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第1、3章 单片机应用概述与开发步骤
1. 电子计算机的发展概述
2. 单片机的发展过程及产品近况
3. 单片机的特点 4. 单片机应用系统开发简介
5.1 计算机语言概述
5.2 80C51单片机寻址方式
5.3 80C51单片机指令系统
5.4 80C51汇编语言程序设计
5.5 80C51单片机C51程序设计语言
5.6 C51的运算符和表达式
5.7 C51的库函数
5.8 C51的应用技巧
第5章 80C51单片机软件基础知识
第1、3章 单片机应用概述与开发步骤
• 系统资源分配 • 程序结构 • 数学模型 • 程序流程 • 编制程序
第1、3章 单片机应用概述与开发步骤
通常是C语言或者汇编语言,在特定的集成开发环境(IDE)中编程 调试,比如应用最广泛的KEIL uVision3
通过特殊功能寄存器可实现对单片机内部资源的 操作和管理。
第4章 80C51单片机硬件基础知识
第4章 80C51单片机硬件基础知识
特殊功能寄存器P0~P3分别是I/O端口P0~P3的锁存 器。80C51单片机是把I/O当作一般的特殊功能寄存器 使用,不专设端口操作指令,使用方便。
•数据缓冲区 30H~7FH是数 据缓冲区,即 用户RAM区, 共80个单元。
• 在仿真运行后,点击Tool GraphSingle Time • Acquisition Buffer Size • Dsp Data Type • Start Address • Display Data Size
• 在断点位置点击右键,编辑断点属性。将Action改为Refresh All Windows,这样就可以连续更新波形。
1.5 外部文件的路径问题
• 仅仅将外部文件和文件夹“加”进工程,而不做其他处理,编译时会出现找 不到source file的错误。
• 在工程目录下,专门有一个Include,表示外部文件的路径。 • 如图所示的两个路径是系统自带的,并没有解决src文件夹的路径问题
• 在工程名上点击右键菜单,选择最后一项“Properties”,点击“Include Options” • 点击 添加外部文件路径。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 只有同一个WorkSpace文件夹的工程,可以显示在同一软件界面中,随 时激活编辑和使用。
• 在安装到“Select a workspace”的时候,可以不勾选图2.2中的小框。那 样的话,每次启动CCS都会询问,更改Workspace将会很方便。
• 耐心等待完成,杀毒软件可能会 警报,请配合放行。 • 工程目录中多出src文件夹
练习1.3 利用Grace配置系统时钟代码
MSP430 单片机基础知识说明书
MSP430Microcontroller BasicsMSP430Microcontroller Basics John H.DaviesAMSTERDAM•BOSTON•HEIDELBERG•LONDONNEW YORK•OXFORD•PARIS•SAN DIEGOSAN FRANCISCO•SINGAPORE•SYDNEY•TOKYONewnes is an imprint of ElsevierNewnes is an imprint of Elsevier30Corporate Drive,Suite400,Burlington,MA01803,USALinacre House,Jordan Hill,Oxford OX28DP,UKCopyright©2008,Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any formor by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science&Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK:phone:(+44)1865843830,fax:(+44)1865853333,E-mail:************************.You may also complete your request online via the Elsevier homepage()by selecting “Support&Contact”then“Copyright and Permission”and then“Obtaining Permissions.”Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written,Elsevier prints itsbooks on acid-free paper whenever possible.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataApplication submittedBritish Library Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.ISBN:978-0-7506-8276-3For information on all Newnes publications,visit our Web site at:08091011121310987654321Printed in the United States of America“To Elizabeth.”ContentsPreface (xi)Chapter1:Embedded Electronic Systems and Microcontrollers (1)1.1What(and Where)Are Embedded Systems? (1)1.2Approaches to Embedded Systems (2)1.3Small Microcontrollers (5)1.4Anatomy of a Typical Small Microcontroller (8)1.5Memory (11)1.6Software (15)1.7Where Does the MSP430Fit? (16)Chapter2:The Texas Instruments MSP430 (21)2.1The Outside View—Pin-Out (21)2.2The Inside View—Functional Block Diagram (24)2.3Memory (25)2.4Central Processing Unit (30)2.5Memory-Mapped Input and Output (32)2.6Clock Generator (33)2.7Exceptions:Interrupts and Resets (36)2.8Where to Find Further Information (37)Chapter3:Development (43)3.1Development Environment (44)3.2The C Programming Language (46)3.3Assembly Language (55)3.4Access to the Microcontroller for Programming and Debugging (57)3.5Demonstration Boards (59)3.6Hardware (64)3.7Equipment (65)viii ContentsChapter4:A Simple Tour of the MSP430 (67)4.1First Program on a Conventional Desktop Computer (68)4.2Light LEDs in C (70)4.3Light LEDs in Assembly Language (72)4.4Read Input from a Switch (80)4.5Automatic Control:Flashing Light by Software Delay (91)4.6Automatic Control:Use of Subroutines (99)4.7Automatic Control:Flashing Light by Polling Timer_A (105)4.8Header Files and Issues Brushed under the Carpet (114)Chapter5:Architecture of the MSP430Processor (119)5.1Central Processing Unit (119)5.2Addressing Modes (125)5.3Constant Generator and Emulated Instructions (131)5.4Instruction Set (132)5.5Examples (146)5.6Reflections on the CPU and Instruction Set (153)5.7Resets (157)5.8Clock System (163)Chapter6:Functions,Interrupts,and Low-Power Modes (177)6.1Functions and Subroutines (178)6.2What Happens when a Subroutine Is Called? (178)6.3Storage for Local Variables (179)6.4Passing Parameters to a Subroutine and Returning a Result (183)6.5Mixing C and Assembly Language (185)6.6Interrupts (186)6.7What Happens when an Interrupt Is Requested? (188)6.8Interrupt Service Routines (190)6.9Issues Associated with Interrupts (196)6.10Low-Power Modes of Operation (198)Chapter7:Digital Input,Output,and Displays (207)7.1Digital Input and Output:Parallel Ports (208)7.2Digital Inputs (216)7.3Switch Debounce (225)7.4Digital Outputs (238)7.5Interface between3V and5V Systems (243)7.6Driving Heavier Loads (247)7.7Liquid Crystal Displays (252)7.8Driving an LCD from an MSP430x4xx (256)7.9Simple Applications of the LCD (264)Contents ix Chapter8:Timers (275)8.1Watchdog Timer (276)8.2Basic Timer1 (281)8.3Timer_A (287)8.4Measurement in the Capture Mode (300)8.5Output in the Continuous Mode (318)8.6Output in the Up Mode:Edge-Aligned Pulse-Width Modulation (330)8.7Output in the Up/Down Mode:Centered Pulse-Width Modulation (349)8.8Operation of Timer_A in the Sampling Mode (352)8.9Timer_B (353)8.10What Timer Where? (356)8.11Setting the Real-Time Clock:State Machines (357)Chapter9:Mixed-Signal Systems:Analog Input and Output (369)9.1Comparator_A (371)9.2Analog-to-Digital Conversion:General Issues (393)9.3Analog-to-Digital Conversion:Successive Approximation (402)9.4The ADC10Successive-Approximation ADC (407)9.5Basic Operation of the ADC10 (412)9.6More Advanced Operation of the ADC10 (424)9.7The ADC12Successive-Approximation ADC (432)9.8Analog-to-Digital Conversion:Sigma–Delta (438)9.9The SD16_A Sigma–Delta ADC (446)9.10Operation of SD16_A (459)9.11Signal Conditioning and Operational Amplifiers (475)9.12Digital-to-Analog Conversion (485)Chapter10:Communication (493)10.1Communication Peripherals in the MSP430 (495)10.2Serial Peripheral Interface (497)10.3SPI with the USI (504)10.4SPI with the USCI (513)10.5A Thermometer Using SPI in Mode3with the F2013as Master (520)10.6A Thermometer Using SPI in Mode0with the FG4618as Master (526)10.7Inter-integrated Circuit Bus (534)10.8A Simple I²C Master with the USCI_B0on a FG4618 (542)10.9A Simple I²C Slave with the USI on a F2013 (549)10.10State Machines for I²C Communication (559)10.11A Thermometer Using I²C with the F2013as Master (567)10.12Asynchronous Serial Communication (574)10.13Asynchronous Communication with the USCI_A (581)x Contents10.14A Software UART Using Timer_A (590)10.15Other Types of Communication (599)Chapter11:The Future:MSP430X (601)11.1Architecture of the MSP430X (601)11.2Instruction Set of the MSP430X (607)11.3Where Next? (614)11.4Conclusion (617)Appendix A:Kickstarting the MSP430 (619)A.1Introduction to EW430 (619)A.2Developing a Project in C (621)A.3Debugging with the Simulator (627)A.4Debugging with the Emulator (630)A.5Developing a Project in Assembly Language (633)A.6Tips for Using EW430 (636)A.7Tips for Specific Development Kits (640)Appendix B:Further Reading (645)Books and Articles (645)Newsletters,Magazines,and Journals (651)Index (655)Preface About a decade ago,I took over the teaching of afirst-year,second-semester course on digital electronics.It coveredflip-flops,counters,and state machines,all built fromsmall-scale integrated circuits.One of the projects at the end was to build a digital die.In many ways it was an excellent exercise because there were so many feasible ways in which it could be approached—simple counters,Johnson counters,or state machines.My concern was that it was very close to the project that I had experienced in myfirst course on digital electronics,which was back in the mid-1970s.The technology was close to the state of the art then,but was it still appropriate after so many years?Another feature of our course is that it is taken not only by electronic engineers but also by students from the science faculty,mostly computer scientists.I wanted these students to leave with a feeling for what can readily be done with modern programmable electronics insmaller-scale systems.I therefore replaced the material in the second half of the course with microcontrollers.(Do not worry,state machines were not abandoned—they are taught with hardware description languages in the context of programmable logic devices.) More recently,I thought that the time had come to review the choice of microcontroller. We traditionally used8-bit processors because modern devices have versatile peripherals and sophisticated embedded emulation and are quite powerful enough for most applications.Then the Texas Instruments MSP430caught my eye.A problem with8-bit microcontrollers is that8bits are too few for addresses,which are typically16bits long, and this means that data and addresses cannot be treated on an equal footing.In contrast, the MSP430has a uniform,16-bit architecture throughout:The address bus,data bus,and registers in the CPU are all16bits wide.The CPU has a modern design with plenty of registers,most of which can be used equally for data or addresses.It has a small instruction set with orthogonal addressing and an ingenious constant generator,which is used to emulate many operations that would otherwise need their own,distinct instructions.In many ways these features make the16-bit MSP430simpler than a typical8-bit processor.xii PrefaceOf course an elegant architecture does not generate many sales in the real world.More important are the range of peripherals and development tools.The MSP430offers the usual selection of peripherals plus some less common modules,including sigma–delta analog-to-digital converters and operational amplifiers.Some devices include hardware multipliers and digital-to-analog converters,which provide a complete signal chain(although,of course,Texas Instruments also offers an enormous range of digital signal processors).There is a choice of two free development environments(always an important considerationin education).One is IAR Embedded Workbench,which is available for a wide range of microcontrollers.Another,Code Composer Essentials,is produced by Texas Instruments itself.A third option is the GCC toolchain for MSP430at .I have not yet mentioned the major selling point of the MSP430,which is its low power consumption.Many microcontrollers are based on long-established designs withlow-power modes grafted onto them.This means that returning to full power from alow-power mode is often awkward and in some cases is virtually a reset operation.The MSP430is refreshingly different because it was designed from the outset for low-power operation.Entry to low-power modes and exit from them is straightforward,supported by a versatile clock system.For example,the clock module includes a digitally controlled oscillator that restarts at full speed from a low-power mode in less than1s in newer devices.In many applications the MSP430is put into a low-power mode,from which it is awakened by interrupts.These automatically restore full power for the interrupt service routine and return the processor to low power when it hasfinished.No extra code is needed for this:It is an intrinsic part of the interrupt mechanism.Most peripherals are designed for low power,although this can sometimes make them a little more complicated than would otherwise be necessary.The main point is that low-power modes are easy to use.The quality of the data sheets and user’s guides is another issue in education and those for the MSP430arefine.Unfortunately one item was missing in the area of documentation:a suitable textbook in English.I wrote this book tofill the gap.OutlineMost textbooks on microcontrollers follow one of two approaches.Thefirst is to present a sequence of projects to explore successive aspects of the device.I think that this works well for simpler architectures,notably the8-bit PICs,because it enables the reader to write functioning programs rapidly.This always feels good.Unfortunately I am not sure that it works as well for more advanced peripherals,which need considerable explanation before the reader can learn to use them fully.Preface xiii The alternative approach is to describe each module in the microcontroller fully and in turn,starting with the CPU and instruction set and working out to the peripherals.This makes for a well-organized reference book but can be tedious as a textbook.I tried to steer a course between these two.My inspiration is Kernighan and Ritchie’s The C Programming Language,which starts with a“Tutorial Introduction”before exploring the language systematically in subsequent chapters.I think that it takes rather more introduction to a microcontroller so the“simple tour,”which is my equivalent to the tutorial,does not start until Chapter4.Before that,thefirst chapter contains a general introduction to embedded systems and microcontrollers.This sets the scene for Chapter2, which focuses on the MSP430and gives a broad view of its features.I include a chapter on hardware and software for developing applications,which I hope will be particularly useful for readers who are new to microcontrollers.It also contains some reminders of features of the C language that are more prominent in programs for microcontrollers than desktop computers—bitfields for instance.This leads into the tour,which runs through some simple programs to illustrate input and output,the inevitableflashing LEDs,and an introduction to one of the timers(the MSP430has several).The remainder of the book provides a more systematic description of the MSP430.I start with the CPU and instruction set,and show how the constant generator is used to provide further“emulated”instructions.The clock system is also described in this chapter.It is followed by Chapter6on subroutines,interrupts,and low-power modes.I already mentioned that a major feature of the MSP430is the way in which low-power modes are handled automatically when interrupts are serviced.Subsequent chapters are concerned with the most widely used peripherals.Chapter7on digital input and output starts with the usual parallel ports and goes on to describe liquid crystal displays,which many MSP430s can drive directly.There is a wide selection of timers in the MSP430,which are covered in the next chapter.This is followed by a lengthy chapter on analog input and output.The MSP430offers many peripherals for analog-to-digital conversion,ranging from a simple comparator to a16-bit sigma–delta module.I do not think that you can use any of these without some understanding of their characteristics,which explains the length of this chapter.Some MSP430s include operational amplifiers and digital-to-analog converters,which I described briefly.Thefinal long chapter is on communication.I cover only three types of communication—serial peripheral interface,inter-integrated circuit bus,and asynchronous—but there are several peripherals for these in different variants of the MSP430,so there is a lot to explain.xiv PrefaceThe very last chapter provides an introduction to the MSP430X,an extended architecture with a20-bit address bus that can handle1MB of memory.There is also an appendix to take the reader through the steps of editing,building,and debugging thefirst project, which can sometimes be a frustrating experience.Ifind it annoying when books contain large chunks copied directly from data sheets and have tried to avoid this.You cannot hope to program a microcontroller without the data sheet at your side.Having said that,I start by going through each bit of the registers that control the peripherals used for the early programs.The idea is to explain how a typical peripheral is configured.After that I become more selective and concentrate on the overall function of the peripheral ually I pick out a few details that I think need extra explanation but skip the more mundane aspects.They are in the example programs inany case.I include links to many of Texas Instruments’application notes because I can see no point in repeating material that has been thoroughly explained already.Ifind that many students are strangely reluctant to use this valuable resource.There are a few reminders about code examples for the same reason.C or Assembly Language?Most small microcontrollers are now programmed using the C language so the question might seem redundant.In fact often columns in newletters on embedded systems often carry articles with titles such as“Is Assembly Language Dead?”However,the answer seems to be clearly that assembly language is not dead for small microcontrollers,such as the MSP430.Most code is written in C but you may occasionally need to write a subroutine in assembly language to perform an operation that cannot be written out directly in C.Two examples are operations that require bitwise rotations rather than shifts and calculations that can be done more efficiently by exploiting special instructions of the CPU,such as binary-coded decimal arithmetic.Intrinsic functions often avoid the need for assembly language but not always.More important,assembly language is often needed for debugging and this is the most compelling reason for describing it in a textbook.Small microcontrollers typically spend much of their time interacting with hardware by manipulating the registers that control the peripherals.Debugging may require stepping through lines of assembly language to check each step.You have to look at the manual to check the details of each instruction,but it helps to have a general idea of how the assembly language works.Preface xv From a pedagogical point of view,assembly language is useful to illustrate the architecture of the processor.In fact the MSP430is simple enough that you can explore the thinking behind the design of the instruction set.Besides,assembly language can be fun(in small doses).My approach is to develop thefirst,simple programs in Chapter4using both C and assembly language to show the relation between them.However,C dominates by the end of the chapter.Assembly language makes a strong showing in the next two chapters,which cover architecture,subroutines,and interrupts,including a section on mixing C and assembly language.Almost all remaining programs are in C,with assembly language reappearing only briefly for a function to convert numbers to binary-coded decimal.The listings in the text are read directly from the programs that I tested.Companion Web SitePlease visit the companion Web site for this book at/companions/9780750682763and download the programs used as examples in the book.These programs were read into the text of the book from the workspaces that I used for testing,which means that the downloadedfiles should match the book perfectly.Links are also provided for data sheets,user’s guides,and development tools.Solutions to the odd-numbered examples are freely available on the companion Web site but the remaining solutions are offered only to instructors. AcknowledgmentsIt is a pleasure to thank numerous people who have helped me in various ways to write this book.Many are from Texas Instruments:Bonnie Baker,Jacob Borgeson,Andreas Dannenberg,Colin Garlick,Thomas Mitnacht,and Robert Owen.I am particularly grateful to Adrian Valenzuela for his comments on thefinal draft.Several engineers from other companies were kind enough to provide advice and assistance:Edward Gibbins and Steve Duckworth from IAR,Tom Baugh of SoftBaugh,Paul Curtis of Rowley Associates,David Dyer of Ericsson and Fernando Rodriguez while he was at Texas Instruments.Finally,I am grateful to colleagues and students at Glasgow University,from whom I have learnt an enormous amount over the years.I’d like to thank Fernando Rodriguez(not the same person who was at Texas Instruments)and David Muir in particular,with both of whom I have run a wide range of projects on embedded systems and microcontrollers—from tutor boxes withflip-flops to the electronic systems of a Formula Student racing car.John Davies,Milngavie。
二、培训内容1. 单片机基础知识1) 单片机概述2) 单片机的发展历史3) 单片机的组成和结构4) 单片机的工作原理5) 单片机的应用领域2. 单片机编程与应用1) 单片机的编程语言2) 单片机的编程环境搭建3) 单片机的基本编程技巧4) 单片机的数据存储与输入输出5) 单片机的应用案例分析3. 单片机实例训练1) LED灯控制2) 蜂鸣器控制3) 按键输入与输出4) 温度传感器应用5) 红外遥控器应用6) 舵机控制7) 电机驱动8) LCD液晶屏显示4. 蓝桥杯单片机竞赛技巧1) 竞赛规则介绍2) 竞赛常用的单片机技术3) 竞赛常用的单片机传感器及外设4) 竞赛常见问题的解决方法5) 竞赛成功案例分享三、奖惩机制为了激励学生积极参与培训,我们特别设立了以下奖惩机制:1. 学习积极分:学生在课堂上积极回答问题、认真听讲、主动提问等行为将获得学习积极分,累积到一定分数将有机会获得奖励。
2. 优秀作业奖:学生完成作业质量优秀者将获得优秀作业奖励,鼓励学生认真完成每一项培训任务。
3. 演示比赛奖:学生在培训期末举行的单片机演示比赛中获得优胜者将获得奖金奖励,并有机会参加蓝桥杯单片机竞赛。
2、编写程序下面是一个简单的MSP430单片机程序,可以让LED灯闪烁:c本文include <msp430.h>int main(void)本文P1DIR |= 0x01; //设置P1.0为输出while(1){P1OUT ^= 0x01; //反转P1.0的状态,LED闪烁__delay_cycles(); //延时一段时间,控制闪烁频率}本文上述程序中,首先定义了P1DIR寄存器,将P1.0设置为输出。
MSP430单片机是一种超低功耗的微控制器,由德州仪器(Texas Instruments)推出。
T EXAS I NSTRUMENTSMPS430系列混合信号微控制器结构及模块用户指南目录1MSP430系列1.1特性与功能1.2系统关键性能1.3MSP430系列的各型号2结构概述2.1CPU2.2代码存储器2.3数据存储器(RAM)2.4运行控制2.5外围模块2.6振荡器、倍频器和时钟发生器3系统复位、中断和运行模式3.1系统复位和初始化3.2中断系统结构3.3中断处理3.3.1SFR中的中断控制位3.3.2外部中断3.4运行模式3.5低功耗模式3.5.1 低功耗模式0与模式1,LPM0和LPM1 3.5.2 低功耗模式2与模式3,LPM2和LPM3 3.5.3 低功耗模式4,LPM43.6 低功耗应用要点4 存储器组织4.1 存储器中的数据4.2 片内ROM组织4.2.1 ROM表的处理4.2.2 计算分支跳转和子程序调用4.3 RAM与外围模块组织4.3.1 RAM4.3.2 外围模块—地址定位4.3.3 外围模块--SFR5 16位CPU5.1 CPU寄存器5.1.1 程序计数器PC5.1.2 系统堆栈指针SP5.1.3 状态寄存器SR5.1.4 常数发生寄存器CG1与CG25.2 寻址模式5.2.1 寄存器模式5.2.2 变址模式5.2.3 符号模式5.2.4 绝对模式5.2.5 间接模式5.2.6 间接增量模式5.2.7 立即模式5.2.8 指令的时钟周期与长度5.3 指令组概述5.3.1 双操作数指令5.3.2 单操作数指令5.3.3 条件跳转5.3.4 模拟指令的短格式5.3.5 其它指令5.4 指令分布6 硬件乘法器6.1 硬件乘法器的操作6.2 硬件乘法器的寄存器6.3 硬件乘法器的SFR位6.4 硬件乘法器的软件限制6.4.1 硬件乘法器软件限制--寻址模式6.4.2 硬件乘法器软件限制--中断程序7 振荡器与系统时钟发生器7.1 晶体振荡器7.2 处理机时钟发生器7.3 系统时钟运行模式7.4 系统时钟控制寄存器7.4.1 模块寄存器7.4.2 与系统时钟发生器相关的SFR位7.5 DCO典型特性8 数字I/O配置8.1 通用端口P08.1.1 P0控制寄存器8.1.2 P0原理图8.1.3 P0中断控制功能8.2 通用端口P1、P28.2.1 P1、P2控制寄存器8.2.2 P1、P2原理图8.2.3 P1、P2中断控制功能8.3 通用端口P3、P48.3.1 P3、P4控制寄存器8.3.2 P3、P4原理图8.4 LCD端口8.5 LCD端口--定时器/端口比较器9 通用定时器/端口模块9.1 定时器/端口模块操作9.1.1 定时器/端口计数器TPCNT1,8位操作9.1.2 定时器/端口计数器TPCNT2,8位操作9.1.3 定时器/端口计数器,16位操作9.2 定时器/端口寄存器9.3 定时器/端口SFR位9.4 定时器/端口在A/D中的应用9.4.1 R/D转换原理9.4.2 分辨率高于8位的转换10 定时器10.1 Basic Timer110.1.1 BasicTimer1寄存器10.1.2 SFR位10.1.3 BasicTimer1操作10.1.4 BasicTimer1操作:LCD时钟信号f LCD 10.2 8位间隔(Interval)定时器/计数器10.2.1 8位定时器/计数器的操作10.2.2 8位定时器/计数器的寄存器10.2.3 与8位定时器/计数器有关的SFR 10.2.4 8位定时器/计数器在UART中的应用10.3 看门狗定时器10.3.1 看门狗定时器寄存器10.3.2 看门狗定时器中断控制功能10.3.3 看门狗定时器操作10.4 8位PWM定时器10.4.1 操作10.4.2 PWM寄存器11 Timer_A11.1 Timer_A的操作11.1.1 定时器操作11.1.2 捕获模式11.1.3 比较器模式11.1.4 输出单元11.2 Timer_A的寄存器11.2.1 Timer_A控制寄存器TACTL11.2.2 捕获/比较控制寄存器CCTL11.2.3 Timer_A中断向量寄存器11.3 Timer_A的应用11.3.1 Timer_A增计数模式应用11.3.2 Timer_A连续模式应用11.3.3 Timer_A增/减计数模式应用11.3.4 Timer_A软件捕获应用11.3.5 Timer_A处理异步串行通信协议11.4 Timer_A的特殊情况11.4.1 CCR0用作周期寄存器11.4.2 定时器寄存器的启/停11.4.3 输出单元Unit012 USART外围接口,UART模式12.1 异步操作12.1.1 异步帧格式12.1.2 异步通信的波特率发生器12.1.3 异步通信格式12.1.4 线路空闲多处理机模式12.1.5 地址位格式12.2 中断与控制功能12.2.1 USART接收允许12.2.2 USART发送允许12.2.3 USART接收中断操作12.2.4 USART发送中断操作12.3 控制与状态寄存器12.3.1 USART控制寄存器UCTL12.3.2 发送控制寄存器UTCTL12.3.3 接收控制寄存器URCTL12.3.4 波特率选择和调制控制寄存器12.3.5 USART接收数据缓存URXBUF12.3.6 USART发送数据缓存UTXBUF12.4 UART模式,低功耗模式应用特性12.4.1 由UART帧启动接收操作12.4.2 UART模式波特率与时钟频率12.4.3 节约MSP430资源的多处理机模式12.5 波特率的计算13 USART外围接口,SPI模式13.1 USART的同步操作13.1.1 SPI模式中的主模式,MM=1、SYNC=1 13.1.2 SPI模式中的从模式,MM=0、SYNC=1 13.2 中断与控制功能13.2.1 USART接收允许13.2.2 USART发送允许13.2.3 USART接收中断操作13.2.4 USART发送中断操作13.3 控制与状态寄存器13.3.1 USART控制寄存器13.3.2 发送控制寄存器UTCTL13.3.3 接收控制寄存器URCTL13.3.4 波特率选择和调制控制寄存器13.3.5 USART接收数据缓存URXBUF 13.3.6 USART发送数据缓存UTXBUF14 液晶显示驱动14.1 LCD驱动基本原理14.2 LCD控制器/驱动器14.2.1 LCD控制器/驱动器功能14.2.2 LCD控制及模式寄存器14.2.3 LCD显示存储器14.2.4 LCD操作软件例程14.3 LCD端口功能14.4 LCD与端口模式混合应用实例15 A/D转换器15.1 概述15.2 A/D转换操作15.2.1 A/D转换15.2.2 A/D中断15.2.3 A/D量程15.2.4 A/D电流源15.2.5 A/D输入端与多路切换15.2.6 A/D接地与降噪15.2.7 A/D输入与输出引脚15.3 A/D控制寄存器16 其它模块16.1 晶体振荡器16.2 上电电路16.3 晶振缓冲输出附录A 外围模块分布附录B 指令组说明附录C EPROM编程本书用途及表述约定MSP430用户指南以方便工程师及程序员使用的方式提供软件和硬件资料,以帮助开发应用MSP430系列的产品。
DWake-Up From Standby Mode in Less Than 6µs --Internal Very Low Power,Low-Frequency Oscillator D 16-Bit RISC Architecture,125-ns Instruction Cycle Time D 16-Bit Timer_A With Three Capture/Compare RegistersD 16-Bit Timer_A With Five Capture/Compare RegistersDTwo Universal Serial Communication Interfaces (USCIs)USCI_A0--Enhanced UART Supporting Auto-Baudrate Detection --IrDA Encoder and Decoder --Synchronous SPI USCI_B0--I2C --Synchronous SPIDSupply Voltage Supervisor/Monitor With Programmable Level DetectionCompare Function or Slope A/DD10-Bit 200-ksps Analog-to-Digital (A/D)Converter With Internal Reference,Sample-and-Hold,Autoscan,and Data Transfer ControllerDSerial Onboard Programming,No External Programming Voltage Needed Programmable Code Protection by Security FuseD Bootstrap LoaderD On-Chip Emulation Module DFamily Members Include:MSP430F4152:16KB+256B Flash Memory512B RAMMSP430F4132:8KB+256B Flash Memory512B RAMD Available in 64-Pin QFP Package and 48-Pin QFN Package (See Available Options)DFor Complete Module Descriptions,See The MSP430x4xx Family User’s Guide ,Literature Number SLAU056descriptionThe Texas Instruments MSP430family of ultralow-power microcontrollers consist of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications.The architecture,combined with five low power modes,is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications.The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU,16-bit registers,and constant generator that contribute to maximum code efficiency.The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO)allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 6µs.The MSP430F41x2is a microcontroller configuration with two 16-bit timers,a basic timer with a real--time clock,a 10-bit A/D converter,a versatile analog comparator,two universal serial communication interfaces,up to 48I/O pins,and a liquid crystal display driver.Typical applications for this device include analog and digital sensor systems,remote controls,thermostats,digital timers,hand-held meters,etc.This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD.Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions.Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure.Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.These devices have limited built-in ESD protection.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty.Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.AVAILABLE OPTIONS†PACKAGED DEVICES‡T APLASTIC64-PIN QFP(PM)PLASTIC48-PIN QFN(RGZ)--40°C to85°C MSP430F4152IPMMSP430F4132IPMMSP430F4152IRGZMSP430F4132IRGZ†For the most current package and ordering information,see the Package OptionAddendum at the end of this document,or see the TI web site at .‡Package drawings,thermal data,and symbolization are available at/packaging.DEVELOPMENT TOOL SUPPORTAll MSP430microcontrollers include an Embedded Emulation Module(EEM)allowing advanced debugging and programming through easy to use development tools.Recommended hardware options include the following:D Debugging and Programming Interface--MSP-FET430UIF(USB)--MSP-FET430PIF(Parallel Port)D Debugging and Programming Interface with Target Board--MSP-FET430U64A(PM package)D Production Programmer--MSP-GANG430pin designation,MSP430F41x2IPM(QFP)pin designation,MSP430F41x2IRGZ(QFN)††“Not available”pinsfunctional block diagramDVCCDVSSAVCCAVSSP1.x/P2.xP3.x/P4.xXINXOUTP5.x/P6.xP7.xNOTE:The USCI A0and USCI B0cannot be used in the 48-pin package options (RGZ).Terminal FunctionsTERMINALNO.NAME64PIN 48PINI/O DESCRIPTIONP1.0/TA0.0/S315337I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTimer0_A3,capture:CCI0A input,compare:Out0output LCD segment outputP1.1/TA0.0/MCLK/S305236I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer0_A3,capture:CCI0B input MCLK signal outputLCD segment outputP1.2/TA0.1/S2951--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTimer0_A3,capture:CCI1A input,compare:Out1output LCD segment outputP1.3/TA1.0/SVSOUT/S2850--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer1_A5,capture:CCI0B input SVS comparator outputLCD segment outputP1.4/TA1.0/S2749--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin/Timer1_A5,capture:CCI0A input,compare:Out0output LCD segment outputP1.5/TA0CLK/CAOUT/S264835I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer0_A3,clock signal TACLK input Comparator_A outputLCD segment outputP1.6/ACLK/CA04734I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Comparator_A input0ACLK signal outputP1.7/TA0CLKCAOUT/CA14633I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer0_A3,clock signal TACLK input Comparator_A output Comparator_A input1P2.0/TA1.1/S152723I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer1_A5,compare:Out1Output LCD segment outputP2.1/TA1.2/S142622I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer1_A5,compare:Out2Output LCD segment outputP2.2/TA1.3/S132521I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer1_A5,compare:Out3Output LCD segment outputP2.3/TA1.4/S122420I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer1_A5,compare:Out4output LCD segment outputP2.4/S112319I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP2.5/S102218I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP2.6/S92117I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP2.7/S82016I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputTerminal Functions(continued)TERMINALNO.NAME64PIN 48PINI/O DESCRIPTIONP3.0/TA1.2/S2335--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTimer1_A5,capture:CCI2A input,compare:Out2output LCD segment outputP3.1/TA1.3/S2234--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTimer1_A5,capture:CCI3A input,compare:Out3output LCD segment outputP3.2/TA1.4/S2133--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTimer1_A5,capture:CCI4A input,compare:Out4output LCD segment outputP3.3/TA0.0/TA1CLK/S2032--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer0_A3,compare:Out0output Timer1_A5,clock signal TACLK input LCD segment outputP3.4/CAOUT/S193124I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Comparator_A outputLCD segment outputP3.5/S1830--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP3.6/S1729--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP3.7/S1628--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP4.0/S71915I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP4.1/S61814I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP4.2/S51713I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP4.3/S41612I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP4.4/S31511I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP4.5/S21410I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP4.6/S1139I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin LCD segment outputP4.7/ADC10CLK/S0128I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin ADC10,conversion clock LCD segment outputP5.0/TA1.1/S2444--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTimer1_A5,capture:CCI1A input,compare:Out1output LCD segment outputLCDCAP/R334332I/O Capacitor connection for LCD charge pumpinput port of the most positive analog LCD level(V4)P5.1/R234231I/O General-purpose digital I/O pininput port of the second most positive analog LCD level(V3)P5.2/LCDREF/R134130I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinExternal LCD reference voltage inputinput port of the third most positive analog LCD level(V3or V2)Terminal Functions(continued)TERMINALNO.NAME64PIN 48PINI/O DESCRIPTIONP5.3/R034029I/O General-purpose digital I/O pininput port of the fourth most positive analog LCD level(V1)P5.4/COM33928I/O General-purpose digital I/O pincommon output,COM0--3are used for LCD backplanesP5.5/COM23827I/O General-purpose digital I/O pincommon output,COM0--3are used for LCD backplanesP5.6/COM13726I/O General-purpose digital I/O pincommon output,COM0--3are used for LCD backplanesP5.7/COM03625I/O General-purpose digital I/O pincommon output,COM0--3are used for LCD backplanesP6.0/TA1.2/A2†/CA46347I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin Timer1_A5,compare:Out2output ADC10analog input A2†Comparator_A input4P6.1/UCB0SOMI†/ UCB0SCL†11I/OGeneral-purpose digital I/O pinUSCI B0slave out/master in in SPI mode,SCL I2C clock in I2C mode†P6.2/UCB0SIMO†/ UCB0SDA†22I/OGeneral-purpose digital I/O pinUSCI B0slave in/master out in SPI mode,SDA I2C data in I2C mode†P6.3/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK/A3/ CA5/V eref--/V ref--3--I/OGeneral-purpose digital I/O pinUSCI B0slave transmit enable/USCI A0clock input/outputADC10analog input A3/negative referenceComparator_A input5P6.4/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE/A4/ CA6/V eref+/V ref+4--I/OGeneral-purpose digital I/O pinUSCI B0clock input/output,USCI A0slave transmit enableADC10analog input A4/positive referenceComparator_A input6P6.5/UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI/A55--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinUSCI A0receive data input in UART mode,slave data out/master in in SPI mode ADC10analog input A5P6.6/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO/A66--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinUSCI A0transmit data output in UART mode,slave data in/master out SPI mode ADC10analog input A6P6.7/A7/CA7/SVSIN117I/O General-purpose digital I/O pin ADC10analog input A7 Comparator_A input7SVS inputP7.0/TDO/TDI/ S325438I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinJTAG test data output terminal or test data input in programming an testLCD segment outputP7.1/TDI/TCLK/ S335539I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinJTAG test data input or test clock input in programming an testLCD segment outputP7.2/TMS/S345640I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinJTAG test mode select,input terminal for device programming and testLCD segment output64-pin package devices onlyTerminal Functions(continued)TERMINALNO.NAME64PIN 48PINI/O DESCRIPTIONP7.3/TCK/S355741I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTest clock input for device programming and testLCD segment outputP7.4/TA1.4/A0/CA26044I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTimer1_A5,capture:CCI4B input,compare:Out4output ADC10analog input A0Comparator_A input2P7.5/TA1.3/A1/CA36145I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTimer1_A5,capture:CCI3B input,compare:Out3output ADC10analog input A1Comparator_A input3P7.6/TA0.2/S2545--I/O General-purpose digital I/O pinTimer0_A3,capture:CCI2A input,compare:Out2output LCD segment outputAV CC6448Analog supply voltage,positive terminalAV SS6246Analog supply voltage,negative terminalDV CC73Digital supply voltage,positive terminal.Supplies all digital parts.DV SS106Digital supply voltage,negative terminal.Supplies all digital parts.XOUT95O Output port for crystal oscillator XT1.Standard or watch crystals can be connected. XIN84I Input port for crystal oscillator XT1.Standard or watch crystals can be connected.RST/NMI/ SBWTDIO 5842I Reset or nonmaskable interrupt inputSpy-Bi-Wire test data input/output during programming and testTEST/SBWTCLK5943I Selects test mode for JTAG pins on Port7.The device protection fuse is connected to TEST. Thermal Pad NA NA NA QFN package pad(RGZ package only).Connection to DV SS is recommended.General-Purpose Register Program Counter Stack Pointer Status Register Constant Generator General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register PC/R0SP/R1SR/CG1/R2CG2/R3R4R5R12R13General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register R6R7General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register R8R9General-Purpose Register General-Purpose Register R10R11General-Purpose Register General-Purpose RegisterR14R15short-form descriptionCPUThe MSP430CPU has a 16-bit RISC architecture that is highly transparent to the application.All operations,other than program-flow instructions,are performed as register operations in conjunction with seven addressing modes for source operand and four addressing modes for destination operand.The CPU is integrated with 16registers that provide reduced instruction execution time.The register-to-register operation execution time is one cycle of the CPU clock.Four of the registers,R0to R3,are dedicated as program counter,stack pointer,status register,and constant generator,respectively.The remaining registers are general-purpose registers.Peripherals are connected to the CPU using data,address,and control buses and can be handled with all instructions.instruction setThe instruction set consists of 51instructions with three formats and seven address modes.Each instruction can operate on word and byte data.Table 1shows examples of the three types of instruction formats;Table 2shows the address modes.Table 1.Instruction Word FormatsDual operands,source-destination e.g.,ADD R4,R5R4+R5------>R5Single operands,destination only e.g.,CALL R8PC ---->(TOS),R8---->PC Relative jump,un/conditionale.g.,JNEJump-on-equal bit =0Table 2.Address Mode DescriptionsADDRESS MODES D SYNTAX EXAMPLE OPERATION Register F F MOV Rs,Rd MOV R10,R11R10—>R11IndexedF F MOV X(Rn),Y(Rm)MOV 2(R5),6(R6)M(2+R5)—>M(6+R6)Symbolic (PC relative)F F MOV EDE,TONI M(EDE)—>M(TONI)Absolute F F MOV &MEM,&TCDAT M(MEM)—>M(TCDAT)Indirect F MOV @Rn,Y(Rm)MOV @R10,Tab(R6)M(R10)—>M(Tab+R6)Indirect autoincrement F MOV @Rn+,Rm MOV @R10+,R11M(R10)—>R11R10+2—>R10ImmediateFMOV #X,TONIMOV #45,TONI #45—>M(TONI)NOTE:S =source,D =destinationoperating modesThe MSP430has one active mode and five software selectable low-power modes of operation.An interrupt event can wake up the device from any of the five low-power modes,service the request,and restore back to the low-power mode on return from the interrupt program.The following six operating modes can be configured by software:D Active mode(AM)--All clocks are activeD Low-power mode0(LPM0)--CPU is disabled--ACLK and SMCLK remain active--FLL+loop control remains activeD Low-power mode1(LPM1)--CPU is disabled--ACLK and SMCLK remain active--FLL+loop control is disabledD Low-power mode2(LPM2)--CPU is disabled--MCLK,FLL+loop control,and DCOCLK are disabled--DCO’s dc generator remains enabled--ACLK remains activeD Low-power mode3(LPM3)--CPU is disabled--MCLK,FLL+loop control,and DCOCLK are disabled--DCO’s dc generator is disabled--ACLK remains activeD Low-power mode4(LPM4)--CPU is disabled--ACLK is disabled--MCLK,FLL+loop control,and DCOCLK are disabled--DCO’s dc generator is disabled--Crystal oscillator is stoppedinterrupt vector addressesThe interrupt vectors and the power-up starting address are located in the address range0xFFFF to0xFFC0.The vector contains the16-bit address of the appropriate interrupt-handler instruction sequence.If the reset vector(located at address0xFFFE)contains0xFFFF(e.g.,flash is not programmed),the CPU goes into LPM4immediately after power-up.INTERRUPT SOURCE INTERRUPT FLAG SYSTEM INTERRUPTWORDADDRESS PRIORITYPower-UpExternal ResetWatchdogFlash MemoryPC Out--of--Range(see Note4)PORIFGRSTIFGWDTIFGKEYV(see Note1)Reset0xFFFE15,highestNMIOscillator FaultFlash Memory Access ViolationNMIIFG(see Notes1and3)OFIFG(see Notes1and3)ACCVIFG(see Notes1,2,and4)(Non)maskable(Non)maskable(Non)maskable0xFFFC14Timer_A5TA1CCR0CCIFG0(see Note2)Maskable0xFFFA13Timer_A5TA1CCR1to TACCR4CCIFGs,and TAIFG(see Notes1and2)Maskable0xFFF812Comparator_A+CAIFG Maskable0xFFF611 Watchdog Timer+WDTIFG Maskable0xFFF410USCI_A0/B0ReceiveUCA0RXIFG(see Note1),UCB0RXIFG(SPI mode),orUCB0STAT UCALIFG,UCNACKIFG,UCSTTIFG,UCSTPIFG(I2C mode)(see Note1)Maskable0xFFF29USCI_A0/B0TransmitUCA0TXIFG(see Note1),UCB0TXIFG(SPI mode),orUCB0RXIFG and UCB0TXIFG(I2C mode)(see Note1)Maskable0xFFF08ADC10ADC10IFG(see Note2)Maskable0xFFEE7 Timer_A3TACCR0CCIFG0(see Note2)Maskable0xFFEC6Timer_A3TACCR1CCIFG1and TACCR2CCIFG2,TAIFG(see Notes1and2)Maskable0xFFEA5I/O Port P1(Eight Flags)P1IFG.0to P1IFG.7(see Notes1and2)Maskable0xFFE840xFFE630xFFE42 I/O Port P2(Eight Flags)P2IFG.0to P2IFG.7(see Notes1and2)Maskable0xFFE21 Basic Timer1/RTC BTIFG Maskable0xFFE00,lowest NOTES: 1.Multiple source flags2.Interrupt flags are located in the module.3.A reset is generated if the CPU tries to fetch instructions from within the module register memory address range(0h to01FFh).(Non)maskable:the individual interrupt-enable bit can disable an interrupt event,but the general-interrupt enable cannot disable it.4.Access and key violations,KEYV and ACCVIFG.special function registersMost interrupt and module-enable bits are collected in the lowest address space.Special-function register bits not allocated to a functional purpose are not physically present in the device.This arrangement provides simple software access.interrupt enable1and2Address7654321000h ACCVIE NMIIE OFIE WDTIEWDTIE Watchdog timer interrupt enable.Inactive if watchdog mode is selected.Active if watchdog timer is configured in interval timer mode.OFIE Oscillator fault enableNMIIE(Non)maskable interrupt enableACCVIE Flash access violation interrupt enableAddress7654321001h BTIE UCB0TXIE UCB0RXIE UCA0TXIE UCA0RXIEUCA0RXIE USCI_A0receive interrupt enableUCA0TXIE USCI_A0transmit interrupt enableUCB0RXIE USCI_B0receive interrupt enableUCB0TXIE USCI_B0transmit interrupt enableBTIE Basic timer interrupt enableinterrupt flag register1and2Address7654321002h NMIIFG RSTIFG PORIFG OFIFG WDTIFGrw--0rw--(0)rw--(1)rw--1rw--(0) WDTIFG Set on watchdog timer overflow(in watchdog mode)or security key violation.Reset on V CC power-up or a reset condition at RST/NMI pin in reset mode.OFIFG Flag set on oscillator faultRSTIFG External reset interrupt flag.Set on a reset condition at RST/NMI pin in reset mode.Reset on V CC power-up.PORIFG Power-on interrupt flag.Set on V CC power--up.NMIIFG Set via RST/NMI-pinAddress7654321003h BTIFG UCB0TXIFG UCB0RXIFGUCA0TXIFGUCA0RXIFGUCA0RXIFG USCI_A0receive interrupt flag UCA0TXIFG USCI_A0transmit interrupt flag UCB0RXIFG USCI_B0receive interrupt flag UCB0TXIFG USCI_B0transmit interrupt flag BTIFG Basic Timer1interrupt flagLegend rw:rw-0,1:Bit can be read and written.Bit can be read and written.It is Reset or set by PUC. Bit can be read and written.It is Reset or set by,1):SFR bit is not present in devicememory organizationMSP430F4152MSP430F4132MemoryMain:interrupt vector Main:code memorySizeFlashFlash16KB0FFFFh--0FFE0h0FFFFh--0C000h8KB0FFFFh--0FFE0h0FFFFh--0E000hInformation memory SizeFlash256Byte010FFh--01000h256Byte010FFh--01000hBoot memory SizeROM1KB0FFFh--0C00h1KB0FFFh--0C00hRAM Size512B03FFh--0200h512B03FFh--0200hPeripherals16-bit8-bit8-bit SFR 01FFh--0100h0FFh--010h0Fh--00h01FFh--0100h0FFh--010h0Fh--00hbootstrap loader(BSL)The MSP430BSL enables users to program the flash memory or RAM using a UART serial interface.Access to the MSP430memory via the BSL is protected by user-defined password.For complete description of the features of the BSL and its implementation,see the MSP430Memory Programming User’s Guide,literature number SLAU265.BSL FUNCTION PM PACKAGE PINS RGZ PACKAGE PINSData transmit53--P1.037--P1.0Data receive52--P1.136--P1.1flash memory(Flash)The flash memory can be programmed via the JTAG port,the bootstrap loader,or in-system by the CPU.The CPU can perform single-byte and single-word writes to the flash memory.Features of the flash memory include:D Flash memory has n segments of main memory and four segments of information memory(A to D)of64bytes each.Each segment in main memory is512bytes in size.D Segments0to n may be erased in one step,or each segment may be individually erased.D Segments A to D can be erased individually,or as a group with segments0to n.Segments A to D are also called information memory.peripheralsPeripherals are connected to the CPU through data,address,and control buses and can be handled using all instructions.For complete module descriptions,see the MSP430x4xx Family User’s Guide,literature number SLAU056.oscillator and system clockThe clock system in the MSP430F41x2is supported by the FLL+module that includes support for a32768-Hz watch crystal oscillator,an internal very low-power low--frequency oscillator,an internal digitally-controlled oscillator(DCO),and an8-MHz high-frequency crystal oscillator(XT1).The FLL+clock module is designed to meet the requirements of both low system cost and low power consumption.The FLL+features a digital frequency locked loop(FLL)hardware that,in conjunction with a digital modulator,stabilizes the DCO frequency to a programmable multiple of the watch crystal frequency.The internal DCO provides a fast turn-on clock source and stabilizes in less than6µs.The FLL+module provides the following clock signals:D Auxiliary clock(ACLK),sourced from a32768-Hz watch crystal,a high-frequency crystal,or a verylow-power LF oscillatorD Main clock(MCLK),the system clock used by the CPUD Sub-Main clock(SMCLK),the sub-system clock used by the peripheral modulesD ACLK/n,the buffered output of ACLK,ACLK/2,ACLK/4,or ACLK/8brownout,supply voltage supervisorThe brownout circuit is implemented to provide the proper internal reset signal to the device during power on and power off.The supply voltage supervisor(SVS)circuitry detects if the supply voltage drops below a user selectable level and supports both supply voltage supervision(the device is automatically reset)and supply voltage monitoring(SVM,the device is not automatically reset).The CPU begins code execution after the brownout circuit releases the device reset.However,V CC may not have ramped to V CC(min)at that time.The user must insure the default FLL+settings are not changed until V CC reaches V CC(min).If desired,the SVS circuit can be used to determine when V CC reaches V CC(min).digital I/OThere are seven8-bit I/O ports implemented—ports P1through P7.Port P7is a7-bit I/O port.D All individual I/O bits are independently programmable.D Any combination of input,output,and interrupt conditions is possible.D Edge-selectable interrupt input capability for all the eight bits of ports P1and P2.D Read/write access to port-control registers is supported by all instructions.watchdog timer (WDT+)The primary function of the WDT+module is to perform a controlled system restart after a software problem occurs.If the selected time interval expires,a system reset is generated.If the watchdog function is not needed in an application,the module can be configured as an interval timer and can generate interrupts at selected time intervals.Basic Timer1and Real-Time Clock (RTC)The Basic Timer1has two independent 8-bit timers which can be cascaded to form a 16-bit timer/counter.Both timers can be read and written by software.The Basic Timer1is extended to provide an integrated real-time clock (RTC).An internal calendar compensates for month with less than 31days and includes leap year correction.LCD_A driver with regulated charge pumpThe LCD_A driver generates the segment and common signals required to drive an LCD display.The LCD_A controller has dedicated data memory to hold segment drive mon and segment signals are generated as defined by the mode.Static,2--MUX,3--MUX,and 4--MUX LCDs are supported by this peripheral.The module can provide a LCD voltage independent of the supply voltage via an integrated charge pump.Furthermore it is possible to control the level of the LCD voltage and thus contrast in software.Timer0_A3Timer_A3is a 16-bit timer/counter with three capture/compare registers.Timer_A3can support multiple capture/compares,PWM outputs,and interval timing.Timer_A3also has extensive interrupt capabilities.Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers.TIMER_A3SIGNAL CONNECTIONSINPUT PIN NUMBER DEVICE MODULE MODULE MODULE OUTPUT PIN NUMBER PM RGZ INPUTSIGNALINPUT NAMEBLOCKOUTPUT SIGNALPMRGZ48--P1.546--P1.735--P1.533--P1.7TA0CLK TACLK ACLK ACLK SMCLKSMCLK TimerNA48--P1.535--P1.5TA0CLK TACLK 53--P1.037--P1.0TA0.0CCI0A 53--P1.037--P1.052--P1.136--P1.1TA0.0CCI0B 32--P3.3--DV SS GND CCR0TA0DV CCV CC 51--P1.2--TA0.1CCI1A 51--P1.2CAOUT (internal)CCI1B ADC10(internal)ADC10(internal)DV SS GND CCR1TA1DV CCV CC 45--P7.6--TA0.2CCI2A 45--P7.6--ACLK (internal)CCI2B DV SS GND CCR2TA2DV CCV CCTimer1_A5Timer_A5is a 16-bit timer/counter with five capture/compare registers.Timer_A5can support multiple capture/compares,PWM outputs,and interval timing.Timer_A5also has extensive interrupt capabilities.Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers.TIMER_A5SIGNAL CONNECTIONSINPUT PIN NUMBER DEVICE MODULE MODULE MODULE OUTPUT PIN NUMBER PM RGZ INPUTSIGNALINPUT NAMEBLOCKOUTPUT SIGNALPMRGZ32--P3.3--TA1CLK TACLK ACLK ACLK SMCLKSMCLK TimerNA32--P3.3--TA1CLK TACLK 49--P1.4--TA1.0CCI0A 49--P1.4--50--P1.3--TA1.0CCI0B ADC10(internal)ADC10(internal)DV SS GND CCR0TA0DV CCV CC 44--P5.0--TA1.1CCI1A 44--P5.0--CAOUT (internal)CCI1B 27--P2.023--P2.0DV SS GND CCR1TA1ADC10(internal)ADC10(internal)DV CCV CC 35--P3.0--TA1.2CCI2A 35--P3.0--ACLK (internal)CCI2B 26--P2.122--P2.1DV SS GND CCR2TA263--P6.047--P6.0DV CCV CC 34--P3.1--TA1.3CCI3A 34--P3.1--61--P7.545--P7.5TA1.3CCI3B 25--P2.221--P2.2DV SS GND CCR3TA361--P7.545--P7.5DV CCV CC 33--P3.2--TA1.4CCI4A 33--P3.2--60--P7.444--P7.4TA1.4CCI4B 24--P2.320--P2.3DV SS GND CCR4TA460--P7.444--P7.4DV CCV CCuniversal serial communication interface (USCI)(USCI_A0,USCI_B0)The USCI module is used for serial data communication.The USCI module supports synchronous communication protocols like SPI (3or 4pin),I2C and asynchronous communication protocols like UART,enhanced UART with automatic baudrate detection (LIN),and IrDA.USCI_A0provides support for SPI (3or 4pin),UART,enhanced UART,and CI_B0provides support for SPI (3or 4pin)and I2C.Comparator_A+The primary function of the comparator_A+module is to support precision slope analog-to-digital conversions,battery-voltage supervision,and monitoring of external analog signals.。
» 单片机发展为嵌入式处理器 单片机位数从4位、8位提高到16位、32位,从单CPU向多CPU发展。32位单片机由 于处理能力和开发方法已经和传统的单片机大相径庭,一般被称为嵌入式处理器, 成为数字系统设计的另外一个分支。
» 集成度进一步提高 单片机内部集成的设备越来越多,包括SRAM、FLASH ROM、E2ROM、AD、DA、PWM、 UART控制器、I2C控制器、 USB控制器、看门狗、上电复位电路、RC振荡器、FPGA 等,真正做到了SOC。
Z80 、MC6800系列等
Z80系列是8051系列流行之前非常流行的单片机,目前几乎没有人使用; 6800系列是Motorola公司80年代末推出的产品,采用RISC结构,成本低廉; 在低端大批量中占有优势。
8051为Intel公司80年代初推出,是目前普及度最广、兼容品种 最多的单片机。标准8051速度较慢,需要12个时钟周期运行一 条指令;目前出现了各大公司都推出了高速的8051兼容内核, 典型的是Dallas公司设计的4指令周期8051内核和Cignal公司研 发的单指令周期8051内核,Cignal公司的增强8051内核运行大 部分指令仅需要一个时钟周期,最快的型号已经达到100Mips 的计算速度。
智能化的仪器仪表:单片机用于包括温度、湿度、流量、流速、电压、 频率、功率、厚度、角度、长度、硬度、元素测定等和各类仪器仪表 中,使仪器仪表数字化、智能化、微型化,功能大大提高。
日常生活中的电器产品:单片机可用于电子秤、录像机、录音机、彩 电、洗衣机、高级电子玩具、冰箱、照相机、家用多功能报警器等。
MSP430系列单片机 原理与应用
单片机原理与控制技术培训教材(PPT 31页).ppt
⑺ START:A-D转换启动控制端。
⑻ EOC:A-D转换结束信号输出端。
⑼ UREF(+)、UREF(-):正负基准电压输入端。
【例8-8】 按图8-16电路,要求用中断方式对8路模拟信号依次A-D 转换一次,并把结果存入以30H为首址的内RAM中,试编制程序。
查询方式时,0809 EOC端可不必通过反相器与INT0 或 INT1 相连, 直接与80C51 P1口或P3口中任一端线相连, 不断查询EOC电平,当EOC高电平时,表示0809A-D完成,即可读0809A-D值。
8.3 键盘接口电路
8.3.1 键盘接口慨述
⒈ 按键开关去抖动问题
消除抖动不良后果的方法有硬、软件两种方法: ⑴ 硬件去抖动:利用双稳电路、单稳电路和RC滤波电路 ⑵ 软件去抖动:延时10ms后再确认该键是否确实按下。
⒉ 按键连接方式 可分为独立式按键和矩阵式键盘。
⑴ 独立式按键
独立式按键是各按键相互独立,每个按键占用一根I/O端线, 每根I/O端线上的按键工作状态不会影响其他I/O端线上按键的工作状态,
延时等待方式时,0809 EOC端可不必与80C51相连,而是根据时钟频率计算出 A-D转换时间,每路每次需64个时钟周期,80C51一机周发出2次ALE信号, 因此需要32个机器周期,略微延长后直接读A-D转换值。
8.5 D-A转换接口电路
8.5.1 D-A转换的基本概念
8.4 A-D转换接口电路
在单片机应用系统中,常需要将检测到的连续变化的模拟量, 如电压、温度、压力、流量、速度等转换成数字信号, 才能输入到单片微机中进行处理。
正文:一、单片机基础知识1. 单片机的定义和分类2. 单片机的工作原理和基本架构3. 单片机常用的编程语言和开发工具4. 单片机的输入输出方式和中断处理机制5. 单片机的时钟源和时序控制二、单片机编程技术1. 单片机常用编程语言的基本语法和数据类型2. 单片机的程序结构和调试技巧3. 单片机的位操作和存储器管理4. 单片机的中断编程和定时器计数器应用5. 单片机与外设的通信和控制技术三、单片机硬件设计1. 单片机的外部器件和电路连接2. 单片机的IO口电平转换和电源管理3. 单片机的AD/DA转换和PWM输出4. 单片机的串行通信接口和总线控制5. 单片机的外设扩展和程序存储器扩展四、单片机应用案例1. 单片机在智能家居系统中的应用2. 单片机在工业自动化控制中的应用3. 单片机在汽车电子系统中的应用4. 单片机在医疗设备中的应用5. 单片机在网络通信系统中的应用五、单片机培训总结通过华清远见单片机培训,学员将全面了解单片机的基本原理和应用技术,具备独立设计和开发单片机应用系统的能力。
二、教学目标1. 理解单片机的基本原理和工作原理。
2. 熟悉单片机的开发环境和开发工具。
3. 学习单片机编程语言,并能独立编写简单的单片机程序。
4. 掌握基本的单片机外围设备的连接和控制方法。
5. 能够利用单片机进行实际应用设计和开发。
三、教学内容1. 单片机基础知识1.1 单片机的定义和发展历程1.2 单片机的基本原理和工作原理1.3 单片机的分类和特点1.4 单片机的发展趋势2. 单片机开发环境和工具2.1 单片机开发环境的搭建2.2 常用的单片机开发工具介绍2.3 单片机开发板的选择和使用3. 单片机编程语言3.1 C语言基础知识复习3.2 单片机编程语言的特点和语法规则 3.3 常用的单片机编程指令和函数3.4 单片机程序的调试和优化4. 单片机外围设备连接和控制4.1 单片机与LED的连接和控制4.2 单片机与数码管的连接和控制4.3 单片机与按键的连接和控制4.4 单片机与液晶显示屏的连接和控制5. 单片机应用设计与开发5.1 温度检测与控制系统5.2 电子秤设计与开发5.3 无线通信系统设计与开发5.4 智能家居控制系统设计与开发四、教学方法1. 授课教学:通过讲解单片机基础知识、编程语言和外围设备的连接和控制方法,帮助学生建立起对单片机系统的全面理解。
2. 实验实训:通过实际操作和实验设计,培养学生动手实践和解决问题的能力。
3. 项目开发:通过独立或小组合作完成单片机应用设计与开发项目,让学生能够将所学知识应用到实际项目中,锻炼解决实际问题的能力。
五、教学评估与考核1. 平时作业:包括课后习题、实验报告和项目进度报告等。
培养解决实际问题的思维和能力,通过实践案 例提高创新和解决难题的能力。
1 基本概念
介绍单片机的基本概念、体系结构和工作原 理。
2 编程语言
3 开发工具
4 实践项目
进行多个实践项目,如LED控制、温度传感器 应用、无线通信等。
1 实用技能
掌握单片机程序设计的实用技能,为 未来的工作和项目开发打下基础。
2 解决问题的能力
通过实践案例的学习,培养解决问题 的能力和创新思维。
3 团队合作
拥有10年以上的单片机开发 经验,是知名电子工程师和 教育家。
在单片机设计和嵌入式系统 开发领域有丰富的实战经验。
热爱教学,擅长将复杂的概 念简化并生动地传授给学员。
单片机程序设计培训将帮助你掌握单片机编程技能,提高你在电子技术领域的竞争力,希望你在这个培训中有 所收获。
通过简洁明了的讲解,解释单 片机的基本原理和编程技巧。
通过实际演示和示范,让学员 了解单片机编程的实际运用。
学员将组成小组共同完成实践 项目,提高合作和沟通能力。
单片机课程大纲一、课程性质和任务:1. 课程性质:本课程是电气自动化专业的一门主干专业基础课。
2. 课程任务:以传授单片机应用的基本知识和技能为目的,使学生具备分析、设计单片机应用程序和进行硬件分析、设计的基本技能,掌握单片机应用系统设计与制作的基本方法与步骤,能够熟练运用仿真开发环境调试软、硬件。
三、课程教学目标:1. 掌握单片机的基本组成、工作原理、指令系统和程序设计。
2. 掌握单片机的系统扩展、接口技术和应用系统的设计方法。
3. 能够根据具体应用需求,设计单片机应用系统,并能够进行调试和优化。
四、课程内容及学时分配:1. 基础知识(8学时):介绍单片机的发展及趋势、单片机的结构与特点、单片机工作原理、典型产品等内容。
2. MCS-51系列单片机(16学时):介绍MCS-51系列单片机的寻址方式及各种寻址方式可用的存贮空间、特殊功能寄存器及其用法等内容。
3. 单片机应用系统设计与实现(32学时):介绍单片机应用系统的基本组成和设计方法,包括硬件电路设计、软件程序设计、系统调试与优化等方面。
4. 单片机接口技术及应用(32学时):介绍常见的单片机接口技术,包括输入输出接口、AD/DA转换接口、串行通信接口、并行通信接口等。
5. 单片机应用系统的调试与优化(16学时):介绍单片机应用系统的调试方法和优化技巧,包括仿真开发环境的熟练使用、调试技巧的应用、系统性能的优化等方面。
单片机课程设计大纲一、课程目标知识目标:1. 让学生掌握单片机的基本组成、工作原理及功能特点;2. 使学生了解单片机编程的基本语法和编程技巧;3. 帮助学生理解单片机在实际应用中的使用方法。
技能目标:1. 培养学生运用单片机进行简单电路设计和控制的能力;2. 使学生能够独立编写简单的单片机程序,实现基础功能;3. 提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,学会运用单片机解决实际问题。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对单片机及电子技术的兴趣和热情;2. 培养学生具备良好的团队协作精神和沟通能力;3. 增强学生的创新意识和实践能力,激发学生积极参与科技创新活动的意愿。
二、教学内容1. 单片机基础知识- 单片机的组成与结构- 单片机的工作原理- 单片机的性能指标2. 单片机编程语言- 汇编语言基础- 程序结构及编程技巧- C语言在单片机编程中的应用3. 单片机接口技术- I/O接口- 定时器/计数器- 中断系统- 串行通信接口4. 单片机应用实例- 简单电路设计与控制- 基础功能编程实现- 实际应用案例分析5. 单片机实践操作- 基本操作训练- 综合项目设计与实现- 创新实验与拓展教学内容安排与进度:第一周:单片机基础知识学习第二周:汇编语言编程训练第三周:C语言在单片机编程中的应用第四周:单片机接口技术学习第五周:单片机应用实例分析与实践操作第六周:综合项目设计与实现教材章节关联:《单片机原理与应用》第一章:单片机概述《单片机原理与应用》第二章:单片机组成与结构《单片机原理与应用》第三章:单片机编程语言《单片机原理与应用》第四章:单片机接口技术《单片机原理与应用》第五章:单片机应用实例《单片机实践指导书》:实践操作指导内容教学内容确保科学性和系统性,结合课程目标,注重理论与实践相结合,提高学生的实际操作能力。
二、实训时间2023年X月X日至2023年X月X日三、实训内容1. 单片机基础知识- 单片机概述- 单片机的硬件组成- 单片机的编程语言- 单片机的应用领域2. Keil C51开发环境- Keil C51简介- Keil C51安装与配置- Keil C51编程基础3. 单片机硬件电路设计与制作- 电路图设计- 元器件选择与焊接- 电路调试与测试4. 单片机编程与调试- 指令系统- 寄存器- 程序设计- 调试方法5. 单片机应用案例- 点亮LED灯- 阶梯电机控制- 温度检测- 红外遥控四、实训过程1. 理论学习- 通过查阅教材、资料,了解单片机的基本原理和硬件组成。
- 学习Keil C51开发环境的使用方法,掌握基本的编程技巧。
2. 电路设计与制作- 根据实训要求,设计电路图,选择合适的元器件。
- 使用焊接工具,将元器件焊接在电路板上。
- 对电路进行调试,确保电路功能正常。
3. 编程与调试- 使用Keil C51编写程序,实现电路功能。
- 对程序进行调试,修正错误,确保程序运行稳定。
4. 应用案例- 完成点亮LED灯、阶梯电机控制、温度检测、红外遥控等应用案例。
- 分析案例中单片机的应用原理,提高实际应用能力。
五、实训成果1. 电路板制作- 成功制作出符合设计要求的电路板,电路功能正常。
2. 程序编写- 编写出功能完善的程序,实现实训要求。
3. 应用案例- 完成所有应用案例,并分析案例中的单片机应用原理。
六、实训总结1. 实训收获- 掌握了单片机的基本原理和硬件组成。
- 熟练使用Keil C51开发环境进行编程。
- 学会了电路设计与制作,提高了动手能力。
- 通过应用案例,提高了实际应用能力。
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MSP430单片机原理与设计介绍张圣清zhangsq@主要内容•单片机简介•MSP430单片机及其选型•MSP430单片机的重要特性•MSP430G2553设计与应用•MSP430的C程序设计主要内容•单片机简介•MSP430单片机及其选型•MSP430单片机的重要特性•MSP430G2553设计与应用•MSP430的C程序设计什么是单片机单片机(Single Chip Microcomputer)也称微控制器(Micro Controller Unit),嵌入式控制器(Embedded Controller)。
•计算机网络与通信方面:单片机可用BIT BUS、CAN、以太网等构成分布式网络系统,还可以用于调制解调器、各种智能通信设备(例如小型背负式通信机、列车无线通信等)、无线遥控系统等。
•Z80 、MC6800系列等Z80系列是8051系列流行之前非常流行的单片机,目前几乎没有人使用;6800系列是Motorola公司80年代末推出的产品,采用RISC结构,成本低廉;在低端大批量中占有优势。
•ARM Cortex-M3 Cortex-M0单片机的发展趋势•单片机发展为嵌入式处理器单片机位数从4位、8位提高到16位、32位,从单CPU向多CPU发展。
•集成度进一步提高单片机内部集成的设备越来越多,包括SRAM、FLASH ROM、E2ROM、AD、DA、PWM、UART控制器、I2C控制器、USB控制器、看门狗、上电复位电路、RC振荡器、FPGA等,真正做到了SOC。
单片机系统开发方法—现代方法•BDM(Background Debug Mode)调试Freescale单片机•JTAG调试TI MSP430系列、C8051等•串口调试单片机的选型原则•性价比•功耗•体积•开发工具•调试方便•并行总线扩展•。
主要内容•单片机简介•MSP430单片机及其选型•MSP430单片机的重要特性•MSP430G2553设计与应用•MSP430的C程序设计什么是MSP430?•MSP430系列单片机是美国Texas Instruments (TI) 从1996年开始推向市场的一种16位RISC架构、超低功耗的混合信号处理器(Mixed Signal Processor)。
•MSP430 产品系列为电池供电测量应用提供了最终解决方案。
作为混合信号和数字技术的领导者,TI 创新生产的MSP430,使系统设计人员能够在保持独一无二的低功耗的同时同步连接至模拟信号、传感器和数字组件。
MSP430的命名规则MSP430的发展历程MSP430全系列产品•MSP430X1XX 系列•MSP430X2XX 系列(F2XX,G2XX)•MSP430X3XX 系列•MSP430X4XX 系列(带LCD驱动)•MSP430X5XX 系列•MSP430X6XX 系列(带LCD驱动)MSP430系列芯片封装(1)MSP430系列芯片封装(2)主要内容•单片机简介•MSP430单片机及其选型•MSP430单片机的重要特性•MSP430G2553设计与应用•MSP430的C程序设计MSP430系列单片机的重要特性•超低功耗•强大的处理能力•高性能模拟技术及丰富的片上外围模块•系统工作稳定•方便高效的开发环境特性1-超低功耗MSP430的低功耗参数•0.1uA掉电模式•0.8uA待机模式•250uA/1MIPS•<50nA的端口漏电流超低功耗的重要性特性2-强大的处理能力•16位单片机•精简指令集•指令速度8~25MIPS•硬件乘法器,DMA等特性3-丰富的片上外设•时钟•端口•定时器•比较器•乘法器•AD,DA模块•硬件乘法器,液晶驱动,USB,OPA,DMA等特性4--系统工作稳定•工业级产品•看门狗定时器•电源管理模块特性5—方便高效的开发环境•JTAG调试接口•一体化的集成高效的开发环境IAR Workbench, TI CCS等MSP430结构特点主要内容•单片机简介•MSP430单片机及其选型•MSP430单片机的重要特性•MSP430G2553设计与应用•MSP430的C程序设计MSP430G2553的设计与应用•MSP430G2553主要特点及LaunchPad板•时钟模块•系统复位、中断及工作模式•数字IO•定时器•ADC10•异步串行口(UART)•比较器•键盘接口MSP430G2553的设计与应用•MSP430G2553主要特点及LaunchPad板•时钟模块•系统复位、中断及工作模式•数字IO•定时器•ADC10•异步串行口(UART)•比较器•键盘接口MSP430G2553主要特点•低电压供电:1.8V-3.6V•16MHz主频,5种低功耗模式•8输入10Bit 200Ksps ADC•两个16Bit TimerA•USCI接口,支持Uart,IrDA,SPI和IIC功能•比较器•16KB FLASH、512B RAM•。
MSP430G2553功能框图LanuchPad实验板主要特点•板上自带USB接口调试器•USB接口供电,并扩展出UART•支持PDIP14和PDIP20封装的G2xx以及F20xx产品•两个按键•两个LED电源电路MSP430G2553的设计与应用•MSP430G2553主要特点及LaunchPad板•时钟模块•系统复位、中断及工作模式•数字IO•定时器•ADC10•异步串行口(UART)•比较器•键盘接口MSP430G2533时钟模块•时钟产生内部低频晶振低速晶体振荡器数字控制振荡器DCO•输出ACLK(辅助时钟)MCLK(主系统时钟)SMCLK(子系统时钟)MSP430x2XX系列时钟模块1. 三个时钟源2. 内部DCO3. 时钟1/2/4/8分频系数可选4.三个时钟输出。