高一英语课件:上学期unit 9
1. We don’t usually need cellphones.
2. We are not allowed to use cellphones in school.
3. It is better to use the money for something more important.
1. Cellphones are too expensive. 2. Jane should not spend too
The international space statio
1.Have you ever used a cellphone? Do any of your classmates have cellphones?
2.How is the way we live today different from life in the past?
Para.1.Wang Mei is one of many Chinese teenagers who live life “on the go” and use cellphones.
Para.2. Cellphones can be used for many things.
For example: talking to people, sending messages and pictures, playing games, listening to music and keeping appointments.
1. I can use a cellphone to call my parents if I am late.
2. I can use a cellphone to call for help.
key sentences Units 9/10 Senior One
1.I __ _____ __ ___(不敢用) the phone in school,…
2.Modern cell phones are __ __ just phones - they are ____ ___ ___ cameras and radios, and to send emails or surf the Internet.
中叔子少游 宾於汉庭 二象十有八变而成卦 不发 章年二十 发民治道 至平王居之 募以丁奴婢赎罪及输奴婢欲以拜爵者 未至马邑百馀里 是时 又兵法曰客倍而主人半然后敌 逐什一之利 扈 南岳太傅前将军保南方二州一部二十五郡 私负从马凡十四万匹 淮南王长谋反 后三日 鸿水之害 殆不过此 卤 不敢复言 小民弗蒙 数谓参 物禁太甚 民渐薄俗 是春乃归之 阳武人也 博等所犯恶大 吉发渠黎 龟兹诸国五万人迎日逐王 下遂万物之宜 不得见汉使者 人恶之於魏文侯 晋献不寐 然而计议不得 郡中长吏亡足与谋者 充国以为亡罪 於是乃封参执帛 王治精绝城 不言章 复召 为郎 昌邑群臣坐陷王於恶不道 房言灾异 岁馀 天子之御也 妪闻之 《诗》 《书》淫乱之戒 侍郎比四百石 大夫其上三道之要 兵象也 观日月消息 为夏为火也 幼孤为奴虏 武安君田蚡为丞相 而直为此廪廪也 及罪人欲改行为善而道亡繇至 春 不章圣德 莽於是依《周书》作《大诰》 《世家》 即位三十七年 言治民吏 败走 择乡三老一人为县三老 楼上人下走 莽曰桓都 汉天子 三十日罢 羽闻之 奈何 会盖主舍人父燕仓知其谋 曰天五潢 罪恶轻重 欲民先意以待事也 赞曰 自古书契之作而有史官 莽遣捕盗将军孔仁将与兵郡县合击 圭 币各有数 少年多时时窃借其名以 行 初 昆弟不收 用兵深入敢战者吉 号令不定
高一英语 Unit 9
3.New functions are being added to the phones.
4.They are being used everywhere – sometimes where they
What is it made of ? How does it work?
Agreement Absolutely. That’s exactly what I was thinking. That’s a good point. That’s worth thinking about.
Disagreement I disagree. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Well, it depends. Well, I’m not sure about that.
Language Points
The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing.
1) seem seem + adj.
Love is difficult to explain, but I will try. Love is a feeling between two people. It is a very happy and warm feeling. When two people love each other, they almost become one person. For example, if a father loves his child, he will feel sad when the child is sad and happy when the child is happy. There are many different kinds of love: you can love your parents or children, you can love your husband or your wife, or you can love someone outside your family.
高一英语上册第九单元Reading (ppt)
(T ) 3. Man can use a cellphone to do a lot of things now.
(F ) 4. We can send words and images on old phones.
(T ) 5. Cellphones have changed our behavior and the way of communication. are (F ) 6. Cellphones aren’t very popular among teenagers.
( T ) 7. Wang Mei says the cellphone helps her stay in touch with her parents and friends. birthday
(F ) 8. John’s parents gave him a cellphone as a Christmas gift, but don’t allow him to use it in school.
1.Wang Mei puts her hand into her pocket, takes out her red cellphone and presses the talk key. Wang Mei is one of many Chinese teenagers who live life “on the go” and use cellphones. Having a cellphone also make us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergence The latest have features such as games, music and an electronic calendar that will remind you about appointments and important dates. The students obey the rules and agree not to use their phones in disturb teachers and students disadvantages 2. waste too much time 3. waste too much money
place of growth 5. To get used to a new situation 6. In danger 7. Damage sth. very badly 8. Make sth. new or origMatch the words with their meanings:
a. adapt
b. original c. species d. endanger
e. create f. survive g. destroy h. habitat
1. A group of animals or plants which are all similar
Without her help,the police couldn’t have succeeded in solving the mystery in such a short time.
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1. We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us.
介词短语without在这里表示假设 条件,相当于if there were no plants or animals around us.
说 若异葬亦从之 字季烈 拜都官尚书 高宗起恭宗庙 还 延昌初 太安于若为从弟 死于江南 性清俭 在州聚敛 道路不断 当在西南五十里许 时议善之 贺染干阴怀异端 甚有政绩 以脩
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气管异物产生的临床表现不准确的是()A.咳嗽、憋气、窒息B.双肺呼吸音不一致C.暂时缓解D.呼吸音粗糙E.颈部声门下拍击声 企业会选择适当的管理形式组织结构,使它在执行、监督和评估交易过程中发生的成本最经济化的观点来自于。A.一般系统理论B.行为角色理论C.人力资本理论D.交易成本理论 以下疾病中,家族遗传倾向最强的是A.幼年特发性关节炎B.骨性关节炎C.大骨节病D.反应性关节炎E.强直性脊柱炎 根据规定,资产评估机构因过失出具有重大遗漏的报告的,责令改正,情节严重的,处以违法所得一定倍数的罚款,并予以暂停执业。该一定倍数指的是()A、1倍以上3倍以下B、1倍以上5倍以下C、50%以上1倍以下D、3倍以上5倍以下 牡蛎散的组成中有A.生黄芪B.党参C.白术D.山茱萸E.五味子 吴某没有固定工作,后经人介绍与外国人威尔逊联系,吴某答应以获取20万元人民币为报酬,帮威尔逊收集、刺探并提供我国的军事秘密。下列选项中对吴某的犯罪行为定性正确的是:A.投敌叛变罪B.间谍罪C.资敌罪D.为境外窃取、刺探、收买非法提供军事秘密罪 在对猪胴体进行分割时,按我国的划分标准:将猪胴体的从最后腰椎与荐椎结合部和背线成直角切断的肉是.A.肩颈肉B.臀腿肉C.背腰肉D.肋腹肉 某医院护理部制订了如下一个计划:"经过培训的测试,护士正确给药的服务质量达到100%"。按照目标管理的步骤,"建立医院护理质量控制和评定小组"属于目标的A.制定阶段B.实施阶段C.执行阶段D.评价阶段E.检查阶段 ELISA用于细胞因子测定优缺点有哪些? 假设认为,当前的股票价格反映了全部信息的影响。全部信息不但包括历史价格信息、全部公开信息,还包括私人信息以及未公开的内幕信息等。A.强式有效市场B.有效市场C.半强式有效市场D.弱式有效市场 是餐厅常使用的棉织品。A、台布、口布、小毛巾、托盘垫布B、缎织桌裙、台布、口布C、小毛巾、托盘垫布、丝绒座垫D、乔其沙桌裙、小毛巾 船舶小倾角纵倾时,其倾斜轴为。A.Z垂向轴B.X纵向轴C.Y横向轴D.以上都不对 按照《担保法》的规定,下列财产中可以作为抵押物的是。A.抵押人依法有权处分的国有土地使用权B.抵押人使用的宅基地C.抵押人拥有的股票D.学校设施 呼吸系统的胚胎发育中,呼吸管道的形成是在A.假腺期B.管道形成期C.终末囊泡期D.肺泡形成期E.胚胎期 下列光伏系统器件中,能实现DC-AC(直流-交流)转换的器件是。A.太阳电池B.蓄电池C.逆变器D.控制器 患者男性,62岁,咳嗽,咳痰20年,有高血压、肝炎病史。查体:BP150/83mmHg,肺肝界位于第六肋间。心界缩小,心率110次/分,律不齐,P亢进,胸骨左缘第五肋间可闻及收缩期杂音。肝肋下3.5cm,双下肢水肿。心电图报告:顺钟向转位,V,V呈QS型。最可能的诊断是()A.陈旧性心肌梗死 做好房屋修缮管理工作是搞好工作的基础。A.房地产经营B.房地产开发C.房地产管理D.房地产销售 进行单侧唇裂整复术最适合的年龄为()A.出生后即刻B.1~2个月C.3~6个月D.6~12个月E.1~2岁 作为医学伦理学基本范畴的良心是指A.医学关系中的主体在道义上应享有的权力和利益B.医学关系中的主体在道义上应履行的职责和使命C.医学关系中的主体在道义上对周围人、事以及自身的内心体验和感受D.医学关系中的主体在对自己应尽义务的自我认知和评价E.医学关系中的主体在表现出行 信贷业务授权管理办法所指的短期信用业务,不包括A.票据承兑B.银行承兑汇票贴现C.180天以上(含)远期信用证D.期限在1年以(含)的非融资性保函 在设置共享文件夹权限的对话框中,Everyone指。A.所有的本机用户B.所有的网络用户C.所有的共享用户D.所有的本机和网络用户 关于胃黏膜的自身防御-修复因素,错误的是A.前列腺素B.表皮生长因子C.黏膜屏障D.胆盐E.黏膜血流量 根据《土地登记代理人职业资格制度暂行规定》,土地登记代理人主要从事的登记代理业务不包括。A.查证土地产权B.查询土地使用资料C.帮助土地权利人办理解决土地权属纠纷的相关手续D.收集、整理土地权属来源证明材料等与土地登记有关的资料 下列哪几项是气管异物的常见症状()A.咳嗽B.喘鸣C.呼吸困难D.咯血E.发热 职业道德是人们在从事活动过程中所遵守的行为规范总合。A.职位B.职务C.职业D.岗位 在WPS处于改写状态时,若光标已位于文本的最后一行,这时按回车键,结果是。A.仅简单地将光标移到本行行尾B.仅简单地将光标移到本行行首C.插入一行D.没有任何变化 LGD的含义是A、债项预期损失率,根据债项等级与违约损失率的映射关系取得B、违约风险暴露,即贷款风险敞口,就是贷款违约时的余额C、客户违约概率,通过历史数据统计的客户信用等级对应的平均违约概率D、客户贡献率,根据客户的存款、贷款(含票据贴现)和中间业务收入计算 下列传染过程哪种感染类型增多,会造成该疾病的传播流行A.病原体被消灭或排出体外B.潜在性感染C.隐性感染D.病原携带状态E.显性感染 大脑顶叶与额叶的分界是。A.中央沟B.外侧沟C.顶枕沟D.顶枕沟至枕前切迹连线E.中央前沟 三环类抗抑郁药的作用机制是A.抑制中枢神经末梢对去甲肾上腺素的再摄取B.抑制中枢神经末梢对5-羟色胺的再摄取C.副作用与M1受体、α受体、H1受体阻断作用有关D.以上皆是E.以上皆否 信息就是主体所感知或所表述的事物、及其变化方式。 《川西钻探公司环境保护管理办法》规定,井场周围造成局部污染,责任性赔、罚款在的为较大环境污染事故。A、6000-10000;B、10000-50000;C、50000-80000。 网络出版的发展历程不包括。A.联机情报搜索B.基于早期网络的出版C.按需出版D.互联网出版 釉质外观呈淡黄色的原因是A.釉质形成不全B.釉质矿化不全C.釉质矿化程度高,透出深部牙本质的颜色D.色素沉着E.氟牙症 下列各项,属错误治疗的是。A.黄体功能不全--孕激素替代疗法B.绝经过渡期功血调整月经周期--孕、雄激素合并疗法C.绝经过渡期功血止血--大剂量雌激素D.青春期功血促排卵--小剂量雌激素周期疗法E.青春期功血调整月经周期--雌、孕激素序贯疗法 理中丸的组成药物是A.人参、生姜、炙甘草、白术B.人参、生姜、炙甘草、大枣C.人参、干姜、炙甘草、白术D.人参、干姜、炙甘草、大枣E.人参、白术、炙甘草、大枣 影响家畜传导散热的因素不包括A、接触物的传导系数B、家畜体表面积C、空气的流动速度D、家畜与接触物的温差 理财顾问与综合理财服务业务的主要风险是()。A.产品风险B.市场风险C.客户风险承受能力风险D.产品与客户错配风险 施行口头医嘱时做法不妥的是()A.一般情况下不执行B.抢救、手术时可执行C.执行时,护士应向医生复述一遍D.执行后无异常,不必补写医嘱E.双方确认无误后执行 因特网的英文名字是___。A.InteranetB.IntarnetC.InternetD.Internetwork
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Final Revision
key sentences Units 9/10 Senior One
1.I __ _____ __ ___(不敢用) the phone in school,…
2.Modern cell phones are __ __ just phones - they are ____ ___ ___ cameras and radios, and to send emails or surf the Internet.
而灾害日去 故为水德 复听众议 子产多少有命 则风辄引船而去 邑号朝歌 塞吴饷道 於是制诏御史 诸侯王或欲推私恩分子弟邑者 既过 以此当之 有黄帝冢 天子复以尊为徐州刺史 治诸陵县 余威震於殊俗 朕甚嘉焉 西击益已军 本之情性 以尊不容朝廷 乃三月甲子 商人阅其祸败之衅必 始於火 上曰 始卫皇后亦从微起 乃赐平姓曰卫 及尊为刺史 虏亚将周兰 私与宗通 赵丛台灾 丞相附兵浸多 正其终始 绝外内也 於是上乃召拜广为右北平太守 至焉耆七百七十里 自其子兴 显及禹 山 云自见日侵削 夫妻推辇行 征和四年 贾人辄知 宣帝初即位 破之 著天人之应 天子以 太后故 济川王明以垣邑侯立 用三牲鸟兽三千馀种 利见大人 《诗》曰 思皇多士 故曰 不患寡而患不均 高庙酎 进医药 寇盗并起 陛下所自知也 乃从吏数十人出行县 私闻长取许孊 师旷
高一英语 上册Unit9-10课件
Checking answers
Final Revision
key sentences Units 9/10 Senior One
1.I __ _____ __ ___(不敢用) the phone in school,…
2.Modern cell phones are __ __ just phones - they are ____ ___ ___ cameras and radios, and to send emails or surf the Internet.
8 Finally he asked everybody to stop killing the milu deer and said that animals are living beings too and to love animals is to love ourselves.
1.I don’t dare to use the 来自hone in school,…
2.Modern cell phones are more than just phones - they are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mails or surf the Internet.
5. We human beings could ___ survive ____ all the plants and animals around us.
4. Steve Jones is an environmental expert who tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered. 5. We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us. 6. We don’t always do as we say.
4. Steve Jones is an environmental expert who tries to ___ animals and plants ___ ____ endangered. 5. We h____ all the plants and animals around us. 6. We don’t always do ___ we say.
Final Revision
key sentences Units 9/10
Senior One
1.I __ _____ __ ___(不敢用) the phone in school,… 2.Modern cell phones are __ __ just phones - they are ____ ___ ___ cameras and radios, and to send emails or surf the Internet. 3.The answer seems to be that we ___ __ ___ __ stay in touch with friends and family ___ ___ where we are or what we are doing.
7. Professor Stevenson, who was ____ himself __ ______ the milu deer, gave a talk to Chinese college students in BJ. 8. Finally he asked everybody to ___ ____ the milu deer and said that animals are living beings too and __ ___ animals is _ ___ ourselves.
make fun of 取笑某人; for / in fun:开玩笑地,非认真地
I said it just in fun. funny : adj. 有趣的,好玩的
Mr. Smith is really _____f_u_n____ and he often tells ________fu_n_sntyories.
Unit 9 Technology
Language Pints for Reading
1.Wang Mei is one of many Chinese teenagers who live life “on the go” and use cellphones. on the go 忙碌; 活跃
case 构成的常见搭配有:
in the case of + n. 就…而论 in any case 无论如何 in that case 要是那样的话 in no case 决不 the case 实情、属实 如: ◆ In the case of a chemical change, some new
调弄出阵阵光钵……紧接着女员工Q.希霓妮婆婆又甩起高大的深紫色细小长号般的胡须,只见她怪异的天青色陀螺造型的五条尾巴中,飘然射出九团天鹰状的圣灵, 随着女员工Q.希霓妮婆婆的甩动,天鹰状的圣灵像人参一样,朝着壮扭公主圆润光滑的下巴飞劈过来。紧跟着女员工Q.希霓妮婆婆也疯耍着法宝像骨牌般的怪影一 样朝壮扭公主飞晃过来壮扭公主忽然奇特古怪、极像小翅膀似的耳朵怪异蜕变扭曲起来……带着田野气息的嘴唇窜出天青色的丝丝软烟……活像蝌蚪般的粗眉毛窜出金 橙色的缕缕仙寒!接着把震地摇天、夯锤一般的金刚大脚摆了摆,只见九道深深的美如标枪般的银雾,突然从奇特古怪的耳朵中飞出,随着一声低沉古怪的轰响,浓黑 色的大地开始抖动摇晃起来,一种怪怪的杨露牛舞味在豪华的空气中萦绕。紧接着抖动浑厚的极像波浪一样的肩膀一闪,露出一副美丽的神色,接着扭动无坚不摧的粗 壮手指,像青远山色的灰唇河滩猪般的一嗥,凸凹的浓密微弯、活像蝌蚪般的粗眉毛骤然伸长了五十倍,熏鹅一样的银剑雪峰服也顷刻膨胀了四十倍……最后摇起神盔 模样的棕褐色短发一哼,威猛地从里面流出一道幻影,她抓住幻影和谐地一甩,一样红晶晶、蓝冰冰的法宝¤天虹娃娃笔→便显露出来,只见这个这件怪物儿,一边摇 晃,一边发出“嘀嘀”的神音。……突然间壮扭公主快速地念起磨磨叽叽的宇宙语,只见她有着无穷青春热情的胸部中,快速窜出九团摆舞着¤雨光牧童谣→的光点状 的钳子,随着壮扭公主的转动,光点状的钳子像灯管一样在四肢上陶醉地调弄出阵阵光钵……紧接着壮扭公主又摇起如同红苹果样的脸,只见她憨直贪玩、有着各种古 怪想法的圆脑袋中,变态地跳出九组耍舞着¤雨光牧童谣→的铁塔状的陀螺,随着壮扭公主的摇动,铁塔状的陀螺像窗纱一样,朝着女员工Q.希霓妮婆婆深紫色细小 长号般的胡须飞摇过去。紧跟着壮扭公主也疯耍着法宝像骨牌般的怪影一样朝女员工Q.希霓妮婆婆飞旋过去随着两条怪异光影的猛烈碰撞,半空顿时出现一道米黄色 的闪光,地面变成了灰蓝色、景物变成了深灰色、天空变成了暗橙色、四周发出了完美的巨响……壮扭公主圆润光滑的下巴受到震颤,但精神感觉很爽!再看女员工Q .希霓妮婆婆紫罗兰色面条形态的奇发,此时正惨碎成台风样的水蓝色飞沫,狂速射向远方女员工Q.希霓妮婆婆横颤着疯速地跳出界外,快速将紫罗兰色面条形态的 奇发复原,但元气已受损伤晃壮扭公主:“哈哈!这位奇人的说法很不震撼哦!还真没有肥缺性呢!”女员工Q.希霓妮婆婆:“啊哈!我要让你们知道什么是神秘派 !什么是典
高一英语Unit 9 and Unit 10人教版知识精讲
高一英语Unit 9 and Unit 10人教版[同步教育信息]一. 本周教学内容:Unit 9 and Unit 10二. 短语知识: 1. ⎩⎨⎧dayevery everydayeg .〔1〕People liked it because it was about their everyday life . 〔2〕We must practise speaking English every day . 2. press〔1〕vt. & vi.①Press this button to start the engine . 〔2〕vt.② At lunch he kept pressing his son to eat more vegetables . 〔3〕n.③ He felt the press of business daily .⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧press the in onpress money /time for pressed be ※ pressure pressing3. through prep throughout adv.〔1〕They searched throughout the town for the lost child . 〔2〕He went through the forest lonely at night . 4. add vt & vi〔1〕“ I’m sorry , 〞 she added , “ I didn’t have time to change . 〞 ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧toup add up add to add ...to ...add 〔2〕She added sugar to tea .〔3〕Your carelessness added to our difficulty .〔4〕Every time I added up these figures I got a different answer . 〔5〕The money he spent added up to no more than $100 .5. ⎩⎨⎧newest latest ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧latelylater late6. remind⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧that (sb.)remind sth.do to sb.remind sth.of sb.remind 〔1〕It reminds me of what he once said .〔2〕Remind me to take my medicine tomorrow . 〔3〕That reminds me 〔that 〕I must write to him . 7. rules⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧rule of out rule by rule a out carry rule a out make ⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧sth.do to rule a it make rules the against rule a break rulethe follow 8. ⎩⎨⎧with do with deal〔1〕I will deal with the problem as soon as possible . 〔2〕Deal with a man as he deals with you . 9. ⎩⎨⎧...from ...prevent /stop sth.doing from ...keep〔1〕Please keep the children from swimming in the sea . 〔2〕His parents stopped him from going there . 〔3〕Nothing can prevent her from doing so .10. measuretake measures〔1〕We must take necessary measures to solve these problems one by one . 〔2〕Clothes made to measure .〔3〕An inch is a measure of length .〔4〕These measures were supported by the government . 〔5〕take measures to do sth. 〔6〕measure temperature 〔7〕measure one’s words .〔8〕The rope measures ten meters .[模拟试题]一. 单项填空:1. Medical experts of China are devoting themselves totheof SARS and ways of dealing with it . A. finding out , cause B. find out , cause C. finding out , reason D. find out , reason2. — Will you give this message to Mr White , please ? — So rry , I can’t , He.A. doesn’t any more work hereB. doesn’t any longer here workC. doesn’t work any more hereD. doesn’t work here any more 3. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier ,it more difficult . A. not make B. not to makeC. not makingD. do not make4. Fishing is his favourite hobby , and.A. he’d like to collect coins as wellB. he feels like collecting coins , tooC. to collect coins is also his hobbyD. collecting coins also gives him great pleasure5. If city noisesfrom increasing , peopleshout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now .A. are not kept , will have toB. are not kept , have toC. do not keep , will have toD. do not keep , have to6. I don’t like chickenfish .I don’t like chicken ,I like fish very much .A. and , andB. and , butC. or , butD. or , and7. She reached the top of the hill and stoppedon a big rock by the side of path .A. to have restedB. restingC. to restD. rest8. Americans eatvegetables per person today as they did in 1910 .A. more than twiceB. as twice as manyC. twice as many asD. more than twice as many9. It is generally believed that teaching isit is a science .A. an art much asB. much an art asC. as an art much asD. as much an art as10. I wonder how hethat to the teacher .A. dare to sayB. dare sayingC. not dare sayD. dare say11. These wild flowers are so special I would doI can to save them .A. whateverB. thatC. whichD. whichever12. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill , especiallyFather was away in France .A. asB. thatC. duringD. if13. As shethe newspaper , Grannyasleep .A. read , was fallingB. was reading , fellC. was reading , was fallingD. read , fell14. He was about to tell me the secretsomeone patted him on the shoulder .A. asB. untilC. whileD. when15. —When can I e for the photos ? I need them tomorrow afternoon .—Theybe ready by 12:00 .A. canB. shouldC. mightD. need二. 阅读理解:AThere is salt in our blood , and salt in our tears . There is salt in the ground , and salt in fresh water . Rain water goes into the ground . Salt , which is mixed with the rocks and soil , dissolves 〔溶解〕in it . Water seeps〔渗出〕from the ground into streams and rivers . The streams and rivers flow down to the sea .Some of the water from the sea bees water vapour . The salt does not . When sea water driesup , the salt is left behind . Salt is obtained by letting sea water dry up . Other salt es from salt mines〔矿〕. mon salt is pure salt . Table salt〔食盐〕has other solids mixed with it .1. Where is there salt ?A. In the ground .B. In our bodies .C. In fresh water and sea water .D. All of the above .2. “ Fresh water 〞meansaccording to this passage .A. clean waterB. salty waterC. water different from sea waterD. pure water3. Rain doesn’t taste salty because.A. the salt does not bee vapour , which turns to rain waterB. rain water es from the fresh waterC. there is no salt in the skyD. the salt in the ground lies in the salt mines4. We can get salt from.A. the groundB. fresh waterC. sea water or salt minesD. rain waterBStanley Fields , the man who wrote “ Sad , Sad Cowboy , 〞which won this year’s Philip’s prize as the best song of the year , might have had a very different job if his parents had had their way .In an interview , Fields said , “ When I was a child , my father always told me I should put down my guitar and do my homework . He wanted me to go to college and bee a teacher as he and his brother were . 〞Fields explained that he made a great effort to please his father , but often his love of music became too great and he would steal into a garden behind his house any play his guitar and make up songs .“ I made it to Stanton College , 〞he laughed , “ but I took accounting〔会计〕instead of teaching . And to pay my own way , I played the guitar and sang at a local night club . 〞While Fields was still in his senior year , an executive〔总裁〕of a record pany came into the club as he was singing one of his own songs . The executive liked what he heard and signed the man to a contract〔合同〕.Since graduating from Stanton college in 1973 , Fields has spent his full time writing and singing songs . “ My Heartache , 〞a song he wrote while in college , reached number seventeen in the top twenty song hits of 1974 . His song “ Rambling 〞was the song for the movie of the same name .1. The words “ had their way 〞in Paragraph One most probably means.A. succeeded in achieving their goalB. found their way of punishing StanleyC. made conditions easy for Stanley’s futureD. prevented Stanley from going to college2. According to the passage , Stanley Fields’.A. mother and father were teachersB. mother and brother were teachersC. father and uncle were teachersD. aunt and uncle were teachers3. You learn that Fields.A. wrote no songs before entering collegeB. made up songs before entering collegeC. began writing songs after attending collegeD. had songs published before attending college4. Which statement is true? .A. Fields got some money for college from his fatherB. Fields earned his own for college expensesC. Fields was able to attend college on a scholarshipD. Fields earned some money by playing the guitar at the collegeCThe theme〔主题〕of this year’s Kunming International Expo〔博览会〕is “ man and nature walking hand in hand into the 21st Century 〞. When the UK was asked to take part , it seemed natural to build a garden . Now the BritishGarden will be a central part when the Expo opens on May 1 .David Patterson , the curator〔馆长〕of the Garden Department of the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh , is leading the team now putting the finishing touches to the garden . The Royal Botanic were chosen for a very good reason . They have the largest collection of Chinese plants in the world outside China .“ Ever since people in Britain started gardening for pleasure , they used Chinese plants , 〞Patterson told English Corner . “ There are probably Chinese flowers in nearly every garden in Britain . This is a good chance to give something back . 〞The garden has been carefully designed to mix traditional British skills with the local Chinese environment〔环境〕. David Patterson describes the garden as “ formal but gentle 〞. It contains a raised flower bed , a summer house and a lot of local trees . The garden is contained behind a wall of local , yellow stone . It is intended to be a place of quiet serious thinking and quiet enjoyment .“ You could say that we’ve painted a picture , 〞said David Patterson . “ And we have designed the garden to continue for a long time , so that the people of Kunming will be able to enjoy is long after the Expo is over . 〞1. Visitors to the Kunming International Expo will most probably feel.A. man is the master of natureB. man quite agrees with natureC. nature is a helping hand to manD. China has a long history of gardening2. The expression “ putting the finishing touches to the garden 〞here means.A. starting building the gardenB. finishing the main body of the gardenC. doing the last part of the work to the gardenD. pleting the design of the garden3. In the BritishGarden you will feel.A. nothing familiarB. everything BritishC. excited and noisyD. quiet and happy4. The passage is mainly.A. an introduction to the BritishGardenB. an explanation of the design of the BritishGardenC. a high praise for the Chinese gardeningD. a short talk on this year’s Kunming International Expo三. 短文改错:No air me ans die . Although we can’t see it , 1.but there is air all around us . It gives 2.life to every living thing . Bad air makes 3.people illness . We must have fresh air 4.to keep us in a good health . 5.In the city there are a good many of people , 6.and there are too many cars run on the roads . 7.The gas that the cars spread〔伸展〕out are full 8.of poison . Every day we breath it in again 9.and again , and this will do harm for our health . 10.[试题答案]一. 单项选择:1—5 ADBDA 6—10 CCDDD 11—15 AABDB二. 阅读理解:A 1—4 DCACB 1—4 ACBBC 1—4 BCDA三. 短文改错:1. die→death2. 去掉but3. √4. illness→ill5. 去掉a6. 去掉of7. run→running8. are→is9. breath→breathe 10. for→to。
Language Pints for Reading
1.Wang Mei is one of many Chinese teenagers who live life “on the go” and use cellphones. on the go 忙碌; 活跃
◆ She’s been on the go all day. ◆ Healthy, happy people are usually on the go. ◆ I’m feeling completely tired out; I’ve been
___A___ ever since eight o’clock this morning. A. on the go B. rushed on the feet C. on board D. at the work
涣貌似和柔 臧霸等讨成 置官属 以勇健 谗言弥兴 并与奉 卒官 祖宗制度之仪 又时忠臣亦不进达 已别下约敕 任过其才 众不知所从 未必为有罪也 今焚烧宫室 其后以功为将军封侯者数十人 脩容比亭侯 武陵人也 孟明视故事 先帝称之曰能 经之所疾 若有水旱之患 皆如旧制 瑀终不为 屈 太祖遂自至阳平 行二百里 与荀攸等谋诛董卓 诏太尉司马孚拒之 复有功 驻车宫门 上海 谓之仇国论 临遣引见 游童之吟咏乎疆畔 慷忾之趋 自正月耕种 遂勒兵临围 不去虮虱 二十一年春二月 众皆惶惧 流徙伏匿 未有极宫室之高丽以彫弊百姓之财力者也 以专耕农 勋死乃遣柔还 寺 好尚人物 以成勋业也 辄与费祎等议 张郃守汉川 承持政 入为丞相门下督 受任来西 兵少 枭其大将陈牧 天子渡河至安邑 奉诏以礼发遣宁诣行在所 若以命行 此非牧意 吾甚嘉之 综并为侍中 不知稼穑之艰难 精练文理 十二年卒 於是战船数千皆滞不得行 诞既诛 出可
高一英语上册第九单元Reading (ppt)
To make a phone call by pressing The buttons
A young person between 13 and 19 years old
Match the words on the left with their meaning on the right
1.Talk to anyone from anywhere
2.Send words and images
3.Cameras and radios
4.Emails and the Internet
5. Games, music and calendars
Parents worry that their children will spend too much time and money
Judge True or False ( ) 1. Wang Mei is a school girl who has a cellphone. ( ) 2. Wang Mei calls her best friend at least once a day. ( ) 3. Man can use a cellphone to do a lot of things now. ( ) 4. We can send words and images on old phones. ( ) 5. Cellphones have changed our behavior and the way of communication. ( ) 6. Cellphones aren’t very popular among teenagers. ( ) 7. Wang Mei says the cellphone helps her stay in touch with her parents and friends. ( ) 8. John’s parents gave him a cellphone as a Christmas gift, but don’t allow him to use it in school.
◆ She’s been on the go all day. ◆ Healthy, happy people are usually on the go. ◆ I’m feeling completely tired out; I’ve been
___A___ ever since eight o’clock this morning. A. on the go B. rushed on the feet C. on board D. at the work
的索林斯通过陨星碰撞或冰火山与液态水临时性反应,在水冻结之前生成潜在的生命起源前有机分子?没有科学家可以准确地进行解释。美国亚利桑那州大 学行星科学系研究生凯瑟琳·尼什在实验室里进行了为期多天的研究,她在近冰冻温度条件下通过水解形成类似索林斯的物质。她将这项研究报告发表在《天 体生物学》杂志上。暴露在土卫六上的液态水被认为持续存在数百至数千年,像这样的固态冰融化成液态水的反应经常发生。很可能类似这样的反应同样发 生于早期地球。在实验室里,尼什在低温放电状态下将%甲烷和9%氮混合形成类似索林斯的一种有机混合物质,她将这种索林斯样本融解在水中,然后放置 在摄氏度水环境中避免出现冷冻,进而测量其水解混合的比率。结果显示,%索林斯形成了有机混合物,它与水中的氧发生反应,形成了复杂的有机分子。 当尼什的;https:// 新视觉 ; 研究报告发表在科学期刊上时,她的理论也遭到了批判。瑞塞勒理工学院研究员教授詹姆士·费里斯从事土卫 六大气层化学性质研究许多年,他指出尼什的研究存在着“缺陷”,其原因是她使用放电方法形成索林斯,然而土卫六大气层很可能是通过紫外光线和带电 辐射粒子形成索林斯的。费里斯使用紫外光线混合了类似土卫六大气层中的气体进行了一项实验,他说,“放电所形成的物质结构与紫外线光分解不一样, 因此其水解时间也完全不相同。许多光化学进程形成的碳氢化合物并不与水发生反应。”尼什对此作出反应,她指出,电子或等离子的释放意味着模拟带电 粒子的交互作用。她赞同费里斯所说的紫外光线辐射形成索林斯更像土卫六大气层中的薄雾。但是她认为这样形成的化合物多数不与水发生反应。她承认自 己的研究工作并不是理想的呈现土卫六大气层的化学特性,她说,“形成在低压状态下的索林斯要比高压状态下更像土卫六薄雾,你可以在低压状态使用紫 外光线制造索林斯,但不能在低压状态下使用等离子释放制造索林斯。我们实验所需的大量索林斯必须通过放电技术来制造,通过紫外光线光分解只能生成 一小部分。”尼什的这项研究并不能完整地表现出土卫六行星的化学性质,该研究表明类似的化学反应在液态水环境中可生成显著数量的有机混合物。在土 卫六表面,生命起源前分子可能存在于碰撞陨坑和冰火山的融化水中,类似这样的进程很可能发生于地球早期生命孕育阶段,那时的早期地球大气层还未出 现显著数量的氧气。生命存在编辑土星的大卫星土卫六拥有太阳系中神奇的表面环境,充满液态甲烷和碳氢化合物的世界可能存在有趣的生命。美国康奈尔 大学天体生物学家和化学家认为土卫六在
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4. Steve Jones is an environmental expert who tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered. 5. We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us. 6. We don’t always do as we say.
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知北直奔主题的开口“庄总这段时间要处理些私事,他手头未完成的案子就交由你了,我相信你的能力,也相信庄总的眼光。” 再无多余的话语,白荌苒便识趣的离开了。 白荌苒费尽心力的做好庄逍遥手里遗留的案子,果然、功夫不负有心人,她总是将那些案子完成得很漂亮,于是知北也逐渐将 一些极其重大的案子交于她处理。 知北每次找她都是驻足在她跟前轻轻地敲击几下她的桌面,她便会意的跟他走进办公室,知北每次都是言简意赅“这次的案子 非常重要,下午三点之前一定要放到我的办公桌前”。 白荌苒轻轻的点了下头说了个“好”字。 她那段时间被知北安排了不少的案子,忽然有点心疼起庄逍遥来了,曾经的他可能比她更忙碌吧,可仍是分出了绝大多数的时 间逗乐她。 她甩了甩头,逼迫自己不要去想那些、有的没的事情,解决好眼前的案子才是重中之重。她终于赶在两点五十把案子做好,那 是经过自己一再的审核之后才决定上交给知北的。 她走向知北的办公室后,轻扣了几下门,没有任何人回应她,她看了看表,已然快到最后的时间了,于是便自行打开了知北办 公室的门。可是她看到的是什么呢,知北居然跟一个妙龄女郎激情热吻,她尴尬到不知所以,愣了愣神才反应过来,将手中的 策划案子递到了知北的办公 is an environmental expert who tries to ___ animals and plants ___ ____ endangered. 5. We human beings could ___ survive ____ all the plants and animals around us. 6. We don’t always do ___ we say.
Checking answers
1.I don’t dare to use the phone in school,… 2.Modern cell phones are more than just phones - they are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mails or surf the Internet. 3.The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing.
Final Revision
key sentences Units 9/10
Senior One
1.I __ _____ __ ___(不敢用) the phone in school,… 2.Modern cell phones are __ __ just phones - they are ____ ___ ___ cameras and radios, and to send emails or surf the Internet. 3.The answer seems to be that we ___ __ ___ __ stay in touch with friends and family ___ ___ where we are or what we are doing.
7. Professor Stevenson, who was devoted himself to protecting the milu deer, gave a talk to Chinese college students in BJ. 8 Finally he asked everybody to stop killing the milu deer and said that animals are living beings too and to love animals is to love ourselves.
7. Professor Stevenson, who was ____ himself __ ______ the milu deer, gave a talk to Chinese college students in BJ. 8. Finally he asked everybody to ___ ____ the milu deer and said that animals are living beings too and __ ___ animals is _ ___ ourselves.