]优化了实验参数和条件,用正丁醇替代苯作为溶剂和无需精制试剂,通过吸光度常数即可直接算出羰基价。



美国钢铁产品的标准比较多,主要有以下几种:美国钢铁产品的标准比较多,主要有以下几种:ANSI 美国国家标准AISI??美国钢铁学会标准ASTM 美国材料与试验协会标准ASME 美国机械工程师协会标准AMS 航天材料规格(美国航空工业最常用的一种材料规格,由SAE制定)API 美国石油学会标准AWS 美国焊接协会标准SAE 美国机动车工程师协会标准MIL 美国军用标准QQ 美国联邦政府标准A216::WCB , WCCA217: WC6 , WC9 , C5 (ZGCr5Mo)A351: CF8 , CF3 , CF3 M , CF8C标准号? ? ? ? 标准中文名称? ? ? ? 标准英文名称ASTM A1-00 ? ? ? ? 碳素钢丁字轨? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Tee Rails ASTM A2-02 ? ? ? ? 普通型,带槽和防护型碳素工字钢轨? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Girder Rails of Plain, Grooved, and Guard TypesASTM A3-01 ? ? ? ? 低、中、高碳素钢鱼尾(连接)板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Joint Bars, Low, Medium, and High Carbon (Non-Heat-Treated)ASTM A6/A6M-04a ? ? ? ? 轧制结构钢板材、型材和薄板桩通用技术要求? ? ? ? Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling ASTM A20/A20M-04a ? ? ? ? 压力容器用钢板材通用要求? ? ? ? Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure VesselsASTM A27/A27M-03 ? ? ? ? 通用碳素钢铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, for General ApplicationASTM A29/A29M-04 ? ? ? ? 热锻及冷加工碳素钢和合金钢棒? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Hot-Wrought, General Requirements forASTM A31-04 ? ? ? ? 钢铆钉及铆钉和压力容器用棒材? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Rivets and Bars for Rivets, Pressure VesselsASTM A34/A34M-01 ? ? ? ? 磁性材料的抽样和采购试验的标准惯例? ? ? ? Standard Practice for Sampling and Procurement Testing of Magnetic MaterialsASTM A36/A36M-04 ? ? ? ? 碳素结构钢技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon Structural SteelASTM A47/A47M-99 ? ? ? ? 铁素体可锻铁铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron CastingsASTM A48/A48M-03 ? ? ? ? 灰铁铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Gray Iron CastingsASTM A49-01 ? ? ? ? 经热处理的碳素钢鱼尾(连接)板,微合金鱼尾板及锻制碳素钢异型鱼尾板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Heat-Treated Carbon Steel Joint Bars, Microalloyed Joint Bars, and Forged Carbon Steel Compromise Joint BarsASTM A53/A53M-04 ? ? ? ? 无镀层热浸的、镀锌的、焊接的及无缝钢管的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and SeamlessASTM A65-01 ? ? ? ? 钢轨道钉? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Track SpikesASTM A66-01 ? ? ? ? 钢质螺旋道钉? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Screw SpikesASTM A67-00 ? ? ? ? 热加工低碳钢和高碳钢垫板技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Tie Plates, Low-Carbon and High-Carbon Hot-WorkedASTM A74-04 ? ? ? ? 铸铁污水管及配件的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and FittingsASTM A82-02 ? ? ? ? 钢筋混凝土用无节钢丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete ReinforcementASTM A90/A90M-01 ? ? ? ? 镀锌和镀锌合金钢铁制品镀层重量的试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on Iron and Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings ASTM A99-03 ? ? ? ? 锰铁合金? ? ? ? Standard Specification for FerromanganeseASTM A100-04 ? ? ? ? 硅铁? ? ? ? Standard Specification for FerrosiliconASTM A101-04 ? ? ? ? 铬铁? ? ? ? Standard Specification for FerrochromiumASTM A102-04 ? ? ? ? 钒铁合金? ? ? ? Standard Specification for FerrovanadiumASTM A105/A105M-03 ? ? ? ? 管系部件用碳素钢锻件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping ApplicationsASTM A106/A106M-04a ? ? ? ? 高温用无缝碳素钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A108-03 ? ? ? ? 优质冷加工碳素钢棒材技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and Alloy, Cold-FinishedASTM A109/A109M-03 ? ? ? ? 冷轧碳素钢带技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon (0.25 Maximum Percent), Cold-RolledASTM A111-99a(2004)e1 ? ? ? ? 电话和电报线路用镀锌"铁"丝规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Iron Telephone and Telegraph Line WireASTM A116-00 ? ? ? ? 镀锌钢丝编织栏栅网? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated, Steel Woven Wire Fence FabricASTM A121-99(2004) ? ? ? ? 镀锌刺钢丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Mettalic-Coated Carbon Steel Barbed WireASTM A123/A123M-02 ? ? ? ? 钢铁产品的锌镀层(热浸镀锌)技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel ProductsASTM A125-96(2001) ? ? ? ? 热处理螺旋形钢弹簧? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Springs, Helical, Heat-TreatedASTM A126-04 ? ? ? ? 阀门、法兰和管配件用灰铁铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe FittingsASTM A128/A128M-93(2003) ? ? ? ? 钢铸件,奥氏体锰? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Austenitic ManganeseASTM A131/A131M-04 ? ? ? ? 海船用结构钢? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Structural Steel for ShipsASTM A132-04 ? ? ? ? 钼铁合金? ? ? ? Standard Specification for FerromolybdenumASTM A134-96(2001) ? ? ? ? 电熔(电弧)焊钢管(NPS为16英寸和16英寸以上)? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Sizes NPS 16 and Over)ASTM A135-01 ? ? ? ? 电阻焊钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel PipeASTM A139/A139M-04 ? ? ? ? 电熔(电弧)焊钢管(4英寸以上的)? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (NPS 4 and Over)ASTM A143/A143M-03 ? ? ? ? 热浸镀锌结构钢制品防脆裂措施和探测脆裂的程序? ? ? ? Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting EmbrittlementASTM A144-02 ? ? ? ? 铁钨合金规范? ? ? ? Specification for FerrotungstenASTM A146-04 ? ? ? ? 氧化钼制品? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Molybdenum Oxide Products ASTM A148/A148M-03 ? ? ? ? 结构用高强度钢铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, High Strength, for Structural PurposesASTM A153/A153M-04 ? ? ? ? 钢铁制金属构件上镀锌层(热浸)? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel HardwareASTM A159-83(2001) ? ? ? ? 汽车用灰铁铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Automotive Gray Iron CastingsASTM A167-99 ? ? ? ? 不锈钢和耐热铬镍钢板、薄板及带材? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and StripASTM A176-99 ? ? ? ? 不锈钢和耐热铬钢板、薄板及带材? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and StripASTM A178/A178M-02 ? ? ? ? 电阻焊接碳素钢钢管及碳锰钢锅炉和过热器管的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel and Carbon-Manganese Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A179/A179M-90a(2001) ? ? ? ? 热交换器和冷凝器用无缝冷拉低碳钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless Cold-Drawn Low-Carbon Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser Tubes ASTM A181/A181M-01 ? ? ? ? 普通锻制碳素钢管的规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings, for General-Purpose PipingASTM A182/A182M-02 ? ? ? ? 高温设备用锻制或轧制的合金钢管法兰、锻制管件、阀门及零件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A183-03 ? ? ? ? 钢轨用碳素钢螺栓和螺母? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and NutsASTM A184/A184M-01 ? ? ? ? 混凝土加筋用变形钢筋编织网? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete ReinforcementASTM A185-02 ? ? ? ? 钢筋混凝土用焊接钢丝结构? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for ConcreteASTM A192/A192M-02 ? ? ? ? 高压用无缝碳素钢锅炉管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High-Pressure ServiceASTM A193/A193M-04b ? ? ? ? 高温设备用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A194/A194M-04a ? ? ? ? 高温和高压设备用碳素钢与合金钢螺栓和螺母的规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or BothASTM A197/A197M-00 ? ? ? ? 化铁炉用可锻铸铁? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Cupola Malleable IronASTM A202/A202M-03 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用铬锰硅合金钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium-Manganese-SiliconASTM A203/A203M-97(2003) ? ? ? ? 压力容器用镍合金钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, NickelASTM A204/A204M-03 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用钼合金钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, MolybdenumASTM A209/A209M-03 ? ? ? ? 锅炉和过热器用无缝碳钼合金钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon-Molybdenum Alloy-Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A210/A210M-02 ? ? ? ? 锅炉和过热器用无缝中碳素管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A213/A213M-04 ? ? ? ? 无缝铁素体和奥氏体合金钢锅炉、过热器和换热器管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater, andHeat-Exchanger TubesASTM A214/A214M-96(2001) ? ? ? ? 热交换器与冷凝器用电阻焊接碳素钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser Tubes ASTM A216/A216M-93(2003) ? ? ? ? 高温下使用的适合于熔焊的碳素钢铸件规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion Welding, for High- Temperature ServiceASTM A217/A217M-02 ? ? ? ? 适合高温受压零件用合金钢和马氏体不锈钢铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Martensitic Stainless and Alloy, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A220/A220M-99 ? ? ? ? 珠光体可锻铁? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pearlitic Malleable IronASTM A225/A225M-03 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用锰矾镍合金钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Manganese-Vanadium-NickelASTM A227/A227M-99 ? ? ? ? 机械弹簧用冷拉钢丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Cold-Drawn for Mechanical SpringsASTM A228/A228M-02 ? ? ? ? 乐器用优质弹簧钢丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Music Spring QualityASTM A229/A229M-99 ? ? ? ? 机械弹簧用油回火的钢丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Oil-Tempered for Mechanical SpringsASTM A230/A230M-99 ? ? ? ? 阀门用油回火优质碳素钢弹簧丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Oil-Tempered Carbon Valve Spring QualityASTM A231/A231M-96(2002) ? ? ? ? 铬钒合金钢弹簧丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Chromium-Vanadium Alloy Steel Spring WireASTM A232/A232M-99 ? ? ? ? 阀门用优质铬钒合金钢弹簧丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Chromium-Vanadium Alloy Steel Valve Spring Quality WireASTM A234/A234M-04 ? ? ? ? 中温与高温下使用的锻制碳素钢及合金钢管配件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature ServiceASTM A239-95(2004) ? ? ? ? 用普力斯试验法(硫酸铜浸蚀)确定铁或钢制品上镀锌层最薄点的测试方法? ? ? ? Standard Practice for Locating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel ArticlesASTM A240/A240M-04ae1 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用耐热铬及铬镍不锈钢板、薄板及带材? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General ApplicationsASTM A242/A242M-04 ? ? ? ? 高强度低合金结构钢? ? ? ? Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural SteelASTM A247-67(1998) ? ? ? ? 铁铸件中石墨显微结构评定试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Microstructure of Graphite in Iron CastingsASTM A249/A249M-04 ? ? ? ? 锅炉、过热器、换热器和冷凝器用焊接奥氏体钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser TubesASTM A250/A250M-04 ? ? ? ? 锅炉和过热器用电阻焊铁素体合金钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Ferritic Alloy-Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A252-98(2002) ? ? ? ? 焊接钢和无缝钢管桩? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe PilesASTM A254-97(2002) ? ? ? ? 铜焊钢管规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Copper-Brazed Steel TubingASTM A255-02 ? ? ? ? 测定钢淬透性用末端淬火试验的标准试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method for Determining Hardenability of SteelASTM A262-03 ? ? ? ? 奥氏体不锈钢晶间浸蚀敏感性的检测? ? ? ? Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless SteelsASTM A263-03 ? ? ? ? 耐腐蚀铬钢包覆板材,薄板材及带材技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Stainless Chromium Steel-Clad PlateASTM A264-03 ? ? ? ? 包覆的不锈铬镍钢板,薄板及带材规格? ? ? ? Specification for Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel-Clad PlateASTM A265-03 ? ? ? ? 镍和镍基合金包覆钢板规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloy-Clad Steel PlateASTM A266/A266M-03a ? ? ? ? 压力容器部件用碳素钢锻件规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel ComponentsASTM A268/A268M-04 ? ? ? ? 一般设备用无缝和焊接铁素体与马氏体不锈钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General ServiceASTM A269-04 ? ? ? ? 一般设备用无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General ServiceASTM A270-03a ? ? ? ? 卫生设施用无缝钢和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Sanitary TubingASTM A275/A275M-98(2003) ? ? ? ? 钢锻件的磁粉检查试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method for Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel ForgingsASTM A276-04 ? ? ? ? 不锈钢棒材和型材? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and ShapesASTM A278/A278M-01 ? ? ? ? 适用于650F容压部件用灰铸铁件的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Pressure-Containing Parts for Temperatures Up to 650°F (350°C) ASTM A283/A283M-03 ? ? ? ? 低和中等抗拉强度碳素钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel PlatesASTM A285/A285M-03 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用低和中等抗拉强度的碳素钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low- and Intermediate-Tensile StrengthASTM A288-91(2003) ? ? ? ? 涡轮发电机磁性定位环用碳素钢和合金钢锻件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Magnetic Retaining Rings for Turbine Generators标准号? ? ? ? 标准中文名称? ? ? ? 标准英文名称ASTM A289/A289M-97(2003) ? ? ? ? 发电机非磁性定位环用合金钢锻件的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Alloy Steel Forgings for Nonmagnetic Retaining Rings for GeneratorsASTM A290-02 ? ? ? ? 减速器环用碳素钢和合金钢锻件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Rings for Reduction GearsASTM A291-03 ? ? ? ? 减速器小齿轮、齿轮和心轴用碳素钢和合金钢锻件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for Pinions, Gears and Shafts for Reduction Gears ASTM A295-98 ? ? ? ? 高碳耐磨轴承钢技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for High-Carbon Anti-Friction Bearing SteelASTM A297/A297M-97(2003) ? ? ? ? 一般用耐热铬铁与镍铬铁合金钢铸件规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Iron-Chromium and Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Heat Resistant, for General ApplicationASTM A299/A299M-04 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用锰硅碳钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Manganese-SiliconASTM A302/A302M-03 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用锰钼和锰钼镍合金钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel ASTM A304-04 ? ? ? ? 有末端淬火淬透性要求的合金钢棒材的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars Subject to End-Quench Hardenability RequirementsASTM A307-04 ? ? ? ? 抗拉强度为60000psi的碳素钢螺栓和螺柱的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60 000 PSI Tensile StrengthASTM A308/A308M-03 ? ? ? ? 经热浸处理镀有铅锡合金的薄板材的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Terne (Lead-Tin Alloy) Coated by the Hot-Dip ProcessASTM A309-01 ? ? ? ? 用三点试验法测定长镀锌薄钢板镀层的重量成分的试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method for Weight and Composition of Coating on Terne Sheet by the Triple-Spot TestASTM A311/A311M-04 ? ? ? ? 有机械性能要求的消除应力的冷拉碳素钢棒? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relieved Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Mechanical Property Requirements ASTM A312/A312M-04a ? ? ? ? 无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel PipesASTM A313/A313M-03 ? ? ? ? 不锈钢弹簧丝技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Spring WireASTM A314-97(2002) ? ? ? ? 锻造用不锈及耐热钢坯及钢棒规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Billets and Bars for ForgingASTM A319-71(2001) ? ? ? ? 高温无压部件用灰铁铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Elevated Temperatures for Non-Pressure Containing PartsASTM A320/A320M-04 ? ? ? ? 低温用合金钢螺栓材料规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for Low-Temperature ServiceASTM A321-90(2001) ? ? ? ? 经淬火和回火的碳素钢棒? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Quenched and TemperedASTM A322-91(2001)e1 ? ? ? ? 合金钢棒材.级别? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Standard GradesASTM A323-93(2000) ? ? ? ? 硼铁规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for FerroboronASTM A324-73(2000) ? ? ? ? 钛铁合金? ? ? ? Standard Specification for FerrotitaniumASTM A325-04a ? ? ? ? 经热处理最小抗拉强度为120/105ksi的热处理钢结构螺栓? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength ASTM A325M-04a ? ? ? ? 经热处理最小抗拉强度为830Mpa的热处理钢结构螺栓? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated 830 Mpa Minimum Tensile Strength [Metric] ASTM A327-91(1997) ? ? ? ? 铸铁冲击试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Methods for Impact Testing of Cast IronsASTM A327M-91(1997) ? ? ? ? 铸铁冲击试验方法(米制)? ? ? ? Standard Test Methods for Impact Testing of Cast Irons (Metric)ASTM A328/A328M-03 ? ? ? ? 薄钢板桩? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Sheet Piling ASTM A333/A333M-04a ? ? ? ? 低温用无缝与焊接钢管规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature ServiceASTM A334/A334M-04a ? ? ? ? 低温设备用无缝与焊接碳素和合金钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes for Low-Temperature ServiceASTM A335/A335M-03 ? ? ? ? 高温用无缝铁素体合金钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A336/A336M-03a ? ? ? ? 压力与高温部件用合金钢锻件规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure and High-Temperature PartsASTM A338-84(2004) ? ? ? ? 铁路,船舶和其他重型装备在温度达到650华氏度(345摄氏度)时使用的可锻铸铁法兰,管件和阀门零件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Malleable Iron Flanges, Pipe Fittings, and Valve Parts for Railroad, Marine, and Other Heavy Duty Service at Temperatures Up to 650°F (345°C)ASTM A340-03a ? ? ? ? 有关磁性试验用符号和定义的术语? ? ? ? Standard Terminology of Symbols and Definitions Relating to Magnetic TestingASTM A341/A341M-00 ? ? ? ? 用直流磁导计和冲击试验法测定材料的直流磁性能的试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method for Direct Current Magnetic Properties of Materials Using D-C Permeameters and the Ballistic Test MethodsASTM A342/A342M-99 ? ? ? ? 磁铁材料导磁率的试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Methods for Permeability of Feebly Magnetic MaterialsASTM A343/A343M-03 ? ? ? ? 在电力频率下用瓦特计-安培计-伏特计法(100-1000赫兹)和25 厘米艾普斯亭(EPSTEIN) 机架测定材料的交流电磁性能的试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method forAlternating-Current Magnetic Properties of Materials at Power Frequencies UsingWattmeter-Ammeter-Voltmeter Method and 25-cm Epstein Test FrameASTM A345-98 ? ? ? ? 磁设备用平轧电炉钢? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Flat-Rolled Electrical Steels for Magnetic ApplicationsASTM A348/A348M-00 ? ? ? ? 用瓦特计--安培计--伏特计法(100-10000赫兹)和25厘米艾普斯亭框测定材料的交流磁性能的试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method for Alternating Current Magnetic Properties of Materials Using the Wattmeter-Ammeter-Voltmeter Method, 100 to 10 000 Hz and 25-cm Epstein FrameASTM A350/A350M-04 ? ? ? ? 要求进行缺口韧性试验的管道部件用碳素钢与低合金钢锻件技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping ComponentsASTM A351/A351M-03 ? ? ? ? 容压零件用奥氏体及奥氏体铁素体铸铁的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Castings, Austenitic, Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex), for Pressure-Containing PartsASTM A352/A352M-03 ? ? ? ? 低温受压零件用铁素体和马氏体钢铸件规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Ferritic and Martensitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for Low-Temperature ServiceASTM A353/A353M-93(1999) ? ? ? ? 压力容器用经二次正火及回火处理的含9%镍的合金钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, 9 Percent Nickel,Double-Normalized and TemperedASTM A354-04 ? ? ? ? 淬火与回火合金钢螺栓,双头螺栓及其他外螺纹紧固件规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded FastenersASTM A355-89(2000) ? ? ? ? 渗氮用合金钢棒? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloys, for NitridingASTM A356/A356M-98(2003) ? ? ? ? 蒸汽轮机用厚壁碳素钢、低合金钢和不锈钢铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Low Alloy, and Stainless Steel, Heavy-Walled for Steam TurbinesASTM A358/A358M-04 ? ? ? ? 高温用电熔焊奥氏体铬镍合金钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service and General ApplicationsASTM A363-03 ? ? ? ? 地面架空线用镀锌钢丝绳? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Overhead Ground Wire StrandASTM A367-60(1999) ? ? ? ? 铸铁的激冷试验方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Methods of Chill Testing of Cast IronASTM A368-95a(2000) ? ? ? ? 不锈钢和耐热钢丝绳的标准? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Wire StrandASTM A369/A369M-02 ? ? ? ? 高温用锻制和镗孔碳素钢管和铁素体合金钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon and Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A370-03a ? ? ? ? 钢制品机械测试的标准试验方法和定义? ? ? ? Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products标准号? ? ? ? 标准中文名称? ? ? ? 标准英文名称ASTM A372/A372M-03 ? ? ? ? 薄壁压力容器用碳素钢及合金钢锻件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure VesselsASTM A376/A376M-02a ? ? ? ? 高温中心站用无缝奥氏钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Central-Station ServiceASTM A377-03 ? ? ? ? 球墨铸铁压力管规范索引? ? ? ? Standard Index of Specifications for Ductile-Iron Pressure PipeASTM A380-99e1 ? ? ? ? 不锈钢零件、设备和系统的清洗和除垢? ? ? ? Standard Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and SystemsASTM A381-96(2001) ? ? ? ? 高压输送用金属弧焊钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification forMetal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for Use With High-Pressure Transmission SystemsASTM A384/A384M-02 ? ? ? ? 防止钢组件热浸镀锌时翘曲和扭曲用安全保护? ? ? ? Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Warpage and Distortion During Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Steel Assemblies ASTM A385-03 ? ? ? ? 提供高质量镀锌覆层(热浸)? ? ? ? Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip)ASTM A387/A387M-03 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用铬钼合金钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium-MolybdenumASTM A388/A388M-03 ? ? ? ? 重型钢锻件超声波检测? ? ? ? Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy Steel ForgingsASTM A389/A389M-03 ? ? ? ? 适合高温受压部件用经特殊热处理的合金钢铸件规格? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Alloy, Specially Heat-Treated, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A390-95(2001) ? ? ? ? 饲养家禽用镀锌钢丝栏栅网(六角形和直线形)? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Poultry Fence Fabric (Hexagonal and Straight Line)ASTM A391/A391M-01 ? ? ? ? 80号合金钢链条? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Grade 80 Alloy Steel ChainASTM A392-03 ? ? ? ? 镀锌钢丝链环栏栅网? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence FabricASTM A394-04 ? ? ? ? 传动塔架用镀锌和裸露钢螺栓? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Transmission Tower Bolts, Zinc-Coated and BareASTM A395/A395M-99e1 ? ? ? ? 高温用铁素体球墨铸铁受压铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Ferritic Ductile Iron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated TemperaturesASTM A400-69(2000) ? ? ? ? 钢棒的成分及机械性能选择指南? ? ? ? Standard Practice for Steel Bars, Selection Guide, Composition, and Mechanical PropertiesASTM A401/A401M-03 ? ? ? ? 铬硅合金钢丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Chromium-Silicon AlloyASTM A403/A403M-04 ? ? ? ? 锻制奥氏体不锈钢管配件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping FittingsASTM A407-93(2004) ? ? ? ? 盘簧用冷拉钢丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Cold-Drawn, for Coiled-Type SpringsASTM A409/A409M-01 ? ? ? ? 腐蚀场所或高温下使用的焊接大口径奥氏体钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High-Temperature ServiceASTM A411-03 ? ? ? ? 镀锌低碳钢铠装线? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Low-Carbon Steel Armor WireASTM A413/A413M-01 ? ? ? ? 碳素钢链? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Chain ASTM A414/A414M-04 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用碳素薄钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, for Pressure VesselsASTM A416/A416M-02 ? ? ? ? 预应力混凝土用无涂层七股钢铰线? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Prestressed ConcreteASTM A417-93(2004) ? ? ? ? 之字形、方形、正弦形家具用弹簧元件用冷拔钢丝? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Cold-Drawn, for Zig-Zag, Square-Formed, and Sinuous-Type Upholstery Spring UnitsASTM A418-99(2003) ? ? ? ? 涡轮机及发电机钢转子锻件的超声波检查方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method for Ultrasonic Examination of Turbine and Generator Steel Rotor ForgingsASTM A420/A420M-04 ? ? ? ? 低温下用锻制碳素钢和合金钢管配件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature ServiceASTM A421/A421M-02 ? ? ? ? 预应力混凝土用无涂层消除应力钢丝的技术规范? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed ConcreteASTM A423/A423M-95(2000) ? ? ? ? 无缝和电焊低合金钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Seamless and Electric-Welded Low-Alloy Steel TubesASTM A424-00 ? ? ? ? 搪瓷用钢薄板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, for Porcelain EnamelingASTM A426/A426M-02 ? ? ? ? 高温用离心铸造的铁素体合金钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A427-02 ? ? ? ? 冷轧和热轧用锻制合金钢辊? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Wrought Alloy Steel Rolls for Cold and Hot ReductionASTM A428/A428M-01 ? ? ? ? 钢铁制品上铝覆层重量的测试方法? ? ? ? Standard Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on Aluminum-Coated Iron or Steel ArticlesASTM A434-04 ? ? ? ? 热轧与冷精轧经回火及淬火的合金钢棒? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Wrought or Cold-Finished, Quenched and TemperedASTM A435/A435M-90(2001) ? ? ? ? 钢板的直射束纵向超声波检验? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel PlatesASTM A436-84(2001) ? ? ? ? 奥氏体灰口铁铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Austenitic Gray Iron CastingsASTM A437/A437M-01a ? ? ? ? 高温用经特殊处理的涡轮型合金钢螺栓材料? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel Turbine-Type Bolting Material Specially Heat Treated for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A439-83(1999) ? ? ? ? 奥氏体可锻铸铁铸件? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Austenitic Ductile Iron CastingsASTM A447/A447M-93(2003) ? ? ? ? 高温用镍铬铁合金钢铸件(25-12级)? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloy (25-12 Class), for High-Temperature Service ASTM A449-04a ? ? ? ? 经淬火和回火的钢螺栓和螺柱? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and StudsASTM A450/A450M-04 ? ? ? ? 碳素钢管、铁素体合金钢管及奥氏体合金钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for General Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel TubesASTM A451/A451M-02 ? ? ? ? 高温用离心铸造的奥氏体钢管? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Temperature ServiceASTM A453/A453M-03 ? ? ? ? 具有同奥氏体钢相类似的膨胀系数、屈服强度为50-120Ksi(345-827MPa)的耐高温螺栓材料? ? ? ? Standard Specification for High-Temperature Bolting Materials, with Expansion Coefficients Comparable to Austenitic Stainless SteelsASTM A455/A455M-03 ? ? ? ? 压力容器用高强度碳锰钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, High-Strength ManganeseASTM A456/A456M-99(2003) ? ? ? ? 大型曲轴锻件的磁粉检查? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Magnetic Particle Examination of Large Crankshaft ForgingsASTM A459-97(2003) ? ? ? ? 镀锌平轧扁钢铠装带? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Flat Steel Armoring TapeASTM A460-94(2004)e1 ? ? ? ? 包铜钢丝绳标准? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Copper-Clad Steel Wire StrandASTM A463/A463M-02a ? ? ? ? 热浸镀铝薄钢板? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Coated, by the Hot-Dip ProcessASTM A466/A466M-01 ? ? ? ? 非焊接碳素钢链? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Weldless Chain ASTM A467/A467M-01 ? ? ? ? 机器链和盘旋链? ? ? ? Standard Specification for Machine and Coil Chain标准号? ? ? ? 标准中文名称? ? ? ? 标准英文名称。



附件3化妆品中丙烯酸乙酯等40种原料的检验方法Determination of ethyl acrylate and other 39 kinds of components in cosmetics1 范围本方法规定了气相色谱-质谱方法测定化妆品中丙烯酸乙酯等40种香料组分的含量。



2 方法提要样品以乙酸乙酯为溶剂提取,采用气相色谱-质谱法测定,以选择离子监测模式进行测定,根据保留时间和特征离子的相对丰度比定性、定量离子峰面积定量,以内标法计算含量。

本方法对丙烯酸乙酯等40种香料组分的检出限、定量下限及取样量为0.5 g时的检出浓度及最低定量浓度见表1。

表1 各原料的检出限、定量下限、检出浓度和最低定量浓度编号原料名称检出限(ng)定量下限(ng)检出浓度(μg/g)最低定量浓度(μg/g)1 丙烯酸乙酯0.05 0.15 1.0 3.32 反式-2-丁烯酸甲基酯0.15 0.45 3.0 103 5-甲基-2,3-己二酮0.15 0.45 3.0 104 苧烯0.15 0.45 3.0 105 反式-2-庚烯醛0.15 0.45 3.0 106 烯丙基芥子油0.05 0.15 1.0 3.37 芳樟醇0.15 0.45 3.0 108 2-辛炔酸甲酯0.15 0.45 3.0 109 柠檬醛0.15 0.45 3.0 1010 二甲基柠康酸酯0.15 0.45 3.0 1011 马来酸二乙酯0.05 0.15 1.0 3.312 香茅醇0.15 0.45 3.0 10编号原料名称检出限(ng)定量下限(ng)检出浓度(μg/g)最低定量浓度(μg/g)13 香叶醇0.15 0.45 3.0 1014 α-异甲基紫罗兰酮0.15 0.45 3.0 1015 苯甲醇0.15 0.45 3.0 1016 苄基氰0.15 0.45 3.0 1017 羟基香茅醛0.15 0.45 3.0 1018 肉桂醛0.15 0.45 3.0 1019 丁苯基甲基丙醛0.15 0.45 3.0 1020 4-苯基丁-3-烯-2-酮0.05 0.15 1.0 3.321 丁香酚0.15 0.45 3.0 1022 戊基肉桂醛0.15 0.45 3.0 1023 茴香醇0.15 0.45 3.0 1024 肉桂醇0.15 0.45 3.0 1025 4-叔丁基苯酚0.15 0.45 3.0 1026 金合欢醇0.15 0.45 3.0 1027 异丁香酚0.15 0.45 3.0 1028 己基肉桂醛0.15 0.45 3.0 1029 对羟基茴香醚0.15 0.45 3.0 1030 4-乙氧基苯酚0.15 0.45 3.0 1031 香豆素0.15 0.45 3.0 1032 新铃兰醛0.15 0.45 3.0 1033 戊基肉桂醇0.15 0.45 3.0 1034 葵子麝香0.15 0.45 3.0 1035 二苯胺0.15 0.45 3.0 1036 苯甲酸苄酯0.05 0.15 1.0 3.337 水杨酸苄酯0.15 0.45 3.0 1038 7-甲氧基香豆素0.15 0.45 3.0 1039 肉桂酸苄酯0.15 0.45 3.0 1040 7-乙氧基-4-甲基香豆素0.15 0.45 3.0 103 试剂和材料除另有规定外,本方法所用试剂均为分析纯或以上规格。



具体实施方式 [0023] 以下通过实施例说明本发明的具体步骤,但不受实施例限制。 [0024] 在本发明中所使用的术语,除非另有说明,一般具有本领域普通技术人员通常理 解的含义。下面结合具体实例并参照数据进一步详细描述本发明。应理解,这些实施例只是 为了举例说明本发明,而非以任何方式限制本发明的范围。 [0025] 在以下实施例中,未详细描述的各种过程和方法是本领域中公知的常规方法。 [0026] 实施例1本发明所述气相色谱法测定涂料或胶粘剂中游离甲醛含量的方法的建立 [0027] 1 .范围:本发明适用于涂料和胶粘剂游离甲醛含量的测定。 [0028] 2 .原理:乙酰丙酮在加热的条件下与甲醛在PH=6的乙酸-乙酸铵缓冲溶液中反应 生成稳定的黄色络合物3-亚甲基-2 ,4-戊二酮,采用乙酸乙酯萃取后,萃取液采用气相色谱 法测定,以出峰时间定性,以峰面积外标法定量。 [0029] 3 .试剂 [0030] 符合GB/T 23993 4的规定,其中甲醛标准稀释液浓度为20μg/mL ,另增加无水乙醇 试剂(ρ:0 .789g/mL)和乙酸乙酯溶剂(优级纯)。 [0031] 1 .仪器和设备 [0032] 具塞比色管:50mL。容量瓶:250mL;移液管:1mL、5mL、10mL、20mL、25mL。水浴锅。超 声波清洗剂(带加热装置)。天平:精度0 .1mg。安捷伦7890气相色谱仪,配FID检测器。离心 机,转速≥3000r/min。 [0033] 5 .试验步骤 [0034] 5 .1标准工作曲线的绘制 [0035] 5 .1 .1标准工作溶液的配置:取7支50mL具塞比色管,分别移入0 .00mL、0 .20mL、 0 .50mL、1 .00mL、3 .00mL、5 .00mL、8 .00mL甲醛标准稀释液,每支比色管中移入5 .00mL乙酰丙 酮溶液,加水定容至25mL刻度,摇匀。在恒温水浴锅中加热5min显色,取出冷却至室温,分三 次 加入15mL乙 酸乙 酯摇震萃取分层 ,将上层乙 酸乙 酯移入 另一支比 色管中 ,将装有乙 酸乙 酯萃取液的比色管定容置50mL,摇匀,待测。 [0036] 5 .1 .2气相色谱仪条件 [0037] 5 .1 .2 .1色谱柱:聚二基硅氧烷毛细管柱(30m×0 .32mm×0 .25μm)、聚5%腈丙苯



JONES 服装集团(JAG)机织布质量控制参考手册程序要求一、产品规格确认二、颜色色板和手感标准三、布料供应生产前的测试四、首批缸样确认和实际产品匹头样确认。





















高效液相色谱法测定膏剂化妆品中的甲醛释放类防腐剂李彦博;赵晓冬;陆军;郭春梅;陈晓辉【摘要】建立了同时测定膏剂化妆品中1,3-二羟甲基-5,5-二甲基乙内酰脲(DMDMH)、1-羟甲基-5,5-二甲基乙内酰脲(1-MDMH)和5,5-二甲基乙内酰脲(DMH)的高效液相色谱法.采用Waters Atlantis T3 C18液相色谱柱(250mm×4.6 mm,5μm);流动相为乙腈+0.1%甲酸溶液,流速1.0 mL/min,梯度洗脱;二极管阵列检测器,检测波长210 nm;柱温35℃.结果表明,DMDMH,1-MDMH和DMH质量浓度分别在17.86 ~ 595.20,17.65 ~588.39和18.05~601.67 mg/L 范围内与相应的峰面积具有良好的线性关系,相关系数分别为0.999 5,0.999 7和0.999 8,空白样品加标回收率分别为82.6%~106.2%,98.4%~ 110.7%和98.6%~ 113.0%.【期刊名称】《日用化学工业》【年(卷),期】2015(045)005【总页数】4页(P294-297)【关键词】化妆品;高效液相色谱法;防腐剂【作者】李彦博;赵晓冬;陆军;郭春梅;陈晓辉【作者单位】沈阳药科大学药学院,辽宁沈阳110016;辽宁省食品检验检测院理化所,辽宁沈阳110015;辽宁省药品检验检测院化妆品室,辽宁沈阳110023;辽宁省药品检验检测院化妆品室,辽宁沈阳110023;辽宁省药品检验检测院化妆品室,辽宁沈阳110023;沈阳药科大学药学院,辽宁沈阳110016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ658;TQ047.6化妆品中一般都含有丰富的营养物质,特别是近年来越来越多活性功效成分的加入使化妆品越来越容易受到微生物污染,从而破坏化妆品的感官和品质,危害消费者的健康。











附件10:化妆品中苯甲醇的检测方法气相色谱法1 范围本方法规定了采用气相色谱法测定化妆品中防腐剂苯甲醇(CAS:100-51-6)含量的方法。



2 方法提要样品经过提取后,采用气相色谱仪分离,氢火焰离子化检测器检测,根据保留时间定性,峰面积定量,以标准曲线法计算含量。




3 试剂和材料除另有规定外,所用试剂均为分析纯。

3.1 无水乙醇。

3.2 苯甲醇,纯度≥99.5%。

3.3 苯甲醇标准储备液[ (苯甲醇)=1.0g/L]:精密称取苯甲醇标准品0.1000g 于100mL的容量瓶中,用无水乙醇(3.1)溶解并稀释至刻度。



3.4 系列浓度苯甲醇标准溶液:分别精密量取一定体积的苯甲醇标准储备溶液(3.3)于10mL量瓶中,以无水乙醇(3.1)稀释并定容至刻度,得系列浓度为0.05mg/mL 、0.10mg/mL、0.20mg/ mL、0.30g/mL、0.40mg/mL、0.50mg/mL的标准溶液。

4 仪器和设备4.1 气相色谱仪:具氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)、质谱检测器(MSD)。

4.2 分析天平:感量为0.0001g。

4.3 分析天平:感量为0.01g。

4.4 容量瓶:10mL、100mL。

4.5 具塞刻度离心试管:10mL。

4.6 涡旋振荡器。

4.7 恒温水浴锅。

4.8 超声波清洗仪。

4.9 离心机:转速不小于5000r/min。

4.10 注射式样品过滤器(有机溶媒型,0.45μm)。

5 测定步骤5.1 样品处理称取0.5g~1.0g(精确至0.01g)样品于10mL容量瓶中,加入5mL无水乙醇(3.1),涡旋振荡使试样与提取溶剂充分混匀,置于50℃水浴中加热5min(液体类样品不需水浴加热),超声提取20min,冷却至室温后,用无水乙醇(3.1)稀释至刻度,混匀后转移至10mL刻度离心管中,以5000r/min离心5min。

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