literature diversified under new conditions果子洁




World Literature Studies 世界文学研究, 2023, 11(4), 278-284 Published Online August 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/wls https:///10.12677/wls.2023.114049体裁的流变:加拿大当代文档诗的文体重构 徐 露,张 雯上海理工大学外语学院,上海收稿日期:2023年5月25日;录用日期:2023年8月7日;发布日期:2023年8月17日摘要 加拿大当代英语文坛的三部著名长诗:迈克尔·翁达杰的《比利小子作品集》、玛格丽特·阿特伍德的《苏姗娜·穆迪日记》与安·卡森的《红的自传》,都是在原有的历史材料或文学文本基础上再创造的“文档诗”。



关键词加拿大,英语诗歌,文档诗,文体重构The Evolution of Genres: The Reconstruction of Genres in Canadian Documentary PoemsLu Xu, Wen ZhangCollege of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai Received: May 25th , 2023; accepted: Aug. 7th , 2023; published: Aug. 17th , 2023AbstractThree famous long poems in contemporary Canadian English literature: Michael Ondaatje’s The Collected Works of Billy the Kid , Margaret Atwood’s The Journals of Susanna Moodie and Anne Car-son’s Autobiography of Red , are all “documentary poems” recreated on basis of existing historical materials or literary texts. While restating, integrating, and fabricating documents, these three long poems subversively deconstruct the three carrier forms: autobiography, journal, and collec-tion. The three works deal with photography, the relatively modern and documentary form, by taking the blankness, blur, and distortion of photographs as clues, which can explore the narrative徐露,张雯philosophy and strategies of documentary poems in the process of the reconstruction of genres, and can also glimpse the postmodernist diversified trend and exploration of contemporary Cana-dian literary creation.KeywordsCanada, English Poetry, Documentary Poems, Genre ReconstructionThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言自传、日记与作品集通常被认为是纪实性或史料式的体裁,然而加拿大当代英语诗坛的三首具有代表性的“重量级”长诗,即安·卡森(Anne Carson)的《红的自传》(Autobiography of Red)、玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)的《苏姗娜·穆迪日记》(The Journals of Susanna Moodie)与迈克尔·翁达杰(Michael Ondaatje)的《比利小子作品集》(The Collected Works of Billy the Kid),虽然分别题为“自传”、“日记”与“作品集”,却又分别对这三种文体进行了后现代式的阐释与重构,进而重新定义自传、日记与作品集。



1. 什么是defamiliarization?Defamiliarization(异化)是文学理论中的一个概念,最早由俄国形式主义学派提出。



2. defamiliarization的作用defamiliarization的作用在于激发和挑战观众的感知能力和想象力。



3. defamiliarization在文学中的应用在文学创作中,defamiliarization的应用十分广泛。



4. defamiliarization在艺术创作中的实践在艺术创作领域,defamiliarization同样起到了重要的作用。



5. 结语defamiliarization作为一种重要的艺术表现手法,对文学与艺术创作产生了深远的影响。





by Shakespeare and by Milton, consists of unrhymed iambic pentameters. Some languages prefer longer lines; some shorter ones. Some of these conventions result from the ease of fitting a specific language's vocabulary and grammar into certain structures, rather than into others; for example, some languages contain more rhyming words than others, or typically have longer words. Other structural conventions come about as the result of historical accidents, where many speakers of a language associate good poetry with a verse form preferred by a particular skilled or popular poet.Works for theatre (see below) traditionally took verse form. This has now become rare outside opera and musicals, although many would argue that the language of drama remains intrinsically poetic.In recent years, digital poetry has arisen that takes advantage of the artistic, publishing, and synthetic qualities of digital media.ProseProse consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar); "non-poetic" writing, perhaps. The term sometimes appears pejoratively, but prosaic writing simply says something without necessarily trying to say it in a beautiful way, or using beautiful words. Prose writing can of course take beautiful form; but less by virtue of the formal features of words (rhymes, alliteration, metre) but rather by style, placement, or inclusion of graphics. But one need not mark the distinction precisely, and perhaps cannot do so. One area of overlap is "prose poetry", which attempts to convey using only prose, the aesthetic richness typical of poetry.EssaysAn essay consists of a discussion of a topic from an author's personal point of view, exemplified by works by Francis Bacon or by Charles Lamb.'Essay' in English derives from the French 'essai', meaning 'attempt'. Thus one can find open-ended, provocative and/or inconclusive essays. The term "essays" first applied to the self-reflective musings of Michel de Montaigne, and even today he has a reputation as the father of this literary form.Genres related to the essay may include:FictionNarrative fiction (narrative prose) generally favours prose for the writing of novels, short stories, graphic novels, and the like. Singular examples of these exist throughout history, but they did not develop into systematic and discrete literary forms until relatively recent centuries. Length often serves to categorize works of prose fiction. Although limits remain somewhat arbitrary, modern publishing conventions dictate the following:∙ A Mini Saga is a short story of exactly 50 words∙ A Flash fiction is generally defined as a piece of prose under a thousand words.∙ A short story comprises prose writing of between 1000 and 20,000 words (but typically more than 5000 words), which may or may not have a narrative arc.∙ A story containing between 20,000 and 50,000 words falls into the novella category.∙ A work of fiction containing more than 50,000 words falls squarely into the realm of the novel.Genres of literatureA literary genre refers to the traditional divisions of literature of various kinds according to a particular criterion of writing. See the list of literary genres.List of literary genres∙Autobiography, Memoir, Spiritual autobiography∙Biography∙Diaries and Journals∙Electronic literature∙Erotic literature∙Slave narrative∙Fictiono Adventure novelo Children's literatureo Comic novelo Crime fictionDetective fictiono Fable, Fairy tale, Folkloreo Fantasy (for more details see Fantasy subgenres; fantasy literature)o Gothic fiction (initially synonymous with horror)o Historical fictiono Horroro Medical novelo Mystery fictiono Philosophical novelo Political fictiono Romance novel▪Historical romanceo Saga, Family Sagao Satireo Science fiction (for more details see Science fiction genre)o Thriller▪Conspiracy fiction▪Legal thriller▪Psychological thriller▪Spy fiction/Political thrillero TragedyLiterary techniquesA literary technique or literary device may be used by works of literature in order to produce a specific effect on the reader. Literary technique is distinguished from literary genre as military tactics are from military strategy. Thus, though David Copperfield employs satire at certain moments, it belongs to the genre of comic novel, not that of satire. By contrast, Bleak House employs satire so consistently as to belong to the genre of satirical novel. In this way, use of a technique can lead to the development of a new genre, as was the case with one of the first modern novels, Pamela by Samuel Richardson, which by using the epistolary technique strengthened the tradition of the epistolary novel, a genre which had been practiced for some time already but without the same acclaim.Literary criticismLiterary criticism implies a critique and evaluation of a piece of literature and in some cases is used to improve a work in progress or classical piece. There are many types of literary criticism and each can be used to critique a piece in a different way or critique a different aspect of a piece.Legal statusUKLiterary works have been protected by copyright law from unauthorised reproduction since at least 1710.[2] Literary works are defined by copyright law to mean any work, other than a dramatic or musical work, which is written, spoken or sung, and accordingly includes (a) a table or compilation (other than a database), (b) a computer program, (c) preparatory design material for a computer program, and (d) a database. It should be noted that literary works are not limited to works of literature, but include all works expressed in print or writing (other than dramatic or musical works).。





关键词:解构延异翻译社会文化民族心理译者主体性【Abstract】The present paper discusses the translation in 3 views. With the historical origin and the inner meaning of deconstruction, we discuss the theory of the translation. The author dwells on the différance, in which we can use Derrida’s theories into the translation,especially from the ethnic psychology and the subjectivity of the translators.一、引言解构主义起源于上世纪60年代的法国,德里达等著名学者将它引入翻译学,试图打破那种形而上学的翻译观,在当时充满理性被概念化的翻译界引起一阵改革热潮,更加注重翻译的主体性和创造性,使得翻译更加灵动。







2 语言之异。选择与主流话语不一样的语言来翻译,从而对主 流话语加以补充,修正甚至重构。
归化法是以目的语文化为归宿的翻译方法, 是基于人
类文化和语言的个性而发展。要求译者向译语读 者靠拢,采取译语读者习惯的译语表达方式,来传达
原文ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ内容。
2.异化(foreignization)eg是:H指i偏gh离b本u土ild主in流g价s 值ar观e ,springing up like 保留原文的语言和文化差异;或指在m一u定sh程ro度o上m保s,留原in Beijing 文的异域性,故意打破目标语言常规异的化翻:译犹。它如主蘑张菇在般地涌现 译表文 达中方式保。留源语文化,丰富目的语文归化化和:目的如语雨的后语春言笋般地涌现
(RethinkingTranslation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology)(1992)
《译者的隐身:一部翻译史》 ———成名作
(Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation)(1995)
他称这种翻译策略为“抵抗”(resistancy)。所谓“抵 抗”,就是抵抗目的语文化的种族中心主义。但同时韦 努蒂也指出,“抵抗式翻译”不适合于科技翻译,因为 科技翻译主要是为了达到交际的目的。
1 选材之异。选择被主流文化排斥的文本,重构外国文学经典。 (《译者的隐身》第二章中强调了翻译选材的重要性和策略性。)
1 韦努蒂认为,以往翻译传统,是以民族中心主义和帝国主义的价



9 ・ 5
延 安职业 技术学 院学报
池月光 ;第四行再把乡愁也比作水 。这样 ,就用水 ,而不是圆 诵 ,同时还蕴涵着丰富的思想 。由于汉语和英语的不同,要在
把明月和乡愁联系起来 了。水意象柔软温和的特点恰好能唤起 译文中保持原文的韵律而又不改变意思几乎是不可能的事。译 西方读者淡淡的思乡之愁。这一靳泽过程,实质上是作者和译 文在译语文化 中是为了方便译语读者,主要是成年人,领会三
圆的思念。中国人历来都有团圆的习俗。每逢佳节倍思亲 ,过 年过节都要与家人团圆。圆月这一意象引起了中国人的共鸣。
这也是千百年来 《 静夜思 》 一直广为传诵的原因。西方人并没
原型的归纳性体现在事物类型之问界限的模糊性上 。每一 有团圆的习俗。天上的圆月也不会使他们想到家人的团圆。译 类型的事物都有各 自独特的特征 ,任何特征可以和一种 以上的 者充分考虑到了这一点,译文第一行把明月光比作水 ,说是一 【 日期】2O- 3O 收稿 O9- - 5 O 【 作者简介】呼媛媛 (9 -) 女 , 12 , 8 陕西省延安人,延安大学外国 语学院, 教师; 白 红 (98 17一),女,山西省吕梁人 ,吕梁高等专科学校外语系,教师。
呼媛媛 ,白 红
( . 大学外 国语学院 , 陕西 延安 7 6 0 ;2吕梁 高等 专科 学校 外语 系,山西 吕梁 0 3 0 1延安 10 0 . 3 0 0) 【 要】 翻译是一个认知过程 ,是一个原型范畴 ,翻译是对源语语篇和译语语篇进行原型分析进 而确定最佳译文的过程。 摘 诗歌翻译作为文学翻译的一种 ,也应该从原型理论视 角进行分析,从而使译者采取正确的翻译方法,再现原文的神韵。
认 知语言学的原型理论对翻译研究有重要意义。国外对此



比较文学英文版Comparing Literature in English TranslationLiterature, as a form of artistic expression, has long been a subject of fascination and study. The act of translating literary works from one language to another is a complex and multifaceted process that can significantly impact the way a text is perceived and understood. When it comes to comparing literature in English translation, there are several key factors to consider.One of the primary challenges in translating literature is the preservation of the original work's essence. Literary texts often contain nuances of language, cultural references, and stylistic elements that can be difficult to convey accurately in a different linguistic context. Translators must navigate the delicate balance between maintaining the original's integrity and creating a version that is accessible and meaningful to a new audience.The choice of translation strategy can greatly influence the final product. Some translators may opt for a more literal approach, striving to preserve the exact wording and syntax of the original. Others may take a more dynamic or idiomatic approach, prioritizingthe conveyance of the work's overall meaning and tone over a word-for-word translation. The decision to lean towards either of these strategies can significantly shape the reader's perception of the work.Another crucial factor in comparing literature in English translation is the cultural and historical context of the original work. Literary texts are often deeply rooted in the societal, political, and philosophical landscapes of their place of origin. Translating these works into English can require extensive research and adaptation to ensure that the nuances and subtleties of the original are not lost in the process.For example, a novel written in a language with a rich tradition of oral storytelling may require a translation that captures the rhythmic and lyrical qualities of the original, rather than a more straightforward, academic rendering. Conversely, a work that is heavily influenced by a specific cultural or historical event may necessitate the inclusion of explanatory notes or contextual information to aid the English-speaking reader's understanding.The role of the translator in shaping the perception of a literary work cannot be overstated. Translators often make subjective decisions about word choice, sentence structure, and the overall tone of the translation, which can profoundly impact the reader's interpretation. In some cases, a single word or phrase can carry vastly different connotations in the target language, leading to a divergence fromthe original author's intent.Furthermore, the availability of multiple translations of the same work can also influence the comparative analysis of literature in English. Different translators may bring their own unique perspectives, styles, and biases to the task, resulting in varying interpretations of the same source material. Readers may find that comparing these translations can provide a more nuanced understanding of the original work, as well as the challenges and creative choices involved in the translation process.In addition to the linguistic and cultural considerations, the publication and distribution of translated literature can also play a role in its comparative analysis. The accessibility and visibility of a work in English translation can affect its reception and influence within the broader literary landscape. Factors such as the publisher's reputation, the translation's marketing and promotion, and the work's placement within academic or popular discourse can all contribute to its comparative standing.It is also important to acknowledge the ongoing debates and discussions surrounding the ethics and politics of literary translation. As a practice that involves the mediation and interpretation of cultural products, translation can be viewed through the lens of power dynamics, representation, and the negotiation of linguisticand cultural hegemony. Comparative analyses of literature in English translation must grapple with these complex issues and their impact on the reception and understanding of the works in question.In conclusion, comparing literature in English translation is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a deep understanding of the linguistic, cultural, and historical contexts of the original works, as well as the creative choices and interpretive decisions made by the translators. By considering these various factors, readers and scholars can gain a more nuanced appreciation for the richness and diversity of global literary traditions, as well as the transformative power of translation in shaping the way we engage with and understand the written word.。



American Natrualism

Applied scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to the study of human beings. Influenced by Darwinism (natural selection) and psychology (Freud) Posited that men were governed by heredity(遗传) and environment. Often depict man in conflict with nature, society, or himself. Prominent from 1880-1920(ish) Naturalism, together with realism, regionalism, is a truly American mode of writing.

Two Poems to facilitate our thinking
"When I was one-and-twenty..." by A. E. Housman (1859-1936)

When I was one-and-twenty I heard a wise man say, 'Give crowns and pounds and guineas But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies But keep your fancy free.' But I was one-and-twenty, No use to talk to me.


跨 文 化 传 播 做 出 了不 可 磨 灭 的 贡 献 。他 的翻 译 作 品 以读 者 为 中心 , 确 地 处 理 好 译 本 和 读 者 之 间 的 辨证 关 系 , 应 正 顺 了 中西 读 者 的 阅读 期 待 , 合 了他 们 的审 美 经 验 。 从 接 受 美 学 的 角 度 来 看 , 者 的 跨 文 化 身 份 和 背 景 、 者 的 翻 译 符 译 译 目的 、 者 采 取 的 策 略 、 本 的 选 择 等 方 面 的 原 因 , 得 林 语 堂 的 作 品的 有 着 很 强 的 跨 文 化传 播 能 力 。 译 译 使
本 的 涵 并 填 补 文 本 的空 白 , 之具 体 化 , 终 实 现 文 本 的 意 义 。 不 同 的译 者 ( 者 ) 于 同 一 文 本 或 词 汇 会 产 生 不 同 的 审 美 使 最 读 对 体 验 , 之 会 带来 文本 意 义 的不 同具 体 化 。这 就 能 解 释 为 何 对 同一 文 本 , 同译 者 有 不 同 的理 解 和 阐 释 。接 受 理 论 打 破 了 以 随 不 往 以原 文 为 中心 、 者 为 中 心 的 翻译 模 式 , 再 局 限 于 传 统 “ 实 ” “ 等 ” 作 不 忠 、对 的翻 译 标 准 , 分 关 照 译 文 读 者 的反 应 和接 受 , 翻 充 给 译 过 程 以及 翻 译作 品研 究 提 供 了一 个 全 新 的理 论 视 角 。
点 。 随着 科 学 的发 展 和 通 讯 领 域 的不 断革 命 , 际 交 流 日益频 繁 而 广泛 , 使 得 跨 文 化 传 播 在 现 代 生 活 中 发挥 着 越 来 越 重 要 国 这 的纽 带作 用 。
爱 德 华 ・霍尔 还提 出 了文 化 即传 播 , 播 即 文 化 的 观 点 , 传 播 定 义 文 化 传 承 的 观 点 一 直 影 响 着 跨 文 化 传 播 的 研 究 发 传 以 展 o ]3} 语 言 是 文 化 的 载 体 , 人 们 文 化 认 同 的工 具 之 一 , 时 也 是 传 播 的 重 要 手 段 。 翻 译 作 为 一 种 语 言 活 动 , 跨 文 化 [(4 而 4P6 是 同 是 传 播 的重 要 组 成 部 分 。拉 里 ・ ・ 莫 瓦 ( ar A 萨 L ry A.S moa) 出 翻 译 常 常 是 有 问 题 的 , 是 因 为 在 翻译 时 要 做 到 词 汇 、 a vr指 这 惯








Michael Toolan的专著《文学中的语言:文体学导论》,作为一本面向文体学学习者的入门书,为英语文学文本审视提供了新的角度:以深入浅出的语言解释了文学语言学中的核心概念及主题,在细致观察作品的写作技巧的同时,探究语言产生文学效果与意味的种种途径与方式。



“这种“实践活动”有六个特征:(1) Toolan常常把自己放到一位读者的位置上,跟读者(“我”跟“你”)一起逐步向前走,识别和分析各种相关语言特征,探索它们意在表达什么主题意义。








文体学视角下的英文歌词汉译研究1. 引言1.1 研究背景The background of this research lies in the increasing interest in the study of English song lyrics translation from a stylistic perspective. Translation of song lyrics is a challenging task due to the nuances and cultural references embedded in the original text. Stylistics offers a unique approach to analyzing the language choices, rhythm, rhyme, and imagery used in song lyrics, which can provide valuable insights into the translation process.Moreover, the popularity of English songs worldwide has led to a growing demand for translated versions that capture the essence and emotions conveyed by the original lyrics. This has sparked interest in exploring innovative translation techniques and strategies to maintain the poetic and artistic qualities of the songs while ensuring the message is effectively conveyed to the target audience.Understanding the background and significance of this research will provide a foundation for exploring the methodology, challenges, and potential solutions in translatingEnglish song lyrics from a stylistic perspective. By delving into the intricacies of language and literary devices employed in songwriting, we can enhance our understanding of the cultural and artistic nuances inherent in song lyrics translation.1.2 研究意义The significance of studying English song lyrics from the perspective of stylistics lies in its potential to deepen our understanding of the intricacies of language and culture. English song lyrics are not just mere words set to music; they are complex artistic expressions that reflect the social, political, and emotional contexts of their time. By analyzing the stylistic features of these lyrics, we can uncover hidden meanings, cultural nuances, and artistic techniques that may not be immediately apparent to the casual listener.Furthermore, studying English song lyrics from a stylistic perspective can also enhance our translation skills. Translating song lyrics requires a deep understanding of both the source language and the target language, as well as an appreciation for the subtle nuances of literary style. By examining how different stylistic features are used in English song lyrics, we can develop more effective translation strategies that capture the essence and mood of the original lyrics.Ultimately, by delving into the stylistic aspects of English song lyrics, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the artistry and creativity of songwriters, as well as a better understanding of the cultural and linguistic intricacies that shape our world.1.3 研究目的The research purpose of this study is to explore the translation of English song lyrics from the perspective of stylistics. By examining the unique characteristics of song lyrics and the challenges they present in translation, this research aims to develop effective translation strategies that preserve both the form and the content of the original lyrics. Through detailed analysis of translation examples and the application of stylistic theories, this study seeks to provide insights into the complex process of translating song lyrics and contribute to the growing body of research in this field. Ultimately, the goal of this research is to enhance our understanding of how stylistic elements impact the translation of English song lyrics and to provide practical guidance for translators and researchers in this area.2. 正文2.1 文体学视角下的英文歌词翻译方法In the translation of English song lyrics from the perspective of stylistics, there are several methods that can be used to effectively convey the style and meaning of the original text while also making it appealing to the target audience.2.2 文体学视角下的英文歌词特点分析Under the perspective of stylistics, the analysis of the characteristics of English song lyrics translation is essential in understanding the nuances and complexities of the source text and how they can be effectively conveyed in the target language.2.3 文体学视角下的英文歌词翻译实例分析One example of translating English song lyrics from a stylistic perspective is Adele's song "Hello." In this song, the lyrics are emotional and introspective, reflecting the singer's feelings of longing and regret.2.4 文体学视角下的英文歌词翻译中的挑战Additionally, the subjective nature of interpreting emotions and nuances in lyrics can also be a challenge. Translators must carefully consider the context, tone, and emotion of the original lyrics to accurately convey the intended message in the target language.2.5 文体学视角下的英文歌词翻译策略Another important strategy is to pay attention to the cultural references and nuances present in the original lyrics, as these can greatly impact the overall meaning and feel of the song. Translators must be aware of these subtleties and find creative ways to convey them in the target language, whether through explanations in the translated text or through the use of equivalent cultural references that resonate with the target audience.3. 结论3.1 文体学视角对英文歌词翻译的启示:通过文体学的研究,我们可以更好地理解不同类型的英文歌词在表达情感,传达信息和表达风格上的差异。

后现代主义文学 英文

后现代主义文学 英文

后现代主义文学英文Postmodern Literary Theory.Postmodernism is a broad movement that emerged in the mid-20th century across many disciplines, including literature, philosophy, art, and architecture. Postmodern literature is characterized by its rejection of the grand narratives and certainties of modernism, its emphasis on fragmentation, indeterminacy, and the role of the reader in creating meaning, and its exploration of the relationship between text and reality.Rejection of Grand Narratives and Certainties.One of the defining characteristics of postmodern literature is its rejection of the grand narratives and certainties of modernism. Modernism, which emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was characterized by a belief in progress, reason, and the possibility ofobjective truth. Postmodernism, on the other hand, viewsthese grand narratives as oppressive and unrealistic.Postmodern writers argue that there is no single, objective truth, but rather multiple, subjective truths. They also argue that progress is not inevitable and that reason is often limited and unreliable. This rejection of grand narratives and certainties leads to a sense of fragmentation and indeterminacy in postmodern literature.Fragmentation and Indeterminacy.Postmodern literature is often characterized by its fragmentation and indeterminacy. Fragmentation refers to the breaking up of a text into smaller, often disconnected pieces. Indeterminacy refers to the lack of a clear or definitive meaning in a text.These techniques are used to create a sense of disorientation and uncertainty in the reader. Postmodern writers want to challenge the reader's expectations and to make them question the nature of reality.The Role of the Reader.Postmodern literature also emphasizes the role of the reader in creating meaning. In modernist literature, the author is seen as the primary source of meaning. In postmodern literature, however, the reader is seen as an active participant in the creation of meaning.Postmodern writers use a variety of techniques to involve the reader in the creative process. For example, they may use open-ended endings, unreliable narrators, and multiple perspectives. These techniques force the reader to make their own interpretations and to become active participants in the creation of meaning.Exploration of the Relationship between Text and Reality.Postmodern literature also explores the relationship between text and reality. Modernist writers believed that literature could accurately represent reality. Postmodern writers, however, argue that literature is always mediatedby language and that it is impossible to represent reality objectively.Postmodern writers use a variety of techniques to explore the relationship between text and reality. For example, they may use self-reflexive techniques, which draw attention to the constructed nature of the text. They may also use pastiche, which involves the borrowing of elements from other texts. These techniques help to create a sense of distance between the text and the reader and to make the reader aware of the constructed nature of reality.Examples of Postmodern Literature.Some notable examples of postmodern literature include:The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon.Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon.White Noise by Don DeLillo.The Famished Road by Ben Okri.Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie.These novels all exhibit some of the characteristics of postmodern literature, such as the rejection of grand narratives, the emphasis on fragmentation and indeterminacy, the exploration of the role of the reader, and the exploration of the relationship between text and reality.Conclusion.Postmodern literature is a complex and multi-faceted movement that has had a profound impact on the developmentof literature in the 20th and 21st centuries. Postmodern writers have challenged many of the assumptions of modernism and have opened up new possibilities for literary expression.。



Literature is a vast and diverse field that encompasses a wide range of written works, including novels,plays,poetry,and essays.It is a reflection of human experiences, emotions,and thoughts,and it has the power to inspire,educate,and entertain.In this essay,I will discuss the importance of literature,its various forms,and the impact it has on society.Firstly,literature is a means of selfexpression and communication.Writers use their creativity to convey their ideas,beliefs,and emotions through their works.This allows readers to gain insights into different perspectives and cultures,fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them.For example,reading a novel set in a foreign country can provide a glimpse into the lives of people from that region, their customs,and their struggles.Secondly,literature serves as a historical record.Many literary works are based on real events or inspired by historical figures,providing a unique perspective on the past.These works can help us understand the social,political,and cultural context of different time periods,as well as the motivations and actions of individuals who shaped history.For instance,Shakespeares plays often explore the lives of kings and queens,offering a dramatic portrayal of their reigns and the events that transpired during their rule. Moreover,literature has the power to entertain and inspire.A wellwritten novel can transport readers to different worlds,allowing them to experience a range of emotions and situations.This can be a source of enjoyment and relaxation,as well as a means of escapism from the stresses of everyday life.Additionally,literature can inspire readers to think critically,question societal norms,and seek change.Many authors have used their works to advocate for social justice,equality,and freedom,influencing public opinion and driving societal progress.There are various forms of literature,each with its unique characteristics and purposes. Novels are long,narrative works of fiction that tell a story with multiple characters and a developed plot.They often explore complex themes and provide a detailed examination of human nature.Plays,on the other hand,are written to be performed on stage,with dialogue and action driving the narrative.They often focus on the interactions between characters and the conflicts that arise from these relationships.Poetry is another form of literature that uses language in a creative and expressive way, often employing rhythm,imagery,and symbolism to convey meaning.Poems can be personal and introspective,or they can address broader themes and issues.Essays, meanwhile,are nonfiction works that present an authors perspective on a particular topic, often using logical arguments and evidence to support their claims.In conclusion,literature is an essential aspect of human culture and society.It provides a means of selfexpression,a historical record,and a source of entertainment and inspiration. The various forms of literature,from novels to poetry,offer unique ways of exploring the human experience and engaging with the world around us.By reading and appreciating literature,we can broaden our understanding,challenge our perspectives,and enrich our lives.。



【人文视野】DOI :10.14182/ki.j.anu.2024.03.004论中国当代文学的“到人民中间去”叙事*方维保(安徽师范大学文学院,安徽芜湖241002)——————————————————————————————————————————关键词:到人民中间去;叙事;当代文学摘要:中国当代文学中的“到人民中间去”叙事,起源于近现代历史文化中的“到民间去”思潮。






中图分类号:I206.6文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-2435(2024)03-0028-08On the Narratives of "Going among the People"in Chinese Contemporary LiteratureFANG Weibao (School of Liberal Arts ,Anhui Normal University ,Wuhu Anhui 241002,China )Key words :going among the people ;narrative ;contemporary literatureAbstract :The "going among the people"narration in contemporary Chinese literature originates from the trend ofthought of "going among the folk"in modern and contemporary cultural history.As Chinese literature entered thecontemporary period ,this narrative model ,reflecting the changing landscapes of contemporary Chinese history ,mani-fested distinct characteristics in different historical periods.In the rural-themed novels of the 1950s and 1960s ,the"going among the people"narrative primarily depicted cadre reassignment to rural areas to lead agricultural collectiv-ization movements.The narrative of "going among the people"in the revolutionary historical novels mainly tells thestory of young students initiating the masses to revolutionize or transform themselves.There are three types of litera-ture in the new period :the nostalgia for the "exiled"and "lower-level"people in scar literature and educated youthliterature ,the leadership of reform in factory settings in reform novels ,the discovery of folk mysterious forces in root-seeking literature and the reflection on folk culture in cultural introspection novels.In the literature after the turn ofthe century ,the predominant form of expression is the urban cadres "go to the countryside"for poverty alleviationand rural revitalization ,including the "returning home on paper"narratives.The narrative of "going among the peo-ple"in contemporary literature serves many socio-cultural functions.——————————————————————————————————————————中国当代文学中的“到人民中间去”叙事,可以称之为“到民间去”叙事,也可以称之为“到群众中去”或“深入群众”叙事。



文学需新路作文题目:Charting New Paths in Literature: Embracing Innovation and DiversityIn the ever-evolving landscape of literary expression, the call for fresh perspectives, innovative storytelling techniques, and a broader embrace of diverse voices has never been more urgent. As we stand at the threshold of a new era in literary discourse, it becomes imperative to explore uncharted territories, challenge established norms, and forge ahead on a path that redefines the very essence of what literature can be.The quest for new literary frontiers begins with a radical reimagining of narrative structures. Traditional linear narratives, while time-honored and effective, must give way to more experimental forms that reflect the complexities and non-linearity of contemporary existence. Fragmented narratives, recursive loops, and multi-layered storylines can offer readers a more immersive, thought-provoking experience, mirroring the labyrinthine nature of our interconnected world. Similarly, the integration of multimedia elements, such as augmented reality, interactive fiction, or hybrid text-image formats, can push the boundaries of storytelling, inviting readers to engage actively with the textrather than passively consume it.At the heart of this literary revolution lies a commitment to amplifying underrepresented voices and narratives. Literature should serve as a mirror to society, reflecting its rich tapestry of experiences, identities, and perspectives. By fostering platforms and publishing initiatives that prioritize marginalized authors, untold stories can finally find their rightful place in the literary canon. This inclusivity not only enriches our understanding of the human condition but also challenges dominant cultural narratives, dismantling stereotypes and fostering empathy across borders of difference.Moreover, literature must venture beyond the confines of genre, embracing cross-pollination and hybridity. The rigid categorizations of fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction often limit the creative potential of writers and restrict readers' exposure to unconventional literary experiences. By encouraging genre-blurring works that seamlessly blend elements from different forms, we open up a space for unprecedented artistic exploration and intellectual stimulation. Such interdisciplinary endeavors can lead to groundbreaking insights, as disparate literary traditions converge to createentirely new modes of expression.Finally, literature should harness the power of digital technologies to democratize access and facilitate global dialogue. The advent of e-books, online publishing platforms, and social media has made it possible for writers from all corners of the world to share their work instantaneously, transcending geographical barriers and bypassing traditional gatekeepers. These digital tools also enable readers to engage in real-time conversations about literature, fostering a sense of community and deepening our collective understanding of the texts we encounter.题目:文学创新之路:拥抱革新与多元在不断演进的文学表达领域,对新颖视角、创新叙事手法以及广泛接纳多元声音的需求从未如此迫切。



探讨文学的英语作文高中Literature, in its diverse forms and genres, has long been recognized as a powerful medium for human expression, reflection, and exploration. As a high school student, I have come to appreciate the profound impact that literature can have on our lives, shaping our understanding of the world and ourselves. In this essay, I will delve into the significance of literature, examining its role in personal growth, cultural enrichment, and intellectual development.Firstly, literature serves as a window into the human experience, allowing us to connect with the thoughts, emotions, and perspectives of others. Through the written word, authors invite us to step into the shoes of their characters, to empathize with their struggles, and to share in their triumphs. This vicarious experience fosters a deeper understanding of the human condition, cultivating our capacity for empathy and compassion. As we engage with literature, we are challenged to confront our own biases, preconceptions, and beliefs, ultimately broadening our horizons and encouraging personal growth.Moreover, literature plays a crucial role in preserving and transmitting cultural heritage. Across time and geography, literary works have served as repositories of cultural traditions, values, and narratives. By exploring the literary works of diverse communities, we gain insights into the rich tapestry of human civilization, its shared experiences, and its unique expressions. This cultural exchange not only enhances our appreciation for the diversity of the world but also strengthens our sense of global interconnectedness.In addition to its cultural significance, literature also serves as a powerful tool for intellectual development. The act of reading and engaging with literary texts challenges us to think critically, analyze complex ideas, and articulate our own perspectives. Through the exploration of themes, symbolism, and literary devices, we hone our analytical skills, cultivating a deeper understanding of the nuances of language and the power of storytelling. This intellectual stimulation extends beyond the classroom, as we apply the critical thinking skills developed through literature to navigate the complexities of the world around us.Furthermore, literature offers a refuge from the stresses and distractions of everyday life, providing a space for contemplation, reflection, and personal growth. The act of immersing oneself in a captivating narrative or a thought-provoking poem can be a therapeutic experience, allowing us to escape the confines of ourown experiences and explore new realms of possibility. In this way, literature serves as a sanctuary, nourishing our emotional and psychological well-being, and offering a respite from the demands of the modern world.Beyond its personal and intellectual benefits, literature also plays a crucial role in shaping social and political discourse. Literary works have long been used as vehicles for social commentary, challenging the status quo and advocating for change. From the powerful narratives of marginalized communities to the incisive critiques of societal structures, literature has the ability to amplify voices, expose injustices, and inspire collective action. In this way, literature becomes a powerful tool for social and political transformation, empowering individuals and communities to challenge the prevailing narratives and work towards a more equitable and just world.In conclusion, the significance of literature in our lives cannot be overstated. As a high school student, I have come to appreciate the multifaceted ways in which literature enriches our personal, cultural, and intellectual experiences. Through its ability to foster empathy, preserve cultural heritage, stimulate critical thinking, and inspire social change, literature emerges as a vital component of a well-rounded education and a fulfilling life. As I continue my academic journey, I am committed to further exploring the depths of literaryexpression and harnessing its transformative power to better understand myself, my community, and the world around me.。
























《戏剧之家》2019年第03期 总第303期209文化天地接受美学视角下《尼亚加拉大瀑布》的英译研究戚素丽,董银燕(宁波大学科学技术学院,浙江 宁波 315212)【摘 要】近年来接受美学视角下的翻译观逐渐走入人们的视野,主张以读者为接受主体,展开翻译活动,这给文学作品的英译带来了新启示。


【关键字】接受美学;《尼亚加拉大瀑布》;英译研究中图分类号:G04 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-0125(2019)03-0209-03一、引言《尼亚加拉大瀑布》创作于1841年,选自十九世纪英国伟大小说家查尔斯·狄更斯的游记作品《游美札记》。













出版物刊名: 外国文学研究
页码: 52-52页
年卷期: 2010年 第5期
主题词: 英语文学教学;国际研讨会;20世纪;文化视阈;哈尔滨工业大学;《外国文学研究》;华中师范大学;外国语学院

















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The influence of Existentialism • Definition:Existentialism was a European philosophy that informed and inspired a whole generation of American writers and artists in the 1950s and 1960s. P278
• 存在主义产生于第一次世界大战之后。第一次世 界大战是欧洲资产阶级文明终结的开端。随着现 代时期的到来,人进入了历史中的非宗教阶段。 此时,虽然人们拥有了前所未有的权利、科技、 文明,但也同时发现自己的无家可归。随着宗教 这一包容一切的框架的丧失,人不但变得一无所 有,而且变成一个支离破碎的存在物。他没有了 归宿感,认为自己是这个人类社会中的“外人”, 自己将自己异化。在他迫切的需要一种理论来化 解自己的异化感觉时,存在主义就应运而生了。
• These social activities produced new energies, new ideas, and new conditions. • A wider variety of intellectual and stylistic [staɪˈl ɪstɪk]文体的 forms emerged. • The “beat generation”垮掉的一代
• Nietzsche 德国哲学家尼采 • Kierkeggard克尔恺郭尔;存在主义者 • Dostoevsky [ˈd ɒstəˈj ɛfski]杜思妥也夫斯基
• Existentialism is, strictly speaking, a philosophy formulated in the first half of the 20th century, with Heidegger海德格尔 , Sartre萨特 and Camus加缪 (法国小说家、剧作家) being the three main representatives. •
• Key words: railroad, big city, the center of a network of world communications linked by airplanes, internets, cell phones, and fax
Two halves of a 50-year period
Two halves of a 50-year period
Two halves: with the 1950s and 1960s being the first half and with the second half, covering several decades, beginning in the 1960s.
• 存在主义(Existentialism),又称生存主义,当 代西方哲学主要流派之一。这一名词最早由海德 格尔提出。存在主义是一个很广泛的哲学流派, 主要包括有神论的存在主义、无神论的存在主义 和人道主义的存在主义三大类,它可以指任何以 孤立个人的非理性意识活动当作最真实存在的人 本主义学说。存在主义以人为中心、尊重人的个 性和自由,认为人是在无意义的宇宙中生活,人 的存在本身也没有意义,但人可以在存在的基础 上自我造就,活得精彩。
The Korean War
1950.6.25 1953.7.27
The Vietnam War
1955 1968
The Civil Rights Movement
The Cold War
Two halves of a 50-year period
• Postmodernism(s) • Theory and deconstruction
Two halves of a 50-year period • For the development of American literature from the end of World War Ⅱ till today, a period of more than half a century, a single phrase does not suffice. P275 • The conditions: historical, social, cultural, political and intellectural — under which American literature has became diversified.
Thank you!
Two halves of te 1960s and early 1970s, the world has undergone some dramatic changes. P276
• Colonialism has come to an end. • The Berlin War fell in the 1990s. • The postcolonial literature has come into being and has become a main feature of culture production in the last 30 years. • The event of 9/11 in 2001→new chaos Immigrants • Ethnic literature—including Native American literature, Asian American literature, Latino American literature, and others—has finally been recognized as significant components of American literature.
• About this 50-year period, it is quite clear in retrospect [ˈretroʊspekt]回顾 that the first 20years and the last 30 years are almost like two eras. P278
Two halves of a 50-year period
• In the first half of the period • Leadership of the Western capitalist world, the role of world policemen, an imperialist role in the world
• To gain a more conceptual understanding, we might also make a brief review under three subheadings: the influence of existentialism; postmodernism; critical theory and deconstruction.
• Existence precedes essence—this is the first and most important principle of Existentialism. “存在先于本质”为萨特所 提出,代表了存在主义的形而上学。
• The idea of absurdity [əb'sɜːdəti]荒诞 is thus central to existentialism.
Part 5 American Literature Diversified: 1945 to the New Millennium
Chapter 21 Literature Diversified Under New Conditions
• Two halves of a 50-year period • The influence of Existentialism
Two halves of a 50-year period
• Perhaps the most significant change is the on-going information revolution, which is profoundly transforming the ways in which man perceives the world.