美国黑人女小说家 托尼 莫森 Toni_Morrison


toni morrison

toni morrison

编辑本段简介 托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrlson,1931~)美国黑人女作家。生于俄亥俄州钢城洛里恩,父亲是蓝领工人, 母亲在白人家帮佣。1949 年她以优异成绩考入当时专为黑人开设的霍华德大学,攻读英语和古典文学。大学毕业后,又入康奈尔大学专攻福克纳和沃尔夫的小说,并以此获硕士学泣。此后,她在德克萨斯南方大学和霍德华大学任教。1966年,她在纽约兰多姆出版社担任高级编辑,曾为拳王穆罕默德·阿里自传和一些青年黑人作家的作品的出版竭尽全力。她所主编的《黑人之书》,记叙了美国黑人三百年历史,被称为美国黑人史的百科全书。70年代起,她先后在纽约州立大学、耶鲁大学和巴尔德学院讲授美国黑人文学,并为《纽约时报书评周报》撰写过3O篇高质量的书评文章,1987年起出任普林斯顿大学教授,讲授文学创作。莫里森可以说是一位学者型的小说家。编辑本段人物生平 托尼-莫里森像个魔术师一样,把不同的声音结合组织起来,构筑成不同的人物形象,而不是把自己的观点生硬地塞给读者。她要使读者在阅读过程中真正走进小说里,同她一起品味主人公生活的甘苦,内心世界的奥妙。那是一个黑人女孩在一个充满丑陋、歧视、欺凌的世界中,在来自另一个世界的“蓝色眼眸”的诱惑下,对美丽人生的梦幻。在她身上,你能够看到托尼-莫里森成熟塑造的“苏拉”(93年诺贝尔文学奖获奖作品《苏拉》的主人公)的影子。 莫里森的作品充满魔幻现实主义的神秘因素。《所罗门之歌》之歌中,派特拉平坦、没有肚脐眼的腹部;戴德一世的鬼魂;奶娃与神话小说中寻宝人经历相似的自我发现之旅;取材于黑奴传说的“飞回非洲的黑人”;《柏油娃儿》中来自非洲的“柏油夫人”这些超现实因素及黑人传说和神话,为莫里森的小说蒙上了一层神秘和魔幻色彩。莫里森的语言吸取了黑人口头文学的传统,看似简单却幽默,机智。那是经过精雕细琢之后又不留痕迹的文学语言。她的作品还随处可见色彩和音乐的意想,语言的美感更是得到了加强。 西方评论界普遍认为莫里森继承了拉尔夫·埃利森和詹姆斯·鲍德温的黑人文学传统,她不仅熟悉黑人民间传说、希腊神话和基督教《圣经》 ,而且也受益于西方古典文学的熏陶。在创作手法上,她那简洁明快的手笔具有海明威的风格,情节的神秘隐暗感又近似南方作家福克纳,当然还明显地受到拉美魔幻现实主义的影响。但莫里森更勇于探索和创新,摒弃以往白人惯用的那种描述黑人的语言。编辑本段主要作品 莫里森的主要成就在于她的长篇小说。自1970年

Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison

D. Song of Solomon (1977)
a. Brief Introduction Toni Morrison's third novel, Song of Solomon, established her as a major American writer. The story of a Black man's search for his identity through a discovery of his family history, it became a bestseller and drew praise from readers and critics when it was published in 1977. The novel has been especially admired for the beauty of its language and its grounding of universal themes in the particularity of the African-American experience, as well as for its use of folklore.
Milkman’s immaturity stems directly from the enslavement and ensuing escape of his greatgrandfather, Solomon. Because Solomon escaped, Milkman’s grandfather, Macon Dead I, grew up an orphan. In turn, Macon Dead I’s son, Macon Jr., witnesses white men murder his father. Macon Jr. never fully recovers from witnessing his father’s death; he becomes a greedy, vicious man who raises his own son, Milkman, to share those characteristics. The racism that has afflicted Milkman’s ancestors is partially responsible for Milkman’s own selfishness. Milkman is finally able to heal his wounds by traveling to Shalimar, the site of Solomon’s flight toward liberty.



Morrison taught English at two branches of the State University of New York.
In 1984 she was appointed to an Albert Schweitzer chair at the University at Albany, The State University of New York. From 1989 until her retirement in 2006, Morrison held the Robert F. Goheen Chair in the Humanities at Princeton University
Major themes
The only significantly developed male character is Paul D, described as "the kind of man who could walk into a house and make the women cry. Because with him, in his presence, they could cry and tell him things they only told each other". He is, however, emotionally crippled. During his service in a chain-gang, his hands uncontrollably shake until he can learn to trap his emotions and lock them away. It takes Beloved and her audacious seduction to release him and to free the "red heart" he's imprisoned in the "rusted tobacco tin" of his memories. Paul D is the only male character against whom the women's strengths are tested and contrasted. Nearly all the other men in the story are oppressors or comparatively lightly sketched. Paul D cannot cope with Sethe's murder of her children—even though he knows it was an extreme act of love—and leaves, but returns to "put his story next to hers", a display of his courage and mature love, if crippled by his slavery ordeal. Leaving the readers without ultimate answers, Toni Morrison concludes on a hopeful note, as Paul D convinces Sethe that she herself is her own "best thing."




托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison)是美国著名作家,她的作品以揭示黑人经历的创伤和种族问题而闻名。在她的小说中,她以深入人心的方式描绘了黑人人物的痛苦、压迫和复


莫里森的小说中的黑人创伤主题可以追溯到她的早期作品《飞行人》(The Bluest Eye)。这本小说讲述了一个年轻黑人女孩佩肂痛苦的童年,她因为对自己外貌的不满和对白人理












美国文学 Toni Morrison

美国文学  Toni Morrison

• Baidu Nhomakorabeaot married in 1958. • got divorced in 1964 and
moved to New York, working as an editor. • began her writing career.
Major works: novels:
1970 1973 1977 1981 1987 1992 1998 1993 2008 The Bluest Eye 《最蓝的眼睛》 Sula《秀拉》 Song of Solomon《所罗门之歌》 Tar Baby《柏油孩子》 Beloved《宠儿》 Jazz《爵士乐》 Paradise《乐园》 Love 《爱》 A Mercy 《恩惠》
Writing Features
1. Powerful fictional style 2. Provocative themes 3. Sophisticated(复杂的) narrative techniques 4. Poetic style
Toni Morrison is a major contemporary American writer. She is the foremost author of contemporary black women's renaissance which includes, among others, Alice Walker, Gloria Naylor, Maya Angelou, Toni Cade Bambara, and Gayle Jones. Her oeuvre has drawn the attention of her readers to the importance of reconstructing history and interpreting the past from a racial perspective. She has blazed a new trail for her fellow writers.



二、Beloved( 《娇女》 或《宠 儿》)

原型:女奴玛格丽特· 加纳 的故事 Morrison later told that "I thought at first it couldn't be written, but I was annoyed and worried that such a story was inaccessible to art." 莫里森在她《娇女》所要表现的不是奴隶制度, 而是像玛格丽特那样的奴隶们的生活状态。莫 里森的创作意图是要“虚构她的生活” 。最 为重要“通过想像的方式来解构并重构现实”, 探求人物的心理,展现“黑奴的内心生活”

《乐园》(Paradise,1999) 《爱》(Love,2003) 《恩惠》(A Mercy,2008) 短篇小说《宣叙》(Recitatif,1983)
2、剧本 《梦想与埃默特》(Dreaming Eemmnet,1985)

3、童话诗 大盒子(The Big Box,1988) 4、编辑出版了黑人丛书以及《种族正义、性 别权力:论安尼塔· 希尔,克拉伦斯以社会现实 的建构》(Race-ing Justice, En-Gendering Power: Essays on Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, and the Construction of Social Reality,1993 )



作者: 水

出版物刊名: 世界文学

主题词: 莫瑞森;女小说家;美国黑人;文学奖获得者;Morrison;《所罗门之歌》;《秀拉》;


摘要:(Toni Morrison,1931—)美国黑人女小说家,1993年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。曾任编辑和大学教授。主要作品有长篇小说《最蓝的眼




托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison)是一位著名的美国黑人作家,她的作品涉及到黑人的历史、文化、种族和性别问题,她通过自己的作品向读者展示了黑人创伤和他们所处的社会环境。在托尼·莫里森的作品中,黑人创伤是一个重要的主题,下面我们将结合她的几部作品来进行综述。






Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison

Literary Characteristics
In her works , Toni Morrison has explored the experience of black women in a racist culture. Toni Morrison has actively used her influence to defend the role of artist and encouraged the publication of other black writers. Morrison is successful because, on the one hand, she has shifted her focus onto a black relationship. On the other hand, she has been working self-consciously in search of her own style. She is not restricted by social realism. On the contrary, she not only applies black myths and legends in her stories, but also uses symbolic devices to reveal the racial problems in American society.



Present plot: to drive out Beloved, who seems to be the ghost of the daughter Seethe murdered. At last, Beloved leaves 124 forever, Denver is preparing to go to college, and Paul D returns to Seethe, who has been spending her days in Baby Suggs’s bed.
Seethe and Deபைடு நூலகம்ver(塞丝和丹芙)
Seethe , a proud and noble woman, has endured the physical, emotional, and spiritual trauma(创伤), her most striking characteristic is her devotion to her children. But, she shows herself to be still enslaved by the past. Denver, Seethe’s daughter, is the most dynamic character in the novel, and throughout the novel Denver is in close with the supernatural(超自 然). At last, she is forced to step outside the world of 124.


பைடு நூலகம்
Major themes
The only significantly developed male character is Paul D, described as "the kind of man who could walk into a house and make the women cry. Because with him, in his presence, they could cry and tell him things they only told each other". He is, however, emotionally crippled. During his service in a chain-gang, his hands uncontrollably shake until he can learn to trap his emotions and lock them away. It takes Beloved and her audacious seduction to release him and to free the "red heart" he's imprisoned in the "rusted tobacco tin" of his memories. Paul D is the only male character against whom the women's strengths are tested and contrasted. Nearly all the other men in the story are oppressors or comparatively lightly sketched. Paul D cannot cope with Sethe's murder of her children—even though he knows it was an extreme act of love—and leaves, but returns to "put his story next to hers", a display of his courage and mature love, if crippled by his slavery ordeal. Leaving the readers without ultimate answers, Toni Morrison concludes on a hopeful note, as Paul D convinces Sethe that she herself is her own "best thing."

托尼 莫里森

托尼 莫里森

1980年到80年代中后期,译介主要限于对 部分书名的翻译和对部分作品的简要介绍 1984年,吴巩展选译了Tar Baby的第九章, 译名是《黑婴》 1993年莫里森获诺贝尔奖后作品开始增加 21世纪,国内译届对莫里森的关注持续升 温
莫里森文论翻译,主要有三篇 1、盛宁节译莫里森的获奖演说词“剥夺的语 The 言和语言的剥夺”(The Looting of language) 2、陶洁翻译了莫里森的文论《黑暗中的游戏》 中一个章节“令人不安的护士,心底善良的鲨 鱼”(Disturbing Nurses and Kindness of Sharks) 3、陈陆鹰、汪立新翻译了莫里森的文论《黑 人的存在不可忽视》
访谈录的翻译资料有四篇 1、余正、邹旭东翻译的尼利·麦凯与莫里 森的访谈录 2、王家湘摘译的“访托尼·莫里森” 3、少况译的托马斯·勒克莱尔与莫里森的 访谈录“语言不能流汗” 4、托马斯·勒克莱尔采访的
1、20世纪80年代初期,国内开始对莫里森进 行零星介绍 2 1993 2、1993年莫里森获得了诺贝尔文学奖,国内 对莫里森的研究逐渐增加 3、1999年,国内的莫里森研究出现重大突破。 王守仁和吴新云《性别·种族·文化——托尼莫 里森的小说创作》 之后,关于莫里森的研究开始丰富起来
4、爱 、
莫里森的作品,爱是贯穿始终的主题。家庭的 关爱,社区黑人的集体关爱,民族之间的爱, 对自己的爱













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治疗记忆缺失症的方法就是借助记忆, 即“重现历史”的方法。虽是对历史的 重现,但目的却是治愈历史创伤,从历 史中走出,面向未来。 唤醒人们记忆、迫使人们重回历史场景 的是“娇女”,她成为了把人物由过去 的记忆引向未来生活、由分裂自我导向 完整性自我的桥梁。

在《娇女》中,“娇女”的重要功能就 是开启人们的记忆,或者说,“娇女” 就是记忆本身。 “重新记忆是一种重新生活,不仅仅是 记忆,奴隶叙事也不是记忆,而是重新 生活。”

莫里森 :“小说中的人物不愿回忆,我不愿 回忆,黑人不愿回忆,白人不愿回忆,我是说, 这是全民族的记忆缺失症”。 莫里森所说的“记忆缺失症ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้,既指向黑人群 体,从另一层意义上,也指向美国这个国家。 莫里森:“我们生活的美国是一个过去总是被 抹去、将来总是清白无辜的地方,其间尽管移 民们来来往往,但是美国历史总是清清爽爽的。 过去不在场、或者被浪漫化。这个文化不鼓励 评述过去的真相,更不会接受关于过去的真相。 与30年前相比,现在记忆处于更加危险的境 地。”

1.充满非洲文化的艺术元素。 (1)、非洲文化中的口语特征 呼唤与应答(call-and-response)模式 “林间空地”布道 : 她喊道:“让孩子们过来!”他们就从树林里跑向她。 “让你们的母亲听你们大笑。”她对他们说道,于是树 林鸣响。大人们看着,忍俊不禁。然后,“让男人们过 来。”她喊道。他们从嘹亮的树林里鱼贯而出。“让 你们的妻子和孩子看你们跳舞。”她对他们说,于是大 地在他们脚下震颤。最后她把女人们唤来。“哭,”她 向她们吩咐道。“为了活着的和死去的,哭吧。”于是 女人们还没捂上眼睛就尽情号哭起来。 小说接近尾声时的驱魔场景








托尼·莫里森(toni morrlson)当代美国黑人女作家,1931年生于俄亥俄州一个普通的黑人家庭。莫里森的主要文学成就在于她的长篇小说,自1970年起,她先后发表了《最蓝的眼睛》(1970)、《秀拉》(1973)、《所罗门之歌》(1977)、《柏油孩子》(1981)、《宠儿》(1988)、《爵士乐》(1992)、《天堂》(1999)、《爱》(2003)、《恩惠》(2008)等九部长篇小说。1993年,托尼·莫里森获得了诺贝尔文学奖,她也是首位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女作家。



Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison

1949 年她以优异成绩考入当时专为黑人开 设的霍华德大学(Howard University) ,攻读英 语和古典文学。1953年大学毕业后,托妮 赴康奈尔大学(Cornell University)深造,以论 述福克纳和沃尔夫作品中的自杀主题的论 文获文学硕士学位。此后,她与来自牙买 加的黑人工程师莫瑞森结婚后,定居在一 座小城。
在抚养第一个儿子期间,她和几 位女友组织了一个小小的文学俱 乐部。大家定期聚会时,每个人 都要读一篇自己写的小作品。有 一次,托妮实在没东西可写,就 讲了一个黑人小姑娘想有一双美 丽的蓝色大眼睛的寓言,这就是 后来她的处女作——《最蓝的眼 睛》的雏形。
The Bluest Eye
托妮从一开始从事文 学创作,就独特地 “把神话色彩和政治 敏感有机地结合了起 来”。她写作和发表 《最蓝的眼睛》之日 (1969),正是美国黑 人权利运动风起云涌 之时。
在写过一个女孩和一个 姑娘之后,这位把文学 创作视为“一生中所尊 重的事业”的女作家才 开始谨慎地写男人,这 就是发表于1977年的 《所罗门之歌》。
从1966年起,托妮作为兰多姆出版社的高 级编辑,平均每年都要编辑六七本书,其 中有囊括三百年间美国黑人史料、被称为 美国黑人史百科全书的图文并茂的《黑人 之书》,以及《拳王阿里自传》等。
4年后,托妮发表了她的第二部小说《秀 拉》(1973)。这部篇幅不大的小说一问世, 便引起了轩然大波。原因就是书中的同名 女主人公,作为一个处于社会最底层的黑 人女性,一反过去的文学作品中黑人对白 人既恨又怕的形象,把黑人的原始性观与 争取做人的斗争结合了起来。
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Tar Baby
—— A novel about contentions and conflicts based on learned biases and prejudices. These biases exist on a race level, gender level, and a class level.

Born in Lorain, Ohio

Author's Professional Background
• •

Morrison received a B.A. in English from Howard in 1953 • Morrison taught English at two branches of the State University of She earned a Master of Arts degree, New York. also in English, from Cornell o In 1984 she was appointed to University in 1955 an Albert Schweitzer chair at Morrison became an English the University at Albany, The instructor at Texas Southern State University of New York. University in Houston, Texas (from 1955-57) then returned to Howard • From 1989 until her retirement in 2006, Morrison held the Robert F. to teach English Goheen Chair in the Humanities at She worked as a textbook editor Princeton University she went to work as an editor at the New York City headquarters of Random House o played an important role in
• Beloved was inspired by the true story
of a black American slave woman, Margaret Garner. She escaped with her husband Robert from a Kentucky plantation, and sought fringe in Ohio.
•1994 Rhegium Julii Prize for Literature •1996 Jefferson Lecture •1996 National Book Foundation's Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters •2000 National Humanities Medal UUA:Frederic G. Melcher Book Award
• The novel is a mixture of the fantastic and the realistic that is also typical of Morison's other novels. The supernatural elements are best represented by the ghost character, Beloved. • Morrison made constant use of the flashback method of storytelling in this great narrative. By moving back and forth chronologically, Morrison has combined the past and the present fragments into a unified whole. Morrison's use of multiple timeframes and fantastic occurrences, such as the reappearance of Beloved, demonstrates her lyric storytelling abilities.
•Morrison’s first novel, which established her position.
It depicts two black woman friends and their community of Medallion, Ohio. It follows the lives of Sula, considered a threat against the community, and her cherished friend Nel, from their childhood to maturity and to death. The novel won the National Book Critics Award.
bringing black literature into the mainstream
1970 1973 1977 1981 1988 1992 1999 1993 2008
The Bluest Eye 《最蓝的眼睛》 Sula 《秀拉》 Song of Solomon 《所罗门之歌》 Tar Baby 《柏油孩子》、《黑宝贝》 Beloved《 宠儿》 Jazz 《爵士乐》 Paradise《天堂》、《乐园》 Love 《爱》 A Mercy《恩惠》
• 1988 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for Beloved •1989 MLA Commonwealth Award in Literature
•1993 Nobel Prize for Literature
•1993 Commander of the Arts and Letters, Paris •1994 Condorcet Medal, Paris •1994 Pearl Buck Award
Main Characters
3. Paul D (保罗.D) — A former slave from
Sweet Home who survived the horrors of slavery and has evolved into a resourceful, contemplative man. He challenges Sethe to try to make a future with him.
Main Characters
— Sethe’s youngest child, the dynamic character in the novel. She overcomes her fear of the world and starts to fight for independence and self-possession .
The Bluest Eye
• ——A novel based on
elements of Morrison’s own experience, contrasts two black families: the dysfunctional(不正常的) breed loves and the healthy, loving McTeers.
Main Characters
1.Sethe(塞丝) — the protagonist of
Beloved, a proud and independent woman who is extremely devoted to her children and attempts to murder them in an act of motherly love and protection.
Main Characters
— Sethe's third child and oldest daughter who was killed at the age of two. Her restless spirit haunts the family first as a ghost and then as a flesh-and-blood woman.
Morrison‘s best novel and won her the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction( 普利策小 说奖).
• 1977 National Book Critics Circle Award for Song of Solomon • 1977 American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award • 1987-88 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award • 1988 American Book Award for Beloved • 1988 Anisfield-Wolf Book Award in Race Relations for Beloved

Song of Solomon With Song of Solomon (所罗门 之歌,1977), a family chronicle comparable to Alex Haley's Roots (黑利的小说《根》), Morrison gained international attention. Morrison wrote the book from a male point of view. The story dealt with Milkman Dead's efforts to recover his "ancient properties", a cache of gold.
Toni Morrison
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Major Works Awards
A Brief Analysis of Beloved
Brief Introduction
Toni Morrison (1931— )
Toni Morrison
As a child, Morrison read constantly and her favorite authors were Jane Austen and Leo Tolstoy. Morrison's father also told her numerous folktales of the black community (a method of storytelling that Morrison's used in her own writings). She has two children.
Characters and Plot
Writing features Themes
• The story set in Cincinnati around the Reconstruction period. (战后恢复时期) • Beloved is a powerful book about the evil of slavery and the value of freedom. • The tragic story is told in a series of flashbacks. • Sethe, the protagonist, was once a slave in Kentucky before the Civil War.